1k mmr is never about winning the game or objectives.. it is about the fight and winning the fight to stroke our ego.. When we win a team fight, we go back to farm our jungle. So that we can fight again till it is the 1 hour mark.. Because after fight if you push you will have to push alone and the enemy will eventually spawn and kill you. Then the whole team goes ahead calls you a noob and reports you. If you win a fight everyone appreciates you, if you take an objective with out anyone dying... no body cares.. Sometimes I feel, if there were no creeps the game would never finish as the creeps are the only entities that are actually playing the objectives.
100%. I had a game just like this today (1.5K MMR). We kept winning teamfights where the enemy was down 3 or 4 heroes at a time and then...everyone would just go back to farming jungle as if nothing happened. I'm literally SCREAMING at them (as Ogre) to take towers, push, or take rax...but nope...they wanted to farm the small camps. We had a point where all 5 were dead and we could have ended, but nope...they wanted Roshan instead + go back to farming with no objectives. We ended up losing when our offlane Drow bought a rapier because "she didn't know what item to buy" and fed it to the enemy Ursa within 45 seconds.
a cool trick to cut waves is whenever you are near an enemy lane you look at your waves on your opposite lane to see if you can make it in time and without dying eventually you will start seeing waves under the fog and know where lanes will meet and the beauty of this is you can do it in every role and get a free wave even as a support
@@KidTrigger you look at the OPPOSITE LANE - like if you´re trying to figure out where the wave is in DIRE´s safelane, you should look at RADIANT´s safelane
@@KidTrigger the opposite lane, not the same lane, in League of Legend it gonna be the same lane. And we still do that in higher bracket, im still not figure out how to do that if we dont look that our wave in dota.
This right here is the most painful thing about being in 1K - seeing people win a fight.. annnddd they go farm. Instead of taking towers. Instead of taking Rosh. Just let everyone come back while we farm and not continue the game. It hurts the head.
the thing about showing up to fights in 1k mmr is, your team is never aware when they should back off, so it's always 100% committed even when it's 3v5, so you have no choice but to show up in fights as a carry
I think thats a misconception. I am mostly at offlane and at some point I farmed way more than I fought, cause every good caoch prays this.I won more games since then. You have to think like when I have 5k more gold than everyone, the fights later become much easier cause you just dumbster everyone with that advantage
Fact that this guy gave this match video instead of any other makes him a legend. Also my dude is rage buying items after death that Mjolnir could have been Dedalus
BSJ, is there a robot farming pattern for offlaners or midlaners? Now that we know what camps the carry should be farming (ideally) what farm should the other cores take? Is it right to assume that the carry should stick to this pattern more strictly and the other roles should adapt more and more to whatever is happening?
I've been playing death prophet mid. I generally have the highest networth on my team. Low mmr but 600 gpm is pretty good. I learned from some 6k replays and copied how they play death prophet. Step 1 get CS mid. prioritize stacking the small camp, runes and having the lane on the enemy side when runes spawn or catapults. At lvl 6 you hold the point in ult till you see an opportunity either with a haste, arcane, invis. Usually setting something up so you can you get your ult off again around 10:30 catapults. After top and mid t1 are gone DP generally will farm towards stunners since her ult does more damage the closer you get to people and she lacks a slow till shiva's. She also will push a lane after winning a fight. DP has mana issues no matter how many items you pick up. The only item that maybe solves it is bloodstone but it's a luxury item, so you don't really hit a lot of creeps. Most of the farm comes from Tping into fights already happening when your ult is up then using the rest of your ult and mana to shove the wave into the tower. If you have enough movespeed and HP, Dp is almost as hard as a jugg to kill, so you can push a lane and bait them into you. Attach siphon to multiple heroes and run back toward your team or if you pick up ule's and your team is nearby, siphon ult ule's and you'll be full hp . Once you've used your ult, your farm backwards toward base so you run out of mana on the last camp. Dota2protracker has most people going travels bkb shivas. The crypt swarm's 1,100 effect range lets her safely kill off a wave under tower. If they go on DP, she has aoe silence and siphon to survive till teammates arrive, so if the carry is pushing the t2 and farming back toward the triangle, DP will usually sit mid and farm the wave or nearby camps, but if the carry isn't pushing the lane, Dp doesn't mind. I don't really see her ult a tower solo other than midlane pre 10 min. The ult is great for teamfights, so she will usually push 2-3 waves so its under a sidelane t2 and tp near her team for a smoke play or a defensive teamfight. If The creep wave is under the T2 and my team isn't grouped anywhere I'll hide in trees and wait. If my ult isn't up yet I'll take the small camp and the big camp while I wait for the creep wave to bounce off the tower. Because crypt swarm has a high mana cost and siphon isn't great for creeps, Dp usually prefers to farm medium and small camp stacks to conserve mana. Mudgolems centaurs and the tomato camps are hard to farm. She can farm as fast as a carry if you ult and run from camp to camp or you pick up agh's Sanj&kaya, but siphon is a scaling damage source and her ult does a lot of physical damage. Her problem is getting bursted or kited, so you buy tank items like bkb shivas so you can stay on top of people you buy saves for yourself like lotus bkb or ule's and you buy movespeed like ule's travels or blink. Most of the gold comes from towers rosh and teamfights. Usually 12-15 kills and 12 - 15 assists. With the siphon talents and tank items, she's absurdly hard to kill till she runs out of mana.
