tiap dengar lagu ini, membuat gw balik ke masa kecil gw. Orang tua yg perhatian, adek2 gw yg lucu, temen2 yg selalu ngajak seneng dam peduli banget. ngabisin waktu bareng kawan2 dari pagi sampe sore. momen yg sangat sangat berharga. sayangnya tak bisa mengulang, hanya kenangan. i love you all. ❤️
terkadang dewasa bukan lah hal yang indah seperti kita memikirkan agar cepat dewasa di kala masa kecil agar cepat bebas tapi kenyataan memberi bukti bahwa dewasa bukan tentang kebebasan tapi tentang tanggung jawab :))
Dulu pas masih kecil punya banyak cita cita... Sekarang yaudah yang penting bisa kerja, dulu pura pura sakit biar gak sekolah... sekarang pura pura sehat biar tetap kerja, dulu sering minta uang jajan sama orang tua... Sekarang harus nyari uang buat keluarga, dulu bisa main dan tidur sepuasnya... Sekarang harus rela kurang tidur biar kerjaan cepat selesai, aku cuman mau bilang makasih udah berusaha yang terbaik untuk keluarga, terima kasih dan sehat selalu 😊👍
Hi, my lovely Tiffany! This is your dad. If you're reading this, I just want you to know that your mom and I love you so much. Wherever you are, stay happy with your life, take care of your health, and fight for a better life. I love you. ❤
I agree with you, however, if you fall in love with a big booty no good for nothing hoe, and you get played by her for yeaaaarrrsss, thats no way a sweet honest mistake to make lololol
This is so much sadder if you interpret it as a father giving away his daughter at her wedding. "Parts of me were made by you"- she made him a father "Planets keep their distance too"- he knew he had to let her go as she got older "Time leaves no fruit on the tree"- his kids have all started their own lives and he's alone "When the pastor asks the pews for reasons he can't marry you"- he doesn't want to face the fact that she's going to be gone but knows that he has to so that she can live the same life and have the same family he once had "But you're gonna live forever in me"- she'll always be his little girl I'M CRYING
I feel it's a very appropriate interpretation since he starts with the dinosaurs to lead to that point. But I just lost my daddy earlier this year... before he got the chance to walk me down the aisle. So now I'm bawling.
Nangis Selalu nangis denger lagu ini Cinta memang sesakit itu Tapi lagu ini dengan tenangnya membungkus ketidakmungkinan untuk bersama jadi suatu hal yang indah dan tulus walau tidak menyerah. Ah, pilu yang menenangkan.
My best friend introduced me to john mayer. He recently passed away this month and this was played on his wake. Man you may only lived for a short time but you brought inspiration in the lives of the people around you. Salamat you’re gonna live forever in our lives.
Fvck!!!! A filipino??? Brother?! Gravy! I have a best friend too. Who passed away. Bat ganito ba mga nababasa kong comment dito! Puro tungkol sa mga namaalam na mahal sa buhay. Hays nakakaiyak! Pati Mama ko, naaalala ko, best friend kong namatayyy huhuhu!
Muter lagu ini pagi2 Sambil introspeksi diri Apa aja achievement dan kegagalan yg udh dilalui Kesalahan apa aja yg dilakuin ke ortu atau temen... Sengaja atau yg ga sengaja Hidup terlalu singkat buat menyesali semua hal jelek yg udh dilalui.. Intinya tetap harus bersyukur dan menjadi versi terbaik dari diri sendiri
Mother died of cancer two years ago, This song played in the hospital garden when I was calling everyone. I just threw the phone away somewhere, Broke down and cried on the grass. I seriously didn't know what else I could ever do at age 16 alone with no one by my side, At the least not anymore.
"Parts of me were made by you" Despite wanting to forget someone, let's admit that they have become a part of us and made an impact in this short life. Be it good or bad, they'll remain with us forever.
When i first heard this song, it was in a cafe, i couldn't hear it clearly. I thought it was coldplay or kodaline, I've been looking for this song desperately. Here i am now, happiest man on earth.
How can I have same experience like u. Cafe and chris martin. But I found the song on joox just a week ago after 6 months of looking for this song. I became the second happiest man after u 😁
This is one of the most beautiful song I have ever heard. The vibrations and the lyrics from this beautiful song challenged me to my real selfcore. This song was the beginning of my transformation. I can now freely live in peace. Thank you John Mayer.
Terimakasih sudah menjadi sebagian dari proses pendewasaan perjalanan panjang ini, berawal dari orang asing yang tidak saling mengenal skrng kita kembali menjadi 2 orang asing yang memiliki kenangan. I'll always love u dude
Lagu ini nyesek banget sampe ke hati 💔 aku mau cerita sedikit tentang keluargaku yg dulunya utuh, tapi sekarang sdh berkurang 1 personil Mama, papa, abang, my sister and last me 😊 Senin, 25 agustus 2020 saat itulah almarhuma mama pergi buat selamanya, tidak pernah kami sekeluarga menyangka hal ini akan terjadi tapi namanya jg kehidupan ada yang pergi buat selamanya dan ada yang baru lahir ke dunia, but hey mom, you're gonna live forever in me ❤️ bahagia disana yah 🙏🏻
lyrics: A great big bang and dinosaurs Fiery raining meteors It all ends unfortunately But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, just wait and see Parts of me were made by you And planets keep their distance too The moon's got a grip on the sea And you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, it's your destiny Life is full of sweet mistakes And love's an honest one to make Time leaves no fruit on the tree But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, it's just meant to be And when the pastor asks the pews For reasons he can't marry you I'll keep my word and my seat But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, just wait and see
“Parts of me were made by you…” hits me so hard. My grandmother raised me but she died 7 years ago to cardiac arrest. Life is never the same. I miss her so much every single day. She taught me everything except how to live without her. I miss you so much Nana 🕊️
Denger lagu ini saat keadaan lagi gak baik-aja, lg di masa mengalami kesulitan hidup, di umur 23 tahun masa dimana rasanya kebingungan dalam segala hal, bingung atas masa depan, bingung atas smua yg terjadi saat-saat ini. tapi tiba-tiba flashback lagi ke masa lalu, di masa-masa sangat sulit sekalipun bisa di lalui. Ternyata smua ada masanya, ada masa untuk menangis, ada masa untuk tertawa, ada masa untuk berdiam diri, ada masa untuk berlari, yg penting tatap Bersyukur dgn apa yg ada saat ini, Bersyukur masih bertahan dgn orang" yg sangat berarti dlm hidupku saat ini. Love you kalian orang" tercinta ku. 😇🥰🥰 God Bless. 🤍
I've been singing this song to my son inside my womb. Soon he'll be out in the world and be his own person, but he's been inside me for 9 months, and I think he's gonna still live forever in me even when he's 20, 30 years old. He was created inside me and he'll always be a part of me. I didn't know this kind of feeling before I'm pregnant.
So true, he is God of the sound, the beautiful melody and lyrics just go through him like light, and John doesn't follow trends he follows his heart and that's why his song is always so real and touching.
To the people who stayed by my side even at my darkest days. To those who did not leave me even though I have ghosted them because of depression. Thankyou. I'm grateful for your existence in my life💛
I love his music. even he went through some change, you cant expect him to stay forever in your favor. He changed and i always feel good for his music. welcome back John Mayer
GNCT I feel the same as you do. I feel like no matter how different his music throughout time, I always appreciate and feels like it still suits him. it doesn't apply to all musicians through all their career.
'Time leaves no fruit on the tree''... It's funny that each person has a unique interpretation of John's songs, I listened to You're Gonna Live Forever in Me so much, when I was pregnant, thinking about my daughter and the day when she was going to be born and come out of me, I caressed her belly and sang thinking about our eternal connection, even after birth. ''Parts of me were made by you, and the planets also keep their distance''. Today she is almost 2 years old, every day a little more independent, and today I remembered the moments when I came here to listen and enjoy the pregnancy... ''But you will live forever in me''. This song was certainly not written inspired by pregnancy, but this is the magic that a true artist creates with words, unique, personal and genuine interpretations.
