@@dnr-productionhouse4611 I never believed in Ellen White either the I read a few of her books. The Great Controversy impacted me and I began to believe she was given information from God. I found out she told people that there would be a large war fought over slavery and then the civil war happened. The biggest thing for me with her writings was that a Sunday Law would come and that would be the mark of the beast. Now I see the Papacy and even the government and unions talking about creating a Sunday climate day. I'm not saying we need to worship her or anything weird like that but I defiantly believe God spoke to her. Have you read her writings? I used to scoff at people that said she was a prophet but God put it on my heart to read before I pass judgment. Well I read and now I believe. Everything I've read appears to be in harmony with the Bible, even the health stuff has changed my life! If you haven't read please read before you judge you might be surprised!
@@dnr-productionhouse4611 if you don't believe in Ellen White, you are not a Seventh Day Adventist. I didn't believe in her for years yet during that time I couldn't stop reading her books and now I still can't stop reading, she was truly led by God
Did she believed Christ? if yes then of course she's not dead cause those who believe in Christ are not dead do you mean the apostle are dead cause they died
Thank you Bishop Mar Mari for your teaching! I grew up in Croatia with an Adventist family. Ellen G. White was never mentioned to us. Our sermons were very similar to the Orthodox. We never had symbols in the churches and we always had beautiful sermons about Christ and other parts of the Bible. Even during baptism we immersed the whole person in water. As for the Sabbath as the seventh day, as a child I simply accepted it and I can say that those were wonderful days spent with my family. Almost like the Jews, when all the lights are turned off, we also turned off the TV and cell phones. After I found out where this whole idea came from and who are the people behind it... I would rather say that I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ... nothing more, nothing less. I apologize for the bad English, we in Croatia are not like you Americans. It's almost like we're a completely different branch that can't be called Adventists anymore... but when I went to one of the sermons, a book by Ellen G. White was being handed out for free, so there are some links. Her book is on my shelf and I don't plan on reading it anytime soon... Edit: - In my entire life I've never heard anyone in that church say "Jesus died for your sins" so I think that says enough about them.
There's something you've got wrong about the mark of the beast.Yes it's Sunday worship, but only by law. When Church and state unite, and people are forced to worship on Sunday then they do so because of fear of lacking access to education, food, freedom and even being killed,then this Sunday worship by law is the mark of the beast because they chose to worship on Sunday for fear of man, and chose to neglect the fear of God. But before then.. Sunday worship is not yet the mark of the beast because many people are yet to know the truth and, Sunday worship has not been inflicted by law. But this is soon to come for Many signs show...If you study project 2025 carefully, you notice that Church and state are on the way to unite and then there will be one day of worship in the name of many excuses so as to blind many...So only call on the Holy spirit for guidance as you also watch and study scriptures carefully by guidance of the Holy spirit, not by man... Also Ellen G White didn't say that Christ will come back when she's alive but she said that Jesus Christ MAY come back while she's still alive and thus meaning anytime from when she was alive...Thank you
I studied Adventism for over 6 years and after 6 or so years I was baptized and have been SDA for over 3 years. I was baptized in a non denominational chruch when I was 14 years old. I have attended many and joined may Sunday keeping churches. Toward the end of my time in these churches I was demoralized as a would read the word and see my life was not in harmony with the Bible but church didn't seem to be a place where you could learn what I was learning on my own. I began to pray and ask God to show me the truth. One day God lead me to a man named Walter Veith. As I listened to him I learned he was SDA. I remember as I researched SDA that they were called a cult and they had a false prophet. The more I listed to Walter and the more I researched the more SDA made sense and was in harmony with what I was reading in the Bible. I believe God by His spirit lead me out of Babylon and into the truth. I realize I will likely be persecuted for being and SDA but it doesn't matter, this life is but a vapor and I am living for the next life and don't care about this one. My wife, mother and niece are SDA now and I have witness to many and have given the bible studies to quite a few people. God put it on my heart that it is my job to bring the world to the knowledge of the truth and it is the job of the Holy Spirit to aid them on their journey through the valley of decision. It seems Mr. Mar Mari would rather spend his time tearing down what I believe God lead me to and that is his choice. I hope he find truth like I did.
Me too, I was a catholic and the more I studied the Adventists belief, the more I saw they were in harmony with the bible. I became a sda and I will never leave. Mari has trodden down the true Sabbath of the bible, trodden down Adventists and Ellen White, I really hope he will open his heart to hear the Adventist truth and come worship the true God of the bible
Walter Veith has SO much concrete documentation! What a Godly man who is a genius! I think about what the Bible says. That the whole world will be deceived! “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world… It will be a small group that will not fall for the deception compared to all that will be deceived! When it comes down to it it’s all about worship. Satan wants to be in God’s place and worshipped.
@@Hxrocks22 It’s not for everyone. The bible says the majority of those who identify as Christian are lost. There will only be a remnant that remains. Matthew 13:1-23 13 Later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake. 2 A large crowd soon gathered around him, so he got into a boat. Then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore. 3 He told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one: “Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.” 10 His disciples came and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?” 11 He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets[a] of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. 12 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. 13 That is why I use these parables, For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. 14 This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says, ‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. 15 For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes- so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’[b] 16 “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. 17 I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it. 18 “Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: 19 The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. 20 The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 21 But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word. 22 The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. 23 The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” The shaking is coming and many will be sifted out…
@@WotlehDickinson-iw1sw "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 7,21)
Nobody has the MOTB now. Once the Sunday law is enforced, those who continue to worship on the first day of the week and reject the seventh day (Sabbath) then will have received the mark.
❤word and how's this you tube false Sunday preaching agent of Babylon and the soon come system. This man and his robe and false doctrine. Bible earns of end time snakes like this grub !
You are lying Mar Mari Emmanuel. Colossians 2:16-17 addresses a specific context related to Jewish ceremonial practices rather than the Sabbath of the seventh day of creation (Exodus 20:8-11). This passage should not be associated with the eternal and unchangeable Seventh-day Sabbath of Creation. In this passage, Paul was addressing the Colossian Christians, warning them not to let anyone judge them regarding certain Jewish ceremonial practices: He refers Col 2:16-17 to Ezekiel 45:17: 1. Meat: Refers to meat offerings, it does not refer to meat that can be eaten or not in Leviticus 11 but the meat offerings in the ceremonial practices, and drink refers to drink offerings. 2. Holiday: Refers to the annual Jewish festivals such as Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. 3. New Moon: Refers to the monthly observance in Jewish calendar. 4. Sabbath Days: Refers to the ceremonial Sabbaths or special Sabbaths that were part of the Jewish religious calendar, like Sabbath Pesach, Sabbath Purim, Sabbath Shuvah, rather than the weekly Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.
The SDA biblical understanding is correct. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” God commands us to keep the 7th day, not the 1st day. The Bible speaks of the “investigative judgement” …SDA simply believe God’s word. Col 2 is not speaking of the 7th day sabbath but of the feast sabbaths. 🙏🏻
@@May-May1888 amen. I pray for Mari Mar to come to the fullness of the knowledge of God. People need to dig deep into God’s word and not just repeat the anti SDA videos which are all in error.
@@juligraham7319 I believe the Seventh Day Adventist is the true church, not because I am part of it but because it's the only religion that follows the bible and keeps the bible Sabbath, so many people have been misled to follow error because they do not read and study the bible for themselves and that's the biggest deception that people put their trust and faith in priests, bishops and man
The only one telling lies here is pastor Mari. Adventists do not teach that those who worship on Sunday have the mark of the beast. Only when Sunday worship is legislated by law will anyone receive the mark of the beast i,e. Ìf they go along with it( Worship cannot be enforced by law) Pastor Mari also lied about Colossians chapter 2:16 taking it way out of context. Paul here, is referring to the law of ordinances. Paul is saying that no one should judge you based on the Ceremonial laws because they were nailed to the cross. Unconverted Jews were commanding new Christian believers to keep laws that included the keeping of Ceremonial sabbaths, certain feast days, drinks and other stuff. As Christians, the only law we are required to keep is the 10 commandments because it is the embodiment of love for God and love for our fellow men. The coming mark of the beast crisis will center around worship. It will involve the enforcement of Sunday sacredness by law. God never commanded His church to keep a "Sunday Sabbath" According to Genesis chapter 2, He rested on the 7th day(Saturday) Lastly, a description of God's last day church is found in Revelation 12:17...and it has two identifying characteristics: (1) It's a commandment keeping church (2) It has the testimony of Jesus (Gift of prophecy) Did E G White possess this gift? An astounding YES! Wikipedia: Ellen G. White White is the most translated female non-fiction author in the history of literature, as well as the most translated American non-fiction author overall. How does someone with just a 3rd grade education become the most prolific writer of all time?
Amen! Thank you for helping me refocus on the truth after reading a lot of the other comments. This comment should be at the top. Thankyou for this perfect answer on the whole video! May God bless you.
@@ndateLitebohoLuke 2:36 (KJV) And there WAS ONE ANNA, A PROPHETESS, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
Mar Mari, I really love that you are so passionate for Christ. But, 1) I challenge you to show evidence where Ellen G. White claimed Jesus would come while she was still alive. I was raised a Seventh Day Adventist and had never heard such thing. 2) William Miller was a man sincerely seeking God and passionate about his second coming. At that time, many Christians from different denominations were trying to desypher the books of Daniel and Revelations in there zealousness and humanity they misinterpreted the prophecies and it was back to the drawing board. That group of people that waited for the coming of Christ were known simply as Adventist and from there was born the Seventh Day Adventists movement. We do believe in the spirit of prophecy. But, NEVER put anybody above the Word of God. Not Mary (the mother of Jesus), our pastors, not Ellen White ... NOBODY. We don't bow our knee to any likeness of Mary or any "saint". That is an abomination to God.
@@chankaeyo5352it’s not a lie, it’s the 4th commandment in Gods eternal law. Due to your ignorance and misunderstanding of this concept, you are calling God a liar and prepping yourself to eventually be a part of the majority who will persecute Gods end time people for keeping the sabbath and be lost forever by going against God.
@gabeburton7741, So an SDA member adheres to Sabbaths law and thinks he will be saved? When will an SDA member understand that they are in a cult and when are they finally going to be born again and really serve The Lord Jesus Christ?
@@shyberlenss5806 The Law of God does not exist anymore? Do you understand how naive and ignorant you sound? So you’re telling me that as Christians we can go ahead and kill, steal, lie and commit adultery without no worries that we will have to give an account for that? In what world? Under what God would that be allowed? Gods holy law is eternally binding my friend, it’s the foundation of His earthly and heavenly government. There exist no throne or government without laws who are you kidding here? Read Matthew 5:17-18, Revelation 22:14 “Blessed are those who DO His commandments, that they may the right to the tree of life and enter through the gates.” Sabbath commandment Saturday included, forever. (Isaiah 66:22-23)
The Sabbath reffer toin colossian 2:16 is the ceremonial Sabbath is tied with the new month . Those festival of the Jews were also reffer to as Sabbath . Please re examine that nowhere in the Bible talks about the seventh day Sabbath being changed to Sunday
How he know Did bible says that Jesus adored his mother? I don’t see it there but what I see there is when they come to see Jesus his mother and brothers ;he answered “ who are my mother and my brothers “Luke 8:21’ now the bishop is making things up about this: reminds me of a nowdays modern movies about the bible ; making up conversations ;
23. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: For the Father seeketh such to worship Him. 24. God is a Spirit: And they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. (JOHN 4:23-24)
Jesus is a 7th day Adventist. So ill follow his example over mans word any day. God’s word says wolves in sheep's clothing. And im listening to one now
Jesus kept the Sabbath, Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. The bible is full of references concerning the seventh day Sabbath which is Saturday not Sunday. The commandments of God should be all obeyed, including the Sabbath which the catholic Church changed to Sunday, God never changed the day,
Jesus is fully God and fully man. Her is what the Sabbath was a shadow of and he fulfilled Shabbat. He is the substance and the true rest of God. He is the true Sabbath rest. The SDA is a cult and it throws away much of church history and picks what it likes to lift up. Ellen, James and Uriah and the other pioneers denied the divinity of Christ and the Trinity. The SDA is a cult. I'm not against keeping the seventh day Shabbat at all. It's beautiful and Christians have the liberty to keep the 7th day Shabbat but it is not a requirement for Christians under the new covenant.
