The number of megapixels on a tiny sensor is not much of a measure of photo quailty. The pixel size and software become very important on tiny sensors. As are the lenses and the optical quality of the glass. The optical image stabilization is also very important especially for run and gun video. The Cameras are probably a bigger differentiator than anything else. Outside of Cameras (Have not seen reviews of both tested like on DXO0. But Apple does a very good job and so does Samsung (at least in theiri higher end models).
I shifted over to iOS from Android in Jan of this year. And it's been great in most ways except for some of the AI features, customizability options, and some os the features that actually do better. and of course the eco system with apple just cant be beat.
The number of megapixels on a tiny sensor is not much of a measure of photo quailty. The pixel size and software become very important on tiny sensors. As are the lenses and the optical quality of the glass. The optical image stabilization is also very important especially for run and gun video. The Cameras are probably a bigger differentiator than anything else. Outside of Cameras (Have not seen reviews of both tested like on DXO0. But Apple does a very good job and so does Samsung (at least in theiri higher end models).
8:48 Wide Angle Visibility
massive difference between both phones
For me, performance and software is a huge thing
So obviously an iPhone 14
Gonna shift to iOS soon 😅
The A15 has less performance than the snapdragon 8 gen 3 and the exynos 2400 but I still like my ip 13
I shifted over to iOS from Android in Jan of this year. And it's been great in most ways except for some of the AI features, customizability options, and some os the features that actually do better. and of course the eco system with apple just cant be beat.
@@ULT1MATEG0HAN even if its behind it will still do better than the shitty exynos
@@a-terrible-fate532 ik I love apple chips
@@a-terrible-fate532 if you live in USA, you get snapdragon 8gen3
Nice comparison men
You spelled ‘which’ wrong, you spelled it ‘wich’
It’s social media, it’ll be ok.
@@jedolivier2688 ur probably right, just “reminding”
Please go somewhere else and be clever.
@@ursweetshorts what???
@@ursweetshorts go away
call your mom back dude
thats not fair should of done iphone 15 and s24
they were comparing the 14 with the s24 because the 14’s price is closer to s24’s.
its not actually the s24 is way more then the iphone 14 its closer to the 15 plus