As a member of Moash Did Nothing Wrong, a big reason why I joined the community was because of the (surprising) vitriol people had for Moash in the Stormlight Archive community. I almost feel like the name was a jab at the FuckMoash community, rather than something I really believed. That's to say -- I agree with you completely. He definitely did some things wrong, but my absolutely favourite scene in the books is when he is in the Fused camp and realizes that light eyes will always try to dominate. He has this great realization after being treated as a lesser person his whole life. It really resonated with me, which made him one of my favourite characters. But, as Leshwi tells him, he is no longer Moash. He is now Vyre. I'm not sure I'll still find him as compelling now that he has the same super powers as Kaladin. Great video!
I totally forgot he got powers until I finished my reread a few days ago. I was bummed out, I agree, I think it's less interesting that he has Kaladin's powers now. Moash was already an intense person and I feel like it would've been interesting to see the contrast. Also, many people of the moashdidnothingwrong subreddit did tell me that too! They said that the name was mostly a joke and they just liked more nuanced discussion of Moash. I tend to find broken friendships one of the saddest things, so I was more sad than angry at Moash, if anything (well until he killed Elhokar saying the words. That was maddening)
I've always seen Elhokar as a victim of Alethi society and a kid in an adult's body, completely driven by how other people surrounding him expected him to act. He was wrong, he wasn't a good ruler, but I can't help but feel he was trying really hard to do things right and he just couldn't. His situation was above his mental skills For those reasons I see Elhokar as a victim, and I can't really blame him for what I said before, he acts as his society has taught him to act and think. And when he tried to be someone better, he failed. When he tries to save his family, he fails. He wasn't good enough. And that's what got him killed Quite a tragic character he is in my opinion
I would say he is a victim in many ways, but a tragic back story can give reasons for bad behavior but I wouldn't necessarily say they excuse them. So I don't find Elhokar innocent in everything, but I also don't think he deserves as much ire as he received from Moash.
There is a difference between Kelsier and Moash though and it isn't just charisma and/or "main character/hero" treatment for one and not the other. And that is that Kelsier might have wanted revenge against the Lord Ruler, but also wanted to fight the good fight for the sake of uplifting the skaa. Moash isn't exactly going around helping dark eyes, he isn't even necessarily doing what he does for the singers. He does it for himself and his own revenge and to justify his own opinions and actions up to that point. He doesn't want to look back and address his potential guilt, instead, he gives it up to Odium. Whereas Kelsier, on the other hand, was able to see that there might be some good people on the other side (Elend) but Moash just wants to pretend to be an edge lord cutting stones to and do mind-numbing physical labour to distract himself and believe that he is right and the whole world should just be brought down to the ground.
Describing Moash as an edge lord is A++ lol Someone else pointed out that Kelsier brought out the best in people and tried to lift them, while Moash brings people down. I thought that was a great and simple way to describe what feels different about them.
I mean... Kaladin kind of turned his back on Moash. Moash confided in him and trusted him and then Kaladin kind of betrayed him... Moash turned his back on bridge four only after its leader, and his closest friend who he thought he could trust, chose the murderer of his grandparents over him. Elhokar might have been Dalinar's Tien, but he was Moash's Amaram.
Yep I'm with you there in Oathbringer. But he didn't have to be so rude to Kaladin lol. That's why I wasn't even that made he killed Roshone because like...honestly I get it.
Ahhhhh, the Dalinar flashbacks are exactly why i think Moash is a scumbag. Dalinar was a bad leader, did horrible things, and was allowed to grow and learn from it. Moash robbed Elokhar of that character arc because of a misguided notion that Elokhar was directly responsible for his Grandparents' deaths, even though we've seen that Elokhar wasn't even aware of the specifics of the situation. I do feel like Kaladin is Vin and Moash is Kelsier on another world in different circumstances, but like Brandon said, Kelsier is a sociopath. In any other story he would be the villain. Moash doesn't seem to be a sociopath, because he cares for his family enough to have suffered as much as he has, but he is definitely a shitty person for throwing away ALL of the people he cared about for an uninformed murder plot.
Damn, that Kelsier comparison was a great point that didn't occur to me. Like everyone, what Moash did hit me hard when reading but I've always had a soft sport for him to be honest. As you said it's all about perspective you see it from! Moash has remorse for what he has done and the fact that he's so numb and compliant towards the end of Oathbringer is rough to read. Regardless I'm glad I've found a fellow Booktuber discussing the Stormlight Archive, I've subbed and am keen to see your other videos :)
Yay for discussing the Stormlight Archive! I feel like I could discuss Sanderson's books endlessly lol. I can totally see how you have a soft spot for him. I hated him for a while after reading Oathbringer because I was so frustrated by his decisions, but now I have way more empathy for him. Really interested to see where his story goes (I'm nervous because I've heard rumblings that his chapters are intense in ROW...but I refuse to read the early chapters!)
I didn't really start liking Dahlinar until Oathbringer. Up until them his perspective seemed more like an interruption to me. Of course Moash did something wrong. He betrayed his oaths, friends, and people all for revenge, not Justice. Revenge is always selfish and wrong. His actions in this universe also means that Elohkar never needs to be fully accountable for his actions so he was wrong there too.
Did Moash do anything wrong? Yes, he certainly did. I agree with you. He is Kaladin’s foil. We see how Elhokar’s death affects Kaladin because he was unable to protect him. We understand the potential in Elhokar that was lost. So we dislike Moash. But shouldn’t one of our ideals as humans to be to try to understand and empathize with people’s viewpoints we may not readily see? To not simply hate someone because they are the enemy or “the other”? Moash is a man who lost his grandparents to Elhokar. His life was filled with seeing the corruption of nobles. Kaladin who became one of his closest friends agreed with his plan to kill Elhokar, but seemingly changed his mind at the last moment without explanation. Moash then became a slave once more and then empathized with the Parshendi’s cause. He found himself with the opportunity to kill Elhokar and took it, finding his revenge, but feeling empty afterwards. Was what he did wrong? Yes. But does he deserve all the hate he got from the online community at the end of Oathbringer? Certainly not. Would more readers have empathized with him if we had more written from his point of view? Perhaps. Is he deserving of forgiveness and empathy? Absolutely.
I mean I sort of agree with you about my point that if we viewed this from a totally neutral viewpoint Moash would not honestly look bad. But we are so influenced by our characters viewpoints (particulary Kaladin) that it isn't exactly fair.
As for the comparison between Kelsier and Moash, I agree that they are quite similar. However there is evidence in my opinion that Moash is as much of a foil to Kelsier as he is to Kaladin (just note Mistborn spoilers to follow). First, Kelsier's treatment of his crew vs Moash in bridge 4. We have Moash parting ways with Bridge 4 because in the end he was willing to fight Kalladin and abandon Bridge 4 to try and get his revenge. Kelsier's lesson to Vin however is all about how you have to trust the crew. He even essentially says that he would still trust the crew even if led to him being betrayed. However we also see Kelsier's love for Vin overide his hatred of all nobility. He SAVES Elend, when he didn't have to and may have been able to survive and escape if hadn't. In some sense this is like Kalladin in that he protected someone he hated because it was right and because Elend was Vin's Tien just like Elohakar was Dalinar's Tien. Second, Kelsier's attitude vs Moash's attitude. Kelsier hit rock bottom in the Pits but decided to smile and be positive instead even though he often didn't feel that way. Moash on the other hand devolved into hating himself and almost everyone. Third, Kelsier is not as focused on revenge. He hates the nobility yes, but it is more similar to Moash's realization that lighteyes will continue to seek and abuse power. Moash still ontop of this or perhaps driving this is his personal grudge against Elohokar. This might be a weaker point, but I think its important to note. Finally, although I said they are similar and are somewhat foils for each other, really Kelsier just has a very different flaw. Kelsier's problem is not about whether he does the right things or isn't actually trying to help make the world better (although Moash in some perverted way wants to do the same but through genocide of humans essentially) it is his pride. Kelsier's pride gets in the way as sometimes its hard for him to differentiate between doing the right thing because its the right thing or because he wants to be remembered and have a legacy (become God). It is possible that Kelsier wouldn't be a hero if the circumstances didn't really require one or if playing the hero wouldn't get him remembered as a hero. We see instances of both, for example saving the skaa may have been less important to him than being known for overthrowing the empire or killing nobles, but saving Elend wasn't about being the hero but because he cared. So Kelsier definitely has issues, but I think they are actually quite different from Moash, who is more about vengeance and a disbelief in redemption (which as you mentioned is one of the biggest themes of Stormlight).
Just excellent, excellent analysis all around. I really like how you pointed out the differences in how Moash/Kelsier treat their "crews"; which points out another difference, which is that Kelsier was the natural leader, while Moash would have never been a leader in Bridge 4 if it wasn't for Kal. That difference in role and desire to lead is also probably a huge, huge difference in their stories.
Mannnnnn you make such a very interesting points! I mean, I hate him with a burning passion and I do think he is a BAD person (I will elaborate) but these points are fantastically put out!! But yeah after all I think we shouldn't be that forgiving with Moash (I'm commenting this on this video because I want to exclude the events of RoW because it is clear that Moash is a bad person in that book. But I think the person he was in RoW was the same person he was in Oathbringer and RoW makes easy to point out why he is so bad so I will leave that. Though I will watch the video updated in this later) First of all, yeah Moash is a bad person, and I think the thing that proves that is what he says in Oathbringer and is that he doesn't feel sorry about the things he do. He lets Odium take his pain and he doesn't want to accept the responsibility or feel bad because he is killing and betraying. It is such and expert move because it is in the same book that Dalinar expresses that it's important to take responsibility to be better and make the next step in the right direction. So basically Moash is an Anti-Dalinar if that makes sense. But what I found even more interesting is that the description we got in TWoK and WoR of the first Ideal of the radiant Knights indicates that the desire of Moash to kill Elhokar is not good, Moash opposes to the first Ideal. "Life before death": radiants must protect the life of those who cant protect themselves, also choosing to live as taking the hard path to protect. Moash wants to kill Elhokar, who is defenselessand doesn't want to battle "Strength before weakness": radiants must be strong to (again) protect those who are weak. Elhokar is weak, and instead of protect and help him Moash wants to kill him "Journey before destination": exactly what you said about Moash taking Elhokar's ability to become better Furthermore, I don't think Elhokar was that bad of a person. He had a very strict father (and we know Gavilar didn't treat Jasnah wonderfully so I'd make sense to be that for him to) and I don't deny that the Roshone incident was awful but I think Dalinar said he was partly pressured by society to not punish Roshone excessively. Besides, he DID try to be a good king and Moash killed him while he was PROTECTING HIS SON. AND to the other points. Kaladin didn't betray Moash. And yeah, maybe I'm biased towards Kaladin (most likely) but Moash partly forced him to join his cause. Like in WoR Kaladin said he had ben having trouble to accep hanging out with Bridge Four to drink, and one day Moash convinces him to go to a tabern. Kaladin was having a good time until Moash tells him he only told him to hang out so he could meet with Graves and the people who wanted Elhokar dead. I mean, that makes me ask: how much did Moash really care about Kaladin? Maybe it's just a little stupid moment but idk. And the parshendi thing I obviously admit it was good that he helped them, but honestly that for me is like a good act from a bad person, such as I see Adolin killing Sadeas a bad act from a good person. And besides, Moash says he wants to fight humanity because are all awful but he doesn't know the wonderful people there are lile Dalinar, Navani, Shallan and Renarin!! All because of his prejudices And I think that's all (except for RoW where well... Navani and Teft woudl like to have some things to say). I don't know if he will ever get a redemption but I hope he doesn't. He is far more interesting as a villain and it would feel unearned after everything he's done. I actually think is more likely that we get a Taravangian redemption. Anyway sorry for this looooooooooong message. And sorry if I'm commenting in a lot of videos lately. It's just that I recently discovered this channel and as I just finishe to read RoW i had some thoughts to share. Great video btw!!!!
