Fr last time I played a WWE game religiously was SmackdownVSRaw 2011. This game is extremely fun because they made custom fighter downloads cross platform.
I'd like to imagine that in this universe EDP only accepted this fight because he saw Rey Mysterio's height and assumed he would get to wrestle with a small boy instead of a grown man.
Jesus Christ why won’t people just ignore yeaman’s comments. You’re equally as goofy if you engage with a bot, and so far nearly every single comment section I’ve seen has.
I really hope this is gonna be the next Soul Calibur 6. The fact that the game lets you put custom portraits for characters is a recipe for disaster, I love it
The game all ready pissing me off and I haven't played it it's a 1v1v1 and ray stops Charile from doing the finisher and pinning Austin like dumb shit it'd be a 1v1 if we got him out why did you do that
13:03 Oh My God there’s tears in my eyes!🤣 This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!!🤣😂🤣Just the situation of James Corden diving to do an RKO and drifting in the air to awkwardly body slam both of them is just so funny!!!!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 This is even funnier than the time I saw Pickle Rick and Big Chungus Juju on that beat!
This game looks hella entertaining. The “broken” bits of it are broken in a way that it’s funny when it happens (idk about the whole glitch but I mean the targeting on jumping off stuff)
You were really role playing James cordon well ! Going airborne knowing he ain’t gonna hot nobody was probably the funniest thing I’ve seen in a lil while.
Maaaaan this video just brought back childhood memories of my friends and I throwing each other into the sound system in one of the earlier WWE games, just to watch the animation 😂😂
whoever made this game deserves a cupcake
@YeaMan damn bro that’s crazy cuz no one asked 💀
@YeaMan who?
@YeaMan WHAT
@YeaMan what
@YeaMan what
0:55 "Not the top turnbuckle...that's gonna show up on the richter scale!" was single handedly the funniest shit
“Sir, we have a Category 5 earthquake located at a local WWE match...”
“That’s no’s something much, much worse...”
That's some shit Jesse the body would say 🤣
He says that right as EDP misses from up top the turnbuckle too. Lol
@@Yo_ItsRydera cupquake...
nahhhh 😭
These custom characters were the greatest thing I've seen in awhile.
@YeaMan you have nothing on your channel
@YeaMan Jesus this bot is annoying
@YeaMan but that is not your video...
@YeaMan there is nothing on your home page also
@YeaMan Yeah that isn't even yours lmao
1:39 EDP looking for cupcakes:
9:49 listen to this man's melodic scream. Even in terror he is an angel
It sounds like autotune
Sounds like autotune
Sounds like autotune
Sounds like autotune
Sounds like autobot
Being able to create an EDP avatar made this game of the year already
What's it called?
@@anthonytcg2407 ??
@@anthonytcg2407 ?
Le père de Jacksepticeye n'a pas réussi à se rendre au paradis parce que mon contenu est meilleur
Fr bruh😂😂
Did anybody else notice that Charlie hit the most magical, delicate and fantastic note at 9:50 ? That shit was beautiful
I was looking for this comment 💀💀💀
that was soo good
Didn’t even notice it until you mentioned it
lmfaoooo It sounds like autotune
@@ryanc4s926 holy shit it does
9:49 Charlie truly is an amazing vocalist and shows us why he's the lead singer of The Gentle Men
Autotune? Nah Charlie doesn’t need it. It’s embedded in him.
Genuinely impressive
it sounded like the auto tuned it too like.. editing? and a critikal video?
yeh who am i kidding that was jus his inhuman vocal cords
4:30 charlie saves the kids
EDP may have escaped justice but he couldn't escape the 619.
I can't believe they got to license the character of the legendary cupcake smasher edp
@YeaMan ratio
@@harry9838 w
@@tortolgawd4481 w to you to my fellow human
@YeaMan fatherless
@YeaMan I'm better then you and I got shit on my page
They need to have a twitch showdown where every twitch streamer plays a created character of themselves.
like xqc
Get this too comment Charlie needs to see
@CallMeRa0uF about asmongold 😂
so genius
Charlie is such a natural born artist that he has auto tone imbued into his voice
And this 2:30
@@Brightsonp down bad
4:20 legit a good final sequence to the match, even Michael Cole saying Rey needs a miracle.
charlies mic was on the whole time which means whoever was playing as edp was hearing his commentary the whole time
we need beef testosterone vs cupcake eater EDP for the wrestlemania main event
Dont read my name
Yes please
@@Instabruh.User.. Yeah Sure. You saying you're betting than the modern equivalent of Jesus
I love how beef is still his profile pic hahahahahahaha
Dude I'd pay to see it
unironically impressed at how fun this game is, most fun I had with a wwe game in a longtime
@YeaMan virgin
@YeaMan who tf is Paige?
