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Exakt Health - Lauftraining & Physio
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 30 ก.ค. 2021
Die App für Läuferinnen und Läufer in jeder Trainingsphase - von Sportphysiotherapeuten entwickelt.
Als medizinisch zertifizierte App unterstützen wir dich nicht nur bei der Rehabilitation von Sportverletzungen, sondern bieten auch personalisierte Laufpläne sowie Mobilitäts- und Krafttrainingsprogramme an, um Verletzungen vorzubeugen und deine Leistung zu steigern.
Jetzt die neueste Version im App Store oder Google Play Store herunterladen und 7 Tage kostenlos testen!
Als medizinisch zertifizierte App unterstützen wir dich nicht nur bei der Rehabilitation von Sportverletzungen, sondern bieten auch personalisierte Laufpläne sowie Mobilitäts- und Krafttrainingsprogramme an, um Verletzungen vorzubeugen und deine Leistung zu steigern.
Jetzt die neueste Version im App Store oder Google Play Store herunterladen und 7 Tage kostenlos testen!
Plantarfasziitis Behandlung | Wochenplan und Übungen für Physiotherapie zu Hause
Leidest du unter Plantarfasziitis und suchst nach einer effektiven Möglichkeit, die Schmerzen endlich in den Griff zu bekommen - und das von zu Hause aus? 💥🦶 In diesem Video nimmt dich Jan mit durch seine tägliche Routine und zeigt dir, wie er die Exakt Health für Physiotherapie zu Hause nutzt, um seine Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit gezielten Übungen durchzuführen. 🏡
Mit Exakt Health hast du jederzeit Zugriff auf wissenschaftlich fundierte Übungen, die genau auf deine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind. Über mehrere Tage hinweg zeigt Jan dir Schritt für Schritt, wie er die Übungen aus der Exakt Health App für Physiotherapie zu Hause anwendet und gibt einen Einblick in den Reha-Plan für die Plantarfasziitis-Behandlung. ✅
🧐 Was ist Plantarfasziitis?
Plantarfasziitis ist eine Entzündung der Plantarfaszie, die von der Ferse bis zu den Zehen verläuft und das Fußgewölbe stützt. Sie entsteht oft durch Fußfehlstellungen oder Überlastung beim Sport.
🔍 Wie erkenne ich eine Plantarfasziitis?
Typische Symptome einer Plantarfasziitis sind Anlaufschmerzen unter der Ferse, also Schmerzen zu Beginn einer Bewegung, die beim Gehen nachlassen, aber bei höherer Belastung wieder zunehmen. Eine ärztliche Diagnose ist wichtig! 🧑⚕️
💊 Wie sieht die Plantarfasziitis Behandlung aus?
Zunächst sollte der Fuß geschont werden, um weitere Überbelastung zu vermeiden. Danach folgen Dehn- und Kräftigungsübungen. Die Exakt Health App bietet ein anpassbares Reha-Programm zur Behandlung der Plantarfasziitis, inklusive Lauf-Geh-Programm für einen sicheren Wiedereinstieg ins Lauftraining.
0:00 Jan’s Geschichte mit Schmerzen in der Plantarfaszie
0:37 Physiotherapie zu hause mit Exakt Health
1:33 Tag 1 Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit Physiotherapie zu Hause: Mobilität
3:52 Tag 2 Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit Physiotherapie zu Hause: Kräftigung
4:17 Tag 3-4 Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit Physiotherapie zu Hause: 10-Minuten Morgen-Routine, Mobilität und Kräftigung
5:12 Individuelle Anpassung und Steigerung des Plans mit Exakt Health
6:08 Exakt Health für Verletzungsprophylaxe und Physiotherapie zu Hause
#plantarfasziitisbehandlung #physiotehrapiezuhause
📖 Rehapläne für Laufverletzungen:
▶ geni.us/yt_rehab_planpage
📎 Plan 7 Tage gratis testen:
▶ geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam
TH-cam Englisch: @exakthealth_en
TH-cam Deutsch: @exakthealth_de
Instagram Englisch: / exakthealth
Instagram Deutsch: / exakthealth_de
Instagram Spanisch: / exakthealth_es
LinkedIn: / exakt-health
TikTok Englisch: / exakthealth
Exakt Health ist die All-in-One-App für Läuferinnen und Läufer. Sie kombiniert Physiotherapie, Mobilitäts- und Krafttraining sowie personalisierte Laufpläne, um Läuferinnen und Läufern zu helfen, Verletzungen zu vermeiden, schneller zu genesen und ihre Leistung zu steigern.