TLDR: -Know lane control -self awareness -don't be a passive player -think, think, think -think until you don't need to think why you do things properly
The radiant and dire creeps walks the same speed so to know where is the enemy creeps just look at your spawn creeps and you will know where they located at.
@@oldmandeckhand my tips is just look our creep wave, like if we want cut enemy safelane just look our safelane creep, if our safelane creep pass t2 tower usually enemy creep pass t2 too (creep spawn at 00 and 30), and with little bit practice we can timing that
Dude, that was mind opening. I recently started to play pos 1 after playing support for many years. Pretty much every thing this guy did wrong I also do all the time. I think some of the challenge is that I'm always too scared of getting ganked to the point that I'm sitting in the triangle for too long and not applying map pressure. Not knowing the match up very well also makes it harder as I don't know when I can 1v1 someone. Same thing is true when sitting behind tower and waiting for something to happen, although I have been trying to stop to do that. The spam fake hit/denies I do sometimes cause it helps me time the animation. Noob move but I've seen lots of player in my bracket do the same thing, not that it makes it any better. Just saying. And regarding the lane creep cutting I realise I need to memorise the timing for all 3 lanes so that I know when to be there. Pretty basic but this game didn't come with an instruction manual. I have never even thought about setting my farming pattern to match up to the minute mark around the ancient camp. That is next level play=)
I actually find this more fun than the videos Jenkins does because you can tell these players know how they’re meant to be playing but just applying everything at he wrong time
It's more educational, but Jenkins videos are definetely more fun. Nothing is better than seeing Chen legitimately buying radiance and shadow amulet to AFK-farm ancients while microing army of troll healers.
Can anyone explain why he should have stayed bot and push and not farm at his safe lane jungle? I am new player, 2.8k and i play exactLy like this luna. Might as well be me sending this replay Also, bsj mentioned this is how you should play on any flash farming hero. What about a carry who isn't? I play a lot of spectre, so what would be my gameplan if I was playing her instead?
If you farm your safe lane jungle, you're not exerting pressure on the map, meaning you're not limiting the options your opponent has. If you stay in the enemy jungle, you'll farm around the same amount, while ALSO exerting pressure to the enemy by pushing a lane they have to push out, else they might lose a tower, and thus map control. Farming safe lane jungle is fine if your team is pressuring that part of the map for you and you don't have any lanes pushing in on your other 2 lanes' towers. Another situation is when you need a key item to do ancients or survive being in the enemy jungle, and farming in the safe jungle is the only consistently safe place. Otherwise, you default to that area to farm.
In topson's words, if you are farming the jungle you are not doing anything. If you can farm bot as dire luna, with the vision he had, he can force rotations on the t2 bot, then he can farm towards top. And also luna's item build was very weird, no one builds mjolnir just because of CK, luna can shred illu with glaives so you wasted 4000 gold on an item that your hero can already do If you are spectre, it depends on what first farming item you get, if it is blademail, as long as you have map awareness you can farm and push out lanes, but with echo sabre its better to be farming a little safer. And also you have to be opposite to where your team is because you can just join in with haunt if a team fight suddenly happens, just dont use it if you see you are already losing the fight.
