to build a home (slowed + rain) 1 hour

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • If you're feeling depressed, you're not alone. Many people struggle with depression at some point in their lives, and it can be a difficult and isolating experience. But the good news is that there are effective treatments available, and online therapy can be a convenient and accessible way to get the support you need.
    By signing up for online therapy, you'll have access to a team of qualified therapists who can help you work through your challenges and find new ways to cope. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other mental health concern, there is someone out there who can help you and you don't even have to leave your house.
    Taking the step to seek help can be scary, but it's also incredibly brave. It's a sign that you're ready to take control of your mental health and make positive changes in your life. And with support, you can do just that.
    So if you're feeling depressed and in need of support, I encourage you to sign up for online therapy today. You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life, and there are people out there who want to help you achieve that.
    Sign up: onlinetherapy.... If you're feeling depressed, you're not alone. Many people struggle with depression at some point in their lives, and it can be a difficult and isolating experience. But the good news is that there are effective treatments available, and online therapy can be a convenient and accessible way to get the support you need.
    By signing up for online therapy, you'll have access to a team of qualified therapists who can help you work through your challenges and find new ways to cope. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other mental health concern, there is someone out there who can help you and you don't even have to leave your house.
    Taking the step to seek help can be scary, but it's also incredibly brave. It's a sign that you're ready to take control of your mental health and make positive changes in your life. And with support, you can do just that.
    So if you're feeling depressed and in need of support, I encourage you to sign up for online therapy today. You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life, and there are people out there who want to help you achieve that.
    Sign up: onlinetherapy....

ความคิดเห็น • 310

  • @duchessanastasia4649
    @duchessanastasia4649 2 ปีที่แล้ว +316

    to the person reading this,
    It’s been hard for you, I know, and it makes me sad that you don’t see yourself in the way I see you. Sometimes they are things in life that cause us to lose ourselves, and the way you have is so unimaginably painful. I miss your smile, the way your eyes light up the whole room just by the sound of your laughter. I miss the way you accepted the way you look in the mirror without cursing yourself out about how ugly you look. I miss the way you didn’t think of yourself as a failure because everyone makes mistakes, we all have flaws and we all aren’t perfect. It’s painful to see that no one around you seems to see the pain through your eyes, but, stranger, I do, I see how heavy your heart is and how comforting the sadness for you might be, how afraid your heart is of happiness because it disappears in the end, right? You don’t know how much impact you have in this world and it’s sad to see that your demons fight against you and want to take over you. Because you do make change, it’s something so simple and little that brightens up someone’s whole world, it can be a small smile from your lips, the way you look at things you’re passionate about, the way you make yourself eat even though it’s been hard for you lately, the way you zoom out and go in your own world, you brighten up my world by reading this, it means a lot to me that you’re here, existing, but I don’t want you to just exist, you deserve to feel alive. You deserve to get up in the morning and feel good about yourself. You deserve to feel something- to feel every damn second alive in this lifetime. It’s heartbreaking that you think you’re not capable of being loved, because you are, I love you through all my words and I hope you let it happen in your heart. Love is scary, I know, maybe your heart has been broken once and since then you wanted to be rather numb than feel ever again, it hurts me how you punish yourself, does it not deserve love? Because YOU DO deserve love, please forgive yourself, it’s not your fault that the demons want to take over your beautiful heart. You’re not a bad person for distancing yourself from others, but you deserve someone to talk to, you deserve someone to listen to. I am listening, you can tell me what’s wrong. It’s everything, isn’t it? There’s something pulling your heartstrings on the ground and no one seems to understand how misunderstood you feel. It's heartbreaking to know that I am behind the screen and can’t give you a hug, that’s why I will give you a big warm virtual hug and send you lots of love :). You matter. You are worthy. You are loved. You deserve good things. You deserve someone to listen to. You deserve to eat and drink. You deserve to feel good and alive. You deserve to smile. You deserve a hug. You deserve to be all the things you want to be, because you deserve to have and feel good things happening to you and have a fulfilled life. I know I might not know you personally but I care about you so much. I write this because I want you to stay here with me. I want you to hold on a little longer because you matter so much to me, because I will not let you give up on yourself. I want you to see that you should not give up on yourself because you DESERVE GOOD THINGS. I want you to look back on the time when you were a kid, you didn’t give up when you tried to swim for the first time, you didn’t give up when you tired to walk for the first time and fell, you never gave up on yourself, you always kept on pushing forwards, so why can’t you now? I know it’s tiring, you're mentally tired, but don't your younger self deserve good things? look back at your eyes that used to be full of hope, look back on those dreams. Don’t let yourself fall, you deserve better. We will both fight, I will fight for you. I won’t let those demons get to you. You can hold on to me, I won’t let you down :). Whenever you feel lonely, then look at the sky, I always look at it and think about you. Yes, you, because it makes me happy that there’s someone looking right back, maybe we can’t see each other but I can feel your presence here with me and that’s enough for me, because I am glad your heart is beating and you’re still fighting. You’re so much stronger than you think, you didn’t leave your spot on this earth even if you wanted to, you belong here, even though it doesn’t feel like it, when you don’t feel like belonging then build your own home here, put all your love in it and dreams. Think of you as a star when you feel alone, you shine because your heart is good, no matter what mistake you made, no matter about the past you had, you’re one of the stars that shine bright in the universe because you’re heart is beautiful, that’s why the demons in your mind wants to have it. As one of the stars you see other stars, maybe they have felt the same way as you do at some point in their life, but they lighten up the universe with each other’s presence. You’re a star for me, maybe you don’t see it yourself but I can see it, you’re beautiful from inside and out, your body is beautiful the way it is. You make me happy by reading this, you make me feel something by your presence and when you can make me feel that way then you also make other people feel that way about you too. I hope you stay for yourself and don’t let your story get written by others but by yourself, it’s your story not theirs. As you can see, I say a lot of “I hope” because I have hope for you even if you don’t have it for yourself, I see hope in you even though you might want to give up. That’s why I hope you won’t see the world in darkness and will see it colorful again. I hope I will give you a glimpse of hope and make the world you see a bit colorful for today. My favorite color is yellow, and I hope the next time you see the color yellow you will think about my words. If someone left you then don’t blame yourself, don’t think you weren’t enough, don’t lower yourself for someone who couldn’t see the awesomeness in you. If you lost someone I am so sorry for your loss, they want you happy. I hope you don’t feel guilty or regret because you were there, you spent enough time with them, they want you to be happy. They are in a good and safe place now. If someone broke your heart then I am so sorry that they couldn’t see the way you look so beautiful because of the heart you have. Anyone who gets to be with you, doesn’t know how fucking lucky he/ she/ they is :). If you aren’t accepted at home or in general then I am so sorry that you have to deal with someone/ something you shouldn’t be ashamed of. I accept you and support you. I accept you as a human being no matter what race, religion, nationality, skin color, or sexuality you have. You’re safe here with me :). You’re not useless, you’re not a burden to anyone. You’re not a problem, you’re human and your feelings are valid. You’re not being dramatic. Please don’t starve yourself, you deserve food and to drink, I know it’s hard. It hurts to see that you’re in so much pain :( you deserve so much man, don’t let your emotions control you. Don’t let them get the best of you. I am sorry no one is noticing, I wish /hope I could take your pain away for today or even for a moment while you’re reading this. If no one told you, I am so proud of you, you’re reading this and it’s enough for me to be proud of you because you’re here and that’s all that matters to me. If it’s night for you, go to sleep, I know it’s hard to fall asleep right now but you deserve a good sleep. If you have nightmares, please, don’t let them fight you. If it’s day for you, don’t start it with such sad music. I know it’s impossible to have a good day with such a mindset but take baby steps, start by drinking two cups of water everyday in the morning and so on.. You will start building little healthy habits. If it’s evening for you, you’re probably overwhelmed and stressed, I want you to know it’s okay to feel the way you feel. You don’t need to be scared, of course you’re overwhelmed or stressed, I mean who wouldn’t? But it’s important to know that when you feel that way you should do a little self care, such as taking a bath for example? You deserve to feel at ease and relaxed.
    And if you are somewhere in between I hope you know that you’re so strong for breathing despite the pain, I know you will make it :) I believe in you. All I want for you is to stay here, I really mean all my words, even if there are a lot of unsaid things I want to tell you and my text is getting longer and longer,I want you here.
    I hope one day your smile will become a genuine one where you don’t need to fake it anymore, because I can’t say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. You’re worth more than every fucking cent in this world.
    You can let go for today, I got you, you can cry your heart out as much as you want, but don’t let it tear you down and let your emotions control you by giving up. Crying is not a weakness. If you still feel alone I dedicate a song as your friend.
    “Dusk till Dawn- Zayn feat. Sia (I prefer the slow version)” I hope you can think of me and will remind yourself of my words, I will for sure think of you.
    In case no one told you and you’re unsure yourself, you’re a good person and I am so happy you’re here.
    I hope this is enough to stay today, tomorrow will be a new day, a new start, let go now. Enough with beating yourself up for today, okay?
    Life for those who couldn’t, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there’s no other, hug like it's your last one.
    If you read all of it, until tomorrow my friend :)
    have a good day and great years.