Entwickelt von Physiotherapeutinnen und Physiotherapeuten und einem olympischen Lauftrainer, passen sich unsere personalisierten Pläne deinem Fitnesslevel an und helfen dir, sicher Ausdauer, Mobilität und Kraft aufzubauen - egal ob du dich von einer Verletzung erholst, mit unserem 5km Laufplan beginnst oder für einen Marathon trainierst.
Zertifiziert als Medizinprodukt in der EU und verfügbar in 4 Sprachen, wird die App von über 200.000 Nutzerinnen und Nutzern weltweit genutzt.
Alle Exakt Health Reha-Pläne:
⚡ Achillessehnenentzündung (Sehnenansatz & Mittelteil)
⚡ Gluteale Tendinopathie
⚡ Hamstring-Zerrung
⚡ Iliotibiales Bandsyndrom (Läuferknie)
⚡ Meniskusriss
⚡ Patellaspitzensyndrom
⚡ Patellofemorales Schmerzsyndrom
⚡ Plantarfasziitis (Fersensporn)
⚡ Quadrizepssehnenenzündung
⚡ Rückenschmerzen (unterer Rücken)
⚡ Schienbeinkantensyndrom (Vorderes & Inneres)
⚡ Verstauchtes Sprunggelenk
⚡ Wadenzerrung
Laufpläne (November 2024):
💥 Mobilität und Kraft für Läufer
💥 Laufpläne für den Wiedereinstieg nach Verletzungen
💥 5 km Plan für Anfänger
💥 10 km Plan
💥 Halbmarathon Plan
💥 Marathon Plan
Die Exakt Health App ist für iOS und Android in den USA und der EU verfügbar.
Jetzt herunterladen:
⬇️ geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam ⬇️
Mit Exakt Health hast du jederzeit Zugriff auf wissenschaftlich fundierte Übungen, die genau auf deine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind. Über mehrere Tage hinweg zeigt Jan dir Schritt für Schritt, wie er die Übungen aus der Exakt Health App für Physiotherapie zu Hause anwendet und gibt einen Einblick in den Reha-Plan für die Plantarfasziitis-Behandlung. ✅
🧐 Was ist Plantarfasziitis?
Plantarfasziitis ist eine Entzündung der Plantarfaszie, die von der Ferse bis zu den Zehen verläuft und das Fußgewölbe stützt. Sie entsteht oft durch Fußfehlstellungen oder Überlastung beim Sport.
🔍 Wie erkenne ich eine Plantarfasziitis?
Typische Symptome einer Plantarfasziitis sind Anlaufschmerzen unter der Ferse, also Schmerzen zu Beginn einer Bewegung, die beim Gehen nachlassen, aber bei höherer Belastung wieder zunehmen. Eine ärztliche Diagnose ist wichtig! 🧑⚕️
💊 Wie sieht die Plantarfasziitis Behandlung aus?
Zunächst sollte der Fuß geschont werden, um weitere Überbelastung zu vermeiden. Danach folgen Dehn- und Kräftigungsübungen. Die Exakt Health App bietet ein anpassbares Reha-Programm zur Behandlung der Plantarfasziitis, inklusive Lauf-Geh-Programm für einen sicheren Wiedereinstieg ins Lauftraining.
