I got kicked out of a fireteam once for offering my teammates help on Aksis phase 2 when the left side kept dying from the captain and were struggling. I'm always willing to help my team or let them stick through it if they don't want any assistance. Let's just hope this guided games system helps to fix issues where players can find the groups that they are looking for. (aka, certain players can find specific groups like Sherpas or experienced players, without as much hostility and confusion.)
I feel like the guided games might even bring some issues to matchmaking as you stated. If you don't have(equip) (insert gun) then you'll get kicked out
Turtletastic guided games will not fix the people who make up the fireteam. Idiots will be idiots. At least it will make it easier for solo players to find fireteams instead of using 3rd party apps. This is a good thing.
Turtletastic At least you got on a fireteam, my friends didn't let me do the raid with them until a month after it came out. Hopefully now I can do a raid when it releases
makes me sad you see all three of the classes pop their new supers and then you only see orange and purple raining down damage. Poor hunter has to run his little blue ass over their just to do damage SMH
in destiny 1, hunter has 3/3 attack supers. its quite fair. plus there isnt only 2 supers. i dont know which destiny video but i saw titan pulling out a shield bubble which is in destiny one. so hunter can get shadow shot, blade dancer or gun slinger. same with warlocks, they can get super from destiny 1. what if the third/fourth element used in super is different. for example, taken.
Turtletastic Gary and his Cabal were a dick to Sweeper bot. after she finally finished cleaning, they destroyed the Tower. even I didn't cause so much stress and destruction for her
0:38 "they couldn't get enough players online at the same time"... actually... we could get more than enough players online at the same time for raids but we had to find them within the massive sea of autism known as destiny lfg...
DiabolicNick Destiny LFG was the most cancerous shit ever with the most cancerous people. I can't wait for an ingame LFG hopefully this makes things better.
I made alot of friends as well with the exact same reason as you did and we bonded over those "i've completed raids over 100 times, I am the best player ever" people that wiped the whole raid and quit because they made a fuck up XD
lol ikr. come on bungie, did you really think no one would notice? why even try to include a shot like that if you can't even scrounge up enough footage to make it work.
What I'm wondering is... How much control does one have when looking for a specific activity or player type? On LFG sites, for example, you're allowed to select an activity type but there's also a small text box where you can write certain comments. I want to be able to do that last part. I want to be able to specify "hey, I'm helping my friend through the raid, please be patient" etc etc.
Why would a clan ever use guided games if they were picky ? Just use LFG if you don't want noobs, i want this system because i like the added challenge and unpredictability noobs bring in a fireteam, but i don't want to play with 5 noobs at a time which would make clearing impossible. This system ensures you always get 4 people you know are good from your clan, and a rando that'll spice it up for your squad while he gets to play end-game with drastically reduced chances of getting abused or kicked for being experienced. It's a win-win.
It's not really a good system, it's just the system they should have created in destiny. It was fucking stupid how you had to know 5 people to do raids or have friends online to play certain strikes, and it was purely stupidity that they designed it that way.
TopLindo Caution hopefully not, haven't seen that in a while though since there's lots of different viable raid weapons, it's not just the gjallahorn anymore.
DeQuillsta I've had it done to me because I didn't beat the wotm raid lol it still happens how can one beat something if no one wants to play together for fun nowadays people are try hards
Quayle Higgins I hope so cause I have people I play with but most of the times they at work or school so it's hard to beat a raid with them so hopefully this time around it's different
You had made sure they you met the requirement for being useful to the raid right? Like being minimum light level for the raid and only having an auto rifle and shotgun being your only weapon makes you unable to contribute.
I love that they not only incorporated lfg but at the same time made it easier to find clans and join them so that in the future you'll have friends to play with
Hopefully legendary and exotics are actually legendary and exotic like back in year 1 when it was hard to get exotics I also hope they add exotics bounties back in to encourage people to go into the crucible and play some different game modes and give people a reason to play the crucible bounties
Why would clans kick someone if the clans are looking for a person to play with? The clans are opening up to matchmaking because they will be rewarded if they bring them through the content to the very end without kicking them. It defeats the purpose of setting you clan to the guided games matchmaking and just wastes the clans time.
If those are the clan requirements then... yeah, they deserve the kick. I personally wouldn't pull the "no X weapon, no game" bullshit since I think that sucks but I know that if I'm looking for a specific type of player (experienced or inexperienced, mic or no mic) and I make that CLEAR, then I have the right to kick.
