Now that looks like a fun day! With how much the cameras take away from the intensity of terrain and how good this still looks it must be amazing in person.
Yes, it's worth the trip! It's quite an interesting place to ride, and it's all free ride area, so you can go anywhere you want to. This is the first time I've been there, and we had a great time..... minus the loop out lol.
Riding the ridhes does take a bit of precision, being light on the controlls. I found myself being a bit tense riding them, and quickly realized that stamding up is the best position to keep good balance.
Now that looks like a fun day! With how much the cameras take away from the intensity of terrain and how good this still looks it must be amazing in person.
Yes, the camera does seam to flatten things out a bit. The terrain is quite interesting, making the riding quite interesting!
Man, I tell myself this all the time, but I have got to get down to ride this area. Looks like a blast. Nice riding. Keep ripp'n!🤘
Yes, it's worth the trip! It's quite an interesting place to ride, and it's all free ride area, so you can go anywhere you want to. This is the first time I've been there, and we had a great time..... minus the loop out lol.
Part of me thinks this looks like fun , but I need to be honest with myself . I probably don't have the skills to ride those skinny ridges !
Riding the ridhes does take a bit of precision, being light on the controlls. I found myself being a bit tense riding them, and quickly realized that stamding up is the best position to keep good balance.