Binatone Walkie Talkie antenna modification

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • English- German description, Google translation, video text only in English! Thank you. Dankeschön!.
    Pay attention to the legal regulations of your country!
    Hello radio friends.
    How can I improve the range of a simple 70cm Binatone PMR Walkie Talkie without interfering with the device? Here's the example of Binatone I want to show you this. In principle, we only need to make a simple field strength meter for Lambda 70cm / 446MHz and some copper wire for a new antenna.
    Assuming an optimal adjustment of lambda ¼ at 70cm wavelength, the antenna of the Walkie Talkies results in an antenna length of 16-17cm. Inductively coupled here without removing the binatone antenna.
    Beachte die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen Deines Landes!
    Hallo zusammen.
    Wie kann ich die Reichweite eines einfachen 70cm PMR- Walkie- Talkies verbessern ohne in das Gerät einzugreifen? Hier am Beispiel Binatone will ich euch das zeigen. Prinzipiell brauchen wir dazu nur einen einfachen Feldstärkemesser für Lambda 70cm / 446MHz basteln und etwas Kupferdraht für eine neue Antenne.
    Geht man von einer optimalen Anpassung von Lambda ¼ bei 70cm Wellenlänge aus, so ergibt sich für die Antenne des Walkie Talkies eine Antennenlänge von 16- 17 cm. Hier induktiv gekoppelt ohne die Binatone Antenne zu entfernen.
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    Dieser Kanal dient hauptsächlich um weitergehende Informationen auf weitere Seiten zu verlinken. Es geht hier nicht um eine ausgefeilte Internetpräsenz. Videos werden gesetzt, um anschauliche Informationen zu präsentieren und ein Verstehen der gezeigten Zusammenhänge, dem interessierten Publikum, visuell nahe zu bringen. Also keine Form von Selbstdarstellung und ausgefeilter Videopräsenz auf YT.
    Trotzdem,... schön das dies in dieser unkomplizierten Form im www. möglich ist.
    Technikgeschichte und das experimentelle Nachvollziehen schon fast vergessener elementarer Grundschaltungen und deren Bauteile ist meine Faszination.
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    Das Nachahmen der gezeigten Versuche geschieht auf eigene Gefahr. Sie stellen keine Anleitung dar und ersetzen keine professionelle Ausbildung. Jeder arbeitet auf eigene Gefahr und ist für die eigene Sicherheit und die der Mitmenschen verantwortlich. Ich übernehme keinerlei Haftung für alles.
    joe 08 / 2018
    Google translation:
    ******* About this channel / Über diesen Kanal *******
    This channel is mainly used to link further information to other sites. This is not about a sophisticated internet presence. Videos are set to present descriptive information and to bring an understanding of the connections shown, the interested public, visually. So no form of self-expression and sophisticated video presence on YT.
    Nevertheless, ... nice this in this uncomplicated form in the www. is possible.
    History of technology and the experimental understanding of already almost forgotten elementary basic circuits and their components is my fascination.
    ******* Important Notice / Wichtiger Hinweis *******
    The imitation of the experiments shown is at your own risk. They are not an absolute guide and do not replace professional training. Everyone has their own way of achieving the same result. Everyone works at their own risk. Everyone is responsible for their own safety and that of their fellow human beings. I assume no liability for everything.
    joe 08 / 2018
  • วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี

ความคิดเห็น • 63

  • @mensagemii744
    @mensagemii744 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    16,5 cm very well ! 100% over the original. I conect direct on radio - it is best.

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      you have a half of a watt transmitter under F C C rules don't mess with it
      it will still only a mile I have the same radio as you do no extra anything
      I want to go farther I switch over to my 5 watt or grab my mike on my
      base radio and talk on a 45 watt radio.

  • @mrbeach3379
    @mrbeach3379 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi do you leave the original coil of antenna wire inside the aerial or do you remove it with this mod, looks a good mod and something i will try, thanks for posting this.

    • @javilarg
      @javilarg 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MHEletronic
    @MHEletronic 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jawollja,, so gehts auch, gut gemacht. Bliebe noch ein Reichweitentest auf offener Strecke. 73, Mike

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hallo Mike, bei 70cm alles eine Frage der Höhe über Ground und freier Sicht. Nach G- Maps waren es 7,2km. Es wäre noch ein bisschen mehr drin gewesen, da ein Hindernis (Wohnblock) die Luftlinie eintrübte...ha,ha... Ich denke 10km könnte man schaffen.
      73, joe

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      JOE this is EARTH calling your on a half a watt transmiter that's one
      mile on a good down

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      12 block's on a good day or line of site

  • @techtinkerin
    @techtinkerin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bang a 1/2 wave copper wire on it, can't get much better❤️😊

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      not with a half watt transmitter you won't.

