LDS Problems: Questions Mormons Can't Answer

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • In this video I ask 47 Questions that are very difficult for Mormons to answer. The LDS church has many problems and contradictions and inconsistencies with their doctrine, scripture, teachings and history.
    If you're LDS and searching, I'd love for you to check out the rest of my channel where I have many more videos like this one:
    / @itsmejessie
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    Source for this video: www.oneplace.c...
    Please reach out to me if you're interested in Biblical Christianity and want to find a Bible-believing church with solid, Biblical doctrine. Seek truth! See you in my next video!

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  • @itsmejessie
    @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Why does the Mormon Church still teach that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God after he made a false prophecy about a temple being built in Missouri in his generation (Doctrine and Covenants 84:1-5)?
    Since the time when Brigham Young taught that both the moon and the sun were inhabited by people, has the Mormon Church ever found scientific evidence of that to be true (Journal of Discourses, 1870, v.13, p.271)?
    Why did Brigham Young teach that Adam is “our Father and our God” when both the Bible and the Book of Mormon (Mormon 9:12) say that Adam is a creation of God (Journal of Discourses, Apr. 9, 1852, vol.1, p.50)?
    If Brigham Young was a true prophet, how come one of your later prophets overturned his declaration which stated that the black man could never hold the priesthood in the LDS Church until after the resurrection of all other races (Journal of Discourses, Dec. 12, 1854, 2:142-143)?
    Since the Bible’s test to determine whether someone is a true prophet of God is 100% accuracy in all his prophecies (Deuteronomy 18:20-22), has the LDS Church ever reconsidered its teaching that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were true prophets?
    Since the current LDS prophets sometimes contradict the former ones, how do you decide which one is correct?
    Since there are several different contradictory accounts of Joseph Smith’s first vision, how did the LDS Church choose the correct one?
    Can you show me in the Bible the LDS teaching that we must all stand before Joseph Smith on the Day of Judgment?
    Can you show me archeological and historical proof from non-Mormon sources that prove that the peoples and places named in the Book of Mormon are true?
    If the words “familiar spirit” in Isaiah 29:4 refer to the Book of Mormon, why do familiar spirits always refer to occult practices such as channeling and necromancy everywhere else in the Old Testament?
    Why did Joseph Smith condone polygamy as an ordinance from God (Doctrine and Covenants 132) when the Book of Mormon had already condemned the practice (Jacob 1:15, 2:24)?
    Why were the words “white and delightsome” in 2 Nephi 30:6 changed to “pure and delightsome” right on the heels of the Civil Rights campaign for blacks?
    If God is an exalted man with a body of flesh and bones, why does Alma 18:26-28 and John 4:24 say that God is a spirit?
    Why did God encourage Abraham & Sarah to lie in Abraham 2:24? Isn’t lying a sin according to the 10 commandments? Why did God tell Abraham and Sarah to lie when 2 Nephi 9:34 condemns liars to hell?
    Why does the Book of Mormon state that Jesus was born in Jerusalem (Alma 7:10) when history and the Bible state that he was born outside of Jerusalem, in Bethlehem?
    If the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on earth, as Joseph Smith said, why does it contain over 4000 changes from the original 1830 edition?
    If the Book of Mormon contains the “fulness of the everlasting gospel”, why does the LDS Church need additional works?
    If the Book of Mormon contains the “fulness of the everlasting gospel”, why doesn’t it say anything about so many important teachings such as eternal progression, celestial marriage, the Word of Wisdom, the plurality of Gods, the pre-existence of man, our mother in heaven, baptism for the dead, etc?
    Why do you baptize for the dead when both Mosiah 3:25 and the Bible state that there is no chance of salvation after death?
    Since the word grace means a free gift that can’t be earned, why does the Book of Mormon state “for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23)?
    Does the LDS Church still regard the Pearl of Great Price as Holy Scripture even after several prominent Egyptologists proved it was an ancient funeral scroll?
    Why does the Book of Abraham, chapters 4 & 5, contradict Alma 11 in stating that there is more than one God?
    Why does Doctrine and Covenants 42:18 say there is no forgiveness for a murderer when 3 Nephi 30:2 says there is forgiveness for him?
    If the Adam-God doctrine isn’t true, how come Doctrine and Covenants 27:11 calls Adam the Ancient of Days which is clearly a title for God in Daniel chapter 7?
    Why does the Book of Mormon contain extensive, word-for-word quotes from the Bible if the LDS Church is correct in teaching that the Bible has been corrupted?
    Why do the Bible verses quoted in the Book of Mormon contain the italicized words from the King James Version that were added into the KJV text by the translators in the 16th and 17th centuries?
    If the Book of Mormon was engraved on gold plates thousands of years ago, why does it read in perfect 1611 King James Version English?
    If marriage is essential to achieve exaltation, why did Paul say that it is good for a man not to marry (1 Corinthians 7:1)?
    Since the Word of Wisdom teaches us to abstain from alcohol, why did Paul encourage Timothy to drink wine for his stomach (1 Timothy 5:23)?
    If Jesus is the Jehovah of the Old Testament and Elohim is referred to as God in the Old Testament, can you explain Deuteronomy 6:4 to me: “Hear, O Israel: the LORD (Jehovah) our God (Elohim) is one LORD (Jehovah)?
    Why does the Mormon Church teach that we can be married in heaven when Jesus said in Matthew 22:30 that in the resurrection men neither marry, nor are they given in marriage?
    How can worthy Mormon males become Gods in the afterlife when God already said that before him no God was formed, nor will there be any Gods formed after him (Isaiah 43:10)?
    If God had a father who was a God, how come Isaiah 44:8 says that he doesn’t know him?
    If God was once just a man who progressed to becoming a God, how do you explain Psalm 90:2: “…even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God”?
    How can God be an exalted man when Numbers 23:19 says that God is not a man?
    Why does the Mormon Church teach that Elohim had sexual relations with Mary to produce Jesus when both Matthew and Luke teach she was a virgin (The Seer, January, 1853, p.158)?
    Why does the LDS Church teach that Jesus paid for our sins in the garden of Gethsemane when 1 Peter 2:24 says it was on the cross?
    Why did Bruce McConkie write that a man may commit a sin so grievous that it will place him beyond the atoning blood of Christ (Mormon Doctrine, 1979, p.93) when the Bible says that the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7)?
    Why does the LDS Church teach that man first existed as spirits in heaven when 1 Corinthians 15:46 says that the physical body comes before the spiritual?
    Why do Mormons say the sticks in Ezekiel 37 represent the Bible and the Book of Mormon when Ezekiel 37:20-22 tells us that the sticks represent two nations, not two books?
    Why does the LDS Church teach that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers when both the first chapter of John and Colossians teach that Jesus is the Creator of all things, including Lucifer?
    Why do worthy Mormon males hold the Aaronic priesthood since Hebrews 7:11-12 clearly teaches that it was changed and superceded by something better?
    If your leaders are correct about the complete falling away of the true church on earth, was Jesus in error when he said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)?
    If having a physical body is necessary to become a god, how did Jesus become a god before he had a body?
    Do you think the LDS Church will reconsider its teachings that the American Indians are descendants of the Jewish race now that DNA evidence has proven that they are actually descendants of the Asian race?
    If polygamy was officially re-instituted by the Mormon Church, how would your wife feel about you taking another woman?
    Since the LDS Church teaches that there was a complete apostasy of the true church on earth, does that mean that the 3 living Nephites and the Apostle John went into apostasy also?
    Why are Mormon Temple ceremonies secret to the public when the Old Testament temple ceremonies were open to public knowledge?

    • @nativepower1665
      @nativepower1665 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh nice thank u. I need these ? I was gonna go over every ? And write them down myself but u sent it to me thanks 👍

    • @angeldream1
      @angeldream1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank you so much for all you do. I know I need to email my mom's friend so I think I'll start with a couple questions and if she seems interested then I can show her the video.

    • @andreaweloth5976
      @andreaweloth5976 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Answer to your last question, the "temple rituals aren't secret but they are sacred" *insert eye roll to the heavens here* (I looked up the rituals they do in the temple and I walked away feeling icky.)

    • @andreaweloth5976
      @andreaweloth5976 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@christopherfoote4643 if we aren't supposed to know what's going on in the temples, why hasn't the LDS church done something about the videos on the Internet? Because anybody can look up what goes on. And don't tell me that there's nothing that they can do because the LDS church does have ways and the power to take them down

    • @andreaweloth5976
      @andreaweloth5976 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@christopherfoote4643 wow someone who claims to be a man of God you sure are judgemental to those who don't have the same beliefs as you. I am married so I wouldn't be interested in you. Even if I wasn't married there is no way in hell I'd ever date you with how judgemental you are. I get that it's a breach of privacy so I'm asking why doesn't the church do anything to take the videos down? They could hire lawyers and have them taken down and whoever put them up prosecuted. Why don't you just leave this channel alone, and go about your marry way.

  • @Mlady62
    @Mlady62 4 ปีที่แล้ว +322

    THANK YOU THANK YOU. I was raised lds for 58 yrs, its been exhausting... questions, contradictions, hypocrisy and judgmental followers.... I have just ordered a new Bible to start my new journey of knowing God … again, thank you so much for your research and knowledge …. hugs

    • @longnamenocansayy
      @longnamenocansayy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      how exciting. they way you talk, i can almost sense new life like like a fresh cool breeze, with every breath you take. 58 years and born again. that doesn't happen much either. i was a late bloomer too @40 years.

    • @BiscuitTheDoodle
      @BiscuitTheDoodle 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      God has such incredible things in store for you. His Truth will set you completely free from all the years of hard experiences. Praying for you 🙏❤️

    • @matrixresearch
      @matrixresearch 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Shalom Lisa, what about reading the original scriptures, the bible is a corrupt book, a mistranslation of the original scriptures, with lots of words and names changed by the roman sun worshippers. Research the real name of our creator, our father who talked with Moseh and gave us the ten commandments. Although the bible is corrupt, you can still read the context and message, so you can study and ready it. The name of our creator is not god, but YAHUAH, Hebrew I WAS, I AM, I WILL BE and His beloved son Yahusha (Hebrew for Yah is our Deliverer) and not the pagan name Jesus. Remember Yahusha is not Greek and not Roman, He was Hebrew. Research the letter J... it did not exist until 1478-1550, so the name Jesus was never written in the bible before that time... so why is this so important? Because the original names has a very very important meaning and message. Read Isaiah52:6 and remember the commandments You do not cast the Name of Yahuah your Alahim to ruin (in the bible KJV version Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. So even though it was written, still the enemy changed it, because truth is in the scriptures... that's why those sunworshippers started the catholic church and honour many pagan feasts like christmas and eastern, they wear dagon hats and use occult symbols in their clothing and buildings, you have to ask youself why is that? It is time for christians who believe in Yahusha the Son of our creator YAHUAH, who died for our sins, so that we have eternal life to research and pray. All those who seek the truth read Deut 4:2 and Matt 5:17

    • @noneone8726
      @noneone8726 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Or you could wake up and be rational and logical

    • @catholicdad
      @catholicdad 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm 58 & was a mainstream Catholic for 38 years. The last 20 increasingly traditional Catholic & REFRESHING!
      Give traditional or Maronite Catholicism a try.

  • @oznerriznick2474
    @oznerriznick2474 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hi Jesse,
    I have 47 questions for you,
    1 Why was Joseph Smith a true prophet?
    2 Why is the Book of Mormon the word of God?
    3 Why do we pray in the name of Jesus Christ?
    4 Why do we have temples in nearly every country?
    5 Why do we have missionaries in nearly every country?
    6 Why do love our neighbors?
    7 Why do we worship our Heavenly Father?
    8 Why do our children sing songs like "Teach me to Walk in the Light of His Love?"
    9 Why do we have 12 apostles?
    10 Why do we believe the Bible to be the Word of God?
    11 Why was the Church of Jesus Christ restored?
    12 Why do we believe in the second coming?
    13 Why do we listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit?
    14 Why did Peter, James and John appear to Joseph Smith And others?
    15 Why did the Angel Moroni appear to Joseph Smith?
    16 Why did Heavenly Father and His Son appear to Joseph Smith?
    17 Why did John the Baptist appear to Joseph Smith And others?
    18 Why did the Prophet Elijah appear to Joseph Smith?
    19 Why aren't members of the Church of Jesus Christ suppose to smoke, drink, and tell dirty jokes?
    20 Why do we say "families are forever?"
    21 Why do we believe in modern scriptures and prophecy?
    22 Why do we believe, "If you have not charity you are nothing?"
    23 Why do we believe that the Priesthood authority of God has been restored?
    23 Why are we so happy all the time?
    24 Why do we build temples?
    25 Why do we believe in the preexistence?
    26 Why do we wait until marriage to have sexual relations?
    27 Why do we pay tithing?
    28 Why do we worship on Sunday?
    29 Why do we take the Sacrament?
    30 Why do we fast?
    31 Why do we have "Helping Hands" voluntary service?
    32 Why was Brigham Young a prophet?
    33 Why do we obey God's commandments?
    34 Why do we obey the laws of the land?
    35 Why do we look forward to the "Second Coming of Christ"?
    36 Why do we believe that we can not be saved in our sins?
    37 Why do we believe that through repentance we can be forgiven of our sins?
    38 Why do we believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost are three separate beings?
    39 How are new members baptized?
    40 Why are new members baptized?
    41 Why do we feel that all people have the right to worship who and how they please?
    42 Why do we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior?
    43 How do woman in the Church of Jesus Christ share equally in the priesthood?
    44 Why do we not baptize babies?
    45 Why do we believe we should forgive others?
    46 Why do we love our Prophet President Russell M. Nelson?
    47 And.....Why do we love the Savior?

    • @oznerriznick2474
      @oznerriznick2474 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Avenged- Sevenfold Her questions read like an antimormon pamphlet that you guys hand out at our temples.
      I'm like, "Oh do you want me to throw that away for you?"

    • @oznerriznick2474
      @oznerriznick2474 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Avenged- Sevenfold I apologize for that last comment. I just don't read antimormon material. It's a total waste of my time.
      Obviously we're not the antiChrist.
      Denying the truth once the Holy Ghost has witnessed it to you is a serious sin.
      I'm not going do that.
      You guys are literally trying to destroy God's Kingdom on earth and you don't even realize it. That's the truth.
      My advice to you is to start living in a way that the Spirit can teach you.
      "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand."
      But I'm afraid I'm wasting my words...

    • @duhbulyou7433
      @duhbulyou7433 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Then answer the questions she asks in the videos

  • @bryonnajones
    @bryonnajones 3 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    As a person of color myself that is considering this church it’s actually a huge relief to have these questions out there so I can really see if the missionaries have answers to them because I am so confused right now I’m struggling with that

    • @shawnbradford2243
      @shawnbradford2243 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Watch dan Vogel on TH-cam for a detailed history of the church. Read the CES letter for a good list ofvthe issues. Part Native American here so the whole dark skin is a curse thing in Mormonism is a big deal and very racist. Never turned white and delightsome myself

    • @bryonnajones
      @bryonnajones 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@shawnbradford2243 ty for your response

    • @shawnbradford2243
      @shawnbradford2243 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@calebschmidtyay is FairMormon lead by the prophet of god?

    • @cowrunner1712
      @cowrunner1712 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@bryonnajones hey the church is true, feel free to join. We love u.

    • @BrianTerrill
      @BrianTerrill 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The missionaries job is to bring souls to Christ to teach the first principles of the Gospel. They bring a simple message, pray about it with real intent

  • @mariemosier9805
    @mariemosier9805 3 ปีที่แล้ว +191

    I recently became a Mormon and started wondering about things that didn’t make sense. Now, that I know more.. this religion is so false. I felt I was being brainwashed. Thank you so much for helping me get Unbrainwashed.
    This is so scary to think that the church was doing this to me. Thank you Jessie.

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      I'm so glad you've been researching! Just because Mormonism is false, don't give up on the Bible! God is real. The LDS version of god is not. I pray you'll find truth in the Word of God! Mormonism distorts and corrupts Christianity but true Christianity offers all the answers to life with verifiable evidence. Josh Mcdowell has a book called "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" and it's a powerful example of evidential and verifiable truth found within the Bible. Praying for you as you continue to seek truth!

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Don't get me wrong. They're plenty brainwashed. But this video uses a lot of falsehoods

    • @tanyayearout2218
      @tanyayearout2218 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I know right! so glad you're out of there

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@bookofmormonanswers whatever it's worth, they probably just learned that certain things were being kept secret from them.
      For example, you don't tell anyone what the covenants in the temple are before they are endowed. Sometimes finding it out and finding out it was withheld from you is a game changer.

    • @IcekingxLUAP
      @IcekingxLUAP 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@bookofmormonanswers What do you say to the person that says that they have prayed and the holy spirit told them that the book of mormon is not true? It seems to be based of off feeling not actual proof or evidence towards truth. There is a lot more evidence proving Mormonism wrong than proving it right. I encourage you to do your own research on these things on a non Mormon website. God is good and will reveal himself if you truly seek him! I have a lot of love and compassion for you in my heart!!

  • @sylviacecil2067
    @sylviacecil2067 3 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    Thank you for this, I grew up lds in 1978 I found Christ, and a the bible open up to me... My Dad is still in the lds church, and still hopes I come back, it is sad.

    • @ReformedSooner24
      @ReformedSooner24 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah. Mormonism is a tragedy. So many people who think they know God but they don’t.

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      What is it about God you know about that LDS don't? Just asking. I believe in the New Testament Jesus
      and I am LDS. I don't think I'm off my rocker. Thanks.

    • @sylviacecil2067
      @sylviacecil2067 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stanleyhall8951 I love the LDS church I was raised in the LDS; the difference it changed for me is dispensationalism rightly dividing the word the difference between the Old testament and the New testament, salvation in the Old testament was different than salvation in the New testament

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks. I'm sorry for your difficulty.

