I suggest you explain the basic mechanisms of evolution, because really, from my experience, believers have no idea how evolution works. They think that a monkey turned into human for no reason. They don't know about natural selection on genes, mutations and continuous change of the gene pool. So discussing stuff like evidence for evolution or whether it is compatible with religion is too early, when believers don't even know what evolution actually means. The vast majority of religious people who are against evolution never read On the origin of species. Would you debate an atheist who attacks Islam and never read the Quran? In the same way believers have to first understand what evolution says, before they can reject or accept it.
Filip Vajdík I'm again the idea that human came from an other specie. But I agree with you, if someone want to talk about a subject, he or she needs to know what is truly the subject. Evolution can help to understand why there are so lany species. Or it can help to classify the species. But we need to accept that evolution doesn't explain everything. There are a lot of problems with it : 1)the missing link between every specie. 2)the reason why human cry when they're sad. 3)the apparition of life. 4)the pain that women get when they give birth. 5)the non evolution of monkeys. (Lucy look very similare to nowadays'monkeys. But lucy have more than 3 millions years) 6)how can a spider spin a web? How did she had the knowledge to make such construction? 7)why a specie between human and monkey doesn't exist? There are more questions that evolution can't explain but religion can. I just give you 7 but if you want I have dozens.
Majority of Muslims are ignorant on the topic of evolution. In addition our so called scholars are too. We misinterpret the Quran verses. I prefer to call my understanding ISLAMIC EVOLUTION. Because My Creator is the One Who initiated the Process.
Can't wait to see your perspective. I never found contradiction between evolution and faith. Science tells us, how God works in deeper level and on vider spectrum. Science, and all it's evidence, just pulls me closet to Him, and fills me with awe, how magnificent He really is.
Science is a gift of Allah. I find comfort in admiring Allah’s ability to create such a growing and changing universe. He is the creator along with the fashioner
@@ShanKhan-cj7nv No matter right or wrong. No matter what is their intention. He/She just make a comment on praising Allah’s Greatness. How could you bash them with a trashy comment like that?
I studied Biological Science in university and got a good understanding of evolution. As a Muslim, I find no qualm between Islam and Evolution. Instead, I find most Muslims and non-Muslims having a poor understanding of Evolution. Likewise, I find many academics having a poor understanding of Islam. For lay persons, most scientific concepts originate from 'popular science' (i.e. magazines, internet articles, tv shows, etc) which is quite different (and usually false) from academic science. If you want to understand evolution (or any academic subject), I suggest you -read- study an academic textbook on the subject. The same is true for understanding Islam.
And, whether I agree with him or not on some issues, he is very good man. I say this as a non-Muslim who enjoys his desire to get to better and more reasoned explanations. Peace.
'Of everything we have created pairs'Holy quran 51:49. And also 36:36. I request respected Dr.shabbir ali to please define the significance of these two verses.
Ammar Khan, assalam aleykum. One should realise that randomly quoting verses from the Qur'an without thoroughly understanding them is not responsible. I think you are wise enough to realise that the pair human beings were created from are Adam and eve, therefore, Adam and eve ARE the pair! They were a pair created by allah in paradise as is described in the Qur'an. Also evolutionists are against the idea of paradise as they believe humans evolved on earth, not in paradise. There is no such thing as paradise in Darwin's theory. We as muslims submit to our creator and accept that he created us as he described in the Qur'an. I think that shabir ally is presenting a distorted interpretation here that is not compatible with the Qur'an, nor Darwinian evolution!
@@ahmedb5388 why would Darwin’s theory of evolution mention paradise? There’s ZERO proof that a heaven or paradise exists. Assuming a paradise has to exist is just an idealistic and unrealistic point of view.
There is a great book written by David Solomon Jalel which is called Islam and Biological Evolution: Exploring Classical Sunni Sources where he discusses the topic in detail. Also there are couple of books written by T.O. Shanavas. I haven't read them but he seems to suggest that Theory of Evolution was a Muslim Theory before Darwin. Also S.M.Jaffer discusses the topic briefly in his book A History of History. Definitely worth a read.
He It is Who created all things in the best way and began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from an extract of despised fluid. (Quran 32:7-8) Allah distinguished between the creation of Adam and the creation of adam's offspring. This is a clear reference to the creation of Adam (from clay, fashioned and formed) being unique in that no parents were required, and then Allah made his offspring to arise through an extract of an emitted fluid. And as for Isa (alayhis salaam), then Allah resembles his creation to Adam's in the sense that Adam was born of no parents, and Jesus was born of no father. "Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was." (Quran 3:59) If adam was born just like any of us, then what is the point of the above verse? why compare adam with jesus when quran indicates jesus had no father. The story of the Sabbath-breakers is well known whereby Allah cursed the disobedient and turned them into monkeys and pigs. [Quran 5:60] How then, can the honoured sons of Adam actually come from that which is considered a curse? Of course, in being honoured, it is only logical to conclude that either humanity haven’t come from apes or that we negate the verse itself and claim that the Sabbath-breakers did not turn into apes and pigs. Even if we were to state, for the sake of argument, that the transformation was metaphorical, the essential point still remains that they were cursed by taking on qualities of monkeys and apes. If we believe that Allah is the Creator and can create anything He wills then what is wrong in accepting that he created Adam directly from clay, fashioned him, and brought him to life instantaneously? Why do we need to distort the meanings of countless Quranic verses in favour of a theory that continually changes? Must we negate the numerous and authentic hadith that clearly establish a non-evolutionist narrative? Let’s not forget that Quran is the clear book of guidance and not a book of secret codes. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance. [Quran 18:1] [He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward. [Quran 18:2]
Parvez Khan There is no likeness between Jesus pbuh and Adam in respect of creation. Because Jesus had a Mother and also a father! In Surah Al Anaam 6: 85-87 you will find a list of people linked by forefathers. Allah clearly mentions Jesus in the list and then in verse 87 says " and their fathers"!!!!!!!!!!!! Muslims are blindly following sheep and goats who are in turn following cattle, nay, they are worst than cattle. instead READ THE QURAN FOR YOURSELF, UNDERSTAND IT FOR YOURSELF.
I have to strongly correct you on your Quranic knowledge. You have unfortunately fallen into the trap that the vast majority of Muslims have done. Namely they have followed their ancestors rather than use their intellect. IF YOU READ SURAH AL-Anaam 6:85 -87 YOU WILL FIND A LIST OF PEOPLE. AMONGST THE LIST IS JESUS NAME. THEN YOU WILL READ THAT ALLAH SAYS-" AND THEIR FATHERS." The verses are PROOF THAT JESUS HAD A FATHER!!!! JZK
Khal7861 brother it is you who has fallen into the trap Surah maryam and we sent the Holy Spirit (jibreal a.s ) to maryam and he appeared before her in a form of a man with all respect then she says I seek refuge in Allah from you then jibreal a.s says I am a messenger from your lord to present to You a gift a righteous son she said how can I have a son when ( no man has touched me nor am I unchaste then jibreal a.s says it is easy for your lord he says be and it is when she gave birth and returned to the village the people started insulting her thinking she committed adultury but then isa a.s defends her by speaking when he was a little boy your mixing the terminology of father in that context it’s a care giver a sustainer you have done the same thing as Christians
I don’t know about any other Islamic persons view on this topic is but my view has always been that Allah made the Big Bang happen and also made evolution to help everything we know today
Most people don't accept science because they understand it, they accept it because they don't want to look stupid denying what they're told is well established fact from a mostly inherently trustworthy concept such as science. This is the primary reason why most science is accepted and as an atheist I wish this wasn't the case.
It's accepted because it is proven by evidence which is available for people to look at, research or even do their own little science experiments to come to the same conclusions, etc. So to say it's because people only accept something because it is said to be true is simply false.
most ‘university’ scholars are desperately repackaging their interpretation of evolution as “creative evolution” to align with scientific facts. This could be a needed step to viewing religion same as the Greek myths.
EVOLUTION CHAPTER In ISLAM Big Bang “Then He rose over towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: ‘Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.’ They both said: ‘We come willingly.’” (41:11) “Are, then, they who are bent on denying the truth not aware that the heavens and the earth were [once] one single entity, which We then parted asunder? - and We made out of water every living thing? Will they not, then, believe?” (21:30) The Big Bang is the most popular cosmological theory about the early development of the universe. The model states that the universe was in a hot and dense state that expanded rapidly. Then it began to cool and formed the state that we see today. One verse in the Qur’an states that there was “smoke” before the heavens and the earth were created, and scientists believe that the universe was initially in a gaseous state, which led to the formation of stars and galaxies. Another verse states, “the heavens and the earth were one single entity, which We then parted asunder”, which could give evidence to the Big Bang theory. Age of Universe “And [who knows that] We have indeed created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six aeons, and [that] no weariness could ever touch Us.” (50:38) “Say: ‘Would you indeed deny Him who has created the earth in two aeons? And do you claim that there is any power that could rival Him, the Sustainer of all the worlds?’” (41:9) One verse in the Qur’an states that God created the universe in six aeons, and another states that the Earth was created in two aeons, which means that the age of the Earth is a third of the age of the universe. Scientists have reported that the universe is 13.75 billion years old, on the basis of the measurement of background radiation. Similarly, the Earth is suggested to be 4.54 billion years old, through other similar studies. As a fraction, this translates into a third, which is the same proportion as that which the Qur’an states. Expanding Universe “And it is We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.” (51:47) When Einstein applied his general theory of relativity to the structure of the universe, he was bewildered to find it predicted the universe was either contracting or expanding. He refused to believe this, and amended his calculations to add a cosmological constant and ensure that it showed the universe was constant. However, in 1929, he was forced to go back on this after Edwin Hubble showed him that distant galaxies were moving away from the Earth and the further away they were, the faster they were moving. Einstein called the cosmological constant “his greatest blunder.” This proves that the universe is indeed expanding in size. Big Crunch “On that Day We shall roll up the skies as written scrolls are rolled up; [and] as We brought into being the first creation, so We shall bring it forth anew a promise which We have willed upon Ourselves: for, behold, We are able to do [all things]!” (21:104) Once the Big Bang theory had been accepted by the majority of scientists, the ultimate fate of the universe became a valid cosmological question. The fate of the universe was also dependent on the physical properties of the universe, such as mass, energy, density, and rate of expansion. One possible theory is known as the ‘Big Crunch’. It states that the expansion of the universe will stop one day, reverse and begin to collapse on itself, ending up as a black hole. A verse in the Qur’an states, “We shall roll up the skies as written scrolls are rolled up”, which could be an indication of the Big Crunch. The Sun-Trajectory “And [it is God that] has made the sun and the moon, both of them constant upon their courses, subservient [to His laws, so that they be of use] to you; and has made the night and the day subservient [to His laws, so that they be of use] to you.” (14:33) “And [they have a sign in] the sun: it runs in an orbit of its own [and] that is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing;” (36:38) Since the dawn of time, it was believed that the Earth was flat and that the sun moved around it. After it was determined that this theory was wrong, and it was realised that the Earth orbits the sun, it was thought that the sun is stationary. This conclusion, however, is false, as it was discovered that our solar system orbits around the Milky Way galaxy. One orbit takes 226 million years, and the sun is moving at an astonishing speed of 782,000 km/hour. The Moon-Phases & Lunar Year “And the moon, for which We have determined phases [which it must traverse] till it becomes like an old date-stalk, dried-up and curved.” (36:39) “They will ask thee about the new moons. Say: ‘They indicate the periods for [various doings of] mankind, including the pilgrimage.’” (2:189) “He it is who has made the sun a [source of] radiant light and the moon a light [reflected], and has determined for it phases so that you might know how to compute the years and to measure [time].” (10:5) The phases of the moon are the appearance of the illuminated portion of it seen from Earth. It is also made clear that the phases of the moon are to be used to determine the new month. Planets, stars & celestial bodies “But nay! I call to witness the revolving stars, the planets that run their course and set.” (81:15-16) “And it is He who has created the night and the day and the sun and the moon-all of them floating through space!” (21:33) “Consider the heavens, ever-revolving.” (86:11) “And He it is who has set up for you the stars so that you might be guided by them in the midst of the deep darkness of land and sea: clearly, indeed, have We spelled out these messages unto people of [innate] knowledge!” (6:97) These verses relate to the orbital movements of the planets, the arrangement of our solar system, and the presence of stars in our universe.
Quran is explicit that Adam was created from earth and from him, his wife was created. From them two; humankind came. Hence Quran in no way shows human bio evolution from ape like creatures. “Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. THEN He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.” [Quran 32:7, 8] The above verses clearly state that Adam was created from clay and that he was not born nor Adam was from a biological mating nor evolved from previous creatures. The above verse also indicates that only Adam's progeny were created from liquid disdained and not Adam himself, hence again proving that Adam had no parents. He created you from one soul. Then He made from it its mate… [Quran 39:6] The above verse proves that humanity came from Adam and the verse also shows that Eve was created from Adam directly thus refuting the theory of human evolution from non-human species. Another ayah which supports the traditional Muslim belief; “The likeness of Jesus, to Allah, is the same as Adam. He created him from earth and then He said to him, ‘Be!’ and he was.”[Quran 3:59] A brief look into thecauses for revelation quickly makes clear that the verse was revealed to repudiate the Christian argument that proof of Jesus’ divinity is his having no earthly father. The verse states that Adam had no parents whatsoever, being created instead from earth, yet this did not make him divine; the comparison then was between the single parent of Jesus and the absence of parents in regards to Adam. We also see that Allah created Adam directly without the agency of parents. Allah says: “The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’ and he was.” [Sûrah Al `Imrân: 59] In the Qur’an, Allah states clearly: “O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women.” [Surah al-Nisâ’: verse 1] Therefore, the Qur’an tells us that Adam and his wife were the father and mother of all human beings living on the Earth today.
We must be careful when interpreting verses from the Quran. Allah clearly tell us in Surah Al-Imran that Two kinds of language are used in the Quran. One type is factual, the basis of the Book. The other is "Mutashabhiat" which means Allegorical/Symbolic language. The Quran not only states that Adam was created from clay, but also from dust, also from a putrified extract of clay, another verse says from mud. What they all have in common is "The Earth." Another verse states that Allah created man from haste! Yet "haste"is not an ingredient.( Khaliqul insanu min ajaal). Hence the meaning of the verses refer to the temperament i.e Adam was a down to Earth person. The same tasreef can be used for the creation of Jinn.. they are created from fire ( min nahr) hence Jinn have a fiery temperment- hot headed. The Jinn could not have litterally been created from fire BECAUSE the Quran in Surah 46 Al-Ahqaf verse 29 onward tell us that the Jinn were fearful of the consequences of not embracing the New Message, Al-Quran, they were fearful of the hellfire!! If they were created from fire, litterally, then why be scared of the hellfire! Thats like home for them. Incidently by reading these verses with an open mind you will see that Jinn are not some kind of creature or invisible beings. Clues are in the verses. Eg- What's the connection to them and Hazrat Mussa? Why would they be keen to know that a Message has come after Hazrat Mussa? The verse clearly state they went back to "their people." Hence Jinn were people. In this case they were a small tribe of Jews. They accept Moses as their Prophet. Man-made stories corrupt the meaning such that even top scholars think Jinn are invisible beings!! Jinn share the same Arabic root meaning as Jannah ( a Garden hidden), hence Jinn are Human beings who are rarely seen, hidden away from town or village people. They are in fact mountain or forest dwelling people, hardy, tough and many with fiery temperaments.
