all the sins of arcadia bay had to be cleaned with the death of the best and more sincere people,Chloe and Raechel amber(before she got involved with drugs)
I still don't get why people hate Warren, especially after meeting Elliot. Warren and Max are at least friends and she knows that he has a crush on her. He just seemed like an awkward teenage boy, to me. Elliot, on the other hand, actually stalks Chloe. Then he writes weird poems about her afterwards. Chloe didn't really even like him, she was just really bad at blowing him off.
Warren stalked max too, brooke mentions in the first game that Warren has a tracker on max, which is very creepy, and in episode two if u go to the window as soon as max wakes up you'll see Warren peek around the corner
You're way too harsh on Max. If you look closely in Ep.3 of the 1st season, you can read Max's file in the Principal's office, it says that she was in "IEP" (I think it's Individualized Education Program in English, but i'm not really sure) which is a program for people having some sort of "issues", such as being socially anxious, or having depression etc. Which is probably one of the reasons why Max didn't keep in touch with Chloe. Also, Max not maintaining contact makes sense with her character. Think about it: she's always been afraid to face the consequences of her actions, and this is something we see in LiS1. That's what her powers are about: to learn to accept the consequences of her actions and the pain that may come along. Max was only 13yo when she left. She was a child and she didn't know how to deal with William's death and Chloe's pain, so moving away from Arcadia and not maintaining contact made it easier for her to avoid all of that. This doesn't make Max actions right, but I can understand why she did what she did. What I don't understand is how some people condemn Max and absolve Rachel (she cheated on Chloe with Frank, remember?). It's just unfair.
I agree with you on the last part. While max actually did do her best to fix things in the first season by saving chloe over and over and in the end let the entire town die to let her live (if you chose that option), while rachel betrayed chloe for her drug dealer, involved herself with vortex club and drugs and technically led herself to her own death
I agree. I think that both Chloe x Rachel, and Chloe x Max are not good, healthy relationships. Which is sad, because I love the idea of Lesbian relationships finally being shown in games. But Rachel emotionally manipulates Chloe, played a role in getting Chloe suspended or expelled, and cheats on her with several people. People just overlook Rachel's toxic behavior. Likewise, Chloe is constantly blowing up at Max over little things, blaming all of her life troubles on her, Not to mention she tried to get Max expelled from Blackwell by blaming her weed on Max to the school officer, and is generally an inconsiderate and self centered friend, let alone girlfriend.
You seem to hold Max leaving Arcadia Bay against her in this video which isn't really fair. She is 12(?) at the time and is fully at the whims of her parents. She didn't make the choice the leave and seems like it is an unfair stick to beat her with. The not keeping in contact with her is a much better one to use.
Ross McMahon she is 13 and Chloe is 14, but yes it‘s not all Max fault, I do know it, it is just absolute the worst feeling for Chloe that she and her parents moved away during the funeral and that is the thing I don‘t get. Why didn’t the parents of Max just give her some time together with Chloe so she can still be a bit their for her. Max knew that Chloe needed her and her parents were really selfish here :
Ross McMahon yes! I mean... you play Max in that episode, so you can hear her thoughts and understand her feelings: she is clearly destroyed at thinking of not seeing Chloe again. I think that the fact that we already know how it ends may lead us to ignore her feelings and make us focus on Chloe.
Agreed; Max's parents seem like pretty horrible people who put their own daughter's needs as a kind of afterthought compared with their own wants. That would go some way toward explaining how Max & Chloe's relationship got quite so deep too; Max depended on Chloe quite a lot because she didn't have that support behind her at home. There is a sense that maybe Chloe likes to be needed later (chronologically) too, when Rachel's parents turn out to be kind of twats as well. Maybe Chloe is a bit of a user & seeks out people who will develop a need for her? She may not have known all about Rachel's parents at the start, but when something looks too good to be true, it's no stretch to consider that polish on a turd.
If you remember from LiS.. Max actually states that her parents moved because of max wanting to go to a special school.. so really max is the one that wanted to move.. sure her parents didnt have to leave the same day as the funeral even if you dont have a house... rent a motel and call your new employers and explain the situation to them... but still ultimately .. it was max 2anting to go to a different school
I mentioned this in the comments of one of your LiS playthrough videos, but I do think it bears repeating here. The manipulative aspects of Max are, by and large, contingent upon player choice. You're very rarely forced to rewind and manipulate conversations to move the story forward (getting Frank's keys, for example). Even the footage that you ran while this point was being discussed shows an entirely optional rewind scenario. You can choose to simply live with getting things wrong and fucking up conversations. The point being, I believe Dontnod's intention was to hold a mirror up to the player with regard to how they would use Max's powers if given the opportunity. So beating Max up about the things we choose to do when in control of her feels just a teensy bit like projection and self-absolution.
@@dzikripratama3776 I relate to both of you in some sense. I desperately wanna experience it again but haven't felt this sad in a very long while and wouldn't want it to last.
The main reason I love LIS is Max and the main reasons why I love Max are, she is no Mary Sue character type in spite of being special in more ways than one, she also kind and caring and remember she puts Chloe above all else, even herself. All of Max's coldness and demeanor towards Chloe, a person she loves with all her heart can be explained by a note in her school file. She is a IEP (Individualized Education Program) student, a program for students with special conditions. So besides Dyscalculia and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which shouldn't/doesn't have any impact on her relationships, Max may suffer from High-functioning autism (HFA), Asperger syndrome or even Social anxiety disorder (SAD), which in turn would cause enormous difficulties in her relationships and social interactions with everybody, even with her beloved Chloe. The game further supports this claim with the fact that Max only befriended two people during her five year stay in Seattle. That is why every meaningful interaction Max experiences with Chloe in the game are so pure, magical and beautiful, that is why Max makes the enormous effort and an incredible journey bending time and space to save Chloe, the only person who seems to be able to effortlessly reach out and touch Max at an emotional level, the only person who gives her life any true meaning as Max herself states several times in LIS. This is not friendship, devotion or love this is greater and beyond! SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers about the Ending of Life is Strange Before the Storm Farewell will follow. The final scene with the tape is open to interpretation, the only thing it's not, it's Chloe's grief, probably the most broken down girl I ever saw, you can truly feel the girl heart shatter. Before my interpretation let me just say the ending of Farewell made me cry like a baby and let me point out I never cried, ever, not in any movie, game, book or opera but LIS and Farewell made my cry like an infant! What starts to break my heart in the final scene is how heavy and full of regret and grief Max's sound in the recording, which in turn stirs Chloe's grief causing her a total breakdown, once again revealing the deep bond between the two girls and the moment culminates with an heartfelt goodbye from Max; "I will always, always love you." and after a sigh of grief "Goodbye." Chloe crumbles to the floor in fetal position holding the tape recorder as if holding Max herself. Now you can always interpret this scene as a Chloe's grief scene but to me seems to go beyond this simple explanation. If you watch the scene closely, Chloe seems to fondle the tape recorder with great care before embracing it as if it was the most valuable thing or person in the World for her and this is what ultimately breaks my heart, Chloe doesn't have that final breakdown because of her father or herself, but because she knows how hard life is going to be in Seattle for young Max with all her problems in sustaining healthy social interaction and relationships, also the scene gives out a vibe that the recording is the first time Max truly open her heart and shared her feelings with Chloe. That is why Chloe seems so sad and lonely in the end, because she knows in spite of her grief, Max is fragile and without her Max will be truly scared, lost and also in grief in a faraway city, which in turn probably makes Chloe feel really bad because they are in no condition to support each other as they did their entire childhood.
Your interpretation of the tape recorded message and Chloe's emotions and breakdown opened up a new possibility that I never would have thought about. I never would have thought to think that on top of going through her own double loss, she is just says broken about the fact that her friend will be without her and we'll go through all kinds of hardships and Chloe can't be there for her, and the idea that maybe this is the first time Chloe has heard Max so emotional is really upsetting to me as well. Just goes to show you why Chloe is my favorite character, more often than not she puts others before herself and in her own way does show kindness and caring for those few select in her life who were nice to her
Rui Santos wow I absolutely love your insight and interpretation to the overall story, I started crying again whilst reading your comment because it’s all true, it’s all painfully true.....the contextual clues were always there
Don't be so harsh on Max for leaving, she didn't get a say in the matter, it wasn't like she could stop her parents from moving to Seattle, parents and adults in general tend to not listen to children because most tend to develop a habit of dismissing children and anything children have to say far too often. As much as Max wanted to stay, she was forced to leave against her will. She wanted so badly to stay and be there for Chole. It's very likely that once Max got to Seattle, the stress of moving, going to a new school and meeting new people ended up taking over her life at the time and she couldn't find the time to keep in touch with Chole and eventually it got to a point where the yearning to keep in touch with Chole fell to the sidelines as Max likely felt that Chole had just moved on without her, that can end up happening. A childhood friend I was friends with ever since we were babies ended up becoming distant because I was sent to a school in the Scottish Highlands and I couldn't keep in contact with her, I was away for two weeks at a time and only home every second weekend and for holidays, that didn't help in maintaining a friendship and we just drifted apart. It happens sadly. So don't be so harsh on Max, she couldn't help how life changed and she couldn't prevent her parents from moving.
Splash ! The devs confirmed that Max had "psychological issues" such as social anxiety and depression while in Seattle. Also, if you look closely in ep.3 of the first LiS, in principal Well's room you can find Max's file and it says she is in IEP (I think it's Individualized Education Program), a program for students with such issues. So this is probably one of the reasons why she didn't keep in touch with Chloe. Also she was a child (only 13yo when she left) and she probably didn't know to deal with William's death and Chloe's pain, so...
To be honest, in the end Rachel also did some things wrong, with cheating on her with Frank and potentially Jefferson. This is what I like about Life is Strange. Everybody made mistakes. But after playing Life is Strange, I believe that Max made up for a lot of what she did wrong in the week we get to play. And that is the reason why I am still a Pricefield shipper. But still, Amberprice is now a ship I care about even though I prefer Max x Chloe in the end.
kibert135 Some people forgot that Rachel had a relationship with Frank and Jefferson (facts confirmed by Dontnod). It's unfair how they absolve Rachel while condemning Max. The hypocrisy.