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@amazingcolorizing4975 _"God is not a Man who was "exalted" to become a God."_ God is not a spirit. Before you try to misquote John 4:24, you are misquoting that in 2 ways. First, In Greek there is no equivalent for the English word “a” so the translation can be interesting. Meaning that “God is spirit” and “God is a spirit” are technically both correct translations. However, If we compare to other scriptures of similar structure then we clearly see that it wasn’t not meant to be a literal description of God being but is describing one attribute of God. For example, in 1 John 4:8 it says that “God is love.” In 1 John 1:5 it says “God is light.” Deuteronomy 4:24 and Hebrews 12:29 says that God is a consuming fire. Is God literally love? Is He literally light? Is he literally a consuming fire? No, Those are attributes of God not descriptions. Second, the context of this verse is talking about the worship of God and again, not a literal description. God is spirit in that He is holy and pure and they that worship him must worship him in holiness and purity.
      Interestingly, This debate over whether God is a material being, or an incorporeal, immaterial being was a highly debated subject in the early centuries of the Church. In fact, for a time John 4:24 was used as evidence that God did have some kind of material body because the Greek word that is translated as “spirit” (Pneuma) can also mean “air” or “wind”, which is a material substance. Origen, who is known as the most important theologian of the early Greek church and who believed that God was incorporeal and immaterial, defends his views by arguing that John 4:24 isn’t meant to be interpreted literally.
      Now, if God was once a mortal being it is in no way inconsistent with the fact that he now has all power and all knowledge and possesses every virtue, grace, and godly attribute that the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants have said God has. Irenaeus, a highly respected and influential early church father, stated "How, then, shall he be a God, who has not as yet been made a man? Or how can he be perfect who was but lately created? How, again, can he be immortal, who in his mortal nature did not obey his Maker? For it must be that thou, at the outset, shouldest hold the rank of a man, and then afterwards partake of the glory of God. For thou dost not make God, but God thee" (Irenaeus Against Heresies 4:523, Ante-Nicene Fathers 1:523-524) Here Irenaeus, an early church father, argues that how can we become a god, if we were not once a man. Using this same line of argument, how could God become a God, if He was not a man once? John 5:19 says The Son can’t do anything that He hasn’t seen the Father do. Would that mean that God lived as a spirit in a pre-mortal life, was born and received a body, died, and was resurrected and Jesus imitated what the father did? We are also made in the image of God, pretty heavily saying God at the very least looks like a man.
      We believe God has always existed for eternity too. D&C 93:29 “Man was also in the beginning with God. *Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.”* I think it is safe to say God has intelligence so therefore He was not created and has existed forever in our theology. Throughout the scriptures God is called Eternal or Endless, including in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. God is Endless and Eternal because his power, kingdom and dominion are Eternal and Endless. God has no limits to His power. He is from everlasting to everlasting because His power continues, having no end.
      Also, saying God is a man isn’t a unique idea by Joseph Smith. It was said by Jesus in Mark 10:18 in the 1611 edition of the King James Version which reads "why callest thou me good? There is no man good, but one, that is God". The phrase ‘no man’ was removed from every subsequent printing of the King James Bible even though the same Greek word (oudeis) is also translated ‘no man’ in Revelation 7:9 and 14:3 (and yes if you were to look it up online the Greek Bible then the Greek word oudeis is there in Mark 10:18).
      _"God took on flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1)"_ The trinitarian view of God (3 persons 1 being) is not found in the Bible. No verse describes God as 3 persons 1 being in the Old or New Testament, if God was like that then wouldn't you think it would have been explicitly mentioned? It doesn't say that and no honest reading of the Bible would lead you to conclude that God is 3 persons 1 being. The Bible claims Jesus Christ is Lord (Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Philippians 2:11) and the Son of God (Matthew 3:17, Matthew 17:5, John 10:36, John 20:31), He is our mediator with God (1 Timothy 2:5), who said that God the Father is greater (John 14:28) and that God was his God (John 20:17), He wanted us to be one with Him and God as they are with each other (John 17:21-23). Paul very clearly tells us that to us there is one God, the Father and one Lord, Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 8:6). There is no verse in the bible to back up your pagan belief and to explain it you have to use sources that came centuries later.
      John 1:1 does not support your pagan belief. Jesus Christ does the Father's will and His (Jesus Christ) will is subjected to the Father and has the authority to speak and act on the Father’s behalf making him the word of God. Jesus Christ is the example of the fulfillment of God’s word of providing a savior for mankind. Through Jesus Christ can our words both reach and be fulfilled by God (1 Timothy 2:5). When in John 1:14 the word became flesh, the Words of God took life in Jesus Christ and to show people that you can live a life free of sin through Jesus Christ being that example (John 13:15, 1 Peter 2:21, 1 John 2:6). Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of promises made to us before the foundation of the Earth (Ephesians 1:4-5, 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2). Jesus Christ is the word and the word is God the Father because he speaks on behalf of God, the words of God made flesh, through him does communication with God exist, is the fulfillment of promises that God made from before the foundation of the Earth and is the messenger of salvation.
      _"God did not have physical sex with Mary."_ We don't believe that either.
      _"There are not unlimited Mormon Gods equal to our God) in the cosmos."_ That is debated and most don't believe that either.
      _" God doesn't have multiple wives - nor ANY wife"_ If there is a father and a son then logic would dictate there is a mother. Oh wait, your so-called "god" isn't logical and you can't explain it or make sense of it so you "live by faith".
      _"There is no marriage in Heaven. "_ You are severely misquoting that. All three places this is said in (Matthew 22:30, Mark 12:25 and Luke 20:35) makes it very clear that it is talking about the resurrection. The Greek word there is "anastasei" which translates to resurrection. If they wanted to use heaven then they would have used "ouranō". They didn't, which is why it reads as "For in the resurrection (anastasei) they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven (ouranō)." How you equate Jesus talking about no marriage during the resurrection, an event, to meaning no marriage in heaven, a place, is beyond me. If you read our own scriptures then you will find it actually agrees with these passages. It says that if your marriage isn't by God and that if these marriages aren’t made before the resurrection then when you are dead you will not be married and be appointed angels in heaven. (If you care to look it's D&C 132:15-16).
      In Greek, the language this was originally written in, the expressions “marry” (gamousin) and “given in marriage” (gamizontai) translate forms of the related Greek verbs gameō and gamizō, which have to do with the act of becoming married. The first verb is used here to refer to men and the second to women. If Matthew, Mark or Luke had wanted to say that Christ had said something like “Neither are they now in a married state" (because of previously performed weddings) then in Greek they would have used a perfect tense (gegamēkasin) or a participial form (gamēsas) of the verb. They did not, so that cannot be what Jesus meant. Jesus said nothing about the married state of those who are in heaven only that there isn't marriage during the resurrection.
      The source of the story the Sadducees told Jesus comes from one of the books in the Apocrypha, Tobit. A woman was married to seven men, each of whom died on the wedding night but then had an 8th husband, Tobias the son of Tobit (because she belonged to Tobias by right of inheritance), that was decided in heaven and she would be his in the hereafter. (Tobit 7:10-11). Raphael (the archangel) was even sent to marry the woman to Tobias. (Tobit 3:17). Jesus probably had this account in mind when He told the Sadducees "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God" because they had neglected to note that the woman had married an 8th husband and that God had sent an angel to marry them so that there marriage was recognized in heaven and she would be his in heaven.

  • @scottmarshall4840
    @scottmarshall4840 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Where can I find something better?
    I was raised in a protestant faith until Mormon missionaries found me and baptized me as a young man. I have continued to study other faiths for over thirty years and I have been amazed at all the anti-Mormon materials in print, film and on the internet. I am an inquisitive and practical soul so I have searched out the answers to the multitude of “problems” critics of the Mormon faith have claimed. After considering both sides, I cannot break loose of the Church’s hold on me because of the following reasons.
    (1) The Mormon Church has instilled in me, and my family a more deep and personal love of my Savior Jesus Christ than I could have reached in any other faith. I have a sure knowledge that He is my Savior and the only One through whom I can be saved. The Book of Mormon has added so much to the wonderful accounts of Him in the New Testament. The testimony and lives of good Mormons have led me to know that they are true followers of Christ. While I have met wonderful Christians in other faiths, none have stronger belief in the Savior than good Mormons. Help me! Where can I find something better?
    (2) The Mormons taught me that I am a child of God created in His image, and not just His creation. (Genesis 1:26 “And God said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” The Trinity is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Three separate Beings with one purpose. The other faiths taught me that God is one Being with three names, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. And that He is a Spirit without form that fills the whole universe. While this sounds impressive, it would mean that He is only my Creator and not my Father in Heaven. I would be just one of His creations. For example, I can create a beautiful Corvette, and I would love it, but it can never compare with the love I have for my children. I know that my Father in Heaven is my Father in Heaven-and that is much more intimate and personal for me, than to love a Father who is an intangible Spirit - Creator, to whom I am just something He created. The net result is that my children and I have a much more personal relationship with God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Where can I find something better?
    (3) Eternal Marriage and families - What an awesome demonstration of the love and Fatherhood of God. Mormons are the only faith that believes that God ordained the family as an Eternal unit. All other faiths teach that marriage ends at death. Because of this belief, Mormon families are the strongest (on average) of any people on Earth. I know from personal experience, that these teachings have helped me and my children to have stronger families in Christ. Where can I find something better?
    (4) The Church missionary system: The Mormon church offers a chance for my children to voluntarily serve as full time representatives of the Lord for two years. Every Christian religion says it believes Christ’s admonition to “feed My sheep” and share His Word, but, none, not even the Jehovah’s Witnesses have as good a means to make it a positive and life changing experience as the Mormons. I did this myself, and I know from personal experience that nothing can replace the experience, joy and testimony of Jesus Christ I received on my two year mission. I now know why the Bible emphasizes sharing His Word so much. Why do other faiths not promote programs like this for their members? Some offer “mission trips” lasting days or weeks, but this is only a pale shadow of the Mormons two year program. Some faiths have full time missionaries, but their numbers are so small compared to their membership, and they don’t encourage all their youth to go on missions. As many as half of Mormon youth go on missions. I have often said that it is worth being a Mormon just for the blessing of seeing my children have the two year mission experience when they are young. Where can I find something better?
    (5) The Mormon Health Code - Why don’t other faiths do this? I need help teaching my children to avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs. All faiths believe the body is a temple, but none have as much success teaching their children to avoid unhealthy habits, as do the Mormons. It would be worth being a Mormon just to avoid the problems of seeing my children and grandchildren suffer from the effects of alcohol and drugs, not to mention tobacco. Where can I find something better?
    (6) Unpaid Ministry - Mormons don’t have to get paid to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I have always had a problem with ministers who would say, “ Give your money to God, but make the check out to me.” Mormon leaders of congregations (called bishops) have regular jobs. That is how they support themselves and they serve the congregation for free because they love the Lord. Mormons actually provide better support to each member of the congregation than faiths with paid preachers, because of the organization of visiting and home teachers, (also unpaid) that help the bishops check the welfare of every member every month! No other faith comes close to that service for the members, even with paid ministry.
    Even the two-year missionaries pay their own way. It works great. There is no reason other faiths could not do this too. Why don’t they? I love knowing that when I come to church, that they are glad to see me because they care about me, and not about what donations I might give them. Also, Mormons don’t have collection plates. Giving is personal and private and visitors are treated like guests. You would not invite a friend to dinner and then put a collection plate in his face and say “ Wasn’t that good?” Also, I have investigated the way the Church uses funds and it is inspiring. Where can I find something better? On top of all this, while opponents fuss that that false prophets lead us, the Bible clearly states repeatedly that it is through the Name of Jesus that we are saved. Virtually all other Christians believe that if we accept Christ as our Savior we are saved.
    By this standard, all Mormons are saved, even if we did have “false” prophets. I must say that if we are to judge prophets by their fruits, then I am really caught in this Mormon trap, because of all the wonderful “fruits” I have personally witnessed over the last thirty years. I could go on and on, but, the bottom line is that because of all the blessings and happiness I have received, I guess I am really stuck being a Mormon. Please help me if you know anything that is better.
    Scott Marshall

    • @bmoaw3321
      @bmoaw3321 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider proof? People in this comment section are trying to prove stuff that has no proof

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    #37 Why does the LDS Church teach that Jesus paid for our sins in the garden of Gethsemane when 1 Peter 2:24 says it was on the cross?
    Peter didn’t write a long explanation of the atonement of Jesus Christ to make his point. He simply used the public symbol of the atonement- the cross. It is clear that Jesus’ suffering began in the Garden of Gethsemane and was a very private experience, since the apostles fell asleep and did not witness it. Even the name Gethsemane, which means “oil press” is symbolic of how Jesus was “pressed” under the weight of sin.
    Luke 22:44 says “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” The pain was so severe that an angel came to strengthen Him even before He sweat blood. Mark 26:39 and 42 tells us that Jesus prayed twice to have “this cup” removed. That cup was the agony of our sins that began in Gethsemane and ended on the cross.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    # 36 Why does the Mormon Church teach that Elohim had sexual relations with Mary to produce Jesus when both Matthew and Luke teach she was a virgin (The Seer, January, 1853, p.158)?
    Jessie is employing some interesting tactics here. First, she makes the opinion of Orson Pratt in a publication he wrote the official teaching for the whole church. She uses hot-button words like “sexual relations” to get emotions going. The official statement is that we do not speculate on the conception of Christ.
    Jessie also ignores the meaning of “virgin” in the New Testament: “παρθένος parthénos, par-then'-os; of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication, an unmarried daughter:-virgin.” It is in our modern vernacular that “virgin” only means a person who has not had sex.
    Here is the actual source Jessie is referring to. Please read carefully. “The fleshly body of Jesus required a Mother as well as a Father. Therefore, the Father and Mother of Jesus, according to the flesh, must have been associated together in the capacity of Husband and Wife ; hence the Virgin Mary must have been, for the time being, the lawful wife of God the Father : we use the term lawful Wife, because it would be blasphemous in the highest degree to say that He overshadowed her or begat the Saviour unlawfully'. It would have been unlawful for any man to have interfered with Mary, who was already espoused to Joseph ; for such a heinous crime would have subjected both the guilty parties to death, according to the law of Moses. But God having created all men and women, had the most perfect right to do with His own creation, according to His holy will and pleasure : He had a lawful right to overshadow the Virgin Marvin the capacity of. a husband, and beget a Son, although she was espoused to another ; for the law which he gave to govern men and women was not intended to govern Himself, or to prescribe rules for his own conduct.”
    Jesus said, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Mark 10:9. Why do Christians try to make legal marriage and procreation approved by God within that union out to be dirty?

  • @kurtbradwill
    @kurtbradwill 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Not only a false religion, a true cult.

    • @kurtbradwill
      @kurtbradwill 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@christopherfoote4643 there have been so many lies, I consider everything from the mouth of Joseph Smith a complete fabrication. Answer some of these questions and we can dialogue further.

  • @mothermovementa
    @mothermovementa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Ex-Mormon here. It's completely satanic.😷

  • @madzazmarland3785
    @madzazmarland3785 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Ive recently left the lds church!!! Im so happy i did so...😊. Ive not been this happy for 20 years plus. N i got baptised into a Christian church. ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @heybev41360
      @heybev41360 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Congratulations! So happy for you!! ❤

    • @cherylburnett2014
      @cherylburnett2014 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Praise God!!! Study diligently. There are false doctrines in the Christian church too.

    • @nasquamastudios
      @nasquamastudios หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You've been swindled and deceived into disbelieving in the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I pray that you may one day come to know and understand the truth about the true Gospel and the divine origin of the Book of Mormon. I pray that you may once again see the beauty and light in the Church and it's teachings that I would hope you had been able to see in the past. I pray that you may be capable of seeing past the incredibly weak criticisms (thinly veiled as questions) made throughout videos like these. I pray that the influence of the Holy Ghost may lead you back to the truth in the future.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    #32 How can worthy Mormon males become Gods in the afterlife when God already said that before him no God was formed, nor will there be any Gods formed after him (Isaiah 43:10)?
    Yet another biblical conflict. Psa 82:6 says “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Christ verified this verse in John 10:34.
    See also Rom 8 where we are promised to joint heirs with Christ. If Christ is a God, then the joint heirs also inherit Godhood.
    Please continue reading after v.10: “I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.”
    Jehovah was dealing with rampant idolatry. He is reciting the miracles done for the children of Israel before they came to the promised land and began to indulge in the local false gods.

  • @Yellow_cub
    @Yellow_cub 3 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    47 questions that have been answered many times over and over. Just because you don’t like the answers doesn’t mean they can’t be answered. Not all members can answer all the questions but how is that different from any religion? The church is not designed to fill people’s mind with irrelevant facts just so they can answer questions for skeptics.

    • @AllThingsRamdom
      @AllThingsRamdom 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Mormonism is a false religion and that can be proven with historical facts.

    • @Tom-vg5nb
      @Tom-vg5nb 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Fsrd you can’t prove the Bible as the word of god either. Lots of historical texts conflict with the Bible. You believe in the Bible because of faith.

    • @AllThingsRamdom
      @AllThingsRamdom 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Tom-vg5nb Actually I can in fact historically prove The Bible as being correct. Look back into history, look at prophecies which come out of The Bible and the fulfillment of these prophecies. Look in the book of Matthew, what Jesus prophesied would happen to the Jews came into fulfillment within the generation he prophesied it would. There are many other examples on top of this as well.
      We have over 5,000 texts of original manuscript pieces. There are over 20,000 translations of original text into other languages that can be compared to one another to get a true and accurate account. There are ample amounts of documented history in support of The Bible. Not only is there written history, there is also archeological and Geological support for it.
      There is always a point at which someone must have faith but that does not mean we are void of historical, archeological and geological documented facts which support The Bible as being a true and legitimate text.

    • @AlwaysDecent
      @AlwaysDecent 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Lazy retort with significantly no evidence to back it up.

    • @AllThingsRamdom
      @AllThingsRamdom 3 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @waterboy330
    @waterboy330 5 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    I was born and raised Mormon, in 2017 I took a class on world religions and my professor encouraged me to research my religion in contrast with Christianity. I have been grateful for his guidance ever since that day.
    The question I came up with almost immediately after beginning my own research in 2017, (Maybe question 48) is, Galatians 1:8 states, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"
    With this scripture in mind, what does that mean about the Angel Moroni delivering the golden plates? A gospel other than the one originally preached. Shouldn't Moroni and Mormons be cursed?

