Isn't pets still count as a property in the eyes of American law system? So this is property damage? Or r u implying killing her and im about to be hit with r/wooosh ?
As a law student, laws about marriage and divorce really make me want to never ever get married unless I produce a marriage contract that's actually fair
Also a fellow law student, everytime I went to visit court and see the divorce cases being held are always ridiculous and toxic, it makes me lose faith in marriage and fear relationships
@@captainpinky8307 i think that people just need to be fucking adults. I had a very shitty childhood because my dad always had to come back and create problems for my mom and i, he would go fuck other people while my mom was working 2 jobs etc. Im sick of it.
@@captainpinky8307 to begin with, Japanese people don't even get marry and when they do, they don't immediately have children. Thats why they have the worst birth rate in the world, they don't have anything to fight about lmao 😂 Most cases that I personally seen because of greed and jealousy tho and the couples always use childrens to achieve their aims which is sad because the children are the ones that suffer the most for a long period of time
*Mother hits the child with a piece of iron until he enter in coma Judge: "I don't see a problem here, child is still breathing, no?" *Dad sneezes too near the child Judge: "You will never see your child again!!"
Divorce is 99% trying to murder someone via indirect means, 1% actually breaking up. Moral of the story, pre-nup. Protect everything legally before they screw you over.
@@AddBowIfGirl Yet they do, because they know the system is rigged in their favor and they can rake innocent men over the coals. You have feminism to thank for that one.
The sexual accusation minor one is such a nightmare, I never even knew about that shit. Like why would you even think it's ok to do that are you that selfish and spiteful that you just use your kid as a playing card
Why do you think so many people abandon their parents when they get older? They'll put them in the worst assisted living center they can find, not be for them when they die, and not pay for a funeral treat your kids well don't fuck them over because karma is a bitch.
My mother has been getting paid alimony for the past five years. In the agreement it said if anything happened to my dad’s job he didn’t have to pay anymore, and December of last year he was fired. My mom was having none of that, so he dipped into his retirement fund to give the money she was no longer supposed to get. Now they’re going back to court and I no longer consider her my mother for trying to hurt my dad and other reasons.
Yeah wtf I was like oh that's just materialistic, sure it sucks but life goes on" regarding other comments. But actually killing someones dog... What a complete psycho.
My parents made sure that we could choose who we lived with, and that the divorce in general had as little effect on their kids as possible. This is the correct way to handle it, parents.Always. I know you don't always want to give in, but your priority must be your kids well being NO MATTER WHAT. Because then your kids will never hate you.
My parents had a really peaceful divorce i live with my mom one week and then my dad one week They aren’t angry at eachother they just dont speak much together
It's not even limited to divorce hearings. When I split from my ex after she cheated on me and I found out, I left pronto and had to leave a lot of things at the house because there wasn't any way for me to collect it on the day. I told her a week in advance I was gonna come pick it up with a police officer escort. She denied me entry, officer said I need to get a warrant then. So I went to apply for the warrant.. 3 days later, I got a notice to appear in court for a DVO (Domestic Violence Order).. This was in November.. Domestic Violence Awareness Month... Even the attorney I saw about it said that I was fucked, even if I could prove 100% that she was lying, even if I could prove that I wasn't even living in the fucking country for the last 5 years, I would lose. I told the judge that she had my stuff and I was in the middle of getting a warrant to collect it. Thankfully the judge gave me a week to get it sorted out... but it was all for nought. I got a call a few days later saying my application was denied because the DVO was ongoing and that there could be "a risk to her safety".. Even after telling them I had the judge's permission they still told me to get fucked.. Another trip to the attorney's office, and he told me that even if I got the warrant there's no guarantee my stuff will even be there anymore, and he told me about one case where the guy had several cars, tools, etc, that there was a legal agreement witnessed by lawyers and the judge that the guy was to go over and reclaim on a day that she wasn't there... The day before that, the stuff just happened to be stolen and never recovered, and she just happens to have been out of town that day, and she just happened to have left the entire house unlocked.. So I went back, defeated, told the judge what happened, and even though he was sympathetic he told me that this still needs to be dealt with, so I need a plea for the record. I plead acceptance without admission, which basically means I accept her terms but don't admit to any wrongdoing. All up I lost a good $12k worth of stuff, but since most of that was collectables (Like a signed Destiny 1 Collectors Edition PS4 which currently goes for about $4000) that value has gone up.. So yeah, women, not even once.
It's not women, it's the system. Not so long ago when women had nothing of their own, they would ask for jewelry as a marriage gift, so in case their husband would kick them out of the house they could sell it to survive, nothing a woman would say would've been taken seriously. Husband would claim adultery, get full custody of all the kids because he has money and a job. Give person a chance to screw their enemy over and they'll take it. Simple as that. I'm sorry that that shit happened to you, I sincerely hope you got back on your feet
Snake unfortunately it is women now, the system may be broken, but someone still needs to abuse it in order for it to screw someone over. A lot of relationships now start with women expecting men to fulfill most of if not all of their wants and needs by default, being the main provider, paying for dates, paying the bills, buying gifts, splitting the chores in half even if they don’t have a job or kids, etc. And on top of that, violence is usually their go-to when they don’t get their way. You’d wonder why women aren’t phased when men are usually physically stronger than women, well that’s because they know when women commit violence they can get away with it, the system believes them more and they know this, they *weaponize* it. Legitimate Victim status of the past or not, we’re talking about the here and now, women definitely aren’t defenseless and they know it, the ones that still think they are are delusional. Yes, I know this isn’t something every woman does, but it’s a very common occurrence and mindset among them now, at least in America.
@@rugalbernstein5913 Last time I checked 'paying the bills, being the main provider, expected to pay for a date' were concepts made by a generation of older men. Majority of people now split all responsibilities and bills. Like I said, give a person an option to be above the law and they will take it. Not to mention these laws were also mostly written by men. A lot of women who's fathers or other family members were screwed by these regulations are very vocal against the injustice done to these people, but I guess instead of changing the laws and punishing those who abuse it we shall scream at half of the human population?
Snake don’t get me wrong, I know most of that is remnants of traditionalism, and I’m not saying men don’t cause some of their own problems, but it’s mostly our collective upbringing that’s causing behavioral and expectation problems in both genders. When we’re young, we coddle and baby girls so much and do just the opposite to boys that we end up with men and women that expect radically different things growing up. You have women that may not want to do anything uncomfortable and always want to be taken care of, and men that think they’re a burden if they need help and that they need to sacrifice and be useful to others in order to be men. That’s what I mean by it being a fault of women, it isn’t that women innately do these things, it’s that we live in a perfect storm where a lot of us still believe women are victims, not people, that women can’t be just as monstrous and maliciously as men can, and there are shitty people in this world who believe they matter more than anyone else, and that if they hurt someone else and can get away with it, they will at least try to. Perfect example is that lawyer in this video that tried to get the ex-wife to falsify an abusive relationship in order to get full custody, cases of that happening occur on a daily basis, that woman had good enough morality to not lie, and that’s something we should all be working towards instead of excusing behavior. Sorry if I sound confusing af or all over the place, I will admit I went through something similar recently so I may be a bit biased, but I am no stranger to how screwed up courts and public opinions can be and hearing about situations like OP’s here really tick me off.
