很喜歡妳的分享,特別是Security comes from within.這部份,很有感觸。一直在台灣生活的我,也常被身邊的人或是大環境灌輸「穩定」的重要性,確實同齡人也是在經歷了社會的消磨獲得了穩定甚至很好的物質生活保障,但也失去了很多生命的熱忱,只剩下各種外在條件的比較。我想我還是會勇敢誠實地面對自己,不該再因為害怕不被身邊的人認同或肯定而放棄自己的人生。謝謝Lily,也很喜歡聽妳說英文呢。
You're my influencer for sure. You've inspired me in different periods of my life(coming to Vancouver, being an online tutor, curiosity). I wanted to say a huge thank you!! I bought your class before, that was so true especially I'm staying in Vancouver now. No matter what you're heading for, I wish you all the best!! Love you:):)
wow that's awesome. lots of the recording I collected in Vancouver so it must be very relevant to your experience there. I miss Vancouver so much! Will definitely go back after the pandemic ends. Also, happy that you like my content and online course. More to come :D
Hey Lily, I want to share some of my story with you. I am from mainland China and currently studying in Taiwan for my bachelor’s degree. Like you, I also want to continue my master studies in Canada, and the PSW is a critical reason that drive my thoughts. However, I know that the job market in Canada is very competitive especially for non-native speakers like us. Additionally, like what you mentioned in this video, blending in with the locals is not an easy work. In fact, I also feel difficult and struggled in integrating with the locals in Taiwan although our language and culture is pretty similar compared with western society like Canada. But your video really inspires me, I am realizing that the future is unpredictable and full of surprises, and now I decide to follow the voices of my heart. Hope u can create more videos about life in the North America, thanks!
生字系列: remedy 治療;治療法;藥物 nostalgic 鄉愁的;懷舊的 blend in 融入 bait 餌 suffocate 悶 使窒息 dabble in 涉足 涉獵 for the time being 至少目前來說 commodity 商品 despise 鄙視 crucial 艱難的, 決定性的 tenured position 終身,穩定職位 keen on 熱衷於某事物
Hi Lily, I graduated from McGill as an international student as well. And I moved to Toronto after my graduation. I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiring content and thoughts, even though we are now at different side of the world. Still, I felt myself can understand your feelings and really respect your decision, it's very brave. 我们都加油哦!
"If I feel like an imposter, I'd still feel insecure even if I have a tenured position." 最近也在為這件事感到很徬徨,雖然有穩定的工作但心裡總還是覺得很不踏實…。很開心 Lily 找到自己人生想要的方向~希望有機會也能分享一些探索的過程或方法
Hi Lily, I'm really into your lesson (especially listening practice), always feeling your dedication and effort because those are really awesome and nobody did that before. Also I'm so into what you are at this stage. I'm hoping that you're always keeping well.
Lily I really love your video … I love your tone , your smile talking in English ! I gonna to take your courses… n looking forward to seeing much more free content on your channel 🥰🥰
Hi Lily, i found myself related to your content a lot. As a Malaysian who studied in the uk for years still couldn’t find the sense of belonging there. The familiarity within Asia is really a thing can’t be replaced
Thank Lily, I am an Electronics engineer having worked for three years, I want to change my job recently. As you said, when I do some online interviews for the same job in other companies, I find that I don't like even though this job looks very good, now I want to challenge others.
Relatable!!!!!!! I was an exchange student for 1 year in the US when I was in college Then after I graduated from college, I got into my dream school, top 1 computer science school in the US, for my master's program!! At the beginning, I was planning to work in the US for a couple of years and maybe apply for a green card if possible. However, after I finished my master's degree, I had a change of heart, so I decided to take a break from academia and come back to Taiwan to work and stay with my friends and family for now.
I come alone to study in Concordia and I totally feel the same. If you do not speak French, it is definitely hard to get involved in the French community here. However, you are still welcome to visit Montréal or other city in Québec again to enjoy the differences of Canada.