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Sadly, they are.

    • @christinel1857
      @christinel1857 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      It's great you started asking questions. Truth does not fear questions. May God continue to open your heart and mind to His glory!

    • @christinel1857
      @christinel1857 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @Hale Hafa To answer both of your questions: Who is Jesus Christ? According to the Bible, He is the Father's Son, as much Deity as the Father is Deity, the promised Messiah. What does it mean to be born again? According to the Bible, in John 3 it states that one must be 'born of water an the spirit'. In 2 Thes 1:8 we must 'obey the gospel of Christ', in 1 Cor 15:1-4 we find the gospel of Christ is 'the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus' we must obey 'the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; in Romans 6 we read that we do that through full immersion/baptism into water which, according to Acts 2:38, is where we receive the Spirit of God. That is the literal act of 'being born again', but there are deductive ways to understand it as well. Romans 6 also tells us that when we raise from the waters of baptism, we are raised 'with Christ into new life'. That is the moment we are 'born again'. We are urged in the NT to abide in Christ in this new life so we can maintain our relationship with Yahweh.

    • @christinel1857
      @christinel1857 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Hale Hafa Good morning! Yes, Jesus is God's Son. Yes, the Bible makes it clear we must be immersed. What would I say to those who don't speak of it? It really depends on their reasoning, but the answer is always in scripture. Immersion in and of itself is simply a bath or a jump in the pool. But when we seek God in faith and sincerity, we cannot escape the scriptures (ok, we can, but it just means we forsake salvation). One of the most popular reasons for ignoring baptism is because people take a single verse -either Jn 3:!6, or Acts 10:17 (i think)...belief or confession... and use that as their entire doctrine for salvation. Neither of those verses provide the full picture, as is so often the case in scripture. We need to take the WHOLE picture scripture paints for us and then make our doctrines from the comprehensive sum of them. In the case of salvation, there are a tremendous amount of scriptures on the topic. All the other essential parts of, confession, repentance...are linked to baptism. So why knit pick? I will always bring someone to Romans 6 because Paul does such an excellent job of explaining how immersion is the manner by which we die to the law and sin. It is only when we've died to the law and the sin it highlights that we can actually live in grace. That does not happen in prayer, confession, or upon our faith - it happens through the faith that has grown from the moment we believe Him to be God the Son - but our death to the law/sin does not happen by it alone.
      I hope that helps.

    • @maximilianobarona7560
      @maximilianobarona7560 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      In terms of that verse in Galatians what does “gospel” mean? What’s the same as the gospel in the Bible and the gospel in the plates? What’s different? I highly doubt you understand what that verse is trying to say.

  • @joshuaanderson2163
    @joshuaanderson2163 4 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Makes so much sense. I’m not Mormon. But I do live in Utah and I see it everywhere

    • @OnlyTimefps9
      @OnlyTimefps9 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I’ve just been ex Mormon for 8 months, I’ve been Mormon and living in Utah my entire life, and It’s so hard to unsee everything! 😭😭😭 It’s like a PTSD or some MK Ultra remnants that you can’t get out of your head.

    • @aileenmcintosh2162
      @aileenmcintosh2162 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@OnlyTimefps9 the term you're looking for is Complex PTSD, or CPTSD. It's a more recently studied issue, and many of us exmormons do fit the criteria for that diagnosis!

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aileenmcintosh2162 As someone who actually has PTSD from physical and emotional abuse from my childhood, it is an insult and mockery to me and anyone else who has PTSD to sit here and say the Church has given you PTSD. Sorry, but you don't fit the criteria. Nothing the Church does is abusive and there is nothing you could say that the Church does that would ever compare to real traumatic events.
      The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is God's and Jesus Christ one and only true church here on earth. While you should rejoin, you don't have to but you need to get out of the Exmo hate cult you are in because it is poisoning you mind.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Another person who didn't check Jessie's sources. She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine. Let's see. Who uses deceit?

    • @ebear6555
      @ebear6555 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@misssue1824well I have all the LDS books and they are false. LDS "jesus" is Not the true Jesus of the Bible.
      not even going to "debate with you or any LDS person. been there done that because your ears are closed and your eyes blind com the True gospel, the Bible.
      we all die and will face our maker. we either choose eternal life or eternal death. I choose eternal life.
      p.s. most evangelistic churches are wrong also. so far away from actual Biblical truth it is laughable.

  • @kingjesusreigns
    @kingjesusreigns ปีที่แล้ว +2

    RE: QUESTION #40 (Jesus IS God)
    Even the book of mormon teaches that Jesus **IS** God (and thus can not be satan’s spirit brother).
    See Ether 3:14, 18; 4:11, 12

  • @markh.harris9271
    @markh.harris9271 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    wait, wait, wait; what about the burning in the bosom? Isn't that enough?? :-))

    • @alanabills5370
      @alanabills5370 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I get a burning in my bosom when I watch Jason Mamoa on screen, but I know its not meant to be. Funny how that works. 😉

  • @josh7887
    @josh7887 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don't want to feel like getting into a heated debate but I would like to say as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and just about to head out on mission I would like to share my beliefs. One belief that we have is that we receive modern revelation. We believe that Jesus Christ hasn't stopped giving us revelation. The Book of Mormon and Bible are very important in our church and a lot of our beliefs come from those books. But we have current prophets in today's age and we believe that those prophets receive modern revelation for the church. Jesus Christ hasn't abandoned us. He is there and he is actively giving revelation to us right now. I also find it a little ironic that the verse you showed at the beginning James 1:5 where it talks about, 'if you lack wisdom ask of god" kicked off the restoration of our church so thank you for that. And since you believe in the Bible could I ask of you to read Amos 3:7? God reveals his secrets onto his servants the prophets and that has not stopped for our church.

    • @JohnnyEarlJones
      @JohnnyEarlJones หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The Lord never contradicts Himself. Mormon doctrine contradicts itself multiple times over the decades.

    • @bobrussell8339
      @bobrussell8339 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@JohnnyEarlJones No! It doesn't. It only looks that way to you when non-prophets interpret the scriptures. As Peter tells us, the scriptures are "not for private interpretation" but are to be interpreted by the same people who wrote them--namely, prophets called by God.

  • @AG_47tapes
    @AG_47tapes 5 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Is it possible to get the text of the questions?! Would be great to have for my Mormon friends!! Thank you!!

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Yes, let me get a link for you!!

    • @sallypeterson3171
      @sallypeterson3171 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm taking notes, its very difficult as its hard to keep up, I can post them, if Jessie doesn't.

    • @sevendays3348
      @sevendays3348 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@itsmejessie me two beloved sister in Christ Jesus 🙏 amen sister

    • @sevendays3348
      @sevendays3348 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sallypeterson3171 me two please let me know? Beloved

    • @corriezoetewey7860
      @corriezoetewey7860 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, I agree!

  • @paulbrungardt9823
    @paulbrungardt9823 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is no archaeological evidence to support the use of wheeled vehicles in Mesoamerica, especially since many parts of ancient Mesoamerica were not suitable for wheeled transport. Clark Wissler, the Curator of Ethnography at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, noted: "we see that the prevailing mode of land transport in the New World was by human carrier. The wheel was unknown in pre-Columbian times. "Steel" and "iron" are mentioned several times in the Book of Mormon. Although evidence of iron being hardened to make steel in ancient times has not been found in the Americas. DNA testing proves that Indians were not Israelis but immigrants from Asia. There were many romance novels in the early 1800s romanticizing the Indian population. Smith used his teaching to satisfy his desires with many sexual partners

  • @rwd2213
    @rwd2213 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Don't forget Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, page 289. "Only those approved by Joseph Smith shall enter into the celestial kingdom, for he holds the keys." A direct contradiction to John 14:6.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are mixing up doctrine. Christ is the ultimate judge of every person who has ever lived on the earth because he is the one who suffered for our sins. He knows us intimately. I don't know if Journal of discourses is completely correct because it is not an official church document, but if Joseph Smith is standing at the head of the celestial Kingdom I personally will give him a hu for restoring the amazing gospel that I have today

    • @rwd2213
      @rwd2213 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@misssue1824 Not mixing up doctrine, just pointing to the flawed doctrine of the Mormon Church. JS was a wolf in sheep's clothing, leading many people astray. Study your Bible, and it will shed a light on all the additional writings of men, including JS.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rwd2213 Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? If so, what does that Spirit do for us?

    • @rwd2213
      @rwd2213 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      But the anointing which ye have received from Him abideth in you, and ye have no need that any man teach you. But as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him. 1 John 2:27

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rwd2213 Have you taken the time to actually study those additional writings and see how beautifully they mesh with and clarify the contradictions in the Bible? For example, I see people still arguing over the nature of the Trinity. I haven't met a Christian yet who can explain salvation without ignoring Mark 16:16 and all of Acts; John 6:28; 1 Cor 13:1-14; etc.

  • @tonydegn9570
    @tonydegn9570 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I left after a month of studying lds beliefs via lds doctrines at the BYU library.

    • @leighcowley9869
      @leighcowley9869 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Such as what did you find unappealing that cause you concern

  • @nativepower1665
    @nativepower1665 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    You are one awsome lady. I was LDS my whole life, with your questions, made me think clearer. Thank you so much. Jesus is our lord. Thank you 👍

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Another person who didn't check Jessie's sources. She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine. Let's see. Who uses deceit?

    • @whyme88
      @whyme88 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@misssue1824 I didn't watch this video all the way through but if Youd like to see a more accurate video I'd suggest checking out Mike Wingers videos on the Mormon belief.

    • @nasquamastudios
      @nasquamastudios หลายเดือนก่อน

      Mike Winger’s videos are laughably dishonest

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    #28 If marriage is essential to achieve exaltation, why did Paul say that it is good for a man not to marry (1 Corinthians 7:1)?
    You’re kidding, right? First you ignore the next verse which says, “Neverthless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” Then you ignore the rest of the Bible. Read Gen 2:24; Matt 19:5; Matt 5:32; Matt 19:6; 1 Tim 4:1-4; Heb 13:4. Marriage is ordained of God and the relationship between the church and Christ is compared to marriage.

    • @danpiedra3910
      @danpiedra3910 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Another one of those "silly" questions posed by the author of the video

  • @ChicHulaGirl86
    @ChicHulaGirl86 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I have a feeling that even if i did give you the answers for each and every question....we would still be at a crossroad.

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yeah me too! Because in reality they don't really want answers. They just want to live in their delusions that answers don't exist.

    • @ChicHulaGirl86
      @ChicHulaGirl86 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jeffrey Smith Yeah. It’s unfortunate. Oh well! 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @mr400meter
      @mr400meter 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      But would the answers be consistent and logical though?

    • @ChicHulaGirl86
      @ChicHulaGirl86 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      John Lombard I don’t think there’s much about the Gospel that can be considered logical.

    • @mr400meter
      @mr400meter 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      In context to your first comment on this thread, it is relationship to having an answer that is actually true. If you have an irrational and illogical answer, given which God created those concepts of rationality and logic, then you ought to have answers that are in fact rational and logical.

  • @goingindie24
    @goingindie24 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    17. Says he was born AT Jerusalem not IN, it's the closest major city. "The Land of Jerusalem. Towns and villages which surrounded larger demographic or political centers were regarded in ancient times as belonging to those larger centers."

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      A true prophet is always 100% accurate. A true prophet does not mock God and say he is an exalted man.

    • @EricSmyth4Christ
      @EricSmyth4Christ 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You wait for 5 minutes in to answer a question? Answer them all

    • @cherylburnett2014
      @cherylburnett2014 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No they didn’t. If you read the Bible in Hebrew, the cities and towns were very specific.

    • @Santi-ev4ky
      @Santi-ev4ky หลายเดือนก่อน

      So most of Bible prophecies are false? ​@@fayelewis5476

    • @macadameane
      @macadameane 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@cherylburnett2014 These event took place 500 years after the people hearing them had left Jerusalem. They knew the significance of their heritage (of Jerusalem), but not necessarily of a small town 5.5 miles south. The Bible in many places uses Jerusalem to refer to the region as it is symbolic of God's covenant place for his people. This does not literally mean within the walls of Jerusalem in every case.
      Notwithstanding, the El Amarna tablets discovered in 1887 (well after the Book of Mormon) show that referring to Jerusalem as a region did happen in proto-canaanite language.

  • @itsmejessie
    @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    Hey subscribers! 🥰 I had to delete and re-upload this video because the first one had such terrible sound quality. This means I lost all your comments and likes and views! 😭 So please leave another comment so I can reply this time around.
    Love, Jessie 💕

    • @prayingpatriot8018
      @prayingpatriot8018 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I thought your 2nd up load was perfectly fine. Sound was good.

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@prayingpatriot8018 I used a copyrighted song in the last upload and once TH-cam removed it, the sound was horribly distorted. You probly saw it before the music was removed. I missed your first comment, unfortunately.

    • @sonofnun1917
      @sonofnun1917 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you have a link to a list of all of these questions? Would you mind making a PDF and making it publicly available?

    • @drdlehrsch32
      @drdlehrsch32 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's Me Jessie oh yeah...well I have 48 (that’s right forty-eight) questions a Neo-Evangelical Sectarian such as yourself couldn’t answer. So now what?? Hahaha. See, I can do the theological juvenilism thing too👌🏼.
      I recently came across your videos and I have to tell you they are...well...this is how I would best describe the overall presentation/delivery method of your content: First, you add an outward shell of Mary Tyler Moore meets Martha Stewart. On the inside however you add some snide, cryptic, underhanded conjecture mixed with a BIG heaping tablespoon of hyperbole and over/under reaching contextualizations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...and then...batta bing badda boom, you have itsmeJessie👍🏻🤗. Even though she has never spent ONE single day as a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she definitely is the “one true Scotsman” when it comes to our faith.
      You see, even though someone like me could give a comprehensive, contextualized, and faithful response to all of these “questions” it doesn’t really matter because Jessie (and all those antagonistic to my faith) are the only ones that have the “REAL” answer rubric. Yes, you see, MY responses could ONLY be the result of the constant “brainwashing” I receive or purely because gosh darn it I am just sooooo “deceived”. Isn’t that right Jessie? I mean, I just have not yet reached the theological and intellectual Zen that you and your followers have reached so I should just realize that YOU guys are the only ones with the acceptable answers to these questions....not a knowledgeable/believing/faithful member of the church 🤔
      On a serious note Jessie, I really think you have some major theological tunnel vision. Without going into my credentials let’s just say I know a thing or two about theology and history. I am sure you have little to no clue about the history of the early church following the death of the Savior all the way to the various offshoots of “Christianity” that formed after the reformation. In my experience, most evangelicals/born agains have absolutely no clue about the muddy process that was the canonization of the Bible you currently hold in your hand. I love the Bible and believe it IS inspired of God, but anyone with ANY theological/didactic integrity should realize that it is NOT infallible. The Book of Mormon is NOT infallible either, but I believe it to be inspired of God as well. The transcriptive and translational errors are man’s doing not God’s. I would like to see you give the same textual criticism to the Bible as you do the Book of Mormon. I would like you to delve into the corruption that surrounded the various ecumenical councils that spanned hundreds of years in order to try to create a credal totalitarian launching point to justify the eventual slaughter and banishment of millions of “heretics” and “non-believers”. Trust me, there is no history more corrupt than that of pre and post reformed “Christianity”.
      Whenever you make videos engaging in historical mudslinging towards my faith, I laugh knowing that there is an absolute litany of historical mud that could be thrown right back at you 1000 fold. Yet, due to your severe theological tunnel vision, you will continue to sling mud at my faith while failing to give any attention to the heaping mound of theological and historical corruption surrounding your faith system.
      I could easily create a video called “47 questions evangelicals/born-agains can’t answer” with ease. I could create a video with 247 with ease...but I won’t/wouldn’t because it would perpetuate the same circular argumentation that you seem to enjoy engaging in.
      Bottom line here is that Christ spent nearly ALL of His ministry telling people to “come follow ME” rather than “don’t follow them over there”. If there is anything I have learned from your videos it’s that if you are having toilet problems don’t call the plumber, call the pizza delivery boy who “claims” to know everything about plumbing.

    • @colleenbaida7690
      @colleenbaida7690 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Dr DLehrsch32 such a long reply, but nothing positive came out of it. Why don’t you answer these questions before attacking her?

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    #17 If the Book of Mormon contains the “fulness of the everlasting gospel”, why does the LDS Church need additional works?
    “Fulness” is used to describe the gospel, which is the good news of Christ. It isn’t the fulness of God’s work and words. Where in the Bible does it say that God can’t or won’t continue to speak?
    Amos 3:7 tells us the pattern found throughout all the Bible- prophets speak for God. Read about continuing prophecy in Mal 3:1: “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.”
    I am sorry you don’t think God can still speak and guide His church.

    • @danpiedra3910
      @danpiedra3910 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Moreover, the Lord continues to speak to us in latter days, hence the need for continual revelation.

  • @tjmorrison1909
    @tjmorrison1909 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    thanks Jessie. I watch these videos for interest now as I no longer have an interest in LDS, Mormon or whatever their latest title is. Its because of videos such as yours I know the truth about this church. Its so sad they are great people just deceived by the mormon machine. I see the apologists often telling you to go away, you are spoiling their recruiting drive. Or mock you in videos. But they can't touch your facts or research. Ignore them ! With the number suscribers you have you I have no doubt you are on the Mormon Radar just like exmorgan (love her channel), Mike Norton and several others who I have watched. Thank you for spreading the truth.

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      So you don't believe in baptism for the dead, prophets or the word of wisdom for example? That we
      don't need them any more?

