*This is the truth about Yoko Ono.* Yoko Ono is a powerful witch. She used powerful occult energy, imperceptible to conventional people, to overpower and control John Lennon. The reason why her singing sounds like the wailing of a witch is because she is one. A normal person cannot make this sound, it is impossible. Yoko used to go to witches meetings in New York, driven there by her chauffeur. In Peter Jackson's 'Get Back' she appears to be just quietly sitting in the room, what she is actually doing is training powerful occult energy on John Lennon. A suitably gifted medium, psychic or shaman would be able to perceive this, conventional people would not. The reason why so many dislike her, some intensely, is because they are picking up on what she is. She is very, very with the dark side, or in biblical terms, the satanic side.
Finally!! I've read through all posts, and you are the first to nail it. Yoko's interests in the occult goes far beyond tarot cards and astrology, as it has been reported by numerous sources that she was/is immersed in dark arts, a Crowley follower. Some describe her a witch, and they wouldn't be far from the truth.
I saw an interview with May Pang once. She said that while she and John were living together in L.A., John would ask her all the time if he should call Paul McCartney and start writing with him again. She said he missed Paul terribly and loved him dearly. But once Yoko heard this, she put and end to it right away.
@@michaelbarnhart2593 He always smoked pot and so did John. Paul was never into harder drugs and he wasn't getting hiimself thrown out of bars like John had been.
@@michaelbarnhart2593 I don't see how John's connection with Sean would have been harmed; but certainly Yoko would have lost her 100% chokehold on John's relationships.
@@loosilu You just confirmed my original comment regarding Lennon's behavior if he were back in a band. However, as May Pang's anecdote is conjecture, then so is everything else you and I comment on anyway.
All that money Yoko inherited and she couldn’t give anything to John Lennon’s son Julian, that really shows what kind of woman she is. It wasn’t her money she never earned it but she kept it all for herself and her son Sean
*"...Also...watch that vEry SEXY mick jagger performance of sympathy for the devil ~~ you see them both yoko&john / they both get in some kind of trance ..but yoko lUres john in2it"*
She sent Sean off to boarding school not long after John's murder. She kept the money for herself and Sam Havadtoy. I recall even seeing news articles of them at the time walking around in NYC with Sam wearing clothes that were very recognizable as having been John's. Grieving widow my ass.
@@tesshogue John loved Yoko and knew McCartney had no idea how to deal with her. His wife Linda (a crap photographer and even worse singer/musician) chose death over putting up with "Mister Wonderful" ...her pet name for him when he was being a violent drunk. Then karma came calling and Pegleg Pete pirated away 32 million. LMFAO.
They are each other's only sibling. Yoko's daughter from her first marriage, Kyoko has children, but she was absent for a lot of Sean's life, and I have no idea how close she is to Sean today, and whether they have a lot of contact, although I have seen pictures of them together. So all Julian and Sean have is each other, and the shared history of their father, who Sean lost at such a young age, and whom Julian had a half absent relationship with. I think it's great they've overcome all of the hurdles the adults made for them in their childhood to have a good, brotherly relationship with each other now.
John wanted a mommy. He needed someone to be in control and take care of him because he wasn't in control of himself. And Yoko was definitely that for him.
Because he was regressed. When you have a Trauma Wound this can happen. he became like a little boy and let Yoko be the mother he had always needed. But it ended up destroying him. You could see how the light went out of him and the joy.
So true…apparently he adored his mother but he was made to live with his aunt. His mother was tragically accidentally run over when he was very young. She encouraged him musically. His father left shortly after he was born apparently. So sad.
No he was a jerk that was a pussy so he got Yoko to do the heavy lifts and take the arrows. I'm not defending Yoko, but John had a purpose for her and she for him.
Cynthia wrote a book it simply called "John" and it's a great read. Cynthia was treated like dirt, John and especially Yoko should be absolutely ashamed of their disgraceful behavior.
Have you read Julia Bairds book, Imagine This? She is his half sister. She tells of how Yoko kicked her out of the house John had bought for her and her sister, in Liverpool. He’d bought it for them at the height of Beatlemania when all finance was done through the record company. So the house was not in Julia’s name when John died. It was a simple paperwork oversight. He’d written to Julia to tell her it was her and her sisters house. Yoko went to Liverpool after his death and told Julia she was donating the house to charity. Julia was told by lawyers to find the letter where John had stated it was her house. She couldn’t find it. Cynthia said he intended it for julia, she was with him when he chose it. It wasn’t enough and julia lost that house. Yoko became a billionaire on his death but penny pinched with his family. My cousin lives in the same street as the house and it’s just a normal suburban home, not worth that much money!
Cynthia Lennon’s book was insightful and informative. She is so articulate and graceful. John was lucky to have had her in his life. I recommend any of her interviews on you tube
@@rellrheeannaRN If that wasnt bad enough she believes in depopulation and culling the herd! Give peace a chance eh?Jesus said "Its easier for a richman to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter the kingdom of God"I hope she comes to the Lord as George did before he passed🔥👑🕊
John did not abandon Julian He always tried to have contact with him, but sadly, Julian‘s mother was a horrible person who deprived John and Julian from having a father and son relationship John Lennon was a wonderful man, and he would never abandon his child so please stop blaming him for the stupidity of his first wife
Haven’t you heard the cliched narrative of victim becoming the victimiser in psychology. It is true in most cases. Steve Jobs for instance, he went a level above of not even acknowledging the child. Happens when these abandoned children become fathers very early.
@@rishwiz9 that never happened with John Lennon He loved both of his children very much, and he tried to see Julian as much as he could The problem was that the disgusting Cynthia was a despicable woman who would do anything she could to hurt John and one of the many things that she did was not to let him see Julian Also, you must know that John wrote letters to Julian However, the disgusting Cynthia would mail them back to New York, and then she would lie to Julian telling him that his father didn’t care about him It is very sad that Julian believed the lies of his evil mother
Like his music. Grew up with the Beatles. But john and yoko ‘s lack of compassion for Julian and the treatment of Cynthia speak volumes about who they really were as people
Lennon Assassination = 2 gunmen. 8-10 bullets (Chapmans gun holds 5). Jose Perdomo was security guard outside (CIA). Perdomo worked with Frank Sturgis (Watergate burglar) for 10 years.
John and Yoko we’re awesome people who wanted peace and who cared about humanity in general and if you believe that they had a lack of compassion for Julian and that they were mean to the disgusting Cynthia, then you are out of your mind because it was the disgusting Cynthia, who was mean to them The way that the disgusting Cynthia treated John and Yoko and the way that she poisoned Julian‘s mind against John shows the kind of person that she really was The more I hear about the disgusting Cynthia Powell the more I hate her She was horrible to John and it is insane that you crazy people don’t want to see it
I read the book. Really excellent! This mans book was not motivated by profit but by his friendship with John. He is totally sincere and courageous in my opinion.
@cynkit05 It might have without the external narcissistic control. Everyone was happy to see him with her and he said it was the happiest he'd ever been because he was allowed to see family and friends again.
Still odd though Yoko asking her assistant would you like to be with my husband, we are not getting on. So May ‘freaked out’ at first but decided to ‘go for it. Passionate affair then as soon as Yoko came calling John crawled back. Odd all round.
John would not stay with a woman if she was nice, kind, balanced, stable, &/or helpful. Thus it's very likely John would NOT have stayed with May Pang ... even if he had met May before he met Yucko.
@@lynnhubbard844 Yes, Lynn I saw that. May seemed to be a good influence on John. John was just very off-putting to me as he became more & more under ono's spell. He had many issues from childhood that went unaddressed & which resulted in great difficulties.
I don't think Joan Rivers has ever received enough or ANY credit for what a skilled interviewer she was. She would ask the right questions, then close her mouth and let the guest speak. Everybody else seems to want to inject a lot of themselves into their interviews with subjects. Plus Joan didn't furiously work the crowd to get ridiculously loud whoops and hollers to make it seem like it was some fkn party you couldn't afford to miss.
A woman so nice they propofil'd her twice .She fed crappy lines to her "guests" , LIKE USED TO BE DONE ON RADIO SHOWS... so she could pull that punchline out. Nobody misses her and nobody should. She was a rotten queef. And Yoko just smiles. Karma, baby.
I always felt that John & Yoko bonded on Herion. I do think they were in love at first, but it fizzled out. When they split just 4 yrs later, they split emotionally too. It was never the same after the split even with Sean. When they got back together it was all a sham, a showmance, John just went along with it because he knew he'd made a fool of himself with his declaration of his "epic romance" and aleinated himself from his closest friends. He'd rather go through a phony relationship then admit he was so wrong. Plus he couldn't deal with the fact that Paul was not just more successful in music but in life. Paul had a good marriage and was a great father unlike him. Poor Julian is the one who suffered because of his stupidity. Yoko is a text book narcissist. She manipulated everyone. While she was in "mourning" right after John's death she was secretley dating and even remarried. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt at first, but when the facts came out, I learned she is as horrible as everyone claimed her to be. She was nothing until she met John. An unsuccessful artist most people laughed at and who's work went nowhere, she is far from revered. I think she lives a very lonely life now, no matter how much money she swindled. She comes off as very bitter (jealous of all the people John truly loved, including The other Beatles and Julian for ex). Thank goodness Sean isn't like her. I get the vibe that even though he loves his mom, he's also ashamed of her greed and manipulation. It's telling that neither Julian or Sean have children.
I strongly believe Julian and Sean WILL find their soulmates in due time. Sometimes it takes years to happen and a lot of life experiences. Society puts a great deal on the "soulmates" and the "happily ever after" of everyone. Both had to deal with loss in their youth, but they also are able to write their own "happily ever after." We don't know why, but they will meet their soulmates, someone who will compliment and support them in their endeavors. John did not have that in childhood; his aunt Mimi once said he would never become a musician. Paul believed in him, and so did George (RIP) and Ringo; they were his true friends. Let's not forget Beatles manager Brian Epstein, who did keep the wolves away from John when he was alive, but Epstein's death, along with them getting older and wanting to do solo projects, plus chaos in their professional and personal lives, inadvertently accelerated the Beatles' breakup. John had trouble trusting people who loved him for him, yet was vulnerable to people like Yoko, Allen Klein, Magic Alex, and others who only wanted his money and fame. The authors on the panel hinted that John was about to make major changes before his death. He was returning to music and tired of staying home and caring for Sean while Yoko allegedly cheated on him. I once read that he was planning to visit the UK to see family (his Aunt Mimi and his sisters), Paul and Julian, in the summer of '81. My guess was that he was planning for a divorce and perhaps a custody battle over Sean, considering he had raised him since he was a baby and would have had grounds for custody. Had he lived, the divorce and custody battle would have been costly since he and Yoko lived in a community property state, which is NY. Also, no prenup, which would have spelled out what she would have been entitled to should they either divorce or in the event of his death. Therefore, she would get half his money and everything he worked for. To me, that would be the reason John stayed in the marriage, knowing he would be forced to fork out a lot of money, and she might try to force John out of Sean's life thru parental alienation, which would not sit well with John, considering he was trying to not make the same mistake as he did with Julian. Just a thought.
@@yourmajesty1630 Was just about to say the same. So many experts in here. Fact of the matter is Fred Seaman stole from them, lied and was charged. Not the most reliable source is he?
Never thought about Julian and Sean not having kids, interesting. And Yoko was even jealous and unkind to Aunt Mimi! A stalwart, strong woman who had the strength to raise John.
@@tammylewis2408 the last couple of statements you made are very plausible. Yoko would have taken John to the cleaners in a divorce. Also, the parental alienation would have totally happened.
And her voice could cause epileptics to have seizures! Shall we be frank? She always looked like a zombie. We tried to accept her because we loved John.
May Pang's book was really eye-opening for me. Really showed me how messed up J&Y's relationship was. Codependent, insecure, jealous, manipulative. Two very damaged individuals,
I read his book, it's very good. Yoko was deep into black magic, smack and Sam Havadtoy. She put John at risk of being attacked by giving the route to and between the recording studio and Dakota, publicly in a magazine, as well as taking away his security guards.
Sounds like Yoko was hoping someone would kill John, especially since John apparently wanted to break up with her. She'd do anything to keep his money.
@@lepetitchat123 Apparently. And it's apparent that Yoko had John compromised. She even managed to have Paul muzzled. Fuck, she had Paul arrested at a Japan airport for possession of a few pounds of weed. That's pretty bad. Down right dark and menacing.
No thank you Fred Semen is a knucklehead who was upset with Yoko due to the fact that she found out that he had stolen John’s diaries For this reason, he tells a whole bunch of lies If you want to read something about John, I recommend you Kenneth Womack’s book or better off. I recommend you to listen to John’s interviews and you guys will see how happy he was with Yoko.
I recommend you the new book by Elliot Mintz It’s called We All Shine On, John, Yoko and me This book tells the truth about John and Yoko because Elliot was a true friend of John and he is still friends with Yoko and Sean The book is a very good read so you could either read that or like I said before, you could listen to all the interviews that John did from the time that he married Yoko until the day that he went to heaven, and you will see how happy he was I will end this by asking you not to believe anything that Fred Semen says because he is just a liar, who is angry due to the fact that Yoko caught him stealing John’s diaries
Fred basically blamed Yoko for John's murder, revealing it was SHE who shot down every security suggestion, until the security finally quit, not wanting to be known as the security that failed to keep John safe. Just weeks later indeed John was murdered.
@@IMeMineWho even just trying ... ugh. Yoko was nothing but a a greedy determined stalker who took her high value prey for all he was worth. She even sold her stalking con story as "John's only true love story" deftly elbowing everyone else out. For instance, she rewrote Cynthia (to John and subsequently the world) from being his long time art college love that he defied Aunt Mimi to marry, and the woman who's quiet unwavering support propelled him to the top of the world -- to a boring woman who he never loved that got pregnant just to trap him! (Although why Cynthia would go to those lengths for a college dropout with no real job who couldn't even afford his own flat just a room at Aunt Mimi's after marriage, made no sense.) Yoko rewrote Julian (to John and subsequently the world) from a child born of a passionate, strong, loving very positive 5 year relationship -- to an illegitimate mistake who came from a whiskey bottle. She sold Julian from being John's beloved firstborn son that he longed to see during touring as a Beatle -- to a bother. Yoko then rewrote May from a beautiful kind and wise woman JOHN HAPPILY LEFT YOKO FOR and began an 18 month marriage bound relationship with as they'd already put an offer in on a house -- -- to a "lost weekend" while he was distraught about Yoko kicking HIM out!!! Thus Yoko rewrote John's story starring herself as his ONLY love, and more importantly, guardian of his legacy ... and teeth.
Everything I am hearing, all the need for control, is exactly what narcissists do. Once a narcissist gets their fangs into your throat, it becomes more and more difficult to remember who you are and eventually you're just a shell of yourself. Anthony Bordain's partner was the same way. He struggled with depression his whole life, but when she took over his life and then casually discarded him for someone who had things she wanted, the poor man took his life. I lived with a "nice guy" covert narcissist for 11 years. They cover you with love and attention in the beginning, but after gaslighting and controlling you to the point that you're falling apart, they start looking elsewhere. You don't understand what a narcissist can do until you're the victim of one, especially if they're the quiet type who's nice in public. I feel so sorry that John got lost in a narcissist's web.
