Incredible! Thank you Pr. Kirsch. Sometimes the way we (as human beings) are translating God is through our own personal dogmas of ethics. God knows how faulty and already done we’re in front of him. From this marvelous lecture I’m arriving to the following thought: “We’re ALL human broken beings and there’s no other way to have any connection to God except through JESUS”. It might sound religious and cheesy to some… but I cannot deny the REAL things that have taken place in my life in JESUS’ name. History can be the most helpful in making us realize the world we live in…but the oxygen we breathe with each of our inhale every moment, making us realize who GOD IS.
Jesus is not the creators son`s name. And the creator is restoring his real name in the earth right now with the real hebrews. He hates being called God that's not his name. The creator has an name and an ORDER of things "following that makes him happy-not going on your own understanding" If you use common sense and research and see the letter J is only 400 to 500 yrs old you.Then you can figure out that when his son was here, that letter J was not even invented yet. His name was never Jesus and will never be even though it was translated that way its wrong. The truth the real truth" sets you Free from sin
And btw, how could anyone say God was silent towards David when God's Spirit spoke thru David inspiring him to write several and some of the longest Psalms. In my book, that's called communication. The whole Bible is a book of communications. David was so blessed among the OT characters, he was the only non-prophet who was given the privilege to write what is known as the Messianic Psalms 119, which prophecies in part the things that would transpire in the messiah's life and death.
The history os David is not about a perfect guy; it is about a sinner person, that constantly are asking for forgiveness. This is what makes the bible an unique book. That shows his characters not as semi-gods, but as common person that need the mercy of God. I can´t imagine how this subject is faced by Kirsch as a new thing! Only for those who never read the bible. But the fundamental of the Bible is the repentance, seeking for forgiveness and the Grace of God for the sincere ones .
why does he pick and choose evidence to agree with his theories? the spiritual david is a veneer, but the violent david is the 'real' david.. why not just accept that he was both? this kind of approach is so annoying
God was silent towards David? No intimate relationship same as Moses? Excuse me? Are you talking about the same King David in the Bible? The man whom God described as "a man after His (God) own heart"? As a young man, when I read that, I thought it was the most intimate expression of God towards anyone becoz nowhere else in the entire Bible was the same thing said about anyone else. I think Kirsch has to re-read the book 10 more times to get his facts right.
look for Islam, for the relity of Prophet David, a mighty messenger of Allah, Then David glorified his Lord and said: Praise be to Allah Who has brought me an immense kingdom, Who has softened iron for my hands, and subjected to me the mountains and the birds which laud Him, and has given me wisdom and unmistakable judgment in my speech!
I was pretty disturbed when i read the book. I always just thought of David as just a guy who killed a giant and became king, then i read it and it was clear hes was pretty violent although so was most people at that time. I know god is loveing and he has blessed me but we gotta remember he described himself as a terrible god as well. And the sex and violence is condemded in the bibles unlike modern day music videos and shows where it's glorifed.
I don’t know if one nightstand is as white word. I think the right word might start with an R and end with a “aped” as I don’t believe that Bathsheba had much of a choice in the matter // if any of this actually happened at all
Ironically with a name like Jonathan...which happens to be the then shepherd boy best friend both made a covenant before the Lord and no man since has depended on God for every victory and spoke to God and God gave him beautiful psalms so please don't secularize David and claim to know this man's relationship with God as trivial. King David knows God deeply unlike Mr Kirsch...
What is his evidence for his opinion? Did he interview Absalom, Bathsheba, or Solomon? All anyone needs to walk away with from this guy is, this is his THEORY.
Didn't Zedekiah's daughter Tea Tephi travel to Ireland with Jeremiah and marry a Milesian King thus continuing the Throne of David where is was overturned 3 times from Jerusalem to Ireland to Scotland to England where God has taken it off of the British Royal Family? Ezekiel 21:27 King James Version 27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.
