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Tigist Waltenigus
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2024
Welcome to Tigist Waltenigus’ podcast channel! In each episode, Tigist invites esteemed guests from various fields to discuss a range of holistic topics, including self-development, mental health, education, relationships, emotional growth, and youth empowerment.
Through open, insightful, and deeply human conversations, Tigist and her guests explore the tools and perspectives that can help us heal, grow, and thrive. Join us as we learn and laugh together, uncovering the wisdom to lead more fulfilling lives. This podcast is more than just a show; it’s a safe space where meaningful ideas and new approaches to life are shared, for the benefit of this generation and beyond!
Through open, insightful, and deeply human conversations, Tigist and her guests explore the tools and perspectives that can help us heal, grow, and thrive. Join us as we learn and laugh together, uncovering the wisdom to lead more fulfilling lives. This podcast is more than just a show; it’s a safe space where meaningful ideas and new approaches to life are shared, for the benefit of this generation and beyond!
ልጆቻችን እሚፈለገውን ሰው እንዳይሆኑ አድርገናቸዋል ከመስፍን ፀጥአርጋቸው ጋር ክፍል 03
In this episode, we sit down with Mesfin Setargachew, an inspiring educator with over 15 years of experience in both private and government schools. As the president of an international school and founder of a charity supporting children with education, food, and books, Mesfin shares his incredible journey of shaping young minds and giving back to the community.
We discuss about topics like the school system, challenges in education, the role of teachers, and the importance of raising well-rounded children. Mesfin also reflects on his personal life, career, and the lessons he’s learned from working closely with students and families.
Whether you’re an educator, a parent, or someone passionate about the power of education, this episode is packed with insights and stories that will leave you inspired.
We discuss about topics like the school system, challenges in education, the role of teachers, and the importance of raising well-rounded children. Mesfin also reflects on his personal life, career, and the lessons he’s learned from working closely with students and families.
Whether you’re an educator, a parent, or someone passionate about the power of education, this episode is packed with insights and stories that will leave you inspired.
มุมมอง: 1 962
ከልጅነት ጠባሳ ወደ ታመመ ግንኙነት ከአለምሰገድ ታደሰ ጋር ክፍል 02 | From Childhood Trauma to Unstable Relationships EP 2
มุมมอง 18K19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
In this episode, I’m joined with Alemseged Tadesse to dive into the ways unresolved childhood traumas can shape our love lives as an adult. Ever felt stuck in a cycle of unstable relationships or attracted to people who don’t treat you right? I see every day how unresolved traumas can impact how we connect and who we’re drawn to. Alemseged brings his own insights and curiosity, making this conv...
Episode 1 with Alemseged Tadesse | Tigist Waltenigus | አለምሰገድ ታደሰ EP 1
มุมมอง 69K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
Episode 1 with Alemseged Tadesse | Tigist Waltenigus | አለምሰገድ ታደሰ EP 1
Tigist Waltenigus| Official Podcast Trailer | ትዕግስት ዋልተንጉስ
มุมมอง 8K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Tigist Waltanigus is bringing her voice to the podcast world!Stay tuned for thought-providing conversations, inteviews with experts, trauma healing,inspiring stories, and much more. Coming soon-don't miss it.
Tigist Waltenigus Podcast |coming soon!
มุมมอง 1.9K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
Tigist Waltenigus Podcast |coming soon!
ቲጂ ተባረኪ❤❤❤በጣም ታስፈልጊናለሽ!
