One of the most interesting part of Yugioh is that there is giant cohesive stories span across multiple archetypes. The biggest one is Duel Terminal and the spiritual successor World Legacy, which is my favorite. The current ongoing one is Dogmatika/Albaz.
The fact we legit don't have animes made around these archetype stories is insane to me. That seems like free money. Like The World Legacy storyline, Sky Strikers fucking Sangan could even get an anime and just him dealing with life being a banned card for so long.
@@Moplonn Same. Chaos Giant or Bust. If you've never flipped Skill Drain after summoning it if you somehow can't OTK it's an exquisite feeling. Everything is just a beatstick, except your spell and trap immune beatstick.
I love anything creepy. Shaddolls and Gimmick Puppets are some of my favourites. The strings on the shaddoll monsters showing how they're all just controlled like puppets is amazing. Gimmick Puppets in general are super fucking creepy, and it definitely helps that they have a few string themed ones too. Outer Entities are terrifying, and basing them on Lovecraftian mythology makes them even better. Honestly a bit surprised to not see them on here, considering how big these guys already are in MegaTen, especially Persona. And while not creepy, I love Nordics and Sky Strikers as well. I have a bias to Nordics because I'm Scandinavian but still.
Gimmick Puppets and Chronomalys are my main decks, and I love them SO much. Puppets are so cool and creepy, and Chronomalys are a nice gimmick with their different XYZ effects
The outer entities are all banned, which makes sense considering how terrifying their powers were. They are the only cards to ironically have their powers sealed away.
Ah Ancient Gears, they were the first deck that came to my mind when I picked Yugioh up back in late 2019. I built it to the bvest of my ability and had some help thanks to people at my college who played and had loads more experience. I actually took it to the regionals, which was a surreal and fun time to attend one before everything went down. Anywho, times changed now and I'm more invested in Dragonmaids which were the archetype that motivated me to look into the actual tcg, they're a fun deck plus waifus
I thought Ancient Gears was what all of Yugioh was (only indirect video game exposure here!), until my college’s lounge tcg & tabletop game table was like wtf no it’s not. Instead of me getting into Yugioh, I got them into Bloodbowl.
This was a pleasant surprise. I fell out of the TCG, but I really got into the online games. In Legacy of the Duelist I destroyed most of it with a budget Gravekeeper's Deck. Eventually built an Evil Hero Deck to appease my inner edgelord. I bounced around various decks in Duel Links. The simplified format but addition of skills is really fun and introduces me to new archetypes. I try to build competent character decks. My go to for ranked is Chronomaly with Trey. My first really competitive deck was Weather Painters, which just yeets all your opponents monsters back to the hand. I'm looking forward to building Phantom Knights and Infinitrack next month. In Master Duel I have settled on Tri-Brigade. Fun, easy to play, and easy on the gems if you know what to go for. One archetype I wish was better is Meklords. I love the aesthetic, but the cards have low synergy. The Meklord Army all have effect that trigger on Normal Summon only, so cards that specifically Special Summon are... OK, but just don't mesh well. The Lords are cool, but two of them prevent other monsters from attacking.
Cyber Dragons are definitely among my favourites. They used to be my favourite, but they've recently been dethroned by Speedroids. They're an archetype of WIND Machines that focus on Synchro summoning and are linked to Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. I love their visual design, since they're all based of toys and games and some of the cards even have die roll effects that are really well implemented. They're quite difficult to get the hang of at first, but there's just something satisfying about successfully comboing off with these literal toys to summon a bunch of sleek dragons with a bunch of negates. They have a low power ceiling, but I think that lets them have some fun and wacky effects. Like, Cork Blaster. When it's Synchro summoned, you can summon the materials used from your grave to your field. Or Red-Eyed Dice, which can change another Speedroid's level to anything between 1 and 6 when it's summoned. And it doesn't even have a hard once-per-turn restriction, so you can use it multiple times during your combo if you can keep summoning it. Speedroids are just a very fun deck imo.
As an smt fan I recommend the D/D/D archetype, they have cards based on irl people from history such as Johannes Kepler, Copernicus, Leonidas, Joan of arc, etc alongside mythical creatures like Lamia, Cerberus, Slime and so much more. It's a SUPER difficult deck so I don't recommend it.
D/D/D is probably my favorite big brain archtype and I never tire of the amount of diversity the deck has. In Duel Links they're much weaker than the TCG but I have 4 seperate D/D/D decks that all behave completely differently with different win conditions and strengths. And that's the sign of a good deck. When your opponent has no idea what you're actually trying to accomplish once you start making plays. Also it makes it harder for then to realize that I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm just clicking random effects to see what happens
My personal favorite archetypes have bounced around a lot, but right now I'm a big fan of Timelords. Not only are they a cool-as-hell aesthetic, but they also manage to be competitively relevant without requiring knowing how to do 20+ summons in a single turn or chain together dozens of Spells like most meta decks do nowadays. Just plop down a Timelord, smash it into your opponent, and do anything from halving their LP to bouncing monsters back to the hand _or deck_ to dealing burn damage. Close second would probably be Kaijus, because there is nothing more cathartic than tributing away an opponent's seemingly indestructible boss monster (*GLARES FURIOUSLY AT DESTROYER PHOENIX ENFORCER*) to hand your opponent a sea turtle that your own monster can immediately run over.
Cyber Dragon is still really strong, it's usually just one good piece of support away from being a proper tournament winner. I love how well it can orient between go-first and go-second strategies, either locking down the board with Infinity and Constellar Pleiades or going for the OTK with Sieger and Rampage Dragon.
My favorite deck is Synchrons. They were the first deck I ever made, and I just love the idea of Itty bitty robot bois who swarm the field and put up, as you put it, "big fuckers" like nitro warrior and junk berserker. For this reason I also love the other swarm/beat down bots like morphtronics, appliancers, and deskbots. I hope the new symphonic cards come to duel links soon.
Cubics for the win, I also love that archetype. Having a big beatstick without having to use the extra deck is awesome to me. My other favorite archetype is D/D/D which is like the complete opposite of Cubics.
9:45 Yeah, I agree Neo Ultimate is just kinda weird. Incoming Rant: The designs for Blue-Eyes support is pretty clunky overall, it just doesn't flow, and a lot of stuff is OTK or bust or just takes a lot of time to set up, for example White Stone of Ancients and Abyss activate in the End Phase, so by the time you can play you're probably going to be dead. Then, you get to deal a ton of damage if your fusion plays go off, but even 1 interruption and the whole thing just falls flat and a mirror force has you relying on Ancients to recover Alternative once and also you can't attack with it's effect, which is locked by being a HOPT inherent summon. A lot of the cards require Blue-Eyes White Dragon specifically, and many of the cards are just "Blue-Eyes" cards, which barely means anything outside of Ancients. All of the Fusions require BEWD, so you can't use Abyss, Spirit of White, Deep-Eyes, Solid, to summon anything outside of BE Spirit (even Azure-Eyes requires a Normal), and Spirit itself requires BE monsters. You're better off skipping BE Synchros and Fusions and going for Draglubion or Dragonlinks since they provide more utility and far less restrictions. You aren't really rewarded for going pure, for example Dragon's Mirror banishes Dragons and is probably the best way to Fusion Summon but conflicts with Chaos Form, which of course isn't Pre Prep Target, Chaos MAX hasn't got any good recent support like an easy win condition; Double Piercing is a cool concept, but there is no inherent way to place a 0/0 monster on the opponent's field and you basically have to burn 2x the resources you likely don't have into the lacking 3k Ritual monster, and hope the opponent has vanilla monsters without anything else, such as Zeus and IDP. A better Ritual Spell is what the deck really needs seeing as Advanced Ritual Art is 100x better than Chaos Form. Even the new Fusion Spell doesn't let you fuse from deck like modern Fusion Spells do, and requires you to already control a BEWD specifically just to get an interruption, and again, this is usually a multi-turn set-up because True Light to search the Fusion is a Trap and the Fusion Spell you would search also can't be activated until the following turn.
The thing about blue eyes is that there's a lot of different ways to play it. To support their new fusion cards you want to play a more milling strategy, which is aided by all there new cards that came out with The True Light. There is also Starliege, a good dragon support card in general, but extremely good in a Blue-Eyes deck of any flavor. The way I see it Blue-Eyes can play on the opponents turn now better that ever so the End Phase summoning isn't so bad. That's why the fusion being quick play should be the focus. Set up on your turn, make a wall your opponents gonna have a hard time with, the when you turn comes the OTK is almost assured. I only say this because I want blue eyes at there best so Red-Eyes can prove to be better. Good luck with your deck building.
I will say the newest Support are some of my favorite cards Blue eyes jet dragon looks awesome But Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon is my favorite Card artwork made recently and it’s just works really well. Although Destiny Hero’s are my favorite archetype
For me, I tend to suffer from the curse of loving something that's either meta in something at some point or is just forever on the casual level. I guess my list would be like this: 1. Blackwing (It's been my favorite archetype for years now and was what got me back into the game after a long hiatus and I guess everything clicked from playstyle to design, which also helped make Synchros my favorite Extra Deck monster) 2. Tri-Brigade (This has been one of my recent Meta picks, but I fell in love with the aesthetic and have been trying to make them work since release in the Albaz storyline and have had fun with them in all incarnations of the Deck) 3. Thunder Dragon (I could never imagine falling in love with an archetype that was printed to support a random card Kaiba used until they did. The idea of making it synergize with Chaos was glorious and I love how it manages to make the Deck, Graveyard, and Banished Zone all feel important with a dash of Colossus too and it's something I really want to build in Master Duel) 4. Swordsoul (As I mentioned in the Blackwing segment, Synchro Summoning is my favorite Extra Deck mechanic and the idea of Special Summoning Tokens that act as Tuners for both Level 8 and 10 Synchro Monsters is so cool, especially since some of the strongest monsters in the mechanic are those Levels) I have a few more that I could talk about, but I won't go into too much detail on them. The other ones I want to briefly mention are Fur Hires, Gladiator Beasts, Blue-Eyes (yes I perpetuate the stereotype of the DM kid), Neo-Spacians, and Gravekeepers (thanks to Progression)
My dude, Blue Eyes will always be the best of the three original DM staple monsters. It just has the best support out of all of them, while also being a huge Atk monster.