The verse means to not care if people make fun of you for celebrating biblical recorded holidays or having your Sabbath or festivals according to the Bible he’s literally saying that it’s OK to change the sabbath, break a law, it got changed to Sunday by the Catholic Church I believe.
I am a Seventh Day Adventist I left the Catholic Church because they are the one who change the Sabbath Day from Saturday to Sunday. SATURDAY is the SABBATH DAY. No one changes gods law. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath. I think you should read the BIBLE.
I am a Seventh Day Adventist too, came out of the catholic Church. I believe in Ellen White, people misquote her like this man is doing and he's leading people to destruction
The sabbath is not only a commandment but also eternal and perpetual. Be very careful brothers and sisters in Christ now the Bible fir yourself. What he’s saying is wrong on so many levels he’s literally saying that the commandments don’t matter and you may worship Christ how you wish. This bishop I’m sure means well but he’s very misleading with this subject. When we say that Gods commandments don’t matter we make ourselves exalted above him. The Bible interprets itself. No I’m no denomination due to God speaks against it because traditions of men pollute his word just like this Bishop is doing. I’ve also noticed he very much so has a Catholic teaching in a way. I pray this finds you well. I love you all and may God have mercy on us all. The lords says: John 14:15 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Exodus 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. Isaiah 66:22-24 22 “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. 23 From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord. 24 “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”
“In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable.” Romans 14:5 NLT
Jesus was referring to the new covenant commandants of loving God with all your heart. And loving your neighbor as self. In Galatians 5 confirms that we no longer live under the law of Moses. But are rather led by the HolySpirit. I recommend that you ask the HolySpirit to give you understanding as you read and the book of Galatians and Roman’s 14 gives great explanation! God bless you. Love!
If something wrong in EGW as you claimed then how on earth she could writes alot of books more than Ma mari could wrote. It only shows that Ma mari didn't even know what Book of Daniel and Revelation prophecying
She actually plagiarized and claimed her writings to be divinely inspired. Why did the SDA church sued for plagiarism? Check out the book titled "The White Lies"
People will make up lies to benefit their own sinful life. Your life you live is not about any one person except for The one who came to show us how to live. Jesus is the only one who did not sin. He said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Jesus went to the church on the seventh day Saturday. Jesus said follow me. Don’t let anyone question what He told you to do. Do not let anyone tell you or question you from following Christ. He said work 6 days but the seventh day is The Sabbath of the Lord thy God. The Lord’s day is the Seventh day Saturday
@blessn3262, The SDA people make the big mistake that by observing Sabbath law, you find salvation. The most important thing is to personally believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins on the cross on Calvary and rose from the dead on the third day. We also have to maintain a living relationship with The Lord God, The Lord Jesus Christ, completely filled with God's Spirit. The reborn human being thus becomes a Temple of God.
If you find the false teachings of SDA people more important than what The Lord Jesus Christ taught His followers, then you can of course remain an SDA member. However, the Lord Jesus Christ advises that people must be born again.
Even Protestants in their writings say the sabbath is the true day! SMH Read John Wesley’s writing in JOHN WESLEY, “sermons on several occasions” 2-Vol. Edition, Vol. I, pages 221,222 Also Charles Buck A Theological Dictionary “Sabbath”. Read Dr. E.T. Hiscox author of the Baptist manual. Read the council of Trent. And I could go on and on. To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20 “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” There is something wrong in this false teacher’s head. Sorry. He’s a liar. And there is absolutely no light in him. There is no light in him therefore he is not of Jesus. The Catholic Church changed God’s Holy law. No one has that authority. ONLY God the Creator! The SDA church will be persecuted worse. Be ready my brothers and sisters in Christ. God will judge him. Yikes.
If people listen to you and place their confidence in your teaching without studying themselves, their blood be on their heads. You have said so many untruths. For one, the truth is with those who understand and obey the word of God, not with institutions just because they are old. I hope your listeners are awaken to the fact that they need to research what SDA teaches. Regarding Ellen White, I hope you have taken the time to read even one of her books before calling her a liar. Blessings.
Ellen White wrote herself "the Bible alone" She wrote the following IN 1902 : "little heed is given to the Bible,and the Lord has given a LESSER light to lead men and woman to THE GREATER LIGHT"
I don't think we need a flash light to see the sun. She said one things and then contradicted herself in another. Ellen dictated and dictates the lives of SDA. I see so many SDA use this quote but ignore many of her and the " pioneers" heretical teachings and quotes that go against this quote. She claimed to be greater than a prophet. I love you and I do not want to disrespect you in any way but only for you to know the true Gospel and Shalom that only Christ can give. I do not want to offend you but only to say that there are a lot of things not taught from the SDA pulpit that Ellen said and taught, she and James and Uriah denied Jesus was the eternal God and they denied the Trinity. They used double talk and Ellen uses a lot of things found in paradise lost, the book of Mormon and other false teachers writings. Please just look into it all. Dr. Walter Martin exposed the SDA on John ankerberg, answering adventism, and others who are the very least may give you more truthful information about the organization. I personally do not feel Catholics and apostolic Orthodox are correct in their traditions and I am a firm anti Rome protestant. And most actual protestants will never link arms with Rome as false churches may but I love them, I do not hate them and I love this brother mar mari although I disagree with him on many things I know he truly loves the true God Yhwh who entered humanity as Jesus of Nazareth. I pray for those who are so locked in under the SDA organization
@@yeshuaislord3058I just recently found out a lot the lies that the SDA church ⛪️ teaches and preaches. I read EGW writings ✍️ and found her to be a false prophet. She is double tongue. She will say one thing here and another there. 1844 etc is a lie. I use to defend SDA until I found out about the lies EGW and the church teach. She even predicted Jesus Christ second coming. That alone disqualifies her as true prophet. They even teach that Jesus Christ death on the cross wasn't finished when Jesus Christ said it is finished. They claimed that he went into another compartment in heaven in 1844 to cover up their lies. Many of these SDAs defending their prophet are asleep 😴 and they're brainwashed and deceived by this organization. I use to be just like them until God showed me the truth. Studying the Bible alone will remove the scales from your eyes and you will see that EGW is a false prophet
I was born and raised SDA. they are VERY CAREFUL to explain that even the smallest mistake in prophecy completely destroys any claim to divine revelation. Yet not a SINGLE proported prophecy of hers ever came to pass. Not one single prophecy ever came to fruition. Yet they cling to her with a greater voracity than we do to our own blessed Mother of God.
@@MrPanchoak a plant based diet is not forced on us, we still have the free choice to make a decision, I'm sorry about your health problems, some Adventists are very pushy and extreme, we should be able to research and make our own decisions, being a strict vegetarian, what do you mean? And what's wrong
Please, I will advice you Dear Sir read bible more after praying.... ... stop sharing False message!!... John 14:15 said If ye love me, keep my Commandments. Matthew 5:17 says Think not that I am come destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fullfil. Amen..
Where in the Bible does it say these things about Mary? That we are to reverence her at all?? Where does it say that "her role" is to get people to Jesus??? Scripture please.
The problem is that people don't read the bible and they put their trust in sinful men who will lead them to hell instead. Like this man, who teaches against God's word
Some homework for all the Mary haters…read these 7 PARALLEL verses. 🤍= OT and 💖= NT 🤍The ark traveled to the house of Obed-edom in the hill country of Judea (2 Sam. 6:1-11). 💖 Mary traveled to the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah in the hill country of Judea (Luke 1:39). 2.🤍Dressed as a priest, David danced and leapt in front of the ark (2 Sam. 6:14). 💖 John the Baptist - of priestly lineage - leapt in his mother's womb at the approach of Mary (Luke 1:41). 3.🤍David asks, "How can the ark of the Lord come to me?" (2 Sam. 6:9). 💖Elizabeth asks, "Why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Luke 1:43). 4.🤍David shouts in the presence of the ark (2 Sam. 6:15). 💖 Elizabeth "exclaimed with a loud cry" in the presence of the Mary (Luke 1:42). 5.🤍The ark remained in the house of Obed-edom for three months (2 Sam. 6:11). 💖 Mary remained in the house of Elizabeth for three months (Luke 1:56). 6.🤍The house of Obed-edom was blessed by the presence of the ark (2 Sam. 6:11). 💖 The word blessed is used three times; surely the house was blessed by God (Luke 1:39-45). 7.🤍The ark returns to its home and ends up in Jerusalem, where God's presence and glory is revealed in the temple (2 Sam. 6:12; 1 Kgs. 8:9-11). 💖Mary returns home and eventually ends up in Jerusalem, where she presents God incarnate in the temple (Luke 1:56; 2:21-22).
@@nataliegrande5414... Mary was a chosen vessel for Jesus, we do NOT hate Mary, in the Bible we are told to pray to “Our Father who art in heaven” these were the words of Jesus Himself. There is no salvation in Mary, Jesus died for us on the cross not Mary. Mary is not God, she is NOT omniscient, omnipotent or omnipresent, how can she see and hear the prayers of millions of people praying to HER around the world. It's impossible, only the Holy Spirit can. Also we do not have immortality, when we die, we die, only God has, read 1 Timothy 6:15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; 6:16 Who ONLY hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen In the Bible it tells us to seek immortality, why seek it if we have it already. We are mortal and subject to death. Mary was a good woman, God chose her, but she was not sinless as many churches teach, she was a sinner just like the rest of us. She said herself in Luke that she needed a Saviour, only a sinner needs a Saviour. Only Jesus was without sin. If you don't believe that, then you really need to pray and ask God to help you see the truth and He will help you.
He's lying, and the reason people love him or agree with him is because they don't read their bibles, secondly most bibles are so corrupted these days that the meaning is completely different from the original kjv
No…. No he isn’t. WAY on on just about everything he says. I’m SDA and I don’t even recognize what he is presenting it as. Seriously getting things VERY wrong
If u say u are a pastor why are u not keeping the Sabbath I which is the 4th commandment instead u are keeping the first day of the week which is sunday. Christ said if u love me keep my commandments
I are not a Christian, seeing that the sda is teaching from the bible in full , i have to choose the sda. The Sunday church keeping is teaching a portion of the bible , that is why jesus said the Sunday keepers will be the least.
The Great Disappointment in the Millerite movement was the reaction that followed Baptist preacher William Miller's proclamation that Jesus Christ would return to the Earth by 1844, which he called the Second Advent. They also teach that Jesus is angel Michael, they teach that soon all that go to church on saturday will be persecuted..
Jesus is not an angel with wings Michael, He is the Achangel means leader of angels know the difference. During the dark the the sabbath keepers were persecuted you need to study history. Same thing will in the future the Bible says that Satan is enraged with the people who keep the commandments of GOD.
And that’s exactly how it is and will be, you soon will see it with your own eyes I guarantee you. There are things unfolding in our world that will eventually lead to the establishment of a worldwide common day of rest (Sunday) as a way of trying to appease God and trying to stop further calamities and catastrophe upon the world, those who will not comply with Sunday mandatory observance will not be able to buy or sell and eventually be put to death (Sabbath keepers) This is clearly laid out in the books of Daniel and Revelation. The question is: How will you react when all this starts to develop and unfold? Will you remember this conversation and reconsider? I pray and hope you will when the time comes, peace
Well I can have a field day answering your questions on why we have problems when a "teacher "preacher" mixes he's doctrines ,very oh sooo suttely,if you were not a true follower of solo scripture and the ONLY true gospel of Christ. Then you won't pick up the snares that this Wolfe is laying down
@@skylersnow2975 find me a sola scriptura verse and then you’ll have a case ☺️…here’s what I found: ”Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold to the TRADITIONS YOU WERE TAUGHT either IN PERSON or by letter.“ 2 Thessalonians 2:15 ”I have much more to say to you, but I don’t want to write it with pen and ink. For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face.“ 3 John 1:13-14 NLT We wouldn’t have scripture without first having the church who compiled the Bible….so it’s imperative to surrender to the Holy Spirit so that He can teach us truth in all things. Any genuine questions you have, ASK HIM! 🥰
@@nataliegrande5414Jesus Himself said don't worship idols but God alone. Mary wasn't divine, although I believe she should be respected. Mary wasn't holy, but she was very important.