I do not believe Bourdain died by his own hand, no way. no way, no way. just like "E" is still alive and well. that *to me, is why that person on the stretcher who had the oxygen mask on *while apparently dead, was shown on drone footage on his island.
my comment disappeared, hmm. anyway, I believe that a lot. my mother was "sweet" and took things to work for people to eat *modeling a "nice" person but in truth was the exact opposite, I could tell stories but yt might not let me post this comment. no one believes you......but today we have these videos and it helps sooooo much. being a truth teller and to this day, "ostracized" and "shunned" and if anyone at all were to come to talk to me it is because they want something but it's been decades of shunning...my mother created this with her total bs lies to cover what she was always about and doing.......the monkeys know......on some level......they are cowardly and in denial. our family was destroyed.
That whole narcissistic trope is so overblown, overreacted, boring and usually the sign of a weak person constantly trying to make themselves out to be the victim. Boring
@@avidodd26 I use it on occasion. Now use your brain and explain the lyrics that demonstrate adultery, heroin addiction, and exhibitionism. (This should be interesting). PS I wonder which sheep gave a thumbs up to the original post which made 3 eronoious points. Peace.
truth be told her art and performances may not be that bad, but she most certianly is a strange, strange individual. Also if I remember correctly Lennon met Yoko in one of her exhibitions in London; I guess being a Japanese artist and having an exhibition in London is not that bad; guess she would continue being an underground though fairly successful artist even without Lennon; all this doesn't take a bit away from her strange, possessive personality when in relationship
Isn’t it odd that no one comes to Yoko’s defense? She must be as they describe her. Most recently, in Peter Jackson’s documentary “Get Back”, you can see the tension Yoko created in the studio when the Beatles were trying to record the Let it Be album. She just plops herself on the floor right in the middle of the four lads whilst they were working thereby casting a pall over those proceedings. Yoko just Couldn’t Understand Normal Thinking! I can only IMAGINE what she was really like. All the stories must be true.
"Get Back" really shined a big light on who broke up the Beatles. It's no longer conjecture. May Pang finally breaks the collective spell with the missing pieces of the truth. John demanded too much of the other Beatles and his admirers when he forced us to take Yoko, OR lose him.
i always cringe when i see a photo of the 4 guys and Yoko in the studio - talk about tension..she could have at least spent that time with a vocal coach
Peter Jackson has commented on how hard it was to cut the footage around Yoko's bed. Yes, she kept a bed in the Beatles studio, while they were working.
Wait until she passes on. You're going to see so many people claim her to be a 'secret genius.' All of these TH-cam channels are going to suddenly pop up: 'Yoko Ono is more brilliant than you may have thought.'
He was someone as famous as the pope, but walked around New York, of all places with no security. He would leave where he lived at predictable times to sign autographs? Fame of that magnitude has problems attendant to it you can't "just ignore".
@@erestube Did you not know; he was shot because of the life he was leading which seemed to Chapman like hypocrisy when seen through the lyrics of Imagine. Yoko was acting like a wheeler Dealer with his money buying up all sorts of Real Estate and even Prize Cows for big bucks. I remember at the time also reading the ESQUIRE article and thinking, just like most rich people. She ALSO trusted the Tarot cards and Astrology and was warned they were vulnerable. She got him killed by her stupidity.
@@davidvalensi8616 BUT John disappeared for 5 years, no music, etc. Why hire security/bodyguards if you're NOT going to listen to them? They were right and Yoko was so wrong!! A friend of mine was one of cops on scene right after that horrible thing happened and he overheard Yoko saying that she 'ran into the courtyard and hid behind a wall'...That speaks in very loud volumes!
@@flashflame4952 WTF was she supposed to do? Jump in front of John and take the bullets for him? Crawl into the crematorium and burn with his body? Haters gonna look for any reason to hate. Congratulations on finding your reasons.
John and Yoko loved Julian and John always tried to be with him However, the disgusting Cynthia would not let that happen It’s sad how Julian and his disgusting mother treated John and Yoko and how after John went to heaven, those two wanted all of John‘s money, leaving Yoko, and Sean with nothing Thankfully, they were not able to do so You should not feel bad for Julian because he and his disgusting mother are the villains
@@vaska1999 He was a JekyII and Hyde. And so he couId go to the extreme in both directions. I just recentIy heard George Harrison describe him as a , "a saint and a bastard"
@@vaska1999 John was not a narcissist, and he was not a monster He was a wonderful man who had love for humanity in general John was an angel on earth and unfortunately, there are no more people like him Thankfully, we still have the beautiful Yoko and both her and John produced a beautiful son named Sean
Yoko did not take advantage of John She helped him improve his self-esteem, made him very happy and gave him a beautiful son As a fan of John Lennon, I will always be thankful to Yoko for loving him and for always taking care of him May God continue to bless her and Sean and even though John is already blessed because he is in heaven, more blessings won’t hurt him, so may God bless John as well
Yeah, no. Doctors would know Yoko was not in distress for a c-section. Somebody got paid. The more we hear of this woman, the more of a monster she appears to be.
It is quite common these days for C-sections to be scheduled in advance, rather than be performed because they are medically required. Yoko is a pioneer yet again!😛
When Sean was born medicine was hip to babies being born addicted. And with John and Yoko In think the doctors would’ve had addiction foremost on their minds. I too, think money bought their cooperation. Back in the day everyone knew that Yoko was herself “bad karma”. It was self evident. She still ticks me off.
@@MrsSquishy2010 - Well, she was embarrassing when she did sing with anyone. However, I will admit that I honestly enjoyed her record of “Bad Dancer”. Too bad she didn’t do one called “Bad Singer”. 😬
true, $$$$$ talks.........she got what she wanted. more "bonding" with John......more control over him, just for the fame and his money.....she was and is nothing without him. no talent either, looks like a witch and apparently was one. certainly controlling and full of herself.
Yoko was not a dark spirit Yoko is an angel on earth who had true love for John She made him very happy and she gave him a beautiful son Plus, she also helped him improve his self-esteem John and Yoko were not nuts They were very intelligent and honest people and I consider them both to be angels on earth
As John’s friend George once sang “all things must pass away”. The lord knows what really happened and what is the motive of every heart. All we do know is that Lennon, no matter how flawed, left a legacy of songs that will never be forgotten.x
@@jovesheerwater I think there is no doubt that John was a flawed human being. Every single one of us is. His well-documented treatment of Cynthia and Julian is a testament to just how flawed he was.
@@jillshinault9442 John treated Julian and the evil Cynthia good It was Julian and that evil Cynthia who were very flawed and they treated John dreadfully Cynthia never loved John and she cheated on him various times Plus, when John finally decided to divorce her Cynthia started poisoning Julian‘s mind against John It’s also very insane how after John went to heaven Cynthia and Julian thought that they deserved all of John’s money leaving Yoko and Sean with nothing Thankfully, they were not able to do so, and the money went to Yoko and Sean I will end this comment by asking you to please stop saying that John was mean to Julian and the evil Cynthia because that is a big lie made up by those two
I believe at least 95% of this testimony. May Pang I have always believed but these two guys just confirm that Yoko was indeed a problem the whole time John was with her. I tried to give Yoko some benefit of the doubt I guess because the other three Beatles never truly buried her but this show did it for me.
They couldn't. Because to do so with me and they would completely lose John whom they loved dearly. So they were all on eggshells it had to put up with all her crap in order to be with John and continue to make music together.
We all held our collective nose and tried to tolerate Yoko because we didn't want to lose John. That Bed-In crap was so stupid. It has Yoko's ridiculous fingerprints all over it. Free international PR to cement JohnandYoko as a package deal, separate from Beatles.
You have to check out John and Chuck Berry play on the Mike Douglas show. Chuck and John were asked to play two songs together. I guess John decided to have Yoko play the bongo on the first song. In the middle of the song Yoko decided to sing along. All of the sudden she begins to make a screeching and cackling noise and I don't think Chuck was to happy about it. The next song is Johnny B Goode. After a minute or so she again attempts to do what she thinks is singing, but this time you hear nothing from her. Come to find out the sound people on the show made the decision to cut her mic. It's classic and she has no idea the mic was cut. Well worth a look.
It's too bad that John didn't meet May Pang first. If John met May , John would still be alive and happy and Yoko would be working at Panda Express, where she belongs... Lol 😅
Yoko comes from a very wealthy aristocratic family that was instrumental in financing the Imperial Japanese war effort. That explains her peculiar attitude of royal entitlement mixed with the pseudo-feminist pretensions of the avant-garde art world. She would have no need to work at Panda Express, but she might own the franchise, purchased with her father's money.
@@kcreagan9799 This is why nobody should listen when celebrities talk politics. They live in a bizarre bubble and the majority of the issues people face are irrelevant to them because they have bags of money. It doesn't really matter who wins an election; it's all just narcissistic showboating, part of their personal "brand". A lot of the left-wing mouthpieces of the hippie era were plants anyway. Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA to steer feminist politics away from class consciousness. I wouldn't be surprised if Yoko got a few bucks thrown her way by three-letter agencies too.
@@Pharoset you need to understand that everything said in this interview is a lie Fred Semen is a liar, who is angry due to the fact that Yoko caught him stealing John’s diaries, and that is why he’s making up a whole bunch of lies because he wants to make Yoko look bad As for May Pang, she is jealous of Yoko because John loved Yoko very much The third guy was just going along with Fred and May and that was wrong of him to do If you want to know the truth about John and Yoko, I suggest you to read the new book by Elliot Mintz It’s called we All Shine On, John, Yoko and me I also recommend you to listen to all the interviews that John did from the day. He married Yoko until the day that he went to heaven, and you will hear and see that he was really happy with her Yoko is a wonderful woman who made John very happy and it makes me angry to hear that people want to continue to make her look bad
I still feel so bad for Julian Lennon. He's the most beautiful, friendly, loving human being who was treated like crap for so many years. He finally got to know his father when John was with May. She promoted that. Then he went back to Yoko and that all ended . He lost his father three times: when John left in 1968, then again in 1975 and then again in 1980. No child should have to go through that.
@@enkibumbu John was a big cry baby going on and on about his "selfish" and "neglectful" mother Julia being killed by manslaughter by an off duty policeman. Paul lost his mother Mary very young when she died of cancer but didn't go whining about it to the media like John did about his mother.
@@rnettles6241 It wasn’t a good investment as in real estate or macrobiotic diets to pay for security. But Lennon luved NY as people didn’t follow him around & hound him so he wanted to walk amongst everything in peace so perhaps he didn’t want security himself.
How could John have let Yoko control so much of his life. He had to have been so lonely at times, knowing he wasn't allowed certain past friendships. Really so sad.😢
sorry but i would think one of the most successful prolific artists of the 60's would have never put up with her freaky bullshit. i mean seriously John grow a pair
Yoko is a narcisisst. That is how they operate. They isolate their prime target from friends and family. They then devalue and gaslight the target over time causing self doubt and the questioning of sanity. The target slowly loses all confidence and retreats into themselves. They are three times more likely to kill themselves, unless they figure it out, and escape. Maybe that was John's plan. Many narcs murder their primary target, if things do not go as planned.
He wanted a mother figure after his was taken at a young age, and Yoko was stern like the aunt who raised him. So he got the mother figure he wanted and a feeling of security probably.
Hmm, let's see if I got this right. Controlling his social life, the silent treatment, taking other lovers, and cutting off old friends and family. Domestic abuser, anyone?
@christmelee Victim?.. No, rather an enthusiastic volunteer as part of a trade-bargain involving a loss of personal control and responsibility in exchange for his emotional needs being met and physical longings (occasionally) satisfied…
I am shocked that no one has written a book picking up the broader aspects of John & Yoko’s coming together which underscores Y’s motivations. Yoko stalked John. She was present in John & Cynthia’s home trying to enamor herself to John. She stalked him at the recording studio. She had previously married a musician and made an effort to gain status in NYC social circles. So, essentially John married 15:49 his stalker who envisioned him as the man who would elevate her status to the world stage. (The manipulation and control is so extreme and would make a scary Lifetime movie.)
It's ironic both of them got associated with world peace, yet even their own relationship, let alone relationships with their kids and others, were not peaceful.
Yoko is to John as Nancy was to Ronald ( Reagan). I add this last piece because John’s voice to the world was as loud as a President. John spoke and the world listened to the message for peace
I suspect someone has written a book about it,. Yoko is very good at stopping books from being published, that's why Pang's and Seaman's books have been out of print for years.
I really miss Joan, and I wish she was still alive so we could be blessed with her view of all this crazy stuff our society is going through. Her and George Carlin are sorely missed.
Well this pretty much confirms my suspicions about Yoko. She _was_ indeed one of the main causes of the Beatles breakup by controlling John and pulling him away from the band for her own selfishness. All about control with this woman!
John needed Yoko Intervention to save his soul from her! We should have sent in a team of Deprogramming experts. He almost broke free with May Pang. Almost...
We didn't really understand cults and brainwashing very well back then. We're just starting to expose Scientology for what it is. And several over mind control groups. Too bad it's too late to deport that Tokyo Rose Mahta Hari no talent heroin addict.
Yoko sounds like the worst thing that ever happened to John Lennon. She was an absolute disaster, bringing heroin into his life as well as being an incredible control freak too but intent to eat the placenta of her baby is a true indicator of exactly how sick & twisted the demonic Yoko Ono of pain is!!!
@@lornahuddleston1453 -- Waited until she was 90? What are you talking about?? People have been shitting on Yoko non-stop since 1969! She was certainly well-hated in my childhood of the 1980's. -- Hell, this interview is more than 30 years old, when Yoko was in her 50's.
She's a horror story! What grates on my nerves are the John super-fans who won't hear a negative word against her, as though criticism of her is, by extension, a criticism of him. A stupid reason not to hold her to account. He wasn't perfect by any means, but she was/is a parasite.
Wow, this guy rilly spills the tea. I appreciate that so much; a lot of authors being interviewed answer every question with 'You'll have to read the book.'
Very funny at 3:20 !!!..I remember having the Double Fantasy album on vinyl. I'd go back over to my turntable after each of John's songs, move the needle right over Yoko's next song. Place the needle back down at the next song of Johns..The entire album alternated between John's songs & Yoko's songs so, it was a chore..ahahaha..Anyone else do that?..Until CD's came along?..Then we could just program tracks !, 3, 5, 7, etc.
I picked up Frederic Seaman's "The Last Days of John Lennon" book at the library today October 10, 2023, which is Frederics Birthday. Happy Birthday Frederic! On page 87. What a great book.
Thank you for posting this. It was televised a few months before I met Julian and Sean. I didn’t have a TV back then and I’m glad I didn’t see this interview before I met them. I observed that the boys had a nice rapport with each other, but Julian was in litagation with YO at the time. Julian gave me the impression that she was very manipulative and controlling. I only recently read Cynthia’s memoir John, because I didn’t know anything about her other than the fact that she was Julian’s mum. It was good to know her perspective.
Cynthia deserved more credit than she has ever been given for supporting John during the Beatles' rise and being a mother to Julian. Also, Howard Stern helped Julian get his share; he tore Yoko to pieces on his show.
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228Just Googled it for you "Beatles girl/s". Rolling Stone (the magazine) reported in November 2011 that "John Lennon's tooth sold in auction for £19,000 (that is in 2011 prices). I guess you owe me an apology. I would never sell.the teeth of anyone I love. Want to ask yourself what kind of person would sell their beloved husband's teeth for £19,000? (Probably around 50k today?). Btw I knew that as I have a few of their colleagues in my tree..and worked at the labels..not a hater..juSt do not like someone using hype to make themselves appear like Mother Theresa when she is about the $$and fame.