@@animatedCHUG I'll be honest, it's not the most enjoyable to be on the receiving end. A good amount of things aren't, but I tend to like them all the same
As a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! myself, I personally really like playing Sacred Beasts, Lair of Darkness, and Utopic Number decks. I just wish they didn't make half of the sacred beast cards SR rarity in master duel. But yeah, If you like the whole "Make big dude and punch hard" gameplan, I'd recommend looking into Trains, Danger! Dark World, Crusadia, Kaijus, or maybe even Ciphers.
Lair of Darkness is a really cool idea. When the deck came out, it was really hyped: using your opponent's monsters for your own Virus cards and such, but unfortunately the support couldn't keep up. For example, the newer Malice requires 2 tributes just to recycle a Trap, when the main issue the deck had was getting started or relying too much on the field Spell or being helpless if it was destroyed. The deck could have used a monster that acted like a walking Lair of Darkness, and because Lilith required your Normal Summon, the monster would also need a way to SS itself and maybe make the strategy more fluid, like putting Ahrima on the field or something. Maybe more monsters in general, since the Darkest Diabolos is a Melody Target, and searching Levianeer as well could be cool but there is never enough Darks in the GY to utilize this combination. The errata for Crush Card is pretty sad too, if put the milling 3 1500+ option was put on the user's choice (or milling ALL 1500+ monsters) that would have been a nice balance, and blended in with the show, but why would anyone willingly give the user the option to mill only their best monsters, like Fairy Tail Snow?
I love Ghostricks. They're a really fun archetype with lots of searchability, recovery, and an incredibly annoying lockdown gimmick, but they're held back by a reliance on backrow and being extremely slow in the first couple of turns. If they can survive long enough to get rolling, though, you can get up to some shenanigans with them. Vendreads are terrible, or at least they were last I checked, but they have the most bad ass lore of any archetype. It's a whole story with plot twists and a bittersweet ending. I hope they eventually get good because I would love to use them.
I've ran into some Vendread x Eldlich decks in Master Duel that were pretty cool. Although I'm pretty sure Eldlich cards make every zombie archetype way better
Toons have always been my favorites, mainly because I always imagined if I was a yugioh character, I’d play them. On the other side, taking off nostalgia goggles, Shaddolls are my absolute favorites. Corrupted puppets of monsters that are flip effects but actually good, and punish your Opponent for special summoning? Hell yeah!
Just made a Six Samurai deck and I love their gimmick of "if one of them is on the field they pose little to no threat, _but as soon as two or more enter the fray, that's when the fun begins!"._
Highly recommended Skull Servants. The core is crazy cheep, like 6 SRs and that's all, and the entire deck just mills itself, makes a 10k+ beat stick that you can bounce back to the board constantly. Plus it has 2 different hand traps included in the archetype. Then if you want to get fancy with it you can add That Grass and 17 other cards to get wacky, but I find the 40 card version far more consistent. (Probably on me not having found the right support archetype yet)
I recommend the zombie world package. Netherworld banshee, glow up bloom, and doomking balerdroch. Throw in super poly and nethersoul dragon for further disruption
Oh booyyy... Dragonmaids, Chaos, Destiny Heroes, Elemental Heroes, Monarchs, Secret Six Samurai, there's so many. My favorite though is without a doubt the Endymion-Archetype.
I really appreciate this video. I’m a Magic player, and vastly prefer its gameplay. But I think Yu Gi Oh by far has a better aesthetic. I think it’s nearly impossible to have so many creatures that look so diverse to be unified under a singular “style” that is so instantly recognisable as Yu Gi Oh.
One of my favorite is Shaddolls. They have a really interesting gimmick of being both flip effects and grave yard effects, please they have some really cool lore.
I laughed my ass off when I was playing story mode and it was talking about the war between the Naturias and Shaddolls then just said "but this story is actually about the Qliphorts" I think maybe that storyline has too much going on because I vaguely remember that Orcusts and Ritual beats also tie into that conflict somehow
@@SirSquiggleton So, when we talking about Duel Terminal Lore and its sequels (which this is) the archetypes that are involved in that story are (and this is just from the top of my head: - Mist Valley - Worms - X-Saber - Flamvell - Ice Barrier - Ally of Justice - Genex - Dragunity - Jurrac - Naturia - Genex - Constellar - Gemknight - Zefra - Vylon - Gishki - Necroz - lswarm - Tellarknights - Gusto - Qli - Shaddoll - Fabeled - True Draco - True King - World Legacy - World Chalice - Krawlers - Mekknights And i know that i am missing a couple and as i just learned recently, apparently verything Albaz related also belongs to this. To ask the question that many have asked countless times: Where the fuck is our Duel Terminal Anime Konami??
@@SirSquiggleton Ritual beasts do tie into Duel Terminal (the story that encompasses basically everything from 2008 to 2017), but Orcust is part of a *different* years-long storyline called the World Legacy saga, which ran from mid 2017 to early 2020 (Eternity Code is the last set with relevant WL lore iirc). Currently we are in the middle of the Albaz saga, which began with Rise of the Duelist.
Been playing master duel a ton and one of my favorites archetypes that I've returned too was blackwings something about these bird guys who basically invite all the other bird guys from your hand to join in on the party just to synchro summon even bigger bird guys with armor and guns is so fun to play
One of my new favorite archetypes is the Madolches. I just love their designs, how they all based on like different deserts, and their play style of summoning each other from the deck, swapping in and out of the field etc. It's just a fun time.
In terms of classic archetypes, Red-Eyes and Magician Girls are my favorites, but my all-time favorite is a 5D's-era archetype that got some really good support over the last couple of years, and I now have an IRL deck for it (as well as a matching playmat): Rose Dragons. Black Rose Dragon is my all-time favorite Synchro Monster, and second only to the Dark Magician Girl overall, and I love how brutal the archetype can get, especially if you can set up for Black Rose's second effect, or you combine with cards like Black Garden. And the dragons, themselves, are the perfect combination of beautiful and badass, especially the 3 Synchros: Black Rose Dragon, Black Rose Moonlight Dragon, and Ruddy Rose Dragon.
ojama was always a classic, setting up an ojama knight and king early as possible is my favorite way of annoying opponents. got in on water Heroes, too - had a fun deck built around mask changing an elemental hero absolute zero into a masked hero acid
I remember in school yard yugioh I'd summon ojama knight and king and then just use floodgates (like cold wave cause we didn't use the ban list) to stop my opponent from using spells/traps.
My favorite since they were introduced has always been Super Quantums, the playstyle of using these power ranger like monsters to xyz into their equivalent of megazords is freaking awesome
My favorite archetype is Mayakashi. I love the whole Yokai aesthetics and how it plays in with another archetype. And also them just keep coming back feom the grave is super cool
One of my favorite archetypes has to be Skull Servants. It's really fun to dump half of your deck into your GY and then normal or special summon a 9k+ ATK one star monster and then just murder your opponent
My experience has been a bit different, because I've played this game continuously since it first released; I bought a Legend of Blue-Eyes pack as a very small child and never looked back. I've really had a fascination with rivals in the anime, and it's given me this kind of *neuron activation* response to the number 3000. Blue-Eyes, Red Dragon Archfiend, Galaxy-Eyes (Cipher more specifically), Rokkets . . . I also have a fascination with Counter mechanics, so Aliens, Endymion, and Predaplants have all wound up in my repertoire. Despite all this, my favorite Decks to play are usually the ones that let one monster punch a lot of times. Lunalights, Raidraptors, Rokkets again, Invoked (through Purgatrio) . . .
I feel like we have similar preferences in archtypes and my favorite "Make giant bastard, run over opponent" archtype is Lunalights. They're a bunch of fursonas that all bounce around from the hand and graveyard with combos that lead to you special summoning at least 12 times per turn and you end on these massive catgirls with upwards of 3k attack that have a gimmick where you can attack every single one of your opponent's monsters multiple times while either doing bits of burn damage or gaining attack for everything they destroy. They're usually immune to destruction or targeting and if your opponent isn't ready their monsters can be dropped to zero attack then have a train of edgy Nekopara OCs end their life. Best part is that one of their big playmakers, Tiger, was banned in the non-Japanese card game for a couple years and is currently limited to one because you can abuse its mechanics to Monster Reborn multiple times per turn off it and because Master Duels uses the Japanese banlist it's an unlimited card.
Personally one of my favorite archetypes is Vendread. Ritual just doesn’t see much love. This deck kinda carried me back in duel links since it was very much a hyper aggressive deck that could shut down plays with quick effects. I loved them with Alexis and Master of Rites II.
As someone who's been around since the beginning when card packs were only really sold in random pawn shops I am still in love with Dark Magician and can't wait for the new cards coming to duel masters
Started running a blue eyes deck then I fell into a "I like the Shaddoll aesthetic" and tried to build into it. Hasn't worked the best way I've built it but has been fun.
If I had to pick my 7 favorite archetypes, it'd probably go something like this: ~Gusto - Has an extremely funny boss monster in the form of Daigusto Sphreez, who is effectively a battle damage mirror, which works amazingly well with their battle loop. ~Evilswarms - Always loved the aesthetic of this archetype, the story behind them was really cool, and Ophion Control was something I liked playing for a while. ~Bujin - A deck I never really played, but I really liked the aesthetic of the archetype, and found the fact the deck has something like 6 honests really funny ~Lightsworn - Something about milling a lot of cards then pulling a random win out of nowhere always seemed really funny to me, and the artwork looks pretty decent too. ~Nekroz - Yet again, cool aesthetic, and the fact it's a ritual deck always intrigued me a bit, but again, I never really played it a whole lot. ~Galaxy-Eyes/Photon - I like how this deck can wombo-combo out pretty big Xyz monsters, and again, the artwork is absolutely stellar. ~D/D - Deck is really complex, the artwork is decent, and I like the idea of the archetype being effectively some sort of tabletop war game in card form ... And while it's not an archetype, I'll also throw this one in: Dragon Rulers. A lot of people vehemently hated (and probably still hate) Dragon Rulers, but I really loved that series of cards, two of my favorite variants being the Dark Matter & Lightsworn variants
BEWD is something I can not escape and will always build, however one of my favourite mini Archtypes would either be Yubel or Iron Chain. Iron chain may suck, but it's fun.