I am a practising SDA (not cult) Christian. Your presentations on Pre advent judgment, Ellen H White quotations, interpreting of Collosians 2:16, prophecies relating to mark of the beast, etc are too shallow. Sda's doctrines on these topics are deeply routed and based on the bible with with galore of biblical references than your mere presentations. I disagree with all your on the surface rebuke. SDA's teach salvation is only through Christ, not so much on the keeping of God's law including observance of 7th day Sabbath. Be mindful of such teachings. God along is righteous judge
Changing churches is not a solutions. I am from SDA church in Mozambique 🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿, so sorry for my English but I want to Stay that I love that church but there are things which I don't believe after reading the book "Sunday decree: fact or fiction" and I hope my dear read it too.
@@MrPanchoak do your research, adventist eat the most healthy and follow God's council and live longer than others. They have been given the health message.
@@May-May1888 healthy doesn’t mean a longer life. It can mean a better quality of life but it doesn’t add days to your life. Our time on earth is determined by God 😃
@@nataliegrande5414 God wants us to be healthy. It wasn't His plan that we get sick and die, how can we be sick and expect the Holy Spirit to dwell in us... Health and religion go together, the bible says a lot about our health and what we can eat and what we can't eat. By our unhealthy lifestyle, we get sick, suffer and unfortunately many die that should have not, but if we follow the health laws, we will live longer and have quality of life. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. God promises good health and happiness to those who follow Christ in truth Exodus 15:26 And (the Lord) said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. A interesting fact was The diseases of the Egyptian were heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Which is our biggest killers today too
Its interesting that he calls SDA a cult when the teachings are so inline with bible truth, however when we look at the catholic church with 1.3 billion followers who says the pope is "the vicar of Christ" in that the Catholic church states "the Pope enjoys, by divine institution, supreme, full, immediate, and universal power in the care of souls." Catholicism sounds like the biggest cult out there worshipping a man rather than Jesus.
@@madboomr9048 Speaking of going to Hell. A place where you'll find the racist your glorious leader Ellen G White. And a place your heading. Do you agree with your racist leader when she said this "But there is an objection to the marriage of the white race with the black. All should consider that they have no right to entail upon their offspring that which will place them at a disadvantage; they have no right to give them as a birthright a condition which would subject them to a life of humiliation. The children of these mixed marriages have a feeling of bitterness toward the parents who have given them this lifelong inheritance. For this reason, if there were no other, there should be no intermarriage between the white and the colored race.--Manuscript 7, 1896." (Selected Messages, Book 2, page 343 paragraph 2-page 344 paragraph 0.)
lol almost every SDA member talks the same hate for the Catholic Church. They take like a pride to hate the Catholic Church and to be swearing enemies of the Church. They say don’t fall man maiden laws but they fall women made laws. Such a “nice “ church.
Why is it that everytime people used collosians 2:16-17, they always get it wrong when even in my little knowledge I know that Paul does not refer to the weekly sabbath but the yearly sabbath or shadowy sabbath. I can show you if you want to know. It's just so surprised to see people like you whom many look up for enlightenment would so ignorantly say that it refers to the weekly Sabbath.
This man is breaking the second commandment which says thou shalt not make any graven image....that cross he is wearing around his neck is a graven image. He's breaking the 4th commandment by not observing it. And he's teaching others not to observe it. The mark of the beast is Sunday worship. (Rev 13 & 14). When the US combines church and state and ENFORCES Sunday laws, if you abide, you will have accepted the mark of the beast. Some will receive it in their head (symbolic, not real) meaning they truly believe Sunday is the sabbath. Others will receive it in the hand (symbolic, not real) because they will go along with it out of fear of the consequences. Anyone who doesn't go along with the Sunday laws will lose everything. They won't be able to buy and sell. And, eventually, there will be a death decree. It's not the mark of the beast right now because the government is not enforcing it right now. The Catholic church believes that the bread and wine at mass/communion literally changes into the body and blood of Christ. But that's not biblical. 1 Corinthians 11 says it's symbolic not literal. The seventh day sabbath is the fourth commandment of God that still needs to be followed just like the other nine. The sabbath was instituted at creation; it's a memorial of creation. People knew about the commandments before Mt Sinai. Exodus 20 is where you'll find the ten Commandments at Mt Sinai. But at Exodus 16, before the ten Commandments at Mt Sinai, God is angry that the children of Israel were breaking the sabbath. The sabbath needs to be followed today, along with all the commandments. Jesus even said in Matthew 24, talking about the end times, pray that your flight is not in the winter or on the sabbath. Also, the sabbath will be observed in the after life (Isaiah 66).
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Greetings man of God. I have been following your teachings and it truly blesses my soul.I have one question? What is your take on woman preaching in the church?
He is not a man of God because he does not follow the bible, he believes lots of errors and uses his own interpretation Women CANNOT be ordained pastors, priests, elders or bishops, those roles were given to men only, but a woman can talk in church if she has a message to share...
@@May-May1888I agree with you on the second part, not on the first part though. In his other sermons he preaches a lot of truth, actually, this one however is false.
It hasn't, the SDA doctrines are being spread throughout. Even the name, we SDAs expected all this backlash. Seeing this backlash is amazing to say the least because I'm watching prophecy fulfilled and I know what's coming next
1. Question he says if you don’t receive the Eucharist you don’t have life in you . Is it just, is it fair that the Catholic Church, I can’t speak for orthodox because I’ve never attended orthodox , is it just for the Catholic Church to say no sorry you can’t have the Eucharist because you haven’t been confirmed in the church and in order to do so you need to complete the rcia which takes 6-7 months ?
Ask Jesus to teach you the truth about OUR blessed mother Mary ❤ She is ALIVE in Christ! If you don’t believe Jesus brought His mother into Heaven then you don’t know Jesus
@@nataliegrande5414 The truth is that Mary is dead, the dead are not alive, in the beginning God told Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree they would die, then Satan came along and told Eve that they would not die and the whole world believes Satan's lie... if the dead are alive in heaven, then what's the point of Jesus coming to earth to get his people, if the dead are alive, then the bible is in error, we are warned in the Bible not to communicate with the dead, and secondly judgment day hasn't even happened yet. I can give you so many bible verses...Mary is in her grave and is waiting for the resurrection just like everyone else who is dead. I'm sorry you believe the lies but you can come out of darkness. Unfortunately most of the so called Christians today are not Christians and don't read their bibles properly. The ministers and priests are in big trouble because they teach lies and will be responsible to God for leading people to hell
@@May-May1888 so Moses and Elijah are In Heaven but the most humble woman in existence isn’t? 🥺how saw that you believe our blessed mother is not with her Son; being that she is Gods most obedient child to ever exist (besides Jesus of course). ”But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation is without foundation, and so is your faith. In addition, we are found to be false witnesses about God, because we have testified about God that He raised up Christ - whom He did not raise up if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Therefore, those who have fallen asleep in Christ have also perished. If we have put our hope in Christ for this life only, we should be pitied more than anyone.“ 1 Corinthians 15:13-19 HCSB She’s not dead, she’s alive in Christ and able to communicate with us because God allows it! Heaven rejoices when one sinner repents, because God allows those in Heaven to see these things. You should never underestimate Gods infinite powers and capabilities 🥰. Don’t doubt; BELIEVE! Better yet, take it to Jesus in prayer. Surrender yourself and ask Him to teach you the truth about OUR blessed mother …you’ll be amazed at His response
@@nataliegrande5414 Where in the Bible does it say that? Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary. When the Apostles asked Jesus, teach us how to pray, Luke 11:1 Jesus taught them by starting the "Our Father" We have to pray to God, Mary is hardly mentioned in the first place, other bible characters are mentioned hundreds of times throughout the bible like David, Abraham, Noah and Moses to name a few, why doesn't anyone pray to them? We are forbidden to pray to anyone, God is our Creator and only He deserves our worship
@@May-May1888 “Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amoung women a blessed is the fruit of thy womb”…words spoken by Gabriel but the message was from GOD THE FATHER and by the Holy Spirit 🥰❤️ everytime we say that prayer we are announcing the coming of Christ
Tell me you don’t seventh day adventism without telling me you do know, we must pray for pastor mar so the Holy Spirit can reveal to him, that he is wrong about our church.
Don't worship Mary she is dead Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
So seems likes the Adventist are adding a bunch of prophets seems like a red flag to me. In my heart I know to just follow the word of God thats in the Bible. Seems like Adventist are contradicting the Bible.
That guy haven’t given any proper justification of Ellen G white being a false prophet, Ellen G white clearly said that the Sunday observant is not yet the mark until it’s enforced, and she also said don’t quote her as the bible , she always said that she is the lesser light and the bible is the greater light , I don’t think this guy has ever read Ellen G white books
Mr Mari don’t disrespect The Lord’s Prophetess Ellen G White, The Lord Will take action against you. Now look at what has happened to you. We’ll pray for your speedy recovery from this stabbing incident.
Yes in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Paul also expected Jesus to return in his day Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Shall we then also call Paul a false prophet and a liar?
@@IamSomebodyWithHim he humbles himself during every sermon…do you watch his full sermons regularly? And again, worry about YOUR sins. When you meet God face to face, He’s not going to ask you to give an account of what bishop Mar mari did 😂 ❤️🥰
but hes going to ask me about what have i answered you@@nataliegrande5414! You're an unbeliever, that is most certainly! Listening to a heretic, speaking in a lunatic form, thinking he's got a clue about the bible, taking heed to his words..and you think I can be quiet? Yes, I'm not always involved in this kind of discussions but when I am...I'm all in! So watch out cause satan is crawling like a lion, you won't hear him, he's a coward, always coming from behind but he's cunning so you be careful who you give ear to! May the Lord of Heaven and Earth bless you with a truthful understanding of His Word!
Dear Bishop Notwithstanding error in other matters, God used the SDA's to rebuke the RCC's supposed 'transfer' (which is impossible) of the seventh day Gen 2:2,3/Ex 20:8-11/Is 58:13,14/Matt 5:19; 12:8 Shabbat of the Fourth Commandment, to the "first day of the week" which has zero WEEKLY Sabbatical status in Scripture. You ought to know that, sir, and quit misrepresenting the clearcut Biblical identity of the Fourth Commandment, to flatter Roman apostasy. Rome is on record as saying that Sunday is the mark of THEIR authority. Do you serve God or man, in this respect? By all means congregate on Sundays for fellowship while we have the luxury of a two- day weekend (as opposed to Zion's all sufficient PERPETUAL covenanted Friday sunset to Sat dusk), but to avoid being judged a liar (Rev 21:8), quit calling Rome's so-called 'Christian sabbath' the authentic sanctified and blessed Hebrew Sabbath (for all ingrafted in the House of Jacob, the true mother church and chief of nations forever - Is 9:6,7; Jer 31:4,7,10,17,31-36; Lk 1:32,33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,15,19) which will be kept throughout the 1000 yr Reign of Christ as enthroned Son of David (Is 66:22-24; Lk 1:32,33; Mk 11:10). You're making an appalling mess of Col 2:16,17. It is declaring the exact opposite - Paul is stating that now that the same body (the church of antiquity renewed through their New Covenant - Jer 31:31-36; Acts 7:38; Eph 3:6) is of Christ (Lk 1:33), we are to especially resist pressure to abandon the perpetual ordinances and BIBLICAL traditions (2 Cor 11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:15). The original church kept Shabbat till it was deposed and suppressed. This is common knowledge. Your doctrine has an enormous hole by your contradiction of the Ten Words (1 Tim 4:16)
As a seventh day adventist I support worshiping on the sabbath but I can't say that Sunday worshipers will go to hell because the don't keep the sabbath. Despite the bible saying to worship on the sabbath I still think than non sda members can go to heaven. I also disagree with the fact that the sda church is a cult but I also believe that Ellen G white isn't too dependable so i'm considering on leaving the religion but i'll still continue to keep the sabbath.
