In regards to the 13RW show- I just had a flashback of watching the old Degrassi show and I remembered that in the episodes that covered especially dark situations, they had the actors do a quick acknowledgement of it after the episode ended and then phone numbers of help lines were offered up. I thought that was a pretty good way to handle it.
"If everyone's Hitler, no one is Hitler If everything is triggering, nothing is triggering." When everyone is super, no one will be. PHILIP DEFRANCO IS SYNDROME CONFIRMED!?!!??!!
Every thing is sexist. Nothing is sexist. Every thing is racist. Nothing is racist. Every thing is homophobic. Nothing is homophobic. And you have to point it all out. Philip DeFranco for president 2020.
This is an expression that's been bandied about by a lot of people lately. That would make almost everyone Syndrome. And when everyone is Syndrome... N o o n e i s S y n d r o m e .
I love when people act like terms such as "triggered" or "safe space" are new and specific to young people. It shows they can't even be bothered to do a 5 minute google search
Why watch a series on suicide, if you *know* you had pass experiences that might trigger you if revisited? That's solely on the viewer. My grandfather was drafted in Vietnam at 18, and still to this day, he doesn't watch any type of war movies or anything with loud explosions. It's the viewers job to censor themselves, not the other way around. But a title card in the beginning isn't that big of a deal, so Netflix should just add at in the beginning.
tigger warnings and ratings systems are there to help viewers censor themselves. That's the whole point of the parental guidance type notes on the ratings, so parents/viewers can choose whether or not to watch.
Violent? Sexual? You technically don't need to go to that strip joint or drive into a cop; you can even choose to obey all the traffic signals! It's like comparing apples to oranges! Oh wait, you can choose to skip past the really triggering scenes even if you do watch it. Nvm, same thing.
Daddy I feel Sargon himself isn't that harasser, but it's his followers that take it too far and send death threats and the like. I feel like Phil isn't really bringing those dudes into the picture.
Phil, I'm a liberal, atheist, Democrat. My very good friend is a conservative, Christian, Republican. We both LOVE your show. I've been watching you for about 6 years, my friend more recently, but we both have conversations about how much we love your show. We both agree that you are fair and balanced, and we appreciate that you always give us the facts as well as something to discuss. Keep doing what you're doing. There are still plenty of us out there who aren't afraid to be confronted with differing opinions.
My main problem with 13 Reasons Why is that it implies she killed herself because of what happened to her and around her, that somehow those people are to blame. And having suffered from suicidal ideation since I was 13 (so that's well over 20 years now), I can say quite confidently that if I ever do end up killing myself, that was nobody's fault. My brain malfunctions, period. The book and the series don't actually say anywhere that this story is not how suicide usually works at all, and that bothers me quite a bit. More than triggering suicides, I think it might be harming how people talk about it and end up making it even more of a taboo subject.
Elke Ve I agree with you on the show, but in the book, I think the author made a bit more of a point to go after Hanna's mistakes when refusing to reach out to people. There were many instances of Clay pointing out when Hanna refused to help herself and commented that she may have been saved if not for certain behaviors on her part. Now, neither the book nor the series put enough focus on mental illness, which would actually connect to some of the behaviors for which the book calls Hannah out. The portrayal of being suicidal may not be perfect in either media, although in their defense, everyone gets to the point of wanting to kill themselves differently, which has to make it difficult. I admit to really loving the book, though, despite its flaws
i agree completely. i read the book as a suicidal fourteen year old and even then it made me so angry. suicide is more personal than anything and the fact that it blames others is disgusting because while it might contribute its more of an inner battle.
I'm thinking that the whole blaming other people for what happened to her might be the point. Not trying to say that those people are really at fault, but from what I've heard this whole thing is written around how she (Hanna) sees how she got to the point of killing herself. Maybe, (going a bit off of what Kassandra said) because it's written based off of how she tells the road to her suicide and what happened to her that Hanna herself can't see what she did wrong or what she could have done better. As such, it's left to the viewer to sort of interpret that. I could be completely wrong though. I haven't read the book or seen the show simply because I did the smart thing and avoided the whole series because I was afraid it might trigger some dark thoughts. Not trying to go through that frame of mind again...
i would like you to know that it isnt uncommon for people to be to blame for someones suicide. there are also many different types of suicidal depression just because hers wasn't like your doesn't mean it is unrealistic or wrong.
David Smith I disagree. I love when Frank breaks down a dumb argument with intelligent counter-argument. Why bother featuring a comment on the Friday show (which let me remind, is so Frank can have a civil discourse with his viewers) if he's just going to respond with a lazy insult? That comment presented a lot of opportunity to expound on and clarify his stance, and instead he cheapened it by stopping to petty insults -- PRECICELY what he condemned Trump and the people arguing with him for doing moments before. Its disappointing.
What Phil said about trigger warnings on war films, that would be stupid because you know that a war film is gonna entail some harrowing stuff. With 13RW, you know it's about a suicide so maybe that shouldn't be given a trigger warning either. That said, I think including a rape trigger warning in these series is a good idea if it's not something that you expected to see in the series based off the synopsis or the trailer. Being triggered by such things is very real and can cause genuine damage to people who mistakenly consume this content that they would otherwise try to avoid.
Seth Freakin' Rollins Hahaha! When this notification first came through I was like "oh god not again" but thank god you were joking 😂 I'm actually pleasantly surprised at people's attitudes in this comments section towards trigger warnings. I thought that overall people would be a lot more negative but I've been proven wrong 😊
I watched the series, and they did give a warning before each episode that contained graphic content, and I think they even specified what the viewer could expect (be it rape or suicide) from the episode.
Matteo Vukoja Yes I watched it too, I included 13RW in my original comment just as an example of how trigger warnings could be handled but yeah I agree with how they handled the warnings on that show. 😊
1 2 I know this thread is old af, but I can't help but comment. I do think many people are over sensitive & are outraged almost professionally. However people who have really suffered from suicidal thoughts, ptsd, sexual assault, addiction etc.. Are not a small minority of people. Trigger warnings only take seconds. If you're really upset by something like that, something that is such a small inconvenience, makes you seem unempathetic. I think trigger warnings shouldn't be overused, but some more graphic content should have them. It canjust be a quick "this show contains XY&Z...viewer discretion is advised" situation before the show.
There are potential problems. If you built a story about the shock and impact of a scene like that the story is damaged, at least in terms of what it should be and the impact the creator wanted, if that twist/shock/whatever is instead advertised to everyone to start with. I think it would be better for a combination of the more general guidelines and warnings we currently have, and maybe an option for those who feel they need it due to personal circumstances that will display specific "trigger" warnings, but only for those people.
What I don't understand about the outrage surrounding 13 Reasons Why on Netflix, and something I haven't heard mentioned in any of the shows from this week, is that 13 Reasons Why originated as a book published in 2007 and yet there wasn't nearly this amount of backlash from the book's content. But all of a sudden, now that it's been put into a visual media format, everyone is up in arms about the story it tells. This is absolutely an important issue that needs to be talked about in an effort to combat the struggles portrayed by the story, but why the sudden uproar of outrage over a story that's existed for nearly 10 years?
Kiley Jahn Its only a problem cause people see it as something that could influence their child as something that they could do. I'm all for showing what you want to show with videos and what not. it should be the parents responsibility to moderate what their children watch, but I also see how it could end being a problem (to be fair many other shows have the same issue but no one talks about it.) It kinda reminds of how "Catcher in the rye" was shown. The book itself influenced someone to kill another person so who's to say that a show won't. Though if anything I just think that parents are scared to see their child fond this as an option instead of seeing it as something informing.
Trigger warning might make sense if it had an opt in/out setting attached. Drop a checkbox into the player settings, deliver trigger warnings to those who feel they are sensitive to certain topics. Don't for those who arent.
I wish people remembered that PTSD exists, that is what trigger warnings are for, and to the same with Phil saying "if everything is a trigger warning, it makes nothing feel like one" I feel the same for almost every tv show with a bad guy in it they make some sort of sexual deviant, that guys a bad guy, therefore, he must be a rapist, its lazy and destructive writing, easy emotion grab that just hurts a whole group.
It's really insane that Anita Sarkeesian gets to do this, I can't think of any other public figure who gets to do this when people attack them, do panels and be interviewed about how mean people are to them. She really gets obnoxious special treatment and seems to think that she's special or that something sets her apart from other opinionated public figures.
I honestly think it's just bc it flows better, "13 gode grunner" objectively sounds better than "13 grunner hvorfor" / "13 grunner". Netflix title translations in general are usually shit, they more often than not sound incredibly stupid and lose all meaning
Tired of seeing everyone constantly just trying to argue on a base of republican vs democrat, rather than argue based on situation. Time to become mature, accept flaws in your own views, sides you believe in, and make choices based on situation and not party.
Lucas Wittenkeller it makes me hate terms like liberal, conservative, and snowflake. They all are now pure insults and generalizations. Toxic from both sides. We are all HUMAN.
The thing with triggers is you never know when or where is it going hit you. Although warnings can be helpful you never know how your brain will react to something. Warnings are not going to eliminate the issue, it is all about educating yourself on how to handle being triggered by something.
+Kiana Zielke Good point. I've experienced traumatic things throughout my life, but I don't want trigger warnings b/c I personally don't need them. Yes, I do sometimes get "triggered" when I see things that remind me of those events, but constantly being warned that I need to be cautious of everything I watch or listen to would be like a parent trying to shelter me as an adult. But that's just me.
rυshεεηa I completely agree, I have watched multiple shows that have made me uncomfortable but I just skip to the next episode or wait for the next scene. I rarely read warnings before watching anything.
