I like Dr Shabir's honesty. At the very beginning he said he used to be an evolution denier, but changed his mind after reading book written by experts in the matter. That's integrity, honesty!!!
Dr. Shabir Ally is the man we all muslims should try to become.... More open minded in everything and finding harmony rather than fighting each other..Respect to this man 👍👍❤️❤️
I am a Christian, but this is a good man. We must learn to love each other across the boundaries of our political and religious beliefs, or those that would manipulate and use us will have a field day. They already do. And they also make a controversy over science. I am so glad to hear Dr Shabir lend a bit of credence to science in general and evolution in particular. I share a belief in much of what he is saying. My Dad was a Baptist preacher and guess what. Much of what my Daddy taught is the same thing I hear Dr Shabir say as far as morality and how we should treat each other goes. I also like the way you parallel the Quran and the Bible in some of your talks. We are brothers and sisters in many ways. But unfortunately the political and religious propagandists are always out to divide and conquer so to speak. I doubt you will convert to Christianity, nor will I convert to Islam, but I'd sure love to have a cup of coffee together! Let's all learn to be kind to each other. For those looking for salvation, that is one of the first steps, no matter which spiritual walk you take.
Scientifically speaking, I see nothing to object to in this video. Evolution does not go contrary to the possibility of a God. Evolution goes contrary to the Bible/Quran version of the advent of the first human. The speaker in the video did not address this problem. Maybe this video is part 1 and that explanation comes in part 2.
Tim I'm Muslim and I do agree, I would have started out saying that we do not believe that humans evolved from any lower form, I don't see any way to get that from anything Al Koran says.
True, I have earn master degree in studying mosquito, the mosquito in dense populated cities have becoming more and more immune to insecticide and sewer polluted water, human interfere by using temporary bug spray, anti mosquito skin lotion, scent repellent Will Only Make Mosquito Less Prone to mosquito repellent
either we have to regard it as allegory, or we consider it as a miracle (ie. deviation from evolution natural mechanism), just like Jesus was born without father or Moses was able to split the sea.
(16:65) Allah sends down water from the heaven, and thereby He instantly revives the earth after it lay dead. Verily there is a sign in it for those who have ears. (16:66) Surely there is a lesson for you in the cattle: We provide you to drink out of that which is in their bellies between the faeces and the blood - pure milk54 - which is a palatable drink for those who take it. (16:67) And out of the fruits of date-palms and grapes you derive intoxicants as well as wholesome sustenance.55 Surely there is a sign for those who use reason. HERE IS THE TRANSLATED AYAH
I don’t agree: “Indeed, the example of Jesus in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be!” And He was Nobody dares to take the birth of Jesus in a non-literal way. So then this verse forces you to take Adams creation from dust literally as well
Micro-evolution is certainly true, but macro-evolution is not. In spite of all its sophistication and grandeur, macro-evolution of one molecule into millions of species is a never-observed statistically impossible phenomena based on statistically insignificant and hopelessly incomplete fossil record. It’s also based on rejecting the logical assumption that similarities of organisms indicate that they were all designed by the same designer. It’s a theory that demands that we accept rationally inconceivable ideas such as dead matter inexplicably turning into life (3.5 billion years ago). It’s a theory that asks us to accept circular arguments such as proteins can magically self-assemble themselves into amino acids. It’s a theory that wants us to believe that an embryo, that is made up of just a few cells, can magically self-develop itself into a highly sophisticated, intricately designed, perfectly functioning multi-trillion-celled organism where each cell not only knows its place in the body. It’s a theory that wants us to believe that the human DNA that contains three billion base pairs can somehow self-assemble (without a plan or designer) itself into perfectly configured chromosomes that reside in every single one of the 30 trillion cells of the human body. It’s a theory that wants us to believe that there is no evidence against it. With all these problems, macro-evolution I cannot understand why evolutionists advertise it as a fact. At best, it should be considered a hypothesis that is a work-in-progress.
Third major problem with macroevolution. The fossil record is highly problematic, fails to provide a valid sample, is statistically insignificant, and inconclusive. Fossil record mostly indicates stasis (i.e., virtually no change), not Darwinian gradualism. While microevolution has been demonstrated in labs, macroevolution, for obvious reasons, has NEVER been demonstrated in a lab and the fossil record fails to prove it. It takes a lot of blind faith. Stretch your imagination to the point of absurdity, believe in trillions of statistically impossible events taking place in the universe with perfect timing over billions of years before you can make sense of the fossil record.
Evolution is a universal phenomenon. Not only is there biological evolution of the physical body but there is also spiritual evolution of the human soul.
Saajid says otherwise. Shabir teaches false teachings of Islam. He Misrepresents Islam to fit a Politically Correct Narrative. The penalty of Theft is hands cut off. It's clean. Shabir tries and says "Oh because we have robotic hands that doesn't work anymore" He teaches fake Islam. He wears a costume to pretend to be a Traditionalist when he isn't even a real Muslim.
Thanks for the information! I just have to correct you on the viruses and antibiotics. I think you meant the bacteria and not virus, since antibiotics only work on bacteria. If you meant bacteria, you are totally right, because if you ingest a too small of a dosage of antibiotics, a bug may survive and evolve to survive the antibiotics. it evolves so much so that even the strongest antibiotics wont help (this is called a "super bug") Still an awesome video! Thanks for sharing.
We can debunk the whole of Darwin's theory as "the initial evolution theory". The initial evolution theory in embedded in the Quranic verse 41:11 of chapter Al Fussilat: " Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly." " Where the primordial state of the universe is described, the gaseous state - which until now exists throughout our universe - and from which Allah commands it to form the initial celestial birth and death process of stars and galaxies we still observe in the universe today, this is the evolutionary process described on astrophysical dimensions. The evolutionary creation of the living entities, e.g. the organic based lifeforms, that will live in that setting is parallel to this. There are other Quranic verses that one can reference to from which one could arguably extract out the evolutionary processes, one example is that it is stated (paraphrasing) that men in the early period of creation were not optimally evolved, the specific verse does not come to mind (...anyone?).
Thank you Dr. Shabir, quick question, doesn’t the theory of evolution contradict with Quran mentioning creation of Adam PBUH as the first human being? We don’t have clear scientific evidence to suggest that other species could have evolved from human beings, where the Darwin theory suggests evolution in reverse order i.e. other species or life existed first which then evolved into human beings? Do you think God created other species including Jin/Bin first and then Adam PBUH in the human shape?
I think the sheikh made a mistake when he said "viruses" are killed with antibiotics. It is bacteria which is killed with antibiotics and not viruses. The two are different things.
Sadly it seems that religion stands in the way of logic and scientific inquiry. It takes someone with the intellect and integrity of Dr Ally to admit and accept that the evidence in favour of evolution is overwhelming.
We are not humans because of our body. We are humans because of our spirit. We are in this animal body which has all these animal needs (hunger, thirst, procreation...) This animal body evolved through the natural course of evolution. As the story goes, Adam and Eva resided in heaven before they were sent to earth. Heaven has its own laws of physics. Their heavenly bodies, which we call spirit, was not suitable for this earth. Therefore when they were sent to this earth their spirit was blown into existing Homo Sapians who had evolved through time. Life is the balancing act between the desires of this animal body and the human spirit. This is how I explain evolution to myself :)
Im wandering for answer of this question.Refering to quran's 51:49.'Created everything in pairs'.dont really understand the significance of verse. Salam.
Rasheed Gillespie can we assign any pair to a photon?.What humans as a whole have a pair if we consider every and everything has a pair?.Likewise im confused in several other thoughts that come in my mind.I need help.
Rasheed Gillespie You know that there was a scientist Paul Dirac who said that to every matter there is an antimatter.He got nobel prize. He said there is an antiworld to this world where protons and electrons in those atoms(antiatoms) have opposite charges as seen in this world.There protons are negatively charged and electrons are positively charged.In this world antimatter is unstable but stable in antiworld.So there is not just one duality for electron and proton as mentioned in saheeh international translation.Electrons are pair of protons as well as of antielectrons and the same applies for protons. Salam.
