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Deborah McDermott
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 19 มิ.ย. 2020
Does Andrew know?
มุมมอง 8K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
Sorry, I haven't been able to upload the transcript because there isn't enough space here
Why I left Charis Bible College Part 4
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Why I left Charis Bible College Part 2
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Why I left Charis Bible College Part 3
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Why I left Charis Bible College - Part 1
มุมมอง 14K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
Why we do NOT recommend Charis Bible College.
มุมมอง 6K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
Can anyone tell me if all those healing journeys videos were both genuine AND represented the full truth of Andrew's involvement please? I am trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. I have most of his books, watched very many hours of his programmes, done all both he and Barry Bennett said to do, but still no results. God has made it very clear there is an issue of having faith in faith itself here, rather than faith in Him, but Ive also read the Colorado newspaper articles where one staff member said he had not seen ONE healing in 7 years there.
Good morning Deborah! Hope all is well. I guess you were right. Here goes. I liked this couple and their faith was very inspiring as it was for you. Hope to hear more from you because I believe your faith and relationship with our God was authentic ❤ But here you go th-cam.com/users/postUgkxMXXfSo3g-Fi0ODn3PJ81Ic3u9TTa6H-H?si=IaaJg3vwySpcePxS
I have one question though, Deborah. Do you still believe that your boys were healed from autism through Andrew Wommack's teachings? And do they still believe that as well?
I would like to know this too
Yes, please answer. Seems very odd.
Dear Deborah, you are a mighty woman of God and your testimony has inspired many people including myself. I feel very sad that it has come to this. I have listened to your story from start to end and understand the manipulation/neglect/abuse/ostracization you and your sons went through. There is a thing about caring too much for the vision and the spotlight and neglecting people while pursuing that vision. I am very saddened by this. However, I feel this doesn't justify renouncing your testimony and associations and support for the teaching which is so precious and so powerful. Just think how many people are being impacted and will be impacted by your testimony. Your testimony is one of my favorite in the healing journey. When I think of your testimony, I think of Jesus healed your sons not Andrew Wommack healed your sons. Please don't remove it or renounce it. That was a testimony about Jesus. Just think it over, this dispute has nothing to do with the teaching itself which blessed and will continue to bless so many people. I do thank you for sharing your experiences. And I want to give you a hug for all that you have to go through. Your experience did raise a red flag to me about the theatre or acting department management. And rest assured, if the problem persist, time will tell. The Lord will do it. Let us give it to Him and let Him do it. Please do not stay in offense because that only hurts you and your family. I pray that you and your family find healing and restoration in the love of our Lord. We will not remember a thing negative once we pass through the veil and see Him face to face.
I heard you speak of "issues" with Charis weeks ago and I was deeply affected. I adore you and Andrew Wommack both. I have supported him financially for twenty four years and have my friends doing so in very significant amounts financially. I was able to easily listen nightly for years until they changed the website into two very difficult websites approximately four years ago. So I went from watching almost every night to not watching due to the change in their website. I have greatly missed the shows! My grown daughter had been prayed over successfully about three years ago. Last week she went with her son and a gentleman who needed to see the love here as he is a new christian and respected our love of Charis and Andrew Wommack. My daughter was dumbfounded by what occurred. It was as if the speaker was trying to feed their ego and literally calling out certain diseases, to show she knew the particular illness! My daughter said it was like another world she stepped in to! There was also no one praying for the people as there used to be on Wednesday afternoon. The gentleman with her was carrying an ill child and cameras were literally put in his face! I can not tell you how disappointed and astonished she was. She suggested I call and tell someone. I told her I knew things were wrong as I had heard Debra McDermott distance herself from him. I love both and am praying that Andrew will see what is going on and resolve the issues. Please get the speakers with egos out of there immediately. There are many hurting people and Andrew was always sincerely trying to help them putting God first. God please help Charis and give Deborah peace in all she does. I pray and demand the enemy get his hands off anything trying to hurt Andrew Wommack or Deborah! I know he is a good man. I pray blessing over Deborah as she is an exceptional loving, wonderful woman also intent on helping people!
Want to let you know 5 yrs ago after my husband died, I was u der TERRIFYING demonic oppression… your TRAPS podcast was the beginning of my journey to freedom- shedding light on why the standard declarations were not working. I was able to change so much behavior and speech with new clarity . finally the Freedom was pretty intense and instant, when I got deliverance through a Spirit- filled Catholic leader I study with. That is why we submit to authority in the Church- we lose sight of the Head otherwise.