@@IMeMineWho John never treated Julian like crap He loved Julian and always try to see him He would even write letters to him However, the disgusting Cynthia would always mail those letters back to New York, and Julian never knew about them Then the disgusting Cynthia would lie to Julian, telling him that his father never cared about him As I’ve said, the disgusting Cynthia was a very despicable woman
After watching the 3 part documentary "Get Back", it's incredible how patient everyone seemed to be in the studio with Yoko. She would have driven me mad!
Ive read read as many biography as I can about the beatles and John is the most special to me. Nothing about Yoko ever fooled me. Such inhuman talent. What a Hitler...
Don’t you call Yoko a Hitler She is a beautiful woman who truly loved John, and he also loved her very much She also made him very happy, and gave him a beautiful son Plus, she is doing an awesome job in keeping John‘s memory alive so please have some respect
Idiots all of them who have so much hate in their heart for Yoko. If anyone was guilty, it was Linda and Paul. Paul was the reason for the split. Paul rode on the genius of John
While John was enjoying life for real with May Pang, Yoko was hot in the pants for a session musician named David Spinoza. She is not a nice woman, she only smiles if there's a camera in her face. She is mean, vindictive, petty, controlling beyond description and a dangerous sociopath. John should have stayed with May Pang. He was making great music during that time, seeing his friends and thanks to May Pang he spent precious time with his FIRST BORN SON Julian and YES Cynthia came along because Julian didn't want to go alone to Florida where John and May were staying. Don't get me wrong, I am big fan of John's BUT IMHO he was good letting Yoko take care of everything, he searched and searched his entire life for his Mother or a mother figure. Sadly Yoko wasn't it in reality. She wanted his fame, his name and his money. She cut Julian out of his revised last will, etc. Julian had to sell things that John had given to him, how freaking sad is that?? Very goddamn sad.
This is exactly why John escaped. Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind Possessing and caressing me.
@@32mybelle everything said in this interview by these three individuals is a lie If you want to know the truth about John and Yoko I suggest you to read the book by Elliot Mintz It’s called we All Shine On, John, Yoko and me Another thing I suggest you to do is to listen to all the interviews that John did from the day that he married Yoko until the day that he went to heaven and you will hear that he was very happy with her
John was disturbed and vulnerable. Yoko tapped into his frailties and controlled his thoughts, actions and his whole, needy life. He needed a mother figure but got a control freak who was cold callous and calculating My heart has always gone out to Julian who did not deserve such despicable treatment. The bond between Paul and John was very strong and regardless of all the rivalry and harsh words, I felt a deep love still existed between them. Yoko put paid to any creative collaberation because she saw Paul as her biggest rival, even more than Cynthia. I feel so sad for all her victims, Regardless of John's many flaws, I will always love him and the joy he gave me through his incredible music. He was a little boy lost and Yoko's biggest victim of all. RIP Johnny in jukebox heaven. xxx
@@MrThedonhead you are so wrong First of all, Yoko is not a cult leader She is a wonderful woman who truly loved John just like he loved her Second John was a very smart man and nobody told him what to do or say
@@Numb217 I have all her albums, boo. I guess you haven’t heard her sing. Can you sing as beautifully as she does in “Remember Love” ? If so, send me your cover
In Cynthia Lennons first book, A Twist Of Lennon, she says that yoko used to almost camp in the grounds of the Weybridge house, to talk to John. He used to laugh at her, as a homeless person! When Cynthia came back from a holiday she found Yoko had moved in and was wearing her dressing gown! She bolted! It was all very weird and a lot to do with the heroin she started John with that day.
Cynthia was dancing with another man at a party one night, and John was jealous. The next day he punched Cynthia and she left him. That is what she said in an interview I saw yesterday on TH-cam.
@@kentclark6420Cynthia became rich because of John. She rarely has to work and John wrote very little about Cynthia. So people are hearing everything about their relationship always from one side.
George told John that he had asked around the New York art circles and that no one had heard of her. Should have listened to his friend. I think this is in the scorcese documentary about George.
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 John’s body guard said Joko didn’t accept his advice and rejected all protection. Chapman had gone to CIA camp that had a disguised name.
I agree...If he had stayed in England he would have been better off. The creature convinced him to move there. It was he that was careless about security and it cost him. We all would have been happier if Chapman shot her instead...:)
It has to be said that John had a special propensity for charismatic, somewhat strange individuals. First it was Maharishi, then it was Allen Klein who almost succeeded in financially ruining the Beatles, then the guy with Primal Scream therapy, and of course we cannot forget about Yoko Ono. It's so strange that such an intelligent individual, quick-witted, confident, etc. could take the crap like tarot and shit; "I don't believe in Jesus" said Lennon in one of the songs but he obviously believed in occultic shit like tarot. I think it goes back to some of John Lennon's own problems that stem way back to early childhood, and it's tragic that he made the same sort of childhood for his son Julian, only goes on to show how the cycle of neglect and trauma can continue perpetually.
Not to mention Magic Alex Madras around 67-68! By the sounds of it, John seemed to like to be surrounded by eccentric, freaky, enigmatic, ‘interesting’, people which is great, but it can get near to the knuckle! Then didn’t he sing in How Do You Sleep, ‘you live straights who tell you, you was king’, about Paul’s ‘straight’ mates blowing smoke up his arse? But then one of things John liked about Klein was that he basically blew smoke up his arse! As smart as John was, maybe he could be a little naive with some of the company he kept?
Yes. John was regressed and turned Yucko into his mother because he had a massive gaping mother wound. He gave her complete control over his life. Misappropriated trust. And look what happened with tragic results.
@@GetStrumming forgot the Madras thing ahahah truth be told Magi Alex was probably the most benevolent of all; I found an interview where Paul talked about the making of "How Do You Sleep" (which is an okay song in my opinion), supposedly John had both Klein and Yoko throwing in lyrics. Allegedly the "only thing you've done was Yesterday" was a Klein line.
@@MovieBurnerEntertainment She may be referring to Sam Havadhoy who apparently moved in with Yoko when John died. Sam was her friend, her rock. My god she needed a friend after witnessing what she had to witness. Yoko and Sam were together for 20 years.
Absolutely true....funny how things would have been different if Chapman had shot her instead....everyone would have been happy (John included) and there would have been a statue of Chapman in every city!
@@richbailey8174 John would not have been happy, what a ridiculous thing to say. John said "I hope I die before Yoko because if she died first I would not know how to survive. I wouldn't be able to go on..".
I can only ever imagine Yoko yodeling and having her mic shut off when John and Chuck Berry were playing Johnny B Good. It was like watching Elaine from Seinfeld dance.
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 Well, when you're disrespectful enough to pick up a microphone when it's not your turn, that's what happens. It was Chuck Berry's show, not hers. Sound technician did his job and he did it well.
Two actions by Yoko tell me all I need to know about her personality and why I don't like her. 1) When Julian went to New York after John's death Yoko said Cynthia wasn't welcome to stay with him at Dakota, she couldn't put aside her dislike of Cynthia for Julains sake, he was 17 and grieving. 2) Julian had to buy any memorabelia of his father from Yoko, including letters and things Julian and sent to John. Spiteful, greedy, no empathy, hateful woman and many more things is Yoko. Note: This is my opinion based on what I know.
@@manolokonosko2868 Very true, John was a bully and like all bullys when they face someone strong who stands upto them, they crumble and become submissive.
I've often felt John's death was inspired by Yoko. Hearing how she as good as laid out the trail of breadcrumbs to his whereabouts, and glossed over admonitions of the professional security, I now know it. He'd served his purpose. Would always overshadow her in public. She got her male child. Engineered his birth date. Alienated the other heir as much as she could. I have a friend who is married to a Yoko Ono. Genders and birth dates of kids executed with ritualised perfection. Children of the first marriage successfully ostracised. Reunion with adopted child sabotaged to protect the interests of her children. My friend under her thumb. But, thankfully, she doesn't want to be a widow. He's very practical to have around, even if she puts him and his pursuits down.
anti-asian sentiments. shame that we minorities dont support each other. if we did we'd have the numbers and power to change the world. yoko inspired creativity and passion in john. she did not engineer his death. that is slander. shame on you. you are playing right into the hands of racists.
Interesting comment. I don't believe she ' inspired ' Chapman, he was a lunatic on a mission. Although her lack of security raises eyebrows, maybe she was just naive.
Considering how Yoko treated poor Julian when it came to his father's funeral, totally spiteful. I wonder if John ever regretted leaving his first wife Cynthia for this control freak.
@@teacup3133 Cynthia was a horrible person who never loved John and she poisoned their sons mind against him On the other hand Yoko is a lovely woman who created a wonderful son along with John Unlike the disgusting Cynthia Yoko truly loved John and I am very happy that he found her I will end this reply by adding that the disgusting Cynthia created a very ungrateful son However, I recently found out that he finally realized that he had an amazing father and that makes me really happy and I am sure that from heaven John is also really happy
This greatly confirms my suspicion that John was a bit of a lost boy who wanted a strong female figure in his life to fill the place of not really having a mother. And a worried mixed up adult. I think his verbal and mild physical sprang from that. Yoko took him overe adn being a narcissist with no conscience or guilt she was able to intrigue him with her undoubted intelligence and confidence. I see now that many times when John spoke in interviews he was saying what Yoko wanted him to say. I think too that all those acid trips (he reported taking a least 100, I believe) just took a lot of fire out of him and left him quieted and dazed. It is possible it was as he says in Watching the Wheels "I just had to let it go." Im happy watching shadows on the wall. He was a great song-writer- I usually listen only to his songs on Revolver. BTW, Yoko was apparently a well-trained classical pianist, but not a creative musician.
There is a video of John playing with Chuck Barrie and for no reason at all Yoko is there pretending to be part of the band. You can tell Chuck didn't want her there to begin with but she starts caterwauling and screeching right in the middle of the song. That's the kind of person she was, trying to destroy what should have been a beautiful thing. Thank God someone cut her microphone.
I think there's a good chance Yoko decided at some point that John Lennon was worth more to her dead, than divorced. A little like Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain years later.
Yoko did not destroy John She made him very happy and she helped him improve his self esteem Plus, she gave him a beautiful son so please stop saying that she destroyed him because that is false The person that tried to destroy John was the demonic Cynthia Lillian Powell She did this by cheating on John while they were married, plus when John finally decided to divorce her she started poisoning Julian‘s mind against John You also need to know that besides the fact that she treated John dreadfully Cynthia was also very mean to Yoko and Sean, especially after John went to heaven so if you are going to insult somebody, it better be the disgusting Cynthia and not Yoko because Yoko is a wonderful woman
I always saw her as a dragon lady and who broke up the Beatles and kept them apart. I ve been a fan since The Ed Sullivan Show. I think she’s an avant- KOOK
Paul Mc Cartney said that she had nothing to do with the breaking up of the Beatles. That it was something that was going to happen no matter what. Stop the hate. I don´t defend her but I also have nothing to say about her. The only thing I know is that John chose her, among all the women that he met and he could meet, he chose her. And he chose to take her to the rehearsals of The Beatles because he wanted, and because they were already having trouble and he preferred to be with her than to be with the rest of the gang. Period.
@@LauRa-re9un and we all make our own choices . It doesn't mean it was good for him . he didn't know what heroin was till he met yoko. She introduced that lovely chemical to him . And she used it until the day he got killed .
She is the reason they split up. Paul wasn’t allowed to just turn up to their home. She ruled John Lennon. He’d still be living in the uk. Maybe even still alive. Vile woman
My understanding is that Ono got John into heroin, and that broke up the Beatles. George in particular, was into a spiritual lifestyle and abhorred the use of drugs.
I just wacthed teh Get It Back six hour thing. Yoko is there, in the studio, almost the entire time. Now, Im not just talking about floating around the control room, or sitting at the back listenting. She is right next to John and Paul just inches away as they are working together. I know what being in a band working with a co writer is like and no way would I or anyone else Ive ever worked with tolerate that as we're writing and arranging songs - that is such a personal thing - and there she sits the entire time. The pure gaul of the woman is off tehscale, but it also shows John as being controlled even at that time - and reveals him to be weak. There are moments when she jumps on to the Mic and just starts screaming, There she is screaming in to the mic (a racket) accompanied by the Beatles. The brass neck of that woman is amazing to behold. When george left the band John, Pual and Ringo went round to his house to coax him back in the band. And who was also there - Yup Yoko Ono. This lead to them having to go back soem days later without her and George agreed to rejoin the band. One last thing I got from this Documentary - George is not the saint he's been made out to be. At times george was out of his depth musically and this would lead him to complianing and generally being awalrwad and holding things up/. The Film actually show John and Paul getting on incredibly well. They had years left in them as a duo. I now strongly suspect a major reason the Beatles never reformed was George. But most of all Yoko - for sure she would have been a huge turn off to start the band up again from Pauls perspective.
I agree. Working on art or music with someone can be weirdly vulnerable bc you’re having to put out or shoot down ideas. A separate person throws that off and it’s incredibly invasive. The entire dynamic is effected.
Cynthia has retained her dignified composure throughout her life ever since the Beatles led to John turning his back on her and eventually fell for the dollop that is Yoko Ono. And it’s to their great credit that both Cynthia and their son Julian continued to give John the respect that he didn’t deserve. But even more so, the respect they gave - and Paul McCartney too - to the repugnant and deeply unpleasant Yoko Ono, a woman who never respected them and who insulted McCartney by saying John was the songwriter in the Beatles which led to Paul’s well documented response “F**k you, lady!” Yet despite the trouble that was caused when John insisted Yoko sat in on their recordings, which they never allowed anyone else to and which John would never have allowed, had it been Jane Asher or Heather Mills, Paul took it with good grace and went on to say, “Hey, John loved her, man.” How magnanimous that was, given the measure of a woman only a mother could love - and John Lennon.
Cynthia did not maintain her dignity, and John never turn his back on her It was her who turned her back on him by cheating on him with various men including Magic Alex She also poisoned Julian‘s mind by telling him that his father never loved him and it is known that when John would send letters to Julian, she would mail them back to New York and never talk to Julian about them F you Cynthia Powell Yoko is the one who maintains her dignity, despite all the lies that are always said about her and John Unlike the disgusting Cynthia, Yoko truly loved John and she was always there for him When she says that John was the Songwriter, she is not disrespecting Paul She says this, because John Lennon was, is, and will always be the best singer and songwriter that has ever existed He was amazing not only as a Beatle but also as a solo artist He was also a wonderful human being and I ask you to please respect him and his wife Please do not believe those idiots like the disgusting Cynthia Powell and Fred Semen The disgusting Cynthia just wanted to live off of John and Fred Seaman is a thief who is angry, because Yoko caught him, trying to steal John’s diaries
She's evil and doing what she did to Linda was inexcusable. Linda called Yoko and told her that she wanted to give Paul a surprise for his BD. She wanted to have Paul's song 'Yesterday' - that one song that he did alone - to have the WRITING CREDIT listed as MCCARTNEY/ LENNON. The person who told the story claimed that Yoko knew Linda was going thru Breast Cancer (and would die shortly after) and response was, "No! John wouldn't want that". If that is completely accurate than Yoko really is phukkin' evil. I mean that's BOND VILLAIN level evil. I hear Goldfinger when 007 is tied to that cold, metallic autopsy-ish table with a lazer beam baring down on the 'parts' of James Bond that he hopes, someday, will create Little 007s, and James ALMOST breaking a sweat says, 'Goldfinger do you expect me to talk?' Goldfinger, who's gotten board with it all playfully says, "No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die." I believe that same person claimed that Yoko was the one who was responsible for Paul + Linda's pot arrest in Japan. She's spent millions on publicists rewriting history making her Joan of Arc. This is for her performance art👎💣 and this is for HER 🖕and this is for the horse she rode in on 👈 and this is me when I accidently hear her singing 🧟
I loved Linda, she was s Godsend to Paul because she helped ground him and gave their kids a normal life. Paul tells a story about working on the farm one day when the girls, when they were young, they came running out to Papa Paul and out of breath they excitedly laughed, "You're Paul McCartney of THE BEATLES. They had just found out about the Beatles and couldn't believe how famous they were. That was Linda's influence. Most longtime fans know the story about when they were doing 'Band On The Run' and Paul + Linda were hiking and they got held up and Linda stood in front of Paul and cried 'You mustn't hurt him - HE'S A MUSICIAN. AN ARTIST! A these yrs later we can laugh at it but I'm sure it wasn't funny then and she commits this dangerous selfless act. I think she so underappreciated. Imagine a wife like that?
