You have to open an account with them in order to purchase, however it is very easy to do. They can help you set one up at the service desk when you walk in. Unlike Costco, there is no membership fee... which is a bonus! Thanks for watching :)
Thank you for watching the video. I noticed some items were more expensive than at a Şok ör Bim and some were the same or less, especially if you take advantage of their buying in bulk savings. It really varied. The convenience of such a variety of items (products, brands, sizes) all in one stop was a big draw for me. For smaller, quick grocery runs, I’ll continue to stop at Şok or Bim.
Can visitors buy stuff from metro?
You have to open an account with them in order to purchase, however it is very easy to do. They can help you set one up at the service desk when you walk in. Unlike Costco, there is no membership fee... which is a bonus! Thanks for watching :)
Nice overview. What district is this store in?
This is in İzmit, but I have seen Metros in Istanbul, as well.
Its Expensive than here in the UK. I would prefer to go to Soc or BIM.
Thank you for watching the video. I noticed some items were more expensive than at a Şok ör Bim and some were the same or less, especially if you take advantage of their buying in bulk savings. It really varied. The convenience of such a variety of items (products, brands, sizes) all in one stop was a big draw for me. For smaller, quick grocery runs, I’ll continue to stop at Şok or Bim.
OMG, so sad to hear that you got to spend your Friday date nights at Costco! 😞
It really was fun. Thanks for watching!