I've lost my 9 month old son. Salah satu lagu yang menemani ketika saya dalam perjalanan pulang setelah mendengar kabar duka tersebut. Jauh dari perantauan untuk bekerja, pulang-pulang dinanti agar anak segera dimakamkan. Dan lagu ini bisa bikin flashback, gimana berharganya waktu, suka duka nemenin support istri pas hamil, lahiran, ngeramut anak, mandiin, ndulang, main, gendong sampek ketidur, apapun. You're gonna live forever in me, nak Adzka. ❤
Gimana rasanya pak ? Maaf saya nangis baca komentar bapak, kebetulan saya juga punya anak. Doakan semoga selalu sehat dan jadi anak yg sholehah, saya membayangkan apa yg terjadi dengan bapak dan saya ga kuat meskipun hanya dengan ngebayangun cerita bapak
This feels like the 5th stage of grief. Acceptance. It’s not that you’re *not* angry or depressed or any of the other stages. Every stage builds on itself to *create* the acceptance, like a huge, sad pie of happy and hurtful memories. I know this song about his ex, but man does it relate to my friendship breakup. In summary - I’m grateful it happened. It was beautiful while it lasted.
I'm in the same situation as you right now. It's crazy how the things gone, after all those years... I don't really know what to say. They acted like all of that time and memories didn't matter, but I know that all those experiences are still alive in their heads as much as they are alive in my own heart too, so I'm greatfull for that.
I'm in a different boat. My husband is gone. It's been almost 9 years. This year, I've missed him worse than even that first year after he died. He is gonna live forever in me. It is agonizingly bittersweet.
I play this song late at night. alone in my room. thinkin' about life. everything I have been done, my parents, my best friend. and of course my future. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I hope everything will be better. yes I will work even harder 'til the life is worth it for me nov 2, 2021
crying + listening while i think of my mom, she passed away a year ago and i really missed her so much. you live forever in my heart mom, i love you so much :')
Dulu waktu dia datang saya kira dia akan bersama saya selama lamanya. Tidak terlintas kalau disuatu malam kita akan mengakhiri semuanya. Hari hari panjang yang sudah kita lalui bersama tidak akan pernah saya lupakan. Jalan, angin, dan juga pohon dimana kita pernah lewat juga tidak pernah saya lupakan. Tetap sehat selalu kamu disana.
aku pernah dengerin lagu ini berdua bareng 'dia' ditaman waktu itu,waktu itu kita gada pikiran kalo bakalan jadi asing kaya gini.semoga bahagia terus ya dan semoga hal baik slalu menyertaimu.
This song is absolutely beautiful. Singing it brings me to tears. Thanks John for bringing out the thoughts I've always wanted to convey and writing them down in song. Music is a treasure.
Mungkin aku sudah memang harus benar benar kehilangannya. Mau seberapa banyak air mata ini keluar, mau seberapa banyak aku berdoa pada tuhan merayu nya untuk dia kembali kearahku. Tuhan tidak akan peduli. Aku hanya memberimu sedikit kode. Bahwa aku masih dibelakangmu, bahwa ketika kau merasa sendirian. Ada aku yang kapanpun kamu menoleh kebelakang akan memberimu semangat. Ada aku yang dibelakangmu selalu memberi senyuman yang seakan akan memberimu tenang. Tapi kau tak mengerti. Maaf untuk luka yang sangat dalam itu. Maaf jika aku terus menggangmu Mungkin aku memang harus benar benar lupa dan pergi dari belakangmu. Maaf ya jika doa doaku menghambat kamu dengan orang lain. Sekarang aku rela, untuk siapapun kamu nanti. Aku ikut bahagia🥹 Tanda sayang Love.
Alhamdulillah Kak. Tadi siang dy balas email aku dan unblock WA, respons nya positif. Mudah2an ke depan semakin baik. Aku msh jalanin meditasi ini walau sudah ada kabar. Video ini bener2 mood booster bgt. Bikin lbh legowo dan positif. Thank you!!! ❤❤❤
Thank you John. For the pain you feel over Katie. For the thought you put into every single aspect of your songwriting. For all you put into voice and what you can't express, thank you. If only MY pain sounded as glorious as yours.
I know it will be hard, but maybw these words can help u "Don't be sad bc it's over, be happy bc it happened" you got to know and spend a lot of beautiful times with your doggy, and he is gonna be around you forever:)) I know he would be sad if he saw you crying Take your time tho, wish you the best
Arti lagu ini padahal untuk seorang kekasih yg selalu ada di dalam hati sampai kapanpun. Tapi gua merasa lagu ini tuh sbagai lagu pengingat masa" lalu yg indah ataupun sedih dan gua ingin banget balik ke masa itu. Coba dengerin lagu ini pake headset terus sambi merem. Gak terasa pasti air mata lu bakalan menetes 😢
I had a cat. My baby boy. He was fallen sick when he’s 4 (leukemia positive) he was so weak and couldn’t eat on his own so i had to force feeding him. He fought with just a little strength he had left, and i know in my heart that we had so little time left together. He was so exhausted when I finish feeding him . I held him in my arms sitting on a balcony ... looking at the sunset, then I started whistle the melody in the beginning of this song ... he always love looking at the sunset since he was just a kitten,. And that was the last sunset we were looking at together. He died in my arms two days after. And that was almost 3 years ago Since then, i cry every time when I hear this song. I miss you so much, Nike. Wait for me at the heaven’s gate and i’ll do everything to make sure that I can meet you there. And we will look at the sunset together again, forever.
I feel you dude i had a kitten too she died on May 5 i really didn't know what was wrong with her but my family couldn't do anything about it we were poor and vets in my place are very far so yeah i was just hoping that the ill she was experiencing was just gonna go away but it didn't i couldn't even sleep back then and my grandma told me that it was time for her to be buried beacuase she wasn't breathing anymore and her heart stopped i went to the bathroom locked the door and cried and i still remember calling her whenever i go outside. (sorry for bad english :p) her name was "Browny" im bad at names
I lost my baby too, her name was "Bebé", and she also had leukemia. She past away pn october from last year, Reading you was Like I had my baby in my Arms again, it was so hard. I was on my job and i just go out when the doctor called me to tell me she died, and I started to cry at the bathroom from my job. And i thought the same as you, just wait for me, my only sunshine, even though you still making me happy when my Sky is grey... I love you forever.
Walaupun aku tahu, kita bertemu diwaktu yang tidak pas. Disituasi yang tidak terkendali yang berujung membawa luka. Situasi kita berjalan tidak mulus, pelik, banyak trauma hingga akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk mundur tiga langkah pergi tanpa kata. Disaat dirimu memintaku untuk mundur satu langkah saja. Ini yang dinamakan kebahagiaan yang didatangkan penuh luka. Aku yakin Tuhan kita sedang merencanakan suatu hal yang lebih indah untuk kita dipertemukan di masa depan. Biarlah tulisan ini dijadikan sebagai mantra yang berkekuatan untuk semesta bekerja mempertemukan kita. Diriku disini menulis ini penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan keoptimisan. Karena tak ada alasan yang tepat untuk meninggalkan, perpisahan ini hanya sementara❤ Aku percaya akan bukti nyata dari Tuhan.
I just lost one of my closest friends. He lost his battle against his emotions. This hits like a truck. Bro wherever you are, I will always remember you. Mark rest well.
This is so deep! Oh my god this is the most genuinely beautiful song I ever heard. No more words to describe it! I know he's probably broken hearted or something and that's sad but he kinda of turned all those feelings into a something magical! So I have to say it, about all the inspiration she gave him... this album is the best thing ever!
