I loved this video! I really liked the discussion on how we view ourselves vs how others view us. That was fascinating. The sandbox was also so cool. This looked like a ton of work!!!
This is so awesome! I really appreciate how much thought the Dragonsteel team put into making this test, and seeing you guys nerd out over it makes me so happy. I am a Truthwatcher after all. ;) We also did the thing where my husband and I took the test as both ourselves, and then as each other. I got Truthwatcher when I did it myself, and he got Windrunner. When we both tried answering as the other person, we both ended up with Edgedancer. I wonder what that means! 😅
lol that's so funny that despite the fact you guys got different results you both said the other person was edgedancer 😂 My husband also got edgedancer for me - my working theory is that edgedancers tend to be listed as compassionate/thinks with heart/ etc, we may view our romantic partners in that light and lead with those traits.
Oh, when I took the quiz and ended up with only middling results, I took it to mean that I’m well rounded in my traits and could relate to many orders…but that could just be me trying to put a spin on things. I honestly don’t remember my results…just that they were not strong.
I quickly did the test and the fact my highest match was 53% (Truthwatcher) with several close runners up bugged me instantly :P Even knowing how these things function, it just feels... janky. When orders that are nothing like each other are candidates it just feels weird, even though it's obvious that you "qualify" for each through different aspects of your personality. All that said, I adored the reveal that the Knights Radiant were all flawed, broken individuals that accepted the bond as part of their healing process. Realising that concept tugged my heart strings. Heroes aren't superhuman, and often those most willing to sacrifice are those who have been damaged themselves. Pretty hard to ask respondents how they were traumatised to best fit them into a radiant order that would "fill the cracks" :P
I do see personality tests as more akin to horoscopes. Fun, not to be taken seriously, and designed that no matter which you fall into you will be able to find the justification for its accuracy.
Really enjoyed this video. Especially the part at end, about psychology of personality tests!! We do indeed often put too much stock into these - I've seen people base their whole identity on personality tests and that can certainly be dangerous! I think I enjoy personality tests/typing the most in communal settings - having discussions with friends about the Enneagram (currently popular in my friend group!) is lots of fun and leads to good discussion on how we view ourselves and how others view ourselves. Exactly your point!! I think that's why I enjoy things like the Enneagram. Not that I will orient my life and decision-making around my number (well, definitely not, since I can't figure mine out), but that it provides an interesting framework and discussion points in conversations about people. And people are fascinating. Also - the maths/engineering side of me greatly enjoyed that section. I'm tempted to do some statistical analysis myself now!
Oh TOTALLY agree. Eneagram has been really popular among my friends too and it’s been fun talking about it and using it. But I do know someone who makes it their entire personality and that always feels weird like it’s not THAT accurate 😂
The big, intelligent, creative energy of this video sends me! 😊 These are the sorts of things that I always wonder about too^--^ I kinda disagree that negative matches don't make sense though-it's one thing to simply [theoretically] have nothing in common with a particular order/result, it's a whole other thing to perhaps even be outright antagonistic or contrasting/opposite to a particular order/result! (If that makes any sense🤷♀️🤷) Buut maybe that's just me; idek^-^ Lolll This was a lot of fun - Thank You, both of you, for doing this!!!!! 💜
Oh ok ok I like this interpretation of negative results! Like not only am I NOT a skybreaker, but I actively am against what they stand for or something.
@@Bookborn Yeah! Exactly!! ^-^ (So glad that managed to come through well enough in my previous comment, because I was really struggling there with how to put it into words as a concept for some reason.😅🤣) At least, that's what negative percentage results make me think of, anyhow. 😊
Going to go take the quiz now and see what I get. Testing is such an interesting topic. Personality, Aptitude tests, and career inventories was something I enjoyed learning about in school. It's like capturing a snapshot of who we are. Can be helpful but it's only a part of an individual.
Agreed. I quite enjoy it, honestly, I just don't let it define me. I still remember in HS I took a career test and it told me I should be a carpenter. I said "well I want to be an engineer" to the person giving the test and they legit said "well this test says that wouldn't be good for you" 💀 I remember laughing about that so much with my parents. They are fun snapshots and can teach us about ourselves, but ultimately we are so fluid and changing it can be hard to nail down!
Just took the test before watching this vid so it would make more sense. great content and insight. Original Results was a 3 way tie with 70% Edgedancer, Bondsmith, Windrunner in that order. Max Delta Results: Edgedancer 68%, Windrunner 65%, Bondsmith 64% Max Standard Deviant: Bondsmith 61%, Edgedancer 60%, Windrunner 57% Interesting enough these were the 3 orders I identified with the most in The Stormlight Archive. It is always fun to take any type of personality test as it gives you an insight into how you view yourself. This is also apparent in which characters a person loves/hates especially with TSA. I really don't like Shallan's character but I love that she is well written and is true to herself. Not sure what this says about me and the results of my test.
First of all, the fact that you get Bondsmith is awesome because that's a super hard order to get. Like you're a mix of edgedancer, windrunner, and bondsmith...that's a pretty strong grouping lol. I do really find it interesting as a personality thing to think of what we WANT to identify with and what the test actually says. I went in with a pretty open mind about it, but was very pleased about Elsecaller - but probably wouldn't have felt the same about all the orders (for example, never felt like a Windrunner).
This is really cool! I've always gotten Truthwatcher on the original and got Truthwatcher for all 3 outcomes on your one - so I'm getting some subtle hints I have a Truthwatcher personality lol. Followed closely by Lightweaver, Willshaper and Edgedancer. I have always preferred the Edgedancer ideals so I'll still go with that. It was really cool seeing how each trait lines up with each order too. I love how something holding me back from being an Edgedancer is that I like camping!! hotel/camping for Edgedancers is apparently 0% camping :(
LOL idk why but the fact that camping is holding you back just cracks me up. You need to go teach those Edgedancers to appreciate the outdoors! I can’t wait to find out more about the elsecaller ideals. Once I find out then I feel like I’ll know if I chose the right one. Right now it feels good!
Very cool little applet. I hate personality tests but I love stuff like this. I can’t not get Elsecaller but my 2-4 fluctuate between Skybreaker, Windrunner, and Edgedancer.
@Bookborn searched Google to find the link for a friend and found this video. Been doing this quiz for a few years now, I hit Windrunner every single time lol
Great points. Deltas to get an "aura" for each concept is important. (Like a ten question Meyers-Briggs test versus a day long test...) Of course, what also happens as your personality shifts? It takes moments of crisis/trauma to completely shift someone. Over 2020 I shift strongly from a massive extrovert into a more "balanced" Intro/Extro. And I would never expect anything to shift that in me. While I tend to dislike the idea of being pooled into a Radiant Order due to a broad stroke, this is in the end, more accurate. Lets bring in the Sorting Hat... Harry Potter basically "chose" to be in Gryffindor. And I think some of that can be true for the Knights Radiant too. I generally score high on Edgedancer, Windrunner, and Bondsmith. Which one would I be actually called to? That probably depends on the crisis I am called to "fix" in Roshar. Kaladin had a massive prsonality shift (due to trauma) that pushed him toward Windrunner. But would he have been attached to a different Spren if he had as a young boy? Possibly. He was a different person then.
Yeah good points. That's why I don't mind saying I'm an Elsecaller when my results vary/or that Skybreaker was a super close second. I think it's the order I identify most with, and as taking oaths is a choice, I think that would play a lot into it if this were "the real world"
First, Elsecallers FTW! ;) Kudos to you and Michael! I've worked for 3 large corporations (US) that have personality testing, and encourage employees to share their 'type' One place assigned colors( I think you mentioned it) and they would give us color dots to put on our nameplates outside our cubes so people knew who they were dealing with. It's an odd habit. I understand objectively that they are trying to encourage collaborative environments...BUT...as you said who *I* think I am versus what I show to others, and how others perceive me is a large delta.