Gravekeepers has become my archetype of choice, even when I never used to use it before. The reason why is because someone I looked up to and was my mentor in my teens used gravekeepers when he ran tournaments years ago, he died 2 years ago, so now Gravekeepers have become my deck of choice to honor him in my own way. I plan to make Ancient Gears my 2nd archetype in master duel, All I know is, I will never run a deck you need freaking flow charts and 10 minutes to end a turn to use. Nice to see someone else who has Relinquished as one of their favorite monsters too.
Got back into Yu-Gi-Oh in 2018 and picked up Dinosaurs. Still love that deck with the eternal classic of "make-big-bongo-and-smash-everything." I also enjoy Galaxy-Eyes, with it being Blue-Eyes inspired and using primarily Xyz monsters.
My favourite deck I always fall back on is Gladiator Beasts. I just love how once you activate any of them, the entire deck becomes a tool box and you can respond to so many situations. They also got a bunch of support recently and I’ve taken them to Plat on master duel by combining them with a simple Tri-brigade engine.
Ojama is my deck of choice! I play it with a fusion, melffy, and tri-brigade package. The fusion part is rather small in the main deck as it's situationally good and allows you to empty your hand. The melffy's are rather accessible as two level 2s get you a destruction effect on your opponent's turn plus a soft negate. Then finally the only main deck tri-brigade is Keras as anymore and the deck becomes less Ojama Toolbox and more of a really bad tribrigade deck, they give the deck removal and a way to use up the ojamas that pile the grave which incidentally turn Ojama Pajama into a weird extender with Daruma Doll some times. Plus with Battle of Chaos around the corner Guardian Chimera gives the fusion package a much more versatile payoff
I demand I sequel video after you’ve tried playing some of the newer archetypes cause hearing your thoughts and reactions is honestly fun and funny as hell. Keep up the good work mate
The first thing I thought of when picking up Master Duel was Ancient Gear! The absolute bliss of Ancient Gear Fusion + Golem into Chaos Giant and popping Overload Fusion for the second Chaos Giant is unmatched! Rn I’m rocking an Earth Machine Deck (Infinitrack + Trains + Machina) but I need to practice running the combos because they take so long.
I had something similar happen to me. I was helping a buddy who ran a buy and sell shop sort through some items, one of which was a box of Magic Ruler packs, about 12 or so that were already opened. He couldn't sell them and figured they'd been gone through and gave them to me. Ended up finding an MRL Toon World, Toon Summoned Skull, Relinquished, and a full set of Upstart Goblins.
The gimmick of Banish Psychics is so cool and feels really awesome, like the playstyle really reflects the aesthetic and theme of like time travellers and dimension hoppers, it's so cool
I've never played Yugioh but I am a card game nerd so hearing Fither talked about the last archetype I was reminded of myself of how much fun it is to blow yourself up in order to kill your opponent
Favorite archetypes in Yugioh today, hmm. Zoodiac- It was the archetype that actually got me back into Yugioh, and was the archetype i picked up to learn more about the game from a more competitive angle. I also love the designs Neo Spacians- My childhood favorites Fur Hire- Ridiculous pun for a reasonably funny joke. But i also love the mercenary/found family vibes in the art and how each one feels unique but part of the team Tribrigade- Similar to the previous one, just now attached to a stronger deck and Link Summoning And more recently Crystal Beasts and Resonators/RDA thanks to picking up their structure decks and making something functional from those thats just a ton of fun to me. Usually for decks I tend to go to I like archetypes or decks that a character isnt attached to, mostly so I could make up my own OC and have it be their deck, but nothing wrong with vibing with a couple character decks and seeing the appeal
I am so glad that yugioh is getting a renaissance with master duel. Drawing in tons of new and old fans. Ancient warriors is prob my favorite archetype. It's based on the romance of the three kingdoms and the card effects reflex the characters/events it is based on. Like how Lu Bu is infamous for betraying people and the card will literally switch side if your opponent controls a monster with the highest attach on field. Their playstyle is also simple and straightforward. Just blind 2nd, vomit your entire hand on the field, and OTK.
One of my favorite archetypes are the pendulum magician, specifically the Supreme King Z-ARC Variant. (which also makes pendulums my favorite summoning mechanic of the game, well technically second, my actual favorite summoning method is synchro summoning) They were the ones who brought me back to Yu-Gi-Oh! After 3-4 year Hiatus if not being involved with the franchise. And they are super fun to play (even when I screw up a move or two during one of my combos), they’re very versatile, are pretty consistent and when you land the finishing blow to your opponent with Z-ARC and his BIG and FAT 4K attack points it feels so satisfying to pull out. Although sadly during that time it was when Konami said “Fuck Pendulums” and were starting to crippling them in the TCG and although their pieces are back, they still have suffered from MR4. However playing Magician Pendulums in Duel Master with the OCG format feels freakin cool, I’ve missed playing SKD Starving Venom and Electrumite for so long. PENDULUM BEST DECK!
By far my favorite archetype(s) to play are aromages, trickstar, and crystrons. They are definitely rogue overly complicated deck formats but nonetheless I love them. Crystrons always felt so unique to play especially back in pendulum Era and there's just something about using life points to your advantage which just makes aromages and trickstars so appealing. Lore wise however, I really love the witchcrafter/magistus/endymion lore.
My favorite deck is easily Generaider. Genuinely feels like you're swarming them with incredibly powerful raid bosses And I like to pair them with Live☆Twins to get some sort of use of the normal summon lol
You should play master duel live with viewers. Also my favourite archetypes are HEROs and abyss actors. HEROs due to nostalgia and fast paced combos and otks. Abyss actors because of a cool aesthetic, cool gimmick and being used by the best arc v character.
So the fun thing about Cloudians, is that most of them are fairies, so they're affected by stuff like Sanctuary in the Sky, Athena, and just fairy support in general. And since most of them can't be destroyed while in attack position, Sanctuary makes for a great wall to protect yourself from battle damage. They make going into generic links pretty smooth too, since unless your opponent just wipes your board, or banishes them, your monsters are sticking around.
My all time favorite archetype will always be Dragunity. I started playing YGO seriously during thr 5Ds era and thought Dragunity was a really cool archetype that was basically "Union monsters done right" and worked seamlessly with the synchro mechanics and dragon support that was big at the time. There's something cathartic about slapping Dragon's Ravine on the field, grabbing Dux out the Deck and chain Synchro summoning from Vajrayana into a Lv8 or even Lv10. My only gripe is that the deck was quite expensive for how niche it was back then. Phalanx was a short print, and Gae Daerg was like $40, which for 14 year old me was kind of a big deal. I did eventually complete the deck back then...only to ha e someone I thought was a friend of mine steal it. I don't play YGO irl anymore, so I am really grateful to Master Duel for letting me make my dream deck thanks to all those free gems. The deck also seems to have aged really well too; imagine my shock when I found out that Barcha of all the monsters has become like the big playmaker of the deck.
I'm running a competitive Blue-eyes deck in the tcg love that archetype and I'm excited for the new support coming out. The next decks I'm making are thunder dragons and dinosaurs.
I had a similar story of being really into yugioh and then falling off after gx, but still kinda aware of what was going on. Then Master Duel really got me back into it. As a kid I had the spellcaster structure deck with Endymion, and while I wasn't super attached to it (because I always lost to my brothers' Rock structure deck and Zombie structure deck) I saw the new Endymion pendulum archetype so I decided to try it out. And I am having soo much fun with it. I am now super attached and I have been considering even buying it in paper even though I will likely never play it.
Master Duel is quite generous with its gems. If you are conservative in your gem spending and do the research into modern format staples, youll be able to F2P a high rarity competitive deck or 2 rogue-tier decks.
@@PlanScare theres also a crafting system. So you can dismantle 3 cards of a rarity to craft a card of that same rarity. This ultimately will save you if pack luck is somewhat subpar. Crafting a SR or UR might unlock a hidden pack. Usually these contain cards related to that archetype. Highly recommended to buy packs this way to get your deck core. Be sure to do research as you dont wanna dismantle a good card thats a staple on accident. The bundle deals for Gold Duel Pass, Ash Blossom, Lightning Storm and Solemn Judgment are worth it. Have fun!
my favourite card types are ones where they in cannon work together for whatever reason, live⭐twins, fur hires, ojama trio, ghostrick, I just love it, when they work together and you draw the correct card that sets off the chain it feels like a fucking destiny draw
I thought the Cyber Dragons were nest, but it wasn't until we got to the Cyberdark Dragons that thry got my interest. From ylur hand you send a dragon to the graveyard to get one of these weak, 800 atk points things _from the deck_ (that blew my mind as a kid) Then when you summon it you can pick the one you sent to the grave and equip to, having an abomination with over 2k atk points in one turn. The best part is the effect of some of these. One you attack the opponent directly halving their attack points. With other you can do piercing damage to defending monsters. And with the third you can do 300 of damage for each monster you destroy. So, seeing the enemy field you can pick the best monter to deal maximum amount of damage from your deck. Then you have the chance of sending a dragon fron your special deck to he graveyard, so you can have a mondter of over 7000 atk with the right moves. Man, what a fun deck, both in the anime and in real games. Not exactly meta, but still cool to use, and can get a few wins with it.
I’ve played Yu-Gi-Oh competitively on and off since 2015. My favorite deck of all time is gladiator beasts, but I’ve also played some more recent meta decks like salamangreat and invoked shaddoll. Some other archetypes I suggest looking into are Lighsworn (Basically catholic crusaders) Burning Abyss(Dante’s inferno) Graydle (the 3 main monsters are basically snatch steal when destroyed) Kaiju(still sees use in the meta as they’re better lava golems, pairs very well with graydle)
I am more of a Eldlich kind of guy. Not the trap spamming one The fusion version. My personal favourite cards are Number 7 Number 26 Number 86: in fact this one was one of the very first cards I ever own along side gagaga Samurai and door of destiny. I was a Noob so I don’t know what they did but they have sentimental value to me. and I lost them.
