Such an interesting discussion on Neptune... my daughter has a 5 planet Stellium in Pisces in her 11th house. With a Sun Neptune conjunction at 0°!! 🤩 She was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder when she was 3yrs old and is currently being assessed for Autism... she dislikes loud noises strong smells busy places and also sensitive to food textures and "prickly people" to name a few. However she is the most imaginative human i have ever encountered!! She loves to draw and create make believe characters using graphic design! She is now age11 and providing she doesn't become overwhelmed with her external sensory overload she truly is happy just being and inspires everyone around her with her dreamy nature. I am so grateful to have found astrology this has helped me to understand these aspects of my daughter and I am less concerned with the traditional diagnosis that society have labelled her with. She is Neptune by nature! Autistic or not. And that makes a lot more sense to me ✌ Thanks for sharing Chris, I have loved this series a lot! Obviously this is by far my favourite 🙌
I so relate to being sensitive to loud sounds and smells along with pickiness with certain textures. Did she ever have an issue with meat at some point? I have neptune Conjunct the ascendant, pisces mars, mercury and venus in the 12th house. Neptune is also squaring my moon.
@@josephine3122 She doesn't eat meat either, never has apart from the odd chicken/quorn nugget. She also loves fruit juice flavours but doesn't like the fruit itself as its 'bitty' (her words) so we have to smoothie them.
@@carlyhardy3428 when i was little I rarely ever ate meat and would only eat fruits, vegetables, carbs etc. so interesting how Neptune/pisces can have similar effects even if its situated differently.
@@josephine3122 So interesting! I'm curious, do you notice any changes in your food sensitivities and or sensory issues heightened around big Pisces transits? I noticed changes with my daughter around the time of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction back in April. This was conjunct her natal Uranus 1° orb 12th house
@@carlyhardy3428 yes actually, mars, jupiter, and neptune was transiting my 2nd house and i got extreme stomach cramps outta nowhere. The transiting mars was also conjunct my natal because i have pisces mars aswell. But i would say i was eating things that i know i shouldn’t of and it came to a point where it started affecting my skin.(I got these small red bumps which is rare for me)
Uh yeah. Laura just broke my brain contrasting belief (Jupiter) and faith (Neptune) at 30:45. I've been for a long time deeply fascinated with the way Alan Watts thinks. The way he describes the difference between faith and belief was illusion shattering for me. Laura just tied Alan's distinctions between faith and belief into astrology and shattered illusions. Brilliant and thank you! “If we cling to belief in God, we cannot likewise have faith, since faith is not clinging but letting go." ― Alan W. Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity
We can have a profound belief in God, and still have faith in other aspects or things relating to God at the same time. Faith is the precursor to knowing.
Great point about psychedelics and triggering neptune. Psychedelics can be a bit too eye opening when you realize the reality of your situation is dark.
One insight I derived from this: the quality of people's experience of Neptune is mediated by how much Neptune their ego can handle, and this will vary over time and circumstances (set and setting).
I super love this episode. And CB is looking vibrant I don't know if it's just the lighting but he looked radiant. You can tell that CB's guest is excellent if he talk less and just listen and let his guest talk freely.
I loved Laura´s contribution, she is so articulate and uses metaphors/examples that really help internalizing the knowledge. I look forward to seeing more of her some time later :-)
as someone with neptune in the first house this episode pinged so many light bulb and confirmation moments for me.Laura is the first astrologer whom i've heard explain neptune holistically rather than deviating to the go to bias' of 'confusion and delusions' definition that so many astrologers do.
WOW this was an awesome discussion. I especially love the episodes where the guest has their own niche of expertise to share. The way that Laura discussed Neptune's relationships to transcendent experiences was very thought provoking!!! As always, thank you so much! {Neptune conjunct Venus in the 1st}
I fell in love with Laura, what an articulate and smart being she is. I was having such a meditative experience duing the whole talk and gained so so many insights into my own character and people I know with prominent Neptune. Thank you, Chris, again and again for you wonderful podcasts!
One of the deepest of your episodes, Chris, and you've had many...Laura was amazingly clear with her well thought-out analysis...especially the Neptune/Jupiter discussion...Bravo, as usual!!
Interesting that Neptune influences things like *cinema & the depths of creativity* but also *addiction & escapism* ... and corresponds to the *Hanged Man* in the tarot. Mysterious Neptune
The Hanged Man traditionally corresponds to the Hebrew letter Mem and elemental Water. I guess that is the tie-in for Neptune. Where do you put Uranus and Pluto?
Laura spoke about all that I know and feel about Neptune. At one stage of her speaking, I was in tears. Thanks for every precious moment of her being with you. Looking forward to her returning to visit you Chris. Cheers, Jude
Wow I never thought about Neptune affecting my hearing. I was always super sensitive to energy, magnetic fields from electrics and to noise, to the point that I am walking around with earplugs all the time because the world gets so overwhelming. I have Neptune in the 2nd house in Sagittarius 24 degrees. I also love water and decided when I was 32 that I will always live next to the Ocean.
Me too, I have Neptune in the 2nd house and need to use earplugs or blocking noise headphones in the city because too much noise disturbs me! Ocean also is a must to me!
I had a conversation w/ my mum a week ago about having psychic abilities and being highly intuitive. I found out she has Neptune in her 1st house. She then shared that when she was in college, she used to practice automatic writing & she used to have strong precognition. I always knew that she had paranormal experiences when she was younger but it was the first time she talked about automatic writing.
Had to give this a thumbs up before the video even started. Neptune is extremely strong in my chart so I definitely am excited to better understand my chart/myself. I enjoy Laura’s lectures and I always learn something new everytime I watch the astrology podcast. Thank you both!
Thank you Chris for once again bringing on a brilliant Astrologer and having these amazingly interesting conversations! As a new student, with my natal Neptune at 19 degrees Scorpio ♏️ in my 3rd house, your podcasts have helped me to understand that my highly intuitive and mystical experience of reality is literally in my natal chart, and after years of searching, I have finally found my tribe! ❤
This was eye opening for me in many ways. Having Moon opposing Neptune in my birth chart, personally and professionally, there's a lot for me here. Thank you so much...
And thank you for your benevolent point of view in astrological aspects and planet Neptune, I’m glad to have heard what you had to say, since I’m in Canada I didn’t know about you, so I’m happy to have been guided to that video ! Thank you all ,
OMG I lover her. You always get guest that just agree and don't add value to the convo. She definitely adds value to the convo and use simple language. Please bring her back or get more talkative guest like her.
