As an American vet, who’s been to Turkey both on deployment and as a civilian tourist, I can say they would be one hell of a force to be reckoned with. Gallipoli was an amazing sight to visit and the Turks have a truly engrained fighting spirit. Lets hope they remain in NATO.
Turkish moral is awful, just look at their performance vs ISIS is Syria, they really struggled. The Turkish military is all show and talk, but at the sight of a real army or battle they will all run. But this is expected of an army that has not fought a real battle for 100 years and has only been used to oppress unarmed civilians for that time.
Don't underestimate Turkey, they don't care about fighting America. A nation that has fought with which forces in the last 1000 years is a fearless and warlike nation.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
You can only win Against Turkey, if your are killing the last one, as even the last one would try to save his country till its own death... We are born as soldiers, with following mindset as the first thing we learn: "Motherland First" (Önce Vatan)
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
The US has 2 advantages, the strongest Naval force factor. Also, we can consider partially air force. Shelling our soils from the air won't be as easy as in the video. In land combat, the US army has no way to defeat the Turkish army, either in conventional or unconventional battles. The biggest advantage of US army is long ranged missile systems and a stronger naval presence in the sea, but that won't be enough to invade Turkey. So, there's only one winner, Russia.
@@epeasy9148 In the Turkish soils, yeah. The US army, of course, is more powerful in the Air and Navy. But, in land combat, the Turkish army is superior. Your own commanders and the whole world know that. But, we're allies, and we know the US Army has the most capable soldiers, just like the Turkish Army. In a kind of combat, I would prefer the US Army rather than the British or French Armies. Besides, China and Russian (even the Soviets) Armies have no experience as the US and the Turkish armies.
Don't forget that The UK and France came to Gallipoli with their most advanced navies of their time at WW I. But none of them could achieved to pass, although Turks didn't have much of arms. Afew howitzers given by Germany and one small frigate. All were sunken.
Ya kardeșim rezil etme bizi. Çok saçma bir yorum olmuş. Tamam, Çanakkale zaferi göğsümüzü kabartıyor ama bugünle o zamanlar aynı değil. Şimdiki iş çok daha farklı. Gelişmiş uçaklar, füzeler, uydular vs. Birçok parametreyi hesaba katman gerekiyor. Ayrıca Birinci Dünya Savaşı bittikten sonra Batı Anadolu Yunanlar tarafından işgal edildi ve İstanbul Britanya tarafından ilhak edildi. İyi, bu adamlar Çanakkale'de geçemedi ama yine de İstanbul'u aldılar. Güney cephesi de keza bizim aleyhimize gidiyordu. Yani anlayacağın biz bir muharebeyi kazandık ama savaşı kaybettik. İngilizler, istediklerini tam alamasa da ülkemizi bir süreliğine ilhak ettiler. Şimdiki durumda Abd için de durum aynı olur diyemeyiz.
Niye rezil olcakmışsın ?. Söylediklerimi anlamak için yüksek IQ gerekmiyor. Doğru taktikle kazanılmıcak savaş yok. Senin gibi düşünler zaten 5 çayını İstanbul'da içeceklerdi. O kadar hava gücü, o kadar teknoloji, aylarca Rakka'dan atamadılar Daesh'i. En son anlaşma yaptılar, Daesh öyle kendi terk etti. Her propagandadan korkma.
Cephe savaşı ile asimetrik (gerillaya karşı) savaş aynı şey değil fakat (zaten) boyle bir savaş çıksa ABD sıkıştığı anda atom bombasının düğmesine basar.
@@mehmetyok8434 Çok hayalperestsin. İstanbul'u nasıl geri aldık Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda, biliyor musun? Ülkemizden fersahlarca uzaktaki bir ada ülkesi Britanya aslında o zamanlar, bildiğin gibi, dünyanın en güçlü ülkesiydi ve dört bir yanda kolonisi olan, üzerinde Güneş batmayan bir ülkeydi. Ancak değişen zamanlar içinde menfi anlamda muhtelif olayların patlak vermesi ve ülkenin sürekli bu tarz olaylara insan ve finansal kaynak ayırması ile güçsüz kalmaya başladılar. Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nı neredeyse kaybediyorlardı. Bir çıkmaza girdiler. O zamanda Abd'den sürekli yardım alıyorlardı. Britanya savaş bittiğinde yorgundu. Ciddi yaralar almıştı. O zamanlar İstanbul'u aldılar ama az bir güçle. Anadolu'daki o direnişe dayanabilecek yorgun olmayan ordular gerekti. Britanya bu yüzden Yunanistan'a destek verdi. Ancak işler onun aleyhine döndü. Ankara'nın düzenli orduları teker teker savaşı aldılar, İzmir'e girdiler ve yönünü, sonradan, Marmara'ya çevirdiler. Britanya mecbur kaldı sulh yapmaya. Zira Anadolu'yu ilhak edecek yeterli insan ve para kaynağı ayıramazdı. Alınan kararlar sonucunda olanlar o zamanki Britanya hükümetinin sorumluluğundaydı ve durum bu kadar açıkken bir ihtiras uğruna Anadolu'ya gelemezlerdi. Yunan denize döküldü ve İstanbul geri alındı. T.C kuruldu hepimizin bildiği gibi. Şimdiki durumumuz da hepimizin malumu. Bu dünyada, her ne kadar propagandalar ile şişirilmiş olsa da, dünyada açık ara önde olan bir süpergüç Abd var. Bana Çin, Rusya demeyin; hepsi kırılganlar. Bugünkü dünya medeniyeti Avrupa'nın ve Abd'nin, yani Batı'nın buluşlarını miras aldı. O ruh halen Batı'da yatıyor. Asya taklit etmekten öte gidemiyor. Onun için Abd karşısında pek bir güçleri yok. Kaldı ki bizim olsun. Abd, yorulmuş bir Britanya değil, tam aksine dinlenmiş eğitimli ordulara sahip. Eğitilmiş insan ve iş gücü sayılarında da öndeler. Dünyadaki en iyi ve en üretken üniversiteler orda. Dünyadaki birçok kişi Abd hayali kurar. Nedeni barizdir. Yüksek refah ve güç. Böyle bir ülkeye karşı bizi kıyasladığımızda arada uçurum var. Bak, olası bir savaşta Abd'nin yapacağı şey Yunanlılar gibi direkt orduyu sürmek olmayacak. Onlar buraya gelmeden önce senin uçacak ne bir uçağın, yürüyecek ne bir tankın ve yüzecek ne bir gemin olacak. Neyle savunacaksın ülkeyi? Tüfeklerle mi? Geriye gerilla savaşı yapmak kalıyor ki Abd heralde bir daha böyle bir duruma düşmez. Zaten çoktan ülkeden alacağını almış olur. Görünen köy kılavuz istemez. Beylik sözlerle bir yere varamayız. Arada bir fark var ve o fark kapanmadıkça durum belli.
Bu videolarda sadece coğrafi konum ve askeri güç baz alınarak oluşturulan savaş senaryoları var. Yani bir nevi simülasyon. İki ülkenin askeri yeterliliği kıyaslandığında ortaya başka bir sonuç çıkmıyor zaten. Bunu aklı başında olan her insan kabul eder. Ancak bu, olası bir savaşta aynen böyle olacağı anlamına da gelmiyor. İşin içinde farklı parametreler de var elbette. Salt duygularınızla değil, aklınızla da biraz olsun izleyin ve öyle değerlendirin şu videoları. Eğer gerçekten milliyetçiyseniz böyle aptalca yorumlar yaparak dünyanın gözünde küçültmeyin milliyetinizi.
Kardeș haklısın, İngilizce biliyorum ve videodaki adam maalesef herseyden haberdar sayet cografi konumu ve kibrisi katinca dedim bu video tutar. Aklimizi kullanip gelismemiz lazim
Ukraine hit Russia's flagship. America's aircraft carriers are ships that can be hit despite all their defense systems. Türkiye has its own defense and attack systems. America hasn't experienced this yet. The entire video is just the dream world of its creator.
Düşmanı küçümseme dostum.ellerinde kahhar silahlar var ve dünyada hic muttefigimiz yok.Rusyaya güvenme anında sâtar azervaycani pakistani geç kendilerine hayri yok..ama su senaryo bile gösteriyor ki bu heriflerin bazı planlari var hakkımızda .🤔her türlü kalleslige hazır olmalıyız
Everything the US puts out in terms of military is already 30+ years old and for other countries its brand new like drones, stealth, ballistic/stealth cruise missiles... but Türkiye has a great military force tho which i highly respect and very happy that they are in NATO. Another example even the new NGAD fighter jet of the US, a sixth generation jet and replacement of the F-22 Raptor or the B21-Raider is probably an old concept they just upgrading it. But the real stuff is probably kept (above) top secret 🦨 and not for use right now.
@@Dylan-cr5ub The US military is the most powerful military in the world. For example Turkey would not stand a chance against China or Russia, but the US can destroy them both hands down. Turkey can never compare to the US. Stop making jokes
@@WorldCrucified We are not talking about comparing power or winning. We are talking about the fact that no war machine is indestructible or flawless. It is about the fact that which country has which secret systems and their effects are not yet known.
It is impossible for any country alone to invade Turkey by land without nukes. Not only because terrain is good for defending but also Turkish army is an effective land power. Even if you manage to capture cities Turks would continue guerilla fighting until death
Caranthirn in a conventional war the Turks don't stand a chance. Maybe in a asymmetric war, but that depends on the political will of the US to win. And what the political goals of the US are.
Turkey was actually never successfully invaded during WW1, the Ottoman Empire fell due to late modernization, poor economic choices, and growing ethnic tensions against the Ottoman that the British took full advantage of.
US would never invade Turkey directly. It would fight it through Greek, Kurdish and maybe even Bulgarian proxies contionously supplied by them and bolstered by "volunteers".
greece would help more than any other nato nation in a campaign against turkey let alone Cyprus even tho oldest will volunteer to join the army furthermore USA could easily take over Istanbul if they go through Greek Turkish borders with enough tanks, artillery, helicopters and bombers. and believe me both Greek and American armed forces will be more than pleased to fight alongside while conquering Istanbul. We have been waiting for this for centuries.
@@Νίκος-ψ2η That would entirely depends on who supports who and the overall population and weapon distrubition; if we speculate no bio-weapons are being used. China and Russia'ld definetly not be happy if a pro-america state nears their borders
@@thedoruk6324 i believe they should worry more about the possibility of Georgia entering NATO than Turkey. Furthermore after the turkish invasion of cyprous the entire country is furious even decades later. One citizen that lost his house when the turkish army invaded his city went to the United Nations Courts and managed to win millions of money because what turkey did was against UN rules. imagine the possibility of taking revenge and kick that asshole Erdogan out of command both Greece and Cyprus would celebrate for months.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
every TURK is born a soldier, OTTOMANS assemble, the TURKS are coming ! ! ! .........over 1000 years of experience, we invented the art of war, no one should confuse us with anyone else.
@@cupacartoon991 defense is not about winning. it is all about not losing. whatever the result of this war, the US will be the losing one since a war like this pushes Turkey to Russia and China. If this war happens and Turkey leaves NATO, there is no NATO anymore. Turkey is the Southern border of NATO. What if Turkey makes a deal with Russia and China and takes over all Middle East and gives them their shares? Next will be Islands and Greece and Europe. Since there is no NATO, who will protect them? So, as it says in the video, the US may get aggressive sometimes and open bases in Greece and support Greece but no matter what this war is never going to happen. They are allies not because they love each other, but just because they need each other and this will stay like this as long as Russia and China exist.
@@ibrahims.h.4403 U.S.A. has tons of oil reserves and has a bigger econony than Russia, China and Turkey combined! Besides, this war is about U.S.A. V.S. Turkey with no allies!
@@ibrahims.h.4403 Why do you say that if Turkey leaves NATO there won't be NATO anymore? Are you kidding me? It will be all good for NATO! If the U.S. leaves NATO, there will be problems! But even in that situation NATO will continue to exist!
@@cupacartoon991 because turkey is a strategic country maybe the most strategic in Europe and Asia the bosporus is the only seeway in and out the black sea. Tommy's were afraid that turks go to the red team cause Russia then would dominate the black sea so after ww2 they lured turkey into nato. Investigate the Korean War my boy and you will never again say that turkey brings nothing good into the nato. Turkish battalion saved your arses over there just research
I pray this never happens as a u.s citizen I love the Turkish people and pray for permanent peace between nations*I understand it’s hypothetical but still* Turkish food slaps too
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
@Johto Of course they forget. Despite recent spats, Turkey is in NATO, an is an ally of the United States. If Turkey is attacked, the United States must come to it's aid, and vise versa.