Ancient Gears, Relinquished, Cyber Dragons and Silent Magicians are definitely all on my radar and each has been since I first learned of them, but some of my other favourites would have to be Traptrix, Altergeist, Eldlich, Skull Servants, Lyrilusc, and Venom. I had a friend at school who actually was a competitive player where the rest of us weren't, so facing actually well built Blackwings and Lightsworns when I'm there with Venom-Aliens and eventually thought "Ok, so what if I walk up with like 30 trap cards though? I probably won't win but I haven't been doing that as is" and it went better than expected and became my most consistently well performing deck in matchups against him, so I've had a thing for traps & trap focused strategies ever since, and I'd thought trap monsters were pretty cool even before then, hence TAE each being favoured, they all do the Trap Deck playstyle slightly differently from each other as well which is cool. Skull Servants are a fun simple deck that plays like if you asked the Zombie-Type for their take on Ancient Gears. Lyrilusc pre-recent support was already pretty cool with the Nightingales being pretty unique boss monsters that are pretty evasive, then Starling there with the "pain split" effect which is a fun trick, and the new support's pretty cracked to the point it made them meta relevant. My feelings about Venoms are relatively similar to what you expressed about Cloudians, they're pretty bad but I think they're neat and want them to get some new support or retrains. Post-Ogdoadics Reptiles seem to be getting a lot of new support, we've seen stuff for Aliens & Reptillianne so hopefully we'll get something for the original snake archetype as well. Or better yet, they could capitalise on the broadness of "Venom" as the archetypes name and branch out from being exclusively snake/ snake-like Reptile monsters into covering anything that has real world venomous counterparts, from spiders to jellyfish to (arguably) plants, and Reptile "Venom" could have a distinct playstyle from Insect "Venom" or Fish "Venom"; It already has some Dragons by technicality thanks to Arc-V. They could incorporate a Nurse Burn effect or somethign that restores LP to tie in to how most medicines are basically poisons taken in highly specific doses that make them safe for consumption with beneficial effects. And Venom could have all of those things, because what we already have is so small that there's very little of value already there to work with beyond the venom counters. *"Venom" could be the next "HERO" but Konami are cowards.*
Yooooooo Fither and Yu-Gi-Oh pog! In terms of some of my favorite archetypes, In order of release, Heroes are awesome. Love their designs and their battle play style. Madolche because food puns and an amazing boss monster in the Queen, and Speedroids because clear wing synchro dragon is just such a beautiful card that is also pretty good. Would love to see you stream master duel sometime!
I picked up Yugioh back in 2014/15 during 6th Grade, I remember the first deck I tried was a Machina deck, and they’ve held a place in my heart! I tried other decks as I grew that I got attached to, those being Performapals with their aesthetic, Melodius and Neo-Spacians from using them in Duel Links, and my current absolute favorite deck I’m using in both the TCG and Master Duel, HEROes! I’m really into Fusion monsters, and with the awesome look of the HEROes, their combo playstyle, and the overall amazing support cards just gives me a wave of excitement and fun! Of the GX Archetypes, HERO is the most well-supported of them! I can’t wait ‘til they add Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer and Denier to MD!
One day while I was in junior high, I was getting my textbooks registered with the rest of my class. I got my textbooks registered, I opened one of them, and found a fucking Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon behind the cover, still in its wrapper
I've always been in love with two archetypes: Dragunity, and their ability to use smaller dragons as weapons. Borreload/Borrelsword dragon and their ability to just basically use Rokkets dragons as bullets. I guess I'm a supporter of bigger dragons bullying smaller ones, but they're so fun to play, and the designs are great!
It's not an official archetype, but one deck I really like the concept around is a Zombie World Strategy... It only has 2 effects (and the tribute sealing effect doesn't matter that much nowadays anyway), But the number of ways you can take advantage of a card that makes all monsters on the field AND the GY into a single type (Zombie) is amazing... Just inherently, you can make any card that only supports zombies work with ANY monster you want... and a lot of that zombie support is revival effects so your monsters can just keep coming back again and again. While shutting down a lot of your opponent's cards when their effects only work for any monster type that isn't zombie (which also locks them out of a few extra deck monsters as well). But it also lets you run ANTI-Zombie cards and use them against anyone.... Marionette Mite, a card that is at 3, becomes a Change of Heart on legs in Zombie World decks. And despite so many cards being made to work with Zombie world (it was literately the card a Structure deck was named after) almost none of them actually need to mention Zombie World in their card text... unlike other cards that can have a deck made around them, like "The Sanctuary in the Sky" or "Toon World".
If you're willing to try newer decks, I personally recommend getting into Zefras They're a very flexible Pendulum deck that can play any point of the control-combo spectrum really easily, so it's a good long-term deck for beginners. However, what I like most is that the deck is a love letter to fans of the card game. Zefras are the culmination of an almost 10-year long storyline called the Duel Terminal. There's so many references to the story, so many characters with really deep stories involved like Gem-Knight Crystal, Gishki Emilia, the Yang Zings, and so much more. If you like the card game and want to get into the lore, pick up Zefras, reading the story to get to them is absolutely fascinating. Especially because there is no actual written source, most of the story is told through artwork alone and some japan-exclusive art books, and it still manages to somehow be an extremely engaging storyline with heartbreaking moments and tragic characters.
Time Thieves are my shiiiiiit. Not just because I'm a recovering Doctor Who fanatic, but also because getting to just swipe cards off your opponents deck for materials and get effects based on what you pull is so much fun.
This is how I imagine how most of Crowlers duels would go if he had an actual good ancient gear deck- Uses power bond to make chaos gear golem so it enters with 9000 atk then uses limiter removal to double it to 18000 atk and proceed to absolutely stomp there opponent in one turn.
Am I late to the party? Sure. But I have adored the Shaddoll archetype since I opened my first ever pack of Duelist Alliance back in 2016, getting Shaddoll Fusion and Hedgehog. I just really liked the artwork of the cards and the gameplay that all of the main deck monstets gain effects when used as fusion material, plus the fusions recycling the spell and trap cards was the cherry on top for me.
i don’t know anything about the yugioh card game but god i love the artwork. i had some cards as a kid just because i thought they looked cool so a lot of the art is really nostalgic. i also remember i had relinquished as a kid and it was my favorite, my siblings always told me it was the most powerful card so i kept it really safe in my binder
damn i also remember going to target and there was just an open pack with cards scattered all over so i just took them. sadly don’t remember what any of the cards were though but it was so strange someone opened a pack in store and just left it
I'm only gonna get into Yugioh because of this and your old fithcast YUGIOD DUDE episode. That podcast episode is amazing, I love hearing you talk about your childhood and how the game always attracted hatred and theft similar to my childhood with beyblade.
My favorite archetype is Batterymen. They're a bunch of little guys that swarm the field and destroy youropponent's cards through through card effects. They have a card called "Short Circuit" that nukes your opponent's board if you have 3 or more battery men on the field.
Cloudians: “BUT YOU STILL TAKE THE DAMAGE!” The archetype.
Not with the Fairy Field Spell
@@kingknightisbestknight7398 ancient gears?
@@omarbenkhaled285 they prevent activations of backrow. They do not negate their effects. Well... most of them don't negate at least
@@kingknightisbestknight7398 Yeah, I always paired it with Sanctuary In The Sky. It was a decent deck back in the day
Ah yes my favorite Arc v meme
One of the most interesting part of Yugioh is that there is giant cohesive stories span across multiple archetypes.
The biggest one is Duel Terminal and the spiritual successor World Legacy, which is my favorite. The current ongoing one is Dogmatika/Albaz.
The fact we legit don't have animes made around these archetype stories is insane to me. That seems like free money. Like The World Legacy storyline, Sky Strikers fucking Sangan could even get an anime and just him dealing with life being a banned card for so long.
@@RavenCloak13 Sky Strikers could be such a good mecha one shot anime and it pains me that we’ll probably never get to see best girl Raye animated.
@@RavenCloak13 Imagine an analogue anime with different card stories, would be fucking awesome
The order is Duel Terminal, then True Draco after that World Legacy and finally Albaz Story
@@wyrmshogun5245 oh wait Albaz is a Duel Terminal Sequl? I didnt know that lul^^
Fitter talking about yugioh is something I didn't know I needed
Its really good
Now be needs to do more videos and I can die happy
Hearing fither enthusiastcaly explain why ancient gears are awesome made my day
lmao I loved watching this since I run a PowerBond+Giant deck. so many hilarious ftk replays
@@Moplonn Same. Chaos Giant or Bust.
If you've never flipped Skill Drain after summoning it if you somehow can't OTK it's an exquisite feeling. Everything is just a beatstick, except your spell and trap immune beatstick.
@@zombiemanjosh damn I gotta try that in dm
I love anything creepy.
Shaddolls and Gimmick Puppets are some of my favourites. The strings on the shaddoll monsters showing how they're all just controlled like puppets is amazing. Gimmick Puppets in general are super fucking creepy, and it definitely helps that they have a few string themed ones too.
Outer Entities are terrifying, and basing them on Lovecraftian mythology makes them even better. Honestly a bit surprised to not see them on here, considering how big these guys already are in MegaTen, especially Persona.
And while not creepy, I love Nordics and Sky Strikers as well. I have a bias to Nordics because I'm Scandinavian but still.
Gimmick Puppets and Chronomalys are my main decks, and I love them SO much. Puppets are so cool and creepy, and Chronomalys are a nice gimmick with their different XYZ effects
Winning off of Leo's unique wincons is an amazing feeling
@@ashikjaman1940 Ye ye
Pretty sad there are no outer Entities in master duel ..
The outer entities are all banned, which makes sense considering how terrifying their powers were.