Wow that's crazy that they had you put your color on your nameplate. It feels like that's a way to judge people a bit before getting to know them. Of course, I could just be salty since my Myers-briggs (ENTJ) is often classified as the "villain" personality 😭
@@Bookborn oh, it's totally for judging people 😋 So, of course, people would get other colors and put up instead. I put all the dots on mine, got in trouble and told that I could only choose one... So I got a black one.
I've started liking your videos more lately since it seems you had similar tastes to me. Now I also know you have some of the same nerdy tendencies to me. I am a fan of anyone who will admit to doing math for fun (as I do too).
I got Truthwatcher for myself the first time, but forgot to screenshot it. When I re-did it I think I got Edgedancer by 3 points over Truthwatcher and had to do it a couple more time to get it to flip back. Then I did have my best friend, an old friend, and my sister take it as me. Both my best friend and sister came up with TW as #1, but Skybreaker as #2 and Edgedancer as #3, while my old friend (who I haven’t hung out with much in the last decade) got SB as 1# and TW as #4. So the question is, do my old friend’s results represent the old me, or just the distilled impression of me left my friend memory after years of little interaction? I do think the results other people give you are a better indication of your order, because they are acting like your spren.
Ohhh yesss you came with the details. Super interesting though that really all your family/friends got pretty close to what you got. Like mine didn’t get elsecaller second… it was fourth. So that’s fascinating. I assume we are somewhere inbetween their perceptions of us and our own lol
Yayy, we are mutuals. I have Truthwatcher first, followed by Edgedancers. That was really exciting for me, because these two were already those ones I identified the most with.
@@ham5097 Nice. Have you had anyone take it in your steed to see how they see you? With others pulling Skybreaker rather high for me, I’m hoping we get some reasonable Skybreakers soon. I can definitely identify with wanting rules followed. Hard to identify even with the one SB on our side so far. Also want some standard Truthwatchers.
@@Bookborn Good question, essentially it boils down to punk rock roots, ya know challenge authority to an adult who is all about challenging authority responsibly....if any of that makes sense.
This was interesting to see. You did an excellent job of breaking down your idea and the work the two of your had done in this. Thanks for sharing! You mentioned that Windrunners and Willshapers had the most moderate values, but couldn´t find anything that mathematically made that significant. But as far as I can tell - (and I may be wrong, as I´m not a math expert) - that would indeed make them more likely to be taken. E.g. If, say Lightweaver, has a ´correct value´ of 100, that gives us a delta-value of 0 - 100. But if Windrunner has a ´correct value´ of 50, that means that you can only get a delta value of 0 - 50 (as both a choice of 0 and 100 would only be 50 away). So you´d be twice as likely to hit close to the mark with Windrunner.
One time I took the 16 personalities test, which gave me as a result the personality called Mediator. The interesting part is that then I took the 16 possible results of the tests and the texts that go with them and I gave it to 8 friends of mine and I asked them to read them and to tell me which of those results fit me better in their opinion. Well, my 8 friends said that the mediator type was actually the one that fit me better. One girlfriend even said, "it's scary how much the mediator result seems to talk about you specifically."
Something I found interesting: when taking the test for other people I know (family/friends) I would almost always get high results for Windrunners, but significantly lower when filling it out for myself
I got edgedancer when I did the test, which I thought fitting for the most part. Every time I did the test it put me more snugly as an edgedancer (ending up at 80%), with truthwatcher and windrunner tied for next. I got two members of my family who've not read the books to do the test and they both got edgedancer, though everything else in their results was different.
I'm gonna pretend that the quiz is 100% accurate because i like the idea of being a Lightweaver and that i'd get my very own Pattern, and I do genuinely think Lightweaver fits me pretty well lol I never thought about the mathematics behind quizzes like these so this was incredibly interesting to listen to
Oh I absolutely pretend it's 100% accurate that single time I took it, because I got Elsecaller and I like that 😂 Don't worry, just because we looked at the math doesn't mean we can't still share in our own delusions
I did the test and got Truthwatcher, with Skybreaker as a close second, and WIndrunner as third, then after some timehad passed I did the test again, and got Lightweaver, with Windrunner a close second, Thruthwatcher at thrid or fourth, depending on the test, and Skybreaker way down near the bottom. It's very intriguing.
Yeah it's so weird with the sliders. Because I think small changes in each slider makes a difference in your overall outcome, unlike many personality tests where it's just a solid answer that you'd probably choose every time (like the hogwarts test, for example)
A group of my siblings and our spouses took this quiz (6 people in total). Only one of us did NOT get Edgedancer or Windrunner as our top score (often, they were both our top two scores). Which probably says more about how similar we all are than saying anything about the test. We were very surprised with that result for two of our group, though, because none of us (including them) thought they would be Windrunners or Edgedancers. My husband got Skybreaker, which also surprised everyone. But he tends to not be very self-aware. I took it for him and got Stoneward. And I'm betting his true order is some sort of combo of our results.
About why the squaring is done: I asked my stats professor the same question. He said that squares are preferred over absolute values because squares are differentiable unlike the absolute value. It seems like a matter of technical convenience that has set a convention
We thought the squaring was to get rid of the negatives at first except that they absolute value in the code! So I’m not sure why they did both if that’s the reason… but it’s good info regardless, maybe it played a part
Maybe not quite relevant, but I always thought it was interesting in surveys and questionnaires how they sometimes use a personal question first without much importance, and then follow it up with a seemingly benign question as a way of getting a more truthful response to the second. They use these throwaway questions just to prime you for the real questions.
Not gonna lie... those sounds effects of "scribbling quickly on paper" made me instead hear someone quickly trying to grasp a breath but being unable to.. and it was making me panic since I was in discord. Anyways, keep it up!
SORRY. I know those sound effects are hit or miss but when I have so much info on the page I'm trying to give sound cues to help guide what people are looking at!
Math is fun! This was an interesting break down of the math and raises good questions on the psychology behind these kinds of tests. And that is also a good point that the way we see ourselves and rate our qualities may be different from the way others see/rate us. Maybe I think of myself being more compassionate than I actually am or am more hard on myself and am actually higher on certain traits when others rate me. What is the truth? (I am a truthwatcher...so I need to know) I also think the negative percentages tell you more about how opposed your personality is to a certain order than just leaving it as zero. And I would be one that would be sad if none of my matches were higher than ~60%. But it all depends on the spren you happen to meet and if they see the traits they are looking for manifesting a certain way that attracts them
Have your partner/family/friend take the quiz and see if they get something different! It's a super interesting process tbh to see how other people in your life view you.
What a cool video!!!!!! Though I have to say, when you mentioned that you did the test several times I imagined you as Taravangian like "Oh, time to make my daily test. I feel my mind is a little more Skybreaker today damn" 😂😂. I have a more or less unrelated question about this: what exactly is the difference between a Truthwatcher and an Elsecaller? They both seem to be orders full of scholars and devoted to seek knowledge and learn. I don't really mind if there's a big difference though since I always get Truthwatcher in the tests but Elsecaller is always pretty pretty close (Also Skybreaker, which seems nice)
So I've thought the same thing in the past since last time I polled my insta followers, it seems us book nerds tend to mostly fall into the truthwatcher/elsecaller brand and like what's the difference? based on their differing mottos (I will seek truth/I will reach my potential) and looking at the quiz internals to see where they differ the most on answers, it seems that elsecallers tend to be more confident, leader-oriented, driven, and more logic over heart, while truthwatchers tend to need more reassurance/more humble perhaps lol, stick to the books, and have more compassion. So I think they are both scholar-oriented but how they present themselves differs. Just my opinion on it!