@@JoseRodriguez-i5f Turks are Turks first we must not be classified as muslims. There are all kinds of religions among Turks including Judaism, Budism, Tengrism, Orthodoxy and Catholicism but Turkish nation is older then all of those religions. Hungary not taking Syrians or Sudanese is non of our problem we don't want them here too. Attila was Turksh. We share an old common ancestry with Hungary. We feed 5.000.000+ refugees in Turkey we would love to kick some of those to West. When it comes to talk about Human rights and democracy Europeans talk the talk but when it comes to do something about it you remember your good old uncle Hitler.
James Cowan lol then stop acting like eu is innocent about not helping refuges. Nobody wants them to take it ofc they will come to turkey since its next to it but eu should have send help for humanity. And believe me turks hate arabs more than eu. We are not brothers.
@@denizforst you are not well informed, Europe has more than half a million Syrian on top of former Yugoslavia Vietnamese Turkish many African countries ect. ect. refugees.
You don't measure battles like this...As a Polish-American citizen, I could first ask ``Why we would go to war with them while we got Russia, and China, small but North Korea...but let's assume we did... I am not an expert on their army but I know they are really tough men, both cultural and military. these guys have found around 16-17 states throughout their history and have never lived in another nation's patronage. Either they rebelled and lost thousands to gain their independence(Turkish independence war) or ruled other nations for centuries (f.e ottomans). Another thing is I know they are a secular modern nation but they are still devoted Muslims...I guess. So in their religion being martyred (it's crazy but real) is something very honorable so instead of surrendering, they might go ``Last man stand``. So I believe regardless of our military capacity, it would be suicide to go to war on their soil because look at what we have faced before in Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc which weren't even %1 of Turkiye. To summarize, here in California almost everyone is a greek-armenian supporter etc due to heritage, black propaganda, etc. I have been in Turkiye and I am saying NONE, not even a bit of what they say in Congress or in the news is true. It's just sad that in the States where we live, we just believe what we hear from the news regardless. Cheers
PolNyalilar da güzel insanlar ...Polonya ordusuna san şeref ve saygı....realist ve digru insanları seviyorum ...digru bir tespit bilgili bir insansınız..tebrikler...
Ben istitastiklerden anlayan bir adam değilim fakat şunu çok iyi biliyorum; Bir türk devletiyle savaşacaksanız çookkkk düşünün derim. Allah vatanımıza milletimize zeval vermesin
@@xentirya5871 Hayalperest değil,savaş sadece silah gücüyle kazanılsaydı rusya ve amerika afganistanı terk etmezdi.Senin gibi ezikler zaten ilk kurşunda kaçacaktır.
Canada would win... obviously. Greenland is poorly defended and vulnerable to naval attack. Denmark has a small active army but a much larger reserve force... but even - Geography, Manpower, Naval capabilities and economic power would favour Canada.
The mountainous, arid geography of Turkey paired with the patriotic, militaristic population will mean that the US will not be able to win a decisive total war. Turkey would be able to mobilise the entire nation with ease, the American population will be reluctant to fight, but also difficult to transport to the front line.
no matter if turkey mobilaze the entire nation,although to be completly honest most of them will flee,but just to ease your mind lets say that the turkey does it,ok?how can you stop the usa airforce with turkeys crippled airforce?your defence couldnt stop 2 rafale that destroyed your military base and you think you can stop usa airforce?usa dont even have to use any troops it can destroy turkey only by her airforce or simply use nukes
Actually America is fighting with Turkey because US is continuing to support ypg and sending too many military equipment. Also there is an economic warfare Turkey between US.
gus mcgee We don’t need their oil. We will get enough oil, from the country hwere ypg is to fullfil our needs after ypg is wiped out. We don’t want to spread terror in change for money like the us does.
@kerem ozgul I'm also hungry now. I reeeealy want some doner now. As an aside, this is clearly how diplomacy should be done. Barbecue. If you're ever in Oakland find me.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
American friends are always welcome to Turkey. USA has the strongest air power in the world. Not a good match up for us. and we can't deal with the naval power of The US. But on the ground, we are not iran, iraq, syria or greece. And I don't think that the USA doesn't have enough coffins for a ground fight. So visiting Turkey as a tourist is a better idea :)
Stefanos lyk tbh my friend poor greece knows that they can never win against turks in a battlefield they can only make rebellion and they can also hit from back that soilders who was protecting them peacefully for 600 years just like a snake well what do you expect a country which is see snake as a god in the old times...They dont have enough balls to come a face to face combat also Greece vs Instanbul would more fair have a nice day.
Kosta dani Eu cunts and americunts started the teror in middle east for the oils nothing else Turkey didint started this shit but trust me 1 day Turkey will end it.
occupation (same as on Cyprus the very moment) of a country for 400 years is peacefull protection!?! no thank you very much. Give that oportunity to someone else. Only in WW2 Greece won one of the Axis allies (Italy) on its own. If the neighbours (including Turkey) wouldn't open their legs to the Germans , Greece would stand a chance.Furthermore Greece does NOT wish a war not with Turkey but a war in general.That doesn't mean Greece is not ready to defend it self any time needed. Nothing to do with balls. Cheers !
@Mike Simo people of Azerbaycan and turkey are both from the türkic - oghuz tribe - we turks have many tribes and 1 of them are oghuz. People in turkey and Azerbaycan are really the same people. No diffrence at all. That's why we always say 1 nation 2 country's. Azerbaycan turkey
@The IO Gamer Dude Fuck mate, how don't you know that.Let me explain: if I need to choose 300 Spartans or 50 Adana warriors, I definitely choose Adana warriors.
Unmanned fighter aircraft with stealth capabilities KIZILELMA is nowadays flying , unmanned vessels are swimming and firing anti ship missiles , unmannd submarines are on the way. Türkiye has missiles of unknown range , and yes Türkiye is since decades technologically capable of producing nuclear warheads.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
Nükleer i yok denen ama olan birkaç ülke var orta doğuda, İsrail turkiye ve İran ❤diğer silahları zaten konuşmuyorum turkiyede Erdoğan i konuşturan erdoganin dili değil, Türk milletinin devletinin Gücüdür...
Turkiye‘s defence industry changed extremely in the last 5 years. With unmanned torpedo boats and long ranged anti ship missiles (atmaca) launched from uav‘s, it will not so easy to stay in near coasts like on the clip. Stealth drones and fighter jets are on the way, planned for the next 5 years. Drones with long ranged air to air and air to ship missiles will be in hundreds in the air.
@@kekw4781 there is Turkish military base in somalia. You can write on youtube search. Somalia' s youngs take military education. Turkey wants peace everytime but Turkey has a lot of enemy. your grandparents know us well 😁
Guccifer the Gallipoli Campaign was one battle in a huge war. Gallipoli British & Commonwealth casualties: 214,000 Turkish casualties: 300,000. In comparison to give you an idea; Hundred Days Offensive Jul-Nov 1918 western front in France Allied casualties: 1,070,000 German casualties: 786,000.
Yo can tell me when the last time was you really went into a war with someone who was about equally strong and without using lies and promising things you won´t keep. William the Conqueror maybe?
That´s the only thing you can come up with? "But you did it too"? The problem is this: You built up the arabs and the russian did the same with the armenians. The only trick you could use is the multi-ethnicity of the ottoman empire to divide the enemy apart. In Canakkale this didn´t work and you even feared the possibility of your muslim soldiers changing sides. Tell me more about "but muh armenians" while you did it with India, Australia, North America, Africa, Middle East and parts of Eastern Asia. Look at you now without all those territories, you´re a joke now with you little Island and fully dependent on the fragile finance market in London. Your glorious Brexit will be your doom guys it was one of the last nails for your coffin. Even British based Companies will leave your union together with Scotland and Northern Ireland.
@@snowcold5932 who are saying u are power?hah you just take if who makes brain drain.if they leave from ur country,ur people's mouth is smell. dishonest!!at least,ermenian people's is honorable.yeah ı am from are seein' now a turkish people. I am organizin' my speech.ok did u understand?
Independence March (Turkiye) Fear not! For the crimson flag that proudly ripples in this glorious twilight, shall not fade, Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation is extinguished. For That is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine; It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation. Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent, But smile upon my heroic race! Why the anger, why the rage? This blood of ours which we shed for you shall not be blessed otherwise; For Freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshiping nation I have been free since the beginning and forever shall be so. What madman shall put me in chains! I defy the very idea! I'm like the roaring flood; powerful and independent, I'll tear apart mountains, exceed the heavens and still gush out! The lands of the West may be armored with walls of steel, But I have borders guarded by the mighty chest of a believer. Recognize your innate strength, my friend! And think: how can this fiery faith ever be killed, By that battered, single-fanged monster you call "civilization"? My friend! Leave not my homeland to the hands of villainous men! Render your chest as armor and your body as trench! Stop this disgraceful rush! For soon shall come the joyous days of divine promise. View not the soil you tread on as mere earth - recognize it! And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath you. You're the noble son of a martyr, take shame, hurt not your ancestor! Unhand not, even when you're promised worlds, this paradise of a homeland What man would not die for this heavenly piece of land? Martyrs would gush out should one simply squeeze the soil! Martyrs! May God take my life, all my loved ones and possessions from me if He will, But may He not deprive me of my one true homeland for the world. Oh glorious God, the sole wish of my pain-stricken heart is that, No heathen's hand should ever touch the bosom of my sacred Temples. These adhans, whose shahadahs are the foundations of my religion, May their noble sound last loud and wide over my eternal homeland. For only then, shall my fatigued tombstone, if there is one, prostrate a thousand times in ecstasy, And tears of fiery blood shall flow out of my every wound, And my lifeless body shall gush out from the earth like an eternal spirit, Perhaps only then, shall I peacefully ascend and at long last reach the heavens So ripple and wave like the bright dawning sky, oh thou glorious crescent, So that our every last drop of blood may finally be blessed and worthy! Neither you nor my race shall ever be extinguished! For freedom is the absolute right of my ever-free flag; For independence is the absolute right of my God-worshiping nation!
Arkadaslar, ne diyorsunuz siz? Iyimisiniz? Sansinizi zorlamayin, annanizdan baslar dogmamis cocugunuzdan cikarim. Heleki o Serhan Sevil denilen kalpak. Fazla kasinma. Kayahan Albayrak, for sooner shall come, dediginde who know maybe tomorow maybe even sooner, anlaminda oluyor zaten. Ama tsk ederim, Katkin icin
hmm hakikaten bak kaçırmışım onu.. ilk defa gördüm bunu gayet güzel olmuş çeviri günlük kelimeler kullanılmadan çevrilmiş o İstiklal marşının dili çok güzel yansıtılmış..
ne demek ne diyoruz? çeviriyi batırmışsın diyoruz. ve boş milliyetçilik yapmışsın kısmı da çok doğru. öncelikle, şiir çevireceksen öncelikle şafağın dawn, ocağın da home diye çevrilmesi gerektiğini bileceksin. hearth kelimesi ortaçağ tarzındaki evlerde kullanılır. twilight da tam çevirisi alacakaranlık demektir, seher(dusk) yada şafak(dawn) demekten farkı var. ve çevirinin geri kalanı da böyle boş hatalarla dolu. istersen sayayım hepsini. ikincisi, doğru düzgün bir dize şekli, bir kafiye ile uğraşmamışsın. bunu yapamayacaksan hiç girme şiir çevirisine. kolay mı değil kesinlikle. ondan zaten uğraşmıyor kimse. ve bunun bir sebebi var. şiir dediğinin amacı insanda o duyguları yaşatmaktır. bırak kafiyeyi, doğru düzgün redif bile kullanmadan sen bunu okuyan adama o duyguyu veremezsin, anlamsız olur. boş milliyetçilikten başka bir amacı olmaz bu çevirinin.
Those who could not achieve success in Afghanistan think that they can achieve success in Turkey. Let them think. The geography of Türkiye resembles a cage with mountains. You can't even imagine what you will experience in the face of a nation that has memorized every square meter of this cage for thousands of years. When you encounter the lions of the mountains, the gendarmerie commandos, it will not take long to see that this is impossible. They have been tried thousands of times since 1080, let them try again and fail again. To capture a region, what is more important than numbers and what kind of technology you have is manpower. The important thing is, will you be able to keep the region you captured? Good luck to you in a geography where there are 84 million people. We Turks are waiting for you.😊 Footnote: Hitler invaded the whole of Europe but did not dare to enter Turkey.
How is that they didn't achieve in Afghanistan? They manage world drug trafficking from Afgan underground resources,what you think ? They were gonna raise American flag over kabul?
Worlds most powerful military vs worlds 9th most powerful military Result: minor victory, no land occupation I really don't understand why anti-Turkish commenters are celebrating.