Quran is clear that Adam's creation is different from the rest of humankind. He It is Who created all things in the best way and began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from an extract of despised fluid. (Quran 32:7-8) Allah distinguished between the creation of Adam and the creation of His offspring. This is a clear reference to the creation of Adam (from clay, fashioned and formed) being unique in that no parents were required, and then Allah made his offspring to arise through an extract of an emitted fluid. Quran also indicates that Adam was created in jannah and thus was not born on earth. Allah announced to the Angels that he will create man (Quran 15:28, 38:71). Allah created Hawaa (Quran 4:1) from Adam (4:1, 7:189, 39:6) and made as a spouse for Adam (7:189, 39:6) and informed Adam and his wife to reside in Paradise (Quran 7:19, 2:35). Adam accepted the trust (amaanah, to obey Allah) which had been offered previously to the heavens, earth and mountains, which had refused, but man took upon the responsibility (33:72-73). Then Allah informed Adam to beware of Iblis, their enemy (20:117). So whilst Adam was in Paradise, Iblis tempted them to disobey Allah by eating of the forbidden tree, after he swore that he is their sincere advisor (7:21) and he promised them immortality, becoming like angels, the tree of eternity and an everlasting kingdom (7:20, 20:120). So Adam disobeyed, and he acquired words of repentance from Allah (2:37) so Allah accepted His repentance (20:122) and then Allah sent them all down to the earth, making some as enemies to others and stating that earth is their habitation for a while (Quran 2:36, 2:38, 7:24, 20:123). The above verses prove that Adam was not on earth before and hence shows Adam was not evoloved from non-human species. Then when Adam and Eve were sent down upon the earth, Allah brought forth mankind through them (4:1, 49:13) Angels and Iblis affirm that Adam is the first human, created by Allah, and Iblis objected that because Adam was created from clay he is inferior. Humankind was not therefore known previously to the Angels or to Iblis. Further, Allah affirmed that the mother and father of all of mankind (Banee Adam) are Adam and Eve who were expelled from Paradise (to Earth) - "O Children of Adam! Let not Satan deceive you, as he got your parents [Adam and Hawwa (Eve)] out of Paradise." (Quran 7:27), just as we know that all men and women were brought forth from a single soul and its spouse (Quran 4:1). The above verse clearly refutes Darwinian evolution because Adam did not have any parents.
but if jinns are in fact just normal humans who are hardy and tough, then what about the story of ibless who was a jinn bowing down to Adam (AS) who was a human?
A scholar in any religion is the same as a scholar in Zues or Odin/Thor or any other mythology. Choosing to major in theology or becoming a scholar in religion is like marrying your kidnapper, because you are becoming an expert in myths you were brainwashed in as an innocent child. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, , , ,
It’s non-intuitive to understand that all this complexity is just natural and no intervention of any being is required, it’s much much simpler and easier for humans to believe that some being did it magically, especially when we are indoctrinated to believe from a very early age by your parents, teachers, leaders, elders practically everyone. And if we don’t conform to your parents religions then you can be shunned, disowned and possibly harmed. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, ,, ,
Best way to be totally honest is to say to yourself, "I will accept(believe) whatever the evidence points to, even if it goes against my childhood indoctrination.This is how I came out of my indoctrination. I said to myself I must accept reluctantly whatever the evidence points to as the nature of reality. , , , , ,
have you check out "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" and "How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 44 Lucy" on youtube. they shows how ignorant .Casey Luskin and discovery institute is.
muslims in this chat read my comment: evolution is a fact. A theory in common language and a scientific theory are 2 completely different things. In science, a theory is a functional explanation of a natural phenomenon, it explain how a fact works, such as evolution in this case., it is the highest level in the scientific field. (gravity theory, tectonic plate theory, cells theory). it is very different from a theory in common language which is just a hypothesis
@@junkybabes actually we are not, mutation is a possible fact but evolution is just a theory that is proven to be biologically impossible. Neither the skulls and skeletons found has a link in between them. Evolution usually based on "one cell evolution", which is disproven by one gene theory. There's so many scientists spoke against evolution theory. Also the current scientific method was founded by indeed a Muslim!
@@johngurvan8279 evolution is proved to be biologically impossible but mutation, mutation can not be applied to monkies becoming humans theory. Nor there’s no links found among those stages. Even one cell evolution is impossible due to minimum gene theory. Evolution is criticized by many scientists, and it was approved to diss Christianity and the church
Allah makes the verses of the Quran plain and clear. “These are verses of the Qur’an, a book that makes (things) clear. ” [Quran 27:1] A key principle that must be established when to correctly interpret the Qur’an we must approach them as one coherent and homogeneous unit that affords a holistic interpretation, and not an interpretation based on preconceived ideas that singles out isolated verses so as to misconstrue them. Our first ancestor was the prophet Adam (upon whom be peace), who was created by Allah in "paradise" and not on earth, but also created in a particular way that He describes to us: "And [mention] when your Lord said to the angels, 'Truly, I will create a man from clay. So when I have completed him, and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down prostrate to him.' And the angels prostrated, one and all. Save for Satan, who was too proud to, and disbelieved. He said to him, 'O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating to what I have created with My two hands? Are you arrogant, or too exalted?' He said: 'I am better than he; You created me from fire and created him from clay'" (Qur'an 38:71-76). The above verses clearly states that Allah created Adam from clay in Paradise. Then Adam and eve were sent to earth. Thus there is no human evolution from animals. The verse also proves that Adam was created before being sent to earth which again proves creationism and refutes Darwinism.
lel, the "paradise" of Adam was on earth. else why did Satan whispered "this is tree of immortality" , this means they were alive and their paradise was not the afterlife one.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. -Acts 16:31 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. -Matthew 3:2
@@abbas4604 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” -Matthew 24:35 KJV “ So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” -Isaiah 55:11 KJV “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” -Matthew 10:28 KJV “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: -Hebrews 9:27 KJV "...Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. "-Acts 16:30-31 KJV
As Richard Dawkins said, if Adam and Eve were the first humans, then which one of them was white, which black and which Asian? If you don't know who Dawkins is, I recommend that you watch him and read some of his books (only if you want to learn of course, if you want to only believe on no evidence and ignore the natural world, then just keep on reading the Quran/Bible).
الَّذِیۡۤ اَحۡسَنَ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ خَلَقَہٗ وَ بَدَاَ خَلۡقَ الۡاِنۡسَانِ مِنۡ طِیۡنٍ ۚ﴿۷﴾ ثُمَّ سَوّٰىہُ وَ نَفَخَ فِیۡہِ مِنۡ رُّوۡحِہٖ وَ جَعَلَ لَکُمُ السَّمۡعَ وَ الۡاَبۡصَارَ وَ الۡاَفۡئِدَۃَ ؕ قَلِیۡلًا مَّا تَشۡکُرُوۡنَ ﴿۹﴾ جس نے نہایت خوب بنائی جو چیز بھی بنائی اور انسان کی بناوٹ مٹی سے شروع کی ..جسے ٹھیک ٹھاک کر کے اس میں اپنی روح پھونکی اسی نے تمہارے کان آنکھیں اور دل بنائے ( اس پر بھی ) تم بہت ہی تھوڑا احسان مانتے ہو ۔
Lmao Evolution doesn’t even deny a existence of a God or a supernatural. It’s basically assumptions made from the data that has been discovered. New data can be discovered in the future which will challenge our previous theories and assumptions. We call it the “Black swan problem”. And secondly, the Evidence that Islam presents it still haven’t been debunked for a 1400 years. The day someone debunks it, the day Islam is falsified but until then you can’t have blind faith that our theories will remain the same meanwhile that the Islamic arguments are still standing.
@@kingvegetakinggoku2008 do you know what evolution is ? Evolution simply means change over time. What ur talking about is Darwinian evolution. It’s a valid scientific theory but no one claims that it’s true. Futur evidences May come to light and trash all our previous conclusions that’s what science is. When Einstein was alive, everyone believed that the universe was eternal. New data came in and a new theory emerged (Big Bang theory). Science always changes and that’s the beauty of it. It doesn’t hold absolute truth that’s a misunderstanding.
@@kingvegetakinggoku2008 "Darwin may be triumphant at the end of the twentieth century, but we must acknowledge the possibility that new facts may come to light which will force our successors of the twenty-first century to abandon Darwinism or modify it beyond recognition." Richard Dawkins, a devil’s Chaplin.
[64:1] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "یُسَبِّحُ لِلّٰہِ مَا فِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ مَا فِی الۡاَرۡضِ ۚ لَہُ الۡمُلۡکُ وَ لَہُ الۡحَمۡدُ ۫ وَ ہُوَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیۡءٍ قَدِیۡرٌ ﴿۱﴾ Everything in the heavens and in the earth glorifies Allah. His is the entire kingdom and His is all the praise. And He is All-Powerful over everything. Glorious Quran [64:2] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "ہُوَ الَّذِیۡ خَلَقَکُمۡ فَمِنۡکُمۡ کَافِرٌ وَّ مِنۡکُمۡ مُّؤۡمِنٌ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ بَصِیۡرٌ ﴿۲﴾ He is the One Who created you. Then (someone) of you became a disbeliever and (the other one) of you became a believer, and Allah sees best the actions that you do. Glorious Quran [64:3] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "خَلَقَ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضَ بِالۡحَقِّ وَ صَوَّرَکُمۡ فَاَحۡسَنَ صُوَرَکُمۡ ۚ وَ اِلَیۡہِ الۡمَصِیۡرُ ﴿۳﴾ He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth with a rationale and purpose. And (He is the One Who) gave you shapes and then did up your shapes. And (all) have to return to Him alone. Glorious Quran [64:4] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "یَعۡلَمُ مَا فِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضِ وَ یَعۡلَمُ مَا تُسِرُّوۡنَ وَ مَا تُعۡلِنُوۡنَ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ عَلِیۡمٌۢ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُوۡرِ ﴿۴﴾ He knows what is in the heavens and in the earth and (also) knows those things that you hide and that you disclose, and Allah knows best (the secret) matters contained in the breasts. Glorious Quran [64:5] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "اَلَمۡ یَاۡتِکُمۡ نَبَؤُا الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا مِنۡ قَبۡلُ ۫ فَذَاقُوۡا وَبَالَ اَمۡرِہِمۡ وَ لَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ اَلِیۡمٌ ﴿۵﴾ Has the news not reached you of those who disbelieved before you and tasted the punishment of their work (in the world), and there is a grievous torment for them (in the Hereafter as well)? Glorious Quran [64:6] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "ذٰلِکَ بِاَنَّہٗ کَانَتۡ تَّاۡتِیۡہِمۡ رُسُلُہُمۡ بِالۡبَیِّنٰتِ فَقَالُوۡۤا اَبَشَرٌ یَّہۡدُوۡنَنَا ۫ فَکَفَرُوۡا وَ تَوَلَّوۡا وَّ اسۡتَغۡنَی اللّٰہُ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ غَنِیٌّ حَمِیۡدٌ ﴿۶﴾ That is because their Messengers brought them clear signs, but they said: ‘Shall a human being (who is our like and from our kind) guide us?’* So they became disbelievers and turned away (from the truth). And Allah too disregarded (them) and Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy. [* This meaning of the word bashar (human being) is according to what the eminent exegetes have described. See: Tafsir al-Tabari, al-Kashshaf, al-Nasafi, al-Baghawi, al-Khazin, al-Jumal, al-Mazhari and Fath al-Qadir, etc.] Glorious Quran [64:7] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "زَعَمَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنۡ لَّنۡ یُّبۡعَثُوۡا ؕ قُلۡ بَلٰی وَ رَبِّیۡ لَتُبۡعَثُنَّ ثُمَّ لَتُنَبَّؤُنَّ بِمَا عَمِلۡتُمۡ ؕ وَ ذٰلِکَ عَلَی اللّٰہِ یَسِیۡرٌ ﴿۷﴾ The disbelievers think that they will never be raised (again). Say: ‘Why not! By my Lord! You will surely be raised. Then you will be informed of what you did. And this is very easy for Allah (to do).’ Glorious Quran [64:8] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "فَاٰمِنُوۡا بِاللّٰہِ وَ رَسُوۡلِہٖ وَ النُّوۡرِ الَّذِیۡۤ اَنۡزَلۡنَا ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ خَبِیۡرٌ ﴿۸﴾ So believe in Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and that Light which We have sent down. And Allah is Well Aware of the deeds that you do. Glorious Quran [64:9] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "یَوۡمَ یَجۡمَعُکُمۡ لِیَوۡمِ الۡجَمۡعِ ذٰلِکَ یَوۡمُ التَّغَابُنِ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یُّؤۡمِنۡۢ بِاللّٰہِ وَ یَعۡمَلۡ صَالِحًا یُّکَفِّرۡ عَنۡہُ سَیِّاٰتِہٖ وَ یُدۡخِلۡہُ جَنّٰتٍ تَجۡرِیۡ مِنۡ تَحۡتِہَا الۡاَنۡہٰرُ خٰلِدِیۡنَ فِیۡہَاۤ اَبَدًا ؕ ذٰلِکَ الۡفَوۡزُ الۡعَظِیۡمُ ﴿۹﴾ The Day when He will gather you on the Day of Assembly (in the vast expanse for Great Gathering), that will be the Day of Manifestation of Loss and Defeat. And he who believes in Allah and does pious deeds, Allah will remove his sins from his (record of deeds) and will admit him to the Gardens with streams flowing under them. They will live in them forever. This is a great success. Glorious Quran [64:10] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "وَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا وَ کَذَّبُوۡا بِاٰیٰتِنَاۤ اُولٰٓئِکَ اَصۡحٰبُ النَّارِ خٰلِدِیۡنَ فِیۡہَا ؕ وَ بِئۡسَ الۡمَصِیۡرُ ﴿٪۱۰﴾ And those who disbelieve and reject Our Revelations, it is they who are the inmates of Hell, its permanent residents. And what an evil abode that is! Glorious Quran [64:11] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "مَاۤ اَصَابَ مِنۡ مُّصِیۡبَۃٍ اِلَّا بِاِذۡنِ اللّٰہِ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یُّؤۡمِنۡۢ بِاللّٰہِ یَہۡدِ قَلۡبَہٗ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ بِکُلِّ شَیۡءٍ عَلِیۡمٌ ﴿۱۱﴾ No suffering afflicts (anyone) except by the command of Allah. And he who believes in Allah, He guides his heart and Allah knows best everything. Glorious Quran [64:12] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "وَ اَطِیۡعُوا اللّٰہَ وَ اَطِیۡعُوا الرَّسُوۡلَ ۚ فَاِنۡ تَوَلَّیۡتُمۡ فَاِنَّمَا عَلٰی رَسُوۡلِنَا الۡبَلٰغُ الۡمُبِیۡنُ ﴿۱۲﴾ And obey Allah and obey the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). Then if you turn away, (remember that) the responsibility of Our Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) is only to deliver (the injunctions) clearly. Glorious Quran [64:13] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "اَللّٰہُ لَاۤ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ہُوَ ؕ وَ عَلَی اللّٰہِ فَلۡیَتَوَکَّلِ الۡمُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ ﴿۱۳﴾ Allah (alone) is (God). There is no God but He. And the believers should put their trust in Allah alone. Glorious Quran [64:14] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡۤا اِنَّ مِنۡ اَزۡوَاجِکُمۡ وَ اَوۡلَادِکُمۡ عَدُوًّا لَّکُمۡ فَاحۡذَرُوۡہُمۡ ۚ وَ اِنۡ تَعۡفُوۡا وَ تَصۡفَحُوۡا وَ تَغۡفِرُوۡا فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ غَفُوۡرٌ رَّحِیۡمٌ ﴿۱۴﴾ O believers! Surely, amongst your wives and your children there are some who are your enemies. So, beware of them! And if you overlook it and forbear and forgive, Allah is indeed Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. Glorious Quran [64:15] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "اِنَّمَاۤ اَمۡوَالُکُمۡ وَ اَوۡلَادُکُمۡ فِتۡنَۃٌ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ عِنۡدَہٗۤ اَجۡرٌ عَظِیۡمٌ ﴿۱۵﴾ Your riches and your children are merely a trial. And there is a mighty reward in the presence of Allah. Glorious Quran [64:16] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "فَاتَّقُوا اللّٰہَ مَا اسۡتَطَعۡتُمۡ وَ اسۡمَعُوۡا وَ اَطِیۡعُوۡا وَ اَنۡفِقُوۡا خَیۡرًا لِّاَنۡفُسِکُمۡ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یُّوۡقَ شُحَّ نَفۡسِہٖ فَاُولٰٓئِکَ ہُمُ الۡمُفۡلِحُوۡنَ ﴿۱۶﴾ So fear Allah as much as you are able to. And listen to (His commands) and obey and spend (in His way). That will be better for you. And whoever is saved from the miserliness of his (ill-commanding) self, it is they who will attain prosperity. Glorious Quran [64:17] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "اِنۡ تُقۡرِضُوا اللّٰہَ قَرۡضًا حَسَنًا یُّضٰعِفۡہُ لَکُمۡ وَ یَغۡفِرۡ لَکُمۡ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ شَکُوۡرٌ حَلِیۡمٌ ﴿ۙ۱۷﴾ If you lend a good loan to Allah (with sincerity and righteous intention), He will increase it manifold for you and will forgive you. And Allah is Most Appreciative, Most Forbearing, Glorious Quran [64:18] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن "عٰلِمُ الۡغَیۡبِ وَ الشَّہَادَۃِ الۡعَزِیۡزُ الۡحَکِیۡمُ ﴿٪۱۸﴾ The Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Lord of Honour and Almighty and Most Wise. Glorious Quran
Evolution is not only biological at the 'body-level' but there is also spiritual evolution at the 'soul-level'. Evolution is therefore a universal phenomenon. Biological evolution is reinforced by Genetics which can be studied in Science books.. Soul evolution cannot be studied but can only grasped by understanding spirituality that we are EVOLVING souls and God is the supreme UNEVOLVING soul. Individual souls are evolving towards the unevolving perfect soul over many lifetimes.