@@Bookborn Oh that's really really interesting!!!! Since you know we have a couple of orders that are dedicated to protect/make sure other are safe (Windrunners and Stonewards) but their philosophy changes a lot depending on the order, so it's awesome that we have that (similar purpose but different ways) in the orders more dedicated to scholarship!!!! Thanks a lot for the answer :S
This test also changes a bunch every time you take it. My first time I got 69% lightweaver, 69% edgedancer. The second time I got Windrunner first. The third time was 69% lightweaver, %67 Willshaper, 65% Windrunner and 63% edgedancer. I would say choosing myself, I would say I’m Edgedancer
Yes, I think that the accuracy of personality tests is suspect based on self-awareness. Thus, using them for decision making purposes (such as determining if someone is a good fit for a company team) is a bad idea of enormous proportions. The best way they can be used if for reflection, for growth, for a measurement of your self-awareness. Taking a personality test can be used to make yourself think about yourself. And the way you had multiple people take the test for you: that was a great measurement tool. Or you can use them as fun nerdy thing. That's a valid purpose. I do wonder if me watching this video will make me take the test differently, too.
Yeah like tbh I think personality tests are way fun and I love taking them. But I just never...model my life around it. I think some things can be interesting and informative, but ultimately I find that a lot of these quizes have similarities between the different ones. Like you know when you read your horoscope and it applies...but like four other horoscopes also apply? That's kind of like personality types LOL
@@Bookborn interesting and informative, absolutely. Horoscopes and signs are also sceintifically proven to be bull. Confirmation bias? If i remember correctly. That and self-fulfilling prophecy. and personality types are similar, you're right, jsut less date based. Definitely not something to use for decision making. I hear people saying they use sign compatibility and stuff to determine who to date and I don't understand it.
@@Bookborn exactly. There's actually a psych term I just stumbled upon that explains all this called the Barnum Effect. It's essentially the thing that happens when someone believes/identifies with something that is said about them or their personality when in reality its a statement that could generally be applied to almost anyone or a rather large swath of the population
Very fascinating video! I love that you are the way you are and that you get some analytical thinking into my day because that is not how my brain works! I believe personality systems will never work 100% because we learn and grow and change, and like you said, it could depend on how we feel that moment. I'm a windrunner, but now I'd be interested to have my husband test for me. I think I'll do that! Have you ever heard of Energy Profiling by Carol Tuttle? It is the best system like this I have found because it is NOT personality based. Basically we and everything on the earth were created with the 4 energies: air, water, fire, earth. We are a mix of all four but are dominant in one. It exhibits in our facial features, how we move, how we react, how we move through life, how we rejuvenate... so it's our base energy we're born with that our spirit and environment then build on top of. This stuff has literally changed my life! So much more understanding of the people near me and so much less judgment of everyone! Now I understand why "they did that!" I feel like you'd be really fascinated by this, and I'd love to hear about you going through it, especially through type 4! I'm a type 3 with a secondary 2. I won't put the link because I wonder if that's why my previous comments were deleted, but it's at live your truth . com. They talk about finding you personal style there(because your energy determines what looks good on you, or what makes you look like yourself) but the free course is before any of their style stuff starts off your not interested in that. I am definitely NOT telling you this because of the style aspect. I think you are already living so true to yourself and it's so fun to watch! Also very highly recommend her books It's Just My Nature and The Child Whisperer. Type 1= air. Upward, light, have so many ideas, need social. Type 2= water. Soft, flowing, details/make plans for the ideas, need emotional connection. Type 3= fire. Swift, push the plans forward to get it done, need to get things done or get outside. Type 4= earth. Solid, deep thinker, analytical, perfects/makes it better, need alone time.
Ok that was super fun to read about and take. Really interesting concept! You nailed it tho they said I was a Type 4 haha! I felt a little called out about stuff they said and I always love when that happens lol
As a psychologist, I agree with you on personality tests, they are complete nonsense. Personality as a concept is not even backed up by data, the continuity of who “you” are is an illusion of the self. So sure, they can be fun and great insight on the story you tell yourself about who you are, but definitely not an accurate or scientific tool for understanding behavior. In the end all categorization is inherently limiting and we should strive to rid ourselves of boxes instead of further entrenching ourselves in them.
That said, I tested as Truthwatcher a couple of years ago which is very in line with my “brand” back then (Ravenclaw, science, etc) and now test as Lightweaver since I don’t believe in universal truths any longer but personal paths towards your own unique truth. Definitely interesting results!
OH MAN the change in your Knights Radiant order is fascinating - and based on what you said, totally in line with what we think about Truthwatchers and Lightweavers in the novels. Pretty cool. Like you said - does it really mean anything? Nah, but it's a cool representation of how you've grown or changed over the years.
Every time I take the test I keep getting 78%-84% Lightweaver (slightly followed by Willshaper high 75-79%). Is that odd? (Not that I'm taking this too seriously 😉) (I guess that explains why I really loved "Yumi and the Nightmare Painter" (or did my score tend that way *because* I just read and was affected by that book ;) )
I really don’t have anything to say to this video. I followed it well enough to not be confused, but not enough to have anything to add. 😅 Still fun to hear about this stuff though. -T
Squares might be to ensure positive numbers. Or to avoid matching when you have a complete different answer on category. Btw, same as when you conduct the test you might be like, I want to be this and then you try to meet what you expect instead of what you want. As to personality tests, I think these tests can help you identify blind spots for yourself and understand these people better. Your own results from a personality test is difficult. For me at least, I tend to be way harsher on myself as most of the people around me are. Belbin test though classified me to a t.
Most personality never give me a strong / satisfying answer. Often, the most simplistic and broad are the ones I have less problems with. I am a Ravenclaw and also my element is Air The INTP test for example resonates 0% with me Interestingly, some aspects of the enneagram test define me very well, but I think it is a matter of chance. Eventually some answer of a test will define me better. What knight radiant order am I? I, again, don't resonate much with the test itself and the 10 orders chosen. Willsharper? Or maybe Lightweaver? (With a little of stormbreaker) Who knows
I don't need a test to know I am a Truthwatcher. However, the possibility of Bondsmiths being able to heal the mind (unlike Truthwatchers that heal the body and soul), really relates to me. Edit: yeap, 67%+ Truthwatcher 😊
@@Bookborn honestly I don't, I strive to know myself very much regardless of outside subjectivity. I believe the habit of even acknowledging external validation is very dangerous. I was impressed by the accuracy, tho. As you said it was fun, yet still meaningful. Well done on that ☺️
I think I am a bridgeman! Just kidding my highest level was truthwatcher. I got the impression it was a personality test. It does seem to have implications for the real world. Great job with the stats.
Interestingly, my results weren't very high, but they were all close together. My highest was Truthwatcher at 68%, and my lowest was Dustbringer at 53%.