You're misunderstanding the point of Guided Games. The point of Guided Games is for Clans who can pretty much easily do the content, but want the rewards from helping others. Guided Games doesn't allow for people to search for the highest difficulty modes of the Nightfall and I assume the raid. It is not matchmaking. It not for clans to find a person to do the hard content. Its for clans to get rewards for helping others to do the mediocre difficulty content. You don't get full access to the nightfall with Guided Games. There is a easier Guided Games version and the original difficulty for premades.
sux cause game is amazing but man ,sheeps are killing this game for me bungie keeps taking us for idiots ... its all.about who.makes.more.money now anyway il w8 until the discount I won't do the same mistake twice
I hope the difficulty level of raids doesn't go down to account for a potential solo player not knowing how to raid when using guided games. "So imagine you had five people who wanted to play a raid, but their missing a sixth person, then you have a solo player who's never played raids before and their like I just wanna see what its like"......
Thank you so much Bungie, a lot of my friends never wanted to raid, and the only time I ever completed a raid was when I solod Crotas End. I was so sad that I never got to play the new raids. I didn't go to the lighthouse either, because by the time I had gotten max light, everyone of my friends stopped playing, and that was the reason I stopped playing Destiny around December. Thank you so much for this.
Cyael It is 2017 lol, yet even after a short Google search I couldn't find more than 3 relevent FPS games with dedicated servers. You got PlanetSide2, Battlefield, etc why doesn't everyone play those if dedicated servers are such a big deal?
hudscp fps games arent the only ones who need dedicated servers idiot. Just think what a disaster would be if LoL, DOTA 2 or CSGO used p2p connection.....
+Nathaniel Moore Umm no the p2p in that game is garbage you end up waiting for minutes for someone's connection to speed back up so you can play then it switches and you have to wait P2p is terrible
SKeeurnt the first M is massive. Destiny is anything but. if the max people who can even be in the same area is 6, it's not an mmo. it's just a shared world shooter. you might as well be calling dark souls an mmo because you can see phantoms of other players occasionally.
Colatekiller101 it has aspects yes, but it's not an mom. it just borrowed some things that are common in the genre. just because you take some things from one game, doesn't mean you are in the same genre as it. For example, tons of games nowadays have rpg elements in them such as leveling systems and large open worlds with tons of quests and axtivities, yet you can't call every game with a leveling system and open world an RPG. assassins creed has both, and is not an rpg in the slightest. similarly, Destiny shares a lot of things in common with your average MMO, yet it itself is not an MMO. there is no massive multiplayer; the defining characteristic of the mmo genre. so no, Destiny is not an MMO.
SKeeurnt there is no need to Google it, because you can't call any game with such a small max player count an MMO. it doesn't matter how many people on the internet mislabel it as such. without having massive online mutiplayer, you can't be in the MMO genre. Destiny does not have that. Not even the delopers describe it as an mmo. they instead made their own more fitting term for it, "shared world shooter", because it just isn't big enough to be an mmo yet possesses some elements of one.
I like the guided games option cause I never was able to complete Kings Fall and the new raid cause iv3 had nobody to play with. That's why I quit Destiny but it looks lik3 I'm gonna pick it back ip
Jay_532 yeah it looks interesting I can't tell you how many times I went into a raid only for the team to break up and then wait to try to build another team
Nobody to play with? Just sounds like you find any excuse in the book to not do something. DL the Destiny app and go to community/platform you're on and make a post for them to message you on the console. Than invite them and communicate.
As someone who has never completed a raid before but would've loved to, I'm going to be cautiously optimistic for this new addition. Hopefully this time around I'll get to experience the full game
Don't think this will work. Clans generally get everything done first from reset to milking a Raid dry of loot. When the clans stop playing after losing incentive and exhausting the Raid what then? Why does the system only work for people who are looking for one or two more players? Why can't the solo player look for 5 players and control who can join his/her fireteam? Really committed groups do not Raid until everyone is ready to Raid, so there will be no solo queues for Clans. This system sounds very flawed for a system.
destiny has an amazing community? let's see: 1. people only ask for 400 light players for raid 2. people require other players have a certain weapon or they can't play 3. people want teammates with a certain k/d ratio for pvp 4. people want a specific fucking emblem or they can't play 5. people leave if they see someone 5 points below 400 light level cause they think they are gonna drag the team down 6. any new players to destiny get shafted because everyone on any lfg website typically asks for experienced players 7. some players think they're hot shit and demand certain expectations for the raid or they kick people put 8. the community is overall divided amongst people who love/hate the game in conclusion, the destiny community is a very scummy community, of course there are good people who are willing to give others a chance, but if you have little to no friends on this game, expect to be screwed out of a team for a raid or pvp for a majority of the time. amazing community my ass.
LarryTheASSdestroyer you're comparing games that are strictly fps or sandbox games, think of games that fall more in line with this one. games like world of warcraft, elder scrolls online, star wars the old republic, warframe, etc. while destiny isn't your typical mmo, it still has mmo characteristics.