GlobalMillitary96 Depends on the objective, if you just wants to cripple Turkey's economy, then bombing without land invasion is suffice. However, total war where you just wants a country to stop existing is another matter, but US would still probably wins due to larger available manpower. But that kind of war is almost non-existent because war is just a mean to an end, Turkey doesn't have resources that US can't find somewhere else so it doesn't worth it for the US to invade.
@@mickeyg7219 Well the US could beat any country in the world except for Russia and China. That is in war where all military assets are used. However the real world just doesn't work like that. If the US was to move all its military assets in order to attack Tukey then it would leave itself exposed in other areas of the world. The US has about 3 times the military power that Turkey has. The greatest areas of difference are fighter jet and attack helicopter numbers. The US absolutely outshines every other country when it comes to these. Obviously in order to bring aircraft towards Turkey it would need to utilize some of its aircraft carriers. On the topic of aircraft carriers, there is still no denying that US is undisputed when it comes offensive war. No other country has a comparable amount of carriers. Although for example, China isn't too far behind the US in terms of overall assets, it's lack of carriers would mean that it wouldn't even attempt an offensive war against Turkey. So what should Turkey be investing in, in order to protect its borders from a hypothetical war against the USA? - High altitude air defense systems - Anti-ship missiles - Advanced submarines - Advanced Corvettes and Frigates - Electronic warfare systems - Stealth fighters Yep. That's about it... Turkey's defense industry is already producing some of these.. and frankly I think they are necessary. So to sum it up I think a war between the two would be costly for both sides. The US airforce and navy would be too much of a match for Turkey's. After a matter of months it would be able to wear out most of Turkey's planes and possibly its surface ships too. However it wouldn't be cakewalk. The real problem would be the war on the ground. 90% of Turkish men have had military training and about 75% would stay and fight. Turkey's land assets are also plentiful and modern (apart from some of the tanks). This ground invasion would lead to an unwinnable stalemate. Once Turkey acquires all the defense assets which I aforementioned it will be fully protected against all outside threats. But to be perfectly honest no one is silly enough to get bogged down in a war against such a war obsessed country. It would inevitably lead to Gallipoli 2.0. Oh and by the way fuck Erdogan for tarnishing the image of the Turkish Armed Forces and delaying defense projects.
GlobalMillitary96 You got points, but Binkov's simulation is a bit too fair in a way. Realistically, there would be less US naval and air involvements because US can mobilize its ground assets through Iraq and into Turkey because two countries shared land borders. And since the current government of Iraq is installed by the US, they couldn't do much to stop the US from gaining the passage whether they like it or not. Logistics are the most difficult part of the war, especially the US where it's geographically isolated from the Old World by two oceans. It's amazing considering that despite US' projection capabilities dwarfed that of many next nations combined, it's still insufficient against a relatively large countries (US has almost as many marines as the rest of the world's marines combined, and air lift capability that exceeded China and Russia combined as well). I doubt US is that vulnerable even if it mobilized most of its active military personnel out of the mainland US. Russia and China's tanker fleets are tiny, any damage it could potentially deliver against continental US would be negligible, if it weren't shot down by Air National Guard or the Patriot Missile Systems, which are mostly stationed in the US and have very little need elsewhere. And depends on the stage of the war US vs Turkey is currently at, US might already pulled most of its naval assets back home, seeing no further needs especially in the later part of the war. In a real war, historically, whoever can deliver the strike the fastest wins, even they're numerically inferior in a long-term, and that would require a lot of logistical advantages. First you have to destroy the defending country's air and naval assets, and then move in ground troops as much as you can before the defender could mobilize their reserves. Some examples are Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. USSR's defensive doctrine without nukes is actually invade the rest of mainland Europe as quickly as possible because they knew that NATO have numerical advantage in a long-term, and it's strategically important for them to not let the US landed anymore troops in Europe because that's where the majority of NATO's manpower came from.
Asked my grandfather who did Turkey beat. He said "No one. At most, they beat themselves by dissolving their empire.They were terrible allies, same as Italy. The wehrmacht alone could of had beaten those two and the rest of europe, if only they had not been so useless in both wars" The old man knows a lot. His father's been to both world wars.
Real Digga peki sen doguda uzmanların para için savaşırken pkk ypg ırakta suryede toprak alırken türkiye de her gün ai göz yaşı döktürüyor zaten Avrupalıların savaşmayın gerek kalmayacak 10 yıla kalmaz pkk / ypg / peşmerge Türkiye'ye karşı hazır hale gelecek.
ŽØĐIΔĆ yes because if we have not got in the way North Korea would’ve tooken over South Korea causing only more suffering but believe what you want to believe
@GloNavy Ja you think nato is strong we have seen 🇪🇺 fall apart in an epidemical crisis😂😂. 🇹🇷 İs helping all of you know btw I'm a Russian none of the countries in Europe will posses a threat to 🇷🇺 or 🇹🇷 stop depending on 🇺🇸
@GloNavy Ja read carefully smartass I was mentioning European union. And yes none of the countries have enough medical supplies. Come up with actual facts. I left 🇺🇸 because of the corona virus and yes u do know 🇺🇸 is actually short of doctors.
@GloNavy Ja Turkey is in NATO, but Pakistan is not officially in NATO That being said, they do have good military relations with NATO, much like Australia and Japan who are also not official members of NATO.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
Turkey couldnt take Afghanistan, Turkey is in NATO Turkey was in Afghanistan so Turkey lost in Afghanistan the US has never lost a battle or war in Afghanistan the US already defeated Turkey (Ottomans) twice in 1st and 2nd Barbary wars in 1805 and 1815
@@UserName-om6ft Looool should read some of afghanistan battle, Turkey was against it and didint deploy any troops there to fight them, but did send some small portions of the army to help train the afghanistan troops, while Usa did go out full scale war almost and left billions of worth equipment to the afghanistans to collect
@@UserName-om6ft you are an imbecill having problem tie your shoe , normally, it seems like !! When did Türkiye fought in Afghanistan and when did Türkiye lost a war against US ? You should try learn to read, it helps ,when you seek knowledge..
@@AFT_05G belki İngilizler olarak gösterilmiş olabilir fakat ABD, birinci dünya savaşında karadenizde Türkiyenin çoğu kıyısını bombardımana tutmuştur hatta belgeleri bile vardı şuan unuttum nerede gördüğümü.
The whole analysis is based on the assumption that Turkey has an inferior air defense system, where in fact, the main reason for the US Turkish conflict is that Turkey bought the S400 russian systems that are capable of stopping the US 5th generation fighter jets..
You can't win a war without soldiers. In a defencive war, Turkey would most likely win because of the will power of their citizens and soldiers as seen in the independence war and gallipoli. Many nationalist Turks would join the army. A naval invasion would not be possible and because Turkey has a strong military presense in the south east region of anatolia and the mountains that are in the region would be hard to get through thus making it easier for the defending Turkish soldiers. It would be doubtfull that the Americans could get through.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.. He will pay for this... Now all states and people have learned this..
First of all, you explained it well, but there is something forgotten here, which is military courage. At the time, stronger than America attacked us, but the result is clear. We are still standing and if we pass these, the USA's war on Turkey will harm both sides, the Russians and the Chinese will benefit from it. Also America loses its great status in the world, In the end, since Turkey's geographical location is perfect, the eastern alliance also makes a sound, etc. In short, if America declares war on Turkey, what it will gain is like a low status and slapping defeat and maybe ww3
@@darkknight6432 Yes, you said true, but it's not easy to bomb a place at these days. After ww2, the number of world peace organizations has increased a lot and the USA bombing a place will hurt itself more than the bombed place.
@@Vaako_ihlali Apparently considering they did it in Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Iraq twice, and almost every proxy war the US has been involved in I mean they literally killed 200k civilians in one bombing raid in Tokyo and they didn't bat an eye. Read about the firebombing of Tokyo
"We support Turkey from [insert country here]" Yeah we know, but did everyone not hear that in this video it's just between the two countries, as it's a hypothetical?
@@suluayran121 No you are truly deluded if you think the most powerful military machine on earth would be beaten by Turkey. Turkey would be completely crushed in a Non Nuclear conventional war with the US.
When I went to Turkey on vacation, every Turkish person I met was super polite and respectful to me! I wasn't expecting it at all. It was really genuine, too! (Don't get me wrong, I knew they ALSO wanted my money as they started to spread the word that an hungry American was walking through the market looking for something to buy and eat. Everyone immediately tried to get my attention. But even with all that I knew that they were good people. Genuinely good people becaise even when they DIDN'T have to treat me nicely,they STILL DID!)
This war is basically going to be another Gallipoli war. I don’t hate Turkey, nor do I support America. Neutral stance from Armenia. I want tensions between Turkey and Armenia to come to an end. Move on from the past and start business and trade with each other. It would be profitable for the both of us.
problem is with armenians who are raising the children with hate, i can not visit armenia and say i am Turk as tourist. but armenians live in Turkey 100.000
I think an update is needed ! Turkey has developed significantly since the last 4-5 Years . Turkey now counts several satellites . It’s Air defense has improved significantly ! Turkey produces one of the best drones currently and it does that for a very very small cost . ( Massive loss for any attacker financially ) Stocked up Military capacity . 1 Million are available as of now ready to fight . Reserves are around 12 Million and not 100,000k ? ! do your homework properly . It’s basically impossible to capture Turkey , not only the military but also its citizens are armed , Turkey is also a very patriotic Country . Except heavy heavy gorilla fights if you even make it to any coast alive . Whoever attacks Turkey will have to expect a defeat and massive losses financially as well as militarily .
America wouldn’t need to capture all of Turkey though, it would just capture the coast and box them in, at that point it’s just a matter of bolstering the Kurds to attack
@@sonicnarutoTDpg Keep dreaming. Majority of the Kurds are muslims and dont support Kurdistan. America will be finished by 2050. Turkiye is going to become 10 fold stronger than the Ottoman empire and much larger geographically than the Ottoman empire. Just wait and see. This has been foretold. This means that if a war eventuates between the 2 nations, Turkiye will be triumphant.
Unlike most nations in the region, civilians can own firearms. So not only would you have the military to deal with you would have to deal with that as well. I have lived there for 18 yrs and I can tell you there is no way they would give up. They have internal problems, but if anyone from outside comes that would be put aside. Ask the Brits, Italians, French, and the Greeks.
Turkey occupied Syrian and iraqi territories a both arab nation your family and yet you support them no wonder arabs aren't as powerful as they used to be
@@MB-do1sh the ypg in own country? Firstly, the Turks have conquered Africa, secondly there is not the YPG in Turkey, but the PKK hiding in the mountains and in Iraq. So why are you talking such a shit?
@@theobreytenbach1738 you stupid child, turkey does not fight against Kurds but against the pkk and ypg. in the akp so the party of erdogan are very many kurden inside.
Adam Kalif H.Hassan Somalia is the joke of the world, how’s the title of shitiest nation on earth working with your false Allah? I find it hysterical that you people still believe in allah when he doesn’t exist. For surely if he did, his people would live in shit holes like Somalia 😂
I m a turk and i m not triggered or angry. I dont think anyone does? In a real life situtaion this will never happen! If it did trust me Russia, Iran, and china would love to help turkey both economically and millitary. Because turkey is important for them agasnt USA
who gives a fuck about jets moron? use your brain, if usa in war with a country, russia and china gonna help to that country doesnt matter whoever its.
@@altacal6165 your the dumb one here. It will be a cold war like The korean war and vietnam war. China and US was never in a war right but there troops fought each other in Both korean war and vietnam if a war like Turkey vs US happens China would help turkey economically and Russia will sell air defenses, missles defense systems, modern fighter aircraft exteremly cheap to help turkey take down more of US Planes and damage their millitary. Plus you think that US would use their best and expensive planes aganst modern country like turkey? No they wont because they know turks will take down the plane.
But you cand erase the issues on paper when the interests matter. usa is a liar. They are supporting ypg from the south to collapse down Turkey. But we won't let this happen.
mk yorumlara like atarken taziyeye gelmiş misafirlere kıymalı dağıtıyor gibi hissettim. bir de içimden saol ya azerbaycan, bak bak iranda geliyor falan diyorum
bakarsak Azerbeycan, Pakistan ve Iran da yasayan 37 milyon Turk var, kaldi ki ; fetih icin sahaya gelmek zorundalar! evden SIKARLAR bunlara analari sikilir af edersin! , Karadeniz den sag cikamazlar gectim Turkiye`yi , Vietnam dan beter olur, onun icin ki ; bize Menderes Donemi`nden beri baska turlu saldiriyorlar! Turk Askeri zaten yillardir o orospu cocuklarinin egittigi ve silahlandirdigi tipleri indiriyor! Sahaya indiklerinde temiz soyluyorum CEHENNEME gelirler!