Only, Chloe admitted that she knew about Max moving to Seattle long ago. Also, while her behavior in Seattle was questionable, she likely had no say in Caulfields departure time, and that speaks more about her parents, who supposedly where "friends" of Price family...
Eurogamer That doesn't change the fact, that she knew about situation, and deliberately changed topic when Max tried to say anything about moving to Seattle. And what about this "Angel Rachel" image, considering that she clearly very manipulative, not afraid to use others, has serious anger issues and let's not forget her secret relationship with Frank (grown man, selling teenagers hard drugs) and Jefferson (crazy, obsessed photographer, that judging by how easily he shoots Chloe, doesn't exactly shy away from killing people).
Mikhail Nikolaev I agree with you so much. It's upsetting how some people are willing to condemn a 13yo girl with social anxiety for ghosting her best friend and at the same time call "angel" a 18yo girl who cheated on her girlfriend and planned to run away from Arcadia Bay without her. A lot of people forgot what Rachel did in the original LiS, she was an angel my ass.
i don’t understand why so many people blame max for leaving chloe ?? bruh, it was her parents decision to leave, not hers lmao ? she was 13 at the time and didn’t have any control over that. i understand being annoyed the she didn’t keep in contact with chloe but it’s very heavily implied she has an anxiety disorder and that’s not her fault. that’s not to say that chloe herself wasn’t allowed to be pissed off with max though. i would be too if my childhood best friend ghosted me for 5 years after one of my parents die. but blaming max for everything that went wrong in her life isn’t fair.
I think a lot of people forget that Rachel and Frank have a relationship between the games. Neither of them mentions it to Chloe at any point. This really coloured my view of Rachel. Whatever feelings Chloe has about her relationship with Rachel, Rachel doesn't share them. This makes me feel that people think Rachel is perfect because they never see the whole picture. Chloe comes close in this game but that obviously changes at some point before her disappearance.
Rachel also has a relationship with Jefferson at some point before disappearing that she tells neither Chloe nor Frank about. You can find a letter she started writing to Chloe about it (Dontnod confirmed it as a letter about Jefferson) but never gave her in season 1. So I definitely agree with you. I don't think that Rachel is a bad person or anything, but I do think that the truth depth of Chloe's feelings for her are not being reciprocated.
V. Knoxville max isnt all that manipulative, with the more manipulative stuff being only optional for you to do. And her manipulation tends to either try to help others, or at the very least herself whitout others getting problems (as is obvius by her reactions to the dog dieing and kata suicede attempt)
I said it before and i'm going to say it again. You're way too hard on Max, so many events are beyond her control. Rachel Amber being written so well in BTS along with Max struggling to keep in contact as she battles with moving to a new city and feeling like she abandoned Chloe due to her parents are all major factors. Before AmberPrice was even a thing there was Chloe and Max, the 2 people who will do absolutely anything for each other. Do you really believe that a 13 year old child wants to be snatched away from her best friend days after her best friends father dies. That was completely out of Maxs control. #BaeoverBay #PriceCaulfield
Brock Sisson the more I played through BtS a second time, the more that I realized Rachel Amber is NOT written well and I think it’s like that on purpose. She’s a whiny, selfish, controlling and over dramatic brat who as we learn in the first game, pretty much betrayed Chloe for her drug dealer and a creepy teacher. However, I think that’s done to illustrate the fact that Chloe would’ve fallen in love with anyone who gave much attention to her and had as much of an interest in seeing the “real her” as Rachel seemed to have to show how desperate and hurting Chloe was, and it was also done to put emphasis on the fact that Chloe really loved Max all along and she just needed something to help her get by.
Chloe already new about max leaving, cuz she overheard her and max's parents talk about it sooooooo the tape wouldn't have been the first time she heard bout it
My two takeaways from now having played the whole series: Firstly, I'm glad I chose the more "destructive" ending I did in LiS, having seen how much Chloe went through in BtS. Secondly, once I realised that the very first time Max used her rewind powers - albeit before she knew she could manipulate them herself - it was a completely altruistic act, so I can't be too hard on her for using them occasionally to get the best outcome for herself. BtS definitely made me like Max less, but ultimately she spent the whole of LiS - depending on the ending you choose - doing everything she could to help Chloe. The next LiS title will have to work really, really hard to be as emotionally devastating as these ones though...
antonyingram Yes, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high but I have no doubt Dontnod have and will put a huge amount of effort into the new LiS game. I can't wait for their announcement of more info about the game to come out in the coming months!! xD
I really liked this video but I wanted to point out that Warren is a good guy with good intentions. He cares about Max and yes, they don't really go together #PricefieldForever But he's still a nice person. Just because he likes Max doesn't mean he's creepy or something. He just has a crush on her...
Except for when he creeps on her from outside her window. Dude's creepy. I fully support their Warren-hate. :p
Yeah, it's interesting how differently people interpret Warren. To me he's still just the awkvard nerd, while Eliot is the creep what some people pictured Warren. In the end basically all of the characters are flawed in this series in some way, wich makes them more real imho.
Wow, thank you. I didn't think about the ending of Farewell this way. If Max never told Chloe and only leaves the message on the voice recording.. that's literally the last time Chloe hears from Max for the majority of people, because she later dies in the bathroom, without seeing Max back at all. That's horrible. :/
Watching you two play and talk about Life is Strange is the best playthrough experience I've ever had. Thank you so much for doing it. I can't fathom what the storyline of season 2 will be like, but I'll definitely be with you for it.
When Max and Chloe initially meet up again in the original game, their squabbling implied that they were essentially both at fault for losing touch. Max, who's anxious and avoids dealing with ugly situations, stopped trying to reach out to a damaged friend that she couldn't really be there for. Chloe, who constantly deflects blame, frames the situation as if the initiative were only ever on Max to keep communication up. It was a bitter but realistic situation that most of us have probably been on one side of before, and didn't really need further elaboration on. The revision they do with this episode, making Max's departure an almost literal abandonment, feels like it exists just to make Chloe more "right", which I don't think is the right way to approach her character.
Isaac It's a matter of how you see it. The thing in the truck in S1 to me perfectly lined up with Max abandoning and ignoring Chloe while she tried her best to keep contact in BtS.
From a storytelling perspective, I don't think it's that subjective, regardless of if you personally empathize with one character over the other. Nothing in the original game really suggests Chloe went any more out of her way to initiate contact than Max did, despite how much guilt she gives Max, but that fits her character arc about finally learning to take some accountability and stop externalizing blame. Moreover, I think arguing which of them is more "right" is missing the point, to begin with, since the point was to establish our main characters' flaws in a situation where they were both wrong.
I doubt I'm going to convince you by this point, but needless to say I disagree. When watching these former friends reconnect is such a crucial part of the narrative, we need to have a starting low-point for them to grow from. Rather than empower each other 100%, we see their worst qualities chafe against each other a bit- Chloe's tendency to deflect blame and Max's inability to stand up for herself. Again, we don't see anything to suggest Chloe was any better than Max(until BtS), but that fits where Chloe is as a character at the start of the game.
Lie to herself? I wasn't saying that Max even had any intention of blaming Chloe in return, but I wasn't trying to speak from Max's perspective, either. Of course Max blames herself, and of course Chloe blames her, but they both take it too far in a way that makes sense for their impending character growth. The truck scene is just one early example of both these flaws being displayed as the story unfolds. So, yes, I agree with you in how the game constantly highlights Max's guilt and Chloe's grudge, but in terms of these being traits that they largely need to move *past*.
You're putting Max on too low of a pedestal and Rachel on too high of one. Yeah, Max left Chloe at the worst possible time, but it was out of her 13-year-old hands. Of course Max didn't want to leave her best friend like that, but she was a child that has to listen to her parents. The only things Max did wrong was: not stay in contact with Chloe more + not tell Chloe she was back in town sooner. And yes, Rachel was there for Chloe when no one else was and I love her so much for that but... we have to remember that Rachel ends up getting with Frank at some point (and possibly Mr. Jefferson?) and lies to Chloe about it.. I think people keep wanting to pretend that didn't happen for Chloe's sake, but it did so please stop making it seem like Max is such a terrible friend compared to Rachel. I'm not trying to make it seem like Chloe chose two terrible friends or anything- I'm just trying to point out that Max AND Rachel are BOTH far from perfect and in this video, you make it seem like only Max did Chloe wrong when that's not the case.. but with that being said, I love both Max & Rachel because I have no doubt that either of them loved Chloe & would die for her in a heartbeat
Good point about the tape being the last time Chloe hears Max's voice if you sacrifice Chloe in the first LiS. After playing BTS, I couldn't sacrifice Chloe with my second playthrough of the first LiS.
I've also seen theories that the recorded tape was from future Max going back, knowing how she ended up not keeping up contact she wanted to try and make Chloe feel better. Though that doesn't seem very likely, and it would kinda be extra cruel leaving a message like that knowing what happens.
3:42 What? lol, Chloe wasnt right to be mad at Max for leaving, she didnt abandon her, it was her parents choice to move and not hers, but it was her choice to not stay in touch. She's right for being mad about her not staying in touch. Noob.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of when they found Rachel in the junkyard... and that is chilling to think at the end of Farewell Chloe's pose and her pain could be a connection to what Jefferson was doing in The Dark Room... LiS taking away Max and Chloe feels weird to me. I have not played it and I'm uncertain if I will.
Spoiler: If you choose to tell Chloe you're leaving, at least when I did right before her mom came home to tell the news of her dad, Chloe reveals that she already knew because she heard their parents talking. For Chloe fans hopefully that helps a bit
I *still* cannot finish the Farewell episode (myself, or by finishing your playthrough); and judging by your tears in the wee clip, I doubt I'll be going there anytime soon. /heartbroken (To be clear: it's because I am *so* invested in the characters at this point, I quite literally cannot take anymore heartbreak for them - Chloe, especially.)
I still say that BtS 3 screwed the pooch. Instead of finding out about how Chloe felt about Rachel and what Rachel was up to, we get the deal with Sera, a pervy stalker, and a DA guilty of criminal actions that never has to pay for his crimes.
I mean yes, max did abandon her by ignoring her, but it’s not her fault her parents took her away. She didn’t decide to move to Seattle, and didn’t have a say.