So many negative comments... Guys , can't you just appreciate what Bungie does ? So , I just want to say , thank you Bungie , Destiny 2 looks amazing! I'm so hyped
because he does not hop on the hate bandwagon? seeing all the negative should make you want to see the positives. There could just be no destiny 2, but they release a new game, which people have the option of buying. in the end, that is only a positive
ewuyak, haters gonna hate, its unstoppable. best to ignore the toxic idiots, they are just looking for attention. how else do you explain people that hate the game, but waste their time going to a bungie page?
What the fuck is that logic. Of course they have DLCs coming out. The same way every MMO will have an expansion coming, Destiny will have DLC coming. And "They're clearly just ripped from the main game." you have 0 proof that they gutted this game and took out content. You realize that cutting out content, sitting on it for a year and then releasing would cost more fucking money than if they just made it a part of the main game for more money right? Oh and guess what, the DLC for Skyrim was being made being for Skyrim was released. Cause you know, thats how it fucking works. Like every studio will start working on either a sequel or DLC before the main game in finished. As work is being finished on one product, you switch workers to the next product so it will be finished sooner and you don't have employees just sitting around doing nothing and costing you money for their salary.
1. This is an RPG, if there is no sliders in character customization I'm not falling for this again and I'm not buying it. 2. Dedicated Servers 3. Matchmaking isn't new. You're polishing a turd. If this is just a generic shooter I'm going to play old ones.
valkaek 1 don't care 2 the reason for that is well just think if there is a player that has good connection and if there is a player with bad connection the player with bad connection will be no clipping yes NO CLIPPING on your screen that would be broken in the crucible 3 matching players with other players in pve will result in a kick.
I died a little inside when he said "playing alongside other people. that's what Destiny is about." I thought we all made it abundantly clear that we want story, plot, and more than 5 hours of content.
Is he wrong? obviously it's a metaphor, but maybe rather then saying stfu like a butthurt fanboy, refute his metaphor? Maybe learn to accept that this game can fail like Destiny 1 did?
Nathan Morroni the problem is when Destiny, 2 years ago said they aren't going to do more DLCs, then with The Taken King, said the same and there was 4 or 5 DLCs. And now you see Destiny "2" with no improvements. The only ones are "new hub" (is just a recolor or some color add), 3 new guardian abilities and this clans shit, the same you can do on guardians tower, asking to people. If ppl think this is a new game fuck them. Then ppl cry because games are shit and companies do obligatory dlc to play the game, that are trash. Fuck them and fuck the players that see the same shit over and over and clap companies like seals for sell them trash
You've got no idea how much I've tried to gather my friends to do a raid, even when k gathers the i never finished a single raid! Only Crota's end , and every other raid I reach to the finale boss and bad luck strikes! And everyone starts to leave! I really wish that bungie would really do something about that, cuz damn this just doesn't feel satisfying, that I can't finish the bosses!!!!!!
And all of this shit was done by games like Warframe YEARS AGO. Meanwhile Destiny 2 will be another bait game where you need to pay ridiculous prices just to get a glimpse of the game, since the Lore is not in the game, single player campaing sucks balls, loot system is fucking trash and doesn't matter how much effort you put on a raid because you can get shit while someone who got carried earns the best shit. Games like Borderlands 2 and Warframe with less budget and way older than this are incredibly superior on every single way.
Lol ever stop to think they want to give us the game asap? If they dont have them they obviously require a huge amount of time to add them in. Patience and it will be out eventually just like the first. Your plate will be plenty full of things to do at launch. But hey if no dedicated serves is a deal breaker hey i wont stop you..
That's reeeally picky. I play some games that don't have dedicated servers and everything is great. I don't see the problem "uh lag, uh glitchy players, uh" stop complaining and ignore the problems!
What if you preordered like how early of an access do you have cuz I pre ordered it but haven't been on Xbox for awhile and I just want to know when that beta will come out so I can start playing Xbox again Thank you
I got kicked out of a fireteam once for offering my teammates help on Aksis phase 2 when the left side kept dying from the captain and were struggling. I'm always willing to help my team or let them stick through it if they don't want any assistance. Let's just hope this guided games system helps to fix issues where players can find the groups that they are looking for. (aka, certain players can find specific groups like Sherpas or experienced players, without as much hostility and confusion.)
I feel like the guided games might even bring some issues to matchmaking as you stated. If you don't have(equip) (insert gun) then you'll get kicked out
Turtletastic guided games will not fix the people who make up the fireteam. Idiots will be idiots. At least it will make it easier for solo players to find fireteams instead of using 3rd party apps. This is a good thing.