Pride of course, is the underlying sin. Glad I converted to being a Catholic ( 50 years of this nonsense is why- always re- inventing the wheel.). Also sounds like calling up the evil spirits behind trauma.
Pride of course, is the underlying sin. Glad I converted to being a Catholic ( 50 years of this nonsense is why- always re- inventing the wheel.)
What that has to do with relationship with Jesus ?
Discipline is required in discipleship, no doubt. Andrew is not one who heals. If people in chairs is not getting healed, it makes sense that they have knowledge problem. I am out of charis. By just listening to Andrew's teachings, reading scriptures I am healed from chronic stomach pain, psoriasis and so so many sicknesses.
500 dollars is nothing compared to the healing that we enjoy in christ jesus
Jag är tacksam över att Jesus inte gjorde en youtube serie över hur illa han blev behandlad på och innan korset utan fortsatte ända till himmelen, så att jag och många med mig en gång kan leva fria från djävulens alla listiga handlingar. Självömkan dödar en människa mycket långsamt. Att leva i Ande är den säkraste platsen på jorden. Välj livet så får du leva❤Matt 5:38-48❤
Det här handlar inte om att stöna eller klaga på hur illa Deborah behandlades - hon gör helt enkelt medvetenhet om de problem hon har upplevt. Hon är inte Jesus, så varför jämför du mellan de två? Att säga att självömkan dödar en person innebär att du ser den här videoserien som "självömkan", vilket bara inte är det - det är att öka medvetenheten om andliga övergrepp inom en kristen organisation för att skydda andra. Och om det heter något annat så är det från människor som är partiska och inte söker sanningen. Folk föreläser Deborah om att "hålla sig i anden" eller "inte släppa in bitterhet" och ändå är det alltid från människor som inte var där, inte såg vad hon såg och ändå är arroganta och stolta nog att föreläsa någon om saken de vet ingenting om. Eller så vill de helt enkelt ljuga för att det är praktiskt eller i deras intresse.
There is no love and compassion there it is very true.
Andrew knows he couldn’t be bothered to fix it. He needs to keep the lights on by preaching about money so he can get more to feed this mess.
Deborah is telling the absolute truth. Don’t Go to Charis guys you will be treated worse than children it is a joke of a school. If you came in loving God and wanting to open your heart to the word then you will end up traumatised by the leadership there the way they treat people is truly ungodly. These people are Amateurs not this school is not accredited no one got healed there. Teachers/preachers calling themselves drs by paying the same online university a couple thousand dollars to get a fake degree enabling them to put a dr in front of their names for credibility. There is a guy by the name of Wertz in leadership there who destroyed my husband position there to get his greedy slimy hands on the role he has today which is really concerning. They concocted a fancy lie and blocked my husband from ever having a chance to speak to Andrew Womack directly. They told Andrew that my husband was planning a coup to take over the ministry i just don’t know how Andrew can fall for it because the ministry has Andrew’s name on it will be impossible to change it to any other name it was so ridiculous. Wertz is an ex cult leader running the joint. Recently a lengthy article has come to ligh about his past in the Colorado times and the countless lives he ruined in his cult days. Please Note this is not a demonic attack on the ministry like they always say to defend it. This is to prevent others from being abused and harmed by a pack of wolves. Andrew knows and he pretends to act ignorant. Everyone please do your research and learn to discern Go deep in the word go to a proper accredited bible college or university. Use your brains trust no man. Don’t be deceived. The Gospel messege is simple. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He hurt no man. He was innocent. He died for our sins. If anyone believes with their hearts and confess with their mouths you will be saved. Jesus now sits high above all dominion at the Fathers right ready to rule over everything. He promised the Holy Spirit for all those that have faith to believe. It will be counted you as righteousness your sins will be remembered no more the Holy Spirit will guide you towards all truth. Let no man deceive you!!!! You can judge people by the fruit of the spirit open it and read it. God will help you. He paid a high price for you it’s with his blood more precious than any treasure in the world. I just pray that those who serve remember who they are serving. Jesus was humble kind long suffering wise and completely perfect to help all those who feel burden by the state of ministries and so called churches it’s become a business a market place a den of thieves. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Oh and here’s an idea for the head of Charis. If you want to increase numbers try being kind and take the complaints seriously it’s there to help you see the problems so you can correct them and stop focusing on numbers you can try to get next year and money you can help Andrew bring in with the aim to look good in front of Andrew. You aren’t accountable to just Andrew you will be accountable to God when you treat people with such disrespect so you can feel good about lording it over others and get some kind of power trip over others. Shame on you. Thank Deborah for sharing and warning others. Praise God for this brave women. Btw I’m not disgruntled by what has happened to us. Infact I’m glad we survived it so we are more mature now to handle all kinds of deceptions the bible talks about. Thank God our faith is intact and that our journey still continues but it is wrong to stay silent and watch others get hurt knowing that you can at least warn others. His bless everyone who read this and don’t be as naive as us when we first started on our faith journey to take our family all the way from Australia to a place where we saw nothing that resembled what they marketed there. No healings. Friends dying from massive tumours. Countless students taking their lives because no one can help them with any real deliverance. I saw people running away or staying away from those whom appear less advantaged. I was also called into office once because I had a different idea presented in class and they thought I was going rogue with my ideas it’s so crazy I just feel foolish to think it was a good idea to go there in the first place. I hope this helps others. Wake up everyone please test out everything be vigilant and most importantly do not cast pearls to swine for all newbies who wear their hearts on their sleeves like me once.