The job of the carry is to take the objectives. On Dire the order is: bot t1 bot jg mid t1 bot t2 outpost triangle rosh t2s Any rax after 2 lanes are pushed in The opponents are there to stop you from doing your job while taking their own objectives. The other 4 players on your team are there to distract your opponents Neutral camps are there to maintain your networth when your opponents are stopping you from doing your job. Basically if you hit neutrals you are saying you are too scared to do anything useful. If you do anything else that is not an objective, you are saying you are letting the opponents distract you. But in the game the opponent was top being distracted by his team, or dead, and literally nothing was stopping the luna, but he hit neutrals and decided to be useless. You only farm your safelane jg when you are scared and your t1 safelane tower isnt dead yet. If you think about what your opponents are doing you will realise that your safelane jungle becomes the most dangerous part of the map as the game goes on, because thats where the enemy objectives are. It also becomes the most useless place for you to be in, because its furthest away from where your objectives are.
maximized farm, after opponent safelane tower down, it will open up the map for the extra two camp , hard camp and small camp, which allows you to make farming pattern involving ancient. and this is map pressure farming, which is good, rather afking jungling which is literally means doing nothing in the game
The worse thing other than lane management in low mmr is watching people jungle when the creep waves are literally right at their tower. They just totally ignore losing their yowers and the fact the exp and gold iff lane is much higher than jungle
Wow man that pump fake bsj be like”dude who are you pump faking?” That made me laugh for like 10mins straight up damn Bdw i am pretty sure that person has no idea what pump fake is probably the auto attack is on and that is happening by mistake 😂😂
11:28 BSJ, what do you mean you can't see the creep wave? They're your creepes but mirrored, you can see them. You probably knows that, what I'm saying is that I never heard you teach it
Since Luna is a carry that needs survival items like Manta, BKB, Butterfly, and is a natural pusher/ teamfighter, i think she's a good carry for supp mains to learn
How is that? I see no connection. Better learn something more fight oriented like PA, jaggernaut, void. Fit support mentality of "no one but me" way better.
The pumping is a thing I usually do when I have heroes with atrocious damage and/or attack anaimation because timing it at once is harder than canceling the wrong attempt (I am 4k bbracket). That being said it absolutely hurts to see a Luna skill glaives in a free farm lane and just lose the lane for free. Yikes. 1k I guess. A bit of praise to BSJ: You are talking about deep concepts and itemization but the problem for a lot of players, and I say this as a 12 year dota veteran: People are stupid and will just do what you say without thinking by themselves. It's like the Maelstrom thing you mentioned. Or people see the 0-1-4-stats gyro build in pro plays, do it themselves in a free lane were you just crush 2 people with a q-build and will even die because they'll stay in lane with this build. They don't get a feel for the hero, what makes them strong or why some builds work. Just see a build, copy the build. Didn't work? Must be the team, Ame just carried hard with this. I love how you preach the concept of using your fucking head to make decisions. Most people are just not willed, too casual or lack the basic concepts and this might actually help make better games.
I found the pump faking with no one around hilarious. It's like when you're playing basketball and someone is dribbling it up the court with no pressure and he does spin moves.
had the laning discussion the other day with some 1k trash bristle. I was pos 4, i managed to deny our creeps so hard that we had the lane in front of our tower, exactly where we want it because the enemy safelaner cant farm it EVER. Bristle was taking a full minute to show up to lane, but who cares, i had the lane where we want it so i was like this is going to be an easy lane with a free farming bristle and i can go roam early here. Guess what? Bristle comes up instant quill spray without an enemy even close. So i told him dude, the lane is perfectly in place, we can keep it here all laning phase if you just dont quill unless we go at them, wich is NEVER when you are a lvl 1 bristle up against a lvl 2 carry(remember, he took a minute to get to lane) And he is like YEAH BUT WE CANT PULL ANYWHERE SO WE CANT KEEP IT HERE. Wel first of all i could pull from the big camp wich is way better then the safelanes small camp pull. Also i had it in position, so why do we need to pull? All i needed to do was place the was to block the camp. But what he did was quill all his mana in to the wave, mis half the cs because of it and he pushed it right back in front of their tower... Why are people so F ing stupid?
He is losing coz he is overburdened with the idea that he has to carry the game and is hyper passive. In low MMR ppl has a low tolerance of that kind of passiveness. Later no one will tank for him or help him.
I noticed that too. People in 1-2k are so afraid to take fights and play aggressively. It happens to me so many times that we get a key kill but then instead of pushing 5v4, my team just goes into out own jungle. The funny thing is that this happens to me only on EU server, while in SEA, theres constant aggression. As a result i have a sub 20% winrate on EU and over 80% winrate on SEA (even tho my ping is 20 on EU and 250 on SEA)
@@thomasmann4536 did you not notice that bsj liked the way he contributes in fights? Literally the only thing he praised him for. The passiveness in this case is his unwillingness to pressure lanes by cutting or pushing when nobody's around.