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@amazingcolorizing4975 _"Paul wasn't calling "baptism for the dead" the will of God - and it isn't."_ Paul was most sensitive to blasphemy and false practice's. Multiple times he says not to be deceived by false teachers and doctrine (Romans 16:17, Galatians 1:6-8). He said that circumcision, a practice that was part of the Jew religion for centuries, is no longer needed and means nothing now and to stop teaching that it is needed (Galatians 5:2-6). Hell, the whole reason Paul wrote all of his epistles in the first place was to correct those churches when they started to go astray. There are probably other things in the Bible that I am forgetting that reflect his dislike of false teachings. Now with that being said, what makes you think Paul would have included 1 Corinthian 15:29 if he disapproved of baptism for the dead? There is nothing in the text before or after to indicate that he disapproves of the practice, even in greek.
      _"The Bible is clear that once you die - then comes the Judgement"_ Uh No, it doesn't say that. In fact, the Bible talks of multiple Resurrections. The Bible says that the Final Judgement will be after the 1000 years of Christ's reign on earth and after satan is loosed for a season. Revelation 20:4-12.
      Christ preached to the dead (John 5:25, John 5:28, 1 Peter 3:19) that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit (1 Peter 4:6) and that preaching is still happening today because every knee will bow and confess Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11) on judgment day. To live to God in the spirit is to follow Jesus Christ and do what he has asked of us. That doesn't mean that people get a second chance (or in our theology, will get to the Celestial Kingdom) if they were sinners and multiple of our prophets have said as much. We are told not to procrastinate our repentance from our own scriptures (Alma 34:33-35). We are judged on our works (Romans 2:5-6, Colossians 3:24-25, Revelation 20:12, Revelation 22:12), meaning those who did evil shall inherit evil and those who did good shall inherit good (John 5:29, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
      _"The Law and the Prophets were FULFILLED in Jesus Christ"_ No, the Law was fulfilled, Jesus was the last sacrifice for the sins of all the Earth. No where does it say that there will be no more prophets or the need has gone away.
      _"Nowhere to be found in the Bible. The life-style practices are fine, but it isn't doctrine in Biblical Christianity."_ Actually, the Bible very clearly warns not to drink excessively. Romans 13:13, 1 Corinthians 6:10, Ephesians 5:18, 1 Timothy 3:3, 1 Timothy 3:10, 1 Peter 4:3.
      Either way, who cares? We don't believe the Bible to be the only scripture so if something isn't said in it then it doesn't matter to us.

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok thanks for straightening me out on that. It makes sense to me now. I have misunderstood that. I finally
      learned the story of Jesus and the Canaanite woman recently.

    • @tjmorrison1909
      @tjmorrison1909 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stanleyhall8951 i will have to look that up. Thank you for your reply.

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@amazingcolorizing4975 Buddy, only type one comment out and post one comment with everything on it unless you run out of comment space. It's annoying to be spammed.
      _"You're incorrect about the Bible not saying "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment"_ When most of you guys say that you mean that immediately as soon as you die you are judged, of which I was saying is not in the Bible. The Judgement happens all at one time at the end of the millennium, or 1000 years after the second coming
      _"You are living in a False Reality"_ LOL No, I am not. I am living in the true Church of God and Jesus Christ.
      _"are you calling the Word of God insufficient? Tell Him so when you come face to face"_ Uh are you claiming the Bible is Jesus? Because Jesus is not the Bible and to equate them is idolatry. The Bible is a book about Jesus, not Jesus. I am not calling Jesus Christ insufficient. I am saying that the Bible is not the only word from God.
      _" None of us has a 100% understannding of God."_ You may not but that is because your God is really confusing and illogical. My God is pretty easy to understand.
      _"His Word will ALWAYS be 100% True."_ I agree. The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price will always be 100% true.

  • @mariceladaini9304
    @mariceladaini9304 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    @It's Me Jessie Your other questions appear to all have been answered (but I may have missed someone else’s answer for this one #23).
    These verses are not contradictory and match very well with Biblical doctrine, that murder is not OK. To help you in the future, you should actually try reading the verses you paraphrase so you don’t unintentionally create a strawman argument.
    D&C 42:18 “And now, behold, I speak unto the church. Thou shalt not kill; and he that kills shall not have forgiveness in this world, nor in the world to come.” The type of murder referred to in the ten commandments and here in D&C 42:18 (kill) is premeditated murder, not self-defense, murders that occur in the process of war, or negligent homicide (manslaughter). Only God can judge what murders might qualify for forgiveness, or not. I imagine most religious people would agree on this, but you’re entitled to your own opinion.
    3 Nephi 30:2 Though there is a reference to “murders,” there is no reference to the word forgiveness in this verse. Therefore, you have a strawman argument on your hands. It says that even people who have committed grievous sins should repent and work on the path for receiving a remission of sins. It doesn’t mean that people who commit premeditated murder, escape its consequences. Murder directly limits eternal potential and causes suffering for sin, not only in this world, but in the afterlife until the end of Christ’s millennial reign.
    Repenting to receive a remission of sins and being forgiven are two separate topics. Considering hypothetical murder, the person you terminally wronged isn’t in mortality any more to even have a chance to forgive you. Due to the nature of this sin, restitution is impossible so that the steps of repentance cannot be completed. A person obtains a remission of sins if they have faith in Christ, repent, receive the ordinances of baptism and laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and obey God’s commandments.
    If someone commits premeditated murder, they cannot receive a remission of sins in this life (due to not completing the second step) and they automatically cannot inherit the glory of the Celestial Kingdom after this life. But just because a person cannot receive a remission of sins in this life, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t repent. Spencer W. Kimball, the twelfth Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said, “Even the murderer is justified in repenting and mending his ways and building up a credit balance in his favor” (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 131). No matter what kind of murder may have been committed, there is still incentive for the individual to repent.
    As a Christian, if you have a problem believing there are unforgivable sins, then go to the Bible. For one Biblical reference that another previous Prophet within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints pointed out, “John says there are two kinds of sins [see 1 John 5:16-17]. One kind that can be forgiven; the other kind a sin unto death, for which there is no forgiveness. Murder is one of the latter class. That is where one deliberately sheds innocent blood. … There is a forgiveness for all those who truly repent and forsake their sins and show their sincerity by their continued repentance to the end of their mortal lives. The mercy of the Almighty, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, reaches out and embraces every soul who will forsake his sins, except those who have willfully sinned, as John says, ‘unto death.’” (Joseph Fielding Smith, The Restoration of All Things, pp. 204-5.)
    The doctrine of this is reflected in the policy of the church. Those who are guilty of murder are excommunicated from the Church. They may only be re-baptized with First Presidency approval who inquire of the Lord case by case. My personal experience on this topic is while I was a missionary, I taught someone who was convicted of murder. Through prayer of the First Presidency, it was determined that this individual’s actions fell under one of the exceptions I mentioned previously and they were permitted to be baptized. For anyone that has this as a sincere question, I hope this can help.
    I have felt the effects of the atonement of Jesus Christ in my life and know that he suffered for me. He is my personal Savior and I know that salvation only comes through him. I grew up LDS and first developed my testimony in Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost while reading the Book of Mormon. This in turn gave me a testimony in the Bible. If you really want to strengthen people’s beliefs in Jesus Christ, I sincerely recommend you stop trying to attack additional witnesses of Christ, like the Book of Mormon and focus by sharing the testimony that you do have from the Bible.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The gospel of Jesus Christ is that the only way to be made right with God is through Jesus Christ and the blood He shed on the cross through Calvary, not by temple work, ordinances, commandments, tithing, doing good works, going to church, baptism, facing Mecca, lying on beds of nails, fasting, etc..
      Romans 3:28 For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.
      Titus 3:5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,
      Galatians 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
      Eternal life is a free gift.
      Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE GIFT of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Romans 3:24 being justified as a GIFT by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus;
      Eph. 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God;
      9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
      Jesus Christ canceled the record of debt that was held against us. All you need to do is accept Christ by faith. It isn't because of who you are and what you have done for God. It is because of who He is and what He did for you in sending Jesus to be the sacrificial offering for your sins. To be your substitute on the cross and to satisfy the demands of God's law that stands against you.
      Christ has done the one work that was necessary to reconcile you to God. Christ has done the one act of righteousness that could bring justification and life to all men. All Christ is asking with open arms is for you to lay down your religiosity and works at the foot of the cross and allow Christ to take it.
      Salvation is quite simple.
      Luke 18 And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt:
      10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
      11 The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
      12 I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’
      13 But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’
      14 I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
      I know that my sins have been forgiven. I already have eternal life. I know for sure that when I die I will be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord." I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me testifying of these truths.
      Eph. 1 :13 In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise,
      This is my testimony based on the word of God.
      I challenge you to read your Bible as a child.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Murder is not an unforgivable sin. Moses murdered two men and King David murdered Uriah. Murder does not limit any eternal future.
      God said that King David was a man after His own heart.
      Acts 13:22 God raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.’
      Here is what God said about Moses.
      Since that time no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face,
      11 for all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, all his servants, and all his land,
      12 and for all the mighty power and for all the great terror which Moses performed in the sight of all Israel.
      Psalm 51 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
      A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
      I John 1:7 the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (including murder)
      The unpardonable/unforgivable sin or “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is mentioned in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter” (Mark 3:28), but then He gives one exception: “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin” (verse 29).
      According to Jesus, the unpardonable or unforgivable sin is unique. It is the one iniquity that will never be forgiven (“never” is the meaning of “either in this age or in the age to come” in Matthew 12:32). The unforgivable sin is blasphemy (“defiant irreverence”) of the Holy Spirit in the context of the Spirit’s work in the world through Christ. In other words, the particular case of blasphemy seen in Matthew 12 and Mark 3 is unique.
      The guilty party, a group of Pharisees, had witnessed irrefutable evidence that Jesus was working miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit, yet they claimed that He was possessed by the prince of demons, Beelzebul (Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:30).
      The Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day committed the unpardonable sin by accusing Jesus Christ (in person, on earth) of being demon-possessed. They had no excuse for such an action. They were not speaking out of ignorance or misunderstanding. The Pharisees knew that Jesus was the Messiah sent by God to save Israel.
      They knew the prophecies were being fulfilled. They saw Jesus’ wonderful works, and they heard His clear presentation of truth. Yet they deliberately chose to deny the truth and slander the Holy Spirit. Standing before the Light of the World, bathed in His glory, they defiantly closed their eyes and became willfully blind. Jesus pronounced that sin to be unforgivable.
      The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, specific as it was to the Pharisees’ situation, cannot be duplicated today. Jesus Christ is not on earth, and no one can personally see Jesus perform a miracle and then attribute that power to Satan instead of the Spirit. The only unpardonable sin today is that of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in his rejection of Christ.
      The Holy Spirit is at work in the world, convicting the unsaved of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). If a person resists that conviction and remains unrepentant, then he is choosing hell over heaven. “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6), and the object of faith is Jesus (Acts 16:31). There is no forgiveness for someone who dies without faith in Christ.
      God has provided for our salvation in His Son (John 3:16). Forgiveness is found exclusively in Jesus (John 14:6). To reject the only Savior is to be left with no means of salvation; to reject the only pardon is, obviously, unpardonable.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this.
      17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death.
      These verses do not say that murder is unforgivable.
      The sin that does not lead to death that is, eternal death or damnation is any sin that we commit that we are, by grace, capable of truly confessing and repenting from.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@christophergpark193 There is no confusion. Your testimony would sound great, except for the fact that the Christ you are trusting in is not the Christ that is spoken of in the Bible.
      The true Christ is an uncreated being who has always existed with God the Father from all eternity. He is our Creator and in fact created Lucifer. Christ is both God and man. He is 100% God and 100% man.
      John 1
      1. In the beginning was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word (Christ) was God.
      2 Christ was in the beginning with God.
      3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
      Jesus Christ existed before Lucifer.
      John 17:5 Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
      Micah 5:2 “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity.”
      John the Baptist, who was six months older than Jesus, said Jesus existed before he did.
      John 1 John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’”
      Christ created Lucifer
      Col. 1:16 For by Jesus all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him and for Him.
      President Hinckley, the prophet and revelator of the Mormon church, has publicly declared that the Jesus of Mormonism and traditional Christianity are not the same.
      "In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints 'do not believe in the traditional Christ.' 'No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. He together with His Father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820, and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the nature of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages.'" (LDS Church News Week ending June 20, 1998, p. 7).
      In Mormonism, Jesus is a creation, the product of relations between god and his goddess wife who used to be people from another world (McConkie, Bruce, Mormon Doctrine, p. 192, 321, 516, 589). Jesus is the literal spirit brother of the devil and you and I (McConkie, p. 192, 589). Also, in Mormon theology, God has a body of flesh and bones (Doctrine & Covenants 130:22) as does his wife, and together they produce spirit offspring in heaven who inhabit human bodies on earth.
      The Mormon Jesus
      The literal son of god and his goddess wife begotten in the pre-existence.
      The brother of all spirits born in heaven in the premortal existence.
      One of 3 gods in the godhead.
      The Trinity is three separate gods.
      First one to receive a spirit body
      Atoned for sin on the cross and in the garden of Gethsemane.
      The Christian Jesus
      Not the literal son of god and his goddess wife.
      Not the brother of all spirits born in heaven in a premortal existence.
      Not one of 3 gods in the godhead.
      The Trinity is 3 persons in one God
      Was always spirit from eternity.
      Atoned for sin on the cross alone.
      This brief comparison should help you see the difference between the two view of Christ. Jesus cannot be both the literal sexually begotten son of god and not the literal sexually begotten son. He cannot be both one of 3 gods and not one of 3 gods. They are different.
      The apostle Paul warned of people who would preach another Jesus.
      II Corinthians 11 But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. 4 For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.
      You need to have the right Christ in order to get into the kingdom of heaven.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@christophergpark193 That is quite a blanket statement. Basically no one has eternal life.
      Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him
      Who hasn't hated someone?
      I am sure John did not mean to say that no one has eternal life.
      We need to look at it more closely in context or even go back to the Greek.
      Here is the Amplified Version. John is talking to fellow Christians, not unbelievers.
      Believers should not be hating other believers.
      Non Christians/unbelievers could not be called, 'brothers' and 'sisters.'
      'Believers' who hate other believers are really, 'the world' or unbelievers. They do not have eternal life.
      Do not be surprised, believers, if the world hates you.
      14 We know that we have passed out of death into Life, because we love the brothers and sisters.
      He who does not love remains in [spiritual] death.
      15 Everyone who hates (works against) his brother [in Christ] is [at heart] a murderer [by God’s standards]; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
      The good news is that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from ALL sin.
      Journal of Discourses
      Jesus' sacrifice was not able to cleanse us from all our sins, (murder and repeated adultery are exceptions), (Journal of Discourses, vol. 3, 1856, p. 247).
      The Bible
      I John 1:7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another,
      and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from ALL sin.
      I doubt that most Latter Day Saints follow what is in the Journal of Discourses, but it does say this.

  • @mounga100
    @mounga100 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The bible is not perfect on it's own, it need another witness!

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The Bible is perfect and complete. It is the written Word of God that has stood the test of time. It has no errors and is missing nothing. I encourage you to read it! Read the New Testament and see how your church does not teach Biblical Christianity or the true Gospel.

    • @mounga100
      @mounga100 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@itsmejessie I'm speaking to you out of love and care for your eternal soul. Please humble yourself and listen to the prompting of the holy Ghost. I invite you to repent and humble yourself to the dust. If you do not humble yourself and except another witness, God's judgement will come down upon you and your family!

    • @AllThingsRamdom
      @AllThingsRamdom 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mounga100 I would encourage you to test the truth of your feelings. God said the heart is a deceitful above all things.
      What do you say to the Jehovah's witness or the Muslim who believe their religion is true based on the feelings they felt? It is impossible for all of them to be true. Mormonism teaches you can know the truth by you feeling it to be so as do the Jehovah's witnesses, muslims and many other cult religions. Which one is right because they all believe whole heartedly that they are?

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    #29. Since the Word of Wisdom teaches us to abstain from alcohol, why did Paul encourage Timothy to drink wine for his stomach (1 Timothy 5:23)?
    Now you are judging the present with the standards of the past. Did they have Tums and Pepcid at the time of Paul? There is no official statement on why we abstain from alcohol, just as there is no obvious reason for the food prohibitions in the Law of Moses.
    My personal opinion is that alcohol and modern machinery don’t go together well and God loves His children and doesn’t want to add any more hardships to mortality. If you got drunk in the time of Christ, your donkey wouldn’t crash into another donkey and kill everyone. Just like the commandments, the Word of Wisdom is a protection. If you see the commandments as prohibitive, consider who is happier, the man who kills or commits adultery and has to face the law and his wife, or the man who loves his wife and serves others?

    • @danpiedra3910
      @danpiedra3910 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Vs 4 of DC89 is the key to why ... 4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation.
      The fact that this advise has been given in the latter days should make you ask what has changed from the times of Paul and Timothy? A lot ... alcohol is easy to find and has ruined more lives killing more souls than those who have dies in all wars of mankind.

  • @sarahfisher9472
    @sarahfisher9472 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I respect and love all of you people! And I'm sorry if I have hurt you with any of my comments. But something that is important, if you want to find any answers about lds stuff, you have to find them through lds resources or someone who supports the church! Ex Mormons or people who are against the church take one little thing and don't have the full story!

    • @richdad523
      @richdad523 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      your right

    • @sarahfisher9472
      @sarahfisher9472 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you

    • @sarahfisher9472
      @sarahfisher9472 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@richdad523 I appreciate that. Thank you so much for your comment

    • @cherylburnett2014
      @cherylburnett2014 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We have the full gospel. We don’t need another gospel. Gal 1:8 “but if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” The Mormon gospel is not the true gospel-the gospel of God.

    • @macadameane
      @macadameane 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@cherylburnett2014 I get why you post this scripture, but it does not resonate at all with members of the LDS church. To us, it is the same gospel. The Bible was at best compiled 200 years after Christ's birth and at worst 382 years after (way after the writers and Christ were gone). It states ""And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." It says no where there revelation was finished or that scripture wasn't meant to continue. It instead appears to suggest the opposite.

  • @PatristicArcana
    @PatristicArcana 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Looks like Jessie didn't study anything outside of her purview for confirmation bias. Not only can Latter-day Saints answer these questions, but most of them were answered before she was even born. But hey, life's a lot easier when you start with a conclusion, try to shape everything to fit that conclusion, and ignore anything which is inconvenient to that conclusion.

    • @robertwatson5264
      @robertwatson5264 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      PatristicArcana okay, go for it. Pick one of her questions and provide a response. And FYI, confirmation is a Catholic thing and I’m pretty sure she’s an Evangelical.

