--> How to cancel Airfiber booking: 1) Call 198 from your Jio number (used for booking Airfiber) 2) Select option for Data/Internet (3 usually) 3) Select option for Speed/Internet issue (1 usually ) 4) Ask the person to transfer you to Airfiber Team (they speak English also) 5) Ask the Airfiber person to cancel and provide Refund. Note down the Cancellation request ID.
--> How to cancel Airfiber booking:
1) Call 198 from your Jio number (used for booking Airfiber)
2) Select option for Data/Internet (3 usually)
3) Select option for Speed/Internet issue (1 usually )
4) Ask the person to transfer you to Airfiber Team (they speak English also)
5) Ask the Airfiber person to cancel and provide Refund. Note down the Cancellation request ID.
Oo call transfer Nehi kar rahe hai
Bhai mene Kiya same pr kuch sms nhi aaya mera
Bhai sirf yhi ak trika h
@MrMannu3.0 help me bro paise phass gye hn mere
Boss refund aagya thaa kyaa aapkaa@@MrMannu3.0
Payment kitne time me aai thi
Bhai aai ni jio fiber lgane walo se bat kro 100-200 rkh k vapis krva denge