I freaking LOVE your analysis of the Windrunner ideals and how Moash's desire/success at killing Elhokar directly opposed all the ideals! I also have a super hard time feeling that Kaladin betrayed Moash in any way. I feel like Kaladin was always iffy about the whole situation, like you said, and was just caught up between his (rightful) feelings of unfairness by the hand of light eyes and actually wanting to kill Elhokar.
@@Bookborn I think Moash is the Anti-every good protagonist in the books. Like, he opposes a lot of them one way or the other. Kaladin: they both were bridgemen who were affected by the ruling class but they acted differently about this Dalinar: they both did horrible things but Dalinar decides to keep his pain and trying to improve and be better, whilst Moash gives his pain to Odium and doesn't feel remorse Adolin: he cares about the people that is around him and he helps Kaladin, listening to him while going out, while Moash treated him like a medium for his means, and didn't actually listen to him until after Kal defends Elhokar Shallan: she tries to be true to herself and I think her ultimate lesson in book 5 will be that she accepts she IS Shallan Davar and always was, even when all the things she did, while Moash hides in his new name, Vyre, so the 'real Moash' can escape the things he do Navani: I don't know for this one. I guess Navani doesn't want to kill herself (?)
First, thanks for the video. I have a few perspectives that I'll add. The scene where Moash killed Elhokar totally took me down. I don't view it as a judgment on Moash, though. Let's go back to the words. Elhokar and Moash are on different journeys. Especially after Kaladin identifies Elhokar as Tien, we really want to see him succeed. He's on a journey upward. Moash is taking different forks, and he is on a journey downward. And then those two journeys collide, and tragedy ensues. In fact, the journey metaphor helps understand Moash. He can't get past that one point where Elhokar killed his grandparents. He can't see the journey in which that moment is set.
Fascinating idea and discussion of us being in Kaladins head while viewing Moash and how that influenced us. I now see Moash as a more complex character which makes him more interesting, but he still did something wrong.
In addition to your argument of the theme of the books being change and us having spent so much time in Kaladin's head, I think to Words of Radiance and Kaladin swearing the third ideal. In that moment as a reader, I start seeing past what Elokhar has done and start feeling sympathy towards him. In a way, like Kaladin, I put aside my hate towards him and forgive him. So as a reader that makes Elohkar's death by Moash's hand so much more shocking because it is all based upon that revenge that Moash is seeking, which goes against what we just went through with Kaladin in the previous book
Great analysis! I love that I found your video right before rereading SLA for RoW! Unless Brandon is able to give Moash his own Dalinar redemption arc in later books I’m firmly in the f*@k Moash camp for good.
Hi! Just found your channel on a Twitter thread. I really like your personality and the energy in your videos! I will Subscribe to support another Booktuber! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!!
I was indifferent to Moash killing Elhokar. They were both flawed characters with some redeeming qualities imo. I think many people get caught up in Syl leaving Kal but spren have their own agenda and biases and aren't the benevolent beings they're initially painted as. The parallels to Kel are a good point I didn't consider! I could see Moash having a redemption arc based on his pov chapters I've read so far.
Oh man INDIFFERNET??? That's so interesting to hear, I was so upset 😅 I think I was partly upset about Moash too; like, I wanted him to be something/someone different and that felt like the killing blow to that.
I really like Moash's character. I won’t deny that. Just a few points though Moash didn't kick Gavinor. That is an exaggeration by the F moash community. Secondly I have a problem with the whole notion that Elhokar was trying to improve. He was not malicious, that I can see. But its written explicitly in the text that "he let Moash'd grandparents rot in the jail and delayed the trial, as he knew that they would die and hence that would save him". He effectively killed them because he was a selfish king. Secondly when did Elhokar attempt to change? He "wishes to change". But he never tried. That is a big difference. All he did was cry to Kaladin in the wagon scene when he was DRUNK. That doesn't mean anything. Secondly did he even give two shits about his wife executing an ardent unjustly? No. The only thought he has is - my wife did it coz of the spren. Does that count as man who is trying to change? What he has is wishful thinking. That doesn't mean he is "trying". Its a big big difference. Why people equate that to trying is coz of Kaladin Pov where he says he is trying. Sanderson is essentially forcing us to see Elhokar as sympathetic where none of his actions actually show he is trying. I would love to hear your thoughts. I think Moash hate is a problem of Pov. We see so much of his action through the lens of Kaladin and others who he is opposing, that it blinds us to his side.
I had just reread Oathbringer when I made this video - Moash kicks aside Gavinor I'm pretty sure. It might said "push aside with his foot" but it felt like kicking. I don't even try to over-hate on Moash, but I did have a son who was three at a time so that entire scene was incredibly distressing to me lol. I did actually talk about this (don't know if you quite made it to the end of my video or if it's in my second Moash video that I made after RoW) but I talk about how we identify so much with Kaladin that we see things from his perspective. So, if we pretended the Stormlight Archive was real, and we were reading a history book on the events rather than through character's perspectives, I think we'd see Moash very differently. It would perhaps feel strategic - again, we wouldn't have Kaladin telling us Elhokar is trying. From this view, I can understand why people don't get the Moash hate. But for many of us readers, our intense identification with Kaladin (I think he almost always wins favorite character in the Cosmere - I think people naturally take his side) makes it hard to see things logically. We feel it as a personal failure (because Kaladin sees it that way) when Elhokar is not protected. I think my reading of it is slightly different than yours -I do believe Elhokar wanted to be better but didn't know how to be. As someone who has tried to change in my own life, I realize how daunting it can be, and have sympathy for him. But, I also don't think you're read of it is wrong either...
@@Bookborn well a lot of things that matter is perspective and life experiences. Being abused by someone in a position of power - be it authority or familial is a horrible place to be in. For example when my father used to be abusive after he was drunk, then later he used to apologize a lot. He used to be genuinely sorry and I believe that. But he had his own ssues and history and I often felt bad for him. There were some good days, he tried to be better but then he would revert. But being abused by someone is power is a horrible horrible experience. I have seen racism too, felt it. Hell some of own family members are racist. I can feel the injustice done to them, of the oppressed. So in my honest opinion, words don't matter. Action does. My dad wanted to change, but he never did. Elhokar wanted to change, but not a single action of his in oathbreaker counts so. He cried when he was drunk. Was that trying? He blamed spren instead of the actions of his wife. Was that trying? He didn't even show any remorse for what was done to an innocent ardent, who was his subject as he was king. Was that trying? Words don't matter. Just like my fathers did not matter. I can sympathize with him, but I can never forgive him
@@Bookborn another thing. I think the exact wording in Oathbringer is Moash "shoved aside the weeping child" with his foot. I think "shove aside" denotes a softer action than kicking, with regards to connotation. Granted even that is no kind action, but still a less extreme one. But emotions rarely see logic and I can understand if you feel so being a mother. Personally I never saw it as a kicking but a cruel slide with his foot. Which is also very bad honestly. Thank you
@@ayushchittranshi4899 A very powerful statement you made. I feel like I'd have to read again to see Elhokar's actions, but from your statement you make a very compelling argument. Was Elhokar *wanting* to be better really good enough when no actions showed it? Lots to think about...
I loved this video! I agree, it's all about perspective. In fact, trying to make Elhokar win the reader over had to be very deliberate on Brandon's side to make us feel even worse about what Moash did, otherwise the only reason for us to hate him would be the repercussions of Elhokar's death on Kaladin. I wanna note, however, that even though perspective plays a big part in how we view characters, I don't completely agree with the Kelsier comparison. I'll be honest, maybe it's just because I also really like Kelsier, but I think we can't forget that, although their actions might be similar, their mindsets aren't. Kelsier is highly prejudiced against noblemen like Moash is against lighteyes and they have no problems with killing to reach their goal, but Kelsier is also a character that brings out the best in people, as opposed to Moash. Moash was a terrible influence on Kaladin during WoR, while Kelsier is always actively trying to make people be their best selves and see their own worth. That is more clear with Vin but he does that with the whole crew. And my last point is that we see in Oathbringer that Moash is actively trying to not blame himself. You can tell he still feels bad, but that doesn't matter that much to me since he is still trying to put all the responsibility for his actions on the messed up system he is part of. It's fitting, though, if we think about it, since Oathbringer was about Dalinar owning up to his mistakes. On the other hand, though, I think Kelsier doesn't ever try to pretend to not be responsible for what he does. He has perfect awareness of what he is doing and knows he is doing it because he wants to. Moash not taking responsability gives him the perfect excuse to do whatever he wants to without ever being at fault, at least in his mind. On another note, this is the first video I'm watching of yours and I love your Cap shield in the background!
Ok I LOVE how you articulated the difference between Kelsier and Moash. I love Kelsier and I was pretty sad at the comparison but I feel like you hit the nail on the head. Moash brings people down with him but Kelsier lifted people up, despite how flawed he was. Also, Kelsier died trying to protect those he loved - not for revenge. In fact, the more I think about it, Kelsier had very strong and noble ideas for how flawed he was. Moash's ideals don't seem quite as grand. And thanks! Etsy find, surprisingly!
Moash tried to kill Kaladin. That was what he did wrong. Only a few weeks before Kaladin saved Moash's life from slavery and then he gifted him a full set of Shards to keep forever and Moash thought to repay him by killing Kaladin and then Elhokar and fucking off with Graves and the Diagram. Fuck Moash redemption arc. The only redemption arc I want to see for Moash is him being decapitated by a shardblade named Redemption. Great video. Losds of great points.
Okay, I've only read up to Oathbringer, and thanks to this video, I have a bit more of an understanding of why people hate Moash. I was confused because he killed a character that nobody liked in the first place, and somehow everyone got mad over it. I thought maybe they hated it because he traumatized a 3-year-old child in the process, which lends the hatred some legitimacy. From my point of view though, it wasn't like he had the option of killing Elhokar when Gav wasn't around, and expecting him to just refrain from revenge was too much to ask, considering what Elhokar did to him. Now I understand though, that the hate isn't so much because of Elhokar directly, and more because of how witnessing it affected Kaladin. Kaladin isn't among my favorite characters anyway, so I hadn't really put a whole lot of thought into his emotional state. I wonder if that's a common thread among people who don't hate Moash?
Super interesting point; maybe those who don't care about Moash have other favorite characters, or aren't readers who necessarily see things through a character's eyes. Could also be people who tend to enjoy the bigger picture over a single characters opinion. Either way, I think another big part of it is the "growth" part of Elhokar becoming a radiant. I honestly think if he wasn't say the oath as he was killed, people wouldn't care as much. They feel robbed from a radiant storyline.