Still baffling to me how people can believe things they have absolutely no evidence for. Biological evolution is fact. All evidence leads to the theory of evolution being true. But "spiritual evolution" of the "soul" is absolute, unsubstantiated nonsense.
You are too superficial to grasp evolution of intelligent consciousness at the soul level. Without evolution of intelligence at the soul level, there cannot be evolution of the species at all. The soul consists of an emanation of God consciousness at its core and a subtle mental sheath surrounding it. That is our true self. All this is not found in the Quran because there is no understanding of spirituality and consciousness in the Quran.
@@henrylow2248 you can't just assert that souls exist and then add characteristics to it when you have absolutely no feasible way to demonstrate that souls even exist
If we believe the mullah/Priest that Adam was the first human being on the planet and we are all the descendants of Adam- Whatever your religion or belief, then for Muslims there is a dilemma. The Quran tells us that all the Prophets and Messengers were sent by Allah. They all came with the one same Message. Now, if Adam was the first human being and Eve/Hawwa was created from him then it means that the children of Adam and Hawwa procreated between themselves. Firstly this is abhorrent and secondly any progeny would have severe genetic abnormalities and would not be "strong stock." Thirdly and most importantly, as far as Muslims are concerned us that it violates the verses in the Quran which stipulate who we are allowed to marry, hence procreate with! We are forbidden to marry our sister or our brother etc etc. Hence Islamic scholars need to urgently address the misunderstanding that Adam was the first human being. Nowhere in the Quran will you find this statement. In addition as posted by Ammar Khan further down, Surah Ya-Sin 36:36 states that Allah has created EVERYTHING, INCLUDING OURSELVES, FROM PAIRS. Allah swt does not give Adam as an exception. Hence he too had parents, male and female. I leave the reader who believes Adam was the first human being, with this hypothetical question: DID HAZRAT ADAM pbuh Have a belly button?
Christopher Reid Thanks for the feedback. I would be surprised indeed if the evidence from the Torah would be contrary to the Quran. The Quran is the Final Testament and the Torah has become known as The Old Testament. The God of the Quran tells us that a person is not a Muslim until he accepts All the revelations God has sent AND makes no distinction between the Prophets/Messengers that God has sent. Shalom/Salam/Peace unto you Christopher.
Ooh dear illogical khal!!! okay coming on the point with very short. But stay real for the explanation of evolution is given by a muslim scientist name abu usman jahiz. Born in basra (iraq) DOB:868 hijri. 1463A.D approx. He explained it in his book name kitab al haiwan (book of animals) in 7 volume but the original content is changed by Charles Darwin this book is now in Cambridge University u'll can buy it's copy is available. Now the terms of evolution was explained when Darwin was not been a sperm he was born in 1223 hijri. 1809A.D how can history of evolution became his theory. Darwin tried been a priest & he failed, he tried been a surgeon he failed how come a man with such a simple failure can come the a big theory. Actually the theory is can any body proof of where did he traveled to research about this evolution??? The fact is we left the proper islam we don't know our history and the disgusting point is 99.99% of inventions are by Muslims n we don't coz we don't study.
NO most likely ADAM (Pbuh) does not have a belly button and so does Eve but that's one of the irrefutable evidence that he is The First Original Man and wasn't biologically born. But neither you can't disprove it either. Your idea of genetics is low and limited, because while you can accept the theory of how one species can successfully mutate and evolve between themselves from one proto form, you then denied it when it comes to Adam and Eve. Of Course all the more reason why it made sense that it was ordained by ALLAH that cain marry the twin sister of Abel and Abel marry the twin sister of cain as to prevent direct primordial dna mixings. Create everything from pairs ? Hence Eve directly from Adam's Rib as miraculous as Adam's Creation so that they can then procreate as a pair. Higher Level - Creator and Creation is also somewhat of A Pair
A very nice appraisal of this topic Dr Shabir. You have steered away from giving verses from Al-Quran supporting evolution. It would have been nice to have quoted some verses As a Muslim Scientist I see no conflict between embracing Evolution theory and my belief in Allah. I would however concur with your phrase of Creative Evolution, its a nice phrase. I personally have coined the term Islamic Evolution because I include my Creator in this process. Evolution is a Tool that Allah swt uses to Create all things. Even Stars and Planets undergo an evolutionary process. I differ with the typical mullah type who has downgraded our Deen and makes a mockery of Allah Book. We humans do have a special place in creation AND we have been created by the same evolutionary process that has created all life. In his book " The Muqqadamah" Ibn Khaldun talks about evolution of all life. His works predate Darwin by 1000yrs!!! He goes further in his analysis to show how minerals evolved into shell-like creatures and how these evolved into other life forms. He includes Man in this equation too. Evolution theory used to be known as the "Mohammedan Theory of Evolution." Why? Because it was the Arabs who, using the verses from the Quran came up with the theory of Evolution. It was only when the Mullahs and Peers hijacked our Deen and turned it into Mazhab/ Religion, that this theory was thrown out the window! The Quran states the following, from various verses: 1. "Say, Travel through the Earth and see how Allah initiates creation." ( This is an open challenge to Geologists and Paleantologists). 2. Allah has Created ALL living things from water. 3. Do you not see how Allah has got out from water All Living things. Some crawl on their bellies, some on two legs, some on four legs. 4. Do you know that Man was once a thing not even worthy of mention. 5. Allah Creates what He Wills. Verily We have made Man in the best proportions 6. Man is still evolving, this is not your final shape. 7. We have created you from one male and one female. ( This verse is not referring to the creation of all humans from a single pair- This idea has been borrowed from the wrong interpretation of the Bible. It used to be believed that the female was only the "vessel" for nurturing and giving birth to a baby. That it was only the males sperm that was responsible for creating a baby. The Quran Educated us over 1400yrs ago that one male and one female are responsible for the creation of new life. 8. Allah further states that although Man is special, if he does not fulfill the contract with Allah, he can be wiped out and replaced with another creation. I have not given references for these verses but they are all in the Quran and can be easily found. Adam was not the first human on the planet! The proof for this is the fact that he was the first Prophet of Allah. Why send a Prophet if you dont have other people to listen to the message? Adam was fully human, he looked like you and me. Historical records place Adam at about 6000yrs ago. There were countless people around at his time. Allah choose Adam because it was now time for Man to start receiving Revelation. Allah choose Adam and Noah and Moses etc as the best of people from their time. To believe that we are not part of the evolution process is preposterous. For example people who dont believe in Evolution cannot answer the following: Why are many babies born around the world, born with a tail? Why are many babies born with webbed fingers and toes? Why do the embryos of fish, rabbit, leech and human look the same? Why do the three slits in a fish embryo go on to form gills yet we too have the same three slits in the same position as fish, but ours develope into the ears? Why are the 3 bones in the jaw of aligators exactly the same shape as the 3 bones found in humans middle ear? ( the size is the only difference). What was the purpose of the appendix organ? Why is it now a vestigeal organ? Why is it that the insulin hormone in humans which contains 60,000 amino acids differ by only the last four amino acids found in the insulin of pigs? ( hence the reason for use of Pig insulin for diabetic patients, now largely superseded by human recombinant DNA insulin. In summary, I believe in Islamic Evolution because I believe it has to include Allah and that Man is also part of this process. We are bound by the same Laws. The process allows for mutations and errors, hence genetic diseases. Darwin did not know the mechanism of evolution and hence why it is called a Theory. There are many Theorums in Mathematics, all are provable. We now know the mechanism- Its all to do with Genes. I look forward to the day that Darwins theory of evolution will be renamed Darwins Law of Evolution. Its my understanding that he did believe in a creator. He did not however believe in the religious mumbo jumbo of the Churches teachings. Jzk
heera rodriguez Hi Heera From a Quran perspective my understanding is that Adam was a real person but his story is also one that we as a species can relate too. Adam is our representative. My reasoning for deciding that he was a real person are from some verses in the Quran. Namely: "Oh Mohammed, narrate in truth, the story of the two sons of Adam." This verse cannot be symbolic because Allah is clearly stating narrate in truth. Another verse is- " We sent words of inspiration to Adam." It is only Prophets and Messengers who can receive "wahi" or inspiration. If Adam means mankind, how can all mankind receive wahi, we dont! In addition there is a verse where Adam is mentioned along with Noah and Moses etc. Forgive me for not giving references.
nader nader My stance on evolution is that I being a Muslim prefer to call it Islamic Evolution Law. My version definately includes Allah swt. Evolution is the Tool that Allah swt uses to Create everything. In his treatise, The Muqqadamah by Ibn Khaldun he talks very clearly about evolution of everything. Whats more, Ibn Khaldun links all life to minerals. It once used to be called Mohammedan Theory of evolution because it was the Muslims who first proposed the theory, one thousand years before Darwin!! In fact Darwin got his ideas from Arab texts that were translated into Latin. Sadly we have lost our Golden Age of Islam. We misunderstand the verses in the Quran and take certain ones litterally. Some of the English translations dont help much either.
Evolution theory say we and every animal, every fungus, every plant and every bacteria are distant cousins who share common descent from the abiogenesis event, the point at which chemistry became biology. is this compatible with islam?
If you destroyed all religious books and every human on earth. Eventually all the science principles and evolution would be discovered again. Charles Darwin would come back written by someone else. The quran, Bible etc would not. Rest my case
If one wishes to make an informed judgement on Darwinian evolution, I would highly recommend reading the following books: Evolution: Still a theory in crisis, Michael Denton Icons of Evolution, Jonathan Wells Darwin's Black Box, Michael Behe The Deniable Darwin, David Berlinski
@@peperando8733 Evolution is based on the death of the unfits, most often violent predatory killing or horrendous infectious diseases. See the turtles hatching on the beach almost all being eaten by preying birds before reaching the sea and many other examples. All that appalling suffering.
Evolution does not prove or disprove anythings about god...the same way the theory of how rain works doesn't do that.... And I would say that in Evolution god look a lot smarter than in religion because his system doesn't need any outside correction and diverge and adapt at the same time. If one kind dies out it is not god killing a kind but slowly moving it to another. But if we look at the fact that most species who ever lived on that planet died out...we had to assume that a creator killed his entire creation multiple times just to create a new set of animals..who have no way of adapting to new changes in nature. And his actions really wouldn't make sense...why wouldn't you give all animals a nice fur coat and THAN drop the temperature...but first drop the temperature let most of them die out and re-create some of them with more hair. And yes...animals being eaten...its not gods fault that doesn't match your moral standards...but evolution allows every of those deaths not to be meaningless...and it also makes the underdog whit a weird mutation to the new star of the show constantly. But the point is...if the strong turtles surivive turtles as a whole will survive...and those animals who eat turtles don't starve. I would call it a pretty fair system...but of course this kind of thinking doesn't and shouldn't work within human societies.
Why don't you discuss the fact that the only reason you hold your beliefs to heart is because your parents made you do it when you were little, and now you're too far gone to be anything else? Discuss the fact that that logic is completely wasted on every single religious person in history and in the future. I can comprehend it, have been able to since I was 9, but not a single religious scholar or expert can comprehend this simple logic.
@@pineapplepizza5522 You know nothing about quantum physics, and likely neither do the human race. I'm aware that A) something CAN come from nothing in our reality, and B) we're not even 1% close to being finished in terms of gaining knowledge. The DUMBEST thing a person could do is assume a God created it all and then tell other people they know that for sure.
@@shahinrahman3223 If Adam was ~30m tall as per Islamic sources, then humans "evolved" over time and got shorter. Also, given Adam and Even, which one of them was white, which was black, and which was Asian...?
@@theastronomer5800 “Allah created Adam from a handful which he took from the whole of the earth ; so the children of Adam are in accordance with the earth color : some red, some white, some black, and in between; and their manners are the like of earth, smooth, rough, bad and good.”
@@shedawgnig That is of course only your belief. We know that humans originated and started to move out of Africa some 70,000-100,000 years ago (and had black skin as it's advantageous in regions with high levels of UV radiation) and spread out over tens of thousands of years. Their skin colour changed with environment over many generations. Based on current genetic research, studies suggest that the genetic variants associated with lighter skin in Europe might have started to emerge between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. So, where does Allah factor into all this?
watched all of it,, , , , I don’t see any evidence for anything un-natural, therefore I am not convinced that there is anything unnatural or supernatural like gods, spirits, miracles, magic, ‘jadoo’, ‘jins’ and ‘rooh’ and gods . originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, , , ,
My thought on this topic is that science and religion say the same message, jusy in different methods(due to the massive gap between the era of quran's revelation and modern science-understanding society of today). In quran its mentioned how Adam a.s was created and in darwin's theory of evolution its explained how humans came to be, difference is that quran's message was metaphorical and theory of evolution was evidential.
Why do you think it's metaphorical? Give me some quranic evidence. It's clearly written. If everything was metaphorical why shouldn't every Muslim understand every command or message individually and act upon it?
It's not metaphorical. Adam was a literal human being. We need to stop treating science as something divine, its fins to not accept evolution on the basic it contradicts the Quran. You know science held the view the universe was eternal or what about the view that the sun orbited the earth. This is that same science.
It was NOT metaphorical. Adam and Eve was in both the Bible and the Quran. Do you really think both books would use the EXACT same metaphor? Plus, basically every Muslim scholar considers Adam to be a prophet. Again, absolutely NOT metaphorical.
@@Lee-my3fc Scholarly consensus. But it's well understood by Muslims that the Quran is a spiritual text, not meant for scientific fact or historical fact.
I was waiting and waiting and waiting but didn't get the answer. Can't you straight away say we don't know at this point of time rather taking my complete 8min just making me understand the word reconciliation.
Common stages Islam and other similar religions has to go through when encountered with science. History has shown us this repeatedly. Common 5 stages of grief here; 1. denial 2. anger 3. bargaining 4. depression 5. acceptance They'll come around =)
Really? These stages only happen in Christianity. 😃 If Islam is a true religion, then it shouldn't have contradictions, and we Muslims firmly believe in this logic. Who said we are afraid of this evolution theory? You should read more bout Islam Quran. There is a reason many people are joining Islam, and most of them are women. 1400 Years old Religion and not a single contradiction with Science, Not a single view is changed in Islam. Read about Islam before you challenge us. I have seen Islam Vs. Atheist Debates and Islam never lose, the only Religion that makes sense, and Quran is the Book of signs, not science, yet it is perfect. With the progress of science, we understand many claims made by Quran; Progress is actually what makes Quran true Religion. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN, AND IT NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE HISTORY IS IN FRONT OF YOU.
@@Shahzaada The first contradiction is Islam claims God favors them by gifting them angel help and a prophet. Such a thing is beneath the title Almighty.
@@truthboom how's that a contradiction? God sent his prophet to guide the nations (starting from the prophet's own nation, in Muhammad's case it was his early Arabian followers). As for the angels, God sent them to help and protect his people against their original oppressors to ensure that they could continue to spread the message of Truth to the world rather than perishing early on
@@lsncdth Yes it is, Almighty means omnipotent, which means God doesn't need a prophet. He could just make a walking avatar of himself and even make a nation to spread his message.
Islam does not have any problem with all species evolution except the humans. One thing I think wasn't mentioned is that Allah mentions in the Quran that people were created in stages. It is also said in the Quran that everything alive on this Earth originated from water. These are the things science 100% agrees with, and it is also a Miracle because a man who lived in desert 7th century couldn't have known facts that have been discovered only very recently. So, science says that all species did indeed originate in water and then gradually evolved into different species through adaptation and etc. Now when it comes to the Quranic narrative of Adam's creation, it is mentioned both in the Hadeeth and in the Quran that Adam was made from clay by Allah in paradise, and then he was sent to Earth. But I have not come across any divine statement that it happened at once, but instead it is mentioned in the Quran that humans were created in stages. Evolution theory also advocates that there were many stages through which modern Humans went through from a single-cell organism. So only Allah knows, may be, in paradise, the evolution from a single cell organism into a human was happening right before Allah, and then the final product was eventually sent down to the earth. So the only issue here is the location, scientists believe that human evolution took place on Earth, while we believe that "human evolution" took place in Paradise. But then what is Paradise and where it's located is another big mystery. While humans were created in stages in Paradise, evolution on Earth was continuing non-stop, and it came to the point we had humanoid species on Earth that were close to humans and yet far from them, this is the point the evolution process on earth had reached before they were exterminated by Adam and his offsprings.
have you check out "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" and "How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 44 Lucy" on youtube. they shows how ignorant .Casey Luskin and discovery institute is.