I agree with much that the professor said but I am convinced he is wrong that the prophecy or promise that David would never lack a man to sit on his throne until Shiloh, the Messiah, failed. It did not fail. At the later part of Solomon's rule, he sired a son with Queen Makeda of Ethiopia and Sheba. That child Menelik 1 became the start of the Solomonic dynasty in Ethiopia, which transformed from an animist/Judaism to a dynasty and nation of Oriental Orthodox Christianity and culminated in the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie 1 who though deposed in 1974, has never been proven to have died, though the Marxist junta claimed he passed away from a prostate operation, in 1975. They never produced so much as a photo of the Emperor dead. He simply disappeared from public view. He continues to reign in the hearts of those who recognize HIM as the Conquering Lion of Judah and the embodiment of Jesus Christ on earth.
It is striking to me that men want to have a man over them! Jesus has the same problem with us, we want an intermediary to shelter us from God directly! The great honor and dignity of Gods plan for us involves us continuing in the creation throughout the universes; As in a family, the head of the family are the parents who are superceded by the children when they are matured. The ten commandments are flawless as a guide to holiness, eternity and perfect love. They can't be bettered as an example
MALCHUT-Kingdom The Kingdom is the ground of the House of Being. What is the ground? It is the never-present itself Present. The Present becomes present and yet is always present as the very possibility of the present moment. To cite Carlo Rovelli’s evocative description of the Present: “We are left with “an empty windswept landscape almost devoid of all trace of temporality … a world stripped to its essence, glittering with an arid and troubling beauty”. The “arid and troubling beauty” with which the Present glitters, is, enunciated here, the Face of Death. Death dryly smiles, and whispers seductively to Eve, once more in the garden, of how it is that everything was, is, and will be, how we face the past, which is the future, how we can only attempt to catch up with ourselves. We are ghosts of the bodies that have long ago decayed and of which we are at best the fluttering lashes. Everything has been long over, long gone since Time began, it was all over in a flash and that we are catching up to ourselves, at the point at which is death. I dance about the Carving, which is the ontological carving of my frenzied madness, my totemic fetishism elucidating the mysteries of the Class struggle. Spirit is at war with Itself performing thus its war dance: The Present is the Conception - the Unconscious - that runs throughout every now and whose motion rather than passing is vibrant Stillness. This motion the text further calls emanation (Atzilut).
David chosen by God as a prophet to lead his people to God. Yes believe it. Acts 2:30 And David chosen by God to also be an adulterer. Don’t believe it. 2 Samuel 11:4
The theory of David having been the first book ever written makes no sense. The Hebrew syntax and vocabulary of Genesis predates, and is more primitive than, the Books of Samuel and/or the Psalms. A more likely phenomenon was backdating *passages* of a mostly complete Pentateuch. Recall the Tanach was compiled during the Babylonian Exodus (6th century BCE)
@sycamoreok your attributing your false desires to a man you have no knowledge of. Muhammad (saas) never did anything you mentioned, yes he did kill his enemies in the Battlefield, what in the world do you do in war, FIGHT, and there will be casualties. But we dont fight for this world or material gain, we fight in Allah's Path, that is the great success. Again if your Christian, please dont tell me about a JUST god? PLEASE lol.
We as humans do a-lot of wrong things, just as King David did The difference is King David "right away admitted" his faults to the creator. How many of us do that now? Pslams 51 is amazing, it gives us "the blueprint" and how to Truly ask the creator for deliverance from sin, from A wicked heart/ mind that King David admitted he had( How many of us do that today, honestly and in the creators TRUE ORDER). This is amazing that King David brought this for us after he made a terrible mistake. He's trying to fix his insides, his soul, his heart and wicked mind.( which we all have to) Most people do not admit when their wrong and DEFIANTLY DO NOT follow the PROPER order on how to fix this with the creator. Interestingly enough the presenter didn't say this King David actually did the proper repentance, and left us the blueprint to fix ourselves.(This was not mentioned) HMMMM The story about Bill Clinton "comparing of the sins" is wrong WHY? because a sin is a sin AND they both have to be repented on PROPERLy to the creatoR, which King David did ( I wonder if Bill Clinton did that REPENTANCE properly?) So who really is the saint? The one who faced his judgement AS KING DAVID DID OR the one who holds on to sin withouT removing it properly ? think about that for a minute. this narrator is missing alot, As a matter of fact he shouldn't even be talking about this unless the creator has given HIM the go ahead to do so. Its a sin do other wise. The reason the creator says that David is after his heart is because his actions show this He follows the creatures way to rid himself of his wicked heart and mind and KING DAVID DOES NOT go on his own understanding, which all religions do to this day. -think about what I'm saying people - the truth sets you free not lies and religion. David was given a judgement that he went through AND he CLEANSED HIS WICKED HEART AND MIND HE followed the creators rules and HE excepted THE judgement THE CREATOR GAVE HIM and did things in proper order. Thats why the Messiah comes from his bloodline.. @@jeremiahrobinson3745
Looking for David and his dynasty. Go to the areas of Al Baha, Abha, Jizan, Taif, Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. He lived and roamed in those areas. Something is hidden there. The shackles is there, the smoky mountain is there and so much more
This is so very wrong and twisted its unreal. David did sin but did not lead a fleshly sin filled life.. he was a man after Gods own heart. and the Bible may have sex in it but its not glorified and twisted like rap songs and movies do. oh and Moses never saw Gods face... no one has! And david did hear from God, through the Holy Spirit.