Second major problem with macroevolution. There are circular dependencies that are impossible to resolve. For example, which came first: the DNA or the protein? Can’t have DNA without protein. Can’t have protein without DNA. James Watson, the Rockstar of genetics, struggled with this question and failed to come up with a good answer for this. There must be an external actor that created these two simultaneously. To me, that’s God. Which came first: the laws or the organisms that obey the laws? Can’t have laws without the obedient organisms. Can’t have organisms without the laws that govern their behavior. There must be an external actor that created these two simultaneously. To me, that’s God. You cannot have a male without a female. Likewise, you cannot have a female without a male. How did the animals go from asexual to sexual? Natural selection (or any other mechanism of evolution) cannot go from asexual to sexual reproduction. It’s impossible. To believe otherwise is irrational. Not to mention that natural selection takes the least path of resistance. It cannot switch from asexual to sexual just like that. Not to mention it would be extremely inefficient and take too much work and energy. Our awe-inspiring universe too contains examples of such circular dependencies. Matter and antimatter cannot coexist in the same physical space because if they come into contact, they annihilate each other. Yet, that’s exactly what happened in the beginning phases of the universe. Equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created after the Big Bang. The Standard Model of particle physics - which accurately describes all the particles and interactions that make up our universe - says our universe should NOT exist! What brought it into existence? There must be an external power that stopped matter and antimatter from killing each other. For me, that’s Allah. The All-Powerful. The All-Knowing. The only Creator of the heavens and the earth. All these circular dependencies only prove the existence of a Creator.
Adam and Eve descended to earth with capability of rearing sheep, domestication of animals. What about those hunter-gatherer of stone age. Who are they?
dude how do u know that hunter and gatheres weren't domesticating animals, when even monkeys are capable of domesticating dogs, and besides no one knows if hunter gatherer were only hunting and gathering maybe some times they were hunting other times they were gathering and some other times farming also ants are capable of farming
alex ojideagu If agriculture is only 10,000 years old, then surely humans shouldn’t have been able to build a massive, monolithic structure with an entire network of underground tunnels. Look up Gobkeli Tepe, built circa 10,000 years ago. This fact alone blows your entire theory away.
Evolution of Man is in the Quran numerous times 71:14/39:6/10:5 etc, often described as Stages, the big problem of a purely scientific approach; aside from ignoring the elephant in the room ie GOD; is that we are just at the tip of the iceberg in terms of knowledge, so the ironic thing about the classical evolution theory is that it's always evolving, so it's not Science or Religion it's Science and Religion.
azzy1971 the stages in the Quran is talking about conceiving eg : sperm , blood clot etc because in the Quran it says we have certainly created man in an erected form
Could you please make a video on dependent existence and independent existence, meta-logical, cosmological arguments and so on? Also on determinism, free-will and the possibility of their co-existence.
For those who do not understand. God created Adam and Eve from them "evolved" all of us. Same applies to all living things. This does not go against Islam.
they never existed! they do not exist in biology! groups to groups to groups. old apes, to modern apes, to branches to other branches (groups) etc. to homindae to branches to us and our biological long distant cousins!
The views are not compatible: one is basically a myth with a bit of truth interwoven; the other comes from a questioning and exploration of our environment. Darwin was trying with that ending to assuage the sensibilities of the Anglican Church, as he had been originally intended for a career in that institution. He only published because Alfred Russel had come to the same conclusion independently and would have taken credit if he had not.
They are. The Quran doesn't say HOW Adam was put on Earth. If Muslims can believe that Jesus was removed from his body during crucification, why can't the also believe that Adam was put into a human body when he came to earth?
As a Muslim i believe in a theory that is not as popular but known by many Muslims. Homo Sapiens Were Here Before Prophet Adam.And We're Still evolving.Then The miracle came when Allah created Adam Peace be upon him with his hands, now Allah created Adam in a home sapien body but gave him the soul of a human.Now this is what we know as homo sapien sapien.But heres the thing brothers and sisters the homo sapiens that were here Before Prophet Adam we can't classify them as humans.Thats because prophet Adam was the first human. Now let me provide an example when Angel Gabrieal used to come to prophet Muhammad he used to come in various times in a homo sapien body that doesn't mean he is a homo sapien. There for eveloution can be accepted by muslims. Thank you very much and assalamu alaikum
But if that's what you are saying, then what about the hadith about Adam (as) creation in that he was 60 cubits tall? If Evolution is true then is this hadith false, even though it was reported in Bukhari?
Assalāmu ʿalaikum waraḥmatullāhi Let the Quran Speak Interesting talk on the theory of evolution! Would it be possible for Dr. Shabir to talk about what the Qur'ān says (or doesn't say) about this theory and maybe also about ahadith that talk about this? And maybe he can discuss early scholars like al-Jahiz, who was seen by some as the father of the theory of evolution. Many thanks in advance! Junior Nimmegeers
I dont see myself as a religouse person ( at least in the classical way ), but I have big respect for him. I REALLY knows, what he talks about. We really need more people like him.
The theory was presented by him but is now something completely different. His Christian background has nothing to do with the theory itself and religion and its apologists have nowhere to hide anymore
Dr Shabir, i shall be grateful if you could kindly address the issue which does not seem to be reconciled with the fact that we muslim believe that Allah Created Adam from clay and then Breathed in the soul into same.. whilst the theory of evolution seriously dispute same!! Whilst convergence of theories and the theology is one issue, can it be said that Darwin’s theory can be reconciled with the three main religious beliefs in the world, i.e Judaism, Christianity and Islam.. personally i believe that the convergence trend is with regards to the aforementioned three main religions and not with theories such as Darwin’s !!!
The prophet and Quran explain we all have a common ancestor and that is dirt and water, but how the soul came about is a secret with Allah. Evolution theory tries to explain how all living things evolved but not how life came into being.
نظرية تطور الاحياء هي "التحدر بالارث مع تعديلات" وفي تعبير اخر فان جميع الاحياء مشتقة من بعضها البعض كشجرة تعود الى كائن حي مؤسس، هذا يعني ان الاحياء بدأت كبدائية النوى ثم بحقيقة النوى ثم متعددة الخلايا غير متناظرة ثم متناظرة ذو جانبين ثم الحبليات ثم الثديات ثم الرئيسيات ثم اشباه الانسانيات ثم الانسانيات ثم الانسان العاقل. حدثت منذ 3.5 مليار، 2 مليار، 1 مليار، 600 مليون، 400 مليون، 150 مليون، 7 مليون، 3 مليون، 300 الف سنة على التوالي. السؤال المهم، هل يمكن اعادة الظاهرة باكملها في ظروف مخبرية مضبوطة، الجواب لا لكن هناك ملايين الحقائق المثبتة من علوم التشريح والجزيئات والوراثة والاجنة والاحفورية والجيولوجية التي تدعم ارجحية هذه النظرية وليس هناك نظرية اخرى بديلة ولو بقليل من الحقائق المثبتة Biological Evolutionary theory is descent with modification or in other words all organisms derive from each other as a tree that goes back to a founder organism, this means organisms start from a prokaryote to a single eukaryote, to an asymmetric multicellular, to a bilateral, to a chordate, to a mammal, to a primate, to a hominoid to a hominid to a homo sapiens, it took place at 3.5 billion, 2 billion, 1 billion, 600 million, 400 million, 150 million, 40 million, 7 million, 3 million and 300 thousands years respectively! An important question is it possible to recapitulate the whole phenomena in controlled laboratory conditions, the answer is no, but millions proved facts from morphological, molecular, genetic, developmental, fossils and geologic sciences support the likelihood of such theory on one hand and there is no other (alternative) theory even with few proved facts on the other!
There is nothing in Islam Quran that could goes against the Evolution as a plane concept, all we have is opinions based on interpretations not on clear text.. perhaps we have in the Quran some verses which they "could" point to Evolution.. Let us see : ▓1▓ Quran: 29-20 (Say, travel through the earth and see how Allah did start the creation).. ▓2▓ Quran: 32-7 : (..He START the creation of man from clay.. AND made his PROGENY from a quintessence.. AND He FASHIONED him in due proportion.. AND BREATHED into him something of His spirit..) See carefully how the steps are arranged, the (PROGENY) cames before (BREATHED), not just the ability of giving birth but the progeny it self cames before, and when the progeny is FASHIONED (that process "could" point to species) then God select Adam PBUH and BREATHED into him something of His spirit.. ▓3▓ Quran 6-133 (And your Lord is the self-sufficient, the Lord of mercy, If He wills, he can do away with you, and give succession after you to what He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another [qawm] people) The context of this verse is about all mankind, all the Ulama Salaf and Khalaf they agreed on the first part, they said : If it is not the mercy of God, He could have put an end to mankind and brought into being an altogether different species of creation, just as He produced you from the descendants of another [qawm] people. ▓4▓ Quran 3-59 (The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam, He created him from dust, then said to him Be, And he was). As we know, Jesus PBUH is not directly created from dust, so if Adam and Jesus are similar, then what God is saying is that Adam also was born from a virgin female (Not mankind of course Adam was the first, but she "could" be Neanderthal).. otherwise we all are created from dust, so what's the point to mention it ? God all-wise all-knowing. If someone is interested and can understand Arabic i recommend to watch this video : th-cam.com/video/lyCKxW_LwbQ/w-d-xo.html
I feel Dr Shabir sometimes struggles to reconcile Islam with the modern world. Unlike most of these sheikhs who disregard reality and science without logic. He takes science and logic seriously and doesn't just blindly follow Hadiths and the Quran.