The things that are triggering for me are things that would trigger as soon as a I saw something advertising it had these things in it. Hell even if it didn't have them in it so long as I knew it did advertise those things in other cases and by not advertising it it still makes me think about it. It is my responsibility to deal with and I don't want to go bringing down everyone else to my level just for perhaps a little bit more enjoyment. We each have our own demons that we need to face ourselves and overcome, not constantly push to the side. That is what makes us human. EDIT: Just in case it wasn't clear, I'm agreeing with you.
I partially agree, however. Not everyone is in a place to learn how to cope with their triggers. ...particularly those surrounding trauma. Trauma-educated therapists are very, very rare and the resources out there are slim. (I know this way more than most bc I run a charity for those with Complex PTSD and dissociative disorder, and frequently see the varying degrees of wellness people come to us in, needing help.) Some are well-informed that they're being triggered and know how to seek out the tools to help themselves - but others have never been exposed to any of this and don't even know WHY the show made them uncomfortable, they just know they're unraveling. Not everyone is so educated about their own mental health. This goes tenfold once you leave the United States. I agree we are all responsible for ourselves and need to manage our triggers, but some of the most traumatized people are very poor and don't have any access to treatment, nor is mental health ever discussed in their communities. Just because you and I rarely need warnings, it does no harm to add one for those who hadn't considered what affect this may have on them. We shouldn't label everything, but on subjects we KNOW cause PTSD, it seems heartless and judgmental not to. Some of us are coping well, but the suicide risk for PTSD is sooooo astronomically high bc so many AREN'T coping well. If they've never been given the tools or guidance on how, how can we expect them to employ them once they've watched something upsetting they did know would be? I'm glad you are able to handle yourself pretty well and am grateful for whatever resources have allowed you to do so.
Look, several years ago i was down on my luck and actively looking to kill myself. I was eventually locked up after my last attempt failed and i called the police. But something that has dawned on me in the recent years since is a sort of butterfly effect you personally have on people. You realize that just a simple pleasant interaction with someone, polite small talk, or just holding a door for someone, can make that persons day, change the outcome of their week, this might be reaching but could dramatically set a course of events in motion for months to come. It doesnt matter how big or small of an impact you make, but it makes an impact. If you remove yourself from this world you are removing your ripple, and im not sure this will make you feel better, but if you remove your ripple it can hurt the events other people have. Killing yourself makes it so their is one less influence in their lives to help guide and direct them. People need you, whether they know who you are or not, taking yourself out of the equation can be DIRE for folks around you who just need someone to show them a little kindness, or lend a hand at the right time. 13 reason why can show someone killing themselves and getting the "desired response" but you realize her friends and family might have NEEDED her in the future, yeah they can change and grow to live without her, but they will have bad days, they will need someone, and without her it makes those situations a lot darker and a lot harder. Might not see it now, and its hard to fathom in the future, but people will need her. It might even be complete strangers that were going to cross paths with her and desperately needed her help. Just saying in the end, suicide has a severe butterfly effect that affects people and events you cant even comprehend and we should all consider trying to hang on for these moments. It doesnt matter how bleak it looks, these moments will happen, and people will need you. Thats my 2 cents.
Suicide is a sin towards the blessing your life represents. You may not realize it when times are dark, but a life remains a beacon for others who are also lost in sorrow. Yourself might not be able to grasp its value, but oh great and comforting it is to the person that might be sitting next to you or watching you from afar. #GodBlessYouAll.
Speaking as a person who suffers mental illness and has been actively suicidal, I would like to offer a response to this 'ripple effect' idea. Every person needs to find their own reason to choose to live. Living solely for the benefits I might have to other peoples' lives is, ultimately, not a valid reason to live - indeed, for a long time I labored under that same idea, that my life was worth sustaining because of the good I could do for others. Over time, however, I came to actively resent the people in my life for, in effect, holding my life hostage, and ultimately to push people away, so that fewer and fewer people would ultimately be affected when I die (regardless of if it be by my own hand or the normal course of time). Naturally, this only tightened the spiral of poor mental health, as isolation, resentment, anger, and pain compounded. If you are suicidal from hitting rock bottom, this ripple effect idea might just be enough to carry you past the hard times. If you are suicidal from chronic mental illness, then this is a stopgap at best. Ultimately, we each, as individuals, need to find our own reason to continue existing every day, to find our own capacity to stare into that Abyss of the Absurd and decide that we want to live. To say it is hard does not do it justice.
Phil, I don't always agree with you. But I still like your show. Because you introduce me to ideas and perspectives I might not have seen/thought of. I don't care if you're left, right or neither because you always present facts, apologise or retract when more information becomes available and encourage dialog. I wish more people and news shows would do that.
My school sent out a letter to all the parents of every student telling them to prohibit the watching of 13 Reasons Why. I never watched it, but I think the letter would just make people more curious to watch it. What's your opinion?
Julianna Farrell I agree. At most, they can send out a notice about the show and make parents aware of it. But they shouldn't be telling parents how to parent.
Julianna Farrell this is a little invasive of a thing for a school to do, although the good intentions excuses the ultimately dumb move. It's not going to stop people watching that show, it's advertising.
My opinion? Whats freedom of speech and expression anymore? Just because they think 13RW makes ppl want to commit suicide more, school is a reason a good amount of people do it. So if they told you guys not to watch it, tell them a person who actually has better education then what i got from school, go fix your fucking system
BlazeDelta While I believe it's important to keep such an influential person responsible for saying horrible things, I agree that this shit needs to stop being covered! We've all acknowledged that Donald Trump is a shit head on twitter, why do people still care? This is ridiculous! Why has the media and our politicians become two rival cliques of 13 year old girls that use immature and sensationalized rumors to take cheap jabs at each other?
I've not agreed with you on a number of stories you have covered and I am still here. I may not like or agree with everything you say but that is a GOOD thing. I get to meet people with differing opinions in your comment sections that I would never meet or talk to outside of the internet. Again, this is a GOOD thing. Anyone who subscribes to this channel expecting you to lean one way or the other and having a shit fit before unsubbing are not people this community wants or needs.
Absolutely agree. This is probably one of the more insightful communities I . have ever seen on youtube. Sure it has its shit flingers, but for the most part people have some interesting points to make.
One of the things I absolutely hate is the overuse and the undervaluing of real trigger warnings. Nowadays, yes, there are a lot of idiots and jackasses who use the phrase because they're mildly discomforted by something, or don't want to deal with certain subject matter, and those people are fucking assholes. Actual trigger warnings? Actual safe spaces? Those are for people who have actual fucking problems. And the idea isn't to blind yourself to the world about these things. The entire premise of a safe space is a place to go to recover, ready yourself, and go back out into the world with a few words of support and encouragement. The entire reason "Triggers" are a thing is because they are related to things like PTSD or IED, not idiot fucking vegans who get "Traumatized" by someone taking a bite out of bacon. I know I'm armchair commanding here since I've got nothing with regards to trigger warnings and needing safe spaces, but the subject of mental health is something very important to me, as I've got Bipolar disorder. Silly joking aside, it pisses me off when people don't properly respect products of mental health treatment and take it for themselves as an excuse not to deal with the fucking world, when the people who actually fucking need them become the butt of everyone's jokes because all these assholes decided to delegitimize one of their coping mechanisms.
Why Phil still doesn't take trigger warnings and safe spaces seriously is one of the few flaws I've seen in him as he is presented online. Thank you very much for this, I hope he sees it.
This is why I was so angry when people began using "trigger warning" and "triggered" as this massive joke. It has made me feel as though I shouldn't be triggered by anything and that my mental health is less valid. People are using it to make this massive cotton ball around there life but triggers for things like PTSD and C-PTSD does need to be explained to people.
As someone with a child that has mental health issue who does get "triggered" (i fucking despise that word now) does require a safe place he can go and feel safe & calm... I completely support what you've said! Nothing pisses me off more than the douchey lowlife scum who a trivializing mental health like its nothing and not even a valid health concern... I've even had people try to justify to me why it's completely fine to trivialize mental health issues & problems... The world is entirely fucked!
Edgewen Thank you. I have severe anxiety along with sensory issues and I fucking hate those terms (when triggered is not used as a joke). I didn't even know what they were for the longest time. If I need a "safe space", it's to come down from a massive spike of fear from the world becoming way too much, way too fast and not being able to escape. It has nothing to do with my views being challenged or seeing something that caused me problems in the past. If I want to confront something like that, then I know what I'm getting into. Life is random and I don't expect entertainment to cater to me. If the discussion of suicide or seeing a rape scene is going to set you off, it might be a good idea to avoid said entertainment if you aren't ready to expose yourself to that fear. If it comes randomly in a show or movie not about those topics and is too overwhelming, then close your eyes/look away/turn it off.
13 Reasons Why doesn't need to be taken down because it covers dark content that's underrepresented. It needs to be taken down because it covers dark content that's underrepresented in the worst possible way. It does not cover mental illness, shows suicide even though it has been shown doing so to suicide-prone people increases their chance, and gives the suicide victim everything they wanted in the end. Just because something is not often covered doesn't mean we should be perfectly okay with whatever scraps we can get. 13 Reasons Why is basically a textbook example of what not to do. It is dangerous. Trigger warnings are the least that can be done.
That would be grand. Hearing Dr. PhilFranco give an open opinion about world issues, and not just on catfight drama, would be great! Psst call it the Phil inquisition show \(°∆°)/
I don't get why people will unsub just cause one day you talk bad about a youtuber they like, you could talk bad about all my favorites in one video and I wouldn't care
It's the age of entitlement. Some people think they have the right not only to having their own opinions, they feel like they own your opinions too. And when they find out that's not necessarily the case they just throw a tantrum and rage quit. They literally are like children trapped in adult bodies: "MOM! Bobby won't let me have his bike!!! WAAAH! And he won't change his opinion about Trump! WAAAH!" Let them go and hopefully one day they'll mature and return to the fold as fully developed adults that respect other people's thoughts and opinions.