Just recently finished Oathbringer and I'm about 200 pages into Rhythm of War. Thanks for the spoiler warning but I'm torn because I want to support your channel but don't want to be spoiled. I guess I'll have to finish Rhythm of War and come back, but my god the Warbreaker tie-ins have me so hyped and I have no place to go!
Thanks for letting me know this doesn't spoil Rhythm of War! There's so much great cosmere content out there but I err on the side of caution when it comes to potential spoilers.
The comparison between Moash and Kelsier is an interesting one, but there are big differences in the circumstances. Both of them want revenge against someone who wronged them, but Kelsier is also considerate of the broader context. The Lord Ruler is the focal point of the entire oppressive regime on Scadrial - there is no improving things for the Skaa without doing something about the Lord Ruler. The Lord Ruler is an unchanging immortal - he has held his position for centuries, and there is no realistic way to expect him to change or grow now. Kelsier's plans go well beyond just removing the Lord Ruler; he wants to actually improve things. This is shown by all the effort he puts into trying to establish Skaa leadership - there's no need for him to do all that if all he cares about is killing the Lord Ruler. Moash, on the other hand, doesn't care about the state of the world - not really. Sure, he might notice and be bothered by the problems he sees, but at no point does he really do anything designed to make things better in the long run. He just hates Elhokar in particular, and the Alethi ruling class more generally. He doesn't care that Elhokar is incompetent and doesn't make terrible choices out of malice. He doesn't care that removing Elhokar won't change anything about how Alethi society works, nor does he care that Elhokar is actively working to save his small child at the time Moash achieves his revenge. He makes no efforts to put up something better in the place of what he destroys because that doesn't actually have anything to do with his choices. If Kelsier's character was the same as Moash's then Kelsier never would have succeeded in changing anything. He would have died in a failed assassination attempt, and no one would have cared. The tougher question to me is what would Kelsier have done in Moash's situation? What if Kelsier had known that killing the Lord Ruler (at least, at the time when he did it) was going to lead to the release of Ruin? Or what if the Lord Ruler turned out just to be a figurehead with little real responsibility for Kelsier's pain? My guess is that Kelsier would have sought out the true root cause of his pain and tried to do something about THAT, rather than just fulfilling his petty vengeance.
I simply see the whole thing as sad, moash has been broken so badly in the past that his minds so warped on vengeance for his family that hes willing to throw away his new found brotherhood/family/bridge four in its persuit, basically losing everything twice. Elhokar is a terrible king and human being if I'm being honest but he's in turmoil with himself to try and be better, frustrated that it comes so easily to kaladin, not knowing that kaladin's traits, although noble are a part of his own ptsd from 'failing' tien. Just as light shines on Elhokar and he begins to say the first ideal, and we as readers think yes! The possibilities! (He could potentially be the greatest radiant character, going off common plot twist practices.) He's ran through by moash.... the devastation was real..... Not just for the elhokar redemption flame being suddenly snuffed out, for kaladin and another tien he couldn't save, and a point of no return for moash..... Its all really sad, there's no better word to explain it in my opinion. 2 potentially noble characters destroyed by one single act of anger and kaladin thrown deeper into his own self hatred and turmoil. I know I'm late to the discussion I've only just found your chanel, awesome video very thought provoking. Thanks
The point you started making from 7 minutes on is REALLY the only reason I don't immediately discredit people that defend Moash. We forgive Dalinar for a lot of what he's done because he's a main POV character and Moash is not. If Moash had as much of a focus as the other characters that we follow/love he would likely have more defenders or fans. We are mostly shown Moash to be an antagonist on purpose and I think his future will be he will do horrible crap, maybe kill someone else, do something "redeemable" toward the end before eventually being killed. Moash's story hasn't gone through any kind of redemption arc or growth the Dalinar has, so currently I'm with the mostly f*ck Moash crew, but I can some of the arguments defending him.
Yep, you've just described exactly how I feel. I have more understanding for people who don't think he did anything wrong, but I'm firmly in Screw Moash camp for now. I realize it's manipulation on the part of the narrative, but I just don't really care haha
While Elhokar might have been self centered and hugely supported the cast system, he is also naive and inexperienced as a king. Don't forget, he's only been king for about six years by the time the plot comes around (I think). He listens to the wrong people which is where his naive trait comes in. In some ways Elhokar is a little too trusting and by listening to the wrong person, Moash's grandparents die as a result. So when you think about it, Elhokar actually wasn't the direct cause of their death, it was the lord who takes over Kaladin's village "(forgot his name). Anyways, my answer to that question is that no, Moash did not deserve to get his revenge and no, he does not deserve to get redeemed. I'm actually kind of eager to see where this puts both him and Kaladin later on in the series. One more thing which might be interesting to consider, is that in a few ways, Kaladin is similar to Elhokar. He's naive (in that he trusted Moash who is as we can see, filled with both anger and hate) and Kaladin believes that what he is doing is right, even if it goes against everything his own father has taught him when he was younger.
I honestly have a hard time seeing the Kaladin/Elhokar connection simply because they are motivated by very, very different things in life. However, I agree with you on your first points - I think it's weird how much Moash focuses in on Elkohar when Roshone is much more to blame. I'm going to do another one of these videos after I finish RoW (hopefully tonight!) Many things have developed since I recorded this...
@@Bookborn Haha yeah! Unfortunately I can't afford RoW until the end of the month. :x Oh well though, cause I wasn't planning on listening to it anyways until I finish oathbringer (got 8 hours left on it, but I've been taking my time. So hopefully by the time I finish, I'll be able to get RoW)
By skybreaker law no. He executed someone for wrongdoing. By windrunner standards... hes the 2nd most evil thing in the cosmere. and Sadly... we all know Moash thinks Moash is wrong, which is an important thing in cosmere, intent matters. Hes conflicted, and i think whatever his progression is whether is be redemption or death, will be a big hurdle for Kaladin. I just wish Rock was there to give kaladin the hug he needs, hopefully Renarin can muster up a healing hug for the poor guy.
Great video. I completely missed that he kicked Elhokar’s son Jesus. I think It’s not that Moash did nothing wrong, it’s just that all these other characters like Elhokar, Dalinar, Kaladin and Shallan have also done things that were wrong, and we were willing to turn the other eye and except that they could change. Moash has certainly done some terrible shit, and that’s what makes him perfect for a redemption arc. Redeeming a character that was never truly bad in the first place is always boring to me. I want Brandon to do what George RR Martin did with Jaime. Make people truly hate him without a second thought, and then change their minds
@@Bookborn Yeah I agree, I know his character so far has been based around his relationship with Kaladin, but I think Moash could be a sleeper pick for an important character in the last 5 books
@@Mjot101 He'll be important...whether for good reasons or bad is yet to be determined haha. What happened at the very end of Oathbringer has super interesting connotations for his future...
You make some very good points. I still think Moash did several things wrong, such as kicking Elhokar's son and turning his back on Bridge 4. If Moash's reasoning is that humanity doesn't deserve to live on Roshar anymore, then what about Bridge 4? Should they be killed or kicked off or enslaved as well? One thing I do like about him as a character, though, is that Sanderson is making a complex villain. With Moash we are being brought along on a Villain's Journey, as opposed to the Hero's Journey. Even if he does get a redemption arc, I still don't want to see him become a Radiant, at least not in the front 5 books. That's just a little too forgiving for me, but I would be fine with Moash spending a good amount of time wandering Roshar and atoning for what he's done. Maybe in the back 5 we can see him become a Radiant. IDK how long apart the two halves of the series are set, though, so that last might be wishful thinking.
Yeah, like I said at the end I personally hope he doesn't get a redemption arc just because I think it would be more interesting. And to be clear, I def bring up him kicking his son and I think he DID do something wrong lol, even if those points made me give him a little more slack. I do love how Sanderson is interested in the villian's journey. He's talked about it a lot and I think it comes out in his books!
It always astounds me how many good citizens of republics suddenly turn monarchist as soon as a friend of Kaladin is involved. And think that a murderer should go free just because he promises to be better in the future. And I am afraid you are avoiding the hard question. Is Moash a traitor to the human race, to put it in old-fashioned terms, or to Kaladin and Bridge Four? And that we are overcoming vengeance, is, well, is Szeth evil? He is a Skybreaker. Is Adolin bad? No, we are not overcoming vengeance in the Stormlight Archive. We may put it into perspective. But then we are putting everything into perspective.
Not sure I totally get your point, but I actually don't think Moash is a traitor to the human race. I don't have any problem with him going over to Odium's side, honestly; I think in the beginning of Oathbringer he makes some compelling points. But honestly I'm more annoyed at how SELFISH he is. Moash is NOT completely actions for the "good of Mankind", he's doing things for the good of HIMSELF. Which is why I think I'm so angry at his actions.
The truth is that Kelsier is wrong too. He happened to be on the right side against the Lord Ruler but I think it'll become clear that Kelsier is Wrong in the next era of Mistborn.
Regarding your comment about how Kelsier is so loved of a character... There's a ton about Kelsier that I never liked. Wasn't ever fully on board the Kelsier fan club, there's just too much to dislike. There's way too much that the Ghostbloods do that I hate as well, and he's the founder of that organization. Moash can go to hell. But it would be in character of Sanderson to give him a redemption arc at some point, because many of these characters backstories (dalinar, elokhar) are extremely unlikeable and maybe based on those actions they don't deserve redemption. When Elokhar started saying the words, I was surprised how much I actually craved his redemption and ascension to the knights radiant. Perhaps if Sanderson does a great job, everyone in camp F***Moash can be led back the other direction. I'd currently say that I hope he doesn't have a redemption arc, but Sanderson has redeemed characters I wouldn't have thought could be redeemed, so i'll just RAFO I guess.
I am in the moash did nothing wrong crowd almost exclusively because of the storm moash crowd. They are toxic, not interested in talking about the nuance and do a good job maring what is a very well written character. Nothing in the storm light archives can equivivolly be said to be completely good or bad (from the big picture view, obviously each team has its own "heros"), it reflects the real world. "Storm Moash" is just a knee jerk reaction turned into a hateful meme where the community is ok flaming anyone who disagrees with them. Not to mention the storm Moash crowd literally wrote a bot to spam the words all over reddit, it's not about being right or wrong for them, it's about the memes, and for that I cannot stand with them.
Yeah, this video isn't really about them! I did find them to not be nearly as chill as the "moash did nothing wrong" crowd, they were a very cool group to talk to. But, I did highly dislike Moash when I read the book, so I was curious to explore the question, because even beyond the Storm Moash group, people do dislike his actions. Like you said, every character in the Stormlight Archives is complicated.
