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Will T
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 18 พ.ค. 2008
Blanca del Rey - Mantón
Blanca Ávila Moreno, Blanca del Rey (Córdoba, 1949). Dancer
She is one of the most evident cases of a performer linked to a tablao for practically her whole career, in this case, El Corral de la Morería, whose owner she is married to. She is also an absolute defender of the tablao as a privileged setting for jondo expression: "Because I maintain it is where the performer is trained. None of that repeating things in front of a mirror: the impulse is what makes it. I have the experience of both, and I say the tablao is much more difficult than the theater. Here there is no silence unless you provoke it. In the theater, silence is an obligation; on the tablao it is a devotion you achieve or not". She was originally called La Platera, because she lived in La Plata street in Cordoba. Shortly after, when not more than 14 years old, she went to work in Madrid, and was immediately hired by Manuel del Rey at El Corral de la Morería. Five years later they married and thus La Platera became Blanca del Rey. Since then, except for obligatory breaks due to maternity and other family reasons, El Corral has been Blanca's reference point, the place where she has expressed her art as a great, serious, coherent dancer. In recent years, she has set up shows from time to time, touring different countries and cities in Spain, but she always returns to El Corral. She is an imaginative dancer, who contributes what an interesting factor of personal creation to everything she does. Her dance is full of her own development, an exquisite taste and elegance. Among them, there is the Soleá del mantón, her greatest artistic creation, steeped in originality and beauty; her hands move the shawl in harmony with her body as if it had a life of its own, creating an iconography and aesthetic that are always surprising.
She is one of the most evident cases of a performer linked to a tablao for practically her whole career, in this case, El Corral de la Morería, whose owner she is married to. She is also an absolute defender of the tablao as a privileged setting for jondo expression: "Because I maintain it is where the performer is trained. None of that repeating things in front of a mirror: the impulse is what makes it. I have the experience of both, and I say the tablao is much more difficult than the theater. Here there is no silence unless you provoke it. In the theater, silence is an obligation; on the tablao it is a devotion you achieve or not". She was originally called La Platera, because she lived in La Plata street in Cordoba. Shortly after, when not more than 14 years old, she went to work in Madrid, and was immediately hired by Manuel del Rey at El Corral de la Morería. Five years later they married and thus La Platera became Blanca del Rey. Since then, except for obligatory breaks due to maternity and other family reasons, El Corral has been Blanca's reference point, the place where she has expressed her art as a great, serious, coherent dancer. In recent years, she has set up shows from time to time, touring different countries and cities in Spain, but she always returns to El Corral. She is an imaginative dancer, who contributes what an interesting factor of personal creation to everything she does. Her dance is full of her own development, an exquisite taste and elegance. Among them, there is the Soleá del mantón, her greatest artistic creation, steeped in originality and beauty; her hands move the shawl in harmony with her body as if it had a life of its own, creating an iconography and aesthetic that are always surprising.
มุมมอง: 15 022
Purcell: Sound the trumpet - Come, ye sons of art, away - Philippe Jaroussky
มุมมอง 566K12 ปีที่แล้ว
Purcell: Sound the trumpet - Come, ye sons of art, away - Philippe Jaroussky
911 恐襲主謀拉登被美軍殺死 2/5/2011 TVB News
มุมมอง 41K13 ปีที่แล้ว
美國 有線電 新聞網(CNN)引述消息稱,美軍在巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡以外的一座住宅中打死拉登。 美國相信拉登是2001年九一一 襲擊的主謀,美軍多年來搜尋拉登。 但拉登一直成功逃避美軍的追捕,美軍相信他躲藏在巴基斯坦和阿富汗 邊境地區。
緬甸民主鬥士昂山素姬被軟禁15年後被釋放 14/11/2010 NowTV News
มุมมอง 1K14 ปีที่แล้ว
新華社 英文版報道,65歲的緬甸民主鬥士昂山素姬 已獲軍政府釋放,重獲自由,結束被軟禁7年的生活。 路透社報道,至少1000名支持者在昂山素姬住所前聚集,他們高叫「釋放昂山素姬」的口號。而官員陸續撤走鐵線網及路障。 昂山素姬的軟禁期今天屆滿。根據緬政府法律,昂山素姬應於今天獲釋,而緬甸軍政府昨天已簽署釋放令。很多昂山素姬的支持者,於今早就開始在她位於仰光的家外聚集,希望迎接她走出家門。 在過去21年中,昂山素姬有15年都處於軟禁之中。她原本應該在去年得到釋放,但一名聲稱要解救她的美國 人,游泳非法潛入她位於湖邊的住宅。這名美國人第二天被士兵逮捕,軍政府隨即對昂山素姬提出起訴,並再將她軟禁了18個月。 日前,她的幼子阿里斯獲緬甸軍政府發出的簽證,暗示在經過10年後,母子2人終於可見面。 緬甸剛在今年11月7日,舉行了20年來的首次大選,昂山素姬因為被軟禁,無資格參選。獲得軍方支持的聯邦...