Hello I'm King David and I'm a BIBLE Rapper i was reborn and became Ghetto Jesus and it happen a 2nd time bc of Karma and Art helped me evolve my mind to Cosmic Christ consciousness I consider myself to be transgender and I love the sinners too
All of your talk is based on the bible which we believe has been changed by the writers of bible. Man of God David will never commit any of the accusations bible make.
@sycamoreok David alayhi salaam had everything to do with Allah, he lived for Allah, he worshipped Allah, he fasted every other day, Allah blessed him with a kingdom after Saul alayhi salaam, and he killed the tyrant Goliath with a pebble rock by the will of Allah, ISLAM is the only religion that is acceptable to GOD, Every since man existed, the way of Islam (Obeying the Creator) was established, this is our only reason for existence. Islam the term is Arabic, but the meaning is obedience.
King David's Religion is The Law of One but Believes in all other religions as well I just found out who I was two years ago when I turned 33 and I'm trying to learn as much as I can knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility
Chapter 5 . The Table Spread with food. Revealed at Al-Madinah by the Holy Spirit ( the Angel Gabriel ) to the Prophet Muhammed in the early 7th century : In the name of Allah , the Most Gracious , the Most Merciful ; 77. Say : "O people of the Scripture ! Exceed not the limits in your religion other than the truth , and do not follow the vain desires of people who went astray before and who mislead many , and strayed themselves from the right path . " 78. Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David ( Dawood ) and Jesus ( Esa) son of Mary ( Maryam ) . That was because they disobeyed ( Allah ) and were ever transgressing beyond bounds . 79. They used not to forbid one another from Al-Munkar ( wrong , evildoing , sins , polytheism , disbelief ) which they committed . Vile indeed was what they used to do . 80. You see many of them taking the disbelievers as their Auliya ( (Patron ( Boss ) protectors and helpers ) ). Evil indeed is that which their ownselves have sent forward before them ; for that reason Allah's Wrath fell upon them, and in torment they will abide . 81. And had they believed in Allah , and in the Prophet ( Muhammed) , and in what has been Revealed to him ( Qur'an ) , never would they have taken them ( the disbelievers ) as Auliya ( (Patron ( Boss ) protectors and helpers ) ) ; but many of them are Fasikoon ( rebellious , disobedient to Allah ) . 82. Verily , you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers the Jews and those who are Polytheists ( Mushrikoon ) . And you will find the nearest in love to the believers those who say : We are Nasaara ( Christians) ! That is because among them are priests and monks , and they are not proud . 83. And when they (( Nasaara ( Christians) )) listen to what has been sent down ( Qur'an ) to the Messenger ( Muhammed ) , you see their eyes overflowing with tears , because of the Truth they have recognised . They say : " Our Lord ! We believe, so write us down among the witnesses ., 84. And why should we not believe in Allah and in that which has come to us ( Qur'an ) of the Truth ? And We wish that Our Lord will admit us ( into His Mercy ) along with the Righteous ." 85. So because of what they said , Allah rewarded them with Gardens under which rivers flow ( in Paradise ) , they will abide therein forever . Such is the reward of Muhseeneen ( the good-doers ) . 86. But those who disbelieved and denied Our Ayat ( Revelations) they shall be the dwellers of the Fire . The Noble Qur'an
Blasphemy all of that . Don’t listed to this guy , you want the truth the unedited version go to the Quran . There was never a prophet sent by God that has ever sinned .