Turkey is not a choke. You are just talking about US but Turkey defeated Italy, Greece, oustrelia, France and Britain without tanks and planes at the same time in ww1 Support you turkey from Somalia
@@alikalin3781 they won the last war you had with them. I learned a lot about history, I remember a time that Turkey attacked Greece when they were broke after a civil war and that's how you won
While the Americans cannot cope with Iran, do you think America will cope with Turkey? Turkey was chosen as the most powerful country in the Middle East according to international reports. The United States could beat it, but it would be a never-ending war.
Almost, you talked about everything, but you did not mention the essence of the issue at all. When you attack Turkey, that means you are automatically attacking at least to 4-5 other countries.
On the first day of the war, North Azerbaijan enters the war. Following North Azerbaijan, 10-15 million South Azerbaijanis will join Turkey and the North Azerbaijani Army. (No one knows exactly what the population of South Azerbaijan and the Turks in Iran is, but there are probably 30 to 40 million Turks in South Azerbaijan and Iran living on their ancestral lands.) In the next days of the war, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, even Mongolia, Tatars on the Crimean island, Bosnian Turks, Uyghurs Turk living in China, and even Turks in southern Russian states such as Chechnya and Ingush will enter into the war. I do not think anyone wants to make such a stupid joke, and attack Turkey.
Turkey vs Russia
America: Support Turkey
Turkey vs America
Russia: support Turkey
Bay E *Mr Worldwide*
Balanced diplomacy
America vs Russia Turkey is support Russia
America vs Russia. Turkey support Russia. But America support from Greece Bulgaria Romania Israel Egypt so Turkey and Russia Fuck up
Turkey does not have 260000 soliders
It has 81000000
This was the comment I wanted to see
Nice comment
@Βασίλειος Μπεσλεμές they dont know about warcrimes...they dont have history but criminal record
Βασίλειος Μπεσλεμές My great granddad want to war against you greek when he wad 13 years old
lol it has 1.8 billion muslims. Turkey is the last castle of Islam
As an American vet, who’s been to Turkey both on deployment and as a civilian tourist, I can say they would be one hell of a force to be reckoned with.
Gallipoli was an amazing sight to visit and the Turks have a truly engrained fighting spirit.
Lets hope they remain in NATO.
Ottomans got rekt at 1821 by some farmers
Mike G Turkey would lose
Turkish moral is awful, just look at their performance vs ISIS is Syria, they really struggled. The Turkish military is all show and talk, but at the sight of a real army or battle they will all run. But this is expected of an army that has not fought a real battle for 100 years and has only been used to oppress unarmed civilians for that time.
ryflyy None of those is Vs a real or competent army but, week militias at best
Noooo, all the people who they have fought have been a weak militia at best, not the Turks.
Don't underestimate Turkey, they don't care about fighting America. A nation that has fought with which forces in the last 1000 years is a fearless and warlike nation.
We are a nation ready to die for GOD, COUNTRY and FLAG.long live you TÜRKİYE
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
@@alaattinaygoz6708 HER ZAMAN HAZIRIZ. 🇹🇷
We cannot say that we love war. We are ready for anything just to defend OUR OWN COUNTRY.
@@CharaTR 💪🇹🇷
82 Washington
MURİCAAA you dont understarnd
Bir gece ansızın
İts not an invasion its surprise democracy
83 kalifornya
You can only win Against Turkey, if your are killing the last one, as even the last one would try to save his country till its own death... We are born as soldiers, with following mindset as the first thing we learn: "Motherland First" (Önce Vatan)
Ill bleed cry and die for my country with a smile on my favce and till my.last breath. Turkim diyene
Turks are tough.
Turkey is a terrorist state who enacts genocide on the Kurds. If you are that willing to die in the name of evil. You deserve it.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
@@memo58gardaş adam son nefesimde ne mutlu Türküm diyene diye öleceğini anlatmak istememeye çalışmış 😂 sen adama sövüyon.
The US has 2 advantages, the strongest Naval force factor. Also, we can consider partially air force. Shelling our soils from the air won't be as easy as in the video. In land combat, the US army has no way to defeat the Turkish army, either in conventional or unconventional battles. The biggest advantage of US army is long ranged missile systems and a stronger naval presence in the sea, but that won't be enough to invade Turkey. So, there's only one winner, Russia.
Right !
Did you really just say Turkish land forces would beat the United States. Nationalism at its best right here
@@epeasy9148 In the Turkish soils, yeah. The US army, of course, is more powerful in the Air and Navy. But, in land combat, the Turkish army is superior. Your own commanders and the whole world know that. But, we're allies, and we know the US Army has the most capable soldiers, just like the Turkish Army. In a kind of combat, I would prefer the US Army rather than the British or French Armies. Besides, China and Russian (even the Soviets) Armies have no experience as the US and the Turkish armies.
nasıl yani rusya Türkiye yi istila etmeye gücü yetermi zannediyorsunuz ?
@@ozlembaytur7426 Hayır, Rusya Türkiye'yi ne havada ne karada ne de denizde yenebilir. Ben başka bir şeyden bahsediyorum.
Don't forget that The UK and France came to Gallipoli with their most advanced navies of their time at WW I. But none of them could achieved to pass, although Turks didn't have much of arms. Afew howitzers given by Germany and one small frigate. All were sunken.
Ya kardeșim rezil etme bizi. Çok saçma bir yorum olmuş. Tamam, Çanakkale zaferi göğsümüzü kabartıyor ama bugünle o zamanlar aynı değil. Şimdiki iş çok daha farklı. Gelişmiş uçaklar, füzeler, uydular vs. Birçok parametreyi hesaba katman gerekiyor. Ayrıca Birinci Dünya Savaşı bittikten sonra Batı Anadolu Yunanlar tarafından işgal edildi ve İstanbul Britanya tarafından ilhak edildi. İyi, bu adamlar Çanakkale'de geçemedi ama yine de İstanbul'u aldılar. Güney cephesi de keza bizim aleyhimize gidiyordu. Yani anlayacağın biz bir muharebeyi kazandık ama savaşı kaybettik. İngilizler, istediklerini tam alamasa da ülkemizi bir süreliğine ilhak ettiler. Şimdiki durumda Abd için de durum aynı olur diyemeyiz.
Niye rezil olcakmışsın ?. Söylediklerimi anlamak için yüksek IQ gerekmiyor. Doğru taktikle kazanılmıcak savaş yok. Senin gibi düşünler zaten 5 çayını İstanbul'da içeceklerdi. O kadar hava gücü, o kadar teknoloji, aylarca Rakka'dan atamadılar Daesh'i. En son anlaşma yaptılar, Daesh öyle kendi terk etti. Her propagandadan korkma.
Cephe savaşı ile asimetrik (gerillaya karşı) savaş aynı şey değil fakat (zaten) boyle bir savaş çıksa ABD sıkıştığı anda atom bombasının düğmesine basar.
Hope the US will make it with Erdogan. Greetings from Germany
@@mehmetyok8434 Çok hayalperestsin. İstanbul'u nasıl geri aldık Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda, biliyor musun? Ülkemizden fersahlarca uzaktaki bir ada ülkesi Britanya aslında o zamanlar, bildiğin gibi, dünyanın en güçlü ülkesiydi ve dört bir yanda kolonisi olan, üzerinde Güneş batmayan bir ülkeydi. Ancak değişen zamanlar içinde menfi anlamda muhtelif olayların patlak vermesi ve ülkenin sürekli bu tarz olaylara insan ve finansal kaynak ayırması ile güçsüz kalmaya başladılar. Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nı neredeyse kaybediyorlardı. Bir çıkmaza girdiler. O zamanda Abd'den sürekli yardım alıyorlardı. Britanya savaş bittiğinde yorgundu. Ciddi yaralar almıştı. O zamanlar İstanbul'u aldılar ama az bir güçle. Anadolu'daki o direnişe dayanabilecek yorgun olmayan ordular gerekti. Britanya bu yüzden Yunanistan'a destek verdi. Ancak işler onun aleyhine döndü. Ankara'nın düzenli orduları teker teker savaşı aldılar, İzmir'e girdiler ve yönünü, sonradan, Marmara'ya çevirdiler. Britanya mecbur kaldı sulh yapmaya. Zira Anadolu'yu ilhak edecek yeterli insan ve para kaynağı ayıramazdı. Alınan kararlar sonucunda olanlar o zamanki Britanya hükümetinin sorumluluğundaydı ve durum bu kadar açıkken bir ihtiras uğruna Anadolu'ya gelemezlerdi. Yunan denize döküldü ve İstanbul geri alındı. T.C kuruldu hepimizin bildiği gibi. Şimdiki durumumuz da hepimizin malumu. Bu dünyada, her ne kadar propagandalar ile şişirilmiş olsa da, dünyada açık ara önde olan bir süpergüç Abd var. Bana Çin, Rusya demeyin; hepsi kırılganlar. Bugünkü dünya medeniyeti Avrupa'nın ve Abd'nin, yani Batı'nın buluşlarını miras aldı. O ruh halen Batı'da yatıyor. Asya taklit etmekten öte gidemiyor. Onun için Abd karşısında pek bir güçleri yok. Kaldı ki bizim olsun. Abd, yorulmuş bir Britanya değil, tam aksine dinlenmiş eğitimli ordulara sahip. Eğitilmiş insan ve iş gücü sayılarında da öndeler. Dünyadaki en iyi ve en üretken üniversiteler orda. Dünyadaki birçok kişi Abd hayali kurar. Nedeni barizdir. Yüksek refah ve güç. Böyle bir ülkeye karşı bizi kıyasladığımızda arada uçurum var. Bak, olası bir savaşta Abd'nin yapacağı şey Yunanlılar gibi direkt orduyu sürmek olmayacak. Onlar buraya gelmeden önce senin uçacak ne bir uçağın, yürüyecek ne bir tankın ve yüzecek ne bir gemin olacak. Neyle savunacaksın ülkeyi? Tüfeklerle mi? Geriye gerilla savaşı yapmak kalıyor ki Abd heralde bir daha böyle bir duruma düşmez. Zaten çoktan ülkeden alacağını almış olur. Görünen köy kılavuz istemez. Beylik sözlerle bir yere varamayız. Arada bir fark var ve o fark kapanmadıkça durum belli.
Bu videolarda sadece coğrafi konum ve askeri güç baz alınarak oluşturulan savaş senaryoları var. Yani bir nevi simülasyon. İki ülkenin askeri yeterliliği kıyaslandığında ortaya başka bir sonuç çıkmıyor zaten. Bunu aklı başında olan her insan kabul eder. Ancak bu, olası bir savaşta aynen böyle olacağı anlamına da gelmiyor. İşin içinde farklı parametreler de var elbette. Salt duygularınızla değil, aklınızla da biraz olsun izleyin ve öyle değerlendirin şu videoları. Eğer gerçekten milliyetçiyseniz böyle aptalca yorumlar yaparak dünyanın gözünde küçültmeyin milliyetinizi.
Gördüğüm en akıllı yorum ya. Tebrik ediyorum gerçekten.
Adamlar 2 casusla kazanıyor savaşı Call Of Duty Sanki ehehee
Aynen Katiliyorum. Silah acisindan zayif noktalarimiz var. Bu videolarda enazindan onlari gorebiliyoruz.
Yukarı çıkar umarım, ya istiklal ya ölüm gibi yorumlardan (özellikle caps ile yazılmış) çok daha kaliteli. Tebrik ediyorum.
Kardeș haklısın, İngilizce biliyorum ve videodaki adam maalesef herseyden haberdar sayet cografi konumu ve kibrisi katinca dedim bu video tutar. Aklimizi kullanip gelismemiz lazim
"Geldikleri gibi giderler" Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK
Çıktıkları yere geri giderler.
"You'll get your shit nuked out of you" The President of THE USA
@@katsaras1 okey you can back to play minecraft and roblox
Ataturk has been erased by Islamist wacko Erdogan
Ukraine hit Russia's flagship. America's aircraft carriers are ships that can be hit despite all their defense systems. Türkiye has its own defense and attack systems. America hasn't experienced this yet. The entire video is just the dream world of its creator.
Düşmanı küçümseme dostum.ellerinde kahhar silahlar var ve dünyada hic muttefigimiz yok.Rusyaya güvenme anında sâtar azervaycani pakistani geç kendilerine hayri yok..ama su senaryo bile gösteriyor ki bu heriflerin bazı planlari var hakkımızda .🤔her türlü kalleslige hazır olmalıyız
Are you stupid? You think you could sink an American Aircraft carrier and still remain a country!