Hello my greatest love, if you ever listen to this and see this comment I just want to say that "You're Gonna Live Forever in me" Even now that you are happy with someone else and probably committed to him, I just can't let go the thing "us" created our memories is still on my mind and it seems that I cannot let go of it. It was my fault that we decided to end it all that day. If God gives me a reset button I'll make sure that I will choose you again and again and make things right. I still love you my "GODSPEED" I hope time will lead us back to each other again. until we meet again.
mau berbagi cerita sedikit sudah 3 bulan dekat, beranjak dari cinlok dan alasan yang gajelas tapi bisa deket dan jadi orang istimewa . meskipun waktu singkat dan moment bersama hanya sedikit tapi entah kenapa hati ngerasa pas banget sama dia. ngerjai deadline tugas sama-sama, nonton film bareng, satu forum lk1 bareng, solat bareng walopun sm temen juga, dan banyak hal lainnya. sedikit moment itu ngerasa buat aku adalah hal spesial di hari-hari mudaku dan seperti teguran padaku bahwa suatu hubungan perasaan itu emang ga boleh dibawa main-main. Dan jika kamu liat suatu saat ini percaya la, aku bener bener sayang kamu. tapi entah kenapa hari2 terakhir kamu mulai cuek, ga pengen lagi dgr kabar aku, gamau ceritain hal2 yang kamu lakuin, serasa kaya nutup diri. dan ya aku bersyukur km jujur dan berkata bahwa kamu bosen, dan aku akhirnya bisa tau bahwa sedari awal emang gada aku diruang hati kamu. aku mundur karena aku masih blm siap ngelawan ego aku sendiri dan punya feeling bahwa kamu emang mau udahan, dan sampai pada akhirnya bukan perihal memiliki mu lagi yang aku semogakan, tetapi perihal agar tuhan melapangkan dada ku dan menguatkan hatiku agar bisa melihat km dikemudian hari bahagia dengan siapapun sekalipun itu bukan aku. dan lewat lagu ini akan selalu kuingat senyum termanismu dikala sore itu. -R tjgbalai2k21
I am a gifted child i acknowledge everything comes for me in school. i just wanted to be a normal child like everyone kids in this earth being treated right by their parents as my soul lives forever i grew up crying for mother's attention and support. as i grew up i got a girlfriend named rose. shes really nice and very supportive too i loved her she gives me the attention the i never had before. but i also still be struggling for school even i am already smart and knows how to be rich before my adulthood. but this girl here hated to see me fail school so i am still taking my time to be better and gain my pride to focus on my future with her. i am thankful to have her.
aku mau titip komentar disini yaa. halo mas feb, sekarang aku lagi berada di masa penyembuhan atas rasa sakit yang kamu beri pada beberapa hari lalu, kalo aku denger lagu ini pasti ingetnya kamu. kenapa? waktu terakhir kita jalan bareng aku sempet foto kamu diem diem dan aku upload foto itu pake musik ini, tenang aku upload di cf sec akunku ko kamu ga perlu khawatir banyak orang tau tentang kita. maaf ya aku udah menaruh perasaanku sama kamu, yang ternyata kamu aja masih stuck di masalalu mu. semoga setelah ga sama aku lagi ini jadi hal baik buat kamu yaa mas feb, i still love u but u not my future again. semoga aku bisa cepet moveon ya dari kamu, kita musuhan dulu bentar nanti kalo aku dah baikan kita temenan yaaa. luv u
My brother passed in 2019. I went through his extensive music library on his computer. This song was there and definitely played a part in his memorial Playlist I put together. It was the first time I heard this lovely song and it never fails to bring a tear to my eye.
A great big bang and dinosaurs Fiery raining meteors It all ends unfortunately But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, just wait and see Parts of me were made by you And planets keep their distance too The moon's got a grip on the sea And you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, it's your destiny Life is full of sweet mistakes And love's an honest one to make Time leaves no fruit on the tree But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, it's just meant to be And when the pastor asks the pews For reasons he can't marry you I'll keep my word and my seat But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, just wait and see
knapa lagu ini membawa kita jauh balik ke belakang ya, sangat jauuuh.. merindukan kenangan2 indah, bersama keluarga, masa kecil, teman2, dan semuanyaa.. tpi lagu ini membawa kebahagiaan dan optimis menjalani hidup atas dasar kebahagiaan serta rasa syukur masa lampau, dan terima kasih kepada seluruh org2 tersayang yg telah mengukir cerita dalam hidup ini sejak kecil..
Sitting at the beach, listening to this song and the sound of the ocean. Feeling the breeze, closing my eyes and remembering all good times with my friends and family. 🥲
I get a vibe that this isn't intended directly to a woman but to his younger self, to his old heavier things roots and room for squares.. When he spoke from a younger point of view, rather where his recent things his speaks from a older more experienced time tested view. the glory of John is that matter what it is he manages to rocks it and will keep you from falling out the boat.. Keeps you enticed as well as speaking to your soul and heart directly. If not that then speaking through the views of a parent, as they witness their child grow and build a stronger relationship with themselves and experience things through time.
Probably a bit of both. At least one made him more self aware. However, as a musician he's a god, but when he talks he can still make you want to scream " Just Shut Up and Sing".
I miss you Ma, I deeply miss you... And this song strengthens that feeling, how it feels to lose someone you love. Ma, you're irreplaceable...you're gonna live forever in me...
I am studying abroad and today is my 21st birthday. When i woke up this morning, my mother called to break the bad news. We lost y grandmother early this morning. I love her so much and I have not seen her in a while. I already missed her. This song now means everything to me. You know, every year I wake up on my birthday, I will always remember her. She is gonna live forever in me...
Im listening to this song for the first time last night and i keep repeating, almost 12 hours..i felt the love, the sadness, hope and hopeless by this song
ingat teman-teman, lagu ini bukan hanya untuk seseorang atau hewan kesayanganmu, tapi juga untuk masa-masa kalian yang terbuang sia-sia di saat kalian berpikir "kenapa dulu saya tidak seperti begitu saja ya ?", jadi mengucapkan dua kata ini memang berat dan semua orang bahkan binatang sekalipun tahu bahwa perpisahan itu berat dan jadi intinya adalah *selamat tinggal*
It’s hard to live without the one you love, I had to end a relationship with who I thought was my soulmate. We still love each other but ultimately decided it was best for us to go our separate ways. I hope he knows how much I love him, and not a day goes by that I’m not thinking about him. As much as it hurts, as much as I’m in pain, it’s what’s best. Even though we’ll eventually completely fall out of each other’s lives, Liam, you’ll always live forever in me. I love you and I hope you find happiness wherever life takes you. ❤️
I find your comment and I'm in that situation too. I know may be sometimes it will hard, to live without someone who brings happiness to our lives. But sometimes the best way isn't always being together. I hope u healthy and u can find happiness as Liam too, Charla
Im in the same position as you. I know I should move on and keep going, but knowing that I won't have him in the end of the day, not having the time to share our stories about how our day was just really hurtful. I still talk to him, but still I miss so much what we had. Idk what to do, I'm getting tired of crying, yet I still do.
I'm pretty sure this song is like a continuation of Stop This Train in that he's still worried about that day that we're all worried about. The day you get a call saying your parents have passed away. It's a scary thing because they're the only family foundation we know, and one day they're gonna go. The last verse is about the day he gets married, aka the day where he'll get to start his own family. Really powerful stuff
Juan Luna lol what? the song is about a relationship that didn't work...all things end at some point. Regardless of the relationship ending, she influenced him and affected him forever. Regardless of how far away she moves, she will always affect him. Time doesn't change or fix that. The end is about when she gets married in the future, and the feeling of having to suck it up and move on.
Hmm agree to disagree then? Just like Stephanie said above^, I'm just happy we got ourselves an artist who's work is so complex that everyone walks away with their own interpretations. It's a great time to be a John Mayer fan
like in Dreaming with a Broken Heart I interpret it as a loss/death, whether it be a friend/family. However, I think it's more metaphorical in the sense of a breakup in the relationship, but I think you can interpret it both ways, and that's so beautiful.
Took a while for it to dawn on me, but he's singing about the love of his life marrying another man. He's singing from the pews, and, when the pastor asks if anyone objects, holds his tongue... The feels.