My wife ran on me since our marriage and thought she was going to fleece me after 23 years of marriage. She spent thousands on calls to a psychic network and met a guy online living in Arizona and we were on the East coast. I had a divorce agreement drawn up by a lawyer and she blindly signed thinking she was going to get half of the financed house I just bought. She got $3000.00 travel money, the new car payment for the car she just bought and half of amicable house items which she never picked up so it all became mine. She then got married to this guy within a few months of divorce being finalized. Her new alcoholic hubby lost his job and they moved to Wisconsin in the boonies. He wrecks the car and they are living in a trailer so she has nothing. The real kicker to her self screwing? I retired and she tried getting half my retirement and pension. Nope! Firstly, once she remarried she lost all legal rights to them. Secondly, I already had it locked into the divorce agreement she was so eager to sign. In total she got $3000 cash, a car payment, an alcoholic husband, a move from East coast to 120 degree temperatures to -20 in Wisconsin winter and a remaining life of working to support her new hubby. I got the house, the bike (2006 Road King in vivid black), truck and everything in the house. I found out the results from Facebook where she was asking her "friends" if they knew a good lawyer because ".....that bastard retired and is trying to screw "us" (not me, but us) out of thousands of dollars". I let loose a tyrade calling her out for all the things she did to me over the years and laughed at her stupidity. Evidently she now gets payday loans and uses my last name and address which is fraud, so my entertainment is to give them her last known address to the bill collectors and let them at her. My life has never been better. I guess I paid upfront for my life now. Totally worth it.
My mom was given the choice between me and the car my dad and the lawyer already knew he’d get custody cause he asked me and I didn’t even hesitate I said him and she apparently didn’t hesitate when she said she wanted the fuckin car
Its kind of a good thing if you think about it. If she wanted the car over you and you wanted to be with your dad anyway. Her trying to fight over custody of you would have been a pain for everyone. Not to mention I wouldn't ever want to see my mom again if she chose a car over me.
What I’ve noticed: dads/males almost always do petty or stupid things (besides a couple outstanding ones like the hitman) to cause physical damage to property. Mothers/women emotionally abuse like putting the dog down or trying (and sometimes succeeding) to ruin their financial standing.
Okay yo. My dad has an abusive mother yet she managed getting custody of him. She got custody and blamed him for her debt after the divorce. But what she did was use a credit card in her and her husbands name to buy all sorts of expensive stuff thinking the ex husband would be the one charged. NOPE. She was. It was her own stupidity.
I remained separated from my wife for about 10 years before she finally asked for an amiable divorce. During that 10 years, I had retained the most egotistical, most arrogant, most dirty playing lawyer I could find - just in case she wanted to play hard. Luckily, the lawyer was never needed.
The principal refusing to retire story is like Lieutenant Provenza from this crime show called The Closer (excellent show, definitely recommend it and the spinoff that followed called "Major Crimes"). After a turbulent episode in which there'd been some egregious mistakes involving the elderly lieutenant, the Assistant Chief of Police asked the lieutenant why he was so against retiring. He said, "when my first wife and I were getting a divorce, I agreed to split my pension with her; and I'll be damned if that bitch sees one cent!" 😂😂 To which the chief responded, "now THAT I understand! But you know, there will probably come a time when you have to be put behind a desk." And the lieutenant says, "then I'll die with a stapler in my hand!" 😉🤣
Child of an emotionally abusive father who has gone to court over both custody and child support here. I previously lived in Virginia (near Washington DC), and I can say that most of the time it is incredibly difficult for any parent to get sole custody of a child. In the state of Virginia, even if a child is sexually abused by a parent, that parent would in all likelihood still have at least some custody of the sexually abused child’s sibling (if there are two or more children from the same parent that did the abuse). Many times, even with physical abuse being proven it takes more than one instance for the parent to lose all custody of the child that was abused. Emotional abuse hardly matters at all in the eyes of the court, and in many states the earliest age a child can choose which parent they want to have custody of them is 18. That one person that chose who they wanted to have custody of them were either under Georgia ruling (aka went to court in Georgia and lived in Georgia), or they had proof of multiple instances of physical abuse, or they had a very child-opinion-centric judge or very child-opinion-centric laws. It is not as easy as you think to take custody away from a parent. Although it is very easy to make accusations out of thin air, facts and proof are much more important in the outcome of court decisions and one parent having full custody of a child is actually incredibly rare and near impossible to get if no physical abuse has happened yet - even if physical abuse has been threatened (my experience). I got away from my dad because I moved states and he lost his window of time to object to the move in court and now (since he did horrible things and lost a lawsuit from a company that he had but lost due to his unethical behavior in running that company) he is broke and can’t fight us in court as he has no money or intelligence (marijuana has fried his brain) to do so.
My mom left my dad because he's a alcoholic. Luckily, they are civil and my dad is able to see his kids (myself and 2 of my siblings) whenever he wants. We only live with our mom because her house is bigger and she can afford to take care of us whereas my dad has a probation to take care of and lives in a house 1/3 the size we would need if we lived with him. This is the first week of the new schedule (they have been divorced for 3 years, we just started living full time at our mom's) and I feel bad for him already. He lives alone with our dog in a tiny one bedroom house that is scheduled to be torn down this fall and it's right across from a bar so I know it's hard for him. I can't wait to see him again already.
I mean it’s important to pay child support no matter who ends up with custody, the system is fucked up and biased but child support should be payed no matter what.
@@GMarieBehindTheMask I think the only argument is why should it be the mother by default, as both mothers and fathers are capable of being good parents so it should go based on parenting ability (unless the kids are old enough/ parents are both capable, then it should be parental choice).
That sucks. My Dad has a work friend who pretty much would do anything to keep his kids in his life. That meant agreeing to 20% in his favour and 80% in hers. She has never worked a day in her life. She also took his life savings (over 300k) and managed to "give it all away"... She got the money back after the divorce went through. She had "gifted" it to close friends with the offer of a small amount of money (maybe 10k or so) each. Last minute she turned around and spewed a bunch of lies about him and got full custody of the kids. He ruined his life so she could turn around and stab him in the back. He has no anger towards her.