Everything the US puts out in terms of military is already 30+ years old and for other countries its brand new like drones, stealth, ballistic/stealth cruise missiles... but Türkiye has a great military force tho which i highly respect and very happy that they are in NATO. Another example even the new NGAD fighter jet of the US, a sixth generation jet and replacement of the F-22 Raptor or the B21-Raider is probably an old concept they just upgrading it. But the real stuff is probably kept (above) top secret 🦨 and not for use right now.
@@Dylan-cr5ub The US military is the most powerful military in the world. For example Turkey would not stand a chance against China or Russia, but the US can destroy them both hands down. Turkey can never compare to the US. Stop making jokes
@@WorldCrucified We are not talking about comparing power or winning. We are talking about the fact that no war machine is indestructible or flawless. It is about the fact that which country has which secret systems and their effects are not yet known.
Ne mutlu turkum diyene
helal be doktorum
Turker sadece zeybekde ve namaz da diz coker. Turkler caliskandir.
ne mutlu Amerikanım diyene
It is impossible for any country alone to invade Turkey by land without nukes. Not only because terrain is good for defending but also Turkish army is an effective land power. Even if you manage to capture cities Turks would continue guerilla fighting until death
thank you :)
Caranthirn in a conventional war the Turks don't stand a chance. Maybe in a asymmetric war, but that depends on the political will of the US to win. And what the political goals of the US are.
Yes like in world war l
Turkey was actually never successfully invaded during WW1, the Ottoman Empire fell due to late modernization, poor economic choices, and growing ethnic tensions against the Ottoman that the British took full advantage of.
If the Turkish army is so effective, why is the PKK still blowing you guys up, I mean it's been 40 years already
US would never invade Turkey directly. It would fight it through Greek, Kurdish and maybe even Bulgarian proxies contionously supplied by them and bolstered by "volunteers".
+Euboean underrated comment; add it the assyrian; arab; maybe armenian & caucasia/militia 'volunteers' as well
greece would help more than any other nato nation in a campaign against turkey let alone Cyprus even tho oldest will volunteer to join the army furthermore USA could easily take over Istanbul if they go through Greek Turkish borders with enough tanks, artillery, helicopters and bombers. and believe me both Greek and American armed forces will be more than pleased to fight alongside while conquering Istanbul. We have been waiting for this for centuries.
@@Νίκος-ψ2η That would entirely depends on who supports who and the overall population and weapon distrubition; if we speculate no bio-weapons are being used. China and Russia'ld definetly not be happy if a pro-america state nears their borders
@@thedoruk6324 i believe they should worry more about the possibility of Georgia entering NATO than Turkey. Furthermore after the turkish invasion of cyprous the entire country is furious even decades later. One citizen that lost his house when the turkish army invaded his city went to the United Nations Courts and managed to win millions of money because what turkey did was against UN rules. imagine the possibility of taking revenge and kick that asshole Erdogan out of command both Greece and Cyprus would celebrate for months.
@@Νίκος-ψ2η indeed; the situation'ld entirely depend on the views of usa's aggression on middle east/caucaus
The Entente powers tried to conquer Turkey after WW1, but they lost. It's almost impossible to defeat Turks in their own country...
We are a nation ready to die for GOD, COUNTRY and FLAG.long live you TÜRKİYE
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
every TURK is born a soldier, OTTOMANS assemble, the TURKS are coming ! ! ! .........over 1000 years of experience, we invented the art of war, no one should confuse us with anyone else.
Heck yes 🇹🇷💪
aslanim benim
We're dramatically waiting San Marino vs Liechtenstein
Equipment comparison:
Luxemburg 5.000 Sling
San Marino 3.000 Broken Wine Bottle
Vatican and San Marino what about that
It already happened...San Marino won 2-0 with 2 great goals👌👌👌
Russia 🇷🇺 Pakistan 🇵🇰 China 🇨🇳 and Iran 🇮🇷 is defend our Turkish brithers 🇹🇷🇹🇷✌️
Russia will not
@@ghassanm6640 Iran hate USA even they not join the war they support Turkey
With friends like that, do you need enemies ?
Fuck off , we shoot again your plane..
China and Russia??😂
Something you must always remember, it's not always the one who has the greater army who wins the war, and history told it a lot of time
Yes,but it would be too overwelmingly hard for Türkiye to win!
@@cupacartoon991 defense is not about winning. it is all about not losing. whatever the result of this war, the US will be the losing one since a war like this pushes Turkey to Russia and China. If this war happens and Turkey leaves NATO, there is no NATO anymore. Turkey is the Southern border of NATO. What if Turkey makes a deal with Russia and China and takes over all Middle East and gives them their shares? Next will be Islands and Greece and Europe. Since there is no NATO, who will protect them?
So, as it says in the video, the US may get aggressive sometimes and open bases in Greece and support Greece but no matter what this war is never going to happen. They are allies not because they love each other, but just because they need each other and this will stay like this as long as Russia and China exist.
@@ibrahims.h.4403 U.S.A. has tons of oil reserves and has a bigger econony than Russia, China and Turkey combined! Besides, this war is about U.S.A. V.S. Turkey with no allies!
@@ibrahims.h.4403 Why do you say that if Turkey leaves NATO there won't be NATO anymore? Are you kidding me? It will be all good for NATO! If the U.S. leaves NATO, there will be problems! But even in that situation NATO will continue to exist!
@@cupacartoon991 because turkey is a strategic country maybe the most strategic in Europe and Asia the bosporus is the only seeway in and out the black sea. Tommy's were afraid that turks go to the red team cause Russia then would dominate the black sea so after ww2 they lured turkey into nato. Investigate the Korean War my boy and you will never again say that turkey brings nothing good into the nato. Turkish battalion saved your arses over there just research
I pray this never happens as a u.s citizen I love the Turkish people and pray for permanent peace between nations*I understand it’s hypothetical but still* Turkish food slaps too
Turkish food is mid
Thanks Most of the Turks love Americans too (not the politicans btw)
@@timesup6302you're dad should return with the milk soon... I think😢
@@timesup6302 come Türkiye for 2 days and i will change your mind.
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
The real war is in the comment section
osmanlı torunu hfhehfhehfhhj
Lmao, glad to see at least someone here is sane. xD
@Johto Of course they forget. Despite recent spats, Turkey is in NATO, an is an ally of the United States. If Turkey is attacked, the United States must come to it's aid, and vise versa.
Hah, funny, real war will be seen when the usarmy launch some missile to Anatolia Mongol cities. 😁
Support turkey from Egypt 🇪🇬
Support Turkey from Hungary
before the civilizations there were 2 major powers who fought on great conflicts China and Huns
in the doom war it will be again China and Turkey.
@@JoseRodriguez-i5f Turks are Turks first we must not be classified as muslims. There are all kinds of religions among Turks including Judaism, Budism, Tengrism, Orthodoxy and Catholicism but Turkish nation is older then all of those religions. Hungary not taking Syrians or Sudanese is non of our problem we don't want them here too. Attila was Turksh. We share an old common ancestry with Hungary. We feed 5.000.000+ refugees in Turkey we would love to kick some of those to West. When it comes to talk about Human rights and democracy Europeans talk the talk but when it comes to do something about it you remember your good old uncle Hitler.
Hungary bro we are turk
James Cowan lol then stop acting like eu is innocent about not helping refuges. Nobody wants them to take it ofc they will come to turkey since its next to it but eu should have send help for humanity. And believe me turks hate arabs more than eu. We are not brothers.
@@denizforst you are not well informed, Europe has more than half a million Syrian on top of former Yugoslavia Vietnamese Turkish many African countries ect. ect. refugees.
You don't measure battles like this...As a Polish-American citizen, I could first ask ``Why we would go to war with them while we got Russia, and China, small but North Korea...but let's assume we did...
I am not an expert on their army but I know they are really tough men, both cultural and military. these guys have found around 16-17 states throughout their history and have never lived in another nation's patronage. Either they rebelled and lost thousands to gain their independence(Turkish independence war) or ruled other nations for centuries (f.e ottomans).
Another thing is I know they are a secular modern nation but they are still devoted Muslims...I guess. So in their religion being martyred (it's crazy but real) is something very honorable so instead of surrendering, they might go ``Last man stand``.
So I believe regardless of our military capacity, it would be suicide to go to war on their soil because look at what we have faced before in Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc which weren't even %1 of Turkiye.
To summarize, here in California almost everyone is a greek-armenian supporter etc due to heritage, black propaganda, etc. I have been in Turkiye and I am saying NONE, not even a bit of what they say in Congress or in the news is true. It's just sad that in the States where we live, we just believe what we hear from the news regardless.
That's the most accurate summary.
Your observations are wright. USA did not fight a nation like the Turks. This place is not like Iraq or Afghanistan. Those who enter cannot exit.
PolNyalilar da güzel insanlar ...Polonya ordusuna san şeref ve saygı....realist ve digru insanları seviyorum ...digru bir tespit bilgili bir insansınız..tebrikler...
das verdient 100 Daumen hoch, habe aber nur einen!
Shortly all is right
Ben istitastiklerden anlayan bir adam değilim fakat şunu çok iyi biliyorum;
Bir türk devletiyle savaşacaksanız çookkkk düşünün derim. Allah vatanımıza milletimize zeval vermesin
😂😂😂 hayalperest
@@xentirya5871 Hayalperest değil,savaş sadece silah gücüyle kazanılsaydı rusya ve amerika afganistanı terk etmezdi.Senin gibi ezikler zaten ilk kurşunda kaçacaktır.
Siz çoksunuz
Biz Türküz
both send out their single paddle boat, before sinking due to lack of maintenance.
Canada would win... obviously. Greenland is poorly defended and vulnerable to naval attack. Denmark has a small active army but a much larger reserve force... but even - Geography, Manpower, Naval capabilities and economic power would favour Canada.
That would be so interesting to watch.
Its a island of Denmark. Silly
@Spain ball Greenland is under Danish control!!!
Support Turkey from Germany
WW1 brother ❤
Beacuse you are still under US occupation
The mountainous, arid geography of Turkey paired with the patriotic, militaristic population will mean that the US will not be able to win a decisive total war. Turkey would be able to mobilise the entire nation with ease, the American population will be reluctant to fight, but also difficult to transport to the front line.
no matter if turkey mobilaze the entire nation,although to be completly honest most of them will flee,but just to ease your mind lets say that the turkey does it,ok?how can you stop the usa airforce with turkeys crippled airforce?your defence couldnt stop 2 rafale that destroyed your military base and you think you can stop usa airforce?usa dont even have to use any troops it can destroy turkey only by her airforce or simply use nukes
Turkey isn't arid country it's like California
@@donvito323 so will the same to US
@@bluesky-sn9rz made of a movie
LMAO. This is the dumbest biased thing i've ever heard.
Love and Support Turkey from Andromeda Galaxy 🇹🇷 💗 🌌
We are brothers🇹🇷❤🌌
I heard America will go to Andromeda galaxy, because it has oil, I mean WeAPoNs Of MaSs DeStRuCtIoN
I support my country 🇺🇸
Greetings from inside TON618 black hole. We are brothers
@Abay Roy mald cope and shiver
Support Turkey from Kazakhstan
Rawan Qurmet can kardaş
thank you :)
@@rawanqurmet3795 go sit down
Actually America is fighting with Turkey because US is continuing to support ypg and sending too many military equipment. Also there is an economic warfare Turkey between US.
thats true
Free Germany and Japan with their armies...
gus mcgee We don’t need their oil. We will get enough oil, from the country hwere ypg is to fullfil our needs after ypg is wiped out. We don’t want to spread terror in change for money like the us does.
@@yunusy5545 "we" lmao😂
@@StudentOfKnowldge Uses emojis in youtube comment section. Reacts on a 2 year old comment.
Dear Turkey.
We don't want to invade. Don't listen to these guys. Also, we love Doner.
Love, America.
@@ArhanSuzer3420 and... Um... Now don't judge- Sybil K.
and we love burgers
@@generaljoemalia6077 I LOVE that you love burgers!
@kerem ozgul I'm also hungry now. I reeeealy want some doner now.
As an aside, this is clearly how diplomacy should be done. Barbecue. If you're ever in Oakland find me.
Send Feto pls
Needs a weapon capability update since allot has changed within last 4 years aspecially when it comes to turkeys military abilities!
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
@@FearTheBeard141 yea thanks to the contract to browning prints they copy.
American friends are always welcome to Turkey.
USA has the strongest air power in the world. Not a good match up for us.
and we can't deal with the naval power of The US.
But on the ground, we are not iran, iraq, syria or greece. And I don't think that the USA doesn't have enough coffins for a ground fight.