If you are stuck in a trench be happy about small victories, know when it's time to just leave and accept the fact that 45 minutes is a short game. If you can climb to 1500 I promise you the difference is night and day as people have figured out that the game is about destroying buildings and so 45 minutes is a medium game. At about 2000 45 minutes becomes a medium-long game and at about 2500 45 is usually a very long game. From then on the length of a game doesn't depend on how quick you can end, but on how hard the enemy is trying to defend and it becomes a lot more about taking objectives when you are strong and there is downtime. Just wrangle your team to do the right thing sometimes, and when it looks bad back off and do the wrong thing with them. Monkeys together strong.
User: where does the cylinder go?
BSJ: The circle.
User: thats right square hole.
BSJ: listen here you little shit
1k mmr is never about winning the game or objectives.. it is about the fight and winning the fight to stroke our ego.. When we win a team fight, we go back to farm our jungle. So that we can fight again till it is the 1 hour mark..
Because after fight if you push you will have to push alone and the enemy will eventually spawn and kill you. Then the whole team goes ahead calls you a noob and reports you.
If you win a fight everyone appreciates you, if you take an objective with out anyone dying... no body cares..
Sometimes I feel, if there were no creeps the game would never finish as the creeps are the only entities that are actually playing the objectives.
And then they think you’re playing wrong
Fk you🤣 this is so true!!
Best assessment of 1-2k MMR players I've ever seen. 100% tunnel-visioned on fighting, but no fucking clue how to actually win a game.
100%. I had a game just like this today (1.5K MMR). We kept winning teamfights where the enemy was down 3 or 4 heroes at a time and then...everyone would just go back to farming jungle as if nothing happened. I'm literally SCREAMING at them (as Ogre) to take towers, push, or take rax...but nope...they wanted to farm the small camps. We had a point where all 5 were dead and we could have ended, but nope...they wanted Roshan instead + go back to farming with no objectives. We ended up losing when our offlane Drow bought a rapier because "she didn't know what item to buy" and fed it to the enemy Ursa within 45 seconds.
That was maybe the funniest coaching session by far ah man what a gem
i agreee heehe i liked it gosh wish he could coach me
i like the boldness but cant help but notice hes trying too hard forcing to be funny for the yt vids lol
This part killed me haha 5:55
People be throwing the lane around like it's a hot potato.
hi checkmark-san
I love your videos man, esp the "giff me mana" one
Hi Hatton! I used to watch your CS:GO videos back in the day and of course "GIFF ME MANA!" haha!
But how CK then came back around Luna and wave lmfaoo 😂
a cool trick to cut waves is whenever you are near an enemy lane you look at your waves on your opposite lane to see if you can make it in time and without dying
eventually you will start seeing waves under the fog and know where lanes will meet
and the beauty of this is you can do it in every role and get a free wave even as a support
Yep, if you can't remember the timings this is the perfect way to see where the lane is exactly!
1k tips and tricks, but yeah if you don't know where the waves are, this is actually helpful
This only works for mid lane bro for sidelanes you need to know times cuz the safelane is longer
@@KidTrigger you look at the OPPOSITE LANE - like if you´re trying to figure out where the wave is in DIRE´s safelane, you should look at RADIANT´s safelane
@@KidTrigger the opposite lane, not the same lane, in League of Legend it gonna be the same lane. And we still do that in higher bracket, im still not figure out how to do that if we dont look that our wave in dota.
"You saw a little butterfly... 🦋" 😂
This right here is the most painful thing about being in 1K - seeing people win a fight.. annnddd they go farm. Instead of taking towers. Instead of taking Rosh. Just let everyone come back while we farm and not continue the game. It hurts the head.
Often times people do this after like 15 minutes in the game. Early game when they're supposed to lane/farm, they concentrate on fighting...
Fkin 1k talking tho lol
"about being in 1K" Do you really think people don't do this in higher MMR? Oh boy, you're in for a surprise.