Turtletastic true
A Cool Gamer was that player that bad?
Turtletastic At least you got on a fireteam, my friends didn't let me do the raid with them until a month after it came out. Hopefully now I can do a raid when it releases
makes me sad you see all three of the classes pop their new supers and then you only see orange and purple raining down damage. Poor hunter has to run his little blue ass over their just to do damage SMH
Chris Deer that titan with the void shield has to get up close
do do nah he can throw it
i mean its in alpha anything can change
in destiny 1, hunter has 3/3 attack supers. its quite fair. plus there isnt only 2 supers. i dont know which destiny video but i saw titan pulling out a shield bubble which is in destiny one. so hunter can get shadow shot, blade dancer or gun slinger. same with warlocks, they can get super from destiny 1. what if the third/fourth element used in super is different. for example, taken.
Watch sweeper bot go from sweeping to farming
Turtletastic farmer bot! Been growing this batch of carrots for 12 years! XD
Turtletastic pls bungie make it happen
Would you say the sweeper bot would have a job... cropdusting?
Turtletastic Gary and his Cabal were a dick to Sweeper bot. after she finally finished cleaning, they destroyed the Tower. even I didn't cause so much stress and destruction for her
Oryx, The Taken King Don't forget that savage murderered 2 Legionaries then went straight back to sweeping in the first mission
Pretty much the destiny app built in to the game. NICE!
0:38 "they couldn't get enough players online at the same time"... actually... we could get more than enough players online at the same time for raids but we had to find them within the massive sea of autism known as destiny lfg...
DiabolicNick a vaster sea than that of Titan
DiabolicNick Destiny LFG was the most cancerous shit ever with the most cancerous people. I can't wait for an ingame LFG hopefully this makes things better.
DiabolicNick I actually made some really good friends off of LFG.. we bonded over talking about how shitty the people on LFG are
I made alot of friends as well with the exact same reason as you did and we bonded over those "i've completed raids over 100 times, I am the best player ever" people that wiped the whole raid and quit because they made a fuck up XD
Jake exactly
I like at 3:09 where there are duplicates of the same streamers :l - More people would play if there were Dedicated Servers
lol ikr. come on bungie, did you really think no one would notice? why even try to include a shot like that if you can't even scrounge up enough footage to make it work.
Apparently finding 12 different people who streamed Destiny was too much of a challenge
Bungo: No fucks given since we decided to sell out to activision.
Cyael the game doesn't need dedicated servers it would fuck the pvp crucible all the way up. only for pve that would work
kenroy63474 pve is the main source of destiny content anyway.
"You can play by yourself" shit you ain't gotta tell me twice Mark.
Fellas who beat their meat can I get an Amen?! 😤
John Dough Amen brother
John Dough because only men masturbate
What I'm wondering is... How much control does one have when looking for a specific activity or player type? On LFG sites, for example, you're allowed to select an activity type but there's also a small text box where you can write certain comments. I want to be able to do that last part. I want to be able to specify "hey, I'm helping my friend through the raid, please be patient" etc etc.
Kenshi0909 you can
DLC jokes aside, this sounds like a really great system.
spread your wisdom wonderful ootori-sama
That Bird from Spirited Away you're just gonna get kicked if you don't have a certain weapon or class
Why would a clan ever use guided games if they were picky ?
Just use LFG if you don't want noobs, i want this system because i like the added challenge and unpredictability noobs bring in a fireteam, but i don't want to play with 5 noobs at a time which would make clearing impossible.
This system ensures you always get 4 people you know are good from your clan, and a rando that'll spice it up for your squad while he gets to play end-game with drastically reduced chances of getting abused or kicked for being experienced. It's a win-win.
It's not really a good system, it's just the system they should have created in destiny. It was fucking stupid how you had to know 5 people to do raids or have friends online to play certain strikes, and it was purely stupidity that they designed it that way.
"Destiny 2 really tries to say....your money, I MEAN YOU belong"
Are we gonna have players not letting people join because they don't have a particular type of weapon ?
TopLindo Caution hopefully not, haven't seen that in a while though since there's lots of different viable raid weapons, it's not just the gjallahorn anymore.
DeQuillsta I've had it done to me because I didn't beat the wotm raid lol it still happens how can one beat something if no one wants to play together for fun nowadays people are try hards
TopLindo Caution - Probably. I've been judged on my armor and weapons before. This will make clans more like tribes.
Quayle Higgins I hope so cause I have people I play with but most of the times they at work or school so it's hard to beat a raid with them so hopefully this time around it's different
You had made sure they you met the requirement for being useful to the raid right? Like being minimum light level for the raid and only having an auto rifle and shotgun being your only weapon makes you unable to contribute.