Mr. Mesfin has full of knowledge almost about everything! Great to see him on the media. Really appreciatited! God bless you Tg🙏
ቲጂ መጸሀፍሽን ኢትዮጵያ የትላገኘው እንደምችል ብትነግሪኝ እባክሽ ከከቨር ፔጁ እንደተመለከትኩት ለኔ ሊጠቅሙኝ የሚችሉ ብዙ ሀሳቦች ያሉት ያመስለኛል ምን አልባት ትንሽ ጋዜ ቢኖርሽ ቦታውን ብትጠቁሚኝ በጣም ደስ ይለኛል አመሰግናለሁ አንብቤው ደግሞ ብዙ ተጠቅሜበት እንደማመሰግንሽ ባለሙሉ ተስፋ ነኝ
ጃፋር መፅሀፍት ቤት አለ ለገሀር ወይም አራት ኪሎ
Very true the pressure we put on our kids is out of ignorance😢
Am sorry to say this but yes our school curriculum heavy on some regard but I don’t appreciate z western school curriculum, its coz we study hard we r so competitive when we come in western but z thing is z value of degree or in z workforce environment is not appreciative ,m
ተባረኩ እናመሰግናለን
T G ❤❤❤
ቲጂየ ❤❤❤❤
Tgy the phone you post with Almya not work
ቲጂዬ መች የአንቺን ጠገብንና ነው ሌላ ሰው የጋበሽው በጣም በጉጉት ነበር የጠበኩት
እውነት ነው የኛ አገር የትምህርት ስእራት ያለንን ነገር ነው እያሳጣን ያለነው በግዜው ተስፋ የቆረጥሁበት የስምንተኛ ክፍል ውጤት ነበር ዛሬ ላይ ሆኘ ሳየው ወጥፊያን እግዚአብሄርን እየጠየኩት እንደነበር ነው የተረዳሁት እና ከአስተዳድጋችን ጀምሮ የት ቱ ስእራትም ቢስተካከል ወደ ፊት ኢትዮጲያ የማደግ ተስፋ እንደሚኖራት ተስፋ አረጋለሁ ከአእምሮ እስራት የተላቀቅሁበት አጋጣሚ የአረቦች የልጅ አስተዳድግ እና የያ አገር የሰማይ እና የምድርን እርቀት አያለሁ
ስለ ፍርሀት ስታወሪ ገና ልጃችን ተወለዳ እኔ posinetal depression ያዘኝ ያለፍኩበት ያበድኩበት ዘመን እጮሐለሁ እቃ እሠብራለሁ ማንም የተረዳኝ የለም በቂ እንቅልፍ ወይ ምግብ አላገኘሁም ጌታ ይባረክ አለፈ። ግን ልጄ ላይ ምን አይነት ጭንቀት እልፋ ይሆን😢
Dess yemill program new bertu😊👍 never gn ebakh tg hasabuan bedenb endtgelts time stat
tigiye ene betam bizu chgr alebgn ena mels atcheletalew tinish dehna bhonm be 5 amet lyinet yimelesal hunetaw ena bizu neger sisema kanchi yerasen lijinet eyasebkut ena chgr endale eyeteredahu new finance chgr slale ahun laljemr echlalew gn 1 lij alegn 3yrs old lela lij salweld anchi maggnet endalebgn yisemagnal b/c yemejemeria lijen betam bizu neger endagodelkubet yisemagnal bene last chgr ena pls sth beslkm bihon
TG i hope you will explain to us how to heal from our wounds too. Visiting Therapist is not accessible for everyone. It would be nice if we get advise how to heal from our wounds from people like you.....but we thank so much for what you have done to Ethiopian people 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Tgy...you said trauma ..trauma... You know Ethiopian calture and parent skills ... Hence...pls share us the treatment techniques too...
Women should be Empowered ...in entire circumstances ..... Nothing is more than Jesus .......
ቲጂ ❤❤🥰
ተደራሽነታችሁ ብዙ ስለሆነ በተደጋጋሚ እደዝ አይነት ፕሮግራም ብትሰሩ ብዙዎች ይድናሉ ብዬ አስባለሁ አመሰግናለሁ .
Galtoomii video ke hundaa dhagefadhe wan ba.yee iraa bardhe ❤❤
Can you please make one video a week and teach us., I learn from you a lot. Thank you
ere please asorat! beye dekikaw eyakuaretkat new altawekehem? hasabuan techeres enji beteyake lay teyake meat hasab meat tarik mndenew? andu siyalk wedandu new enji besmeab
I’m waiting to your book on amzon
ቲጂ ስለ አዋቂዎች ኦዉቲዝም ምን ያህል ግንዛቤዉ አለሽ ? ምክንያቱም በሰዉ ባህሪ እና በትዳር ላይ ተፅእኖ አለዉ ምክንያቱም ዳይጎነስ ሳይደረጉ ወይም ሳይታወቅላቸዉ ብዙ ይሰቃያሉ ። ብዙ ግዜ ሴቶች ወይም ወንዶች በአጋራቸዉ እየተጨቆኑ እየተመቱ እየተሰደቡ ሰዉ እየመከራቸዉ አይታያቸውም እና ስለ ሬድ ፍላግ ገና አሁን ዘንድሮ ነዉ ያወኩት የናተ በየሚዲያው መ ምጣት ፖስተር ቸሬ መኖሩ ላሁኑ ትዉልድ generational trauma break ያደርጋል ብዮ አስባለሁ ጆሮ ያለዉ ይስማ ትዳር በስሜታዊነት አትመስርቱ እኛ አልፍብናል።
መልካም ልደት እግዚአብሔር በድድሽ እንድትበይ ያድርግሽ አርጅተሽ ነዉ ጥርስሽ ወልቆ አይደለም 😂😂😂.