No where does advertising teach that all Sunday people are going to he'll, but those who have heard the truth about Sabbath and rejected it will surely be lost
I used to appreciated this Bishop until he started rubbishing other churches. On what or whose authority does this bishop have to rubbish the faith of other Christians? The Bible is a complex book that many have difficulty understanding. Not even those who claim to be authorities on the Bible. It would be wise to keep to what you believe. The events following his unfortunate stabbing by a Muslim and the anger and backlash demonstrated by his congregation and supporter almost to the point of being blood-thirsty speaks alot about his church. Destroying police vehicles and hurting medical personal does not speak well about this Bishops congregation. Fix your flocks first before trying to fix other flocks!
It’s crazy that people don’t understand that there is no biblical record of the disciples worshipping Jesus on a Saturday. There is only biblical record that they worshipped him on Sunday.
There's biblical and secular evidence that most Christians observed the sabbath into the 4th century (300 years after Christ). In the 4th century, the bishops of Rome and Alexanderia joined with the empire to create the Christian version of the Pharohsies. Not until this time did someone calling themselves a Christian torture and murder other Christians. They outlawed and claimed only they understood the bible. It took at least another 300 years of torture and murder for them to make Sunday worship more popular than keeping the sabbath. Keeping Sunday is a human tradition. Keeping Sabbath is a gift, a holiday, a day blessed, and sanctified by the Father. This would be true even if it weren't a commandment. It was given to Adam (the human race), and the Israelites were merely reminded of it after their release from slavery. Salvation is through Christ alone. Still, can anyone say they are in Christ who are knowingly defiant against his Father? The shepherd does not purposely fool the sheep. The husband protects and provides for his wife. Christ speaks plainly to show us the way there is no mystery or secret knowledge. Follow Christ.
@smitty1065 The Bible says the disciples and Jesus were born worshiping God on the Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown). The Bible doesn't say that ever changed. Human secular history says Christians worshipped on the sabbath until the council of Nicea. Those claiming to be Christian at Nicea joined the state and began murdering Christians who didn't agree with them. They outlawed the bible to the penalty of death, telling people only they understood it. Except for Rome and Alexanderia, it took them another 300 to 600 years to make Sunday more popular. Those Christians are the Christian version of the Pharohsies. They had to wait for the disciples to be dead before making their move.
@smitty1065 The Bible says the disciples were born worshiping God on the Sabbath. There is no record of change until the Christian version of the Pharohsies joined Rome in persecution of Christians.
Ellen white meant she will be alive at the second coming of Jesus referring to the special resurrection which will occur before His coming according to Daniel 12:1-3
Yes, there is a special resurrection spoken of in the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation of the saints who died in the hope of seeing Christ return. According to the Bible this takes place at the outpouring of the 7th plague.
I'm a SDA myself. This preacher has not done his research carefully. He is wrong in all that he teaches. Please,read the SDA official statements on all that he referred to. Non of those things we believe to. It is unfortunate. God bless you in your search.
I have read the great controversy by Ellen white to see exactly where she got her doctrine and her resources. She had completely taken entire denominations and quotations from speeches way out of context and made them seem to say things that they actually didn't say if you read the entirety of their speech in context. And her claim that the waldensians were sabbath keepers was actually proven false. And it's funny how she quotes from ante nicene fathers, like Tertullian, making them out to say the first century churches observed sabbath, but then says that their writings were corrupted and that her followers shouldn't read it for themselves. So somehow she was able to read it and discern through all of the corruption and make it say something that it definitely did not. Tertullian, whom she loved to quote from so much when referring to the first century churches, wrote very extensively and explicitly against the church having to observe the sabbath. Now of course we should be striving to keep all ten commandments, including the sabbath. But we fail, without the help of the Holy Ghost, every single time. We are not judged by our ability to keep the ten commandments, and for some reason sda believe that the sabbath is the only one that needs to be observed, because they certainly don't honor their parents, they lie, and so on. They are hypocrites. But we should be striving to observe all ten commandments, because we love God, and His statutes are pure and bring blessings. Sunday is NOT the sabbath, but it's OK to fellowship to honor the resurrection of the Lord. It's OK to fellowship Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as well and honor the Lord Jesus Christ. God will judge the hearts, not our abilities. From my own unbiased study of Ellen white's writings, she is extremely dishonest
This actually a great fun! I listen to him and I laugh. It is quite amazing. I could really take this small lecture, replace the Bishop with a Rabbi, say "Christianity" instead of "Seventh Day's Adventists", and instead of "Apostolic church " say "Judaism ".... change a few names and some not very important details... and it's gonna be perfect. On this funny lecture one can say: The camel does not see his own hump. Great amusement 😀
It's funny how this man has many great teachings...but as touching the Sabbath of the lord thy God this man is lacking true wisdom and knowledge, for in the beginning to the end of the bible God as made it clear how important the 7th day Sabbath is to his people, and that we must remember to keep it holy, Exodus 20:8 📖 and this bishops is encouraging people to forget what God told us to remember 🤨 🤔
The Bible is beautiful because one verse can have a direct meaning or a deeper meaning. You’ve read the direct meaning but if you ask the Holy Spirit he will reveal the deeper meaning of the sabbath to you. Or any topic. But you must humble yourself and ask the Holy Spirit
@@May-May1888 “we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” Hebrews 12:1 ”In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!“ Luke 15:7 NLT You’ve limited Gods power to your human understanding. Don’t do that. Instead, surrender to the Holy Spirit and ASK HIM to teach you the truth about these things. He won’t lie 🥰😇
@@nataliegrande5414 The great cloud of witnesses are from the previous chapter, chapter 11 is the faith chapter, talks about the forefathers and those who walked by faith through trial and error. Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Isaac, etc, all the characters in the old Testament. They are our witnesses, they are put in the Bible to give us encouragement... Then chapter 12 continues. When the bible was written there were no divisions of chapters or punctuation
@@May-May1888 that’s your understanding of it. I truly believe that the Apostles, Saints and Martyrs are with Jesus as outlined in 1Cor15. They are alive in Christ.
I am Seventh Day Adventist too, i born in SDA I die in SDA, God put me here in SDA and i will never change religion 🙌
Do not change your church. But please allow Jesus Christ be your saviour. Jesus Christ is the sacrifice accepted by God. John 3. 16❤
The Seventh Day Adventist is the true church of God
@@May-May1888 It’s absolutely not lol 😂
@@beau__ Yes it is, we keep ALL the bible truths, including the seventh day Sabbath of the bible.
I am a SDA Pastor, and I am about to make a video to respond to you sir.
Where is the video..
Give me the link..
Im also a 7th day adventist but i dont belive in eg white and etc prophets...
@@dnr-productionhouse4611 I never believed in Ellen White either the I read a few of her books. The Great Controversy impacted me and I began to believe she was given information from God. I found out she told people that there would be a large war fought over slavery and then the civil war happened. The biggest thing for me with her writings was that a Sunday Law would come and that would be the mark of the beast. Now I see the Papacy and even the government and unions talking about creating a Sunday climate day. I'm not saying we need to worship her or anything weird like that but I defiantly believe God spoke to her.
Have you read her writings? I used to scoff at people that said she was a prophet but God put it on my heart to read before I pass judgment. Well I read and now I believe. Everything I've read appears to be in harmony with the Bible, even the health stuff has changed my life! If you haven't read please read before you judge you might be surprised!
@@dnr-productionhouse4611if you don't believe in Ellen White then you are not a Seventh Day Adventist
@@dnr-productionhouse4611 if you don't believe in Ellen White, you are not a Seventh Day Adventist.
I didn't believe in her for years yet during that time I couldn't stop reading her books and now I still can't stop reading, she was truly led by God
@@May-May1888 Wow. You have now pushed me out of SDA Church. I will never attend again.
Mary is Dead, she can't help you. The Holy Spirit will lead us to Christ
Did she believed Christ? if yes then of course she's not dead cause those who believe in Christ are not dead do you mean the apostle are dead cause they died
no wander he is called mar mari... this is just mary
If Mary died just introduce the book says she died and tell us where she was buried... just simple
@@EnockOnduko so believe she didn't die.. she is still alive in Jerusalem 😂🤣🤣 she is probably taking care of her grandchildren
Funny how you say that but Mary’s prayers have kept the Catholic Church alive and the biggest Christian denomination for the past 2000 years.
Best google sermon ever amd the robe and preist outfit is cool.
Thank you Bishop Mar Mari for your teaching!
I grew up in Croatia with an Adventist family. Ellen G. White was never mentioned to us. Our sermons were very similar to the Orthodox. We never had symbols in the churches and we always had beautiful sermons about Christ and other parts of the Bible. Even during baptism we immersed the whole person in water. As for the Sabbath as the seventh day, as a child I simply accepted it and I can say that those were wonderful days spent with my family. Almost like the Jews, when all the lights are turned off, we also turned off the TV and cell phones. After I found out where this whole idea came from and who are the people behind it... I would rather say that I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ... nothing more, nothing less.
I apologize for the bad English, we in Croatia are not like you Americans. It's almost like we're a completely different branch that can't be called Adventists anymore... but when I went to one of the sermons, a book by Ellen G. White was being handed out for free, so there are some links. Her book is on my shelf and I don't plan on reading it anytime soon...
- In my entire life I've never heard anyone in that church say "Jesus died for your sins" so I think that says enough about them.
sounds all made-up to me......if you have to lie to deceive do it well like the devil does
There's something you've got wrong about the mark of the beast.Yes it's Sunday worship, but only by law. When Church and state unite, and people are forced to worship on Sunday then they do so because of fear of lacking access to education, food, freedom and even being killed,then this Sunday worship by law is the mark of the beast because they chose to worship on Sunday for fear of man, and chose to neglect the fear of God. But before then.. Sunday worship is not yet the mark of the beast because many people are yet to know the truth and, Sunday worship has not been inflicted by law. But this is soon to come for Many signs show...If you study project 2025 carefully, you notice that Church and state are on the way to unite and then there will be one day of worship in the name of many excuses so as to blind many...So only call on the Holy spirit for guidance as you also watch and study scriptures carefully by guidance of the Holy spirit, not by man...
Also Ellen G White didn't say that Christ will come back when she's alive but she said that Jesus Christ MAY come back while she's still alive and thus meaning anytime from when she was alive...Thank you
I love that church of Christ.Jesus is the Lord of Saturday seventh day Sabbath.
Please read the Catechism Catholic book. It tells you who changed the Sabbath. It wasn't God.
You can tell by his answers he did not study her books and the bible
I studied Adventism for over 6 years and after 6 or so years I was baptized and have been SDA for over 3 years. I was baptized in a non denominational chruch when I was 14 years old. I have attended many and joined may Sunday keeping churches. Toward the end of my time in these churches I was demoralized as a would read the word and see my life was not in harmony with the Bible but church didn't seem to be a place where you could learn what I was learning on my own. I began to pray and ask God to show me the truth. One day God lead me to a man named Walter Veith. As I listened to him I learned he was SDA. I remember as I researched SDA that they were called a cult and they had a false prophet. The more I listed to Walter and the more I researched the more SDA made sense and was in harmony with what I was reading in the Bible. I believe God by His spirit lead me out of Babylon and into the truth. I realize I will likely be persecuted for being and SDA but it doesn't matter, this life is but a vapor and I am living for the next life and don't care about this one. My wife, mother and niece are SDA now and I have witness to many and have given the bible studies to quite a few people. God put it on my heart that it is my job to bring the world to the knowledge of the truth and it is the job of the Holy Spirit to aid them on their journey through the valley of decision. It seems Mr. Mar Mari would rather spend his time tearing down what I believe God lead me to and that is his choice. I hope he find truth like I did.