A notification brought me back to this video, and I have another comment. It's pretty long, so I understand if you don't read it. 😊 I do believe Kal betrayed Moash first but not necessarily the same way you mentioned. I think Kal's betrayal was much, much deeper than just going back on his word and setting Moash up for failure. Kal betrayed him as a friend, and he abused him as a leader from the very beginning. The first time we meet Moash, he has given up, and he is ready to die. Kalidan decides to make an example of him to get the other bridge men to cooperate by punching him. From this moment, Kal is responsible for Moash because he FORCED Moash to do his will. This isn't to say Moash is not accountable for his actions; he is. It's just that Kal deserves a portion of the blame for reasons I will bring up later. This is just the point of origin. Over time, Moash comes to respect Kal and even befriends him. Kal is sort of Moash's moral compass like Syl is for Kalidan. When Moash finally opens up to Kal about El, Kal makes Moash stop. Moash is not happy about it, but he does stop. Here is where the real betrayal begins. Kal learned of what really happened to Moash's grandparents while in prison. When he gets out, Adolin tries to give him a Shard plate, and Kal insists it be given to Moash. When everyone leaves the room, Kal gives Moash the green light to kill El. This alone destroys the "Kal gave Moash plate and see how he repays him" argument. Kal chose his path in prison, away from Moash. It cannot be said that Moash tempted him at his weakest moment. Although Moash hoped Kal would change his mind, Moash had stopped plotting to kill El at that point. Kal gave Moash the plate to kill El. This was 100% all Kalidan's choice. What Kal didn't do in that meeting, and I'm going to say it in caps for emphasis, is TELL MOASH WHAT HE LEARNED ABOUT HIS GRANDPARENTS, nor did he tell him in the weeks leading up to the night of the attempted assassination. That's a terrible thing for a friend to do to another friend. It irritates me how the fandom will f-moash for every little thing, and you never hear a peep about this. After weeks of sulking and almost killing Syl, he finally made the right choice (a good thing). Maybe Moash could have made a more reasonable choice, too, and he wouldn't be where he is now if he had weeks to dwell on the information before he "crossed a line." Kal used the info of Moash's grandparents as an "oh by the way" tactic only when he was trying to manipulate Moash, yet again, into seeing things his way. And how does he open negotiations? By pointing a spear, not in Graves' face, but in his "friends" face. Up to this point, Moash has never once shown aggression towards Kal. Kal has, though, as I've mentioned earlier, and now, he thinks so little of his "friend" that he points a weapon at him. This is where most people say Moash was in shard, and he punched him HARD in it. Yes, he was, and yes, he did, and he immediately felt terrible about it. Moash is a dark eyes. Shade plate is all but unavailable to dark eyes; he doesn't know the full potential of his shard plate yet. People forget that. Vasher has Renarin jumping off cliffs to understand his plate, and he grew up around them. Finally, we come to the ONLY thing, in my opinion, that Moash did wrong toward Kal up to this point. He summons his blade to kill Kal. Personally, I don't think he would have done it had Syl not interfered, not at this point in the story anyway, but I can't prove that. What is interesting, Moash blames everyone and everything for his problems, but he never once blames Kal, the one person he should blame for his problems, because Kal set the foundation on which Moash built the rest of his life on. Another argument I get is that he still killed El after plenty of time dwelling on the info Kal finally give him. Yes, he does. I believe that in Moash's mind, he crossed a line by betraying Kal. You pretty much mention this too. I don't think he thinks he can come back, and once you start down that dark road, you can go miles before finding a place to turn around. Sidenote: some ROW spoilers referenced. People like to think of Moash is the version of Kal that made the wrong decision, and there is some truth to that. But if we are going to view him that way, we need to accept that he feels many of the same depressions that Kal does. I think book four really drives that point home, but the fandom is understandably too upset with him in book 4 to see it. People seem to really sympathize with Kal and his depression and ignore Moash's depression because of the choices they make throughout the story. I think that's a reflection of our society in general. "Why can't you clean your life up like your brother did?" "Mary got off of meth; why do you keep relapsing?" That sort of thing. Moash gets zero sympathies because he can't defeat his demons. Yet, Full-on SPOILERs beyond this point. The fandom is horrified by what that herald is doing to the spren, but they also defend him because he is "broken." Does moash seem all that put together in book 4? And I don't buy that he "wasn't sorry know where im going with that. People lie to themselves all the time when they are struggling to cope. It doesn't matter to me if you like moash or hate him for what he has done. It bothers me that the fandom is nuanced with every other character, many of which have done far worse things, but they don't extend the same nuance to Moash.
First, I didn't know people are excusing the herald because he's "broken". I'm not lol, I think he's a terrible person (from what I know so far) and I'm horrified. So just want to put that out there lol You def read WoK differently than I did, with the Moash/Kal relationship. As you read it, I see what you mean about Kal betraying Moash. It's just not the personal way I read it. I think it falls into you seeing it more from a birds-eye view and me seeing it from Kaladin's view (which I openly admit is biased but I'm just happy sitting in that bias 😂 ) IDK if you saw my update video for after ROW, but I find that now Moash seems more of a direct comparison to young Dalinar in a lot of ways. Not that Dalinar didn't do worse things (he did) but how they both searched to give up their pain but we give Moash a lot more harshness for it. I'm definitely interested in seeing what happens with him in the next book...
@@Bookborn I can't say a large portion of the fandom feels that way, but I've had more than a few people defend the heralds, even that one when I point out how horrible I think they are. They don't support what the heard did, but they do the "well, he's broken and insane" defense. And that's true, but they only acknowledge it for characters they think will ultimately be "good guys" or at least "likable." I think RoW made it clear that Moash is broken and insane. And I have theories...wild ones for his future, but I won't go there. I read WoK the same as you did the first time around. I was team Kal all the way, I still am. I just heavily criticize him for his actions in RoW. After being radicalized as a Moash supporter on social media, I reread the series, trying to see it from his perspective when he is on-page. That's when I realized how badly Kal bungled his responsibility toward moash as a leader and a friend. Mostly about his grandparents. I wouldn't be friends with a person if they withheld knowledge like that from me until it was beneficial for then to do so. I'd probably summon my blade too. 🙈 Yes, I saw your other video back when you released it. I subscribed to you because of these videos, and I've been enjoying your content since. The last half of my comment was speaking generally; I kind of just got on a roll, lol.
@@LandoftheMadmen Ok, next time I do a reread I'll have to keep this in mind. I never considered the information withholding; I'll have to see if my mind changes when I specifically focus on that. It's funny how the pro-moash people get under your skin...they've definitely convinced me to soften my feelings toward him a lot haha
Yeah a Moash-defender's job became night impossible after RoW lol. I actually have a follow up video about RoW since this was filmed before it came out.
Ok so first of all Fu** Moash lol. Tbh I don't really care about Elhokar (I mean the abrupt ending to his redemption arc hurt but i didn't love him at any point in the books). I only have Moash because of his view on life I guess? And the way he treats Kal. The salute after he kills Elhokar is much more disrespectful to Kal then just the killing. Aside from that the early release ROW chapters have a Moash scene that'll be really hard to defend for his fans.
I haven't read any of the released ROW chapters! I'm a weird person and I hate reading early chapters, I want to consume it crazy fast all at once. OH I TOTALLY AGREE! I cut it from the video because I didn't wnat to get too off topic, but I think the salute REALLY hurts Moash. It's such an F-YOU! Although I found it interesting that some people on moashdidnothingwrong said they thought it was a respectful salute...which isn't how I read it at all.
@@Bookborn I'm definitely a binge reader as well but I can't help myself if there's new Stormlight content out there. The salute is definitely the worst part of that. But I really started hating Moash even before they. I really don't like the "everything is fuc*ed and there's nothing to live for so why not be a terrible person and a traitor"
That was a big thing for me, too. My last reread of WOR was a few years ago, so I don't remember if his attitude was like that in that one as well. But I was much more swayed before I reread Oathbringer. His attitude annoyed me so much. He is trying to give up all responsibility rather than taking it in.
lolll I'm not sure I can hatred for Umbridge runs DEEP. Jokes aside, I think they are similar in that they both are the "known evil" to us. Generally, in most of our lives, we don't deal with overwhelming evil/mass murderers day to day like Voldy or Odium. BUT...people like Umbridge or Moash we deal with in our every day life and it makes them more hateable. I think Moash just has a little more motivation that I can understand than Umbridge.
Of course Moash is a bad person. It's tedious and annoying to even have a conversation about it. Stormlight badly need more human enemies to hate, trying to add some grey area to Moash is not only wrong but weakens the plot.
Yes. Moash did something wrong. He's decided that the humans do not deserve Roshar; however, instead of killing himself so there is one less human for the Singers to fight and conquer, he decided that he would work against humanity for Odium. To that end, he killed Jezrien in cold blood. Unlike Kelsier, who was fighting to overthrow a dictator and give power to the Skaa, Moash has thrown his lot in with a dictator.
The only thing that complicates it is that humans technically were the voidbringers that destroyed the Singers. However, Odium is obviously bad news for both humans and Singers, so I think I agree with the sentiment that he's thrown his lot in with the dictator.
Side-tracking from your question for a moment: I like Moash is being set up to become Odium’s perfected version of an Anti-Radiant. After being held back for so long, Odium has come to realize that he needs talented individuals to work with him and help fight the Knights of the Radiant. After seeing what happened to Amaram, I think he was a testing point to fuse Voidbringers and humans in a way. The way Moash is isolating himself in some sort of self imposed punishment for all the things he has done is creating a perfect storm for him to become one of the best types of villains out there. The type can agree with and see what led them to make their decisions. All of that is influencing my decision. I believe that Moash did do something wrong. I just believe Moash is wrong in the the way he is torturing himself for not living up to Bridge 4 when he was unknowingly set up for failure when he was gifted the Shardblade and armor. I just don’t know how he could have handled the situation differently after killing the king.
Ohhh I actually love this theory. Especially since Odium's whole thing is "give me your pain", I think Moash is being set up to want that, for sure. Moash's arc so far definitely has some sadness to it. He wasn't vulnerable enough to let Bridge 4 give forgiveness.
As a member of Moash Did Nothing Wrong, a big reason why I joined the community was because of the (surprising) vitriol people had for Moash in the Stormlight Archive community. I almost feel like the name was a jab at the FuckMoash community, rather than something I really believed.
That's to say -- I agree with you completely. He definitely did some things wrong, but my absolutely favourite scene in the books is when he is in the Fused camp and realizes that light eyes will always try to dominate. He has this great realization after being treated as a lesser person his whole life. It really resonated with me, which made him one of my favourite characters.
But, as Leshwi tells him, he is no longer Moash. He is now Vyre. I'm not sure I'll still find him as compelling now that he has the same super powers as Kaladin.
Great video!
I totally forgot he got powers until I finished my reread a few days ago. I was bummed out, I agree, I think it's less interesting that he has Kaladin's powers now. Moash was already an intense person and I feel like it would've been interesting to see the contrast.
Also, many people of the moashdidnothingwrong subreddit did tell me that too! They said that the name was mostly a joke and they just liked more nuanced discussion of Moash. I tend to find broken friendships one of the saddest things, so I was more sad than angry at Moash, if anything (well until he killed Elhokar saying the words. That was maddening)
I've always seen Elhokar as a victim of Alethi society and a kid in an adult's body, completely driven by how other people surrounding him expected him to act.