A guy I went to school with cheated on his wife after they had only been married a few months. They were both wealthy, but he turned into a greedy psychopath during the divorce. He knew that his (soon ex-)wife would do anything to get out of the marriage, so he and the divorce lawyer (woman, and his mistress) kept dragging the procedure out, only to send the wife huge bills. Essentially draining her bank accounts and transferring the money to the husband/mistress.
i think the guy who hired a hitman got a light sentence because he hired a cop, not a real hitman, kinda like trying to kill someone with a gun and then discovering it was a toy gun
My parents were in their teens when they had me and were awful for each other. They divorced when I was 12 and it really messed me up because my mom just up and left for about a month and then came back to take us like nothing ever happened. Lots of stuff led to their divorce but now they get along way better than when they were married. My dad is even friends with her current husband. Getting divorced is hard enough on the people going through it but when they don't think of the kids and are just petty to each other it's just sad.
I have known at least 4 divorced guys who’s ex wives refused to work a job till the kids turn 18. That way the max amount of support is paid. My brother divorced and refused to go to court. The judge ordered the max amount of child support. Had a boss who was divorced. 3 times a year he was allowed to see the kids at the ex wives choice. Last min the ex would call and my boss would have to take a week of vacation last min every time. Got so bad his boss said no more last min vacations…
I am disgusted, so if a someone says a child has been molested, they are sedated and searched inside and out for any signs for abuse without their consent?
Because no body gives a shit about the guys. Even when they are in the right still are fucked. Prenups are the only way to go if you want a chance of winning.
My Uncle divorced his wife several years ago! They had 2 daughters, but my Uncle questioned quite a few times if the youngest daughter was truly his! I think that was the main reason for the divorce!
Honestly, if both parents are safe for the child 50/50 is a nice deal. I have this setup for my son and I can say that regardless of our personal issues, my son seems much happier than I was growing up with divorced parents, and the fact that we can work through our problems for the benefit of him is more important that who beats who in court. He's happy, loves being with both of us (although I'm still clearly the favorite lol) and I feel it's better for him in the long run. Plus, he has a half sister and I wouldn't want to separate them completely because his mom and I didn't work out. That's definitely something that more people need to realize. What's best for the children you do have is FAR more important than the relationship that you don't have with your ex.
Divorce proceedings were designed to accommodate women who back in the day weren't the breadwinners and usually were stay at home mom's. So that they wouldn't end up homeless or something but now it just fucks men over. There's also the very blatant bias against men in divorce proceedings these things need to be fixed there's a reason less and less people have been getting married over the years. A few good examples of it are in this video. I obviously think it's ok when bad father's get the short end of the stick but what about the good ones? Do any of you think that it's ever the mothers being investigated for allegedly sexually abusing their children? Yeah fucking right. This shit is so fucked and completely disgusting. Marriage doesn't work anymore.
I'm hearing so many of these and, working in this field, I can't help but think, "Why don't they just get a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) in place?" That ensures the parties can't do ridiculous things like spend a lot of money, take and property and stash it away, etc.
i can't stand the people who use their kids as leverage in divorce proceedings. Yeah, you're upsetting you ex, but guess what? You're PERMANENTLY SCARRING YOUR KID FOR LIFE.
Why does some pepol fight for things and ignore that kids are the one suffering,thinks kids in that situation should be onse getting the things ect instead of parents
People, get a prenup. It isn’t to protect you from the person you married next week, but what they will become 10-30 years later. It’s like life insurance. Better have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.
I seriously don’t get why alimony is even a thing anymore. Women are constantly whining about feminism and how we don’t need a man because we’re strong by ourselves blah blah blah. Until they get divorced and suddenly that whining turns into demands for stupidly high child support and alimony so they can still ‘live the life they’ve become accustomed to’. Absolutely BS in my opinion.
The divorce courts are pretty much entirely against men, unless the man can prove the woman is unfit to raise the child and is abusive and 100% at fault, he probally wont get the kids and will be forced to pay child support, and if he wins custody, she can get away with never paying up.
This is just one example but my dad bought my mom a 8,000 dollar ring (American dollars) and the court ordered her to give it back to him. She claimed she lost it. She wears it every fricking day!!!!
11:15 This is what makes one of my aunts such a disgusting waste oxygen. Mind you, it's an accusation of cousin vs cousin, done solely because the accused's father was and is no longer allowing himself to be controlled at the beck and call of his bitch of a sister, but she still thinks it's just all in good fun. Yeah, she coerced her daughter into saying my cousin molested her on multiple occasions out of spite. It hasn't been made formal, but it doesn't matter: enough damage has already been done.
I feel like most of these are r/thathappened because they were all too terrible. No one is that evil. Maybe the court system could have been rigged on some of these, but, especially at 5:55, it seems fake.
My mom used to work as a kindergarten teacher, and one of the students parents were divorcing. Mom was neglecting the kid (when mom would send her to school her hair wouldn't be brushed. Dad gave mom money for school supplies, mom pocketed it and sent kid with the broken crayons and stubby pencils from last year.) Eventually kid blurts out in class "my dad touched my private parts." My mom (the teacher) reports to CPS. (Also she tells the other parents what happened, generally, not naming the kid, anf that it wasnt their kid who said it) CPS launches an investigation into the dad, kid keeps giving these accusations. (My mom had her give them in the hall, so that it wouldn't disrupt the other kids.) Eventually kid says "My dad touched me inappropriately" which is a big word for a kindergartener to use. CPS starts getting suspicious, turns the investigation on the mom. Turns out the mom was coaching the kid, and the dad got full custodial rights, with mom only being allowed supervised visits.
I don’t get why I’m a divorce you still have to pay the women money even if you guys never had kids. Can some people tell me why this happens cause it just grinds my gears that it an ruin someone’s life because of it.
My dad didn't want me and my brother anymore so instead of just doing a small amount of paper work he listened to his wife and got his lawyer involved. Cost him between 15,000 and 25,000. Thankfully my step-dad adopted us and we are much happier. :)
I'm happy my parents both decided before hand to keep me and my sister the fuck out of the divorse. Theres no reason to involve the kids unecessaricly.
My ex sued me because he said I took a paring knife he liked. It didn’t to occur to him how petty it was and that I wasn’t suing him for all the stuff he refused to return to me and my kids (mine, not his) and also kept all my kids baby pictures, all my family pictures and my kids toys and clothes...bastard. I escaped with my kids and the clothes on our backs. I was awarded everything but got nothing because he said there was nothing there, that everything was gone. I was just thankful that I got my kids and a restraining order.
Not me, but a friend of mine was taken to the cleaners by his wife, an attorney. She was cheating on him with a co-worker, who was a partner in the firm. What she or her affair partner didnt know was that her ex was a computer hacker, and had access to her accounts, hidden ones included. Once the divorce was final and she walked away with 75 percent of his earnings, he simply waited until her plane was over the Atlantic, hacked into her bank accounts and took his cash back. Then, he closed the account, along with her credit cards, and did the same to her affair partner (clean out his accounts, canceled his credit cards, etc), placing the money in a hidden bank account of his own. Then, he had placed them on the no-fly list, which made it a pain to get back home, aside from not having any money. My friend then sic the state bar on them once they returned, having proof of their judicial malfeasance sent to the ethics board. Both lost their law licenses. He's happily married to a computer geek and has a couple of kids. Never mess with a hacker.