I am sure Cynthia saw right through Yoko when she was stealing her man. Too bad John wasn't so naive and gullible. I guess Yoko introducing Lennon to heroin may have been part of the plan!
Of course, Yoko is a total opposite of Cynthia Yoko is a beautiful woman who truly loved John just like he loved her Cynthia was a horrible woman who would do anything she could to hurt John She even poisoned Julian‘s mind against John For this and many more reasons, I have no respect for Cynthia Lillian Powell and I wish that John would have never met her John Lennon was too good for Cynthia Powell so I am very happy that he met the beautiful Yoko Ono Lennon
Interesting how Mr. Seaman says how litigious Yoko is but she never sued Albert Goldman for his explosive 1988 book The Lives of John Lennon because she said she didn't want to give him any more publicity. I believe the real reason is that Goldman's book, while bitchy in tone, was exhaustively fact checked and researched. If there was anything truly libelous in it, you can be sure she would have sued him to the Stone Age.
@rockturtleneck - Yoko did sue. and part of the settlement Yoko won is that Seaman has been BANNED from speaking publicly about John, Yoko, Sean, Julian and anything to do with Lennon. That is the reason you don't see Seaman as much as May Pang on the airwaves. Seaman has been permanently muzzled thanks to Yoko's lawsuit.
@rockturtleneck - Fred Seaman signed a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) when he worked for John. Seaman broke that when he wrote his book, that is why Yoko was legally able to muzzle Seaman permanently, when Yoko legally enforced the NDA. Albert Goldman never signed such an agreement. That is the difference
One of the biggest rip offs for me was when I grew to truly understand how John Lennon being senselessly taken from humanity and what a loss it remains to be
I've often wondered how John Lennon would have been, the Beatles relationship and if he might be alive today, if he hadn't met Yoko Ono. I know speculation is always endless but I've never heard anything good about her.
@@waynefay8210 I've heard there are faint sounds of screaming coming from Jupiter that just MAY be the sound of her voice, in which the "grifter" apparently can be heard. Other than that, that's it !!!😅😅😅
@@waynefay8210 there are a lot of good things published about Yoko Ono Lennon The problem is that knuckleheads such as you don’t want to hear them because you want to keep on hating
@@RicardoRoams you’ve never heard anything good about Yoko? Well, I will tell you now that Yoko Ono Lennon is a wonderful woman who truly loved John She helped him improve his self-esteem and she also made him very happy and gave him a beautiful son Plus now that John is in heaven, Yoko is doing a good job of keeping his memory alive As a fan of John Lennon, I will always be thankful to Yoko for loving him and for always being there for him All of those people who always say negative stuff about Yoko Ono Lennon are nothing but haters I will end this by saying that besides being a really nice man, John was also very intelligent so if Yoko would’ve been so horrible, he would have been the first one to leave her Oh, by the way, Yoko is also an artist and a singer and songwriter I recommend you to listen to her album Approximately Infinite Universe It is a really good album
Never seen this, I had no idea Yoko was potentially involved in Paul’s 1980 Japan pot bust. Yeesh. I knew she kept Paul from John and then kept May away when she found out John and Paul wanted to hang out. It’ll be interesting to see what comes out after her passing, I mean she is like 90 years old now
A friend of mine who has written a number of books about The Beatles as a group and as individuals mentioned that once Yoko dies, he can publish his book which wouldn't be a love story about her and John's out of sorts relationship.
Just look at that Rolling Stone cover with Yoko laying there and an emaciated John naked in a fetal positon sidling up to her. Its a very disturbing photo and very telling.
I've read several books about Lennon and The Beatles and have come to believe that Ono had an enormous part in the dissolution of the band. I think Lennon's life would have taken better turns without Ono. I have tried to cut her some slack;however,the more I learn about her the less use I have for her. An article I read in The Globe And Mail newspaper(I'm Canadian) claimed that she wasted most of her dead husband's fortune. This was about twenty years ago. Then again,Lennon could have simply dumped her. Life is a two way street. No Ono equals the continuation of The Beatles at LEAST for a few more years.
I don't know about that. I think the Beatles had many other issues, like money, artistic differences with John, Paul and George as well. Yoko certainly sped up the process and I'm sure she helped to ruin their personal relationships with each other, which is probably even worse than the band breaking up.
Yoko an awelful person with her claws in Lennon...10 days before his death she dismissed his bodyguards warnings that would of saved him and even gave out their time table.
No. And the fact that she has been deeply involved in the occult since she was a girl makes me VERY suspicious. I know that modern, scientifically-educated people don’t want to believe in anything like “psychic powers,” but honestly…wouldn’t that be the simplest explanation for Chapman having heard “voices” in his head that told him to kill John Lennon? Voices that disappeared as soon as he finished pulling the trigger?
It's such a let down when you find out what was going on behind the scenes with some of your heros. I learnt the trash about John Lennon 30 years ago, but I had really respected him up until that point. There are lots of cases. David Bowie produced such cool music, but he would sleep with anything that moved in the 70s, including an underaged girl. Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin slept with the same girl. He basically used her as a sex slave, despite being like 14. Always be careful when putting people up on pedestals.
Like what do you expect from your "heroes" exactly? Lennon never said he was the perfect human being that should be a role model. In fact quite the opposite. To be down on Bowie because he slept around in the 1970s when everyone who could do that did exactly that is absurd. These are rock stars not priests. Everyone has dirty laundry and i mean everyone.
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 When I was younger, I expected more integrity. Someone talking about world peace is great, but when you look at how they live their life, see that the cheated on their wife, neglected their son, and generally complained about what they themself are guilty of, it was a downer for me back in the day. Of course nobody's perfect. Just don't be so pretentious, thinking like you're better than everyone - which is what John Lennon did. He was an "angry young man". He was all angry at the world, neglecting to look at himself. The whole image that people were sold about John Lennon is just that - an image. I'm just saying to be careful what you buy into.
@@erestube Ri...ght? Stupid Earth! But seriously though... Kid-f#cking by Jimmy Page and David Bowie; hypocricy, neglect, physical abuse, and cheating by John Lennon. Not all rock stars are like that thankfully.
alukohito, People can admire other folk's WORK , or talent : separate from their private life..... An audience or record buyers have a sort of " contract" with the artiste : payment or adulation, in exchange for the performer's skills...🎸⭐. That's " it" , but I know what you mean... 🇬🇧☺️🥀🎸🇺🇲☺️🇬🇧
*This is the truth about Yoko Ono.* Yoko Ono is a powerful witch. She used powerful occult energy, imperceptible to conventional people, to overpower and control John Lennon. The reason why her singing sounds like the wailing of a witch is because she is one. A normal person cannot make this sound, it is impossible. Yoko used to go to witches meetings in New York, driven there by her chauffeur. In Peter Jackson's 'Get Back' she appears to be just quietly sitting in the room, what she is actually doing is training powerful occult energy on John Lennon. A suitably gifted medium, psychic or shaman would be able to perceive this, conventional people would not. The reason why so many dislike her, some intensely, is because they are picking up on what she is. She is very, very with the dark side, or in biblical terms, the satanic side.
Or she has NPD and John had an addiction for that.
I've read through all posts, and you are the first to nail it. Yoko's interests in the occult goes far beyond tarot cards and astrology, as it has been reported by numerous sources that she was/is immersed in dark arts, a Crowley follower. Some describe her a witch, and they wouldn't be far from the truth.
@@lyndaramirez4428 Yoko Ono is a very, very evil person, but it is hidden. Her purpose was to destroy The Beatles and John Lennon. She achieved both.
And we still can’t stand her! The heroin did it!
Ahhhh....satanic, it fits her. Again the creeping cringe
I saw an interview with May Pang once. She said that while she and John were living together in L.A., John would ask her all the time if he should call Paul McCartney and start writing with him again. She said he missed Paul terribly and loved him dearly. But once Yoko heard this, she put and end to it right away.
@@michaelbarnhart2593 Paul wasn't into tje party life at the time. But he was defeintiely a huge threat to Yoko.
@@loosilu Busted in Japan for loads of pot as I remember in 1980.
@@michaelbarnhart2593 He always smoked pot and so did John. Paul was never into harder drugs and he wasn't getting hiimself thrown out of bars like John had been.
@@michaelbarnhart2593 I don't see how John's connection with Sean would have been harmed; but certainly Yoko would have lost her 100% chokehold on John's relationships.
@@loosilu You just confirmed my original comment regarding Lennon's behavior if he were back in a band. However, as May Pang's anecdote is conjecture, then so is everything else you and I comment on anyway.
All that money Yoko inherited and she couldn’t give anything to John Lennon’s son Julian, that really shows what kind of woman she is. It wasn’t her money she never earned it but she kept it all for herself and her son Sean
*"Believe ME...**#yokoono** .._i$ s0me kind of witch"*
*"...Also...watch that vEry SEXY mick jagger performance of sympathy for the devil ~~ you see them both yoko&john / they both get in some kind of trance ..but yoko lUres john in2it"*
She sent Sean off to boarding school not long after John's murder. She kept the money for herself and Sam Havadtoy. I recall even seeing news articles of them at the time walking around in NYC with Sam wearing clothes that were very recognizable as having been John's. Grieving widow my ass.
Actions show she was truly a POS😡
That’s most people.
"Love isn't blind, it's deaf."
-John Lennon
That explains why he put up with Yoko’s singing
Didn't realize he'd said that. Profoundly true. It's also 'mute.'
@@tesshogue John loved Yoko and knew McCartney had no idea how to deal with her. His wife Linda (a crap photographer and even worse singer/musician) chose death over putting up with "Mister Wonderful" ...her pet name for him when he was being a violent drunk. Then karma came calling and Pegleg Pete pirated away 32 million. LMFAO.
@MichaelJSchumann Congrats ! You win Most Blatant Misogynist. Hope you're alone. Forever,
What I find interesting is that John's two sons seem to be real good guys and love each other. They both come off as genuine, down to earth and happy.
It's no surprise in Julian's case, since he was raised by his mother. It surprises me in Sean's case.
Yeah, they got the best aspects of John's character.
@@thenowchurch6419 Julian clearly got it from Cynthia. I have no idea where Sean got it.
They are each other's only sibling. Yoko's daughter from her first marriage, Kyoko has children, but she was absent for a lot of Sean's life, and I have no idea how close she is to Sean today, and whether they have a lot of contact, although I have seen pictures of them together. So all Julian and Sean have is each other, and the shared history of their father, who Sean lost at such a young age, and whom Julian had a half absent relationship with. I think it's great they've overcome all of the hurdles the adults made for them in their childhood to have a good, brotherly relationship with each other now.
@@CalmKit You called it, they are their only sibs. I love that they have that bond.
I am always amazed at how he let Yoko control so much of his life.
John wanted a mommy. He needed someone to be in control and take care of him because he wasn't in control of himself. And Yoko was definitely that for him.
She's a narcissist what do you expect?
Because he was regressed. When you have a Trauma Wound this can happen. he became like a little boy and let Yoko be the mother he had always needed. But it ended up destroying him. You could see how the light went out of him and the joy.
@@DrewMoody another form of being Pussywhipped
many men are happy for their wives to run things. plus, because of her financial acumen he did incredibly well
Lennon was like a child who needed a mother.
So true…apparently he adored his mother but he was made to live with his aunt. His mother was tragically accidentally run over when he was very young. She encouraged him musically. His father left shortly after he was born apparently. So sad.
Much like Harry Windsor
No he was a jerk that was a pussy so he got Yoko to do the heavy lifts and take the arrows. I'm not defending Yoko, but John had a purpose for her and she for him.
I think John himself would have agreed,half of the songs he wrote are about exactly that
Cynthia wrote a book it simply called "John" and it's a great read. Cynthia was treated like dirt, John and especially Yoko should be absolutely ashamed of their disgraceful behavior.
Have you read Julia Bairds book, Imagine This?
She is his half sister. She tells of how Yoko kicked her out of the house John had bought for her and her sister, in Liverpool.
He’d bought it for them at the height of Beatlemania when all finance was done through the record company. So the house was not in Julia’s name when John died. It was a simple paperwork oversight. He’d written to Julia to tell her it was her and her sisters house.
Yoko went to Liverpool after his death and told Julia she was donating the house to charity.
Julia was told by lawyers to find the letter where John had stated it was her house. She couldn’t find it. Cynthia said he intended it for julia, she was with him when he chose it.
It wasn’t enough and julia lost that house.
Yoko became a billionaire on his death but penny pinched with his family.
My cousin lives in the same street as the house and it’s just a normal suburban home, not worth that much money!
Cynthia Lennon’s book was insightful and informative. She is so articulate and graceful. John was lucky to have had her in his life. I recommend any of her interviews on you tube
@@rellrheeannaRN If that wasnt bad enough she believes in depopulation and culling the herd! Give peace a chance eh?Jesus said "Its easier for a richman to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter the kingdom of God"I hope she comes to the Lord as George did before he passed🔥👑🕊
Thanks for the suggestions on the books💝
John moaned constantly about being abandoned by his mother but he abandoned his first child
You are right. His father left him as well
John did not abandon Julian
He always tried to have contact with him, but sadly, Julian‘s mother was a horrible person who deprived John and Julian from having a father and son relationship John Lennon was a wonderful man, and he would never abandon his child so please stop blaming him for the stupidity of his first wife
Fake News !!!!!
Haven’t you heard the cliched narrative of victim becoming the victimiser in psychology. It is true in most cases. Steve Jobs for instance, he went a level above of not even acknowledging the child. Happens when these abandoned children become fathers very early.
@@rishwiz9 that never happened with John Lennon
He loved both of his children very much, and he tried to see Julian as much as he could
The problem was that the disgusting Cynthia was a despicable woman who would do anything she could to hurt John and one of the many things that she did was not to let him see Julian
Also, you must know that John wrote letters to Julian
However, the disgusting Cynthia would mail them back to New York, and then she would lie to Julian telling him that his father didn’t care about him
It is very sad that Julian believed the lies of his evil mother
The Chuck Berry & John Lennon performance with Yoko tells it all. She’s a nightmare.
Chuck's face!! Lol..classic.
Someone in the studio did eventually cut her mike near the end of her “performance.”
@@suziecreamcheese211Yes and the world thanks him for it, lol.
@@Mick_Ts_Chick Yes. And I'm sure John was secretly glad, because Yoko made an ass out of him in front of a musical hero of his.
Chuck berry's expression said it all
Like his music. Grew up with the Beatles. But john and yoko ‘s lack of compassion for Julian and the treatment of Cynthia speak volumes about who they really were as people
Yoko had a lot to do with John relationship with Cyn after meeting her.
Yous think was never a divorce before John Lennons.