They are the only cards to ironically have their powers sealed away.
Ah Ancient Gears, they were the first deck that came to my mind when I picked Yugioh up back in late 2019. I built it to the bvest of my ability and had some help thanks to people at my college who played and had loads more experience. I actually took it to the regionals, which was a surreal and fun time to attend one before everything went down. Anywho, times changed now and I'm more invested in Dragonmaids which were the archetype that motivated me to look into the actual tcg, they're a fun deck plus waifus
Funnily enough almost no one I played agianst knows what Howizer does and tries to destroy it with effects🤣
I thought Ancient Gears was what all of Yugioh was (only indirect video game exposure here!), until my college’s lounge tcg & tabletop game table was like wtf no it’s not. Instead of me getting into Yugioh, I got them into Bloodbowl.
From ancient gears to dragonmaid? Big downgrade
@@BIastProcX no u
Nah man we all need some type of Weeb deck.
This was a pleasant surprise. I fell out of the TCG, but I really got into the online games. In Legacy of the Duelist I destroyed most of it with a budget Gravekeeper's Deck. Eventually built an Evil Hero Deck to appease my inner edgelord.
I bounced around various decks in Duel Links. The simplified format but addition of skills is really fun and introduces me to new archetypes. I try to build competent character decks. My go to for ranked is Chronomaly with Trey. My first really competitive deck was Weather Painters, which just yeets all your opponents monsters back to the hand. I'm looking forward to building Phantom Knights and Infinitrack next month.
In Master Duel I have settled on Tri-Brigade. Fun, easy to play, and easy on the gems if you know what to go for.
One archetype I wish was better is Meklords. I love the aesthetic, but the cards have low synergy. The Meklord Army all have effect that trigger on Normal Summon only, so cards that specifically Special Summon are... OK, but just don't mesh well. The Lords are cool, but two of them prevent other monsters from attacking.
I'm pretty sure the box already dropped for PKs
@@stonalisa3729 Not yet. It has been leaked and the drop date looks to be the 31st.
@@gamer11011101 can’t wait
Cyber Dragons are definitely among my favourites. They used to be my favourite, but they've recently been dethroned by Speedroids. They're an archetype of WIND Machines that focus on Synchro summoning and are linked to Clear Wing Synchro Dragon.
I love their visual design, since they're all based of toys and games and some of the cards even have die roll effects that are really well implemented. They're quite difficult to get the hang of at first, but there's just something satisfying about successfully comboing off with these literal toys to summon a bunch of sleek dragons with a bunch of negates.
They have a low power ceiling, but I think that lets them have some fun and wacky effects. Like, Cork Blaster. When it's Synchro summoned, you can summon the materials used from your grave to your field. Or Red-Eyed Dice, which can change another Speedroid's level to anything between 1 and 6 when it's summoned. And it doesn't even have a hard once-per-turn restriction, so you can use it multiple times during your combo if you can keep summoning it.
Speedroids are just a very fun deck imo.
As an smt fan I recommend the
D/D/D archetype, they have cards based on irl people from history such as Johannes Kepler, Copernicus, Leonidas, Joan of arc, etc alongside mythical creatures like Lamia, Cerberus, Slime and so much more. It's a SUPER difficult deck so I don't recommend it.
lol I remember when D/D/D used to be strong af during pendulum era
D/D/D is probably my favorite big brain archtype and I never tire of the amount of diversity the deck has. In Duel Links they're much weaker than the TCG but I have 4 seperate D/D/D decks that all behave completely differently with different win conditions and strengths. And that's the sign of a good deck. When your opponent has no idea what you're actually trying to accomplish once you start making plays.
Also it makes it harder for then to realize that I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm just clicking random effects to see what happens
@@MastaGambit d/d/d was the best deck for like 3 weeks then zoodiac came out
^.^ fun times , Darklords vs D/D/D was a mess , but not unwinnable
@@MastaGambit They were good for like a week, in the OCG they were good longer cuz they got more cards, and came out earlier
My personal favorite archetypes have bounced around a lot, but right now I'm a big fan of Timelords. Not only are they a cool-as-hell aesthetic, but they also manage to be competitively relevant without requiring knowing how to do 20+ summons in a single turn or chain together dozens of Spells like most meta decks do nowadays. Just plop down a Timelord, smash it into your opponent, and do anything from halving their LP to bouncing monsters back to the hand _or deck_ to dealing burn damage. Close second would probably be Kaijus, because there is nothing more cathartic than tributing away an opponent's seemingly indestructible boss monster (*GLARES FURIOUSLY AT DESTROYER PHOENIX ENFORCER*) to hand your opponent a sea turtle that your own monster can immediately run over.
Cyber Dragon is still really strong, it's usually just one good piece of support away from being a proper tournament winner. I love how well it can orient between go-first and go-second strategies, either locking down the board with Infinity and Constellar Pleiades or going for the OTK with Sieger and Rampage Dragon.
My fav decks are the Junk cards, the Prank-Kids cards and the Symphony Xys cards
My favorite deck is Synchrons. They were the first deck I ever made, and I just love the idea of Itty bitty robot bois who swarm the field and put up, as you put it, "big fuckers" like nitro warrior and junk berserker. For this reason I also love the other swarm/beat down bots like morphtronics, appliancers, and deskbots. I hope the new symphonic cards come to duel links soon.
Cubics for the win, I also love that archetype. Having a big beatstick without having to use the extra deck is awesome to me. My other favorite archetype is D/D/D which is like the complete opposite of Cubics.
9:45 Yeah, I agree Neo Ultimate is just kinda weird.
Incoming Rant:
The designs for Blue-Eyes support is pretty clunky overall, it just doesn't flow, and a lot of stuff is OTK or bust or just takes a lot of time to set up, for example White Stone of Ancients and Abyss activate in the End Phase, so by the time you can play you're probably going to be dead. Then, you get to deal a ton of damage if your fusion plays go off, but even 1 interruption and the whole thing just falls flat and a mirror force has you relying on Ancients to recover Alternative once and also you can't attack with it's effect, which is locked by being a HOPT inherent summon. A lot of the cards require Blue-Eyes White Dragon specifically, and many of the cards are just "Blue-Eyes" cards, which barely means anything outside of Ancients. All of the Fusions require BEWD, so you can't use Abyss, Spirit of White, Deep-Eyes, Solid, to summon anything outside of BE Spirit (even Azure-Eyes requires a Normal), and Spirit itself requires BE monsters. You're better off skipping BE Synchros and Fusions and going for Draglubion or Dragonlinks since they provide more utility and far less restrictions.
You aren't really rewarded for going pure, for example Dragon's Mirror banishes Dragons and is probably the best way to Fusion Summon but conflicts with Chaos Form, which of course isn't Pre Prep Target, Chaos MAX hasn't got any good recent support like an easy win condition; Double Piercing is a cool concept, but there is no inherent way to place a 0/0 monster on the opponent's field and you basically have to burn 2x the resources you likely don't have into the lacking 3k Ritual monster, and hope the opponent has vanilla monsters without anything else, such as Zeus and IDP. A better Ritual Spell is what the deck really needs seeing as Advanced Ritual Art is 100x better than Chaos Form. Even the new Fusion Spell doesn't let you fuse from deck like modern Fusion Spells do, and requires you to already control a BEWD specifically just to get an interruption, and again, this is usually a multi-turn set-up because True Light to search the Fusion is a Trap and the Fusion Spell you would search also can't be activated until the following turn.
The thing about blue eyes is that there's a lot of different ways to play it. To support their new fusion cards you want to play a more milling strategy, which is aided by all there new cards that came out with The True Light. There is also Starliege, a good dragon support card in general, but extremely good in a Blue-Eyes deck of any flavor.
The way I see it Blue-Eyes can play on the opponents turn now better that ever so the End Phase summoning isn't so bad. That's why the fusion being quick play should be the focus. Set up on your turn, make a wall your opponents gonna have a hard time with, the when you turn comes the OTK is almost assured.
I only say this because I want blue eyes at there best so Red-Eyes can prove to be better.
Good luck with your deck building.
Also chaos form can be searched by true light now.
I will say the newest Support are some of my favorite cards
Blue eyes jet dragon looks awesome
But Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon is my favorite Card artwork made recently and it’s just works really well.
Although Destiny Hero’s are my favorite archetype
Lmao t.g. dies faster
Idk, the blue-eyes deck is fun.
For me, I tend to suffer from the curse of loving something that's either meta in something at some point or is just forever on the casual level. I guess my list would be like this:
1. Blackwing (It's been my favorite archetype for years now and was what got me back into the game after a long hiatus and I guess everything clicked from playstyle to design, which also helped make Synchros my favorite Extra Deck monster)
2. Tri-Brigade (This has been one of my recent Meta picks, but I fell in love with the aesthetic and have been trying to make them work since release in the Albaz storyline and have had fun with them in all incarnations of the Deck)
3. Thunder Dragon (I could never imagine falling in love with an archetype that was printed to support a random card Kaiba used until they did. The idea of making it synergize with Chaos was glorious and I love how it manages to make the Deck, Graveyard, and Banished Zone all feel important with a dash of Colossus too and it's something I really want to build in Master Duel)
4. Swordsoul (As I mentioned in the Blackwing segment, Synchro Summoning is my favorite Extra Deck mechanic and the idea of Special Summoning Tokens that act as Tuners for both Level 8 and 10 Synchro Monsters is so cool, especially since some of the strongest monsters in the mechanic are those Levels)
I have a few more that I could talk about, but I won't go into too much detail on them. The other ones I want to briefly mention are Fur Hires, Gladiator Beasts, Blue-Eyes (yes I perpetuate the stereotype of the DM kid), Neo-Spacians, and Gravekeepers (thanks to Progression)
My dude, Blue Eyes will always be the best of the three original DM staple monsters. It just has the best support out of all of them, while also being a huge Atk monster.