  • @donalderickson-si8ww
    @donalderickson-si8ww 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    you mean on license that is a child locater at one mile and doing any thing to the antenna
    wont your transmitter is only one half of one watt per F C rules HE did not read the book.

  • @shemmo
    @shemmo 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is sort of helical / helix antena, coupled with built in helical ant. I did some calculations and testing, best is if you cut 2mm thick electrical copper wire of 675 mm (1 lambda), bend 90deg. right in the middle and wind (left turns) the first half (half lamba). There must be even distance between pithes of 1/2 the diameter. The best results are with diameter of around 3/4 lamba, but you wont be able to wrap it around the existing antenna... i had good results with aluminum pipe 336 mm long attached parallel to the antenna

    • @shemmo
      @shemmo 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Helical antenna if properly built has some advantages over straight antenna eg. circular polarization

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      FOR GET THE ANTENNA you on a half a watt transmitter think about it
      get your G M R S license you at 5 watts call my friends thay will
      set you with a tuned 45 watt radio with a tuned antenna and the antenna matches
      to the radio get your license and be the big guy in the block like I am.

  • @TheForla
    @TheForla 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Congratulations, I wanted to know if the original antenna remained inside? thanks

    • @javilarg
      @javilarg 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It remains inside, untouched

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      your playing with the F C C and you only have a half watt transmitter on the other end of the antenna any way

  • @Urlaubaer84
    @Urlaubaer84 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sehr interessant
    Sehr tolles Video Abo ist raus freu mich auf mehr 😀

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Danke, z.Zt. mache ich leider sehr wenig. Mir fehlt die Zeit, da ich noch andere Steckenpferde habe.
      Also... nicht entäuscht sein.. wenn hier wenig los ist.

    • @jensteret8026
      @jensteret8026 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Schön anzusehen, nicht überdreht. Wie baut man das testgerät nach, schaltung ist gut verständlich aber Schottky u wo ein kristall? Versteht nicht jeder. VG

  • @SqueekyBums
    @SqueekyBums ปีที่แล้ว

    With this music, I keep expecting a bearded guy with flares to appear with a girl in a mini skirt before gettin' jiggy.... 😋

  • @donalderickson-si8ww
    @donalderickson-si8ww หลายเดือนก่อน

    here in the USA that would get you in truble with the F C C as tampering with a radio.

  • @Pipi69420ggwp
    @Pipi69420ggwp 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I tworks tnx alot, great vid

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you. Videos should us motivate to make experiments and DIY. Of course you have to find your own ways and most of the time there are even better solutions. It depends from the devices. Some can not be improved. Do not expect miracles ... and remember, twice the range requires four times the power. joe

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      you get 20 miles on 5 watts I also get 20 miles on a 45 watt radio also
      and I am licensed and can talk to Chicago ILL on a tower link
      from the east coast G M R S east coast club.

  • @LinuxUsersonly
    @LinuxUsersonly 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Could you add a bnc adapter to the copper and connect a proper aerial ?

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Linux, so sorry for the late reply. I am not sure about the BNC- impedance of 50Ohm or 75Ohm at 70cm wavelength. Better is to try out an original SMA 70cm female Antenna to screw. Check www. Think about the right socket (male). If you want to try out BNC- connectors, so is in my opinion a 50Ohms connection better.
      73, joe

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      here you can see an original 70cm antenna in the Morserino- project.
      May be also interesting for you. Documentation in English and German.
      73, joe

    • @LinuxUsersonly
      @LinuxUsersonly 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      joe Beresf i ended up buying a baofeng which allows you to remove aerial and use long range ones from eBay

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      on a half of a watt transmitter your still at a mile get your G M R S licensee and
      do 20 miles and do and the F C C wont knok on your door.

  • @donalderickson-si8ww
    @donalderickson-si8ww หลายเดือนก่อน

    and it is a used car from 20/19.

  • @grahamrdyer6322
    @grahamrdyer6322 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I used a 1n34a with a 100 micro amp meter, it's very sensitive..

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Graham, yes 100uA- meter is perfectly. .... But try one time a schottkydiode BAT15. In my results schottky low capacitive was better than standard Germanium 1N34. Give a reply.
      Thanks and best wishes..

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      and how far did you get with it.