I have Neptune conjunct Moon in my 3H Aquarius, both opposite my Jupiter in Leo 9H. It's an experience, honestly, and it's pretty refreshing to see how what you have learned about the world correlates to the the meaning of existence. How you can derive meaning from understanding the true nature of reality. I also have Neptune making a very tight trine to both my Venus and Mercury in Gemini, so that's another intellectual thingy ig. But honestly speaking, I never truly realised how like 60% of my personality is my whole thingy going on with Neptune, considering it is first in a tight conjunction to my moon and then a tight opposition with my chart ruler. I always struggled with comprehending what exactly this Leo-Aquarius axis meant for me.. but damn I only realised the true meaning after watching this episode on Neptune. This is an amazing episode! Thank you for the work ❤!
Wow. It is about 5 minutes into the video and I am stunned. From the very beginning, I felt a very easy interaction between Chris and Laura, so I thought that she could be a Pisces. But then I felt the warmth of a Leo and a certain sharpness of Capricorn. I am also a Cap Sun, Leo Asc and my Neptune is on the IC exactly. Wow, can't wait to hear the rest of the video. Good start :)
Fantastic presentation. I live in London UK and really immerse into Astrology during the last 6 years, and Neptune was always the most elusive planet. Today 30/6/23 Neptune became retrograde, and decided to watch this. It really helped me through its fog to understand it. I had a great experience with Neptune last year. In April 22 it got together with Jupiter at 23 degrees of Pisces , 1 degree apart from my Sun at my 11th house. At the exact day of this conjunction I had my interview for my US green card, and it was approved. New possibilities opening up as she said..
Thanks so much for all of the rich, important discussion here and on the podcast in general. 45 mins in and I'm loving this dialogue. I have Neptune conjunct (within a degree) of my IC as well - in Scorpio (born 1969). My mom gave me Johnathan Livingston Seagull to read when I was about 13 or 14. I will never forget that book and the impact it had on me. I came to a serious study of astrology through the lens of EA and a fascination with Pluto...and have more recently been interested and seeing the value and of traditional astrology (currently taking Chris's Hellenistic course). I now think having the foundations of the tradition is essential, but there's definitely room for the best of both approaches.
Wow, such an amazing episode! I had Neptune conjunct my natal Jupiter (trining my natal Sun) in 2018. Laura pretty much described it word-to-word how I described that period of time to anyone around me. I kept having that vision in my head that earthquake just happened and all the buildings are broken (dissolution of old beliefs) and it's a white fog and I can't see anything, except for maybe 1m around me. I have been anxious because I wanted to know which pieces of buildings to pick up and which were faulty and I they won't serve me anymore in the future. My therapist told me to just stay and wait until I know what to do. And a few months later a line appeared and I stepped over that line and fog cleared and this vision in my head disappeared within next couple of weeks. The whole experience lasted for several months. On the top of that it was the only time in my life when I was realistically scared of psychosis or having an onset of a mental disorder. My psyche was expanding and I could see that my perception on life is just a construct of my psyche, that there is no Truth, because my truth is also a construct of my beliefs and my psyche structures. That time gave me extreme acceptance of multiple versions of reality coexisting simultaneously in every person's head, and how difficult it must be for all of us to communicate (the transit was in my 3rd house), given that we all see the world through a lense of our own perception. And appreciation for human to even try to communicate and cross the information over. All of that multitude of realities felt like I'm going insane. I have been in therapy at that time and thankful to my therapist for walking me through that experience and being a hand I could hold onto. I couldn't watch any horror or scifi at that time, because I was so impressionable, so I had to shell myself from the incoming external information, because being in that state I knew I need to rely on internal, not external guidance. It was the most psychologically beautiful and difficult time of my life. The understanding I gain through that transit forever shifted my relationship with life, people, psyche. I discovered astrology only a year and a half ago, and listening to this episode was a beautiful revelation of how that time was a play between Nuptune and Jupiter. Thank you!
This was just brilliant! As a new student to astrology I found the episode provided a great insight into Neptune. My Neptune is also in Scorpio in my third house. I can go into very dreamy states while going through my daily life and can easily put aside my list of ‘todo’s’ for the day to get lost in books, film or music. I dial out of the day to day , hold back communicating with those around me in order to escape to another realm. Chris Brennan I am really enjoying all your work on the Astrology podcast.
Wow what a great conversation - this one will get multiple listens! This is so so timely for me! Laura is a total legend! I am Pisces Rising with Neptune conjunct MC in 10th house Sag. So Neptune is square my ASC and sextile Saturn and Pluto. Currently Neptune is 5 degrees away from my ASC by transit. I am an artist who is shortly going on an artist residency which is located on my Neptune line in the southwest of Ireland. There I plan to use drawing as a research method to document my time on my Neptune line. The residency overlooks the Atlantic ocean. A lot of the research I've been doing includes rituals and mythology related to the sea in Ireland and Scotland. I have also started working with scent that is diffused using water. Weirdly I always manage to live beside a body of water and/or near institutions for mental health services but that makes more sense to me now :)
This was a wonderful conversation - Laura is a real dynamo and wise one! I have neptune in capricorn on my ascendant. I'm grateful for this placement; Saturn return was clarifying, to say the least, and I finally started to find the Truth and purpose of things with this gained maturity. But I wouldn't trade my sensitivities, perception, and grounded/dreamy nature now that I've grown into it. Before, I was wallowing in some real mud but have always had wise teachers and mentors to provide some guideposts so I didn't get entirely sucked under.
This episode has been available for early access since September through our page on Patreon. Sign up now for early access to other upcoming episodes:
I’m so excited to hear this episode. I’ve been realizing just how Neptunian I am with Sun inconjunct Neptune (exact), Neptune conjunct my midheaven, Aries 12th house North node and Pisces in the 12th
Your describing a meltdown, due to overstimulation (roughly around 1hr 25min). 'over-sensitivity' #Neurodivergency Lost count how many times I've heard 'you're too sensitive,' or 'oh, you're one of the sensitive ones.' NN conj Neptune 6th square Jupiter 9th Sun conj Moon 7th Mercury conj Venus 8th I switched from western to eastern (Vedic) astrology, because I was seeing (still am) nakshatra themes playing out in my dreams. Thanks so much for sharing! Much appreciated!
Laura is such an engaging and educated astrology teacher! I was afraid that the Neptune episode would be vague and difficult to understand. lol! But Chris and Laura are brilliant and did a great job at describing this planet !
As a Piscis rising with Neptune conjunct the Mid Heaven and Jupiter in Cancer conjunct Venus in Cancer in the fourth house I highly enjoyed and resonated with everything said here. Wonderful! Thank you both!!