    • @PatristicArcana
      @PatristicArcana 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You mean to say,@@robertwatson5264, that you're just as oblivious to the answers as Jessie is? Even a simple google search will likely yield articles by F.A.I.R. cataloging answers from various sources throughout history; they're anything but difficult to find. Several of her questions fall under the same explanation: for prophets of all eras most of their words are their own as opposed to Divinely inspired and in such cases are susceptible to human error and subsequent change. A more specific example which can demonstrate with brevity how sophomoric these accusations are would include "question" 27, viz. the Book of Mormon is purported to be a translation from the original language, so her question is about as nonsensical as asking, 'If the Old Testament was written in Hebrew on manuscripts thousands of years ago then why does it appear in perfect 1769 (not 1611) Jacobean English in my Bible?' But let's be honest, these aren't her questions at all, but rather accusations which she's cribbed from other sources and disingenuously recast in the form of questions after having done no original research of her own or bothering to discover that Latter-day Saints can and have responded to them ad nauseum over the decades.

    • @PatristicArcana
      @PatristicArcana 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      That,@tapir rider, is exactly the sort of rhetoric which was condemned by more well-informed and objective critics of the Latter-day Saints such as Carl Mosser, Paul Owen, and the rest of the scholars behind The New Mormon Challenge. Their landmark article, 'Mormon Scholarship, Apologetics, and Evangelical Neglect,' was directed precisely at the antiquated sort of arguments made by people like Jessie and yourself who merely rehash such polemics despite the vast body of scholarship which has been produced in response, including robust arguments in defense of the Book of Mormon.

    • @chemnitzfan654
      @chemnitzfan654 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Look at you, here screaming into the void and acting like you aren't a massive hypocrite. Mormon scholarship is an oxymoron. Like Honest Errol or Brave Boylan. You ever gonna man up?

  • @JoshuaMO33
    @JoshuaMO33 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Can’t wait to see what kwaku has to say about this video. What nonsense they can makeup to deny the truth.

    • @joshua.snyder
      @joshua.snyder 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why? Kwaku doesn't understand Christian doctrine, much less his own LdS theology. He is a personality, not a scholar, or very well versed in these things. A battle with Mormon personalities on TH-cam is unproductive.

    • @JoshuaMO33
      @JoshuaMO33 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Joshua Snyder I agree. Maybe you misunderstood the context of my post lol

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kwaku and his friend Spencer did pretty good the last time. And they didn't have to make up any nonsense either. It was beautiful.

    • @JoshuaMO33
      @JoshuaMO33 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jeffrey Smith everyone is entitled to their opinion I think everything they say is nonsense.

    • @joshua.snyder
      @joshua.snyder 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jeffreysmith7542 If such condescending snark from shallow millennials is your thing. It is just rehashed Dan Peterson passive aggression for kids. Can't see how it helps people, other than to entertain them to stay for a little longer. It does the message they claim to defend a damning disservice.

  • @Justhumbleme
    @Justhumbleme 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Church was instituted at Pentecost by Christ Jesus. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @fritz9880
    @fritz9880 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Excellent presentation. I liked that you backed up your thoughts with references. You put a lot of work into making this video!

    • @Usernamenotabailable
      @Usernamenotabailable ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Check those "refernces" she misquoted the 1st chorinthians chapter 7 verse 1.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Are you aware that Jessie changed the wording on the quotes or hyped them up in quite a few places? I checked every quote. This is deceit. A noble Christian trait, right?

  • @oldwisdom181
    @oldwisdom181 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    If I pray with an open heart and want a yes answer I get it!
    If I pray with an open heart and know it’s false I get it’s a false testament.
    I believe there is a god, and the feelings are self created.
    It’s the only logical answer just like when I study Joseph Smith with an intellectual study there’s no way it adds up.
    Only if I justify him over and over it works. I’m so thankful I found the truth of Mormonism and found my way out.

    • @goingtothetop55
      @goingtothetop55 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Old Wisdom How is it possible for you to believe in God, yet also believing that feelings are man made? A believe in God is not something that comes because of evidences alone. John 16:13, Matthew 24, and Moroni 10:3-5.

    • @colleenbaida7690
      @colleenbaida7690 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mike K. It is called discernment. Leave the feelings out.

    • @goingtothetop55
      @goingtothetop55 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@colleenbaida7690 using discernment without feelings is impossible

    • @goingtothetop55
      @goingtothetop55 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Randall Layman What does John 16:13 say? The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth, not intellectual study alone. Study is essential, but not the defining factor. But of course most Christians ignore what the text is saying and pick and choose what applies to their beliefs.

    • @colleenbaida7690
      @colleenbaida7690 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Mike K. Discernment comes from the Holy Spirit. When you put your trust and beliefs from Scriptures, the Holy Spirit reveals things to you.
      I can’t believe what you just wrote on the other persons post about picking out Bible verses! Christ followers are guided by the Bible and NO other book(s) period! Mormonism is not Christ centered. Jessie is on this forum to point out these to others. I am just in awe on what is transforming throughout your church. I belong to several private Facebook ex- Mormon sights and hear what they went through. Some are agnostic and some are atheist. Many are born-again Christians that have that personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But what they had to go through to get where they are today is mind boggling.

  • @judithnees8465
    @judithnees8465 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you for this. As far as Abraham is concerned, He and wis wife (actually half sister) lied centuries before Moses was given the Ten Commandments.
    I joined the LDS church in 1970, when the leaders of the church taught the Roman Catholic Church was the Church of the Devil. 51 years later, it is no longer mentioned.
    I left it in 1993, not only for doctrinal teachings, but the bullying the church leaders dish out.

    • @lindalds
      @lindalds 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      What bullying, and what church leaders?

    • @davislarsen7132
      @davislarsen7132 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Right on about Abraham. Its unfortunate that so many people chose to leave the church over someone being rude to them. The title “Bishop” or “Stake President” doesn’t somehow magically change flawed people into perfect angels. I think we can all agree that Jesus was the only perfect being to walk the earth and with that knowledge we would all be ignorant to presume that church leaders would be perfect. They are not. Nor am I. Neither is anyone.

    • @upd0g1
      @upd0g1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davislarsen7132 I think you’re perfect 😍

  • @hr2r805
    @hr2r805 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    • Definition of
    Short version...
    ••• C U L T •••

  • @shoaibprince1272
    @shoaibprince1272 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    God bless you sister ✌🏿️

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She has fooled you too. check her sources. She had changed words and is using opinion as doctrine.

  • @darkforgiven360
    @darkforgiven360 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    God bless you sister. This is extremely helpful.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She changes the quotes when she can. See the post above.

  • @morphangel8699
    @morphangel8699 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Amen, Amen,Amen! I became born again 3 months ago. Best decision ever!

    • @cassandragomez7348
      @cassandragomez7348 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Love hearing this!! The Bible warns us that satan can disguise himself as a good angel. Please share the gospels and save others!:)

    • @morphangel8699
      @morphangel8699 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen! I am @Minya Ministries on YT . Doing just that!

  • @MrDougk6
    @MrDougk6 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't know why do you lie about our beliefs. Then ask us to awnser questions.

    • @Wilvekio69
      @Wilvekio69 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider Hey tapir, you notice how there are no responses... :)

  • @kyrilascully7828
    @kyrilascully7828 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for this information, as there are Mormons coming to our apartment complex where vulnerable seniors are being taught their teachings on Tuesday nights and I am a Sola Scriptura Christian, bent on exposing their error.

    • @Ben-pk4cv
      @Ben-pk4cv 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Good work! Find something they can easily understand to show them the difference. Maybe doing a Bible Study on the Book of Galatians. I'm hearing that is a good book for understanding that Salvation comes through Faith and not works. Soon after Salvation the works come out of a changed heart and mind. This is possibly the most important point to understand about Gospel since people have a tendency think they have to earn or do something to deserve things no matter what their beliefs are.

    • @Ben-pk4cv
      @Ben-pk4cv 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Of course knowing the Biblical Jesus Christ is the most important thing, however Salvation through Faith and not Works is oftentimes difficult for people to grasp. And is it something very important to know for that light to come on.

    • @leef_me8112
      @leef_me8112 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Besides just "dumping" the information on them, pray for them. Pray that the Holy Spirit can reach them and give them insight. Pray that God will save them. While Jessie's list is a good thing, remember that people can only manage so much and will fight against change.

    • @Ben-pk4cv
      @Ben-pk4cv 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@leef_me8112 Yes good point about prayer. Remember to pray the Holy Spirit keep them from being mislead by the Mormon Missionaries.

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Ben-pk4cv We aren't a works base gospel, anyone who says that is ignorant of what we believe. What we teach is that Jesus Christ dying on the cross is what allows us to be forgiven of our sins and is the gateway for us to be resurrected and have eternal life. Without that, no matter what we do, we wouldn't be able to save ourselves from our sins without the atonement. We believe that we are saved by grace through faith but that faith isn't just professed belief and is also expressed in our behavior and/or works (Matthew 7:21-23, James 2:14-26, Titus 1:16, Isaiah 29:13). Or put simply, works are outward manifestations of faith in Christ that allows God’s and Jesus Christ’s grace to increase and affect our lives more abundantly (Ephesians 2:10). However those works are not what save us, it is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ paved the path to God with his blood when he was crucified and you have to follow the path that was laid out for us to walk in to get to God. The path we must walk to live with God again and to have His grace grow in our life that the Bible (and Book of Mormon) has said to do is to 1st have faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:36, John 6:29) 2nd keep the commandments (Matthew 19:17, Luke 11:28, John 14:15, John 14:21, John 15:10, Hebrews 5:9, 1 John 2:3-4, 1 John 5:3, Revelation 12:17) and not to purposefully sin and/or repent when you have made a sinned (Acts 3:19, Acts 17:30, 1 John 1:9), 3rd make and keep the ordinances that God has asked of us like baptism (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-10, Titus 3:5), 4th to serve and love others (Matthew 20:28, John 13:34-35, Galatians 5:13-14, 1 Peter 4:10-11) and 5th faithfully endure to the end (Matthew 10:22, Matthew 24:13, 2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 2:26). To deny this is to deny the Bible.

  • @pjleelo23
    @pjleelo23 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I am not here to quarrel amongst you, but this I will say, I too was in your shoes not believing it is true. But after feverent prayer, study and seeking the Spirit, there is this otherworldly feeling that belongs somewhere that is warm and light. No Devil can mimic this energy of how it can make me happy and join in with the fellow saints. I've cried many times reading, testifying to those it's true, I've known it and God knows it best. Joseph was definitely NOT perfect, but he was sure willing to be the Prophet of God. I hope y'all have a nice day and consider the testimony that I had spoke of.

    • @bossendenwoodconvict
      @bossendenwoodconvict 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      What would you say to people from other religions who also have these warm feelings?
      Some other mormon groups who are not LDS, also have them. You can't all be right.

    • @johnrowley310
      @johnrowley310 ปีที่แล้ว

      Trust in the word of God and skip the satanic feelings...

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hear you, fellow Saint!
      I caught Jessie changing words to make her arguments better and taking unofficial opinion and making them sound like doctrine. Sure, that's the Christian thing to do.

    • @cherylburnett2014
      @cherylburnett2014 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes. The devil can mimic that energy. I used to be in the new age and I felt that energy. I was deciceived. I would encourage you to study the Word of God. God didn’t need to create a new gospel. The gospel is the same gospel that was preached in the day of Noah. Repent of your sins and turn back to God and follow His ways.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@cherylburnett2014 Satan cannot ever mimic that energy. Ever. Satan subs fun for joy, a mindless haze for wisdom, and babbling for the powerful but still voice. What I have is the same gospel Noah preached. It was repent and follow God. It is Christ-centered. I strive to repent daily and know God's will. I would again tell you that Jessie does not follow Eph 4:29-32. Get both sides and don't just hop on an emotional bandwagon of bashing what you don't really understand.

  • @jiujitsuvideo3835
    @jiujitsuvideo3835 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jesse, I would love to debate with you sometime. And you might think I am just joking, but I'm not. I think your an intelligent person. Let me know. It would give you an opportunity to cement your "erudition" with your youtube audience.

    • @longnamenocansayy
      @longnamenocansayy 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      it's not my place to comment on this subject, but i'm going to anyway.
      debate people, are people who are willing to set up the event to "go for the juglar".
      in all honesty, does jessie seem like the kind of person who wants to crush her opponent, and then not only crush him but go for the juglar? really?
      or don't you really see her as a person who woud be more inclined to extend a nurturing hand to someone in need?
      if you want to see a mormon completely crushed, and then splayed out on the floor, with nothing left to defend against the juglar attack, watch the kwaku debate:
      that's really not jessie imho. i don't know why people challenge her, when that's just not what she's about.
      of course i only see her as she presents herself on video. i could be wrong. she could be a wollf in sheeps clothing thirsting for blood at the first sign of weakness. but i dont think i'm wrong in this case.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #34 If God was once just a man who progressed to becoming a God, how do you explain Psalm 90:2: “…even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God”?
    “Everlasting” (Hebrew H5769, ‘olam’ also means ancient and from long ago. He is always our God. This doesn’t conflict because the work of others who are Gods is not relevant to us.

  • @pottterlover713
    @pottterlover713 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It kinda bothers me that I get ads for mormon websites when I'm watching a video that is obviously debunking them...

    • @45s262
      @45s262 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Potterlover713 i didn't seek her videos out either. I was watching conference talks... goes both ways

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Adds are all based on your own personal searches across all your media and apps and internet searches. It has nothing to do with me.

    • @pottterlover713
      @pottterlover713 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@itsmejessie oh I wasn't blaming you, I'm sorry if you took it that way. I was just thinking it was ironic mostly, and frustrating lol. I took a college class on Mormonism so I guess I visited the lds website for research too much 🤷‍♀️

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pottterlover713 Oh okay, yeah, I understand! My recommended videos are often LDS channels and Mormon topics. Obviously I spend a LOT of time on with my channel. 😉

    • @Hannah-sj4fd
      @Hannah-sj4fd 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ohhh yesss
      We as the church of jesus christ of latter day saints are complete aliens who hack every anti mormon video so that they have our ads. It couldnt possibly be a coiencidence!!!
      Ok honestly bro you are very desperatly grasping at straws

  • @UNUmusic
    @UNUmusic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you. I'm trying to leave the church but it's so difficult to break all the conditioning and "brainwashing"... I know that the Bible is true. And I'm not ignorant to the fact that BOM and Joseph and the prophets have been wrong way too many times to be taken seriously. It's tough breaking those mental layers though.

    • @jlewis8145
      @jlewis8145 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      God bless you.
      Jesus said, "Follow me." Jesus is the good Shepherd. Jesus will never let you down.
      John 10:27-29
      My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.
      29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.

    • @savannahsmiles1797
      @savannahsmiles1797 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      have you reached out to ex mo support groups, they might be helpful

    • @cherylburnett2014
      @cherylburnett2014 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Have you broken away?

    • @UNUmusic
      @UNUmusic 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @cherylburnett2014 I have broken away as in, I don't attend the LDS Church, but there are aspects of the indoctrination that still sit with me. I'm constantly striving and trying to attain perfection, which could be seen as a good thing to some, but it's very hard for me to surrender my desires and will over to God at times.

    • @cherylburnett2014
      @cherylburnett2014 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @alexblake5743
    @alexblake5743 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You believe the bible is true? Do you believe in biblical cosmology?

    • @davidjanbaz7728
      @davidjanbaz7728 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, read The Creator and the Cosmos by astrophysicist Hugh Ross or go to Reasons to Believe at Reasons. org.

    • @alexblake5743
      @alexblake5743 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I'm a believer. But you didn't understand the question. Do you think Genesis 1 is describing a spinning ball in outer space?

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #24 "If the Adam-God doctrine isn’t true, how come Doctrine and Covenants 27:11 calls Adam the Ancient “ of Days" which is clearly a title for God in Daniel chapter 7?"
    The Ancient of days is not God. This is Adam. Continue reading in Dan 7:13-14. “I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man [Jesus Christ] came with the clouds of heaven [Second Coming], and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him [the Ancient of days] near before him [Jesus Christ]. And there was given him [the Ancient of days] dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”
    If you believe in the Trinity, then God and Christ are equal. Why then is the Ancient of days giving Christ power, especially when Daniel’s visions are of a time when “all the thrones of worldly kings are “cast down?” Verse 18 adds, “But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.”
    What you are seeing here is Adam (and worthy believers) receiving all the blessings of heaven from Christ. This is the exaltation promised to the faithful who overcome the world just as Christ did (John 16:33). It is spoken of in the Beatitudes (Mat 5:2-12). Romans 8:14-17 shows us our ability to be joint heirs with Christ, so long as we “suffer” with Him. Rom 8:18 speaks of the glory that we can have after our sufferings. Mat 24:13 tells us that to be saved we must “endure to the end.”

  • @dougfogarty2461
    @dougfogarty2461 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    A beautiful woman showing Mormons the way. God bless you!!!

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The way to lie. You are another person who didn't check Jessie's sources. She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine. Let's see. Who uses deceit?

  • @bb19873
    @bb19873 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Only a sith deals in absolutes

    • @dazefallen1467
      @dazefallen1467 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Are you absolutely sure?

    • @AlwaysDecent
      @AlwaysDecent 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Only a jedi says to abandon all family, social, emotional relationships, and believe what they say with no proof. That's how anakin Skywalker got so screwed up.

    • @bb19873
      @bb19873 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dazefallen1467 lol you win

  • @miriamcooper1320
    @miriamcooper1320 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I love this!!!! I got into so much trouble for these questions when I was a child.

    • @loqutor
      @loqutor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You did not ask a single one of these questions as a child.

    • @miriamcooper1320
      @miriamcooper1320 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@loqutor well since you don't know me. You would not know. Yes I did. I asked a good many questions in cry class.

    • @miriamcooper1320
      @miriamcooper1320 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oops ctr class

    • @loqutor
      @loqutor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@miriamcooper1320 Funny, I asked a lot of questions too, and never got in the slightest bit of trouble. Probably because I was willing to accept what I'd gotten wrong instead of just looking for an excuse not to be faithful.