i am sorry you had this experience, sounds really bad, God bless you
Andrew’ teachings and his books are totally against what you are saying. He speaks only God’s Word. His teaching is faith and that we do not walk by our FEELINGS let alone go back into our past and talk about our feelings. His teaching is once we come to Christ we are a new creation old things are passed away so I cannot believe that there would be anything taught like what you are talking about. All the speakers I have heard speak there teach the same way. Maybe you should let Andrew know what is going on if that is truly happening.
The more you stir poop, the more it stinks. Sounds like you are accomplishing what you set out to do.
Are your sons still healed? Or have they listened to your bitterness? I hope you’re able to trust God, forgive (even if they are wrong or guilty of the accusations). You’ve taken this in to your own hands and put yourself in the place of God (a scary place to be)and let him move; if you do not and continue to speak against Andrew/Charis… I just pray you will trust the Lord with all of it. Ask God to forgive you.
A narcissist is like a cult of one.
That makes zero sense
I have attended Charis Bible College. I did not have this experience at all. I think there are personalities that can not handle this college. I understand this, if its not for you, its not for you. No big deal. Sorry you had this experience, I wish it had been different for you. I loved it though. I hope and pray you find your way Deborah God bless.
It seems that if it was a Bible college teaching the full council of Gods word, and especially love, that personality should not matter….that all would be welcome and treated like the Bible instructs us to………dont u think?
Thank-you Deborah! It is right and Biblical the way you have dealt with this. Matt. 18:15-17. I hope in the future we might have new youtube teaching videos from you. You are also a good author and I would love to read another book written by you. God bless you and your family.
This happens because it's filled with false doctrine.
Bad mistake good school
My questions is... why in the world would you need to go through all this worldly musical approach/style teaching when it truly should be led by the Spirit and done with a pure heart. Its like she's mixing the worlds ways of theatre teaching with soul healing. But Wommack and the main teachers always teach about who you are now, the brand new you, the new creation through Christ. Why does this teacher have people going backwards, and trying to re-open wounds and pasts, and in a sense have them lose their focus on their renewed self? Seems against scriptures and anti-Christ
Good point
Wow i watched healing journeys about your boys!
Hi Deborah, is there anywhere we can watch your teachings? Most of your videos seem to no longer be on TH-cam and are unavailable or private, they were so encouraging and such a blessing.
No Bible college or school is perfect. You will find one only when you reach heaven. Making such videos is non sense.
This is a moronic excuse that protects abusers and doesn't hold them accountable. These videos are raising awareness of abuse within a CHRISTIAN Ministry, the very people who are supposed to be above board in every way, and you are saying it's nonsense? What about Cindy Clemishire and Robert Morris? He isn't perfect, so should we excuse what he did to Cindy? Or what about Ravi Zacharias? Or any other Christian figure that has been outed as a terrible person? You can justify literally anything if the argument is "they are not perfect".
Have you served and given to Charis to the degree she has? Do you believe a treatable problem in a body should be left untreated and allowed to become unnecessarily fatal? Do honorable, loving, faithful Christians never have the right or responsibility to warn others about what they believe to be poisoned waters?