Love the podcast - seeing in person in your cool studio with the cams- love watching more live between the two of you - Laura is brilliant and your respect and appreciation for one another is obvious- what a phenomenal deep dive. It is fun to watch you all have such fun with your love of Astrology. Thank you both. Chris great pick for Neptune!
This was one of my favorites! Laura is such a good speaker. I think Neptune just became ma favorite planet. @ 1h08: she didn't need to call me out like that tho. Thank you for the episode!
This was a fascinating discussion, Chris. It helped me understand my self. Like Laura I have Neptune and Jupiter in 4 house, and I understood so much about my hypersensitivity. And no, she hasn't exaggerated a bit. If anything, she downplayed it. I'm going to watch all discussions about all Planets!! I want to learn! Thank you! 😊
I have Neptune at 29 Capricorn forming a grand trine with my Sun at 29 Taurus & North Node at 26 Virgo. I am an HSP/highly sensitive person and related so hard at the part about over empathizing, a need for space, sensitivity to sounds and smells, and overall just living in a rich, dreamy inner world! While I have an intense work ethic, I could also easily daydream all day lol. Awesome episode, thank you both so much!
My son has neptune in the 4th and I was so worried of the negative implications so I am so thankful for this. I have an out of sign neptune sun conjunction in sag 8th house neptune 9th in Capricorn and learning astrology- I really resonate with exactly what she said. I need to see the Carfax haha I study and take a big interest in degrees, synastry and patterns in fact that show the souls evolution. ❤
23:10 It also makes sense that Allan White would be the person to make that observation and know the distinction; having been a soldier himself and having experienced battle and blood shed and knowing that just because you’re seeing a picture of it doesn’t mean that you’re really experiencing the reality of it.
1:26:51😢😢😢 yep. I've lived with that all my life and didn't know " it was a thing" until now! So thanks to you both. See,this is why I'm loving astrology. Because I've gotten so many answers to SELF.
I have Neptune on the IC in my 5th house - I love going deep into my creative world when I'm all alone and transporting myself to a distant place and state of mind where I come up with amazing ideas and creations - but it's square Saturn on my dsc but in the 8th house - I get held back and blocked from creative pursuits by difficult relationships, debts, responsibilities around money, having to find work that sustains me. One day I'll get to be an artist in my element! Neptune is transiting my natal 6th house Pisces Jupiter right now. I want to believe it's opening me up, expanding my perception, and widening my optimism. Maybe I'll fall into a day job that allows me to express my creative nature and lets me be my sensitive intuitive artsy Pisces Jupiter self.
I have Neptune conjunct Moon , Trine my Sun and Square Uranus. The Moon is conjunct Mars so I was able to amplify other peoples visions for the duration of my productive life. Now as I am retired and living in a pastoral setting, photography is my outlet. I love to connect to new knowledge via The Shift Network various weeklong summits. Astrology podcasts are also a satisfying source to nourish my enormous curiosity about the mechanics of our mysterious universe. I thank you sincerely Chris for all that you do to provide an ongoing & wide angle on ASTROLOGY. ( Sun, Venus, Mercury is Conjunct in the 11th House. in Gemini. I also have the same 29the degree Cancer ascendant as Austin Coppock!! My Mars is 1 degree Scorpio, the sniper...I just love you guys.
this podcast is full of revelations for me♥ I want to thank you for giving the important details on Neptune Venus people (which I am:) and their glamorous delusions:)),🎭 and a tendency to attract smn with addiction and egoistically trying to save them in every way, and then obviously failing because one can only save themselves and not being saved by someone! I was a blind kitten, now I got one eye open🐾🐾🐾 Glamorous delusions have never been less glamorous :))🌌
I have neptune tightly squaring venus which is my chart ruler in its domicile but I've never experienced any of that. I'm in a long term relationship but I don't feel I'm idealizing my partner, everyone in my family and my friends like him and nobody gave me any sign that he might be wrong for me. Maybe venus in libra gives me enough social skills that neptune can't really influence me in that way? However I do have a tendency towards escapism, fascination for dreams and altered states of consciousness and a fondness for drugs and alcohol that isn't otherwise explained by the rest of the chart. I was also born under neptune stationing.
@@luisa146 Maybe it doesn't show up for you because Neptune and Venus might not ruling the 7th house, in the 7th house, or aspecting the descendant. Neptune square Venus alone for you might just influence your ideals of art and beauty. Just a thought :).
@@pixiee970 oh that could be why! Neptune is in my fourth house. Venus rules the first and eighth house. Thanks for clarifying! I'm new to astrology and it's fascinating but it's kinda hard
Just got home from work to this?? Woohoo! Being a ‘93 baby, I have that Neptune-Uranus conjunction. It’s in 8H Capricorn opposing Mercury in 2H Cancer. So the Uranus episode helped some, but I’m hoping this episode clears up what remains!
92' Cancer rising. I have conjunction of Uranus and Neptun (both retrograde) in Capricorn in 7th house. Neptune also sextile moon in 9th pisces and pluto in 5th Scorpio. Good to hear all about this planet more.
I have Neptune in the 10th house in conjunction with the MC and the moon in Scorpio (sidereal) or Sagittarius (tropical), in sextile with the sun and Pluto (in trine with each other), and square my ascendant in Aquarius (sidereal) or Pisces (tropical). Always felt at odds with reality, that it was too small or constricting, and drawn to the so-called spiritual realm. It took me a good while - after much toil and trouble - to realize that spirituality is nothing more than making one's ideals real, being coherent with one's ideals in terms of one's thoughts, feelings, and acts. Without making peace with reality, spirituality is essentially projection and escapism, really. Cheers from Brazil! 😉
I truly appreciate the beauty and positivity that you brought to Neptune. I am a Pisces ASC so there’s the long Neptune transit in my first house. People often harp on the negative about the planet all the time & I am not saying that it’s not true but thank you for sharing the greatness!!!!
Chris dropping ''neptune street cred'' in a death serious tone with no reactions from his guest was such a Astrology podcast / Chris brennan moment lmao
10:08 😂 that gave me such a chuckle! Now what I was expecting to hear as the close of the sentence ….. “church ladies came home” was …”to get THEIR OWN charts read” 😂 because honestly when people in my church …I’m Indian and Catholic…know I read charts, they come to ask me for a reading or more often a gemstone consult because I have been studying and practicing Indian / Vedic astrology since I was a child and have never seen any conflict between the Vedic teachings and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. They have 12 Solar Adityas, we have the 12 disciples, they have the Nakshatra deities, we have the saints & angels. I just modify the “prescription” so to speak. If someone needs the help of Lord Hanuman, I suggest they begin a devotion to Archangel Michael, that’s all 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Can’t wait to hear more!