Lennon Assassination = 2 gunmen. 8-10 bullets (Chapmans gun holds 5). Jose Perdomo was security guard outside (CIA). Perdomo worked with Frank Sturgis (Watergate burglar) for 10 years.
John and Yoko we’re awesome people who wanted peace and who cared about humanity in general and if you believe that they had a lack of compassion for Julian and that they were mean to the disgusting Cynthia, then you are out of your mind because it was the disgusting Cynthia, who was mean to them
The way that the disgusting Cynthia treated John and Yoko and the way that she poisoned Julian‘s mind against John shows the kind of person that she really was
The more I hear about the disgusting Cynthia Powell the more I hate her
She was horrible to John and it is insane that you crazy people don’t want to see it
Eating the placentae is for post natal depression.
I read the book. Really excellent! This mans book was not motivated by profit but by his friendship with John. He is totally sincere and courageous in my opinion.
I agree you can tell he's sincere and looks smart.
John Lennon would be thrilled by this guy's book. I'm sure every word of it is true too. Not motivated by profit? Yeah, Ok 🙄
Best Lennon book ever
he is a thief and a liar. he is revolting
well did he give his profits to charity?
Absolutely the most fascinating interview I've seen in years. May Pang is so cool. So tragic John didn't meet her first.
Cause that lost weekend totally lasted..
Yes! This was a great interview and May Pang was very impressive.
@cynkit05 It might have without the external narcissistic control. Everyone was happy to see him with her and he said it was the happiest he'd ever been because he was allowed to see family and friends again.
Yeah, they both could've OD'd together. Pang left out her heroin usage, oops ! Must've slipped her mind...
It wasn't lost on Ono that she was neither well received by the Beatles let alone by fans or globally. An outcast.
May is adorable. I wish John had stayed with her. Yoko has aligned herself with evil forces and did her best to destroy John.
Still odd though Yoko asking her assistant would you like to be with my husband, we are not getting on. So May ‘freaked out’ at first but decided to ‘go for it. Passionate affair then as soon as Yoko came calling John crawled back. Odd all round.
@@nigefal Definitely odd, but May seems sincere. And now she is an adorable old lady with purple hair!
....and was successful.
Beatles fans wish he had stayed with Cynthia he might still be alive
Yoko's musical contribution to Lennon's work was truly remarkable. Remarkable in that she sounded almost identical to my cat.
Please do not dishonor your cat. I'm sure the cat makes MUCH nicer sounds!
@@mongrelhead1 Funny remark
A cat sounds better.
it is normal for artists to influence each other, especially if they are married. the normal thing happened.
When you step on its tail.
Beatle and Lennon fans love May Pang, shes always seemed real down to earth and friendly.
John would not stay with a woman if she was nice, kind, balanced, stable, &/or helpful. Thus it's very likely John would NOT have stayed with May Pang ... even if he had met May before he met Yucko.
@@michelleduncan9965 May said she cleaned up his act and tried to get John together with Paul and also Julian
@@lynnhubbard844 Yes, Lynn I saw that. May seemed to be a good influence on John. John was just very off-putting to me as he became more & more under ono's spell. He had many issues from childhood that went unaddressed & which resulted in great difficulties.
😂 absolutely she is a wonderful person
I don't think Joan Rivers has ever received enough or ANY credit for what a skilled interviewer she was. She would ask the right questions, then close her mouth and let the guest speak. Everybody else seems to want to inject a lot of themselves into their interviews with subjects. Plus Joan didn't furiously work the crowd to get ridiculously loud whoops and hollers to make it seem like it was some fkn party you couldn't afford to miss.
Yes, those bloody whoops.
Her comment "shrimp or placenta for dinner" was so Joan.....lol.
That’s the part that stood out to me too
She always butting in when the guest is speaking
A woman so nice they propofil'd her twice .She fed crappy lines to her "guests" , LIKE USED TO BE DONE ON RADIO SHOWS... so she could pull that punchline out. Nobody misses her and nobody should. She was a rotten queef. And Yoko just smiles. Karma, baby.
I always felt that John & Yoko bonded on Herion. I do think they were in love at first, but it fizzled out. When they split just 4 yrs later, they split emotionally too. It was never the same after the split even with Sean. When they got back together it was all a sham, a showmance, John just went along with it because he knew he'd made a fool of himself with his declaration of his "epic romance" and aleinated himself from his closest friends. He'd rather go through a phony relationship then admit he was so wrong. Plus he couldn't deal with the fact that Paul was not just more successful in music but in life. Paul had a good marriage and was a great father unlike him. Poor Julian is the one who suffered because of his stupidity. Yoko is a text book narcissist. She manipulated everyone. While she was in "mourning" right after John's death she was secretley dating and even remarried. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt at first, but when the facts came out, I learned she is as horrible as everyone claimed her to be. She was nothing until she met John. An unsuccessful artist most people laughed at and who's work went nowhere, she is far from revered. I think she lives a very lonely life now, no matter how much money she swindled. She comes off as very bitter (jealous of all the people John truly loved, including The other Beatles and Julian for ex). Thank goodness Sean isn't like her. I get the vibe that even though he loves his mom, he's also ashamed of her greed and manipulation. It's telling that neither Julian or Sean have children.
I strongly believe Julian and Sean WILL find their soulmates in due time. Sometimes it takes years to happen and a lot of life experiences. Society puts a great deal on the "soulmates" and the "happily ever after" of everyone. Both had to deal with loss in their youth, but they also are able to write their own "happily ever after." We don't know why, but they will meet their soulmates, someone who will compliment and support them in their endeavors. John did not have that in childhood; his aunt Mimi once said he would never become a musician. Paul believed in him, and so did George (RIP) and Ringo; they were his true friends. Let's not forget Beatles manager Brian Epstein, who did keep the wolves away from John when he was alive, but Epstein's death, along with them getting older and wanting to do solo projects, plus chaos in their professional and personal lives, inadvertently accelerated the Beatles' breakup. John had trouble trusting people who loved him for him, yet was vulnerable to people like Yoko, Allen Klein, Magic Alex, and others who only wanted his money and fame. The authors on the panel hinted that John was about to make major changes before his death. He was returning to music and tired of staying home and caring for Sean while Yoko allegedly cheated on him. I once read that he was planning to visit the UK to see family (his Aunt Mimi and his sisters), Paul and Julian, in the summer of '81. My guess was that he was planning for a divorce and perhaps a custody battle over Sean, considering he had raised him since he was a baby and would have had grounds for custody. Had he lived, the divorce and custody battle would have been costly since he and Yoko lived in a community property state, which is NY. Also, no prenup, which would have spelled out what she would have been entitled to should they either divorce or in the event of his death. Therefore, she would get half his money and everything he worked for. To me, that would be the reason John stayed in the marriage, knowing he would be forced to fork out a lot of money, and she might try to force John out of Sean's life thru parental alienation, which would not sit well with John, considering he was trying to not make the same mistake as he did with Julian. Just a thought.
How would you know what John and yoko bonded over. Ur ridiculous. John would not stay with s woman he did not love.
@@yourmajesty1630 Was just about to say the same. So many experts in here. Fact of the matter is Fred Seaman stole from them, lied and was charged. Not the most reliable source is he?
Never thought about Julian and Sean not having kids, interesting. And Yoko was even jealous and unkind to Aunt Mimi! A stalwart, strong woman who had the strength to raise John.
@@tammylewis2408 the last couple of statements you made are very plausible. Yoko would have taken John to the cleaners in a divorce. Also, the parental alienation would have totally happened.
Yoko is the total embodiment of the term "Dragonlady" (with a voice that could literally make mental patients run in horror)
And her voice could cause epileptics to have seizures! Shall we be frank? She always looked like a zombie. We tried to accept her because we loved John.
aah ouw 🎶
@@lornahuddleston1453 AWESOME description! LOL, Greed ,manipulation, domination. How many ways to describe a slug, ugh.
Yes. She had absolutely NO artistic talent and her voice sounded like demons out of Hell.
May's book "Loving John" is FULL of truth. Highly recommended reading. Yoko was a master manipulator.
HER version of things. best to stay neutral
Excellent book.
May Pang's book was really eye-opening for me. Really showed me how messed up J&Y's relationship was. Codependent, insecure, jealous, manipulative. Two very damaged individuals,
Yoko was not a manipulator
She is a beautiful woman who truly loved John, just like he loved her
I read his book, it's very good. Yoko was deep into black magic, smack and Sam Havadtoy. She put John at risk of being attacked by giving the route to and between the recording studio and Dakota, publicly in a magazine, as well as taking away his security guards.
Yeah, I think that too
Sounds like Yoko was hoping someone would kill John, especially since John apparently wanted to break up with her. She'd do anything to keep his money.
There's a lot there that could foster conspiracy theories (about her I mean).
@cathyf.2672 so all those love songs are fake?
And it's apparent that Yoko had John compromised. She even managed to have Paul muzzled. Fuck, she had Paul arrested at a Japan airport for possession of a few pounds of weed. That's pretty bad. Down right dark and menacing.
For those who haven't read Fred Seaman's book, I'd highly recommend it. A very good and insightful read!
No thank you
Fred Semen is a knucklehead who was upset with Yoko due to the fact that she found out that he had stolen John’s diaries
For this reason, he tells a whole bunch of lies
If you want to read something about John, I recommend you Kenneth Womack’s book or better off. I recommend you to listen to John’s interviews and you guys will see how happy he was with Yoko.
I recommend you the new book by Elliot Mintz
It’s called We All Shine On, John, Yoko and me
This book tells the truth about John and Yoko because Elliot was a true friend of John and he is still friends with Yoko and Sean
The book is a very good read so you could either read that or like I said before, you could listen to all the interviews that John did from the time that he married Yoko until the day that he went to heaven, and you will see how happy he was
I will end this by asking you not to believe anything that Fred Semen says because he is just a liar, who is angry due to the fact that Yoko caught him stealing John’s diaries
May Pang WAS the woman that could have saved JOhn. She loved John and Julian and had a friendship with Cynthia..
Yadda yadda
@@liborsionko true true etc etc 😅
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. oh you mean may pang with the red cape?
Just another gold digger.
Fred basically blamed Yoko for John's murder, revealing it was SHE who shot down every security suggestion, until the security finally quit, not wanting to be known as the security that failed to keep John safe. Just weeks later indeed John was murdered.
Okay, I was horrified and appalled before but now I'm aghast, if that's more.
@@dickon728 yes I think aghast is more, lol. It's definitely nightmarish to think what she may have been capable of. Poor John.
@@IMeMineWho What???!!! She sold his teeth? I didn't know that. Now I've heard everything.
@@charwest9449 She tried to..not sure if it sold.
@@IMeMineWho even just trying ... ugh. Yoko was nothing but a a greedy determined stalker who took her high value prey for all he was worth.
She even sold her stalking con story as "John's only true love story" deftly elbowing everyone else out.
For instance, she rewrote Cynthia (to John and subsequently the world) from being his long time art college love that he defied Aunt Mimi to marry, and the woman who's quiet unwavering support propelled him to the top of the world -- to a boring woman who he never loved that got pregnant just to trap him! (Although why Cynthia would go to those lengths for a college dropout with no real job who couldn't even afford his own flat just a room at Aunt Mimi's after marriage, made no sense.)
Yoko rewrote Julian (to John and subsequently the world) from a child born of a passionate, strong, loving very positive 5 year relationship -- to an illegitimate mistake who came from a whiskey bottle. She sold Julian from being John's beloved firstborn son that he longed to see during touring as a Beatle -- to a bother.
Yoko then rewrote May from a beautiful kind and wise woman JOHN HAPPILY LEFT YOKO FOR and began an 18 month marriage bound relationship with as they'd already put an offer in on a house -- -- to a "lost weekend" while he was distraught about Yoko kicking HIM out!!!
Thus Yoko rewrote John's story starring herself as his ONLY love, and more importantly, guardian of his legacy ... and teeth.
Everything I am hearing, all the need for control, is exactly what narcissists do. Once a narcissist gets their fangs into your throat, it becomes more and more difficult to remember who you are and eventually you're just a shell of yourself. Anthony Bordain's partner was the same way. He struggled with depression his whole life, but when she took over his life and then casually discarded him for someone who had things she wanted, the poor man took his life. I lived with a "nice guy" covert narcissist for 11 years. They cover you with love and attention in the beginning, but after gaslighting and controlling you to the point that you're falling apart, they start looking elsewhere. You don't understand what a narcissist can do until you're the victim of one, especially if they're the quiet type who's nice in public. I feel so sorry that John got lost in a narcissist's web.
I do not believe Bourdain died by his own hand, no way. no way, no way. just like "E" is still alive and well. that *to me, is why that person on the stretcher who had the oxygen mask on *while apparently dead, was shown on drone footage on his island.
Uh huh....
my comment disappeared, hmm. anyway, I believe that a lot. my mother was "sweet" and took things to work for people to eat *modeling a "nice" person but in truth was the exact opposite, I could tell stories but yt might not let me post this comment. no one believes you......but today we have these videos and it helps sooooo much. being a truth teller and to this day, "ostracized" and "shunned" and if anyone at all were to come to talk to me it is because they want something but it's been decades of shunning...my mother created this with her total bs lies to cover what she was always about and doing.......the monkeys know......on some level......they are cowardly and in denial. our family was destroyed.
That whole narcissistic trope is so overblown, overreacted, boring and usually the sign of a weak person constantly trying to make themselves out to be the victim. Boring
The Ballad Of John And Yoko was a ballad of adultery, betrayal, Heroin addiction, and exhibitionism.
Please explain which part of the lyrics exhibit those things.
and that ain't all!
@@rman52 use your brain
@@avidodd26 I use it on occasion. Now use your brain and explain the lyrics that demonstrate adultery, heroin addiction, and exhibitionism.
(This should be interesting). PS I wonder which sheep gave a thumbs up to the original post which made 3 eronoious points. Peace.
@@rman52 its a witty play on the words ‘the ballad of John and Yoko’…
A witty play apparently lost on some people 🤭
I’m not a Joan Rivers fan per se but she is at the top of her interviewing skills here. I can see why she once was an asset to the Tonight Show.
Love Joan rivers
Did not like her
That’s because you are a F Racist
I'd like to see Joan Rivers interviewing Meghan Markle and Harry Markle
@@francesjohnson3045Curious as to why? Too lewd in her stand up ?
it’s unbelievable Yoko still gets recognition as an “artist”🤦🏻♀️
Yes. A con artist.
truth be told her art and performances may not be that bad, but she most certianly is a strange, strange individual.
Also if I remember correctly Lennon met Yoko in one of her exhibitions in London; I guess being a Japanese artist and having an exhibition in London is not that bad; guess she would continue being an underground though fairly successful artist even without Lennon; all this doesn't take a bit away from her strange, possessive personality when in relationship
Shes off her Rocker it's a long freaking list 📃!
John Lennon looked gaunt towards the end of his life.
Do bad, she didn't get shot...
Isn’t it odd that no one comes to Yoko’s defense? She must be as they describe her. Most recently, in Peter Jackson’s documentary “Get Back”, you can see the tension Yoko created in the studio when the Beatles were trying to record the Let it Be album. She just plops herself on the floor right in the middle of the four lads whilst they were working thereby casting a pall over those proceedings. Yoko just Couldn’t Understand Normal Thinking! I can only IMAGINE what she was really like. All the stories must be true.
"Get Back" really shined a big light on who broke up the Beatles. It's no longer conjecture. May Pang finally breaks the collective spell with the missing pieces of the truth.