He was wrong, he wasn't a good ruler, but I can't help but feel he was trying really hard to do things right and he just couldn't. His situation was above his mental skills
For those reasons I see Elhokar as a victim, and I can't really blame him for what I said before, he acts as his society has taught him to act and think. And when he tried to be someone better, he failed. When he tries to save his family, he fails. He wasn't good enough. And that's what got him killed
Quite a tragic character he is in my opinion
I would say he is a victim in many ways, but a tragic back story can give reasons for bad behavior but I wouldn't necessarily say they excuse them. So I don't find Elhokar innocent in everything, but I also don't think he deserves as much ire as he received from Moash.
There is a difference between Kelsier and Moash though and it isn't just charisma and/or "main character/hero" treatment for one and not the other. And that is that Kelsier might have wanted revenge against the Lord Ruler, but also wanted to fight the good fight for the sake of uplifting the skaa. Moash isn't exactly going around helping dark eyes, he isn't even necessarily doing what he does for the singers. He does it for himself and his own revenge and to justify his own opinions and actions up to that point. He doesn't want to look back and address his potential guilt, instead, he gives it up to Odium. Whereas Kelsier, on the other hand, was able to see that there might be some good people on the other side (Elend) but Moash just wants to pretend to be an edge lord cutting stones to and do mind-numbing physical labour to distract himself and believe that he is right and the whole world should just be brought down to the ground.
Describing Moash as an edge lord is A++ lol
Someone else pointed out that Kelsier brought out the best in people and tried to lift them, while Moash brings people down. I thought that was a great and simple way to describe what feels different about them.
Heard the word ‘hasty’ in the first minute and flashed back to Wheel of Time so quickly
Moash turned his back on Bridge 4, that is my issue.
Very true. I think that's a lot of people's issues. They wouldn't have turned his back on him.
I mean... Kaladin kind of turned his back on Moash. Moash confided in him and trusted him and then Kaladin kind of betrayed him... Moash turned his back on bridge four only after its leader, and his closest friend who he thought he could trust, chose the murderer of his grandparents over him.
Elhokar might have been Dalinar's Tien, but he was Moash's Amaram.
Moash didn't deserve vengeance; he deserved justice. Revenge was all he could get.
Yep I'm with you there in Oathbringer. But he didn't have to be so rude to Kaladin lol. That's why I wasn't even that made he killed Roshone because like...honestly I get it.
@@Bookborn I'll post my thoughts on book 4 moash in your newer video. 😊
Well, if you put yourself above the law as a lighteye and king, you also lose the protection of the law. So, no, Moash did deserve vengeance.
Ahhhhh, the Dalinar flashbacks are exactly why i think Moash is a scumbag. Dalinar was a bad leader, did horrible things, and was allowed to grow and learn from it. Moash robbed Elokhar of that character arc because of a misguided notion that Elokhar was directly responsible for his Grandparents' deaths, even though we've seen that Elokhar wasn't even aware of the specifics of the situation. I do feel like Kaladin is Vin and Moash is Kelsier on another world in different circumstances, but like Brandon said, Kelsier is a sociopath. In any other story he would be the villain. Moash doesn't seem to be a sociopath, because he cares for his family enough to have suffered as much as he has, but he is definitely a shitty person for throwing away ALL of the people he cared about for an uninformed murder plot.
Nicely put. It's interesting how much context - and backstory - matters.
To be fair, Kelsier is a villain in another story. In stormlight archive, as Thaidakar.
Damn, that Kelsier comparison was a great point that didn't occur to me. Like everyone, what Moash did hit me hard when reading but I've always had a soft sport for him to be honest. As you said it's all about perspective you see it from! Moash has remorse for what he has done and the fact that he's so numb and compliant towards the end of Oathbringer is rough to read.
Regardless I'm glad I've found a fellow Booktuber discussing the Stormlight Archive, I've subbed and am keen to see your other videos :)
Yay for discussing the Stormlight Archive! I feel like I could discuss Sanderson's books endlessly lol.
I can totally see how you have a soft spot for him. I hated him for a while after reading Oathbringer because I was so frustrated by his decisions, but now I have way more empathy for him. Really interested to see where his story goes (I'm nervous because I've heard rumblings that his chapters are intense in ROW...but I refuse to read the early chapters!)
I really liked Moash BEFORE RHYTHM OF WAY 😭
You can still like Moash! Someone else commented that when he took the knife he became Vyre, so Moash is still a safe memory LOL.
I didn't really start liking Dahlinar until Oathbringer. Up until them his perspective seemed more like an interruption to me.
Of course Moash did something wrong. He betrayed his oaths, friends, and people all for revenge, not Justice. Revenge is always selfish and wrong. His actions in this universe also means that Elohkar never needs to be fully accountable for his actions so he was wrong there too.
Did Moash do anything wrong? Yes, he certainly did. I agree with you. He is Kaladin’s foil. We see how Elhokar’s death affects Kaladin because he was unable to protect him. We understand the potential in Elhokar that was lost. So we dislike Moash.
But shouldn’t one of our ideals as humans to be to try to understand and empathize with people’s viewpoints we may not readily see? To not simply hate someone because they are the enemy or “the other”?
Moash is a man who lost his grandparents to Elhokar. His life was filled with seeing the corruption of nobles. Kaladin who became one of his closest friends agreed with his plan to kill Elhokar, but seemingly changed his mind at the last moment without explanation. Moash then became a slave once more and then empathized with the Parshendi’s cause. He found himself with the opportunity to kill Elhokar and took it, finding his revenge, but feeling empty afterwards.
Was what he did wrong? Yes. But does he deserve all the hate he got from the online community at the end of Oathbringer? Certainly not. Would more readers have empathized with him if we had more written from his point of view? Perhaps.
Is he deserving of forgiveness and empathy? Absolutely.
I mean I sort of agree with you about my point that if we viewed this from a totally neutral viewpoint Moash would not honestly look bad. But we are so influenced by our characters viewpoints (particulary Kaladin) that it isn't exactly fair.
As for the comparison between Kelsier and Moash, I agree that they are quite similar. However there is evidence in my opinion that Moash is as much of a foil to Kelsier as he is to Kaladin (just note Mistborn spoilers to follow).
First, Kelsier's treatment of his crew vs Moash in bridge 4. We have Moash parting ways with Bridge 4 because in the end he was willing to fight Kalladin and abandon Bridge 4 to try and get his revenge. Kelsier's lesson to Vin however is all about how you have to trust the crew. He even essentially says that he would still trust the crew even if led to him being betrayed. However we also see Kelsier's love for Vin overide his hatred of all nobility. He SAVES Elend, when he didn't have to and may have been able to survive and escape if hadn't. In some sense this is like Kalladin in that he protected someone he hated because it was right and because Elend was Vin's Tien just like Elohakar was Dalinar's Tien.
Second, Kelsier's attitude vs Moash's attitude. Kelsier hit rock bottom in the Pits but decided to smile and be positive instead even though he often didn't feel that way. Moash on the other hand devolved into hating himself and almost everyone.
Third, Kelsier is not as focused on revenge. He hates the nobility yes, but it is more similar to Moash's realization that lighteyes will continue to seek and abuse power. Moash still ontop of this or perhaps driving this is his personal grudge against Elohokar. This might be a weaker point, but I think its important to note.
Finally, although I said they are similar and are somewhat foils for each other, really Kelsier just has a very different flaw. Kelsier's problem is not about whether he does the right things or isn't actually trying to help make the world better (although Moash in some perverted way wants to do the same but through genocide of humans essentially) it is his pride. Kelsier's pride gets in the way as sometimes its hard for him to differentiate between doing the right thing because its the right thing or because he wants to be remembered and have a legacy (become God). It is possible that Kelsier wouldn't be a hero if the circumstances didn't really require one or if playing the hero wouldn't get him remembered as a hero. We see instances of both, for example saving the skaa may have been less important to him than being known for overthrowing the empire or killing nobles, but saving Elend wasn't about being the hero but because he cared. So Kelsier definitely has issues, but I think they are actually quite different from Moash, who is more about vengeance and a disbelief in redemption (which as you mentioned is one of the biggest themes of Stormlight).
Just excellent, excellent analysis all around. I really like how you pointed out the differences in how Moash/Kelsier treat their "crews"; which points out another difference, which is that Kelsier was the natural leader, while Moash would have never been a leader in Bridge 4 if it wasn't for Kal. That difference in role and desire to lead is also probably a huge, huge difference in their stories.
Mannnnnn you make such a very interesting points! I mean, I hate him with a burning passion and I do think he is a BAD person (I will elaborate) but these points are fantastically put out!!
But yeah after all I think we shouldn't be that forgiving with Moash (I'm commenting this on this video because I want to exclude the events of RoW because it is clear that Moash is a bad person in that book. But I think the person he was in RoW was the same person he was in Oathbringer and RoW makes easy to point out why he is so bad so I will leave that. Though I will watch the video updated in this later)
First of all, yeah Moash is a bad person, and I think the thing that proves that is what he says in Oathbringer and is that he doesn't feel sorry about the things he do. He lets Odium take his pain and he doesn't want to accept the responsibility or feel bad because he is killing and betraying. It is such and expert move because it is in the same book that Dalinar expresses that it's important to take responsibility to be better and make the next step in the right direction. So basically Moash is an Anti-Dalinar if that makes sense.
But what I found even more interesting is that the description we got in TWoK and WoR of the first Ideal of the radiant Knights indicates that the desire of Moash to kill Elhokar is not good, Moash opposes to the first Ideal.
"Life before death": radiants must protect the life of those who cant protect themselves, also choosing to live as taking the hard path to protect. Moash wants to kill Elhokar, who is defenselessand doesn't want to battle
"Strength before weakness": radiants must be strong to (again) protect those who are weak. Elhokar is weak, and instead of protect and help him Moash wants to kill him
"Journey before destination": exactly what you said about Moash taking Elhokar's ability to become better
Furthermore, I don't think Elhokar was that bad of a person. He had a very strict father (and we know Gavilar didn't treat Jasnah wonderfully so I'd make sense to be that for him to) and I don't deny that the Roshone incident was awful but I think Dalinar said he was partly pressured by society to not punish Roshone excessively. Besides, he DID try to be a good king and Moash killed him while he was PROTECTING HIS SON.
AND to the other points. Kaladin didn't betray Moash. And yeah, maybe I'm biased towards Kaladin (most likely) but Moash partly forced him to join his cause. Like in WoR Kaladin said he had ben having trouble to accep hanging out with Bridge Four to drink, and one day Moash convinces him to go to a tabern. Kaladin was having a good time until Moash tells him he only told him to hang out so he could meet with Graves and the people who wanted Elhokar dead. I mean, that makes me ask: how much did Moash really care about Kaladin? Maybe it's just a little stupid moment but idk. And the parshendi thing I obviously admit it was good that he helped them, but honestly that for me is like a good act from a bad person, such as I see Adolin killing Sadeas a bad act from a good person. And besides, Moash says he wants to fight humanity because are all awful but he doesn't know the wonderful people there are lile Dalinar, Navani, Shallan and Renarin!! All because of his prejudices
And I think that's all (except for RoW where well... Navani and Teft woudl like to have some things to say). I don't know if he will ever get a redemption but I hope he doesn't. He is far more interesting as a villain and it would feel unearned after everything he's done. I actually think is more likely that we get a Taravangian redemption. Anyway sorry for this looooooooooong message. And sorry if I'm commenting in a lot of videos lately. It's just that I recently discovered this channel and as I just finishe to read RoW i had some thoughts to share. Great video btw!!!!