Me too, I was a catholic and the more I studied the Adventists belief, the more I saw they were in harmony with the bible. I became a sda and I will never leave.
Mari has trodden down the true Sabbath of the bible, trodden down Adventists and Ellen White, I really hope he will open his heart to hear the Adventist truth and come worship the true God of the bible
Walter Veith has SO much concrete documentation! What a Godly man who is a genius! I think about what the Bible says. That the whole world will be deceived!
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world…
It will be a small group that will not fall for the deception compared to all that will be deceived!
When it comes down to it it’s all about worship. Satan wants to be in God’s place and worshipped.
Amen brother
I study with SDA and the lord open my eyes to the truth. Thank the lord for leading me out of this accult SDA. Now I’m a proud evangelical 4 life.
@@Hxrocks22 It’s not for everyone. The bible says the majority of those who identify as Christian are lost. There will only be a remnant that remains.
Matthew 13:1-23
13 Later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake. 2 A large crowd soon gathered around him, so he got into a boat. Then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore. 3 He told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one:
“Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
10 His disciples came and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?”
11 He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets[a] of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. 12 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. 13 That is why I use these parables,
For they look, but they don’t really see.
They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand.
14 This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says,
‘When you hear what I say,
you will not understand.
When you see what I do,
you will not comprehend.
15 For the hearts of these people are hardened,
and their ears cannot hear,
and they have closed their eyes-
so their eyes cannot see,
and their ears cannot hear,
and their hearts cannot understand,
and they cannot turn to me
and let me heal them.’[b]
16 “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. 17 I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.
18 “Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: 19 The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. 20 The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 21 But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word. 22 The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. 23 The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
The shaking is coming and many will be sifted out…
He that said,I know him , and keepeth not his commandment’s,is a Liar, and the truth is not in him. John 2:4
For who so ever believe in Jesus shall not perished but have eternal life not SDA
@@WotlehDickinson-iw1sw "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 7,21)
Nobody has the MOTB now. Once the Sunday law is enforced, those who continue to worship on the first day of the week and reject the seventh day (Sabbath) then will have received the mark.
❤word and how's this you tube false Sunday preaching agent of Babylon and the soon come system. This man and his robe and false doctrine. Bible earns of end time snakes like this grub !
You are lying Mar Mari Emmanuel. Colossians 2:16-17 addresses a specific context related to Jewish ceremonial practices rather than the Sabbath of the seventh day of creation (Exodus 20:8-11). This passage should not be associated with the eternal and unchangeable Seventh-day Sabbath of Creation. In this passage, Paul was addressing the Colossian Christians, warning them not to let anyone judge them regarding certain Jewish ceremonial practices:
He refers Col 2:16-17 to Ezekiel 45:17:
1. Meat: Refers to meat offerings, it does not refer to meat that can be eaten or not in Leviticus 11 but the meat offerings in the ceremonial practices, and drink refers to drink offerings.
2. Holiday: Refers to the annual Jewish festivals such as Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
3. New Moon: Refers to the monthly observance in Jewish calendar.
4. Sabbath Days: Refers to the ceremonial Sabbaths or special Sabbaths that were part of the Jewish religious calendar, like Sabbath Pesach, Sabbath Purim, Sabbath Shuvah, rather than the weekly Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.
Nailed it
We don't worship the dead ,he talkes about Mary who died long ago
Those who keep the commandments of God and having Faith in Jesus Christ will go to heaven. Revelation 14: 13, Revelation 12: 17
Study John 3 and become a Ba - Christian.
The SDA biblical understanding is correct. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” God commands us to keep the 7th day, not the 1st day. The Bible speaks of the “investigative judgement” …SDA simply believe God’s word. Col 2 is not speaking of the 7th day sabbath but of the feast sabbaths. 🙏🏻
That's right, this man is in so much error, I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and Ellen White has not made any mistakes. She is misunderstood and misquoted.
@@May-May1888 amen. I pray for Mari
Mar to come to the fullness of the knowledge of God. People need to dig deep into God’s word and not just repeat the anti SDA videos which are all in error.
@@juligraham7319 I believe the Seventh Day Adventist is the true church, not because I am part of it but because it's the only religion that follows the bible and keeps the bible Sabbath, so many people have been misled to follow error because they do not read and study the bible for themselves and that's the biggest deception that people put their trust and faith in priests, bishops and man
@@May-May1888 🙏🏻💕
@@May-May1888 indeed, mostly they haven’t understood 1 Corinthians 14:3
Sunday worship is tradition,not worship in the true God.
@@nelvinaldamia9238 nope pretty sure ten commandments says the seventh day. Also do some history lessons 🔥
The only one telling lies here is pastor Mari.
Adventists do not teach that those who worship on Sunday have the mark of the beast. Only when Sunday worship is legislated by law will anyone receive the mark of the beast i,e. Ìf they go along with it( Worship cannot be enforced by law)
Pastor Mari also lied about Colossians chapter 2:16 taking it way out of context. Paul here, is referring to the law of ordinances. Paul is saying that no one should judge you based on the Ceremonial laws because they were nailed to the cross. Unconverted Jews were commanding new Christian believers to keep laws that included the keeping of Ceremonial sabbaths, certain feast days, drinks and other stuff. As Christians, the only law we are required to keep is the 10 commandments because it is the embodiment of love for God and love for our fellow men.
The coming mark of the beast crisis will center around worship. It will involve the enforcement of Sunday sacredness by law. God never commanded His church to keep a "Sunday Sabbath"
According to Genesis chapter 2, He rested on the 7th day(Saturday)
Lastly, a description of God's last day church is found in Revelation 12:17...and it has two identifying characteristics:
(1) It's a commandment keeping church
(2) It has the testimony of Jesus (Gift of prophecy) Did E G White possess this gift?
An astounding YES!
Ellen G. White
White is the most translated female non-fiction author in the history of literature, as well as the most translated American non-fiction author overall.
How does someone with just a 3rd grade education become the most prolific writer of all time?
Amen! Thank you for helping me refocus on the truth after reading a lot of the other comments. This comment should be at the top. Thankyou for this perfect answer on the whole video! May God bless you.
@bramdeclercq1579 Praise the name of the Lord
1 Corinthians 14:33-35
1 Timothy 2:11-12
Ellen White?
@ndateLiteboho EG White never usurp authority over anyone. She was a prophetic writer..in case you didn't know
@@ndateLitebohoLuke 2:36 (KJV) And there WAS ONE ANNA, A PROPHETESS, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
Mar Mari, I really love that you are so passionate for Christ. But, 1) I challenge you to show evidence where Ellen G. White claimed Jesus would come while she was still alive. I was raised a Seventh Day Adventist and had never heard such thing. 2) William Miller was a man sincerely seeking God and passionate about his second coming. At that time, many Christians from different denominations were trying to desypher the books of Daniel and Revelations in there zealousness and humanity they misinterpreted the prophecies and it was back to the drawing board. That group of people that waited for the coming of Christ were known simply as Adventist and from there was born the Seventh Day Adventists movement. We do believe in the spirit of prophecy. But, NEVER put anybody above the Word of God. Not Mary (the mother of Jesus), our pastors, not Ellen White ... NOBODY. We don't bow our knee to any likeness of Mary or any "saint". That is an abomination to God.
I’m really disappointed at your misinterpretation of seventh day Adventist.
We do not place any prophecy over the bible
Do I need to keep the sabbath to be saved?
He certainly doesn't sound passionate for Christ.....sounds more like he's so passionate for the devil
This man has forgotten the 4th commandment. Sabbath is 7th day, and has never been changed.
That's the SDA lie yu are pointing at.
@@chankaeyo5352it’s not a lie, it’s the 4th commandment in Gods eternal law. Due to your ignorance and misunderstanding of this concept, you are calling God a liar and prepping yourself to eventually be a part of the majority who will persecute Gods end time people for keeping the sabbath and be lost forever by going against God.
The law you are referring to dose not exist anymore😢
@gabeburton7741, So an SDA member adheres to Sabbaths law and thinks he will be saved? When will an SDA member understand that they are in a cult and when are they finally going to be born again and really serve The Lord Jesus Christ?
@@shyberlenss5806 The Law of God does not exist anymore? Do you understand how naive and ignorant you sound? So you’re telling me that as Christians we can go ahead and kill, steal, lie and commit adultery without no worries that we will have to give an account for that? In what world? Under what God would that be allowed? Gods holy law is eternally binding my friend, it’s the foundation of His earthly and heavenly government. There exist no throne or government without laws who are you kidding here? Read Matthew 5:17-18, Revelation 22:14 “Blessed are those who DO His commandments, that they may the right to the tree of life and enter through the gates.” Sabbath commandment Saturday included, forever. (Isaiah 66:22-23)
The Sabbath reffer toin colossian 2:16 is the ceremonial Sabbath is tied with the new month . Those festival of the Jews were also reffer to as Sabbath . Please re examine that nowhere in the Bible talks about the seventh day Sabbath being changed to Sunday
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,man it explicitly mention other ceremonial and sabbath.
Sabbath means sabbath. Period
How he know
Did bible says that Jesus adored his mother? I don’t see it there but what I see there is when they come to see Jesus his mother and brothers ;he answered “ who are my mother and my brothers “Luke 8:21’ now the bishop is making things up about this: reminds me of a nowdays modern movies about the bible ; making up conversations ;
Този е абсолютен лъжец, но се покланя на човек, както го правят католиците.
23. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: For the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
24. God is a Spirit: And they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
(JOHN 4:23-24)
Jesus is a 7th day Adventist. So ill follow his example over mans word any day. God’s word says wolves in sheep's clothing. And im listening to one now
Bible reference please
Jesus kept the Sabbath, Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
The bible is full of references concerning the seventh day Sabbath which is Saturday not Sunday.
The commandments of God should be all obeyed, including the Sabbath which the catholic Church changed to Sunday, God never changed the day,
Jesus is fully God and fully man. Her is what the Sabbath was a shadow of and he fulfilled Shabbat. He is the substance and the true rest of God. He is the true Sabbath rest. The SDA is a cult and it throws away much of church history and picks what it likes to lift up. Ellen, James and Uriah and the other pioneers denied the divinity of Christ and the Trinity. The SDA is a cult. I'm not against keeping the seventh day Shabbat at all. It's beautiful and Christians have the liberty to keep the 7th day Shabbat but it is not a requirement for Christians under the new covenant.
I used to be sda. It is a cult. That’s a fact.
@@May-May1888Jesus wasn't a Seventh Day Adventist. He was a Jew. Jews keep the Sabbath.
The verse means to not care if people make fun of you for celebrating biblical recorded holidays or having your Sabbath or festivals according to the Bible he’s literally saying that it’s OK to change the sabbath, break a law, it got changed to Sunday by the Catholic Church I believe.
I am a Seventh Day Adventist I left the Catholic Church because they are the one who change the Sabbath Day from Saturday to Sunday. SATURDAY is the SABBATH DAY. No one changes gods law. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath. I think you should read the BIBLE.
Dude, there is neither day or night in God. Only morning and evening.
I am a Seventh Day Adventist too, came out of the catholic Church. I believe in Ellen White, people misquote her like this man is doing and he's leading people to destruction
The Catholic church did not.change sabbath to Sunday. The early Christians worshipped on Sunday when the jews persecuted the Christians.
@@DanielAnis-xl3vk No, that's not true, the catholic Church even admit to changing the Sabbath to Sunday. Search it for yourself
Do the research. They most certainly did. It’s in history. 321 AD.
My people perish for lack of knowledge.