Mutation and natural selection happens all the time there's no denial in that, because if it didn't exist we all would look and behave exactly the same , but we are having different characteristics different behaviour and different sizes and shapes that means with each generation, mutation occurs and when it happens for billions and millions of years continuously then it's called evolution
When people talk about reconciling science and religion, that is only an issue with people who have preconceived ideas, but scientists cannot/should-not have preconceived ideas they must believe the evidence. All scientific models must conform to NATURE or REALITY, If there is any tiny evidence for some unnatural forces then they must include that in their papers/thesis and account for it. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist , , , ,
Adam never existed. Talking of him as if he had [really] been the first human is therefore wrong. => The Quran contains errors if taken literally - or must be considered the allegorical way. Welcome to christian wonderland !
@@yusufal-muqtadir2494 Quran 7:27, who are the children of Adam if not us ? Admittedly, there is still room for the interpretation that Mohamed thought that other humans may have existed before Adam, modern genetics leaves however no room to the interpretation that our human ancestor escaped from a pottery shop as described in the Quran.
8 minutes and 5 seconds of talking but no answers, not even a 'personal' opinion. Just saying "we have to reconcile faith and science" is not enough. I think the core of the problem is that the two can't be reconciled but he doesn't want to admit it.
@@jesan733 evolution is the biological change of time nd Darwinian evolution is change of monkey into human ....then y humans don't change to human pro......🤪🤣
Please I want you organize a program on the Dr speaking about Africans way of practicing Islam, I mean the use of talisman writing the Quranic verses on slates and then wash them for drinking
Evolution is true but the true meaning. Men didn't evolve from apes, we have totally different chromosomes. Yes men evolved within the body given to us by God
When you say monkey, I think you are talking about chimpanzees, yes, we did not come from chimpanzees, only our common ancestors are the same, every living thing has a common ancestor anyway, the common ancestor does not consist of 1 person, and the species we call human is homo (homo means human in Latin) sapien is already a species in the primate tree and the % among us in chimpanzees 98 similarity is missing at 2% because we separated into species and genus they were subjected to different pressures and we were separated into different ciss and yes evolution is an absolute fact.
@@frankyboy1806 bro i dnt understand how a religion could clash with the theory of evolution.not In the bible or Quran or never its known that a prophet of God talked about it. Even if evolution is true, there is God, the designer and evolver. So bro religious people have no problem with evolution
Actually, not exactly. Men and apes have the same chromosomes just not in the same configuration. The only difference is in the human chromosome #2. In apes this has been separated. We know this due to a vestigial centromere. This proves that we had a common ancestor with apes
I'm a muslim who believe in non-human evolution and also human partial-evolution. Like Dr. Shabir Ally said, creationism and evolution don't have to be separated, even Qur'an gives lot of hints on non-human evolutions such as water where life emerged and early creatures before Adam PBUH came to earth. I also like to believe that after descendants of Prophet Adam and Hawa spread to all over the Earth, partial evolution took place where people developing certain traits like shorter body and darker skin around Equator to overcome the heat and taller with fairer skin on northern hemisphere to overcome the dark cold places. Hence you got races, So it my belief, I always consider evolution is also in part of God's hand as everything in the universe happens with His permission
Interesting. What do you believe humanity’s oldest ancestor is? Science would generally point to a single called organism, and theism would point to Adam. What’s your take on this?
@@ha5541 As I said, i believe in non-human full evolution, which mean every organism except human came from single-celled organism. Whereas human took its evolution after Adam and Eve being sent to Earth to repopulate, my take on this is based on several missing links that connect humans to other primates and mainly oldest human fossils found scattered around Africa - Middle Eastern region (Adam and Eve / Hawa were described (Especially on Qur'an) to descend in these areas (Adam somewhere in Sri Lanka, Eve somewhere in Arab - North Africa)
@@ha5541 You are welcome! Keep in mind that we are talking about scientific 'hypothesis' and islamic faith so this is merely my personal view and I do not claim it as 100% correct because I'm also stil learning as well. I hope Allah guide us to keep learning new knowledge
One Unity There is nothing called human evolution. Shaikh is an excellent scholar but evolution needs a scientific to speak about. Please watch Subboor Ahmad, he is an expert in evolution.
@LC My peaceful advice would be to drop your quran nonsense and read a science book on that subject. Adam never existed. Your outdated book is 100 % incompatible with modern biology, and science in general by the way.
My Muslim bothers and sisters, there is no verse in the Quran that goes against evolution, in fact Allah says we chose Adam from among you.... Which indicates that humans existed before Adam and he was chosen from amongst them as a prophet. The idea of creation of first humans is wrong and it was delivered into Islam by jews and Christians who converted to Islam.
نبی کریم ﷺ نے جب سورج غروب ہوا تو ان سے پوچھا کہ تم کو معلوم ہے? یہ سورج کہاں جاتا ہے ؟ میں نے عرض کی کہ اللہ اور اس کے رسول ہی کو علم ہے ۔ آپ ﷺ نے فرمایا کہ یہ جاتا ہے اور عرش کے نیچے پہنچ کر پہلے سجدہ کرتا ہے ۔ پھر ( دوبارہ آنے کی ) اجازت چاہتا ہے اور اسے اجازت دی جاتی ہے اور وہ دن بھی قریب ہے ، جب یہ سجدہ کرے گا تو اس کا سجدہ قبول نہ ہو گا اور اجازت چاہے گا لیکن اجازت نہ ملے گی ۔ بلکہ اس سے کہا جائے گا کہ جہاں سے آیا تھا وہیں واپس چلا جا ۔ چنانچہ اس دن وہ مغرب ہی سے نکلے گا ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ کے فرمان (سورۃ یٰسٓ آیت 38 ) میں اسی طرف اشارہ ہے ۔ صحیح بخاری حدیث نمبر 3199
Best evidence of God is 1st creation 2nd the biblical Jesus Christ The theory of evolution is a theory not a fact .if it was a fact then it would be called the fact of evolution not theory of evolution .
@@fitzburg63 I'm not a atheist, but a agnostic. But "Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) offers a pragmatic reason for believing in God: even under the assumption that God’s existence is unlikely, the potential benefits of believing are so vast as to make betting on theism rational."
have you check out "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" and "How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 44 Lucy" on youtube. they shows how ignorant .Casey Luskin and discovery institute is.
Shabir Ali has just waffled for 8m 5s. Why waste a whole video 😂 You tube Richard Dawkins teaches faith school and you will see how pathetic religion is :(
Can any Islamic scholar inform Muslims and non Muslims when Allah instantly created humans on the planet, and where exactly. So far I have never recieved an answer or ever a guess eg around 15,000 years ago approx. ? It's rather strange they go quiet when asked this question.
Monsterfishtanks Um, no. It's the measurement of population genetics - you do understand you can measure population genetics, right? Prediction: the deeper we dig, we will find examples of earlier, simplistic life based on the observation that genetic frequency changes over time. Results: the deeper we went, we found examples of earlier, simpler life. We also know exactly where to dig to find these examples, based on our current results. You do understand that predictive power is the pinnacle of undeniable science, right? It's the elite of the elite. It's exactly the same as someone coming forward in a criminal investigation and providing the police with all the locations of the stolen goods. It's irrefutable.
Demonstrable Pixie bro , Darwinism has taken a form of religion , human or any organism do have evolution , but saying specific evolution is from apes , while apes still exists then it's a problem ,
Razi Shahid No. I don't care for Darwin. Because we share a common ancestor, which we all branched off from. If Americans come from Europeans, why are there still Europeans? This is a simple case where you are uninformed. Our family - the ape family - share a common relative, or correctly known, ancestor. That's it.
@hafizgoga aslam ارتقاء ایک خالص مادی نظریہ ہے جو اللہ کو نہیں مانتا ہے ۔ جو ںطریہ اللہ کا انکار کرتا ہے تو کیا آپ اللہ کی ذات کا انکار کرسکتے ہیں؟ کیا یہ تضاد نہیں ہے ؟ ارتقا کے مطابق آدم علیہ السلام کا کوئی وجود ہی نہیں ہے ۔ آپ اپنے آپ کو اولاد آدم مانتے ہیں یا نہیں؟ قرآن اور نظریہ ارتقا دونوں بالکل متضاد ہیں اور دونوں میں کوئی توافق نہیں ہے ۔
Ooh beauty full aisha will u marry me😜 okay coming on the point with very short. But stay real for the explanation of evolution, it is given by a muslim scientist name abu usman jahiz. Born in basra (iraq) DOB:868 hijri. 1463A.D approx. He was a great islamic sunni scholar too. He explained it in his book name kitab al haiwan (book of creatures) in 7 volume but the original content is changed by Charles Darwin, this book of al jahiz is now in Cambridge University. u'll can buy the copies are available. Now the terms of evolution was explained when Darwin was not been a sperm, he was born in 1223 hijri. 1809A.D how come history of evolution became his theory. Darwin tried been a priest & he failed, he tried been a surgeon he failed how come a man with such a simple practice failure can become a big theorist . Actually the theory is traveling for the research? Do any body has any proof of where did he traveled to research about this evolution theory??? He was such a man who can't even understand what jahiz explained 😂. The fact is we left the proper islam we don't know our history and the disgusting point is 99.99% of inventions are by Muslims n we don't know coz we don't study.
SIR FRED HOYLE Falsified Evolution: 1- Fred Hoyle FRS (24 June 1915 - 20 August 2001) was an English astronomer who formulated the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis and also an atheist 2- In 1987 he wrote ‘Mathematics of Evolution’ concluding the Darwinian theory is false (accepted micro-evolution) 3- What Hoyle showed was that novel genes for new proteins could not possibly have evolved by the Darwinian process of natural selection; 4- _“Well as common sense would suggest, the Darwinian theory is correct in the small but not in the large. Rabbits come from slightly different rabbits...”_ 5- Even assuming 95% of the genome is junk and the code is 30% redundant could not save evolution 6- Concerning new genes _“Where they came from in the first place is a problem yet to be solved, like much else of a cosmic scale.”_ 7- In 2018 TB. Fowler reviewed Hoyle's Critique of Neo-Darwinian Theory and said _“The conclusion is that while Hoyle's mathematics is impeccable, and thus his critique based on them has merit, he did not carry his own reasoning far enough and specifically failed to consider the possibility of large variations in selective value.”_ 8- Hoyle did not consider large variations because he knew the obvious negative effect on probability of beneficial change only magnifies the problem; Hoyle 9- _“we have a case in histone-4 where more than 200 base pairs are conserved across the whole of biology? The problem for the neo-Darwinian theory is to explain how the one particular arrangement came to be discovered in the first place. Evidently not by a random process"_ The probability = 1e-120 ? 10- Hoyle was so convinced he invented a panspermia model pushing the problem of new genes out into the cosmos admitting it’s still a problem 11- Since Hoyle’s work was verified and its only alternative worse for evolution of new genes his assertion that the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution is wrong is a *falsification!*
I suggest you explain the basic mechanisms of evolution, because really, from my experience, believers have no idea how evolution works. They think that a monkey turned into human for no reason. They don't know about natural selection on genes, mutations and continuous change of the gene pool. So discussing stuff like evidence for evolution or whether it is compatible with religion is too early, when believers don't even know what evolution actually means. The vast majority of religious people who are against evolution never read On the origin of species. Would you debate an atheist who attacks Islam and never read the Quran? In the same way believers have to first understand what evolution says, before they can reject or accept it.
Filip Vajdík
I'm again the idea that human came from an other specie. But I agree with you, if someone want to talk about a subject, he or she needs to know what is truly the subject.
Evolution can help to understand why there are so lany species. Or it can help to classify the species.
But we need to accept that evolution doesn't explain everything. There are a lot of problems with it :
1)the missing link between every specie.
2)the reason why human cry when they're sad.
3)the apparition of life.
4)the pain that women get when they give birth.
5)the non evolution of monkeys. (Lucy look very similare to nowadays'monkeys. But lucy have more than 3 millions years)
6)how can a spider spin a web? How did she had the knowledge to make such construction?
7)why a specie between human and monkey doesn't exist?
There are more questions that evolution can't explain but religion can. I just give you 7 but if you want I have dozens.
Filip Vajdík what a logical reply bro! I think, all scholars must read and evaluate the entire evaluation theory .
Majority of Muslims are ignorant on the topic of evolution. In addition our so called scholars are too. We misinterpret the Quran verses.
I prefer to call my understanding ISLAMIC EVOLUTION. Because My Creator is the One Who initiated the Process.
@@nhomdefer1153 all of these points have been explained...
Finally a wise comment. I definitely agree with you. I was against evolution until I studied it.
Can't wait to see your perspective. I never found contradiction between evolution and faith. Science tells us, how God works in deeper level and on vider spectrum. Science, and all it's evidence, just pulls me closet to Him, and fills me with awe, how magnificent He really is.
I agree. I am studying biology at university and the more I learn, the more I believe in God.
I agree with you, what most religious people faith to understands is that they think God created everything spontaneously.
I fully agree
science tells you there is no evidence of god😉
Science is a gift of Allah. I find comfort in admiring Allah’s ability to create such a growing and changing universe. He is the creator along with the fashioner
You have no proof of your claim above and I can replace Allah with Leprechaun in your statement and nothing would change
@@ShanKhan-cj7nv No matter right or wrong. No matter what is their intention. He/She just make a comment on praising Allah’s Greatness. How could you bash them with a trashy comment like that?
@@annisanazzahra2672 well nobody bash if u replace Allah's name with xyz nothing will change
@@ShanKhan-cj7nv now these are the type of people I love
@@annisanazzahra2672 stop looking up things that upset u 😅
I studied Biological Science in university and got a good understanding of evolution. As a Muslim, I find no qualm between Islam and Evolution. Instead, I find most Muslims and non-Muslims having a poor understanding of Evolution. Likewise, I find many academics having a poor understanding of Islam.
For lay persons, most scientific concepts originate from 'popular science' (i.e. magazines, internet articles, tv shows, etc) which is quite different (and usually false) from academic science. If you want to understand evolution (or any academic subject), I suggest you -read- study an academic textbook on the subject. The same is true for understanding Islam.
Dr shabir is a great Islamic scholar Mashallah
one of the best if not the best
And, whether I agree with him or not on some issues, he is very good man. I say this as a non-Muslim who enjoys his desire to get to better and more reasoned explanations. Peace.
Most people think that believing in evolution makes you unbeliever but it doesn't....
Flyman Games it kinda does tho. You are committing shirk
Both the Quran and the theory of evolution are false.
The Holy Bible is the Word of God.
'Of everything we have created pairs'Holy quran 51:49.
And also 36:36.
I request respected Dr.shabbir ali to please define the significance of these two verses.
Ammar Khan many people talk about this and so many answers...
Ammar Khan, assalam aleykum. One should realise that randomly quoting verses from the Qur'an without thoroughly understanding them is not responsible. I think you are wise enough to realise that the pair human beings were created from are Adam and eve, therefore, Adam and eve ARE the pair! They were a pair created by allah in paradise as is described in the Qur'an. Also evolutionists are against the idea of paradise as they believe humans evolved on earth, not in paradise. There is no such thing as paradise in Darwin's theory. We as muslims submit to our creator and accept that he created us as he described in the Qur'an. I think that shabir ally is presenting a distorted interpretation here that is not compatible with the Qur'an, nor Darwinian evolution!
I understand IT as dual..
As in duality
As Above so below
@@ahmedb5388 why would Darwin’s theory of evolution mention paradise? There’s ZERO proof that a heaven or paradise exists. Assuming a paradise has to exist is just an idealistic and unrealistic point of view.
There is a great book written by David Solomon Jalel which is called Islam and Biological Evolution: Exploring Classical Sunni Sources where he discusses the topic in detail. Also there are couple of books written by T.O. Shanavas. I haven't read them but he seems to suggest that Theory of Evolution was a Muslim Theory before Darwin. Also S.M.Jaffer discusses the topic briefly in his book A History of History. Definitely worth a read.
