as someone who has been homeless before, I can't tell you how realistic Andy's reaction was to the apartment. everyone says that they'd help but they really don't help in the most meaningful ways. next time you see a homeless person do the following: help them get food, help them feel not homeless by offering to buy them new clothes with a shave & a haircut, listen to them and try to use your resources to get them a job, a hotel, hell if you have the space offer to rent out a room to them until they are stable. remember this: bums don't want help, they want drugs/booze. homeless will do anything to have a better life.
i was homeless once all i wanted was to wake up alive being homeless in a city is a shit show finding a safe place to sleep is the hardest part for some of the non drug using homeless usually we were picking the streets because we were afraid of getting robbed or stabbed in a shelter i got so tired of it that i left the city started living out in the woods i stayed there for 2 years till i found a place to live
I will admit, I no longer spend too much time helping the homeless I see. I have tried to in the past, and the majority of the time, they only want drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or to threaten/scream at me (I assume because they are mentally ill/stressed and suffering some delusion i don't understand). Sometimes, it's just too dangerous, and not worth the risk. I have my own life problems to deal with, and do not wish to add to them. This fantasy TV story is not reality, the real world is much dirtier, unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Advising people to put themselves at great risk taking in a homeless person they know nothing about is very bad advise! Never EVER invite someone you don't know with a high risk of them having mental illness into your home, most of the time it will end badly for you. Sure, if you have the money, buy/rent them a room somewhere else that does not put you in danger. Having been without a bath/shower, or clean clothes, and being cold/wet myself for a long period of time, a shower and clean dry clothes was absolute HEAVEN and a real mood changer! So I assume it would be equally welcomed by a homeless person. :) Just remember to keep yourself safe first.
I try to help where I can, and try to use my better judgement even lend an ear to just listen to their story. But with all of these accounts of people faking homelessness and earning more than I do. I can’t feel anything but anger when I see those reports. I honestly feel for those who are not a bum or a scammer and trying to get things better. I’ve heard the issues with men with children being turned away from female shelters because they are safer than the mens shelters and how ruined the shelters are in general.
I've been homeless too, thankfully it wasn't for too long. (Around 8 months or so.) When I finally got pulled out of that one I actually cried because I was so grateful for it. My stay was better than many but it still wasn't good. I'm luckier than I think I have any right to be.
The biggest problem with this scene is pretending that multiple doctors who work in a publicly funded hospital would have time to sit down and create an individualized long-term care plan for a homeless frequent flyer while a hundred other patients are waiting to be seen. In reality, they'd tell a nurse to give them a sandwich and bus ticket. A few hours in bed and phone numbers to call, if they're lucky, before being shown out the door.
See how idiotic the system is, the man visits the hospital a lot because he's homeless, either sicknesses and injuries due to living on the street, or when he's trying to get a warm bed for the night or a hot meal, which costs them $1.4m in a year. When like $30k a year would pay rent and bills and food for him
Of course then comes the problem of trying to cheat the system. If 1/100 homeless people cost the hospital that much money (or some other probability to cost equal in ratio, 1/50 700k, etc.) then it would be better not to house them economically... and then if you try to make it so only those who get injured often can get the free housing, then there are plenty of people who will try to game the system and go in often. Then you could try making it only those with genetic diseases or otherwise that would make them more susceptible to injury, but the same problem would arise of people trying to fake them or fake documents. It's a noble idea, but it really only works reliably on an individual basis. Genuinely... I think the best thing as a society that we can do is give them the tools. Dig someone's hole for them, and then everyone will want their hole dug for them. But give everyone a shovel to dig their own holes, then at least many of them won't have to use their hands.
@@andyt2k Depends on where you live but yes less than 1.4 million problem is it's hard to get a job that cost pays anywhere from 45-75K a year salary. This includes income tax on top off what you need. And for anyone that asks why it's hard, minimum wage jobs don't pay that much. And for why the range it's on a state by state presence, though city to city maybe better. Also not counting the actual cost of health insurance in that salary either.
@@tic857 it would pretty easily aslong as you not spending crazy. this apartment is probably costing like $15k at most so your saying another $15k wont cover bills and some food you do realise his energy costs will be barely anything
Friendly reminder that a homeless person costs the state three times more than providing said person with housing. That's just in the US, now imagine how much more cheaper it is for countries with low poverty rates and already better infrastructure. The existence of homelessness is a choice made by a country and its people, plain and simple.
@@arnavmekala4578 you gotta go through the studies and experimental implementations for the precise reasons, but it more or less boils down to two things: 1. Homeless people impact their environment negatively, from increased police deployments & medical emergencies to decreasing tourism attraction. This costs (on average) ~30.000 dollars per homeless person. 2. Since the state doesn't have to make a profit with their housing, they can house them for much less than a common private housing rent. Depending on the infrastructure, this costs about 10.000 dollars per homeless person. If you include a rehabilitation program, which is advisable, or if there is certain infrastructure you have to build, the costs naturally goes up. But even then, it's nowhere near an extra 20k. Those are the numbers for the US btw., in countries that already have a good infrastructure and a high standard of healthcare, the cost is even lower. The thing that's usually in the way is politicians being incompetent narcissists and charities pretending to be better at helping homeless people than the state (which they obviously aren't).
Considering how many empty buildings there are that could be coverted or demo/built into affordable housing, the problem can be solved. Investing in the communities instead of relying on proven- to- fail Reagonomics "trickle down" theory will solve the housing problem Paying workers a living wage will solve the problem
@@aszhara2900 This also isn't even touching on the costs of the various "anti-homeless" measures governments worldwide are taking (though I would understand counting it as part of your first point). Think about how much money is wasted on hostile architecture alone- sewer vents you can't sleep on like they have in NYC might only cost a couple thousand apiece on their own, but that quickly adds up once you start applying them across a city of that size, *and* that's before considering the costs of maintenance, the manhours spent installing them and the inevitable pricetag of the faux artistry that is almost always used to justify this sociopathic crap. The spikes they put under alcoves and the holes they cut in benches might be cheaper, but they are not immune to this cost of scale. On the police activity side of things too, there's so much time and resources wasted arresting homeless people for what usually amounts to them just trying to stay alive. Even in a world where the cops weren't collectively garbage in most countries, most of these arrests go nowhere- the raids done on homeless encampments only exacerbating the issue. Those that do get imprisoned can at least be said to have a better time not dying than those left to rot on the streets, as much as it subjects them to the often inhumane treatment of the prison system.
1.4 million American doll hairs. Also very touching episode. Human life is priceless, in a true world. So beautiful when he said "all of this is mine?".
this is why housing first initiatives are so important. Having a safe place to live that is your own means everything. its stability, shelter, a starting line. homeless shelters can only provide so much, and are no substitute for your own place.
its actually really nice (comforting? not sure what word I'm looking for) to see the dr. so set on lowering the homeless guy's 1.4mil and trying to help him out.