Thanks for this! With a grand fire trine involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune, and Neptune square my Sun/Mercury in Virgo, I’ve always been fascinated with Neptune and how it works in the world.
Wonderful conversation, thank you for sharing! My Neptune conjunct my midheaven, 9th/10th house. Sagittarius/Capricorn. And I have my north node in the 12th house Pisces, together with Mars. Things fall into place at the moment, more psychic experiences, automatic writing and visions that show me my path in healing. Love it❤
I have a 8th house Neptune Capricorn t-square (tight orb) with my moon in 5th and Mercury in 11th and I so relate to the speakers issues with Mom. My mom was an Astrologer and led me according to my chart which was confusing but she also had drug/alcohol problems and she didn't want me to fall into the same patterns. Even though she caused so many problems in my life, she introduced me to every religion and life path. Very interesting stuff here!
This is great. Through my own observations, I determined that how Neptune plays out is dependent upon one's level of consciousness. You just really rounded it out for me.
This is such an awesome podcast. Enjoyed it a lot the different references. This should reach everyone and infact about every planet such deep logical and philosophical analysis if carried out would be so beautiful ✨
"Breathing of the breath of the divine" 💜is exactly my experience with the Neptune in Sagittarius exact od the descendant sextile venus in aquarius on the MC conjunct jupiter. it's hard to explain my inner experience when inspiration hit me.. fascinating visions moves me in to creation of the most beautiful music and deep connection to all 🙏🐘🦌🐴😇🦄
My Neptune is in the 5th house as a part of a Capricorn stellium. It is very closely conjunct Venus (a little more than 1 degree) and opposite my moon in Cancer. This has manifested multiple ways; a strong pull toward art in general and immense creativity, a passion for music and film, dating men who end up being manipulative, attraction to others who are some form of artist as well, hopeless romanticism, etc. The moon opposition either enforces these things in my personality, or gives me a heightened intuition (or both). It's tough to say, I feel as if a lot of things in my chart can be attributed to multiple planets/houses, so I always have trouble discerning what's causing what. For example, my "intuition" could also be from having Pluto in the 3rd squaring my Mercury. I'm great at reading people, reading between the lines with things they won't say, seeing through lies, and knowing when something's wrong or someone is feeling "off".
I LOVED this episode! Laura- Your energy, knowledge and outstanding communication skills make you an excellent teacher, my focus didn’t wander once! 😝 💞✨TY!
Similar Neptune themes : (Is included into the 7H Virgo Su/Mo=Jupiter midpoint, Square Neptune conjunct MC, and Pisces Asc ☺️ This was amazing for Me, TY Both 😘👊🙌
Thank you for this excellent conversation! I have Neptune in the 3rd in Sag squaring the Nodes in Pisces/Virgo and squaring my Virgo stellium (Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Venus) in the 12th, so with Neptune both being the ruler of my South Node and the 12th house I feel that Neptune has dominated my life (and past ones). I have a hard time being in my body, always felt that I needed to stay away from drugs and any psychedelics because I’m highly sensitive and also the ‘veil’ is thin as it is for me. I’m grateful for all the earth in my chart which enables me to lead a somewhat stable life, gives me a counterbalance and an emphasis on the practical, everyday things. I’m a creative problem solver, have an analytical brain that thinks outside the box and a ton of compassion at best and have also experienced cycles of getting lost in the fog and being completely confused and disillusioned. I started studying EA two years ago which has been incredibly nourishing and helpful to me.
I know this is 2 years old but if you have clients come through that are so Neptunian that they are isolated due to being so sensitive (psychic) there are tools and techniques they can learn that will help turn it down. There is a wonderful school in Boulder Colorado and the owner - a Japanese psychic from birth or as early as she recalls Miwa Mack is very good at helping people who are very open psychically/super sensitive to learn to dial it down and channel it into a great gift and not be stuck and overwhelmed by their senses.
Let us know in a separate comment below where Neptune is in your birth chart, what kind of aspects it has, and how that has worked out in your life!
Neptune trine 🌙 in 3rd.. I’m artistic in short bursts 😂
@@Abio_dom That's hilarious
@@Abio_dom Neptune in Scorpio in the 3rd House
@@dr.simoneobryanphd7721 me too, in the10th house though
@@tailgaterontrail There's so much to learn!
Such an interesting discussion on Neptune... my daughter has a 5 planet Stellium in Pisces in her 11th house. With a Sun Neptune conjunction at 0°!! 🤩 She was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder when she was 3yrs old and is currently being assessed for Autism... she dislikes loud noises strong smells busy places and also sensitive to food textures and "prickly people" to name a few. However she is the most imaginative human i have ever encountered!! She loves to draw and create make believe characters using graphic design! She is now age11 and providing she doesn't become overwhelmed with her external sensory overload she truly is happy just being and inspires everyone around her with her dreamy nature. I am so grateful to have found astrology this has helped me to understand these aspects of my daughter and I am less concerned with the traditional diagnosis that society have labelled her with. She is Neptune by nature! Autistic or not. And that makes a lot more sense to me ✌ Thanks for sharing Chris, I have loved this series a lot! Obviously this is by far my favourite 🙌
I so relate to being sensitive to loud sounds and smells along with pickiness with certain textures. Did she ever have an issue with meat at some point?
I have neptune Conjunct the ascendant, pisces mars, mercury and venus in the 12th house. Neptune is also squaring my moon.
@@josephine3122 She doesn't eat meat either, never has apart from the odd chicken/quorn nugget. She also loves fruit juice flavours but doesn't like the fruit itself as its 'bitty' (her words) so we have to smoothie them.
@@carlyhardy3428 when i was little I rarely ever ate meat and would only eat fruits, vegetables, carbs etc. so interesting how Neptune/pisces can have similar effects even if its situated differently.
@@josephine3122 So interesting! I'm curious, do you notice any changes in your food sensitivities and or sensory issues heightened around big Pisces transits? I noticed changes with my daughter around the time of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction back in April. This was conjunct her natal Uranus 1° orb 12th house
@@carlyhardy3428 yes actually, mars, jupiter, and neptune was transiting my 2nd house and i got extreme stomach cramps outta nowhere. The transiting mars was also conjunct my natal because i have pisces mars aswell. But i would say i was eating things that i know i shouldn’t of and it came to a point where it started affecting my skin.(I got these small red bumps which is rare for me)
Uh yeah. Laura just broke my brain contrasting belief (Jupiter) and faith (Neptune) at 30:45. I've been for a long time deeply fascinated with the way Alan Watts thinks. The way he describes the difference between faith and belief was illusion shattering for me. Laura just tied Alan's distinctions between faith and belief into astrology and shattered illusions. Brilliant and thank you!