0:00 Jan’s Geschichte mit Schmerzen in der Plantarfaszie
0:37 Physiotherapie zu hause mit Exakt Health
1:33 Tag 1 Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit Physiotherapie zu Hause: Mobilität
3:52 Tag 2 Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit Physiotherapie zu Hause: Kräftigung
4:17 Tag 3-4 Plantarfasziitis Behandlung mit Physiotherapie zu Hause: 10-Minuten Morgen-Routine, Mobilität und Kräftigung
5:12 Individuelle Anpassung und Steigerung des Plans mit Exakt Health
6:08 Exakt Health für Verletzungsprophylaxe und Physiotherapie zu Hause
#plantarfasziitisbehandlung #physiotehrapiezuhause
📖 Rehapläne für Laufverletzungen:
▶ geni.us/yt_rehab_planpage
📎 Plan 7 Tage gratis testen:
▶ geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam
TH-cam Englisch: @exakthealth_en
TH-cam Deutsch: @exakthealth_de
Instagram Englisch: / exakthealth
Instagram Deutsch: / exakthealth_de
Instagram Spanisch: / exakthealth_es
LinkedIn: / exakt-health
TikTok Englisch: / exakthealth
Exakt Health ist die All-in-One-App für Läuferinnen und Läufer. Sie kombiniert Physiotherapie, Mobilitäts- und Krafttraining sowie personalisierte Laufpläne, um Läuferinnen und Läufern zu helfen, Verletzungen zu vermeiden, schneller zu genesen und ihre Leistung zu steigern.
Entwickelt von Physiotherapeutinnen und Physiotherapeuten und einem olympischen Lauftrainer, passen sich unsere personalisierten Pläne deinem Fitnesslevel an und helfen dir, sicher Ausdauer, Mobilität und Kraft aufzubauen - egal ob du dich von einer Verletzung erholst, mit unserem 5km Laufplan beginnst oder für einen Marathon trainierst.
Zertifiziert als Medizinprodukt in der EU und verfügbar in 4 Sprachen, wird die App von über 200.000 Nutzerinnen und Nutzern weltweit genutzt.
Alle Exakt Health Reha-Pläne:
⚡ Achillessehnenentzündung (Sehnenansatz & Mittelteil)
⚡ Gluteale Tendinopathie
⚡ Hamstring-Zerrung
⚡ Iliotibiales Bandsyndrom (Läuferknie)
⚡ Meniskusriss
⚡ Patellaspitzensyndrom
⚡ Patellofemorales Schmerzsyndrom
⚡ Plantarfasziitis (Fersensporn)
⚡ Quadrizepssehnenenzündung
⚡ Rückenschmerzen (unterer Rücken)
⚡ Schienbeinkantensyndrom (Vorderes & Inneres)
⚡ Verstauchtes Sprunggelenk
⚡ Wadenzerrung
Laufpläne (November 2024):
💥 Mobilität und Kraft für Läufer
💥 Laufpläne für den Wiedereinstieg nach Verletzungen
💥 5 km Plan für Anfänger
💥 10 km Plan
💥 Halbmarathon Plan
💥 Marathon Plan
Die Exakt Health App ist für iOS und Android in den USA und der EU verfügbar.
Jetzt herunterladen:
⬇️ geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam ⬇️
มุมมอง: 33
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Übungen bei Rückenschmerzen für Läuferinnen und Läufer
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Meniskusschaden - Hilfe bei Symptomverschlechterung und Schmerzen während der Reha
I just twisted my ankle this morning and I couldn't walk on it all day, so I've been exercising and icing it. Eight hours later I'm walking on the ball of my heel with minor pain and there is no swelling. I'll be back in the gym in 3 days. Rest-Elevate-Ice-Stretch
I twisted my ankle on Thursday, and I haven't even seen a doctor for this. Now I am worrying, it's so painful 😔
I have one bothering me for a year now 😢
The side lying leg lifts hurt so bad. And they used to be my favorite exercises
Das muss eine Wohltat sein nach so langer Zeit schmerzfrei die Freiheit des Laufens genießen zu können. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Miriam und viel Spaß auf dem weiteren Weg und danke für das Interview.
Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar! Es war wirklich inspirierend, das Video mit Miriam zu drehen und ihre Freude am schmerzfreien Laufen mitzuerleben. Ihre Geschichte ist so motivierend, und wir freuen uns, dass sie andere Läufer:innen damit ermutigen kann.
Super Einblick und inspirierend wie du mit deiner Verletzung umgehst. Und wie viel Aufopferung hinter den Erfolgen steht. Und dann das Comeback mit einer neuen Bestzeit 🎉 Respekt!
Es ist wirklich beeindruckend zu sehen, wie viel Disziplin und Hingabe hinter solchen Erfolgen stecken. Das Comeback mit einer neuen Bestzeit war definitiv ein Highlight - absolut verdient!
Truly inspiring! A powerful reminder to overcome any barriers life throws our way! ❤
Thank you so much for your kind words! It was truly inspiring to capture this journey on video. Stories like this remind us all of the strength we have to overcome challenges.
Sir i have Grade 2 tear of posterior horn of medial meniscus it can be 100% heal with physicaltherapy
Its a month now took out leg cast, i did ATFL recostraction surgery ... Pain is still there but what i see is that recovery takes time
Jeder erzählt einem was anderes
Im on week 8 lol this is not fun, i can bend and straighten and shuffle walk but im no where near walking out of the house
Большое спасибо за интервью! Александру спасибо за карьеру!❤
I have bucket handle tear...thats happened August.now i have no pain but im not confident to play games...can i start ??
very informative
Thanks a lot for your comment. We appreciate it and wish you all the best.
how about side planks
Google told me 2 to 3 weeks for minor sprain
Seeing that ankle twist in the video gave me PTSD
We can relate. :) Hope you´re already feeling much better and can run again after your rehab.
What if we have swellings on the area from both sides of foot i just got twisted ankle today?
Hey there. Sorry to hear that you´ve injured yourself. Feel free to check out the following article on our physio blog for free: www.exakthealth.com/en/blog/using-the-price-regime-to-treat-acute-sports-injuries All the best and get well soon.
Hallo, finde es super erklärt und werde die versuchen zu machen, hätte da noch eine Frage, wie oft am Tag sollte man die Übungen machen 1 mal oder 2 mal, oder öfters am Tag ?
Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar und die Frage. Die Antwort auf deine Frage ist abhängig von verschiedenen Faktoren wie beispielsweise der Heilungsphase, in welcher du dich gerade befindest. Nach einer gesicherten Diagnose von medizinischem Fachpersonal kannst du liebend gerne die Exakt Health App testen mit den beiden Achillessehnenplänen, welche sich deinem individuellen Feedback anpassen und somit auf dich zugeschnitten werden. Gute Besserung dir und liebe Grüße.
@@exakthealth_de Okay und danke
I had it 11 months back Got a plaster done for 2 months Still no recovery It still hurts What should be done so that its completely fine
Hi there, since we don´t know you or your individual case, we are not able to generally answer this question. Healing times may vary greatly, depending on the severity of your injury, the type and duration of treatment modalities you´ve tried, your activity levels, age, lifestyle and many other factors. If you feel like the healing time is exceeding the time your doctor told you after the diagnosis, feel free to consult your medical professional again. On our blog you can find many valuable articles on this subject for free, maybe this resource can help you get a better understanding of your body´s repair mechanisms. We wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.
Hey, this is my report The anterior/posterior horn of lateral meniscus shows low grade linear hyperintensities with extension to outer articular surface on a single image, suggestive of grade 2b hyperintensity. Which zone does this fall in, also have a partial(50% fibre loss) acl tear, what is the recovery time
Hi there! Unfortunately, we can’t provide a clear answer for your specific case, as recovery times can vary greatly depending on individual factors. Especially with the diagnosis of having both a meniscus tear and an acl tear, we advise you to seek an answer to your question from your local medical professional such as a medical doctor or physical therapist who, after an anamnesis and physical examination, will better be able to give you an approximate healing time. All the best to you and get well soon.
in signal grade 2 medial meniscus torn can i ise indian toiled or not?