Thank you for sharing. I can relate to some of your experience. It helps me learning English more easily. Looking forward to more great videos from you :)
Hi Lily, Listening to what you made here, your precious experiences about Canada, it's pretty impressive and, nourishing actually, as someone who has a great passion for French culture, and long-time wanting to be in Quebec. So, thanks first of all, for your sharing, and you got a so beautiful accent! But here's the feedback I got for you. While making this kind of video, as a listener, actually your wording, is too much "classroom language" for me. It did impose some sorts of pressure, on me, and actually made a great distance, in some way, between us, in my opinion. All the wordings you got are pretty native, natural, but for me, are not what we use during real life chit-chat between friends. This is in my opinion where comes the distance I feel during your sharing. The second point I could add here, I would say is the format. For me, it is much like an educational video for English learners, a pretty formatted one. For me, I would prefer it more like a daily life-sharing video, since, it would once again shorten the distance between the speaker and listeners. Once again, thanks so much for sharing, and, look forward to hearing from you, Lily. Bises! Mars
妳提到了一個很重要的點,亞洲人從小就被灌輸job security很重要,所以往往長大了會下意識地在自己真實想法和追求job security 中掙扎
印象最深刻也最喜歡的大概是之前邊吃餅乾邊喝啤酒閒聊的影片,真的是利用聽故事的方式一邊學英文,好愛好愛這類型的影片哦,每次都想把所說的都背起來~因為就是很實用的字! 希望自己未來也能成為跟莉莉一樣內心強大而且能力十足的人 !!
兩年~好久喔!現在已經沒有喝酒影片了 :P 不過還是有延續一些聊天的內容~在國外工作一定很辛苦,加油~再過兩年我們也都會繼續成長!!
Lily講英文真的好好聽😢 因為習慣從非教學性的英文影片學英文 所以沒有特別買課程 但妳的TH-cam影片還是都有看!!! 尤其是這種全英文聊天真的超喜歡 當初就是從去加拿大書店的那部生活影片入坑的! 雖然知道妳做這些影片主要也是自己的興趣 但還是想說聲謝謝! 不論是在英文上或是未來大學生活、人生方向上都有了一點期待跟嚮往
謝謝你的鼓勵 :D 沒有加入課程,還是有超多內容可以看的XD
很喜歡妳的分享,特別是Security comes from within.這部份,很有感觸。一直在台灣生活的我,也常被身邊的人或是大環境灌輸「穩定」的重要性,確實同齡人也是在經歷了社會的消磨獲得了穩定甚至很好的物質生活保障,但也失去了很多生命的熱忱,只剩下各種外在條件的比較。我想我還是會勇敢誠實地面對自己,不該再因為害怕不被身邊的人認同或肯定而放棄自己的人生。謝謝Lily,也很喜歡聽妳說英文呢。
聽到感動到哭了這是正常的嗎😭😭😭我記得第一次看你的影片是那隻"room tour",之後繼續看影片就感覺你非常的有內涵、有想法,然後你就變成了我role model了 !
PS: 這幾年看到你的youtube這樣成長真的很開心,而且所有youtuber賣的課程,覺得你的課是最有系統、最實用,也是唯一讓我想花錢購買的課哈哈。聽課後也真心覺得,聊天術和聽力術的內容真的都非常優質啊!!!!! 推坑大家哈哈哈👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
你害我回去複習了 Room tour 影片,好懷舊喔....也讓我想起當時的自己,真的過了好久也發生很多事
疫情打亂了我們很多計畫,但也有轉機的,如果沒有疫情,我應該也不會那麼認真做課程的~所以我們就一起靜待疫情結束吧 :)
也很開心你喜歡我的課程 :D
加油!!如果還沒畢業,還有很多空間可以嘗試新的事情的,現在人生都是 30 才開始?XD
不要理會大人們的看法 走你想走的方向 別被他們左右你的一生了
You're my influencer for sure. You've inspired me in different periods of my life(coming to Vancouver, being an online tutor, curiosity). I wanted to say a huge thank you!! I bought your class before, that was so true especially I'm staying in Vancouver now. No matter what you're heading for, I wish you all the best!! Love you:):)
wow that's awesome. lots of the recording I collected in Vancouver so it must be very relevant to your experience there. I miss Vancouver so much! Will definitely go back after the pandemic ends. Also, happy that you like my content and online course. More to come :D
Love what you share about security and passion! At the end of the day, it's all about how confident and accepting we are. Thanks Lily!