I freaking LOVE your analysis of the Windrunner ideals and how Moash's desire/success at killing Elhokar directly opposed all the ideals!
I also have a super hard time feeling that Kaladin betrayed Moash in any way. I feel like Kaladin was always iffy about the whole situation, like you said, and was just caught up between his (rightful) feelings of unfairness by the hand of light eyes and actually wanting to kill Elhokar.
@@Bookborn I think Moash is the Anti-every good protagonist in the books. Like, he opposes a lot of them one way or the other.
Kaladin: they both were bridgemen who were affected by the ruling class but they acted differently about this
Dalinar: they both did horrible things but Dalinar decides to keep his pain and trying to improve and be better, whilst Moash gives his pain to Odium and doesn't feel remorse
Adolin: he cares about the people that is around him and he helps Kaladin, listening to him while going out, while Moash treated him like a medium for his means, and didn't actually listen to him until after Kal defends Elhokar
Shallan: she tries to be true to herself and I think her ultimate lesson in book 5 will be that she accepts she IS Shallan Davar and always was, even when all the things she did, while Moash hides in his new name, Vyre, so the 'real Moash' can escape the things he do
Navani: I don't know for this one. I guess Navani doesn't want to kill herself (?)
This video does an amazing job outlining a lot of my second read through opinions!
First, thanks for the video. I have a few perspectives that I'll add. The scene where Moash killed Elhokar totally took me down. I don't view it as a judgment on Moash, though. Let's go back to the words. Elhokar and Moash are on different journeys. Especially after Kaladin identifies Elhokar as Tien, we really want to see him succeed. He's on a journey upward. Moash is taking different forks, and he is on a journey downward. And then those two journeys collide, and tragedy ensues. In fact, the journey metaphor helps understand Moash. He can't get past that one point where Elhokar killed his grandparents. He can't see the journey in which that moment is set.
Very eloquently described. I like the idea of the "journey upwards and journey downwards" colliding.
Fascinating idea and discussion of us being in Kaladins head while viewing Moash and how that influenced us. I now see Moash as a more complex character which makes him more interesting, but he still did something wrong.
Yeah I'm totally with you. I see Moash in a much more nuanced way now but...I'm still pretty firm on "he did something wrong" side lol
In addition to your argument of the theme of the books being change and us having spent so much time in Kaladin's head, I think to Words of Radiance and Kaladin swearing the third ideal. In that moment as a reader, I start seeing past what Elokhar has done and start feeling sympathy towards him. In a way, like Kaladin, I put aside my hate towards him and forgive him. So as a reader that makes Elohkar's death by Moash's hand so much more shocking because it is all based upon that revenge that Moash is seeking, which goes against what we just went through with Kaladin in the previous book
Completely agree. I never though about how the reader has gone through forgiveness for Elokhar because we see it through Kaladin.
Watching this after Rhythm of War…
This video is ok for before Rhythm! I have a second video for after that book lol
Great analysis! I love that I found your video right before rereading SLA for RoW! Unless Brandon is able to give Moash his own Dalinar redemption arc in later books I’m firmly in the f*@k Moash camp for good.
The way he kills Elkohar just makes it really tough doesn't it? I sort of don't want him to have the redemption arc just to shake things up haha
Hi! Just found your channel on a Twitter thread. I really like your personality and the energy in your videos! I will Subscribe to support another Booktuber! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!!
Thanks for the support! Means a lot to us just starting out :)
I was indifferent to Moash killing Elhokar. They were both flawed characters with some redeeming qualities imo. I think many people get caught up in Syl leaving Kal but spren have their own agenda and biases and aren't the benevolent beings they're initially painted as. The parallels to Kel are a good point I didn't consider! I could see Moash having a redemption arc based on his pov chapters I've read so far.
Oh man INDIFFERNET??? That's so interesting to hear, I was so upset 😅 I think I was partly upset about Moash too; like, I wanted him to be something/someone different and that felt like the killing blow to that.
*interesting takes.* i wonder who any of these chrs are. -JC
I really like Moash's character. I won’t deny that.
Just a few points though
Moash didn't kick Gavinor. That is an exaggeration by the F moash community.
Secondly I have a problem with the whole notion that Elhokar was trying to improve. He was not malicious, that I can see. But its written explicitly in the text that "he let Moash'd grandparents rot in the jail and delayed the trial, as he knew that they would die and hence that would save him". He effectively killed them because he was a selfish king.
Secondly when did Elhokar attempt to change? He "wishes to change". But he never tried. That is a big difference. All he did was cry to Kaladin in the wagon scene when he was DRUNK. That doesn't mean anything.
Secondly did he even give two shits about his wife executing an ardent unjustly? No. The only thought he has is - my wife did it coz of the spren.
Does that count as man who is trying to change?
What he has is wishful thinking. That doesn't mean he is "trying". Its a big big difference. Why people equate that to trying is coz of Kaladin Pov where he says he is trying. Sanderson is essentially forcing us to see Elhokar as sympathetic where none of his actions actually show he is trying.
I would love to hear your thoughts. I think Moash hate is a problem of Pov. We see so much of his action through the lens of Kaladin and others who he is opposing, that it blinds us to his side.
I would like to say Vyre actions are indefensible. Vyre is a bad man sure. But I can see Moash viewpoint.
I had just reread Oathbringer when I made this video - Moash kicks aside Gavinor I'm pretty sure. It might said "push aside with his foot" but it felt like kicking. I don't even try to over-hate on Moash, but I did have a son who was three at a time so that entire scene was incredibly distressing to me lol.
I did actually talk about this (don't know if you quite made it to the end of my video or if it's in my second Moash video that I made after RoW) but I talk about how we identify so much with Kaladin that we see things from his perspective. So, if we pretended the Stormlight Archive was real, and we were reading a history book on the events rather than through character's perspectives, I think we'd see Moash very differently. It would perhaps feel strategic - again, we wouldn't have Kaladin telling us Elhokar is trying. From this view, I can understand why people don't get the Moash hate.
But for many of us readers, our intense identification with Kaladin (I think he almost always wins favorite character in the Cosmere - I think people naturally take his side) makes it hard to see things logically. We feel it as a personal failure (because Kaladin sees it that way) when Elhokar is not protected.
I think my reading of it is slightly different than yours -I do believe Elhokar wanted to be better but didn't know how to be. As someone who has tried to change in my own life, I realize how daunting it can be, and have sympathy for him. But, I also don't think you're read of it is wrong either...
@@Bookborn well a lot of things that matter is perspective and life experiences.
Being abused by someone in a position of power - be it authority or familial is a horrible place to be in.
For example when my father used to be abusive after he was drunk, then later he used to apologize a lot. He used to be genuinely sorry and I believe that. But he had his own ssues and history and I often felt bad for him. There were some good days, he tried to be better but then he would revert.
But being abused by someone is power is a horrible horrible experience. I have seen racism too, felt it. Hell some of own family members are racist. I can feel the injustice done to them, of the oppressed.
So in my honest opinion, words don't matter. Action does. My dad wanted to change, but he never did.
Elhokar wanted to change, but not a single action of his in oathbreaker counts so. He cried when he was drunk. Was that trying? He blamed spren instead of the actions of his wife. Was that trying? He didn't even show any remorse for what was done to an innocent ardent, who was his subject as he was king. Was that trying?
Words don't matter. Just like my fathers did not matter. I can sympathize with him, but I can never forgive him
@@Bookborn another thing. I think the exact wording in Oathbringer is Moash "shoved aside the weeping child" with his foot.
I think "shove aside" denotes a softer action than kicking, with regards to connotation. Granted even that is no kind action, but still a less extreme one.
But emotions rarely see logic and I can understand if you feel so being a mother.
Personally I never saw it as a kicking but a cruel slide with his foot. Which is also very bad honestly.
Thank you
@@ayushchittranshi4899 A very powerful statement you made. I feel like I'd have to read again to see Elhokar's actions, but from your statement you make a very compelling argument. Was Elhokar *wanting* to be better really good enough when no actions showed it? Lots to think about...
I loved this video! I agree, it's all about perspective. In fact, trying to make Elhokar win the reader over had to be very deliberate on Brandon's side to make us feel even worse about what Moash did, otherwise the only reason for us to hate him would be the repercussions of Elhokar's death on Kaladin. I wanna note, however, that even though perspective plays a big part in how we view characters, I don't completely agree with the Kelsier comparison. I'll be honest, maybe it's just because I also really like Kelsier, but I think we can't forget that, although their actions might be similar, their mindsets aren't. Kelsier is highly prejudiced against noblemen like Moash is against lighteyes and they have no problems with killing to reach their goal, but Kelsier is also a character that brings out the best in people, as opposed to Moash. Moash was a terrible influence on Kaladin during WoR, while Kelsier is always actively trying to make people be their best selves and see their own worth. That is more clear with Vin but he does that with the whole crew. And my last point is that we see in Oathbringer that Moash is actively trying to not blame himself. You can tell he still feels bad, but that doesn't matter that much to me since he is still trying to put all the responsibility for his actions on the messed up system he is part of. It's fitting, though, if we think about it, since Oathbringer was about Dalinar owning up to his mistakes. On the other hand, though, I think Kelsier doesn't ever try to pretend to not be responsible for what he does. He has perfect awareness of what he is doing and knows he is doing it because he wants to. Moash not taking responsability gives him the perfect excuse to do whatever he wants to without ever being at fault, at least in his mind.
On another note, this is the first video I'm watching of yours and I love your Cap shield in the background!
Ok I LOVE how you articulated the difference between Kelsier and Moash. I love Kelsier and I was pretty sad at the comparison but I feel like you hit the nail on the head. Moash brings people down with him but Kelsier lifted people up, despite how flawed he was. Also, Kelsier died trying to protect those he loved - not for revenge. In fact, the more I think about it, Kelsier had very strong and noble ideas for how flawed he was. Moash's ideals don't seem quite as grand.
And thanks! Etsy find, surprisingly!
Moash tried to kill Kaladin. That was what he did wrong. Only a few weeks before Kaladin saved Moash's life from slavery and then he gifted him a full set of Shards to keep forever and Moash thought to repay him by killing Kaladin and then Elhokar and fucking off with Graves and the Diagram. Fuck Moash redemption arc.
The only redemption arc I want to see for Moash is him being decapitated by a shardblade named Redemption.
Great video. Losds of great points.
oh i like to listen to you ... even if i don't understand everything, german :) so sweet
Okay, I've only read up to Oathbringer, and thanks to this video, I have a bit more of an understanding of why people hate Moash.
I was confused because he killed a character that nobody liked in the first place, and somehow everyone got mad over it. I thought maybe they hated it because he traumatized a 3-year-old child in the process, which lends the hatred some legitimacy. From my point of view though, it wasn't like he had the option of killing Elhokar when Gav wasn't around, and expecting him to just refrain from revenge was too much to ask, considering what Elhokar did to him.
Now I understand though, that the hate isn't so much because of Elhokar directly, and more because of how witnessing it affected Kaladin. Kaladin isn't among my favorite characters anyway, so I hadn't really put a whole lot of thought into his emotional state. I wonder if that's a common thread among people who don't hate Moash?