19:28 “It’s very important that the victim get their act together here” lol the second time I listen through Carrie’s response to your son’s question, is really funny.
Absolutely disgusting! I’m glad you’re out of there. All you who defend Charis, if you really care about Andrew Wommack ministries, help get these abuses properly addressed instead of brushing over it.
Can you address this with Carrie Pickett? Shes the vice-president of charis but now will be the new director.
Oh my goodness. I was scared for a minute bc when i coudlnt find your video on awmi website i wondered what had happened so someone told me you no longer supported charis...and since i have a son who wants to attend, i wondered why. So money...it comes down to money, correct?? Your sons are still healed and autism free but you denounce their whole ministry because of 500 dollars?? Im trying to understand here, i am baffled. Does Andrew even know what happened here?? Charis is a large school and sometimes the main leaders dont even know what happens with the people underneath, i know bc my husband is a bible school director and our school is not even big. What is your main purpose and goal with these videos?
Forget all the blames, only acknowledge what good things that you acquired through Andrew's teachings. Health is a gift from God and Andrew's teaches it from bible.
You've made multiple videos of gossiping, in the comments so many are doing the same thing. I just glanced at the comments. A lot of the same people spreading hatered. Simply, just leave the school or whatever instead of bashing people. You can misuse whatever verses you people like, but this is you seeming unhappy, so you're gathering together a bunch of other people who are unhappy with the school, just to trash people. It's wrong. Period. And for the few that keep saying "victim shaming" or whatever, that's also a form of manipulation you people are using to keep people from saying good things about the ministry... it's in the comments. Whatever you're trying to do with this is just wrong. If people there do bad stuff, they have to answer for that. But labeling the entire ministry the way you did is evil. I know people who have never given a penny to them and have been blessed by this ministry. I certainly have been blessed and will keep being blessed. We are all people. We might rub people the wrong way or not get along. But it does not bless God at all for you to do stuff like this... regardless how you frame it. And the people in the comments saying terrible things, calling others "false prophets and wolves" those are usually the wolves. Lol.
"You've made multiple videos of gossiping, in the comments so many are doing the same thing. I just glanced at the comments. A lot of the same people spreading hatered." -- You consider the act of raising awareness of abuse, both physical and spiritual, gossiping? That attitude enables abuse to thrive and shames the victim into silence. Should the abused never speak up lest they accused of "gossiping"? Or is it only "gossiping" if you don't want it to be true? "Simply, just leave the school or whatever instead of bashing people. You can misuse whatever verses you people like, but this is you seeming unhappy, so you're gathering together a bunch of other people who are unhappy with the school, just to trash people." -- Again, you redefine "raising awareness of abuse and its perpetrators" to "bashing". My previous point stands. And if people are unhappy, who are you to decide what their reasons are and whether they are justified or not? Also as an ex-student I can attest that Charis constantly misuses verses, especially when it comes to men and women in marriage. "It's wrong. Period. And for the few that keep saying "victim shaming" or whatever, that's also a form of manipulation you people are using to keep people from saying good things about the ministry... it's in the comments. " -- And I won't stop saying it. The irony of this is hilarious. To call the phrase "victim shaming" a form of manipulation is astonishing to me. No, I do not believe it stops people from sharing good things about the Ministry, it just so happens that when people DO share good things about the Ministry, they use it as an excuse to discredit the people who are raising awareness of the bad things in the Ministry. "Whatever you're trying to do with this is just wrong. If people there do bad stuff, they have to answer for that. But labelling the entire ministry the way you did is evil." -- But people like you ensure that they DON'T answer for the bad things they do because its denied that they did anything wrong to begin with and the people that say otherwise are "gossipers" or are "bashing people". I dare say not standing up for weak and vulnerable, which most abused people are, is evil. And if the Ministry enables those things to happen, it deserves to be labelled as such. (Not saying the Ministry IS evil, but has done evil things.) "I know people who have never given a penny to them and have been blessed by this ministry. I certainly have been blessed and will keep being blessed." -- There is nothing wrong with that. Indeed it is a blessing to many, many people, yourself included. But that fact mustn't become an excuse to justify the Ministry's actions that DON'T bless people but instead hurt them through abuse. "We are people. We might rub people the wrong way or not get along. But it does not bless God at all for you to do this... regardless how you frame it." -- If raising awareness of abuse and trying to combat it in order to protect people from hurt does not bless God, then I don't think we believe in the same God. What kind of psycho pulls the God card to discourage bringing about awareness of abuse and tries to discredit the whistleblowers. "And the people in the comments saying terrible things, calling others "false prophets and wolves", those are usually the wolves. Lol. -- Ah yes, because no one accused of being a false prophet or a wolf in sheep's clothing has ever been exactly what they were accused of being. (Sarcasm detected) Again, victim shaming by twisting the narrative around and blaming them. Or in this case, "no u".