You can actually learn a lot about Frank, and his "nicer" self in some key parts of Life is Strange, especially if he lives to the storm event in the Two Whales Diner, and tell him about Rachel's death. He was one of my favorite characters, and BTS only cemented what I loved about him, while also explaining why he doesn't have any competition in terms of drug dealing. I hope Life Is Stranger 2 still takes place in Arcadia Bay. Chloe and Max may have finished their storyline, but other characters seemed like they needed more spotlight. I'd totally play a whole Frank game.
DefyantFox yeah i read about that too. But i think that theory was proven to be false according to something she says in the recording but i dont remember exactly.
the first time chloe hears about max's departure is not in the message max leaves, because chloe already knew max was leaving before you can even tell her. her parents had already told chloe that max was leaving before the day that the whole farewell episode takes place on.
I’ve been playing since I picked it up yesterday and I’m having the time of my life since watching you two playing it. Hope to see another episode of Arcadia Baes and to hear what it all think about it
Not sure why they didn't just modify the comic book storyline to make a life is strange after the storm, but started reading the comic and its (good/okay). So if you miss the old crew highly recommend checking it out.
Dude warren really isn’t as bad as you wanna believe. He’s a little weird and potentially creepy sure, max kinda acknowledges that in the first game, but he’s really not nearly as bad as Elliot, not even on the same plane of existence
How dare you talk about Warren like that?! For me I feel like Warren is not a creep, he just wanted Max's attention but not like Elliot at all. 'Cause he's actually smart, and he loves to help people, just like when Warren helps Joyce in the Dinner. I feel like Warren is much more like Steph but has a crush on Max.
I've not played yet but watching your thoughts on the game has made me realise that we see a lot more of Chloe's development into her borderline personality disorder related behaviours (and I have BPD and fully agree with this theory that the abandonment Chloe has suffered leads to undiagnosed BPD). It's going to be soul destroying when I finally get to play it! I can't wait
Yes, the game certainly wants us to think that Rachael became extremely important to Chloe in a very short time. The only problem is that there is absolutely nothing believable about the way it is handled. It all happens way too quickly, and without sufficient dialogue or explanation.
Rachel was a bit crazy (in a good sense) and adventurous, (it is more similar to Chloe in this sense), Max is sweet, caring and has the artist's attitude. At the end I think Chloe would probably have ended anyway with Max (even if Rachel was alive) because Max knew Chloe more deeply.
So this is where I feel like BtS dropped the ball when it came to the series as whole. The first game max is the hero and while she has her faults(Which she herself is honest about) the breakdown of her relationship with Chloe is portrayed as being a result of both of their unwillingness to reach out. BtS on the other hand makes it out to be entirely Max's fault and that she is entirely to blame. You say that max is manipulative and yet that word is the essence of Rachel's character. It seems that since BtS everyone has forgotten that Rachel betrayed Chloe just as badly as Deck9 seems to think Max did. Rachel cheated on Chloe with not one but TWO other people. Both of these people knew about Chloe, Frank sold drugs to her while he was fucking Rachel and Jefferson knew that Rachel was with Chloe and Frank. Rachel was comfortable enough to tell Jefferson about the both of them while keeping Chloe and Frank in the dark. In fact if you read her letter in the Junk yard shack it seems like she intends to do exactly what max did, abandon Chloe and leave with Jefferson. If I had never played LiS I would probably love Rachel but I can only dislike her more knowing how hooked she got Chloe on to her just to betray her in the end.
TheSyndicator Max literally manipulates time to turn things her way. She also actively ignores and abandons her "best friend" for 5 years and had no intention of seeing her ever again. And if not for the bathroom incident, she might have never. Remember that Max herself stated in S1 that she came back to Arcadia Bay for Jefferson, not for Chloe. If Rachel was a bad person, Max isn't any different.
the point is that both Max and Rachel are manipulative, one being manipulative doesn't make the other an angel. As the comment above me said Max uses her power to manipulate everyone around her, and came back only for Jefferson and didn't even try to contact Chloe once despite being back in Arcadia for over a month. She even acts like Chloe is overreacting when she calls her out after meeting again, she never truly apologize for not contacting her and starts to see Chloe's pain only in the alternative reality where she's paralized and that only because Chloe was in a very vulnerable position, she never truly understood the pain of the regular blue haired Chloe. That's not cool and she messed up big time, we can't justify her. This being said, she completely redeems herself in LIS. Rachel did other bad things but despite that never abandoned Chloe at least, she stuck with her till the end and was even trying to finally tell her about Jefferson, we don't know what would have happened if she wasn't killed but as far as we know she could have pulled a Max and redeem herself completely, she never got the chance after all. So yeah, they both acted awful towards Chloe and both are pretty manipulative for different reasons but only one got her chance to make up for it, doesn't mean that the other is a monster and when comparing the 2 Max past actions are still valid.
What letter im the junk yard are you talking about because I believe that I missed this revelation. Is this also in Life is Strange or Before the Storm
Did she actually sleep with Jefferson? The only time I remember that being mentioned was as a rumor one of the blackwell girls was spreading around. I dont remember any actual proof of Rachel and Jefferson being a thing. Like she definitely was with Frank but i dont think Jefferson was ever actually confirmed
Nina Shelley there's no actual proof, it's said that they hooked up on campus and usually that means that someone had sex, and the way Jefferson talks about her in the dark room hints at that but we never got actual proof, LIS also hints that Chloe never had a relationship with Rachel and it was just one-sided too so 🤷🏻 Dontnod definitely intended for them to be in a sexual relationship though, I'm sure, they also intended for Rachel and Chloe not to be a thing but Square with BTS changed that (and I'm happy lol)
Loved the dissection of Life is Strange here, Johnny. Really the kind of video I wanted to see after having my feels drop kicked to the moon. I hope you will enlighten us sometime with why you're an Amberprice fan more than a Pricefield one!
It's easy to blame Max for being a bad friend, but I agree with Luke & Jane, that the Caulfields were probably not very supportive of Max's friendship with Chloe, and didn't do anything to support them staying in touch - which at that age requires some parental support. They could have arranged meetups, Seattle is not that far away (something like a 5 hour drive), they could have set something up a few times a year. But the Prices were solidly working class, and the Caulfields seemed like maybe the kind of "aspirational middle class" types, who would think being friends with Chloe would be holding Max back from "moving up in the world". They probably didn't attend a lot of Price family barbecues, and it didn't sound like they invited Chloe over to the Caulfield household very often. Max should have tried harder, but I wouldn't put it all on her. I say that as someone who is terrible at responding to texts or emails... and then time builds up and it feels more and more awkward that I haven't responded, making it even harder to respond, making me feel more and more guilty - until entire friendships dry up.
If the third installment ever happens to the Life is Strange series, I really hope it revolves around Nathan Prescott. The Prescott's are a big deal in the first game, and there is many things to question about Nathan, his past, and his relationship with other characters.
tøp khido it was actualy going to be in the original story, with nathan being an important character, which is why letting him to be beaten up is an important choise despite having no real consequenses, there even was a non use audio with him saying "the storm is coming for you". It does seem it was taken out instead
Yes! Finally someone that sees him for what he really is. Man always creeped me out in the original and I never felt bad for constantly turning him down. Plus if you look out Max's dorm window at the start of the second episode he's literally standing behind the wall stalking you
ArkenVerse Dude... no offence but how does my jokish dislike of a character warrent your opinion that I should get kicked in the face? I only made this comment as a jokish nod to Eurogamer's seemingly infinite hatred of Warren over Chloe; so why the hostility?
One, HAVE YOU SEEN HIS LOCKER!? Two, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM STALKING MAX WHEN SHE WAKES UP?! Three, Brooke literally said that Warren has a tracker on Max lmao.
Max most likely had an anxiety problem. U wonder why I say this is because I do, and I act just like her in public. She most likely got scared and didnt know how to respond.
-Max had no choice about leaving, and Chloe easily could have asked her why she isn't really talking to her much. But she didn't and chose to instead let her problems fester and boil inside her. -Rachel is manipulative (so is Chloe too) and disappears from Chloe to sleep with Frank and Jefferson, she's also DANGEROUSLY impulsive to where she gets herself fucking stabbed. -Warren is an awkward doofus who has good intentions while Elliot is literally mentally unstable.
woah,I had not thought about that, about if u choose sacrifice chloe in LIS, the engraved message would be the last real contact that chloe had from max. ty for the comments as always ^^
Chloe loves and knows science. You tell that by looking at one of the BTS episode where she helped victoriaa on her assignment aboht periodcal tablee. Also, it was written on the paper that they buried.
Ok I have more than a few issues with this, and peeps in the comments arguing over who was worse Max or Rachel. First up (been said 100 times already) Max moving away was in NO way her choice, It was her parents. Next Max and lack of contact... Yes she COULD have and SHOULD have done more, But she has, just lost THREE people that were a big part of her life, William, Chloe and Joyce. Cobble that together with moving to a new school (Its not easy believe me), Being a socially awkward introvert, and only 13, Then put on top of that, the feeling of not knowing how to actually apologize for being AWOL. The way I see it is like this, Not really speaking for x months, Then when you go to speak to said person, doubting yourself, fearing getting heat because of it, so you abandon the idea or say 'you'l do it later' and when later comes start over. Also consider, what IF Max's last message to Chloe (The voice recording) What if she LITERALLY meant what she said to Chloe, that she loves her, And when her and Chloe text each other (Brief as it was) its NOT mentioned from Chloe, Maybe fear of rejection, (Friend or otherwise) will defiantly hold a person back. Now Rachel She is no Angel, or is she. What do we know. We KNOW, that she hung out with Frank, we know they were close, how close, well it's IMPLIED they are seeing each other, and ASSUMED they are sleeping together. So for arguments sake, lets say they WERE seeing each other, but nothing had happened YET. Rachel and Chloe's plan was to get out of Arcadia Bay, this is pretty cannon, So what if Rachel was just trying to find a way to use Frank to get what she and Chloe wanted, And then maybe started developing feelings for him, it's not a long stretch. I think the stuff with Jefferson is just a red herring tbh, (And Victoria spreading rumors...Like what she did to Kate) Yes she saw him as an avenue to escape Arcadia Bay, His a Photographer (well known too) and she wants to be a model, hello perfect match. The letter could have easily been talking about Frank, It could be Rachel was writing it so she could figure out how to tell Chloe KNOWING Chloe was in love with her, Hence why she never told Chloe about Frank. Another possibility is, Yes she cheated on Chloe, And she knew what it would do to Chloe if she told her, so she was planing on running away rather face breaking Chloe's heart, and getting hurt herself. (Especially if it was a mistake) So what if, if you combine the two, She went to use Frank to bail out of Arcadia, Things went too far and 'stuff' happened, And rather than Face it, she wanted to run. Witch ever happened, Rachel NEVER had the chance to own up or explain anything as she was murdered before she had the chance. And now onto CHLOE Chloe is not completely off the hook, Yes max was a bad friend, But Chloe ALSO knew Max, and knew her WELL, So she woulda known about Max's self confidence issues, After the crap of BTS, Chloe had her Truck, there was NOTHING stopping her from marching upto Seattle and demanding answers from Max face to face, Lets be honest, It is the ONLY way your gonna get Max to open up with pretty much anything, Also, If Chloe had sent just ONE of those letters in her Diary, it would have changed everything, Or just a 'Max I need you' in a text, that may have changed things too. None of them are perfect, all of them have had shit no young teen should EVER have to deal with dropped in their laps. If it wasnt for Jefferson/Nathan (Yes Nathan, as many issues as he had, he KNEW right from wrong, bringing a gun into school is bad, helping a TEACHER drug girls is BAD) Then all three of these girls would have met and hashed shit out one way or another.