    • @miriamcooper1320
      @miriamcooper1320 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@loqutor so you have decided that you know my level of faith from one comment. Well I can say your Mormon judgement game is on point. Please enjoy judging my level of faith without learning anything about me first. Also thank you for the reminder. May God bless you. I hope your fourth of July is a wonderful day.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Let's look at #1. "Joseph Smith is a false prophet because he said a temple would be built in Missouri in "this generation" which hasn't been built. What is a generation? Look it up. You can use the 1828 Webster's Dictionary- the word has several meanings that don't mean a literal generation. You can look at the Bible. First in Mat 1:1 says it is "The book of the "generation" of Jesus Christ, yet gives His lineage back to Abraham. The word "generation:" in the Bible is a variety of Hebrew or Greek words that can also mean "time, age, nation, that which is begotten, fruit, etc. That temple will be built before Jesus comes again.
    How is this different from the churches in the New Testament being told by Christ "Behold, I come quickly..." (Rev 2:5; 2:16; 3:11; 22:7: 22:12: 22:20)? "Quickly" in Greek means "shortly, without delay, soon, suddenly, lightly."
    What if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints IS the church of God and just being maligned just like the early church was? I dare anyone reading this to please, seriously take the challenge to read the Book of Mormon and find out for yourself. If you have left the church, don't judge it by the behavior of people, or the twisted "facts" on the internet.
    Follow what James 1:6 says- to ask without wavering (doubt, judging, contention). Jessie left that verse out, which is intent to deceive. Bottom line- opinions of humans are pointless, even mine! You are a child of God. You have the right to come humbly to the throne of grace and have the Holy Spirit tell you what is true. Please set your doubts aside and "come and see." ❤

  • @MrSuperProtein
    @MrSuperProtein 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    You do have some legitimate questions, although I fee like you’ve deliberately taken many of them out of context to fit your narrative and overwhelm people with the sheer number of things people have to refute. I simply don’t have the time or inclination but you’ve taken many of these points out of context. I’m sure someone else on here will be happy to teach you.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      When you read the Bible you will notice that the Bible itself contradicts Mormonism.
      Christians do not worship a god that was once a man, came from another planet and is out sleeping with other women. Christians do not deny Christ and say He is a created being, the brother of Lucifer.

    • @shawnbradford2243
      @shawnbradford2243 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Stephen Kirlew do you believe the Book of Mormon and Abraham are true?

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fayelewis5476 the bible itself contradicts itself. This is especially true in the new testament where the same accounts of the same events contradict each other. I personally believe all religions have contradictions. Just let people choose to believe whatever they want.

    • @AlwaysDecent
      @AlwaysDecent 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      When someone is too lazy to refute so they say its wrong just cause and someone else will do it.

    • @AlwaysDecent
      @AlwaysDecent 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@fishmrinc each one was from the point of view of a different apostles and focused on certain things that happened. Each apostle and later writtings did not dispute this. It's funny how other historical documents are not treated with this same mentality. there is objective truth john 14:6 not all are true.

  • @jumpropestairs6129
    @jumpropestairs6129 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Mormons don't like it when I cite D&C. They dance around like Pacquiao.

    • @mr400meter
      @mr400meter 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You mean like Mayweather?

    • @dleoburns
      @dleoburns 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jump rope stairs: Do you believe that the D&C is scripture? If not, why would you quote it? If you bring it up, you will see I will respond!

    • @ER-vr5pk
      @ER-vr5pk 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There are so many things in D&C that contradict the BoM and the Bible. How do you determine what is truth or not? If you go by the D&C you go against the BoM. As a LDS you are taught that the Bible is not translated correctly so you discount it. The religion makes you doubt the Bible, if you read the BoM the later doctrines discredit what it says. So you wind up believing the "prophets and apostles" and everything they say. Then Spencer W Kimball stated that the words of a living prophet superceed a dead one. So how can you really know what is a true revelation or true prophet? It is a shame that so many intelligent people can be so blind.

    • @dleoburns
      @dleoburns 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ER-vr5pk: "
      There are so many things in D&C that contradict the BoM and the Bible." If so, you should have been able to show some examples but you didn't show one. Why not?
      "If you go by the D&C you go against the BoM." No, you do not.
      "As a LDS you are taught that the Bible is not translated correctly so you discount it." Our scripture is the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which includes the King James Version of the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants of the Church, and the Pearl of Great Price. The Church Edition of the Authorized King James Version includes sections of the Joseph Smith Translation footnoted in the text. We do not discount the Authorized King James Version of the Bible at all since it is one of our scriptures.
      Then Spencer W Kimball stated that the words of a living prophet superceed a dead one. Yes, and he is not the only one.
      "Dallin H. Oaks explains: "Revelations from God . . . are not constant. We believe in continuing revelation, not continuous revelation. We are often left to work out problems without the dictation or specific direction of the Spirit."[14] Thus the current prophet can clarify, correct or change any previous teachings.[15]
      However, once a doctrine has been accepted by the church by "common consent", it becomes part of the Standard Works, and then takes precedence over any other revelation.[16] Members of the LDS church only consider themselves bound by doctrine found in the Standard Works.[17]" [Wikipedia/Revelation (Latter Day Saint)/Inspired vs. infallible] Prophets have both opinions and Revelations. Revelations require unanimous approval by the First Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve Apostles and then they are sustained by the general membership of the Church. They are then published in the Standard Works (D&C these days). Members are counseled to pray for personal revelation if they disagree and they do not have to sustain the revelation. Personal opinions are not considered to be scripture.

    • @mr400meter
      @mr400meter 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      When they say a new prophet supersedes an old one, my first thoughts are that the self-proclaimed “prophets” aren’t speaking on behalf of God but themselves.

  • @daRiddler32
    @daRiddler32 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Question #48: In 1844 Joseph Smith wrote a letter denying that he was practicing polygamy but according to the Church he had been practicing polygamy since 1841. So if polygamy was ordained by God then why did Joseph Smith lie and deny about practicing it?
    Question #49: if the Mormon Sacrament in Doctrine and Covenants says Bread and Wine but was changed later on to water due to the no alcohol policy. Then with the invention of non alcoholic wine why do they still do water instead of non alcoholic wine?
    Question #50: if Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon then why did the 1st draft contain several spelling and grammatical errors

    • @goingtothetop55
      @goingtothetop55 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      #48 is false, he never denied practicing polygamy. #49 You're grasping straws, doesn't matter what we use for the sacrament, wine or water, as long as we focus on the Savior and his Atonement. #50 it's because Joseph Smith was human. Of course there will be mistakes and errors. God works with imperfect people. You think when the Bible was translated into English centuries ago, that there were no grammatical errors and corrections? Let's be real now.

    • @daRiddler32
      @daRiddler32 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@goingtothetop55 In History of the ChurchVol. 6, p. 408-412 it records an “Address of the Prophet” on Sunday, May 26, 1844 where Joseph Smith states:
      “What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one.”
      Except for by this time he already had over 10 wives!
      That doesn't make any sense. If you are translating something then you would know how to spell the words in English ESPECIALLY when you are looking right at them. Also tell me if Polygamy was to take care of the widows of the Church then why did he marry a 14 year old GIRL?!
      Also if the book is supposed to be the most correct book then why would it need revisions and changes. The Book of Mormon claims that the Lamanites were the ancestors of modern day Indians/Native Americans and that their dark skin was a result of them turning away from God. If that is the case then 1. Why does DNA evidence contradict this with the fact that there isn't a drop of Semitic blood in Native Americans? And 2. Why hasn't the skin of those members of the Black Community and Native Americans that have joined the Church turned White? After all original copies of the Book of Mormon claims that they will become White and Delightsome?
      And my last point is since when is staring into a hat at magic rocks a method for translating ANYTHING?!
      I HIGHLY recommend that you either watch this video yourself or the "Top Ten facts that the Mormon Church doesn't want its members to know"

    • @daRiddler32
      @daRiddler32 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@goingtothetop55 the difference is that when the Bible was translated it was being translated from Aramaic, Ancient Hebrew, and Greek and then from those languages into Latin and then into German and then finally into English. Where as the Book of Mormon was straight from "Reformed Egyptian" to English. So there is no excuse for the errors

    • @longnamenocansayy
      @longnamenocansayy 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      oliver cowdrey was excommunicated in 1838 for insinusating that joseph smith was adulterous. the adultery had to come before 1838 because fanny alger left kirtland in 1837. the mormon church officially recognizes that joseph smith was doing fanny alger. he was doing her. it was adultery. he was doing her and oliver cowdery called him on it, and oliver cowdery was exed in 1838 for his troubles. the mormons recognize louisa beaman 1841 as joseph smiths first polygamous wife. polygamy and bigamy and adultery are not recognized by any state. it's all against the law.
      some mormon is going to tell me that polgamy is in the bible so it's okay.
      now i'm going to talk simple so any mormon can understand. the bible is a record of god's dealing with man. or god's dealing with sinful man. man is sinful so i just said man. the actions of man are sinful. the actions of god are not sinful. how can god who does not sin and cannot sin interact with sinful man? that's another topic.
      so we have instances where men are blatantly sinning, but they are in the bible. polygamy is such an instance. shall we also commit incest? i can show you clearly in the bible where lot committed incest. it's in the bible. will you use that instance to promote incest in your church? i hope i haven't given any of you mormons any ideas.

    • @kirstenhowell07
      @kirstenhowell07 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      David Jensen I do not know the answer to #48 but as for #49- the wine/water is symbolic. It is not really the liquid itself but what it represents (Jesus’ blood). As for #50, Joseph Smith had only a 3rd grade education. Though he could read the translated words perfectly, he and those who helped him translate were subject to error because people aren’t perfect. Hope I could help :)

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #43 Why does the LDS Church teach that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers when both the first chapter of John and Colossians teach that Jesus is the Creator of all things, including Lucifer?
    Jesus the Word created all things. Lucifer isn't a thing.

  • @davidhogg8721
    @davidhogg8721 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    LDS confusion: who is all-mighty, the Father or the Son?
    St. Mark 14:
    36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
    “… all things are possible unto thee. … “ … therefore the Father is all-mighty.
    Revelation1 :
    5 And from ***Jesus Christ***, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
    6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
    7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
    8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, ***the Almighty.***

    • @TheStemo1
      @TheStemo1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @davidhogg8721
      @davidhogg8721 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      From Dan Grow
      Amen, but remember your doctrine on the word trinity is not biblical. It's man made doctrine many years after the apostles and christ and was nothing more than a unanimous agreement, but not all agreed, just to settle a disagreement once and for all, doesn't make it right though. And I got fifty other scriptures that make my point... so what now?
      You avoided the question, didn't you? Which of the LDS gods is all-mighty: the Father or the Son?
      Christians do not invent things - that is what the LDS does … two all-mighty gods????
      The Trinity IS Biblical: first reference Genesis 1:26.
      You could go to TH-cam: The Trinity a (real) Explanation … but unless you shed the false teaching of the LDS it may not be possible for you t understand?
      Did you understand the question about who is all-mighty? If you did understand, why didn't you answer?

    • @45s262
      @45s262 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mainstream confusion almighty God was once a man from Galillee

    • @HopeLaFleur1975
      @HopeLaFleur1975 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Remember --- Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

  • @gothicballerinayeshua22
    @gothicballerinayeshua22 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jessie, you are Awesome! So many LDS people need to watch your videos! There’s no denying that Mormonism is NOT TRUE! 🕊

  • @jasonbayabas6794
    @jasonbayabas6794 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Search ,ponder and pray are the things I do and the spirit of God telling me the truth..all questions is overcome by the truth confirm by god

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #40 Why do Mormons say the sticks in Ezekiel 37 represent the Bible and the Book of Mormon when Ezekiel 37:20-22 tells us that the sticks represent two nations, not two books?
    Note that the sticks are presented as a written record. The people and their records will come together and testify of God.

  • @raymond1842
    @raymond1842 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    What type of person devotes their life to trying to tear down other people's faith. That does not seem very Christian to me. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing. " By their fruits ye shall know them."

    • @ujai6978
      @ujai6978 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Raymond classic.. easily offended.. . lol .. truth seems to do that to people. it’s like heart surgery - painful but necessary.

    • @raymond1842
      @raymond1842 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ujai6978 No offense taken. I just like to point out the hypocrisy. Satan's followers have always persecuted Christ's Church. All of the "truth" has been addressed countless times before. She presents this garbage as though it was a fresh discovery but it is the same old regurgitated anti Mormon swill that has been spewed for centuries.

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Your absolutely right! But then again the Bible did prophesy that the church of the Devil would persecute his true church.
      Many Evangelicals try to convert people by bashing our church first because it is the only way to make their own church look good. Deep down they know that their own church doesn't have as much to offer. That is why they focus on the negative. Because apparently they got nothing positive in their religion.

    • @longnamenocansayy
      @longnamenocansayy 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      you seem to have forgotten one little tiny detail. joseph smith attacked christians when he said all their creeds are an abomination. the attack came from joseph smith.and continues to this day/ every time your missionaries boldly proclaim the good news of mormonism. christians are only defending what they know to be right. it's not the christians who are attacking. it's the mormons who are attacking.
      i agree when you say by their fruits you shall know them. unfortunately the mormons have been able to cover up a lot of their embarrassing history. they couldn''t cover up the mountain meadows massacre though. you'll remember that's where the mormons surrounded a wagon train and murdered 120 men women and children. i have to agree, by their fruits you shall know them.

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@longnamenocansayy No tiny detail was overlooked by this persons comment. The exact wording that was used was... What type of person DEVOTES their life to trying to tear down other people's faith? It was not condemning the act of disagreeing with ones faith but rather condemning the obsession that some people have of tearing down other peoples faith. It is true that Joseph Smith did condemned other religions doctrines as being evil. But than again so did Jesus and so did the apostle Paul. But, the difference between Jesus, Paul, Joseph Smith in comparison to the anti Mormons that Ramond was referring to is that these three did not spend more time bashing other peoples faith than they did promoting their own. I can respect a person speaking out against a doctrine that is evil so long as they are doing it because they are concerned about saving souls. So long as that is the real reason that they are doing it and not just using that as an excuse. After all, if their religion really is so much better than ours and really has so much to offer than they should not have to tear down another in order to make their own look good.
      On top of all of that we Latter Day Saints have been no where near as vicious in any attacks that they have made on Christians as Christians have been against us. Sure I have seen and heard other people of my faith attack other doctrines of other religions but I have yet to see any of the LDS faith make an entire TH-cam channel or website that does nothing but attack another religion. Or standing outside other peoples places of worship holding up picket signs saying something nasty about what they believe. Instead they spend the overwhelming majority of their time defending their religion. But, their are many people who have stood outside our places of worship attacking us and have made entire channels and websites devoted to trying to destroy our faith and spend more time trying to destroy ours and very little time talking about their own. That just tells me that their hatred toward Mormonism is greater than their love for God.

  • @karenstiltner1386
    @karenstiltner1386 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I really appreciated your list of questions. I have another one for you, and an answer to one of yours. The only unforgivable sin is denying the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31-32)
    My question for the LDS church is...if you only receive the Holy Ghost after you are baptized, then how can God confirm through the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true BEFORE you join the church and are baptized?

    • @АлександраП-с6п
      @АлександраП-с6п 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      hi. i’m not a mormon, but i never had this question as it has always seemed clear to me. all people on earth can feel and enjoy the holy spirit from time to time. when you read the scriptures, pray, go to church or do something nice. the holy spirit can also touch your heart when you watch, read or see something really beautiful. art, music, anything. however, only after getting baptised you receive (note) NOT the holy ghost, but the power of holy ghost. you are given the power of holy ghost that (as it is promised) from now on will ALWAYS be with you. it will become like your part, it will help you and give you more blessings and make you understand things better

    • @hopeinchrist9412
      @hopeinchrist9412 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This question of yours can just as easily be used against the bible as Jesus himself says that the Holy Ghost testifies of the truth. And yet the bible also speaks of people receiving the Holy Ghost after being baptized. Acts 19:2-6
      The answer of course is simple. The gift of the Holy Ghost is not the same thing as the testimony of the Holy Ghost. Of course one can receive a testimony through the Holy Ghost before being baptized but the fulness of it cannot be attained until after baptism.

    • @marinadavis8607
      @marinadavis8607 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, I wonder although I did baptize looking to leave myself

    • @karenstiltner1386
      @karenstiltner1386 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@marinadavis8607 I left the church after reading the Bible...too many discrepancies between the true nature of God and practices of the church. Mainly, God says to walk in the light yet their are secrets in the church and I read the CES letter and their are too many lies that were covered up. Humans aren't perfect of course, but God is clear how He feels about liars...they have no place in heaven. I go to the Seventh Day Adventist church now. They're not perfect either but they teach out of the Bible and don't have problems trying to answer tough questions. I recommend going straight to the source...God. if you truly seek Him, you WILL find Him. That's His promise not mine. I've had so many miracles happen since I found God and I'll never let any religion come between us again. I believe there are true disciples of Christ all over the world in many religions. If you love God, keep His 10 commandments. Even the 4th one keeping the 7th day Sabbath holy. God never changed the Sabbath to Sunday, the Catholic church did that and they don't have the power to change God’s directions. No one on earth does. Trust God and His word, the one else. God bless you 🙏

    • @richdad523
      @richdad523 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      never heard of the light of Christ?

  • @gavroshs9491
    @gavroshs9491 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    If you are a Mormon, be the best Mormon you can be - love one another. There are not many Mormon-made videos on TH-cam attacking Born-again Christians, AOG Christians, Pentecostals, Witnesses or any other denominations. I wonder why so many other faiths target Mormons. Most of the Mormons that I've known are lovely.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus said, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
      How would LDS's attack the clear teaching of Christ?
      Mormons are lovely. They are greatly deceived.