TheGamer Bros He's been my favorite youtuber for years now, has said plenty of shit I don't agree with. There's no way in hell I'd let that stop me from watching him. I don't get the reasoning.
@ TheGamer Bros because "muh feelings!" I see a lot of people on here trash Phil. I . could try and defend him, but why? He is perfectly capable of defending himself and chances are they are doing it for a rise out of his fan base or just to vent. If they wish to unsub, good riddance I say.
If Phil says something you don't like, write a civil comment explaining your point of view. If he sees it, it may provoke a discussion and help him understand your point of view, and perhaps the replies (whether on the Friday show, or on the comment itself) may help you understand another side you did not initially think about. There shouldn't be any problem when people remain civil and try to write to understand, as opposed to write to respond to hurt feelings.
I love this show. Honestly, yeah, sometimes I don't agree with your viewpoints, but that's just life. And it gives me the opportunity to look at something from a different perspective before decided what I feel is right/wrong. You present everything in a fair way, using examples from both sides, regardless of your own feelings towards the situations. You make news easy to understand for those who don't like to keep up with media outlets, and for that, I'm grateful. Keep doing what you're doing!
In regards to the netflix warnings, thats what the TV-MA tag is for. And if you think that thats too... I dont know, broad, then simply glance at the parenting guide on IMDB. It's an entire guide of trigger warnings. Netflix shouldnt need to warn you beyond the TV-MA.
I've never seen such immaturity from supposed adults/professionals. From the White House to the local news I have seen nothing but petty jabs and attention grabbing crap that is totally uncalled for and just plain embarrassing. We are the laughing stock of the world right now and we 100% deserve it for advocating/ encouraging such behavior from our federal government.
I'm a teacher at a secondary school and 13 reasons why made such an impact. I've never heard students discuss mental health in that way before or so openly. It's amazing to heard the next generation talking seriously about mental health.
About trigger warnings: I was in an abusive relationship, stalked, and raped. I had anxiety attacks and nightmares for years. I was prescribed antidepressants, Xanax, and sleeping pills just to function. Lots of movies had scenes with these scenes that set me off. My response was to leave or not watch whatever was upsetting. I understand being sensitive to people's feelings, but this trigger warning bullshit has gotten out of hand. People need to grow the fuck up and take control of their own situations. The real world will not coddle you like an infant. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO DEAL WITH UPSETTING SITUATIONS. That is what being an adult means.
Elvisneedsboats Bennett I don't necessarily agree with you, because lots of teens watch Netflix shows, and they are younger and more vulnerable than adults. That being said, I'm so glad that you have overcome the abuses you have faced -- your story is very inspiring.
I agree. I had some triggers. I have PTSD from things abuse rape and such but I agree. Saying the makes it seem like it makes sucuide looks glorious I disagree. it was honest. it was ugly and truthful. I understand the parents needing an outlet however you can not blame a show which is meant to promote getting help and that there are other options is different. I applaud the show and a second season
Every day the shows get longer, and I think. "Great" more Phillip DeFranco. But the more I think about it I realise how sad it is that there is enough news to fill in 19 minutes of his show. When a year or two ago it could be as short as 9 minutes.
Regarding Netflix and potential warnings and such, it seems everyone who watched 13 Reasons Why forgot that before the last episode -the episode that depicted her rape and suicide- there was a warning. The warning even said the episode depicted "graphic depictions of violence and suicide" and then even follows that with a website for people in crisis that need help. Netflix knew it could possibly trigger people and gave a warning beforehand.
If you read even the short Netflix summary of the KNEW what you were getting yourself into. It's pathetic that people demand Netflix bend over backwards for their inability to process simple movie descriptions in the year 2017.
Matthew Morton I don't argue that whatsoever. The show was supposed to start the conversation about suicide that people kept shoving under the rug. And a show about a girl's suicide could and probably has triggered some people, but the people who have taken their lives afterwards made their decision beforehand not because of the show. Some people may have modeled the show with the tapes but they had their own reasons for their suicide that can't be put on a tv show. One of the biggest reasons people take their lives is constant and intense bullying, a point in the show, except people walked past that. The conversation should be about ending bullying, having more and better support networks, and acceptance of victims of bullying and rape.
I constantly find myself swinging between agreeing with you and disagreeing with you. I think that's why I like your videos and channel as much as I do. Sometimes things you say make me mad and other times I'm in 100% agreement with you. I really appreciate that you don't just give your opinion of things, you share facts too and that you don't just go along with what everyone else is saying.
Hypothetical: On the story of the thief running away with a purse gets hit by the truck, let's say the woman or a child in her care has asthma, said woman has an inhaler in her purse, would running him down be justified?
And I would believe her purse contained her ID so that it could be used in a violent home inavasion that raped and killed her and her unborn child.. or that she has a firearm in her purse that was stolen and used to kill a mugging victim. I believe that the robber should be put down like a rabbid dog, with not a tear shed. and if the truck is used oh well , job well done.
I was trying to get the libs to cry tears of oh no you can't hurt the poor criminal. why does society nowadays feel its ok to be a victim, I feel if your a criminal playing stupid games, there is a real possibility of winning a really stupid prize (death).. so why would there be a discussion of is it right to run over a criminal doing criminal activities?
+John Drennan So you'd rather leave it someone else than taking care of it yourself? Just stand there yelling, instead of chasing him down? And what if no one else is there?
some ppl are pussy's.. so try not to judge too harsh, having a conversation here, lol.. some people are from commiefornia and would rather hug the poor guy hit by the vehicle than help the pregnant woman. just sayin.
I agree with trigger warnings. I do not want to see rape scenes because I was raped, and I get legitimate panic attacks when I see one. I'm careful about what I watch because of this. So for 13 Reasons Why, yeah, there should be a warning before the show, and potentially a warning before the episodes with graphic scenes in them. But take them down? No. The show is teaching a lot of people about a serious issue. It's causing people to talk about actual triggers (instead of just making fun of people who are easily offended), and that's a good thing. I love how in the middle you are, DeFranco. Thanks for the news stories :D
I don't know about other countries, but in Canada there were specific warnings at the start of the show and on certain episodes throughout the series. The warnings specified whether the triggers had to do with self-harm, suicide, depression, rape, other sexual assault, etc. in each episode, so anyone concerned would know exactly what type of content to expect. Most other shows just list something vague like "dark topics" so I think Netflix was very thorough with these warnings.
There are already warnings before the graphic episodes, and I think they may have added one before the 1st episode (it wasn't there when I watched). I don't understand what all the fuss is about; Netflix did it right. Seems like the angry people didn't bother watching before getting upset.
There was many people making the same argument for 13RW "it talks about mental illnesses and it is starting a conversation" but everyone ignored the obvious argument. It is entertainment, a show shouldn't be a guide since the majority of people just want to be temporarily entertained. We don't want a show to guide our lives nor do we expect it to pander to our belief system. If you don't like something you can choose not to watch it. The show is not responsible for someone committing suicide. Sure, that is a very upsetting thing it always is when someone commits suicide, but they are responsible for their actions not a show on Netflix. Unless Netflix told them to do it and provided them with razors then I can't see why this would be their fault.
THIS IS WHY I HATE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF TRIGGER WARNINGS AND ACT AS IF THEY WERE INVENTED ON TUMBLR. People ACTUALLY have doubts about putting trigger warnings on things for people who are mentally ill and possibly in danger from harming themselves or others because they are associating it with very rare tumblr post that they find ridiculous.
This is why I watch Philip DeFranco.... wonderful analysis of subjects from a reasonable non-partisan perspective. I am so sick of the pro-Trump and anti-Trump pundits who ignore reality as they bend the news to shape it to their political dogma.
I have not watched 13 Reasons Why because this past year I almost committed suicide and I know that watching that series might be a trigger for me. However, I am not mad that Netflix is continuing the series and shining a light on a real issue. They made the right choice to have a warning beforehand for people who haven't heard about its content beforehand. I agree with Phil that there are tons of movies and shows that also have triggers, so does that mean we have to put a trigger warning on everything? I don't think so. Since there are deaths that contributed to the netflix series, its good they put a warning, but overall I think that as a society we are being way too sensitive. This prevents us from being strong individuals and learning how to effectively cope with trauma in our lives. Everyone deals with anxiety, pain, and depression. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming others for triggering feelings that are completely normal and human, we need to learn how to deal with these emotions in a healthy manner instead of avoiding them
Crystal Riedel Thank you for sharing your opinion. I think it is important to add respectful opinions to the discussions. I think trigger warnings are in order. They also don't show treatment or options. But I think it is an important discussion to have. It just needs to be done in a safe and important way.
kit everett honestly people like you are the reason I gave up on mankind. I actually agree with her and she was actually making a good point but obviously a moron like you couldn't interrupt what she said
I completely agree with you, people are now becoming too soft and wanting everything to be handfed to them. These softies need to rip off the bandage and realize that we are living in a world that things like suicide and anorexia happen everyday. People try to hide this fact so then they could live life without "knowing" a problem like this really happens. Even myself studying psychology, I try to let my friends and family know the truth so they aren't caught offguard when it happens suddenly
Did you just channel your inner Syndrome (from the 'Incredibles')? in regards to the 13 Reasons Why topic. "if everyone's super, no one will be." 14:14
Somebody should tell Trump that if a show he hates is getting low ratings, he shouldn't draw attention to them by making them headline news. Just saying.
+Blabesh - Ah, so after proving that the entire MSM is lying out their collective asses by winning the election , Trump is still a dummy.... and of course, YOU'RE IMMUNE TO THE STUPIDITY. Congratulations : you are "the president above the president" and therefore privy to all sorts of secrets and insights that us pathetic plebes have no idea about. Brilliant.