You can kinda mitigate it by putting on pressure, even the most bone headed idiot likes free towers and gold
@@MegaUchihaSaske In stacks it wont happen lmao
the thing about showing up to fights in 1k mmr is, your team is never aware when they should back off, so it's always 100% committed even when it's 3v5, so you have no choice but to show up in fights as a carry
I think thats a misconception. I am mostly at offlane and at some point I farmed way more than I fought, cause every good caoch prays this.I won more games since then. You have to think like when I have 5k more gold than everyone, the fights later become much easier cause you just dumbster everyone with that advantage
Fact that this guy gave this match video instead of any other makes him a legend. Also my dude is rage buying items after death that Mjolnir could have been Dedalus
11:50 suggesting to farm behind jug with ulti. I understand why he didn't go for that. Actually safe, but way too scary.
BSJ, is there a robot farming pattern for offlaners or midlaners? Now that we know what camps the carry should be farming (ideally) what farm should the other cores take? Is it right to assume that the carry should stick to this pattern more strictly and the other roles should adapt more and more to whatever is happening?
I've been playing death prophet mid. I generally have the highest networth on my team. Low mmr but 600 gpm is pretty good. I learned from some 6k replays and copied how they play death prophet. Step 1 get CS mid. prioritize stacking the small camp, runes and having the lane on the enemy side when runes spawn or catapults. At lvl 6 you hold the point in ult till you see an opportunity either with a haste, arcane, invis. Usually setting something up so you can you get your ult off again around 10:30 catapults.
After top and mid t1 are gone DP generally will farm towards stunners since her ult does more damage the closer you get to people and she lacks a slow till shiva's. She also will push a lane after winning a fight. DP has mana issues no matter how many items you pick up. The only item that maybe solves it is bloodstone but it's a luxury item, so you don't really hit a lot of creeps. Most of the farm comes from Tping into fights already happening when your ult is up then using the rest of your ult and mana to shove the wave into the tower. If you have enough movespeed and HP, Dp is almost as hard as a jugg to kill, so you can push a lane and bait them into you. Attach siphon to multiple heroes and run back toward your team or if you pick up ule's and your team is nearby, siphon ult ule's and you'll be full hp . Once you've used your ult, your farm backwards toward base so you run out of mana on the last camp.
Dota2protracker has most people going travels bkb shivas. The crypt swarm's 1,100 effect range lets her safely kill off a wave under tower. If they go on DP, she has aoe silence and siphon to survive till teammates arrive, so if the carry is pushing the t2 and farming back toward the triangle, DP will usually sit mid and farm the wave or nearby camps, but if the carry isn't pushing the lane, Dp doesn't mind. I don't really see her ult a tower solo other than midlane pre 10 min. The ult is great for teamfights, so she will usually push 2-3 waves so its under a sidelane t2 and tp near her team for a smoke play or a defensive teamfight. If The creep wave is under the T2 and my team isn't grouped anywhere I'll hide in trees and wait. If my ult isn't up yet I'll take the small camp and the big camp while I wait for the creep wave to bounce off the tower. Because crypt swarm has a high mana cost and siphon isn't great for creeps, Dp usually prefers to farm medium and small camp stacks to conserve mana. Mudgolems centaurs and the tomato camps are hard to farm.
She can farm as fast as a carry if you ult and run from camp to camp or you pick up agh's Sanj&kaya, but siphon is a scaling damage source and her ult does a lot of physical damage. Her problem is getting bursted or kited, so you buy tank items like bkb shivas so you can stay on top of people you buy saves for yourself like lotus bkb or ule's and you buy movespeed like ule's travels or blink. Most of the gold comes from towers rosh and teamfights. Usually 12-15 kills and 12 - 15 assists. With the siphon talents and tank items, she's absurdly hard to kill till she runs out of mana.
That "farming backwards" concept really sounds helpful.
-Know lane control
-self awareness
-don't be a passive player
-think, think, think
-think until you don't need to think why you do things properly
24:30 this clip at the end of each video when bsj leans into camera with his sexy stare makes me all red everytime
that smile, that damned smile
Where can we send replays for analysis ?
The radiant and dire creeps walks the same speed so to know where is the enemy creeps just look at your spawn creeps and you will know where they located at.
Maximise your farming patterns by keeping eye on the minute mark
20:44 is centaur breaking the 4th wall and hearing bsj talk?
This is exactly what my 3k ass needed, thanks BSJ! Amazing analysis as always
I'm so happy I got to see this meme live on stream 😂
❤️❤️❤️i was also at the 1k bracket and rn i m in 2k gonna push more further thanks for these sessions coach. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Pushing bottom :the whole story
Bsj, how do you make double wave?
pull creep wave to a smol camp
Clear the wave as fast as possible
kill the range creep
Just so everyone know, to cut creepwave in offlane t2, the creep will be at 40-45 second and 10-15 second
Thank you
Hi, where can I get more information on the timing of the creepwave ? Do you know of any video?