Thank u for putting this part on the game that I've played for so long thank u
Really excited for Guided Games.
Lol that's funny
This is the thing that excites me most. I had the most fun in Destiny doing raids with groups of people. But finding people was a hassle.
i hope that you can have a new element like taken for your kinetic weapons, power weapons and subclass
not subclass, supers
Shak Rah Not gonna happen.
I love that they not only incorporated lfg but at the same time made it easier to find clans and join them so that in the future you'll have friends to play with
Hopefully legendary and exotics are actually legendary and exotic like back in year 1 when it was hard to get exotics I also hope they add exotics bounties back in to encourage people to go into the crucible and play some different game modes and give people a reason to play the crucible bounties
this will really help me find new friends as well as people who are looking g to do raids
lmao you're just gonna get kicked
Why would clans kick someone if the clans are looking for a person to play with? The clans are opening up to matchmaking because they will be rewarded if they bring them through the content to the very end without kicking them. It defeats the purpose of setting you clan to the guided games matchmaking and just wastes the clans time.
Cody M
Obvious examples:
1.Minimum Light Level
2.Not having OP weapon *cough* Gjallarhorn
3.Not having mic
If those are the clan requirements then... yeah, they deserve the kick. I personally wouldn't pull the "no X weapon, no game" bullshit since I think that sucks but I know that if I'm looking for a specific type of player (experienced or inexperienced, mic or no mic) and I make that CLEAR, then I have the right to kick.
You're misunderstanding the point of Guided Games. The point of Guided Games is for Clans who can pretty much easily do the content, but want the rewards from helping others. Guided Games doesn't allow for people to search for the highest difficulty modes of the Nightfall and I assume the raid. It is not matchmaking. It not for clans to find a person to do the hard content. Its for clans to get rewards for helping others to do the mediocre difficulty content. You don't get full access to the nightfall with Guided Games. There is a easier Guided Games version and the original difficulty for premades.
At 2:46 the dead orbit hunters helmet looks like t-60/t-45 fallout power armor helm
Bungie: " We're glad to finally bring all the content that should have been in the first game to you for $60."
game cost 90.36 cents without DLC. not $60.
Alex_H Are you sure??
Alex_H 100% totally sure?
games cost 79.96 without taxes. 100%
sux cause game is amazing but man ,sheeps are killing this game for me bungie keeps taking us for idiots ... its all.about who.makes.more.money now anyway il w8 until the discount I won't do the same mistake twice
The nova bomb from the clips seems to be slower moving and splits into multiple projectiles after a direct hit
0:25 Clipping glitch lmao get hyped
Just noticed we could see nova bomb being used in this, 1:20. Looks like it is a large thingi that explodes into mini thingis.
I hope the difficulty level of raids doesn't go down to account for a potential solo player not knowing how to raid when using guided games.
"So imagine you had five people who wanted to play a raid, but their missing a sixth person, then you have a solo player who's never played raids before and their like I just wanna see what its like"......
Ryan Jesky if they don't know and the 1-5 are veterans, 6th is probably going to be kicked
Thank you so much Bungie, a lot of my friends never wanted to raid, and the only time I ever completed a raid was when I solod Crotas End. I was so sad that I never got to play the new raids. I didn't go to the lighthouse either, because by the time I had gotten max light, everyone of my friends stopped playing, and that was the reason I stopped playing Destiny around December. Thank you so much for this.
Dedicated. Servers. it's 20fucking17
Cyael I blame Activision
Cyael It is 2017 lol, yet even after a short Google search I couldn't find more than 3 relevent FPS games with dedicated servers. You got PlanetSide2, Battlefield, etc why doesn't everyone play those if dedicated servers are such a big deal?
Cyael and 60fps
Most of their games use dedicated servers. It's Bungie trying to go cheap on us.
hudscp fps games arent the only ones who need dedicated servers idiot. Just think what a disaster would be if LoL, DOTA 2 or CSGO used p2p connection.....
lol that kick buttons gonna be on fire 🔥
have dedicated server
pls bungo I don't want lag
Have you heard of any good p2p games? Didn't think so.
EiiceBear For honor
+Nathaniel Moore Umm no the p2p in that game is garbage you end up waiting for minutes for someone's connection to speed back up so you can play then it switches and you have to wait P2p is terrible
EiiceBear You're over exaggerating your opinion.
I got a question. If the vaults at the reef and felwinter peak are still up, why is our loot completely gone?
Well so much for this feature lol.
thanks so much bungie been with you since first halo
Bungie, the raid boss should be Dinklebot, because why not?
ye boiii
+Bungie, will i have to make a new clan for Destiny 2, or will my clan right now automatically carry over to the new game?