Incredible! Thank you Pr. Kirsch.
Sometimes the way we (as human beings) are translating God is through our own personal dogmas of ethics. God knows how faulty and already done we’re in front of him.
From this marvelous lecture I’m arriving to the following thought: “We’re ALL human broken beings and there’s no other way to have any connection to God except through JESUS”. It might sound religious and cheesy to some… but I cannot deny the REAL things that have taken place in my life in JESUS’ name. History can be the most helpful in making us realize the world we live in…but the oxygen we breathe with each of our inhale every moment, making us realize who GOD IS.
Jesus is not the creators son`s name. And the creator is restoring his real name in the earth right now with the real hebrews. He hates being called God that's not his name. The creator has an name and an ORDER of things "following that makes him happy-not going on your own understanding"
If you use common sense and research and see the letter J is only 400 to 500 yrs old you.Then you can figure out that when his son was here, that letter J was not even invented yet.
His name was never Jesus and will never be even though it was translated that way its wrong. The truth the real truth" sets you Free from sin
And btw, how could anyone say God was silent towards David when God's Spirit spoke thru David inspiring him to write several and some of the longest Psalms. In my book, that's called communication. The whole Bible is a book of communications. David was so blessed among the OT characters, he was the only non-prophet who was given the privilege to write what is known as the Messianic Psalms 119, which prophecies in part the things that would transpire in the messiah's life and death.
yup, you are out of context. The context is vocalisation between God and Moses. Listen and understand
Since David was given to write Messianic Psalms then he is a prophet.
The scripture says david was a prophet
The history os David is not about a perfect guy; it is about a sinner person, that constantly are asking for forgiveness. This is what makes the bible an unique book. That shows his characters not as semi-gods, but as common person that need the mercy of God. I can´t imagine how this subject is faced by Kirsch as a new thing! Only for those who never read the bible. But the fundamental of the Bible is the repentance, seeking for forgiveness and the Grace of God for the sincere ones .
David is a simple human, trying his best to align his Heart to the CREATOR´S Heart...
@@angelracing Thank You I appreciate the support King David
This is what happens when a newspaper writer repackages Holy Scripture to sell a book to Californians.
I like Mr. Hirsch's thought-provoking questions, Dear Expert, BUT ... alas, your comment is very very funny!
So true.
why does he pick and choose evidence to agree with his theories?
the spiritual david is a veneer, but the violent david is the 'real' david.. why not just accept that he was both?
this kind of approach is so annoying
the dynasty is still alive and well
How so ?
@@jeffmarlatt6538 yeah he`s right strengthening everyday
What are the psalms sir?
God was silent towards David? No intimate relationship same as Moses? Excuse me? Are you talking about the same King David in the Bible? The man whom God described as "a man after His (God) own heart"? As a young man, when I read that, I thought it was the most intimate expression of God towards anyone becoz nowhere else in the entire Bible was the same thing said about anyone else. I think Kirsch has to re-read the book 10 more times to get his facts right.
Nope, you have to get your facts right and listen with an ounce of intelligent thought.. He spoke in the context of vocalisation between God and man.
This man clearly hasnt read the psalms of David....
Great message...
what part of the message was great
Thank god for the brothers
look for Islam, for the relity of Prophet David, a mighty messenger of Allah,
Then David glorified his Lord and said:
Praise be to Allah Who has brought me an immense kingdom, Who has softened iron for my hands, and subjected to me the mountains and the birds which laud Him, and has given me wisdom and unmistakable judgment in my speech!
I've had relatives do a lot of research on my mother's side of the family of the JONESES. I AM RELATED TO KING
Reality is what we make of it.
who's rerality
Both Exodus 33:11 and Deuteronomy 34:10 say that God spoke to Moses face to face. ANd according to the Bible, David did indeed live a sin filled life.