@@akiraishin7141 Definitely beats the "potential" angle Red Eyes is always trying to push and whatever Dark Magician is up to
@@akiraishin7141 yeah but red eyes and dark magician are still overall stronger archetypes
Nice, a list of decks that aren't fun to play against. (Blackwings are alright tho)
@@animatedCHUG I'll be honest, it's not the most enjoyable to be on the receiving end. A good amount of things aren't, but I tend to like them all the same
As a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! myself, I personally really like playing Sacred Beasts, Lair of Darkness, and Utopic Number decks. I just wish they didn't make half of the sacred beast cards SR rarity in master duel.
But yeah, If you like the whole "Make big dude and punch hard" gameplan, I'd recommend looking into Trains, Danger! Dark World, Crusadia, Kaijus, or maybe even Ciphers.
Lair of Darkness is a really cool idea. When the deck came out, it was really hyped: using your opponent's monsters for your own Virus cards and such, but unfortunately the support couldn't keep up. For example, the newer Malice requires 2 tributes just to recycle a Trap, when the main issue the deck had was getting started or relying too much on the field Spell or being helpless if it was destroyed.
The deck could have used a monster that acted like a walking Lair of Darkness, and because Lilith required your Normal Summon, the monster would also need a way to SS itself and maybe make the strategy more fluid, like putting Ahrima on the field or something.
Maybe more monsters in general, since the Darkest Diabolos is a Melody Target, and searching Levianeer as well could be cool but there is never enough Darks in the GY to utilize this combination.
The errata for Crush Card is pretty sad too, if put the milling 3 1500+ option was put on the user's choice (or milling ALL 1500+ monsters) that would have been a nice balance, and blended in with the show, but why would anyone willingly give the user the option to mill only their best monsters, like Fairy Tail Snow?
I love Ghostricks. They're a really fun archetype with lots of searchability, recovery, and an incredibly annoying lockdown gimmick, but they're held back by a reliance on backrow and being extremely slow in the first couple of turns. If they can survive long enough to get rolling, though, you can get up to some shenanigans with them.
Vendreads are terrible, or at least they were last I checked, but they have the most bad ass lore of any archetype. It's a whole story with plot twists and a bittersweet ending. I hope they eventually get good because I would love to use them.
I've ran into some Vendread x Eldlich decks in Master Duel that were pretty cool. Although I'm pretty sure Eldlich cards make every zombie archetype way better
Toons have always been my favorites, mainly because I always imagined if I was a yugioh character, I’d play them. On the other side, taking off nostalgia goggles, Shaddolls are my absolute favorites. Corrupted puppets of monsters that are flip effects but actually good, and punish your Opponent for special summoning? Hell yeah!
I like the dragon maid archetype because it's cool that they transform back and forth, and also I am a fan of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Just made a Six Samurai deck and I love their gimmick of "if one of them is on the field they pose little to no threat, _but as soon as two or more enter the fray, that's when the fun begins!"._
I love the silent LV monsters. I hope they get a retrain like Armed Dragons did not too long ago.
yeah i hope that too^^ we already got a good basis for a theme with the non LV Magician and Swordsman, could be a cool archetype
Highly recommended Skull Servants.
The core is crazy cheep, like 6 SRs and that's all, and the entire deck just mills itself, makes a 10k+ beat stick that you can bounce back to the board constantly. Plus it has 2 different hand traps included in the archetype.
Then if you want to get fancy with it you can add That Grass and 17 other cards to get wacky, but I find the 40 card version far more consistent. (Probably on me not having found the right support archetype yet)
I recommend the zombie world package. Netherworld banshee, glow up bloom, and doomking balerdroch. Throw in super poly and nethersoul dragon for further disruption
Oh booyyy...
Dragonmaids, Chaos, Destiny Heroes, Elemental Heroes, Monarchs, Secret Six Samurai, there's so many.
My favorite though is without a doubt the Endymion-Archetype.
I'm a big fan of the abyss actors and amazement archetypes. Something about the design and paystyles really appeals to me
I really appreciate this video. I’m a Magic player, and vastly prefer its gameplay. But I think Yu Gi Oh by far has a better aesthetic. I think it’s nearly impossible to have so many creatures that look so diverse to be unified under a singular “style” that is so instantly recognisable as Yu Gi Oh.
One of my favorite is Shaddolls. They have a really interesting gimmick of being both flip effects and grave yard effects, please they have some really cool lore.
I laughed my ass off when I was playing story mode and it was talking about the war between the Naturias and Shaddolls then just said "but this story is actually about the Qliphorts" I think maybe that storyline has too much going on because I vaguely remember that Orcusts and Ritual beats also tie into that conflict somehow
@@SirSquiggleton So, when we talking about Duel Terminal Lore and its sequels (which this is) the archetypes that are involved in that story are (and this is just from the top of my head:
- Mist Valley
- Worms
- X-Saber
- Flamvell
- Ice Barrier
- Ally of Justice
- Genex
- Dragunity
- Jurrac
- Naturia
- Genex
- Constellar
- Gemknight
- Zefra
- Vylon
- Gishki
- Necroz
- lswarm
- Tellarknights
- Gusto
- Qli
- Shaddoll
- Fabeled
- True Draco
- True King
- World Legacy
- World Chalice
- Krawlers
- Mekknights
And i know that i am missing a couple and as i just learned recently, apparently verything Albaz related also belongs to this. To ask the question that many have asked countless times:
Where the fuck is our Duel Terminal Anime Konami??
@@SirSquiggleton Ritual beasts do tie into Duel Terminal (the story that encompasses basically everything from 2008 to 2017), but Orcust is part of a *different* years-long storyline called the World Legacy saga, which ran from mid 2017 to early 2020 (Eternity Code is the last set with relevant WL lore iirc). Currently we are in the middle of the Albaz saga, which began with Rise of the Duelist.
Been playing master duel a ton and one of my favorites archetypes that I've returned too was blackwings something about these bird guys who basically invite all the other bird guys from your hand to join in on the party just to synchro summon even bigger bird guys with armor and guns is so fun to play
One of my new favorite archetypes is the Madolches. I just love their designs, how they all based on like different deserts, and their play style of summoning each other from the deck, swapping in and out of the field etc. It's just a fun time.
Silent magician and swordsman fucked so hard. They got new cards but they need so much more
My favorite archetype are.
Six samurai (which I'm using in duel masters)
In terms of classic archetypes, Red-Eyes and Magician Girls are my favorites, but my all-time favorite is a 5D's-era archetype that got some really good support over the last couple of years, and I now have an IRL deck for it (as well as a matching playmat): Rose Dragons. Black Rose Dragon is my all-time favorite Synchro Monster, and second only to the Dark Magician Girl overall, and I love how brutal the archetype can get, especially if you can set up for Black Rose's second effect, or you combine with cards like Black Garden. And the dragons, themselves, are the perfect combination of beautiful and badass, especially the 3 Synchros: Black Rose Dragon, Black Rose Moonlight Dragon, and Ruddy Rose Dragon.
ojama was always a classic, setting up an ojama knight and king early as possible is my favorite way of annoying opponents. got in on water Heroes, too - had a fun deck built around mask changing an elemental hero absolute zero into a masked hero acid
I remember in school yard yugioh I'd summon ojama knight and king and then just use floodgates (like cold wave cause we didn't use the ban list) to stop my opponent from using spells/traps.
I can feel the enthusiasm. It's hyping me up too. I can listen to you for 6 hours talking about Yu-Gi-Oh cards
My favorite since they were introduced has always been Super Quantums, the playstyle of using these power ranger like monsters to xyz into their equivalent of megazords is freaking awesome
My favorite archetype is Mayakashi. I love the whole Yokai aesthetics and how it plays in with another archetype. And also them just keep coming back feom the grave is super cool
"I want to just make a big fucker and take things out"
My lizard brain completely understands
One of my favorite archetypes has to be Skull Servants. It's really fun to dump half of your deck into your GY and then normal or special summon a 9k+ ATK one star monster and then just murder your opponent
My experience has been a bit different, because I've played this game continuously since it first released; I bought a Legend of Blue-Eyes pack as a very small child and never looked back.
I've really had a fascination with rivals in the anime, and it's given me this kind of *neuron activation* response to the number 3000.
Blue-Eyes, Red Dragon Archfiend, Galaxy-Eyes (Cipher more specifically), Rokkets . . .
I also have a fascination with Counter mechanics, so Aliens, Endymion, and Predaplants have all wound up in my repertoire.
Despite all this, my favorite Decks to play are usually the ones that let one monster punch a lot of times. Lunalights, Raidraptors, Rokkets again, Invoked (through Purgatrio) . . .
The way you found relinquished deadass sounds a Yu-Gi-Oh villain origin story
I feel like we have similar preferences in archtypes and my favorite "Make giant bastard, run over opponent" archtype is Lunalights.
They're a bunch of fursonas that all bounce around from the hand and graveyard with combos that lead to you special summoning at least 12 times per turn and you end on these massive catgirls with upwards of 3k attack that have a gimmick where you can attack every single one of your opponent's monsters multiple times while either doing bits of burn damage or gaining attack for everything they destroy. They're usually immune to destruction or targeting and if your opponent isn't ready their monsters can be dropped to zero attack then have a train of edgy Nekopara OCs end their life.
Best part is that one of their big playmakers, Tiger, was banned in the non-Japanese card game for a couple years and is currently limited to one because you can abuse its mechanics to Monster Reborn multiple times per turn off it and because Master Duels uses the Japanese banlist it's an unlimited card.
Personally one of my favorite archetypes is Vendread. Ritual just doesn’t see much love. This deck kinda carried me back in duel links since it was very much a hyper aggressive deck that could shut down plays with quick effects. I loved them with Alexis and Master of Rites II.
Master Duel has gotten me back into the game as well. Been having a blast with Sky Strikers.
As someone who's been around since the beginning when card packs were only really sold in random pawn shops I am still in love with Dark Magician and can't wait for the new cards coming to duel masters
Started running a blue eyes deck then I fell into a "I like the Shaddoll aesthetic" and tried to build into it. Hasn't worked the best way I've built it but has been fun.
If I had to pick my 7 favorite archetypes, it'd probably go something like this:
~Gusto - Has an extremely funny boss monster in the form of Daigusto Sphreez, who is effectively a battle damage mirror, which works amazingly well with their battle loop.