    • @Arthur-Morgan1
      @Arthur-Morgan1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Thank you man I know we're strangers but I love you this put such a huge smile on my face and like you said until tomorrow my friend ❤

    • @maketsu3248
      @maketsu3248 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      this is the first time i've cried in 5 months. thank you for freeing me from this constant state of numbness

    • @angelinapatino7961
      @angelinapatino7961 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      wow.. no words for this. This made my day thank you you are just an amazing person for even posting this just wow your awsome God loves you have a good day:)

    • @kadieexe5369
      @kadieexe5369 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      As someone who struggles severly with lotsmof these things, i hope you know ypu made my entire week and you also made me cry, thankyou, keep going soldier

    • @simanurguvener
      @simanurguvener 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Farklı bir dil lakin aynı evrem ve aynı insan

  • @relixmeme
    @relixmeme ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Hi Stranger,
    It's 1 in the morning right now and I am thinking about how amazing it is that we can all share a moment here while you are reading this comment. Hello to the people reading this months or years later. I hope you all live a happy life and get through whatever you are going through. Life can be amazing if we choose to be kind and considerate for other human beings. You are all loved and I am proud to have this moment with you ❤

  • @shawn1903
    @shawn1903 2 ปีที่แล้ว +88

    The song is a poetic and mental cinematic masterpiece, the way sounds and pitch/emotion of a voice can paint so many vivid interpretational scenes in our minds individually, is insane. This song means something different to all of us. Even if it is similar we all have experienced something a lil different making us so vastly unique and I feel as if that’s is an incredible adaptation we have gained.

    • @sophiarintrona6681
      @sophiarintrona6681 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      you are so right in every way.
      i feel something, you feel something, and i know others feel something as well.. maybe different, but something.
      the image created in my mind is so vivid, just as you put. it really is. and i love how as i drift into a different world or even to sleep while this is on, and i see an imagine before blacking out. it is so peaceful, it’s honestly beyond words.

  • @jamieshelford2674
    @jamieshelford2674 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    This song is beautiful!! For anyone thats struggling like myself, you're not alone!! I love you, lets fight together💕

  • @seventeen25
    @seventeen25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +146

    honestly i just wanna give up so bad but then i don’t wanna hurt my family, they already lost my grandpa and they can’t lose me. it’s so tiring though, everything. school has been so stressful and i just idk. i hope everything gets better though i really wanna make my parents proud and my grandma
    i commented this like 11 months ago and i’d say i’m doing way better than when i commented this. things are still hard but i’m working through it 👍🏽

    • @seventeen25
      @seventeen25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      and my grandpa

    • @dannacervantes963
      @dannacervantes963 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It’s going to be hard really hard even but it will get better you just need to stay strong remember it’s just a bump in the road you got this! So keep trying even if it’s hard I might not know you but I’m proud of you for trying.🙂

    • @seventeen25
      @seventeen25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@dannacervantes963 thank you, i’m trying my best 😁 i hope good things come your way

    • @jimmcc4528
      @jimmcc4528 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Very few people have an easy time when they are young. Push through this part of your life. You will be glad you did. You are stronger than you know, but don't be afraid to talk to your family about your feelings. Give them a chance to help.

    • @seventeen25
      @seventeen25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jimmcc4528 thank you 😁

  • @titas2982
    @titas2982 2 ปีที่แล้ว +204

    I just wanna give up, I don’t feel depressed I’m just constantly sad and have no emotions, nothing gets me excited, I would have killed myself a long time ago but I just don’t want others to feel the pain, because of me, I don’t want them to be hurt. I wish there would be an easier way out

    • @joaquingil9175
      @joaquingil9175 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Don give up! U deserve to be happy as others

    • @supravietuitoriblog547
      @supravietuitoriblog547 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Hi! I don't want to bother you or something, but I saw your comment and I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?

    • @tejassingh5056
      @tejassingh5056 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Ik it’s been a year since u posted this
      But i hope u get to see this comment
      Life is not fair, it never will be
      U fall but u rise again
      Life is beautiful if u look at it that way
      Just count your blessings and be grateful for what u have, the tiniest things which we might just ignore are the ones other people might crave for
      Try to make someone else happy n happiness will find a way to reach u in one way or other

    • @Ezefoundtheway
      @Ezefoundtheway ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Jesus loves you and if you come to him evry burden can be lifted and shall alll who call upon the lord may bay be saved I beleive for you if he did it for me and is still doing it for me he can definitely do it for you😊

    • @jordykingsley6871
      @jordykingsley6871 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I hope you're still here to see these comments 💜

  • @oliviarachel05
    @oliviarachel05 2 ปีที่แล้ว +198

    There is a house built out of stone
    Wooden floors, walls and window sills
    Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
    This is a place where I don't feel alone
    This is a place where I feel at home
    'Cause, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
    There is a tree as old as me
    Branches were sewn by the color of green
    Ground had arose and passed it's knees
    By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
    I climbed the tree to see the world
    When the gusts came around to blow me down
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    And, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust

  • @cupcakeme0077
    @cupcakeme0077 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    This is such a beautiful song. I can listen to it and feel at peace, calm, or just cry to let all of my emotions out. I never realised how impactful music could be until I listened to songs like these. They can be hard to listen to sometimes as your bad memories can come right back to the surface but it can also be so uplifting . It deserves to be so very appreciated, it is a song filled with emotions.

    • @QuestiontheNarritive71
      @QuestiontheNarritive71 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Have you seen the video to this song.😢😢😢

  • @Konfetti_Kopf
    @Konfetti_Kopf 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I always heard that song after therapy and felt so protected... 🥀

  • @BenjaminMakumbi-ry8py
    @BenjaminMakumbi-ry8py หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Leaving this here for every like will bring me back and remind me the magic this song brings to one's life like it did mine❤

  • @jonathanmcdonald4710
    @jonathanmcdonald4710 2 ปีที่แล้ว +164

    wow. someone has the right idea... right there. that moment.

    • @samkdn
      @samkdn 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @yoelqt2552
      @yoelqt2552 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @2012JOMAN
    @2012JOMAN 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    this song is really sad and i love this song!

  • @franqui711
    @franqui711 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    this song is just… special
    i am currently ending a group trip, where I had very high hopes to have some fun with a great friend of mine
    but, from one week, telling me happy birthday and talking constantly, next she completley ignored me. left me for dead. i dont really know how to say it, but i didnt see her as herself.
    now i search refuge in this song, while lying in bed. because, in my opinion, if you’re trying to build a home, you shall do it with those that truly see you as you are constantly, and purely at the same time.