This song is the closure for what could never be. The perfect song for the guy with the most beautiful smile Finally letting go but won't forget you JP.
I love this song so much that I was just singing it in the bath right now. And I felt like completing the story since the song is only till she gets married. So I added two more stanzas, but it cannot be beyond Mayer's emotional genius totally:- (Continuing from the last pastor stanza) 5th stanza: And when you're complete and he's one, Playing out under the warm sun, I'll be by the cold blue sea, Cuz you're gonna live forever in me. I guarantee, you still beat in me. 6th stanza: So when you're reliving on your bed, Everything that's been lived and said, I'll look down and call you up with me, Cuz you still live on in me, I guaranteed, at last we meet. :)
Thank you so much for your comings and goings that bring bitter wounds, thank you to those who made this song sincerely, somehow describing how this song is very important for me and for you.
Dear Aa Ridwan F, Terimakasih banyak..... Telah menemani setengah perjalanan hidup aku di 2022.. Terutama ketika masa-masa sulitku, masa-masa sedihku, kehilangan ibu... Meskipun kita cuman rahasia yang hanya circle ku aja yang tahu, we value our relationship, kan A? Setengah tahun yang mungkin sangat singkat, but, life is full of sweet mistake when im with you Aku ga bakal lupa.... Meski kamu harus lupa... Terlalu banyak yang engga mudah hilang, Mungkin sisanya tinggal waktu dan kenangan Emang kita mungkin gak seberapa... Makanya kita emang udah harus saling lupa... Aku percaya Aa akan lebih bahagia... Dengan perempuan solehah yang Aa selalu bilang itu... Perempuan baik yang engga kayak aku.... Jahat....
A great big bang and dinosaurs Fiery raining meteors It all ends unfortunately But you're gonna live forever in me I'll guarantee, just wait and see Parts of me were made by you And planets keep their distance too The moon's got a grip on the sea And you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, it's your destiny Life is full of sweet mistakes And love's an honest one to make Time leaves no fruit on the tree But you're gonna live forever in me I guarantee, it's just meant to be And when the pastor asks the pews For reasons he can't marry you I'll keep my word and my seat But you're gonna live forever in me I'll guarantee, just wait and see
after two years of break up, i know this song because of his spotify playlist, every night in october he always sings this song before i fall asleep i still remember his voice when he sings he told me the deep meaning of this song, and it made me get a new habit that i couldn't sleep without listening to this song. after i broke up with him i deleted this song on my spotify playlist and never listened to it again, but today i listened to this song alone and singing alone, was quite sad. but the good news me and him had a happy ending, he found his new girlfriend and i found myself :3 24L
tiap dengar lagu ini, membuat gw balik ke masa kecil gw. Orang tua yg perhatian, adek2 gw yg lucu, temen2 yg selalu ngajak seneng dam peduli banget. ngabisin waktu bareng kawan2 dari pagi sampe sore. momen yg sangat sangat berharga. sayangnya tak bisa mengulang, hanya kenangan. i love you all. ❤️
Iyaaa sama banget wkwkw kenangan yg sangat indah, rasanya pgn balik ke masa lalu dan ngelakuin semua hal itu😭😭😁
i feel what you feel bro :)
kadang pengen bgt balik ke masa" itu :((
terkadang dewasa bukan lah hal yang indah seperti kita memikirkan agar cepat dewasa di kala masa kecil agar cepat bebas tapi kenyataan memberi bukti bahwa dewasa bukan tentang kebebasan tapi tentang tanggung jawab :))
Dulu pas masih kecil punya banyak cita cita... Sekarang yaudah yang penting bisa kerja, dulu pura pura sakit biar gak sekolah... sekarang pura pura sehat biar tetap kerja, dulu sering minta uang jajan sama orang tua... Sekarang harus nyari uang buat keluarga, dulu bisa main dan tidur sepuasnya... Sekarang harus rela kurang tidur biar kerjaan cepat selesai, aku cuman mau bilang makasih udah berusaha yang terbaik untuk keluarga, terima kasih dan sehat selalu 😊👍
Semangat kak 🥺 kmu hebat
Hi, my lovely Tiffany! This is your dad. If you're reading this, I just want you to know that your mom and I love you so much. Wherever you are, stay happy with your life, take care of your health, and fight for a better life. I love you. ❤
I wish I had run away from my parents.
I lost my 17y.o daughter on 24th Nov 2022, this was her favorite song, now every time i hear this song i can feel her in me...really do...
Oh, I'm so sorry.😞
I am so sorry for your loss! May her soul rest in peace☹
So sorry for your loss. May her memories bring you joy and healing.🙏🏾
Rest in peace......As a father with a daughter, I truly understand your pain.
“Life is full of sweet mistakes, and love’s an honest one to make”. This really hits home for me. John Mayer is incredible.
Weird I was on that part when I read your comment lol
I agree with you, however, if you fall in love with a big booty no good for nothing hoe, and you get played by her for yeaaaarrrsss, thats no way a sweet honest mistake to make lololol
@@crazypunk0062 yoooo, sameee
He's phenomenal!
This is so much sadder if you interpret it as a father giving away his daughter at her wedding.
"Parts of me were made by you"- she made him a father
"Planets keep their distance too"- he knew he had to let her go as she got older
"Time leaves no fruit on the tree"- his kids have all started their own lives and he's alone
"When the pastor asks the pews for reasons he can't marry you"- he doesn't want to face the fact that she's going to be gone but knows that he has to so that she can live the same life and have the same family he once had
"But you're gonna live forever in me"- she'll always be his little girl
thanks, that was a good cry
Im not crying u are
Wise interpretation indeed.
I feel it's a very appropriate interpretation since he starts with the dinosaurs to lead to that point. But I just lost my daddy earlier this year... before he got the chance to walk me down the aisle. So now I'm bawling.
Selalu nangis denger lagu ini
Cinta memang sesakit itu
Tapi lagu ini dengan tenangnya membungkus ketidakmungkinan untuk bersama jadi suatu hal yang indah dan tulus walau tidak menyerah.
Ah, pilu yang menenangkan.
sabar man 🫂🫂
Ah. Pilu yang menenangkan.
keren bang kata katanya
My best friend introduced me to john mayer. He recently passed away this month and this was played on his wake. Man you may only lived for a short time but you brought inspiration in the lives of the people around you. Salamat you’re gonna live forever in our lives.
Que triste y bella historia a la vez! Mucha fuerza
Rest in peace to your friend bro. I’m sorry for your loss
Sorry for your loss
Fvck!!!! A filipino??? Brother?! Gravy! I have a best friend too. Who passed away. Bat ganito ba mga nababasa kong comment dito! Puro tungkol sa mga namaalam na mahal sa buhay. Hays nakakaiyak! Pati Mama ko, naaalala ko, best friend kong namatayyy huhuhu!
Nakakalungkot isipin pero dun talaga tayo pupunta pagdating ng takdang araw sa atin ng Dios
Muter lagu ini pagi2
Sambil introspeksi diri
Apa aja achievement dan kegagalan yg udh dilalui
Kesalahan apa aja yg dilakuin ke ortu atau temen... Sengaja atau yg ga sengaja
Hidup terlalu singkat buat menyesali semua hal jelek yg udh dilalui..
Intinya tetap harus bersyukur dan menjadi versi terbaik dari diri sendiri
Bener bro
Well said
Duhh banggg thanks bgtt wejangannya
Lost my mama last year bec of Covid. Hearing this song just makes me miss her more. You're gonna live forever in me, ma.
i’m so sorry, i hope you’re okay. your mama proud of you darl
Hope you're better now^^
So sorry to hear that :(
I hope you're oke right now:')
Mother died of cancer two years ago, This song played in the hospital garden when I was calling everyone.
I just threw the phone away somewhere, Broke down and cried on the grass.