ቲጃ የዘመናችን ጀግና ሴት ነሽ የስነ ልቦና ህክምና እኛ ሀገር ብዙ ትኩረት አልተሰጠውም ይህ ህክምና ትኩረት እንዲያገኝ ብዙ እየሰሩ ካሉ ጥሩ ባለሞያዎች አንደኛዋ አንቺ ነሽ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 እኔም የስነ ልቦና ባለሞያ የመሆን ትልቅ ፍላጎት አለኝ እግዚአብሔር ከፈቀደ በዚህ የህክምና ዘርፍ የራሴን አስተዋፆ ማድረግ ፈልጋለው
Tgye yehonsh enku feteret❤
ቲጂዪ አችን ለማገኘት ብዙ ለፋሁ አልቻልኩም ስልኩም አይነሳም ምን ላርግ
እንዴት ነው አንቺን ማግኘት የሚቻለው?
Tg እባክሽ እባክሽ አንቺን እንዴት ነው ማግኘት የሚቻለው፡፡
Thank you so much for the program it is informative. We are living and heard lots of such issues and looking for the solutions and how to heal and what to do. Please do a program on that.
Tg ይህንን ሳዳምጥሽ አህምሮ እንደ ጦር ሜዳ የሚለው መፅሀፍ ትዝ አለኝ
Yane wud Tigye 🥰🥰🥰Betaweri betaweri yematselchi hulam astemari bewnet swedsh enkan bezih metashiln ❤️❤️❤️
Anchi metgermi set neshi bewunet sewedeshi 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
ቲጂ እኔም እራሴን መሆን ማወቅ አልቻልኩም 22 አመቴ ነው ግን ውስጤ ምንም ደስታ የለም እራሴን ማወቅ ከጀመርኩበት ጊዜ ጀመሮ
ቲጂዬ እንዴት ማግኝት እችላለው ብዙ ጊዜ እራሴን ላጠፋ ሞክሬአለው አልፈቀደም
ጨምዳዳ ጠባሳ ነው የኔው….
በናትአችሁ እንየን አገናኙይ ፈተናየበዝአ ምንእደምልአላውቅም
ቲጂዬ በጣም ነው የማመሰግንሽ ደግ ልብ ያለሽ ያልተዘመረልሽ ጀግና ሴት ነሽ በርቺልኝ
Thank you T.g may God give you long age and good health we love you !!!
Thank you!
Tg I try to reach you via phone but it’s busy all the time ,so how can I contact you ?
It is very good.God keep you.
Thanks Tigi for your education on this important topic. Many incluing myself are victims. Keep up the good work
Thank you for your support!!
Mar eko nesh😘❤❤
እንዴት ማግኜት እንችላለን ቲጅን?
እጅግ በጣም እናመሰግናችኋለን! ሁል ጊዜም እከታተላችኋለሁ ነገር ግን ብዙ ጊዜ ብዙ ሳይኮሎጂስቶች ችግሩ ላይ ነዉ የሚያተኩሩት መፍትሄ የሚሆነዉ ሳይኮሎጂስት ጋር መሄድ ይሆናል አሁን ባለንበት ጊዜ ደግሞ ለሳይኮሎጂ ቴራፒ የሚጠየቀዉ ክፍያ ዉድ ይሆናል ይሄ ደግሞ እንደ እኛ ሀገር ደሀ ለሆንን ዜጎች ትንሽ ይከብዳል በርግጥ ህክምና ነዉ ግን ቀጣይነት ስለሚኖረዉ ኮስቱ ትንሽ አሳሳቢ ይሆናል በሽታዉን ላወቀዉ ግን ከሳይኮሎጂስት ከቴራፒ ዉጪ ሌላ መፍትሄም ካለ እየነገራችሁን ብትሄዱ መልካም ነዉ በተረፈ በርቱልን!