He was very handsome. The recreation paints him as slim, while the statues show him strong and muscular. He practiced stoicism, and exercise and manual labor was part of it. Hard discipline.
Dont forget that many emperors asked sculptors to enhance certain features and the body was always a priority. You almost cannot find a statue depicting an emperor out of shape.
These are by far the best facial reconstructions of Marcus Aurelius, bravo! ❤
My saying is that every day is a good day, just some are better that others.
He was very handsome. The recreation paints him as slim, while the statues show him strong and muscular. He practiced stoicism, and exercise and manual labor was part of it. Hard discipline.
Dont forget that many emperors asked sculptors to enhance certain features and the body was always a priority. You almost cannot find a statue depicting an emperor out of shape.
Whoa the last one’s so striking.
I will give anything in the world to travel back in time and spend the day with this man. I think he, above others , Has influence my life more
Looks like a person from Canada
These look a lot more realistic than previous facial reconstructions
He was a very attractive man, especially those soulful eyes 🥰