John demanded too much of the other Beatles and his admirers when he forced us to take Yoko, OR lose him.
i always cringe when i see a photo of the 4 guys and Yoko in the studio - talk about tension..she could have at least spent that time with a vocal coach
Peter Jackson has commented on how hard it was to cut the footage around Yoko's bed. Yes, she kept a bed in the Beatles studio, while they were working.
Wait until she passes on. You're going to see so many people claim her to be a 'secret genius.' All of these TH-cam channels are going to suddenly pop up: 'Yoko Ono is more brilliant than you may have thought.'
@@DerpRulesAll if she was a secret genius it was a well kept secret
Yoko was John's cult leader. If not for Yoko, John would have had security guards and would be alive today.
He was someone as famous as the pope, but walked around New York, of all places with no security. He would leave where he lived at predictable times to sign autographs? Fame of that magnitude has problems attendant to it you can't "just ignore".
He could still be shot even with body guards, especially by someone who had already been identified as only an autograph-seeking fan.
@@erestube Did you not know; he was shot because of the life he was leading which seemed to Chapman like hypocrisy when seen through the lyrics of Imagine. Yoko was acting like a wheeler Dealer with his money buying up all sorts of Real Estate and even Prize Cows for big bucks. I remember at the time also reading the ESQUIRE article and thinking, just like most rich people. She ALSO trusted the Tarot cards and Astrology and was warned they were vulnerable. She got him killed by her stupidity.
@@davidvalensi8616 BUT John disappeared for 5 years, no music, etc. Why hire security/bodyguards if you're NOT going to listen to them? They were right and Yoko was so wrong!! A friend of mine was one of cops on scene right after that horrible thing happened and he overheard Yoko saying that she 'ran into the courtyard and hid behind a wall'...That speaks in very loud volumes!
@@flashflame4952 WTF was she supposed to do? Jump in front of John and take the bullets for him? Crawl into the crematorium and burn with his body?
Haters gonna look for any reason to hate. Congratulations on finding your reasons.
The way they treated poor Jullian..sad..i feel bad for him.
John and Yoko loved Julian and John always tried to be with him
However, the disgusting Cynthia would not let that happen
It’s sad how Julian and his disgusting mother treated John and Yoko and how after John went to heaven, those two wanted all of John‘s money, leaving Yoko, and Sean with nothing
Thankfully, they were not able to do so
You should not feel bad for Julian because he and his disgusting mother are the villains
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228😈👺👹🤬 crazy accusations!!
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228That’s ridiculous.
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 nope
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228you’re nuts
Unfortunately, because of his early life, John was emotionally weak and needy. Yoko saw this weakness, and took gross advantage.
Just like MM & PH!
He was a horrible narcissist, pretty much a monster in his private life.
@@vaska1999 He was a JekyII and Hyde. And so he couId go to the extreme in both directions. I just recentIy heard George Harrison describe him as a , "a saint and a bastard"
@@vaska1999 John was not a narcissist, and he was not a monster
He was a wonderful man who had love for humanity in general
John was an angel on earth and unfortunately, there are no more people like him
Thankfully, we still have the beautiful Yoko and both her and John produced a beautiful son named Sean
Yoko did not take advantage of John
She helped him improve his self-esteem, made him very happy and gave him a beautiful son
As a fan of John Lennon, I will always be thankful to Yoko for loving him and for always taking care of him
May God continue to bless her and Sean and even though John is already blessed because he is in heaven, more blessings won’t hurt him, so may God bless John as well
Yeah, no. Doctors would know Yoko was not in distress for a c-section. Somebody got paid. The more we hear of this woman, the more of a monster she appears to be.
It is quite common these days for C-sections to be scheduled in advance, rather than be performed because they are medically required. Yoko is a pioneer yet again!😛
When Sean was born medicine was hip to babies being born addicted. And with John and Yoko In think the doctors would’ve had addiction foremost on their minds. I too, think money bought their cooperation. Back in the day everyone knew that Yoko was herself “bad karma”. It was self evident. She still ticks me off.
Maybe she sang for them 🫢
@@MrsSquishy2010 - Well, she was embarrassing when she did sing with anyone. However, I will admit that I honestly enjoyed her record of “Bad Dancer”. Too bad she didn’t do one called “Bad Singer”. 😬
true, $$$$$ talks.........she got what she wanted. more "bonding" with John......more control over him, just for the fame and his money.....she was and is nothing without him. no talent either, looks like a witch and apparently was one. certainly controlling and full of herself.
They’re all NUTS!
Yoko was a dark spirit that over shadowed everything around her.
Yoko was not a dark spirit
Yoko is an angel on earth who had true love for John
She made him very happy and she gave him a beautiful son
Plus, she also helped him improve his self-esteem
John and Yoko were not nuts
They were very intelligent and honest people and I consider them both to be angels on earth
Ok Yoko that's enough 😂🤡
I think the same thing.
@@danielrose3434 hahhhahhahhahahahhaahhahhaha at least we got a laugh
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 🙄🤣😂☺🤣😂😅😅
As John’s friend George once sang “all things must pass away”. The lord knows what really happened and what is the motive of every heart. All we do know is that Lennon, no matter how flawed, left a legacy of songs that will never be forgotten.x
Flawed? Flawed??! Says the wormsnake.
Bugger off says the worm snake.x
@@jovesheerwater I think there is no doubt that John was a flawed human being. Every single one of us is. His well-documented treatment of Cynthia and Julian is a testament to just how flawed he was.
@@jillshinault9442 John treated Julian and the evil Cynthia good
It was Julian and that evil Cynthia who were very flawed and they treated John dreadfully
Cynthia never loved John and she cheated on him various times
Plus, when John finally decided to divorce her Cynthia started poisoning Julian‘s mind against John
It’s also very insane how after John went to heaven Cynthia and Julian thought that they deserved all of John’s money leaving Yoko and Sean with nothing
Thankfully, they were not able to do so, and the money went to Yoko and Sean
I will end this comment by asking you to please stop saying that John was mean to Julian and the evil Cynthia because that is a big lie made up by those two
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228This is so off the rails, it doesn’t merit a response. Get some help.
I believe at least 95% of this testimony. May Pang I have always believed but these two guys just confirm that Yoko was indeed a problem the whole time John was with her. I tried to give Yoko some benefit of the doubt I guess because the other three Beatles never truly buried her but this show did it for me.
Sad so sad
They couldn't. Because to do so with me and they would completely lose John whom they loved dearly. So they were all on eggshells it had to put up with all her crap in order to be with John and continue to make music together.
Can’t get too excited about this. Everybody was acting like this at the time
We all held our collective nose and tried to tolerate Yoko because we didn't want to lose John. That Bed-In crap was so stupid. It has Yoko's ridiculous fingerprints all over it. Free international PR to cement JohnandYoko as a package deal, separate from Beatles.
Me Too. 😪
You have to check out John and Chuck Berry play on the Mike Douglas show. Chuck and John were asked to play two songs together. I guess John decided to have Yoko play the bongo on the first song. In the middle of the song Yoko decided to sing along. All of the sudden she begins to make a screeching and cackling noise and I don't think Chuck was to happy about it. The next song is Johnny B Goode. After a minute or so she again attempts to do what she thinks is singing, but this time you hear nothing from her. Come to find out the sound people on the show made the decision to cut her mic. It's classic and she has no idea the mic was cut. Well worth a look.
It's too bad that John didn't meet May Pang first.
If John met May , John would still be alive and happy and Yoko would be working at Panda Express, where she belongs...
Lol 😅
🤣🤣🤣@ Panda Express
Yoko comes from a very wealthy aristocratic family that was instrumental in financing the Imperial Japanese war effort. That explains her peculiar attitude of royal entitlement mixed with the pseudo-feminist pretensions of the avant-garde art world. She would have no need to work at Panda Express, but she might own the franchise, purchased with her father's money.
@@MajorSeventhtoo bad she didn't stay in Japan. Interesting that her fam financed wars yet she was into world peace which is sadly, a fairytale.
Safest thing was to live in the UK, and stay with Cynthia. I don't think he could have gone wrong, but it was too boring.
@@kcreagan9799 This is why nobody should listen when celebrities talk politics. They live in a bizarre bubble and the majority of the issues people face are irrelevant to them because they have bags of money. It doesn't really matter who wins an election; it's all just narcissistic showboating, part of their personal "brand".
A lot of the left-wing mouthpieces of the hippie era were plants anyway. Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA to steer feminist politics away from class consciousness. I wouldn't be surprised if Yoko got a few bucks thrown her way by three-letter agencies too.
One of the most fascinating interviews that I have ever seen, specifically the material provided by Fred Seaman.
@@Pharoset you need to understand that everything said in this interview is a lie
Fred Semen is a liar, who is angry due to the fact that Yoko caught him stealing John’s diaries, and that is why he’s making up a whole bunch of lies because he wants to make Yoko look bad
As for May Pang, she is jealous of Yoko because John loved Yoko very much
The third guy was just going along with Fred and May and that was wrong of him to do
If you want to know the truth about John and Yoko, I suggest you to read the new book by Elliot Mintz
It’s called we All Shine On, John, Yoko and me
I also recommend you to listen to all the interviews that John did from the day. He married Yoko until the day that he went to heaven, and you will hear and see that he was really happy with her
Yoko is a wonderful woman who made John very happy and it makes me angry to hear that people want to continue to make her look bad
I still feel so bad for Julian Lennon. He's the most beautiful, friendly, loving human being who was treated like crap for so many years. He finally got to know his father when John was with May. She promoted that. Then he went back to Yoko and that all ended . He lost his father three times: when John left in 1968, then again in 1975 and then again in 1980. No child should have to go through that.
Too late for goodbyes
What right-minded person would leave the lovely May for Yoko? Boggles the mind. John needed a mommy.
And Julian's mother had absolutely nothing to do with keeping her child away from her ex-husband and the woman he cheated on her with. Right.
@@enkibumbu John was a big cry baby going on and on about his "selfish" and "neglectful" mother Julia being killed by manslaughter by an off duty policeman.
Paul lost his mother Mary very young when she died of cancer but didn't go whining about it to the media like John did about his mother.
@@raulmacias6146 sorry but Yoko is a terrible person.
She kept John away from Julian .
Period. End of story
Amazing interview, Yoko didnt come out of that well. Why Yoko didnt want security is beyond me. Madness. Rip John
No, no, no!
Security expensive!
It’s obvious, actually.
It wasn’t a good investment as in real estate or macrobiotic diets to pay for security. But Lennon luved NY as people didn’t follow him around & hound him so he wanted to walk amongst everything in peace so perhaps he didn’t want security himself.
@@aWomanFreed I get what you're saying. Maybe she had some part in it.
The man who sold John's murderer his gun was a Japanese guy with the name Ono. But certainly nothing fishy or weird about that....
How could John have let Yoko control so much of his life.
He had to have been so lonely at times, knowing he wasn't allowed certain past friendships.
Really so sad.😢
sorry but i would think one of the most successful prolific artists of the 60's would have never put up with her freaky bullshit. i mean seriously John grow a pair
Anyone can fall victim to a narcissist, particularly someone with issues of insecurity. John was severely insecure.
They probably had a karmic bond from a previous lifetime. Or she is a manifestation of a side of him that he couldn’t express himself.
Yoko is a narcisisst. That is how they operate. They isolate their prime target from friends and family. They then devalue and gaslight the target over time causing self doubt and the questioning of sanity. The target slowly loses all confidence and retreats into themselves. They are three times more likely to kill themselves, unless they figure it out, and escape. Maybe that was John's plan. Many narcs murder their primary target, if things do not go as planned.
He wanted a mother figure after his was taken at a young age, and Yoko was stern like the aunt who raised him. So he got the mother figure he wanted and a feeling of security probably.
Hmm, let's see if I got this right. Controlling his social life, the silent treatment, taking other lovers, and cutting off old friends and family. Domestic abuser, anyone?
@christmelee Victim?.. No, rather an enthusiastic volunteer as part of a trade-bargain involving a loss of personal control and responsibility in exchange for his emotional needs being met and physical longings (occasionally) satisfied…
Rather like a certain Ms markle
Exactly 💯
In his defense, he needed strong women, and that was obvious and when the woman you loved you think is getting a raw deal you step in I do
I am shocked that no one has written a book picking up the broader aspects of John & Yoko’s coming together which underscores Y’s motivations. Yoko stalked John. She was present in John & Cynthia’s home trying to enamor herself to John. She stalked him at the recording studio. She had previously married a musician and made an effort to gain status in NYC social circles. So, essentially John married 15:49 his stalker who envisioned him as the man who would elevate her status to the world stage. (The manipulation and control is so extreme and would make a scary Lifetime movie.)
It's ironic both of them got associated with world peace, yet even their own relationship, let alone relationships with their kids and others, were not peaceful.
John should have been suspicious as I'm sure the other Beatles WERE. Scheming evil woman she is.
Yoko is to John as Nancy was to Ronald ( Reagan). I add this last piece because John’s voice to the world was as loud as a President. John spoke and the world listened to the message for peace
I suspect someone has written a book about it,. Yoko is very good at stopping books from being published, that's why Pang's and Seaman's books have been out of print for years.
That book has been written. Read "The Lives Of John Lennon" by Albert Goldman, published 1988.
That was the most informative interview I’ve ever heard about John Lennon LOL. Joan Rivers was so damn good.
I really miss Joan, and I wish she was still alive so we could be blessed with her view of all this crazy stuff our society is going through. Her and George Carlin are sorely missed.
Well this pretty much confirms my suspicions about Yoko. She _was_ indeed one of the main causes of the Beatles breakup by controlling John and pulling him away from the band for her own selfishness. All about control with this woman!
In the film Get Back, it is clear Yoko broke up the Beatles. They wouldn't have broken up if not for Ono.
John needed Yoko Intervention to save his soul from her! We should have sent in a team of Deprogramming experts. He almost broke free with May Pang. Almost...
We didn't really understand cults and brainwashing very well back then. We're just starting to expose Scientology for what it is. And several over mind control groups. Too bad it's too late to deport that Tokyo Rose Mahta Hari no talent heroin addict.
So, you all are saying Lennon was a weak man who could not help being controlled by Yoko? Stop insulting John
Yoko sounds like the worst thing that ever happened to John Lennon. She was an absolute disaster, bringing heroin into his life as well as being an incredible control freak too but intent to eat the placenta of her baby is a true indicator of exactly how sick & twisted the demonic Yoko Ono of pain is!!!
@@lornahuddleston1453 -- Waited until she was 90? What are you talking about?? People have been shitting on Yoko non-stop since 1969! She was certainly well-hated in my childhood of the 1980's. -- Hell, this interview is more than 30 years old, when Yoko was in her 50's.
She's a horror story! What grates on my nerves are the John super-fans who won't hear a negative word against her, as though criticism of her is, by extension, a criticism of him. A stupid reason not to hold her to account. He wasn't perfect by any means, but she was/is a parasite.
Eat the placenta she's fucking sick and needs psychiatric counseling.
I agree.
And possibly lead him to hell?
Wow, this guy rilly spills the tea. I appreciate that so much; a lot of authors being interviewed answer every question with 'You'll have to read the book.'
Very funny at 3:20 !!!..I remember having the Double Fantasy album on vinyl. I'd go back over to my turntable after each of John's songs, move the needle right over Yoko's next song. Place the needle back down at the next song of Johns..The entire album alternated between John's songs & Yoko's songs so, it was a chore..ahahaha..Anyone else do that?..Until CD's came along?..Then we could just program tracks !, 3, 5, 7, etc.
Yep..you nailed it.
I had it on cassette... Not so easy to skip Yoko's songs 😪
@@douglasspalding9609 I had a cassette version too..for the car...talk about wearing out the FAST FORWARD button.!