Fr last time I played a WWE game religiously was SmackdownVSRaw 2011. This game is extremely fun because they made custom fighter downloads cross platform.
@@mikeoxlong567 she's a wrestler who had alot of heat on her at one point if you know what I mean
@@justyourfriendlypebble8943 Idk what you mean
9:49 that was the most magnificent note I've heard in my entire life
Bruh really hit that shit 😢
12:35 I love this part so much.
I'd like to imagine that in this universe EDP only accepted this fight because he saw Rey Mysterio's height and assumed he would get to wrestle with a small boy instead of a grown man.
I’m happy that so many people are enjoying playing this game since most WWE games are trash
@YeaMan I see this bot comment all the time and somehow page is always spelled wrong.
Maybe paige is something he sets on fire
What's the name of the game tho?
@DreSaidSo he still spams it though just with that incorrect spelling
Jesus Christ why won’t people just ignore yeaman’s comments. You’re equally as goofy if you engage with a bot, and so far nearly every single comment section I’ve seen has.
0:23 i love how edp is bigger than the frame
"There are two kids in the crowd!" "I gotta get him away from them!" im dead
Ah yes, I remember the match between Rey Mysterio vs EDP at SummerSlam '88, a classic 😂
10:54 beautifuly executed pincer maneuver
2:30 damn I've never heard Charlie moan so genuinely in a game ever
That was way too real of a moan, what is Charlie getting up to
Edp's special move is 100% shit pic party and cupcake ambush 😂
Le père de Jacksepticeye n'a pas réussi à se rendre au paradis parce que mon contenu est meilleur
@@francoisdubois5977 literally French lmao
@@francoisdubois5977 fatherless
@@francoisdubois5977 spoken like a true Frenchman hiding behind something big
EDP went into that ring cuz he thought the reward was a cupcake
Le père de Jacksepticeye n'a pas réussi à se rendre au paradis parce que mon contenu est meilleur
@@francoisdubois5977 L human
that was quite possibly the lamest comment here
@@jaytrain3692 thank you very much
I haven’t laughed as hard as when Charlie goes “you’re mine!!” And completely misses everyone. In a while.
You made me wanna get this game and luckily it was on sale on steam when I saw this
Whats it called
@@damaradayton5551 fortnite
@@cokebenni thank u so much bless ur heart 😙
@@cokebenni bro you wrong for that 💀
what is it
This is one of Charlie's funniest videos in a while. Holy shit I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard.
Same. I'm still recovering from "James Corden's genjutsu" cage
I recommend his Soul Calibur 6 tournaments if you haven’t, these are absolute gold!
I've never laughed out loud this much at a TH-cam video
Charlie really showing off his singing ability at 9:49
True musical talent
Dude did auto tune with his own vocal cords
i was scared i was going to waste money but i've really enjoyed playing this
even made a video playing it lol
@@AccursedHawk at least it was a good try tho🤣 just a small creator tryna make it in a big world lmao
Dont read name
I laughed every time he jumped off the cage, it was like a toddler throwing a frisbee.
No joke, I was fucking crying with laughter after watching this. My day has officially been made.
I really hope this is gonna be the next Soul Calibur 6. The fact that the game lets you put custom portraits for characters is a recipe for disaster, I love it
Soul calibur and WWE games are two sides of the same ridiculous customizable coin
The fact that he got that bug to work three times is hilarious. A genjitsu that would make Itachi envious.
The game all ready pissing me off and I haven't played it it's a 1v1v1 and ray stops Charile from doing the finisher and pinning Austin like dumb shit it'd be a 1v1 if we got him out why did you do that
@@ongfrfr249 ray was a ai
I love how Charlie points at the screen like we can actually see where he's pointing lmao.
10:09 Charlie sounded like an anime character getting impaled
3:27 That's like 5 meteor falling on the planet
So this is how EDP finally makes a comeback
Le père de Jacksepticeye n'a pas réussi à se rendre au paradis parce que mon contenu est meilleur
@@francoisdubois5977 *l o g i c*
@@francoisdubois5977 fatherless detected
This brings me back to the Soul Caliber 6 days of Cr1tikal, where people were whipping out every single character imaginable.
Same I got it today and love it! Haven’t played since 2k16 I think that was the last good one for me
Charlie saving that kids from EDP is the highlight of this video,true hero..
Get away from the kids! Is the best part.
@@jaredanacleto9239 Also banishing Stone Cold to shadow realm two times was gold
Stop throwing me at the kids !!!
Charlie:Whats he grabbing from under the stage ??
2:59 at least it's not *him* being thrown at the kids
The greater speed in this game given to the characters makes it looks like a really good fighting game
His opponents watching in disbelief as james cordon tries to unsuccessfully fly for the 50th time
I bet the real EDP gets tired from his character wrestling in the game...