  • @Gardeninggirly
    @Gardeninggirly ปีที่แล้ว +7

    No one will see this, but I just want to let the universe know my thoughts- I’m tired. I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of the bad news and the unhappy endings all the time. I once loved life and was so excited to start new days, now it’s just a routine of wishing I wouldn’t have woken up but still getting up and going to work every single day. Bad news rolls in like a bad thunderstorm. Sometimes the sun shines, and it’s nice to see that gleam and glisten and feel the warmth, but before I know it the clouds are back and the raindrops begin to fall again.

    • @jamieshelford2674
      @jamieshelford2674 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ive seen this ❤️ you're not alone!! Keep pushing forward you've got this 👍

    • @jeffmartin9512
      @jeffmartin9512 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello. Hope you are doing well with clear skies and the warth of the sun.

      @AYEEITSYARA 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I feel the exact same way. I feel empty and emotionless. No hope no joy no love nothing….. just….. depression, anxiety, and the feeling of worthlessness. I also wish I was dead…..

      @AYEEITSYARA 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hope you feel better as your life goes on ❤❤❤ we’re all in this together

    • @edslave3719
      @edslave3719 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You came here nothing and you will leave with nothing, what’s to stress then ?
      Live your life and take 1 step at a time. Don’t worry about your future or anything else. Whether you have purpose here on earth or nothing, doesn’t matter.

  • @giafxlms
    @giafxlms 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I find this comforting

  • @kay4354
    @kay4354 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I miss my uncle so much. But he’s in heaven now. My first birthday without him is in 11 days and it’s going to be so cold and lonely. He used to do so much for me and now he’s gone and I’ll never see him again. It’s been 5 months but I still miss him more than words can describe and I cry every night thinking about him.

    • @София-б8и4ы
      @София-б8и4ы 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thinking about you

    • @kaoticmachine
      @kaoticmachine 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      15 years since I lost my grandad, it's sucks to start with, the pain is so unbearable, but with time, you accept the pain and move on, the pain reminds you they are still with you, it's not a bad thing, it's good, it keeps you remembering them.

    • @kay4354
      @kay4354 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kaoticmachine yeah i understand that, it’s just that I’m only 14 years old and it’s been hard trying to navigate life without him as he was like my dad and he did a lot more for me than my real dad:(

    • @kaoticmachine
      @kaoticmachine 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kay4354 I completely relate. My dad tried to kill my mum in front of me at age 9. Life is hard and it will always be a test. 14 is also such a difficult time in life especially in the world we are currently in. But it shows to your character to keep going, no matter what is thrown at you. I don't believe in the concept of heaven and hell or god, but I still find myself at 32, talking to my grandad and asking for his help and guidance. You can and will be fine. I wish you all the best in life and hope that you can eventually find the peace that you need.

  • @anushkasawardekar9312
    @anushkasawardekar9312 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I always play the sound of rain when I study, it's my favorite

  • @monserratc.7358
    @monserratc.7358 2 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    "Este es un lugar no m siento solo, este es un lugar donde me siento como en casa "

  • @eduardabatista4703
    @eduardabatista4703 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Esses comentários me deixou mais calma estava quase tendo um surto de crise de ansiedade obrigada gente amo vocês;)

  • @mtrxfloppa1736
    @mtrxfloppa1736 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    First time I’ve ever seen no dislikes on a video :)

  • @adriellysilva9197
    @adriellysilva9197 2 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    Me sinto como se estivesse em uma ponte e não ter corda de apoio, nesse caminho dá medo mas não tenho para onde ir e dói muito, é cansativo e angústioso. Mas com o tempo eu aprendo a me equilibrar nessa ponte; O real problema é olhar para os lados e ter lembranças, e ver q nunca teve a corda de apoio.

    • @liaa1599
      @liaa1599 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Olha, eu sei que é difícil para alguém, mas eu prometo que vai ficar melhor. Você está incrível. Estou tão orgulhoso de você, sua linda e incrível. você comeu hoje? como você está ?, por favor, cuide de si mesmo para estar bem. Amo você e estou aqui para ajudá-lo. 🤍

    • @ashhhh69
      @ashhhh69 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ikr :(

    • @ashhhh69
      @ashhhh69 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      btw heres the translated version for english speakers: I feel like I'm on a bridge and I don't have a support rope, on this path it's scary but I have nowhere to go and it hurts a lot, it's tiring and distressing. But over time I learn to balance myself on that bridge; The real problem is looking around and having memories, and seeing that you never had the support rope.

    • @Eduardogl978
      @Eduardogl978 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oq e mais engraçado kkk e q n importa a caminha, o final sempre sera o mesmo 😅

    • @luds9178
      @luds9178 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Se passou um ano desde que você comentou isso... eu espero que as coisas estejam melhores! Eu não sou muito boa com conselhos nem com palavras, mas pelo que você escreveu... Você é forte garota(o)! Eu sei que é bom ter pessoas com você, mas você não precisa disso pra ser incrível e feliz! (ouça isso de uma pessoa que já perdeu vários amigos, diversas vezes..) Você é a luz na escuridão, acredite.

  • @AllTheOutCasts
    @AllTheOutCasts ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This song makes me mourn all that I’ve lost. But it makes me celebrate too, for the fact that I have something, so near and dear to me that I can mourn about it in the first place.

  • @ExhibitMedia88
    @ExhibitMedia88 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Im not sad nor depressed but i just love this feeling of sadness..felt like im in another life

  • @leah3476
    @leah3476 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    honestly, life has been so difficult these days..everyone is disappointed at me. My parents, teachers, friends- it’s hard to stay when u always feel like ur not worth it but i know if I leave my parents are gonna miss me. Even though there the people that mostly make me feel like I’m worthless. I hope in the future everything’s gonna be okay though:).

    • @Arthur-Morgan1
      @Arthur-Morgan1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You’re such a beautiful human being I hope you know that you do only need yourself to be happy, I know society build up the standard that whenever you’re alone you’re not living a happy live. But in fact that is not true, if you start to realize that you actually deserve all the good things happening to you, you will treat yourself a lot nicer. I hope you let yourself rest, don’t beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret, and over everything your mind wants to destroy you. I wish I could remove all those demons inside of your head because you deserve to feel happy. If you ever feel lonely then watch the sky, because you know, someone, at the same time is watching the sky too, maybe feeling the same way..I am glad you exist and I hope you won’t ever remove your own spot in this world, maybe you don’t feel like you belong here but, Angel, then build your home here. I don’t want you to leave this world unhappy. I want you to live every little second, I want you to feel alive, I don’t want you to see yourself just existing. You deserve it. Whatever happened, it’s not your fault, the demons in your head recognize that you have a beautiful heart, they want to take it because they have never seen such beautiful heart as yours, so why let them win over you? . You’re not selfish for isolating yourself, but you deserve to talk to someone. If you’re reading this than please never forget to breath and smile. Don’t live up to other standards! It’s your story and not theirs. Life for those who couldn’t, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there’s no other, hug like its your last one. I love you and send you hugs. You’re so strong, you’re still here, and I am proud of you. YOU ARE NOT USELESS. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE WORTH IT. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE LOVED. READ THAT AGAIN. I AM GLAD YOU EXIST. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT A PROBLEM. YOU ARE HUMAN AND YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT BEING DRAMATIC. You’re not a burden to anyone, don’t be afraid to talk, to use your voice. You’re beautiful inside out. Your body is beautiful the way it is. Please don’t starve yourself. Please eat, I know it’s hard but you deserve food. You deserve to eat and drink. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. READ THAT AGAIN. I WISH I COULD HUGH YOU RIGHT NOW, SO A VIRTUAL HUG WILL DO. It hurts me to see you’re in pain :( you deserve so much man, don’t let your emotions control you. Don’t let them get the best of you. I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u please don’t go. I am sorry that no one is hearing you, I am sorry no one is noticing that you have lost yourself. I wish I could take your pain away, it hurts me to see the pain in your eyes. I love you trough my words and I mean it. I just want you to stay, hold on a little longer okay? Please? For me.?? I hope you have an awesome day/ morning/ evening/ night. If it’s night for you, go to sleep, I know it’s hard to fall asleep right now but you deserve a good sleep. If you have nightmares, please, don’t let them fight you. If it’s day for you, don’t start it by such sad music, I know it’s impossible to have a good day with such mindset but take baby steps, start by drinking two cups of water in the morning and so on.. You will start building little healthy habits. If it’s evening for you, you’re probably overwhelmed and stressed, I want you to know it’s okay to feel the way you feel. You don’t need to be scared, of course you’re overwhelmed or stressed, I mean who wouldn’t? But it’s important to know that when you feel that way you should do a little self care, such as taking a bath for example? You deserve to feel at ease and relaxed. And if you are somewhere in between I hope you know that you’re stronger than you think, I know you will make it :) Now wipe those tears away and smile for me, you really don’t know much a smile can brighten someone’s day, do you? I hope one day yours will become a genuine one where you don’t need to fake it anymore, because I can’t say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. You’re worth more than every fucking cent in this world. Remember crying is not weakness, let it out as much as you can but don’t let the emotion control you by giving up. It’s okay, you’re here, you’re safe, you can let it out. Did anyone asked you, how you are feeling today? If not, how are you really? I don’t think you’re doing good, but you will feel good at one point. Don’t give yourself up. I am sorry you feel misunderstood. But anyone who gets to be with you, doesn’t know how fucking lucky he/ she/ they is :). Enough with beating up yourself for today, okay?! - The stranger that cares about you more than anything. I hope this is enough for you to stay today, tomorrow will be a new day, a new start, let go now. I hope you can stay. This is your sign to stay and treat yourself with love, you deserve it. And in case no one told you today, again, I am so proud of you