So visiting Turkey as a tourist is a better idea :)
Love how you put Greece along with the others.. Cause as known in the history of war Greece was an easy target yes (irony)?
Stefanos lyk tbh my friend poor greece knows that they can never win against turks in a battlefield they can only make rebellion and they can also hit from back that soilders who was protecting them peacefully for 600 years just like a snake well what do you expect a country which is see snake as a god in the old times...They dont have enough balls to come a face to face combat also Greece vs Instanbul would more fair have a nice day.
Kosta dani Eu cunts and americunts started the teror in middle east for the oils nothing else Turkey didint started this shit but trust me 1 day Turkey will end it.
kiliysali yeah just like what happened in Vietnam
occupation (same as on Cyprus the very moment) of a country for 400 years is peacefull protection!?! no thank you very much. Give that oportunity to someone else. Only in WW2 Greece won one of the Axis allies (Italy) on its own. If the neighbours (including Turkey) wouldn't open their legs to the Germans , Greece would stand a chance.Furthermore Greece does NOT wish a war not with Turkey but a war in general.That doesn't mean Greece is not ready to defend it self any time needed. Nothing to do with balls. Cheers !
Hello From Azerbaijan we support Turkey They are our brothers
teşekkürler kardeşim benim biz o ermenistan ı halledcez onu haritadan silcez bir gün ermenistan sizin olcak
hey yigit Ermeniin hallal yaRRakh hazer . gal somur HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
en yakın dostumuz ülke burada.
@@DerbederSozler ❤
@Mike Simo people of Azerbaycan and turkey are both from the türkic - oghuz tribe - we turks have many tribes and 1 of them are oghuz. People in turkey and Azerbaycan are really the same people. No diffrence at all. That's why we always say 1 nation 2 country's. Azerbaycan turkey
Why don't you talk about Turkish's hidden weapon ADANA?
In Adana people shoot at the sun because of heat
@The IO Gamer Dude Fuck mate, how don't you know that.Let me explain: if I need to choose 300 Spartans or 50 Adana warriors, I definitely choose Adana warriors.
@@swank0808 I AM DEAD BRO ahadjskdmdmdkrkdk
@Belaboyzx in Adana we trust.
In Adana are 60 atom bombs inside Incirlik airbase..
Unmanned fighter aircraft with stealth capabilities KIZILELMA is nowadays flying , unmanned vessels are swimming and firing anti ship missiles , unmannd submarines are on the way. Türkiye has missiles of unknown range , and yes Türkiye is since decades technologically capable of producing nuclear warheads.
Ayn kardeş
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
@@HadiHadi-zz6sx😂 haydi amca oğlu
Nükleer i yok denen ama olan birkaç ülke var orta doğuda, İsrail turkiye ve İran ❤diğer silahları zaten konuşmuyorum turkiyede Erdoğan i konuşturan erdoganin dili değil, Türk milletinin devletinin Gücüdür...
Shut the hell up, you hat you said is all make believ 😂
Turks are still begging for the F35 😊
Almost every islamic country would stand with turkey. Greetings from Bosnia
Greeting from my Germany
My Bosnian Brother
#StrongBosnia #StrongTurkey
ItsMustafa you don’t belong in Germany, return to your homeland
@@alsamiyasfh4416 Why . I can live where i want
ItsMustafa simple, if you love turkey so much why do you stay in a nation that your people hate.
Now do andorra vs vatican city.
+Patriot Joelephic Chad Andorra vs Virgin Vatican ? :^)
You truly want to see the whole world on fire.
Vatican city will win
Singapore versus Brunei!
Macau VS Hong Kong
Support Turkey from Morocco 🇲🇦❤🇹🇷
[GD] YaRiSs Salem aleykoum mon frère❤️
@@sonerhiroshima-nagasaki3246 وعليكم السلام أخي 😎🙂
@Farsî Chowru Heî Lâng Fuck Western Sahara I'm not interested in them 🇲🇦🖕🏻🇪🇭
Support turkey from morocco sahara
Turkiye‘s defence industry changed extremely in the last 5 years. With unmanned torpedo boats and long ranged anti ship missiles (atmaca) launched from uav‘s, it will not so easy to stay in near coasts like on the clip. Stealth drones and fighter jets are on the way, planned for the next 5 years. Drones with long ranged air to air and air to ship missiles will be in hundreds in the air.
Support Turkey ❤from Somalia 💪
Somalia ???
@@hasanmutlu6897 cahil misin askeri üssümüz var orada halka yardım yapılıyor somalili gençlere askeri eğitim ve maaş veriliyor ülke içsavaştan çıktı
Turkey supports somalia everytime ♥️
Disturbed TR where?!?! Barely France Helps Africa Turkey only Wants war with Greece
@@kekw4781 there is Turkish military base in somalia. You can write on youtube search. Somalia' s youngs take military education. Turkey wants peace everytime but Turkey has a lot of enemy. your grandparents know us well 😁
Turkey isn't alone. Pakistan will always support turkey 😍😍 we are brother's
@user-ou1kk3db3ryeah yeah whatever
Pakistan ❤❤❤
Pakistan is bankrupt
Love for Turkey from Pakistan... If any country go war for Turkey. Than Pakistan will support Turkey because we are Muslim Brothers
This happend many times in our history, i love pakistan
Hahaha...pakistan itself needs
Even ur Allah is unable to save his penis and so u people and u want to save turkey 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃
Muslim brothers are killing themselves all the time 😃
@@prashanttanwar9335 are you indian? zuhahahahhaha as a turkish person i hate you both, fu* pakistan and india dirty people
Long live my homeland 🇹🇷❤️
Vatanımız çok yaşasın
Death to your home land.
@@paulfenty5240 LoL cry more please ... Long live my homeland 🇹🇷❤️💪💪💪
@@elifelgun9996 twat
@@paulfenty5240 Jerk
Remember Gallipoli Campaign? 7 countries couldn't stop turkey with poor economy.
Guccifer the Gallipoli Campaign was one battle in a huge war. Gallipoli British & Commonwealth casualties: 214,000 Turkish casualties: 300,000. In comparison to give you an idea; Hundred Days Offensive Jul-Nov 1918 western front in France Allied casualties: 1,070,000 German casualties: 786,000.
With the dirty tricks GB, FR and US used to win wars or for regime changes. You Guys are not used to fight fair anymore, eh?
Yutuberer The biggest battle for the Turks is the war against ignorance.
Yo can tell me when the last time was you really went into a war with someone who was about equally strong and without using lies and promising things you won´t keep. William the Conqueror maybe?
That´s the only thing you can come up with? "But you did it too"?
The problem is this: You built up the arabs and the russian did the same with the armenians.
The only trick you could use is the multi-ethnicity of the ottoman empire to divide the enemy apart. In Canakkale this didn´t work and you even feared the possibility of your muslim soldiers changing sides. Tell me more about "but muh armenians" while you did it with India, Australia, North America, Africa, Middle East and parts of Eastern Asia.
Look at you now without all those territories, you´re a joke now with you little Island and fully dependent on the fragile finance market in London. Your glorious Brexit will be your doom guys it was one of the last nails for your coffin. Even British based Companies will leave your union together with Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Who bets that the comment section won't be of buthurts but only people who say it will be full of buthurts
Spot on lol
Turks usually appear in comment sections of vids where Greece or Armenia are mentioned, they'd never attack a stronger opponent :')
LeMi Mapping lol
@Proger13 10 Iran still hasn't nukes
@@snowcold5932 who are saying u are power?hah you just take if who makes brain drain.if they leave from ur country,ur people's mouth is smell. dishonest!!at least,ermenian people's is honorable.yeah ı am from are seein' now a turkish people. I am organizin' my speech.ok did u understand?
@@ecebahar8027 Can you write that again in english please
Independence March (Turkiye)
Fear not! For the crimson flag that proudly ripples in this glorious twilight, shall not fade,
Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation is extinguished.
For That is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine;
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.
Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent,
But smile upon my heroic race! Why the anger, why the rage?
This blood of ours which we shed for you shall not be blessed otherwise;
For Freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshiping nation
I have been free since the beginning and forever shall be so.
What madman shall put me in chains! I defy the very idea!
I'm like the roaring flood; powerful and independent,
I'll tear apart mountains, exceed the heavens and still gush out!
The lands of the West may be armored with walls of steel,
But I have borders guarded by the mighty chest of a believer.
Recognize your innate strength, my friend! And think: how can this fiery faith ever be killed,
By that battered, single-fanged monster you call "civilization"?
My friend! Leave not my homeland to the hands of villainous men!
Render your chest as armor and your body as trench! Stop this disgraceful rush!
For soon shall come the joyous days of divine promise.
View not the soil you tread on as mere earth - recognize it!
And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath you.
You're the noble son of a martyr, take shame, hurt not your ancestor!
Unhand not, even when you're promised worlds, this paradise of a homeland
What man would not die for this heavenly piece of land?
Martyrs would gush out should one simply squeeze the soil! Martyrs!
May God take my life, all my loved ones and possessions from me if He will,
But may He not deprive me of my one true homeland for the world.
Oh glorious God, the sole wish of my pain-stricken heart is that,
No heathen's hand should ever touch the bosom of my sacred Temples.
These adhans, whose shahadahs are the foundations of my religion,
May their noble sound last loud and wide over my eternal homeland.
For only then, shall my fatigued tombstone, if there is one, prostrate a thousand times in ecstasy,
And tears of fiery blood shall flow out of my every wound,
And my lifeless body shall gush out from the earth like an eternal spirit,
Perhaps only then, shall I peacefully ascend and at long last reach the heavens
So ripple and wave like the bright dawning sky, oh thou glorious crescent,
So that our every last drop of blood may finally be blessed and worthy!
Neither you nor my race shall ever be extinguished!
For freedom is the absolute right of my ever-free flag;
For independence is the absolute right of my God-worshiping nation!
Who knows, may be tomorrow may be near than tomorrow atlanmış..
çevirinin içine sıçmışsın tebrikler.
Arkadaslar, ne diyorsunuz siz? Iyimisiniz? Sansinizi zorlamayin, annanizdan baslar dogmamis cocugunuzdan cikarim. Heleki o Serhan Sevil denilen kalpak. Fazla kasinma.
Kayahan Albayrak, for sooner shall come, dediginde who know maybe tomorow maybe even sooner, anlaminda oluyor zaten. Ama tsk ederim, Katkin icin
hmm hakikaten bak kaçırmışım onu.. ilk defa gördüm bunu gayet güzel olmuş çeviri günlük kelimeler kullanılmadan çevrilmiş o İstiklal marşının dili çok güzel yansıtılmış..
ne demek ne diyoruz? çeviriyi batırmışsın diyoruz. ve boş milliyetçilik yapmışsın kısmı da çok doğru.
öncelikle, şiir çevireceksen öncelikle şafağın dawn, ocağın da home diye çevrilmesi gerektiğini bileceksin. hearth kelimesi ortaçağ tarzındaki evlerde kullanılır. twilight da tam çevirisi alacakaranlık demektir, seher(dusk) yada şafak(dawn) demekten farkı var. ve çevirinin geri kalanı da böyle boş hatalarla dolu. istersen sayayım hepsini.
ikincisi, doğru düzgün bir dize şekli, bir kafiye ile uğraşmamışsın. bunu yapamayacaksan hiç girme şiir çevirisine. kolay mı değil kesinlikle. ondan zaten uğraşmıyor kimse. ve bunun bir sebebi var. şiir dediğinin amacı insanda o duyguları yaşatmaktır. bırak kafiyeyi, doğru düzgün redif bile kullanmadan sen bunu okuyan adama o duyguyu veremezsin, anlamsız olur. boş milliyetçilikten başka bir amacı olmaz bu çevirinin.
Those who could not achieve success in Afghanistan think that they can achieve success in Turkey. Let them think. The geography of Türkiye resembles a cage with mountains. You can't even imagine what you will experience in the face of a nation that has memorized every square meter of this cage for thousands of years. When you encounter the lions of the mountains, the gendarmerie commandos, it will not take long to see that this is impossible. They have been tried thousands of times since 1080, let them try again and fail again. To capture a region, what is more important than numbers and what kind of technology you have is manpower. The important thing is, will you be able to keep the region you captured? Good luck to you in a geography where there are 84 million people. We Turks are waiting for you.😊
Footnote: Hitler invaded the whole of Europe but did not dare to enter Turkey.
How is that they didn't achieve in Afghanistan? They manage world drug trafficking from Afgan underground resources,what you think ? They were gonna raise American flag over kabul?
@samet3957 we dont have lgbt people here in afghanistan like you do . your god is money our god is allah
The Turks are brave and wouldn't surrender easily. Ask the UK and it's allies in WW1.