  • @RKurtzweil68
    @RKurtzweil68 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does the copper wire have to be bent at the tip or can it just remain straight?

  • @Pipi69420ggwp
    @Pipi69420ggwp 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    So you can just solder a telescopick antenna ( i know the law ) but it would work beter ?

    • @lol-mc3be
      @lol-mc3be 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      wtf is your spelling

  • @JpChannelOne
    @JpChannelOne 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Klasse gemacht. Daumen hoch!

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Schön, dass es dir gefällt!
      Danke und Gruß

  • @MysLed
    @MysLed 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it not possible to just try to straighten the coiled antenna already included in a walkie talkie?

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      If the antenna is changed, the operating license of the walkie-talkie goes out. I did not want to show that ... the original antenna should not be changed! But you're right, you could pull this spiral antenna to a straight line. Here d x pi x wdg = 35cm. and cut to 16.5cm. That shows the best result. The antenna is made of very thin spring wire ... that looks stupid. It is better to disassemble and replace with a straight wire. Then you always have the original spiral antenna.

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      GUYS BE LEAGLE LIKE ME WENT G M R S AND DO 20 miles on a
      5 watt transmitter with license or do like I did which was take it
      up to 45 watt's I do it with a license

  • @JLR10248
    @JLR10248 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @macanalista
    @macanalista 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, what happens if the antenna is replaced with a telescopic one (like the radio transistor one)?

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, that's perfect! To try out the telescope can be set exactly. Range between 15-17cm. Lambda 1/4.
      But the operating permit and warranty, etc ... then goes out, is clear!

    • @mensagemii744
      @mensagemii744 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maintain 16,5 cm. Solder direct in radio.

  • @M4CHINE69
    @M4CHINE69 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there I have some walkie talkies there 40mhz and I was wondering if you can convert it to 27mhz cause I wanna listen to cb radio, I opened up the walkie talkie and there’s a small screw to adjust is that to change the frequency or am I wrong.

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hello Yolo 666,
      this is not going to work. The small setting screw (trimmer) is intended for frequency adjustment to 40MHz. A reduction of the frequency by 13MHz to 27MHz is not possible. There are inexpensive CB devices, for example on eBay and in electronik- shops. That would be the better way. If you turn the screw, the factory setting may change and the unit may not function optimally.
      Best regards

    • @M4CHINE69
      @M4CHINE69 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      joe Beresf ok thx jus wondering, anyway does anyone go on the 40mhz band or is it dead.

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Short Range Devices (SRD) is not so popular in Europe. This frequency band is more reserved for remote controls, baby monitors, etc. Check here, only in German....I hope I was able to help you.joe

  • @d.d.6876
    @d.d.6876 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, with this change how much does the distance range increase?

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      you still at a mile as your transmitter is only half a watt

  • @iainet
    @iainet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder what the SWR is!

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi iainet, PMR not SWR.
      PMR is the shortform for Personal Mobile Radio, Private Mobile Radio or Professional Mobile Radio), is (in Germany since 1999) a public radio application to which the UHF frequency range 446.000-446.200 MHz is assigned. PMR446 is the European equivalent of the American FRS, short for Family Radio Service. The frequency is license-free ... so without an amateur radio license and is therefore used for such devices.
      All the best

    • @iainet
      @iainet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      SWR = Standing Wave Ratio. A unit of measurement used to determine the ratio of power that is reflected back down the antenna lead from the antenna.

    • @joeberesf7087
      @joeberesf7087  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ahh ...., now I understand. In German "Stehwellenverhältnis (SWV)". I think that the adaptation of the original antenna is already optimal. Due to the structure, however, in part acts like an extension inductance and not all of the energy is radiated. With professional equipment (SWR - Meter) can assess such a modification much better and even measure it correctly. Only a qualitative improvement could be determined with my simple construction.
      Thanks and regards

  • @koningbolo4700
    @koningbolo4700 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a set of Topcom Twintalker 1300's which have a equally short antenna. The antenna casing is shaped not as a rod or a cylinder but more of a flattened and tapered stub.
    I could make a coil which fits the Twintalker antenna case but I wonder does the changing winding diameter and the flattened shape make a negative impact on the function...
    An example of a Twintalker 1300:
    Thank you / Danke schön...

  • @faustas4517
    @faustas4517 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can i use Aluminium fat wire

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      no you will still be at a mile as the transmitter is at a half a watt F C C rules

    • @donalderickson-si8ww
      @donalderickson-si8ww 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      F C C orders all company's to limit all F R S radios at a half a watt