“If we cling to belief in God, we cannot likewise have faith, since faith is not clinging but letting go."
― Alan W. Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity
We can have a profound belief in God, and still have faith in other aspects or things relating to God at the same time. Faith is the precursor to knowing.
54:00 - the reference to Erin Sullivan’s brilliant analogy of the prism was…wow!
She is dearly missed
Great point about psychedelics and triggering neptune. Psychedelics can be a bit too eye opening when you realize the reality of your situation is dark.
I cannot smoke weed or do psychedelics. I've tried lol neptune sun conjunction, uranus mercury moon conjunction 8th house
One insight I derived from this: the quality of people's experience of Neptune is mediated by how much Neptune their ego can handle, and this will vary over time and circumstances (set and setting).
I super love this episode. And CB is looking vibrant I don't know if it's just the lighting but he looked radiant. You can tell that CB's guest is excellent if he talk less and just listen and let his guest talk freely.
I loved Laura´s contribution, she is so articulate and uses metaphors/examples that really help internalizing the knowledge. I look forward to seeing more of her some time later :-)
as someone with neptune in the first house this episode pinged so many light bulb and confirmation moments for me.Laura is the first astrologer whom i've heard explain neptune holistically rather than deviating to the go to bias' of 'confusion and delusions' definition that so many astrologers do.
WOW this was an awesome discussion. I especially love the episodes where the guest has their own niche of expertise to share. The way that Laura discussed Neptune's relationships to transcendent experiences was very thought provoking!!! As always, thank you so much! {Neptune conjunct Venus in the 1st}
I fell in love with Laura, what an articulate and smart being she is. I was having such a meditative experience duing the whole talk and gained so so many insights into my own character and people I know with prominent Neptune. Thank you, Chris, again and again for you wonderful podcasts!
Same thoughts!!!
One of the deepest of your episodes, Chris, and you've had many...Laura was amazingly clear with her well thought-out analysis...especially the Neptune/Jupiter discussion...Bravo, as usual!!
Thank you Laura for following in the footsteps of your parents, and thank you Chris for your thoughtful interviews.
Interesting that Neptune influences things like *cinema & the depths of creativity* but also *addiction & escapism* ... and corresponds to the *Hanged Man* in the tarot. Mysterious Neptune
The Hanged Man traditionally corresponds to the Hebrew letter Mem and elemental Water. I guess that is the tie-in for Neptune. Where do you put Uranus and Pluto?
@@FreemanPresson i'm a big fan of Neptune - Hanged Man / Uranus - Aeon (Last Judgement) / Pluto - Fool, personally
Laura spoke about all that I know and feel about Neptune. At one stage of her speaking, I was in tears. Thanks for every precious moment of her being with you. Looking forward to her returning to visit you Chris. Cheers, Jude
Wow I never thought about Neptune affecting my hearing. I was always super sensitive to energy, magnetic fields from electrics and to noise, to the point that I am walking around with earplugs all the time because the world gets so overwhelming. I have Neptune in the 2nd house in Sagittarius 24 degrees. I also love water and decided when I was 32 that I will always live next to the Ocean.
This is so me all of it! 4 🪐 in the 12th, Neptune & Jupiter in Sagittarius 2nd 🏡
love the 🏖
Me too, I have Neptune in the 2nd house and need to use earplugs or blocking noise headphones in the city because too much noise disturbs me! Ocean also is a must to me!
I had a conversation w/ my mum a week ago about having psychic abilities and being highly intuitive. I found out she has Neptune in her 1st house. She then shared that when she was in college, she used to practice automatic writing & she used to have strong precognition. I always knew that she had paranormal experiences when she was younger but it was the first time she talked about automatic writing.
same. same placement. pisces stellium too
Had to give this a thumbs up before the video even started. Neptune is extremely strong in my chart so I definitely am excited to better understand my chart/myself. I enjoy Laura’s lectures and I always learn something new everytime I watch the astrology podcast. Thank you both!
Loved this podcast.. Cris always bring perfect person to discuss the topic.
Thank you Chris for once again bringing on a brilliant Astrologer and having these amazingly interesting conversations! As a new student, with my natal Neptune at 19 degrees Scorpio ♏️ in my 3rd house, your podcasts have helped me to understand that my highly intuitive and mystical experience of reality is literally in my natal chart, and after years of searching, I have finally found my tribe! ❤
She is so wise. Thank you.
She is incredible!! Could not keep my eyes off her so engaging & highly intellectual!! Thank you!! great episode ♥️♥️♥️
This was eye opening for me in many ways. Having Moon opposing Neptune in my birth chart, personally and professionally, there's a lot for me here. Thank you so much...
I have the same. Moon first house gemini, neptun 7th house.
I have this too. Neptune in 4th house opposite Gemini moon 10th house. How do you work with this aspect?
And thank you for your benevolent point of view in astrological aspects and planet Neptune, I’m glad to have heard what you had to say, since I’m in Canada I didn’t know about you, so I’m happy to have been guided to that video ! Thank you all ,
OMG I lover her. You always get guest that just agree and don't add value to the convo. She definitely adds value to the convo and use simple language. Please bring her back or get more talkative guest like her.
I agree! This was a really engaging conversation!! I noted that leo rising conjunct Uranus in her chart, love me some leonine confidence!!
really grateful for having this type of knowledge offered for free :) thank u all so much, it was amazing.
I have Neptune conjunct Moon in my 3H Aquarius, both opposite my Jupiter in Leo 9H. It's an experience, honestly, and it's pretty refreshing to see how what you have learned about the world correlates to the the meaning of existence. How you can derive meaning from understanding the true nature of reality. I also have Neptune making a very tight trine to both my Venus and Mercury in Gemini, so that's another intellectual thingy ig. But honestly speaking, I never truly realised how like 60% of my personality is my whole thingy going on with Neptune, considering it is first in a tight conjunction to my moon and then a tight opposition with my chart ruler. I always struggled with comprehending what exactly this Leo-Aquarius axis meant for me.. but damn I only realised the true meaning after watching this episode on Neptune. This is an amazing episode! Thank you for the work ❤!