I seriously didn't know what else I could ever do at age 16 alone with no one by my side, At the least not anymore.
hope you're better now
Please be strong, my mother passed away by cancer also exactly 3y ago , i feel you. Stay strong ❤
Darling You. Send You my love, truly
May ALLAH bless you dear !
now you are stronger than youll ever know
"Parts of me were made by you"
Despite wanting to forget someone, let's admit that they have become a part of us and made an impact in this short life. Be it good or bad, they'll remain with us forever.
who knew a song this emotional could start with dinosaurs
Whats good Pepe
Who knew a world this sad could start with them
it's start with a bang
Erling Haaland: yeah.. why not
It's about letting a love go.. but knowing it will always be a part of you. You can't listen to this song and not think about that one person..
quincywho that one person who’s gonna live forever in you...
So sad bro:(
always, even now we are like strangers for each other
I can. Cause I fuckin hate em 😂
I let her go
When i first heard this song, it was in a cafe, i couldn't hear it clearly. I thought it was coldplay or kodaline, I've been looking for this song desperately. Here i am now, happiest man on earth.
Aufi Laudza day
Feel yourself free to search into this great universe called: john mayer's albums
Then you actually hear the music and become sad again
i bet u don't have shazam
How can I have same experience like u. Cafe and chris martin. But I found the song on joox just a week ago after 6 months of looking for this song. I became the second happiest man after u 😁
This is one of the most beautiful song I have ever heard. The vibrations and the lyrics from this beautiful song challenged me to my real selfcore. This song was the beginning of my transformation. I can now freely live in peace. Thank you John Mayer.
Terimakasih sudah menjadi sebagian dari proses pendewasaan perjalanan panjang ini, berawal dari orang asing yang tidak saling mengenal skrng kita kembali menjadi 2 orang asing yang memiliki kenangan. I'll always love u dude
Super Idol de xiaorong
dou mei ni de tian
ba yue zhengwu de yangguang
dou mei ni yaoyan
热爱 105 °C的你
Sedih bener
Dude Herlino?
From strangers to a lover, back to strangers again :)
Lagu ini nyesek banget sampe ke hati 💔
aku mau cerita sedikit tentang keluargaku yg dulunya utuh, tapi sekarang sdh berkurang 1 personil
Mama, papa, abang, my sister and last me 😊
Senin, 25 agustus 2020 saat itulah almarhuma mama pergi buat selamanya, tidak pernah kami sekeluarga menyangka hal ini akan terjadi tapi namanya jg kehidupan ada yang pergi buat selamanya dan ada yang baru lahir ke dunia, but hey mom, you're gonna live forever in me ❤️ bahagia disana yah 🙏🏻
Goodluck kak, kita sama
aslian kak tadinya mau sedih tpi ada yg lebih sedih dari diri sendiri, keep spirit kak Allah lebih sayang mama nya 🙏
Kamu pasti kuat, semangat yaaa!
I feel you. Untuk orang yang paling kita sayang, tempat terbaik disisiNya Aamin 😊
Thank you semua buat supportnya
kalian jg tetap semangat yah ❤️
A great big bang and dinosaurs
Fiery raining meteors
It all ends unfortunately
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, just wait and see
Parts of me were made by you
And planets keep their distance too
The moon's got a grip on the sea
And you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's your destiny
Life is full of sweet mistakes
And love's an honest one to make
Time leaves no fruit on the tree
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's just meant to be
And when the pastor asks the pews
For reasons he can't marry you
I'll keep my word and my seat
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, just wait and see
Keipawn nalh ka ti......
Hahaha analhhhh...ty2
malsawmi zadeng f
All ze mizo ppl
“Parts of me were made by you…” hits me so hard.
My grandmother raised me but she died 7 years ago to cardiac arrest. Life is never the same. I miss her so much every single day. She taught me everything except how to live without her. I miss you so much Nana 🕊️
Denger lagu ini saat keadaan lagi gak baik-aja, lg di masa mengalami kesulitan hidup, di umur 23 tahun masa dimana rasanya kebingungan dalam segala hal, bingung atas masa depan, bingung atas smua yg terjadi saat-saat ini. tapi tiba-tiba flashback lagi ke masa lalu, di masa-masa sangat sulit sekalipun bisa di lalui. Ternyata smua ada masanya, ada masa untuk menangis, ada masa untuk tertawa, ada masa untuk berdiam diri, ada masa untuk berlari, yg penting tatap Bersyukur dgn apa yg ada saat ini, Bersyukur masih bertahan dgn orang" yg sangat berarti dlm hidupku saat ini. Love you kalian orang" tercinta ku.
God Bless. 🤍
I've been singing this song to my son inside my womb. Soon he'll be out in the world and be his own person, but he's been inside me for 9 months, and I think he's gonna still live forever in me even when he's 20, 30 years old. He was created inside me and he'll always be a part of me. I didn't know this kind of feeling before I'm pregnant.
Semoga lancar persalinannya....
Bless you, your child and your family. Give him lots of love💕 have a safe delivery mommy! I believe he will be a wonderful person 💟
how is your son now? I hope you and your son are doing great. :>
Hahahhahahaha holy shit pop a cork in it and don't have kidsssss
@@mrezanugraha815 aminnnn
Mayer's music is slow poison
he doesn't care about times. i've been waiting for This Album since i was in 6th grade and he released it when i was in 10th grade
Namma Ooru Boy Band (NOBB) q
He's a prodigy genius
So true, he is God of the sound, the beautiful melody and lyrics just go through him like light, and John doesn't follow trends he follows his heart and that's why his song is always so real and touching.
To the people who stayed by my side even at my darkest days. To those who did not leave me even though I have ghosted them because of depression. Thankyou. I'm grateful for your existence in my life💛
Who else can imagine a dimly lit bar, a broken hearted pianist laying bare for his audience ?
right on the spot
Ankit Agarwal jeez same💚
That is exactly what I see.
Ankit Agarwal I was picturing a black and white scene of a man walking with a drooped down rose in his hand. Same vibes
Has anyone seen La La Land?
the more you'll get older, the more you'll appreciate john mayer's songs
Ikr, they hit hard
Can relate to that
That's it
So true
I love his music. even he went through some change, you cant expect him to stay forever in your favor. He changed and i always feel good for his music. welcome back John Mayer
GNCT I feel the same as you do. I feel like no matter how different his music throughout time, I always appreciate and feels like it still suits him. it doesn't apply to all musicians through all their career.
Good comment. I agree.
good words dude
I agree. He's one of very few musicians that with their change, you feel a true honesty.
GNCT on point
'Time leaves no fruit on the tree''... It's funny that each person has a unique interpretation of John's songs, I listened to You're Gonna Live Forever in Me so much, when I was pregnant, thinking about my daughter and the day when she was going to be born and come out of me, I caressed her belly and sang thinking about our eternal connection, even after birth. ''Parts of me were made by you, and the planets also keep their distance''. Today she is almost 2 years old, every day a little more independent, and today I remembered the moments when I came here to listen and enjoy the pregnancy... ''But you will live forever in me''. This song was certainly not written inspired by pregnancy, but this is the magic that a true artist creates with words, unique, personal and genuine interpretations.
I've lost my 9 month old son. Salah satu lagu yang menemani ketika saya dalam perjalanan pulang setelah mendengar kabar duka tersebut. Jauh dari perantauan untuk bekerja, pulang-pulang dinanti agar anak segera dimakamkan. Dan lagu ini bisa bikin flashback, gimana berharganya waktu, suka duka nemenin support istri pas hamil, lahiran, ngeramut anak, mandiin, ndulang, main, gendong sampek ketidur, apapun. You're gonna live forever in me, nak Adzka. ❤
Semoga Khusnul hotimah bang
Semangat yh kak
Terimah kasi
Deep Condolences brother....God keep you and give you strength
Gimana rasanya pak ? Maaf saya nangis baca komentar bapak, kebetulan saya juga punya anak. Doakan semoga selalu sehat dan jadi anak yg sholehah, saya membayangkan apa yg terjadi dengan bapak dan saya ga kuat meskipun hanya dengan ngebayangun cerita bapak
This feels like the 5th stage of grief. Acceptance.