    • @cant0
      @cant0 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      you got this ik you do ..hopefully u feel better now ❤I love you

    • @supravietuitoriblog547
      @supravietuitoriblog547 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! I don't want to bother you or something, but I saw your comment and I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?

    • @1retrothomas437
      @1retrothomas437 ปีที่แล้ว

      I get you man, I hope things get better for you

  • @kamelmahdaoui4796
    @kamelmahdaoui4796 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Just imagine that you are in empty road the rain is falling and this song is playing while you are crying or yelling scream just let that small thing in your left side of your chest bread a little , express how you and there is nothing can tall you to stop just you know when you gonna stop .

  • @josea.gamboag.4935
    @josea.gamboag.4935 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Cuando se tienen más de 60 años, como yo; y se ha vivido con intensidad , y se tienen hijos, y se tienen nietos, y se ha pasado por múltiples etapas en la vida, lindas y difíciles; se es capas de entender muy bien un poema como este.

  • @livinlifewithbigpimp6305
    @livinlifewithbigpimp6305 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This is so relaxing

  • @heidibull9183
    @heidibull9183 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Hi strangers,
    I don't really share my problems on the internet but this place seems safe.. somehow, i can't make myself happy.. i can make others happy, but inside, i really want to feel that joy too 😕.. my smile is fake.. how i express happiness is fake.. i feel so alone... and i can't tell them because i am "happy" all the time.. my life is so confusing. i just wanna know what's my purpose is here.. i cry to sleep and wake up like nothing happened the next morning.. i am now starting to drink pills to sleep because it hard knowing no one understands.

      @AYEEITSYARA 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello. I feel the same way. I feel as if nothing matters anymore. There’s no hope, no joy, no love, no passion, just…… emptiness. I’m just an empty emotionless being who always has an empty tired expression. I’m young but I’m depressed. I feel that only if I die, eventually people will care about me and love me. I hope you feel better as your life goes on. Much love. ❤❤

      @AYEEITSYARA 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I understand what you’re going through. I know we don’t know eachother but if you need someone to talk to I’m here for you… always….❤❤❤

  • @sloniki4
    @sloniki4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Cudowne ....po prostu mam to w sobie .....dziękuję za tą przepiękna muzykę......

  • @shreklover6969
    @shreklover6969 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    this song feels really nostalgic...

  • @mozz3308
    @mozz3308 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i didn’t think it would hurt this much

  • @dalkashkorde4398
    @dalkashkorde4398 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    كلما زادت ثقتنا بالناس اقتربنا في وقوع بين شباك الخداع ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @urielflores8766
    @urielflores8766 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The feeling of finding your other half and feeling her trying to be taken away from you and your family. I've been searching for this happiness and now I'm losing it.

  • @QuestiontheNarritive71
    @QuestiontheNarritive71 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thanks for taking the time to do this.❤❤

  • @lisagiacci4000
    @lisagiacci4000 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou for this song, this music that speaks emotion that can't be spoken in words. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou

  • @Especiallypuertorican
    @Especiallypuertorican 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Like literally what is there to dislike, omg just fall asleep 😭😅😁😃🙂😞

  • @m.ducklesworth183
    @m.ducklesworth183 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had an hour loop of this playing on my airpods on a very special day of my life. Listening to this song years later, all the memories are flooding back.
    Idk, I just wanted to leave this here.

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm curious what that special day was... if you're open to sharing it

    • @m.ducklesworth183
      @m.ducklesworth183 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@the.seagull.35 Sure, haha. We had a big fair sort of thing in the spring. I was 13. It was a rare occasion because all of my friends were there. We chilled together the whole day -- good weather, great food, just spending time together without any worries or stress. Simpler times.

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@m.ducklesworth183 That sounds awesome honestly.

  • @angeliquepokia3659
    @angeliquepokia3659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ve been crying about him every night for the past month since we broke up. I don’t want to cry anymore, my heart physically can’t handle much more. It hurts so bad yet the way he treated me while we were together was so much worse :(

    • @supravietuitoriblog547
      @supravietuitoriblog547 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi! I don't want to bother you or something, but I saw your comment and I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?

    • @angeliquepokia3659
      @angeliquepokia3659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@supravietuitoriblog547 thankyou so so much for your kind words it genuinely means so much🥺💗 I’m still hurting but just trying to take it one day at a time, and it’s slowly getting easier.
      Same goes for you, my inbox is always open if you need 🥰

    • @supravietuitoriblog547
      @supravietuitoriblog547 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@angeliquepokia3659 Always! Take care!

    • @Diablo-nh1us
      @Diablo-nh1us 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So you miss him? Or do you miss who you wanted him to be? You will find someone who will treat you as you deserve.

    • @BashirBhat-z4l
      @BashirBhat-z4l 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      😂fuck you bro . Don't take advantage. ​@@supravietuitoriblog547

  • @RoxyFogarty
    @RoxyFogarty ปีที่แล้ว +2

    im nt sad or depressed.. im jst in love w sad times from the times ihve been sad and happy songs have no good taste only sad music does. although when i listen to sad songs i get this funny feeling in my head its triggered by smth i remembered. but thats okay ihve learned to live with it.

  • @lalabazar4094
    @lalabazar4094 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm preparing myself if ever the times come when we don't talk anymore because we're both busy of our career, achieving goals, and exploring different things. I don't want to feel so much pain, I always think that it will happen soon, so don't be too attached to them, don't tell your secrets, just let them love you but remember that they will left you.

