Great content! I had to do a double take. Chris looks a lot like Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for The Faith. A man who helped get me out of the awful teaching of Pentacostalism.
55:35 getting our servant fix can easily become about pleasing men rather than God. The problem with that is that churches that please man tend to be attractive to the worldly. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) can be the reason why people go there rather than Fear Of God. New converts don't hear the gospel and don't properly confess sin or repent. They become like country clubs rather than sanctuaries for sinners that help them through prayer and support to face a hostile world.
Thanks for checking it out. It's not for everybody by design. Either you get it or you don't. Again, we appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment that shows who you are.... Best to you in your future trolling
Great content! I had to do a double take. Chris looks a lot like Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for The Faith. A man who helped get me out of the awful teaching of Pentacostalism.
can't see how a Christian could vote for Trump
Cant see how christians could vote democratic.
55:35 getting our servant fix can easily become about pleasing men rather than God. The problem with that is that churches that please man tend to be attractive to the worldly. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) can be the reason why people go there rather than Fear Of God. New converts don't hear the gospel and don't properly confess sin or repent. They become like country clubs rather than sanctuaries for sinners that help them through prayer and support to face a hostile world.
Do your videos come with coffee? Because…… *YAWN*
Thanks for checking it out. It's not for everybody by design. Either you get it or you don't. Again, we appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment that shows who you are.... Best to you in your future trolling