It’s not that you’re *not* angry or depressed or any of the other stages. Every stage builds on itself to *create* the acceptance, like a huge, sad pie of happy and hurtful memories.
I know this song about his ex, but man does it relate to my friendship breakup. In summary - I’m grateful it happened. It was beautiful while it lasted.
I'm in the same situation as you right now. It's crazy how the things gone, after all those years... I don't really know what to say.
They acted like all of that time and memories didn't matter, but I know that all those experiences are still alive in their heads as much as they are alive in my own heart too, so I'm greatfull for that.
I'm in a different boat. My husband is gone. It's been almost 9 years. This year, I've missed him worse than even that first year after he died. He is gonna live forever in me. It is agonizingly bittersweet.
You don’t have to go through all the steps in order, though.
I play this song late at night. alone in my room. thinkin' about life. everything I have been done, my parents, my best friend. and of course my future. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I hope everything will be better. yes I will work even harder 'til the life is worth it for me
nov 2, 2021
Me too
Just wait and see …
Abi Oge arek Kitu ti mulai ayenamah😪
Me too bro hope we all doing great okee😁😁
me too:)
crying + listening while i think of my mom, she passed away a year ago and i really missed her so much. you live forever in my heart mom, i love you so much :')
Dulu waktu dia datang saya kira dia akan bersama saya selama lamanya. Tidak terlintas kalau disuatu malam kita akan mengakhiri semuanya. Hari hari panjang yang sudah kita lalui bersama tidak akan pernah saya lupakan. Jalan, angin, dan juga pohon dimana kita pernah lewat juga tidak pernah saya lupakan. Tetap sehat selalu kamu disana.
this song makes me feel things i never knew i could feel... i just feel like crying everytime i listen to it
Rosalie Fugere exactly same!
Rosalie Fugere me too
Right in your heart. Its painful but also bring joy
Totally right :)
It makes me feel like I'm on the beach just waiting for the sunset and then I caught myself thinking: Life is good, God is great. Thank you John :)
aku pernah dengerin lagu ini berdua bareng 'dia' ditaman waktu itu,waktu itu kita gada pikiran kalo bakalan jadi asing kaya gini.semoga bahagia terus ya dan semoga hal baik slalu menyertaimu.
He said they did this is in one take...that's amazing.
This song is absolutely beautiful. Singing it brings me to tears. Thanks John for bringing out the thoughts I've always wanted to convey and writing them down in song. Music is a treasure.
Beautiful words
Mungkin aku sudah memang harus benar benar kehilangannya.
Mau seberapa banyak air mata ini keluar, mau seberapa banyak aku berdoa pada tuhan merayu nya untuk dia kembali kearahku. Tuhan tidak akan peduli.
Aku hanya memberimu sedikit kode. Bahwa aku masih dibelakangmu, bahwa ketika kau merasa sendirian. Ada aku yang kapanpun kamu menoleh kebelakang akan memberimu semangat. Ada aku yang dibelakangmu selalu memberi senyuman yang seakan akan memberimu tenang.
Tapi kau tak mengerti.
Maaf untuk luka yang sangat dalam itu.
Maaf jika aku terus menggangmu
Mungkin aku memang harus benar benar lupa dan pergi dari belakangmu.
Maaf ya jika doa doaku menghambat kamu dengan orang lain.
Sekarang aku rela, untuk siapapun kamu nanti. Aku ikut bahagia🥹
Tanda sayang
Alhamdulillah Kak. Tadi siang dy balas email aku dan unblock WA, respons nya positif. Mudah2an ke depan semakin baik. Aku msh jalanin meditasi ini walau sudah ada kabar. Video ini bener2 mood booster bgt. Bikin lbh legowo dan positif. Thank you!!! ❤❤❤
Thank you John. For the pain you feel over Katie. For the thought you put into every single aspect of your songwriting. For all you put into voice and what you can't express, thank you. If only MY pain sounded as glorious as yours.
I'm gonna play this song through my earphones at her wedding.
why is it sound so sad? :'D
oh man this is hurt!
You're gonna drown in tears m8
Oh boy..
My dog just died 3 days ago, and i cant bear the sadness. I miss him so much, he meant the world for me.
I know it will be hard, but maybw these words can help u "Don't be sad bc it's over, be happy bc it happened" you got to know and spend a lot of beautiful times with your doggy, and he is gonna be around you forever:)) I know he would be sad if he saw you crying
Take your time tho, wish you the best
@@marjoriemargaretmoniaga4907 The message up here is for you as well:33
same huhuhuhu
semangat kak
Arti lagu ini padahal untuk seorang kekasih yg selalu ada di dalam hati sampai kapanpun.
Tapi gua merasa lagu ini tuh sbagai lagu pengingat masa" lalu yg indah ataupun sedih dan gua ingin banget balik ke masa itu.
Coba dengerin lagu ini pake headset terus sambi merem.
Gak terasa pasti air mata lu bakalan menetes 😢
I had a cat. My baby boy. He was fallen sick when he’s 4 (leukemia positive) he was so weak and couldn’t eat on his own so i had to force feeding him. He fought with just a little strength he had left, and i know in my heart that we had so little time left together. He was so exhausted when I finish feeding him .
I held him in my arms sitting on a balcony ... looking at the sunset, then I started whistle the melody in the beginning of this song ... he always love looking at the sunset since he was just a kitten,. And that was the last sunset we were looking at together. He died in my arms two days after. And that was almost 3 years ago
Since then, i cry every time when I hear this song.
I miss you so much, Nike. Wait for me at the heaven’s gate and i’ll do everything to make sure that I can meet you there. And we will look at the sunset together again, forever.
I feel you dude i had a kitten too she died on May 5 i really didn't know what was wrong with her but my family couldn't do anything about it we were poor and vets in my place are very far so yeah i was just hoping that the ill she was experiencing was just gonna go away but it didn't i couldn't even sleep back then and my grandma told me that it was time for her to be buried beacuase she wasn't breathing anymore and her heart stopped i went to the bathroom locked the door and cried and i still remember calling her whenever i go outside. (sorry for bad english :p) her name was "Browny" im bad at names
Reading this breaks my heart
True love.
I lost my baby too, her name was "Bebé", and she also had leukemia. She past away pn october from last year, Reading you was Like I had my baby in my Arms again, it was so hard. I was on my job and i just go out when the doctor called me to tell me she died, and I started to cry at the bathroom from my job. And i thought the same as you, just wait for me, my only sunshine, even though you still making me happy when my Sky is grey... I love you forever.
I love John Mayer but I really miss all the guitar and the funky beats.
Gerald Ander Lee listen to his other new song, "Moving on and getting over"
Wes Leurs and Changing with its crazy guitar solo
I think he's still doing that, it just doesn't have to be every song anymore :) he's got more diversity in his sound now
Listen to Moving On and Getting Over. It has what you're looking for.
All he does is play guitar and funky beats. Go to one of his concerts and you shall see. But anyways, listen to Moving on and getting over.
Can't describe how much I love this song
Who asked
@@omarsoudah7523 I did
@@darthrader1068 and no one was talking to u
@@omarsoudah7523 Bro come one there's no need to say who asked like what did the commenter even do to you.
Walaupun aku tahu, kita bertemu diwaktu yang tidak pas. Disituasi yang tidak terkendali yang berujung membawa luka. Situasi kita berjalan tidak mulus, pelik, banyak trauma hingga akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk mundur tiga langkah pergi tanpa kata. Disaat dirimu memintaku untuk mundur satu langkah saja. Ini yang dinamakan kebahagiaan yang didatangkan penuh luka. Aku yakin Tuhan kita sedang merencanakan suatu hal yang lebih indah untuk kita dipertemukan di masa depan. Biarlah tulisan ini dijadikan sebagai mantra yang berkekuatan untuk semesta bekerja mempertemukan kita. Diriku disini menulis ini penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan keoptimisan. Karena tak ada alasan yang tepat untuk meninggalkan, perpisahan ini hanya sementara❤ Aku percaya akan bukti nyata dari Tuhan.