The sabbath is not only a commandment but also eternal and perpetual. Be very careful brothers and sisters in Christ now the Bible fir yourself. What he’s saying is wrong on so many levels he’s literally saying that the commandments don’t matter and you may worship Christ how you wish. This bishop I’m sure means well but he’s very misleading with this subject. When we say that Gods commandments don’t matter we make ourselves exalted above him. The Bible interprets itself. No I’m no denomination due to God speaks against it because traditions of men pollute his word just like this Bishop is doing. I’ve also noticed he very much so has a Catholic teaching in a way. I pray this finds you well. I love you all and may God have mercy on us all.
The lords says:
John 14:15
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Exodus 31:16
Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
Isaiah 66:22-24
22 “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. 23 From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord. 24 “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”
“In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable.”
Romans 14:5 NLT
Jesus was referring to the new covenant commandants of loving God with all your heart. And loving your neighbor as self. In Galatians 5 confirms that we no longer live under the law of Moses. But are rather led by the HolySpirit. I recommend that you ask the HolySpirit to give you understanding as you read and the book of Galatians and Roman’s 14 gives great explanation! God bless you. Love!
@evelett9518, Also very important: become a Ba Christian. John 3.
If something wrong in EGW as you claimed then how on earth she could writes alot of books more than Ma mari could wrote. It only shows that Ma mari didn't even know what Book of Daniel and Revelation prophecying
She actually plagiarized and claimed her writings to be divinely inspired. Why did the SDA church sued for plagiarism? Check out the book titled "The White Lies"
Can God tell lies? No. God is perfect.
I n matt 14:15 Jesus said if you love keep my commandment he is miss leading the people James 2:10 read it please let no man deceive you
People will make up lies to benefit their own sinful life. Your life you live is not about any one person except for The one who came to show us how to live. Jesus is the only one who did not sin. He said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Jesus went to the church on the seventh day Saturday. Jesus said follow me. Don’t let anyone question what He told you to do. Do not let anyone tell you or question you from following Christ. He said work 6 days but the seventh day is The Sabbath of the Lord thy God. The Lord’s day is the Seventh day Saturday
I don't follow days but Jesus because in Him I find true rest.
Then I suppose you have a long way to go to experience divinely ordained rest
@mar mari emmanuel is the sabbath true or false?
the sabath was aways true, its a sign of the people of God (Ezekiel 20:20)
@blessn3262, The SDA people make the big mistake that by observing Sabbath law, you find salvation.
The most important thing is to personally believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins on the cross on Calvary and rose from the dead on the third day.
We also have to maintain a living relationship with The Lord God, The Lord Jesus Christ, completely filled with God's Spirit. The reborn human being thus becomes a Temple of God.
Thanks you so much bishop,by your teaching that i know sda is the truely correct 💯 religion..i am proud to be a seven days Adventist..
If you find the false teachings of SDA people more important than what The Lord Jesus Christ taught His followers, then you can of course remain an SDA member. However, the Lord Jesus Christ advises that people must be born again.
Even Protestants in their writings say the sabbath is the true day! SMH
Read John Wesley’s writing in JOHN WESLEY, “sermons on several occasions” 2-Vol. Edition, Vol. I, pages 221,222
Also Charles Buck A Theological Dictionary “Sabbath”. Read Dr. E.T. Hiscox author of the Baptist manual.
Read the council of Trent. And I could go on and on.
To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
There is something wrong in this false teacher’s head. Sorry. He’s a liar. And there is absolutely no light in him.
There is no light in him therefore he is not of Jesus.
The Catholic Church changed God’s Holy law. No one has that authority. ONLY God the Creator!
The SDA church will be persecuted worse. Be ready my brothers and sisters in Christ.
God will judge him. Yikes.
If people listen to you and place their confidence in your teaching without studying themselves, their blood be on their heads. You have said so many untruths. For one, the truth is with those who understand and obey the word of God, not with institutions just because they are old. I hope your listeners are awaken to the fact that they need to research what SDA teaches. Regarding Ellen White, I hope you have taken the time to read even one of her books before calling her a liar. Blessings.
Yep, God demands perfection. 😂😂😂
I like this guys preaching, it's got a Paul the apostle-ness about it.
Paul told the truth, this guy is lying, how are you comparing him to Paul?
With a mix of John the Baptist 😂❤
@@May-May1888point out the lie? 😊❤
@@nataliegrande5414 where do you want me to start?
@@May-May1888 with the “lies” you believe he is saying in this video
SDA Amen 🙏 GOD our Creator JESUS our SAVIOR Amen*+*
Ellen White wrote herself "the Bible alone"
She wrote the following IN 1902 : "little heed is given to the Bible,and the Lord has given a LESSER light to lead men and woman to THE GREATER LIGHT"
I don't think we need a flash light to see the sun. She said one things and then contradicted herself in another. Ellen dictated and dictates the lives of SDA. I see so many SDA use this quote but ignore many of her and the " pioneers" heretical teachings and quotes that go against this quote. She claimed to be greater than a prophet. I love you and I do not want to disrespect you in any way but only for you to know the true Gospel and Shalom that only Christ can give. I do not want to offend you but only to say that there are a lot of things not taught from the SDA pulpit that Ellen said and taught, she and James and Uriah denied Jesus was the eternal God and they denied the Trinity. They used double talk and Ellen uses a lot of things found in paradise lost, the book of Mormon and other false teachers writings. Please just look into it all. Dr. Walter Martin exposed the SDA on John ankerberg, answering adventism, and others who are the very least may give you more truthful information about the organization. I personally do not feel Catholics and apostolic Orthodox are correct in their traditions and I am a firm anti Rome protestant. And most actual protestants will never link arms with Rome as false churches may but I love them, I do not hate them and I love this brother mar mari although I disagree with him on many things I know he truly loves the true God Yhwh who entered humanity as Jesus of Nazareth. I pray for those who are so locked in under the SDA organization
@@yeshuaislord3058I just recently found out a lot the lies that the SDA church ⛪️ teaches and preaches. I read EGW writings ✍️ and found her to be a false prophet. She is double tongue. She will say one thing here and another there. 1844 etc is a lie. I use to defend SDA until I found out about the lies EGW and the church teach. She even predicted Jesus Christ second coming. That alone disqualifies her as true prophet. They even teach that Jesus Christ death on the cross wasn't finished when Jesus Christ said it is finished. They claimed that he went into another compartment in heaven in 1844 to cover up their lies. Many of these SDAs defending their prophet are asleep 😴 and they're brainwashed and deceived by this organization. I use to be just like them until God showed me the truth. Studying the Bible alone will remove the scales from your eyes and you will see that EGW is a false prophet
Who is she
@@shyberlenss5806 ellen G White
I was born and raised SDA.
they are VERY CAREFUL to explain that even the smallest mistake in prophecy completely destroys any claim to divine revelation. Yet not a SINGLE proported prophecy of hers ever came to pass. Not one single prophecy ever came to fruition.
Yet they cling to her with a greater voracity than we do to our own blessed Mother of God.
God bless you for speaking up! ❤
Your a liar, why are you saying that,
@@May-May1888 because that is what I saw for the first 18 years of my life.
Today I suffer severe consequences of our strict vegetarian diet.
@@MrPanchoak a plant based diet is not forced on us, we still have the free choice to make a decision, I'm sorry about your health problems, some Adventists are very pushy and extreme, we should be able to research and make our own decisions,
being a strict vegetarian, what do you mean? And what's wrong
@@MrPanchoak you know Ellen White spoke the truth, what do you mean none of her prophecies came true,
Please, I will advice you Dear Sir read bible more after praying....
... stop sharing False message!!...
John 14:15 said
If ye love me, keep my Commandments.
Matthew 5:17 says
Think not that I am come destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fullfil. Amen..
cut through bone marrow.. get out of false CULTIC teaching of propetese of SDA .. God bless brethren Mari..
Mar Mari Emmanuel is bishop of what exactly?
simple, bishop of the devil himself....oh no that's the pope....well, let's just say he's an agent of the devil
Where in the Bible does it say these things about Mary? That we are to reverence her at all?? Where does it say that "her role" is to get people to Jesus??? Scripture please.
The problem is that people don't read the bible and they put their trust in sinful men who will lead them to hell instead. Like this man, who teaches against God's word
Some homework for all the Mary haters…read these 7 PARALLEL verses. 🤍= OT and 💖= NT
🤍The ark traveled to the house of
Obed-edom in the hill country of
Judea (2 Sam. 6:1-11).
💖 Mary traveled to the house of
Elizabeth and Zechariah in the hill
country of Judea (Luke 1:39).
2.🤍Dressed as a priest, David danced
and leapt in front of the ark (2
Sam. 6:14).
💖 John the Baptist - of priestly
lineage - leapt in his mother's
womb at the approach of Mary
(Luke 1:41).
3.🤍David asks, "How can the ark of
the Lord come to me?" (2 Sam.
💖Elizabeth asks, "Why is this granted
me, that the mother of my Lord
should come to me?" (Luke 1:43).
4.🤍David shouts in the presence of
the ark (2 Sam. 6:15).
💖 Elizabeth "exclaimed with a loud
cry" in the presence of the Mary
(Luke 1:42).
5.🤍The ark remained in the house of
Obed-edom for three months (2
Sam. 6:11).
💖 Mary remained in the house of
Elizabeth for three months (Luke
6.🤍The house of Obed-edom was
blessed by the presence of the ark
(2 Sam. 6:11).
💖 The word blessed is used three
times; surely the house was blessed
by God (Luke 1:39-45).
7.🤍The ark returns to its home and
ends up in Jerusalem, where God's
presence and glory is revealed in
the temple (2 Sam. 6:12; 1 Kgs.
💖Mary returns home and eventually
ends up in Jerusalem, where she
presents God incarnate in the
temple (Luke 1:56; 2:21-22).
@@nataliegrande5414... Mary was a chosen vessel for Jesus, we do NOT hate Mary, in the Bible we are told to pray to “Our Father who art in heaven” these were the words of Jesus Himself.
There is no salvation in Mary, Jesus died for us on the cross not Mary.
Mary is not God, she is NOT omniscient, omnipotent or omnipresent, how can she see and hear the prayers of millions of people praying to HER around the world. It's impossible, only the Holy Spirit can.
Also we do not have immortality, when we die, we die, only God has, read 1 Timothy 6:15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; 6:16 Who ONLY hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen
In the Bible it tells us to seek immortality, why seek it if we have it already. We are mortal and subject to death.
Mary was a good woman, God chose her, but she was not sinless as many churches teach, she was a sinner just like the rest of us. She said herself in Luke that she needed a Saviour, only a sinner needs a Saviour.
Only Jesus was without sin.
If you don't believe that, then you really need to pray and ask God to help you see the truth and He will help you.
Mary, bless her soul, is stone-cold dead and lies in her grave like others waiting for Jesus' call to awaken the righteous dead.
provide the writing of Ellen G. White which said Jesus will come while she is still alive.
Well stated Bishop.
He's a liar, his teachings don't agree with the bible
He is not a bishop, he is antichrist.
🎉seventhday adventists have end time message.
yes, it is God's last day movement, there is no other according to the Bible
This preacher is absolutely right about what he's telling the world
He's lying, and the reason people love him or agree with him is because they don't read their bibles, secondly most bibles are so corrupted these days that the meaning is completely different from the original kjv
No…. No he isn’t. WAY on on just about everything he says. I’m SDA and I don’t even recognize what he is presenting it as. Seriously getting things VERY wrong
Let's just say, he's totally uninspired
If u say u are a pastor why are u not keeping the Sabbath I which is the 4th commandment instead u are keeping the first day of the week which is sunday. Christ said if u love me keep my commandments
I are not a Christian, seeing that the sda is teaching from the bible in full , i have to choose the sda. The Sunday church keeping is teaching a portion of the bible , that is why jesus said the Sunday keepers will be the least.
Do you know for sure, if you were to die today, that you have forgiveness of sins and eternal life?
Hey please I want the scriptural passage that states that (Jesus He is going to come before his death )😢😢😢😢
The Great Disappointment in the Millerite movement was the reaction that followed Baptist preacher William Miller's proclamation that Jesus Christ would return to the Earth by 1844, which he called the Second Advent. They also teach that Jesus is angel Michael, they teach that soon all that go to church on saturday will be persecuted..