Hi! Whether you can use an Indian toilet with a grade 2 medial meniscus tear depends on your pain levels, range of motion, and advice from your healthcare provider. Squatting can put additional strain on the meniscus, so it’s best to consult your doctor or physiotherapist for personalized guidance. If you're looking for a rehab plan, the Exakt Health app can help support your recovery-feel free to check it out!
Complete videos of early moderate ND severe stages of meniscus tear
Hey there. Thank you for your comment and for letting us know you find this type of content interesting. You´ll be thrilled to know that there are not only more shorts like this on our channel but also a free physio blog full of valuable information over on our Exakt Health website as well as an individualised rehab plan for meniscus tears that takes your through your rehab step by step. All the best to you and feel free to reach back out to us any time.
Took me 3 weeks even it was minor sprain.Like no swelling nothing ,basically i didn't even know how tf it happened , i was walking and all of sudden it started paining 😂without any twisting it took fucking 3 weeks🥲🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience. The onset and intensity of symptoms can vary greatly, depending on many factors such as the severity of the injury, your daily activities and your pain tolerance. We are glad to hear you managed to recover from your injury. If you want to stay injury free in the future and are interested to get a personalised prehab plan that focuses on mobility and strength (customizable to specific body regions such as your ankles), feel free to check out the Exakt Health app. Take care and thanks again for your comment.
Got my mri report today : "A linear hyperintense signal is seen in the posterior horn of medial meniscus, not reaching the articular surface, suggestive of grade Il signal. Minimal knee joint effusion seen" so what does it mean?
Hey there. Thank you for your comment. The MRI shows early degenerative changes in the inner meniscus (Grade II signal) without a tear and a small amount of fluid in the knee joint (minimal effusion), likely from mild irritation or inflammation. This is common and may not cause symptoms. If you have pain, swelling, or instability, consult an orthopedic specialist. Treatment usually includes rest, anti-inflammatory medication, or physical therapy. Surgery is most likely unnecessary unless symptoms worsen but your medical professional will best be able to advise you on your treatment options. In case active rehab is recommended to you, feel free to check out the Exakt Health app, tailored to your needs. Take care and a speedy recovery to you. All the best.
@@exakthealth_de yes i visited an ortho and he asked me to do some checkups and it was found out that I have severe vitamin D deficiency and have prescribed me tablets for it and also some physio. he said it will be over within 6 weeks i hope so
I had a moderate sprain and it healed in 8 days if you want it to heal fast do not baby it try some quick stretches and make sure to not over do it
Thank you for sharing your experience. We are glad to hear that you managed to find something that made you feel better so quickly. It really depends on various factors what works best after an ankle sprain, depending on the severity of it and other factors. Wishing you an injury free year of 2025 and all the best.
How long did it take you to walk ?
@@Mr.Helper. i didn't stop walking but i did rest and elavated my ankle for like 6+hours
@ lucky
Came home from the gym after leg day. Later on that night, I was in the kitchen walking towards the trash can when my legs gave out under me and I fell to my knees. My left knee was not hurt or injured in any way. However, it’s painful to extend my right knee fully. I can extend it about 95%, but if I straighten it out to flex my quads, it’s painful. I’ve been using a knee brace because I haven’t had time to go get it checked out. Some days I forget it’s there, but for the most part, I’m always aware of it. I injured my knee I think early last month so I’m not completely sure how bad it is
Hey Chris, thank you for sharing your story with us. We would recommend you to get your knee checked out after all, even if the pain is not too bad most times. Even just to make sure everything is okay. After a diagnosis or in case you´re injury free and want to keep it that way, there are plans for mobility and strength as well as specific injury rehab plans waiting for you in the Exakt Health app, feel free to check them out. All the best to you and get well soon.
This shouldn't be a reel. It's a photo. The guy running added zero information.