Sure as hell did!!!
Same here!
I picked up Frederic Seaman's "The Last Days of John Lennon" book at the library today October 10, 2023, which is Frederics Birthday.
Happy Birthday Frederic!
On page 87. What a great book.
I will buy a copy too!
Thank you for posting this. It was televised a few months before I met Julian and Sean. I didn’t have a TV back then and I’m glad I didn’t see this interview before I met them. I observed that the boys had a nice rapport with each other, but Julian was in litagation with YO at the time. Julian gave me the impression that she was very manipulative and controlling. I only recently read Cynthia’s memoir John, because I didn’t know anything about her other than the fact that she was Julian’s mum. It was good to know her perspective.
Yes, she Is a narcisist
Cynthia deserved more credit than she has ever been given for supporting John during the Beatles' rise and being a mother to Julian. Also, Howard Stern helped Julian get his share; he tore Yoko to pieces on his show.
@@margaritarojas4748 a narcissist?
@@juliawatkins7974 Yoko is
"Yoko Ono is a narcissist." - a shitload of idiots who believe they own John Lennon
Yoko was a crazy old bat, and John was a world weary rockstar who was too tired to fight anymore.
John was gross and abusive. Guys will defend a males gross behavior over a female . Jeez
@@Kosmokatgirl John was not gross nor was he abusive
He was an awesome human being, who had love for humanity, so you better respect him
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228Just Googled it for you "Beatles girl/s". Rolling Stone (the magazine) reported in November 2011 that "John Lennon's tooth sold in auction for £19,000 (that is in 2011 prices). I guess you owe me an apology. I would never sell.the teeth of anyone I love. Want to ask yourself what kind of person would sell their beloved husband's teeth for £19,000? (Probably around 50k today?). Btw I knew that as I have a few of their colleagues in my tree..and worked at the labels..not a hater..juSt do not like someone using hype to make themselves appear like Mother Theresa when she is about the $$and fame.
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228But he treated Jules like crap.
@@IMeMineWho John never treated Julian like crap
He loved Julian and always try to see him
He would even write letters to him
However, the disgusting Cynthia would always mail those letters back to New York, and Julian never knew about them
Then the disgusting Cynthia would lie to Julian, telling him that his father never cared about him
As I’ve said, the disgusting Cynthia was a very despicable woman
After watching the 3 part documentary "Get Back", it's incredible how patient everyone seemed to be in the studio with Yoko. She would have driven me mad!
Ive read read as many biography as I can about the beatles and John is the most special to me. Nothing about Yoko ever fooled me. Such inhuman talent. What a Hitler...
Don’t you call Yoko a Hitler
She is a beautiful woman who truly loved John, and he also loved her very much
She also made him very happy, and gave him a beautiful son
Plus, she is doing an awesome job in keeping John‘s memory alive so please have some respect
Well said Susan!!
Idiots all of them who have so much hate in their heart for Yoko. If anyone was guilty, it was Linda and Paul. Paul was the reason for the split. Paul rode on the genius of John
While John was enjoying life for real with May Pang, Yoko was hot in the pants for a session musician named David Spinoza. She is not a nice woman, she only smiles if there's a camera in her face. She is mean, vindictive, petty, controlling beyond description and a dangerous sociopath. John should have stayed with May Pang. He was making great music during that time, seeing his friends and thanks to May Pang he spent precious time with his FIRST BORN SON Julian and YES Cynthia came along because Julian didn't want to go alone to Florida where John and May were staying. Don't get me wrong, I am big fan of John's BUT IMHO he was good letting Yoko take care of everything, he searched and searched his entire life for his Mother or a mother figure. Sadly Yoko wasn't it in reality. She wanted his fame, his name and his money. She cut Julian out of his revised last will, etc. Julian had to sell things that John had given to him, how freaking sad is that?? Very goddamn sad.
Lennon was actually planning on leaving Ono for May Pang just before he was murdered...
This is exactly why John escaped.
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me.
Yoko is a good advertisement for never going out with a chick when you're tripping on acid.
Never Marry one for sure!!
@@kentcarter835 get lost
Yoko was a real piece of work.
Yes she is definitely a piece of work
She is two pieces of work.
'was' ??? Did I miss something ?
@@flynnlizzy5469 Old age has lessened her powers, she is now 107!
If you believe this guy.
Fascinating! Thanks for uploading! John has been a mystery to me all these years. This clarifies a lot.
@@32mybelle everything said in this interview by these three individuals is a lie
If you want to know the truth about John and Yoko I suggest you to read the book by Elliot Mintz
It’s called we All Shine On, John, Yoko and me
Another thing I suggest you to do is to listen to all the interviews that John did from the day that he married Yoko until the day that he went to heaven and you will hear that he was very happy with her
John was disturbed and vulnerable. Yoko tapped into his frailties and controlled his thoughts, actions and his whole, needy life. He needed a mother figure but got a control freak who was cold callous and calculating My heart has always gone out to Julian who did not deserve such despicable treatment. The bond between Paul and John was very strong and regardless of all the rivalry and harsh words, I felt a deep love still existed between them. Yoko put paid to any creative collaberation because she saw Paul as her biggest rival, even more than Cynthia. I feel so sad for all her victims, Regardless of John's many flaws, I will always love him and the joy he gave me through his incredible music. He was a little boy lost and Yoko's biggest victim of all. RIP Johnny in jukebox heaven. xxx
When people say " oh he loved her let them be" dont they realise millions of people have loved cult leaders! He felt he had to do what she said
@@MrThedonhead you are so wrong
First of all, Yoko is not a cult leader
She is a wonderful woman who truly loved John just like he loved her
Second John was a very smart man and nobody told him what to do or say
3:18 "Well, he had to have loved her to listen to that voice." Thank you, Joan Rivers, for saying what we all were thinking.
Oh stop, Yoko had a calm pleasant speaking voice, it’s such a corny, played out joke
You must never have heard her “sing”. 😂😂😂
@@Numb217 I have all her albums, boo. I guess you haven’t heard her sing. Can you sing as beautifully as she does in “Remember Love” ? If so, send me your cover
@@SeaShellEyes_9 /Yes. You have probably heard me on back up on many songs from the early 70’s. Thank you. ☮️
@@Numb217 Ahhh ok, no specific songs to mention then? That’s not suspicious at all.
In Cynthia Lennons first book,
A Twist Of Lennon, she says that yoko used to almost camp in the grounds of the Weybridge house, to talk to John. He used to laugh at her, as a homeless person!
When Cynthia came back from a holiday she found Yoko had moved in and was wearing her dressing gown! She bolted! It was all very weird and a lot to do with the heroin she started John with that day.
Well thanks, because that makes perfect sense! Freaking drugs! They may not get you the way you think they would but they will get you!
Yeah in Tony Bramwell's book he tells about how Yoko was literally a stalker. She hounded John relentlessly for a long time. What a nutter! 😱😵💫
Cynthia was dancing with another man at a party one night, and John was jealous. The next day he punched Cynthia and she left him. That is what she said in an interview I saw yesterday on TH-cam.
@@kentclark6420Cynthia became rich because of John. She rarely has to work and John wrote very little about Cynthia. So people are hearing everything about their relationship always from one side.
@@kentclark6420this was very early in their relationship, before they married. She left him for a time, he apologized and then she took him back.
George told John that he had asked around the New York art circles and that no one had heard of her. Should have listened to his friend. I think this is in the scorcese documentary about George.
If John had never been trapped by Joko he would still be alive 😢
I completely disagree. If John Lennon hadn't been John Lennon he'd be alive today. If he didn't have delusional fans 🙄 he'd be alive today.
@@Beckola11 Joko stopped all his protection in New York and evidence points to CIA involvement in his murder.
i am not so sure about that.
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 John’s body guard said Joko didn’t accept his advice and rejected all protection. Chapman had gone to CIA camp that had a disguised name.
I agree...If he had stayed in England he would have been better off. The creature convinced him to move there. It was he that was careless about security and it cost him. We all would have been happier if Chapman shot her instead...:)
It has to be said that John had a special propensity for charismatic, somewhat strange individuals. First it was Maharishi, then it was Allen Klein who almost succeeded in financially ruining the Beatles, then the guy with Primal Scream therapy, and of course we cannot forget about Yoko Ono. It's so strange that such an intelligent individual, quick-witted, confident, etc. could take the crap like tarot and shit; "I don't believe in Jesus" said Lennon in one of the songs but he obviously believed in occultic shit like tarot. I think it goes back to some of John Lennon's own problems that stem way back to early childhood, and it's tragic that he made the same sort of childhood for his son Julian, only goes on to show how the cycle of neglect and trauma can continue perpetually.
Not to mention Magic Alex Madras around 67-68! By the sounds of it, John seemed to like to be surrounded by eccentric, freaky, enigmatic, ‘interesting’, people which is great, but it can get near to the knuckle! Then didn’t he sing in How Do You Sleep, ‘you live straights who tell you, you was king’, about Paul’s ‘straight’ mates blowing smoke up his arse? But then one of things John liked about Klein was that he basically blew smoke up his arse! As smart as John was, maybe he could be a little naive with some of the company he kept?
Yes. John was regressed and turned Yucko into his mother because he had a massive gaping mother wound. He gave her complete control over his life. Misappropriated trust. And look what happened with tragic results.
@@GetStrumming forgot the Madras thing ahahah truth be told Magi Alex was probably the most benevolent of all;
I found an interview where Paul talked about the making of "How Do You Sleep" (which is an okay song in my opinion), supposedly John had both Klein and Yoko throwing in lyrics. Allegedly the "only thing you've done was Yesterday" was a Klein line.
Yep. John would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder now. It's origins are very very early childhood.
many words can be used to describe Yoko. 'charismatic' is definitely not one of them.
I am fully convinced that Yoko was happy about John's death and acted upset at first, but quickly started seeing other guys.
Good for you convincing yourself of this. What a happy life you must lead making these decisions based on?
@@MovieBurnerEntertainment She may be referring to Sam Havadhoy who apparently moved in with Yoko when John died. Sam was her friend, her rock. My god she needed a friend after witnessing what she had to witness. Yoko and Sam were together for 20 years.
Absolutely true....funny how things would have been different if Chapman had shot her instead....everyone would have been happy (John included) and there would have been a statue of Chapman in every city!
@@richbailey8174 John would not have been happy, what a ridiculous thing to say. John said "I hope I die before Yoko because if she died first I would not know how to survive. I wouldn't be able to go on..".
Unscrupulous cold hearted manipulator.
I can only ever imagine Yoko yodeling and having her mic shut off when John and Chuck Berry were playing Johnny B Good. It was like watching Elaine from Seinfeld dance.
That was not funny
That engineer was very disrespectful to Yoko
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 Well, when you're disrespectful enough to pick up a microphone when it's not your turn, that's what happens. It was Chuck Berry's show, not hers. Sound technician did his job and he did it well.
Yoko, Jada Pinckett and Meghan Markle walk into a bar...
Ha Ha !
..... and it is now their bar, owner found hanging.
Customer:Barkeep, give this ladies a large punch, I’m buying.
And all slither out the basement windows 🐛
Two actions by Yoko tell me all I need to know about her personality and why I don't like her. 1) When Julian went to New York after John's death Yoko said Cynthia wasn't welcome to stay with him at Dakota, she couldn't put aside her dislike of Cynthia for Julains sake, he was 17 and grieving. 2) Julian had to buy any memorabelia of his father from Yoko, including letters and things Julian and sent to John. Spiteful, greedy, no empathy, hateful woman and many more things is Yoko. Note: This is my opinion based on what I know.
@@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Probably because they are the same. Birds of a feather etc...
It's John's fault for not having the balls to match his mouth. George was the only one to take him on, as he called out on his bullshit.
Agreed. Says alot about her character. Not nice.
@@manolokonosko2868 Very true, John was a bully and like all bullys when they face someone strong who stands upto them, they crumble and become submissive.
So unreal that she moved into Cynthia’s house and slept with Cynthia’s husband but Yoko doesn’t like Cynthia.
Yoko was the worst thing to happen to John Lennom!
Yoko was the second to worst thing to happen to John.
@@Ariel-T-Friesner What was the first worst?.... someone spelling his name "Lennom"?
@@Brammy007a no, but being shot dead might just have the top spot
Yessss she is a witch
John would not agree with you
I've often felt John's death was inspired by Yoko. Hearing how she as good as laid out the trail of breadcrumbs to his whereabouts, and glossed over admonitions of the professional security, I now know it. He'd served his purpose. Would always overshadow her in public. She got her male child. Engineered his birth date. Alienated the other heir as much as she could.
I have a friend who is married to a Yoko Ono. Genders and birth dates of kids executed with ritualised perfection. Children of the first marriage successfully ostracised. Reunion with adopted child sabotaged to protect the interests of her children.
My friend under her thumb. But, thankfully, she doesn't want to be a widow. He's very practical to have around, even if she puts him and his pursuits down.
anti-asian sentiments. shame that we minorities dont support each other. if we did we'd have the numbers and power to change the world. yoko inspired creativity and passion in john. she did not engineer his death. that is slander. shame on you. you are playing right into the hands of racists.
Interesting comment. I don't believe she ' inspired ' Chapman, he was a lunatic on a mission. Although her lack of security raises eyebrows, maybe she was just naive.
@@CupidStunt72 Yoko naive? I doubt that very much.
So in other words Yoko is a classic narcissist.
YOKO is crazy. It's not illegal to tell the truth.
Considering how Yoko treated poor Julian when it came to his father's funeral, totally spiteful. I wonder if John ever regretted leaving his first wife Cynthia for this control freak.
Cynthia was a lovely person and produced a lovely son.
@@teacup3133 Cynthia was a horrible person who never loved John and she poisoned their sons mind against him
On the other hand Yoko is a lovely woman who created a wonderful son along with John
Unlike the disgusting Cynthia Yoko truly loved John and I am very happy that he found her
I will end this reply by adding that the disgusting Cynthia created a very ungrateful son
However, I recently found out that he finally realized that he had an amazing father and that makes me really happy and I am sure that from heaven John is also really happy
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS 😅
@@cb4883 i’m just saying the truth
Oh Yoko! Drop the disguise!@@angiethebeatlesgirl228
This greatly confirms my suspicion that John was a bit of a lost boy who wanted a strong female figure in his life to fill the place of not really having a mother. And a worried mixed up adult. I think his verbal and mild physical sprang from that. Yoko took him overe adn being a narcissist with no conscience or guilt she was able to intrigue him with her undoubted intelligence and confidence. I see now that many times when John spoke in interviews he was saying what Yoko wanted him to say. I think too that all those acid trips (he reported taking a least 100, I believe) just took a lot of fire out of him and left him quieted and dazed. It is possible it was as he says in Watching the Wheels "I just had to let it go." Im happy watching shadows on the wall. He was a great song-writer- I usually listen only to his songs on Revolver. BTW, Yoko was apparently a well-trained classical pianist, but not a creative musician.
getting ridiculous how ignorant people cite narcissism because they read it somewhere else 🙄
@@1assetpea-green with envy, sounds like to me…
There is a video of John playing with Chuck Barrie and for no reason at all Yoko is there pretending to be part of the band. You can tell Chuck didn't want her there to begin with but she starts caterwauling and screeching right in the middle of the song. That's the kind of person she was, trying to destroy what should have been a beautiful thing. Thank God someone cut her microphone.
Yes, nasty talentless bitch.
By coincidence,John's dad was called Fred too, and was also a seaman by trade !
His full name was Alfred.