Man, it's almost like every other MMO had solved this problem a decade ago. What the fuck took so long for such a basic feature?
Forever Outraged yes it is "Rpg, Fps, MMO
SKeeurnt the first M is massive.
Destiny is anything but. if the max people who can even be in the same area is 6, it's not an mmo. it's just a shared world shooter.
you might as well be calling dark souls an mmo because you can see phantoms of other players occasionally.
kankunation13 you can literally google it instead of debating with me
Colatekiller101 it has aspects yes, but it's not an mom. it just borrowed some things that are common in the genre.
just because you take some things from one game, doesn't mean you are in the same genre as it.
For example, tons of games nowadays have rpg elements in them such as leveling systems and large open worlds with tons of quests and axtivities, yet you can't call every game with a leveling system and open world an RPG. assassins creed has both, and is not an rpg in the slightest.
similarly, Destiny shares a lot of things in common with your average MMO, yet it itself is not an MMO. there is no massive multiplayer; the defining characteristic of the mmo genre.
so no, Destiny is not an MMO.
SKeeurnt there is no need to Google it, because you can't call any game with such a small max player count an MMO. it doesn't matter how many people on the internet mislabel it as such.
without having massive online mutiplayer, you can't be in the MMO genre. Destiny does not have that.
Not even the delopers describe it as an mmo. they instead made their own more fitting term for it, "shared world shooter", because it just isn't big enough to be an mmo yet possesses some elements of one.
matchmaking mixed with group-fill mixed with a clan finder. gotta admit this is a really really interesting idea
I like the guided games option cause I never was able to complete Kings Fall and the new raid cause iv3 had nobody to play with. That's why I quit Destiny but it looks lik3 I'm gonna pick it back ip
Jay_532 yeah it looks interesting I can't tell you how many times I went into a raid only for the team to break up and then wait to try to build another team
Jay_532 what system were you trying to beat KF on? I can help you easily.
Quinton Dorsey well u had a pretty shitty team
Nobody to play with? Just sounds like you find any excuse in the book to not do something. DL the Destiny app and go to community/platform you're on and make a post for them to message you on the console. Than invite them and communicate.
Trvl Josh yup
I love how out of nowhere all this Destiny 2 gameplay is dropping
Tell us about the many DLC's you have sitting at the back? I'd love to hear about them! :)
Nacho Friend I'll buy them all regardless
A month after the games release I can't wait to hear their ideas for a Destiny 3 as well! :)
Nacho Friend and still be 30 fps lmao
Puroroogu your whats ruining the game industry
by playing a game i like?
Bungie I love you. Thank you for an amazing game and a lot of great memories.
hello random person scrolling through the comments hope you have a wonderful day :D
Ronny Lewis - Doyle No, YOU have a wonderful day.
Ronny Lewis - Doyle go fuck your self
Ronny Lewis - Doyle tnx
Thank you.
As someone who has never completed a raid before but would've loved to, I'm going to be cautiously optimistic for this new addition. Hopefully this time around I'll get to experience the full game
Don't think this will work. Clans generally get everything done first from reset to milking a Raid dry of loot.
When the clans stop playing after losing incentive and exhausting the Raid what then?
Why does the system only work for people who are looking for one or two more players? Why can't the solo player look for 5 players and control who can join his/her fireteam?
Really committed groups do not Raid until everyone is ready to Raid, so there will be no solo queues for Clans.
This system sounds very flawed for a system.
Maybe when you're looking at the guided games we can see the rating people leave on that clan by people or maybe even bungie themselves
2:42 il gabbone nazionale
MagroCosplayer69 yes
Met many friends through Destiny, now some are my best friends. Now we're ready to tackle D2 together.
am i the only one who wanted to be able to do a raid solo? ive personally always prefered solo play
(btw i meant raids MADE for solo play)
Braden Howell now that would be dope
1:52 Warlock with those breakdance move's...
Add Third Person View.
J Ell pls bungo
So when do the players here in Australia get to go into the farm social space?
No Touch Of Malice? Alright kick..... LOL
Will there be a loyalty weapon? like players who played the original get to start with the khvostov? It would be kinda fun to do that.
Does anyone remember destiny's first trailer... this looks like so old bs
2:34 isn't that the collector's edition backpack?
destiny has an amazing community? let's see:
1. people only ask for 400 light players for raid
2. people require other players have a certain weapon or they can't play
3. people want teammates with a certain k/d ratio for pvp
4. people want a specific fucking emblem or they can't play
5. people leave if they see someone 5 points below 400 light level cause they think they are gonna drag the team down
6. any new players to destiny get shafted because everyone on any lfg website typically asks for experienced players
7. some players think they're hot shit and demand certain expectations for the raid or they kick people put
8. the community is overall divided amongst people who love/hate the game
in conclusion, the destiny community is a very scummy community, of course there are good people who are willing to give others a chance, but if you have little to no friends on this game, expect to be screwed out of a team for a raid or pvp for a majority of the time. amazing community my ass.