While I agree Max should’ve Texted and called Chloe more. But you shouldn’t blame her for leaving for Seattle with her parents. She’s like 13? Her parents aren’t going to just let her stay in Arcadia Bay to be a good friend. Sometimes bad things happen, at the worst possible time and there’s nothing you can do about it especially as a child. Honestly, I’d be more upset with the parents, they were all friends and Max’s parents were like “We’ll stay for the funeral and then we’re leaving this place immediately after.”
As someone who had a harsh, authoritative man marry into the family (my step grandpa) I can say I understand why Chloe hates David. She has plenty more reason to hate David than I did my granddad, especially considering I was a toddler when he married in and he died when I was ten. I hated my step-grandpa so much because of how strict he was, how harsh he was when I got in trouble, and I could not for the life of me understand why my grandma loved him so much. Now that I am much older and much more mature, looking back now (and knowing now that he even served in Vietnam) I understand a little bit more why he acted the way he did. And knowing just how much of a little shit I was, I don't blame him for getting annoyed with me. I had that mindset about David. Yeah, I hated how he treated Chloe, but after we learned more about him I started to think he wasn't so bad. He could be miles better, especially when compared to William, but he does care, he just doesn't know how to show it. So I like David, actually. He reminds me a lot of my granddad, who I wish I could have a decent conversation with now that I'm older.
I don't think it's neccarry maxs fault since she was only 13 and her parents are moving meaning they made her move away and she doesn't get that agency in that moment. granted she sld've contacted her but I feel like most of it wasn't her fault entirely.
To the point Max leaving Chloe at the funeral, I think it´s unfair to blame this one on Max. I mean, she was 12 or 13 years old, she doesn´t have anything to say when the family is leaving. I mean that´s not her decision. I think a huge part in Max abandoning Chloe (my point doesn´t excuse her for not staying in touch of course) were her parents not really supporting her friendship with Chloe. We never heard any storys about them hanging out at Max´s house for example. And maybe they pushed her a bit into forgetting about Chloe and searching for new friends. Doesn´t excuse of course, but it´s maybe an explanation.
+Eurogamer If We left Chloe to die In Episode 1 of Life Is Strange 2 things would have happened Max and Chloe Would have never reunited and The second is Chloe would have never found out Rachel Died or was Murdered
7:25 Of course the game poses the question of whether the ends justify the means. It just doesn't also answer it, which isn't really a bad thing. Because it has no easy answers.
The scene at the funeral is so senseless, no one is capable of putting up a whole funeral in three days time, also not Max made that dicision just to stop at the funeral, her parents did
Life is strange, revolves around Chloe's death. I mean, she dies as a paraplegic, gets hit by a train, shot in the head but Jefferson. So, I believe she was ment to die, no matter what.
"11 things Before the Storm taught us about Life is Strange"... that already were in Life is Strange to begin with if you actually paid attention. Mmmkay.
I love your opinion of Before The Storm, very correct in everything you say, although I do have a couple of comments to make. First, I feel like you're overreacting to Warren; it's certainly obvious from miles away that he loves Max, and that he's making efforts to get close to her, but I always felt that his efforts were perfectly normal (at least for a teenager XD); Elliot, on the other hand, you can tell (at least in hindsight) that he was more controlling, more obsessive, more disturbed. Warren had a perfectly normal feeling for Max, while Elliot had a serious problem. Secondly, I ended up feeling sorry for David. He wanted to do the right thing for his family and school, and was always concerned about Chloe. But the man was always lousy at showing his feelings, at expressing his concern. And that's what condemned his relationship with Chloe, not for being a bad person, but for not knowing how to express himself (although I won't deny that his obsession with surveillance and control only worsened Chloe's enmity toward him).
Neithan Nava I’ve been looking all over the internet, and it looks like it’s either coming out or at least being revealed this year There’s a chance it could be a surprise reveal at e3 and that would be brilliant!
I see it as Max had no choice in the matter of leaving I know how it is to lose someone more then once and I know how it having to basically be moved away from a place you called home it is tbh really shitty of Max's parents they could of honestly waited postpone the flight yeah maybe cost some money but Max's Best Friend's Dad Just died and they think oh well before Chloe and Joyce are fully recovered let's just take our daughter and leave to me I kinda see Max's parents as abusing and don't empathize with Joyce and understand Chloe's hardship she's going through losing someone is a major blow to someone state for me I've been depressed and it's been hard for me but I'm trying to get myself into activities to get me not so depressed and talk more to people and make new friends
You know the more I think about it they can make more games with max and Chloe in it with different timelines also they have three years before the main game to make more games with Chloe and Rachel I wonder if this really will be the last we see of them.
9:23 While I definitely agree that I came out of BtS liking Frank a lot more, I'm not 100% on the steak thing being good. In LiS doesn't the cop mention that Frank was feeding Pompidou to get a taste for blood? Which is what I imagined he was using raw steak for. Unless of course that was just the cop making an assumption about him because of his history with dog-fighting prior to getting out of that, and Frank actually just really wanted Pompidou eating steak and it was completely innocent lol which is probably more likely given how much he loves the dog. But I guess that's also the great thing about LiS - how many characters can be looked at in different ways and be so divisive depending on personal opinion. Just look at all the Warren comments after all. 😂(my thoughts on Warren are definitely that he's a bit weird and creepy but maybe not as awful as some people wish to believe he is, I think he might actually have been somewhat a red herring that the developers were hoping some players would pick up on and think he was involved in something sinister but then he's actually not, or perhaps even at some point in development he WAS involved in something more sinister but they changed it later) Also definitely agree with you that BtS made me fully on board with AmberPrice after getting to know Rachel a little (feelings toward her still confusing though given her reputation later).
I'm convinced that she smashed a few mirrors and walked under a few ladders prior
Yes she does, but life is strange.
And Rachel deserves a better fate
all the sins of arcadia bay had to be cleaned with the death of the best and more sincere people,Chloe and Raechel amber(before she got involved with drugs)
I still don't get why people hate Warren, especially after meeting Elliot. Warren and Max are at least friends and she knows that he has a crush on her. He just seemed like an awkward teenage boy, to me. Elliot, on the other hand, actually stalks Chloe. Then he writes weird poems about her afterwards. Chloe didn't really even like him, she was just really bad at blowing him off.
Warren stalked max too, brooke mentions in the first game that Warren has a tracker on max, which is very creepy, and in episode two if u go to the window as soon as max wakes up you'll see Warren peek around the corner
Also Warren photoshopped pictures of him and max together
He's creepy. He auto interprets friendly actions as being romance.
Warren's character is sick. Like actually sick. You need to look deeper at his character. He's very disturbing.
Agreed. I think people hate Warren juat because they ship Max and Chloe.
You're way too harsh on Max. If you look closely in Ep.3 of the 1st season, you can read Max's file in the Principal's office, it says that she was in "IEP" (I think it's Individualized Education Program in English, but i'm not really sure) which is a program for people having some sort of "issues", such as being socially anxious, or having depression etc. Which is probably one of the reasons why Max didn't keep in touch with Chloe.
Also, Max not maintaining contact makes sense with her character. Think about it: she's always been afraid to face the consequences of her actions, and this is something we see in LiS1. That's what her powers are about: to learn to accept the consequences of her actions and the pain that may come along. Max was only 13yo when she left. She was a child and she didn't know how to deal with William's death and Chloe's pain, so moving away from Arcadia and not maintaining contact made it easier for her to avoid all of that. This doesn't make Max actions right, but I can understand why she did what she did.
What I don't understand is how some people condemn Max and absolve Rachel (she cheated on Chloe with Frank, remember?). It's just unfair.
I think we can all agree that I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS
"IEP" Is a learning diablilty
I agree with you on the last part. While max actually did do her best to fix things in the first season by saving chloe over and over and in the end let the entire town die to let her live (if you chose that option), while rachel betrayed chloe for her drug dealer, involved herself with vortex club and drugs and technically led herself to her own death
And she cheated on Frank with Jefferson
I agree. I think that both Chloe x Rachel, and Chloe x Max are not good, healthy relationships. Which is sad, because I love the idea of Lesbian relationships finally being shown in games. But Rachel emotionally manipulates Chloe, played a role in getting Chloe suspended or expelled, and cheats on her with several people. People just overlook Rachel's toxic behavior. Likewise, Chloe is constantly blowing up at Max over little things, blaming all of her life troubles on her, Not to mention she tried to get Max expelled from Blackwell by blaming her weed on Max to the school officer, and is generally an inconsiderate and self centered friend, let alone girlfriend.
You seem to hold Max leaving Arcadia Bay against her in this video which isn't really fair. She is 12(?) at the time and is fully at the whims of her parents. She didn't make the choice the leave and seems like it is an unfair stick to beat her with.