用很輕鬆的方式分享 多少都能給大家一點想法!
Hey Lily, I want to share some of my story with you. I am from mainland China and currently studying in Taiwan for my bachelor’s degree. Like you, I also want to continue my master studies in Canada, and the PSW is a critical reason that drive my thoughts. However, I know that the job market in Canada is very competitive especially for non-native speakers like us.
Additionally, like what you mentioned in this video, blending in with the locals is not an easy work. In fact, I also feel difficult and struggled in integrating with the locals in Taiwan although our language and culture is pretty similar compared with western society like Canada.
But your video really inspires me, I am realizing that the future is unpredictable and full of surprises, and now I decide to follow the voices of my heart. Hope u can create more videos about life in the North America, thanks!
Lily真的是我的role model!!
那時候還有跟朋友一起上Lily的家教課(Jenny and Carolyn不知道老師還記不記XD),很遺憾後來在Lily去希臘研究的那段時間,我因為家裡狀況沒辦法繼續跟著Lily上課 QAQ 但後來看到Lily在希臘的發表跟收穫、一步步的前進,真心很佩服妳!是一位才貌兼具的女生,很有想法跟內涵,也很有勇氣。
謝謝Lily這麼用心製作youtube可以讓大家不斷的學習,希望Lily也要記得多休息!從影片中看妳的眼神總是感覺好累...好心疼>< 會一直支持妳的!
我當然記得呀~~~好久以前了!! 好開心看到你的留言,後來我就全職在做頻道了,你們算是我最後的學生之一~很開心知道你還有在看我的頻道 :D 會繼續製作內容的,也幫我跟 Carolyn say hi :D 希望你們都好~
i can’t remember when i lost my virginity
感謝你獻出第一個 TH-cam 留言~~
remedy 治療;治療法;藥物
nostalgic 鄉愁的;懷舊的
blend in 融入
bait 餌
suffocate 悶 使窒息
dabble in 涉足 涉獵
for the time being 至少目前來說
commodity 商品
despise 鄙視
crucial 艱難的, 決定性的
tenured position 終身,穩定職位
keen on 熱衷於某事物
Hi Lily, I graduated from McGill as an international student as well. And I moved to Toronto after my graduation. I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiring content and thoughts, even though we are now at different side of the world. Still, I felt myself can understand your feelings and really respect your decision, it's very brave. 我们都加油哦!
"If I feel like an imposter, I'd still feel insecure even if I have a tenured position."
最近也在為這件事感到很徬徨,雖然有穩定的工作但心裡總還是覺得很不踏實…。很開心 Lily 找到自己人生想要的方向~希望有機會也能分享一些探索的過程或方法
不同城市的感覺真的差距很大,別人喜歡的自己也不一定適合,蒙特婁給我的感覺就是這樣,所以相信你也做了正確的決定 :D
@@charycchen 其實距離當初留言的一年間我心態也改變了不少,也因工作需求換到其他學術單位、遷徙到別的城市去,英文方面不是問題,不特別說沒有人會覺得我不是native,但當然,與美國本土人indigenous的文化話題可能會銜接不上,但在交朋友上沒有什麼問題。
@@charycchen 加拿大的歧視是無形的,你住過就知道了
@@Tajfgg99 你是指人種?