    • @junearvinloza3387
      @junearvinloza3387 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@fayelewis5476 To those who have separated themselves from the Church, I say, my dear friends, there is yet a place for you here.
      Come and add your talents, gifts, and energies to ours. We will all become better as a result.
      Some might ask, “But what about my doubts?”
      It’s natural to have questions-the acorn of honest inquiry has often sprouted and matured into a great oak of understanding. There are few members of the Church who, at one time or another, have not wrestled with serious or sensitive questions. One of the purposes of the Church is to nurture and cultivate the seed of faith-even in the sometimes sandy soil of doubt and uncertainty. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true.
      Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters-my dear friends-please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Some might say, “I just don’t fit in with you people in the Church.”
      If you could see into our hearts, you would probably find that you fit in better than you suppose. You might be surprised to find that we have yearnings and struggles and hopes similar to yours. Your background or upbringing might seem different from what you perceive in many Latter-day Saints, but that could be a blessing. Brothers and sisters, dear friends, we need your unique talents and perspectives. The diversity of persons and peoples all around the globe is a strength of this Church.
      Some might say, “I don’t think I could live up to your standards.”
      All the more reason to come! The Church is designed to nourish the imperfect, the struggling, and the exhausted. It is filled with people who desire with all their heart to keep the commandments, even if they haven’t mastered them yet.
      Some might say, “I know a member of your Church who is a hypocrite. I could never join a church that had someone like him as a member.”
      If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be. But we earnestly desire to overcome our faults and the tendency to sin. With our heart and soul we yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
      If these are your desires, then regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. Come, join with us!
      - Dieter F. Uchthdorf

    • @junearvinloza3387
      @junearvinloza3387 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider To those who have separated themselves from the Church, I say, my dear friends, there is yet a place for you here.
      Come and add your talents, gifts, and energies to ours. We will all become better as a result.
      Some might ask, “But what about my doubts?”
      It’s natural to have questions-the acorn of honest inquiry has often sprouted and matured into a great oak of understanding. There are few members of the Church who, at one time or another, have not wrestled with serious or sensitive questions. One of the purposes of the Church is to nurture and cultivate the seed of faith-even in the sometimes sandy soil of doubt and uncertainty. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true.
      Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters-my dear friends-please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Some might say, “I just don’t fit in with you people in the Church.”
      If you could see into our hearts, you would probably find that you fit in better than you suppose. You might be surprised to find that we have yearnings and struggles and hopes similar to yours. Your background or upbringing might seem different from what you perceive in many Latter-day Saints, but that could be a blessing. Brothers and sisters, dear friends, we need your unique talents and perspectives. The diversity of persons and peoples all around the globe is a strength of this Church.
      Some might say, “I don’t think I could live up to your standards.”
      All the more reason to come! The Church is designed to nourish the imperfect, the struggling, and the exhausted. It is filled with people who desire with all their heart to keep the commandments, even if they haven’t mastered them yet.
      Some might say, “I know a member of your Church who is a hypocrite. I could never join a church that had someone like him as a member.”
      If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be. But we earnestly desire to overcome our faults and the tendency to sin. With our heart and soul we yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
      If these are your desires, then regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. Come, join with us!
      - Dieter F. Uchthdorf

    • @junearvinloza3387
      @junearvinloza3387 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fayelewis5476 In spite of our human imperfections, I am confident that you will find among the members of this Church many of the finest souls this world has to offer. The Church of Jesus Christ seems to attract the kind and the caring, the honest and the industrious.
      If you expect to find perfect people here, you will be disappointed. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God “which healeth the wounded soul,” and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. In this age of waning faith-in this age when so many feel distanced from heaven’s embrace-here you will find a people who yearn to know and draw closer to their Savior by serving God and fellowmen, just like you. Come, join with us!
      - Dieter F. Uchthdorf

    • @junearvinloza3387
      @junearvinloza3387 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider In spite of our human imperfections, I am confident that you will find among the members of this Church many of the finest souls this world has to offer. The Church of Jesus Christ seems to attract the kind and the caring, the honest and the industrious.
      If you expect to find perfect people here, you will be disappointed. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God “which healeth the wounded soul,” and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. In this age of waning faith-in this age when so many feel distanced from heaven’s embrace-here you will find a people who yearn to know and draw closer to their Savior by serving God and fellowmen, just like you. Come, join with us!
      - Dieter F. Uchthdorf

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #33 If God had a father who was a God, how come Isaiah 44:8 says that he doesn’t know him?
    This is a rehash of #32 so I will use the same answer: Yet another biblical conflict. Psa 82:6 says “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Christ verified this verse in John 10:34.
    See also Rom 8 where we are promised to joint heirs with Christ. If Christ is a God, then the joint heirs also inherit Godhood.
    Please continue reading after v. 8: “All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit nothing?”
    Jehovah was dealing with rampant idolatry. Always check context!

  • @longnamenocansayy
    @longnamenocansayy 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    jess i just want to add a word of encouragement. you already know what wins, and you know the winning way. you don't need the most correct answer using the most correct termonology.
    paul talks about the way. what people want to hear about more than anything is the way. paul talks about it in the bible. he talks about the way. they didn't use the word christian until later.
    i like it when you share your christian witness at the end of the video.
    it must make you feel good when you share what is important to you.+

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Another person who didn't check Jessie's sources. She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine.

    • @Dearmormon
      @Dearmormon 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Some things may not be church doctrine but obvious contradictions within Mormon scriptures and teachings from apostles and prophets. King Follett discourse by Joseph smith taught a lot of Heresy, unbiblical, unchristian and following his way leads many zealous Mormons down the wide way (which says heaven) but to find yourself in Hell because it was the false, counterfeit way.

    • @Dearmormon
      @Dearmormon 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@misssue1824 Some things may not be church doctrine but obvious contradictions within Mormon scriptures and teachings from apostles and prophets. King Follett discourse by Joseph smith taught a lot of Heresy, unbiblical, unchristian and following his way leads many zealous Mormons down the wide way (which says heaven) but to find yourself in Hell because it was the false, counterfeit way.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Dearmormon No, the King Follett Discourse simply clarifies what is in the Bible. We are children our Father in Heaven, just as Jesus Christ says. We are not some creation of a God that is unknowable and is very different from ourselves.
      Jesus Christ showed that we come to earth to get a body and be like Him and our Father. Why is that so offensive? We have a God who understands us and wants us to be like Him. This is what Romans 8:14-19 tells us.
      God is eternal. What does that mean? The Hebrew word is quedem. It means "that which is before, the east, ancient." That is not the same meaning we use in English. He is from "everlasting to everlasting." Everlasting is olam. It means "what is hidden, and beginning or end that is not defined, ancient as well as perpetuity." Read the statements of the early church fathers like Clement, Tertullian and Justin- all used philosophy to explain God in Platonic and Neo-Platonic concepts. By the time of the Nicaean Creed no one had the right understanding of God and there was no one who could reveal it.

    • @Dearmormon
      @Dearmormon 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@misssue1824 Thank you for your reply 🌸 But the God of the Bible is knowable and he wants a personal relationship with his creation which is possible with the right God. It’s not possible with the God of mormonism. John 14:7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him”.
      1 John 5:20- “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ”.
      John 17:3- “This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”.
      BUT the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God CANNOT be completely understood by our finite minds. And that is okay, God made it that way.
      Is 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”.
      Job 11:7 “Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty”.
      Is 40:28 “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.”. As for the King Follett discourse which you say “clarifies what is in the Bible”, you are mistaken because I know my Bible and I know what’s in it and what’s not in it. JS taught another gospel which Gal 1:8 warns us about “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!”. The teachings of JS and the LDS church do not agree with essential christian doctrine. Here’s an example that is not biblical and a “real” christian would not agree with these mormon beliefs: the essence of God: God was once a man like us who progressed to Godhood. Or that Jesus is God’s literal firstborn son (thus making him created- like his brother Satan). So if you believe those LDS beliefs about who God and Jesus is then we believe in two different Gods. And only one of those god’s (the God of the Bible) can only save. All other gods can’t.

  • @paulgilchrist808
    @paulgilchrist808 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I remember the first time I read the book of Mormon. I came across these verses and it really open my eyes to the concept of praying.2 Nephi 32:8-9.And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teachers a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teachers not a man to pray, but teachers him that he must not pray. 9. But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

    • @stevenpictures1
      @stevenpictures1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    • @ebear6555
      @ebear6555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      And Jesus said this is how you are to pray.
      Our Father short in must be calling Jesus a liar then

    • @stevenpictures1
      @stevenpictures1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ebear6555 You know the Lords prayer is in the Book of Mormon right? We wouldn't dare call Jesus a liar.

    • @ebear6555
      @ebear6555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stevenpictures1 yet LDS claims the Bible to be corrupt. The BOM is though. A FALSE gospel/ book/ scripture what ever you want to call it. Blasphemy!!!

    • @stevenpictures1
      @stevenpictures1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ebear6555 Yeah well, that's just like ... uh ... your opinion man.

  • @jameswines6752
    @jameswines6752 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is my question where is America being the promise land in the bible from Genesis to Revelation, Where is America mentioned 1 time ,

    • @jakecalder8270
      @jakecalder8270 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      James Wines, I have an answer for this question although I’m not sure how you’re going to take it. My answer for you is that the Bible takes place in the Jerusalem area of the world and is referred to as the “stick of Judah” and the book of Mormon takes place in America referred to as the “stick of Joseph.” I also want you to know that the book of Mormon is a sacred record of people in ancient America and was engraved upon metal plates. The book of Mormon talks about the “brass plates” which were brought by the people of Lehi from Jerusalem in 600 BC. These contain the “five books of Moses and also a record of the Jews from the beginning down to the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah and also the prophecies of the holy prophets” (1 Nephi 5:11-13) many quotations from these plates citing Isaiah and other biblical and non-biblical prophets appear in the Book of Mormon. Now you can believe what you wanna believe but I just want you to know that what I have said is true

    • @heyman537
      @heyman537 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You think the Bible is going to mention America by name? I think it's obvious that America has been a chosen land, but now I am worried that we are now facing God's wrath due to wickedness and corruption. Ether 2:8

    • @alexsclewis
      @alexsclewis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@heyman537 Not at all, God is with us, and satan is flipping out about it.
      Trump 2020 for world peace ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿💖💗💙

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Whether or not america is the promised land, there's no reason for the bible to mention america. It wouldn't have made sense to anyone then. And saying "america is the promised land" would just lead everyone to name their place america.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #18 If the Book of Mormon contains the “fulness of the everlasting gospel”, why doesn’t it say anything about so many important teachings such as eternal progression, celestial marriage, the Word of Wisdom, the plurality of Gods, the pre-existence of man, our mother in heaven, baptism for the dead, etc?
    I answered this in 17. Isaiah 28:8-9 "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. ." We are progressing in God's work and understanding of Him.
    Even Jesus grew in favour with God. Why did Paul feel frustrated that the members still wanted milk and not meat? Do we have all the mysteries of God in the Bible? See Luke 8:10.

  • @linettereyes1258
    @linettereyes1258 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Nice video Jessie...and I just saw a channel called "BMC studios" where they posted videos "evidences" of the Book of Mormon... Those videos might help you find more topics to do a video on

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Another person who didn't check Jessie's sources. She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine. Let's see. Who uses deceit?

  • @TheBlackShadowHawk
    @TheBlackShadowHawk 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I joined the church 20 years ago, as much as i hate going to church and hate the way the people make me feel , I continue to strive in my faith because I have a testimony that it is true.

    • @gbengoosewuru4139
      @gbengoosewuru4139 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Always remember that people are imperfect. Some are weird. Some are rude. Some have personal issues.
      Also, always remember that the doctrine of the church is sound. We may not get the practice right, but that doesn't make the doctrine false.
      Hold tight to the rod and ignore those in the great and spacious building.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hope you didn't swallow this Kool-aid. Jessie has been caught in changing quotes and making it seem that some opinion that was written is official doctrine. That is how good Christians are supposed to act, right?

    • @gbengoosewuru4139
      @gbengoosewuru4139 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@misssue1824 I sure did! It was grape. My favorite!!
      How unfortunate it is for someone to stoop so low.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gbengoosewuru4139 The choice of this channel. Jessie Grape!

    • @ebear6555
      @ebear6555 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@misssue1824you r really out to persecute her. she speaks truth.
      I think you are too afraid to research yourself. because what do the "prophets"( presidents) who by the way are elected not chosen by God as told to me personally by a person high in the church body) to not delve into Anything that will contradict ld doctrine. that tells me LDS is a sham........
      I have been there done that. have the books so I won't be tricked again. at least not into LDS... again.
      Jesus & Lucifer are not brothers. Jesus is part of the Trinity. Lucifer is an angel ( a dark evil angel as we know) who decided he wanted to be God. guess he kinda is, god of this world as he goes to & fro to seek & devour anyone he can. But when Jesus comes back Lucifer dil loose in the end. that is why he is so desperate to take as many as he can. he knows his time is short.
      Anyone thinking on becoming LDS needs to Run away as fast as possible.

  • @laurenkoether8566
    @laurenkoether8566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Jessie - can I please get a copy of all
    This questions where I can PRINT them out??!!! This is fantastic!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE MOST HELPFUL video I have watched yet because it’s a compiled list of GREAT questions to ask the missionaries when they come!!!! Please send a link to print off and GOD BLESS YOU!!! Love what the Lord has done through you to SEEK AND SAVE THE LOST AND GATHER HIS ELECT 🙌🙌🙌

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Another person who didn't check Jessie's sources. She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine. Would a Christian do that?

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #3 "Why did Brigham Young teach that Adam is our Father and our God..." Brigham was correct in that we believe we can become as God through faith and acting upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost and that Adam has achieved that status and he is our father.
    Before you pull your face off with that mind-blowing concept, read Gal 4:4-7 and Romans 8.:14-19 What is an heir in Greek?
    I do think Brigham let his opinion slip in on this one, and it was later corrected. Does that mean the LDS Church is false? Remember that Paul said women should not speak in church. This is considered gender bias today. 1 Co 7 and 1 Ti 5 contain questionable doctrine about marriage that few follow today.

  • @mounga100
    @mounga100 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don't have to answer all of this question Jame 1:5 and moroni 10:3-4 is what everyone should be doing, but I will answer question 47. Temple ceremony is sacred and the bible support this in Matthew 7: 6 and I quote, 6 ¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Amen people Amen!! This why I don't share my personal testimony so openly because it's very personal to me and sacred. God and Jesus Christ loves everyone and will help anyone who is willing to ask for wisdom or the truth. Amen!!

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thousands of people have sincerely prayed to God and God has told them that Russell Nelson is a false prophet and that Warren Jeffs is a true prophet.
      Thousands of other people have sincerely prayed to God and God has told them that Russell Nelson and Warren Jeffs are false prophets and that Stephen Veazey is a true prophet of God.
      There are 100 sects of Mormonism. Obviously going by your feelings and even praying is not the way to determine what is true.
      The Bible never tells us to pray about spiritual truth. Instead, the Bible tells us to compare all things with Scripture (Acts 17:11; 2 Tim. 3:16) because it is through the word of God that we have spiritual truths revealed to us. Furthermore, the Bible tells us that our hearts are desperately wicked and deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9), and that we are to be very cautious about trusting it--which is why praying about truth and getting a feeling is so dangerous.
      Praying about what is true, is counter to Scriptural truth, and it essentially subjects truth to a feeling. Because of this, the Mormons have believed in a false God (who came from another planet), a false Christ (who was brother of the devil and us in the preexistent), and a false gospel (deliverance of sin by faith and works).

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      When Lucifer appears in the Mormon temple ceremony he is wearing an apron. When Adam asks him about it Lucifer boldly replies: “It is an emblem of my power and Priesthoods” (25:15). So, there is no ambiguity here-the apron has nothing to do with God; it is an emblem of Satan’s power and priesthoods. A few minutes later, when they hear God coming, Lucifer tells Adam and Eve to make themselves aprons and hide (25:45).
      Adam replies, “Come, let us hide,” and at that point in the ceremony everyone is told to put on their aprons. And they do. So, for the rest of the ritual, on top of their temple undergarments with the masonic-type markings, and on top of their white temple clothes, temple patrons wear a dark green apron-in obedience to Lucifer and symbolizing his power and priesthoods.
      This stands in stark contrast to what happens in the Bible: God removes the fig-leaf coverings that Adam and Eve make and replaces them with animal skins He provides. This foreshadows and represents the covering for sins provided by Jesus when he was slain on the cross as the Lamb of God (see John 1:29; Hebrews 9:22).

  • @45s262
    @45s262 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Questions mormons can't answer, let me answer one at random...
    #31 8:51 (KJV MATT 19:3-8) Jesus teaches the principle of eternal marriage. From the beginning, beginning with Adam and Eve, joined together in marriage by God and what God hath joined together let no man put asunder. And the two shall No More be Twain but One Flesh... BOOM! Drop the mic
    Not that you would be satisfied by my answer, but I did answer it...

    • @jamesjeson556
      @jamesjeson556 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dan Grow
      Till Death do us part.

  • @ascenethgarza8142
    @ascenethgarza8142 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Love your questions. I can tell you are a person who really thinks

    • @liulamagafau2429
      @liulamagafau2429 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Stop saying false accusations about the church of Jesus Christ of Latter. saint. The church is True it's the people who do wrong and blame the Church.

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I am sure Jessie could get her answers. The question is would she be happy with them.