Everyone does. That's the beauty of Jesus and the ignorance of this guy who thinks it's ironic.
It's always easy to criticize the dead....especially when you can profit by it.
Psalms 51 is David.
I was pretty disturbed when i read the book. I always just thought of David as just a guy who killed a giant and became king, then i read it and it was clear hes was pretty violent although so was most people at that time. I know god is loveing and he has blessed me but we gotta remember he described himself as a terrible god as well. And the sex and violence is condemded in the bibles unlike modern day music videos and shows where it's glorifed.
Folks are pretty violent today, Dear Mike. Just look at the political internet pages - rife with hostility.
29:15, no, a concubine is not the equivalent of a wife in biblical terms.
I don’t know if one nightstand is as white word. I think the right word might start with an R and end with a “aped” as I don’t believe that Bathsheba had much of a choice in the matter // if any of this actually happened at all
Ironically with a name like Jonathan...which happens to be the then shepherd boy best friend both made a covenant before the Lord and no man since has depended on God for every victory and spoke to God and God gave him beautiful psalms so please don't secularize David and claim to know this man's relationship with God as trivial.
King David knows God deeply unlike Mr Kirsch...
Why do you assume to know Mr.Kirsch's relationship with God ?
Great video, I enjoyed watching it.
Buy my book
Buy my book.
Buy my book.
What is his evidence for his opinion? Did he interview Absalom, Bathsheba, or Solomon? All anyone needs to walk away with from this guy is, this is his THEORY.
I'm getting the same impression
why are you so upset?
@@fcchannel6162 Huh? 😒 You are waaay off.
Seems like his account comes from the same bible he so readily dismisses
Didn't Zedekiah's daughter Tea Tephi travel to Ireland with Jeremiah and marry a Milesian King thus continuing the Throne of David where is was overturned 3 times from Jerusalem to Ireland to Scotland to England where God has taken it off of the British Royal Family?
Ezekiel 21:27
King James Version
27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.
the queen of England is German.
German and IRISH/SCOTTISH are from Judah.
Irish and Scottish are from the Zerah line of Judah.
Germans are the ancient Assyrians I believe
THE British Israeli are just as delusional as the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Who's British Israeli?
@@RyanMichaelMcCrossan1422 Look up "British Israelites", or "British Israelism".
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”
I agree with much that the professor said but I am convinced he is wrong that the prophecy or promise that David would never lack a man to sit on his throne until Shiloh, the Messiah, failed.
It did not fail.
At the later part of Solomon's rule, he sired a son with Queen Makeda of Ethiopia and Sheba.
That child Menelik 1 became the start of the Solomonic dynasty in Ethiopia, which transformed from an animist/Judaism to a dynasty and nation of Oriental Orthodox Christianity and culminated in the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie 1 who
though deposed in 1974, has never been proven to have died, though the Marxist junta claimed he passed away from a prostate
operation, in 1975.
They never produced so much as a photo of the Emperor dead.
He simply disappeared from public view.
He continues to reign in the hearts of those who recognize HIM as the Conquering Lion of Judah and the embodiment of Jesus Christ on earth.
It is striking to me that men want to have a man over them! Jesus has the same problem with us, we want an intermediary to shelter us from God directly! The great honor and dignity of Gods plan for us involves us continuing in the creation throughout the universes; As in a family, the head of the family are the parents who are superceded by the children when they are matured. The ten commandments are flawless as a guide to holiness, eternity and perfect love. They can't be bettered as an example
The Kingdom is the ground of the House of Being. What is the ground? It is the never-present itself Present. The Present becomes present and yet is always present as the very possibility of the present moment. To cite Carlo Rovelli’s evocative description of the Present: “We are left with “an empty windswept landscape almost devoid of all trace of temporality … a world stripped to its essence, glittering with an arid and troubling beauty”. The “arid and troubling beauty” with which the Present glitters, is, enunciated here, the Face of Death. Death dryly smiles, and whispers seductively to Eve, once more in the garden, of how it is that everything was, is, and will be, how we face the past, which is the future, how we can only attempt to catch up with ourselves. We are ghosts of the bodies that have long ago decayed and of which we are at best the fluttering lashes. Everything has been long over, long gone since Time began, it was all over in a flash and that we are catching up to ourselves, at the point at which is death.