Lord bless those who do not know better. Who desperately seek to follow you and end up walking in darkness with demons who abuse that love and longing for you Lord. Show them the light. Forgive the ignorant. Forgive the wicked. Amen They moved into my home town. They made promises to our small and humble city of being accountable. Of being of community. Now here we are over 10 years later. Andrew Womack and Charis and their lawyers have fell on every promise. Even threatening to take our small mountain town and community to federal court if we dont pay for their campus. They are not Christian like or of Christ even kind of. Lord knows all truth. Visit their campus and get tail gated by their "private security". Ive been to the city hall meetings sense I was in highschool when they moved into Woodland Park. Friendly in the first years so we voted and allowed them into our strong faithed community based on their false promises. Ruthless and selfish and just evil at times. Ive seen plenty of lives destroyed by this "school"(its not credited at all). Disregarding the impact of their students financial, mental and emotional well being. Disregarding imoact to infrastructure, water protection and usage, emergency service resources... I could go on and on about what they have done to absolutely rip apart what was once a decent community. The students are nice enough. Most are desperate. The amount of times Ive heard the phrase "Charis saved my life" is just about 10 for 10. The control this man and his ministry has is insane and in my opinion of false prophet and blasphmey.
Well done!!
Well done!!!!
Well done Deborah. A member of his staff admitted to me that he bullied his staff and that he didn't like weak people. Very sad.
@@normadaly7506 what ??? Thats craaaaaazy 😱
@@michelleberntsson2314 exactly
Andrew bullied his staff, or the director?
@valerieellen2402 his office staff member said this of Andrew...... "deceived and deceiving" as genuine Apostles warned.
I think it has taken a lot of courage for you to come forward and share your experiences about Charis. Like your two sons, I was healed and guided through my own journey which is certainly not for everyone. Each of us have our own path to follow. Over the last 4-5 years, I have noticed quite a change in the way Andrew preaches when I listen to him now. It makes me sad because he helped me so much in my life during the earlier part of his ministry. God Bless you for presenting this information without malice or hatred. I believe you have a sincere heart for the Lord. Thank you.
So far in this part of this series it does sound like this individual was practicing some kind of occultic behavior. Nevertheless, it sounds as if she was trying to build her own following by clearly trying to separate the group from Charis Bible College and persuade them to trust and confide in her and the group only.
I am so disappointed how so-called godly people were treating you, your family and fellow students. I'm glad you got out on time and that you are safe now. I followed Andrew Wommack many years and know your family's story. This is evil, but God sees everything. Thank you for sharing and coming forward. It takes a lot.
Hi Deborah. How may I contact you please? X
I feel like Deborah now has to be completely honest about her own children’s healing. Were they really healed? Was it exaggerated? She needs to be absolutely clear about this as many families with autistic children have been disappointed and had their faith destroyed because they didn’t get their children healed. She has called Andrew out but her and her family also appeared in the Copeland magazine. So if they haven’t been genuinely healed she needs to admit to this.
What are you talking about? Get behind me Satan
Every Christian ministry should have an "ombudsman" one who knows the heart of the ministry, is paid by the ministry but is to be totally independent, so anyone can air a grievance and it will not be swept under the carpet in the name of protecting the ministry.
I’m so thankful you shared your experience. My experience was so bad. More with the Terradez’s. One day I hope to share. I worked there for 2 years. No more. Bless you ❤
Can you say more - particularly Carlie I feel lies about her healings.