Sorry,,, i dont believe with evolution , i surely call that mutation. Anything come from human can be wrong can be right but anything come from GOD absolutely TRUTH. Science just a way to explain what GOD has saying.
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world
@@Davete ancient scientists would use the same definition of theory to their theory of flat earth. No, scientific theory is not well established scientific fact.
Hinduism differs from christianity and islam. Both these religions CANNOT ANSWER ONE THING. AND THAT IS WHERE THEY FAIL: 1. If God so merciful (no religion can deny this) 2. If we are the children of God (no one can deny this) 3. Why there are differences we see in births. 4. One child is born with silver spoon, one child with golden spoon and another one poor. 5. One child was completely healthy, another one born with disease. 6. One child is perfect in body another handicapped. 7. One children with good mental health but another one with mental retardation. 8. One person lives longer, another one dies in a accident (even though he is not at all responsible for this accident). CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM CANNOT ANSWER, EXCEPT HINDUISM. Hinduism is perfect. This is all due to Re-incarnation/ previous births deeds. Of course buddhism, jainism and sikhism accept preincarnation , but they they are only offshoots of hinduism. IF ANY ONE IN THIS WORLD CAN ANSWER THIS, I WILL LEAVE HINDUISM AND BECOME CHRISTIAN OR MUSLIM .
@HOPE For JUSTICE what test? you can test different persons giving different yardsticks. If the start line and end line for all the people are same, then you can test their ability by rewarding the person who go to the end line first. But here, in this world, one child is born poor and another child born wealthy, one child has lot of health complications, and another child is healthy. one child is born in war zone and another in a comfort place. Is this reasonable way of creation from you so called Allah? Here karma of previous births and next births comes into play. Reincarnation is the only justifiable way for explaining the phenomena of ups and downs in this world. Brahman is born from head, kshatriya from chest, vaishya from waist and shudra from legs. This is purely based on previous births karmas. God is equal to all tne no one is special to him. All creatures are equal to God. Islam completely fails. whichever has a origin has an end. Islam has an origin and it will end one day.
since Devine revelations elaborate the origin of everything in a very simple and clear way so it is unnecessary to converge the extremes. Evolution theory has got so many flaws to disapprove its veracity. reasonsagainstatheism.WordPress.com
@Lol Rofl sorry, but I do not believe in Jesus either. I just like people to prove what the say. What other believe that you hold, that can't be proven. And if so, should I be in any position to believe because you say so. If you can prove it, I will believe.
no its nt true...its fault...no matter u say islam is false religion thts nt mean its true..muhmmod spritually traveled...if i agree with u then it by allah power..so he can do anything..dnt underestimate allah
What does he mean when he says we need to integrate Islam and the theory of evolution and why does he refer to Islam as traditional religious belief. Has science changed the words of Allah in the Quran? This guy is a deviant
For you in your point of view it is undeniable because since childhood you were raised in a society where you were not allowed to question things up, in a society where ignorance and "faith" was rewarded When in reality having a blind faith is not a good thing
Humans were not from apes. We and the apes shared a common ancestor. Our bodies are from earth and will stay on earth when we die. But Adam and Eve were from heaven. They would be in the form of spirits, not earthly bodies. We will ascend to heaves in spirit form and will leave this body of ours back to ground.
I don,t believe in evaluation and i also don,t believe in quran . i believe in Almighty Allah . i believe in the power who makes evaluation happen and who send down the holy quran to profaith muhammad . darwin theory or adam and hawa theory . the both doesn,t matter . what matters is what you hold in your heart . good deed matters . Almighty Allah said in holy quran that if they said quran is wrong tell them that i believe in Allah not in quran . with believe in Allah if you read the quran the wrong becomes write . With believe in Allah if you read the theory of evaluation . you will find the right way .
Cherry pick, in the Koran and the Bible it's totally different view accepted for centuries, now it's good you accepted it , but it's time to also say that the Koran or the Bible are not perfect, otherwise in dishonest, off course you try to fit it in the Koran so not to lose modern Muslim fallowers, take cue from this
So, different races developed from Adam and Hava (Eva). And the differences are obvious even on scull shape. So, I always thought about this feature. So, the Quran I think does not strongly contradict to mutation theory, which is a part of evolution theory. What do you think folks
As salamu aleykum wa rahmatullah. Dr. Shabir, with all due respect, I believe the explanation you give of how super bugs develop is inaccurate, as, first of all, it is not viruses that are killed by antibiotics, but bacteria, and they do not become stronger, but mutate to become more resistant to available antibiotics, and therefore harder to kill. Do these inaccuracies have bearing on the main point of the theory of evolution being viable theory? Perhaps not, but it makes me wonder whether you've studied thoroughly the arguments against the theory, such as distinguishing between intra- and inter-species evolution, accounting for the emergence of sexsual reproduction, and the fact that mutations only destroy information and are never able to create them. JazzakAllahu Kheiran for all your work.
Assalamou 3alaykom brother. The fact that bacteria can mutate proves that living beings can acquire new characters through DNA mutations (For example during meiosis), because the DNA-polymerase enzymes often do not replicate exactly of all our genome. Given that, it is easy to understand that organisms that develop advantageous characters through this process will be more likely to survive and thus transmit these characters to their offspring. This is the natural selection, it is absolutely not contradictory with islam, it's just the process that makes weak organisms die and strong organisms (strong in terms of character utility in their environment) survive. As for the mutations, they are indeed capable of adding information to a genome. When the crossing-over occurs during meiosis, chromosomes sometimes exchange unequal parts of themselves, therefore a gene can be located twice on a same chromosome instead of once. If this gene mutates, the organism that will be created with this reproductive cell will have new information. Barak Allahu fik.
@@zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651 there is no first. stop thinking in black and whites. everything is incremental built on top of something that allows it to grow and mutate. Common ancestor will be 5 finger little furry creatures. We have them today. Pre cursor of the chimp and it has a pre cursor too and so forth. its not linear either but many groups from subgroups of subgroups etc. Super families exist because of other super groups all slightly replicating differently. Example a question like where did the first eyes come from. They are waaayyy back at the most simplistic level in the sea. Small worms for example have photo sensitive cells. Eyes as we know it came long after. Simplistic replication to complex forms. Not just one branch but trillians of them each replicating faster or slower, mutating and passing on their traits. Some survive, some lineages end. But common branches will still exist even along side more advanced species.
@@zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651 evidence is in the genetics. Not old texts that cannot even get the creation process right. Old religions are no match for hard evidence!
This is such a disappointing and disgraceful thing i have seen just now. I used to be a fan of this doctor for his amazing scholarship in islamic theology. But,now what im seeing is badly disappointing and astonishing... This doctor should have known that,there are houndeds of Concrete reasons to disbelief in the theory of evolution...and im not sure,if a man can remain a muslim and an evolutionist at time...hadakallah
Can't these questions can be asked by male host? Why is it necessary to have pretty female faces with make-up on the host seat. Can't they cover their faces too? You may be a very pious with lot of control over your senses & feelings, but we as an audience are simple & sinful muslims. There should'nt be female attractions when we are trying to learn deen.
The problem is not with the women hosts faces, it is with you and your thoughts. These women are modestly dressed and are intelligent. Why should they have to cover there faces to prevent your sinful thoughts? That is for you to work on. May Allah help you.
Evolution dont say we decend from apes , but we have an commun ancestor so in a way you have to believe in it . Evolution contradict islam and i can send you links for that .
That's also a common misconception. We are not just evolved from apes, we are apes. When animals evolve from other animals, it’s not that they supersede them; It’s not that we’ve evolved from Chimpanzees. Chimpanzees and we have evolved from a shared ancestor, which lived about 6 million years ago, which was neither a human nor a Chimpanzee.