~Evilswarms - Always loved the aesthetic of this archetype, the story behind them was really cool, and Ophion Control was something I liked playing for a while.
~Bujin - A deck I never really played, but I really liked the aesthetic of the archetype, and found the fact the deck has something like 6 honests really funny
~Lightsworn - Something about milling a lot of cards then pulling a random win out of nowhere always seemed really funny to me, and the artwork looks pretty decent too.
~Nekroz - Yet again, cool aesthetic, and the fact it's a ritual deck always intrigued me a bit, but again, I never really played it a whole lot.
~Galaxy-Eyes/Photon - I like how this deck can wombo-combo out pretty big Xyz monsters, and again, the artwork is absolutely stellar.
~D/D - Deck is really complex, the artwork is decent, and I like the idea of the archetype being effectively some sort of tabletop war game in card form
And while it's not an archetype, I'll also throw this one in: Dragon Rulers. A lot of people vehemently hated (and probably still hate) Dragon Rulers, but I really loved that series of cards, two of my favorite variants being the Dark Matter & Lightsworn variants
BEWD is something I can not escape and will always build, however one of my favourite mini Archtypes would either be Yubel or Iron Chain. Iron chain may suck, but it's fun.
Gravekeepers has become my archetype of choice, even when I never used to use it before. The reason why is because someone I looked up to and was my mentor in my teens used gravekeepers when he ran tournaments years ago, he died 2 years ago, so now Gravekeepers have become my deck of choice to honor him in my own way.
I plan to make Ancient Gears my 2nd archetype in master duel, All I know is, I will never run a deck you need freaking flow charts and 10 minutes to end a turn to use.
Nice to see someone else who has Relinquished as one of their favorite monsters too.
Got back into Yu-Gi-Oh in 2018 and picked up Dinosaurs. Still love that deck with the eternal classic of "make-big-bongo-and-smash-everything."
I also enjoy Galaxy-Eyes, with it being Blue-Eyes inspired and using primarily Xyz monsters.
My favourite deck I always fall back on is Gladiator Beasts. I just love how once you activate any of them, the entire deck becomes a tool box and you can respond to so many situations.
They also got a bunch of support recently and I’ve taken them to Plat on master duel by combining them with a simple Tri-brigade engine.
Ojama is my deck of choice! I play it with a fusion, melffy, and tri-brigade package. The fusion part is rather small in the main deck as it's situationally good and allows you to empty your hand. The melffy's are rather accessible as two level 2s get you a destruction effect on your opponent's turn plus a soft negate. Then finally the only main deck tri-brigade is Keras as anymore and the deck becomes less Ojama Toolbox and more of a really bad tribrigade deck, they give the deck removal and a way to use up the ojamas that pile the grave which incidentally turn Ojama Pajama into a weird extender with Daruma Doll some times. Plus with Battle of Chaos around the corner Guardian Chimera gives the fusion package a much more versatile payoff
I demand I sequel video after you’ve tried playing some of the newer archetypes cause hearing your thoughts and reactions is honestly fun and funny as hell. Keep up the good work mate
yoooo I only found your channel recently after finally having finished P4
Love seeing yugioh content, I'd be SO down for more like this
The first thing I thought of when picking up Master Duel was Ancient Gear! The absolute bliss of Ancient Gear Fusion + Golem into Chaos Giant and popping Overload Fusion for the second Chaos Giant is unmatched!
Rn I’m rocking an Earth Machine Deck (Infinitrack + Trains + Machina) but I need to practice running the combos because they take so long.
I had something similar happen to me. I was helping a buddy who ran a buy and sell shop sort through some items, one of which was a box of Magic Ruler packs, about 12 or so that were already opened. He couldn't sell them and figured they'd been gone through and gave them to me. Ended up finding an MRL Toon World, Toon Summoned Skull, Relinquished, and a full set of Upstart Goblins.
The gimmick of Banish Psychics is so cool and feels really awesome, like the playstyle really reflects the aesthetic and theme of like time travellers and dimension hoppers, it's so cool
I've never played Yugioh but I am a card game nerd so hearing Fither talked about the last archetype I was reminded of myself of how much fun it is to blow yourself up in order to kill your opponent
The Time Thief archetype was something I only discovered thanks to Master Duel and I love it
Favorite archetypes in Yugioh today, hmm.
Zoodiac- It was the archetype that actually got me back into Yugioh, and was the archetype i picked up to learn more about the game from a more competitive angle. I also love the designs
Neo Spacians- My childhood favorites
Fur Hire- Ridiculous pun for a reasonably funny joke. But i also love the mercenary/found family vibes in the art and how each one feels unique but part of the team
Tribrigade- Similar to the previous one, just now attached to a stronger deck and Link Summoning
And more recently Crystal Beasts and Resonators/RDA thanks to picking up their structure decks and making something functional from those thats just a ton of fun to me.
Usually for decks I tend to go to I like archetypes or decks that a character isnt attached to, mostly so I could make up my own OC and have it be their deck, but nothing wrong with vibing with a couple character decks and seeing the appeal
I am so glad that yugioh is getting a renaissance with master duel. Drawing in tons of new and old fans.
Ancient warriors is prob my favorite archetype. It's based on the romance of the three kingdoms and the card effects reflex the characters/events it is based on. Like how Lu Bu is infamous for betraying people and the card will literally switch side if your opponent controls a monster with the highest attach on field. Their playstyle is also simple and straightforward. Just blind 2nd, vomit your entire hand on the field, and OTK.
Ancient Warriors might be my favourite deck too ^.^ they feel great to win with on offense
One of my favorite archetypes are the pendulum magician, specifically the Supreme King Z-ARC Variant. (which also makes pendulums my favorite summoning mechanic of the game, well technically second, my actual favorite summoning method is synchro summoning)
They were the ones who brought me back to Yu-Gi-Oh! After 3-4 year Hiatus if not being involved with the franchise. And they are super fun to play (even when I screw up a move or two during one of my combos), they’re very versatile, are pretty consistent and when you land the finishing blow to your opponent with Z-ARC and his BIG and FAT 4K attack points it feels so satisfying to pull out. Although sadly during that time it was when Konami said “Fuck Pendulums” and were starting to crippling them in the TCG and although their pieces are back, they still have suffered from MR4. However playing Magician Pendulums in Duel Master with the OCG format feels freakin cool, I’ve missed playing SKD Starving Venom and Electrumite for so long.
By far my favorite archetype(s) to play are aromages, trickstar, and crystrons. They are definitely rogue overly complicated deck formats but nonetheless I love them. Crystrons always felt so unique to play especially back in pendulum Era and there's just something about using life points to your advantage which just makes aromages and trickstars so appealing. Lore wise however, I really love the witchcrafter/magistus/endymion lore.
My favorite deck is easily Generaider. Genuinely feels like you're swarming them with incredibly powerful raid bosses
And I like to pair them with Live☆Twins to get some sort of use of the normal summon lol
A fellow Generaider fan I see.
Good taste.
Ever since 2014, I always loved Pendulum Magicians and U.A.s, glad to see them being playable
You should play master duel live with viewers.
Also my favourite archetypes are HEROs and abyss actors. HEROs due to nostalgia and fast paced combos and otks. Abyss actors because of a cool aesthetic, cool gimmick and being used by the best arc v character.
So the fun thing about Cloudians, is that most of them are fairies, so they're affected by stuff like Sanctuary in the Sky, Athena, and just fairy support in general. And since most of them can't be destroyed while in attack position, Sanctuary makes for a great wall to protect yourself from battle damage. They make going into generic links pretty smooth too, since unless your opponent just wipes your board, or banishes them, your monsters are sticking around.
Always had a soft spot for the Junk archetype, they often have really convenient effects and looked awesome in the 5Ds era anime
My all time favorite archetype will always be Dragunity. I started playing YGO seriously during thr 5Ds era and thought Dragunity was a really cool archetype that was basically "Union monsters done right" and worked seamlessly with the synchro mechanics and dragon support that was big at the time. There's something cathartic about slapping Dragon's Ravine on the field, grabbing Dux out the Deck and chain Synchro summoning from Vajrayana into a Lv8 or even Lv10.
My only gripe is that the deck was quite expensive for how niche it was back then. Phalanx was a short print, and Gae Daerg was like $40, which for 14 year old me was kind of a big deal. I did eventually complete the deck back then...only to ha e someone I thought was a friend of mine steal it.
I don't play YGO irl anymore, so I am really grateful to Master Duel for letting me make my dream deck thanks to all those free gems. The deck also seems to have aged really well too; imagine my shock when I found out that Barcha of all the monsters has become like the big playmaker of the deck.
Romulus is legitimately one of the craziest legacy support cards ever printed. Remus and the rest of the structure deck R support are also kinda nuts.
I'm running a competitive Blue-eyes deck in the tcg love that archetype and I'm excited for the new support coming out. The next decks I'm making are thunder dragons and dinosaurs.
Hee Ho traptrix, evil twins, and Ho madolche are the best decks Hee Ho
I had a similar story of being really into yugioh and then falling off after gx, but still kinda aware of what was going on. Then Master Duel really got me back into it. As a kid I had the spellcaster structure deck with Endymion, and while I wasn't super attached to it (because I always lost to my brothers' Rock structure deck and Zombie structure deck) I saw the new Endymion pendulum archetype so I decided to try it out. And I am having soo much fun with it. I am now super attached and I have been considering even buying it in paper even though I will likely never play it.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been into Yugioh and this is just making me to want to try it out again
Master Duel is quite generous with its gems. If you are conservative in your gem spending and do the research into modern format staples, youll be able to F2P a high rarity competitive deck or 2 rogue-tier decks.
@@RinaShinomiyaVal I have no fucking idea what you are talking about but makes me wanna try out Master Duel so I guess it worked
@@PlanScare theres also a crafting system. So you can dismantle 3 cards of a rarity to craft a card of that same rarity.
This ultimately will save you if pack luck is somewhat subpar.