We are sorry to hear that you seem to have trouble loading this reel. Please check your connection again. On our free physio blog on the Exakt Health website as well as in the app itself you will find lots of valuable information like the one about meniscus healing times included in this reel. All the best to you.
girl wut? my sprained ankle healed in 2-5 days
That´s wonderful news. In some very mild cases that is definitely possible. We are glad to hear about your speedy recovery, thank you for sharing your experience. Happy running and an injury free running year 2025
I have 2loose bodies with menuscus tear inside joint knee ask to do arthroscope
We are sorry to hear about your injury. Your medical professional will most likely know best what treatment option is suitable for your individual case. It´s always good to get a second opinion from a different doctor to weigh out your options and get more input. Whatever path you decide on... we are keeping our fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for you. If you want to strengthen your leg muscles and avoid more injuries in the future, feel free to check out our mobility and strength training plan in the Exakt Health app.
I have tendinosis edema and atrophy because I have bilateral ischial impingement. I guess the only thing I can do is the wall squat😮 Good to know
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Maya. We are sorry to hear about your injury and hope you find a treatment option that is best suited for your specific case. Feel free to ease into as many of these exercises as your body lets you, you might be surprised by how much movement and exercises is sometimes still possible, despite a diagnosis. Always make sure to listen to your body and take your symptoms seriously while trying to get back to a pain free life. Get well soon and take care.
Is meniscus really heal itself without surgery
Hey there, thank you for your question. Yes, that is definitely possible, depending on your individual case, the severity of your injury and some other factors. Feel free to check out our free physio blog on the Exakt Health website with lots of helpful articles on this subject. All the best to you and a speedy recovery.
Super erklärt ++
Danke für das Lob! Wenn du weitere Fragen hast schreib uns gerne jederzeit :)
I have ankle sprain during football match. Please pray for me i want to play again 😢
Bro me too 🥲
Me toooooo on 7 sat /Dec / 24 😅
I can walk now.
Worst phase of my football life
@@khankhan20377 hua ky thik🙃
Oof i feel it while watching
Ich kann es beim zu schauen spüren aua
Danke für deinen Kommentar. Probier´s doch gerne selber mal aus, wir sind gespannt, wie sich die Übungen für dich anfühlen. Alles Gute dir.
Liebscher sagt was anderes und der hat mehr Ahnung
Vielen Dank für deine Meinung, lieber Mario! Es ist natürlich verständlich, dass unterschiedliche Ansätze und Meinungen existieren, gerade in der Gesundheits- und Physiotherapie. Dennoch ist es extrem wichtig, die wissenschaftliche Glaubwürdigkeit nicht daran zu messen, wer etwas am überzeugendsten darstellt, sondern an der Qualität und den Gütekriterien der zugrunde liegenden Studien und wissenschaftlichen Inhalte. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse basieren auf sorgfältiger Methodik, Reproduzierbarkeit und Peer-Review-Prozessen. Aussagen, die sich auf fundierte Forschung stützen, sollten daher immer Vorrang haben vor rein persönlichen Überzeugungen, unabhängig davon, wie viel Erfahrung oder Expertise jemand vorgibt zu haben. Ich hoffe, das hilft dir, den wissenschaftlichen Kontext besser einzuordnen!
Never cut out your meniscus, do surgery ever. You’re only removing the padding you have left
Hi Jack. Thank you for sharing your opinion. In some cases meniscus surgery is actually indicated and necessary, whereas in many other cases, people can recover from meniscus tear without any invasive treatments by sticking to an evidence based and active rehab approach. We hope you find the treatment that is best for you and your individual injury case after talking to your local medical professional. All the best to you.
I tore mine in july im still able to run but making progress!?..
Hi Kenneth. Sorry to hear about your injury. Rehabilitating your injured knee by really investing time into building your strength and mobility back up still makes a lot of sense, even if you´re not in a lot of pain anymore. Depending on your individual case, feel free to either check out our meniscus tear rehab plan or the plan for mobility and strength, focus area knee. Alternatively, you could also try the return from injury running plan, that will help you to make progress again in a safe, sufficient way. We wish you all the best and hope that you will be back to full performance soon.