I agree
well its better than the cod battlefield and gta community only bested by halo
LarryTheASSdestroyer you're comparing games that are strictly fps or sandbox games, think of games that fall more in line with this one. games like world of warcraft, elder scrolls online, star wars the old republic, warframe, etc. while destiny isn't your typical mmo, it still has mmo characteristics.
That doesn't really happen to me. I always help out the newbs in D1.
Anybody else notice the hunter chest is a FWC armor piece ?
anyone that says destiny 2 is a DLC is a salty x box fanboy jealous of our ps4 exclusives.
april wraley lol at 2017's worst comment of the year.
april wraley what? I'm an Xbox player and I also get anoyed by those comments.
Yeah, why wouldn't Xbox player be jealous of Order 1886, better known as cutscene: the videogame.
april wraley lol I don't give a shit about exclusives lmao
im a ps4 player and I say the same thing is another dlc
1:07 I love the titan knight armor.
So many negative comments... Guys , can't you just appreciate what Bungie does ? So , I just want to say , thank you Bungie , Destiny 2 looks amazing! I'm so hyped
FatalPies Dude , let people enjoy things. And if you don't like Destiny , then don't watch those Videos.
FatalPies no, it sucks to he you becouse you just can't appreciate Bungie's hard work :/
i just don't understand why you keep clicking on these videos if you say you hate this game? You're a fucking IDIOT!
because he does not hop on the hate bandwagon? seeing all the negative should make you want to see the positives. There could just be no destiny 2, but they release a new game, which people have the option of buying. in the end, that is only a positive
ewuyak, haters gonna hate, its unstoppable. best to ignore the toxic idiots, they are just looking for attention. how else do you explain people that hate the game, but waste their time going to a bungie page?
I really like this I never could play raids in destiny due to having no friends who played so I am glad to see I will be able to play them
This DLC looks great
BradNJE piss off
I did, but you replying made me come back...
Jeez how salty can you fanboys be?
BradNJE too salty
BradNJE Ikr can't wait to waste my 120$ on it:D
Will it have a proper length campaign this time?
Oh no. I'm getting excited for a game which will have insulting DLC. Oh dear God.
How do you know the DLC will be insulting? TTK and RoI were far better DLC than nearly and other DLC i've played
The skyrim DLC is better.
I know because they've already announced two DLCs to come out. They're clearly just ripped from the main game.
Because no games ever announce their DLC before the game comes out. Ever. At all.
Rise of iron was not good. Ooh five missions how interesting oooh a somewhat decent raid that most people cannot play oooh
What the fuck is that logic. Of course they have DLCs coming out. The same way every MMO will have an expansion coming, Destiny will have DLC coming. And "They're clearly just ripped from the main game." you have 0 proof that they gutted this game and took out content. You realize that cutting out content, sitting on it for a year and then releasing would cost more fucking money than if they just made it a part of the main game for more money right? Oh and guess what, the DLC for Skyrim was being made being for Skyrim was released. Cause you know, thats how it fucking works. Like every studio will start working on either a sequel or DLC before the main game in finished. As work is being finished on one product, you switch workers to the next product so it will be finished sooner and you don't have employees just sitting around doing nothing and costing you money for their salary.
FINALLY!!! I'm a huge solo player but I always wanted to do the Raids. With this system, I have more hope in being able to do so.
Yeah, nice try Bungie, heard this all before lol.
from who call of duty certainly doesnt have a friend system tell me a console fps with a friend system IN GAME then i will shut my mouth
LarryTheASSdestroyer hrs saying he doesnt trust bungie. they lied about the first why not do it for the second
I love you Bungie! you will always be a part of my home.
Destiny 2 = Destiny 1
just needs external weapon upgrades ie more ammo or explosive rounds?
please, let me be able to play in my ps4 with my friends on pc
Gato do telhado not gonna happen bro :( sorry
Gato do telhado buy a fucking pc u fucking console peasent
No money ;-;
And thats sad ;-;
SoTrash Not everyone can buy a pc you pc elitist
So if I'm in a clan but I'm online early in the morning on a weekend while they're not playing, I can't enter matchmaking to fill out a team?
1. This is an RPG, if there is no sliders in character customization I'm not falling for this again and I'm not buying it.