I've watched you consistently for years now. No idea actually how long. I love your content and I like hearing your perspective and how you present topics (even when I don't agree). I don't tend to interact/comment on videos but I just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate all you do
I think the woman who ran the guy over was doing something insanely dangerous and reckless. With no regard for the people around her she ran this guy down in a public parking lot. She could have hurt or even killed somebody unrelated with this behaviour.
For anita and sargon I don't watch either but from the vidcon videos from the panel it seemed like he was there to see what she was going to say not heckle and harass her, he never asked a question to provoke her someone else did and she chose to take her anger out on sargon. If she wants to be seen as a mature and professional person (witch most feminist do) don't lash out on someone unless they are there to physically hurt you. If she wanted to call him out she could've simply asked why are you here? I've seen your videos against me... and then proceeded a real conversation.
Anita makes money being a professional victim and claiming to be a feminist. She lies about things such as the video game industry being sexist with little to no evidence and when she is called out for her BS she claims to be a victim of harassment. She is a bully that uses fear and intimidation to get her way. She removes comments and ratings from her videos and blocks anyone who disagrees with her on twitter. Now Sargon is no saint but he was smart enough to know that simply staying quite and being respectful was the best way to get a response. To let Anita know that even when she blocks people they are still there and will not accept her lies. Anita doesn't want a conversation she wants money and power and will try to destroy anyone in her way.
I agree it was completely unprofessional on her part. She's an adult and should have acted like one. Not everyone will agree with your opinions but the fact that he was willing to listen to her argument was respectful in my opinion.
Do you really still not get it after all this time? Feminists/SJWs purposely avoid engaging in conversation because they're at a disadvantage and will lose in that type of environment. It's like an enemy that can't win in open battle so resorts to guerilla warfare.
A, and when they try to have a conversation, it seems they get hate from other feminists/SJWs for doing so. Just look at how they're treating Laci at the moment.
What are you talking about? They avoid conversations because they don't have anything worthwhile to say to support their arguments. Reason always wins out in the end and any sane person can tell that their arguments aren't coming from a place of reason and that makes it easy to counter their arguments.
*brad t does not understand what a "nothing burger" is, so let me clarify.* A nothing burger means a false story that is used for ratings and has no actual base. It's because you are receiving (or the more commonly word used, *_consuming_* )information that *_seems meaty_* but is actually *_nothing_* . Nothing about a policeman running someone over with a car would fit into _any_ of that. *People, please don't be like the MSM and just throw around buzzwords Willy nilly. You'll look like a fool.*
I was disappointed that Hank Green sided with Anita. Anita is a very rude person and very toxic. I'm not a huge Sargon fan, but his videos are not harassment, their criticism. He showed up to hear her out and sat quietly and didn't do anything bad. She hen verbally attacks him at an anti bullying panel. It just feels hypocritical. And people who attack Sargon, saying he was acting like a serial killer is dumb. I have to side with Sargon.
There is no way I can take Anita's side on this. Sargon is his own person, just because of the actions of his fans, he should not be judged by that, nor should anyone who disagrees with her. If this were the case, then Anta is in the same boat. Many SJW's make threats to people like Sargon, and it is not acceptable to insult an individual over something that 'people like them' had done to you. This would be like saying 'a black man punched me in the gut, so I now automatically hate anyone with a skin tone not like mine.' You take very specific situations and turn them into a broad reason to hate anyone who isn't like you. In Anita's case, 'Because your fans threatened me, I will call you and anyone else who disagrees with me a bigot and spew hate speech to people who are critical of me'
Almost nobody agrees with Anita, she just happened to phrase things in such a way that you're automatically the bad guy if you disagree with her. How she has any kind of legitimacy beats me, she's a walking fallacy.
I don't understand how people can be so stupid. And by people I mean both Anita and her disciples. And by disciples I mean disciples, because it seems like radical feminist is a fucking cult. "Men are inherently jerks," "My opinions are correct and everybody else's are false," "Whoever criticizes me is a douchebag and a misogynist." It's stupid.
In my personal opinion she exhibits behavior that is borderline sociopathic. I've never liked her but what she did to Sargon, Joey, and Boogie this past week was frankly vile.
Lol! Tell that to Polygon websites, where even the commenters are agreeing with her. Hell, Vidcon could've ban her, but they wouldn't, almost they want to make her right or something.
If that's all he did then it wouldn't be. Would you like receipts of people from his audience sending her death and rape threats? Please. He encourages violence, even if not directly, that's his impact. He being there, front three rows, says alot.
I've been watching the PDF show for 4 - 5 years now, and we have disagreed on a lot of things but I'm still here because you are the one telling the news that we need to hear more of in an unbiased view.
It's insane how people act like Trump is just an average citizen casually voicing his opinion, he's the president, you can't compare him to citizens, you can't justify his actions by saying "Well someone held up a fake severed head of his, but when he puts insults on twitter everyone goes crazy", he's the president and whatever he does is 1000x more significant than what billy across the street does.
Hilariously because you are getting bashed and praised by both sides it means you are doing pretty well in terms of balancing bias. So take it as a badge of honor Phil.
FRRRIDAYYYYY SHOW. Hope you like the video you Beautiful Bastards, you.
Philip DeFranco wooooo
actually forgot that it was Friday.
Thank you lord, thank you Jesus for the weekend.
Philip DeFranco Great day investing so it's a great day by default!
*Investing TH-camr*
Thatnks for philling me in, Phil. I'm phull.
Ryan Hall I want to hate this pun. But I can't 😂😂
That's phay.
Tom Smith phail
My fav vlogger lol
You plebe
The real story is.... why does anyone actually give a fuck about the national enquirer.
that's what i have been wondering. but you have to realize........ they are still on the shelves because people still buy them
IKR?!? Since when did anyone care if they were in the same publication that featured "Bat Boy" (and stuff like that) in the past?
bajlm Lol, Inquiring minds wanna know!😂
In regards to the 13RW show-
I just had a flashback of watching the old Degrassi show and I remembered that in the episodes that covered especially dark situations, they had the actors do a quick acknowledgement of it after the episode ended and then phone numbers of help lines were offered up.
I thought that was a pretty good way to handle it.
100% agree that netflix is not incharge of parenting your kids!
"What impact does Jeb have?" Poor Jeb, sometimes i feel bad for the guy.
Little Lord Fauntlewannabe Bush just can't be relevant and his wittle wee wee hurts about it.
Batman's Pet Goldfish My Name Jeb!!!
Please clap for this comment :( lol
The fuck is that supposed to mean?
"If everyone's Hitler, no one is Hitler
If everything is triggering, nothing is triggering."
When everyone is super, no one will be.
I was going to quote syndrome after reading the first two lines, can't wait for the sequel
Every thing is sexist. Nothing is sexist.
Every thing is racist. Nothing is racist.
Every thing is homophobic. Nothing is homophobic.
And you have to point it all out.
Philip DeFranco for president 2020.
This is an expression that's been bandied about by a lot of people lately. That would make almost everyone Syndrome. And when everyone is Syndrome...
N o o n e i s S y n d r o m e .
What is phil's super villian plot ? Giving everyone hitler moustaches and teenage girl tumblr accounts?
I love when people act like terms such as "triggered" or "safe space" are new and specific to young people. It shows they can't even be bothered to do a 5 minute google search
Why watch a series on suicide, if you *know* you had pass experiences that might trigger you if revisited? That's solely on the viewer.
My grandfather was drafted in Vietnam at 18, and still to this day, he doesn't watch any type of war movies or anything with loud explosions. It's the viewers job to censor themselves, not the other way around.
But a title card in the beginning isn't that big of a deal, so Netflix should just add at in the beginning.
tigger warnings and ratings systems are there to help viewers censor themselves. That's the whole point of the parental guidance type notes on the ratings, so parents/viewers can choose whether or not to watch.
James Burgess They already did... it says before the episode starts. So I don't understand what they are talking about
James Burgess ikr why would you knowingly put yourself in an uncomfortable situation?
its TV-MA= 18+. its like parents buying GTA for their 13 year old and then bitching about how violent/sexual is. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
Violent? Sexual? You technically don't need to go to that strip joint or drive into a cop; you can even choose to obey all the traffic signals! It's like comparing apples to oranges!
Oh wait, you can choose to skip past the really triggering scenes even if you do watch it. Nvm, same thing.
"What does lead paint taste like?"
Fuckin got 'em Phil
That's not anyway to treat someone just saying their opinion
xXSHITTYNAMEXx ' It was suitible for someone who was attenpting to get an emotional response from Phil by using his family as an example.
Daddy I feel Sargon himself isn't that harasser, but it's his followers that take it too far and send death threats and the like. I feel like Phil isn't really bringing those dudes into the picture.
Cox you ever listen to sargon, lots of ways to hit him clean, but he instructed his fans not to harass anyone. His fans are not him.
Oh that line made me laugh out so loud :)
Phil, I'm a liberal, atheist, Democrat. My very good friend is a conservative, Christian, Republican. We both LOVE your show. I've been watching you for about 6 years, my friend more recently, but we both have conversations about how much we love your show. We both agree that you are fair and balanced, and we appreciate that you always give us the facts as well as something to discuss. Keep doing what you're doing. There are still plenty of us out there who aren't afraid to be confronted with differing opinions.
Joyce Wible first bit of sanity I've seen so far thank god
Joyce Wible why is this not the top ranked comment? Like it up boys! (And ladies)
Zoé Zoé Thank you. I try. Phil sets a good example.
Knight Thank you for the kind words! It's a true story; I can't wait to tell my friend about this.
I will say, that I have not met many decent democrats, but you seem like one of the good ones. Cheers!