The fact that you two were so PAINSTAKINGLY meticulous carries some HEAVY Elsecaller vibes = Thesis debunked! But... wait, that would mean you /couldn't/ be an Elsecaller, which would mean the quiz itself is broken, which would mean--
Looks like I won't make an order. At least I can say something about it and not worry about the consequences of writing comments on the internet. Truthwatcher 57%, Lightweaver 52%, Elsecaller 52%, Edgedancer 47%, Windrunner 47%, Dustbringer 44%, Skybreaker 44%, Bondsmith 43%, Willshaper 33%, Stoneward 33%. It is known that they Myers-Briggs changes over time. The variability of test results is probably affected by the amount of credence given to them by those who take them. If people adjust their lifestyle to conform to the test's results and they are very successful it seems likely that their results will stay similar over time. Others may try to subvert the results fail at some of their goals and also remain the same. The converse could also be true. It is much like trying to predict the future. There are various systems people have used to do so over time, but why would someone do it? Most likely to change a bad outcome seen in the results. The only meaningful measurement of this process is the occurrence of the bad result. If the 'fate' was avoided, was it ever going to happen? Did the person's action change the fate? Was random happenstance involved? And if the action foretold comes to pass what then can be said about the prediction process? Can someone tell me if I can get some extra credit activities to get into the Truthwatchers? I have yet to read The Stormlight Archive.
Elsecaller/INTJ disapproves skipping over the calculation methodology section of this video. Personality quizzes are flawed but fun and a bit better than astrology.
LOL! Well you can always just choose what you WANT to be because this is all made up and life’s too short for a test to tell you about your fake fantasy life.
@@Bookborn Nah there's something real about not picking for yourself. I took it "aspirationally" (I wish this is how I was), and I got Windrunner. And that made me feel mary-sue dirty!!! Besides, I'm probably not going to read the rest of the series anyway.
I don't understand... I have now tried commenting twice on here and it's been deleted soon after each time. :( I'll try to send you an instagram dm later about it. Dang it! It was such a long comment I've already done twice!
OH NO! I can't imagine anything you'd be saying would be auto-moderated 😭 Sometimes my internet gets weird and deletes my comments so maybe it's an internet thing? either way I'm sorry
Too much math. Unsubscribed. Imagine if you put this much effort into trying to be good at audiobooks smh. Anyway, damn you put a lot of effort into this haha. The entire first half of this video went entirely over my head, but then we got to my jam- PSYCHOLOGY. So yeah, psychology tests are super interesting. The average person overweighs them so much, which is especially interesting because most people are not that self aware. So a lot of personality tests become self-fulfilling prophecies, which is why online tests are generally unpreferable compared to a professional, and even then, not something to hinge our personality on. In fact, organizational psychology has a big kerfuffle about whether organizations overrely on personality tests. However, they can tell you a lot about yourself, if they are answered accurately and there are measures in place to curb inattentive answering or the various bias problems like social conformity etc. My favorite that I've taken is probably the HEXACOO; which is the six factor model (Honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) and one of the reasons I think it's good is just how reliable of a model it is; plus the official test monitors for inattentive answering AND you can take the test for someone else as a specific option (so my wife did one for me and I did one for me, and we compared the two) which helps encourage people to get outside themselves and see what others think and how their self-perceptions differ from outward perception. Like my wife thinks I am way less conscientious than I do 🤣🤣
I knew I’d lose you to this one 😭 Yeah I think personality tests that are given by like an actual person probably are way more accurate than these random online tests. I’ve never even heard of HEXACOO which probably means it’s actually legit 😂
Actually, since this is are 17 dimensions of data I would use a multivariate distance measure such as mahalanobis distance (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalanobis_distance) which will calculate how far you are in 17N space. Its a pretty easy measure to calculate.
@@michaelwest3953 one other thing. A fun old school way of visualizing multivariate data is using a Chernoff Face (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernoff_face) If you paired up with someone who is more artistically inclined you could do the same but with ideal pictures of what each of the Knights Radiant would 'look' like and the Chernoff face would be closer/further away from ideal. If you'd like help, just let me know.
This was interesting to see. You did an excellent job of breaking down your idea and the work the two of your had done in this. Thanks for sharing! You mentioned that Windrunners and Willshapers had the most moderate values, but couldn´t find anything that mathematically made that significant. But as far as I can tell - (and I may be wrong, as I´m not a math expert) - that would indeed make them more likely to be taken. E.g. If, say Lightweaver, has a ´correct value´ of 100, that gives us a delta-value of 0 - 100. But if Windrunner has a ´correct value´ of 50, that means that you can only get a delta value of 0 - 50 (as both a choice of 0 and 100 would only be 50 away). So you´d be twice as likely to hit close to the mark with Windrunner.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was trying to say! Like the fact that they have less extremes means smaller overall deltas and also, people probably are less likely to put extremes when taking a test.
The "decisive / indecisive" slider was hilarious
50% for me lol 🤔
Doesn't that make you indecisive?
We love how extra this channel is, no one else is producing this content keep up the excellent work!
Extra is the perfect word for it 😂 thanks for the support!
I loved this video! I really liked the discussion on how we view ourselves vs how others view us. That was fascinating. The sandbox was also so cool. This looked like a ton of work!!!
Thanks for watching!
This is so awesome! I really appreciate how much thought the Dragonsteel team put into making this test, and seeing you guys nerd out over it makes me so happy. I am a Truthwatcher after all. ;)
We also did the thing where my husband and I took the test as both ourselves, and then as each other. I got Truthwatcher when I did it myself, and he got Windrunner. When we both tried answering as the other person, we both ended up with Edgedancer. I wonder what that means! 😅
lol that's so funny that despite the fact you guys got different results you both said the other person was edgedancer 😂 My husband also got edgedancer for me - my working theory is that edgedancers tend to be listed as compassionate/thinks with heart/ etc, we may view our romantic partners in that light and lead with those traits.
This is the nerdiest video ever and I mean that in the best way-loved it!
Oh, when I took the quiz and ended up with only middling results, I took it to mean that I’m well rounded in my traits and could relate to many orders…but that could just be me trying to put a spin on things. I honestly don’t remember my results…just that they were not strong.
I like that spin lol! Like maybe all the knights radiant orders would be courting you 😂
Well her catch phrase is "hey nerds...what's up?" 😂
I quickly did the test and the fact my highest match was 53% (Truthwatcher) with several close runners up bugged me instantly :P
Even knowing how these things function, it just feels... janky. When orders that are nothing like each other are candidates it just feels weird, even though it's obvious that you "qualify" for each through different aspects of your personality.
All that said, I adored the reveal that the Knights Radiant were all flawed, broken individuals that accepted the bond as part of their healing process. Realising that concept tugged my heart strings. Heroes aren't superhuman, and often those most willing to sacrifice are those who have been damaged themselves.
Pretty hard to ask respondents how they were traumatised to best fit them into a radiant order that would "fill the cracks" :P
I do see personality tests as more akin to horoscopes.
Fun, not to be taken seriously, and designed that no matter which you fall into you will be able to find the justification for its accuracy.
YES! That is my favorite part of the story too. It's such a beautiful concept.
Wow that’s awesome. I love how you get really obsessed with these things. The math went over my head but I still enjoyed the video.
Really enjoyed this video. Especially the part at end, about psychology of personality tests!! We do indeed often put too much stock into these - I've seen people base their whole identity on personality tests and that can certainly be dangerous! I think I enjoy personality tests/typing the most in communal settings - having discussions with friends about the Enneagram (currently popular in my friend group!) is lots of fun and leads to good discussion on how we view ourselves and how others view ourselves. Exactly your point!! I think that's why I enjoy things like the Enneagram. Not that I will orient my life and decision-making around my number (well, definitely not, since I can't figure mine out), but that it provides an interesting framework and discussion points in conversations about people. And people are fascinating.
Also - the maths/engineering side of me greatly enjoyed that section. I'm tempted to do some statistical analysis myself now!
