O All the Earth, in Joyful Shouts - Psalm 66 ST. MATTHEW - Treasury 205

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • 1. 1 O all the earth, in joyful shouts,
    To God your voices raise.
    2 And sing the glory of His name,
    And glorious make His praise.
    3 To God declare, “How awesome are
    The wondrous works You do!”
    So great Your strength! Your enemies
    In haste submit to You.
    2. 4 Yes, all the earth will worship You,
    They praise to You will sing;
    And to Your name most glorious
    Their songs of praise will bring.
    5 O come, behold the works of God,
    His mighty doings see;
    In wondrous works on man’s behalf
    How truly great is He!
    3. 6 He turned the sea into dry land,
    Their feet a pathway had
    Where they then through the river walked
    Let us in Him be glad!
    7 He rules forever by His might,
    On nations keeps His eye.
    Let not the proud, rebellious ones
    Exalt themselves on high!
    4. 8 O all you peoples, bless our God,
    Abroad proclaim His praise;
    9 The One who keeps our souls alive,
    Our feet from stumbling stays.
    10 For You, O God, have tested us
    As silver is refined.
    11 You caught us in a net, and on
    Our backs a load You bind.
    5. 12 You let men trample on our heads;
    We passed through fire and flood.
    But then at last you brought us to
    A place of bounteous good.
    13 And so I’ll come into Your house;
    Burnt offerings I’ll pay
    14 To keep the vows my lips had made
    When troubles filled my way.
    6. 15 Burnt offerings of fattened beasts
    With smoke of rams I’ll take;
    And from the cattle and the goats
    I will an off’ring make.
    16 All you that fear God, come and hear
    What God did for my soul.
    17 For with my mouth I cried to Him,
    My tongue did Him extol.
    7. 18 If in my heart I cherished sin,
    The Lord then would not hear.
    19 But surely God has heard my voice,
    He to my pray’r gave ear.
    20 Forever blessed be our God!
    My pray’r He has not spurned;
    And He has not away from me
    His lovingkindness turned.
    Music: William Croft, 1708
    Text: The Book of Psalms for Worship, 2009 © 2009, Crown & Covenant Publications
    Tune name: ST. MATTHEW 8 6. 8 6. 8 6. 8 6.
    All vocals by Michael E. Owens
    I record tunes that anyone can sing.
    Now that you know the tune, go ahead and sing it.

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