Why do you have hitler as profile picture
@@onedayray9918 lmao
@@onedayray9918 The Führer hacked his account.
@@cronchcrunch Lool
@@onedayray9918 he looking fresh though
He It is Who created all things in the best way and began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from an extract of despised fluid. (Quran 32:7-8)
Allah distinguished between the creation of Adam and the creation of adam's offspring. This is a clear reference to the creation of Adam (from clay, fashioned and formed) being unique in that no parents were required, and then Allah made his offspring to arise through an extract of an emitted fluid.
And as for Isa (alayhis salaam), then Allah resembles his creation to Adam's in the sense that Adam was born of no parents, and Jesus was born of no father. "Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was." (Quran 3:59)
If adam was born just like any of us, then what is the point of the above verse? why compare adam with jesus when quran indicates jesus had no father.
The story of the Sabbath-breakers is well known whereby Allah cursed the disobedient and turned them into monkeys and pigs. [Quran 5:60]
How then, can the honoured sons of Adam actually come from that which is considered a curse? Of course, in being honoured, it is only logical to conclude that either humanity haven’t come from apes or that we negate the verse itself and claim that the Sabbath-breakers did not turn into apes and pigs. Even if we were to state, for the sake of argument, that the transformation was metaphorical, the essential point still remains that they were cursed by taking on qualities of monkeys and apes.
If we believe that Allah is the Creator and can create anything He wills then what is wrong in accepting that he created Adam directly from clay, fashioned him, and brought him to life instantaneously? Why do we need to distort the meanings of countless Quranic verses in favour of a theory that continually changes? Must we negate the numerous and authentic hadith that clearly establish a non-evolutionist narrative? Let’s not forget that Quran is the clear book of guidance and not a book of secret codes.
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance. [Quran 18:1]
[He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward. [Quran 18:2]
Parvez Khan
There is no likeness between Jesus pbuh and Adam in respect of creation. Because Jesus had a Mother and also a father! In Surah Al Anaam 6: 85-87 you will find a list of people linked by forefathers. Allah clearly mentions Jesus in the list and then in verse 87 says " and their fathers"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muslims are blindly following sheep and goats who are in turn following cattle, nay, they are worst than cattle.
I have to strongly correct you on your Quranic knowledge. You have unfortunately fallen into the trap that the vast majority of Muslims have done. Namely they have followed their ancestors rather than use their intellect.
Khal7861 but it is among them fathers so I’m guessing it’s not referring to all of them
Khal7861 if I say to 80 people “and among you....” I’m not referring to all but I’m referring to a portion of them
Khal7861 brother it is you who has fallen into the trap
Surah maryam and we sent the Holy Spirit (jibreal a.s ) to maryam and he appeared before her in a form of a man with all respect then she says I seek refuge in Allah from you then jibreal a.s says I am a messenger from your lord to present to
You a gift a righteous son she said how can I have a son when ( no man has touched me nor am I unchaste then jibreal a.s says it is easy for your lord he says be and it is when she gave birth and returned to the village the people started insulting her thinking she committed adultury but then isa a.s defends her by speaking when he was a little boy your mixing the terminology of father in that context it’s a care giver a sustainer you have done the same thing as Christians
I don’t know about any other Islamic persons view on this topic is but my view has always been that Allah made the Big Bang happen and also made evolution to help everything we know today
No. Thats not true
@@iamdoctorcat6347 then you're against the qur'an.
Most people don't accept science because they understand it, they accept it because they don't want to look stupid denying what they're told is well established fact from a mostly inherently trustworthy concept such as science. This is the primary reason why most science is accepted and as an atheist I wish this wasn't the case.
It's accepted because it is proven by evidence which is available for people to look at, research or even do their own little science experiments to come to the same conclusions, etc. So to say it's because people only accept something because it is said to be true is simply false.
That's false, in evolution science most beliefs are built on assumption @@Dhfhucudu
@@Someone-by6jm Uhhh and those “assumptions” are based on evidence.
most ‘university’ scholars are desperately repackaging their interpretation of evolution as “creative evolution” to align with scientific facts. This could be a needed step to viewing religion same as the Greek myths.
I love it when creationists who know nothing about evolution project their lack of understanding on the subject onto actual scientists.
Big Bang
“Then He rose over towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: ‘Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.’ They both said: ‘We come willingly.’” (41:11)
“Are, then, they who are bent on denying the truth not aware that the heavens and the earth were [once] one single entity, which We then parted asunder? - and We made out of water every living thing? Will they not, then, believe?” (21:30)
The Big Bang is the most popular cosmological theory about the early development of the universe. The model states that the universe was in a hot and dense state that expanded rapidly. Then it began to cool and formed the state that we see today.
One verse in the Qur’an states that there was “smoke” before the heavens and the earth were created, and scientists believe that the universe was initially in a gaseous state, which led to the formation of stars and galaxies.
Another verse states, “the heavens and the earth were one single entity, which We then parted asunder”, which could give evidence to the Big Bang theory.
Age of Universe
“And [who knows that] We have indeed created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six aeons, and [that] no weariness could ever touch Us.” (50:38)
“Say: ‘Would you indeed deny Him who has created the earth in two aeons? And do you claim that there is any power that could rival Him, the Sustainer of all the worlds?’” (41:9)
One verse in the Qur’an states that God created the universe in six aeons, and another states that the Earth was created in two aeons, which means that the age of the Earth is a third of the age of the universe.
Scientists have reported that the universe is 13.75 billion years old, on the basis of the measurement of background radiation. Similarly, the Earth is suggested to be 4.54 billion years old, through other similar studies. As a fraction, this translates into a third, which is the same proportion as that which the Qur’an states.
Expanding Universe
“And it is We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.” (51:47)
When Einstein applied his general theory of relativity to the structure of the universe, he was bewildered to find it predicted the universe was either contracting or expanding. He refused to believe this, and amended his calculations to add a cosmological constant and ensure that it showed the universe was constant.
However, in 1929, he was forced to go back on this after Edwin Hubble showed him that distant galaxies were moving away from the Earth and the further away they were, the faster they were moving. Einstein called the cosmological constant “his greatest blunder.” This proves that the universe is indeed expanding in size.
Big Crunch
“On that Day We shall roll up the skies as written scrolls are rolled up; [and] as We brought into being the first creation, so We shall bring it forth anew a promise which We have willed upon Ourselves: for, behold, We are able to do [all things]!” (21:104)
Once the Big Bang theory had been accepted by the majority of scientists, the ultimate fate of the universe became a valid cosmological question. The fate of the universe was also dependent on the physical properties of the universe, such as mass, energy, density, and rate of expansion.
One possible theory is known as the ‘Big Crunch’. It states that the expansion of the universe will stop one day, reverse and begin to collapse on itself, ending up as a black hole. A verse in the Qur’an states, “We shall roll up the skies as written scrolls are rolled up”, which could be an indication of the Big Crunch.
The Sun-Trajectory
“And [it is God that] has made the sun and the moon, both of them constant upon their courses, subservient [to His laws, so that they be of use] to you; and has made the night and the day subservient [to His laws, so that they be of use] to you.” (14:33)
“And [they have a sign in] the sun: it runs in an orbit of its own [and] that is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing;” (36:38)
Since the dawn of time, it was believed that the Earth was flat and that the sun moved around it. After it was determined that this theory was wrong, and it was realised that the Earth orbits the sun, it was thought that the sun is stationary. This conclusion, however, is false, as it was discovered that our solar system orbits around the Milky Way galaxy. One orbit takes 226 million years, and the sun is moving at an astonishing speed of 782,000 km/hour.
The Moon-Phases & Lunar Year
“And the moon, for which We have determined phases [which it must traverse] till it becomes like an old date-stalk, dried-up and curved.” (36:39)
“They will ask thee about the new moons. Say: ‘They indicate the periods for [various doings of] mankind, including the pilgrimage.’” (2:189)
“He it is who has made the sun a [source of] radiant light and the moon a light [reflected], and has determined for it phases so that you might know how to compute the years and to measure [time].” (10:5)
The phases of the moon are the appearance of the illuminated portion of it seen from Earth.
It is also made clear that the phases of the moon are to be used to determine the new month.
Planets, stars & celestial bodies
“But nay! I call to witness the revolving stars, the planets that run their course and set.” (81:15-16)
“And it is He who has created the night and the day and the sun and the moon-all of them floating through space!” (21:33)
“Consider the heavens, ever-revolving.” (86:11)
“And He it is who has set up for you the stars so that you might be guided by them in the midst of the deep darkness of land and sea: clearly, indeed, have We spelled out these messages unto people of [innate] knowledge!” (6:97)
These verses relate to the orbital movements of the planets, the arrangement of our solar system, and the presence of stars in our universe.
Quran is explicit that Adam was created from earth and from him, his wife was created. From them two; humankind came. Hence Quran in no way shows human bio evolution from ape like creatures.
“Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. THEN He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.” [Quran 32:7, 8]
The above verses clearly state that Adam was created from clay and that he was not born nor Adam was from a biological mating nor evolved from previous creatures.
The above verse also indicates that only Adam's progeny were created from liquid disdained and not Adam himself, hence again proving that Adam had no parents.
He created you from one soul. Then He made from it its mate… [Quran 39:6]
The above verse proves that humanity came from Adam and the verse also shows that Eve was created from Adam directly thus refuting the theory of human evolution from non-human species.
Another ayah which supports the traditional Muslim belief;
“The likeness of Jesus, to Allah, is the same as Adam. He created him from earth and then He said to him, ‘Be!’ and he was.”[Quran 3:59]
A brief look into thecauses for revelation quickly makes clear that the verse was revealed to repudiate the Christian argument that proof of Jesus’ divinity is his having no earthly father. The verse states that Adam had no parents whatsoever, being created instead from earth, yet this did not make him divine; the comparison then was between the single parent of Jesus and the absence of parents in regards to Adam.
We also see that Allah created Adam directly without the agency of parents.
Allah says: “The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’ and he was.” [Sûrah Al `Imrân: 59]
In the Qur’an, Allah states clearly: “O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women.” [Surah al-Nisâ’: verse 1]
Therefore, the Qur’an tells us that Adam and his wife were the father and mother of all human beings living on the Earth today.
We must be careful when interpreting verses from the Quran. Allah clearly tell us in Surah Al-Imran that Two kinds of language are used in the Quran. One type is factual, the basis of the Book. The other is "Mutashabhiat" which means Allegorical/Symbolic language. The Quran not only states that Adam was created from clay, but also from dust, also from a putrified extract of clay, another verse says from mud. What they all have in common is "The Earth." Another verse states that Allah created man from haste! Yet "haste"is not an ingredient.( Khaliqul insanu min ajaal). Hence the meaning of the verses refer to the temperament i.e Adam was a down to Earth person. The same tasreef can be used for the creation of Jinn.. they are created from fire ( min nahr) hence Jinn have a fiery temperment- hot headed. The Jinn could not have litterally been created from fire BECAUSE the Quran in Surah 46 Al-Ahqaf verse 29 onward tell us that the Jinn were fearful of the consequences of not embracing the New Message, Al-Quran, they were fearful of the hellfire!! If they were created from fire, litterally, then why be scared of the hellfire! Thats like home for them. Incidently by reading these verses with an open mind you will see that Jinn are not some kind of creature or invisible beings. Clues are in the verses. Eg- What's the connection to them and Hazrat Mussa? Why would they be keen to know that a Message has come after Hazrat Mussa? The verse clearly state they went back to "their people." Hence Jinn were people. In this case they were a small tribe of Jews. They accept Moses as their Prophet.
Man-made stories corrupt the meaning such that even top scholars think Jinn are invisible beings!! Jinn share the same Arabic root meaning as Jannah ( a Garden hidden), hence Jinn are Human beings who are rarely seen, hidden away from town or village people. They are in fact mountain or forest dwelling people, hardy, tough and many with fiery temperaments.
Quran is clear that Adam's creation is different from the rest of humankind.
He It is Who created all things in the best way and began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from an extract of despised fluid. (Quran 32:7-8)
Allah distinguished between the creation of Adam and the creation of His offspring. This is a clear reference to the creation of Adam (from clay, fashioned and formed) being unique in that no parents were required, and then Allah made his offspring to arise through an extract of an emitted fluid.
Quran also indicates that Adam was created in jannah and thus was not born on earth. Allah announced to the Angels that he will create man (Quran 15:28, 38:71).
Allah created Hawaa (Quran 4:1) from Adam (4:1, 7:189, 39:6) and made as a spouse for Adam (7:189, 39:6) and informed Adam and his wife to reside in Paradise (Quran 7:19, 2:35). Adam accepted the trust (amaanah, to obey Allah) which had been offered previously to the heavens, earth and mountains, which had refused, but man took upon the responsibility (33:72-73). Then Allah informed Adam to beware of Iblis, their enemy (20:117).
So whilst Adam was in Paradise, Iblis tempted them to disobey Allah by eating of the forbidden tree, after he swore that he is their sincere advisor (7:21) and he promised them immortality, becoming like angels, the tree of eternity and an everlasting kingdom (7:20, 20:120). So Adam disobeyed, and he acquired words of repentance from Allah (2:37) so Allah accepted His repentance (20:122) and then Allah sent them all down to the earth, making some as enemies to others and stating that earth is their habitation for a while (Quran 2:36, 2:38, 7:24, 20:123).
The above verses prove that Adam was not on earth before and hence shows Adam was not evoloved from non-human species.
Then when Adam and Eve were sent down upon the earth, Allah brought forth mankind through them (4:1, 49:13)
Angels and Iblis affirm that Adam is the first human, created by Allah, and Iblis objected that because Adam was created from clay he is inferior. Humankind was not therefore known previously to the Angels or to Iblis. Further, Allah affirmed that the mother and father of all of mankind (Banee Adam) are Adam and Eve who were expelled from Paradise (to Earth) - "O Children of Adam! Let not Satan deceive you, as he got your parents [Adam and Hawwa (Eve)] out of Paradise." (Quran 7:27), just as we know that all men and women were brought forth from a single soul and its spouse (Quran 4:1).
The above verse clearly refutes Darwinian evolution because Adam did not have any parents.
but if jinns are in fact just normal humans who are hardy and tough, then what about the story of ibless who was a jinn bowing down to Adam (AS) who was a human?
@@Ahmed-od3sp because Allah ordered him to prostrate to Adam but he disobeyed so he was thrown into the fire
Go to this link and study if you want to know:
Is there any videos that extensively discuss this topic?
Why not a scientist or biologist do the introduction, not a scholar of religion?
Good question.
A scholar in any religion is the same as a scholar in Zues or Odin/Thor or any other mythology. Choosing to major in theology or becoming a scholar in religion is like marrying your kidnapper, because you are becoming an expert in myths you were brainwashed in as an innocent child. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, , , ,
It’s non-intuitive to understand that all this complexity is just natural and no intervention of any being is required, it’s much much simpler and easier for humans to believe that some being did it magically, especially when we are indoctrinated to believe from a very early age by your parents, teachers, leaders, elders practically everyone. And if we don’t conform to your parents religions then you can be shunned, disowned and possibly harmed. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, ,, ,
Best way to be totally honest is to say to yourself, "I will accept(believe) whatever the evidence points to, even if it goes against my childhood indoctrination.This is how I came out of my indoctrination. I said to myself I must accept reluctantly whatever the evidence points to as the nature of reality. , , , , ,
I could listen to both of them all day!....
have you check out "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" and "How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 44 Lucy" on youtube. they shows how ignorant .Casey Luskin and discovery institute is.
muslims in this chat read my comment: evolution is a fact. A theory in common language and a scientific theory are 2 completely different things. In science, a theory is a functional explanation of a natural phenomenon, it explain how a fact works, such as evolution in this case., it is the highest level in the scientific field. (gravity theory, tectonic plate theory, cells theory). it is very different from a theory in common language which is just a hypothesis
They're too busy believing in fairies... or pixies.
@@junkybabes actually we are not, mutation is a possible fact but evolution is just a theory that is proven to be biologically impossible. Neither the skulls and skeletons found has a link in between them. Evolution usually based on "one cell evolution", which is disproven by one gene theory. There's so many scientists spoke against evolution theory. Also the current scientific method was founded by indeed a Muslim!
@@1gbot if it wasn't for evolution we would have no life
@@johngurvan8279 evolution is proved to be biologically impossible but mutation, mutation can not be applied to monkies becoming humans theory. Nor there’s no links found among those stages. Even one cell evolution is impossible due to minimum gene theory. Evolution is criticized by many scientists, and it was approved to diss Christianity and the church
😂😂😂😂😂Gravitation is not theory ,its a law😂😂😂
where is the answer?