I dance about the Carving, which is the ontological carving of my frenzied madness, my totemic fetishism elucidating the mysteries of the Class struggle. Spirit is at war with Itself performing thus its war dance: The Present is the Conception - the Unconscious - that runs throughout every now and whose motion rather than passing is vibrant Stillness. This motion the text further calls emanation (Atzilut).
David states in the Bible that God's image was ever visible to him.
David chosen by God as a prophet to lead his people to God. Yes believe it. Acts 2:30
And David chosen by God to also be an adulterer. Don’t believe it. 2 Samuel 11:4
The theory of David having been the first book ever written makes no sense. The Hebrew syntax and vocabulary of Genesis predates, and is more primitive than, the Books of Samuel and/or the Psalms. A more likely phenomenon was backdating *passages* of a mostly complete Pentateuch. Recall the Tanach was compiled during the Babylonian Exodus (6th century BCE)
Elijah is King David John the Baptist is Prester John
@sycamoreok your attributing your false desires to a man you have no knowledge of. Muhammad (saas) never did anything you mentioned, yes he did kill his enemies in the Battlefield, what in the world do you do in war, FIGHT, and there will be casualties. But we dont fight for this world or material gain, we fight in Allah's Path, that is the great success. Again if your Christian, please dont tell me about a JUST god? PLEASE lol.
Nice one
this guy speaking doesn't even know who the real hebrews are
Lol you’re right but he still gives a good breakdown of the life of David. There are some things that can be learned.
We as humans do a-lot of wrong things, just as King David did
The difference is King David "right away admitted" his faults to the creator. How many of us do that now?
Pslams 51
is amazing, it gives us "the blueprint" and how to Truly ask the creator for deliverance from sin, from A wicked heart/ mind that King David admitted he had( How many of us do that today, honestly and in the creators TRUE ORDER).
This is amazing that King David brought this for us after he made a terrible mistake. He's trying to fix his insides, his soul, his heart and wicked mind.( which we all have to)
Most people do not admit when their wrong and DEFIANTLY DO NOT follow the PROPER order on how to fix this with the creator.
Interestingly enough the presenter didn't say this
King David actually did the proper repentance, and left us the blueprint to fix ourselves.(This was not mentioned) HMMMM
The story about Bill Clinton "comparing of the sins" is wrong WHY? because a sin is a sin AND they both have to be repented on PROPERLy to the creatoR, which King David did ( I wonder if Bill Clinton did that REPENTANCE properly?)
So who really is the saint? The one who faced his judgement AS KING DAVID DID OR the one who holds on to sin withouT removing it properly ?
think about that for a minute.
this narrator is missing alot, As a matter of fact he shouldn't even be talking about this unless the creator has given HIM the go ahead to do so.
Its a sin do other wise.
The reason the creator says that David is after his heart is because his actions show this
He follows the creatures way to rid himself of his wicked heart and mind and KING DAVID DOES NOT go on his own understanding,
which all religions do to this day.
-think about what I'm saying people -
the truth sets you free not lies and religion.
David was given a judgement that he went through AND he CLEANSED HIS WICKED HEART AND MIND
HE followed the creators rules and HE excepted THE judgement THE CREATOR GAVE HIM
and did things in proper order. Thats why the Messiah comes from his bloodline.. @@jeremiahrobinson3745
Israel was a person
ISRAEL and David, the same Spirit, at different times and in different lives...
I don't need Scripture to know that Jesus Christ is God resurrected King
Looking for David and his dynasty. Go to the areas of Al Baha, Abha, Jizan, Taif, Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. He lived and roamed in those areas. Something is hidden there. The shackles is there, the smoky mountain is there and so much more
I'm King David I live in USA NJ
This is so very wrong and twisted its unreal. David did sin but did not lead a fleshly sin filled life.. he was a man after Gods own heart. and the Bible may have sex in it but its not glorified and twisted like rap songs and movies do.
oh and Moses never saw Gods face... no one has! And david did hear from God, through the Holy Spirit.
sex is life and Love...