Oh TOTALLY agree. Eneagram has been really popular among my friends too and it’s been fun talking about it and using it. But I do know someone who makes it their entire personality and that always feels weird like it’s not THAT accurate 😂
The big, intelligent, creative energy of this video sends me! 😊
These are the sorts of things that I always wonder about too^--^
I kinda disagree that negative matches don't make sense though-it's one thing to simply [theoretically] have nothing in common with a particular order/result, it's a whole other thing to perhaps even be outright antagonistic or contrasting/opposite to a particular order/result! (If that makes any sense🤷♀️🤷) Buut maybe that's just me; idek^-^ Lolll
This was a lot of fun - Thank You, both of you, for doing this!!!!! 💜
Oh ok ok I like this interpretation of negative results! Like not only am I NOT a skybreaker, but I actively am against what they stand for or something.
@@Bookborn Yeah! Exactly!! ^-^ (So glad that managed to come through well enough in my previous comment, because I was really struggling there with how to put it into words as a concept for some reason.😅🤣) At least, that's what negative percentage results make me think of, anyhow. 😊
Going to go take the quiz now and see what I get. Testing is such an interesting topic. Personality, Aptitude tests, and career inventories was something I enjoyed learning about in school. It's like capturing a snapshot of who we are. Can be helpful but it's only a part of an individual.
Agreed. I quite enjoy it, honestly, I just don't let it define me. I still remember in HS I took a career test and it told me I should be a carpenter. I said "well I want to be an engineer" to the person giving the test and they legit said "well this test says that wouldn't be good for you" 💀 I remember laughing about that so much with my parents. They are fun snapshots and can teach us about ourselves, but ultimately we are so fluid and changing it can be hard to nail down!
Math LEGIT makes me cry normally, but this was SO fascinating!
I come from a family where half of us love math and half of us cry at math so I get it lol
@@Bookborn my husband is the math guy around here 😂 he has to do all math homework with the kids
Math is never wrong
@@currangill430 but it is depressing at times 😂
@@TheBookishMom Just like life 😅
Just took the test before watching this vid so it would make more sense. great content and insight.
Original Results was a 3 way tie with 70% Edgedancer, Bondsmith, Windrunner in that order.
Max Delta Results: Edgedancer 68%, Windrunner 65%, Bondsmith 64%
Max Standard Deviant: Bondsmith 61%, Edgedancer 60%, Windrunner 57%
Interesting enough these were the 3 orders I identified with the most in The Stormlight Archive. It is always fun to take any type of personality test as it gives you an insight into how you view yourself. This is also apparent in which characters a person loves/hates especially with TSA. I really don't like Shallan's character but I love that she is well written and is true to herself. Not sure what this says about me and the results of my test.
First of all, the fact that you get Bondsmith is awesome because that's a super hard order to get. Like you're a mix of edgedancer, windrunner, and bondsmith...that's a pretty strong grouping lol.
I do really find it interesting as a personality thing to think of what we WANT to identify with and what the test actually says. I went in with a pretty open mind about it, but was very pleased about Elsecaller - but probably wouldn't have felt the same about all the orders (for example, never felt like a Windrunner).
As always, love your energy and passion. Fun vid :D
This is really cool! I've always gotten Truthwatcher on the original and got Truthwatcher for all 3 outcomes on your one - so I'm getting some subtle hints I have a Truthwatcher personality lol. Followed closely by Lightweaver, Willshaper and Edgedancer. I have always preferred the Edgedancer ideals so I'll still go with that.
It was really cool seeing how each trait lines up with each order too. I love how something holding me back from being an Edgedancer is that I like camping!! hotel/camping for Edgedancers is apparently 0% camping :(
LOL idk why but the fact that camping is holding you back just cracks me up. You need to go teach those Edgedancers to appreciate the outdoors!
I can’t wait to find out more about the elsecaller ideals. Once I find out then I feel like I’ll know if I chose the right one. Right now it feels good!
Beautifully done! Seeing the innards of it certainly justifies my profile pic, lol.
Happy reading to you!! 🦋📖🎥
this is SO cool!!! 😃 Super great job, you and Michael!! 👍
Thanks ☺️
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
this is the content I'm here for :D
Very cool little applet. I hate personality tests but I love stuff like this. I can’t not get Elsecaller but my 2-4 fluctuate between Skybreaker, Windrunner, and Edgedancer.
Hmm seems like Elsecaller and Skybreakers must have several shared traits since they seem to be first and second a lot!
As a math and fantasy nerd thanks for making this one it's cool to look at!! :)
Thanks for watching :)
I quite like my order. So I’m going to pretend it’s a flawless quiz 🙂
Oh me too lol although I haven’t been able to replicate my results so I’m just sticking with the first quiz results 🤣
@Bookborn searched Google to find the link for a friend and found this video. Been doing this quiz for a few years now, I hit Windrunner every single time lol
Great points. Deltas to get an "aura" for each concept is important. (Like a ten question Meyers-Briggs test versus a day long test...) Of course, what also happens as your personality shifts? It takes moments of crisis/trauma to completely shift someone. Over 2020 I shift strongly from a massive extrovert into a more "balanced" Intro/Extro. And I would never expect anything to shift that in me.
While I tend to dislike the idea of being pooled into a Radiant Order due to a broad stroke, this is in the end, more accurate. Lets bring in the Sorting Hat... Harry Potter basically "chose" to be in Gryffindor. And I think some of that can be true for the Knights Radiant too. I generally score high on Edgedancer, Windrunner, and Bondsmith. Which one would I be actually called to? That probably depends on the crisis I am called to "fix" in Roshar. Kaladin had a massive prsonality shift (due to trauma) that pushed him toward Windrunner. But would he have been attached to a different Spren if he had as a young boy? Possibly. He was a different person then.
Yeah good points. That's why I don't mind saying I'm an Elsecaller when my results vary/or that Skybreaker was a super close second. I think it's the order I identify most with, and as taking oaths is a choice, I think that would play a lot into it if this were "the real world"
First, Elsecallers FTW! ;) Kudos to you and Michael!
I've worked for 3 large corporations (US) that have personality testing, and encourage employees to share their 'type' One place assigned colors( I think you mentioned it) and they would give us color dots to put on our nameplates outside our cubes so people knew who they were dealing with.
It's an odd habit. I understand objectively that they are trying to encourage collaborative environments...BUT...as you said who *I* think I am versus what I show to others, and how others perceive me is a large delta.
Wow that's crazy that they had you put your color on your nameplate. It feels like that's a way to judge people a bit before getting to know them. Of course, I could just be salty since my Myers-briggs (ENTJ) is often classified as the "villain" personality 😭
@@Bookborn oh, it's totally for judging people 😋
So, of course, people would get other colors and put up instead. I put all the dots on mine, got in trouble and told that I could only choose one... So I got a black one.
I've started liking your videos more lately since it seems you had similar tastes to me. Now I also know you have some of the same nerdy tendencies to me. I am a fan of anyone who will admit to doing math for fun (as I do too).
Math IS fun and anybody who says otherwise just doesn't understand life
I got Truthwatcher for myself the first time, but forgot to screenshot it. When I re-did it I think I got Edgedancer by 3 points over Truthwatcher and had to do it a couple more time to get it to flip back.
Then I did have my best friend, an old friend, and my sister take it as me. Both my best friend and sister came up with TW as #1, but Skybreaker as #2 and Edgedancer as #3, while my old friend (who I haven’t hung out with much in the last decade) got SB as 1# and TW as #4. So the question is, do my old friend’s results represent the old me, or just the distilled impression of me left my friend memory after years of little interaction?
I do think the results other people give you are a better indication of your order, because they are acting like your spren.