MG!! What amazes me is that some of the most nefarious stories here as the if they were the worst that happened are just a small part of what my BF’s ex did to him, the couching the “abuse” that child services intervened, thank god the lady in charge had seen this kind of thing and knew it was BS, the sentimental value things, so so many things you have to wonder how someone ends up marring this kind of monsters, the divorce finished a long time ago and up to this day she keeps finding ways to screw my friend in so many creative and twisted ways is scary. One day we were talking, lagging because what else you can do, he told me that some friends from work told him to sell his life story for a movie and I told him that this time Hollywood instead of making it bigger they’ll have to tone it down or nobody will believe it. We laughed but he is writing it he is just waiting until he doesn’t have to pay her anymore.
12:20 it makes me so angry when people falsify accusations of sexual abuse/rape. it's already seen as something women lie about most of the time when it is not true but it's people like these that make the misconception common and give into the problems faced by actual victims because people dont believe them
Another thing in my state is everything gets split down the middle that means even if you have a savings account that you had when you were a child which does not have your wife's name on it at all it doesn't matter in the states I that's still part of your asset. A friend of mine took this literally and cut his house in half and put a wall directly in the center of the house he had the the bathroom side the door side in the bedroom side she had the kitchen side the pantry side he cut his car in half too and he got in trouble from the court system for doing it. But he told the judge he's only doing what he was told. The judge is like really what were you told he said everything that I own has to be split in half to give to her. So how are you supposed to split a house in half how are you supposed to split a car in half you cut it in half and give them half of it. The judge did not know what to say and he had to go back to court the next day cuz the judge had to look up a bunch of stuff for this case he cut everything in half
5:00 basically happening to my mum and dad as of now. Dad's broke with loans on his head (thank God about to be paid) but mum thinks he's hiding insane amounts of money to spend on girls after divorce. The details are so nasty I don't even wanna talk about it..
Alimony is calculated proportional to your income. At his physicist salary he'd be paying so much that it was worth doing pizza delivery instead, and then none of the tips had a pepr trail to be sent to her. Keeps a higher percentage of his income that way even though the overall income is lower.
HONESTLY the people who were in the wrong and the reason for the divorce deserve everything thrown at them, the PEOPLE who were wrong and are being a holes well I hope they get what’s coming to them
Those people that hurt animals just to get back at someone are disgusting.
Worse are the people who harm or threaten harm of their children if the other parent leaves or does something they don’t agree with.
@@julianharrison8048 was there supposed to be a question mark there orrrr.....?
@@crusadrian5010 Why the fuck would there be a question mark there?
Crusadrian No, my grammar was intentional. Honestly, I’m not even sure how a question mark would work in that sentence but you do you buddy.
“She had the dog put down instead.”
And that my friends is how a divorce case turns into a homicide case.
Isn't pets still count as a property in the eyes of American law system? So this is property damage? Or r u implying killing her and im about to be hit with r/wooosh ?
@@Cheshiremd r/wooosh
@@Darkmanewanderer, haha
As a law student, laws about marriage and divorce really make me want to never ever get married unless I produce a marriage contract that's actually fair
Also a fellow law student, everytime I went to visit court and see the divorce cases being held are always ridiculous and toxic, it makes me lose faith in marriage and fear relationships
I wish people could just be happy sometimes. I want to get married one day, settle down and have kids but nobody is ever happy with eachother..
change the law - to say Japanese divorce law. I mean don't just passively suffer for these toxic laws.
@@captainpinky8307 i think that people just need to be fucking adults. I had a very shitty childhood because my dad always had to come back and create problems for my mom and i, he would go fuck other people while my mom was working 2 jobs etc. Im sick of it.
@@captainpinky8307 to begin with, Japanese people don't even get marry and when they do, they don't immediately have children. Thats why they have the worst birth rate in the world, they don't have anything to fight about lmao 😂
Most cases that I personally seen because of greed and jealousy tho and the couples always use childrens to achieve their aims which is sad because the children are the ones that suffer the most for a long period of time
youtube reccomendations: *r e d d i t*
me: sure
*ah crap here we go again*
D̶O̶N̶T̶ ̶R̶E̶A̶D̶ ̶M̶Y̶ ̶N̶A̶M̶E̶
*Mother hits the child with a piece of iron until he enter in coma
Judge: "I don't see a problem here, child is still breathing, no?"
*Dad sneezes too near the child
Judge: "You will never see your child again!!"
A fairly inaccurate dinosaur picture not how it works but still funny
It’s more of the child get minority hurt while helping the father rearrange furniture.
*Father hires somebody to kill his wife*
Judge: 18 months seems fine to me.
Cactus McCoy the father came from a wealthy family. Most likely paid the judge off
A fairly inaccurate dinosaur picture You can’t sneeze near the child because their mom is anti-vaxx
Divorce is 99% trying to murder someone via indirect means, 1% actually breaking up.
Moral of the story, pre-nup. Protect everything legally before they screw you over.
Unfortunately, sometimes the judge can throw the prenup out, so that’s not a 100% safe option.
Pre-nups aren't worth the paper they are printed on.
Prenups can be thrown out. Moral of the story, MGTOW. No sense in playing the game.
TheBritishWolf Actual moral of the story is that women shouldn’t get married. It clearly doesn’t make most happy.
@@AddBowIfGirl Yet they do, because they know the system is rigged in their favor and they can rake innocent men over the coals. You have feminism to thank for that one.
The sexual accusation minor one is such a nightmare, I never even knew about that shit. Like why would you even think it's ok to do that are you that selfish and spiteful that you just use your kid as a playing card
It is more common than you would like to think.
Kitty Blue27 common*
Thanks. Just woke up when writing that.
Tons of parents use their kids as pawns in their games. Keep your eyes peeled, you will see.
Why do you think so many people abandon their parents when they get older? They'll put them in the worst assisted living center they can find, not be for them when they die, and not pay for a funeral treat your kids well don't fuck them over because karma is a bitch.
My mother has been getting paid alimony for the past five years. In the agreement it said if anything happened to my dad’s job he didn’t have to pay anymore, and December of last year he was fired. My mom was having none of that, so he dipped into his retirement fund to give the money she was no longer supposed to get. Now they’re going back to court and I no longer consider her my mother for trying to hurt my dad and other reasons.
her lawyer is no doubt in her ear, these lawyers make big money off of these divorces
wow. from all of these the one at 5:55 hit me the hardest. you have to be some demonic human being to do something like that.