  • @brunapereira4244
    @brunapereira4244 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Você é muito especial para Deus❤️vc tem um valor grande pra ele, Jesus é o único q pode mudar sua situação, ele quer te acolher como um filho, tirar sua depressão, curar suas feridas sentimentais e traumas, te proteger e te dar muita felicidade aqui na terra ainda❤️Ele fez comigo e com milhares de pessoas ele pode fazer com vc! Basta vc dar lugar, ele vai te fazer sentir amado de novo, Deus te ama tanto q deu seu filho pra morrer por vc, Jesus escolheu morrer por vc do q viver sem vc♥️ isso tudo pra q vc possa ter um lugar de descanso lá no céu onde não a dor nem choro só paz, alegria e felicidade e lá vai pra ser pra sempre, aqui é passageiro por isso não desiste de tudo agora. Deus faz a partes dele agr temos q fazer a nossa, Ele tem o melhor pra vc e um plano na vida de cada um, mas para q ele faça isso vc tem q colocar ele como prioridade em sua vida, então busque mais ele, ele te aceita assim mesmo como vc está, volte para ele enquanto é tempo pq Jesus está voltando, reconheça o seu pecado e não o faça mais,lute para não fazer de novo pq no fundo vc sabe q o pecado faz mal pra vc, ele é fiel em perdoar, Jesus é o escape e a esperança daqueles q querem basta crer, então foco em Deus pq é dele q vai vim as suas forças, Seja grato pelas coisas e pelas pessoas q vc já tem em sua volta, q as outras coisas ele irá acrescentar :) ele sente e entende a sua dor e por mais difícil q esteja saiba q ele está ai com vc e nunca deixou de ouvir suas orações, ore mais, lê a bíblia, procure pregações aq no TH-cam, eu te recomendo curtir e seguir páginas cristãs em cada rede social q tiver, e ouvir um louvor agora :)

    • @daryy5972
      @daryy5972 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank u❤

  • @SesameStreetave123elmo
    @SesameStreetave123elmo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The way it makes me feel makes it okay the way how I can just cry to this to let the stress out the way how I can cry in pain and no one has to ask “why are you always in pain?” Because to be honest I don’t even know. the rain reminds me that I am still on earth and I need to face life saying “fuc u” but right now I’m just in pain trying to find a way to control it.

  • @zephyr-ty7sc
    @zephyr-ty7sc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I love you all.

  • @ChristPaidForOurSins_ThatsLove
    @ChristPaidForOurSins_ThatsLove 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    (read please) broken all because of lust, foolishness, being scared, wanting to feel something, relationships, the world, people, anger, gov ect. but one thing that makes sense in life is jesus, and for everyone reading this. please give the gospel a chance, don't listen to anyone that thinks they know the way of life because they don't. may god bless and forgive anyone reading this.

  • @dalkashkorde4398
    @dalkashkorde4398 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    في بعض الأحيان الحب والعشق والغيرة والندامة والكره والغضب والنسيان والحقد والوحدة يقتل الانسان كلما زادت عشقنا زادا جنونا وخيبة املنا الكبير في الحياتي ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @raphaelbassil5321
    @raphaelbassil5321 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    i tired but I couldn’t i even asked for His help I couldn’t hold anymore it was too heavy that i all fell at me

    • @dannacervantes963
      @dannacervantes963 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your going to be ok you got this I’m proud of you for trying and being here today

  • @milliedarlington9273
    @milliedarlington9273 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i love your smile
    i love your laugh
    i love your personality
    i love your hair (or lack thereof)
    i love your insecurities
    i love your accomplishments
    i love your failures
    i love your eyes
    i love your beauty
    i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate)
    i love the way you dance
    i love you on your happy days
    i love you on your sad days
    i love you on the days you feel lonely
    i love you on the days you feel helpless
    i love you on the days you feel like no one cares
    i love you on the days you feel forgotten
    i love you on the days you feel unmotivated
    i love you on the days you feel loved
    i love you on the days you feel sick
    i love you on the days you feel motivated
    i love you on the days you feel depressed
    i love you on the days you feel stresses
    i love you on the days you feel crazy
    i love you on the days you feel hopeful
    i love you on the days you feel cuddly
    i love you on the days you feel clingy
    i love you on the days you feel amazing
    i love you on the days you feel beautiful
    i love you on the days you feel like a failure
    i love you on the days you feel angry
    i love you on the days you feel aggressive
    i love you on the days you feel horrible
    i love you on the days you feel safe
    i love you on the days you feel unsafe
    i love you on the days you feel vulnerable
    i love you on the days you feel weird
    i love you on the days you feel ok
    i love you when you're healthy
    i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music)
    i love your taste in music
    i love your taste in movies
    i love your taste in tv shows
    i love the way you move
    i love the way you act
    i love you when you cry
    i love you when you're kind
    i love you when you're mean
    i love you when you're alone
    i love you when you can't feel
    i love you when you feel too much
    i love you when you can't take life anymore
    i love you when you feel like it's too much
    i love you when you're asleep
    i love you when you have nightmares
    i love you when you have dreams
    i love how you believe
    i love you when you believe in yourself
    i love you when you don't believe in yourself
    i love you when you hate yourself
    i love you when you love yourself
    i love the way you think
    i love you problems
    i love your solutions
    i love how you support
    i love you when you're in pain
    i love you when you're hurt
    i love your promises
    i love your secrets
    i love your attitude
    i love you sass
    i love your creativity
    i love your voice (or lack thereof)
    i love you hand gestures
    i love your stories
    i love your wounds
    i love your scars
    i love your face
    i love your past
    i love your future
    i love your present
    i love your outfits
    i love your style
    i love your art
    i love your honesty
    i love you when you lie
    i love you when you're tired
    i love you when you're energetic
    i love how you look
    i love how you cook
    i love you when you're adventurous
    i love you when you're scared
    i love your imperfections
    i love your perfections
    i love you when you worry
    i love you when you talk (or communicate)
    i love your opinions
    i love you when you have a headache
    i love you when you have a stomach ache
    i love you when you help others
    i love you when you need help
    i love you when you're mature
    i love you when you're immature
    i love you in the hard times
    i love you in the easy times
    i love you when life is meh
    i love you when you're responsible
    i love you when you're irresponsible
    i love you when you fight
    i love you in your darkest moments
    i love you in your brightest moments
    i love your heart
    i love you in the day
    i love you in the night
    i love you at midnight
    i love you at 3 am
    i love you at all times
    i love you at your best
    i love you at your worst
    i love the little things you do
    i love all of you
    i love you when you're you
    i love 𝙮𝙤𝙪.
    - not mine, just passed down to those that need it 😊

  • @xangaming2170
    @xangaming2170 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Most people cry to someone, weather it is their what friend, parent, pillow or hands, I feel like it's my fault that I can't go cry to my mum because I know ever time I do it sparks up a conversation/ argument and I have to go back on to the app and restart it, feeling guilty for doing it to myself then I cry more.. and the worst part about it is I'm 13.. I don't know what I'm doing in life yet.. but i know that I've matured at a young age.. calling ambulances, police, all that shit, for myself and my mother.. I feel like I'm 20 in a 13 year Olds body.. I have to save up money and buy myself food because my mother refuses to feed me food that she baught witch led on to an ED, then I got PTSD from watching fights between my brother and my mother and then I'd get hurt trying to stop it, then I tried to OD 4 times, witch didn't turn out how I wished but hay 'life goes on' for most people, my life stops here.. this will be the last comment I ever leave.. life is a cruel game.. if you don't get your head in, you get your head smashed.. I'm sorry to everyone that cares for me and I'm sorry for the vent
    Kind regards Kasey (Xan) Paterson

    • @supravietuitoriblog547
      @supravietuitoriblog547 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi! I don't want to bother you or something, but I saw your comment and I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?

    • @1retrothomas437
      @1retrothomas437 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      hey, please still be here

    • @luzmedrano2940
      @luzmedrano2940 ปีที่แล้ว

      I rlly hope you’re still here.