@@flutterbug13 Actually he didn't, the hospital rented it for him. There's a scene not included here where Max has to vouch for Andy and the cost-benefit of doing so to his superior. A year of rent for that apartment is still over a million dollars cheaper than treating him for the injuries of being homeless. Hiring him to be a guide on top of that was still WAY cheaper than sending him back onto the street.
Why is a homeless man's medical expense 1.4 million dollars to begin with? Why is it that friggin expensive in the first place?? THAT'S the REAL problem. Healthcare is criminally expensive for no real good reason.
They mentioned during the costs meeting that because he has no safe shelter, they have to go over a lot more things than they would otherwise, like many biopsies to rule out more possible infections and tumours, more paperwork to reconstruct patient history, more operations because he can't safely wait around and recover, etc.
Also like, they don't mention this but hospital costs in the US are pretty much made up, especially if you go out of network (which this guy obviously is because he doesn't have insurance lol). They can charge you $100 for an advil. The bed itself is probably thousands. So when they say millions, it's probably not worth as much as you think it is
The simple fact of the matter is this: It has been found to be true time and time again that the solution to homelessness is giving people homes. Money spend on programs to help homeless people, if directed toward finding permanent housing and access to necessary care, has been shown to be the most effective way to help. Unfortunately, that requires a substantial shift in our general societal perspective on who deserves to have the right to live under capitalism. Part of that is acknowledging that yes, it isn't fair that most people work hard to barely keep their head above water while some people get to have necessities covered without costing them wages. Everyone should have necessities covered at a baseline, and we need to rework our economic goals to accomplish this, shifting from a profit focus to a use/value focus.
No, it means there are things they can't control. In real life, they can't just give him a home. They can refer him to decent aid providers who *might* be able to but what they can do is just as limited. Him being on the street means he'll get worse, that's reality. He doesn't have access to proper nutrition and no easy route to continuously receive medication. Even well-off people with homes and jobs can be frequent fliers because of terrible personal commitment. A doctor can only recommend. It's up to the patient to elect for a treatment, take a medication as directed, and especially *exercise*. them coming back is almost always the patient's fault for wanting a pill over a lifestyle change.
I might be missing something as a non American with this, but this is where I feel one of many mistakes comes with American healthcare, it didn't cost $1.4 million to treat him, it would have been billable at $1.4, which is very different to cost. Sure there would have been some costs tied to hid stay, but if you do 100 CT scans or a 101, the cost is pretty much the same, machine still exists, staff are still on payroll. Just seems to be the weird notion of what medical care costs, and what the "value" is.
100%. Even for the things that are 1 time use, like pills, which would cost them money, the billable costs are grossly inflated for people out of network/without insurance.
to simplify, our insurance system is cntered around billable costs. these costs have to be a set amount for an item or service, so they can be appropriate covered by insurance. BUT, the other factor is that hospitals need to have a record of how much billable cost they have lost out on due to insurance not covering and the patient defaulting on their debt. this amount is subsidized by the government after the fact as a debt, buuuut the government is notoriously difficult to get money out of, so all the debt the government has to cover hurts any other subsidizing the hospital would otherwise get. it would be better to say that Andy's defaulted debts has cost the hospital 1.4 million in money that could be used elsewhere in the budget. its a f'ed up and terrible system, that means the US spends over twice as much of our GDP on paying off defaulted medical debts than the next highest country does on completely socialized healthcare.
@@MistakenDeVil55 What is? They gave him a home and a job because it was cheaper than him running up bad debt for the hospital. There are no convenient magic solution for everyone outside TV. I wish we all could say vague nonsense to make us feel better like you do but that's not how the world works.
@@sws212 yeah kinda my point. If you think about it the millions spent on thousands of homeless wasting resources to stay out of the cold. Housing the homeless (talking gov. Funded not civiilian funded) would save in the long run all the resources theyre using to avoid being outside
It is. It is literally cheaper to house and feed homeless people than it is to pay for their hospital bills, put them in prison, fine them (they obviously can't pay a fine, why waste a cop's time with this?), and pay for the street clean up and destruction they cause just trying to stay warm. Any politician who tells you it's too expensive to humanely help the homeless population is lying so they won't be expected to actually do it.
@@MistakenDeVil55 If only everyone had the wherewithal to do it. The system and social norms won't stop an individual from giving another individual a home and a job, like here, but not everyone can offer those things
Yeah if only the homeless problem was that easy. Trying not to be homeless is a very big rock that has to be pushed up that mountain, and there are many things pushing it down. Even getting a job is one of the hardest things to do if you're homeless
Theres a premise called "Housing First" that has been proven successful in getting people off the streets and I to stable housing and employment. Giving people a safe place to sleep creates such an overall increase in quality of life that everything else comes easier. Also helps that you need a permanent address for almost everything: employment, government assistance, voting, etc. So it may very well be that easy.
@@savannah9712 that's the thing isn't it. Can't get a house without money, and most jobs require a person to have a place of residence. It's kinda of a terrible loops isn't it?
@@Studious4Health but the question is which people should be given a house. Cause some are homeless from horrible circumstances, others are insane and those whose issues are too big for anyone to fix. So I have a question. In Finland, is there a test for homeless people to see if they deserve a home? Sounds mean I know, but can't just give everyone a home, and in turn a job
the bigger problem is, most homeless people have other issues that even if you provide a job, a home, money, etc, it still doesn't fix the underlying problem. people often dismiss things like "well they are a drug addict" but normally there is a reason behind that too, drug additions are normally because of self medicating underlying emotional or physical pain. there just isn't a magic pill to cure everyone. granted there are some where a job, a home, etc would fix the problem, but for the vast majority that just isn't going to work as they have mental health issues, health issues, financial issues, etc that would need to be addressed first, and the really daft thing is, it would be cheaper to address them than spend hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, locking them up because people really don't want to see the problem. people in the US it seems would rather pay far more in taxes just so that they don't think that someone is getting something for free.
John G that's BS I've been homeless, i wasn't drug addicted, you'll be surprised, there's more homeless people, who aren't drugged addicted, must have mental health issues lost home to natural disaster's, landlords, raising rent, too where a person can't afford it. Veterans, losing their homes. There's a lot more to bring homeless than drugs.
@@jannettsnow2856 like I said, not everyone. the US has different statistics for homelessness due to medical bankruptcy, they way there are far more protections for business than people, etc. you utterly missed my point if you think it was just drugs. the word drugs was used because people often use that to dismiss the underlying problems, or just being dismissive of the problem. there is also medication problems in the US where they give the strongest of painkillers out like they are candy, for long periods and then cut off the supply without any reduction or mitigation of withdrawal. but yes, in the US they would rather spend money to ignore and not see the people, than tackle the problems that are the root cause.
Trauma is the gateway drug. That’s what leads to addiction. They want to forget - not be in pain and hurt. Addicted and homeless are very different. Inflation is sky high right now. Paycheck to paycheck ppl are losing housing. Means they are homeless.