My main problem with 13 Reasons Why is that it implies she killed herself because of what happened to her and around her, that somehow those people are to blame. And having suffered from suicidal ideation since I was 13 (so that's well over 20 years now), I can say quite confidently that if I ever do end up killing myself, that was nobody's fault. My brain malfunctions, period. The book and the series don't actually say anywhere that this story is not how suicide usually works at all, and that bothers me quite a bit. More than triggering suicides, I think it might be harming how people talk about it and end up making it even more of a taboo subject.
Elke Ve I agree with you on the show, but in the book, I think the author made a bit more of a point to go after Hanna's mistakes when refusing to reach out to people. There were many instances of Clay pointing out when Hanna refused to help herself and commented that she may have been saved if not for certain behaviors on her part. Now, neither the book nor the series put enough focus on mental illness, which would actually connect to some of the behaviors for which the book calls Hannah out. The portrayal of being suicidal may not be perfect in either media, although in their defense, everyone gets to the point of wanting to kill themselves differently, which has to make it difficult. I admit to really loving the book, though, despite its flaws
i agree completely. i read the book as a suicidal fourteen year old and even then it made me so angry. suicide is more personal than anything and the fact that it blames others is disgusting because while it might contribute its more of an inner battle.
I'm thinking that the whole blaming other people for what happened to her might be the point. Not trying to say that those people are really at fault, but from what I've heard this whole thing is written around how she (Hanna) sees how she got to the point of killing herself. Maybe, (going a bit off of what Kassandra said) because it's written based off of how she tells the road to her suicide and what happened to her that Hanna herself can't see what she did wrong or what she could have done better. As such, it's left to the viewer to sort of interpret that.
I could be completely wrong though. I haven't read the book or seen the show simply because I did the smart thing and avoided the whole series because I was afraid it might trigger some dark thoughts. Not trying to go through that frame of mind again...
Elke Ve Thank you for this. Be well.
i would like you to know that it isnt uncommon for people to be to blame for someones suicide. there are also many different types of suicidal depression just because hers wasn't like your doesn't mean it is unrealistic or wrong.
"What does lead paint taste like?" -Phillip DeFranco. DUDE THIS. You had me dying for a solid 10-15 seconds. Much love.
David Smith I disagree. I love when Frank breaks down a dumb argument with intelligent counter-argument. Why bother featuring a comment on the Friday show (which let me remind, is so Frank can have a civil discourse with his viewers) if he's just going to respond with a lazy insult? That comment presented a lot of opportunity to expound on and clarify his stance, and instead he cheapened it by stopping to petty insults -- PRECICELY what he condemned Trump and the people arguing with him for doing moments before.
Its disappointing.
Arcadian you're disappointing
margot you're hysterical
Dude was savage with that one haha
I had to play back about 10-15 seconds because I was laughing so hard. Thanks for the new 'rewind/fast forward 10 seconds' feature, TH-cam.
What Phil said about trigger warnings on war films, that would be stupid because you know that a war film is gonna entail some harrowing stuff. With 13RW, you know it's about a suicide so maybe that shouldn't be given a trigger warning either.
That said, I think including a rape trigger warning in these series is a good idea if it's not something that you expected to see in the series based off the synopsis or the trailer. Being triggered by such things is very real and can cause genuine damage to people who mistakenly consume this content that they would otherwise try to avoid.
Seth Freakin' Rollins Hahaha! When this notification first came through I was like "oh god not again" but thank god you were joking 😂
I'm actually pleasantly surprised at people's attitudes in this comments section towards trigger warnings. I thought that overall people would be a lot more negative but I've been proven wrong 😊
I watched the series, and they did give a warning before each episode that contained graphic content, and I think they even specified what the viewer could expect (be it rape or suicide) from the episode.
Matteo Vukoja Yes I watched it too, I included 13RW in my original comment just as an example of how trigger warnings could be handled but yeah I agree with how they handled the warnings on that show. 😊
1 2 I know this thread is old af, but I can't help but comment. I do think many people are over sensitive & are outraged almost professionally. However people who have really suffered from suicidal thoughts, ptsd, sexual assault, addiction etc.. Are not a small minority of people. Trigger warnings only take seconds. If you're really upset by something like that, something that is such a small inconvenience, makes you seem unempathetic. I think trigger warnings shouldn't be overused, but some more graphic content should have them. It canjust be a quick "this show contains XY&Z...viewer discretion is advised" situation before the show.
There are potential problems. If you built a story about the shock and impact of a scene like that the story is damaged, at least in terms of what it should be and the impact the creator wanted, if that twist/shock/whatever is instead advertised to everyone to start with.
I think it would be better for a combination of the more general guidelines and warnings we currently have, and maybe an option for those who feel they need it due to personal circumstances that will display specific "trigger" warnings, but only for those people.
What I don't understand about the outrage surrounding 13 Reasons Why on Netflix, and something I haven't heard mentioned in any of the shows from this week, is that 13 Reasons Why originated as a book published in 2007 and yet there wasn't nearly this amount of backlash from the book's content. But all of a sudden, now that it's been put into a visual media format, everyone is up in arms about the story it tells. This is absolutely an important issue that needs to be talked about in an effort to combat the struggles portrayed by the story, but why the sudden uproar of outrage over a story that's existed for nearly 10 years?
Kiley Jahn This ^^^^^ !!!!!
One word: Reach. I'm not sure about the book's numbers, but I am almost certain it did not have the mainstream exposure that a Netflix series has.
Kiley Jahn Its only a problem cause people see it as something that could influence their child as something that they could do. I'm all for showing what you want to show with videos and what not. it should be the parents responsibility to moderate what their children watch, but I also see how it could end being a problem (to be fair many other shows have the same issue but no one talks about it.) It kinda reminds of how "Catcher in the rye" was shown. The book itself influenced someone to kill another person so who's to say that a show won't. Though if anything I just think that parents are scared to see their child fond this as an option instead of seeing it as something informing.
Kiley Jahn outrage culture (and its people) don't t read.
Actually that's kind of an old controversy, more than 2 centuries old
Trigger warning might make sense if it had an opt in/out setting attached. Drop a checkbox into the player settings, deliver trigger warnings to those who feel they are sensitive to certain topics. Don't for those who arent.
I wish people remembered that PTSD exists, that is what trigger warnings are for, and to the same with Phil saying "if everything is a trigger warning, it makes nothing feel like one" I feel the same for almost every tv show with a bad guy in it they make some sort of sexual deviant, that guys a bad guy, therefore, he must be a rapist, its lazy and destructive writing, easy emotion grab that just hurts a whole group.
"You're just dabbling, this is where he lives..."
I love you omg
Dave Buscini FUCKIN dying 😂
like this so phil can make a shirt out of it !🖒
Phil me UP daddy
wow ive never seen a comment get likes this fast
I just come everyday to be called a beautiful bastard
It makes me feel good
beautiful bastard ♡ bless me ♡
iIzexIi blessed
Black Jesus ok Jesus
Black Jesus also to get Philled in.
I think I speak for everyone when I say we want a nothing burger shirt!
hannah .F.M I would pay the rediculous exchange rate for that shirt!! :)
"how does lead paint taste like?" savage
It's really insane that Anita Sarkeesian gets to do this, I can't think of any other public figure who gets to do this when people attack them, do panels and be interviewed about how mean people are to them. She really gets obnoxious special treatment and seems to think that she's special or that something sets her apart from other opinionated public figures.
I call it the Phillip DeFriday show.
The fact that our president resorts to actual name calling and straight up bullying is just sad
Best thing about the friday show is hearing phil roasting people who has commented stupid shit😂
For the "13 reasons why" story I only have a problem with the Norwegian translation. Why the f*** would they call it "13 good reasons"?
Ok, yeah thats pretty bad.
Hahahahaa that's crazy.
Another good sign the show might suffer even more.
I honestly think it's just bc it flows better, "13 gode grunner" objectively sounds better than "13 grunner hvorfor" / "13 grunner". Netflix title translations in general are usually shit, they more often than not sound incredibly stupid and lose all meaning
lol thanks for the insight.
Tired of seeing everyone constantly just trying to argue on a base of republican vs democrat, rather than argue based on situation. Time to become mature, accept flaws in your own views, sides you believe in, and make choices based on situation and not party.
Lucas Wittenkeller I agree 100%.
Lucas Wittenkeller Exactly! 👏🏼
Lucas Wittenkeller it makes me hate terms like liberal, conservative, and snowflake. They all are now pure insults and generalizations. Toxic from both sides. We are all HUMAN.
Asking what lead paint tastes like doesn't sound like something I'd expect to hear from someone looking for a conversation.
Critique=\= harrasment
"What does lead paint taste like?" Damn son. She has a family!
And they all need to lay off the paint chips too, no doubt.
The thing with triggers is you never know when or where is it going hit you. Although warnings can be helpful you never know how your brain will react to something. Warnings are not going to eliminate the issue, it is all about educating yourself on how to handle being triggered by something.
+Kiana Zielke Good point. I've experienced traumatic things throughout my life, but I don't want trigger warnings b/c I personally don't need them. Yes, I do sometimes get "triggered" when I see things that remind me of those events, but constantly being warned that I need to be cautious of everything I watch or listen to would be like a parent trying to shelter me as an adult. But that's just me.
rυshεεηa I completely agree, I have watched multiple shows that have made me uncomfortable but I just skip to the next episode or wait for the next scene. I rarely read warnings before watching anything.
The things that are triggering for me are things that would trigger as soon as a I saw something advertising it had these things in it. Hell even if it didn't have them in it so long as I knew it did advertise those things in other cases and by not advertising it it still makes me think about it. It is my responsibility to deal with and I don't want to go bringing down everyone else to my level just for perhaps a little bit more enjoyment. We each have our own demons that we need to face ourselves and overcome, not constantly push to the side. That is what makes us human.
EDIT: Just in case it wasn't clear, I'm agreeing with you.
