Thanks for watching! Let me know if you have any specific questions about intuitive eating. I'd also love to hear where you are in your intuitive eating journey below :)
Good job with this introduction. I’ve been working with a therapist through the book and workbook “Intuitive Eating, A revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach”. I’ve been working this for three months, I’m seeing changes in my thoughts, behaviors and my happiness. Thank you for educating us.
1. Rejecting diet mentality 2. Honor your hunger 3. Make peace with food 4. Challenge the food police 5. Discover the satisfaction factor 6. Feel your fullness 7. In cope w/ emotions w/ kindness 8. Respect your body 9. Joyful movement 10. Gentle nutrition Remember love your body because you have only one! ❤🍓🌸
Yes, I've experienced and still am experiencing the "when it's always available and not forbidden, it becomes less interesting" statement as very true. Growing up we had a sweets box in one of the kitchen cupboards, that always had chocolate, cookies, hard Candy in it. And I knew whenever the mood would strike I could ask my mom and get some sweets, didn't have to be a special occasion or I didn't have to do something first to "deserve" it. Nobody in my household made a big deal about sweets, candy, cake, ice cream etc. neither in a positive or negative way. I believe growing up like this is responsible for my relationship with food today in general.
So right after I watched this I ate a reeeally good veggie burger on a pretzel bun with so much mustard and avocado and tomato and lettuce and vegan cheese (because dairy is usually not my taste), but it was sooooo goood. And I had just eaten an hour before but I felt hungry and thought, no i must not be hungry, I just ate--- oh wait, oh okay, I'll eat, and it was almost like as soon as I started cooking my body calmed a little and I was less hungry. Almost like when I get hungry I'm afraid I'm not going to eat. so I ate it. And I ENJOYYYYED IT! I have enjoyed food in the last few years but I always "feel like a fat kid" like some thin people say when they eat and enjoy chocolate etc (so toxic), but I reeeeally enjoyed it! And I allowed my body to relax. Then i watched another video on intuitive eating and binge eating. Then I realized that I felt guilty for some reason. Then I realized that my guilt came from the fact that I was full. I ate twice, not really at meal times, but I really enjoyed the foods and then I wasn't hungry anymore. I never realized before that I feel guilt and shame when I'm full or a little more than full. Like I'm supposed to always be hungry or empty and that's they only way I'm worth anything. yeesh. There must be so much hidden guilt in my life that I've never realized. Now, I thought i was out of diet culture because I was into whole foods eating etc. And while whole foods eating broadened my pallet etc, it still meant restriction, which doesn't feel good or safe. So here we are. Aaaanyway, maybe this was the wrong place to share this but I thought maybe someone else might relate to not remembering the last time they reeeally ENJOYED food that was "bad" for them, or feeling guilty about being full and satisfied.
Great video! I started my intuitive eating journey close to 7 years ago, and it's the best thing I ever did. I spent 15-20 years dieting and binging in an endless cycle, hating my body and thinking I was a "food addict" because I couldn't "control myself" around carbs and sweets. After I removed all restrictions around eating and started eating intuitively, unlearned the diet culture crap and stopped thinking of foods as "good" or "bad", "healthy" or "unhealthy", my whole outlook changed. I have 85% less stress and self hatred surrounding my body, and, pairing IE with the body positive movement, and eventually HAES really helped me work on the societal/cultural hang ups I had about my body and size. It's an ongoing process, but I think all humans are and should be intuitive eaters. Thanks again for putting this out there!
I honestly love weight lifting though lol like, maybe I don’t always enjoy the burn in the moment, but when I leave the gym I feel like I’m on top of the world
I'm here cos I've been struggling with stopping myself from fast food. I would have it and just hate myself so much after. I'm also sick of diet culture cos I just fall right back to where I was. I'm really considering this way of eating. I think it will really help my relationship with food. I made notes 😂
Thank you for being so helpful and basic with this. I've put on so much weight over the last few years and binge eat a lot. I need to get back in touch with just eating when I need to x
I see an eating disorder nutritionist and therapist through an eating disorder clinic. They do intuitive eating to treat it and my first step was eating 3 meals and 3 snacks without distractions. You dont have to be hyper focused but if it takes from your enjoyment of food you should minimize it.