@@jannettsnow2856 if you read my post again, you might see that I am saying that there are either underlying problems for being homeless OR there isn't. it wasn't about drugs.
There is a youtube channel called Vasya In The Hay. They are in Russia, the lead Sergei does exactly this. Helping people turn their life around, give them help in finding places to stay, food, clothes, jobs and build confidence and kindness. This episode reminds me of how people in real life can help.
You can see he lives under a bridge just by looking at him. The hospital had to know that the first time he turned up. And then to say they did nothing about it for over 100 visits - that is bizarre.
I agree with the message, but they’re equivocating medical charges (which are unrealized profits) with home purchasing (which is a realized loss) and they’re not the same thing
1:20 She cried for help, but no one came; if she didn’t act Riley could’ve died and New Amsterdam’s hospital would have gotten a law suit for patient neglect. someone who works in homelessness, this episode was equally nice and also frustrating. People think getting a homeless person a home and job (even with support) will fix them. Truly a long term homeless person with alcoholism will get accommodation and fall back out more times than you can count. It's not their fault. It's the things that got them there. And it's not because people or the system don't care. There are uncountable kind people who are there to help. They have to be the ones to go, you know, I don't want to do this anymore. Then they fix themselves. They arrange treatment, they ask for help. They find a job, they find a place. It truly never works if you're doing it for them.
I think they kind of covered that when they were going over the costs accrued, his PTSD and depression and withdrawal episodes and such. And he was a bit overwhelmed at first but he was all too happy to try and repay the kindness he'd been shown, so I think that combined with mitigating the factors from being homeless would be a net positive for his recovery. It's hard to focus on recovery when you have to focus on survival every hour of every day.
housing fist initiatives have a proven track record of lifting up homeless people. and the data keeps compiling year after year as more housing first communities keep popping up around the country.
Yes but politicians and the government make it seem more complicated than it actually is .and these poor people get stuck waiting in crappy hotels or emergency housing places and or wind up going to places like the hospital. While their stuck on waiting lists or get turned down
the thing thats always annoyed me with how we see and handle homlessness is we focus too heavily on things that are either too ambitious or will take too long to ever impliment and do not come up with solutions that we can do NOW for example lets build more houses!! will take decades to build enough we dont have the ability to build them fast enough and would cost a unbelivably high amount meanwhile theres homeless people who need help NOW lets build more shelters!!! a little more workable but will take alot of time and resources to get going meanwhile theres stuff we could do TONIGHT that could help in a big way for little outlay somewhere safe from the elements with access to washing facilities and toilets gee if only we had large massive rooms that dont get used at night that also have showers and toilets and changing facilities l like sport centers and community centers at least in the uk there goverment owned and would be perfect just offer them to a homeless charity theyd come in every night around 10 let everyone come in get washed up sleep in the sports halls in the morning before opening they can help clear up wash shower eat and be on there way before opening homeless people need food fast food and bakerys and stores throw out tonnes of perfectly edible food every night because either they cant claim its made fresh that day or its about to hit the sell by date which still means it has usually a week at least before it even comes close to being inedible because all sell by is is the date at which food is its most high quality collect it all and redistribute it to the homless in that area each night theres so many simple and cheap things we could do right now tonight and all we need to do is get together and make it happen but instead we obsess over grand plans and projects that will take months or years to impliment and only ever have the scope to help a small percentage of those that need it
we have houses. we don’t need to build them. we need to manage the private companies that are buying them and upcharging them on mass. we need to give them to the people who need them.
It is this easy. You can say it’s not by using the social guidelines you’ve grown up with. By believing that you have to take part in the capitalistic, judgmental, and credit driven society you live in. The reality is that we can all choose a different way. It takes time but you will get there. I am therefore I am. -One love
And that's the problem with many country. We treat the symptome. We give homeless people food, blanket, shelter where they don't want to go, like that they stay in the street. Offer them a proper individual home and help them to get a job then they get the real stability they need to to live well.
Oh yes I have Been in the same situation back in two thousand nineteen.. The death of my whole husband made Me homeless.. From the month of may all the way to the end of october.. Then I started house surfing after that.. It took me six months almost a year to straighten things back out.. I still don't get crap.. I live in a camper that You tow with a truck.. It is still on the back burner to be right back out in the woods again.. I'm already fifty eight.. You become homeless for thousands of reasons.. People judge the homeless before they get their know their story.. Not all of these people are drug addicts alcoholics..
And even with drug addicts and alcoholics, there's nothing evil or morally wrong about them because they are drug addicts or alcoholics, more often than not it's their only coping mechanism for chronic pain, whether physical or mental, and which they might keep falling back to without the right treatment and support.
Fun fact The same happens with prisons I know for a fact if i were homeless i would just commit victimless crimes ( insulting a police officer etc untill they put me in jail ) I mean its literally a free place to stay where you get food and clothes Prison is an improvement to a homeless person
I just think that this isn't what america does. Most people they have to depend on family and friends Maybe their church. Not all churches are trained to tell homeless people but depends on their situation. I honestly was worried about being homeless in the states. So when I was in college I moved taiwan after I graduated I came back to the state 6 months ago. And I thankfully have someone to stay with. But it's really not easy trying to get settled here in california. Everything is quite expensive and it's hard to find work I've been looking for a job that has at least basic necessities.
... The part about this story that completely ruins it is there is no way in hell you could attribute $1.4m in costs to a single person given the brief description of his treatment. That's completely absurd. You'd have to attribute the entire costs of an entire department to every minute of his stay to come close. But what the heck, pull an insane price tag outa thin air for good drama i guess :)
Honestly doesn't take much to rack up a massive bill just for one stay, for a year's worth this is very believable considering this is based in New York City.
Since this is America I’m not surprised. I got IV fluids and anti nausea medication, as well as an overnight stay a couple years ago as a teen when I had a nasty stomach bug. Without insurance, the cost would have come out to about $12,000 including the MRI, ultrasound, and tissues used. So no. That is not an insane price tag. That’s an American price tag unfortunately.
@@ikgtrinity6984 Cost =/= charge. They CHARGE you that much, but actually providing that service doesn't COST anywhere near that. The COST of using an MRI is actually pretty low. They don't need excessive maintenance, it happens quickly so staff costs aren't much. The only issue is initial cost of the machine. They up mark it because of a very convoluted series of systems which has been allowed to go unchecked by the USA for far too long.
Ah yes, lets create a system where hospitals own swaths of real estate to house the homeless because its cheaper than repeat treatments. I can't possibly see any issues with this idea. It's not like subsidizing those in unfortunate circumstances creates more issues or anything...
For everyone saying that the USA should take care of everybody and we’re the richest country in the world remember this, we are a country of 331.9 million people, we have over $31 billion worth of debt, and we’re currently in a state of absolute political , economical, and social chaos. Bear with us as we try to use a political system from 1787.