  • @ronald8070
    @ronald8070 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God be with you, He loves you all

  • @orianaxooriana2199
    @orianaxooriana2199 ปีที่แล้ว

    this song makes me think of that scene in step up without fail every time

  • @hkitty6655
    @hkitty6655 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    why did i have to be born into this family. i’m tired of trauma flash backs and everybody acting like it never happened. i know it happened. they make me feel crazy. the mental hospital didn’t help, therapy didn’t help. every relationship i’ve been in, they’ve told me i’m crazy and they leave. why do people walk all over me. why do i feel not worthy of life. is it bad that i don’t even want this life? i don’t want to live anymore. this constant struggle everyday. i’ve been homeless for 3 years and it just never gets better. nobody cares about me and they haven’t ever. i just feel sick every morning when i wake up. i don’t want to go to work, i don’t want to visit people. i have no friends. i don’t want to live.

    • @sflivelove
      @sflivelove 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      wimp, whiner. And what do these words mean? . absolutely nothing, just understand it not with the mind and not with the body, but with the state.

    • @angeliquepokia3659
      @angeliquepokia3659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi beautiful,
      I don’t know who you are but I’m so sorry all of this has happened to you. Just know your pain and trauma is real, you’re not crazy for feeling emotions that I’m sure every single one of us has felt in some way at some point in our lives.
      Your life is ABSOLUTELY worth living, don’t let anyone else or even yourself think otherwise. I know it may seem like life is a struggle and you can’t escape the never ending cycle of it. But I promise you it does get better ❤️‍🩹
      I myself am struggling at the moment as well, and was at one point genuinely considering whether my life mattered or not. But trust me, we do matter. Even if you don’t think it now.
      What I’ve found has helped lately is taking a second to appreciate something small in life. Whether it be playing with a pet or having an extra long shower, try and take a breath and think about something good that happened that day.
      You’re not alone 🧡

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey I hope you're doing ok these days. Just checking in with you 🤝 God bless you

  • @jujuahr1641
    @jujuahr1641 ปีที่แล้ว

    Esse vídeo simplesmente juntou essa obra linda que é ess música com o som da chuva = perfeição de vídeo 🥺

  • @yasmineramadane6237
    @yasmineramadane6237 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i can’t do this anymore, fake that i’m okey, but if i say that i feel bad and sad people are going to run away from me, and i don’t wanna be something heavy for my family so the solution is cry during the night, then smile and make them proud during the day, if feel like i don’t exist anymore, i’m just a body.

    • @1retrothomas437
      @1retrothomas437 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey man, I'm sorry life is so shit at the moment

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hope you're doing good these days yasmine. You can let people know how you feel, you don't have to hide it...but even if you can't, you can let God know. He has your best interests at heart, he sent Jesus to give himself for your sins. You can trust him. 🙏

  • @noluvv_jessica
    @noluvv_jessica ปีที่แล้ว +3

    this song honestly explains how im feeling rn i feel empty and alone idk if anyone cares but imma just leave this here

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      I see you. ❤ God saw you when you wrote this. There's always new hope with Jesus... He is alive. Don't be afraid. Just believe.

    • @tanyabeeman7262
      @tanyabeeman7262 ปีที่แล้ว

      I understand how you are feeling, and I care, even though I have never met you I know you are here for a reason. You have made someone else feel seen and now I want you to know your not alone. I see you, I feel your pain, you matter to me. You are worthy of being loved, as hard as things are right now this is temporary it may be hard to see right now but you will see it. Your not stuck in the darkness your just passing through to a better place. I'll hold your hand until we get there so we won't feel alone. It's sometimes hard to see in the dark but we aren't alone and we are going somewhere brighter. Don't be afraid. ❤

  • @polin634
    @polin634 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    she was my home and now she's gone. here's to making myself home instead

  • @grzegorzborkowski1282
    @grzegorzborkowski1282 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Best moment

  • @not.carlysNumber1fan
    @not.carlysNumber1fan ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the whole video:
    There is a house built out of stone
    Wooden floors, walls and window sills
    Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
    This is a place where I don't feel alone
    This is a place where I feel at home
    'Cause, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
    There is a tree as old as me
    Branches were sewn by the color of green
    Ground had arose and passed it's knees
    By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
    I climbed the tree to see the world
    When the gusts came around to blow me down
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    And, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    There is a house built out of stone
    Wooden floors, walls and window sills
    Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
    This is a place where I don't feel alone
    This is a place where I feel at home
    'Cause, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
    There is a tree as old as me
    Branches were sewn by the color of green
    Ground had arose and passed it's knees
    By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
    I climbed the tree to see the world
    When the gusts came around to blow me down
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    And, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    There is a house built out of stone
    Wooden floors, walls and window sills
    Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
    This is a place where I don't feel alone
    This is a place where I feel at home
    'Cause, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
    There is a tree as old as me
    Branches were sewn by the color of green
    Ground had arose and passed it's knees
    By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
    I climbed the tree to see the world
    When the gusts came around to blow me down
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    And, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    There is a house built out of stone
    Wooden floors, walls and window sills
    Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
    This is a place where I don't feel alone
    This is a place where I feel at home
    'Cause, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
    Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
    There is a tree as old as me
    Branches were sewn by the color of green
    Ground had arose and passed it's knees
    By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
    I climbed the tree to see the world
    When the gusts came around to blow me down
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    I held on as tightly as you held onto me
    And, I built a home
    For you
    For me
    Until it disappeared
    From me
    From you
    And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust

  • @Ayleen_Hazar
    @Ayleen_Hazar ปีที่แล้ว

    THANK YOU!!!

  • @adamaldawi2094
    @adamaldawi2094 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am crying

  • @d___oche2495
    @d___oche2495 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Ella nunca valorará las cosas que hago 😔 nunca es suficiente 😔🔌🪫 al parecer así es la vida solo me queda seguir hacia delante 😔🌙🥺

  • @einarkeyser1763
    @einarkeyser1763 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The loss, the love. I missed you before you were gone. Two eyes in a storm. No.

  • @hannacasillasmorales1264
    @hannacasillasmorales1264 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Verdadero amor?...
    Quien diría jsjsj yo de niña creí q eso nunca existió pero el...
    Mi rayo de sol, el chico de ojos brillantes llegó a mi vida y cuando me vio en esa cueva oscura...
    El entro y cuando me encontro se sentó a mi lado y me prometió ser feliz verdaderamente feliz y sin tener q sufrir a cambio de esa felicidad...
    Ese chico de ojos lindos..
    Me tomo de la mano y me levanto diciendo “yo prometo quedarme siempre para ti”
    Lo raro es q yo dije “voy a confiar en otra mentira mas” pero no ... El si se quedó :')
    A medio año de estar juntos casi lo perdía... Se iba a ir sin avisar ... Pero yo le llore al cielo rogando q no se lo llevará
    Porque si el se iba yo me iba a tras de el ...
    Entre lágrimas su prima me habló diciendo q ya estaba bien q no preocupara más y si me di cuenta q le debo una grande al cielo.
    Cuando el volvió a hablar Conmigo y me explico todo y mas cuando me dijo “no quería preocuparte” entre lágrimas y enojo le dije q hizo mal q me estaba muriendo de dolor por el ...
    Pero me tocó decirle no estás solo estoy yo y entre lágrimas dije “promete q mientras yo esté aquí no me dejaras sola en este mundo gris” y lo juro ..
    Casi al año ...
    Fui la más feliz estábamos cerca de estar un año juntos...
    Y entendí q aunq el no sea muy cariñoso el amor y afecto q me tiene no lo demuestra por nadie más