Hopefully he sued her for it.
those people aren't worth anything
Yeah wtf I was like oh that's just materialistic, sure it sucks but life goes on" regarding other comments. But actually killing someones dog... What a complete psycho.
I love my dogs like family. I'd Euthanise the bitch myself if she put down my dog
Karen is going to have a *very* hard time finding the kids now
they’re in her yard, 59 feet under the ground. she’ll never find them there!
@@reesesvivis a basement living happily away from that witch Karen!
@@ultralinguistics3083 .. and they even found a new job in that basement which they love because it allows them to meet so many new people!
My parents made sure that we could choose who we lived with, and that the divorce in general had as little effect on their kids as possible. This is the correct way to handle it, parents.Always. I know you don't always want to give in, but your priority must be your kids well being NO MATTER WHAT.
Because then your kids will never hate you.
makes me wonder what happens to all these people when they're old and their kids have grown up.
My parents had a really peaceful divorce i live with my mom one week and then my dad one week
They aren’t angry at eachother they just dont speak much together
Yeah my mom wonders why I hate her... Hahahahahaha
change the Netflix password
you bastard
Worse, change the wifi
James Rogers You monster...... But You Know what’s even Worse?
Steal the Caprisuns.
Worse, change the whole router, wifi, and netflix password
Wait till they are most of the way through a series, then cancel.
It's not even limited to divorce hearings. When I split from my ex after she cheated on me and I found out, I left pronto and had to leave a lot of things at the house because there wasn't any way for me to collect it on the day. I told her a week in advance I was gonna come pick it up with a police officer escort. She denied me entry, officer said I need to get a warrant then. So I went to apply for the warrant.. 3 days later, I got a notice to appear in court for a DVO (Domestic Violence Order).. This was in November.. Domestic Violence Awareness Month...
Even the attorney I saw about it said that I was fucked, even if I could prove 100% that she was lying, even if I could prove that I wasn't even living in the fucking country for the last 5 years, I would lose. I told the judge that she had my stuff and I was in the middle of getting a warrant to collect it. Thankfully the judge gave me a week to get it sorted out... but it was all for nought.
I got a call a few days later saying my application was denied because the DVO was ongoing and that there could be "a risk to her safety".. Even after telling them I had the judge's permission they still told me to get fucked.. Another trip to the attorney's office, and he told me that even if I got the warrant there's no guarantee my stuff will even be there anymore, and he told me about one case where the guy had several cars, tools, etc, that there was a legal agreement witnessed by lawyers and the judge that the guy was to go over and reclaim on a day that she wasn't there...
The day before that, the stuff just happened to be stolen and never recovered, and she just happens to have been out of town that day, and she just happened to have left the entire house unlocked.. So I went back, defeated, told the judge what happened, and even though he was sympathetic he told me that this still needs to be dealt with, so I need a plea for the record. I plead acceptance without admission, which basically means I accept her terms but don't admit to any wrongdoing. All up I lost a good $12k worth of stuff, but since most of that was collectables (Like a signed Destiny 1 Collectors Edition PS4 which currently goes for about $4000) that value has gone up.. So yeah, women, not even once.
It's not women, it's the system.
Not so long ago when women had nothing of their own, they would ask for jewelry as a marriage gift, so in case their husband would kick them out of the house they could sell it to survive, nothing a woman would say would've been taken seriously. Husband would claim adultery, get full custody of all the kids because he has money and a job.
Give person a chance to screw their enemy over and they'll take it. Simple as that. I'm sorry that that shit happened to you, I sincerely hope you got back on your feet
Snake unfortunately it is women now, the system may be broken, but someone still needs to abuse it in order for it to screw someone over. A lot of relationships now start with women expecting men to fulfill most of if not all of their wants and needs by default, being the main provider, paying for dates, paying the bills, buying gifts, splitting the chores in half even if they don’t have a job or kids, etc. And on top of that, violence is usually their go-to when they don’t get their way. You’d wonder why women aren’t phased when men are usually physically stronger than women, well that’s because they know when women commit violence they can get away with it, the system believes them more and they know this, they *weaponize* it. Legitimate Victim status of the past or not, we’re talking about the here and now, women definitely aren’t defenseless and they know it, the ones that still think they are are delusional.
Yes, I know this isn’t something every woman does, but it’s a very common occurrence and mindset among them now, at least in America.
What the duck is her problem. People like her make me scared to get married
@@rugalbernstein5913 Last time I checked 'paying the bills, being the main provider, expected to pay for a date' were concepts made by a generation of older men. Majority of people now split all responsibilities and bills.
Like I said, give a person an option to be above the law and they will take it.
Not to mention these laws were also mostly written by men. A lot of women who's fathers or other family members were screwed by these regulations are very vocal against the injustice done to these people, but I guess instead of changing the laws and punishing those who abuse it we shall scream at half of the human population?
Snake don’t get me wrong, I know most of that is remnants of traditionalism, and I’m not saying men don’t cause some of their own problems, but it’s mostly our collective upbringing that’s causing behavioral and expectation problems in both genders. When we’re young, we coddle and baby girls so much and do just the opposite to boys that we end up with men and women that expect radically different things growing up. You have women that may not want to do anything uncomfortable and always want to be taken care of, and men that think they’re a burden if they need help and that they need to sacrifice and be useful to others in order to be men. That’s what I mean by it being a fault of women, it isn’t that women innately do these things, it’s that we live in a perfect storm where a lot of us still believe women are victims, not people, that women can’t be just as monstrous and maliciously as men can, and there are shitty people in this world who believe they matter more than anyone else, and that if they hurt someone else and can get away with it, they will at least try to. Perfect example is that lawyer in this video that tried to get the ex-wife to falsify an abusive relationship in order to get full custody, cases of that happening occur on a daily basis, that woman had good enough morality to not lie, and that’s something we should all be working towards instead of excusing behavior.
Sorry if I sound confusing af or all over the place, I will admit I went through something similar recently so I may be a bit biased, but I am no stranger to how screwed up courts and public opinions can be and hearing about situations like OP’s here really tick me off.
Me:sleep snug smug
Loud *ss tv: imma bout to end this mans career
This ANIMan’s career?
My parents like to watch at frustrating
My wife ran on me since our marriage and thought she was going to fleece me after 23 years of marriage. She spent thousands on calls to a psychic network and met a guy online living in Arizona and we were on the East coast. I had a divorce agreement drawn up by a lawyer and she blindly signed thinking she was going to get half of the financed house I just bought. She got $3000.00 travel money, the new car payment for the car she just bought and half of amicable house items which she never picked up so it all became mine.
She then got married to this guy within a few months of divorce being finalized. Her new alcoholic hubby lost his job and they moved to Wisconsin in the boonies. He wrecks the car and they are living in a trailer so she has nothing.