If the country is in so much debt, why do people at the top keep getting obscenely rich? Wouldn't the government start taxing them more to cover the country's costs? It's not like they'll really miss that money. As for the political and economic issues, we either need a reset or an evolved system. Both parties don't care about any of us, but they thrive on pitting us against each other, and our voices are not equally represented in government. And economically, capitalism and monopolies do not mix well. The controls that large corporations have over the government is obscene, and it's impossible to compete in the same market as them, which means they can do whatever they want with prices, quality of goods, consumer data, etc., and this is especially rampant in HEALTHCARE.
@@djsaidez271 the rich are actually taxed a lot more and they’re only a small portion of the population. Unfortunately, there is always unfairness regardless. I think the media portrays the US as if we have a lot more rich, wealthy, spoiled people. It’s really sad because that does not represent the norm at all and we have many problems. Both parties lie and are at each other’s throats to the point where it’s really corrupt. Our healthcare system is crap. I can’t even afford vital medication’s that I need such as EpiPen. Insurance companies rule everything and they’re pretty brutal. we are also the hub for school shootings, gang violence, ridiculous border issues that encompass so much time. our homeless and drug use has skyrocketed. The cost of living is barely achievable. and our country is in debt. You can look up the numbers lol. We keep getting deeper and deeper and deeper without paying it off in any real way. we are running on fumes and I’m afraid it’s going to give out it any time. The fact that we have a one percent of rich like every other country doesn’t make a difference. Also seriously our governing system needs a reboot.
Bad idea to teach more dependence. Nothing is free. Debts just get shifted to others. Giving him a job at the end was a much better him.a sense of purpose too, which is what he truly craved.
The idea of giving him a home was that it would be a lot cheaper for the hospital, than for him to continue to live in the streets and need the same level of medical care that was costing them a million dollars a year and not getting anywhere The goal for most homeless people is rehabilitation and thus holding a job, but most companies are overly hesitant to hire homeless people, and the current hiring system makes it inaccessible for the majority of them as well.
I use to be homeless and dealing with kidney failure I went out and found a job then got a place for the people saying you can’t get a job when you’re homeless is a damn lie remember this is a tv show made for DRAMA if you can walk the streets for 10 hours a day you can work 8 hours a day people just want everything for free.
One should do what has been shown to be most effective. Housing first, i.e. free housing has been shown scientifically to be the most effective way of getting people of the streets. If it gets people back to work I simply don't care, i.e. I think its money well spent, to give them free housing for a couple of months.
Sure. If you aren't mentally ill or otherwise disabled in someway that doesn't affect your ability to walk just you ability to work, have access to a shower, and arent a racial minority.
Yes, assuming EVERYONE has the same personality, opportunities, mental health status and talents. Everyone is UNIQUE until there a chance to criticize someone for not being just like you.
You can be a frequent flyer with real problems physically. In 2012 I was in 85 times for undiagnosed endometriosis. Had cysts rupturing constantly. Would cost them a lot less if they actually helped and did their jobs. I've just had my 8th surgery for it. After having a hysterectomy 11 years ago. The surgeon was skeptical that there'd be even a small amount. My abdomen was ravaged completely. Scar tissue and internal bleeding all throughout my intestines. I've been diagnosed with bowel endometriosis for years now. I just had a nurse tell me that wasn't real. Okay, buddy. Doctors think they're helping but most of the time you get people who just can't be bothered to do anything that actually helps. Good for the show, but that isn't reality. Unfortunately.
Although we've come a long way from the days of herb healers, modern medicine is more of an art than a science. Each doctor is practicing, and giving their best educated guess at a diagnosis with whatever information and methods they have, and you were dealt a very bad card with doctors getting it wrong a lot, and had to suffer through it. It especially sucks when you have people not believe you or take you seriously. I hope you're getting better.
as someone who has been homeless before, I can't tell you how realistic Andy's reaction was to the apartment. everyone says that they'd help but they really don't help in the most meaningful ways.
next time you see a homeless person do the following: help them get food, help them feel not homeless by offering to buy them new clothes with a shave & a haircut, listen to them and try to use your resources to get them a job, a hotel, hell if you have the space offer to rent out a room to them until they are stable.
remember this: bums don't want help, they want drugs/booze. homeless will do anything to have a better life.
i was homeless once all i wanted was to wake up alive being homeless in a city is a shit show finding a safe place to sleep is the hardest part for some of the non drug using homeless usually we were picking the streets because we were afraid of getting robbed or stabbed in a shelter i got so tired of it that i left the city started living out in the woods i stayed there for 2 years till i found a place to live
I will admit, I no longer spend too much time helping the homeless I see. I have tried to in the past, and the majority of the time, they only want drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or to threaten/scream at me (I assume because they are mentally ill/stressed and suffering some delusion i don't understand). Sometimes, it's just too dangerous, and not worth the risk.
I have my own life problems to deal with, and do not wish to add to them. This fantasy TV story is not reality, the real world is much dirtier, unpredictable and sometimes dangerous.
Advising people to put themselves at great risk taking in a homeless person they know nothing about is very bad advise! Never EVER invite someone you don't know with a high risk of them having mental illness into your home, most of the time it will end badly for you.
Sure, if you have the money, buy/rent them a room somewhere else that does not put you in danger. Having been without a bath/shower, or clean clothes, and being cold/wet myself for a long period of time, a shower and clean dry clothes was absolute HEAVEN and a real mood changer! So I assume it would be equally welcomed by a homeless person. :) Just remember to keep yourself safe first.
I try to help where I can, and try to use my better judgement even lend an ear to just listen to their story. But with all of these accounts of people faking homelessness and earning more than I do. I can’t feel anything but anger when I see those reports. I honestly feel for those who are not a bum or a scammer and trying to get things better. I’ve heard the issues with men with children being turned away from female shelters because they are safer than the mens shelters and how ruined the shelters are in general.
I've been homeless too, thankfully it wasn't for too long. (Around 8 months or so.) When I finally got pulled out of that one I actually cried because I was so grateful for it. My stay was better than many but it still wasn't good. I'm luckier than I think I have any right to be.
I want to make it somewhere in life so I'm able to help the homeless
That's actually pretty genius. Andy knows how to get EVERYWHERE in that hospital. Giving directions to others, would be PERFECT for him!
The biggest problem with this scene is pretending that multiple doctors who work in a publicly funded hospital would have time to sit down and create an individualized long-term care plan for a homeless frequent flyer while a hundred other patients are waiting to be seen. In reality, they'd tell a nurse to give them a sandwich and bus ticket. A few hours in bed and phone numbers to call, if they're lucky, before being shown out the door.
All correct. I'd like to think New Amsterdam is trying to show doctors what they SHOULD be doing.
@@Angela-ot7es but their job is to be doctors not taking care of the homeless correct?