Super interesting point; maybe those who don't care about Moash have other favorite characters, or aren't readers who necessarily see things through a character's eyes. Could also be people who tend to enjoy the bigger picture over a single characters opinion.
Either way, I think another big part of it is the "growth" part of Elhokar becoming a radiant. I honestly think if he wasn't say the oath as he was killed, people wouldn't care as much. They feel robbed from a radiant storyline.
Just recently finished Oathbringer and I'm about 200 pages into Rhythm of War. Thanks for the spoiler warning but I'm torn because I want to support your channel but don't want to be spoiled. I guess I'll have to finish Rhythm of War and come back, but my god the Warbreaker tie-ins have me so hyped and I have no place to go!
Well, you can watch this video after Oathbringer! I have another one for after Rhythm of War 😂
Thanks for letting me know this doesn't spoil Rhythm of War! There's so much great cosmere content out there but I err on the side of caution when it comes to potential spoilers.
The comparison between Moash and Kelsier is an interesting one, but there are big differences in the circumstances. Both of them want revenge against someone who wronged them, but Kelsier is also considerate of the broader context. The Lord Ruler is the focal point of the entire oppressive regime on Scadrial - there is no improving things for the Skaa without doing something about the Lord Ruler. The Lord Ruler is an unchanging immortal - he has held his position for centuries, and there is no realistic way to expect him to change or grow now. Kelsier's plans go well beyond just removing the Lord Ruler; he wants to actually improve things. This is shown by all the effort he puts into trying to establish Skaa leadership - there's no need for him to do all that if all he cares about is killing the Lord Ruler.
Moash, on the other hand, doesn't care about the state of the world - not really. Sure, he might notice and be bothered by the problems he sees, but at no point does he really do anything designed to make things better in the long run. He just hates Elhokar in particular, and the Alethi ruling class more generally. He doesn't care that Elhokar is incompetent and doesn't make terrible choices out of malice. He doesn't care that removing Elhokar won't change anything about how Alethi society works, nor does he care that Elhokar is actively working to save his small child at the time Moash achieves his revenge. He makes no efforts to put up something better in the place of what he destroys because that doesn't actually have anything to do with his choices.
If Kelsier's character was the same as Moash's then Kelsier never would have succeeded in changing anything. He would have died in a failed assassination attempt, and no one would have cared. The tougher question to me is what would Kelsier have done in Moash's situation? What if Kelsier had known that killing the Lord Ruler (at least, at the time when he did it) was going to lead to the release of Ruin? Or what if the Lord Ruler turned out just to be a figurehead with little real responsibility for Kelsier's pain? My guess is that Kelsier would have sought out the true root cause of his pain and tried to do something about THAT, rather than just fulfilling his petty vengeance.
I simply see the whole thing as sad, moash has been broken so badly in the past that his minds so warped on vengeance for his family that hes willing to throw away his new found brotherhood/family/bridge four in its persuit, basically losing everything twice. Elhokar is a terrible king and human being if I'm being honest but he's in turmoil with himself to try and be better, frustrated that it comes so easily to kaladin, not knowing that kaladin's traits, although noble are a part of his own ptsd from 'failing' tien. Just as light shines on Elhokar and he begins to say the first ideal, and we as readers think yes! The possibilities! (He could potentially be the greatest radiant character, going off common plot twist practices.)
He's ran through by moash.... the devastation was real..... Not just for the elhokar redemption flame being suddenly snuffed out, for kaladin and another tien he couldn't save, and a point of no return for moash..... Its all really sad, there's no better word to explain it in my opinion. 2 potentially noble characters destroyed by one single act of anger and kaladin thrown deeper into his own self hatred and turmoil.
I know I'm late to the discussion I've only just found your chanel, awesome video very thought provoking. Thanks
YES exactly, it's all so sad. What do you think after reading RoW? Did it change your opinion on Moash or still just super sad?
The point you started making from 7 minutes on is REALLY the only reason I don't immediately discredit people that defend Moash. We forgive Dalinar for a lot of what he's done because he's a main POV character and Moash is not. If Moash had as much of a focus as the other characters that we follow/love he would likely have more defenders or fans. We are mostly shown Moash to be an antagonist on purpose and I think his future will be he will do horrible crap, maybe kill someone else, do something "redeemable" toward the end before eventually being killed.
Moash's story hasn't gone through any kind of redemption arc or growth the Dalinar has, so currently I'm with the mostly f*ck Moash crew, but I can some of the arguments defending him.
Yep, you've just described exactly how I feel. I have more understanding for people who don't think he did anything wrong, but I'm firmly in Screw Moash camp for now. I realize it's manipulation on the part of the narrative, but I just don't really care haha
@@Bookborn 100%
While Elhokar might have been self centered and hugely supported the cast system, he is also naive and inexperienced as a king. Don't forget, he's only been king for about six years by the time the plot comes around (I think). He listens to the wrong people which is where his naive trait comes in. In some ways Elhokar is a little too trusting and by listening to the wrong person, Moash's grandparents die as a result. So when you think about it, Elhokar actually wasn't the direct cause of their death, it was the lord who takes over Kaladin's village "(forgot his name). Anyways, my answer to that question is that no, Moash did not deserve to get his revenge and no, he does not deserve to get redeemed. I'm actually kind of eager to see where this puts both him and Kaladin later on in the series.
One more thing which might be interesting to consider, is that in a few ways, Kaladin is similar to Elhokar. He's naive (in that he trusted Moash who is as we can see, filled with both anger and hate) and Kaladin believes that what he is doing is right, even if it goes against everything his own father has taught him when he was younger.
I honestly have a hard time seeing the Kaladin/Elhokar connection simply because they are motivated by very, very different things in life. However, I agree with you on your first points - I think it's weird how much Moash focuses in on Elkohar when Roshone is much more to blame.
I'm going to do another one of these videos after I finish RoW (hopefully tonight!) Many things have developed since I recorded this...
@@Bookborn Haha yeah! Unfortunately I can't afford RoW until the end of the month. :x
Oh well though, cause I wasn't planning on listening to it anyways until I finish oathbringer (got 8 hours left on it, but I've been taking my time. So hopefully by the time I finish, I'll be able to get RoW)
By skybreaker law no.
He executed someone for wrongdoing.
By windrunner standards... hes the 2nd most evil thing in the cosmere.
and Sadly... we all know Moash thinks Moash is wrong, which is an important thing in cosmere, intent matters.
Hes conflicted, and i think whatever his progression is whether is be redemption or death, will be a big hurdle for Kaladin.
I just wish Rock was there to give kaladin the hug he needs, hopefully Renarin can muster up a healing hug for the poor guy.
Great video. I completely missed that he kicked Elhokar’s son Jesus. I think It’s not that Moash did nothing wrong, it’s just that all these other characters like Elhokar, Dalinar, Kaladin and Shallan have also done things that were wrong, and we were willing to turn the other eye and except that they could change. Moash has certainly done some terrible shit, and that’s what makes him perfect for a redemption arc. Redeeming a character that was never truly bad in the first place is always boring to me. I want Brandon to do what George RR Martin did with Jaime. Make people truly hate him without a second thought, and then change their minds
Moash hasn't quite gone low, enough, imo. Redemption still seems very easy for him.
@@Bookborn Yeah I agree, I know his character so far has been based around his relationship with Kaladin, but I think Moash could be a sleeper pick for an important character in the last 5 books
@@Mjot101 He'll be important...whether for good reasons or bad is yet to be determined haha. What happened at the very end of Oathbringer has super interesting connotations for his future...
You make some very good points. I still think Moash did several things wrong, such as kicking Elhokar's son and turning his back on Bridge 4. If Moash's reasoning is that humanity doesn't deserve to live on Roshar anymore, then what about Bridge 4? Should they be killed or kicked off or enslaved as well?
One thing I do like about him as a character, though, is that Sanderson is making a complex villain. With Moash we are being brought along on a Villain's Journey, as opposed to the Hero's Journey. Even if he does get a redemption arc, I still don't want to see him become a Radiant, at least not in the front 5 books. That's just a little too forgiving for me, but I would be fine with Moash spending a good amount of time wandering Roshar and atoning for what he's done. Maybe in the back 5 we can see him become a Radiant. IDK how long apart the two halves of the series are set, though, so that last might be wishful thinking.
Yeah, like I said at the end I personally hope he doesn't get a redemption arc just because I think it would be more interesting. And to be clear, I def bring up him kicking his son and I think he DID do something wrong lol, even if those points made me give him a little more slack.
I do love how Sanderson is interested in the villian's journey. He's talked about it a lot and I think it comes out in his books!
Straight to the point, I like it
ROW Spoilers
This came up in my recommendations (July 31 2021) and I was like uhhh yeah?? Makes more sense before the last book haha
lol yessss I have a second video for after RoW. That book definitely changes a LOT with his character 😂
It always astounds me how many good citizens of republics suddenly turn monarchist as soon as a friend of Kaladin is involved. And think that a murderer should go free just because he promises to be better in the future.
And I am afraid you are avoiding the hard question. Is Moash a traitor to the human race, to put it in old-fashioned terms, or to Kaladin and Bridge Four?
And that we are overcoming vengeance, is, well, is Szeth evil? He is a Skybreaker. Is Adolin bad? No, we are not overcoming vengeance in the Stormlight Archive. We may put it into perspective. But then we are putting everything into perspective.
Not sure I totally get your point, but I actually don't think Moash is a traitor to the human race. I don't have any problem with him going over to Odium's side, honestly; I think in the beginning of Oathbringer he makes some compelling points. But honestly I'm more annoyed at how SELFISH he is. Moash is NOT completely actions for the "good of Mankind", he's doing things for the good of HIMSELF. Which is why I think I'm so angry at his actions.
The truth is that Kelsier is wrong too. He happened to be on the right side against the Lord Ruler but I think it'll become clear that Kelsier is Wrong in the next era of Mistborn.
Regarding your comment about how Kelsier is so loved of a character... There's a ton about Kelsier that I never liked. Wasn't ever fully on board the Kelsier fan club, there's just too much to dislike. There's way too much that the Ghostbloods do that I hate as well, and he's the founder of that organization.
Moash can go to hell. But it would be in character of Sanderson to give him a redemption arc at some point, because many of these characters backstories (dalinar, elokhar) are extremely unlikeable and maybe based on those actions they don't deserve redemption. When Elokhar started saying the words, I was surprised how much I actually craved his redemption and ascension to the knights radiant. Perhaps if Sanderson does a great job, everyone in camp F***Moash can be led back the other direction. I'd currently say that I hope he doesn't have a redemption arc, but Sanderson has redeemed characters I wouldn't have thought could be redeemed, so i'll just RAFO I guess.
I am in the moash did nothing wrong crowd almost exclusively because of the storm moash crowd. They are toxic, not interested in talking about the nuance and do a good job maring what is a very well written character. Nothing in the storm light archives can equivivolly be said to be completely good or bad (from the big picture view, obviously each team has its own "heros"), it reflects the real world. "Storm Moash" is just a knee jerk reaction turned into a hateful meme where the community is ok flaming anyone who disagrees with them.
Not to mention the storm Moash crowd literally wrote a bot to spam the words all over reddit, it's not about being right or wrong for them, it's about the memes, and for that I cannot stand with them.