The not keeping in contact with her is a much better one to use.
Ross McMahon she is 13 and Chloe is 14, but yes it‘s not all Max fault, I do know it, it is just absolute the worst feeling for Chloe that she and her parents moved away during the funeral and that is the thing I don‘t get. Why didn’t the parents of Max just give her some time together with Chloe so she can still be a bit their for her. Max knew that Chloe needed her and her parents were really selfish here :
Ross McMahon yes! I mean... you play Max in that episode, so you can hear her thoughts and understand her feelings: she is clearly destroyed at thinking of not seeing Chloe again. I think that the fact that we already know how it ends may lead us to ignore her feelings and make us focus on Chloe.
Ross McMahon to be fair
Chloe holds it against her too
Agreed; Max's parents seem like pretty horrible people who put their own daughter's needs as a kind of afterthought compared with their own wants. That would go some way toward explaining how Max & Chloe's relationship got quite so deep too; Max depended on Chloe quite a lot because she didn't have that support behind her at home.
There is a sense that maybe Chloe likes to be needed later (chronologically) too, when Rachel's parents turn out to be kind of twats as well. Maybe Chloe is a bit of a user & seeks out people who will develop a need for her? She may not have known all about Rachel's parents at the start, but when something looks too good to be true, it's no stretch to consider that polish on a turd.
If you remember from LiS.. Max actually states that her parents moved because of max wanting to go to a special school.. so really max is the one that wanted to move.. sure her parents didnt have to leave the same day as the funeral even if you dont have a house... rent a motel and call your new employers and explain the situation to them... but still ultimately .. it was max 2anting to go to a different school
I mentioned this in the comments of one of your LiS playthrough videos, but I do think it bears repeating here. The manipulative aspects of Max are, by and large, contingent upon player choice. You're very rarely forced to rewind and manipulate conversations to move the story forward (getting Frank's keys, for example). Even the footage that you ran while this point was being discussed shows an entirely optional rewind scenario. You can choose to simply live with getting things wrong and fucking up conversations. The point being, I believe Dontnod's intention was to hold a mirror up to the player with regard to how they would use Max's powers if given the opportunity. So beating Max up about the things we choose to do when in control of her feels just a teensy bit like projection and self-absolution.
Richard Soles 👌
Agree. Totally.
I cant stop playing the life is strange series. As soon as i finish a game, i have to start a new one. Over and over again
I admire your bravery..
Me just play once and thats it cus i could handle the post game depression...
Or it is just a sarcasm??
@@dzikripratama3776 I relate to both of you in some sense. I desperately wanna experience it again but haven't felt this sad in a very long while and wouldn't want it to last.
-Warren like Max
- Max like Cloe
-Cloe like Rachel
-Rachel like Frank
-Frank like his beans
-Beans are in the floor now
You forgot
Daniel like brooke
Brooke like warren
Warren like max
And so on 😂
@@edmonngo8439 Therefore, Daniel likes beans on the floor.
The beans are the real losers in this situation.
I'm sorry but frank likes Ponpidou better than his beans.
@@javierortiz82 and beans on the floor like Ponpidou
The main reason I love LIS is Max and the main reasons why I love Max are, she is no Mary Sue character type in spite of being special in more ways than one, she also kind and caring and remember she puts Chloe above all else, even herself. All of Max's coldness and demeanor towards Chloe, a person she loves with all her heart can be explained by a note in her school file.
She is a IEP (Individualized Education Program) student, a program for students with special conditions. So besides Dyscalculia and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which shouldn't/doesn't have any impact on her relationships, Max may suffer from High-functioning autism (HFA), Asperger syndrome or even Social anxiety disorder (SAD), which in turn would cause enormous difficulties in her relationships and social interactions with everybody, even with her beloved Chloe. The game further supports this claim with the fact that Max only befriended two people during her five year stay in Seattle.
That is why every meaningful interaction Max experiences with Chloe in the game are so pure, magical and beautiful, that is why Max makes the enormous effort and an incredible journey bending time and space to save Chloe, the only person who seems to be able to effortlessly reach out and touch Max at an emotional level, the only person who gives her life any true meaning as Max herself states several times in LIS. This is not friendship, devotion or love this is greater and beyond!
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers about the Ending of Life is Strange Before the Storm Farewell will follow.
The final scene with the tape is open to interpretation, the only thing it's not, it's Chloe's grief, probably the most broken down girl I ever saw, you can truly feel the girl heart shatter.
Before my interpretation let me just say the ending of Farewell made me cry like a baby and let me point out I never cried, ever, not in any movie, game, book or opera but LIS and Farewell made my cry like an infant!
What starts to break my heart in the final scene is how heavy and full of regret and grief Max's sound in the recording, which in turn stirs Chloe's grief causing her a total breakdown, once again revealing the deep bond between the two girls and the moment culminates with an heartfelt goodbye from Max; "I will always, always love you." and after a sigh of grief "Goodbye."
Chloe crumbles to the floor in fetal position holding the tape recorder as if holding Max herself.
Now you can always interpret this scene as a Chloe's grief scene but to me seems to go beyond this simple explanation. If you watch the scene closely, Chloe seems to fondle the tape recorder with great care before embracing it as if it was the most valuable thing or person in the World for her and this is what ultimately breaks my heart, Chloe doesn't have that final breakdown because of her father or herself, but because she knows how hard life is going to be in Seattle for young Max with all her problems in sustaining healthy social interaction and relationships, also the scene gives out a vibe that the recording is the first time Max truly open her heart and shared her feelings with Chloe. That is why Chloe seems so sad and lonely in the end, because she knows in spite of her grief, Max is fragile and without her Max will be truly scared, lost and also in grief in a faraway city, which in turn probably makes Chloe feel really bad because they are in no condition to support each other as they did their entire childhood.
Totally agreed with you friend..
Your interpretation of the tape recorded message and Chloe's emotions and breakdown opened up a new possibility that I never would have thought about. I never would have thought to think that on top of going through her own double loss, she is just says broken about the fact that her friend will be without her and we'll go through all kinds of hardships and Chloe can't be there for her, and the idea that maybe this is the first time Chloe has heard Max so emotional is really upsetting to me as well. Just goes to show you why Chloe is my favorite character, more often than not she puts others before herself and in her own way does show kindness and caring for those few select in her life who were nice to her
I agree!!!
Rui Santos wow I absolutely love your insight and interpretation to the overall story, I started crying again whilst reading your comment because it’s all true, it’s all painfully true.....the contextual clues were always there
Don't be so harsh on Max for leaving, she didn't get a say in the matter, it wasn't like she could stop her parents from moving to Seattle, parents and adults in general tend to not listen to children because most tend to develop a habit of dismissing children and anything children have to say far too often.
As much as Max wanted to stay, she was forced to leave against her will. She wanted so badly to stay and be there for Chole.
It's very likely that once Max got to Seattle, the stress of moving, going to a new school and meeting new people ended up taking over her life at the time and she couldn't find the time to keep in touch with Chole and eventually it got to a point where the yearning to keep in touch with Chole fell to the sidelines as Max likely felt that Chole had just moved on without her, that can end up happening.
A childhood friend I was friends with ever since we were babies ended up becoming distant because I was sent to a school in the Scottish Highlands and I couldn't keep in contact with her, I was away for two weeks at a time and only home every second weekend and for holidays, that didn't help in maintaining a friendship and we just drifted apart.
It happens sadly.
So don't be so harsh on Max, she couldn't help how life changed and she couldn't prevent her parents from moving.
Well said, there's a lot of dismissal and disappointment towards her for leaving but she was 13 ffs
She had no say in leaving Chloe, true. But she could at least try to contact Chloe. And she didn't. I still love her, but she did make a huge mistake.
Life has a habit of getting in the way, it clearly did for Max
Splash ! The devs confirmed that Max had "psychological issues" such as social anxiety and depression while in Seattle. Also, if you look closely in ep.3 of the first LiS, in principal Well's room you can find Max's file and it says she is in IEP (I think it's Individualized Education Program), a program for students with such issues. So this is probably one of the reasons why she didn't keep in touch with Chloe. Also she was a child (only 13yo when she left) and she probably didn't know to deal with William's death and Chloe's pain, so...
@@splash._ exactly chloe texted her 24/7 and she never answered the only time she answered was once or twice
To be honest, in the end Rachel also did some things wrong, with cheating on her with Frank and potentially Jefferson. This is what I like about Life is Strange. Everybody made mistakes.
But after playing Life is Strange, I believe that Max made up for a lot of what she did wrong in the week we get to play. And that is the reason why I am still a Pricefield shipper. But still, Amberprice is now a ship I care about even though I prefer Max x Chloe in the end.
kibert135 Some people forgot that Rachel had a relationship with Frank and Jefferson (facts confirmed by Dontnod). It's unfair how they absolve Rachel while condemning Max. The hypocrisy.
12:49 "Chloe & Max digging for treasure vs digging up (spoiler)" Well, shit. I think I missed that emotional devastation on the first playthrough.
Only, Chloe admitted that she knew about Max moving to Seattle long ago. Also, while her behavior in Seattle was questionable, she likely had no say in Caulfields departure time, and that speaks more about her parents, who supposedly where "friends" of Price family...
That's only revealed if you tell her, though!
That doesn't change the fact, that she knew about situation, and deliberately changed topic when Max tried to say anything about moving to Seattle.
And what about this "Angel Rachel" image, considering that she clearly very manipulative, not afraid to use others, has serious anger issues and let's not forget her secret relationship with Frank (grown man, selling teenagers hard drugs) and Jefferson (crazy, obsessed photographer, that judging by how easily he shoots Chloe, doesn't exactly shy away from killing people).
Mikhail Nikolaev I agree with you so much. It's upsetting how some people are willing to condemn a 13yo girl with social anxiety for ghosting her best friend and at the same time call "angel" a 18yo girl who cheated on her girlfriend and planned to run away from Arcadia Bay without her. A lot of people forgot what Rachel did in the original LiS, she was an angel my ass.
i don’t understand why so many people blame max for leaving chloe ?? bruh, it was her parents decision to leave, not hers lmao ? she was 13 at the time and didn’t have any control over that.
i understand being annoyed the she didn’t keep in contact with chloe but it’s very heavily implied she has an anxiety disorder and that’s not her fault.
that’s not to say that chloe herself wasn’t allowed to be pissed off with max though. i would be too if my childhood best friend ghosted me for 5 years after one of my parents die. but blaming max for everything that went wrong in her life isn’t fair.