@@baronstriker8378 The homeless are people too and deserve to be treated. Doctors shouldn't neglect them because they won't bring in money.
@@ehimenjuniorakhimien6132 not here in America
@@baronstriker8378 homeless deserve are people and deserve to be treated everywhere. even if the law doesnt act like it
See how idiotic the system is, the man visits the hospital a lot because he's homeless, either sicknesses and injuries due to living on the street, or when he's trying to get a warm bed for the night or a hot meal, which costs them $1.4m in a year. When like $30k a year would pay rent and bills and food for him
depends where. 30k.wont get you all that where I am, not unless you're living with 3 or 4 other people.
@@tic857 $40k then, I'm just saying, it's a tiny fraction of the healthcare cost
Of course then comes the problem of trying to cheat the system. If 1/100 homeless people cost the hospital that much money (or some other probability to cost equal in ratio, 1/50 700k, etc.) then it would be better not to house them economically... and then if you try to make it so only those who get injured often can get the free housing, then there are plenty of people who will try to game the system and go in often.
Then you could try making it only those with genetic diseases or otherwise that would make them more susceptible to injury, but the same problem would arise of people trying to fake them or fake documents. It's a noble idea, but it really only works reliably on an individual basis.
Genuinely... I think the best thing as a society that we can do is give them the tools. Dig someone's hole for them, and then everyone will want their hole dug for them. But give everyone a shovel to dig their own holes, then at least many of them won't have to use their hands.
Depends on where you live but yes less than 1.4 million problem is it's hard to get a job that cost pays anywhere from 45-75K a year salary.
This includes income tax on top off what you need.
And for anyone that asks why it's hard, minimum wage jobs don't pay that much. And for why the range it's on a state by state presence, though city to city maybe better.
Also not counting the actual cost of health insurance in that salary either.
@@tic857 it would pretty easily aslong as you not spending crazy. this apartment is probably costing like $15k at most so your saying another $15k wont cover bills and some food you do realise his energy costs will be barely anything
Friendly reminder that a homeless person costs the state three times more than providing said person with housing. That's just in the US, now imagine how much more cheaper it is for countries with low poverty rates and already better infrastructure. The existence of homelessness is a choice made by a country and its people, plain and simple.
Can you explain how homelessness cost state three times more?
@@arnavmekala4578 you gotta go through the studies and experimental implementations for the precise reasons, but it more or less boils down to two things:
1. Homeless people impact their environment negatively, from increased police deployments & medical emergencies to decreasing tourism attraction. This costs (on average) ~30.000 dollars per homeless person.
2. Since the state doesn't have to make a profit with their housing, they can house them for much less than a common private housing rent. Depending on the infrastructure, this costs about 10.000 dollars per homeless person. If you include a rehabilitation program, which is advisable, or if there is certain infrastructure you have to build, the costs naturally goes up. But even then, it's nowhere near an extra 20k.
Those are the numbers for the US btw., in countries that already have a good infrastructure and a high standard of healthcare, the cost is even lower.
The thing that's usually in the way is politicians being incompetent narcissists and charities pretending to be better at helping homeless people than the state (which they obviously aren't).
Considering how many empty buildings there are that could be coverted or demo/built into affordable housing, the problem can be solved. Investing in the communities instead of relying on proven- to- fail Reagonomics "trickle down" theory will solve the housing problem
Paying workers a living wage will solve the problem
@@aszhara2900 This also isn't even touching on the costs of the various "anti-homeless" measures governments worldwide are taking (though I would understand counting it as part of your first point).
Think about how much money is wasted on hostile architecture alone- sewer vents you can't sleep on like they have in NYC might only cost a couple thousand apiece on their own, but that quickly adds up once you start applying them across a city of that size, *and* that's before considering the costs of maintenance, the manhours spent installing them and the inevitable pricetag of the faux artistry that is almost always used to justify this sociopathic crap. The spikes they put under alcoves and the holes they cut in benches might be cheaper, but they are not immune to this cost of scale.
On the police activity side of things too, there's so much time and resources wasted arresting homeless people for what usually amounts to them just trying to stay alive. Even in a world where the cops weren't collectively garbage in most countries, most of these arrests go nowhere- the raids done on homeless encampments only exacerbating the issue. Those that do get imprisoned can at least be said to have a better time not dying than those left to rot on the streets, as much as it subjects them to the often inhumane treatment of the prison system.
I've always thought if I won the lottery I would open a homeless shelter ...with good food and safe environment
Same, but it's easier said than done. You have to keep the place running, which I imagine would be a lot of tedious work
@@unhappybacon3292 True
Yea same here but then I learned what the real world is
@@brandonwilson1106 I was homeless for 8 months. I DO know what you mean dude
MiE Two!
1.4 million American doll hairs. Also very touching episode. Human life is priceless, in a true world. So beautiful when he said "all of this is mine?".
doll hairs???
@@tieflingcorpse9817 they meant dollars
@@BlinkOnWheels i know its just funny
this is why housing first initiatives are so important. Having a safe place to live that is your own means everything. its stability, shelter, a starting line. homeless shelters can only provide so much, and are no substitute for your own place.
true but we always all doing it in the wrong way... it's sad.
its actually really nice (comforting? not sure what word I'm looking for) to see the dr. so set on lowering the homeless guy's 1.4mil and trying to help him out.
this guy knows his way to hospital rooms
It's almost like good social care will help people and society in the long run.
Gee wiz, it’s almost like it is very easy to house the homeless and get them jobs in the U.S. 🤔
It should be, if it's the richest country in the world.
This dr had an apartment he wasn’t using, and the hospital maybe had a position this guy could fill. If only it was this easy to help everyone
@@flutterbug13 Actually he didn't, the hospital rented it for him. There's a scene not included here where Max has to vouch for Andy and the cost-benefit of doing so to his superior. A year of rent for that apartment is still over a million dollars cheaper than treating him for the injuries of being homeless. Hiring him to be a guide on top of that was still WAY cheaper than sending him back onto the street.
That is called treating the whole patient. With the hospital’s sponsorship that fictional doctor just saved that fictional hospital over $900,000.
@@tagordon6678 i had a friend, where the hospital helped, her find a place. And help with rent for 6 months. This happen a few years ago.
Generosity. One of the best human attributes, cause when you help someone, you make the world a little bit better; for a lot of people.
The paradox of our society that we rather spend a ton of resources on keeping the poor poor, instead of ending poverty and homelessness alltogether.
I like how when he gets the apartment and told that it’s his and not temporary that he is then flabbergasted and can’t say a word
This is so heartwarming
All people need a purpose in life. That’s exactly what Dr. Goodwin is giving him.
Real holistic medicine right there.
Why is a homeless man's medical expense 1.4 million dollars to begin with? Why is it that friggin expensive in the first place?? THAT'S the REAL problem. Healthcare is criminally expensive for no real good reason.