Asalaam Aleykum brother. There's different definitions of evolution. One, we can observe in the lab right now you can pop into a university or lab and you can see it on a microbiological stage (mutations within bacteria etc) Another is the one Darwin observed (the differentiation of the finches in the Galapogos) Now my question to you. Do you believe in dinosaurs? Peace
@@abdulmunim318 Looks like Black Turban is not going to answer. So I will. Mutations are not evolution. There is no known example where a mutation has added information to a species. All know example are a loss of date. Next, the differentiation of the finches is just changing within species. The DNA within a species allows for a species to adapt to its environment for the best ability to cope with that environment. This was done by God by design. General it is a good process but if taken too far, it can lead to the loss of data, such as what we see with selective breeding. Select it too much data is lost and there is no going back unless you breed the present species with something that has the missing DNA. We see this with the bad habit of dog breeding, where we are getting dogs that are so interbred, they are prone to certain illness. The only solution is to breed them with another dog breed that has the missing DNA date. I do believe in dinosaurs - why not?
Yes the fact that mohammad split the moon into two,the story of the flying donkey and the setting of the sun in a muddy pool all comply with science. Indeed allah is all knowing.
When u talk about the Hadiths certain comes to mind similarities in prophethood examples and teachings u have the book of Enoch, Moses, Elijah , Joseph, sayings and doings as the prophets and of the prophets examples in word and deeds prophets lifestyles and missions good deeds and examples of characters heavenly values at times maybe Muhammad was no Elijah nor Joseph, he's no Moses because we don't need another Moses we already have the law given on Mount Sinai delivered by angels Mohammed doesn't claim to bring a new and different teachings of previous prophets what can he bring that's new or different no he says that his message is the same as the prophets now lifestyle is something different now maybe he'll be likeor his message is like unto one of the minor prophets of Israel Elisha he is not like him because his body had resurrection powers in them even in death I mean if u wanted to frame somebody's life into prophethood it's usually tied to paganism a different teachings altogether Mohammed claims don't fit into the bible nor does his teachings and their missions is not similarities either the name Yahweh is not mentioned in the Koran nor is the name Jerusalem is not even mentioned in the Koran not one time How many times I'd Yahweh and Jerusalem mentioned in the bible I don't even think that the Koran calls Jesus Christ the king of the Jews not does it mention the God of Israel Mohammed wasn't like any of the Jewish ancestry teachings scriptures and prophets of Israel he wasn't like them and he wouldn't agree with them because they wouldn't accept him as a prophet of Yahweh even his tied to Jerusalem I'd different Jerusalem is Yahweh's capital city and Jesus Christ is the king of the Jews and Israelites religion he is the messiah the fulfillment of both old and new testament covenants scriptures Jesus Christ superstar sealed them with his own blood the son of man had to come to earth and suffer first I'm not saying that Mohammed isn't a prophet and that he wasn't a very strong and mighty man even leader but to claim that his teachings and lifestyle is the same as the rest of the prophets since the temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed there hasn't been no prophets sent but nee testament saints Scriptures covenants grace dispensation until the return of Christ superstar Mohammed would have to prove prophethood first before we go talking hadiths and autobiography and do forth and so on alot of religious teachings and beliefs allow for religious leaders to be mistaken for prophets u can be a high priest but that don't mean that ur a prophet either just because ur tied to the temple and to several other things and people who are religious and Even so e prophets themselves doesn't make u a prophet so what makes u a biblical prophet not a prophet from worldly perspectives secularism atheists worldly values religion paganism teachings that's the making of a biblical false prophet a wolf 🐺 in sheep's clothing so let's look at Mohammed lifestyles and teachings mannerisms saying nose 👃 picking up name it from a biblical perspective that is let the bible judge any tea hing because if it's saying something different and not the same then u know that the buck stops here if I or angel come down from heaven and pres h to u any other gospels than the one you e heard then let him be a cursed one like I say from a biblical perspective and not a worldly perspectives secularism atheists worldly values religion paganism teachings the bible is against idolatry and paganism teachings and the god of the bible his name is Yahweh and his captain city is Jerusalem and his son name is Jesus Christ and he is the messiah and he sits on king David throne in Jerusalem and he's saying that the holy land I'd his and it belongs to him and he can lend it out too whomever he wants too , Jerusalem the city of the great King, king of Jerusalem is a name and title The King of Israel and the Jews these titles and name belongs to him they are deity attributes and titles of a divine nature and initiative
One creature does not change into another creature by any process period, if you are Muslim why not just say this, or show me some Koranic ayaat that justifies this belief.
I didn't find a single verse that say Adam was the first Human being that Allah has created. Yes he is the father of present humanity, 100% I beleive in that because its written in Quran, but it doesn't mean that there was no human like life form on earth before Adam. We have a scientific evidence of finding bones, remains, & tools millions of years old (See: Kenyanthropus & Lomekwi). And also islamically it is quite possible that there maybe beings similar to humans and Allah may had replaced them all with Adam. Nothing in Quran contradicts to this statement, so why cant Darwin be right about it. .... If you still turn away, He will replace you with another people. And they will not be like you. [Quran 47:38]
I like Dr Shabir's honesty. At the very beginning he said he used to be an evolution denier, but changed his mind after reading book written by experts in the matter. That's integrity, honesty!!!
I agree.
Coz he's a Muslem
@Rolf Leseratz Indeed , Single cell just popped out of Nothing.
@@SalmanMoyeen And how it popped out from nothing, Darwinists can't explain lol
@@ahmedmuniyat9213 Mysteriously. That is the religion of those militant Atheist.
Dr. Shabir Ally is the man we all muslims should try to become.... More open minded in everything and finding harmony rather than fighting each other..Respect to this man 👍👍❤️❤️
Accepting kufr is not open mindedness but kufr
I am a Christian, but this is a good man. We must learn to love each other across the boundaries of our political and religious beliefs, or those that would manipulate and use us will have a field day. They already do. And they also make a controversy over science. I am so glad to hear Dr Shabir lend a bit of credence to science in general and evolution in particular. I share a belief in much of what he is saying. My Dad was a Baptist preacher and guess what. Much of what my Daddy taught is the same thing I hear Dr Shabir say as far as morality and how we should treat each other goes. I also like the way you parallel the Quran and the Bible in some of your talks. We are brothers and sisters in many ways. But unfortunately the political and religious propagandists are always out to divide and conquer so to speak. I doubt you will convert to Christianity, nor will I convert to Islam, but I'd sure love to have a cup of coffee together! Let's all learn to be kind to each other. For those looking for salvation, that is one of the first steps, no matter which spiritual walk you take.
Scientifically speaking, I see nothing to object to in this video. Evolution does not go contrary to the possibility of a God. Evolution goes contrary to the Bible/Quran version of the advent of the first human. The speaker in the video did not address this problem. Maybe this video is part 1 and that explanation comes in part 2.
Tim Jansen . But Quran never said Adam and eve were the first human being.
KristaStarburd there are some antiviral medications available.
Tim I'm Muslim and I do agree, I would have started out saying that we do not believe that humans evolved from any lower form, I don't see any way to get that from anything Al Koran says.
True, I have earn master degree in studying mosquito, the mosquito in dense populated cities have becoming more and more immune to insecticide and sewer polluted water, human interfere by using temporary bug spray, anti mosquito skin lotion, scent repellent Will Only Make Mosquito Less Prone to mosquito repellent
either we have to regard it as allegory, or we consider it as a miracle (ie. deviation from evolution natural mechanism), just like Jesus was born without father or Moses was able to split the sea.
I love listening to Dr Ally. If you read and consider the message of Quran, nothing in it is oppositional to the theory of evolution.
(16:65) Allah sends down water from the heaven, and thereby He instantly revives the earth after it lay dead. Verily there is a sign in it for those who have ears. (16:66) Surely there is a lesson for you in the cattle: We provide you to drink out of that which is in their bellies between the faeces and the blood - pure milk54 - which is a palatable drink for those who take it. (16:67) And out of the fruits of date-palms and grapes you derive intoxicants as well as wholesome sustenance.55 Surely there is a sign for those who use reason.
I don’t agree:
“Indeed, the example of Jesus in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be!” And He was
Nobody dares to take the birth of Jesus in a non-literal way. So then this verse forces you to take Adams creation from dust literally as well
Adam didn't come from apes, Quran and evolution cannot be reconciled
This guy has my respect!
