Smash Remix Debugged Release Trailer - EXPANSION PAK REQUIRED
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Download Link (must be patched):
Smash Remix Debugged is not associated with the Smash Remix team in any way, and so, is a totally separate project.
*Special thanks to @luismundoremix1288 for the Smash Remix full intro, @MrMariobros222 for the Sandbag cutscene, and @HxcConker for editing the trailer for me.
*Also, here's the full Sandbag cutscene called 'Sandbag's Revenge' made by @MrMariobros222 in it's full glory by separate: • Sandbag's Revenge
Smash Remix Debugged is a mod for the Super Smash Bros. 64 mod, Smash Remix, this mod's purpose is to work as a template for future Smash Remix mods, adding things like inaccessible features now being accessible, such as Sandbag for all game modes, Home-Run Contest as a normal stage, or certain inaccessible songs (such as the Game Boy Land ones, All-star Rest Area, SMB2 Boss or some Menu music) now being able to play in all stages.
It also adds some extra content, such as the Tap Jump option, New Songs, More instruments being available for songs, More Stages for Characters for Remix 1P Mode and All-stars, More songs for some stages, 6 Stage Pages and 5 Tournament Stage Pages with a list of viable stages for Tourney, and more.
Q1: Does Smash Remix Debugged run on the latest Smash Remix patch?
A1: Yes, it does!
Q2: Does the mod modify/change or delete anything from Vanilla Smash Remix?
A2: No! the mod has all content already available on Vanilla Smash Remix!
Q3: Does the mod add new characters, stages, items, songs, or game modes?
A3: Technically, no, the only "new" character and stage added is Sandbag (Boss character for Samus) and HRC respectively, it doesn't add any item or game mode, however, it does add new songs! 17 from those new songs are songs that previously at least once were in a Smash Remix version, but they were removed, 6 of them are scrapped songs that never appeared in any Smash Remix version, 28 of them are entirely new songs made for the mod, 46 of them are old versions of already existing songs, 6 of them are even older versions of already existing songs, and 9 of them are Beta versions, meaning they are versions of songs that were exclusive to play testing and were later improved in the future until the Smash Remix version these songs were came out, giving a total of 112 new songs (only 51 if you only count the new songs and not the Old, Older or Beta songs)!
Q4: What does Lite Edition change?
A4: It's the same as the normal version, except it removes the Old, Older and Beta versions of the songs.
Q5: Can i use this mod for my tournament?
A5: Yes, you can! That's why there's an extended Tournament SSS in the mod! It's optional tho, meaning that if you want, you can still use vanilla Smash Remix for your tournaments!
Modder's FAQ/Q&A
Q1/Q2: Does the mod run on the latest 'original.z64' file/I need to port all of my work imported to the previous original.z64 to the new one?
A1/A2: Yes, it does! The mod itself is based/build of the latest original.z64 file (and also from the latest Smash Remix patch) meaning that if you ported something to the 1.5.2 original.z64, you don't have any need of having to re-import it to the "new" one.
Brobgonal Second: Leader of the project, programmer, musician/composer
MetaSSB / Meta Nais: Co-leader of the project, programmer, musician/composer, helper/assistant with programming and composing songs for the mod, Special Thanks.
NewoRGBY_255/ Newo Regevoide: Instrument Design, Musician/Arranger, helper/assistant with composing songs for the mod, Special Thanks.
Special thanks to the last 2 mentioned for really helping me with Smash Remix Debugged.
Halofactory: Creator of the Tap Jump option, programmer for Vanilla Smash Remix.
coffee: Musician/Arranger of the Donkey Kong Jr. Song and part of the Vanilla Smash Remix OST.
B3313 Team and Newsupkaizo55: Creators of B3313, and musicians/composers of the 16 entirely new songs added for the mod.
Smash Remix Debugged 1.2.5 Changelog:
Vanilla Smash Remix updated to Smash Remix 1.5.2, meaning all of 1.5.1 and 1.5.2's changes are included.
Added Smash Remix Debugged Lite
Includes every Smash Remix Debugged changes and additions, but it removes the Old, Older and Beta versions of the songs.
Reorganized SSS's 6th page
Mushroom Kingdom Omega deleted from his own slot on SSS's 6th page, now it's again a Mushroom Kingdom variant
Added 2 more pages to Tournament SSS
Now you can play as Sandbag in 12 Character Battle
Added more songs to some character's images in Gallery
You can now also play as Master Hand in 12 Character Battle, but it only works in the Custom, then Random preset with the 'Random Select with Variants' option
Added 33 new songs, and added more songs with a Old, Older or Beta Version of it
Added more instruments to the source code
Tu mod lo agregaron al mod de knuckles xd felicidades
Todo lo mejor para Debugged! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Realmente tiene buena pinta :0
Gracias xD
Wow se ve chevere sigue asi men, y por cierto agregaras en un futuro personajes bueno solo por curiosidad pregunto, y buen trailer 👍
Gracias, ya vere si haces videos con Sandbag en el futuro xD, Oh, y no, realmente no habran nuevos personajes en el futuro ademas de Sandbag
@@Brob2nd porque no? tienes todo un potencial para implementar otros personajes
@@froundtist realmente Sandbag es el unico añadido porque pues, digamos que no se hacer personajes o escenarios, pues realmente la intencion del mod nunca fue esa, por algo decidi llamarlo 'Debugged' osea, no solo como plantilla para futuros mods, si no tambien haciendo cosas como Sandbag, Home-run contest y canciones ocultas disponibles (y bueno, añade otras cosas extra como una sexta pagina de escenarios, una opcion de Tap Jump, mas canciones extra y etc.)
Try to add the previous stages that were changed
Nuevo sub
Gracias a todos los creadores de este grandioso Mod, seria mucho pedirles si pueden agregar el Mod de Zelda ella es mi personaje Favorito, mil gracias.
No sé si se pueda pero creen que se pueda volver meter al Young Link Anterior?
Porque sería bueno tenerlo devuelta pero como una Variante de Young Link Actual
Realmente no hay personajes "nuevos" en el mod, Sandbag ya estaba en el Smash Remix original, solo que era exclusivo para el Modo Entrenamiento, por lo que me puse a empezar a modificar el source code, era principalmente para hacerlo jugable, cosa que obviamente Young Link antiguo no esta en ninguna parte del source code, realmente no se como añadir personajes al mod, y realmente el proposito del mod es ser una plantilla para futuros mods sin modificar el archivo 'original.z64' que es donde estan ciertas cosas como los modelos y texturas de personajes o escenarios por ejemplo, en fin
@@Brob2nd Bueno, Todos tenemos sueños, y en mi caso, no se hizo realidad
Since this is “Debugged” and there are two characters that still have actual bugs in their movesets(Samus and Luigi) do you think a fix for those 2 is in the cards?
I have skill issue lol, ok, but like, i don't have that good of programming skills i mean, so, i don't know, maybe, just maybe
tengo un problema, cuando quiero probar a sandbag, el personaje no hace ningun ataque, osea no golpea ni nada ¿sabes del porque?
Justamente los devs de Smash Remix original lo dejaron asi a proposito, la manera intencional de jugar con el en mi opinion seria activando la opcion de 'Start With' y 'Taunt with' con ambas opciones en Random en la pantalla de seleccion de personajes
@@Brob2nd aparte otro problema que vi es que en el escenario de home run contest, los personajes estan mal posicionados a la hora de entrar a pelear, ya que se ponen en una punta del escenario en vez del mini escenario que es para tirar a sandbag
En el link de la descripción como se hace para descargarlo :v
Lo tienes que parchar
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