True, i'll give my life for my flag
"treaty of Mudros, ottoman surrender while still having all anatolia. You clearly don't know history when its inconvenient to you nomadic barbarian
@@metea.890 Calm down you didn't do a damn thing cause you weren't there stop being proud of things that you had nothing to do with
@@jakeb3157 we have liberated istanbul 1453
Iraq is always there for a close Turkish brother. I’m Iraqi and respect from Iraq
You mean Iraqi slave to the Turkish. The Turks look down on the Iraqis and they resent people like you. Wake up bud and stop dreaming...
Iraq is a shithole
Worlds most powerful military vs worlds 9th most powerful military
Result: minor victory, no land occupation
I really don't understand why anti-Turkish commenters are celebrating.
Ask your mother if you want to know who the Turks beat in history. Your mother will tell you. Your stupid country couldn't beat ISIS.
Depends on the objective, if you just wants to cripple Turkey's economy, then bombing without land invasion is suffice. However, total war where you just wants a country to stop existing is another matter, but US would still probably wins due to larger available manpower. But that kind of war is almost non-existent because war is just a mean to an end, Turkey doesn't have resources that US can't find somewhere else so it doesn't worth it for the US to invade.
@@mickeyg7219 Well the US could beat any country in the world except for Russia and China. That is in war where all military assets are used.
However the real world just doesn't work like that. If the US was to move all its military assets in order to attack Tukey then it would leave itself exposed in other areas of the world.
The US has about 3 times the military power that Turkey has. The greatest areas of difference are fighter jet and attack helicopter numbers. The US absolutely outshines every other country when it comes to these.
Obviously in order to bring aircraft towards Turkey it would need to utilize some of its aircraft carriers.
On the topic of aircraft carriers, there is still no denying that US is undisputed when it comes offensive war. No other country has a comparable amount of carriers. Although for example, China isn't too far behind the US in terms of overall assets, it's lack of carriers would mean that it wouldn't even attempt an offensive war against Turkey.
So what should Turkey be investing in, in order to protect its borders from a hypothetical war against the USA?
- High altitude air defense systems
- Anti-ship missiles
- Advanced submarines
- Advanced Corvettes and Frigates
- Electronic warfare systems
- Stealth fighters
Yep. That's about it...
Turkey's defense industry is already producing some of these.. and frankly I think they are necessary.
So to sum it up I think a war between the two would be costly for both sides. The US airforce and navy would be too much of a match for Turkey's. After a matter of months it would be able to wear out most of Turkey's planes and possibly its surface ships too. However it wouldn't be cakewalk. The real problem would be the war on the ground. 90% of Turkish men have had military training and about 75% would stay and fight. Turkey's land assets are also plentiful and modern (apart from some of the tanks). This ground invasion would lead to an unwinnable stalemate.
Once Turkey acquires all the defense assets which I aforementioned it will be fully protected against all outside threats. But to be perfectly honest no one is silly enough to get bogged down in a war against such a war obsessed country. It would inevitably lead to Gallipoli 2.0.
Oh and by the way fuck Erdogan for tarnishing the image of the Turkish Armed Forces and delaying defense projects.
You got points, but Binkov's simulation is a bit too fair in a way. Realistically, there would be less US naval and air involvements because US can mobilize its ground assets through Iraq and into Turkey because two countries shared land borders. And since the current government of Iraq is installed by the US, they couldn't do much to stop the US from gaining the passage whether they like it or not. Logistics are the most difficult part of the war, especially the US where it's geographically isolated from the Old World by two oceans. It's amazing considering that despite US' projection capabilities dwarfed that of many next nations combined, it's still insufficient against a relatively large countries (US has almost as many marines as the rest of the world's marines combined, and air lift capability that exceeded China and Russia combined as well).
I doubt US is that vulnerable even if it mobilized most of its active military personnel out of the mainland US. Russia and China's tanker fleets are tiny, any damage it could potentially deliver against continental US would be negligible, if it weren't shot down by Air National Guard or the Patriot Missile Systems, which are mostly stationed in the US and have very little need elsewhere. And depends on the stage of the war US vs Turkey is currently at, US might already pulled most of its naval assets back home, seeing no further needs especially in the later part of the war.
In a real war, historically, whoever can deliver the strike the fastest wins, even they're numerically inferior in a long-term, and that would require a lot of logistical advantages. First you have to destroy the defending country's air and naval assets, and then move in ground troops as much as you can before the defender could mobilize their reserves. Some examples are Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. USSR's defensive doctrine without nukes is actually invade the rest of mainland Europe as quickly as possible because they knew that NATO have numerical advantage in a long-term, and it's strategically important for them to not let the US landed anymore troops in Europe because that's where the majority of NATO's manpower came from.
Asked my grandfather who did Turkey beat. He said "No one. At most, they beat themselves by dissolving their empire.They were terrible allies, same as Italy. The wehrmacht alone could of had beaten those two and the rest of europe, if only they had not been so useless in both wars"
The old man knows a lot. His father's been to both world wars.
Atatürkün istikbal göklerdedir deyişi kulaklarımda çınlıyor, hava gücünün ne kadar önemli olduğunu bir kez daha anlamış oldum.
Hayaller İle Yaşayanı Gerçekler Bir Gün Siker !
(a day with dreams)
🤘🇹🇷TURKEY 🇹🇷🤘
Yorum Tutmuş Eyw Arkadaşlar 😎😉🤘🇹🇷
@@ahmedkmq bende momunudq seninde
Onlar yılda 30bin dollar para almak için savaşmaya gelir. Biz ise vatanımızı namususunuzu korumak için. Aradaki fark bu.
Ahmed K. Galaly kalakulukalakuku biji biji. Kürdistan nerede la zirto
Real Digga peki sen doguda uzmanların para için savaşırken pkk ypg ırakta suryede toprak alırken türkiye de her gün ai göz yaşı döktürüyor zaten Avrupalıların savaşmayın gerek kalmayacak 10 yıla kalmaz pkk / ypg / peşmerge Türkiye'ye karşı hazır hale gelecek.
Yakup Çelik Senin yazdıklarından hiç bir şey anlamadım. Mektep medrese görmemek ayıp değil, kendini geliştirmemek ayıp.
I love Turkey from South Korea
you dont love USA?
@@ggkphilosophy USA is the reason why Korea divided!
ŽØĐIΔĆ yes because if we have not got in the way North Korea would’ve tooken over South Korea causing only more suffering but believe what you want to believe
@@CarlosReyes-lw7qi Bruh
we support TURKEY...
@GloNavy Ja Pakistan isn't a NATO member.
@GloNavy Ja you think nato is strong we have seen 🇪🇺 fall apart in an epidemical crisis😂😂. 🇹🇷 İs helping all of you know btw I'm a Russian none of the countries in Europe will posses a threat to 🇷🇺 or 🇹🇷 stop depending on 🇺🇸
@GloNavy Ja read carefully smartass I was mentioning European union. And yes none of the countries have enough medical supplies. Come up with actual facts. I left 🇺🇸 because of the corona virus and yes u do know 🇺🇸 is actually short of doctors.
@GloNavy Ja Turkey is in NATO, but Pakistan is not officially in NATO
That being said, they do have good military relations with NATO, much like Australia and Japan who are also not official members of NATO.
The US couldn't take Afganistan. I don't doubt it'd have success in all out war, but no way is it going to be able to hold Turkey
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
Turkey couldnt take Afghanistan, Turkey is in NATO Turkey was in Afghanistan so Turkey lost in Afghanistan the US has never lost a battle or war in Afghanistan the US already defeated Turkey (Ottomans) twice in 1st and 2nd Barbary wars in 1805 and 1815
@@UserName-om6ft Looool should read some of afghanistan battle, Turkey was against it and didint deploy any troops there to fight them, but did send some small portions of the army to help train the afghanistan troops, while Usa did go out full scale war almost and left billions of worth equipment to the afghanistans to collect
@@UserName-om6ft you are an imbecill having problem tie your shoe , normally, it seems like !!
When did Türkiye fought in Afghanistan and when did Türkiye lost a war against US ?
You should try learn to read, it helps ,when you seek knowledge..
Gel gel dedelerinde gelmişti...
ABD ne zaman bizle savaştı aq 1.Dünya Savaşı’nda zaten bi Avrupa’ya ordularını gönderdiler Kurtuluş Savaşı’nda da pek bir şey yapmadılar.
@@AFT_05G abd dediğin ingiliz soyu ya bildiğin karma da olsa kolonilerin arasında ingilizler de vardı sonuçta
@@AFT_05G belki İngilizler olarak gösterilmiş olabilir fakat ABD, birinci dünya savaşında karadenizde Türkiyenin çoğu kıyısını bombardımana tutmuştur hatta belgeleri bile vardı şuan unuttum nerede gördüğümü.
Abd insanı uzaydan mi geldi avrupa iti köpeği ne kadar işe yaramaz hırlı hırsız insanı varsa amerikaya yolladı dedeleri onlar işte
The whole analysis is based on the assumption that Turkey has an inferior air defense system, where in fact, the main reason for the US Turkish conflict is that Turkey bought the S400 russian systems that are capable of stopping the US 5th generation fighter jets..
You can't win a war without soldiers. In a defencive war, Turkey would most likely win because of the will power of their citizens and soldiers as seen in the independence war and gallipoli. Many nationalist Turks would join the army. A naval invasion would not be possible and because Turkey has a strong military presense in the south east region of anatolia and the mountains that are in the region would be hard to get through thus making it easier for the defending Turkish soldiers. It would be doubtfull that the Americans could get through.
@Scapeezian Twitch this is us vs Turkey 1v1 so its unlikely
USA will use their bases in Greece a arch enemy of Greece and will destroy turkey.
@@johnkaras6384 balkan part of Turkey is mountainous and easy defend making it hard to get through they would not be able to "destroy" Turkey
Thats just cope
MURDERER AND TERRORIST COUNTRY USA.. It has killed millions of people, committed massacres and genocide in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria..
He will pay for this...
Now all states and people have learned this..
First of all, you explained it well, but there is something forgotten here, which is military courage. At the time, stronger than America attacked us, but the result is clear. We are still standing and if we pass these, the USA's war on Turkey will harm both sides, the Russians and the Chinese will benefit from it. Also America loses its great status in the world, In the end, since Turkey's geographical location is perfect, the eastern alliance also makes a sound, etc. In short, if America declares war on Turkey, what it will gain is like a low status and slapping defeat and maybe ww3
What do you mean don't you know how the Americans fight wars they bomb their enemies into oblivion while the army cleans up afterwards.
@@darkknight6432 Yes, you said true, but it's not easy to bomb a place at these days. After ww2, the number of world peace organizations has increased a lot and the USA bombing a place will hurt itself more than the bombed place.
@@darkknight6432 i mean if usa bombs anywhere, thats hurt their status etc. a lot
@@Vaako_ihlali Apparently considering they did it in Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Iraq twice, and almost every proxy war the US has been involved in I mean they literally killed 200k civilians in one bombing raid in Tokyo and they didn't bat an eye. Read about the firebombing of Tokyo
@@darkknight6432 dude already i said at these times
"We support Turkey from [insert country here]"
Yeah we know, but did everyone not hear that in this video it's just between the two countries, as it's a hypothetical?
when people say this, it's a not a physical support but more like they prefer Turkey than USA
@@Opsdead for some countries like Pakistan and Iran,
They will actually support Turkey in any war
Hassan Mughal and they would get fucked
@@TylerD141 you mean usa
@@suluayran121 No you are truly deluded if you think the most powerful military machine on earth would be beaten by Turkey. Turkey would be completely crushed in a Non Nuclear conventional war with the US.
When I went to Turkey on vacation, every Turkish person I met was super polite and respectful to me! I wasn't expecting it at all. It was really genuine, too! (Don't get me wrong, I knew they ALSO wanted my money as they started to spread the word that an hungry American was walking through the market looking for something to buy and eat. Everyone immediately tried to get my attention. But even with all that I knew that they were good people. Genuinely good people becaise even when they DIDN'T have to treat me nicely,they STILL DID!)
They will always be polite if you don”t make a mistake with their culture and values.
İf you told them that you are hungry and don't have money , they could offer you free meal as well. They are that nice...
We have no problem with the American people, the only problem is the children of the globalist devil who rule America.
i support Turkey from Indonesia :)
bitcoin broker Nice fiction..
@@realjayen *Nice bullshit.Rebuild your cities and then talk about war, fool*
Bitcoin Broker That's why so many hate Americans not all but most of you are just ignorant puppets
We support indonesia from Turkey too. Loves.