Ohhh yesss you came with the details. Super interesting though that really all your family/friends got pretty close to what you got. Like mine didn’t get elsecaller second… it was fourth. So that’s fascinating. I assume we are somewhere inbetween their perceptions of us and our own lol
Yayy, we are mutuals. I have Truthwatcher first, followed by Edgedancers.
That was really exciting for me, because these two were already those ones I identified the most with.
@@ham5097 Nice. Have you had anyone take it in your steed to see how they see you?
With others pulling Skybreaker rather high for me, I’m hoping we get some reasonable Skybreakers soon. I can definitely identify with wanting rules followed. Hard to identify even with the one SB on our side so far. Also want some standard Truthwatchers.
I started as lightweaver then edgedancer and now I found my "correct" order of willshaper
Oohhh why do you identify with willshaper? I don’t hear that one often
@@Bookborn Good question, essentially it boils down to punk rock roots, ya know challenge authority to an adult who is all about challenging authority responsibly....if any of that makes sense.
This was interesting to see. You did an excellent job of breaking down your idea and the work the two of your had done in this. Thanks for sharing!
You mentioned that Windrunners and Willshapers had the most moderate values, but couldn´t find anything that mathematically made that significant. But as far as I can tell - (and I may be wrong, as I´m not a math expert) - that would indeed make them more likely to be taken.
If, say Lightweaver, has a ´correct value´ of 100, that gives us a delta-value of 0 - 100.
But if Windrunner has a ´correct value´ of 50, that means that you can only get a delta value of 0 - 50 (as both a choice of 0 and 100 would only be 50 away). So you´d be twice as likely to hit close to the mark with Windrunner.
Yeah, that's what we were trying to say! Leads to smaller deltas, added to the fact that individuals tend to not pick that many extremes on tests.
One time I took the 16 personalities test, which gave me as a result the personality called Mediator. The interesting part is that then I took the 16 possible results of the tests and the texts that go with them and I gave it to 8 friends of mine and I asked them to read them and to tell me which of those results fit me better in their opinion. Well, my 8 friends said that the mediator type was actually the one that fit me better. One girlfriend even said, "it's scary how much the mediator result seems to talk about you specifically."
Something I found interesting: when taking the test for other people I know (family/friends) I would almost always get high results for Windrunners, but significantly lower when filling it out for myself
I got edgedancer when I did the test, which I thought fitting for the most part. Every time I did the test it put me more snugly as an edgedancer (ending up at 80%), with truthwatcher and windrunner tied for next. I got two members of my family who've not read the books to do the test and they both got edgedancer, though everything else in their results was different.
So nerdy, but I loved it!
I'm gonna pretend that the quiz is 100% accurate because i like the idea of being a Lightweaver and that i'd get my very own Pattern, and I do genuinely think Lightweaver fits me pretty well lol
I never thought about the mathematics behind quizzes like these so this was incredibly interesting to listen to
Oh I absolutely pretend it's 100% accurate that single time I took it, because I got Elsecaller and I like that 😂 Don't worry, just because we looked at the math doesn't mean we can't still share in our own delusions
I did the test and got Truthwatcher, with Skybreaker as a close second, and WIndrunner as third, then after some timehad passed I did the test again, and got Lightweaver, with Windrunner a close second, Thruthwatcher at thrid or fourth, depending on the test, and Skybreaker way down near the bottom. It's very intriguing.
Yeah it's so weird with the sliders. Because I think small changes in each slider makes a difference in your overall outcome, unlike many personality tests where it's just a solid answer that you'd probably choose every time (like the hogwarts test, for example)
A group of my siblings and our spouses took this quiz (6 people in total). Only one of us did NOT get Edgedancer or Windrunner as our top score (often, they were both our top two scores). Which probably says more about how similar we all are than saying anything about the test.
We were very surprised with that result for two of our group, though, because none of us (including them) thought they would be Windrunners or Edgedancers.
My husband got Skybreaker, which also surprised everyone. But he tends to not be very self-aware. I took it for him and got Stoneward. And I'm betting his true order is some sort of combo of our results.
About why the squaring is done: I asked my stats professor the same question. He said that squares are preferred over absolute values because squares are differentiable unlike the absolute value. It seems like a matter of technical convenience that has set a convention
We thought the squaring was to get rid of the negatives at first except that they absolute value in the code! So I’m not sure why they did both if that’s the reason… but it’s good info regardless, maybe it played a part
Maybe not quite relevant, but I always thought it was interesting in surveys and questionnaires how they sometimes use a personal question first without much importance, and then follow it up with a seemingly benign question as a way of getting a more truthful response to the second. They use these throwaway questions just to prime you for the real questions.
Yeah I wonder how well that works! There are probably studies on it...
Very well done and very well said
heh. Bondsmith. Nice Rick Roll. But just so you know, we're frenemies now.
Ha! @Bookborn - we got one. 😆
lol YESSS Michael actually coded that in and rickrolled ME and I was so angry, but obviously it had to remain to fool other people lol
Not gonna lie... those sounds effects of "scribbling quickly on paper" made me instead hear someone quickly trying to grasp a breath but being unable to.. and it was making me panic since I was in discord. Anyways, keep it up!
SORRY. I know those sound effects are hit or miss but when I have so much info on the page I'm trying to give sound cues to help guide what people are looking at!
@@Bookborn haha, no worries, it was just slightly terrifying while listening and not watching directly.
Math is fun! This was an interesting break down of the math and raises good questions on the psychology behind these kinds of tests. And that is also a good point that the way we see ourselves and rate our qualities may be different from the way others see/rate us. Maybe I think of myself being more compassionate than I actually am or am more hard on myself and am actually higher on certain traits when others rate me. What is the truth? (I am a truthwatcher...so I need to know) I also think the negative percentages tell you more about how opposed your personality is to a certain order than just leaving it as zero. And I would be one that would be sad if none of my matches were higher than ~60%. But it all depends on the spren you happen to meet and if they see the traits they are looking for manifesting a certain way that attracts them
Have your partner/family/friend take the quiz and see if they get something different! It's a super interesting process tbh to see how other people in your life view you.
What a cool video!!!!!! Though I have to say, when you mentioned that you did the test several times I imagined you as Taravangian like "Oh, time to make my daily test. I feel my mind is a little more Skybreaker today damn" 😂😂.
I have a more or less unrelated question about this: what exactly is the difference between a Truthwatcher and an Elsecaller? They both seem to be orders full of scholars and devoted to seek knowledge and learn. I don't really mind if there's a big difference though since I always get Truthwatcher in the tests but Elsecaller is always pretty pretty close (Also Skybreaker, which seems nice)
So I've thought the same thing in the past since last time I polled my insta followers, it seems us book nerds tend to mostly fall into the truthwatcher/elsecaller brand and like what's the difference? based on their differing mottos (I will seek truth/I will reach my potential) and looking at the quiz internals to see where they differ the most on answers, it seems that elsecallers tend to be more confident, leader-oriented, driven, and more logic over heart, while truthwatchers tend to need more reassurance/more humble perhaps lol, stick to the books, and have more compassion. So I think they are both scholar-oriented but how they present themselves differs. Just my opinion on it!
@@Bookborn Oh that's really really interesting!!!! Since you know we have a couple of orders that are dedicated to protect/make sure other are safe (Windrunners and Stonewards) but their philosophy changes a lot depending on the order, so it's awesome that we have that (similar purpose but different ways) in the orders more dedicated to scholarship!!!! Thanks a lot for the answer :S
@@Antonio-oc8ub Oh also I can't believe I didn't comment on the Taravangian comparison 💀 Somehow both insulted and proud LOL
@@Bookborn It was because of the different results on different days. Though I have to say, I love Taravangian so maybe it's a compliment?