I just lost one of my closest friends. He lost his battle against his emotions. This hits like a truck. Bro wherever you are, I will always remember you. Mark rest well.
Rest in peace for your friend dude😇
@@mmjust that's not what it means
My condolences 💜
My deepest condolences to the family, relatives, and friends
This is so deep! Oh my god this is the most genuinely beautiful song I ever heard. No more words to describe it!
I know he's probably broken hearted or something and that's sad but he kinda of turned all those feelings into a something magical!
So I have to say it, about all the inspiration she gave him... this album is the best thing ever!
Hello my greatest love, if you ever listen to this and see this comment I just want to say that "You're Gonna Live Forever in me" Even now that you are happy with someone else and probably committed to him, I just can't let go the thing "us" created our memories is still on my mind and it seems that I cannot let go of it. It was my fault that we decided to end it all that day. If God gives me a reset button I'll make sure that I will choose you again and again and make things right. I still love you my "GODSPEED" I hope time will lead us back to each other again. until we meet again.
To the man we've shared memories together. Thank you. You're the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life.
mau berbagi cerita sedikit
sudah 3 bulan dekat, beranjak dari cinlok dan alasan yang gajelas tapi bisa deket dan jadi orang istimewa . meskipun waktu singkat dan moment bersama hanya sedikit tapi entah kenapa hati ngerasa pas banget sama dia. ngerjai deadline tugas sama-sama, nonton film bareng, satu forum lk1 bareng, solat bareng walopun sm temen juga, dan banyak hal lainnya. sedikit moment itu ngerasa buat aku adalah hal spesial di hari-hari mudaku dan seperti teguran padaku bahwa suatu hubungan perasaan itu emang ga boleh dibawa main-main. Dan jika kamu liat suatu saat ini percaya la, aku bener bener sayang kamu.
tapi entah kenapa hari2 terakhir kamu mulai cuek, ga pengen lagi dgr kabar aku, gamau ceritain hal2 yang kamu lakuin, serasa kaya nutup diri. dan ya aku bersyukur km jujur dan berkata bahwa kamu bosen, dan aku akhirnya bisa tau bahwa sedari awal emang gada aku diruang hati kamu. aku mundur karena aku masih blm siap ngelawan ego aku sendiri dan punya feeling bahwa kamu emang mau udahan, dan sampai pada akhirnya bukan perihal memiliki mu lagi yang aku semogakan, tetapi perihal agar tuhan melapangkan dada ku dan menguatkan hatiku agar bisa melihat km dikemudian hari bahagia dengan siapapun sekalipun itu bukan aku. dan lewat lagu ini akan selalu kuingat senyum termanismu dikala sore itu.
-R tjgbalai2k21
semangaaat yaa ...
Tj Balai Karimun 💪🏻
anj sedih bgt :((
Org tj balai bro?
This song definitely comes from heaven.
I am a gifted child i acknowledge everything comes for me in school. i just wanted to be a normal child like everyone kids in this earth being treated right by their parents as my soul lives forever i grew up crying for mother's attention and support. as i grew up i got a girlfriend named rose. shes really nice and very supportive too i loved her she gives me the attention the i never had before. but i also still be struggling for school even i am already smart and knows how to be rich before my adulthood. but this girl here hated to see me fail school so i am still taking my time to be better and gain my pride to focus on my future with her. i am thankful to have her.
I'm 21 and I start listening to mayer when I was 15. His songs comforts me when I'm feeling down or not feeling okay. So glad that john mayer exist.
The king is back
There's already a room in my heart just for someone, that can't be changed and i'm happy to keep it.
Ijin copy ditwitter kak
aku mau titip komentar disini yaa. halo mas feb, sekarang aku lagi berada di masa penyembuhan atas rasa sakit yang kamu beri pada beberapa hari lalu, kalo aku denger lagu ini pasti ingetnya kamu. kenapa? waktu terakhir kita jalan bareng aku sempet foto kamu diem diem dan aku upload foto itu pake musik ini, tenang aku upload di cf sec akunku ko kamu ga perlu khawatir banyak orang tau tentang kita. maaf ya aku udah menaruh perasaanku sama kamu, yang ternyata kamu aja masih stuck di masalalu mu. semoga setelah ga sama aku lagi ini jadi hal baik buat kamu yaa mas feb, i still love u but u not my future again. semoga aku bisa cepet moveon ya dari kamu, kita musuhan dulu bentar nanti kalo aku dah baikan kita temenan yaaa. luv u
Semangat mbaknya :))
Semoga mendapat pengganti yang lebih baik~
"I guarantee, it's just meant to be" - John Mayer
semangat kak
aku juga lagi difase itu, i hope you will get better, we all will get through this togheter :)
Semangat kak i hope dia segera bisa keluar dari masa lalu nya dan ga nyia nyia in orang kaya kakak lagi :)
Semangat mba kita lagi di rasa sakit yg sama dan seperti diposisi yg sama
This is maturity as a songwriter sounds like, and I don't know about y'all, but its pretty amazing stuff.
My brother passed in 2019. I went through his extensive music library on his computer. This song was there and definitely played a part in his memorial Playlist I put together. It was the first time I heard this lovely song and it never fails to bring a tear to my eye.
I’m sorry for your loss❤
Same , 2008
It turns out that for God, we are only two who are brought together to find each other
A great big bang and dinosaurs
Fiery raining meteors
It all ends unfortunately
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, just wait and see
Parts of me were made by you
And planets keep their distance too
The moon's got a grip on the sea
And you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's your destiny
Life is full of sweet mistakes
And love's an honest one to make
Time leaves no fruit on the tree
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's just meant to be
And when the pastor asks the pews
For reasons he can't marry you
I'll keep my word and my seat
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, just wait and see
Thank you
Jj nnn. Knnkoom..
Thank you
Mayer's changing the game with this kind of release! Love him
his ability to adapt to any style of music and absolutely kill it will always amaze me, thank you john
knapa lagu ini membawa kita jauh balik ke belakang ya, sangat jauuuh.. merindukan kenangan2 indah, bersama keluarga, masa kecil, teman2, dan semuanyaa.. tpi lagu ini membawa kebahagiaan dan optimis menjalani hidup atas dasar kebahagiaan serta rasa syukur masa lampau, dan terima kasih kepada seluruh org2 tersayang yg telah mengukir cerita dalam hidup ini sejak kecil..
I honestly love this, this doesn't even sound like something John would make. But it's still just so perfect.
Sitting at the beach, listening to this song and the sound of the ocean. Feeling the breeze, closing my eyes and remembering all good times with my friends and family. 🥲
Well said. 🙏🏻
I like this one, I get a hint of "Age of worry" I feel this is for someone he has lost, his own younger self or another human.
I bet its young John knowing how egocentric he is
Simran Kataria like your opinion !!
Simran Kataria Hi...
I get a vibe that this isn't intended directly to a woman but to his younger self, to his old heavier things roots and room for squares.. When he spoke from a younger point of view, rather where his recent things his speaks from a older more experienced time tested view. the glory of John is that matter what it is he manages to rocks it and will keep you from falling out the boat.. Keeps you enticed as well as speaking to your soul and heart directly. If not that then speaking through the views of a parent, as they witness their child grow and build a stronger relationship with themselves and experience things through time.
Probably a bit of both. At least one made him more self aware. However, as a musician he's a god, but when he talks he can still make you want to scream " Just Shut Up and Sing".
I miss you Ma, I deeply miss you... And this song strengthens that feeling, how it feels to lose someone you love. Ma, you're irreplaceable...you're gonna live forever in me...
I am studying abroad and today is my 21st birthday. When i woke up this morning, my mother called to break the bad news. We lost y grandmother early this morning.
I love her so much and I have not seen her in a while.
I already missed her.
This song now means everything to me. You know, every year I wake up on my birthday, I will always remember her.