Cakatarn I completely agree with both of you, it is nice to know other people think the same ☺️
I partially agree, however. Not everyone is in a place to learn how to cope with their triggers. ...particularly those surrounding trauma. Trauma-educated therapists are very, very rare and the resources out there are slim. (I know this way more than most bc I run a charity for those with Complex PTSD and dissociative disorder, and frequently see the varying degrees of wellness people come to us in, needing help.) Some are well-informed that they're being triggered and know how to seek out the tools to help themselves - but others have never been exposed to any of this and don't even know WHY the show made them uncomfortable, they just know they're unraveling. Not everyone is so educated about their own mental health. This goes tenfold once you leave the United States.
I agree we are all responsible for ourselves and need to manage our triggers, but some of the most traumatized people are very poor and don't have any access to treatment, nor is mental health ever discussed in their communities. Just because you and I rarely need warnings, it does no harm to add one for those who hadn't considered what affect this may have on them. We shouldn't label everything, but on subjects we KNOW cause PTSD, it seems heartless and judgmental not to. Some of us are coping well, but the suicide risk for PTSD is sooooo astronomically high bc so many AREN'T coping well. If they've never been given the tools or guidance on how, how can we expect them to employ them once they've watched something upsetting they did know would be?
I'm glad you are able to handle yourself pretty well and am grateful for whatever resources have allowed you to do so.
Look, several years ago i was down on my luck and actively looking to kill myself. I was eventually locked up after my last attempt failed and i called the police. But something that has dawned on me in the recent years since is a sort of butterfly effect you personally have on people. You realize that just a simple pleasant interaction with someone, polite small talk, or just holding a door for someone, can make that persons day, change the outcome of their week, this might be reaching but could dramatically set a course of events in motion for months to come. It doesnt matter how big or small of an impact you make, but it makes an impact. If you remove yourself from this world you are removing your ripple, and im not sure this will make you feel better, but if you remove your ripple it can hurt the events other people have. Killing yourself makes it so their is one less influence in their lives to help guide and direct them. People need you, whether they know who you are or not, taking yourself out of the equation can be DIRE for folks around you who just need someone to show them a little kindness, or lend a hand at the right time.
13 reason why can show someone killing themselves and getting the "desired response" but you realize her friends and family might have NEEDED her in the future, yeah they can change and grow to live without her, but they will have bad days, they will need someone, and without her it makes those situations a lot darker and a lot harder. Might not see it now, and its hard to fathom in the future, but people will need her. It might even be complete strangers that were going to cross paths with her and desperately needed her help. Just saying in the end, suicide has a severe butterfly effect that affects people and events you cant even comprehend and we should all consider trying to hang on for these moments. It doesnt matter how bleak it looks, these moments will happen, and people will need you. Thats my 2 cents.
I'll definitely save this wall of text, and quote you whenever I see someone wishing for suicide. It was pretty great and uplifting!
Suicide is a sin towards the blessing your life represents. You may not realize it when times are dark, but a life remains a beacon for others who are also lost in sorrow. Yourself might not be able to grasp its value, but oh great and comforting it is to the person that might be sitting next to you or watching you from afar. #GodBlessYouAll.
Speaking as a person who suffers mental illness and has been actively suicidal, I would like to offer a response to this 'ripple effect' idea.
Every person needs to find their own reason to choose to live. Living solely for the benefits I might have to other peoples' lives is, ultimately, not a valid reason to live - indeed, for a long time I labored under that same idea, that my life was worth sustaining because of the good I could do for others. Over time, however, I came to actively resent the people in my life for, in effect, holding my life hostage, and ultimately to push people away, so that fewer and fewer people would ultimately be affected when I die (regardless of if it be by my own hand or the normal course of time). Naturally, this only tightened the spiral of poor mental health, as isolation, resentment, anger, and pain compounded.
If you are suicidal from hitting rock bottom, this ripple effect idea might just be enough to carry you past the hard times. If you are suicidal from chronic mental illness, then this is a stopgap at best. Ultimately, we each, as individuals, need to find our own reason to continue existing every day, to find our own capacity to stare into that Abyss of the Absurd and decide that we want to live. To say it is hard does not do it justice.
Phil, I don't always agree with you. But I still like your show. Because you introduce me to ideas and perspectives I might not have seen/thought of. I don't care if you're left, right or neither because you always present facts, apologise or retract when more information becomes available and encourage dialog. I wish more people and news shows would do that.
My school sent out a letter to all the parents of every student telling them to prohibit the watching of 13 Reasons Why. I never watched it, but I think the letter would just make people more curious to watch it. What's your opinion?
You should watch it rather than talking about something you know nothing about and looking like an idiot.
Julianna Farrell I agree. At most, they can send out a notice about the show and make parents aware of it. But they shouldn't be telling parents how to parent.
Julianna Farrell this is a little invasive of a thing for a school to do, although the good intentions excuses the ultimately dumb move. It's not going to stop people watching that show, it's advertising.
My opinion? Whats freedom of speech and expression anymore? Just because they think 13RW makes ppl want to commit suicide more, school is a reason a good amount of people do it. So if they told you guys not to watch it, tell them a person who actually has better education then what i got from school, go fix your fucking system
Not daddy issues, school issues. and its trying to finally get people to take suicide seeiously
"What does lead paint taste like"
Best part of the video.
When you say "I think this is where I'm going to end today show!" I don't agree with you when you say that, it's the saddest part of the PDS!
It's too sad, that shit needs a trigger warning.
I swear every Donald trump tweet is news now
He continues to win because he is ALWAYS in the news.
Steve EAB ikr
Steve EAB that's not always a good thing. "all publicity is good publicity" isn't 100% true.
Justin Gutierrez Barring something like pedophilia conviction or some other extreme circumstance, yes, it is true. You tell me how it's not 100% true.
BlazeDelta While I believe it's important to keep such an influential person responsible for saying horrible things, I agree that this shit needs to stop being covered! We've all acknowledged that Donald Trump is a shit head on twitter, why do people still care? This is ridiculous! Why has the media and our politicians become two rival cliques of 13 year old girls that use immature and sensationalized rumors to take cheap jabs at each other?
I've not agreed with you on a number of stories you have covered and I am still here. I may not like or agree with everything you say but that is a GOOD thing. I get to meet people with differing opinions in your comment sections that I would never meet or talk to outside of the internet. Again, this is a GOOD thing. Anyone who subscribes to this channel expecting you to lean one way or the other and having a shit fit before unsubbing are not people this community wants or needs.
fiveohfivethree I'm right there with you man, well said.
Absolutely agree. This is probably one of the more insightful communities I . have ever seen on youtube. Sure it has its shit flingers, but for the most part people have some interesting points to make.
One of the things I absolutely hate is the overuse and the undervaluing of real trigger warnings. Nowadays, yes, there are a lot of idiots and jackasses who use the phrase because they're mildly discomforted by something, or don't want to deal with certain subject matter, and those people are fucking assholes.
Actual trigger warnings? Actual safe spaces? Those are for people who have actual fucking problems. And the idea isn't to blind yourself to the world about these things. The entire premise of a safe space is a place to go to recover, ready yourself, and go back out into the world with a few words of support and encouragement. The entire reason "Triggers" are a thing is because they are related to things like PTSD or IED, not idiot fucking vegans who get "Traumatized" by someone taking a bite out of bacon.
I know I'm armchair commanding here since I've got nothing with regards to trigger warnings and needing safe spaces, but the subject of mental health is something very important to me, as I've got Bipolar disorder. Silly joking aside, it pisses me off when people don't properly respect products of mental health treatment and take it for themselves as an excuse not to deal with the fucking world, when the people who actually fucking need them become the butt of everyone's jokes because all these assholes decided to delegitimize one of their coping mechanisms.
Why Phil still doesn't take trigger warnings and safe spaces seriously is one of the few flaws I've seen in him as he is presented online. Thank you very much for this, I hope he sees it.
This is why I was so angry when people began using "trigger warning" and "triggered" as this massive joke. It has made me feel as though I shouldn't be triggered by anything and that my mental health is less valid.
People are using it to make this massive cotton ball around there life but triggers for things like PTSD and C-PTSD does need to be explained to people.
this needs to be a top comment. get Phil to see this and take trigger warnings seriously.
As someone with a child that has mental health issue who does get "triggered" (i fucking despise that word now) does require a safe place he can go and feel safe & calm... I completely support what you've said! Nothing pisses me off more than the douchey lowlife scum who a trivializing mental health like its nothing and not even a valid health concern... I've even had people try to justify to me why it's completely fine to trivialize mental health issues & problems...
The world is entirely fucked!
Edgewen Thank you. I have severe anxiety along with sensory issues and I fucking hate those terms (when triggered is not used as a joke). I didn't even know what they were for the longest time. If I need a "safe space", it's to come down from a massive spike of fear from the world becoming way too much, way too fast and not being able to escape.
It has nothing to do with my views being challenged or seeing something that caused me problems in the past. If I want to confront something like that, then I know what I'm getting into. Life is random and I don't expect entertainment to cater to me.
If the discussion of suicide or seeing a rape scene is going to set you off, it might be a good idea to avoid said entertainment if you aren't ready to expose yourself to that fear. If it comes randomly in a show or movie not about those topics and is too overwhelming, then close your eyes/look away/turn it off.
13 Reasons Why doesn't need to be taken down because it covers dark content that's underrepresented. It needs to be taken down because it covers dark content that's underrepresented in the worst possible way. It does not cover mental illness, shows suicide even though it has been shown doing so to suicide-prone people increases their chance, and gives the suicide victim everything they wanted in the end. Just because something is not often covered doesn't mean we should be perfectly okay with whatever scraps we can get. 13 Reasons Why is basically a textbook example of what not to do. It is dangerous. Trigger warnings are the least that can be done.