@@vegetariansuniteworldwide8091Do you not see the connection genius?
I think there's a good chance Yoko decided at some point that John Lennon was worth more to her dead, than divorced. A little like Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain years later.
This just made my stomach turn.
Fred’s book is excellent.
He robbed Johns diaries, wouldn’t believe a word he says.
Johns downfall was Yoko, she destroyed him in every possible way.
And he allowed it , his first born for gods sake ,
Yoko did not destroy John
She made him very happy and she helped him improve his self esteem
Plus, she gave him a beautiful son so please stop saying that she destroyed him because that is false
The person that tried to destroy John was the demonic Cynthia Lillian Powell
She did this by cheating on John while they were married, plus when John finally decided to divorce her she started poisoning Julian‘s mind against John
You also need to know that besides the fact that she treated John dreadfully Cynthia was also very mean to Yoko and Sean, especially after John went to heaven so if you are going to insult somebody, it better be the disgusting Cynthia and not Yoko because Yoko is a wonderful woman
Is that you yoko@@angiethebeatlesgirl228
I always saw her as a dragon lady and who broke up the Beatles and kept them apart.
I ve been a fan since The Ed Sullivan Show.
I think she’s an avant- KOOK
that's being generous
Paul Mc Cartney said that she had nothing to do with the breaking up of the Beatles. That it was something that was going to happen no matter what. Stop the hate. I don´t defend her but I also have nothing to say about her. The only thing I know is that John chose her, among all the women that he met and he could meet, he chose her. And he chose to take her to the rehearsals of The Beatles because he wanted, and because they were already having trouble and he preferred to be with her than to be with the rest of the gang. Period.
@@LauRa-re9un and we all make our own choices . It doesn't mean it was good for him . he didn't know what heroin was till he met yoko. She introduced that lovely chemical to him . And she used it until the day he got killed .
It's quite clear the Beatles were already going in different directions, and Yoko was merely one part of John's direction.
@@erestube.....you can believe that if you want, but yoko ruled John Lennon and had a NEGATIVE impact on his and others entire lives!!!!
She is the reason they split up. Paul wasn’t allowed to just turn up to their home. She ruled John Lennon. He’d still be living in the uk. Maybe even still alive. Vile woman
My understanding is that Ono got John into heroin, and that broke up the Beatles. George in particular, was into a spiritual lifestyle and abhorred the use of drugs.
Yoko is not the reason why the Beatles split up
They split up because they were now older and they wanted to try new things
WOW. My gut has recoiled at the very mention of her name since the beginning. Further confirmation that my gut never lies.
Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but your gut lied big time because Yoko is a wonderful woman
I just wacthed teh Get It Back six hour thing.
Yoko is there, in the studio, almost the entire time. Now, Im not just talking about floating around the control room, or sitting at the back listenting. She is right next to John and Paul just inches away as they are working together. I know what being in a band working with a co writer is like and no way would I or anyone else Ive ever worked with tolerate that as we're writing and arranging songs - that is such a personal thing - and there she sits the entire time. The pure gaul of the woman is off tehscale, but it also shows John as being controlled even at that time - and reveals him to be weak. There are moments when she jumps on to the Mic and just starts screaming, There she is screaming in to the mic (a racket) accompanied by the Beatles. The brass neck of that woman is amazing to behold. When george left the band John, Pual and Ringo went round to his house to coax him back in the band. And who was also there - Yup Yoko Ono. This lead to them having to go back soem days later without her and George agreed to rejoin the band. One last thing I got from this Documentary - George is not the saint he's been made out to be. At times george was out of his depth musically and this would lead him to complianing and generally being awalrwad and holding things up/. The Film actually show John and Paul getting on incredibly well. They had years left in them as a duo. I now strongly suspect a major reason the Beatles never reformed was George. But most of all Yoko - for sure she would have been a huge turn off to start the band up again from Pauls perspective.
Thank you. Great comments.
I agree. Working on art or music with someone can be weirdly vulnerable bc you’re having to put out or shoot down ideas. A separate person throws that off and it’s incredibly invasive. The entire dynamic is effected.
Cynthia has retained her dignified composure throughout her life ever since the Beatles led to John turning his back on her and eventually fell for the dollop that is Yoko Ono. And it’s to their great credit that both Cynthia and their son Julian continued to give John the respect that he didn’t deserve.
But even more so, the respect they gave - and Paul McCartney too - to the repugnant and deeply unpleasant Yoko Ono, a woman who never respected them and who insulted McCartney by saying John was the songwriter in the Beatles which led to Paul’s well documented response “F**k you, lady!”
Yet despite the trouble that was caused when John insisted Yoko sat in on their recordings, which they never allowed anyone else to and which John would never have allowed, had it been Jane Asher or Heather Mills, Paul took it with good grace and went on to say, “Hey, John loved her, man.”
How magnanimous that was, given the measure of a woman only a mother could love - and John Lennon.
Cynthia did not maintain her dignity, and John never turn his back on her
It was her who turned her back on him by cheating on him with various men including Magic Alex
She also poisoned Julian‘s mind by telling him that his father never loved him and it is known that when John would send letters to Julian, she would mail them back to New York and never talk to Julian about them
F you Cynthia Powell
Yoko is the one who maintains her dignity, despite all the lies that are always said about her and John
Unlike the disgusting Cynthia, Yoko truly loved John and she was always there for him
When she says that John was the Songwriter, she is not disrespecting Paul
She says this, because John Lennon was, is, and will always be the best singer and songwriter that has ever existed
He was amazing not only as a Beatle but also as a solo artist
He was also a wonderful human being and I ask you to please respect him and his wife
Please do not believe those idiots like the disgusting Cynthia Powell and Fred Semen
The disgusting Cynthia just wanted to live off of John and Fred Seaman is a thief who is angry, because Yoko caught him, trying to steal John’s diaries
She's evil and doing what she did to Linda was inexcusable. Linda called Yoko and told her that she wanted to give Paul a surprise for his BD. She wanted to have Paul's song 'Yesterday' - that one song that he did alone - to have the WRITING CREDIT listed as MCCARTNEY/ LENNON. The person who told the story claimed that Yoko knew Linda was going thru Breast Cancer (and would die shortly after) and response was, "No! John wouldn't want that". If that is completely accurate than Yoko really is phukkin' evil. I mean that's BOND VILLAIN level evil. I hear Goldfinger when 007 is tied to that cold, metallic autopsy-ish table with a lazer beam baring down on the 'parts' of James Bond that he hopes, someday, will create Little 007s, and James ALMOST breaking a sweat says, 'Goldfinger do you expect me to talk?' Goldfinger, who's gotten board with it all playfully says, "No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die." I believe that same person claimed that Yoko was the one who was responsible for Paul + Linda's pot arrest in Japan. She's spent millions on publicists rewriting history making her Joan of Arc. This is for her performance art👎💣 and this is for HER 🖕and this is for the horse she rode in on 👈 and this is me when I accidently hear her singing 🧟
I loved Linda, she was s Godsend to Paul because she helped ground him and gave their kids a normal life. Paul tells a story about working on the farm one day when the girls, when they were young, they came running out to Papa Paul and out of breath they excitedly laughed, "You're Paul McCartney of THE BEATLES. They had just found out about the Beatles and couldn't believe how famous they were. That was Linda's influence. Most longtime fans know the story about when they were doing 'Band On The Run' and Paul + Linda were hiking and they got held up and Linda stood in front of Paul and cried 'You mustn't hurt him - HE'S A MUSICIAN. AN ARTIST! A these yrs later we can laugh at it but I'm sure it wasn't funny then and she commits this dangerous selfless act. I think she so underappreciated. Imagine a wife like that?
Yoko doesn't really SING. She just EMITS...
Yoko ....is the complete opposite of Cynthia. Julian is wonderful .......like his Mother.
I am sure Cynthia saw right through Yoko when she was stealing her man. Too bad John wasn't so naive and gullible. I guess Yoko introducing Lennon to heroin may have been part of the plan!
@@gchase4073I feel sure it was part of the plan. Easier to manipulate him when he's drugged up.
Of course, Yoko is the total opposite of Cynthia
Yoko is a beautiful woman who truly loved John
Cynthia was just a slut
Of course, Yoko is a total opposite of Cynthia
Yoko is a beautiful woman who truly loved John just like he loved her
Cynthia was a horrible woman who would do anything she could to hurt John
She even poisoned Julian‘s mind against John
For this and many more reasons, I have no respect for Cynthia Lillian Powell and I wish that John would have never met her
John Lennon was too good for Cynthia Powell so I am very happy that he met the beautiful Yoko Ono Lennon
@angiethebeatlesgirl228 nope you don't do any research do you
Interesting how Mr. Seaman says how litigious Yoko is but she never sued Albert Goldman for his explosive 1988 book The Lives of John Lennon because she said she didn't want to give him any more publicity. I believe the real reason is that Goldman's book, while bitchy in tone, was exhaustively fact checked and researched. If there was anything truly libelous in it, you can be sure she would have sued him to the Stone Age.
@rockturtleneck - Yoko did sue. and part of the settlement Yoko won is that Seaman has been BANNED from speaking publicly about John, Yoko, Sean, Julian and anything to do with Lennon. That is the reason you don't see Seaman as much as May Pang on the airwaves. Seaman has been permanently muzzled thanks to Yoko's lawsuit.
@@PolicyPolitics Interesting, but I was talking about Albert Goldman never getting sued for that explosive 1988 book.
@rockturtleneck - Fred Seaman signed a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) when he worked for John. Seaman broke that when he wrote his book, that is why Yoko was legally able to muzzle Seaman permanently, when Yoko legally enforced the NDA. Albert Goldman never signed such an agreement. That is the difference
One of the biggest rip offs for me was when I grew to truly understand how John Lennon being senselessly taken from humanity and what a loss it remains to be
I've often wondered how John Lennon would have been, the Beatles relationship and if he might be alive today, if he hadn't met Yoko Ono. I know speculation is always endless but I've never heard anything good about her.
self-serving bullies change the course of life every day, unfortunately.
There is absolutely nothing good about Yoko Ono published anywhere on the planet
@@waynefay8210 I've heard there are faint sounds of screaming coming from Jupiter that just MAY be the sound of her voice, in which the "grifter" apparently can be heard. Other than that, that's it !!!😅😅😅
@@waynefay8210 there are a lot of good things published about Yoko Ono Lennon
The problem is that knuckleheads such as you don’t want to hear them because you want to keep on hating
@@RicardoRoams you’ve never heard anything good about Yoko?
Well, I will tell you now that Yoko Ono Lennon is a wonderful woman who truly loved John
She helped him improve his self-esteem and she also made him very happy and gave him a beautiful son
Plus now that John is in heaven, Yoko is doing a good job of keeping his memory alive
As a fan of John Lennon, I will always be thankful to Yoko for loving him and for always being there for him
All of those people who always say negative stuff about Yoko Ono Lennon are nothing but haters
I will end this by saying that besides being a really nice man, John was also very intelligent so if Yoko would’ve been so horrible, he would have been the first one to leave her
Oh, by the way, Yoko is also an artist and a singer and songwriter
I recommend you to listen to her album Approximately Infinite Universe
It is a really good album
Never seen this, I had no idea Yoko was potentially involved in Paul’s 1980 Japan pot bust. Yeesh. I knew she kept Paul from John and then kept May away when she found out John and Paul wanted to hang out.
It’ll be interesting to see what comes out after her passing, I mean she is like 90 years old now
No "potentially" involved about it. Yoko was evidently involved.
A friend of mine who has written a number of books about The Beatles as a group and as individuals mentioned that once Yoko dies, he can publish his book which wouldn't be a love story about her and John's out of sorts relationship.
@@flashflame4952 Your friend will be joining a very long queue.
@@flashflame4952 I hope your friend is that “Beatle Fan” who wrote a review in Amazon on a book about JL which this person criticized as rubbish.
What a happy day that will be when she leaves this earth for her eternal just "reward"!
Just look at that Rolling Stone cover with Yoko laying there and an emaciated John naked in a fetal positon sidling up to her. Its a very disturbing photo and very telling.
Yes....totally shocking & sickening.
Wow! This interview was so insightful.
Yoko describing exactly how to get to John Lennon tells me she WANTED that.
Evil never dies
I've read several books about Lennon and The Beatles and have come to believe that Ono had an enormous part in the dissolution of the band. I think Lennon's life would have taken better turns without Ono. I have tried to cut her some slack;however,the more I learn about her the less use I have for her. An article I read in The Globe And Mail newspaper(I'm Canadian) claimed that she wasted most of her dead husband's fortune. This was about twenty years ago. Then again,Lennon could have simply dumped her. Life is a two way street. No Ono equals the continuation of The Beatles at LEAST for a few more years.
I saw a bumper sticker around town just a year ago that says "I still blame Yoko."
@@steveneardley7541 best bumper sticker ever!!
@@steveneardley7541 Let's make more bumper stickers and pass them out!
I don't know about that. I think the Beatles had many other issues, like money, artistic differences with John, Paul and George as well. Yoko certainly sped up the process and I'm sure she helped to ruin their personal relationships with each other, which is probably even worse than the band breaking up.
True enough. I agree.
Yoko an awelful person with her claws in Lennon...10 days before his death she dismissed his bodyguards warnings that would of saved him and even gave out their time table.
Am I the only one who suspected for decades that Yoko had something more to do with the murder of John
And the fact that she has been deeply involved in the occult since she was a girl makes me VERY suspicious. I know that modern, scientifically-educated people don’t want to believe in anything like “psychic powers,” but honestly…wouldn’t that be the simplest explanation for Chapman having heard “voices” in his head that told him to kill John Lennon? Voices that disappeared as soon as he finished pulling the trigger?
I have only recently started wondering about that, too! Surely, the NYC police department investigated that possibility!
😇🙏 It was 43 years ago this year 2023 that John Lennon left our world 🙏🥀
It's such a let down when you find out what was going on behind the scenes with some of your heros. I learnt the trash about John Lennon 30 years ago, but I had really respected him up until that point. There are lots of cases. David Bowie produced such cool music, but he would sleep with anything that moved in the 70s, including an underaged girl. Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin slept with the same girl. He basically used her as a sex slave, despite being like 14. Always be careful when putting people up on pedestals.
Like what do you expect from your "heroes" exactly? Lennon never said he was the perfect human being that should be a role model. In fact quite the opposite. To be down on Bowie because he slept around in the 1970s when everyone who could do that did exactly that is absurd. These are rock stars not priests. Everyone has dirty laundry and i mean everyone.
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 When I was younger, I expected more integrity. Someone talking about world peace is great, but when you look at how they live their life, see that the cheated on their wife, neglected their son, and generally complained about what they themself are guilty of, it was a downer for me back in the day. Of course nobody's perfect. Just don't be so pretentious, thinking like you're better than everyone - which is what John Lennon did. He was an "angry young man". He was all angry at the world, neglecting to look at himself. The whole image that people were sold about John Lennon is just that - an image. I'm just saying to be careful what you buy into.
@@alukuhito Welcome to Planet Earth!
@@erestube Ri...ght? Stupid Earth! But seriously though... Kid-f#cking by Jimmy Page and David Bowie; hypocricy, neglect, physical abuse, and cheating by John Lennon. Not all rock stars are like that thankfully.
alukohito, People can admire
other folk's WORK , or
talent : separate from
their private life.....
An audience or record
buyers have a sort
of " contract" with the
artiste : payment or
in exchange for the
performer's skills...🎸⭐.
That's " it" , but I know
what you mean...
Great interview by a great comedienne. RIP Joan Rivers