Fucken bitch YOU ass all
Turkey will be the Second Vietnam for the U.S.! Believe me
source: trust me bro
This war is basically going to be another Gallipoli war. I don’t hate Turkey, nor do I support America.
Neutral stance from Armenia. I want tensions between Turkey and Armenia to come to an end. Move on from the past and start business and trade with each other. It would be profitable for the both of us.
Finally a sane Armenian. 👏🙏
that goes for greece too. the past has gone. we have todays problem and all must be solved with open mind without sticking at the past.
And for kurds too
problem is with armenians who are raising the children with hate, i can not visit armenia and say i am Turk as tourist. but armenians live in Turkey 100.000
Cant disagree,armenia will never become powerful until tensions are down. İf relations between armenia and iran also goes badly,armenia is doomed
Now I should get my popcorn and read them comments.
*hands over unopened soda can* you keep it
*sits behind with a shawarma*
*takes the soda can* *Hands you a new popcorn bag* :) thanks
Can i join in, I have pizza?
*Gets a third seat* Sure :)
I know..right?
I can do an hour of stand up with these comments!!!!
And every time Pakistan will support turkey in all conditions
Ali Abas 🇹🇷🇵🇰 thank you brother
Brother nation Pakistan.
@@mtosun66 fagistan*
Still no chance
Next history books would begin like this. "after this war, americas superiority in the middle east ended."
so...a Turkey shoot?
Why would you shoot a nice bird, nano-desu?
Right around Thanksgiving methinks.
😁😆😅... A Turkey shoot...
I'm from Syria and always support turkey ☪
nargile içerek mi destekliyonuz amk tecavüzcü surileri
@@mehmetavcu9380 😂😂
@@mehmetavcu9380 suriyeli kardeşler avrupada amerikan hedeflerini yok edecek. Hiç bir amerikalı artık rahat uyuyamaz. Halepten selamlar.
@@berkaydalkran833 sen ne anlarsın la dünkü çocuk.
you forget the role of Pakistan !!! If turkey is invaded we won't keep silent and neither Iran and Russia.
Ehh you cannot help us in any way our little friends.
We will help TURKEY in every hard times, if our forces combine with turkey it can give tough times to USA
Turks are brave nation nor like US who steal the resources of others either by invading or killing them.
Russia wont help Turkey
@@andrewfranciscohughes2481 uh? Common sense
I think an update is needed !
Turkey has developed significantly since the last 4-5 Years .
Turkey now counts several satellites .
It’s Air defense has improved significantly !
Turkey produces one of the best drones currently and it does that for a very very small cost . ( Massive loss for any attacker financially )
Stocked up Military capacity .
1 Million are available as of now ready to fight .
Reserves are around 12 Million and not 100,000k ? ! do your homework properly .
It’s basically impossible to capture Turkey , not only the military but also its citizens are armed , Turkey is also a very patriotic Country . Except heavy heavy gorilla fights if you even make it to any coast alive .
Whoever attacks Turkey will have to expect a defeat and massive losses financially as well as militarily .
America wouldn’t need to capture all of Turkey though, it would just capture the coast and box them in, at that point it’s just a matter of bolstering the Kurds to attack
@@sonicnarutoTDpg😂😂😂 size kıyılarımızda bol bol mezar hazırladık.gelibolu savaşında 200000 İngiliz Fransız ve Avustralyalı gibi
@@sonicnarutoTDpg Keep dreaming. Majority of the Kurds are muslims and dont support Kurdistan. America will be finished by 2050. Turkiye is going to become 10 fold stronger than the Ottoman empire and much larger geographically than the Ottoman empire. Just wait and see. This has been foretold. This means that if a war eventuates between the 2 nations, Turkiye will be triumphant.
Support turkey from pakistan.
Love to Turkey🇹🇷 from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Biz Türkler yüzlerce yıl önce'de savaşıyorduk,şimdi'de savaşırız..Yani ölmekten korkmayız..No problem..
Unlike most nations in the region, civilians can own firearms. So not only would you have the military to deal with you would have to deal with that as well. I have lived there for 18 yrs and I can tell you there is no way they would give up. They have internal problems, but if anyone from outside comes that would be put aside. Ask the Brits, Italians, French, and the Greeks.
from algeria support turkey 🇩🇿❤🇹🇷
@Golden Gopnik i speak english
@@بنقرينعمر he said thanks
Thank you
sit down fuck ass
Turkey occupied Syrian and iraqi territories a both arab nation your family and yet you support them no wonder arabs aren't as powerful as they used to be
lose against vietnam but win against turkey. İts make me laugh
LOL, Vietnam is half a world away, you can't even force the YPG out of your own country, now THATS laughable.
@@MB-do1sh the ypg in own country? Firstly, the Turks have conquered Africa, secondly there is not the YPG in Turkey, but the PKK hiding in the mountains and in Iraq. So why are you talking such a shit?
Stainless knight Turkey fighting for decates against Kurds still no make me laugh.
@@theobreytenbach1738 you stupid child, turkey does not fight against Kurds but against the pkk and ypg. in the akp so the party of erdogan are very many kurden inside.
@@MB-do1sh stop watching so many movies internet rambo
im starting to feel like the only sane and neutral brazilian here.
I think you are
Next vid: brazil vs us
Yes u are indeed.
@@Nektaris_Ikariotakis αδε Ικαριοτισ ρε ,
How many is a Brazilian? 😅
No war please! We want peace everywhere! It is easy to hate, but difficult to love each other.
Dont forget we have Batman!
@Atilla do we have a problem here brother?
Atilla turkey the best
@[R] bruh.
@Atilla it doesent matter if they love their land they are Türkish we have no american racism here.
We have Kürşad and his 40 men(it is just a story)
If this happen I am Turkey brothers side suddenly Turkeys win from Somalia.
Adam Kalif H.Hassan Somalia is the joke of the world, how’s the title of shitiest nation on earth working with your false Allah? I find it hysterical that you people still believe in allah when he doesn’t exist. For surely if he did, his people would live in shit holes like Somalia 😂
@@alsamiyasfh4416 they can't even feed themselves.
@@StrainXv maybe they can't but Somalians have bigger hearts than muricans.
LOL, the mighty somalian pirates
I m a turk and i m not triggered or angry. I dont think anyone does? In a real life situtaion this will never happen! If it did trust me Russia, Iran, and china would love to help turkey both economically and millitary. Because turkey is important for them agasnt USA
Not sure about Russia, didn't you shoot down one of their jets?
@@ub3rfr3nzy94 that was 3 years ago. Everything is under control now.
who gives a fuck about jets moron? use your brain, if usa in war with a country, russia and china gonna help to that country doesnt matter whoever its.
haha china and russia would not join a war against the USA dummy that would possibly end in a nuclear war and no one would win.
@@altacal6165 your the dumb one here. It will be a cold war like The korean war and vietnam war. China and US was never in a war right but there troops fought each other in Both korean war and vietnam if a war like Turkey vs US happens China would help turkey economically and Russia will sell air defenses, missles defense systems, modern fighter aircraft exteremly cheap to help turkey take down more of US Planes and damage their millitary. Plus you think that US would use their best and expensive planes aganst modern country like turkey? No they wont because they know turks will take down the plane.
Can you do new scenario for Turkey vs Greece. Malaysia support Turkey. 🇲🇾❤️🇹🇷
Love for Turkey from Pakistan
Turkey don't love you!
All Pakistani are in Greece and the will kill my country Turkey!
@@Nektaris_Ikariotakis you're not a Turkish
@@muhammadkhalid5796 Born in Izmir living In Gayreece with my family
This is why I am saying that
khalid khan we love you greetings from turkey don’t listen that greek
@@AhmetYlmaz-wm1xu Με αποκαλύψετε!
“ They are allies, at least on Paper”
It contains millions of mean...
@@appoappo8317 o da onu kastetmiş zaten. Anlamıyorsan cevaplama adamın yorumunu.
But you cand erase the issues on paper when the interests matter. usa is a liar. They are supporting ypg from the south to collapse down Turkey. But we won't let this happen.
mk yorumlara like atarken taziyeye gelmiş misafirlere kıymalı dağıtıyor gibi hissettim. bir de içimden saol ya azerbaycan, bak bak iranda geliyor falan diyorum
bakarsak Azerbeycan, Pakistan ve Iran da yasayan 37 milyon Turk var, kaldi ki ; fetih icin sahaya gelmek zorundalar! evden SIKARLAR bunlara analari sikilir af edersin! , Karadeniz den sag cikamazlar gectim Turkiye`yi , Vietnam dan beter olur, onun icin ki ; bize Menderes Donemi`nden beri baska turlu saldiriyorlar! Turk Askeri zaten yillardir o orospu cocuklarinin egittigi ve silahlandirdigi tipleri indiriyor! Sahaya indiklerinde temiz soyluyorum CEHENNEME gelirler!
Aslan Kaplan tmm abi
Geleceği görebilmek için geçmişe bakmanız lazım
support turkey from iran!!!
Captain how?
Captain thanks bruther from turkey
Do not underestimate Turkey..Turkey is a modern and advanced in military..
turkey cannot win a war against usa.usa is more advanced and also have nukes.only by the use of her airforce can easily win turkey
USA uses a air base in Crete at Greece man and probably Greece will give space for US air force so I don't think anything go as you say
If would greec join the war it means nato join the war against Turkey then russia would help turkey too
So can you thnik that greeks will still live in greece lands? 😂
Russia like USA and like every other big war power of he doesn't have something to earn they will just stay and watch
OP XVII Religion’s not that important nor relevant anymore
@@oprexon7906 lol remember old times when England come to gelibolu.. Russia supported all weapons bcuz they dont wanted England take these lands
Do a Canada/Australia war
Aka: the unwinable stalemate
I wanna see how America goes invading Canada....Do that!
@@Alftura They once planned it.
@@0000-z4z And the White House was burnt down.
Canada would win hands down.
We'll just ally ourselves with the emu.
Love 🇹🇷 from 🇵🇰
@@anestisanestis4281 You are a Greek you have no say in this so cut it
Turkey is not a choke. You are just talking about US but Turkey defeated Italy, Greece, oustrelia, France and Britain without tanks and planes at the same time in ww1
Support you turkey from Somalia
Greece smacked Turkey though
@@oohyahoohoohoohoohyah3312 Those swimmers only won in 1821 thats all
@@alikalin3781 they won the last war you had with them. I learned a lot about history, I remember a time that Turkey attacked Greece when they were broke after a civil war and that's how you won
And that's why I don't have sympathy for Turkey, they did crimes, they murdered women and children for no reason
@@oohyahoohoohoohoohyah3312 When did we attack greece ? We kill for no reason ?? Speak clear so i can answer you.
While the Americans cannot cope with Iran, do you think America will cope with Turkey? Turkey was chosen as the most powerful country in the Middle East according to international reports. The United States could beat it, but it would be a never-ending war.
also they will lose a lot money after war they will become poor country. for what? for nothing. bcuz Turkey dont have oil lol
Seninle şimdi değil S-400 ü alinca oynicam şekilsin ya hiaminaa
Greece f-35.
And s-300
@@xristoslath4215 hahahahaha 😂 which money with?
With yor mothers
If turkey really went to War, they won't be Alone. Pakistan got their back.
Go to turkey forget Kashmir
@@sanjibsur2900 Turkey ki madad b krain gay aur Kashmir b lain gay.... Aur han Kashmir lene pe bss nhi, uskay bad India ko cheer b dain gay 😉💪
So tumare Kaya chirenge tumare malum Nahi Hoga pok Hamata
Your are pussys thats why
@Nabeel Ahmed Khan and NATO would have America’s back so
Siz yine de denemeyin:)
Can you speak english if you want to speak
@@muricaaa4982 sen türkçe öğrende iletişim kur dostum. Dilinizin global olması bizi bağlamaz.
Adolf Hitler wtf are you saying little turk boi?
@@muricaaa4982 he says i wont talk english fuck off
@@muricaaa4982 ben türküm knk, dediğinide anlamadım da neyse
Almost, you talked about everything, but you did not mention the essence of the issue at all.
When you attack Turkey, that means you are automatically attacking at least to 4-5 other countries.
On the first day of the war, North Azerbaijan enters the war.
Following North Azerbaijan, 10-15 million South Azerbaijanis will join Turkey and the North Azerbaijani Army.
(No one knows exactly what the population of South Azerbaijan and the Turks in Iran is, but there are probably 30 to 40 million Turks in South Azerbaijan and Iran living on their ancestral lands.)
In the next days of the war, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, even Mongolia, Tatars on the Crimean island, Bosnian Turks, Uyghurs Turk living in China, and even Turks in southern Russian states such as Chechnya and Ingush will enter into the war.
I do not think anyone wants to make such a stupid joke, and attack Turkey.