2. Dedicated Servers
3. Matchmaking isn't new. You're polishing a turd.
If this is just a generic shooter I'm going to play old ones.
valkaek 1 don't care 2 the reason for that is well just think if there is a player that has good connection and if there is a player with bad connection the player with bad connection will be no clipping yes NO CLIPPING on your screen that would be broken in the crucible 3 matching players with other players in pve will result in a kick.
valkaek not an rpg
wait at the start of the game will you start with stuff or will you find a gun like destiny 1
I realy like destiny I dit not play another game for a more dan a year its (not So good in english)
I died a little inside when he said "playing alongside other people. that's what Destiny is about." I thought we all made it abundantly clear that we want story, plot, and more than 5 hours of content.
The new DLC is here!!
shut the fuck up
Vireca go fuck yourself
Is he wrong? obviously it's a metaphor, but maybe rather then saying stfu like a butthurt fanboy, refute his metaphor? Maybe learn to accept that this game can fail like Destiny 1 did?
Nathan Morroni the problem is when Destiny, 2 years ago said they aren't going to do more DLCs, then with The Taken King, said the same and there was 4 or 5 DLCs. And now you see Destiny "2" with no improvements. The only ones are "new hub" (is just a recolor or some color add), 3 new guardian abilities and this clans shit, the same you can do on guardians tower, asking to people.
If ppl think this is a new game fuck them. Then ppl cry because games are shit and companies do obligatory dlc to play the game, that are trash.
Fuck them and fuck the players that see the same shit over and over and clap companies like seals for sell them trash
Vireca Epic!!!
I want to preorder on pc but not available, please make available soon
i have no idea what they meant with the community. Destiny's community was one of the most annoying, toxic communities i've dealt with
One word: csgo
Tyler Garrett *hasn't played League of Legends*
"Destiny 2: More of The Same Shit as Destiny 1"
haha internet tuff guy things
yinzr actually it's less tbh
You've got no idea how much I've tried to gather my friends to do a raid, even when k gathers the i never finished a single raid! Only Crota's end , and every other raid I reach to the finale boss and bad luck strikes! And everyone starts to leave! I really wish that bungie would really do something about that, cuz damn this just doesn't feel satisfying, that I can't finish the bosses!!!!!!
And all of this shit was done by games like Warframe YEARS AGO.
Meanwhile Destiny 2 will be another bait game where you need to pay ridiculous prices just to get a glimpse of the game, since the Lore is not in the game, single player campaing sucks balls, loot system is fucking trash and doesn't matter how much effort you put on a raid because you can get shit while someone who got carried earns the best shit.
Games like Borderlands 2 and Warframe with less budget and way older than this are incredibly superior on every single way.
DISTESCO MORI lol sad but true
The grinding in destiny is awesome tho
H e i s e n b e r g what grind? You can get to lvl 400 in less than a week
H e i s e n b e r g nowhere near as fun as warframe or borderlands
Pause on the screen at 1:38 and look at the choices also Nighgtfall pass requred (10 remaining) also Momentum and Timewarp Anomolies
Not buying because of no "Dedicated Servers". Like the comment if you decided the same
i dont give a shit about PvP. i dont need Servers
Lol ever stop to think they want to give us the game asap? If they dont have them they obviously require a huge amount of time to add them in. Patience and it will be out eventually just like the first. Your plate will be plenty full of things to do at launch. But hey if no dedicated serves is a deal breaker hey i wont stop you..
ECSTASY-GAMING Think there is a reason why they don't want dedicated servers
ECSTASY-GAMING then don't buy it, nobody cares
That's reeeally picky. I play some games that don't have dedicated servers and everything is great. I don't see the problem "uh lag, uh glitchy players, uh" stop complaining and ignore the problems!
Clan Wars/Battles would be nice.
Sihphr - this guy is official first
Armoured Snail so much salt because of a WORD. The last word will be ours !
Tomi salt for a word? u can do better, im sure
Hopefully this in-game clan system also carries "text chat" for consoles
home, family now tht really touch my heart
can you put splitscreen in destiny 2 pls
But will raids have matchmaking just in general?
Will this be on steam?
What if you preordered like how early of an access do you have cuz I pre ordered it but haven't been on Xbox for awhile and I just want to know when that beta will come out so I can start playing Xbox again
Thank you
How many clans will there be? I think 3 are pretty good
Will this game have a story this time or do we have to buy it through DLC?
I have only one question. Destiny 2 will have Co-op on the main story campaign?? Co-op is the reason i want to get into this game u.u
I have 2 questions about the beta...
1.For PS4 do we need Playstation Plus to play the beta
2.Will it be an open beta?
Thank god they explained what a clan was, i was lost for a minute there.
Wow you guys are really going for it this time around
Are we making new characters or transferring old ones
What if we can make or customize our own clan personal space
Really like what you guys did with this, great idea