My joyful movement is Cycling!!! I don’t enjoy working out. So I started taking cycling classes and I love it! I didn’t realize that my daily mentality toward food actually had a name! I can’t say that I stick to the intuitive eating lifestyle strictly but the entire idea behind it is exactly how I feel towards food in my daily life. Now I want to do more research on intuitive eating so that I can get an even better prospective and routine around it.
Thank you so much!! I have been following intuitive eating for some months, fighting the urge to restrict or to weight myself, and allowing myself to eat when I am hungry. It was scary at first, after many many years of dieting and yoyoing, but it feels such a relief and one less thing to worry about in my life. I havent experienced any weight gain long term, but even if I did I feel more confident in my body. I eat healthy most of the time, but I can allow finally to indulge with little treats without then feeling like a failure and going through a binging spiral
Thank you! I tried this years ago and gave up when I started gaining weight - but I'm trying again because I really need to be at peace: w/food, my body, and let go of the dieting mentality.
I just began with a nutritionist in Jan. and we are slowly working towards helping me reach intuitive eating. It is a huge mind shift- and I've worked with other nutritionists/doctors before - none of whom discussed this as a possibility. I am going through a workbook with her- etc. But, watching this video was a great overview that reinforced what I read in the first two chapters, and previewed what's to come. I also loved hearing that you eat dessert every day. I can't wait to continue on my journey to be free from "food/diet battles." And though you said weight loss isn't the primary goal- that is still a goal for myself. And since beginning this journey I have lost 7 pounds over 6 ish weeks. It's the slowest I have ever lost weight... but hopefully this is the way it will stick.
Freedom from bingeing and restricting. Stop turning weight loss, food, and exercise into idols. This is what I'm seeking. I've been obsessed with the same 10 pounds for 30 years. What a waste of energy and health. I'm so blessed to still be active at 53. I don't want to waste it on diet culture anymore.
thanks for all of this! it’s so helpful. your example for honoring your fullness in particular resonated with me and is probably my biggest hurdle. i’ve always had a complicated relationship with food bc of dieting on and off for most of my adult life, and none of them have been sustainable for me. i haven’t dieted in years but i still constantly have these thoughts that i have to enjoy food NOW and i can’t save it for later because it’s almost like part of me thinks i’ll be dieting later on and this will be the last time i’m having good food. so because of that, i ignore my fullness and overeat a LOT. not sure if that’s a product of having designated cheat days back when i was counting every calorie, but this video really helps put things into perspective. going to do my best to tune in with my body more often!!
I don't think that isn't a way of weight balance, why because our brain it's already programmet to a certain range of weight so if u are overweight and start eating intuitively you would loose weight because your brain and body knows what it's their perfect weight so if they know u are over or under it would rather make u eat more or less! Trust your body not your mind ( if u use to eat emotionally)
What does it mean if I hardly ever feel hungry after starting intuitive eating? I've been an emotional eater for 4 years and usually ate too much and too fast, past the point of fullness. Now I only try to eat when I'm hungry but the point is... I almost never am. Someone please tell me what it means..
I'm not an expert but if you feel that you may be consistently under eating you may need to look into some ways to boost your appetite. This might include never skipping breakfast :) I'm sure there are more ways and you can always seek help/information from a dietitian
How active you are? If your body has gone through many diets you may have calorie adaptation. Basicly your body is used to work with little amount of calories. You can cure this by increasing your metabolism👍
With the help of the book, you will re-learn what it feels like to be hungry and full. You may need to get more in tuned with your bodies signals. I thought I lost my ability to feel hungry or fullness, but I can now, I had to pay attention to the signs my body was giving me. Good luck. PS. Get the book “ intuitive a revolutionary anti-diet approach”
Found the video very helpful + informative as someone just beginning to explore this approach. So much of this makes sense, and matches things I've learned about myself on my Healing journey. I'm looking forward to learning more about this approach and taking it for a spin.