Laura is such a would be amazing if you would make a video on Evolutional Astrology with her...thanks for all you do!
Wow. It is about 5 minutes into the video and I am stunned. From the very beginning, I felt a very easy interaction between Chris and Laura, so I thought that she could be a Pisces. But then I felt the warmth of a Leo and a certain sharpness of Capricorn. I am also a Cap Sun, Leo Asc and my Neptune is on the IC exactly. Wow, can't wait to hear the rest of the video. Good start :)
My favorite podcast episode ever!
Fantastic presentation. I live in London UK and really immerse into Astrology during the last 6 years, and Neptune was always the most elusive planet. Today 30/6/23 Neptune became retrograde, and decided to watch this. It really helped me through its fog to understand it.
I had a great experience with Neptune last year. In April 22 it got together with Jupiter at 23 degrees of Pisces , 1 degree apart from my Sun at my 11th house. At the exact day of this conjunction I had my interview for my US green card, and it was approved. New possibilities opening up as she said..
Thanks so much for all of the rich, important discussion here and on the podcast in general. 45 mins in and I'm loving this dialogue. I have Neptune conjunct (within a degree) of my IC as well - in Scorpio (born 1969). My mom gave me Johnathan Livingston Seagull to read when I was about 13 or 14. I will never forget that book and the impact it had on me. I came to a serious study of astrology through the lens of EA and a fascination with Pluto...and have more recently been interested and seeing the value and of traditional astrology (currently taking Chris's Hellenistic course). I now think having the foundations of the tradition is essential, but there's definitely room for the best of both approaches.
Best one so far..the cruxs of astrology 🎯❤️
Wow, such an amazing episode! I had Neptune conjunct my natal Jupiter (trining my natal Sun) in 2018. Laura pretty much described it word-to-word how I described that period of time to anyone around me. I kept having that vision in my head that earthquake just happened and all the buildings are broken (dissolution of old beliefs) and it's a white fog and I can't see anything, except for maybe 1m around me. I have been anxious because I wanted to know which pieces of buildings to pick up and which were faulty and I they won't serve me anymore in the future. My therapist told me to just stay and wait until I know what to do. And a few months later a line appeared and I stepped over that line and fog cleared and this vision in my head disappeared within next couple of weeks. The whole experience lasted for several months. On the top of that it was the only time in my life when I was realistically scared of psychosis or having an onset of a mental disorder. My psyche was expanding and I could see that my perception on life is just a construct of my psyche, that there is no Truth, because my truth is also a construct of my beliefs and my psyche structures. That time gave me extreme acceptance of multiple versions of reality coexisting simultaneously in every person's head, and how difficult it must be for all of us to communicate (the transit was in my 3rd house), given that we all see the world through a lense of our own perception. And appreciation for human to even try to communicate and cross the information over. All of that multitude of realities felt like I'm going insane. I have been in therapy at that time and thankful to my therapist for walking me through that experience and being a hand I could hold onto. I couldn't watch any horror or scifi at that time, because I was so impressionable, so I had to shell myself from the incoming external information, because being in that state I knew I need to rely on internal, not external guidance. It was the most psychologically beautiful and difficult time of my life. The understanding I gain through that transit forever shifted my relationship with life, people, psyche. I discovered astrology only a year and a half ago, and listening to this episode was a beautiful revelation of how that time was a play between Nuptune and Jupiter. Thank you!
Chris is on fire with these planet podcasts!!!
This was just brilliant! As a new student to astrology I found the episode provided a great insight into Neptune. My Neptune is also in Scorpio in my third house. I can go into very dreamy states while going through my daily life and can easily put aside my list of ‘todo’s’ for the day to get lost in books, film or music. I dial out of the day to day , hold back communicating with those around me in order to escape to another realm.
Chris Brennan I am really enjoying all your work on the Astrology podcast.
This was IN-CRED-IBLE!!!!!!! Thank you both so much!
Watching again, such a good interview Chris. Thank you
Wow what a great conversation - this one will get multiple listens! This is so so timely for me! Laura is a total legend! I am Pisces Rising with Neptune conjunct MC in 10th house Sag. So Neptune is square my ASC and sextile Saturn and Pluto. Currently Neptune is 5 degrees away from my ASC by transit. I am an artist who is shortly going on an artist residency which is located on my Neptune line in the southwest of Ireland. There I plan to use drawing as a research method to document my time on my Neptune line. The residency overlooks the Atlantic ocean. A lot of the research I've been doing includes rituals and mythology related to the sea in Ireland and Scotland. I have also started working with scent that is diffused using water. Weirdly I always manage to live beside a body of water and/or near institutions for mental health services but that makes more sense to me now :)
I enjoyed this video immensely! Thank you both! Laura…wow! What a deep soul you are
What a treat to get the early release via Patreon! Thank you!
This was a wonderful conversation - Laura is a real dynamo and wise one! I have neptune in capricorn on my ascendant. I'm grateful for this placement; Saturn return was clarifying, to say the least, and I finally started to find the Truth and purpose of things with this gained maturity. But I wouldn't trade my sensitivities, perception, and grounded/dreamy nature now that I've grown into it. Before, I was wallowing in some real mud but have always had wise teachers and mentors to provide some guideposts so I didn't get entirely sucked under.
This episode has been available for early access since September through our page on Patreon. Sign up now for early access to other upcoming episodes:
I’m so excited to hear this episode. I’ve been realizing just how Neptunian I am with Sun inconjunct Neptune (exact), Neptune conjunct my midheaven, Aries 12th house North node and Pisces in the 12th
Your describing a meltdown, due to overstimulation (roughly around 1hr 25min). 'over-sensitivity' #Neurodivergency
Lost count how many times I've heard 'you're too sensitive,' or 'oh, you're one of the sensitive ones.'
NN conj Neptune 6th square Jupiter 9th Sun conj Moon 7th Mercury conj Venus 8th
I switched from western to eastern (Vedic) astrology, because I was seeing (still am) nakshatra themes playing out in my dreams.
Thanks so much for sharing! Much appreciated!
Laura is such an engaging and educated astrology teacher! I was afraid that the Neptune episode would be vague and difficult to understand. lol! But Chris and Laura are brilliant and did a great job at describing this planet !
"Vague and difficult to understand".😂. Neptune in a nutshell.
As a Piscis rising with Neptune conjunct the Mid Heaven and Jupiter in Cancer conjunct Venus in Cancer in the fourth house I highly enjoyed and resonated with everything said here. Wonderful! Thank you both!!