The real kicker to her self screwing? I retired and she tried getting half my retirement and pension. Nope! Firstly, once she remarried she lost all legal rights to them. Secondly, I already had it locked into the divorce agreement she was so eager to sign. In total she got $3000 cash, a car payment, an alcoholic husband, a move from East coast to 120 degree temperatures to -20 in Wisconsin winter and a remaining life of working to support her new hubby. I got the house, the bike (2006 Road King in vivid black), truck and everything in the house.
I found out the results from Facebook where she was asking her "friends" if they knew a good lawyer because ".....that bastard retired and is trying to screw "us" (not me, but us) out of thousands of dollars". I let loose a tyrade calling her out for all the things she did to me over the years and laughed at her stupidity. Evidently she now gets payday loans and uses my last name and address which is fraud, so my entertainment is to give them her last known address to the bill collectors and let them at her. My life has never been better. I guess I paid upfront for my life now. Totally worth it.
So this is 15minutes of "why not to ever marry or make kids"...
Actually not dissuaded, oddly enough.
Adopt ones that actually need a home
That was my take away
My mom was given the choice between me and the car my dad and the lawyer already knew he’d get custody cause he asked me and I didn’t even hesitate I said him and she apparently didn’t hesitate when she said she wanted the fuckin car
Maybe she knew she wouldn't get custody anyways, so there was no point in trying.
Its kind of a good thing if you think about it. If she wanted the car over you and you wanted to be with your dad anyway. Her trying to fight over custody of you would have been a pain for everyone. Not to mention I wouldn't ever want to see my mom again if she chose a car over me.
Wow where have I heard this before?
Why should t she get the car u betrayed your own mother
This is why no matter how much I love someone I’m never getting married
Why even get the government involved?
@@egantheman8765 taxes?
Not a good evough benefit.
imagine murdering an animal out of spite just to hurt someone. I can't even imagine anyone being that heartless.
9:34 imagine spending thousands on college only to find out you could earn more money delivering pizzas
It's the money you keep that matters.
Not the money you earn.
What I’ve noticed: dads/males almost always do petty or stupid things (besides a couple outstanding ones like the hitman) to cause physical damage to property. Mothers/women emotionally abuse like putting the dog down or trying (and sometimes succeeding) to ruin their financial standing.
Okay yo. My dad has an abusive mother yet she managed getting custody of him. She got custody and blamed him for her debt after the divorce. But what she did was use a credit card in her and her husbands name to buy all sorts of expensive stuff thinking the ex husband would be the one charged. NOPE. She was. It was her own stupidity.
I remained separated from my wife for about 10 years before she finally asked for an amiable divorce. During that 10 years, I had retained the most egotistical, most arrogant, most dirty playing lawyer I could find - just in case she wanted to play hard.
Luckily, the lawyer was never needed.
that's good to hear
The principal refusing to retire story is like Lieutenant Provenza from this crime show called The Closer (excellent show, definitely recommend it and the spinoff that followed called "Major Crimes"). After a turbulent episode in which there'd been some egregious mistakes involving the elderly lieutenant, the Assistant Chief of Police asked the lieutenant why he was so against retiring. He said, "when my first wife and I were getting a divorce, I agreed to split my pension with her; and I'll be damned if that bitch sees one cent!" 😂😂 To which the chief responded, "now THAT I understand! But you know, there will probably come a time when you have to be put behind a desk." And the lieutenant says, "then I'll die with a stapler in my hand!" 😉🤣
Oh look, more reasons for me to never get married.
These stories makes marriage sound bad. sounds more like Game over.
ITT: reasons i will never pursue marriage
Child of an emotionally abusive father who has gone to court over both custody and child support here. I previously lived in Virginia (near Washington DC), and I can say that most of the time it is incredibly difficult for any parent to get sole custody of a child. In the state of Virginia, even if a child is sexually abused by a parent, that parent would in all likelihood still have at least some custody of the sexually abused child’s sibling (if there are two or more children from the same parent that did the abuse). Many times, even with physical abuse being proven it takes more than one instance for the parent to lose all custody of the child that was abused. Emotional abuse hardly matters at all in the eyes of the court, and in many states the earliest age a child can choose which parent they want to have custody of them is 18. That one person that chose who they wanted to have custody of them were either under Georgia ruling (aka went to court in Georgia and lived in Georgia), or they had proof of multiple instances of physical abuse, or they had a very child-opinion-centric judge or very child-opinion-centric laws. It is not as easy as you think to take custody away from a parent. Although it is very easy to make accusations out of thin air, facts and proof are much more important in the outcome of court decisions and one parent having full custody of a child is actually incredibly rare and near impossible to get if no physical abuse has happened yet - even if physical abuse has been threatened (my experience). I got away from my dad because I moved states and he lost his window of time to object to the move in court and now (since he did horrible things and lost a lawsuit from a company that he had but lost due to his unethical behavior in running that company) he is broke and can’t fight us in court as he has no money or intelligence (marijuana has fried his brain) to do so.
**John Wick has joined the chat*
**Female is going to have a bad time*
Undertale reference
Long story short. There’s no reason to get married, especially if you’re a guy.
exactly, it's dumb.
whats amazing is how many guys blindly enter this life long contract without even doing a little research on the consequences.
My mom left my dad because he's a alcoholic. Luckily, they are civil and my dad is able to see his kids (myself and 2 of my siblings) whenever he wants. We only live with our mom because her house is bigger and she can afford to take care of us whereas my dad has a probation to take care of and lives in a house 1/3 the size we would need if we lived with him. This is the first week of the new schedule (they have been divorced for 3 years, we just started living full time at our mom's) and I feel bad for him already. He lives alone with our dog in a tiny one bedroom house that is scheduled to be torn down this fall and it's right across from a bar so I know it's hard for him. I can't wait to see him again already.
Man what kind if psychopath would kill a dog just because their bitter god some people make me sick
Realise how women almost always get the house, and custody of the child, and the dad has to still give child support. EQUALITY
I mean it’s important to pay child support no matter who ends up with custody, the system is fucked up and biased but child support should be payed no matter what.
Why shouldn’t the mother get the kids???!!!!
@@GMarieBehindTheMask it should be 50/50 and whatever parent has the kids at the time pays. Isnt that true equality?
@@GMarieBehindTheMask I think the only argument is why should it be the mother by default, as both mothers and fathers are capable of being good parents so it should go based on parenting ability (unless the kids are old enough/ parents are both capable, then it should be parental choice).
The women doesn't always get custody, it's just in some of these stories they did
No prenup so they took everything, snd I mean everything
That sucks. My Dad has a work friend who pretty much would do anything to keep his kids in his life. That meant agreeing to 20% in his favour and 80% in hers. She has never worked a day in her life. She also took his life savings (over 300k) and managed to "give it all away"... She got the money back after the divorce went through. She had "gifted" it to close friends with the offer of a small amount of money (maybe 10k or so) each.