She is gonna live forever in me...
keep strong bro ☝😥
This is one of the most beautifully written songs to ever exist
y'all crying about your exes but I'm here crying about the dinosaurs 😥
Ahhaaa looks the same
Hello ross geller
I passed away 4 years ago and they played this at my funeral. Really thankful!
Man I miss her.
@@FreeOorgans God bless you 🙏😊
Setelah jadi backsound videonya Nabila sama Eril, aku ngga akan bisa memandang lagu ini tanpa ingat mereka.
Videonya liatnya dimana ya?
@@nenengh2457 tiktok
"Lifed is full of sweet mistakes,Love's an honest one to make."
Im listening to this song for the first time last night and i keep repeating, almost 12 hours..i felt the love, the sadness, hope and hopeless by this song
You're gonna live forever in our memories, coach shin. Thank you for everything
ingat teman-teman, lagu ini bukan hanya untuk seseorang atau hewan kesayanganmu, tapi juga untuk masa-masa kalian yang terbuang sia-sia di saat kalian berpikir "kenapa dulu saya tidak seperti begitu saja ya ?", jadi mengucapkan dua kata ini memang berat dan semua orang bahkan binatang sekalipun tahu bahwa perpisahan itu berat dan jadi intinya adalah *selamat tinggal*
Lagu ini penuh kejujuran, setiap kali mendengarkannya hati saya begitu luas.
Seluas apa mas, pulau kalimantan kalah luas gak? huft
@@muhamadfaizalramadhan5943 😭🤣
@Mhmd Fahri ngeri bgt deh, kalo beneran. huhu
Seluas samudera Pasifik mas'e
I'm crying... Why is this so beautiful? 😭
yes im beautiful
thank you so much xoxo
Some people listen to this as a sad song but I see it as a father speaking to their child as they grow and become their own people.
It’s hard to live without the one you love, I had to end a relationship with who I thought was my soulmate. We still love each other but ultimately decided it was best for us to go our separate ways. I hope he knows how much I love him, and not a day goes by that I’m not thinking about him. As much as it hurts, as much as I’m in pain, it’s what’s best. Even though we’ll eventually completely fall out of each other’s lives, Liam, you’ll always live forever in me. I love you and I hope you find happiness wherever life takes you. ❤️
He knows
I find your comment and I'm in that situation too. I know may be sometimes it will hard, to live without someone who brings happiness to our lives. But sometimes the best way isn't always being together. I hope u healthy and u can find happiness as Liam too, Charla
It's hard to live without the one u love, I had to end a relationship with who i thought was my soulmate.
Im in the same position as you. I know I should move on and keep going, but knowing that I won't have him in the end of the day, not having the time to share our stories about how our day was just really hurtful. I still talk to him, but still I miss so much what we had. Idk what to do, I'm getting tired of crying, yet I still do.
I'm pretty sure this song is like a continuation of Stop This Train in that he's still worried about that day that we're all worried about. The day you get a call saying your parents have passed away. It's a scary thing because they're the only family foundation we know, and one day they're gonna go.
The last verse is about the day he gets married, aka the day where he'll get to start his own family. Really powerful stuff
Juan Luna lol what? the song is about a relationship that didn't work...all things end at some point. Regardless of the relationship ending, she influenced him and affected him forever. Regardless of how far away she moves, she will always affect him. Time doesn't change or fix that. The end is about when she gets married in the future, and the feeling of having to suck it up and move on.
The beauty about John's music is that it can be interpreted in multiple ways and have its own special meaning to each person.
Hmm agree to disagree then? Just like Stephanie said above^, I'm just happy we got ourselves an artist who's work is so complex that everyone walks away with their own interpretations. It's a great time to be a John Mayer fan
I mean having your own interpretations of songs is great and all but this song isn't THAT deep. It seems like a pretty literal song to me.
like in Dreaming with a Broken Heart I interpret it as a loss/death, whether it be a friend/family. However, I think it's more metaphorical in the sense of a breakup in the relationship, but I think you can interpret it both ways, and that's so beautiful.
Took a while for it to dawn on me, but he's singing about the love of his life marrying another man. He's singing from the pews, and, when the pastor asks if anyone objects, holds his tongue... The feels.
He can't get over Katy :(
@@dogedoge8108 That took you a while? lol - only kidding!
Losing a child is never easy this song helps in a way. You didn’t get long in this world but you’ll always be in me. 🤟🏼sleep easy my precious angel.
This song is the closure for what could never be.
The perfect song for the guy with the most beautiful smile
Finally letting go but won't forget you JP.
I love this song so much that I was just singing it in the bath right now. And I felt like completing the story since the song is only till she gets married. So I added two more stanzas, but it cannot be beyond Mayer's emotional genius totally:-
(Continuing from the last pastor stanza)
5th stanza:
And when you're complete and he's one,
Playing out under the warm sun,
I'll be by the cold blue sea,
Cuz you're gonna live forever in me.
I guarantee, you still beat in me.
6th stanza:
So when you're reliving on your bed,
Everything that's been lived and said,
I'll look down and call you up with me,
Cuz you still live on in me,
I guaranteed, at last we meet.
this is great!! :DDDD
Cried af
Maginifico (sigh)
Setiap denger lagu nya pasti nangis karna ingett kenangan" yang gabisa diulang lagii:)
yah namanya penyesalan ya belakangan mbak indah, kalau diawal namanya pendaptaran
@@muhamadfaizalramadhan5943 mas knp nimbrung mulu si di komen orang2, gabut ya?
yu buat kenangan bareng xixi
em said parab niw
I always sad hearing this song cuz its very sad
Lagu ini bisa juga untuk mimpi-mimpi kita yang belum tercapai tapi tanpa kita sadari udah membawa kita sejauh ini :")
In my opinion his best song in several years
Thank you so much for your comings and goings that bring bitter wounds, thank you to those who made this song sincerely, somehow describing how this song is very important for me and for you.
this song is so good,
john is so underrated
Dear Aa Ridwan F,
Terimakasih banyak.....
Telah menemani setengah perjalanan hidup aku di 2022..
Terutama ketika masa-masa sulitku, masa-masa sedihku, kehilangan ibu...
Meskipun kita cuman rahasia yang hanya circle ku aja yang tahu,
we value our relationship, kan A?
Setengah tahun yang mungkin sangat singkat,
but, life is full of sweet mistake when im with you
Aku ga bakal lupa....
Meski kamu harus lupa...
Terlalu banyak yang engga mudah hilang,
Mungkin sisanya tinggal waktu dan kenangan
Emang kita mungkin gak seberapa...
Makanya kita emang udah harus saling lupa...
Aku percaya Aa akan lebih bahagia...
Dengan perempuan solehah yang Aa selalu bilang itu...
Perempuan baik yang engga kayak aku....
A great big bang and dinosaurs
Fiery raining meteors
It all ends unfortunately
But you're gonna live forever in me
I'll guarantee, just wait and see
Parts of me were made by you
And planets keep their distance too
The moon's got a grip on the sea
And you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's your destiny
Life is full of sweet mistakes
And love's an honest one to make
Time leaves no fruit on the tree
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's just meant to be
And when the pastor asks the pews
For reasons he can't marry you
I'll keep my word and my seat
But you're gonna live forever in me
I'll guarantee, just wait and see
thank you
this song is very relaxing.. just imagine this playing while you're driving through the country side with fading sunshine
Could we just take a second to appreciate this beutiful song
after two years of break up, i know this song because of his spotify playlist, every night in october he always sings this song before i fall asleep i still remember his voice when he sings he told me the deep meaning of this song, and it made me get a new habit that i couldn't sleep without listening to this song. after i broke up with him i deleted this song on my spotify playlist and never listened to it again, but today i listened to this song alone and singing alone, was quite sad. but the good news me and him had a happy ending, he found his new girlfriend and i found myself :3
u deserve better sis
A classmate of mine just passed away recently. Every time when I hear this song, it always reminds me of her. Rest in peace Angel
May she rest in eternal peace