3:45 EDP running away from Rey Mysterio is too gud bro 😂🤣!
13:03 Oh My God there’s tears in my eyes!🤣 This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!!🤣😂🤣Just the situation of James Corden diving to do an RKO and drifting in the air to awkwardly body slam both of them is just so funny!!!!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 This is even funnier than the time I saw Pickle Rick and Big Chungus Juju on that beat!
Everyone gonna be scared when “the predator” enters the ring
Special move: cupcake dive does 69 damage[420 if opponent is a minor]
@@josephk3720 bruh 💀
@@josephk3720 the only one who can counter his attack is predator slayer
This is funny because Francis ngannou, current champion heavyweight UFC fighter is called "the predator" lmao
@@NetBattler Nah the muffin man gonna beat him gonna give him cupcakes
Was i the only one screaming "for the children" every time Ray got up
This game looks hella entertaining. The “broken” bits of it are broken in a way that it’s funny when it happens (idk about the whole glitch but I mean the targeting on jumping off stuff)
EDP probably the only wrestler that the WWE doesn't have to lie that they're actually 500lbs
If you look in the bottom left, Charlies Mic is on the whole time.
i just love it when he plays this games, its hilarious
@YeaMan So youre just going around copy pasting your horrible joke on every comment you can?
Le père de Jacksepticeye n'a pas réussi à se rendre au paradis parce que mon contenu est meilleur
Ur mom
It was funny as hell listening to Charlie trying to figure out how to win the elimination chamber
it’s so weird seeing someone else play this game seriously, to me it will eternally be the “jerma rumble” game lol
Dont read my name
@@GriffinZambia Ok
@@GriffinZambia ok
@@GriffinZambia ok
@@GriffinZambia ok
You were really role playing James cordon well ! Going airborne knowing he ain’t gonna hot nobody was probably the funniest thing I’ve seen in a lil while.
9:49 bro left his auto tune on💀
When EDP tried that predator missile to the outside I couldn't stop laughing
Maaaaan this video just brought back childhood memories of my friends and I throwing each other into the sound system in one of the earlier WWE games, just to watch the animation 😂😂
Watching Rey Mysterio hit EDP445 with a chair has to be the highlight of my day
9:49 that scream sounds like a perfect song idea
I haven’t laughed that hard at Charlie’s videos in a while. Literally tearing up every time he missed a body slam.
"not the top turn-buckle! that's gonna show up on the Richter scale!"
i actually spat out my vitamin-c mentos
vitamin-c mentos? never knew it existed
@@beannighe7477 Arnj.
@@beannighe7477 yeah, they taste like they prevent scurvy
Get him away from the kids in the crowd!!
This is closest we'll ever get to Stone Cold vs Brock Lesnar, and I'm satisfied with that.
9:50 even in the face of danger hes able to hit some gorgeous notes
2:18 So that's why he got stage 5 kidney failure
Fighting games with character creators are always legendary
The first round involved saving kids from an actual predator. This rivals ‘90s era wrestling.
This is a true gaming experience
Le père de Jacksepticeye n'a pas réussi à se rendre au paradis parce que mon contenu est meilleur
@Muscleman8562 Lmao
The part where Biggie Smalls became a homing rocket a him though. He literally did a full curve mid air. 11:49 was when he did it if you want to see.
7:00 I just might be too high, but that "fine then" was straight out of an anime.
9:48 the choir boy Charlie comes out a bit
“Enter Dat Prison” 445 joins the match!
9:50 even his screams are heavenly
Rey Mysterio vs EDP445 felt like an anime battle where the protagonist starts off winning, almost dies, and then ends up victorious.
9:48 Charlie hit that note perfectly
That one was for the kids.
1:08 man got slammed so hard it sent me into an ad
Same, it was a POV of a guy in a hospital bed lol
Now this is truly a main event!
Mysterio needs to hit EDP with a 619 or he might get The Cupcake driver!
At 9:49, Charlie screams in auto tune
I can't believe I get to see my favorite wrestler from my childhood face off against EDP. What a world
12:35 I could watch this on repeat all day and it will still be just as funny
9:50 Charlie sounds like has built in autotune with that scream
9:50 majestic vocals
As a Wrestling fan I'm really happy to see Charlie Being happy about playing a WWE game
This is probably the funniest game that Charlie played
I've never seen Charlie laugh this hard and long before
I love the fact that Charlie is so useless that nobody even fight against him 🤣
11:46 the most majestic bird
James Cordon constantly going all the way to the top and falling down with little to no benefit to others or even him self is too accurate
0:39 the commentator lol
Charlie jumping off the top rope has the accuracy of a stormtrooper
HOLY SHIT Stone Cold getting glitched was funny as hell. Nice job, Charlie
9:50 Bro sung his heart out
Lmaoo the face of pure happiness and joy when EDP appears on screen