Last minute she turned around and spewed a bunch of lies about him and got full custody of the kids. He ruined his life so she could turn around and stab him in the back. He has no anger towards her.
@@miadost8236 thats fucked up.
@@miadost8236wow, I'm really sorry to hear that, wow
@Wxlfman_773 really?
@Wxlfman_773 how
8:02 this happens ALLLLLLL the time. Thank god this lady had standards.
My parents divorced, my mom got custody...
This. This is why you should never marry.
Are you the jester?
A guy I went to school with cheated on his wife after they had only been married a few months. They were both wealthy, but he turned into a greedy psychopath during the divorce. He knew that his (soon ex-)wife would do anything to get out of the marriage, so he and the divorce lawyer (woman, and his mistress) kept dragging the procedure out, only to send the wife huge bills. Essentially draining her bank accounts and transferring the money to the husband/mistress.
i think the guy who hired a hitman got a light sentence because he hired a cop, not a real hitman, kinda like trying to kill someone with a gun
and then discovering it was a toy gun
I don't think so, it's still soliciting a murder. Probably greased a few palms
My parents were in their teens when they had me and were awful for each other. They divorced when I was 12 and it really messed me up because my mom just up and left for about a month and then came back to take us like nothing ever happened. Lots of stuff led to their divorce but now they get along way better than when they were married. My dad is even friends with her current husband.
Getting divorced is hard enough on the people going through it but when they don't think of the kids and are just petty to each other it's just sad.
I have known at least 4 divorced guys who’s ex wives refused to work a job till the kids turn 18. That way the max amount of support is paid. My brother divorced and refused to go to court. The judge ordered the max amount of child support. Had a boss who was divorced. 3 times a year he was allowed to see the kids at the ex wives choice. Last min the ex would call and my boss would have to take a week of vacation last min every time. Got so bad his boss said no more last min vacations…
I am disgusted, so if a someone says a child has been molested, they are sedated and searched inside and out for any signs for abuse without their consent?
Yup and women wonder why gues don't want to get married.
Interesting that in almost every Case Here the women wins in some form
Because no body gives a shit about the guys. Even when they are in the right still are fucked. Prenups are the only way to go if you want a chance of winning.
This made me rethink even getting into a relationship lol. As if my introverted ass habits weren't bad enough.
lol Poor Susan. 😂
I am a youtuber not a lawyer, so I don't have a story for this topic. LOL!!!
Lol those likes are bots, nice try Shane 😂
4:01 that court is super sexist
My Uncle divorced his wife several years ago! They had 2 daughters, but my Uncle questioned quite a few times if the youngest daughter was truly his! I think that was the main reason for the divorce!
The "snug smug" is from an anime called "Charlotte" if anyone wanted to know
I doubt anyone did but just in case
No no no!
You are doing G-ds work!
People like you are gems in the comment sections!
@@PersimmonHurmo I was curious actually! Thank you!
Its utterly frightening being a man sometimes. Just an accusation whether true or not will 100% ruin our lives and theres nothing we can do about it.
Honestly, if both parents are safe for the child 50/50 is a nice deal. I have this setup for my son and I can say that regardless of our personal issues, my son seems much happier than I was growing up with divorced parents, and the fact that we can work through our problems for the benefit of him is more important that who beats who in court. He's happy, loves being with both of us (although I'm still clearly the favorite lol) and I feel it's better for him in the long run. Plus, he has a half sister and I wouldn't want to separate them completely because his mom and I didn't work out. That's definitely something that more people need to realize. What's best for the children you do have is FAR more important than the relationship that you don't have with your ex.
Divorced my crazy wife last year. She actually tried to use “he changed the Netflix password” as part of her “argument”
Divorce proceedings were designed to accommodate women who back in the day weren't the breadwinners and usually were stay at home mom's. So that they wouldn't end up homeless or something but now it just fucks men over. There's also the very blatant bias against men in divorce proceedings these things need to be fixed there's a reason less and less people have been getting married over the years. A few good examples of it are in this video. I obviously think it's ok when bad father's get the short end of the stick but what about the good ones? Do any of you think that it's ever the mothers being investigated for allegedly sexually abusing their children? Yeah fucking right. This shit is so fucked and completely disgusting. Marriage doesn't work anymore.
I'm hearing so many of these and, working in this field, I can't help but think, "Why don't they just get a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) in place?" That ensures the parties can't do ridiculous things like spend a lot of money, take and property and stash it away, etc.
I know a lady that had the exact same thing happen in the 8:00 mark. I should ask her if she posted her experience to reddit.
i can't stand the people who use their kids as leverage in divorce proceedings. Yeah, you're upsetting you ex, but guess what? You're PERMANENTLY SCARRING YOUR KID FOR LIFE.
8:05 false accusationd is how to make a murderer 101
Why does some pepol fight for things and ignore that kids are the one suffering,thinks kids in that situation should be onse getting the things ect instead of parents
10:57 - worst thing that anyone can do in divorce proceedings. Putting animals down out of spite is also very shitty.
People, get a prenup. It isn’t to protect you from the person you married next week, but what they will become 10-30 years later. It’s like life insurance. Better have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.
I seriously don’t get why alimony is even a thing anymore. Women are constantly whining about feminism and how we don’t need a man because we’re strong by ourselves blah blah blah. Until they get divorced and suddenly that whining turns into demands for stupidly high child support and alimony so they can still ‘live the life they’ve become accustomed to’. Absolutely BS in my opinion.
What in the name of god has our divorce system become, is there some kinda bias against certain people?
Against men, mostly.
The divorce courts are pretty much entirely against men, unless the man can prove the woman is unfit to raise the child and is abusive and 100% at fault, he probally wont get the kids and will be forced to pay child support, and if he wins custody, she can get away with never paying up.
This is just one example but my dad bought my mom a 8,000 dollar ring (American dollars) and the court ordered her to give it back to him. She claimed she lost it. She wears it every fricking day!!!!
11:15 This is what makes one of my aunts such a disgusting waste oxygen. Mind you, it's an accusation of cousin vs cousin, done solely because the accused's father was and is no longer allowing himself to be controlled at the beck and call of his bitch of a sister, but she still thinks it's just all in good fun. Yeah, she coerced her daughter into saying my cousin molested her on multiple occasions out of spite. It hasn't been made formal, but it doesn't matter: enough damage has already been done.
Pro tip: if you're fighting with someone, and out of the blue they start being nice to's a trap! Run!
sleep, snug, smug
Just what I needed to relax at the end
I feel like most of these are r/thathappened because they were all too terrible. No one is that evil. Maybe the court system could have been rigged on some of these, but, especially at 5:55, it seems fake.
My mom used to work as a kindergarten teacher, and one of the students parents were divorcing. Mom was neglecting the kid (when mom would send her to school her hair wouldn't be brushed. Dad gave mom money for school supplies, mom pocketed it and sent kid with the broken crayons and stubby pencils from last year.)