In total for the year, but yeah that’s pretty crazy.
They mentioned during the costs meeting that because he has no safe shelter, they have to go over a lot more things than they would otherwise, like many biopsies to rule out more possible infections and tumours, more paperwork to reconstruct patient history, more operations because he can't safely wait around and recover, etc.
Also like, they don't mention this but hospital costs in the US are pretty much made up, especially if you go out of network (which this guy obviously is because he doesn't have insurance lol). They can charge you $100 for an advil. The bed itself is probably thousands. So when they say millions, it's probably not worth as much as you think it is
The reason is the health insurance industry.
The simple fact of the matter is this: It has been found to be true time and time again that the solution to homelessness is giving people homes. Money spend on programs to help homeless people, if directed toward finding permanent housing and access to necessary care, has been shown to be the most effective way to help. Unfortunately, that requires a substantial shift in our general societal perspective on who deserves to have the right to live under capitalism. Part of that is acknowledging that yes, it isn't fair that most people work hard to barely keep their head above water while some people get to have necessities covered without costing them wages. Everyone should have necessities covered at a baseline, and we need to rework our economic goals to accomplish this, shifting from a profit focus to a use/value focus.
Lucky dude he gets a home then HE gets a job. I think i want to move to Amsterdam 😊 if it's cold there ill love it even more
Decent show but the fundamental flaw with the flaw is summed up with the line “frequent flyers mean we aren’t doing our job”
No, it means there are things they can't control. In real life, they can't just give him a home. They can refer him to decent aid providers who *might* be able to but what they can do is just as limited. Him being on the street means he'll get worse, that's reality. He doesn't have access to proper nutrition and no easy route to continuously receive medication. Even well-off people with homes and jobs can be frequent fliers because of terrible personal commitment. A doctor can only recommend. It's up to the patient to elect for a treatment, take a medication as directed, and especially *exercise*. them coming back is almost always the patient's fault for wanting a pill over a lifestyle change.
I might be missing something as a non American with this, but this is where I feel one of many mistakes comes with American healthcare, it didn't cost $1.4 million to treat him, it would have been billable at $1.4, which is very different to cost. Sure there would have been some costs tied to hid stay, but if you do 100 CT scans or a 101, the cost is pretty much the same, machine still exists, staff are still on payroll. Just seems to be the weird notion of what medical care costs, and what the "value" is.
100%. Even for the things that are 1 time use, like pills, which would cost them money, the billable costs are grossly inflated for people out of network/without insurance.
to simplify, our insurance system is cntered around billable costs. these costs have to be a set amount for an item or service, so they can be appropriate covered by insurance. BUT, the other factor is that hospitals need to have a record of how much billable cost they have lost out on due to insurance not covering and the patient defaulting on their debt. this amount is subsidized by the government after the fact as a debt, buuuut the government is notoriously difficult to get money out of, so all the debt the government has to cover hurts any other subsidizing the hospital would otherwise get. it would be better to say that Andy's defaulted debts has cost the hospital 1.4 million in money that could be used elsewhere in the budget. its a f'ed up and terrible system, that means the US spends over twice as much of our GDP on paying off defaulted medical debts than the next highest country does on completely socialized healthcare.
probs contrast liquid cost
I lowkey feel him i feel more so safe at a hospital than home the doctors never judge always nice n would sit n talk w u
This was so sweet!!
If only it was this easy.
Unfortunately it is, but the system and social norms won't allow it
@@MistakenDeVil55 What is? They gave him a home and a job because it was cheaper than him running up bad debt for the hospital. There are no convenient magic solution for everyone outside TV. I wish we all could say vague nonsense to make us feel better like you do but that's not how the world works.
@@sws212 yeah kinda my point. If you think about it the millions spent on thousands of homeless wasting resources to stay out of the cold. Housing the homeless (talking gov. Funded not civiilian funded) would save in the long run all the resources theyre using to avoid being outside
It is. It is literally cheaper to house and feed homeless people than it is to pay for their hospital bills, put them in prison, fine them (they obviously can't pay a fine, why waste a cop's time with this?), and pay for the street clean up and destruction they cause just trying to stay warm. Any politician who tells you it's too expensive to humanely help the homeless population is lying so they won't be expected to actually do it.
@@MistakenDeVil55 If only everyone had the wherewithal to do it. The system and social norms won't stop an individual from giving another individual a home and a job, like here, but not everyone can offer those things
So heartwarming x
Yeah if only the homeless problem was that easy. Trying not to be homeless is a very big rock that has to be pushed up that mountain, and there are many things pushing it down.
Even getting a job is one of the hardest things to do if you're homeless
Theres a premise called "Housing First" that has been proven successful in getting people off the streets and I to stable housing and employment. Giving people a safe place to sleep creates such an overall increase in quality of life that everything else comes easier. Also helps that you need a permanent address for almost everything: employment, government assistance, voting, etc. So it may very well be that easy.
@@savannah9712 that's the thing isn't it. Can't get a house without money, and most jobs require a person to have a place of residence. It's kinda of a terrible loops isn't it?
@@teneesh3376 That’s literally what she said… You solve that problem by giving them a house.
That’s what countries like Finland are doing.
I think getting a P.O. Box is 10$
@@Studious4Health but the question is which people should be given a house. Cause some are homeless from horrible circumstances, others are insane and those whose issues are too big for anyone to fix. So I have a question. In Finland, is there a test for homeless people to see if they deserve a home? Sounds mean I know, but can't just give everyone a home, and in turn a job
Aww, this video is so tender!! ❤
the bigger problem is, most homeless people have other issues that even if you provide a job, a home, money, etc, it still doesn't fix the underlying problem. people often dismiss things like "well they are a drug addict" but normally there is a reason behind that too, drug additions are normally because of self medicating underlying emotional or physical pain. there just isn't a magic pill to cure everyone.
granted there are some where a job, a home, etc would fix the problem, but for the vast majority that just isn't going to work as they have mental health issues, health issues, financial issues, etc that would need to be addressed first, and the really daft thing is, it would be cheaper to address them than spend hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, locking them up because people really don't want to see the problem. people in the US it seems would rather pay far more in taxes just so that they don't think that someone is getting something for free.
John G that's BS I've been homeless, i wasn't drug addicted, you'll be surprised, there's more homeless people, who aren't drugged addicted, must have mental health issues lost home to natural disaster's, landlords, raising rent, too where a person can't afford it. Veterans, losing their homes. There's a lot more to bring homeless than drugs.
@@jannettsnow2856 like I said, not everyone. the US has different statistics for homelessness due to medical bankruptcy, they way there are far more protections for business than people, etc.
you utterly missed my point if you think it was just drugs. the word drugs was used because people often use that to dismiss the underlying problems, or just being dismissive of the problem.
there is also medication problems in the US where they give the strongest of painkillers out like they are candy, for long periods and then cut off the supply without any reduction or mitigation of withdrawal.
but yes, in the US they would rather spend money to ignore and not see the people, than tackle the problems that are the root cause.