Lily真的很漂亮也很專業 😘 祝福妳的學生越來越多!
Hi Lily, I'm really into your lesson (especially listening practice), always feeling your dedication and effort because those are really awesome and nobody did that before. Also I'm so into what you are at this stage. I'm hoping that you're always keeping well.
Lily 講英文真的很好聽👍🏻謝謝妳的分享!口條好、邏輯清晰、聲音又好聽!喜歡你的每一部教學影片!超喜歡你🧡🧡希望也可以出法語的教學 哈哈哈
很棒的分享,聽力課程內容實用非常棒,Lily 加油😘🥰😁
能好好思考和 做出自己的決定 ,去還是留,真的很棒
現在才看到這支影片 真的講得好好 不只是英文 還有人生觀
由衷感謝當初妳的決定 😁
Lily I really love your video … I love your tone , your smile talking in English ! I gonna to take your courses… n looking forward to seeing much more free content on your channel 🥰🥰
Hi Lily, i found myself related to your content a lot. As a Malaysian who studied in the uk for years still couldn’t find the sense of belonging there. The familiarity within Asia is really a thing can’t be replaced
不留下來的原因主要是太悶還有很難融入還有你更喜歡自由點的職業而不是被職業所束縳了自己的人生 我想其實這個也是現在很多人所希望的 但是大多數人一開始意志不堅定就會陷進了被束縳的死循環中 而當你被束縳了之後你的人生就像被無形之中綁架了 你人生的所有決定都會陷於被動
Thank Lily, I am an Electronics engineer having worked for three years, I want to change my job recently.
As you said, when I do some online interviews for the same job in other companies,
I find that I don't like even though this job looks very good, now I want to challenge others.
來啦美麗的lily 🌴
喜歡💕Lily 老師!妳是我的女神!
我應該也是你口中的那個,從job security觀念逃脫的人~
前陣子抽中加打工簽後,打算明年從穩定且從事多年的航空業離職,隻身前往加拿大闖闖看,雖然心中還是有很多疑惑,但just follow my guts,生命總會找到一個出口👏🏼感謝Lily的分享,我以為受益良多!
忘記從哪時開始訂閱Lily了,雖然沒有買課程,但每支影片都有觀看,很喜歡聽Lily分享生活上的事。上次看到關於生產力的影響品,最印象深刻的是提到的 生產力是建立在selfcare上,也開始使用notion記錄生活,有時回顧滿滿的成就XD
看到這影片中 最有共鳴的就是面對 穩定的生活及其他相對自由的愛好、探索的抉擇,在Lily身上總是看到好多可能性,雖然沒見過本人,但很多觀點我很喜歡,覺得根本是我人生導師了((打完發現好害羞啊XD
❤️❤️❤️ 我也在努力同時做到 selfcare 跟生產力 :)
没人逼你融入这个社会。美国,北美最大的好处,就是自由。你可以social,也可以stay alone。一切取决于你的选择,不是社会的决定。
總之有充分運用當地的公民權力,基本可以說融入了啦~ 不然光換國籍、換護照,還是換不了融入當地的心。
I was an exchange student for 1 year in the US when I was in college
Then after I graduated from college, I got into my dream school, top 1 computer science school in the US, for my master's program!!
At the beginning, I was planning to work in the US for a couple of years and maybe apply for a green card if possible.
However, after I finished my master's degree, I had a change of heart, so I decided to take a break from academia and come back to Taiwan to work and stay with my friends and family for now.
I come alone to study in Concordia and I totally feel the same.
If you do not speak French, it is definitely hard to get involved in the French community here.
However, you are still welcome to visit Montréal or other city in Québec again to enjoy the differences of Canada.
That makes us alumni, I was in Montreal but I moved to Toronto for work.
Hi, Lily 课程做的很不错,已经支持了~
new viewer here, really like your pronunciation and the highlights of new words in the video are very helpful! followed!