Hello I'm King David and I'm a BIBLE Rapper i was reborn and became Ghetto Jesus and it happen a 2nd time bc of Karma and Art helped me evolve my mind to Cosmic Christ consciousness I consider myself to be transgender and I love the sinners too
@@angelracing I'm KING DAVID Queen Diva-D God's son Satan's daughter but I got pissed off and became You're Mother and Father Cheap trick Surrender
@@kingdavid6206 congratulations!
@@kingdavid6206 congratulations!
All Lies keeping people in ignorance.
You know king David was black that is why you are criticising him. Had he been a white and jewish you would have been more positive .
I'm King David I'm Italian Irish German Puerto Rican and Jewish
All of your talk is based on the bible which we believe has been changed by the writers of bible. Man of God David will never commit any of the accusations bible make.
12:16 thats how i looked
@sycamoreok David alayhi salaam had everything to do with Allah, he lived for Allah, he worshipped Allah, he fasted every other day, Allah blessed him with a kingdom after Saul alayhi salaam, and he killed the tyrant Goliath with a pebble rock by the will of Allah, ISLAM is the only religion that is acceptable to GOD, Every since man existed, the way of Islam (Obeying the Creator) was established, this is our only reason for existence. Islam the term is Arabic, but the meaning is obedience.
King David's Religion is The Law of One but Believes in all other religions as well I just found out who I was two years ago when I turned 33 and I'm trying to learn as much as I can knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility
Chapter 5 . The Table Spread with food. Revealed at Al-Madinah by the Holy Spirit ( the Angel Gabriel ) to the Prophet Muhammed in the early 7th century :
In the name of Allah , the Most Gracious , the Most Merciful ;
77. Say : "O people of the Scripture ! Exceed not the limits in your religion other than the truth , and do not follow the vain desires of people who went astray before and who mislead many , and strayed themselves from the right path . "
78. Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David ( Dawood ) and Jesus ( Esa) son of Mary ( Maryam ) . That was because they disobeyed ( Allah ) and were ever transgressing beyond bounds .
79. They used not to forbid one another from Al-Munkar ( wrong , evildoing , sins , polytheism , disbelief ) which they committed . Vile indeed was what they used to do .
80. You see many of them taking the disbelievers as their Auliya ( (Patron ( Boss ) protectors and helpers ) ). Evil indeed is that which their ownselves have sent forward before them ; for that reason Allah's Wrath fell upon them, and in torment they will abide .
81. And had they believed in Allah , and in the Prophet ( Muhammed) , and in what has been Revealed to him ( Qur'an ) , never would they have taken them ( the disbelievers ) as Auliya ( (Patron ( Boss ) protectors and helpers ) ) ; but many of them are Fasikoon ( rebellious , disobedient to Allah ) .
82. Verily , you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers the Jews and those who are Polytheists ( Mushrikoon ) . And you will find the nearest in love to the believers those who say : We are Nasaara ( Christians) ! That is because among them are priests and monks , and they are not proud .
83. And when they (( Nasaara ( Christians) )) listen to what has been sent down ( Qur'an ) to the Messenger ( Muhammed ) , you see their eyes overflowing with tears , because of the Truth they have recognised . They say : " Our Lord ! We believe, so write us down among the witnesses .,
84. And why should we not believe in Allah and in that which has come to us ( Qur'an ) of the Truth ? And We wish that Our Lord will admit us ( into His Mercy ) along with the Righteous ."
85. So because of what they said , Allah rewarded them with Gardens under which rivers flow ( in Paradise ) , they will abide therein forever .
Such is the reward of Muhseeneen ( the good-doers ) .
86. But those who disbelieved and denied Our Ayat ( Revelations) they shall be the dwellers of the Fire .
The Noble Qur'an
Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, King Solomon, King David & Jesus Are Black People. The Bible Is Our Book!
NOPE! stop hallucinating!!
i; dont; appreiate; your; tone,; its; all; nonsense..
This guy is a clown.
Blasphemy all of that . Don’t listed to this guy , you want the truth the unedited version go to the Quran . There was never a prophet sent by God that has ever sinned .