Trauma is the gateway drug. That’s what leads to addiction. They want to forget - not be in pain and hurt.
Addicted and homeless are very different. Inflation is sky high right now. Paycheck to paycheck ppl are losing housing. Means they are homeless.
@@jannettsnow2856 if you read my post again, you might see that I am saying that there are either underlying problems for being homeless OR there isn't. it wasn't about drugs.
There is a youtube channel called Vasya In The Hay. They are in Russia, the lead Sergei does exactly this. Helping people turn their life around, give them help in finding places to stay, food, clothes, jobs and build confidence and kindness. This episode reminds me of how people in real life can help.
The best thing one can do for a homeless person is to give them an opportunity
I actually started crying when they found him a halfway decent roof..
You can see he lives under a bridge just by looking at him. The hospital had to know that the first time he turned up. And then to say they did nothing about it for over 100 visits - that is bizarre.
I agree with the message, but they’re equivocating medical charges (which are unrealized profits) with home purchasing (which is a realized loss) and they’re not the same thing
Seems like a nice guy.
when andy said "all of this is mine" 🥺
Damm bro. My house isn't even close to the size of his😢
She cried for help, but no one came; if she didn’t act Riley could’ve died and New Amsterdam’s hospital would have gotten a law suit for patient neglect.
it genuinely is this easy. housing first ❤❤
But otherwise there's so many amazing ways we can get people houseing
Ayyy I just watched this episode today someone who works in homelessness, this episode was equally nice and also frustrating. People think getting a homeless person a home and job (even with support) will fix them. Truly a long term homeless person with alcoholism will get accommodation and fall back out more times than you can count. It's not their fault. It's the things that got them there. And it's not because people or the system don't care. There are uncountable kind people who are there to help. They have to be the ones to go, you know, I don't want to do this anymore. Then they fix themselves. They arrange treatment, they ask for help. They find a job, they find a place. It truly never works if you're doing it for them.
I think they kind of covered that when they were going over the costs accrued, his PTSD and depression and withdrawal episodes and such. And he was a bit overwhelmed at first but he was all too happy to try and repay the kindness he'd been shown, so I think that combined with mitigating the factors from being homeless would be a net positive for his recovery. It's hard to focus on recovery when you have to focus on survival every hour of every day.
housing fist initiatives have a proven track record of lifting up homeless people. and the data keeps compiling year after year as more housing first communities keep popping up around the country.
Yes but politicians and the government make it seem more complicated than it actually is .and these poor people get stuck waiting in crappy hotels or emergency housing places and or wind up going to places like the hospital. While their stuck on waiting lists or get turned down
the thing thats always annoyed me with how we see and handle homlessness is we focus too heavily on things that are either too ambitious or will take too long to ever impliment and do not come up with solutions that we can do NOW
for example lets build more houses!!
will take decades to build enough we dont have the ability to build them fast enough and would cost a unbelivably high amount meanwhile theres homeless people who need help NOW
lets build more shelters!!!
a little more workable but will take alot of time and resources to get going
meanwhile theres stuff we could do TONIGHT that could help in a big way for little outlay
somewhere safe from the elements with access to washing facilities and toilets
gee if only we had large massive rooms that dont get used at night that also have showers and toilets and changing facilities
like sport centers and community centers at least in the uk there goverment owned and would be perfect just offer them to a homeless charity theyd come in every night around 10 let everyone come in get washed up sleep in the sports halls in the morning before opening they can help clear up wash shower eat and be on there way before opening
homeless people need food
fast food and bakerys and stores throw out tonnes of perfectly edible food every night because either they cant claim its made fresh that day or its about to hit the sell by date which still means it has usually a week at least before it even comes close to being inedible because all sell by is is the date at which food is its most high quality collect it all and redistribute it to the homless in that area each night
theres so many simple and cheap things we could do right now tonight and all we need to do is get together and make it happen but instead we obsess over grand plans and projects that will take months or years to impliment and only ever have the scope to help a small percentage of those that need it
There are 6 houses for every 1 person in the US. And that isn't covering the endless number of hotel rooms that have been unused thanks to COVID.
@@jeffreymeehan3116 Yea, the problem is almost never that there isn't enough, it's accessibility.
we have houses. we don’t need to build them. we need to manage the private companies that are buying them and upcharging them on mass. we need to give them to the people who need them.
ugh this apartment is ideal
It is this easy. You can say it’s not by using the social guidelines you’ve grown up with. By believing that you have to take part in the capitalistic, judgmental, and credit driven society you live in. The reality is that we can all choose a different way. It takes time but you will get there. I am therefore I am. -One love
Yea, societal structure is man made and can be changed, we're in our own way when we say things like, "well that's just the way that it is".
mans thinking he invented Housing First model...
And that's the problem with many country. We treat the symptome. We give homeless people food, blanket, shelter where they don't want to go, like that they stay in the street.
Offer them a proper individual home and help them to get a job then they get the real stability they need to to live well.
Ah wouldn’t be nice if life imitated art in real life they would not do this 🤷🏽♀️
So very true.
Not entirely true. This does happen. Sadly it's so rare as to be all but irrelevant in the face of the numbers in need.
Thx I would keep box too
it costs that much so the execs make alot of money, money is more important than helping people.
Why is there a [pizza going to the ICU??
pizza party
Probably for the family
Dude just save the hospital 1.35 million USD per annum!
Got home and a job.
I assume he breaks into the pharmacy and steals all the drugs.
Poverty is not a virtue
it also isn’t a sin
It's also not a choice
Oh yes I have Been in the same situation back in two thousand nineteen.. The death of my whole husband made Me homeless.. From the month of may all the way to the end of october.. Then I started house surfing after that.. It took me six months almost a year to straighten things back out.. I still don't get crap.. I live in a camper that You tow with a truck.. It is still on the back burner to be right back out in the woods again.. I'm already fifty eight.. You become homeless for thousands of reasons.. People judge the homeless before they get their know their story.. Not all of these people are drug addicts alcoholics..
And even with drug addicts and alcoholics, there's nothing evil or morally wrong about them because they are drug addicts or alcoholics, more often than not it's their only coping mechanism for chronic pain, whether physical or mental, and which they might keep falling back to without the right treatment and support.
It's funny, a lot of people would have said the solution was a Bullet in a back alley or Prison, and then gone to Church.
Fun fact
The same happens with prisons
I know for a fact if i were homeless i would just commit victimless crimes ( insulting a police officer etc untill they put me in jail )
I mean its literally a free place to stay where you get food and clothes
Prison is an improvement to a homeless person
Series name
Sorry but how sweet is this doctor. Plus he's going threw chemo and (ladies how hot 🔥 is he) . If only in real life
The music in the background is mind numbingly annoying.. who picked c level comedy film montage music
And it is doable
This is really a wild fiction. 😂
I just think that this isn't what america does.