Love the podcast - seeing in person in your cool studio with the cams- love watching more live between the two of you - Laura is brilliant and your respect and appreciation for one another is obvious- what a phenomenal deep dive. It is fun to watch you all have such fun with your love of Astrology. Thank you both. Chris great pick for Neptune!
This was an absolutely amazing discussion! So many lessons and revelations!!! Thank you both!
This was one of my favorites! Laura is such a good speaker. I think Neptune just became ma favorite planet. @ 1h08: she didn't need to call me out like that tho.
Thank you for the episode!
Unattainable, unknowable, space. Perhaps where our consciousness is headed in the future. Thanks for sharing this knowledge! Totally enjoyed!
I hope you do a video about Pluto, I can't wait for it enough. Incredible series, thank you for what you're doing
This was a fascinating discussion, Chris. It helped me understand my self. Like Laura I have Neptune and Jupiter in 4 house, and I understood so much about my hypersensitivity. And no, she hasn't exaggerated a bit. If anything, she downplayed it. I'm going to watch all discussions about all Planets!! I want to learn! Thank you! 😊
I have Neptune at 29 Capricorn forming a grand trine with my Sun at 29 Taurus & North Node at 26 Virgo. I am an HSP/highly sensitive person and related so hard at the part about over empathizing, a need for space, sensitivity to sounds and smells, and overall just living in a rich, dreamy inner world! While I have an intense work ethic, I could also easily daydream all day lol. Awesome episode, thank you both so much!
Been waiting on this one. Thank you Chris for this series 🙏🏿
One of my fave episodes. Love Laura! Learned so much from this episode ☺️
Such a beautiful episode. Neptune Moon and Venus conjunct in Sag. I’m finally getting them!
Yes to the heightened sensitivity to sound and substances
My son has neptune in the 4th and I was so worried of the negative implications so I am so thankful for this.
I have an out of sign neptune sun conjunction in sag 8th house neptune 9th in Capricorn and learning astrology- I really resonate with exactly what she said. I need to see the Carfax haha I study and take a big interest in degrees, synastry and patterns in fact that show the souls evolution. ❤
This woman is deeply knowledgeable
Laura is a treasure.
23:10 It also makes sense that Allan White would be the person to make that observation and know the distinction; having been a soldier himself and having experienced battle and blood shed and knowing that just because you’re seeing a picture of it doesn’t mean that you’re really experiencing the reality of it.
Thank you. Very helpful 🎉
I love this episode. This is my 3rd time watching it:)! As Neptune in conjunct ascendant by a degree listening to this is so beautiful!
Very enlightening podcast. I found your guest to be so knowledgeable and thought provoking. Thank you for providing this information to us.
1:26:51😢😢😢 yep. I've lived with that all my life and didn't know " it was a thing" until now! So thanks to you both. See,this is why I'm loving astrology. Because I've gotten so many answers to SELF.
Very inspiring and insightful.
I have Neptune on the IC in my 5th house - I love going deep into my creative world when I'm all alone and transporting myself to a distant place and state of mind where I come up with amazing ideas and creations - but it's square Saturn on my dsc but in the 8th house - I get held back and blocked from creative pursuits by difficult relationships, debts, responsibilities around money, having to find work that sustains me. One day I'll get to be an artist in my element! Neptune is transiting my natal 6th house Pisces Jupiter right now. I want to believe it's opening me up, expanding my perception, and widening my optimism. Maybe I'll fall into a day job that allows me to express my creative nature and lets me be my sensitive intuitive artsy Pisces Jupiter self.
I have Neptune conjunct Moon , Trine my Sun and Square Uranus. The Moon is conjunct Mars so I was able to amplify other peoples visions for the duration of my productive life. Now as I am retired and living in a pastoral setting, photography is my outlet. I love to connect to new knowledge via The Shift Network various weeklong summits. Astrology podcasts are also a satisfying source to nourish my enormous curiosity about the mechanics of our mysterious universe. I thank you sincerely Chris for all that you do to provide an ongoing & wide angle on ASTROLOGY. ( Sun, Venus, Mercury is Conjunct in the 11th House. in Gemini. I also have the same 29the degree Cancer ascendant as Austin Coppock!! My Mars is 1 degree Scorpio, the sniper...I just love you guys.
this podcast is full of revelations for me♥ I want to thank you for giving the important details on Neptune Venus people (which I am:) and their glamorous delusions:)),🎭 and a tendency to attract smn with addiction and egoistically trying to save them in every way, and then obviously failing because one can only save themselves and not being saved by someone! I was a blind kitten, now I got one eye open🐾🐾🐾 Glamorous delusions have never been less glamorous :))🌌
Amen. Eye opening for me
I have neptune tightly squaring venus which is my chart ruler in its domicile but I've never experienced any of that. I'm in a long term relationship but I don't feel I'm idealizing my partner, everyone in my family and my friends like him and nobody gave me any sign that he might be wrong for me. Maybe venus in libra gives me enough social skills that neptune can't really influence me in that way? However I do have a tendency towards escapism, fascination for dreams and altered states of consciousness and a fondness for drugs and alcohol that isn't otherwise explained by the rest of the chart. I was also born under neptune stationing.
@@luisa146 wow! Venus in Libra sounds really great🔥🔥🔥It surely gives you energy balance
@@luisa146 Maybe it doesn't show up for you because Neptune and Venus might not ruling the 7th house, in the 7th house, or aspecting the descendant. Neptune square Venus alone for you might just influence your ideals of art and beauty. Just a thought :).
@@pixiee970 oh that could be why! Neptune is in my fourth house. Venus rules the first and eighth house. Thanks for clarifying! I'm new to astrology and it's fascinating but it's kinda hard
Fantastic talk Chris ! This gal is totally awesome. Thank you for the introduction!
Just got home from work to this?? Woohoo! Being a ‘93 baby, I have that Neptune-Uranus conjunction. It’s in 8H Capricorn opposing Mercury in 2H Cancer. So the Uranus episode helped some, but I’m hoping this episode clears up what remains!
Yesss fellow ‘93 gemini rising 🙌🏽
I was born in 91, so I have the applying conjunction in Cap in the 7th :)
I have that conjunction in the 5th house Capricorn, squaring Venus in Aries and quincunx Mercury in Gemini
92' Cancer rising. I have conjunction of Uranus and Neptun (both retrograde) in Capricorn in 7th house. Neptune also sextile moon in 9th pisces and pluto in 5th Scorpio. Good to hear all about this planet more.