I think a lot of people forget that Rachel and Frank have a relationship between the games. Neither of them mentions it to Chloe at any point. This really coloured my view of Rachel. Whatever feelings Chloe has about her relationship with Rachel, Rachel doesn't share them. This makes me feel that people think Rachel is perfect because they never see the whole picture. Chloe comes close in this game but that obviously changes at some point before her disappearance.
Rachel also has a relationship with Jefferson at some point before disappearing that she tells neither Chloe nor Frank about. You can find a letter she started writing to Chloe about it (Dontnod confirmed it as a letter about Jefferson) but never gave her in season 1. So I definitely agree with you. I don't think that Rachel is a bad person or anything, but I do think that the truth depth of Chloe's feelings for her are not being reciprocated.
Dnomike ii
V. Knoxville max isnt all that manipulative, with the more manipulative stuff being only optional for you to do. And her manipulation tends to either try to help others, or at the very least herself whitout others getting problems (as is obvius by her reactions to the dog dieing and kata suicede attempt)
I said it before and i'm going to say it again.
You're way too hard on Max, so many events are beyond her control. Rachel Amber being written so well in BTS along with Max struggling to keep in contact as she battles with moving to a new city and feeling like she abandoned Chloe due to her parents are all major factors.
Before AmberPrice was even a thing there was Chloe and Max, the 2 people who will do absolutely anything for each other. Do you really believe that a 13 year old child wants to be snatched away from her best friend days after her best friends father dies. That was completely out of Maxs control.
#BaeoverBay #PriceCaulfield
Brock Sisson the more I played through BtS a second time, the more that I realized Rachel Amber is NOT written well and I think it’s like that on purpose.
She’s a whiny, selfish, controlling and over dramatic brat who as we learn in the first game, pretty much betrayed Chloe for her drug dealer and a creepy teacher. However, I think that’s done to illustrate the fact that Chloe would’ve fallen in love with anyone who gave much attention to her and had as much of an interest in seeing the “real her” as Rachel seemed to have to show how desperate and hurting Chloe was, and it was also done to put emphasis on the fact that Chloe really loved Max all along and she just needed something to help her get by.
After 3 years, I thank you for having written this comment.
Chloe already new about max leaving, cuz she overheard her and max's parents talk about it sooooooo the tape wouldn't have been the first time she heard bout it
My two takeaways from now having played the whole series: Firstly, I'm glad I chose the more "destructive" ending I did in LiS, having seen how much Chloe went through in BtS.
Secondly, once I realised that the very first time Max used her rewind powers - albeit before she knew she could manipulate them herself - it was a completely altruistic act, so I can't be too hard on her for using them occasionally to get the best outcome for herself. BtS definitely made me like Max less, but ultimately she spent the whole of LiS - depending on the ending you choose - doing everything she could to help Chloe.
The next LiS title will have to work really, really hard to be as emotionally devastating as these ones though...
antonyingram Yes, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high but I have no doubt Dontnod have and will put a huge amount of effort into the new LiS game. I can't wait for their announcement of more info about the game to come out in the coming months!! xD
I really liked this video but I wanted to point out that Warren is a good guy with good intentions. He cares about Max and yes, they don't really go together #PricefieldForever
But he's still a nice person. Just because he likes Max doesn't mean he's creepy or something. He just has a crush on her...
Nah 100% warren and max are my choice as a couple Chloe and max are more like sisters
Except for when he creeps on her from outside her window.
Dude's creepy. I fully support their Warren-hate. :p
Yeah that was weird. Eh I'm kind of middle ground on him but it's unfair that he's compared to Elliot who is an abusive person-
Visgo. There nothing there?
Yeah, it's interesting how differently people interpret Warren. To me he's still just the awkvard nerd, while Eliot is the creep what some people pictured Warren.
In the end basically all of the characters are flawed in this series in some way, wich makes them more real imho.
Okay, max leaving the funeral was not her fault. You see her dad grab her shoulder telling her it’s time to go and she has to leave.
Wow, thank you. I didn't think about the ending of Farewell this way. If Max never told Chloe and only leaves the message on the voice recording.. that's literally the last time Chloe hears from Max for the majority of people, because she later dies in the bathroom, without seeing Max back at all. That's horrible. :/
Dana. I know ;0;
Sacrifice Chloe or Arcadia Bay wasn't one sided. The lot of players saved Chloe.
Watching you two play and talk about Life is Strange is the best playthrough experience I've ever had. Thank you so much for doing it. I can't fathom what the storyline of season 2 will be like, but I'll definitely be with you for it.
When Max and Chloe initially meet up again in the original game, their squabbling implied that they were essentially both at fault for losing touch. Max, who's anxious and avoids dealing with ugly situations, stopped trying to reach out to a damaged friend that she couldn't really be there for. Chloe, who constantly deflects blame, frames the situation as if the initiative were only ever on Max to keep communication up. It was a bitter but realistic situation that most of us have probably been on one side of before, and didn't really need further elaboration on. The revision they do with this episode, making Max's departure an almost literal abandonment, feels like it exists just to make Chloe more "right", which I don't think is the right way to approach her character.
Isaac It's a matter of how you see it. The thing in the truck in S1 to me perfectly lined up with Max abandoning and ignoring Chloe while she tried her best to keep contact in BtS.
From a storytelling perspective, I don't think it's that subjective, regardless of if you personally empathize with one character over the other. Nothing in the original game really suggests Chloe went any more out of her way to initiate contact than Max did, despite how much guilt she gives Max, but that fits her character arc about finally learning to take some accountability and stop externalizing blame. Moreover, I think arguing which of them is more "right" is missing the point, to begin with, since the point was to establish our main characters' flaws in a situation where they were both wrong.
I doubt I'm going to convince you by this point, but needless to say I disagree. When watching these former friends reconnect is such a crucial part of the narrative, we need to have a starting low-point for them to grow from. Rather than empower each other 100%, we see their worst qualities chafe against each other a bit- Chloe's tendency to deflect blame and Max's inability to stand up for herself. Again, we don't see anything to suggest Chloe was any better than Max(until BtS), but that fits where Chloe is as a character at the start of the game.
Lie to herself? I wasn't saying that Max even had any intention of blaming Chloe in return, but I wasn't trying to speak from Max's perspective, either. Of course Max blames herself, and of course Chloe blames her, but they both take it too far in a way that makes sense for their impending character growth. The truck scene is just one early example of both these flaws being displayed as the story unfolds.
So, yes, I agree with you in how the game constantly highlights Max's guilt and Chloe's grudge, but in terms of these being traits that they largely need to move *past*.
That’s not true at all. In Before the Storm you see how often Chloe tried to contact Max, sending her messages she never answered.
You're putting Max on too low of a pedestal and Rachel on too high of one. Yeah, Max left Chloe at the worst possible time, but it was out of her 13-year-old hands. Of course Max didn't want to leave her best friend like that, but she was a child that has to listen to her parents. The only things Max did wrong was: not stay in contact with Chloe more + not tell Chloe she was back in town sooner. And yes, Rachel was there for Chloe when no one else was and I love her so much for that but... we have to remember that Rachel ends up getting with Frank at some point (and possibly Mr. Jefferson?) and lies to Chloe about it.. I think people keep wanting to pretend that didn't happen for Chloe's sake, but it did so please stop making it seem like Max is such a terrible friend compared to Rachel. I'm not trying to make it seem like Chloe chose two terrible friends or anything- I'm just trying to point out that Max AND Rachel are BOTH far from perfect and in this video, you make it seem like only Max did Chloe wrong when that's not the case.. but with that being said, I love both Max & Rachel because I have no doubt that either of them loved Chloe & would die for her in a heartbeat
tabitharenee13 AGREE SO MUCH. And the devs confirmed Rachel was in love with Jefferson.
I actually thoght that Warren was a nice guy lol
He is a nice guy, litteraly, like basically everything he says could end up in r/niceguys
Good point about the tape being the last time Chloe hears Max's voice if you sacrifice Chloe in the first LiS. After playing BTS, I couldn't sacrifice Chloe with my second playthrough of the first LiS.
I've also seen theories that the recorded tape was from future Max going back, knowing how she ended up not keeping up contact she wanted to try and make Chloe feel better.
Though that doesn't seem very likely, and it would kinda be extra cruel leaving a message like that knowing what happens.
This is the game that got me into Eurogamer. I can't wait for your next Life is Strange series!
Me too. Aoife and Johnny are the best duo.
Same here!
Claire the Loon Wym? There’s another one coming?
Frozen Shadow yeah, haven't you heard? They're doing a new one without Max and Chloe
Yep. Me as well.
3:42 What? lol, Chloe wasnt right to be mad at Max for leaving, she didnt abandon her, it was her parents choice to move and not hers, but it was her choice to not stay in touch. She's right for being mad about her not staying in touch. Noob.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of when they found Rachel in the junkyard... and that is chilling to think at the end of Farewell Chloe's pose and her pain could be a connection to what Jefferson was doing in The Dark Room... LiS taking away Max and Chloe feels weird to me. I have not played it and I'm uncertain if I will.
If you choose to tell Chloe you're leaving, at least when I did right before her mom came home to tell the news of her dad, Chloe reveals that she already knew because she heard their parents talking. For Chloe fans hopefully that helps a bit
Ah! I’d forgotten about Tats-Out Chiodini! Must rewatch episode!
I love all the morality talk going on in here and then Tats-Out Chiodini!! Hahaha xD
I *still* cannot finish the Farewell episode (myself, or by finishing your playthrough); and judging by your tears in the wee clip, I doubt I'll be going there anytime soon. /heartbroken
(To be clear: it's because I am *so* invested in the characters at this point, I quite literally cannot take anymore heartbreak for them - Chloe, especially.)
I still say that BtS 3 screwed the pooch. Instead of finding out about how Chloe felt about Rachel and what Rachel was up to, we get the deal with Sera, a pervy stalker, and a DA guilty of criminal actions that never has to pay for his crimes.