Micro-evolution is certainly true, but macro-evolution is not. In spite of all its sophistication and grandeur, macro-evolution of one molecule into millions of species is a never-observed statistically impossible phenomena based on statistically insignificant and hopelessly incomplete fossil record. It’s also based on rejecting the logical assumption that similarities of organisms indicate that they were all designed by the same designer. It’s a theory that demands that we accept rationally inconceivable ideas such as dead matter inexplicably turning into life (3.5 billion years ago). It’s a theory that asks us to accept circular arguments such as proteins can magically self-assemble themselves into amino acids. It’s a theory that wants us to believe that an embryo, that is made up of just a few cells, can magically self-develop itself into a highly sophisticated, intricately designed, perfectly functioning multi-trillion-celled organism where each cell not only knows its place in the body. It’s a theory that wants us to believe that the human DNA that contains three billion base pairs can somehow self-assemble (without a plan or designer) itself into perfectly configured chromosomes that reside in every single one of the 30 trillion cells of the human body. It’s a theory that wants us to believe that there is no evidence against it.
With all these problems, macro-evolution I cannot understand why evolutionists advertise it as a fact. At best, it should be considered a hypothesis that is a work-in-progress.
Best comment here! Exactly believing in all that is harder than believing in religion!
Third major problem with macroevolution. The fossil record is highly problematic, fails to provide a valid sample, is statistically insignificant, and inconclusive. Fossil record mostly indicates stasis (i.e., virtually no change), not Darwinian gradualism. While microevolution has been demonstrated in labs, macroevolution, for obvious reasons, has NEVER been demonstrated in a lab and the fossil record fails to prove it. It takes a lot of blind faith. Stretch your imagination to the point of absurdity, believe in trillions of statistically impossible events taking place in the universe with perfect timing over billions of years before you can make sense of the fossil record.
7:53 - antibiotics are not used against viruses, but against bacteria.
Slip of tongue
Thanks Dayron for pointing this out.
Evolution is a universal phenomenon. Not only is there biological evolution of the physical body but there is also spiritual evolution of the human soul.
Dr. Shabir Ally is amazing 🙏
Psalms 7:14 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.
Saajid says otherwise. Shabir teaches false teachings of Islam. He Misrepresents Islam to fit a Politically Correct Narrative.
The penalty of Theft is hands cut off. It's clean. Shabir tries and says "Oh because we have robotic hands that doesn't work anymore"
He teaches fake Islam. He wears a costume to pretend to be a Traditionalist when he isn't even a real Muslim.
@@thomasjefferson4325 Are you a muslim?
He explained survival of the fittest so well
Thanks for the information!
I just have to correct you on the viruses and antibiotics. I think you meant the bacteria and not virus, since antibiotics only work on bacteria. If you meant bacteria, you are totally right, because if you ingest a too small of a dosage of antibiotics, a bug may survive and evolve to survive the antibiotics. it evolves so much so that even the strongest antibiotics wont help (this is called a "super bug")
Still an awesome video! Thanks for sharing.
What information? Religous pov? You are joking right?
We can debunk the whole of Darwin's theory as "the initial evolution theory".
The initial evolution theory in embedded in the Quranic verse 41:11 of chapter Al Fussilat:
" Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly." "
Where the primordial state of the universe is described, the gaseous state - which until now exists throughout our universe - and from which Allah commands it to form the initial celestial birth and death process of stars and galaxies we still observe in the universe today, this is the evolutionary process described on astrophysical dimensions.
The evolutionary creation of the living entities, e.g. the organic based lifeforms, that will live in that setting is parallel to this.
There are other Quranic verses that one can reference to from which one could arguably extract out the evolutionary processes, one example is that it is stated (paraphrasing) that men in the early period of creation were not optimally evolved, the specific verse does not come to mind (...anyone?).
Blasphemy. Tomorrow you'll want everyone to believe that the earth is round lol.
It's not "Darwin's theory" Evolution has had 150 years of research and discovery since Darwin died.
Wrong. Smoke was actually water vapor. Heavens came willingly by providing rain to the earth which came willingly by producing vegetation.
@@BottegaVendetta smoke can have droplets, it's saying the same thing. It's sometimes described as "mist" but I agree with you.
Assalamou 3alaykom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatouh
Thank you very much for this. Baarak Allahou Fikoum.
Thank you Dr. Shabir, quick question, doesn’t the theory of evolution contradict with Quran mentioning creation of Adam PBUH as the first human being? We don’t have clear scientific evidence to suggest that other species could have evolved from human beings, where the Darwin theory suggests evolution in reverse order i.e. other species or life existed first which then evolved into human beings? Do you think God created other species including Jin/Bin first and then Adam PBUH in the human shape?
Great questions! We will try our best to answer it in an upcoming episode!
I think the sheikh made a mistake when he said "viruses" are killed with antibiotics. It is bacteria which is killed with antibiotics and not viruses. The two are different things.
Slip of tongue brother
Sadly it seems that religion stands in the way of logic and scientific inquiry. It takes someone with the intellect and integrity of Dr Ally to admit and accept that the evidence in favour of evolution is overwhelming.
We are not humans because of our body. We are humans because of our spirit. We are in this animal body which has all these animal needs (hunger, thirst, procreation...) This animal body evolved through the natural course of evolution.
As the story goes, Adam and Eva resided in heaven before they were sent to earth. Heaven has its own laws of physics. Their heavenly bodies, which we call spirit, was not suitable for this earth. Therefore when they were sent to this earth their spirit was blown into existing Homo Sapians who had evolved through time.
Life is the balancing act between the desires of this animal body and the human spirit. This is how I explain evolution to myself :)
Im wandering for answer of this question.Refering to quran's 51:49.'Created everything in pairs'.dont really understand the significance of verse.
Ammar Khan Look up Norman Ali khan on TH-cam.....he gives a brief explanation to ur question
Do you agree with this point to change translation from 'of everything' to 'from everything'?
I request Dr.Shabbir Ali to discuss this issue.Dont you think?If yes than like this issue please,to the top.
Rasheed Gillespie can we assign any pair to a photon?.What humans as a whole have a pair if we consider every and everything has a pair?.Likewise im confused in several other thoughts that come in my mind.I need help.
Rasheed Gillespie You know that there was a scientist Paul Dirac who said that to every matter there is an antimatter.He got nobel prize. He said there is an antiworld to this world where protons and electrons in those atoms(antiatoms) have opposite charges as seen in this world.There protons are negatively charged and electrons are positively charged.In this world antimatter is unstable but stable in antiworld.So there is not just one duality for electron and proton as mentioned in saheeh international translation.Electrons are pair of protons as well as of antielectrons and the same applies for protons.
Dr.shabir >>> zakir naik
Spectra tora facts
Both are preaching islam, there's no competition and shouldn't be any hate
Zakir naik just joke
I just want to add an irrelevant small notice, viruses are not killed by antibiotics, but bacterias are
Second major problem with macroevolution. There are circular dependencies that are impossible to resolve. For example, which came first: the DNA or the protein? Can’t have DNA without protein. Can’t have protein without DNA. James Watson, the Rockstar of genetics, struggled with this question and failed to come up with a good answer for this. There must be an external actor that created these two simultaneously. To me, that’s God. Which came first: the laws or the organisms that obey the laws? Can’t have laws without the obedient organisms. Can’t have organisms without the laws that govern their behavior. There must be an external actor that created these two simultaneously. To me, that’s God. You cannot have a male without a female. Likewise, you cannot have a female without a male. How did the animals go from asexual to sexual? Natural selection (or any other mechanism of evolution) cannot go from asexual to sexual reproduction. It’s impossible. To believe otherwise is irrational. Not to mention that natural selection takes the least path of resistance. It cannot switch from asexual to sexual just like that. Not to mention it would be extremely inefficient and take too much work and energy. Our awe-inspiring universe too contains examples of such circular dependencies. Matter and antimatter cannot coexist in the same physical space because if they come into contact, they annihilate each other. Yet, that’s exactly what happened in the beginning phases of the universe. Equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created after the Big Bang. The Standard Model of particle physics - which accurately describes all the particles and interactions that make up our universe - says our universe should NOT exist! What brought it into existence? There must be an external power that stopped matter and antimatter from killing each other. For me, that’s Allah. The All-Powerful. The All-Knowing. The only Creator of the heavens and the earth. All these circular dependencies only prove the existence of a Creator.
Very rational argument.
3.2 billion nucleotides in one cell. Dr Shabbir you are a light
no he maybe mistaken..didnt noticed
Sir I m Muslim BC of u I was very depressed initially
I'm an extreme atheist, not like Stalin, but guy's a gentleman he's so much better than hijab
dnt wrry i love u...bt i love hijab also..plz dnt like tht...sometimes truth is bitter
There is about 6 different scientific moduls of biological evolution each one s different from the other. Wich one are we discussing here.