@@oldmandeckhand you can look up tutorials and find a bunch honestly
@@oldmandeckhand you can do check it yourself, go play a lobby or bots and just keep checking the flow of the creep wave yourself
@@oldmandeckhand my tips is just look our creep wave, like if we want cut enemy safelane just look our safelane creep, if our safelane creep pass t2 tower usually enemy creep pass t2 too (creep spawn at 00 and 30), and with little bit practice we can timing that
Always making dope videos BSJ much appreciate, helped me get to ancient and now really close to divine.
bsj in almost all of his videos. I'M A LITTLE BIASED. BIASEDSLAMJAMMA xD
Strider's editing is nearing god-tier, here
What do I do when I'm farming back but my mid or offlane already cleared triangle and wont let me farm it
BSJ is not often humorous but when he is man it is so funny
@BSJ how do I get Game watching clip ?
I loved the butterfly distraction analogy. Everything turned into mess in this game after that.
Hahaha BSJ Savage mode!!! Not even 4 minutes in and i'm dying here hahahahahaha
Thank you for a Luna replay analysis! Very cool
Lmao getting flamed by both BSJ and Invoker at 20:45
I have to say that i absolutely love the thumbnail.
How exactly are you farming faster with treads? MoM gives you more attack speed?
you run faster from camp to camp
movement speed from treads and you get agi + attack speed from them. they are also cheaper
Dude, that was mind opening. I recently started to play pos 1 after playing support for many years. Pretty much every thing this guy did wrong I also do all the time. I think some of the challenge is that I'm always too scared of getting ganked to the point that I'm sitting in the triangle for too long and not applying map pressure. Not knowing the match up very well also makes it harder as I don't know when I can 1v1 someone. Same thing is true when sitting behind tower and waiting for something to happen, although I have been trying to stop to do that.
The spam fake hit/denies I do sometimes cause it helps me time the animation. Noob move but I've seen lots of player in my bracket do the same thing, not that it makes it any better. Just saying.
And regarding the lane creep cutting I realise I need to memorise the timing for all 3 lanes so that I know when to be there. Pretty basic but this game didn't come with an instruction manual.
I have never even thought about setting my farming pattern to match up to the minute mark around the ancient camp. That is next level play=)
If you struggle with creep timings, just look at your own. The opponent's creeps will be in a similar position, just on their side.
I've been trying to get lane equilibrium across to people in pups I don't play ranked and it goes right over there heads.
That part wen were goin top were going bottom top no bottom rosh no triangle lol fkn hilarious
Bsj pls reply how much would it cost to do a coaching series like u did with arie but for pos1
Good video coach B.
how do i submit a video
Angry replays! Loving it. So much fun hahaha
Wow, amazing video, max entertainment and max educational stuff, thank you
I actually find this more fun than the videos Jenkins does because you can tell these players know how they’re meant to be playing but just applying everything at he wrong time
It's more educational, but Jenkins videos are definetely more fun. Nothing is better than seeing Chen legitimately buying radiance and shadow amulet to AFK-farm ancients while microing army of troll healers.
That Jenkins' chen vid was hilarious, such content is godlike. -Strider
my day has been made . great video hahaha . this is soo me .lol zero objectives with my guys
I need a mixtape of 24:10 somebody pls do it
15:13 Manta! Boom! xD
20:38 why did he sell Mask of madness? Just disassemble it
He didn't even make anything else. :|
Just fking sold it.
Yeah this is Sadge
Yea funny. I just buy a morbid only instead
so he can complete mjolnir
Can anyone explain why he should have stayed bot and push and not farm at his safe lane jungle? I am new player, 2.8k and i play exactLy like this luna. Might as well be me sending this replay
Also, bsj mentioned this is how you should play on any flash farming hero. What about a carry who isn't? I play a lot of spectre, so what would be my gameplan if I was playing her instead?
If you farm your safe lane jungle, you're not exerting pressure on the map, meaning you're not limiting the options your opponent has. If you stay in the enemy jungle, you'll farm around the same amount, while ALSO exerting pressure to the enemy by pushing a lane they have to push out, else they might lose a tower, and thus map control.
