First Look Enlisted Merger Tech Trees

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • We're on the brink of a monumental change in the world of Enlisted with our upcoming merger. It's a seismic shift in Enlisted gameplay, and it's all set to be put to the test on our Enlisted test server.
    This merger is the heart and soul of our latest Enlisted update, and it's not just news - it's a game-changer. Our aim is to deliver an improved gameplay experience, and we're doing it by reshaping the very fundamentals of the game.
    Progression, for instance, is getting a fresh makeover. It won't be tied to campaigns anymore. Instead, we're unveiling a research tree format that branches into vehicles, weapon classes, and soldiers - all linked to countries. This merger doesn't mean we're parting with historical battlefields; countries will still have their own unique battlegrounds.
    But the real kicker is our new approach to selecting battles. It's not a random showdown anymore. We're letting the rating of players' weaponry decide the battlefield, and it's a game-changer. Note that this particular feature isn't available on the test server; it's a sneak peek into what's in store.
    We're also introducing a new currency - silver - which is set to replace both bronze and silver orders, streamlining your in-game currency.
    So, let's talk about what you can expect in this test phase. We're throwing open the doors to the test server to ensure the profile conversion is as smooth as it gets in the new progression system. When you launch the test server client, make sure your profile lines up with the description we've provided here.
    Now, here's the catch - the test server isn't the final deal. It's a preview of the update and might come with a few bugs. That's where you come in. We're counting on you to help us identify and squash these bugs before the final update hits the main game client.
    The test server is your chance to explore the new currency, research trees, and even some fresh weapons and vehicles. Although the updated matchmaking is disabled in this test, it'll be unleashed with the update.
    Profile conversion is crucial, and we've got your armies and progress covered. All your soldiers, equipment, upgrades, vehicles, and stored weapons are safe and sound. They'll find their new homes in the respective countries in the updated Enlisted. Even incomplete progress will carry over into the new progression system. The only thing that won't transfer are camouflages bought for Gold, but we're ready to refund your Gold for those so you can make new choices.
    Slots and presets are also getting a revamp. We're fully refunding the Enlisted Gold you spent on squad slots. We initially planned a partial conversion but opted for a simpler solution. Please note that the compensation for squad slots will kick in after the update is live on the main game server.
    And here's a tidbit for our Stalingrad Full Access pack owners - you won't be left out. We're refunding the cost of slots in Gold for you, just like in other campaigns.
    Speaking of presets, there's a limit of 6 per country without a premium account and 10 with an active premium account. This transfer will happen automatically when the update drops on the main server. All presets will be transferred, even if it exceeds the limit. However, you can't make changes to presets exceeding the limit until you free up some space.
    The currency and orders are evolving as well. Bronze and silver orders are taking a back seat, making way for a single currency: silver. Gold orders and other order types, such as weapon upgrades, will stay unchanged, working just as before.
    With campaigns merging into countries, your soldiers will be fighting in diverse battles. Your soldiers' customization isn't going anywhere - it's getting more intricate. Each preset will be tied to a specific environment and customizable within reasonable limits. And don't worry, all your customization items, whether bought or earned from events, will remain on your soldiers if they're in the correct preset or stored in your storage.
    And for your unwavering support in this merger and test, we've got a unique portrait as a token of our appreciation. It's a small gesture for your significant role in the Enlisted community. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting changes - the future of Enlisted has never looked brighter.

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