I was so invested in this but had to laugh after casually pulling a book out like that 😭
Adam and Eve descended to earth with capability of rearing sheep, domestication of animals.
What about those hunter-gatherer of stone age. Who are they?
Clearly there seems to be some ambiguity here.
It is certainly quite a conundrum.. Allah knows best however.
dude how do u know that hunter and gatheres weren't domesticating animals, when even monkeys are capable of domesticating dogs, and besides no one knows if hunter gatherer were only hunting and gathering maybe some times they were hunting other times they were gathering and some other times farming also ants are capable of farming
It's not a conundrum. Adam and Eve are not real. Humans evolved from primitive apes to stone age man. Agriculture is only 10,000 years old.
alex ojideagu If agriculture is only 10,000 years old, then surely humans shouldn’t have been able to build a massive, monolithic structure with an entire network of underground tunnels. Look up Gobkeli Tepe, built circa 10,000 years ago. This fact alone blows your entire theory away.
Mashaa Allah brother and sister may Allah the almighty bless you .
The fittest to its environment will survive not the strongest. 10:05
Evolution of Man is in the Quran numerous times 71:14/39:6/10:5 etc, often described as Stages, the big problem of a purely scientific approach; aside from ignoring the elephant in the room ie GOD; is that we are just at the tip of the iceberg in terms of knowledge, so the ironic thing about the classical evolution theory is that it's always evolving, so it's not Science or Religion it's Science and Religion.
azzy1971 the stages in the Quran is talking about conceiving eg : sperm , blood clot etc because in the Quran it says we have certainly created man in an erected form
the lady mashallah. may allah grant me one like this
Could you please make a video on dependent existence and independent existence, meta-logical, cosmological arguments and so on? Also on determinism, free-will and the possibility of their co-existence.
watched all of it
ماشاءاللہ۔۔۔ very good
For those who do not understand.
God created Adam and Eve from them "evolved" all of us. Same applies to all living things.
This does not go against Islam.
Lol what
That's false. We have scientific evidence of us evolving from previous animals like Fish.
So adam and eve had 2 sons. And mother had more sons via their other sons? sick religion!
What about Adam and EVE?
they never existed! they do not exist in biology! groups to groups to groups. old apes, to modern apes, to branches to other branches (groups) etc. to homindae to branches to us and our biological long distant cousins!
they created as a pairs bt later with time body changed..thts why quran says then we gave u perfect shape
Evolution is the biggest fairy tale, dwarwin doubted the theory
Today scientists says gens are not everything. ..
I respect his views. We need such persons and not the deniers like Naik.
The views are not compatible: one is basically a myth with a bit of truth interwoven; the other comes from a questioning and exploration of our environment. Darwin was trying with that ending to assuage the sensibilities of the Anglican Church, as he had been originally intended for a career in that institution. He only published because Alfred Russel had come to the same conclusion independently and would have taken credit if he had not.
They are. The Quran doesn't say HOW Adam was put on Earth. If Muslims can believe that Jesus was removed from his body during crucification, why can't the also believe that Adam was put into a human body when he came to earth?
Is there a positive mutation?
Yes, beneficial mutations are necessary for evolution.
@@w.8424 Seem so, what is the example of one?
I got a question is the dr a sheikh? or is that a ttitle he does not have.
As a Muslim i believe in a theory that is not as popular but known by many Muslims.
Homo Sapiens Were Here Before Prophet Adam.And We're Still evolving.Then The miracle came when Allah created Adam Peace be upon him with his hands, now Allah created Adam in a home sapien body but gave him the soul of a human.Now this is what we know as homo sapien sapien.But heres the thing brothers and sisters the homo sapiens that were here Before Prophet Adam we can't classify them as humans.Thats because prophet Adam was the first human.
Now let me provide an example when Angel Gabrieal used to come to prophet Muhammad he used to come in various times in a homo sapien body that doesn't mean he is a homo sapien. There for eveloution can be accepted by muslims. Thank you very much and assalamu alaikum
But if that's what you are saying, then what about the hadith about Adam (as) creation in that he was 60 cubits tall? If Evolution is true then is this hadith false, even though it was reported in Bukhari?
Assalāmu ʿalaikum waraḥmatullāhi Let the Quran Speak
Interesting talk on the theory of evolution! Would it be possible for Dr. Shabir to talk about what the Qur'ān says (or doesn't say) about this theory and maybe also about ahadith that talk about this? And maybe he can discuss early scholars like al-Jahiz, who was seen by some as the father of the theory of evolution.
Many thanks in advance!
Junior Nimmegeers
Unfortunately Darwin doggy never knew about DNA,or RNA.
I dont see myself as a religouse person ( at least in the classical way ), but I have big respect for him. I REALLY knows, what he talks about. We really need more people like him.
Correction required at 6:37 - the number of base pairs in the human chromosome numbers 3 billion not 3 million.
He should talk to people like Subhoor and Mohammed Hijab
But if the symptoms of the virus disappear then surely the stronger viruses would be dead also otherwise the symptoms would still be there
The theory was presented by him but is now something completely different. His Christian background has nothing to do with the theory itself and religion and its apologists have nowhere to hide anymore
Dr Shabir, i shall be grateful if you could kindly address the issue which does not seem to be reconciled with the fact that we muslim believe that Allah Created Adam from clay and then Breathed in the soul into same.. whilst the theory of evolution seriously dispute same!! Whilst convergence of theories and the theology is one issue, can it be said that Darwin’s theory can be reconciled with the three main religious beliefs in the world, i.e Judaism, Christianity and Islam.. personally i believe that the convergence trend is with regards to the aforementioned three main religions and not with theories such as Darwin’s !!!
People take fake books too seriously.
The prophet and Quran explain we all have a common ancestor and that is dirt and water, but how the soul came about is a secret with Allah. Evolution theory tries to explain how all living things evolved but not how life came into being.
We are all from Adam and Adam is from dirt.
Learnzz If we all came from Adam, then how come there are so many different races?
We all are apes coming out of Africa!
No " dirt " involved!
Adam and Eve are fictional characters!
Muslims are almost there to calim evolution in Quran. So its true at last
نظرية تطور الاحياء هي "التحدر بالارث مع تعديلات" وفي تعبير اخر فان جميع الاحياء مشتقة من بعضها البعض كشجرة تعود الى كائن حي مؤسس، هذا يعني ان الاحياء بدأت كبدائية النوى ثم بحقيقة النوى ثم متعددة الخلايا غير متناظرة ثم متناظرة ذو جانبين ثم الحبليات ثم الثديات ثم الرئيسيات ثم اشباه الانسانيات ثم الانسانيات ثم الانسان العاقل. حدثت منذ 3.5 مليار، 2 مليار، 1 مليار، 600 مليون، 400 مليون، 150 مليون، 7 مليون، 3 مليون، 300 الف سنة على التوالي.
السؤال المهم، هل يمكن اعادة الظاهرة باكملها في ظروف مخبرية مضبوطة، الجواب لا لكن هناك ملايين الحقائق المثبتة من علوم التشريح والجزيئات والوراثة والاجنة والاحفورية والجيولوجية التي تدعم ارجحية هذه النظرية وليس هناك نظرية اخرى بديلة ولو بقليل من الحقائق المثبتة
Biological Evolutionary theory is descent with modification or in other words all organisms derive from each other as a tree that goes back to a founder organism, this means organisms start from a prokaryote to a single eukaryote, to an asymmetric multicellular, to a bilateral, to a chordate, to a mammal, to a primate, to a hominoid to a hominid to a homo sapiens, it took place at 3.5 billion, 2 billion, 1 billion, 600 million, 400 million, 150 million, 40 million, 7 million, 3 million and 300 thousands years respectively!
An important question is it possible to recapitulate the whole phenomena in controlled laboratory conditions, the answer is no, but millions proved facts from morphological, molecular, genetic, developmental, fossils and geologic sciences support the likelihood of such theory on one hand and there is no other (alternative) theory even with few proved facts on the other!
His speech is not Islamic it’s from his head not Hadith or Quran. Bewail this man!
We’re in the last days SubhanAllah.
There is nothing in Islam Quran that could goes against the Evolution as a plane concept, all we have is opinions based on interpretations not on clear text.. perhaps we have in the Quran some verses which they "could" point to Evolution.. Let us see :
▓1▓ Quran: 29-20 (Say, travel through the earth and see how Allah did start the creation)..