Farming safe lane jungle is fine if your team is pressuring that part of the map for you and you don't have any lanes pushing in on your other 2 lanes' towers. Another situation is when you need a key item to do ancients or survive being in the enemy jungle, and farming in the safe jungle is the only consistently safe place. Otherwise, you default to that area to farm.
In topson's words, if you are farming the jungle you are not doing anything. If you can farm bot as dire luna, with the vision he had, he can force rotations on the t2 bot, then he can farm towards top. And also luna's item build was very weird, no one builds mjolnir just because of CK, luna can shred illu with glaives so you wasted 4000 gold on an item that your hero can already do
If you are spectre, it depends on what first farming item you get, if it is blademail, as long as you have map awareness you can farm and push out lanes, but with echo sabre its better to be farming a little safer. And also you have to be opposite to where your team is because you can just join in with haunt if a team fight suddenly happens, just dont use it if you see you are already losing the fight.
The job of the carry is to take the objectives. On Dire the order is:
bot t1
bot jg
mid t1
bot t2
Any rax after 2 lanes are pushed in
The opponents are there to stop you from doing your job while taking their own objectives.
The other 4 players on your team are there to distract your opponents
Neutral camps are there to maintain your networth when your opponents are stopping you from doing your job. Basically if you hit neutrals you are saying you are too scared to do anything useful. If you do anything else that is not an objective, you are saying you are letting the opponents distract you.
But in the game the opponent was top being distracted by his team, or dead, and literally nothing was stopping the luna,
but he hit neutrals and decided to be useless.
You only farm your safelane jg when you are scared and your t1 safelane tower isnt dead yet.
If you think about what your opponents are doing you will realise that your safelane jungle becomes the most dangerous part of the map as the game goes on, because thats where the enemy objectives are.
It also becomes the most useless place for you to be in, because its furthest away from where your objectives are.
maximized farm, after opponent safelane tower down, it will open up the map for the extra two camp , hard camp and small camp, which allows you to make farming pattern involving ancient. and this is map pressure farming, which is good, rather afking jungling which is literally means doing nothing in the game
listen to the video
The worse thing other than lane management in low mmr is watching people jungle when the creep waves are literally right at their tower. They just totally ignore losing their yowers and the fact the exp and gold iff lane is much higher than jungle
how to submit a replay?
Wow man that pump fake bsj be like”dude who are you pump faking?” That made me laugh for like 10mins straight up damn
Bdw i am pretty sure that person has no idea what pump fake is probably the auto attack is on and that is happening by mistake 😂😂
by de wey
11:28 BSJ, what do you mean you can't see the creep wave? They're your creepes but mirrored, you can see them. You probably knows that, what I'm saying is that I never heard you teach it
Great video PyjamaManSam
Thumbnail is a work of art
dude this is the best coach ever, fucking destroyed bro what the hell
very useful content
Bsj reaction is priceless.
love you bsj you aare a litteral god
Only halfway through but have learnt alot, thou I don't often play carry this is good knowing what my carry should be thinking
When did Jenkins hack bsj's yt??
This pump faking is a DotA 1 habit I still have, auto attack was always on so it was needed to last hit even on empty lanes sometimes
Thumbnail is beautiful ❤️
just imagine 500 mmr games
It's the same thing but abit worse, I use to be 500 mmr years ago.
well rip creeps killed in this game
the last 3 minutes is gold!
20:44 - 20:50 me at 1k mmr and super farmed lmao
Finally true 1k mmr player
You can see enemy waves by looking at your waves, just my trick.
i am dying this was funny hahaha
BSJ, this is 1k, *THERE IS NO GOD.*
At the strat, I thought this video should be about amazing play on 1k mmr.
I think the only objectives 1k players does is fight, kill, fight, try to win
Since Luna is a carry that needs survival items like Manta, BKB, Butterfly, and is a natural pusher/ teamfighter, i think she's a good carry for supp mains to learn
How is that? I see no connection.
Better learn something more fight oriented like PA, jaggernaut, void. Fit support mentality of "no one but me" way better.
I also feel, like that mjollnir is a very big problem. I mean he is vs lesh lion and Veno and has no Bkb
Im stuck in 1k for 8 years. I cant get out.
lol that rage... the struggle of a coach.. sadge
U should see 1k sea carry, they be like f farming we should fight every living thing in sight
why is SEA 1k brackets very different from this.
Controlling the triangle requires teamwork which is quite impossible at 500 mr 😢
"This luna wont stfu". Oh I know what kinda player this luna is xD.