@@truthseeker632i would say, if the Holy Spirit is telling you to to be cautious-He’s given you discernment! He who has ears to hear let him hear! All glory to God
@@truthseeker632You “feel” she lies???? If you said you KNOW she lies it wouldn’t be gossip!!!! I can smell the stink of your soul from cyberspace. The audacity🙄
Would love to hear what you have to say! I always feel something unsettling in my spirit about Carlie Terradez. Not sure why. I have tried many times to listen and pay attention to her teachings but can't get through the whole thing, not even once. There's something peculiar and unauthentic about her but I can't put my finger on it. I also feel that she left AWM because she wanted to be the successor but knew that she could never surpass Carrie Pickett. (Audrey Mack is another person connected to the ministry whom I have found to be very artificial.)
Jesus loves us. Jesus is the Way. We all need Jesus.
Father God knows us, and He loves us. We can't make it on our own.........that's why He sent Jesus as a man, down here......where we are. Glory to God.
the gentle, tender Holy Spirit of God will teach us everything we need, as we stay in God's Word. I give thanks and praise to God.
some folks horrendous circumstances in life, to where they simply can't take it anymore.........have brought them to Jesus. He saves,, and He rescues. We can trust only Him.
you had to go through all that in order for you to get to where you are now. That's why God says to give thanks in all things. Some bad experiences, lead you to the right place!
Charis is a BIBLE College, those who attend are there to prepare for ministry. We live in a very "touchy, feely" generation. My humble suggestion is that you talk to God about the things you are describing rather than being a detractor. I'm sorry that you have apparently suffered some "injustices" Remember that "sowing discord among brethren" is one of the seven abominations to the Lord. You may want to start a private support group and pray that those leading the programs may see the situation from your viewpoint. Many times things get overlooked. Remember that there is therefore NO Condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. We are admonished to beware of pride as it was the first sin and originated in heaven with Lucifer. Disaffection is a subtle sin, we are to be watchful for our adversary, the devil, walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. We must resist him steadfast in the faith. Be blessed !
"We live in a very "touchy, feely" generation." - That does not mean everyone's emotions are invalid. "My humble suggestion is that you talk to God about the things you are describing rather than being a detractor." - Since when did raising awareness of abuse turn into "detracting"? By this same standard, we could also call Cindy Clemishire a "detractor" of Robert Morris and Gateway Church, but we aren't going to, are we, because she was right all along. Or the victims of Ravi Zacharais? "Remember that "sowing discord among brethren" is one of the seven abominations to the Lord." - This is passive-aggressive fear-mongering. If raising awareness of abuse is deemed "sowing discord among the brethren" than you might as well roll out the red carpet for the Devil to have a party in the Church because he's gaslighted people into staying quiet about actual issues for fear of being branded as "sowing discord". Pathetic. "You may want to start a private support group and pray that those leading the programs may see the situation from your viewpoint." - So, "Keep Sweet and Pray?" A support group assumes a gathering of people who come together to help deal with their shared negative experiences related to a particular entity. And therefore, "by the testimony of two or three witnesses must any charge and every accusing statement be sustained and confirmed." "Many times things get overlooked." - That is not an excuse for the things that do. "Remember that there is therefore NO Condemnation in to those who are in Christ Jesus." - Again, this does not mean we do not hold people accountable for their actions, especially Christian Leaders, who should be the best of us and yet fall short almost every time. Righteous fury exists. Are we not called to hate evil? "We are admonished to beware of pride as it was the first sin and originated in heaven from Lucifer." - What does this have to do with spiritual abuse at a Bible College? It's ironic to lecture Deborah about pride while writing a comment that comes across as preachy and holier-than-thou. "Disaffection is a subtle sin, we are to be watchful for our adversary, the devil, walks about as roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." - Charis ostracises people that don't agree with them or that question them, so they are the disaffectionate ones. The Devil isn't just a roaring lion, he isn't stupid. He was the first of all liars, of all deceivers, all tricksters and flatterers. He will use these tactics to try and destroy the Church. And judging from the numerous Christian Leaders that have revealed as false prophets and doers of evil, well... Houston, we've got a problem.
@@MManAt56You are the type of person who misquote scripture just to gossip. Lol. The one thing I've learned about the "wolves in sheeps clothing" thing is... people that talk like you, labeling others as false this or that, simply because they believe a little differently... you're usually the wolf. Lol
@@BrandonBostonCreator Lol. Calling someone a "wolf in sheep's clothing" without refuting any of their actual arguments doesn't solve anything. And real wolves don't stand up and whistleblow abuse in Church, they enable it.
I would like to hear you respond to the actual examples of abuse she mentions. For example, repeatedly referring to students as “losers”. Is that ok for a Charis professor to do?