▓2▓ Quran: 32-7 : (..He START the creation of man from clay.. AND made his PROGENY from a quintessence.. AND He FASHIONED him in due proportion.. AND BREATHED into him something of His spirit..)
See carefully how the steps are arranged, the (PROGENY) cames before (BREATHED), not just the ability of giving birth but the progeny it self cames before, and when the progeny is FASHIONED (that process "could" point to species) then God select Adam PBUH and BREATHED into him something of His spirit..
▓3▓ Quran 6-133 (And your Lord is the self-sufficient, the Lord of mercy, If He wills, he can do away with you, and give succession after you to what He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another [qawm] people)
The context of this verse is about all mankind, all the Ulama Salaf and Khalaf they agreed on the first part, they said : If it is not the mercy of God, He could have put an end to mankind and brought into being an altogether different species of creation, just as He produced you from the descendants of another [qawm] people.
▓4▓ Quran 3-59 (The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam, He created him from dust, then said to him Be, And he was). As we know, Jesus PBUH is not directly created from dust, so if Adam and Jesus are similar, then what God is saying is that Adam also was born from a virgin female (Not mankind of course Adam was the first, but she "could" be Neanderthal).. otherwise we all are created from dust, so what's the point to mention it ? God all-wise all-knowing.
If someone is interested and can understand Arabic i recommend to watch this video : th-cam.com/video/lyCKxW_LwbQ/w-d-xo.html
Religion is the record of evolution backwards
So $habir believes in evolution? What happens to Adam being the first human being?
He's very roundabout about it, but I think he's only acknowledging evolution of animals and exempts humans
Relligion has nothing to do with Evolution and or science etc. Relligion has to do with spiritual Things and a guidence why we exist here etc.
Then why did Allah mentioned in the Quran about Adam and Eve if they never existed?
MeGaiaN Because he borrowed the story of Adam and Eve from the bible.
I feel Dr Shabir sometimes struggles to reconcile Islam with the modern world. Unlike most of these sheikhs who disregard reality and science without logic. He takes science and logic seriously and doesn't just blindly follow Hadiths and the Quran.
Shabir Ally is a the Quran?
وَقَدْ خَلَقَكُمْ أَطْوَارًا (نوح - 14
Sorry,,, i dont believe with evolution , i surely call that mutation. Anything come from human can be wrong can be right but anything come from GOD absolutely TRUTH. Science just a way to explain what GOD has saying.
*Law of evolution
Adil Khan it’s still theory as there’s a lot of controversial
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world
@@Davete ancient scientists would use the same definition of theory to their theory of flat earth. No, scientific theory is not well established scientific fact.
Adam was the first Prophet right? Who did he convey God's message to? Himself?
Irwin Crook to his family and generation
Steve bannon
Humans are the last creatures to be created.
When did the goldfishes started to emerge?
Hinduism differs from christianity and islam. Both these religions CANNOT ANSWER ONE THING. AND THAT IS WHERE THEY FAIL:
1. If God so merciful (no religion can deny this)
2. If we are the children of God (no one can deny this)
3. Why there are differences we see in births.
4. One child is born with silver spoon, one child with golden spoon and another one poor.
5. One child was completely healthy, another one born with disease.
6. One child is perfect in body another handicapped.
7. One children with good mental health but another one with mental retardation.
8. One person lives longer, another one dies in a accident (even though he is not at all responsible for this accident).
CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM CANNOT ANSWER, EXCEPT HINDUISM. Hinduism is perfect. This is all due to Re-incarnation/ previous births deeds. Of course buddhism, jainism and sikhism accept preincarnation , but they they are only offshoots of hinduism.
@HOPE For JUSTICE what test? you can test different persons giving different yardsticks. If the start line and end line for all the people are same, then you can test their ability by rewarding the person who go to the end line first. But here, in this world, one child is born poor and another child born wealthy, one child has lot of health complications, and another child is healthy. one child is born in war zone and another in a comfort place. Is this reasonable way of creation from you so called Allah? Here karma of previous births and next births comes into play. Reincarnation is the only justifiable way for explaining the phenomena of ups and downs in this world. Brahman is born from head, kshatriya from chest, vaishya from waist and shudra from legs. This is purely based on previous births karmas. God is equal to all tne no one is special to him. All creatures are equal to God. Islam completely fails. whichever has a origin has an end. Islam has an origin and it will end one day.
since Devine revelations elaborate the origin of everything in a very simple and clear way so it is unnecessary to converge the extremes.
Evolution theory has got so many flaws to disapprove its veracity.
Bacterial resistance
Still waiting to find the flying horse that Mohammed used to fly to the moon.
@Lol Rofl sorry, but I do not believe in Jesus either. I just like people to prove what the say. What other believe that you hold, that can't be proven. And if so, should I be in any position to believe because you say so. If you can prove it, I will believe.
no its nt true...its fault...no matter u say islam is false religion thts nt mean its true..muhmmod spritually traveled...if i agree with u then it by allah power..so he can do anything..dnt underestimate allah
What does he mean when he says we need to integrate Islam and the theory of evolution and why does he refer to Islam as traditional religious belief. Has science changed the words of Allah in the Quran? This guy is a deviant
What a "honest" taqqiya.....
Very true. There are many verses in Quran explaining evolution.
Faith and science contradict each other!
Astaghfirullah, may Allah swt guide us all. God created Adam and we are children of Adam, it is undeniable. God created Angels, Jinn and Mankind.
For you in your point of view it is undeniable because since childhood you were raised in a society where you were not allowed to question things up, in a society where ignorance and "faith" was rewarded
When in reality having a blind faith is not a good thing
Is he saying we mutated from apes?! This is crazy. I wasn't aware he was a reformist.
It's not crazy, it's how it is.
Oh shut up
Humans were not from apes. We and the apes shared a common ancestor. Our bodies are from earth and will stay on earth when we die. But Adam and Eve were from heaven. They would be in the form of spirits, not earthly bodies. We will ascend to heaves in spirit form and will leave this body of ours back to ground.
A great read on the topic is I'd definetly recommend Dr. Shabir is GLASS HOUSE: Shattering the myth of evolution by Ken Ham.
I don,t believe in evaluation and i also don,t believe in quran .
i believe in Almighty Allah . i believe in the power who makes evaluation happen and who send down the holy quran to profaith muhammad . darwin theory or adam and hawa theory . the both doesn,t matter . what matters is what you hold in your heart . good deed matters . Almighty Allah said in holy quran that if they said quran is wrong tell them that i believe in Allah not in quran . with believe in Allah if you read the quran the wrong becomes write . With believe in Allah if you read the theory of evaluation . you will find the right way .
Cherry pick, in the Koran and the Bible it's totally different view accepted for centuries, now it's good you accepted it , but it's time to also say that the Koran or the Bible are not perfect, otherwise in dishonest, off course you try to fit it in the Koran so not to lose modern Muslim fallowers, take cue from this
-first- ninth!
meow meow!
Eyo bro meeting again
Can you speak arabic?
@@hassanlabyad4082 hi amigo... no i cant sorry
So, different races developed from Adam and Hava (Eva). And the differences are obvious even on scull shape. So, I always thought about this feature. So, the Quran I think does not strongly contradict to mutation theory, which is a part of evolution theory. What do you think folks
As salamu aleykum wa rahmatullah.
Dr. Shabir, with all due respect, I believe the explanation you give of how super bugs develop is inaccurate, as, first of all, it is not viruses that are killed by antibiotics, but bacteria, and they do not become stronger, but mutate to become more resistant to available antibiotics, and therefore harder to kill.
Do these inaccuracies have bearing on the main point of the theory of evolution being viable theory? Perhaps not, but it makes me wonder whether you've studied thoroughly the arguments against the theory, such as distinguishing between intra- and inter-species evolution, accounting for the emergence of sexsual reproduction, and the fact that mutations only destroy information and are never able to create them.
JazzakAllahu Kheiran for all your work.
Assalamou 3alaykom brother.
The fact that bacteria can mutate proves that living beings can acquire new characters through DNA mutations (For example during meiosis), because the DNA-polymerase enzymes often do not replicate exactly of all our genome.
Given that, it is easy to understand that organisms that develop advantageous characters through this process will be more likely to survive and thus transmit these characters to their offspring. This is the natural selection, it is absolutely not contradictory with islam, it's just the process that makes weak organisms die and strong organisms (strong in terms of character utility in their environment) survive.