同樣住在蒙特婁感同身受 天啊你的英文也講得太好聽太好了吧 真的很強
@@ChenLily 今天早上看了第一~三課 獲益良多😍謝謝Lily老師
我是一位在lily還只有6 700訂閱者就訂閱的粉絲,lily也是在眾多英語教學youtuber之中我最喜歡的一位(沒有之一喔) XD
PS:請原諒我是理工的同學,不太會寫很順暢的文字 XD
不會啊寫得很真誠~我都會看留言,雖然我有點社恐XD 常常不知道要回覆什麼,但我都會看喔!! 6-7000 大概是2016年到現在了吧~發生了好多事,很感恩你還是會看我的影片 :D
希望可以出更多海外研究所/心路歷程/抉擇 的聊聊影片!!太有幫助了嗚嗚
Really good video and help me to think about my own experience when studying abroad in Australia!
已購! 英文聽力一直是我的死穴 希望這課程能突破我的盲點~🙃
剛被推薦影片,一輩子英文都學不好,但跟你一起念,感覺會更有記憶點!小地方發現 9:02 dabble in 標註寫成dapple in. Still, I really like your video, very helpful!
是dapple in沒有錯😅
這集絕對是你最好的一集 喜歡
希望這種英文聽力練習中文能打在CC字幕裡 能自己開關 但如果太麻煩就不用了
妳的聲音很好聽! 學習英文聽力也可以那麼"好聽"! 棒棒的
激推🍗聽力術課程,這幾天有空檔就聽,我覺得課程真的很棒,很有系統性的教學,內容有趣一點都不枯燥,畫面設計的好美很有品味。I really really really love it.對我來說不管是聽力術還是聊天術課程都非常的物超所值。❤️
謝謝菲菲~你總是非常鼓勵我 > < 工作遠觀跟實際做起來的感覺總是會差異很大,很多別人覺得很不錯的工作,自己不覺得適合,可能也騙不了自己 :P
Thank you so much ❤
That’s helpful to me
also thank you for still to shared
謝謝lily! Lily的英文發音跟聲音都好好聽,請問影片有逐字稿可學習嗎? 謝謝
很喜歡你英語閒聊的影片,我目前也因為疫情關係 不確定要不要留在加拿大 也需要好好思考一下 謝謝你的影片:)
或許等到情況緩和了,再決定?我也很想再去加拿大拍片 T_T 計劃趕不上變化
跟我想像的so called successful Canada dream差不多也還在猶豫,很感謝Lily分享妳的經驗
果然還是自己的家鄉最美 🤗
原來lily這麼會讀書. I’m surprised lily is so good at studying.
Thank you for sharing. I can relate to some of your experience. It helps me learning English more easily. Looking forward to more great videos from you :)
Hi Lily,
Listening to what you made here, your precious experiences about Canada, it's pretty impressive and, nourishing actually, as someone who has a great passion for French culture, and long-time wanting to be in Quebec.
So, thanks first of all, for your sharing, and you got a so beautiful accent!
But here's the feedback I got for you.
While making this kind of video, as a listener, actually your wording, is too much "classroom language" for me. It did impose some sorts of pressure, on me, and actually made a great distance, in some way, between us, in my opinion. All the wordings you got are pretty native, natural, but for me, are not what we use during real life chit-chat between friends. This is in my opinion where comes the distance I feel during your sharing.
The second point I could add here, I would say is the format. For me, it is much like an educational video for English learners, a pretty formatted one. For me, I would prefer it more like a daily life-sharing video, since, it would once again shorten the distance between the speaker and listeners.
Once again, thanks so much for sharing, and, look forward to hearing from you, Lily.
那一句Winter is brutal 太有共鳴了哈哈
Lily I’m prepping for my ielts exam for next year February, I think ur English level can go further for something like this
@@daphnes2356 Maple Maple Café