  • @dalkashkorde4398
    @dalkashkorde4398 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    الام العظيمة مدرسة لتربية ابنائها..
    ..كيف سنشتاق الى ابنائنا
    فسوف سنشتاق الى ابنائنا اذا كانت ٱمهاتهم عظيمة واصيلة وعالم من الاحلام والذكريات والسحري والجمال لاشك وتكون قلوبهم بيضاء مليء بالصدق والايمان والحب والحنان وقريبين من الله في كل الاتجاهات ووجوههم مشرقا بنور الرحمن في كل الايام لان الام هي مدرسة الاجيال والاخلاق والحياة الكريمة والتربية الصالحة وكل شيء جميل وجسر محبة ترتبط بين الاباء والابناء واذا انهار هذا الجسر العظيم فاننا سنصبح في الظلمات وطي النسيان كالغراباء والمساكين ومجهولين بين الارض والسماء كٱنه لم يكن وجودنا على هذا الارض يوما ما وسنحترق بنار البعد والفراق والكره والاهاتي ..
    واذا لم تكن امهاتهم عظيمة فلن نشتاق اليهم ابدا مهما زاد اشتياقنا لهم سنجعلهم في ذاكرة المفقودين والموتى وعالم الفنائي كٱنه لم يكن وجودهم على هذا الارض يوما ما لهذا ايتها الام العظيمة الاصيلة حافظي على ٱبنائك حافظي على احفادكي واجعلي منهم كنور الشمس مشرقة في ثقب الظلام لانه بعض الامهات والاباء قلوبهم خالية من الصدق والايمان ولم يقتنعوا بعدالة السماء على هذا الارض خسروا انفسهم وابنائهم وكل شيء في لحظة مميتة قاتلة ولم يحسوا بالمسؤولية ابدا بٱتجاه ابنائهم وٱصبحو في نوم عميق وبقيوا كنوم اهل الكهف حتى يوم القيامة والحساب
    الشاعر : دلكش ٱوسي الكوردي

  • @trinityjones8891
    @trinityjones8891 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It took me to long to realize where this was from

    • @curses0206
      @curses0206 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      whats it from

  • @lunalovemoon6384
    @lunalovemoon6384 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey. You not alone I'm here too.

  • @Raq_eyes
    @Raq_eyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is great! ❤️🤍💙

  • @alexisterrazas9693
    @alexisterrazas9693 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey, i know we can all feel alone at times but just know God is has not left your side, he loves you and wants the absolute best for you but you have to let him in.
    If you need someone to talk to I’m here too :)

  • @nestaoji4179
    @nestaoji4179 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I know you’re tired. get some rest.

  • @Seven_Miseries
    @Seven_Miseries ปีที่แล้ว

    I deserve to be happy , i deserve the world. I'm so nice and carefull with everyone. Why it has to be like this ? I just want to live in peace, be able to love, to enjoy, to do it. Oh dear life, tell me if on day i will be on peace with me.

    • @RaeXAce
      @RaeXAce ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I will be true to you the world can seem harsh but you are strong
      even on your worst day you have survived every day before that.
      Life can be hard but your are a miracle you are made from literal star dust.
      If you have some one you you can trust to help tell them. But even if you don't you are still worthy of being here.
      I don't know if you will see this but you are special and amazing and you deserve a world that knows that and lovestruck for what makes you different and unique.

    • @Seven_Miseries
      @Seven_Miseries ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RaeXAce this is the best thing i've ever seen💗 thank you so much 💕

    • @Seven_Miseries
      @Seven_Miseries ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RaeXAce but you know , i might be sad as i might be really happy, this is strange but i know that my life is a gift. One day a person told me, the happiest persons are the saddest too. This is hard bc some days, my life seems like a shit but some days my life seems like is the best one to me, this is weird. Really weird and it starts to make me feel happy when i tell myself that one day i will pass. But i feel not depressed !!!! Absoluty not. This is just weird

    • @Seven_Miseries
      @Seven_Miseries ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RaeXAce my feelings are weird, they can litteraly change at every moment haha, they are litteraly the opposit. Example, now i'm very happy, so so so so happy but at every moment i can be realllyylylyylylylyyl sad👍

  • @niewidoczny4406
    @niewidoczny4406 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was supposed to make a home with you, darling, I know that we're not getting along anymore, I know that it's not what it used to be... I'm sorry that you met me, I wanted to be better for you... I love you so much and I can't accept that this will be the case empower us... this history that we have created for so long. I'm glad I met you, it's hard for me. I hope it gets better for you..we both don't want it to end but is there any other option?? I don't think so since we argue all the time... we haven't seen each other for a week and I don't know how much longer we can go on without an honest conversation... I'm afraid we won't fix it and that we'll have to forget about each other... I'm sorry because we were sure that this is forever. oh darling, it was beautiful, these days spent together and not forgotten... please don't, it never ends and when it does, I don't want to live without you, do you understand? you are everything to me, I can't promise you that everything will be the same as before, but I will try to make it better than before and that we will be able to make it together... you are everything that matters to me in life... there is no one else except you. you're the apple of my fucking eye. I want you and only you, even though you deserve someone much better than me, someone who will appreciate you more than I do, even though I do it, even if he doesn't show interest... I've waited so long for you that I can't lose you now... I'm begging you be my princess until the end of my days. You don't even know how much you mean to me, you don't know how glad I am that you gave me a chance, that you agreed when I got down on my knees... oh it was such an important move for me, I have never loved anyone as much as I love you and I won't love you because it's you You are the one that has to be and I will never let go enough for it to be the end!! I'll be back, you understand? no matter how much we argue, I will be there and I will not give up because I only want you, my baby. I never gave up, if you want, we will end it, just to make things better for you and I will do everything for you, my dear, don't leave me at the bottom... I still can't believe that you are back and that you love me... my little one is the best... you already hate me. . despite this, I still love you and I won't stop until my breath is forever cold, you are mine, do you understand? I want to build a house and a family with you, I want everything possible with you, I want you to be happy and for us to succeed like never before, just give me a chance, try

  • @bff4016
    @bff4016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have so many things to say but can’t say

  • @LeeYumi456
    @LeeYumi456 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Preciso morrer é o que eu mais quero ![]

  • @lizbethfranck4046
    @lizbethfranck4046 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just wish that someone will listen to my problems.

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey its been a while but I hope you found somebody 🙏 and you can go to God with everything. He will listen I promise. "Cast all your cares on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:8 ❤

  • @The.wonderful.mar_0
    @The.wonderful.mar_0 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Me sinto con la necesidad de ser el primer comentario en español

  • @dalkashkorde4398
    @dalkashkorde4398 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    الحرية هو الالتزام والانضباط والتقيد بما يوافقه العقل و الحكمة والشريعة
    فجميع عبيد الشهوات سجناء
    بلا حرية
    شاعر دلكش اوسي

  • @Raq_eyes
    @Raq_eyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    bu benim dilimi ísírmama neden oluyor! 💗🖤♥️❤️🥀👏

  • @yoelqt2552
    @yoelqt2552 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ily ..

  • @samela-co1vn
    @samela-co1vn ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Raq_eyes
    @Raq_eyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    sanki kíz arkadaśínla konuśuyorsun!! 💗🖤♥️❤️🥰

  • @AndrejHenny
    @AndrejHenny 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    hey the sad thing is I can comment this is as much as I want I would. still rather end it just make it seem like a accident but I know to who is reading this it is hard don't stop I am trying to but aim already dead more or the less but the sadest thing is nobody notices it bc you just havre to smile and people think you are ok

  • @emmardzm
    @emmardzm 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @carlosantonio8260
    @carlosantonio8260 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No pensé sentirme así de vacío , siento su ausencia en la habitación, en la cocina, en la sala no es escucharla verla televisión, esta casa no es la misma

  • @dreamseater3069
    @dreamseater3069 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    POV : I'm thinking how it was easily when i was a child

  • @elaina_xoxo
    @elaina_xoxo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    d͟o͟ y͟o͟u͟ e͟v͟e͟r͟ j͟u͟s͟t͟ l͟a͟y͟ i͟n͟ y͟o͟u͟r͟ b͟e͟d͟ a͟n͟d͟ c͟r͟y͟ u͟n͟t͟i͟l͟ y͟o͟u͟ j͟u͟s͟t͟ g͟o͟ s͟i͟l͟e͟n͟t͟... l͟e͟t͟ m͟e͟ t͟e͟l͟l͟ y͟o͟u͟ l͟i͟f͟e͟s͟ s͟o͟m͟e͟t͟i͟m͟e͟s͟ a͟ b͟i͟g͟ s͟t͟r͟u͟g͟g͟l͟e͟ b͟u͟t͟ y͟o͟u͟r͟ g͟o͟n͟n͟a͟ m͟a͟k͟e͟ i͟t͟ e͟v͟e͟n͟ i͟f͟ e͟v͟e͟r͟y͟d͟a͟y͟ i͟s͟ j͟u͟s͟t͟ m͟i͟s͟e͟r͟y͟ .. G͟o͟d͟ i͟s͟ w͟o͟r͟k͟i͟n͟g͟ b͟e͟ paitence .

