hey bro, I've been trying to nail that guitar sound through different plugins since ages and can't even come close to it, can you a tutorial on it? FYI: I tried using ur preset for revalver 4 with the octaver and pretty much all same settings on master bus too and it just sounds horrid tbh lol
Great sound..... show me how you mixed the drums....please....
I use cubase but maybe you can show me something anyway
I use cubase but maybe you can show me something anyway
what kick and snare is this?
The Kick is PIII 22x16 and the Snare is PIII Main, both are from the GGD Matt Halpern Signature.
hey bro, I've been trying to nail that guitar sound through different plugins since ages and can't even come close to it, can you a tutorial on it? FYI: I tried using ur preset for revalver 4 with the octaver and pretty much all same settings on master bus too and it just sounds horrid tbh lol
Templatenya ada ga mas?
saya pribadi, ini terdengar lebih GG dari aslinya sih 😬