Jesus is not an angel with wings Michael, He is the Achangel means leader of angels know the difference. During the dark the the sabbath keepers were persecuted you need to study history. Same thing will in the future the Bible says that Satan is enraged with the people who keep the commandments of GOD.
And that’s exactly how it is and will be, you soon will see it with your own eyes I guarantee you. There are things unfolding in our world that will eventually lead to the establishment of a worldwide common day of rest (Sunday) as a way of trying to appease God and trying to stop further calamities and catastrophe upon the world, those who will not comply with Sunday mandatory observance will not be able to buy or sell and eventually be put to death (Sabbath keepers) This is clearly laid out in the books of Daniel and Revelation. The question is: How will you react when all this starts to develop and unfold? Will you remember this conversation and reconsider? I pray and hope you will when the time comes, peace
Never heard someone butcher a message as bad as this. U need to get your history right about Miller and Hiram
Prove through the scripture about the divinity of mary
We're we listening to the same message? Where did he say that Mary is divine?
Ask yourself why you hate our blessed mother. Repent
Well I can have a field day answering your questions on why we have problems when a "teacher "preacher" mixes he's doctrines ,very oh sooo suttely,if you were not a true follower of solo scripture and the ONLY true gospel of Christ. Then you won't pick up the snares that this Wolfe is laying down
@@skylersnow2975 find me a sola scriptura verse and then you’ll have a case ☺️…here’s what I found: ”Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold to the TRADITIONS YOU WERE TAUGHT either IN PERSON or by letter.“
2 Thessalonians 2:15
”I have much more to say to you, but I don’t want to write it with pen and ink. For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face.“
3 John 1:13-14 NLT
We wouldn’t have scripture without first having the church who compiled the Bible….so it’s imperative to surrender to the Holy Spirit so that He can teach us truth in all things. Any genuine questions you have, ASK HIM! 🥰
@@nataliegrande5414Jesus Himself said don't worship idols but God alone. Mary wasn't divine, although I believe she should be respected. Mary wasn't holy, but she was very important.
I am a practising SDA (not cult) Christian. Your presentations on Pre advent judgment, Ellen H White quotations, interpreting of Collosians 2:16, prophecies relating to mark of the beast, etc are too shallow. Sda's doctrines on these topics are deeply routed and based on the bible with with galore of biblical references than your mere presentations. I disagree with all your on the surface rebuke. SDA's teach salvation is only through Christ, not so much on the keeping of God's law including observance of 7th day Sabbath. Be mindful of such teachings. God along is righteous judge
I’m SDA… and this guy is getting a lot of not most of what we believe and what we hold in high regard. Really off base on just about everything.
He's plain off
Changing churches is not a solutions. I am from SDA church in Mozambique 🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿, so sorry for my English but I want to Stay that I love that church but there are things which I don't believe after reading the book "Sunday decree: fact or fiction" and I hope my dear read it too.
I am savenday n I believe the teaching of lord jesus
@pyndaplangkibamon372, so does the old dragon, but that doesn't mean anything. SDA is a cult!
if you don't keep the 10 commandments and don't follow the Bible, you really don't love your member? is it really good Bishop mar mari Emmanuel?
What's important is the fruit. Many SDA members are God loving people and appreciate natural remedies as God given medicine.
Rotten fruit. Different Gospel which leads to serious medical issues later in life and damnation to finish it off.
Stay away from Adventism.
@@MrPanchoak do your research, adventist eat the most healthy and follow God's council and live longer than others. They have been given the health message.
@@May-May1888 healthy doesn’t mean a longer life. It can mean a better quality of life but it doesn’t add days to your life. Our time on earth is determined by God 😃
@@nataliegrande5414 God wants us to be healthy. It wasn't His plan that we get sick and die, how can we be sick and expect the Holy Spirit to dwell in us... Health and religion go together, the bible says a lot about our health and what we can eat and what we can't eat. By our unhealthy lifestyle, we get sick, suffer and unfortunately many die that should have not, but if we follow the health laws, we will live longer and have quality of life.
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
God promises good health and happiness to those who follow Christ in truth
Exodus 15:26 And (the Lord) said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.
A interesting fact was The diseases of the Egyptian were heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Which is our biggest killers today too
im a former seventh day adventist. Now i am seven days adventist by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Lord Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the church of satan!
Its interesting that he calls SDA a cult when the teachings are so inline with bible truth, however when we look at the catholic church with 1.3 billion followers who says the pope is "the vicar of Christ" in that the Catholic church states "the Pope enjoys, by divine institution, supreme, full, immediate, and universal power in the care of souls." Catholicism sounds like the biggest cult out there worshipping a man rather than Jesus.
SDA is a cult
Bishop is right
If I meet a SDA they won’t admit they’re SDA . They’re all ashamed
@cantrait7311 you cannot follow catholicism to heaven, only hell.
@@madboomr9048 says who Ellen g white 😂
@@madboomr9048 Speaking of going to Hell. A place where you'll find the racist your glorious leader Ellen G White. And a place your heading. Do you agree with your racist leader when she said this
"But there is an objection to the marriage of the white race with the black. All should consider that they have no right to entail upon their offspring that which will place them at a disadvantage; they have no right to give them as a birthright a condition which would subject them to a life of humiliation. The children of these mixed marriages have a feeling of bitterness toward the parents who have given them this lifelong inheritance. For this reason, if there were no other, there should be no intermarriage between the white and the colored race.--Manuscript 7, 1896." (Selected Messages, Book 2, page 343 paragraph 2-page 344 paragraph 0.)
lol almost every SDA member talks the same hate for the Catholic Church. They take like a pride to hate the Catholic Church and to be swearing enemies of the Church. They say don’t fall man maiden laws but they fall women made laws. Such a “nice “ church.
I grew up SDA I thank the lord he woke me up talk to em bishop ✝️⚔️
@@Marvstayholy you grew up into a racist hate cult
Don’t forget no coffee or tea 🤭
Why is it that everytime people used collosians 2:16-17, they always get it wrong when even in my little knowledge I know that Paul does not refer to the weekly sabbath but the yearly sabbath or shadowy sabbath. I can show you if you want to know. It's just so surprised to see people like you whom many look up for enlightenment would so ignorantly say that it refers to the weekly Sabbath.
This man is breaking the second commandment which says thou shalt not make any graven image....that cross he is wearing around his neck is a graven image. He's breaking the 4th commandment by not observing it. And he's teaching others not to observe it.
The mark of the beast is Sunday worship. (Rev 13 & 14). When the US combines church and state and ENFORCES Sunday laws, if you abide, you will have accepted the mark of the beast. Some will receive it in their head (symbolic, not real) meaning they truly believe Sunday is the sabbath. Others will receive it in the hand (symbolic, not real) because they will go along with it out of fear of the consequences. Anyone who doesn't go along with the Sunday laws will lose everything. They won't be able to buy and sell. And, eventually, there will be a death decree. It's not the mark of the beast right now because the government is not enforcing it right now.
The Catholic church believes that the bread and wine at mass/communion literally changes into the body and blood of Christ. But that's not biblical. 1 Corinthians 11 says it's symbolic not literal.
The seventh day sabbath is the fourth commandment of God that still needs to be followed just like the other nine. The sabbath was instituted at creation; it's a memorial of creation. People knew about the commandments before Mt Sinai. Exodus 20 is where you'll find the ten Commandments at Mt Sinai. But at Exodus 16, before the ten Commandments at Mt Sinai, God is angry that the children of Israel were breaking the sabbath. The sabbath needs to be followed today, along with all the commandments. Jesus even said in Matthew 24, talking about the end times, pray that your flight is not in the winter or on the sabbath. Also, the sabbath will be observed in the after life (Isaiah 66).
The mark of the beast isn't Subday worship, it is economic sanctions...
But I still believe Sunday worship is from the devil.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Greetings man of God. I have been following your teachings and it truly blesses my soul.I have one question? What is your take on woman preaching in the church?
He is not a man of God because he does not follow the bible, he believes lots of errors and uses his own interpretation
Women CANNOT be ordained pastors, priests, elders or bishops, those roles were given to men only, but a woman can talk in church if she has a message to share...
@@May-May1888I agree with you on the second part, not on the first part though. In his other sermons he preaches a lot of truth, actually, this one however is false.
The internet has destroyed the SDA church .
No way. You will never end SDA Church. It is God 's last day church.
It hasn't, the SDA doctrines are being spread throughout. Even the name, we SDAs expected all this backlash. Seeing this backlash is amazing to say the least because I'm watching prophecy fulfilled and I know what's coming next
As long as it remains the apple of God's eye nothing can destroy it
1. Question he says if you don’t receive the Eucharist you don’t have life in you . Is it just, is it fair that the Catholic Church, I can’t speak for orthodox because I’ve never attended orthodox , is it just for the Catholic Church to say no sorry you can’t have the Eucharist because you haven’t been confirmed in the church and in order to do so you need to complete the rcia which takes 6-7 months ?
Mary is dead, go read the bible
Ask Jesus to teach you the truth about OUR blessed mother Mary ❤
She is ALIVE in Christ!
If you don’t believe Jesus brought His mother into Heaven then you don’t know Jesus
@@nataliegrande5414 The truth is that Mary is dead, the dead are not alive, in the beginning God told Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree they would die, then Satan came along and told Eve that they would not die and the whole world believes Satan's lie... if the dead are alive in heaven, then what's the point of Jesus coming to earth to get his people, if the dead are alive, then the bible is in error, we are warned in the Bible not to communicate with the dead, and secondly judgment day hasn't even happened yet.
I can give you so many bible verses...Mary is in her grave and is waiting for the resurrection just like everyone else who is dead.
I'm sorry you believe the lies but you can come out of darkness.
Unfortunately most of the so called Christians today are not Christians and don't read their bibles properly.
The ministers and priests are in big trouble because they teach lies and will be responsible to God for leading people to hell
@@May-May1888 so Moses and Elijah are In Heaven but the most humble woman in existence isn’t? 🥺how saw that you believe our blessed mother is not with her Son; being that she is Gods most obedient child to ever exist (besides Jesus of course).
”But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation is without foundation, and so is your faith. In addition, we are found to be false witnesses about God, because we have testified about God that He raised up Christ - whom He did not raise up if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Therefore, those who have fallen asleep in Christ have also perished. If we have put our hope in Christ for this life only, we should be pitied more than anyone.“
1 Corinthians 15:13-19 HCSB
She’s not dead, she’s alive in Christ and able to communicate with us because God allows it! Heaven rejoices when one sinner repents, because God allows those in Heaven to see these things. You should never underestimate Gods infinite powers and capabilities 🥰. Don’t doubt; BELIEVE! Better yet, take it to Jesus in prayer. Surrender yourself and ask Him to teach you the truth about OUR blessed mother …you’ll be amazed at His response
@@nataliegrande5414 Where in the Bible does it say that?
Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary.
When the Apostles asked Jesus, teach us how to pray, Luke 11:1 Jesus taught them by starting the "Our Father"
We have to pray to God, Mary is hardly mentioned in the first place, other bible characters are mentioned hundreds of times throughout the bible like David, Abraham, Noah and Moses to name a few, why doesn't anyone pray to them?
We are forbidden to pray to anyone, God is our Creator and only He deserves our worship
@@May-May1888 “Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amoung women a blessed is the fruit of thy womb”…words spoken by Gabriel but the message was from GOD THE FATHER and by the Holy Spirit 🥰❤️ everytime we say that prayer we are announcing the coming of Christ
Mercy up on you bishop.
Tell me you don’t seventh day adventism without telling me you do know, we must pray for pastor mar so the Holy Spirit can reveal to him, that he is wrong about our church.
KJV numbers 15:37_41 I will keep the blue sabbath law for life.
Amen bishop,thank you for enlightening us..