Yeah, this video isn't really about them! I did find them to not be nearly as chill as the "moash did nothing wrong" crowd, they were a very cool group to talk to. But, I did highly dislike Moash when I read the book, so I was curious to explore the question, because even beyond the Storm Moash group, people do dislike his actions.
Like you said, every character in the Stormlight Archives is complicated.
A notification brought me back to this video, and I have another comment. It's pretty long, so I understand if you don't read it. 😊
I do believe Kal betrayed Moash first but not necessarily the same way you mentioned. I think Kal's betrayal was much, much deeper than just going back on his word and setting Moash up for failure. Kal betrayed him as a friend, and he abused him as a leader from the very beginning.
The first time we meet Moash, he has given up, and he is ready to die. Kalidan decides to make an example of him to get the other bridge men to cooperate by punching him. From this moment, Kal is responsible for Moash because he FORCED Moash to do his will. This isn't to say Moash is not accountable for his actions; he is. It's just that Kal deserves a portion of the blame for reasons I will bring up later. This is just the point of origin.
Over time, Moash comes to respect Kal and even befriends him. Kal is sort of Moash's moral compass like Syl is for Kalidan. When Moash finally opens up to Kal about El, Kal makes Moash stop. Moash is not happy about it, but he does stop.
Here is where the real betrayal begins. Kal learned of what really happened to Moash's grandparents while in prison. When he gets out, Adolin tries to give him a Shard plate, and Kal insists it be given to Moash. When everyone leaves the room, Kal gives Moash the green light to kill El.
This alone destroys the "Kal gave Moash plate and see how he repays him" argument. Kal chose his path in prison, away from Moash. It cannot be said that Moash tempted him at his weakest moment. Although Moash hoped Kal would change his mind, Moash had stopped plotting to kill El at that point. Kal gave Moash the plate to kill El. This was 100% all Kalidan's choice.
What Kal didn't do in that meeting, and I'm going to say it in caps for emphasis, is TELL MOASH WHAT HE LEARNED ABOUT HIS GRANDPARENTS, nor did he tell him in the weeks leading up to the night of the attempted assassination. That's a terrible thing for a friend to do to another friend. It irritates me how the fandom will f-moash for every little thing, and you never hear a peep about this.
After weeks of sulking and almost killing Syl, he finally made the right choice (a good thing). Maybe Moash could have made a more reasonable choice, too, and he wouldn't be where he is now if he had weeks to dwell on the information before he "crossed a line."
Kal used the info of Moash's grandparents as an "oh by the way" tactic only when he was trying to manipulate Moash, yet again, into seeing things his way. And how does he open negotiations? By pointing a spear, not in Graves' face, but in his "friends" face. Up to this point, Moash has never once shown aggression towards Kal. Kal has, though, as I've mentioned earlier, and now, he thinks so little of his "friend" that he points a weapon at him.
This is where most people say Moash was in shard, and he punched him HARD in it. Yes, he was, and yes, he did, and he immediately felt terrible about it. Moash is a dark eyes. Shade plate is all but unavailable to dark eyes; he doesn't know the full potential of his shard plate yet. People forget that. Vasher has Renarin jumping off cliffs to understand his plate, and he grew up around them.
Finally, we come to the ONLY thing, in my opinion, that Moash did wrong toward Kal up to this point. He summons his blade to kill Kal. Personally, I don't think he would have done it had Syl not interfered, not at this point in the story anyway, but I can't prove that.
What is interesting, Moash blames everyone and everything for his problems, but he never once blames Kal, the one person he should blame for his problems, because Kal set the foundation on which Moash built the rest of his life on.
Another argument I get is that he still killed El after plenty of time dwelling on the info Kal finally give him.
Yes, he does. I believe that in Moash's mind, he crossed a line by betraying Kal. You pretty much mention this too. I don't think he thinks he can come back, and once you start down that dark road, you can go miles before finding a place to turn around.
Sidenote: some ROW spoilers referenced.
People like to think of Moash is the version of Kal that made the wrong decision, and there is some truth to that. But if we are going to view him that way, we need to accept that he feels many of the same depressions that Kal does. I think book four really drives that point home, but the fandom is understandably too upset with him in book 4 to see it.
People seem to really sympathize with Kal and his depression and ignore Moash's depression because of the choices they make throughout the story. I think that's a reflection of our society in general.
"Why can't you clean your life up like your brother did?"
"Mary got off of meth; why do you keep relapsing?"
That sort of thing.
Moash gets zero sympathies because he can't defeat his demons. Yet,
Full-on SPOILERs beyond this point.
The fandom is horrified by what that herald is doing to the spren, but they also defend him because he is "broken." Does moash seem all that put together in book 4?
And I don't buy that he "wasn't sorry know where im going with that. People lie to themselves all the time when they are struggling to cope.
It doesn't matter to me if you like moash or hate him for what he has done. It bothers me that the fandom is nuanced with every other character, many of which have done far worse things, but they don't extend the same nuance to Moash.
First, I didn't know people are excusing the herald because he's "broken". I'm not lol, I think he's a terrible person (from what I know so far) and I'm horrified. So just want to put that out there lol
You def read WoK differently than I did, with the Moash/Kal relationship. As you read it, I see what you mean about Kal betraying Moash. It's just not the personal way I read it. I think it falls into you seeing it more from a birds-eye view and me seeing it from Kaladin's view (which I openly admit is biased but I'm just happy sitting in that bias 😂 )
IDK if you saw my update video for after ROW, but I find that now Moash seems more of a direct comparison to young Dalinar in a lot of ways. Not that Dalinar didn't do worse things (he did) but how they both searched to give up their pain but we give Moash a lot more harshness for it. I'm definitely interested in seeing what happens with him in the next book...
@@Bookborn I can't say a large portion of the fandom feels that way, but I've had more than a few people defend the heralds, even that one when I point out how horrible I think they are. They don't support what the heard did, but they do the "well, he's broken and insane" defense. And that's true, but they only acknowledge it for characters they think will ultimately be "good guys" or at least "likable." I think RoW made it clear that Moash is broken and insane. And I have theories...wild ones for his future, but I won't go there.
I read WoK the same as you did the first time around. I was team Kal all the way, I still am. I just heavily criticize him for his actions in RoW. After being radicalized as a Moash supporter on social media, I reread the series, trying to see it from his perspective when he is on-page. That's when I realized how badly Kal bungled his responsibility toward moash as a leader and a friend. Mostly about his grandparents. I wouldn't be friends with a person if they withheld knowledge like that from me until it was beneficial for then to do so. I'd probably summon my blade too. 🙈
Yes, I saw your other video back when you released it. I subscribed to you because of these videos, and I've been enjoying your content since. The last half of my comment was speaking generally; I kind of just got on a roll, lol.
@@LandoftheMadmen Ok, next time I do a reread I'll have to keep this in mind. I never considered the information withholding; I'll have to see if my mind changes when I specifically focus on that.
It's funny how the pro-moash people get under your skin...they've definitely convinced me to soften my feelings toward him a lot haha
I'm also a fan of calling it storm moash, instead of fuck moash because i feel like it bothers the hardcore trolls over at storm moash.
Moash killed teft. None can defend him after that!
Yeah a Moash-defender's job became night impossible after RoW lol. I actually have a follow up video about RoW since this was filmed before it came out.
Ok so first of all Fu** Moash lol.
Tbh I don't really care about Elhokar (I mean the abrupt ending to his redemption arc hurt but i didn't love him at any point in the books). I only have Moash because of his view on life I guess? And the way he treats Kal. The salute after he kills Elhokar is much more disrespectful to Kal then just the killing.
Aside from that the early release ROW chapters have a Moash scene that'll be really hard to defend for his fans.
I haven't read any of the released ROW chapters! I'm a weird person and I hate reading early chapters, I want to consume it crazy fast all at once.
OH I TOTALLY AGREE! I cut it from the video because I didn't wnat to get too off topic, but I think the salute REALLY hurts Moash. It's such an F-YOU! Although I found it interesting that some people on moashdidnothingwrong said they thought it was a respectful salute...which isn't how I read it at all.
@@Bookborn I'm definitely a binge reader as well but I can't help myself if there's new Stormlight content out there.
The salute is definitely the worst part of that. But I really started hating Moash even before they. I really don't like the "everything is fuc*ed and there's nothing to live for so why not be a terrible person and a traitor"
That was a big thing for me, too. My last reread of WOR was a few years ago, so I don't remember if his attitude was like that in that one as well. But I was much more swayed before I reread Oathbringer. His attitude annoyed me so much. He is trying to give up all responsibility rather than taking it in.
Moash is worse than Umbridge.
lolll I'm not sure I can hatred for Umbridge runs DEEP. Jokes aside, I think they are similar in that they both are the "known evil" to us. Generally, in most of our lives, we don't deal with overwhelming evil/mass murderers day to day like Voldy or Odium. BUT...people like Umbridge or Moash we deal with in our every day life and it makes them more hateable.
I think Moash just has a little more motivation that I can understand than Umbridge.
Nope, nope Moash definitely did something wrong and those points can all be broken down😕
Did you watch the entire video? Because I agree with you in the end... I literally broke down every point at the end of the video
@@Bookborn no no I don't mean it to you, but to the "moash did nothing wrong" community.
Sorry for being vague😅
Btw I liked your video😁
@@magnus5747 Oh good, just checking, can't have anyone slandering my name and saying I didn't think he did anything wrong lololol
Of course Moash is a bad person. It's tedious and annoying to even have a conversation about it. Stormlight badly need more human enemies to hate, trying to add some grey area to Moash is not only wrong but weakens the plot.
Yes. Moash did something wrong. He's decided that the humans do not deserve Roshar; however, instead of killing himself so there is one less human for the Singers to fight and conquer, he decided that he would work against humanity for Odium. To that end, he killed Jezrien in cold blood. Unlike Kelsier, who was fighting to overthrow a dictator and give power to the Skaa, Moash has thrown his lot in with a dictator.
The only thing that complicates it is that humans technically were the voidbringers that destroyed the Singers. However, Odium is obviously bad news for both humans and Singers, so I think I agree with the sentiment that he's thrown his lot in with the dictator.
Muck Foash
Side-tracking from your question for a moment: I like Moash is being set up to become Odium’s perfected version of an Anti-Radiant. After being held back for so long, Odium has come to realize that he needs talented individuals to work with him and help fight the Knights of the Radiant. After seeing what happened to Amaram, I think he was a testing point to fuse Voidbringers and humans in a way.
The way Moash is isolating himself in some sort of self imposed punishment for all the things he has done is creating a perfect storm for him to become one of the best types of villains out there. The type can agree with and see what led them to make their decisions.
All of that is influencing my decision. I believe that Moash did do something wrong. I just believe Moash is wrong in the the way he is torturing himself for not living up to Bridge 4 when he was unknowingly set up for failure when he was gifted the Shardblade and armor. I just don’t know how he could have handled the situation differently after killing the king.
Ohhh I actually love this theory. Especially since Odium's whole thing is "give me your pain", I think Moash is being set up to want that, for sure.
Moash's arc so far definitely has some sadness to it. He wasn't vulnerable enough to let Bridge 4 give forgiveness.