Eventually kid blurts out in class "my dad touched my private parts." My mom (the teacher) reports to CPS. (Also she tells the other parents what happened, generally, not naming the kid, anf that it wasnt their kid who said it) CPS launches an investigation into the dad, kid keeps giving these accusations. (My mom had her give them in the hall, so that it wouldn't disrupt the other kids.) Eventually kid says "My dad touched me inappropriately" which is a big word for a kindergartener to use. CPS starts getting suspicious, turns the investigation on the mom. Turns out the mom was coaching the kid, and the dad got full custodial rights, with mom only being allowed supervised visits.
lmfao that laugh cracks me out 2:16
Sleep, snug ^w^
One of the rare occasions i write a comment on any video…
Sleep snug, smug.
But, in all honesty, this thread always borderline gives me a hernia.
I don’t get why I’m a divorce you still have to pay the women money even if you guys never had kids. Can some people tell me why this happens cause it just grinds my gears that it an ruin someone’s life because of it.
Because feminists are not keen on giving up the female privilidge of marriage traditions, divorce advantage and custody and all that shit.
My dad didn't want me and my brother anymore so instead of just doing a small amount of paper work he listened to his wife and got his lawyer involved. Cost him between 15,000 and 25,000. Thankfully my step-dad adopted us and we are much happier. :)
I'm happy my parents both decided before hand to keep me and my sister the fuck out of the divorse. Theres no reason to involve the kids unecessaricly.
,,sleep snug, smug." -By a weird kid on mom's account
Sleep snug smug "wishfully crosses fingers"'
@@ultralinguistics3083 """in heavy New York accent""' hey I'm tryna sleep in here
Sleep snug smug
At thus points I'll try anything.
sleep snug, smug. lord knows i need a good night sleep
My ex sued me because he said I took a paring knife he liked. It didn’t to occur to him how petty it was and that I wasn’t suing him for all the stuff he refused to return to me and my kids (mine, not his) and also kept all my kids baby pictures, all my family pictures and my kids toys and clothes...bastard. I escaped with my kids and the clothes on our backs. I was awarded everything but got nothing because he said there was nothing there, that everything was gone. I was just thankful that I got my kids and a restraining order.
8:57 my parents (divorced) are even almost friends and my mother and stepmom get along amazingly
6:26 XD definitely the woman ffs
Most of these situations would lead me to commit murder if I’m being honest
The one where the wife put down the man's dog behind his back...ugh
ParisNoellTV that was one of the worst ones
11:00 This is the prime example of hurting the child over a divorce. This is opening pandora's box, this is fucked up.
Not me, but a friend of mine was taken to the cleaners by his wife, an attorney. She was cheating on him with a co-worker, who was a partner in the firm. What she or her affair partner didnt know was that her ex was a computer hacker, and had access to her accounts, hidden ones included. Once the divorce was final and she walked away with 75 percent of his earnings, he simply waited until her plane was over the Atlantic, hacked into her bank accounts and took his cash back. Then, he closed the account, along with her credit cards, and did the same to her affair partner (clean out his accounts, canceled his credit cards, etc), placing the money in a hidden bank account of his own. Then, he had placed them on the no-fly list, which made it a pain to get back home, aside from not having any money. My friend then sic the state bar on them once they returned, having proof of their judicial malfeasance sent to the ethics board. Both lost their law licenses. He's happily married to a computer geek and has a couple of kids. Never mess with a hacker.
I don’t trust anyone, I’ve already planned to never have a girlfriend, wife or children for as long as I live. They are all just wastes of time for me
4:14 wow real piece of work
Jail-time for people who abuse/kill animals just to spite someone. No appeals.
MG!! What amazes me is that some of the most nefarious stories here as the if they were the worst that happened are just a small part of what my BF’s ex did to him, the couching the “abuse” that child services intervened, thank god the lady in charge had seen this kind of thing and knew it was BS, the sentimental value things, so so many things you have to wonder how someone ends up marring this kind of monsters, the divorce finished a long time ago and up to this day she keeps finding ways to screw my friend in so many creative and twisted ways is scary. One day we were talking, lagging because what else you can do, he told me that some friends from work told him to sell his life story for a movie and I told him that this time Hollywood instead of making it bigger they’ll have to tone it down or nobody will believe it. We laughed but he is writing it he is just waiting until he doesn’t have to pay her anymore.
12:20 it makes me so angry when people falsify accusations of sexual abuse/rape. it's already seen as something women lie about most of the time when it is not true but it's people like these that make the misconception common and give into the problems faced by actual victims because people dont believe them
What kind of procedure do the kids have to go through? Must be pretty bad for an operating room to be silent.
Sleep, snug, smug
Idk what else to do
Another thing in my state is everything gets split down the middle that means even if you have a savings account that you had when you were a child which does not have your wife's name on it at all it doesn't matter in the states I that's still part of your asset. A friend of mine took this literally and cut his house in half and put a wall directly in the center of the house he had the the bathroom side the door side in the bedroom side she had the kitchen side the pantry side he cut his car in half too and he got in trouble from the court system for doing it. But he told the judge he's only doing what he was told. The judge is like really what were you told he said everything that I own has to be split in half to give to her. So how are you supposed to split a house in half how are you supposed to split a car in half you cut it in half and give them half of it. The judge did not know what to say and he had to go back to court the next day cuz the judge had to look up a bunch of stuff for this case he cut everything in half
that one where the lawyer screwed him over I would sue that lawyer
sleep snug, smug.
I need sleep.
The one at 4:00 is complete BS. Whoever ruled over that case should be let go from being a judge for life.
5:00 basically happening to my mum and dad as of now.
Dad's broke with loans on his head (thank God about to be paid) but mum thinks he's hiding insane amounts of money to spend on girls after divorce.
The details are so nasty I don't even wanna talk about it..
9:30 wait, pizza delivery pays more than nuclear physics? I somehow doubt that.
Riesenfriese yeah I checked physicists make over 112,000 but pizza delivery drivers make about 21,000
Riesenfriese hes saying because the tips dont count as a thing he has to pay to her and thats why he makes more
Alimony is calculated proportional to your income. At his physicist salary he'd be paying so much that it was worth doing pizza delivery instead, and then none of the tips had a pepr trail to be sent to her. Keeps a higher percentage of his income that way even though the overall income is lower.
He had to pay her money and he dosent have to pay her tips so thats why
That’s actually a genius idea
I know these are extreme cases and all but this is really making marriage look like a bad idea in general. It's sad how affection turns into spite.
HONESTLY the people who were in the wrong and the reason for the divorce deserve everything thrown at them, the PEOPLE who were wrong and are being a holes well I hope they get what’s coming to them
Man if someone put down my dog just to "get back" qt me I might be in jail afterwards.