    • @noneyabusiness2237
      @noneyabusiness2237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@stanleyhall8951 1. Is there only one god, or are there multiple gods? If multiple, how is a person to choose which deserves obedience?
      2. Would you agree that before anything can exist, something has to create it?
      Did your god create everything? If yes, who/what created your god?
      3. Is your god infallible?
      4. Is your god omnipotent?
      5. Is your god omniscient?
      6. Is your god benevolent, or malicious?
      7. If your god cannot make mistakes, then it follows that everything it creates is either perfect, or that your god intentionally makes things that are flawed. Would a benevolent god intentionally create something likely to suffer because of its flaws?
      8. If your god can do anything, and it created the universe, why didn't it simply create a perfect world inhabited by perfect beings? If your god wanted obedience, and god is not malicious, why did god make disobedience possible?
      9. If your god knows everything, does it already understand every thought and feeling you have? Does it instantaneously know everything you say and do? If yes, what is the point of religious rituals, such as prayer?
      10. Why would an omnipotent and omniscient god not communicate directly and unambiguously with individuals, with no need of books, churches, prophets, signs, miracles, etc?
      If a person is not intelligent enough, or not "worthy" enough to speak directly with god, whose fault is that? Who made the person in the first place? If a person is unworthy or incapable of directly communicating with god, how can that person be capable of recognizing a valid spokesperson for god?
      11. Think about the person/people who convinced/persuaded/ordered you to believe in a version of god. Are they infallible? Is it at all possible for them to tell you something they sincerely believe, but for that thing they tell you to be actually incorrect?
      12. Are feelings reliable tools to guide actions? Suppose I hear a person in my neighborhood talking a lot about the presence of violent break in robberies nearby, and I get apprehensive. I am convinced by the passion my neighbor puts into this story, even though I've seen no tangible evidence.
      That night, I hear a noise. I FEEL certain that it is a robber breaking in to harm my family. I get out of bed, pull a pistol from the bedside table. Without opening the bedroom door, I shoot through it to get the robber. When I open the door, there is my son, lying dead on the floor from my bullet. I was sure. I relied on my feelings. My fear of a robber. My hope of being a defender father. Feelings, not facts. Was that a good way to live my life?
      14. Do you deny that religion (superstition, irrational behavior) is the root cause of most human conflict in history, that for centuries millions have been tortured and murdered "because god told me to do it"?
      13. Suppose a person has a book full of maps to guide a group journey. They rely upon it, but the group is perpetually lost.
      You question the book, but your friend insists that the book is accurate. "How do you know?" you ask. They reply, "I know that this book is accurate and perfect, because it says so in the book."
      Your friend insists that the book is information from an expert, the best map authority who ever lived.....but some other people wrote the book, based on their interpretation of the map expert.....but that is okay, because of how passionately they shout about their version of the maps, and how strongly it makes your friend feel.
      When you show your friend hundreds of self contradictions in the book, they get upset and say that you are just not reading the book correctly. Which person is messed up? You, or the book fanatic?
      How do you justify cherry picking which parts of the bible to follow?
      14. If the point is to die and go to heaven, why not simply commit mass suicide and get it over with? Christ was quite literally a kamikaze; is that what you preach should be emulated in daily life?
      15. Why is it necessary to use superstition and irrationality to justify your practical principles?
      Why treat humans like a donkey in need of the stick of hell and the carrot of heaven? If you want positive secular behavior, why not justify that behavior in practical terms? Perhaps because you know that your principles are utterly impractical, that altruism is literally suicidal?

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You have good questions. Could anyone answer them to your happiness is the question from me.
      See the LDS missionaries and ask them. I don't think I could answer your questions satisfactorily.

    • @noneyabusiness2237
      @noneyabusiness2237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@stanleyhall8951 I have met with missionaries, and they literally RAN out of my apartment when I asked these questions. What it boils down to is: "Dont you want to feel nice? I promise you will like it. Just hold still and accept it while I put JESUS up into your asshole, accept it with obedience and humility the way I did"
      Religion has NO ANSWERS THAT MAKE LOGICAL SENSE because they prey upon the weak, the desperate, the lonely, the stupid. It is a FAIRY TALE.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #39 Why does the LDS Church teach that man first existed as spirits in heaven when 1 Corinthians 15:46 says that the physical body comes before the spiritual?
    It is because Paul is teaching about the resurrection, not the pre-mortal state. Please read in context of the chapter.

  • @joshuarodriquez6284
    @joshuarodriquez6284 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I appreciate your content. It’s a blessing.

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She had fooled you too. Her sources are altered when she can and she makes an opinion into doctrine. That's deceit.

    • @whyme88
      @whyme88 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@misssue1824 Deceit is perverting God's word. Joseph Smith was a false prophet and led many lost sheep astray and his teachings are still causing many to stumble. Heres a quote I'm not sure if she mentioned but this quote the vary character and fruits of the Mormons false prophet.
      Source: Histories of the Church, Volume 6, 408-409
      " God is in the still small voice. In all these affidavits, indictments, it is all of the devil
      -all corruption. Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false
      swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down
      your lava! for I will come out on the top at last.

  • @goingindie24
    @goingindie24 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ll answer this one, it says he was born “at” Jerusalem which is the “land” of our fathers, it doesn’t say “in” Jerusalem. Bethlehem is very close to Jerusalem. In regards to referencing it as the land “And now as for Jerusalem-Behold this land belongs to the king” ~El Amarna tablets

    • @shawnbradford2243
      @shawnbradford2243 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      So you believe the bom is historically accurate and the boa is a false translation of common Egyptian funerary papyrus?

  • @lovedaddy1582
    @lovedaddy1582 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey there host lady, I like what you're dong here. I was in the LDS Church for a little while many years ago. While I absolutely love many aspects of what goes on in that church, the theology is crap. Like lies based upon lies.

    • @stanleyhall8951
      @stanleyhall8951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Explain some of the lies of the LDS Church.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #41 Why does the LDS Church teach that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers when both the first chapter of John and Colossians teach that Jesus is the Creator of all things, including Lucifer?
    So where did God live before Jesus created “all things?” This is referring to the physical creation of our universe.

  • @melissahauptmeier1446
    @melissahauptmeier1446 4 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    May the Lord continue to bless your heartfelt efforts Jessie. Can’t wait for tour next video! ❤️

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How about deceptive? She changed words and took opinions and treated them like church doctrine. Christian behavior?

  • @leightonanderson
    @leightonanderson 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The questions aren't difficult to answer and in fact have been answered. I've been responding to the exact same nonsense from critics over the last twenty years. One reason I take the time to do that is because I was raised as an evangelical, so a lot of this is personal to me. One of the things I have found is that for most critics - such as Jessie here - any question or objection or argument is as good as any other if they imagine that it puts "Mormonism" in a bad light. It doesn't have to be logical, it doesn't have to line up with facts, it doesn't have to be fair … they only care if it smears. Ultimately that destroys credibility, whatever the short-term benefit might be.

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Everything I present is logical and lines up with facts. I would never just list off illogical points. And any replies that I like are the same. I don't like criticism just because it goes against Mormonism. I like clearly thought out and legitimate questions that need answers. And you saying the questions aren't difficult to answer and yet you present no answers is very telling. Your words are just words without anything to back them up, Leighton. I pray you will open your eyes and will acknowledge the lie you're trapped in.

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Your right they are not that hard to answer. But no answer will satisfy the Mormon haters in this comment section. They prefer to live in their delusions.

    • @itsmejessie
      @itsmejessie  5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@jeffreysmith7542 Then answer them! 😉

    • @joshua.snyder
      @joshua.snyder 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh, here we go with another "This is all easily explained" advocate. Gaslight the World campaign marches on, just like the caravan, eh?

    • @leightonanderson
      @leightonanderson 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @tapir rider Hi. Thanks for asking. I don't know of any. I do know that the arguments about the impossibility of that thesis have slowly been eroding as new evidence is found. But I don't think that is the point. Since you are so dismissive - hey, I can tell from the made up profile name - I don't even know if you are a person of faith or not, but there are a lot of things in the Bible that lack scientific proof too. An atheist (and I was one of those too, about the time I started college and then into my 40s) would say, well, it's all a lot of superstitious nonsense. But there are questions that atheists find difficult to answer too - as i say, I know that well. The gospel preached by the restored Church of Jesus Christ makes more sense and answers more questions than the evangelical doctrines of my youth or of any other Christian branch or sect, and the Book of Mormon has just an impressive amount of internally consistent detail in it, detail you'd never ever figure a farm boy like Joseph could come up with on his own. Visit "Book of Mormon Central" (website) for more about that fact, somehow omitted from the goofy video here. (Why would anyone leave that out, right?) There are other evidences that you can discover if you're willing, although I think that you might not be. Anyway, there is a lot for anyone who wants to consider my faith seriously, and it doesn't deserve to get slammed by people who don't care to do so.

  • @tracyjones8168
    @tracyjones8168 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you for opening up my eyes up more..I was raised LDS..but left for several reasons.....just wow🤔😏

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #31 Why does the Mormon Church teach that we can be married in heaven when Jesus said in Matthew 22:30 that in the resurrection men neither marry, nor are they given in marriage?
    Being married in heaven and in the resurrection are two different things. The resurrection will be the last step as Paul says in 1 Cor 15:40-42, 52 when the “last trump” sounds.
    “...To qualify for eternal life, we must make an eternal and everlasting covenant with our Heavenly Father. This means that a temple marriage is not only between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.” Russell M. Nelson, “Celestial Marriage,” General Conference, 2008.
    This is the purpose of temples, to extend the blessings of marriage to all. As Gen 2:18 says, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
    Jesus declared the importance of marriage. Matt 19:6 "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
    Power was given to Peter to bind something on earth that would be bound in heaven. (Note that the traditional marriage vow is "until death do you part.") What types of contracts and bonds that are important to God would be made to last in heaven?

  • @all4jesus594
    @all4jesus594 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Jessie, you continue to do a beautiful job speaking truth in love. Thank you! ☺️💙🙏 May you and yours be blessed in the true Christ of the Holy Bible.

    • @lindalds
      @lindalds 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm not feeling the love.

    • @LadyMaria
      @LadyMaria 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lindalds Why not?

    • @lindalds
      @lindalds 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LadyMaria lying is not live. Trying to destroy someone's faith, and not giving them any alternative is not love.

    • @lindalds
      @lindalds 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @noneya bizness \\//
      \ Live long and prosper.

    • @imamjimjamlawrence
      @imamjimjamlawrence 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lindalds the alternative is the true living God. That Jesus is Saviour and Lord, and that He took our punishment for sin on the cross.

  • @judyludlum2371
    @judyludlum2371 5 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Well done! Keep sharing the truth.💕

    • @misssue1824
      @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I caught Jessie changing words to make her arguments better and taking unofficial opinion and making them sound like doctrine. Sure, that's the Christian thing to do.

  • @fishmrinc
    @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As a baptist who studies theology for fun, I want to apologize to the entire mormonism community on our behalf. Some of these questions are genuinely worth considering. But some of these are gotcha questions that hold no ground.

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @tapir rider some of these questions were worth considering like I said. That's kinda one of them. However, it's kinda silly to base whether or not you believe in a religion exclusively on archeological data.

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider I dunno. I can say similar things about the old testament

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider either way, that's something to consider. but that doesn't suddenly make the other 30 questions that were stupid suddenly valid

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider I was eating either way that the archeology thing is a genuine critique of the religion. A lot of the questions were either untrue, misinformed, outdated, or out of context. However the archaeology thing is a decent critique. So please get your panties out of a knot cuz I was agreeing with you.

    • @fishmrinc
      @fishmrinc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tapir rider my critique was over the overall video. Not on mormonism. So if doesn't matter if one of these questions was really good. That's twenty minutes of filler crap that makes people think untrue things about the religion. I'm fine with judging mormons but don't make up things like God had sex with Mary.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #35 How can God be an exalted man when Numbers 23:19 says that God is not a man?
    Jesus appeared in an immortal, glorified, resurrected body after His death. He was no longer a “man” but still had a body and was recognizable as the Savior.
    Luke 24:39 “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have."

  • @nycboxing8359
    @nycboxing8359 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Prayed and the book is True! Your questions can be answered but you already made up your mind. Hence there are no room for any other response.

  • @ferg9401
    @ferg9401 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I love your video, I am not Mormon, but the only question I want to ask every active LDS member is if God was once a man of flesh and bone and he became God by following the ordinances of the Gospel, who wrote the Gospel? Who wrote the commandments? (considering the commandments were written thousand of years before the Book of Mormon)
    So far not a single active member has been able to provide my a legitimate answer to either of those questions

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nice. I have asked them who created their god who was once a man. Nobody knows.

    • @PhdAAA
      @PhdAAA 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you mean the 10 commandments they would say Moses wrote them. Jesus quoted the Old Testament to give the two great commandments, but later added one not found there, to love one another as I have loved you.

    • @ferg9401
      @ferg9401 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@PhdAAA Moses didn't create the Ten Commandments. He translated it according to what God told him. I guess poor word choice on my part but my first question still stands....if God was once a man of flesh and bone and became "God" by following the Gospel (as the Book of Mormon states), then who created the Gospel? How can he possibly become God when in the Bible (specifically Old Testament) it states "there will be no God before or after me, I am the one and only. I am eternal". It's odd that Mormons say the Book of Mormon is more accurate than the Bible yet no archeological evidence has ever been of the Book (the Gold Plates) AND many archeologists have said civilizations during the time when Jesus visited "America" prove the Book of Mormon to be false.

    • @mariceladaini9304
      @mariceladaini9304 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ferg9401, are you sure archaeologists discovered proof that the Book of Mormon is false? Most people that jump to conclusions about archaeologists disproving a faith, wouldn’t have a need to ask people of that faith about their deep doctrine because they would not be open minded enough to believe in it. It wouldn’t benefit one knowing the deepest doctrine, if they aren’t willing to learn about or keep the simplest commandments, by following the example of Jesus Christ. This could also be applied to any other faith or religion.
      The Book of Mormon actually doesn’t teach that doctrine, but it does hold water in modern revelation, as taught in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I imagine there are many LDS like me who know the answers to these questions you have, of where did God and the commandments come from. However, from the claims and conclusions you already made, If I gave an explanation, you would likely make fun of my beliefs (Matthew 7:6) and ultimately it wouldn’t do you any good (1 Corinthians 3:2). It just doesn’t seem like you sincerely want to know, or would be able to apply this knowledge to improve your life, if you found out. Please let me know if I’ve misread your post or misjudged what you are trying to say here about my beliefs.

    • @ferg9401
      @ferg9401 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maricela daini I didn’t say archeologists have found evidence to prove the Book of Mormon to be false. I’m saying there’s a lack of evidence to proof it’s a true doctrine. Numerous archeologists have said the “historical” landmarks and tribes and people that are spoken of in the Book Of Mormon didn’t exist during the time of of the supposed person Mormon. I am less likely to believe a religious text is accurate or even real if there is lack of evidence or no evidence at all of said people and landmarks in that religious text.
      As for you saying you have the answers I seek, I am genuinely curious. I’m not going to mock you but I will correct you if your answers have already been debunked by others

  • @bridgettedalton9309
    @bridgettedalton9309 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you so much for this video. I live on a Mormon family and I don't have enough motivation to do this research and prove them wrong.

    • @nateypecks
      @nateypecks 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "Gotcha" questions with perfectly clear answers for one willing to seek them out don't disprove anything.
      One simple example from this video is the question referencing Isaiah 29:4. The video claims that the Church holds that this verse speaks of the BoM. That is simply not true. The Church holds that verse 11 thru basically the end of the chapter is a prophecy about the Restoration of Christ's Church in this dispensation. Does the maker of this video present this evidence? No... The maker of this video is not interested in a fair debate which weighs the actual evidence... Consider that fact while you weigh whether a person engaged in such dubious methods has pure motives. And if impure motives, then how are we to trust anything she says?

    • @lindalds
      @lindalds 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You can't prove them wrong, just as we can't prove we are right. That's where FAITH comes in.

    • @zhyledador2251
      @zhyledador2251 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I felt really sad reading your comment. I do hope you pray sincerely about it and by the intent of your heart, receive an answer and bring back that peace from the Spirit that indeed, this church is true.

    • @edgaraf9411
      @edgaraf9411 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nateypecks your leaders use you by tribalism. Don't you gave to donate money to them periodically or something

    • @nateypecks
      @nateypecks 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@edgaraf9411 Um.... How would donating money make the organization or group tribal? Every organization accepts money... If I give money to more than one, then by your logic I'd be a member of two tribes which contrary to the definition of tribal.

  • @misssue1824
    @misssue1824 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Issue #2- "Brigham Young taught that both the moon and the Sun were inhabited by people" He didn't "teach" it. Here is the actual quote: "So it is with regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain."
    This is clearly an opinion, not a prophecy. Prophets are all mortal men and Brigham certainly had his warts. It is so easy to smugly judge previous generations for their lack of knowledge. It is so easy to see the "cleaned up," black and white version of Biblical prophets, and think their lives were not as complicated as our own. Paul had very strong opinions about marriage and women. Hmmmm.

  • @potatonate760
    @potatonate760 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    5:13 exactly!

  • @mr400meter
    @mr400meter 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Why do we see in various places the misuse of the word “ye” when a single person is being spoken to in the Book of Mormon?

    • @shawnbradford2243
      @shawnbradford2243 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      John Lombard why is there no explanation of how Adam and Eve had grandchildren without incest?

    • @kirstenhowell07
      @kirstenhowell07 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Shawn Bradford well, if no other people existed, it was the only way :/

    • @utah133
      @utah133 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Because Joe Smith didn't have a perfect grasp of the old dialect he was trying to fake it with..

    • @heyman537
      @heyman537 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      This from the all-believable internet:
      The Meaning of YE
      YE means "Yes, yeah" or "You"

  • @vanessacook8862
    @vanessacook8862 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ALSO! Why would Jesus' FIRST miracle be to turn water into wine?? Obviously the Bible says not to become drunk, but obviously drinking alcohol wouldn't keep us out of heaven if Jesus himself not only drank, but made more to keep the wedding party going! :)

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They did not have clean water back then.

    • @vanessacook8862
      @vanessacook8862 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fayelewis5476 OK, that could be a fair argument, .... but you know they definitely partied and had a great time with all that wine! I think there is a huge reason that this was Jesus' first miracle. Not because they needed something to drink....If you've ever had wine, you'd know there is nothing hydrating about it and you can't easily drink much of it. So i find it hard to believe that wine would be the first alternative to water.

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Bible also says don't touch the skin of a pig. But how many Christians actually abide by that law today? Back then they didn't have knowledge if sanitation like today. So the law made sense. But, it no longer applies today. Circumstances have changed quite a bit today. Alcohol has become one of the biggest killers and destructive things our time. Car accidents liver disease, broken families, rise of healthcare cost. On top of that active LDS members live about 9 years longer than the average.

    • @all4jesus594
      @all4jesus594 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jeffreysmith7542 , yes, alcohol abuse is a killer, but Mormon doctrine is heresy!

    • @jeffreysmith7542
      @jeffreysmith7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@all4jesus594 Wrong! LDS doctrine is far more beautiful than any other doctrine of any other religion. It believes in a far more loving and merciful God than that of what main stream Christianity believes in. And it has a much greater plan of happiness then any other religion. Their is absolutely nothing that the God of mainstream has to offer that ours does not.