I mean yes, max did abandon her by ignoring her, but it’s not her fault her parents took her away. She didn’t decide to move to Seattle, and didn’t have a say.
Johhny, can I just say, it was an absolute pleasure to watch you cry your way through another one of these.
You can actually learn a lot about Frank, and his "nicer" self in some key parts of Life is Strange, especially if he lives to the storm event in the Two Whales Diner, and tell him about Rachel's death. He was one of my favorite characters, and BTS only cemented what I loved about him, while also explaining why he doesn't have any competition in terms of drug dealing.
I hope Life Is Stranger 2 still takes place in Arcadia Bay. Chloe and Max may have finished their storyline, but other characters seemed like they needed more spotlight. I'd totally play a whole Frank game.
I never thought about Max's last msg to Chloe after William's death. Damn, I'm dead, that's actually the last time Chloe listens to Max's voice.
There's a theory that the recording was future Max.
DefyantFox yeah i read about that too. But i think that theory was proven to be false according to something she says in the recording but i dont remember exactly.
the first time chloe hears about max's departure is not in the message max leaves, because chloe already knew max was leaving before you can even tell her. her parents had already told chloe that max was leaving before the day that the whole farewell episode takes place on.
I’ve been playing since I picked it up yesterday and I’m having the time of my life since watching you two playing it. Hope to see another episode of Arcadia Baes and to hear what it all think about it
Thank you for being there Johnny and Aoife. It's good to share LiS with someone.
Not sure why they didn't just modify the comic book storyline to make a life is strange after the storm, but started reading the comic and its (good/okay). So if you miss the old crew highly recommend checking it out.
I LOVED THIS VID!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCHH!! ...and lol Johnny said "Graveyard" not "Junkyard" at 12:57😃
Still an accurate name, sadly
I mean.... He's still not wrong lol....I wish I hadn't made that joke.
Well, it's already been said but... it kinda is a graveyard (sadly).
Dude warren really isn’t as bad as you wanna believe. He’s a little weird and potentially creepy sure, max kinda acknowledges that in the first game, but he’s really not nearly as bad as Elliot, not even on the same plane of existence
How dare you talk about Warren like that?!
For me I feel like Warren is not a creep, he just wanted Max's attention but not like Elliot at all.
'Cause he's actually smart, and he loves to help people, just like when Warren helps Joyce in the Dinner.
I feel like Warren is much more like Steph but has a crush on Max.
Bruh have you even seen his locker? Have you seen him stalking Max when she wakes up? And Brooke literally said Warren has a tracker on Max
I've not played yet but watching your thoughts on the game has made me realise that we see a lot more of Chloe's development into her borderline personality disorder related behaviours (and I have BPD and fully agree with this theory that the abandonment Chloe has suffered leads to undiagnosed BPD). It's going to be soul destroying when I finally get to play it! I can't wait
Yes, the game certainly wants us to think that Rachael became extremely important to Chloe in a very short time. The only problem is that there is absolutely nothing believable about the way it is handled. It all happens way too quickly, and without sufficient dialogue or explanation.
Sorry how is warren. The worst he was there for max just like Chloe was
Rachel was a bit crazy (in a good sense) and adventurous, (it is more similar to Chloe in this sense), Max is sweet, caring and has the artist's attitude. At the end I think Chloe would probably have ended anyway with Max (even if Rachel was alive) because Max knew Chloe more deeply.
Great video, really makes me want to play LiS again with all of these points in mind.
So this is where I feel like BtS dropped the ball when it came to the series as whole. The first game max is the hero and while she has her faults(Which she herself is honest about) the breakdown of her relationship with Chloe is portrayed as being a result of both of their unwillingness to reach out. BtS on the other hand makes it out to be entirely Max's fault and that she is entirely to blame. You say that max is manipulative and yet that word is the essence of Rachel's character. It seems that since BtS everyone has forgotten that Rachel betrayed Chloe just as badly as Deck9 seems to think Max did. Rachel cheated on Chloe with not one but TWO other people. Both of these people knew about Chloe, Frank sold drugs to her while he was fucking Rachel and Jefferson knew that Rachel was with Chloe and Frank. Rachel was comfortable enough to tell Jefferson about the both of them while keeping Chloe and Frank in the dark. In fact if you read her letter in the Junk yard shack it seems like she intends to do exactly what max did, abandon Chloe and leave with Jefferson. If I had never played LiS I would probably love Rachel but I can only dislike her more knowing how hooked she got Chloe on to her just to betray her in the end.
TheSyndicator Max literally manipulates time to turn things her way. She also actively ignores and abandons her "best friend" for 5 years and had no intention of seeing her ever again. And if not for the bathroom incident, she might have never. Remember that Max herself stated in S1 that she came back to Arcadia Bay for Jefferson, not for Chloe. If Rachel was a bad person, Max isn't any different.
the point is that both Max and Rachel are manipulative, one being manipulative doesn't make the other an angel. As the comment above me said Max uses her power to manipulate everyone around her, and came back only for Jefferson and didn't even try to contact Chloe once despite being back in Arcadia for over a month. She even acts like Chloe is overreacting when she calls her out after meeting again, she never truly apologize for not contacting her and starts to see Chloe's pain only in the alternative reality where she's paralized and that only because Chloe was in a very vulnerable position, she never truly understood the pain of the regular blue haired Chloe. That's not cool and she messed up big time, we can't justify her. This being said, she completely redeems herself in LIS. Rachel did other bad things but despite that never abandoned Chloe at least, she stuck with her till the end and was even trying to finally tell her about Jefferson, we don't know what would have happened if she wasn't killed but as far as we know she could have pulled a Max and redeem herself completely, she never got the chance after all. So yeah, they both acted awful towards Chloe and both are pretty manipulative for different reasons but only one got her chance to make up for it, doesn't mean that the other is a monster and when comparing the 2 Max past actions are still valid.
What letter im the junk yard are you talking about because I believe that I missed this revelation. Is this also in Life is Strange or Before the Storm
Did she actually sleep with Jefferson? The only time I remember that being mentioned was as a rumor one of the blackwell girls was spreading around. I dont remember any actual proof of Rachel and Jefferson being a thing. Like she definitely was with Frank but i dont think Jefferson was ever actually confirmed
Nina Shelley there's no actual proof, it's said that they hooked up on campus and usually that means that someone had sex, and the way Jefferson talks about her in the dark room hints at that but we never got actual proof, LIS also hints that Chloe never had a relationship with Rachel and it was just one-sided too so 🤷🏻 Dontnod definitely intended for them to be in a sexual relationship though, I'm sure, they also intended for Rachel and Chloe not to be a thing but Square with BTS changed that (and I'm happy lol)
Every “surprise” you express is not a surprise. It’s simply that you initially misinterpreted the characters, and finally figured them out.
Loved the dissection of Life is Strange here, Johnny. Really the kind of video I wanted to see after having my feels drop kicked to the moon. I hope you will enlighten us sometime with why you're an Amberprice fan more than a Pricefield one!
Actually the end of episode 3 shows them making pancakes on the same day as this and that was the earliest we’ve ever played as max and Chloe
It's easy to blame Max for being a bad friend, but I agree with Luke & Jane, that the Caulfields were probably not very supportive of Max's friendship with Chloe, and didn't do anything to support them staying in touch - which at that age requires some parental support. They could have arranged meetups, Seattle is not that far away (something like a 5 hour drive), they could have set something up a few times a year. But the Prices were solidly working class, and the Caulfields seemed like maybe the kind of "aspirational middle class" types, who would think being friends with Chloe would be holding Max back from "moving up in the world". They probably didn't attend a lot of Price family barbecues, and it didn't sound like they invited Chloe over to the Caulfield household very often.
Max should have tried harder, but I wouldn't put it all on her. I say that as someone who is terrible at responding to texts or emails... and then time builds up and it feels more and more awkward that I haven't responded, making it even harder to respond, making me feel more and more guilty - until entire friendships dry up.
If the third installment ever happens to the Life is Strange series, I really hope it revolves around Nathan Prescott. The Prescott's are a big deal in the first game, and there is many things to question about Nathan, his past, and his relationship with other characters.
tøp khido it was actualy going to be in the original story, with nathan being an important character, which is why letting him to be
beaten up is an important choise despite having no real consequenses, there even was a non use audio with him saying "the storm is coming for you". It does seem it was taken out instead
"Warren. At least he's not Eliot."
oh my fucking god.
Yes! Finally someone that sees him for what he really is. Man always creeped me out in the original and I never felt bad for constantly turning him down. Plus if you look out Max's dorm window at the start of the second episode he's literally standing behind the wall stalking you
ArkenVerse Dude... no offence but how does my jokish dislike of a character warrent your opinion that I should get kicked in the face?
I only made this comment as a jokish nod to Eurogamer's seemingly infinite hatred of Warren over Chloe; so why the hostility?
Can someone explain why people hate Warren?
Now imagine playing Before the Storm first and falling in love with Rachel before finding out what will happen to her.
It happened to me and its horrible.
I'm sorry. What's so bad about Warren?
This videos is gold 🙏😭
Hey Warren is nice.
Gall Anonim
_IKR_ 🙀🙀🙀
*I can't believe how **_HARSH_** and **_SELFISH_** they were being towards Warren's character.* 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏼♂️
Yeah, he's just a nice guy who gets friend zoned, why so much hate??
Three, Brooke literally said that Warren has a tracker on Max lmao.
I can't beelieve a game made me cry
Max most likely had an anxiety problem. U wonder why I say this is because I do, and I act just like her in public. She most likely got scared and didnt know how to respond.
-Max had no choice about leaving, and Chloe easily could have asked her why she isn't really talking to her much. But she didn't and chose to instead let her problems fester and boil inside her.
-Rachel is manipulative (so is Chloe too) and disappears from Chloe to sleep with Frank and Jefferson, she's also DANGEROUSLY impulsive to where she gets herself fucking stabbed.
-Warren is an awkward doofus who has good intentions while Elliot is literally mentally unstable.
Ok but where did you get that Maliwan shirt?
woah,I had not thought about that, about if u choose sacrifice chloe in LIS, the engraved message would be the last real contact that chloe had from max. ty for the comments as always ^^
If I could just forget this game already... *sigh*
i now need 2 play this game. it looks unique.