Crafting a SR or UR might unlock a hidden pack. Usually these contain cards related to that archetype. Highly recommended to buy packs this way to get your deck core.
Be sure to do research as you dont wanna dismantle a good card thats a staple on accident.
The bundle deals for Gold Duel Pass, Ash Blossom, Lightning Storm and Solemn Judgment are worth it.
Have fun!
my favourite card types are ones where they in cannon work together for whatever reason, live⭐twins, fur hires, ojama trio, ghostrick, I just love it, when they work together and you draw the correct card that sets off the chain it feels like a fucking destiny draw
The elemental heroes were always my shit. Having so many different fusion combinations was a blast.
I thought the Cyber Dragons were nest, but it wasn't until we got to the Cyberdark Dragons that thry got my interest.
From ylur hand you send a dragon to the graveyard to get one of these weak, 800 atk points things _from the deck_ (that blew my mind as a kid)
Then when you summon it you can pick the one you sent to the grave and equip to, having an abomination with over 2k atk points in one turn.
The best part is the effect of some of these.
One you attack the opponent directly halving their attack points.
With other you can do piercing damage to defending monsters.
And with the third you can do 300 of damage for each monster you destroy.
So, seeing the enemy field you can pick the best monter to deal maximum amount of damage from your deck.
Then you have the chance of sending a dragon fron your special deck to he graveyard, so you can have a mondter of over 7000 atk with the right moves.
Man, what a fun deck, both in the anime and in real games. Not exactly meta, but still cool to use, and can get a few wins with it.
I’ve played Yu-Gi-Oh competitively on and off since 2015.
My favorite deck of all time is gladiator beasts, but I’ve also played some more recent meta decks like salamangreat and invoked shaddoll.
Some other archetypes I suggest looking into are
Lighsworn (Basically catholic crusaders)
Burning Abyss(Dante’s inferno)
Graydle (the 3 main monsters are basically snatch steal when destroyed)
Kaiju(still sees use in the meta as they’re better lava golems, pairs very well with graydle)
Shout out to gladiator beasts, love those guys
“Dudes show up and then fuse up into bigger dudes”,
Never thought in my life i’d hear that in a sentence but here we are.
I am more of a Eldlich kind of guy. Not the trap spamming one The fusion version.
My personal favourite cards are
Number 7
Number 26
Number 86: in fact this one was one of the very first cards I ever own along side gagaga Samurai and door of destiny.
I was a Noob so I don’t know what they did but they have sentimental value to me.
and I lost them.
Ancient Gears, Relinquished, Cyber Dragons and Silent Magicians are definitely all on my radar and each has been since I first learned of them, but some of my other favourites would have to be Traptrix, Altergeist, Eldlich, Skull Servants, Lyrilusc, and Venom.
I had a friend at school who actually was a competitive player where the rest of us weren't, so facing actually well built Blackwings and Lightsworns when I'm there with Venom-Aliens and eventually thought "Ok, so what if I walk up with like 30 trap cards though? I probably won't win but I haven't been doing that as is" and it went better than expected and became my most consistently well performing deck in matchups against him, so I've had a thing for traps & trap focused strategies ever since, and I'd thought trap monsters were pretty cool even before then, hence TAE each being favoured, they all do the Trap Deck playstyle slightly differently from each other as well which is cool.
Skull Servants are a fun simple deck that plays like if you asked the Zombie-Type for their take on Ancient Gears.
Lyrilusc pre-recent support was already pretty cool with the Nightingales being pretty unique boss monsters that are pretty evasive, then Starling there with the "pain split" effect which is a fun trick, and the new support's pretty cracked to the point it made them meta relevant.
My feelings about Venoms are relatively similar to what you expressed about Cloudians, they're pretty bad but I think they're neat and want them to get some new support or retrains. Post-Ogdoadics Reptiles seem to be getting a lot of new support, we've seen stuff for Aliens & Reptillianne so hopefully we'll get something for the original snake archetype as well.
Or better yet, they could capitalise on the broadness of "Venom" as the archetypes name and branch out from being exclusively snake/ snake-like Reptile monsters into covering anything that has real world venomous counterparts, from spiders to jellyfish to (arguably) plants, and Reptile "Venom" could have a distinct playstyle from Insect "Venom" or Fish "Venom"; It already has some Dragons by technicality thanks to Arc-V. They could incorporate a Nurse Burn effect or somethign that restores LP to tie in to how most medicines are basically poisons taken in highly specific doses that make them safe for consumption with beneficial effects.
And Venom could have all of those things, because what we already have is so small that there's very little of value already there to work with beyond the venom counters.
*"Venom" could be the next "HERO" but Konami are cowards.*
Yooooooo Fither and Yu-Gi-Oh pog!
In terms of some of my favorite archetypes, In order of release, Heroes are awesome. Love their designs and their battle play style. Madolche because food puns and an amazing boss monster in the Queen, and Speedroids because clear wing synchro dragon is just such a beautiful card that is also pretty good.
Would love to see you stream master duel sometime!
Cubics are good until you draw an unplayable hand
I picked up Yugioh back in 2014/15 during 6th Grade, I remember the first deck I tried was a Machina deck, and they’ve held a place in my heart! I tried other decks as I grew that I got attached to, those being Performapals with their aesthetic, Melodius and Neo-Spacians from using them in Duel Links, and my current absolute favorite deck I’m using in both the TCG and Master Duel, HEROes! I’m really into Fusion monsters, and with the awesome look of the HEROes, their combo playstyle, and the overall amazing support cards just gives me a wave of excitement and fun! Of the GX Archetypes, HERO is the most well-supported of them! I can’t wait ‘til they add Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer and Denier to MD!
Damn didn't know I needed to hear Fither talk about his favorite Yugioh monters for 19 mins
My favorite archetype is hands down Fluffals/Frightfurs. Such a fun fusion deck that puts up damage like it’s nobody’s business
One day while I was in junior high, I was getting my textbooks registered with the rest of my class. I got my textbooks registered, I opened one of them, and found a fucking Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon behind the cover, still in its wrapper
You have reignited my love for ancient gears. Now I'm gonna go build them in Master Duel
I've always been in love with two archetypes:
Dragunity, and their ability to use smaller dragons as weapons.
Borreload/Borrelsword dragon and their ability to just basically use Rokkets dragons as bullets.
I guess I'm a supporter of bigger dragons bullying smaller ones, but they're so fun to play, and the designs are great!
I have felt no greater joy than summoning Evilswarm Ophion first turn, putting down a Kaiser Colosseum and shuttng down 1/3 of meta decks.
It's not an official archetype, but one deck I really like the concept around is a Zombie World Strategy... It only has 2 effects (and the tribute sealing effect doesn't matter that much nowadays anyway), But the number of ways you can take advantage of a card that makes all monsters on the field AND the GY into a single type (Zombie) is amazing...
Just inherently, you can make any card that only supports zombies work with ANY monster you want... and a lot of that zombie support is revival effects so your monsters can just keep coming back again and again. While shutting down a lot of your opponent's cards when their effects only work for any monster type that isn't zombie (which also locks them out of a few extra deck monsters as well).
But it also lets you run ANTI-Zombie cards and use them against anyone.... Marionette Mite, a card that is at 3, becomes a Change of Heart on legs in Zombie World decks.
And despite so many cards being made to work with Zombie world (it was literately the card a Structure deck was named after) almost none of them actually need to mention Zombie World in their card text... unlike other cards that can have a deck made around them, like "The Sanctuary in the Sky" or "Toon World".
If you're willing to try newer decks, I personally recommend getting into Zefras
They're a very flexible Pendulum deck that can play any point of the control-combo spectrum really easily, so it's a good long-term deck for beginners.
However, what I like most is that the deck is a love letter to fans of the card game. Zefras are the culmination of an almost 10-year long storyline called the Duel Terminal. There's so many references to the story, so many characters with really deep stories involved like Gem-Knight Crystal, Gishki Emilia, the Yang Zings, and so much more. If you like the card game and want to get into the lore, pick up Zefras, reading the story to get to them is absolutely fascinating. Especially because there is no actual written source, most of the story is told through artwork alone and some japan-exclusive art books, and it still manages to somehow be an extremely engaging storyline with heartbreaking moments and tragic characters.
Time Thieves are my shiiiiiit. Not just because I'm a recovering Doctor Who fanatic, but also because getting to just swipe cards off your opponents deck for materials and get effects based on what you pull is so much fun.
This is how I imagine how most of Crowlers duels would go if he had an actual good ancient gear deck- Uses power bond to make chaos gear golem so it enters with 9000 atk then uses limiter removal to double it to 18000 atk and proceed to absolutely stomp there opponent in one turn.
The HEROS are my favorite archetype hands down
Am I late to the party? Sure. But I have adored the Shaddoll archetype since I opened my first ever pack of Duelist Alliance back in 2016, getting Shaddoll Fusion and Hedgehog. I just really liked the artwork of the cards and the gameplay that all of the main deck monstets gain effects when used as fusion material, plus the fusions recycling the spell and trap cards was the cherry on top for me.
i don’t know anything about the yugioh card game but god i love the artwork. i had some cards as a kid just because i thought they looked cool so a lot of the art is really nostalgic. i also remember i had relinquished as a kid and it was my favorite, my siblings always told me it was the most powerful card so i kept it really safe in my binder
damn i also remember going to target and there was just an open pack with cards scattered all over so i just took them. sadly don’t remember what any of the cards were though but it was so strange someone opened a pack in store and just left it
cyber dragon is and always will be my favourite. the aesthetics and playstyle just fits me so much
I'm only gonna get into Yugioh because of this and your old fithcast YUGIOD DUDE episode. That podcast episode is amazing, I love hearing you talk about your childhood and how the game always attracted hatred and theft similar to my childhood with beyblade.
I love playing Ojamas too! Especially with mixing them in with armed dragon and XYZ unions for the ultimate Chazz deck
My favorite archetype is Batterymen. They're a bunch of little guys that swarm the field and destroy youropponent's cards through through card effects. They have a card called "Short Circuit" that nukes your opponent's board if you have 3 or more battery men on the field.