  • @TF2MemesArentFunny
    @TF2MemesArentFunny ปีที่แล้ว

    If I had a button to kill myself and no one would be sad, would I push it? It’s a question I ask myself constantly but I end up with the one answer that reflects what countless of people feel. I end up saying or thinking that I wouldn’t. I would keep the button for when it got worse. When it gets too much to handle. Just like how anyone who is suicidal likely doesn’t want to die, they just want to escape. A quick escape that might hurt others, but will stop the pain, the stress, the pressure. If you read this, throw that button on the ground. It gets better. It seriously does. Why do you think so many people say it? It’s a fact. I love you, keep working hard.

  • @Alexgaming-gi9db
    @Alexgaming-gi9db ปีที่แล้ว

    Il y a une maison construite en pierre
    Planchers, murs et appuis de fenêtre en bois
    Tables et chaises usées par toute la poussière
    C'est un endroit où je ne me sens pas seul
    C'est un endroit où je me sens chez moi
    Parce que j'ai construit une maison
    Pour toi
    Pour moi
    Jusqu'à ce qu'il disparaisse
    De moi
    De toi
    Et maintenant, il est temps de partir et de se transformer en poussière
    Dans le jardin où nous avons planté les graines
    Il y a un arbre aussi vieux que moi
    Les branches ont été cousues par la couleur du vert
    Le sol s'était levé et avait dépassé ses genoux
    Par les fissures de la peau j'ai grimpé au sommet
    J'ai grimpé à l'arbre pour voir le monde
    Quand les rafales sont venues me renverser
    Je me suis accroché aussi fort que tu m'as tenu
    Je me suis accroché aussi fort que tu m'as tenu
    Et, j'ai construit une maison
    Pour toi
    Pour moi
    Jusqu'à ce qu'il disparaisse
    De moi
    De toi
    Et maintenant, il est temps
    Partir et tourner

  • @dalkashkorde4398
    @dalkashkorde4398 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    💕 الٱم المثالية
    هي منبع الحب والحنان وحضن الطمأنينه والسلام والامان وحب الذي لاينتهي ابدا حتى لو انتهى زمن العَاشَِّقِيَن ونبض في قلوبنا إلى الأبد واغلى مافي الكون هيه كالذهب والمرجاني وكل الحياة حتى الممات وكان دايما
    وجهها مشرقة بنور الرحماني الذين قريبة من الله في كل الاتجاهات ولكل ماهو جميلة كٱلوان قوس القزح المشرق كنور الشمس مشرقة في ثقب الظلامي بٱجمل ٱلوان العشق والمحبة والحرية والسلام والإنسانية في كل زمان ومكان فبدونها لاحياة ولا حب ولا حنان وبدونها تصبح الحياة كالروح الذي يفارق الجسد كالذي مات من ملايين السنين وتصبح في ظلمات وبحر من الإدمان وحكم على نفسه بالموت والفنائي وهي اجمل احلام وذكريات وسحر وجمال وسر من أسرار الحياة جنة الله على هذه الارض لها حبي وأشتياقي الابدي بالدموع الحزن والفرح والبكائي 💞💞
    شاعر دلكش اوسي الكوردي

  • @justicerain5163
    @justicerain5163 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i honestly just want someone to like me genuinely and to love me unconditionally because they have the choice to

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's how God feels about you. That's why Jesus came to give his life for you. ❤

  • @yenichambi6448
    @yenichambi6448 ปีที่แล้ว

    No puedo dormir, está siendo muy duro estos días, mis hijas, mi hogar, mi trabajo encuentro tranquilidad, ni rumbo a mi vida, me perdi en la maternidad di tanto a mi familia quisiera recuperar mi tiempo, mi espacio, reencontrarme a mi.... sentirme entendida y amada 🥺🥺🥺🥺, pero estoy sola con familia pero sola, eso duele más, haber acompañado a todos y ahora sentirme sola. Pero lograré salir ,no se como ,solo pido a Dios que me muestre el camino me abra caminos.

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey it has been a couple of months. I hope God showed you the right way forward ❤

  • @gabrielagarciaaguirre988
    @gabrielagarciaaguirre988 ปีที่แล้ว

    La canción me hace llorar pero así me hace llorar más:(

  • @yourmumisnthot5920
    @yourmumisnthot5920 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I’m struggling with my own issues but my partner broke up with me and still wants me to help him get through his problems but if I do anything wrong I’m the cause of his new problems

    • @Anoniempje333xoxoxoxo
      @Anoniempje333xoxoxoxo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      just remember, its nice of you trying to help him. But its not your responsibility to help him. So if you want to and decide to continue. Thats nice of you. But if you dont want to, because it might not be good for you and your mental health or simply because you just dont want to. Then thats okay too. it doesnt make you any less nice. Youre not his therapist. He needs to learn to deal with his problems himself. Im sorry you broke up.

  • @WisteriaYoun
    @WisteriaYoun หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want to put out my heart here
    It hurts it f*kin hurts and I can't take it anymore
    I'm only 14 and my birthday is in 5 days
    (22 August)
    I'm tired,no friend of mine has ever bought me gifts before
    My grades are going down
    I'm getting betrayed
    I really don't feel like doing anything
    I'm Stuck in a place I can't get out of
    I hate living a cycle all day just to end up getting tired
    I caught a cold
    But I don't care
    I want to commit s*icide
    But I can't, I'm scared
    My closest friend is going through a lot too
    What's going on?
    Why is this happening?
    Did I do anything wrong?
    I'm hurt and cry over little things
    I need a hug,a hug that tells me I'm safe and everything will be okay
    A warm one
    But everything is just the same,I sleep alone and wipe my own tears and pretend like nothing ever happened
    I have goals to chase but I feel like they are too far away but I can't give up
    It gets harder each day
    I'm tired
    Tired of feeling insecure
    Tired of comparing myself to other girls
    Tired of being betrayed
    Tired of living this life
    14 years on this Earth was the best and most worse
    I hope and wish the best for my future self that she thrives and believes in herself
    I'm tired
    I'm tired
    It's hard
    I'm just tired

  • @melodymlent2309
    @melodymlent2309 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    can you make this even more sad?

  • @Gi031
    @Gi031 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I just wanted someone who understands me.

    • @RaeXAce
      @RaeXAce ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope you are okay you are amazing and special

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ❤ I hope you're doing good these days
      You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.
      Psalms 139:1‭-‬4 🙏

  • @hannah1341
    @hannah1341 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel like I’m drowning but I don’t by what something is pulling me toward the bottom.

  • @sunday_nayeon7990
    @sunday_nayeon7990 ปีที่แล้ว

    as vezes é muito difícil para mim

  • @ommmmm2493
    @ommmmm2493 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @lucianomonster3632
    @lucianomonster3632 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @jefhersonmaisa2877
    @jefhersonmaisa2877 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn 😔

  • @nomsadeboranomsa8884
    @nomsadeboranomsa8884 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm tired of everything 😢😭

    • @the.seagull.35
      @the.seagull.35 ปีที่แล้ว

      God is there with you ❤ I hope you have a better week