As for the mutations, they are indeed capable of adding information to a genome. When the crossing-over occurs during meiosis, chromosomes sometimes exchange unequal parts of themselves, therefore a gene can be located twice on a same chromosome instead of once. If this gene mutates, the organism that will be created with this reproductive cell will have new information.
Barak Allahu fik.
Lettuce Seed 👆Exactly
Human genome is 3 billion base pairs!
Ape and human markers are there. 48 ape, 46 human (2 fused) exact match. We are related to hominds / apes / old world apes! 5 finger species!
@@jammapcb where did the first common ancestor come from?
@@zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651 there is no first. stop thinking in black and whites. everything is incremental built on top of something that allows it to grow and mutate. Common ancestor will be 5 finger little furry creatures. We have them today. Pre cursor of the chimp and it has a pre cursor too and so forth. its not linear either but many groups from subgroups of subgroups etc. Super families exist because of other super groups all slightly replicating differently. Example a question like where did the first eyes come from. They are waaayyy back at the most simplistic level in the sea. Small worms for example have photo sensitive cells. Eyes as we know it came long after. Simplistic replication to complex forms. Not just one branch but trillians of them each replicating faster or slower, mutating and passing on their traits. Some survive, some lineages end. But common branches will still exist even along side more advanced species.
@@jammapcb you'll make a "good" politician with that answer. Seriously, Accept Islam and be saved Insya Allah. Don't wait, we may die anytime.
@@zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651 evidence is in the genetics. Not old texts that cannot even get the creation process right. Old religions are no match for hard evidence!
This is such a disappointing and disgraceful thing i have seen just now. I used to be a fan of this doctor for his amazing scholarship in islamic theology. But,now what im seeing is badly disappointing and astonishing... This doctor should have known that,there are houndeds of Concrete reasons to disbelief in the theory of evolution...and im not sure,if a man can remain a muslim and an evolutionist at time...hadakallah
Can't these questions can be asked by male host?
Why is it necessary to have pretty female faces with make-up on the host seat. Can't they cover their faces too?
You may be a very pious with lot of control over your senses & feelings, but we as an audience are simple & sinful muslims.
There should'nt be female attractions when we are trying to learn deen.
The problem is not with the women hosts faces, it is with you and your thoughts. These women are modestly dressed and are intelligent. Why should they have to cover there faces to prevent your sinful thoughts? That is for you to work on. May Allah help you.
zafar kamaal nah bro ur just a perv
You're ridiculous.
Bro mad cus there's a woman face on screen💀 I can't
Totally agree with everything he has said here
But he didn't touch on the theory of us evolving from apes
Evolution dont say we decend from apes , but we have an commun ancestor so in a way you have to believe in it .
Evolution contradict islam and i can send you links for that .
That's also a common misconception.
We are not just evolved from apes, we are apes. When animals evolve from other animals, it’s not that they supersede them; It’s not that we’ve evolved from Chimpanzees. Chimpanzees and we have evolved from a shared ancestor, which lived about 6 million years ago, which was neither a human nor a Chimpanzee.
Evoloution is a bunk theory this brother got confused on the path unfortunately
Asalaam Aleykum brother. There's different definitions of evolution. One, we can observe in the lab right now you can pop into a university or lab and you can see it on a microbiological stage (mutations within bacteria etc)
Another is the one Darwin observed (the differentiation of the finches in the Galapogos)
Now my question to you. Do you believe in dinosaurs?
@@abdulmunim318 Looks like Black Turban is not going to answer. So I will. Mutations are not evolution. There is no known example where a mutation has added information to a species. All know example are a loss of date. Next, the differentiation of the finches is just changing within species. The DNA within a species allows for a species to adapt to its environment for the best ability to cope with that environment. This was done by God by design. General it is a good process but if taken too far, it can lead to the loss of data, such as what we see with selective breeding. Select it too much data is lost and there is no going back unless you breed the present species with something that has the missing DNA. We see this with the bad habit of dog breeding, where we are getting dogs that are so interbred, they are prone to certain illness. The only solution is to breed them with another dog breed that has the missing DNA date.
I do believe in dinosaurs - why not?
Theory of evolution has conflicts with bible. But Quran complies it. So no need to avoid this theory. Thanks A lot man.
Yes the fact that mohammad split the moon into two,the story of the flying donkey and the setting of the sun in a muddy pool all comply with science. Indeed allah is all knowing.
No it doesn’t
When u talk about the Hadiths certain comes to mind similarities in prophethood examples and teachings u have the book of Enoch, Moses, Elijah , Joseph, sayings and doings as the prophets and of the prophets examples in word and deeds prophets lifestyles and missions good deeds and examples of characters heavenly values at times maybe Muhammad was no Elijah nor Joseph, he's no Moses because we don't need another Moses we already have the law given on Mount Sinai delivered by angels Mohammed doesn't claim to bring a new and different teachings of previous prophets what can he bring that's new or different no he says that his message is the same as the prophets now lifestyle is something different now maybe he'll be likeor his message is like unto one of the minor prophets of Israel Elisha he is not like him because his body had resurrection powers in them even in death I mean if u wanted to frame somebody's life into prophethood it's usually tied to paganism a different teachings altogether Mohammed claims don't fit into the bible nor does his teachings and their missions is not similarities either the name Yahweh is not mentioned in the Koran nor is the name Jerusalem is not even mentioned in the Koran not one time How many times I'd Yahweh and Jerusalem mentioned in the bible I don't even think that the Koran calls Jesus Christ the king of the Jews not does it mention the God of Israel Mohammed wasn't like any of the Jewish ancestry teachings scriptures and prophets of Israel he wasn't like them and he wouldn't agree with them because they wouldn't accept him as a prophet of Yahweh even his tied to Jerusalem I'd different Jerusalem is Yahweh's capital city and Jesus Christ is the king of the Jews and Israelites religion he is the messiah the fulfillment of both old and new testament covenants scriptures Jesus Christ superstar sealed them with his own blood the son of man had to come to earth and suffer first I'm not saying that Mohammed isn't a prophet and that he wasn't a very strong and mighty man even leader but to claim that his teachings and lifestyle is the same as the rest of the prophets since the temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed there hasn't been no prophets sent but nee testament saints Scriptures covenants grace dispensation until the return of Christ superstar Mohammed would have to prove prophethood first before we go talking hadiths and autobiography and do forth and so on alot of religious teachings and beliefs allow for religious leaders to be mistaken for prophets u can be a high priest but that don't mean that ur a prophet either just because ur tied to the temple and to several other things and people who are religious and Even so e prophets themselves doesn't make u a prophet so what makes u a biblical prophet not a prophet from worldly perspectives secularism atheists worldly values religion paganism teachings that's the making of a biblical false prophet a wolf 🐺 in sheep's clothing so let's look at Mohammed lifestyles and teachings mannerisms saying nose 👃 picking up name it from a biblical perspective that is let the bible judge any tea hing because if it's saying something different and not the same then u know that the buck stops here if I or angel come down from heaven and pres h to u any other gospels than the one you e heard then let him be a cursed one like I say from a biblical perspective and not a worldly perspectives secularism atheists worldly values religion paganism teachings the bible is against idolatry and paganism teachings and the god of the bible his name is Yahweh and his captain city is Jerusalem and his son name is Jesus Christ and he is the messiah and he sits on king David throne in Jerusalem and he's saying that the holy land I'd his and it belongs to him and he can lend it out too whomever he wants too , Jerusalem the city of the great King, king of Jerusalem is a name and title The King of Israel and the Jews these titles and name belongs to him they are deity attributes and titles of a divine nature and initiative
Anyone lowkey crushing on Aisha?
Fear Allah
Aisha is only for Mohammed, not for you, but i must say she is quite beautiful MashaAllah
One creature does not change into another creature by any process period, if you are Muslim why not just say this, or show me some Koranic ayaat that justifies this belief.
I didn't find a single verse that say Adam was the first Human being that Allah has created. Yes he is the father of present humanity, 100% I beleive in that because its written in Quran, but it doesn't mean that there was no human like life form on earth before Adam.
We have a scientific evidence of finding bones, remains, & tools millions of years old (See: Kenyanthropus & Lomekwi). And also islamically it is quite possible that there maybe beings similar to humans and Allah may had replaced them all with Adam. Nothing in Quran contradicts to this statement, so why cant Darwin be right about it.
.... If you still turn away, He will replace you with another people. And they will not be like you. [Quran 47:38]
Clutching at straws.
Evolution theory does not compute with your magical story of Adam and Eve.