Can't we all just get along
Dasveiner no, we nuke everything instead
Dasveiner No, I don't see myself ever getting along with Jared Fogle
no but we can have a conversation
Dasveiner No
asking the impossible.
Defranco you should do a world news segment where you talk about world events and give your opinion
I have a feeling this will be done more so when his whole news network thing kicks off
That would be grand. Hearing Dr. PhilFranco give an open opinion about world issues, and not just on catfight drama, would be great! Psst call it the Phil inquisition show \(°∆°)/
I don't get why people will unsub just cause one day you talk bad about a youtuber they like, you could talk bad about all my favorites in one video and I wouldn't care
TheGamer Bros Snowflakes in a nutshell. you tell them your opinion is different and they will go apeshot
It's the age of entitlement. Some people think they have the right not only to having their own opinions, they feel like they own your opinions too. And when they find out that's not necessarily the case they just throw a tantrum and rage quit. They literally are like children trapped in adult bodies: "MOM! Bobby won't let me have his bike!!! WAAAH! And he won't change his opinion about Trump! WAAAH!" Let them go and hopefully one day they'll mature and return to the fold as fully developed adults that respect other people's thoughts and opinions.
TheGamer Bros He's been my favorite youtuber for years now, has said plenty of shit I don't agree with. There's no way in hell I'd let that stop me from watching him. I don't get the reasoning.
@ TheGamer Bros because "muh feelings!" I see a lot of people on here trash Phil. I . could try and defend him, but why? He is perfectly capable of defending himself and chances are they are doing it for a rise out of his fan base or just to vent. If they wish to unsub, good riddance I say.
If Phil says something you don't like, write a civil comment explaining your point of view. If he sees it, it may provoke a discussion and help him understand your point of view, and perhaps the replies (whether on the Friday show, or on the comment itself) may help you understand another side you did not initially think about. There shouldn't be any problem when people remain civil and try to write to understand, as opposed to write to respond to hurt feelings.
Phil. I appreciate all the work you. Clear, Precise, Perfect. I admire all your work.
Nothing Burger
Vice Presi I want this to be a main meme on this channel.
Like a _Nothing Royale With Cheese_
People sure do FREAK OUT a lot in Phil's titles.
what does lead paint taste like? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 rofl
Most savage thing I have heard Phil say in a while. I was laughing so hard.
It's always so refreshing to hear your point of view.
Damn y'all posted early today
"She was bleeding badly from a facelift."
Then Trump sent the tweet, put down his phone, and high-fived Mel Gibson.
And a goddamn good director. I mean did you see Hacksaw Ridge?
JawbreakerRock so are you troll
JawbreakerRock free speech, don't buy tickets to his movie. Viola, capitalism.
JawbreakerRock And yet Trump is president.
God Likes Porn with Ben the Demon eyyyy
I've just been Philled In.. I Love my Face.. and I'll see me. Tomorrow.
I love this show. Honestly, yeah, sometimes I don't agree with your viewpoints, but that's just life. And it gives me the opportunity to look at something from a different perspective before decided what I feel is right/wrong. You present everything in a fair way, using examples from both sides, regardless of your own feelings towards the situations.
You make news easy to understand for those who don't like to keep up with media outlets, and for that, I'm grateful. Keep doing what you're doing!
In regards to the netflix warnings, thats what the TV-MA tag is for. And if you think that thats too... I dont know, broad, then simply glance at the parenting guide on IMDB. It's an entire guide of trigger warnings. Netflix shouldnt need to warn you beyond the TV-MA.
TheSignatureTurtle _ Agreed. If you're potentially gonna get triggered, Idk, do your research?
As always - great show Phil!
I've never seen such immaturity from supposed adults/professionals. From the White House to the local news I have seen nothing but petty jabs and attention grabbing crap that is totally uncalled for and just plain embarrassing. We are the laughing stock of the world right now and we 100% deserve it for advocating/ encouraging such behavior from our federal government.
Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen Yeah, kind of feels like high school or collage gossip drama.
I'm a teacher at a secondary school and 13 reasons why made such an impact. I've never heard students discuss mental health in that way before or so openly. It's amazing to heard the next generation talking seriously about mental health.
About trigger warnings: I was in an abusive relationship, stalked, and raped. I had anxiety attacks and nightmares for years. I was prescribed antidepressants, Xanax, and sleeping pills just to function. Lots of movies had scenes with these scenes that set me off. My response was to leave or not watch whatever was upsetting. I understand being sensitive to people's feelings, but this trigger warning bullshit has gotten out of hand. People need to grow the fuck up and take control of their own situations. The real world will not coddle you like an infant. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO DEAL WITH UPSETTING SITUATIONS. That is what being an adult means.
Amen! Glad to hear you've re-found your strength bud!!! God bless ya and thanks for sharing your story.
Elvisneedsboats Bennett I don't necessarily agree with you, because lots of teens watch Netflix shows, and they are younger and more vulnerable than adults. That being said, I'm so glad that you have overcome the abuses you have faced -- your story is very inspiring.
Elvisneedsboats Bennett made up story for attention
I agree. I had some triggers. I have PTSD from things abuse rape and such but I agree. Saying the makes it seem like it makes sucuide looks glorious I disagree. it was honest. it was ugly and truthful. I understand the parents needing an outlet however you can not blame a show which is meant to promote getting help and that there are other options is different. I applaud the show and a second season
morgaine elfay I was 14
Anita isn't anti bullying. She's just a bully that uses anti bullying when it's convenient for her.
Every day the shows get longer, and I think. "Great" more Phillip DeFranco. But the more I think about it I realise how sad it is that there is enough news to fill in 19 minutes of his show. When a year or two ago it could be as short as 9 minutes.
Thanks for being transparent as always Phil! Love yo face!!
*stares at the sky*
I always knew I was a beautiful bastard
Regarding Netflix and potential warnings and such, it seems everyone who watched 13 Reasons Why forgot that before the last episode -the episode that depicted her rape and suicide- there was a warning. The warning even said the episode depicted "graphic depictions of violence and suicide" and then even follows that with a website for people in crisis that need help. Netflix knew it could possibly trigger people and gave a warning beforehand.
If you read even the short Netflix summary of the KNEW what you were getting yourself into. It's pathetic that people demand Netflix bend over backwards for their inability to process simple movie descriptions in the year 2017.
Matthew Morton I don't argue that whatsoever. The show was supposed to start the conversation about suicide that people kept shoving under the rug. And a show about a girl's suicide could and probably has triggered some people, but the people who have taken their lives afterwards made their decision beforehand not because of the show. Some people may have modeled the show with the tapes but they had their own reasons for their suicide that can't be put on a tv show. One of the biggest reasons people take their lives is constant and intense bullying, a point in the show, except people walked past that. The conversation should be about ending bullying, having more and better support networks, and acceptance of victims of bullying and rape.
I constantly find myself swinging between agreeing with you and disagreeing with you. I think that's why I like your videos and channel as much as I do. Sometimes things you say make me mad and other times I'm in 100% agreement with you. I really appreciate that you don't just give your opinion of things, you share facts too and that you don't just go along with what everyone else is saying.
Hypothetical: On the story of the thief running away with a purse gets hit by the truck, let's say the woman or a child in her care has asthma, said woman has an inhaler in her purse, would running him down be justified?
And I would believe her purse contained her ID so that it could be used in a violent home inavasion that raped and killed her and her unborn child.. or that she has a firearm in her purse that was stolen and used to kill a mugging victim. I believe that the robber should be put down like a rabbid dog, with not a tear shed. and if the truck is used oh well , job well done.
I was trying to get the libs to cry tears of oh no you can't hurt the poor criminal. why does society nowadays feel its ok to be a victim, I feel if your a criminal playing stupid games, there is a real possibility of winning a really stupid prize (death).. so why would there be a discussion of is it right to run over a criminal doing criminal activities?
+John Drennan So you'd rather leave it someone else than taking care of it yourself? Just stand there yelling, instead of chasing him down? And what if no one else is there?
some ppl are pussy's.. so try not to judge too harsh, having a conversation here, lol.. some people are from commiefornia and would rather hug the poor guy hit by the vehicle than help the pregnant woman. just sayin.
We all need a trigger warning for when bad things happen to animals.
That I can without a doubt get behind.
It's the reason it took forever for me to watch John Wick.
I find this site very helpful. Hope it helps.
I agree with trigger warnings. I do not want to see rape scenes because I was raped, and I get legitimate panic attacks when I see one. I'm careful about what I watch because of this. So for 13 Reasons Why, yeah, there should be a warning before the show, and potentially a warning before the episodes with graphic scenes in them. But take them down? No. The show is teaching a lot of people about a serious issue. It's causing people to talk about actual triggers (instead of just making fun of people who are easily offended), and that's a good thing.
I love how in the middle you are, DeFranco. Thanks for the news stories :D
Jennie Adams agreed if you are warned and still watch it thats what you get.
Jennie Adams did someone accidentally swipe their hand onur butt
I don't know about other countries, but in Canada there were specific warnings at the start of the show and on certain episodes throughout the series. The warnings specified whether the triggers had to do with self-harm, suicide, depression, rape, other sexual assault, etc. in each episode, so anyone concerned would know exactly what type of content to expect. Most other shows just list something vague like "dark topics" so I think Netflix was very thorough with these warnings.
same In my country (Peru)
There are already warnings before the graphic episodes, and I think they may have added one before the 1st episode (it wasn't there when I watched). I don't understand what all the fuss is about; Netflix did it right. Seems like the angry people didn't bother watching before getting upset.
Just pray to the flying spaghetti monster and everything will be fine😀😊☺
Phil I respect your integrity as a news reporter. Kudos!