Don't know about your version of fun, like all that math, but I had fun with this video so I guess it works out for everyone in the end.
This test also changes a bunch every time you take it. My first time I got 69% lightweaver, 69% edgedancer. The second time I got Windrunner first. The third time was 69% lightweaver, %67 Willshaper, 65% Windrunner and 63% edgedancer. I would say choosing myself, I would say I’m Edgedancer
This video is amazing! Unfortunately all the links in the description have expired. Could you provide updated links? Thanks!
Are there updated links to the spreadsheet and sandbox site?
Seconding this. I’d love to take this new version of the test
12,000 or 120,000? It showed both on your sample calculation around 3:43
12,000 was a typo 🙃 I checked it multiple times yet it still got through…
Yes, I think that the accuracy of personality tests is suspect based on self-awareness. Thus, using them for decision making purposes (such as determining if someone is a good fit for a company team) is a bad idea of enormous proportions. The best way they can be used if for reflection, for growth, for a measurement of your self-awareness. Taking a personality test can be used to make yourself think about yourself. And the way you had multiple people take the test for you: that was a great measurement tool.
Or you can use them as fun nerdy thing. That's a valid purpose. I do wonder if me watching this video will make me take the test differently, too.
Yeah like tbh I think personality tests are way fun and I love taking them. But I just never...model my life around it. I think some things can be interesting and informative, but ultimately I find that a lot of these quizes have similarities between the different ones. Like you know when you read your horoscope and it applies...but like four other horoscopes also apply? That's kind of like personality types LOL
@@Bookborn interesting and informative, absolutely. Horoscopes and signs are also sceintifically proven to be bull. Confirmation bias? If i remember correctly. That and self-fulfilling prophecy. and personality types are similar, you're right, jsut less date based.
Definitely not something to use for decision making. I hear people saying they use sign compatibility and stuff to determine who to date and I don't understand it.
@@Bookborn exactly. There's actually a psych term I just stumbled upon that explains all this called the Barnum Effect. It's essentially the thing that happens when someone believes/identifies with something that is said about them or their personality when in reality its a statement that could generally be applied to almost anyone or a rather large swath of the population
Very fascinating video! I love that you are the way you are and that you get some analytical thinking into my day because that is not how my brain works!
I believe personality systems will never work 100% because we learn and grow and change, and like you said, it could depend on how we feel that moment.
I'm a windrunner, but now I'd be interested to have my husband test for me. I think I'll do that!
Have you ever heard of Energy Profiling by Carol Tuttle? It is the best system like this I have found because it is NOT personality based. Basically we and everything on the earth were created with the 4 energies: air, water, fire, earth. We are a mix of all four but are dominant in one. It exhibits in our facial features, how we move, how we react, how we move through life, how we rejuvenate... so it's our base energy we're born with that our spirit and environment then build on top of.
This stuff has literally changed my life! So much more understanding of the people near me and so much less judgment of everyone! Now I understand why "they did that!" I feel like you'd be really fascinated by this, and I'd love to hear about you going through it, especially through type 4! I'm a type 3 with a secondary 2.
I won't put the link because I wonder if that's why my previous comments were deleted, but it's at live your truth . com. They talk about finding you personal style there(because your energy determines what looks good on you, or what makes you look like yourself) but the free course is before any of their style stuff starts off your not interested in that. I am definitely NOT telling you this because of the style aspect. I think you are already living so true to yourself and it's so fun to watch!
Also very highly recommend her books It's Just My Nature and The Child Whisperer.
Type 1= air. Upward, light, have so many ideas, need social.
Type 2= water. Soft, flowing, details/make plans for the ideas, need emotional connection.
Type 3= fire. Swift, push the plans forward to get it done, need to get things done or get outside.
Type 4= earth. Solid, deep thinker, analytical, perfects/makes it better, need alone time.
Ok that was super fun to read about and take. Really interesting concept! You nailed it tho they said I was a Type 4 haha! I felt a little called out about stuff they said and I always love when that happens lol
I should probably take the test. Its way overdue.
What are you waiting for! It takes like two minutes and it's fun lol
@@Bookborn I'm a lightweaver. Fits like a glove
As a psychologist, I agree with you on personality tests, they are complete nonsense. Personality as a concept is not even backed up by data, the continuity of who “you” are is an illusion of the self. So sure, they can be fun and great insight on the story you tell yourself about who you are, but definitely not an accurate or scientific tool for understanding behavior. In the end all categorization is inherently limiting and we should strive to rid ourselves of boxes instead of further entrenching ourselves in them.
That said, I tested as Truthwatcher a couple of years ago which is very in line with my “brand” back then (Ravenclaw, science, etc) and now test as Lightweaver since I don’t believe in universal truths any longer but personal paths towards your own unique truth. Definitely interesting results!
OH MAN the change in your Knights Radiant order is fascinating - and based on what you said, totally in line with what we think about Truthwatchers and Lightweavers in the novels. Pretty cool. Like you said - does it really mean anything? Nah, but it's a cool representation of how you've grown or changed over the years.
MATH. and personality tests!!!
@@Bookborn reading fantasy books…
@@Bookborn Math and fantasy books?
You know, I WAS disappointed that my highest was 45%, but you made me feel better because it was "bond smith", so I guess I'm cool, but only kinda?
Such a cool video! I'm definitely one of those, like.... 5 people you mentioned who is into the topic LMAO
YESS I knew I could count on you to be interested Elijah 😂
@@Bookborn I may not be an Elsecaller, but I *AM* a Truthwatcher! 😂
Good video! It would be great if you could update the links, both are down
I got about 78% Truthwatcher
Check out 16personalities' test. That one was developed by actual psychologists and its really accurate. Like it's creepy.
I thought 16personalities was just MBTI renamed but I guess it had an extra dimension, so I’ll have to try it out
Every time I take the test I keep getting 78%-84% Lightweaver (slightly followed by Willshaper high 75-79%). Is that odd? (Not that I'm taking this too seriously 😉)
(I guess that explains why I really loved "Yumi and the Nightmare Painter" (or did my score tend that way *because* I just read and was affected by that book ;) )
Did the sandbox thing get deleted?
I really don’t have anything to say to this video. I followed it well enough to not be confused, but not enough to have anything to add. 😅 Still fun to hear about this stuff though.
Squares might be to ensure positive numbers. Or to avoid matching when you have a complete different answer on category.
Btw, same as when you conduct the test you might be like, I want to be this and then you try to meet what you expect instead of what you want.
As to personality tests, I think these tests can help you identify blind spots for yourself and understand these people better.
Your own results from a personality test is difficult. For me at least, I tend to be way harsher on myself as most of the people around me are. Belbin test though classified me to a t.
We initially thought it was to make positive numbers, but they included the abs() in their calculations so that would seem redundant.
Most personality never give me a strong / satisfying answer. Often, the most simplistic and broad are the ones I have less problems with.
I am a Ravenclaw and also my element is Air
The INTP test for example resonates 0% with me
Interestingly, some aspects of the enneagram test define me very well, but I think it is a matter of chance. Eventually some answer of a test will define me better.
What knight radiant order am I? I, again, don't resonate much with the test itself and the 10 orders chosen. Willsharper? Or maybe Lightweaver? (With a little of stormbreaker)
Who knows
I don't need a test to know I am a Truthwatcher.
However, the possibility of Bondsmiths being able to heal the mind (unlike Truthwatchers that heal the body and soul), really relates to me.
Edit: yeap, 67%+ Truthwatcher 😊
Don't you love it when the quiz confirms what you already know??