Don't worship Mary she is dead
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
@masterp1816 we only worship God,there is documents thats says worship mary or saints not, the catechism never says worship mary.
of his stupidity I guess
Only Seventh Day Adventist Church true church.
Its so sad how people are so deceived & worse misquoting & misinterpreting scripture to attack the SDA church....
Why do you judge?
Seventh day Adventist is true believe in God bless 🙏♥️
So seems likes the Adventist are adding a bunch of prophets seems like a red flag to me. In my heart I know to just follow the word of God thats in the Bible. Seems like Adventist are contradicting the Bible.
They are
Your contradicting yourself....the two things contained in the Bible are the Law and the Prophets
That guy haven’t given any proper justification of Ellen G white being a false prophet, Ellen G white clearly said that the Sunday observant is not yet the mark until it’s enforced, and she also said don’t quote her as the bible , she always said that she is the lesser light and the bible is the greater light , I don’t think this guy has ever read Ellen G white books
Let alone, having read the Bible
Mr Mari don’t disrespect The Lord’s Prophetess Ellen G White, The Lord Will take action against you. Now look at what has happened to you. We’ll pray for your speedy recovery from this stabbing incident.
Yes in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Paul also expected Jesus to return in his day
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Shall we then also call Paul a false prophet and a liar?
Ellen G White was never a prophet… wake up and think wisely!😂😂😂
@@sigapisa she was God's messenger
Yeh, that man i forgot hia name, Hiram Edson'. In a field he saw the vision, the glorious beginnings of Jesus entering the Sanctuary.
Mar Mary you need true repentance man!
Worry about your sins, not another’s 😊
@@nataliegrande5414 I see you're filled with hatred towards what's good and love what's erroneous! May God be merciful to you!
@@IamSomebodyWithHim he humbles himself during every sermon…do you watch his full sermons regularly? And again, worry about YOUR sins. When you meet God face to face, He’s not going to ask you to give an account of what bishop Mar mari did 😂 ❤️🥰
but hes going to ask me about what have i answered you@@nataliegrande5414! You're an unbeliever, that is most certainly! Listening to a heretic, speaking in a lunatic form, thinking he's got a clue about the bible, taking heed to his words..and you think I can be quiet? Yes, I'm not always involved in this kind of discussions but when I am...I'm all in! So watch out cause satan is crawling like a lion, you won't hear him, he's a coward, always coming from behind but he's cunning so you be careful who you give ear to! May the Lord of Heaven and Earth bless you with a truthful understanding of His Word!
Pastor go ahead thanks
Even beavers has the instinct to rest on Saturday .
Dear Bishop
Notwithstanding error in other matters, God used the SDA's to rebuke the RCC's supposed 'transfer' (which is impossible) of the seventh day Gen 2:2,3/Ex 20:8-11/Is 58:13,14/Matt 5:19; 12:8 Shabbat of the Fourth Commandment, to the "first day of the week" which has zero WEEKLY Sabbatical status in Scripture. You ought to know that, sir, and quit misrepresenting the clearcut Biblical identity of the Fourth Commandment, to flatter Roman apostasy.
Rome is on record as saying that Sunday is the mark of THEIR authority. Do you serve God or man, in this respect?
By all means congregate on Sundays for fellowship while we have the luxury of a two- day weekend (as opposed to Zion's all sufficient PERPETUAL covenanted Friday sunset to Sat dusk), but to avoid being judged a liar (Rev 21:8), quit calling Rome's so-called 'Christian sabbath' the authentic sanctified and blessed Hebrew Sabbath (for all ingrafted in the House of Jacob, the true mother church and chief of nations forever - Is 9:6,7; Jer 31:4,7,10,17,31-36; Lk 1:32,33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,15,19) which will be kept throughout the 1000 yr Reign of Christ as enthroned Son of David (Is 66:22-24; Lk 1:32,33; Mk 11:10).
You're making an appalling mess of Col 2:16,17. It is declaring the exact opposite - Paul is stating that now that the same body (the church of antiquity renewed through their New Covenant - Jer 31:31-36; Acts 7:38; Eph 3:6) is of Christ (Lk 1:33), we are to especially resist pressure to abandon the perpetual ordinances and BIBLICAL traditions (2 Cor 11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:15).
The original church kept Shabbat till it was deposed and suppressed. This is common knowledge.
Your doctrine has an enormous hole by your contradiction of the Ten Words (1 Tim 4:16)
God used a racist?
As a seventh day adventist I support worshiping on the sabbath but I can't say that Sunday worshipers will go to hell because the don't keep the sabbath. Despite the bible saying to worship on the sabbath I still think than non sda members can go to heaven. I also disagree with the fact that the sda church is a cult but I also believe that Ellen G white isn't too dependable so i'm considering on leaving the religion but i'll still continue to keep the sabbath.
No where does advertising teach that all Sunday people are going to he'll, but those who have heard the truth about Sabbath and rejected it will surely be lost
Check this guy out with the black cape getup. Looks like he's going to a Halloween party.
I used to appreciated this Bishop until he started rubbishing other churches.
On what or whose authority does this bishop have to rubbish the faith of other Christians?
The Bible is a complex book that many have difficulty understanding. Not even those who claim to be authorities on the Bible.
It would be wise to keep to what you believe.
The events following his unfortunate stabbing by a Muslim and the anger and backlash demonstrated by his congregation and supporter almost to the point of being blood-thirsty speaks alot about his church. Destroying police vehicles and hurting medical personal does not speak well about this Bishops congregation.
Fix your flocks first before trying to fix other flocks!
I lost interest of him when he started raving about church/state union and Trump....I knew then he was driven by the devil
It’s crazy that people don’t understand that there is no biblical record of the disciples worshipping Jesus on a Saturday. There is only biblical record that they worshipped him on Sunday.
are you sure of what you are saying... can you prove....
There's biblical and secular evidence that most Christians observed the sabbath into the 4th century (300 years after Christ). In the 4th century, the bishops of Rome and Alexanderia joined with the empire to create the Christian version of the Pharohsies. Not until this time did someone calling themselves a Christian torture and murder other Christians. They outlawed and claimed only they understood the bible. It took at least another 300 years of torture and murder for them to make Sunday worship more popular than keeping the sabbath. Keeping Sunday is a human tradition. Keeping Sabbath is a gift, a holiday, a day blessed, and sanctified by the Father. This would be true even if it weren't a commandment. It was given to Adam (the human race), and the Israelites were merely reminded of it after their release from slavery.
Salvation is through Christ alone. Still, can anyone say they are in Christ who are knowingly defiant against his Father? The shepherd does not purposely fool the sheep. The husband protects and provides for his wife. Christ speaks plainly to show us the way there is no mystery or secret knowledge. Follow Christ.
you have a long way to go and alot to learn
@smitty1065 The Bible says the disciples and Jesus were born worshiping God on the Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown). The Bible doesn't say that ever changed. Human secular history says Christians worshipped on the sabbath until the council of Nicea. Those claiming to be Christian at Nicea joined the state and began murdering Christians who didn't agree with them. They outlawed the bible to the penalty of death, telling people only they understood it. Except for Rome and Alexanderia, it took them another 300 to 600 years to make Sunday more popular. Those Christians are the Christian version of the Pharohsies. They had to wait for the disciples to be dead before making their move.
@smitty1065 The Bible says the disciples were born worshiping God on the Sabbath. There is no record of change until the Christian version of the Pharohsies joined Rome in persecution of Christians.
Hebrews 4:9-11
Ellen white meant she will be alive at the second coming of Jesus referring to the special resurrection which will occur before His coming according to Daniel 12:1-3
And was she?
yes ..she predicted it...which didn't materialised. this is how a false prophet behaves.
Yes, there is a special resurrection spoken of in the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation of the saints who died in the hope of seeing Christ return. According to the Bible this takes place at the outpouring of the 7th plague.
I'm a SDA myself. This preacher has not done his research carefully. He is wrong in all that he teaches. Please,read the SDA official statements on all that he referred to. Non of those things we believe to. It is unfortunate. God bless you in your search.
I have read the great controversy by Ellen white to see exactly where she got her doctrine and her resources. She had completely taken entire denominations and quotations from speeches way out of context and made them seem to say things that they actually didn't say if you read the entirety of their speech in context. And her claim that the waldensians were sabbath keepers was actually proven false. And it's funny how she quotes from ante nicene fathers, like Tertullian, making them out to say the first century churches observed sabbath, but then says that their writings were corrupted and that her followers shouldn't read it for themselves. So somehow she was able to read it and discern through all of the corruption and make it say something that it definitely did not. Tertullian, whom she loved to quote from so much when referring to the first century churches, wrote very extensively and explicitly against the church having to observe the sabbath. Now of course we should be striving to keep all ten commandments, including the sabbath. But we fail, without the help of the Holy Ghost, every single time. We are not judged by our ability to keep the ten commandments, and for some reason sda believe that the sabbath is the only one that needs to be observed, because they certainly don't honor their parents, they lie, and so on. They are hypocrites. But we should be striving to observe all ten commandments, because we love God, and His statutes are pure and bring blessings. Sunday is NOT the sabbath, but it's OK to fellowship to honor the resurrection of the Lord. It's OK to fellowship Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as well and honor the Lord Jesus Christ. God will judge the hearts, not our abilities. From my own unbiased study of Ellen white's writings, she is extremely dishonest
Read Walter Rea book
Exposes the liar white
you have alot to learn...all the best
@@Noah-zz3db I'm sorry, learn about what exactly?
SDA folk straight triggered here. 😂
This actually a great fun!
I listen to him and I laugh.
It is quite amazing.
I could really take this small lecture, replace the Bishop with a Rabbi, say "Christianity" instead of "Seventh Day's Adventists", and instead of "Apostolic church " say "Judaism ".... change a few names and some not very important details... and it's gonna be perfect.
On this funny lecture one can say: The camel does not see his own hump.
Great amusement 😀
He is not wrong tho
He is a hypocrite.
Blaming others for doing things that you yourself are doing is hypocrisy.
@@yura3826👈 🤡
Yura clown. Lol!!!😂😂😂😂
@@Victóriadosantosandrade70 he's very wrong, his teachings don't align with the bible
Please read Act 7:48 Howbeit the most high dwelleth not in temples made with hand ; as saith the prophet .SDA religion is man made not the creator
Praying to pictures is idolatry. We are commanded by God not to.
Liked listening to you during covid, but I truly think you are deceived
Yea the truth hurts 😢
he's now on the devil's payroll
It's funny how this man has many great teachings...but as touching the Sabbath of the lord thy God this man is lacking true wisdom and knowledge, for in the beginning to the end of the bible God as made it clear how important the 7th day Sabbath is to his people, and that we must remember to keep it holy, Exodus 20:8 📖 and this bishops is encouraging people to forget what God told us to remember 🤨 🤔
The Bible is beautiful because one verse can have a direct meaning or a deeper meaning. You’ve read the direct meaning but if you ask the Holy Spirit he will reveal the deeper meaning of the sabbath to you. Or any topic. But you must humble yourself and ask the Holy Spirit
@@nataliegrande5414 you say the bible is beautiful yet you don't follow the teachings, you prefer man made tradition, like praying to dead people
@@May-May1888 “we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” Hebrews 12:1
”In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!“
Luke 15:7 NLT
You’ve limited Gods power to your human understanding. Don’t do that. Instead, surrender to the Holy Spirit and ASK HIM to teach you the truth about these things. He won’t lie 🥰😇
@@nataliegrande5414 The great cloud of witnesses are from the previous chapter, chapter 11 is the faith chapter, talks about the forefathers and those who walked by faith through trial and error. Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Isaac, etc, all the characters in the old Testament. They are our witnesses, they are put in the Bible to give us encouragement... Then chapter 12 continues.
When the bible was written there were no divisions of chapters or punctuation
@@May-May1888 that’s your understanding of it. I truly believe that the Apostles, Saints and Martyrs are with Jesus as outlined in 1Cor15. They are alive in Christ.
Well state most Rev. Bishop