There was many people making the same argument for 13RW "it talks about mental illnesses and it is starting a conversation" but everyone ignored the obvious argument. It is entertainment, a show shouldn't be a guide since the majority of people just want to be temporarily entertained. We don't want a show to guide our lives nor do we expect it to pander to our belief system. If you don't like something you can choose not to watch it. The show is not responsible for someone committing suicide. Sure, that is a very upsetting thing it always is when someone commits suicide, but they are responsible for their actions not a show on Netflix. Unless Netflix told them to do it and provided them with razors then I can't see why this would be their fault.
THIS IS WHY I HATE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF TRIGGER WARNINGS AND ACT AS IF THEY WERE INVENTED ON TUMBLR. People ACTUALLY have doubts about putting trigger warnings on things for people who are mentally ill and possibly in danger from harming themselves or others because they are associating it with very rare tumblr post that they find ridiculous.
"What does lead paint taste like?"
-Phil 2017
This is why I watch Philip DeFranco.... wonderful analysis of subjects from a reasonable non-partisan perspective. I am so sick of the pro-Trump and anti-Trump pundits who ignore reality as they bend the news to shape it to their political dogma.
I have not watched 13 Reasons Why because this past year I almost committed suicide and I know that watching that series might be a trigger for me. However, I am not mad that Netflix is continuing the series and shining a light on a real issue. They made the right choice to have a warning beforehand for people who haven't heard about its content beforehand. I agree with Phil that there are tons of movies and shows that also have triggers, so does that mean we have to put a trigger warning on everything? I don't think so. Since there are deaths that contributed to the netflix series, its good they put a warning, but overall I think that as a society we are being way too sensitive. This prevents us from being strong individuals and learning how to effectively cope with trauma in our lives. Everyone deals with anxiety, pain, and depression. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming others for triggering feelings that are completely normal and human, we need to learn how to deal with these emotions in a healthy manner instead of avoiding them
kit everett, would you happen to be blind? That's the only way I can see you misinterpreting the comment so badly.
Crystal Riedel Thank you for sharing your opinion. I think it is important to add respectful opinions to the discussions. I think trigger warnings are in order. They also don't show treatment or options. But I think it is an important discussion to have. It just needs to be done in a safe and important way.
kit everett honestly people like you are the reason I gave up on mankind. I actually agree with her and she was actually making a good point but obviously a moron like you couldn't interrupt what she said
kit everett you need help.
I completely agree with you, people are now becoming too soft and wanting everything to be handfed to them. These softies need to rip off the bandage and realize that we are living in a world that things like suicide and anorexia happen everyday. People try to hide this fact so then they could live life without "knowing" a problem like this really happens. Even myself studying psychology, I try to let my friends and family know the truth so they aren't caught offguard when it happens suddenly
Isn't the national inquirer the one that reports on aliens banging unicorns and weird shit like that?
SJWs have turned triggers into a joke.
Long time watcher but only a recent subscriber. Keep up the great content. Your channel is the only source of news I actively seek out.
Did you just channel your inner Syndrome (from the 'Incredibles')? in regards to the 13 Reasons Why topic. "if everyone's super, no one will be." 14:14
Somebody should tell Trump that if a show he hates is getting low ratings, he shouldn't draw attention to them by making them headline news. Just saying.
Sassol66 That is way way too complicated for him to comprehend.
+Blabesh - Ah, so after proving that the entire MSM is lying out their collective asses by winning the election , Trump is still a dummy.... and of course, YOU'RE IMMUNE TO THE STUPIDITY.
Congratulations : you are "the president above the president" and therefore privy to all sorts of secrets and insights that us pathetic plebes have no idea about. Brilliant.
Maybe the thief should've held up a phone book to stop the car...
Lmao I feel like a terrible person for laughing at this. Thanks a lot!
I've watched you consistently for years now. No idea actually how long. I love your content and I like hearing your perspective and how you present topics (even when I don't agree). I don't tend to interact/comment on videos but I just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate all you do
I think the woman who ran the guy over was doing something insanely dangerous and reckless. With no regard for the people around her she ran this guy down in a public parking lot. She could have hurt or even killed somebody unrelated with this behaviour.
Philly D make that into a shirt plz ffs.
VizZzion that's the stupidest idea ever
I've seen stupider shirts
For anita and sargon I don't watch either but from the vidcon videos from the panel it seemed like he was there to see what she was going to say not heckle and harass her, he never asked a question to provoke her someone else did and she chose to take her anger out on sargon. If she wants to be seen as a mature and professional person (witch most feminist do) don't lash out on someone unless they are there to physically hurt you. If she wanted to call him out she could've simply asked why are you here? I've seen your videos against me... and then proceeded a real conversation.
Anita makes money being a professional victim and claiming to be a feminist. She lies about things such as the video game industry being sexist with little to no evidence and when she is called out for her BS she claims to be a victim of harassment. She is a bully that uses fear and intimidation to get her way. She removes comments and ratings from her videos and blocks anyone who disagrees with her on twitter. Now Sargon is no saint but he was smart enough to know that simply staying quite and being respectful was the best way to get a response. To let Anita know that even when she blocks people they are still there and will not accept her lies. Anita doesn't want a conversation she wants money and power and will try to destroy anyone in her way.
I agree it was completely unprofessional on her part. She's an adult and should have acted like one. Not everyone will agree with your opinions but the fact that he was willing to listen to her argument was respectful in my opinion.
Do you really still not get it after all this time? Feminists/SJWs purposely avoid engaging in conversation because they're at a disadvantage and will lose in that type of environment. It's like an enemy that can't win in open battle so resorts to guerilla warfare.
A, and when they try to have a conversation, it seems they get hate from other feminists/SJWs for doing so. Just look at how they're treating Laci at the moment.
What are you talking about? They avoid conversations because they don't have anything worthwhile to say to support their arguments. Reason always wins out in the end and any sane person can tell that their arguments aren't coming from a place of reason and that makes it easy to counter their arguments.
"You are just dabbling, this is where he lives!"
That made me laugh way more than it probably should! Phil keep making the best content on youtube!
Am I the only one who's really uncomfortable with the unsolved rubik's cube behind phil?
Yoav Halperin It is kinda screwing with me since it isn't even a cube.
Vanillia 15 isn't a cube a 3d square?
*brad t does not understand what a "nothing burger" is, so let me clarify.*
A nothing burger means a false story that is used for ratings and has no actual base. It's because you are receiving (or the more commonly word used, *_consuming_* )information that *_seems meaty_* but is actually *_nothing_* .
Nothing about a policeman running someone over with a car would fit into _any_ of that.
*People, please don't be like the MSM and just throw around buzzwords Willy nilly. You'll look like a fool.*
I was disappointed that Hank Green sided with Anita. Anita is a very rude person and very toxic. I'm not a huge Sargon fan, but his videos are not harassment, their criticism. He showed up to hear her out and sat quietly and didn't do anything bad. She hen verbally attacks him at an anti bullying panel. It just feels hypocritical. And people who attack Sargon, saying he was acting like a serial killer is dumb. I have to side with Sargon.
Saying sorry to her doesnt mean hes siding with her
Thank you for not being fake news Phillip! Lol lots of support!
Content advisories could be something that is made available, but not shoved in our faces.
If you have issues, look shit up before you watch it.
Damn, Phil found out about my fetish...
There is no way I can take Anita's side on this. Sargon is his own person, just because of the actions of his fans, he should not be judged by that, nor should anyone who disagrees with her. If this were the case, then Anta is in the same boat. Many SJW's make threats to people like Sargon, and it is not acceptable to insult an individual over something that 'people like them' had done to you. This would be like saying 'a black man punched me in the gut, so I now automatically hate anyone with a skin tone not like mine.' You take very specific situations and turn them into a broad reason to hate anyone who isn't like you. In Anita's case, 'Because your fans threatened me, I will call you and anyone else who disagrees with me a bigot and spew hate speech to people who are critical of me'
2:48 😂😂👏👏👏😂😂
"You're just dabbling, This is where he LIVES!" 😂
Almost nobody agrees with Anita, she just happened to phrase things in such a way that you're automatically the bad guy if you disagree with her. How she has any kind of legitimacy beats me, she's a walking fallacy.
I find it's difficult to imagine a worst person than her to be honest.
I don't understand how people can be so stupid. And by people I mean both Anita and her disciples. And by disciples I mean disciples, because it seems like radical feminist is a fucking cult. "Men are inherently jerks," "My opinions are correct and everybody else's are false," "Whoever criticizes me is a douchebag and a misogynist." It's stupid.
In my personal opinion she exhibits behavior that is borderline sociopathic. I've never liked her but what she did to Sargon, Joey, and Boogie this past week was frankly vile.
I agree with Anita.
Lol! Tell that to Polygon websites, where even the commenters are agreeing with her. Hell, Vidcon could've ban her, but they wouldn't, almost they want to make her right or something.
so criticising ideeas is harassement?!
harassement=sitting +neckbeard of power
If that's all he did then it wouldn't be. Would you like receipts of people from his audience sending her death and rape threats? Please. He encourages violence, even if not directly, that's his impact. He being there, front three rows, says alot.
Love yo face, Phil. Keep it up.
I've been watching the PDF show for 4 - 5 years now, and we have disagreed on a lot of things but I'm still here because you are the one telling the news that we need to hear more of in an unbiased view.
It's insane how people act like Trump is just an average citizen casually voicing his opinion, he's the president, you can't compare him to citizens, you can't justify his actions by saying "Well someone held up a fake severed head of his, but when he puts insults on twitter everyone goes crazy", he's the president and whatever he does is 1000x more significant than what billy across the street does.
Hilariously because you are getting bashed and praised by both sides it means you are doing pretty well in terms of balancing bias.
So take it as a badge of honor Phil.
RavensaursRex Hell yeah.
If I had a dollar for every time Phil said "conversation", I'd give Buffet a run for his money. 😂
"What does lead paint taste like?"
And this is why I love defranco.