I tore mine In August
Hi there. We are sorry to hear that and hope you´ve already made progress in your recovery journey. If you are still looking for a plan to help you avoid such injuries in the future, the mobility and strength plan with focus area knee in the Exakt Health app could be helpful for you. Feel free to check it out. All the best to you.
i tore mine, i played the next day. no biggie
Hey Mark, while we´re happy to hear that your symptoms didn´t worsen, we would still highly recommend taking resting- and healing times seriously after a meniscus tear to avoid aggravating it by performing certain activities. Your local physio or doctor will be able to advise you on this, our app and website also contain lots of valuable articles and injury specific infos on healing times. Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.
I have radial tear involving body and posterior horn of lateral meniscus can it heal on itself or do i need surgery? your response will be appreciated.
Why are you asking on the internet and not asking a specialist 🤦🏼♂️
Hi there. Thank you for your question and your trust. Unfortunately we are not able to make such decisions or give personal advice. We would recommend you talk to your local doctor in order to find the best treatment option for your specific case. If you are advised to treat your injury in a conservative, non invasive way (so without a surgery), we would be thrilled for you to check out our meniscus tear rehab plan in the Exakt Health app that will guide you through all healing stages and adapts to your personal needs. We wish you all the best and hope you recover soon.
I’m worried because I tore my meniscus a few months ago playing volleyball and my left knee has healed now, and my right knee which I consider my good knee is starting to have some of the symptoms my left knee had
It's great to hear that your left knee has healed! Regarding your right knee, we recommend checking in with a physio or doctor to ensure everything is okay. Sometimes, when you focus heavily on rehabilitating one leg, the other leg can become weaker or overworked in the process. This is not uncommon and can contribute to symptoms similar to what you experienced in your injured knee. Make sure to include strength training for both legs in your routine to maintain balance and stability. Wishing you all the best in your recovery!
@ thank you so much!
Sit Which grade of injury did you have?
I had a minor tear
@@GraceForester Sir i have Grade 1 tear of posterior horn of medial meniscus it can be 100% heal with physicaltherapy
I tore mine in July. It is now November. It is no longer swollen or radiating pain, but I can barely take one stair at a time. I have returned to stationary cycling and light leg extensions, curls, and squats. I still have a ways to go. I'll be 70 in January.
Thank you for sharing your inspirational rehab story! It’s amazing to see your dedication to recovery and how much progress you’ve already made. Returning to stationary cycling and light strength exercises is a great step forward. Stair climbing can be challenging after a meniscus tear, but with continued focus on strengthening and improving stability, you’ll likely see more improvement over time. It’s also wonderful to hear about your commitment to staying active as you approach a milestone birthday-keep up the great work! Wishing you all the best as you continue your journey to recovery. You’ve got this!
I ve meniscus tear inner knee..Dr suggests stitching by key hole..Can i cure by exercises and gel food !!???pl reply
Sorry to hear about your pain, and thank you for reaching out with your question. Whether a meniscus tear can "heal" (grow back together) depends largely on the blood supply in the affected area: Outer red zone: Good blood supply, higher chance of healing. Middle zone: Limited blood supply, partial healing possible. Inner white zone: No blood supply, natural healing is unlikely. Even if your tear is in the no-blood-supply zone, don’t worry. Studies have shown that with proper care, strengthening exercises, and allowing the injury to settle, you can regain full function and have a pain-free knee without the tear needing to grow back together. It's essential to discuss all your options with your doctor and consider getting a second opinion before deciding on surgery. This article could also be helpful for you to better understand and educate yourself about your injury: www.exakthealth.com/en/blog/an-overview-of-meniscus-tears-symptoms-causes-and-treatment-options. Wishing you all the best with your recovery and rehab!
@@exakthealth_de Sir i have Grade 2 tear of posterior horn of medial meniscus it can be 100% heal with physicaltherapy
Mine took 3 months
Thank you for sharing your experience! Recovery times can vary so much, and it’s helpful for others to hear real stories like yours. Wishing you continued strength and mobility!