Islamic scholars need no answer. They only need the power of reinterpretation 😂
To all those who commented, please read Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hararri
@@scoops2382 because it's one of the best and one of the most important books of our time
@@nripeshdhungana2325 too much simplification in that book.
Me trying to explain to my friend way there is evolution in his way😂
Allah makes the verses of the Quran plain and clear.
“These are verses of the Qur’an, a book that makes (things) clear. ” [Quran 27:1]
A key principle that must be established when to correctly interpret the Qur’an we must approach them as one coherent and homogeneous unit that affords a holistic interpretation, and not an interpretation based on preconceived ideas that singles out isolated verses so as to misconstrue them.
Our first ancestor was the prophet Adam (upon whom be peace), who was created by Allah in "paradise" and not on earth, but also created in a particular way that He describes to us:
"And [mention] when your Lord said to the angels, 'Truly, I will create a man from clay. So when I have completed him, and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down prostrate to him.' And the angels prostrated, one and all. Save for Satan, who was too proud to, and disbelieved. He said to him, 'O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating to what I have created with My two hands? Are you arrogant, or too exalted?' He said: 'I am better than he; You created me from fire and created him from clay'" (Qur'an 38:71-76).
The above verses clearly states that Allah created Adam from clay in Paradise. Then Adam and eve were sent to earth. Thus there is no human evolution from animals. The verse also proves that Adam was created before being sent to earth which again proves creationism and refutes Darwinism.
Parvez Khan very well said brother!
lel, the "paradise" of Adam was on earth.
else why did Satan whispered "this is tree of immortality" , this means they were alive and their paradise was not the afterlife one.
Yeah Allah decided to create adam with 99% the DNA of an ape. Give over bro. Religion is a bunch of fairytales
@@100000feras Adam was created in a perfect shape, with single act, without father and mama, this is alone refute the Darwinism in the first place.
He didnt say anything!
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
-Acts 16:31
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
-Matthew 3:2
Beautiful.. Too bad the bible has been corrupted by man
@@abbas4604 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
-Matthew 24:35 KJV
“ So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
-Isaiah 55:11 KJV
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
-Matthew 10:28 KJV
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
-Hebrews 9:27 KJV
"...Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. "-Acts 16:30-31 KJV
As Richard Dawkins said, if Adam and Eve were the first humans, then which one of them was white, which black and which Asian? If you don't know who Dawkins is, I recommend that you watch him and read some of his books (only if you want to learn of course, if you want to only believe on no evidence and ignore the natural world, then just keep on reading the Quran/Bible).
الَّذِیۡۤ اَحۡسَنَ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ خَلَقَہٗ وَ بَدَاَ خَلۡقَ الۡاِنۡسَانِ مِنۡ طِیۡنٍ ۚ﴿۷﴾
ثُمَّ سَوّٰىہُ وَ نَفَخَ فِیۡہِ مِنۡ رُّوۡحِہٖ وَ جَعَلَ لَکُمُ السَّمۡعَ وَ الۡاَبۡصَارَ وَ الۡاَفۡئِدَۃَ ؕ قَلِیۡلًا مَّا تَشۡکُرُوۡنَ ﴿۹﴾
جس نے نہایت خوب بنائی جو چیز بھی بنائی اور انسان کی بناوٹ مٹی سے شروع کی ..جسے ٹھیک ٹھاک کر کے اس میں اپنی روح پھونکی اسی نے تمہارے کان آنکھیں اور دل بنائے ( اس پر بھی ) تم بہت ہی تھوڑا احسان مانتے ہو ۔
the best islamic scholar...shabir ally
Denying facts and promoting supernatural. Islam in a nutshell.
uneducated and ignorant. you in a nutshell
Lmao Evolution doesn’t even deny a existence of a God or a supernatural. It’s basically assumptions made from the data that has been discovered. New data can be discovered in the future which will challenge our previous theories and assumptions. We call it the “Black swan problem”. And secondly, the Evidence that Islam presents it still haven’t been debunked for a 1400 years. The day someone debunks it, the day Islam is falsified but until then you can’t have blind faith that our theories will remain the same meanwhile that the Islamic arguments are still standing.
@@kingvegetakinggoku2008 Since when do humans have absolute knowledge bro ? And how does it contradict the fact that god knows everything
@@kingvegetakinggoku2008 do you know what evolution is ? Evolution simply means change over time. What ur talking about is Darwinian evolution. It’s a valid scientific theory but no one claims that it’s true. Futur evidences May come to light and trash all our previous conclusions that’s what science is. When Einstein was alive, everyone believed that the universe was eternal. New data came in and a new theory emerged (Big Bang theory). Science always changes and that’s the beauty of it. It doesn’t hold absolute truth that’s a misunderstanding.
@@kingvegetakinggoku2008 "Darwin may be triumphant at the end of the twentieth century, but we must acknowledge the possibility that new facts may come to light which will force our successors of the twenty-first century to abandon Darwinism or modify it beyond recognition." Richard Dawkins, a devil’s Chaplin.
He didn’t even explain
He didn't even explain.
The same like Charles Darwin.😂
@@huzaifafarooquie3814 you should to school first
[64:1] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"یُسَبِّحُ لِلّٰہِ مَا فِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ مَا فِی الۡاَرۡضِ ۚ لَہُ الۡمُلۡکُ وَ لَہُ الۡحَمۡدُ ۫ وَ ہُوَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیۡءٍ قَدِیۡرٌ ﴿۱﴾
Everything in the heavens and in the earth glorifies Allah. His is the entire kingdom and His is all the praise. And He is All-Powerful over everything.
Glorious Quran
[64:2] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"ہُوَ الَّذِیۡ خَلَقَکُمۡ فَمِنۡکُمۡ کَافِرٌ وَّ مِنۡکُمۡ مُّؤۡمِنٌ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ بَصِیۡرٌ ﴿۲﴾
He is the One Who created you. Then (someone) of you became a disbeliever and (the other one) of you became a believer, and Allah sees best the actions that you do.
Glorious Quran
[64:3] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"خَلَقَ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضَ بِالۡحَقِّ وَ صَوَّرَکُمۡ فَاَحۡسَنَ صُوَرَکُمۡ ۚ وَ اِلَیۡہِ الۡمَصِیۡرُ ﴿۳﴾
He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth with a rationale and purpose. And (He is the One Who) gave you shapes and then did up your shapes. And (all) have to return to Him alone.
Glorious Quran
[64:4] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"یَعۡلَمُ مَا فِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضِ وَ یَعۡلَمُ مَا تُسِرُّوۡنَ وَ مَا تُعۡلِنُوۡنَ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ عَلِیۡمٌۢ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُوۡرِ ﴿۴﴾
He knows what is in the heavens and in the earth and (also) knows those things that you hide and that you disclose, and Allah knows best (the secret) matters contained in the breasts.
Glorious Quran
[64:5] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"اَلَمۡ یَاۡتِکُمۡ نَبَؤُا الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا مِنۡ قَبۡلُ ۫ فَذَاقُوۡا وَبَالَ اَمۡرِہِمۡ وَ لَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ اَلِیۡمٌ ﴿۵﴾
Has the news not reached you of those who disbelieved before you and tasted the punishment of their work (in the world), and there is a grievous torment for them (in the Hereafter as well)?
Glorious Quran
[64:6] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"ذٰلِکَ بِاَنَّہٗ کَانَتۡ تَّاۡتِیۡہِمۡ رُسُلُہُمۡ بِالۡبَیِّنٰتِ فَقَالُوۡۤا اَبَشَرٌ یَّہۡدُوۡنَنَا ۫ فَکَفَرُوۡا وَ تَوَلَّوۡا وَّ اسۡتَغۡنَی اللّٰہُ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ غَنِیٌّ حَمِیۡدٌ ﴿۶﴾
That is because their Messengers brought them clear signs, but they said: ‘Shall a human being (who is our like and from our kind) guide us?’* So they became disbelievers and turned away (from the truth). And Allah too disregarded (them) and Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy. [* This meaning of the word bashar (human being) is according to what the eminent exegetes have described. See: Tafsir al-Tabari, al-Kashshaf, al-Nasafi, al-Baghawi, al-Khazin, al-Jumal, al-Mazhari and Fath al-Qadir, etc.]
Glorious Quran
[64:7] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"زَعَمَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنۡ لَّنۡ یُّبۡعَثُوۡا ؕ قُلۡ بَلٰی وَ رَبِّیۡ لَتُبۡعَثُنَّ ثُمَّ لَتُنَبَّؤُنَّ بِمَا عَمِلۡتُمۡ ؕ وَ ذٰلِکَ عَلَی اللّٰہِ یَسِیۡرٌ ﴿۷﴾
The disbelievers think that they will never be raised (again). Say: ‘Why not! By my Lord! You will surely be raised. Then you will be informed of what you did. And this is very easy for Allah (to do).’
Glorious Quran
[64:8] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"فَاٰمِنُوۡا بِاللّٰہِ وَ رَسُوۡلِہٖ وَ النُّوۡرِ الَّذِیۡۤ اَنۡزَلۡنَا ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ خَبِیۡرٌ ﴿۸﴾
So believe in Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and that Light which We have sent down. And Allah is Well Aware of the deeds that you do.
Glorious Quran
[64:9] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"یَوۡمَ یَجۡمَعُکُمۡ لِیَوۡمِ الۡجَمۡعِ ذٰلِکَ یَوۡمُ التَّغَابُنِ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یُّؤۡمِنۡۢ بِاللّٰہِ وَ یَعۡمَلۡ صَالِحًا یُّکَفِّرۡ عَنۡہُ سَیِّاٰتِہٖ وَ یُدۡخِلۡہُ جَنّٰتٍ تَجۡرِیۡ مِنۡ تَحۡتِہَا الۡاَنۡہٰرُ خٰلِدِیۡنَ فِیۡہَاۤ اَبَدًا ؕ ذٰلِکَ الۡفَوۡزُ الۡعَظِیۡمُ ﴿۹﴾
The Day when He will gather you on the Day of Assembly (in the vast expanse for Great Gathering), that will be the Day of Manifestation of Loss and Defeat. And he who believes in Allah and does pious deeds, Allah will remove his sins from his (record of deeds) and will admit him to the Gardens with streams flowing under them. They will live in them forever. This is a great success.
Glorious Quran
[64:10] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"وَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا وَ کَذَّبُوۡا بِاٰیٰتِنَاۤ اُولٰٓئِکَ اَصۡحٰبُ النَّارِ خٰلِدِیۡنَ فِیۡہَا ؕ وَ بِئۡسَ الۡمَصِیۡرُ ﴿٪۱۰﴾
And those who disbelieve and reject Our Revelations, it is they who are the inmates of Hell, its permanent residents. And what an evil abode that is!
Glorious Quran
[64:11] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"مَاۤ اَصَابَ مِنۡ مُّصِیۡبَۃٍ اِلَّا بِاِذۡنِ اللّٰہِ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یُّؤۡمِنۡۢ بِاللّٰہِ یَہۡدِ قَلۡبَہٗ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ بِکُلِّ شَیۡءٍ عَلِیۡمٌ ﴿۱۱﴾
No suffering afflicts (anyone) except by the command of Allah. And he who believes in Allah, He guides his heart and Allah knows best everything.
Glorious Quran
[64:12] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"وَ اَطِیۡعُوا اللّٰہَ وَ اَطِیۡعُوا الرَّسُوۡلَ ۚ فَاِنۡ تَوَلَّیۡتُمۡ فَاِنَّمَا عَلٰی رَسُوۡلِنَا الۡبَلٰغُ الۡمُبِیۡنُ ﴿۱۲﴾
And obey Allah and obey the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). Then if you turn away, (remember that) the responsibility of Our Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) is only to deliver (the injunctions) clearly.
Glorious Quran
[64:13] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"اَللّٰہُ لَاۤ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ہُوَ ؕ وَ عَلَی اللّٰہِ فَلۡیَتَوَکَّلِ الۡمُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ ﴿۱۳﴾
Allah (alone) is (God). There is no God but He. And the believers should put their trust in Allah alone.
Glorious Quran
[64:14] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡۤا اِنَّ مِنۡ اَزۡوَاجِکُمۡ وَ اَوۡلَادِکُمۡ عَدُوًّا لَّکُمۡ فَاحۡذَرُوۡہُمۡ ۚ وَ اِنۡ تَعۡفُوۡا وَ تَصۡفَحُوۡا وَ تَغۡفِرُوۡا فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ غَفُوۡرٌ رَّحِیۡمٌ ﴿۱۴﴾
O believers! Surely, amongst your wives and your children there are some who are your enemies. So, beware of them! And if you overlook it and forbear and forgive, Allah is indeed Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
Glorious Quran
[64:15] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"اِنَّمَاۤ اَمۡوَالُکُمۡ وَ اَوۡلَادُکُمۡ فِتۡنَۃٌ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ عِنۡدَہٗۤ اَجۡرٌ عَظِیۡمٌ ﴿۱۵﴾
Your riches and your children are merely a trial. And there is a mighty reward in the presence of Allah.
Glorious Quran
[64:16] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"فَاتَّقُوا اللّٰہَ مَا اسۡتَطَعۡتُمۡ وَ اسۡمَعُوۡا وَ اَطِیۡعُوۡا وَ اَنۡفِقُوۡا خَیۡرًا لِّاَنۡفُسِکُمۡ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یُّوۡقَ شُحَّ نَفۡسِہٖ فَاُولٰٓئِکَ ہُمُ الۡمُفۡلِحُوۡنَ ﴿۱۶﴾
So fear Allah as much as you are able to. And listen to (His commands) and obey and spend (in His way). That will be better for you. And whoever is saved from the miserliness of his (ill-commanding) self, it is they who will attain prosperity.
Glorious Quran
[64:17] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"اِنۡ تُقۡرِضُوا اللّٰہَ قَرۡضًا حَسَنًا یُّضٰعِفۡہُ لَکُمۡ وَ یَغۡفِرۡ لَکُمۡ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ شَکُوۡرٌ حَلِیۡمٌ ﴿ۙ۱۷﴾
If you lend a good loan to Allah (with sincerity and righteous intention), He will increase it manifold for you and will forgive you. And Allah is Most Appreciative, Most Forbearing,
Glorious Quran
[64:18] Al-Taghābun-التَّغَابُن
"عٰلِمُ الۡغَیۡبِ وَ الشَّہَادَۃِ الۡعَزِیۡزُ الۡحَکِیۡمُ ﴿٪۱۸﴾
The Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Lord of Honour and Almighty and Most Wise.
Glorious Quran
No one cares
Evolution is not only biological at the 'body-level' but there is also spiritual evolution at the 'soul-level'. Evolution is therefore a universal phenomenon. Biological evolution is reinforced by Genetics which can be studied in Science books.. Soul evolution cannot be studied but can only grasped by understanding spirituality that we are EVOLVING souls and God is the supreme UNEVOLVING soul. Individual souls are evolving towards the unevolving perfect soul over many lifetimes.
Still baffling to me how people can believe things they have absolutely no evidence for. Biological evolution is fact. All evidence leads to the theory of evolution being true. But "spiritual evolution" of the "soul" is absolute, unsubstantiated nonsense.
You are too superficial to grasp evolution of intelligent consciousness at the soul level. Without evolution of intelligence at the soul level, there cannot be evolution of the species at all. The soul consists of an emanation of God consciousness at its core and a subtle mental sheath surrounding it. That is our true self. All this is not found in the Quran because there is no understanding of spirituality and
consciousness in the Quran.
@@henrylow2248 you can't just assert that souls exist and then add characteristics to it when you have absolutely no feasible way to demonstrate that souls even exist
If we believe the mullah/Priest that Adam was the first human being on the planet and we are all the descendants of Adam- Whatever your religion or belief, then for Muslims there is a dilemma.
The Quran tells us that all the Prophets and Messengers were sent by Allah. They all came with the one same Message. Now, if Adam was the first human being and Eve/Hawwa was created from him then it means that the children of Adam and Hawwa procreated between themselves. Firstly this is abhorrent and secondly any progeny would have severe genetic abnormalities and would not be "strong stock."
Thirdly and most importantly, as far as Muslims are concerned us that it violates the verses in the Quran which stipulate who we are allowed to marry, hence procreate with! We are forbidden to marry our sister or our brother etc etc.