The pumping is a thing I usually do when I have heroes with atrocious damage and/or attack anaimation because timing it at once is harder than canceling the wrong attempt (I am 4k bbracket). That being said it absolutely hurts to see a Luna skill glaives in a free farm lane and just lose the lane for free. Yikes. 1k I guess.
A bit of praise to BSJ: You are talking about deep concepts and itemization but the problem for a lot of players, and I say this as a 12 year dota veteran: People are stupid and will just do what you say without thinking by themselves. It's like the Maelstrom thing you mentioned. Or people see the 0-1-4-stats gyro build in pro plays, do it themselves in a free lane were you just crush 2 people with a q-build and will even die because they'll stay in lane with this build. They don't get a feel for the hero, what makes them strong or why some builds work. Just see a build, copy the build. Didn't work? Must be the team, Ame just carried hard with this.
I love how you preach the concept of using your fucking head to make decisions. Most people are just not willed, too casual or lack the basic concepts and this might actually help make better games.
BSJ is on fire. Nice Dota tips.
17:37 bruh
Hilarious coaching sessions, please do 10 mmr match views. Enlightenment is real.
I found the pump faking with no one around hilarious. It's like when you're playing basketball and someone is dribbling it up the court with no pressure and he does spin moves.
It does help some players to cs better, Its not hurting anyone so it's OK
@@egrassa1480 actually its wasting time instead of pushing it in faster.
@@hepzibah4573 you're not trying to push tho? You're simply lasthitting to not push the wave, you're not wasting time
Lane equilibrium is lesson 1 on my plan.
had the laning discussion the other day with some 1k trash bristle. I was pos 4, i managed to deny our creeps so hard that we had the lane in front of our tower, exactly where we want it because the enemy safelaner cant farm it EVER. Bristle was taking a full minute to show up to lane, but who cares, i had the lane where we want it so i was like this is going to be an easy lane with a free farming bristle and i can go roam early here. Guess what? Bristle comes up instant quill spray without an enemy even close. So i told him dude, the lane is perfectly in place, we can keep it here all laning phase if you just dont quill unless we go at them, wich is NEVER when you are a lvl 1 bristle up against a lvl 2 carry(remember, he took a minute to get to lane) And he is like YEAH BUT WE CANT PULL ANYWHERE SO WE CANT KEEP IT HERE. Wel first of all i could pull from the big camp wich is way better then the safelanes small camp pull. Also i had it in position, so why do we need to pull? All i needed to do was place the was to block the camp. But what he did was quill all his mana in to the wave, mis half the cs because of it and he pushed it right back in front of their tower...
Why are people so F ing stupid?
invoker : are u playing the international ? XD XD
this is the funniest one i've ever seen lol
Invoker 4:13 (this is just the tip of the iceberg of 1k toxicity)
He is losing coz he is overburdened with the idea that he has to carry the game and is hyper passive. In low MMR ppl has a low tolerance of that kind of passiveness. Later no one will tank for him or help him.
I noticed that too. People in 1-2k are so afraid to take fights and play aggressively. It happens to me so many times that we get a key kill but then instead of pushing 5v4, my team just goes into out own jungle. The funny thing is that this happens to me only on EU server, while in SEA, theres constant aggression. As a result i have a sub 20% winrate on EU and over 80% winrate on SEA (even tho my ping is 20 on EU and 250 on SEA)
@@thomasmann4536 Noticing that same thins EU ppl are kind of passive.
@@thomasmann4536 did you not notice that bsj liked the way he contributes in fights? Literally the only thing he praised him for. The passiveness in this case is his unwillingness to pressure lanes by cutting or pushing when nobody's around.
im pretty sure BSj lost a game so badly before watching this game :Vvvv
If you are stuck in a trench be happy about small victories, know when it's time to just leave and accept the fact that 45 minutes is a short game. If you can climb to 1500 I promise you the difference is night and day as people have figured out that the game is about destroying buildings and so 45 minutes is a medium game. At about 2000 45 minutes becomes a medium-long game and at about 2500 45 is usually a very long game. From then on the length of a game doesn't depend on how quick you can end, but on how hard the enemy is trying to defend and it becomes a lot more about taking objectives when you are strong and there is downtime. Just wrangle your team to do the right thing sometimes, and when it looks bad back off and do the wrong thing with them. Monkeys together strong.
Moral of the story: Don't chase butterflies in Dota.
damn i got click baited by bsj's doppelgangers
Great video
I don't know how to play dota 2 I learned something today bro ty