@@Bookborn honestly I don't, I strive to know myself very much regardless of outside subjectivity. I believe the habit of even acknowledging external validation is very dangerous.
I was impressed by the accuracy, tho. As you said it was fun, yet still meaningful. Well done on that ☺️
Edgedancers where y’all at!
this is really cool, but the links stopped working :( could you please fix it?
Hahaha you really leaned into the math here. At least you had fun with it? :-P
I did lol
I think I am a bridgeman! Just kidding my highest level was truthwatcher. I got the impression it was a personality test. It does seem to have implications for the real world. Great job with the stats.
Yeah it's def like a personality test "lite", so to speak, since we associate personalities with the radiant orders.
I was an elsecaller too!
Elsecaller supremacy 😌
Man I just took the test and I got LIGHTWEAVER. I DON'T WANT NO CREEPY PATTERN. I WANT TO BE A WINDRUNNER. or like. At LEAST a Dustbringer....
Im sure they windrunners will have you just pretend that’s what you got 😂
@@Bookborn second time got windrunner, only a 1% difference between them 😂😂
Interestingly, my results weren't very high, but they were all close together. My highest was Truthwatcher at 68%, and my lowest was Dustbringer at 53%.
So does that mean...you aren't quite a Knights Radiant, but if you were, you could be any? lol
@@Bookborn Something like that I guess haha
Did... did y'all raid Dragonsteel to get this information? 🤣
Well...raided their codebase anyway 😝
Shhhh! 😆
hey elsecaller too, thats nice
If you get a negative score on some of your orders you probably repulse those spren rather than attract them xD
Fun fact if you just slide every slider 80% to the answer on the right you get truthwatcher at 56%. And Bondsmith is -4% lol
IDK what to do with this information but I'm going to keep it uselessly in my brain until someday it hopefully becomes useful
The fact that you two were so PAINSTAKINGLY meticulous carries some HEAVY Elsecaller vibes = Thesis debunked! But... wait, that would mean you /couldn't/ be an Elsecaller, which would mean the quiz itself is broken, which would mean--
But wait I am an Elsecaller so why does that debunk the theory??
only 5? 🤔
Only 5 what? People watching this? Lol
@@Bookborn yes. You said it at the beginning.
You should know that the Sanderfans are more than 5 XD
Looks like I won't make an order. At least I can say something about it and not worry about the consequences of writing comments on the internet. Truthwatcher 57%, Lightweaver 52%, Elsecaller 52%, Edgedancer 47%, Windrunner 47%, Dustbringer 44%, Skybreaker 44%, Bondsmith 43%, Willshaper 33%, Stoneward 33%. It is known that they Myers-Briggs changes over time. The variability of test results is probably affected by the amount of credence given to them by those who take them. If people adjust their lifestyle to conform to the test's results and they are very successful it seems likely that their results will stay similar over time. Others may try to subvert the results fail at some of their goals and also remain the same. The converse could also be true. It is much like trying to predict the future. There are various systems people have used to do so over time, but why would someone do it? Most likely to change a bad outcome seen in the results. The only meaningful measurement of this process is the occurrence of the bad result. If the 'fate' was avoided, was it ever going to happen? Did the person's action change the fate? Was random happenstance involved? And if the action foretold comes to pass what then can be said about the prediction process? Can someone tell me if I can get some extra credit activities to get into the Truthwatchers? I have yet to read The Stormlight Archive.
Elsecaller/INTJ disapproves skipping over the calculation methodology section of this video. Personality quizzes are flawed but fun and a bit better than astrology.
Lol there aren’t enough of us here and I already knew I was going to lose most people in the first 30 seconds 😆
i took the test and got stoneward than my friend got stoneward for me. #talnneverbroke.
That's against the law. Stop trying to break the test or Nale will come to get you
i got truthwatcher and its spot on.
Guess I'm a Truthwatcher no matter how many times I take it. Which is quite boring to me, but that's appropriate I guess.
LOL! Well you can always just choose what you WANT to be because this is all made up and life’s too short for a test to tell you about your fake fantasy life.
@@Bookborn Nah there's something real about not picking for yourself. I took it "aspirationally" (I wish this is how I was), and I got Windrunner. And that made me feel mary-sue dirty!!! Besides, I'm probably not going to read the rest of the series anyway.
I don't understand... I have now tried commenting twice on here and it's been deleted soon after each time. :( I'll try to send you an instagram dm later about it. Dang it! It was such a long comment I've already done twice!
OH NO! I can't imagine anything you'd be saying would be auto-moderated 😭 Sometimes my internet gets weird and deletes my comments so maybe it's an internet thing? either way I'm sorry
could it be that I was including a link? If so I didn't know that was a bad thing. Hhmmm.
@@aliciasorenson3807 Yeah, based on my experience you can't drop most links in comments. It's annoying.
I'm a truthwatcher per this quiz.
That's a great order!
Too much math. Unsubscribed. Imagine if you put this much effort into trying to be good at audiobooks smh.
Anyway, damn you put a lot of effort into this haha. The entire first half of this video went entirely over my head, but then we got to my jam- PSYCHOLOGY. So yeah, psychology tests are super interesting. The average person overweighs them so much, which is especially interesting because most people are not that self aware. So a lot of personality tests become self-fulfilling prophecies, which is why online tests are generally unpreferable compared to a professional, and even then, not something to hinge our personality on. In fact, organizational psychology has a big kerfuffle about whether organizations overrely on personality tests. However, they can tell you a lot about yourself, if they are answered accurately and there are measures in place to curb inattentive answering or the various bias problems like social conformity etc. My favorite that I've taken is probably the HEXACOO; which is the six factor model (Honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) and one of the reasons I think it's good is just how reliable of a model it is; plus the official test monitors for inattentive answering AND you can take the test for someone else as a specific option (so my wife did one for me and I did one for me, and we compared the two) which helps encourage people to get outside themselves and see what others think and how their self-perceptions differ from outward perception. Like my wife thinks I am way less conscientious than I do 🤣🤣
I knew I’d lose you to this one 😭
Yeah I think personality tests that are given by like an actual person probably are way more accurate than these random online tests. I’ve never even heard of HEXACOO which probably means it’s actually legit 😂
Actually, since this is are 17 dimensions of data I would use a multivariate distance measure such as mahalanobis distance (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalanobis_distance) which will calculate how far you are in 17N space. Its a pretty easy measure to calculate.
Hmm. This is interesting. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!
@@michaelwest3953 one other thing. A fun old school way of visualizing multivariate data is using a Chernoff Face (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernoff_face) If you paired up with someone who is more artistically inclined you could do the same but with ideal pictures of what each of the Knights Radiant would 'look' like and the Chernoff face would be closer/further away from ideal. If you'd like help, just let me know.
@@donaldcatanzaro5318 Seems interesting. I don't know if or when I'll revisit this, but I'll keep this in mind. Thanks!
This was interesting to see. You did an excellent job of breaking down your idea and the work the two of your had done in this. Thanks for sharing!
You mentioned that Windrunners and Willshapers had the most moderate values, but couldn´t find anything that mathematically made that significant. But as far as I can tell - (and I may be wrong, as I´m not a math expert) - that would indeed make them more likely to be taken.
If, say Lightweaver, has a ´correct value´ of 100, that gives us a delta-value of 0 - 100.
But if Windrunner has a ´correct value´ of 50, that means that you can only get a delta value of 0 - 50 (as both a choice of 0 and 100 would only be 50 away). So you´d be twice as likely to hit close to the mark with Windrunner.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was trying to say! Like the fact that they have less extremes means smaller overall deltas and also, people probably are less likely to put extremes when taking a test.