With my Neptune in my Scorpio ascendant, I'm channeling that energy into art, astrology sessions, yoga, meditation, and premonitions. It's a gift.❤
Having Neptune on the ascendent this has been profound to listen to. Great talk
Neptune is the icing on the cake. Life would' be drab without Neptune.
I have Neptune in the 10th house in conjunction with the MC and the moon in Scorpio (sidereal) or Sagittarius (tropical), in sextile with the sun and Pluto (in trine with each other), and square my ascendant in Aquarius (sidereal) or Pisces (tropical). Always felt at odds with reality, that it was too small or constricting, and drawn to the so-called spiritual realm. It took me a good while - after much toil and trouble - to realize that spirituality is nothing more than making one's ideals real, being coherent with one's ideals in terms of one's thoughts, feelings, and acts. Without making peace with reality, spirituality is essentially projection and escapism, really. Cheers from Brazil! 😉
WOW this was great! Never seen such fluidity in any of your casts. Absolutely Fantastic!! :-)
I truly appreciate the beauty and positivity that you brought to Neptune. I am a Pisces ASC so there’s the long Neptune transit in my first house. People often harp on the negative about the planet all the time & I am not saying that it’s not true but thank you for sharing the greatness!!!!
Chris dropping ''neptune street cred'' in a death serious tone with no reactions from his guest was such a Astrology podcast / Chris brennan moment lmao
10:08 😂 that gave me such a chuckle! Now what I was expecting to hear as the close of the sentence ….. “church ladies came home” was …”to get THEIR OWN charts read” 😂 because honestly when people in my church …I’m Indian and Catholic…know I read charts, they come to ask me for a reading or more often a gemstone consult because I have been studying and practicing Indian / Vedic astrology since I was a child and have never seen any conflict between the Vedic teachings and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. They have 12 Solar Adityas, we have the 12 disciples, they have the Nakshatra deities, we have the saints & angels. I just modify the “prescription” so to speak. If someone needs the help of Lord Hanuman, I suggest they begin a devotion to Archangel Michael, that’s all 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Can’t wait to hear more!
thats soo cool!
Hyper sensitivity Is REAL with Neptune/moon aspects
Something about Laura calms my nerves. :)
Chris, you're awesome! Thank you for doing what you do, and breaking astrology down the way you do, and helping us understand ourselves this lifetime.
Thanks for this! With a grand fire trine involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune, and Neptune square my Sun/Mercury in Virgo, I’ve always been fascinated with Neptune and how it works in the world.
Brilliant and illuminating from beginning to end!
Wonderful conversation, thank you for sharing! My Neptune conjunct my midheaven, 9th/10th house. Sagittarius/Capricorn. And I have my north node in the 12th house Pisces, together with Mars. Things fall into place at the moment, more psychic experiences, automatic writing and visions that show me my path in healing. Love it❤
I have a 8th house Neptune Capricorn t-square (tight orb) with my moon in 5th and Mercury in 11th and I so relate to the speakers issues with Mom. My mom was an Astrologer and led me according to my chart which was confusing but she also had drug/alcohol problems and she didn't want me to fall into the same patterns. Even though she caused so many problems in my life, she introduced me to every religion and life path. Very interesting stuff here!
This is great. Through my own observations, I determined that how Neptune plays out is dependent upon one's level of consciousness.
You just really rounded it out for me.
Jesus, this woman is a powerhouse. How have a never heard of her? Great teacher. Passionate and incisive.
Love You Both From India🙏🏼🇮🇳
This is such an awesome podcast. Enjoyed it a lot the different references. This should reach everyone and infact about every planet such deep logical and philosophical analysis if carried out would be so beautiful ✨
"Breathing of the breath of the divine" 💜is exactly my experience with the Neptune in Sagittarius exact od the descendant sextile venus in aquarius on the MC conjunct jupiter. it's hard to explain my inner experience when inspiration hit me.. fascinating visions moves me in to creation of the most beautiful music and deep connection to all 🙏🐘🦌🐴😇🦄
My Neptune is in the 5th house as a part of a Capricorn stellium. It is very closely conjunct Venus (a little more than 1 degree) and opposite my moon in Cancer. This has manifested multiple ways; a strong pull toward art in general and immense creativity, a passion for music and film, dating men who end up being manipulative, attraction to others who are some form of artist as well, hopeless romanticism, etc. The moon opposition either enforces these things in my personality, or gives me a heightened intuition (or both). It's tough to say, I feel as if a lot of things in my chart can be attributed to multiple planets/houses, so I always have trouble discerning what's causing what. For example, my "intuition" could also be from having Pluto in the 3rd squaring my Mercury. I'm great at reading people, reading between the lines with things they won't say, seeing through lies, and knowing when something's wrong or someone is feeling "off".
Divinely played and presented a clear understanding of what lies beyond our contained consciousness ! Thank you!
What a fantastic conversation and episode!! Thank you Laura and Chris for this. So good ♥
Wonderful guest and l found this so profound having my cancer with moon in 2nd house. Our traits and talents are endless......
I LOVED this episode! Laura- Your energy, knowledge and outstanding communication skills make you an excellent teacher, my focus didn’t wander once! 😝 💞✨TY!
Similar Neptune themes : (Is included into the 7H Virgo Su/Mo=Jupiter midpoint, Square Neptune conjunct MC, and Pisces Asc ☺️ This was amazing for Me, TY Both 😘👊🙌
What a great conversation/teaching. Thank you.
Thank you for this excellent conversation! I have Neptune in the 3rd in Sag squaring the Nodes in Pisces/Virgo and squaring my Virgo stellium (Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Venus) in the 12th, so with Neptune both being the ruler of my South Node and the 12th house I feel that Neptune has dominated my life (and past ones). I have a hard time being in my body, always felt that I needed to stay away from drugs and any psychedelics because I’m highly sensitive and also the ‘veil’ is thin as it is for me. I’m grateful for all the earth in my chart which enables me to lead a somewhat stable life, gives me a counterbalance and an emphasis on the practical, everyday things. I’m a creative problem solver, have an analytical brain that thinks outside the box and a ton of compassion at best and have also experienced cycles of getting lost in the fog and being completely confused and disillusioned. I started studying EA two years ago which has been incredibly nourishing and helpful to me.
I know this is 2 years old but if you have clients come through that are so Neptunian that they are isolated due to being so sensitive (psychic) there are tools and techniques they can learn that will help turn it down. There is a wonderful school in Boulder Colorado and the owner - a Japanese psychic from birth or as early as she recalls Miwa Mack is very good at helping people who are very open psychically/super sensitive to learn to dial it down and channel it into a great gift and not be stuck and overwhelmed by their senses.