In my case, What alleviates immensely the pain is to lie down on the floor and put my legs on the sofa (90 angle) for 15 min. So I believe that this bridge will work to reinforce the gluten low back region, in a second state.
Thank you for sharing your experience! You're absolutely right that exercises like the bridge can help strengthen the glutes and lower back region as part of a second stage of rehab. Always work within comfortable ranges of hip movement with any exercise to avoid irritating your injury. If you need guidance in your rehab process, the Exakt Health app provides tailored, evidence-based exercises that progressively load your tendons, build strength over time, and help reduce pain in the long run. Download it now on the App Store or Google Play via this link and try it free for 7 days: geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam Wishing you all the best for your rehab journey!
Muje dance warmup karte time hua h 1 saal hone ko aaya abi tak suffer ho raha hai.... please guide for medial meniscus tear
Sorry to hear that you’re still in pain. It’s important to consult a doctor first to ensure a structured conservative rehab program is suitable for your medial meniscus tear. If approved, these steps could help with recovery: 1. Acute Care: Use the PRICE method (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to manage swelling. 2. Early Rehab: Begin with gentle mobility and muscle activation exercises. 3. Strengthen: Gradually build strength in your knee, core, and hips to stabilize the joint. 4. Balance & Control: Incorporate balance and proprioception exercises to improve stability and reduce strain on your knee. 5. Return to Activity: Ease back into sports or dancing once you’ve regained optimal strength and control. The Exakt Health app offers a step-by-step rehab plan tailored to your recovery. Download it now on the App Store or Google Play via the following link and try it free for 7 days: geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam Wishing you all the best for your rehab
What’s a later stage? If you can walk with little pain is it considered the later stage or do you have to be almost pain free to consider it a Pfps later stage
Great question! A "later stage" for patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) typically means progressing to more advanced exercises that mimic the loads and movements of activities like running. If you can walk with little pain, you may be ready to move on, but it's ideal to aim for being almost pain-free during daily activities before advancing. At this stage, exercises requiring greater control, such as single-leg squats, are key. They help prepare your body for higher-impact activities. Ease into them slowly and keep the range of motion above 90 degrees knee bend to avoid flare-ups. For a detailed guide on PFPS recovery and exercises, check out our blog: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Exercises. 😊
I have medial meniscus tear grade 2 and i had a aurvedic treatment from july ,but my pain reduces very very slow ,still swelling in my knee and not able to walk properly or stand for 5 min .my knee went down from normal fixation, How long it will take to recover fully , i am not able to do exercise becaus it causes pain again what to do kindly REPLY, I AM SEEKING FOR YOUR REPLY
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles-it sounds very challenging, and I understand how frustrating this must be for you. Recovery from a Grade 2 medial meniscus tear can vary depending on the treatment approach, and since you’re experiencing ongoing pain, swelling, and limited mobility, it’s crucial to check back with your doctor. Ask if a structured conservative rehab program might be an option for you. If your doctor approves, the meniscus rehab plan in the Exakt Health App could be a great fit for guiding your recovery step by step. You can download the app here: geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam Additionally, managing pain and flare-ups is a key part of recovery. This article might help you better understand and handle them: www.exakthealth.com/en/blog/how-to-handle-painful-injury-flare-ups Wishing you relief and a smooth recovery!
@@exakthealth_deThank you so much for your reply🙏
I’m going on 12 years with a complex tear. It shows no signs of healing, the best I can do is manage the pain. 1 doctor recommended meniscus surgery, 2 said complete replacement or just deal with it.
Thank you for sharing your experience-it sounds like you’ve been through a lot over the years. Have you ever tried following an active, conservative rehab program with a physio? It could be worth discussing with your doctor to see if this approach might be an option for you. If your doctor approves, the meniscus rehab plan in the Exakt Health App could help guide your recovery step by step. You can download the app here: geni.us/ExaktHealthApp-TH-cam. Wishing you the best on your journey to managing and improving your knee health!