菲律賓旅行團遇難港人靈柩及傷者包機返港機場迎接儀式 Part 2 25/8/2010
มุมมอง 38K14 ปีที่แล้ว
馬尼拉遇難團友梁錦榮、兩名女兒梁頌詩及梁頌儀三人的靈柩,已卸下包機停放在停機坪,再由唐英年及家屬向三人的靈柩致送花圈。 至於在事件中失去雙親的汪綽瑤姊弟,亦先後離開機艙。 在挾持事件中,獲槍手釋放的傅太與一對年幼子女,向不幸遇難的丈夫致送花圈,傅太與兒子表情悲痛。 在事件中失去雙親的汪綽瑤姊弟,其父汪子林、母親楊綺華及姨母楊綺琴三人的靈柩,由唐英年及家屬代表致送花圈告別,但兩姊弟則未有現身向親人靈柩獻花。
菲律賓旅行團遇難港人靈柩及傷者包機返港機場迎接儀式 Part 1 25/8/2010
มุมมอง 72K14 ปีที่แล้ว
馬尼拉遇難團友梁錦榮、兩名女兒梁頌詩及梁頌儀三人的靈柩,已卸下包機停放在停機坪,再由唐英年及家屬向三人的靈柩致送花圈。 至於在事件中失去雙親的汪綽瑤姊弟,亦先後離開機艙。 在挾持事件中,獲槍手釋放的傅太與一對年幼子女,向不幸遇難的丈夫致送花圈,傅太與兒子表情悲痛。 在事件中失去雙親的汪綽瑤姊弟,其父汪子林、母親楊綺華及姨母楊綺琴三人的靈柩,由唐英年及家屬代表致送花圈告別,但兩姊弟則未有現身向親人靈柩獻花。
康泰港人馬尼拉旅行團被脅持事件以流血結束 23/8/2010 TVB News
มุมมอง 85K14 ปีที่แล้ว
Bloody end to Philippines hostage drama
菲律賓警方圍攻被挾持港人旅行團巴士全過程 23/8/2010 Part 4
มุมมอง 147K14 ปีที่แล้ว
The Philippines Hostage Taking pt 4 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件,中國駐菲律賓大使館證實, 至少七名人質死亡、八人受傷、其中兩人重傷,特區政府稍後派包機出發善後。 挾持事件至晚上出現重大突破,大批持槍特警包圍並一度攻入車廂,又用鐵鎚打爛巴士玻璃,企圖拯救人質。 最後,槍手被擊斃...
菲律賓警方圍攻被挾持港人旅行團巴士全過程 23/8/2010 Part 1
มุมมอง 180K14 ปีที่แล้ว
The Philippines Hostage Taking pt 1 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件,中國駐菲律賓大使館證實, 至少七名人質死亡、八人受傷、其中兩人重傷,特區政府稍後派包機出發善後。 挾持事件至晚上出現重大突破,大批持槍特警包圍並一度攻入車廂,又用鐵鎚打爛巴士玻璃,企圖拯救人質。 最後,槍手被擊斃...
菲律賓警方圍攻被挾持港人旅行團巴士全過程 23/8/2010 Part 3
มุมมอง 119K14 ปีที่แล้ว
The Philippines Hostage Taking pt 3 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件,中國駐菲律賓大使館證實, 至少七名人質死亡、八人受傷、其中兩人重傷,特區政府稍後派包機出發善後。 挾持事件至晚上出現重大突破,大批持槍特警包圍並一度攻入車廂,又用鐵鎚打爛巴士玻璃,企圖拯救人質。 最後,槍手被擊斃...