Chloe loves and knows science. You tell that by looking at one of the BTS episode where she helped victoriaa on her assignment aboht periodcal tablee. Also, it was written on the paper that they buried.
David's character is exactly like my parents.
Wait! Is that grass?
Ok I have more than a few issues with this, and peeps in the comments arguing over who was worse Max or Rachel.
First up (been said 100 times already) Max moving away was in NO way her choice, It was her parents.
Next Max and lack of contact...
Yes she COULD have and SHOULD have done more, But she has, just lost THREE people that were a big part of her life, William, Chloe and Joyce.
Cobble that together with moving to a new school (Its not easy believe me), Being a socially awkward introvert, and only 13, Then put on top of that, the feeling of not knowing how to actually apologize for being AWOL. The way I see it is like this, Not really speaking for x months, Then when you go to speak to said person, doubting yourself, fearing getting heat because of it, so you abandon the idea or say 'you'l do it later' and when later comes start over.
Also consider, what IF Max's last message to Chloe (The voice recording) What if she LITERALLY meant what she said to Chloe, that she loves her, And when her and Chloe text each other (Brief as it was) its NOT mentioned from Chloe, Maybe fear of rejection, (Friend or otherwise) will defiantly hold a person back.
Now Rachel
She is no Angel, or is she. What do we know.
We KNOW, that she hung out with Frank, we know they were close, how close, well it's IMPLIED they are seeing each other, and ASSUMED they are sleeping together. So for arguments sake, lets say they WERE seeing each other, but nothing had happened YET.
Rachel and Chloe's plan was to get out of Arcadia Bay, this is pretty cannon, So what if Rachel was just trying to find a way to use Frank to get what she and Chloe wanted, And then maybe started developing feelings for him, it's not a long stretch.
I think the stuff with Jefferson is just a red herring tbh, (And Victoria spreading rumors...Like what she did to Kate) Yes she saw him as an avenue to escape Arcadia Bay, His a Photographer (well known too) and she wants to be a model, hello perfect match. The letter could have easily been talking about Frank, It could be Rachel was writing it so she could figure out how to tell Chloe KNOWING Chloe was in love with her, Hence why she never told Chloe about Frank.
Another possibility is, Yes she cheated on Chloe, And she knew what it would do to Chloe if she told her, so she was planing on running away rather face breaking Chloe's heart, and getting hurt herself. (Especially if it was a mistake)
So what if, if you combine the two, She went to use Frank to bail out of Arcadia, Things went too far and 'stuff' happened, And rather than Face it, she wanted to run.
Witch ever happened, Rachel NEVER had the chance to own up or explain anything as she was murdered before she had the chance.
And now onto CHLOE
Chloe is not completely off the hook, Yes max was a bad friend, But Chloe ALSO knew Max, and knew her WELL, So she woulda known about Max's self confidence issues, After the crap of BTS, Chloe had her Truck, there was NOTHING stopping her from marching upto Seattle and demanding answers from Max face to face, Lets be honest, It is the ONLY way your gonna get Max to open up with pretty much anything,
Also, If Chloe had sent just ONE of those letters in her Diary, it would have changed everything, Or just a 'Max I need you' in a text, that may have changed things too.
None of them are perfect, all of them have had shit no young teen should EVER have to deal with dropped in their laps.
If it wasnt for Jefferson/Nathan (Yes Nathan, as many issues as he had, he KNEW right from wrong, bringing a gun into school is bad, helping a TEACHER drug girls is BAD) Then all three of these girls would have met and hashed shit out one way or another.
Its hard to think of any prequel style medium of a franchise that retconned or contradicted the previous entrys as much as before the storm.
also you should have already had that opinion of frank after learning what he did saving all those dogs in the first game
5:31 damn.... Never thought about that
While I agree Max should’ve Texted and called Chloe more. But you shouldn’t blame her for leaving for Seattle with her parents. She’s like 13? Her parents aren’t going to just let her stay in Arcadia Bay to be a good friend. Sometimes bad things happen, at the worst possible time and there’s nothing you can do about it especially as a child. Honestly, I’d be more upset with the parents, they were all friends and Max’s parents were like “We’ll stay for the funeral and then we’re leaving this place immediately after.”
diggin the borderlands shirt
If u chose to sacrifice chloe, we cant be friend
As someone who had a harsh, authoritative man marry into the family (my step grandpa) I can say I understand why Chloe hates David. She has plenty more reason to hate David than I did my granddad, especially considering I was a toddler when he married in and he died when I was ten. I hated my step-grandpa so much because of how strict he was, how harsh he was when I got in trouble, and I could not for the life of me understand why my grandma loved him so much.
Now that I am much older and much more mature, looking back now (and knowing now that he even served in Vietnam) I understand a little bit more why he acted the way he did. And knowing just how much of a little shit I was, I don't blame him for getting annoyed with me.
I had that mindset about David. Yeah, I hated how he treated Chloe, but after we learned more about him I started to think he wasn't so bad. He could be miles better, especially when compared to William, but he does care, he just doesn't know how to show it. So I like David, actually. He reminds me a lot of my granddad, who I wish I could have a decent conversation with now that I'm older.
More Amberprice than Pricefield, you say?! Here, take my like! But seriously now, great video, I love this channel so much!
5:50 I never thought about that
Chloe knew that max was leaving, she says so when you try telling her..
I don't think it's neccarry maxs fault since she was only 13 and her parents are moving meaning they made her move away and she doesn't get that agency in that moment. granted she sld've contacted her but I feel like most of it wasn't her fault entirely.
If Chloe learned about David saving Max. WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPENED.
To the point Max leaving Chloe at the funeral, I think it´s unfair to blame this one on Max. I mean, she was 12 or 13 years old, she doesn´t have anything to say when the family is leaving. I mean that´s not her decision.
I think a huge part in Max abandoning Chloe (my point doesn´t excuse her for not staying in touch of course) were her parents not really supporting her friendship with Chloe. We never heard any storys about them hanging out at Max´s house for example. And maybe they pushed her a bit into forgetting about Chloe and searching for new friends. Doesn´t excuse of course, but it´s maybe an explanation.
+Eurogamer If We left Chloe to die In Episode 1 of Life Is Strange 2 things would have happened
Max and Chloe Would have never reunited and The second is Chloe would have never found out Rachel Died or was Murdered
What if the next game is another prequel where you play as Rachel where she begins her relation with Frank and whatever happened with Nathan?
Chloe is the main character of the LIS series and everyone screws her over.
Of course the game poses the question of whether the ends justify the means. It just doesn't also answer it, which isn't really a bad thing. Because it has no easy answers.
Who ever chose to sacrifice Chloe the first time they played I despise you 😑
The scene at the funeral is so senseless, no one is capable of putting up a whole funeral in three days time, also not Max made that dicision just to stop at the funeral, her parents did
Life is strange, revolves around Chloe's death. I mean, she dies as a paraplegic, gets hit by a train, shot in the head but Jefferson. So, I believe she was ment to die, no matter what.
You said end. But 2021 September Max and Chloe returns
"11 things Before the Storm taught us about Life is Strange"... that already were in Life is Strange to begin with if you actually paid attention.
I love your opinion of Before The Storm, very correct in everything you say, although I do have a couple of comments to make. First, I feel like you're overreacting to Warren; it's certainly obvious from miles away that he loves Max, and that he's making efforts to get close to her, but I always felt that his efforts were perfectly normal (at least for a teenager XD); Elliot, on the other hand, you can tell (at least in hindsight) that he was more controlling, more obsessive, more disturbed. Warren had a perfectly normal feeling for Max, while Elliot had a serious problem.
Secondly, I ended up feeling sorry for David. He wanted to do the right thing for his family and school, and was always concerned about Chloe. But the man was always lousy at showing his feelings, at expressing his concern. And that's what condemned his relationship with Chloe, not for being a bad person, but for not knowing how to express himself (although I won't deny that his obsession with surveillance and control only worsened Chloe's enmity toward him).
Please play the next season when it comes out together!
cactus do you have any guesses about when it'll come out since I can't FUCKING wait.
Neithan Nava I’ve been looking all over the internet, and it looks like it’s either coming out or at least being revealed this year
There’s a chance it could be a surprise reveal at e3 and that would be brilliant!
cactus Thats freaking great, can't wait.
I see it as Max had no choice in the matter of leaving I know how it is to lose someone more then once and I know how it having to basically be moved away from a place you called home it is tbh really shitty of Max's parents they could of honestly waited postpone the flight yeah maybe cost some money but Max's Best Friend's Dad Just died and they think oh well before Chloe and Joyce are fully recovered let's just take our daughter and leave to me I kinda see Max's parents as abusing and don't empathize with Joyce and understand Chloe's hardship she's going through losing someone is a major blow to someone state for me I've been depressed and it's been hard for me but I'm trying to get myself into activities to get me not so depressed and talk more to people and make new friends
1:58 Sera?
You know the more I think about it they can make more games with max and Chloe in it with different timelines also they have three years before the main game to make more games with Chloe and Rachel I wonder if this really will be the last we see of them.
Ian Meadows yeah I know it just sucks I hope that at lest have before the storm get a season 2
9:23 While I definitely agree that I came out of BtS liking Frank a lot more, I'm not 100% on the steak thing being good. In LiS doesn't the cop mention that Frank was feeding Pompidou to get a taste for blood? Which is what I imagined he was using raw steak for. Unless of course that was just the cop making an assumption about him because of his history with dog-fighting prior to getting out of that, and Frank actually just really wanted Pompidou eating steak and it was completely innocent lol which is probably more likely given how much he loves the dog.
But I guess that's also the great thing about LiS - how many characters can be looked at in different ways and be so divisive depending on personal opinion. Just look at all the Warren comments after all. 😂(my thoughts on Warren are definitely that he's a bit weird and creepy but maybe not as awful as some people wish to believe he is, I think he might actually have been somewhat a red herring that the developers were hoping some players would pick up on and think he was involved in something sinister but then he's actually not, or perhaps even at some point in development he WAS involved in something more sinister but they changed it later)
Also definitely agree with you that BtS made me fully on board with AmberPrice after getting to know Rachel a little (feelings toward her still confusing though given her reputation later).