Most people they have to depend on family and friends
Maybe their church.
Not all churches are trained to tell homeless people but depends on their situation.
I honestly was worried about being homeless in the states. So when I was in college I moved taiwan after I graduated
I came back to the state 6 months ago. And I thankfully have someone to stay with. But it's really not easy trying to get settled here in california.
Everything is quite expensive and it's hard to find work
I've been looking for a job that has at least basic necessities.
Hey im homeless after being in the nursing home because of covid. Can you get me a place to live. Please 🙏🏻🥺
الله لا اله إلا الله
Wth is Anupam Kher doing here ????🤣
he was a cast member for a long time lol
lol he's in this show all the time
... The part about this story that completely ruins it is there is no way in hell you could attribute $1.4m in costs to a single person given the brief description of his treatment. That's completely absurd. You'd have to attribute the entire costs of an entire department to every minute of his stay to come close.
But what the heck, pull an insane price tag outa thin air for good drama i guess :)
Honestly doesn't take much to rack up a massive bill just for one stay, for a year's worth this is very believable considering this is based in New York City.
Yeh America has the most expensive healthcare around, not hard to see how it's that high.
I wasn’t even surprised by the price, they show is set in US
Since this is America I’m not surprised. I got IV fluids and anti nausea medication, as well as an overnight stay a couple years ago as a teen when I had a nasty stomach bug.
Without insurance, the cost would have come out to about $12,000 including the MRI, ultrasound, and tissues used.
So no. That is not an insane price tag. That’s an American price tag unfortunately.
@@ikgtrinity6984 Cost =/= charge.
They CHARGE you that much, but actually providing that service doesn't COST anywhere near that. The COST of using an MRI is actually pretty low. They don't need excessive maintenance, it happens quickly so staff costs aren't much. The only issue is initial cost of the machine.
They up mark it because of a very convoluted series of systems which has been allowed to go unchecked by the USA for far too long.
No pets? Forget it.
Unfortunately no one would do that for another human being. Not in this world.
I was given free housing, education, and help finding a job after a severe mental health breakdown. But I'm Canadian.
Nah, similar things happen in the USA. Maybe not everyday, but they do. (Homeless services is my corner of the world so I've seen it)
Only if you keep thinking that way.
Ah yes, lets create a system where hospitals own swaths of real estate to house the homeless because its cheaper than repeat treatments. I can't possibly see any issues with this idea. It's not like subsidizing those in unfortunate circumstances creates more issues or anything...
For everyone saying that the USA should take care of everybody and we’re the richest country in the world remember this, we are a country of 331.9 million people, we have over $31 billion worth of debt, and we’re currently in a state of absolute political , economical, and social chaos. Bear with us as we try to use a political system from 1787.
money isn’t real, but people aren’t ready for that conversation
If the country is in so much debt, why do people at the top keep getting obscenely rich? Wouldn't the government start taxing them more to cover the country's costs? It's not like they'll really miss that money.
As for the political and economic issues, we either need a reset or an evolved system. Both parties don't care about any of us, but they thrive on pitting us against each other, and our voices are not equally represented in government. And economically, capitalism and monopolies do not mix well. The controls that large corporations have over the government is obscene, and it's impossible to compete in the same market as them, which means they can do whatever they want with prices, quality of goods, consumer data, etc., and this is especially rampant in HEALTHCARE.
@@djsaidez271 the rich are actually taxed a lot more and they’re only a small portion of the population. Unfortunately, there is always unfairness regardless. I think the media portrays the US as if we have a lot more rich, wealthy, spoiled people. It’s really sad because that does not represent the norm at all and we have many problems. Both parties lie and are at each other’s throats to the point where it’s really corrupt. Our healthcare system is crap. I can’t even afford vital medication’s that I need such as EpiPen. Insurance companies rule everything and they’re pretty brutal. we are also the hub for school shootings, gang violence, ridiculous border issues that encompass so much time. our homeless and drug use has skyrocketed. The cost of living is barely achievable. and our country is in debt. You can look up the numbers lol. We keep getting deeper and deeper and deeper without paying it off in any real way. we are running on fumes and I’m afraid it’s going to give out it any time. The fact that we have a one percent of rich like every other country doesn’t make a difference. Also seriously our governing system needs a reboot.
Isn't he old enough for social security
you need to work to get social security
I like the message but hot damn aint this a glamourized idealized unlikely version of life 🙄
Wtf is anupam kher doing here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bad idea to teach more dependence. Nothing is free. Debts just get shifted to others. Giving him a job at the end was a much better him.a sense of purpose too, which is what he truly craved.
The idea of giving him a home was that it would be a lot cheaper for the hospital, than for him to continue to live in the streets and need the same level of medical care that was costing them a million dollars a year and not getting anywhere
The goal for most homeless people is rehabilitation and thus holding a job, but most companies are overly hesitant to hire homeless people, and the current hiring system makes it inaccessible for the majority of them as well.
I use to be homeless and dealing with kidney failure I went out and found a job then got a place for the people saying you can’t get a job when you’re homeless is a damn lie remember this is a tv show made for DRAMA if you can walk the streets for 10 hours a day you can work 8 hours a day people just want everything for free.
One should do what has been shown to be most effective. Housing first, i.e. free housing has been shown scientifically to be the most effective way of getting people of the streets. If it gets people back to work I simply don't care, i.e. I think its money well spent, to give them free housing for a couple of months.
@@mg7094 and it gives the the mind set to pay back that good act of kindness
@@mg7094 like getting a job getting clean or just helping out with the same kindness that they got
Sure. If you aren't mentally ill or otherwise disabled in someway that doesn't affect your ability to walk just you ability to work, have access to a shower, and arent a racial minority.
Yes, assuming EVERYONE has the same personality, opportunities, mental health status and talents. Everyone is UNIQUE until there a chance to criticize someone for not being just like you.
You can be a frequent flyer with real problems physically. In 2012 I was in 85 times for undiagnosed endometriosis. Had cysts rupturing constantly. Would cost them a lot less if they actually helped and did their jobs. I've just had my 8th surgery for it. After having a hysterectomy 11 years ago. The surgeon was skeptical that there'd be even a small amount. My abdomen was ravaged completely. Scar tissue and internal bleeding all throughout my intestines. I've been diagnosed with bowel endometriosis for years now. I just had a nurse tell me that wasn't real. Okay, buddy. Doctors think they're helping but most of the time you get people who just can't be bothered to do anything that actually helps. Good for the show, but that isn't reality. Unfortunately.
Although we've come a long way from the days of herb healers, modern medicine is more of an art than a science. Each doctor is practicing, and giving their best educated guess at a diagnosis with whatever information and methods they have, and you were dealt a very bad card with doctors getting it wrong a lot, and had to suffer through it. It especially sucks when you have people not believe you or take you seriously. I hope you're getting better.