Hence Islamic scholars need to urgently address the misunderstanding that Adam was the first human being. Nowhere in the Quran will you find this statement. In addition as posted by Ammar Khan further down, Surah Ya-Sin 36:36 states that Allah has created EVERYTHING, INCLUDING OURSELVES, FROM PAIRS. Allah swt does not give Adam as an exception. Hence he too had parents, male and female.
I leave the reader who believes Adam was the first human being, with this hypothetical question:
DID HAZRAT ADAM pbuh Have a belly button?
Every people had their own law and with different prophets came different laws. What is now haram would not necessary be that then.
Christopher Reid
Thanks for the feedback. I would be surprised indeed if the evidence from the Torah would be contrary to the Quran.
The Quran is the Final Testament and the Torah has become known as The Old Testament. The God of the Quran tells us that a person is not a Muslim until he accepts All the revelations God has sent AND makes no distinction between the Prophets/Messengers that God has sent.
Shalom/Salam/Peace unto you Christopher.
Ooh dear illogical khal!!! okay coming on the point with very short. But stay real for the explanation of evolution is given by a muslim scientist name abu usman jahiz. Born in basra (iraq) DOB:868 hijri. 1463A.D approx. He explained it in his book name kitab al haiwan (book of animals) in 7 volume but the original content is changed by Charles Darwin this book is now in Cambridge University u'll can buy it's copy is available. Now the terms of evolution was explained when Darwin was not been a sperm he was born in 1223 hijri. 1809A.D how can history of evolution became his theory. Darwin tried been a priest & he failed, he tried been a surgeon he failed how come a man with such a simple failure can come the a big theory. Actually the theory is can any body proof of where did he traveled to research about this evolution??? The fact is we left the proper islam we don't know our history and the disgusting point is 99.99% of inventions are by Muslims n we don't coz we don't study.
NO most likely ADAM (Pbuh) does not have a belly button and so does Eve but that's one of the irrefutable evidence that he is The First Original Man and wasn't biologically born. But neither you can't disprove it either. Your idea of genetics is low and limited, because while you can accept the theory of how one species can successfully mutate and evolve between themselves from one proto form, you then denied it when it comes to Adam and Eve. Of Course all the more reason why it made sense that it was ordained by ALLAH that cain marry the twin sister of Abel and Abel marry the twin sister of cain as to prevent direct primordial dna mixings.
Create everything from pairs ?
Hence Eve directly from Adam's Rib as miraculous as Adam's Creation so that they can then procreate as a pair.
Higher Level - Creator and Creation is also somewhat of A Pair
Not much was said in this video. Where can I find the actual discussion?
May I ask, why you comment the same things of these videos?
Also what part did you find confusing
A very nice appraisal of this topic Dr Shabir. You have steered away from giving verses from Al-Quran supporting evolution. It would have been nice to have quoted some verses
As a Muslim Scientist I see no conflict between embracing Evolution theory and my belief in Allah. I would however concur with your phrase of Creative Evolution, its a nice phrase. I personally have coined the term Islamic Evolution because I include my Creator in this process. Evolution is a Tool that Allah swt uses to Create all things. Even Stars and Planets undergo an evolutionary process. I differ with the typical mullah type who has downgraded our Deen and makes a mockery of Allah Book.
We humans do have a special place in creation AND we have been created by the same evolutionary process that has created all life. In his book " The Muqqadamah" Ibn Khaldun talks about evolution of all life. His works predate Darwin by 1000yrs!!! He goes further in his analysis to show how minerals evolved into shell-like creatures and how these evolved into other life forms. He includes Man in this equation too. Evolution theory used to be known as the "Mohammedan Theory of Evolution." Why? Because it was the Arabs who, using the verses from the Quran came up with the theory of Evolution. It was only when the Mullahs and Peers hijacked our Deen and turned it into Mazhab/ Religion, that this theory was thrown out the window!
The Quran states the following, from various verses:
1. "Say, Travel through the Earth and see how Allah initiates creation."
( This is an open challenge to Geologists and Paleantologists).
2. Allah has Created ALL living things from water.
3. Do you not see how Allah has got out from water All Living things. Some crawl on their bellies, some on two legs, some on four legs.
4. Do you know that Man was once a thing not even worthy of mention.
5. Allah Creates what He Wills. Verily We have made Man in the best proportions
6. Man is still evolving, this is not your final shape.
7. We have created you from one male and one female.
( This verse is not referring to the creation of all humans from a single pair- This idea has been borrowed from the wrong interpretation of the Bible. It used to be believed that the female was only the "vessel" for nurturing and giving birth to a baby. That it was only the males sperm that was responsible for creating a baby. The Quran Educated us over 1400yrs ago that one male and one female are responsible for the creation of new life.
8. Allah further states that although Man is special, if he does not fulfill the contract with Allah, he can be wiped out and replaced with another creation.
I have not given references for these verses but they are all in the Quran and can be easily found.
Adam was not the first human on the planet! The proof for this is the fact that he was the first Prophet of Allah. Why send a Prophet if you dont have other people to listen to the message?
Adam was fully human, he looked like you and me. Historical records place Adam at about 6000yrs ago. There were countless people around at his time. Allah choose Adam because it was now time for Man to start receiving Revelation.
Allah choose Adam and Noah and Moses etc as the best of people from their time.
To believe that we are not part of the evolution process is preposterous. For example people who dont believe in Evolution cannot answer the following:
Why are many babies born around the world, born with a tail?
Why are many babies born with webbed fingers and toes?
Why do the embryos of fish, rabbit, leech and human look the same?
Why do the three slits in a fish embryo go on to form gills yet we too have the same three slits in the same position as fish, but ours develope into the ears?
Why are the 3 bones in the jaw of aligators exactly the same shape as the 3 bones found in humans middle ear? ( the size is the only difference).
What was the purpose of the appendix organ? Why is it now a vestigeal organ?
Why is it that the insulin hormone in humans which contains 60,000 amino acids differ by only the last four amino acids found in the insulin of pigs? ( hence the reason for use of Pig insulin for diabetic patients, now largely superseded by human recombinant DNA insulin.
In summary, I believe in Islamic Evolution because I believe it has to include Allah and that Man is also part of this process. We are bound by the same Laws. The process allows for mutations and errors, hence genetic diseases.
Darwin did not know the mechanism of evolution and hence why it is called a Theory. There are many Theorums in Mathematics, all are provable.
We now know the mechanism- Its all to do with Genes. I look forward to the day that Darwins theory of evolution will be renamed Darwins Law of Evolution. Its my understanding that he did believe in a creator. He did not however believe in the religious mumbo jumbo of the Churches teachings.
Well said Brother!
heera rodriguez
Hi Heera
From a Quran perspective my understanding is that Adam was a real person but his story is also one that we as a species can relate too. Adam is our representative. My reasoning for deciding that he was a real person are from some verses in the Quran.
"Oh Mohammed, narrate in truth, the story of the two sons of Adam."
This verse cannot be symbolic because Allah is clearly stating narrate in truth.
Another verse is- " We sent words of inspiration to Adam."
It is only Prophets and Messengers who can receive "wahi" or inspiration. If Adam means mankind, how can all mankind receive wahi, we dont!
In addition there is a verse where Adam is mentioned along with Noah and Moses etc.
Forgive me for not giving references.
heera rodriguez that's a really good question..
nader nader
My stance on evolution is that I being a Muslim prefer to call it Islamic Evolution Law. My version definately includes Allah swt. Evolution is the Tool that Allah swt uses to Create everything. In his treatise, The Muqqadamah by Ibn Khaldun he talks very clearly about evolution of everything. Whats more, Ibn Khaldun links all life to minerals.
It once used to be called Mohammedan Theory of evolution because it was the Muslims who first proposed the theory, one thousand years before Darwin!! In fact Darwin got his ideas from Arab texts that were translated into Latin.
Sadly we have lost our Golden Age of Islam. We misunderstand the verses in the Quran and take certain ones litterally. Some of the English translations dont help much either.
You sure wrote a lot. Khal, are your fingers bleeding?
Evolution theory say we and every animal, every fungus, every plant and every bacteria are distant cousins who share common descent from the abiogenesis event, the point at which chemistry became biology.
is this compatible with islam?
@@cringepillow so no adam and eve first people ridiculousness. Thats great. Very enlightened.
@@cringepillow all life is based on carbon. Water is just a filler, a solvent. The structures are carbon-based.
Yes, there is no where in Quran that says adam was the first of humans
@@cryptan1779 there was no adam in the first place. 🙄
@Al Mudarabah can u please elaborate
Please tell me about your theological
I asked two question your web but got no answers???
If you destroyed all religious books and every human on earth. Eventually all the science principles and evolution would be discovered again. Charles Darwin would come back written by someone else. The quran, Bible etc would not. Rest my case
John Chappell
They would. What do you think why there came several holy scriptures?
If one wishes to make an informed judgement on Darwinian evolution, I would highly recommend reading the following books:
Evolution: Still a theory in crisis, Michael Denton
Icons of Evolution, Jonathan Wells
Darwin's Black Box, Michael Behe
The Deniable Darwin, David Berlinski
The Hidden history of the human race by Michael Cremo is also a good read. It totally destroys evolutionary theory.
Soooooo really biased books? Excellent.
NO !! It's not.
Ah yes, I love reading biased books made by a bunch of no-names.
@@matthewpettipas8233 no it doesn’t 😂 if it did, the author would have a Nobel price
Nice topic. Can't wait for the next discussion bout this topic. Thanks
Evolution would prove, at least, that God is not good.
I'm curious, how would that be?
@@peperando8733 Evolution is based on the death of the unfits, most often violent predatory killing or horrendous infectious diseases. See the turtles hatching on the beach almost all being eaten by preying birds before reaching the sea and many other examples. All that appalling suffering.
@@philipcoriolis6614oh that's what you meant, I guess you are right there
Evolution does not prove or disprove anythings about god...the same way the theory of how rain works doesn't do that....
And I would say that in Evolution god look a lot smarter than in religion because his system doesn't need any outside correction and diverge and adapt at the same time.
If one kind dies out it is not god killing a kind but slowly moving it to another. But if we look at the fact that most species who ever lived on that planet died out...we had to assume that a creator killed his entire creation multiple times just to create a new set of animals..who have no way of adapting to new changes in nature.
And his actions really wouldn't make sense...why wouldn't you give all animals a nice fur coat and THAN drop the temperature...but first drop the temperature let most of them die out and re-create some of them with more hair.
And yes...animals being eaten...its not gods fault that doesn't match your moral standards...but evolution allows every of those deaths not to be meaningless...and it also makes the underdog whit a weird mutation to the new star of the show constantly. But the point is...if the strong turtles surivive turtles as a whole will survive...and those animals who eat turtles don't starve. I would call it a pretty fair system...but of course this kind of thinking doesn't and shouldn't work within human societies.
@@dergutehut3961 Evolution would prove, at least, that God is not kind.
"Mmm brother makes a good point."
The Theory of Evolution is true
Why don't you discuss the fact that the only reason you hold your beliefs to heart is because your parents made you do it when you were little, and now you're too far gone to be anything else? Discuss the fact that that logic is completely wasted on every single religious person in history and in the future. I can comprehend it, have been able to since I was 9, but not a single religious scholar or expert can comprehend this simple logic.
What I can accept is that we Muslims are living in your head rent free LOL LOL LOL
What logic is it to you that something came from nothing? 0=1 apparently now
@@pineapplepizza5522 You know nothing about quantum physics, and likely neither do the human race. I'm aware that A) something CAN come from nothing in our reality, and B) we're not even 1% close to being finished in terms of gaining knowledge.
The DUMBEST thing a person could do is assume a God created it all and then tell other people they know that for sure.
@@pineapplepizza5522 well, you would be amazed once you know just a little tiny bits of quantum physics
@@blught4787 quantum physics does not make the claim that something can come from nothing.
How tall was Adam when he was created? How tall are we?
So what Adam was not monkey..
@@shahinrahman3223 If Adam was ~30m tall as per Islamic sources, then humans "evolved" over time and got shorter. Also, given Adam and Even, which one of them was white, which was black, and which was Asian...?
Its similar to the argument which came first the chicken or the egg
@@theastronomer5800 “Allah created Adam from a handful which he took from the whole of the earth ; so the children of Adam are in accordance with the earth color : some red, some white, some black, and in between; and their manners are the like of earth, smooth, rough, bad and good.”
@@shedawgnig That is of course only your belief. We know that humans originated and started to move out of Africa some 70,000-100,000 years ago (and had black skin as it's advantageous in regions with high levels of UV radiation) and spread out over tens of thousands of years. Their skin colour changed with environment over many generations. Based on current genetic research, studies suggest that the genetic variants associated with lighter skin in Europe might have started to emerge between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago.
So, where does Allah factor into all this?
watched all of it,, , , ,
I don’t see any evidence for anything un-natural, therefore I am not convinced that there is anything unnatural or supernatural like gods, spirits, miracles, magic, ‘jadoo’, ‘jins’ and ‘rooh’ and gods . originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, , , ,
My thought on this topic is that science and religion say the same message, jusy in different methods(due to the massive gap between the era of quran's revelation and modern science-understanding society of today). In quran its mentioned how Adam a.s was created and in darwin's theory of evolution its explained how humans came to be, difference is that quran's message was metaphorical and theory of evolution was evidential.
Why do you think it's metaphorical? Give me some quranic evidence. It's clearly written. If everything was metaphorical why shouldn't every Muslim understand every command or message individually and act upon it?
It's not metaphorical. Adam was a literal human being. We need to stop treating science as something divine, its fins to not accept evolution on the basic it contradicts the Quran. You know science held the view the universe was eternal or what about the view that the sun orbited the earth. This is that same science.
It was NOT metaphorical. Adam and Eve was in both the Bible and the Quran. Do you really think both books would use the EXACT same metaphor? Plus, basically every Muslim scholar considers Adam to be a prophet. Again, absolutely NOT metaphorical.
Also, “metaphor” isn’t the right word you’re looking for. I believe you’re implying that it’s an “allegory.”
@@Lee-my3fc Scholarly consensus. But it's well understood by Muslims that the Quran is a spiritual text, not meant for scientific fact or historical fact.
I was waiting and waiting and waiting but didn't get the answer. Can't you straight away say we don't know at this point of time rather taking my complete 8min just making me understand the word reconciliation.
Common stages Islam and other similar religions has to go through when encountered with science. History has shown us this repeatedly. Common 5 stages of grief here;
1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
They'll come around =)
Really? These stages only happen in Christianity. 😃 If Islam is a true religion, then it shouldn't have contradictions, and we Muslims firmly believe in this logic.
Who said we are afraid of this evolution theory? You should read more bout Islam Quran. There is a reason many people are joining Islam, and most of them are women. 1400 Years old Religion and not a single contradiction with Science, Not a single view is changed in Islam. Read about Islam before you challenge us. I have seen Islam Vs. Atheist Debates and Islam never lose, the only Religion that makes sense, and Quran is the Book of signs, not science, yet it is perfect. With the progress of science, we understand many claims made by Quran; Progress is actually what makes Quran true Religion.
@@Shahzaada The first contradiction is Islam claims God favors them by gifting them angel help and a prophet. Such a thing is beneath the title Almighty.
@@truthboom how's that a contradiction? God sent his prophet to guide the nations (starting from the prophet's own nation, in Muhammad's case it was his early Arabian followers). As for the angels, God sent them to help and protect his people against their original oppressors to ensure that they could continue to spread the message of Truth to the world rather than perishing early on
@@lsncdth Yes it is, Almighty means omnipotent, which means God doesn't need a prophet. He could just make a walking avatar of himself and even make a nation to spread his message.
@@truthboom tell him that when you see him, I don’t think he will be very understanding
Islam does not have any problem with all species evolution except the humans. One thing I think wasn't mentioned is that Allah mentions in the Quran that people were created in stages. It is also said in the Quran that everything alive on this Earth originated from water. These are the things science 100% agrees with, and it is also a Miracle because a man who lived in desert 7th century couldn't have known facts that have been discovered only very recently. So, science says that all species did indeed originate in water and then gradually evolved into different species through adaptation and etc. Now when it comes to the Quranic narrative of Adam's creation, it is mentioned both in the Hadeeth and in the Quran that Adam was made from clay by Allah in paradise, and then he was sent to Earth. But I have not come across any divine statement that it happened at once, but instead it is mentioned in the Quran that humans were created in stages. Evolution theory also advocates that there were many stages through which modern Humans went through from a single-cell organism. So only Allah knows, may be, in paradise, the evolution from a single cell organism into a human was happening right before Allah, and then the final product was eventually sent down to the earth. So the only issue here is the location, scientists believe that human evolution took place on Earth, while we believe that "human evolution" took place in Paradise. But then what is Paradise and where it's located is another big mystery. While humans were created in stages in Paradise, evolution on Earth was continuing non-stop, and it came to the point we had humanoid species on Earth that were close to humans and yet far from them, this is the point the evolution process on earth had reached before they were exterminated by Adam and his offsprings.