菲律賓警方圍攻被挾持港人旅行團巴士全過程 23/8/2010 Part 2
มุมมอง 222K14 ปีที่แล้ว
The Philippines Hostage Taking pt 2 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件,中國駐菲律賓大使館證實, 至少七名人質死亡、八人受傷、其中兩人重傷,特區政府稍後派包機出發善後。 挾持事件至晚上出現重大突破,大批持槍特警包圍並一度攻入車廂,又用鐵鎚打爛巴士玻璃,企圖拯救人質。 最後,槍手被擊斃...
菲律賓警方圍攻被挾持港人旅行團巴士全過程 23/8/2010 Part 5
มุมมอง 166K14 ปีที่แล้ว
The Philippines Hostage Taking pt 5 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件,中國駐菲律賓大使館證實,至少七名人質死亡、八人受傷、其中兩人重傷,特區政府稍後派包機出發善後。挾持事件至晚上出現重大突破,大批持槍特警包圍並一度攻入車廂,又用鐵鎚打爛巴士玻璃,企圖拯救人質。最後,槍手被擊斃...
康泰一架載有20名香港團友的巴士在菲律賓挾持 14:00 NowTV News
มุมมอง 200K14 ปีที่แล้ว
康泰一架載有20名香港團友的巴士在菲律賓挾持 14:00 NowTV News
東亞運動會主題曲 - You are the Legend 衝出世界 閉幕禮國際版
มุมมอง 22K15 ปีที่แล้ว
東亞運動會主題曲 - You are the Legend 衝出世界 閉幕禮國際版
無線記者劉顯輝:香港足球唔係垃圾;羅傑承:港隊奪金 夢境成真 TVBNews
มุมมอง 112K15 ปีที่แล้ว
無線記者劉顯輝:香港足球唔係垃圾;羅傑承:港隊奪金 夢境成真 TVBNews
香港足球隊創造傳奇一刻!! 東亞運決賽擊敗日本歷史性奪金 12-12-2009
มุมมอง 128K15 ปีที่แล้ว
香港足球隊創造傳奇一刻!! 東亞運決賽擊敗日本歷史性奪金 12-12-2009
2009年東亞運 贏日本 2025年東亞足球錦標賽再贏一次‼️
2024 足總都係咁垃圾
沙漠的熱氣何以不降雨? 這問題才是問題~
上天有好生之德,吾 救給你看!!
都話車頭那個是醉漢,不是屍體 !
it went a bit off course, for me. Fabulous before the interruption!
Wonderful artistry.
Beautiful and joyful music. Purcell rocks!
Philippine police under Abnoy government is terrible!
有 今天的股民 跌 1800點
香港足球跟本係垃圾之中垃圾!國家隊亦好不了!然而!國內人仍稍有知自知名!國足也是不堪一擊!希望黎緊世界盃6強戰為人民帶來夢中的驚喜! 香港足球無得救地步重瞓在夢中!大昏迷!未醒! 你睇人哋亞洲其他國家已經超越香港好多!包括越南!新加坡!馬來西亞-至印尼! 最慘仲話自己進步!好現實!全部係要睇成績!亞洲杯包尾!仲話進步神速!入一兩球波就傲氣十足!吳怪得個教頭走人唔教!
Gay! (was a better composer)
Жарусски и Шолль - идеальное исполнение и идеальный дуэт.
😅😅😅❤❤❤Класс, Благодарю!!!!!! Люблю Филиппа ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
大家賜教指點分析~! 該如何看待此場天雨之因果故解…?… 救活了司馬歸成晉&澆熄了孔明蜀漢滅
The ideal solution might have been something like this have the Hong Kong government sent in its own ctu alongside the Philippine Navy special ops command because they are just based up Roxas Blvd which actually forms the Manila Cavite Expressway. I wonder why they did not do that. Alternatively Chinese snow leopard Commandos Guangzhou garrison working alongside Philippine Navy Special Operations Command to free the bus
Omy Omy OMG!!!!! 💫✨🎶
Sublime! Maravilhoso! Wonderful! Dafa doy wax!
奇怪?! 我記得是斬溫恢呀😂
Underrated piece.
where are the trumpets?!
Merveilleux. Quelle interprétation. Quelle fantaisie. Bravi !!!