Subhan Allah,Shabir Ally is the legend.and I also like Aisha so much
have you check out "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" and "How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 44 Lucy" on youtube. they shows how ignorant .Casey Luskin and discovery institute is.
Mutation and natural selection happens all the time there's no denial in that, because if it didn't exist we all would look and behave exactly the same , but we are having different characteristics different behaviour and different sizes and shapes that means with each generation, mutation occurs and when it happens for billions and millions of years continuously then it's called evolution
he said nothing. in 8 min he said nothing
When people talk about reconciling science and religion, that is only an issue with people who have preconceived ideas, but scientists cannot/should-not have preconceived ideas they must believe the evidence. All scientific models must conform to NATURE or REALITY, If there is any tiny evidence for some unnatural forces then they must include that in their papers/thesis and account for it. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist , , , ,
Evolution is a fact.
Indeed it is. The fossil records and genetics prove it. But allah is the author of evolution. He is all powerful
Adam never existed. Talking of him as if he had [really] been the first human is therefore wrong.
=> The Quran contains errors if taken literally - or must be considered the allegorical way.
Welcome to christian wonderland !
@@blueblubber6607 the quran never says he is the first human but the first prophet
Quran 7:27, who are the children of Adam if not us ? Admittedly, there is still room for the interpretation that Mohamed thought that other humans may have existed before Adam, modern genetics leaves however no room to the interpretation that our human ancestor escaped from a pottery shop as described in the Quran.
Bro is a master at yappanese bro just say it 💀💀💀
15 atheists disliked this video.
I'm a atheist and I liked it 😃
Even all the concepts of a creator are human made. There's no proof of it.
8 minutes and 5 seconds of talking but no answers, not even a 'personal' opinion.
Just saying "we have to reconcile faith and science" is not enough.
I think the core of the problem is that the two can't be reconciled but he doesn't want to admit it.
Muslim here and i know there is a god , but evolution is real ,natural selection is very real and happen every single minute .
You dont know , you believe.... there is a big difference....
@@naturalmulundu846 no longer a believer.
@@toouglyyoungmanwhodeserves3432 congratulations .. welcome to the world of logic ...
@@naturalmulundu846 welcome to depression and pointless life
Evolution is explained in Quran
Ayesha Khaja I suggest u you to read Surah Sajda Ayah number 7,8 and 9 it clearly talks about evolution
There is hell of difference between Darwinian evolution nd evolution.... 👈
@@farhanshaykh1489 is it? What's the difference?
@@jesan733 evolution is the biological change of time nd Darwinian evolution is change of monkey into human ....then y humans don't change to human pro......🤪🤣
@@farhanshaykh1489 You are spreading misinformation.
Please I want you organize a program on the Dr speaking about Africans way of practicing Islam, I mean the use of talisman writing the Quranic verses on slates and then wash them for drinking
Evolution is true but the true meaning. Men didn't evolve from apes, we have totally different chromosomes. Yes men evolved within the body given to us by God
When you say monkey, I think you are talking about chimpanzees, yes, we did not come from chimpanzees, only our common ancestors are the same, every living thing has a common ancestor anyway, the common ancestor does not consist of 1 person, and the species we call human is homo (homo means human in Latin) sapien is already a species in the primate tree and the % among us in chimpanzees 98 similarity is missing at 2% because we separated into species and genus they were subjected to different pressures and we were separated into different ciss and yes evolution is an absolute fact.
You are a prime example of a religious person that doesn't understand how evolution works
@@frankyboy1806 bro i dnt understand how a religion could clash with the theory of evolution.not In the bible or Quran or never its known that a prophet of God talked about it. Even if evolution is true, there is God, the designer and evolver. So bro religious people have no problem with evolution
Actually, not exactly. Men and apes have the same chromosomes just not in the same configuration. The only difference is in the human chromosome #2. In apes this has been separated. We know this due to a vestigial centromere. This proves that we had a common ancestor with apes
I'm a muslim who believe in non-human evolution and also human partial-evolution. Like Dr. Shabir Ally said, creationism and evolution don't have to be separated, even Qur'an gives lot of hints on non-human evolutions such as water where life emerged and early creatures before Adam PBUH came to earth. I also like to believe that after descendants of Prophet Adam and Hawa spread to all over the Earth, partial evolution took place where people developing certain traits like shorter body and darker skin around Equator to overcome the heat and taller with fairer skin on northern hemisphere to overcome the dark cold places. Hence you got races,
So it my belief, I always consider evolution is also in part of God's hand as everything in the universe happens with His permission
Interesting. What do you believe humanity’s oldest ancestor is? Science would generally point to a single called organism, and theism would point to Adam. What’s your take on this?
@@ha5541 As I said, i believe in non-human full evolution, which mean every organism except human came from single-celled organism. Whereas human took its evolution after Adam and Eve being sent to Earth to repopulate, my take on this is based on several missing links that connect humans to other primates and mainly oldest human fossils found scattered around Africa - Middle Eastern region (Adam and Eve / Hawa were described (Especially on Qur'an) to descend in these areas (Adam somewhere in Sri Lanka, Eve somewhere in Arab - North Africa)
@@FadazMada Thanks. I’ll research those missing links. I’m a Muslim but I’m very conflicted on this topic.
@@ha5541 You are welcome! Keep in mind that we are talking about scientific 'hypothesis' and islamic faith so this is merely my personal view and I do not claim it as 100% correct because I'm also stil learning as well. I hope Allah guide us to keep learning new knowledge
@AlMudarabah Thanks! I'll make sure I watch it this weekend and finding some new knowledge I can learn. Thanks for your recommendation
Seems this is just a preamble. Islamic view on evolution to follow later ?
Yes Islam can be compatible with Human Evolution.
One Unity
There is nothing called human evolution.
Shaikh is an excellent scholar but evolution needs a scientific to speak about.
Please watch Subboor Ahmad, he is an expert in evolution.
@@aboalighazali9597 Subboor Ahmad doesn't understand Evolution.
@LC quran says adam was 1st humans
But flying horses can not, and neither can most of the ridiculous nonsense in the quran
@LC My peaceful advice would be to drop your quran nonsense and read a science book on that subject. Adam never existed. Your outdated book is 100 % incompatible with modern biology, and science in general by the way.
Thanks a lot! 🌺
My Muslim bothers and sisters, there is no verse in the Quran that goes against evolution, in fact Allah says we chose Adam from among you.... Which indicates that humans existed before Adam and he was chosen from amongst them as a prophet. The idea of creation of first humans is wrong and it was delivered into Islam by jews and Christians who converted to Islam.
You are very lucky Evolution has been removed from the education system in my country.
Uh no, Adam is the father of mankind which means he has to be the first human along with Eve who is the mother of mankind in Islam.
It doesn't mean humans existed,there are other creations of Allah which existed before humans eg Jinns and Angles ( others we have no idea of ) .
Please study Buddhism.
You can get correct and Universal answer.
Evolution is biologically baseless and wrong.
Every structure and body has been masterfully created by the Creator.
How tall was Adam when he was created?
Masterfully created? Please ....
I'd create humans that are immune to leukemia and bone cancer. Your god is a failure
نبی کریم ﷺ نے جب سورج غروب ہوا
تو ان سے پوچھا کہ تم کو معلوم ہے?
یہ سورج کہاں جاتا ہے ؟
میں نے عرض کی کہ اللہ اور اس کے رسول ہی کو علم ہے ۔ آپ ﷺ نے فرمایا
کہ یہ جاتا ہے اور عرش کے نیچے پہنچ کر پہلے سجدہ کرتا ہے
۔ پھر ( دوبارہ آنے کی ) اجازت چاہتا ہے اور اسے اجازت دی جاتی ہے
اور وہ دن بھی قریب ہے ، جب یہ سجدہ کرے گا
تو اس کا سجدہ قبول نہ ہو گا اور اجازت چاہے گا
لیکن اجازت نہ ملے گی
۔ بلکہ اس سے کہا جائے گا کہ جہاں سے آیا تھا وہیں واپس چلا جا
۔ چنانچہ اس دن وہ مغرب ہی سے نکلے گا ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ کے فرمان (سورۃ یٰسٓ آیت 38 ) میں اسی طرف اشارہ ہے ۔
صحیح بخاری حدیث نمبر 3199
Best evidence of God is
1st creation
2nd the biblical Jesus Christ
The theory of evolution is a theory not a fact .if it was a fact then it would be called the fact of evolution not theory of evolution .
My body is evolving to handle caffeine better but thats a different evolution the evolving from fish 🐟
Read "the greatest show on earth" by Richard Dawkings
@@raminarezou1009 a universe from nothing 😂
And yet we did evolve from fish. Or more correctly, we share a common ancestor with all living things classified as fish
Your body doesn't evolve a caffeine tolerance. That is called adaption and doesn't take place at a DNA level, so it's completely different.
It not a comment horrible
DR. of what?
Why god should be on ,?
Idk about the theory but she evolved into a perfect creation. 🥺
What a shallow statement. Get that bs outta here, it's not tinder
@@zanem9022 jeez that biological your mohmmad had 12 of them tell him to get real
Astagfirullah, only Allah is perfect, lower your gaze!!!
As a Muslim American, evolution is an important issue.
You are very lucky Evolution has been removed from the education system in my country.
@@OyunTireni oh what country?
@@wanderingsoul2758 a fucked up one
Then you are not muslim. You have to believe humans come from adam. And you should learn about adam and eve
@@iamdoctorcat6347 k
Jazak Allah Khair aisha
I'm born muslim. I'm just gonna believe humans never knew of the true creator.
Because there is no creator.
@@fitzburg63 I'm not a atheist, but a agnostic. But "Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) offers a pragmatic reason for believing in God: even under the assumption that God’s existence is unlikely, the potential benefits of believing are so vast as to make betting on theism rational."
@@b1ride Then believe, it is not my problem.
@@fitzburg63 Yeah. this is working out pretty well for me since years.
@@b1ride Believe whatever you want to, but do not force other people to believe in your BS too. That refers to children!
Sorry can’t have faith if you believe in evolution it’s not even a theory any more faith is finished
have you check out "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" and "How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 44 Lucy" on youtube. they shows how ignorant .Casey Luskin and discovery institute is.
Great....Dr.Shabir Ally
He should listen to OSHO
@Karimthen all Islamic scholars should get noble prize for peace 🤣
Bruh you could have just said I don’t know
They don’t talk about the SPECIFICS.
sir please your speach convert in urdu.
But most people here only speak English.
Shabir Ali has just waffled for 8m 5s. Why waste a whole video 😂
You tube Richard Dawkins teaches faith school and you will see how pathetic religion is :(
John Chappell you mean when he went to a school of 5th graders. Really? That's your rebuttal?
she is pretty af
Astagfirullah.... That's the stuff we don't talk about, lower your gaze!
I think apes that close to human are said in Al-baqarah 65
And you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the sabbath, and We said to them, "Be apes, despised."
Can any Islamic scholar inform Muslims and non Muslims when Allah instantly created humans on the planet, and where exactly.
So far I have never recieved an answer or ever a guess eg around 15,000 years ago approx. ?
It's rather strange they go quiet when asked this question.
Thankyou for taking the trouble to reply.
Best wishes.
Too expensive to send thousands of scientists to explore and dig the earth for the physical evidence
Darwinism is a worldview - it is the creation story of materialists/naturalists.
Monsterfishtanks Um, no. It's the measurement of population genetics - you do understand you can measure population genetics, right?
Prediction: the deeper we dig, we will find examples of earlier, simplistic life based on the observation that genetic frequency changes over time.
Results: the deeper we went, we found examples of earlier, simpler life. We also know exactly where to dig to find these examples, based on our current results.
You do understand that predictive power is the pinnacle of undeniable science, right? It's the elite of the elite.
It's exactly the same as someone coming forward in a criminal investigation and providing the police with all the locations of the stolen goods. It's irrefutable.
Theory is also a belief
Razi Shahid No, a scientific theory isn't belief, it's a large body of evidence that demonstrates something.
A belief is something like religion.
Demonstrable Pixie bro , Darwinism has taken a form of religion , human or any organism do have evolution , but saying specific evolution is from apes , while apes still exists then it's a problem ,
Razi Shahid No. I don't care for Darwin.
Because we share a common ancestor, which we all branched off from. If Americans come from Europeans, why are there still Europeans?
This is a simple case where you are uninformed. Our family - the ape family - share a common relative, or correctly known, ancestor. That's it.
What's his PhD in?
@@MrWick-oe5ij your darwin did that!!
@@MrWick-oe5ij atheism is the stupidest stage of human psychology....
@@muhammadumer8002 your god did that too
@hafizgoga aslam
ارتقاء ایک خالص مادی نظریہ ہے جو اللہ کو نہیں مانتا ہے ۔ جو ںطریہ اللہ کا انکار کرتا ہے
تو کیا آپ اللہ کی ذات کا انکار کرسکتے ہیں؟
کیا یہ تضاد نہیں ہے ؟
ارتقا کے مطابق آدم علیہ السلام کا کوئی وجود ہی نہیں ہے ۔ آپ اپنے آپ کو اولاد آدم مانتے ہیں یا نہیں؟ قرآن اور نظریہ ارتقا دونوں بالکل متضاد ہیں اور دونوں میں کوئی توافق نہیں ہے ۔
Ooh beauty full aisha will u marry me😜 okay coming on the point with very short. But stay real for the explanation of evolution, it is given by a muslim scientist name abu usman jahiz. Born in basra (iraq) DOB:868 hijri. 1463A.D approx. He was a great islamic sunni scholar too. He explained it in his book name kitab al haiwan (book of creatures) in 7 volume but the original content is changed by Charles Darwin, this book of al jahiz is now in Cambridge University. u'll can buy the copies are available. Now the terms of evolution was explained when Darwin was not been a sperm, he was born in 1223 hijri. 1809A.D how come history of evolution became his theory. Darwin tried been a priest & he failed, he tried been a surgeon he failed how come a man with such a simple practice failure can become a big theorist . Actually the theory is traveling for the research? Do any body has any proof of where did he traveled to research about this evolution theory??? He was such a man who can't even understand what jahiz explained 😂. The fact is we left the proper islam we don't know our history and the disgusting point is 99.99% of inventions are by Muslims n we don't know coz we don't study.
That's called indolence, laziness and lack of self-confidence
Verily, We created man in the best form 95:4. Contemplate with this verse
Pretty sure that's not what it means. "Best form" is also subjective.
SIR FRED HOYLE Falsified Evolution:
1- Fred Hoyle FRS (24 June 1915 - 20 August 2001) was an English astronomer who formulated the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis and also an atheist
2- In 1987 he wrote ‘Mathematics of Evolution’ concluding the Darwinian theory is false (accepted micro-evolution)
3- What Hoyle showed was that novel genes for new proteins could not possibly have evolved by the Darwinian process of natural selection;
4- _“Well as common sense would suggest, the Darwinian theory is correct in the small but not in the large. Rabbits come from slightly different rabbits...”_
5- Even assuming 95% of the genome is junk and the code is 30% redundant could not save evolution
6- Concerning new genes _“Where they came from in the first place is a problem yet to be solved, like much else of a cosmic scale.”_
7- In 2018 TB. Fowler reviewed Hoyle's Critique of Neo-Darwinian Theory and said _“The conclusion is that while Hoyle's mathematics is impeccable, and thus his critique based on them has merit, he did not carry his own reasoning far enough and specifically failed to consider the possibility of large variations in selective value.”_
8- Hoyle did not consider large variations because he knew the obvious negative effect on probability of beneficial change only magnifies the problem; Hoyle
9- _“we have a case in histone-4 where more than 200 base pairs are conserved across the whole of biology? The problem for the neo-Darwinian theory is to explain how the one particular arrangement came to be discovered in the first place. Evidently not by a random process"_ The probability = 1e-120 ?
10- Hoyle was so convinced he invented a panspermia model pushing the problem of new genes out into the cosmos admitting it’s still a problem
11- Since Hoyle’s work was verified and its only alternative worse for evolution of new genes his assertion that the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution is wrong is a *falsification!*