If intuitive eating says eat when you are hungry and our body can't tell anymore because of an eating disorder, how do we train our bodies back to recognizing what is true hunger and what is not? I don't know how to train my body back to recognizing hunger. How do you do that?
I've struggled with this but you just know when it's true hunger because your stomach is rumbling and is telling you to eat. But if you just have a thought on your brain and feel like eating something like a snack or whatever that's called craving not hunger. It's not hard to distinguish between need and greed.
Emotional eating signs last longer than 30 mins & you're craving one specific thing. True hunger signs go away after 5 to 10 mins & you could eat anything.
But what if you weigh 260 pounds, diabetic, high blood pressure and cholesterol. I NEED to lose weight. And if I eat what I want and honor my hunger and fullness etc good does that work?
Intuitive Eating isn't about stuffing your face with junk food for every meal. But it's the mindset of knowing its ok to indulge on those foods. Everything in moderation. You should still try and eat healthy foods too. But listen to when your body has had enough, even if that means leaving food on your plate. IE isn't just for people recovering with anorexia, it's for any food related disorder or just anyone who has been caught up with the diet culture for far too long.
Eating actual real food is the key to intuitive eating and getting all of the necessary nutrients to keep you full. Packaged ready made food isn't really going to help nourish the body as much since it is loaded with other substances and preservatives. It might seem hard but most food should be bought in the produce aisle aside from rice, oils, legumes, beans, grains, and dairy which might be in other parts of the store.
This misses the point of intuitive eating by adding in additional food rules. Anything with rules is a diet culture-infused way of eating and not what intuitive eating supports. The final principle adds gentle nutrition but this is a case of addition and not limitation.
Thank you so much for this! I have been on a long long food journey and been on OA but I need this piece to get to the next level. Still struggling with diet mentality and weight loss mentality. And I am not overweight, but even just the few extra lb I am carrying I believe are because of not listening to my body and eating to make up for it
I’m trying to stop obsessing over food. I started with introducing starches since they are easier for me. I’ve recently started including sweet foods (after eating a nutritious meal) and haven’t gone off the deep end. When I get freaked out, I go back to low carb eating. It’s a process, not all or nothing.
Biggest thing is to know that this is a very real (and totally acceptable) part of being human! I would encourage you to remind yourself that you are certainly allowed to eat it if you are hungry! Remind yourself that over and over again. Then I would ask yourself: How am I going to feel afterwards? After reflecting on how your body will feel after, decide whether you would still like to eat it! Sometimes the answer will be yes, and that is great! Go slow when you eat it and enjoy every bite. Going slow and being mindful is key. You will leave feeling satisfied and no longer fixated on having the sweet. Check in with yourself after to see how you feel. I typically take 5-10 minutes away from the food to ask myself how much I really want it! If I am still thinking about it in 5-10 mins of doing another activity, I allow myself to have it.
In many ways I agree with you. Being too restrictive with calories is bad for the body emotionally AND physically. While everything you say about your approach to intuitive eating solves the emotional issues, I don't think it is the best way to be physically healthy. With your approach it can easily happen that you get overweight, even until an unhealthy point. But there are also many issues that I have with things you are saying. First of all, when we feel satiated or hungry is not just about how much we need but also about what we eat. Eating refined sugar or Junk Food has a big impact on how our body reacts to the food and makes us hungry much faster after the meals than healthy meals with much less calories. Is that because we need more junk food to have enough energy? Definitely not. I think intuitive eating is a great way to have a healthy relationship with amounts of food that we eat, if we still focus on an overall healthy diet. In my opinion, restricting sometimes on junk food or sugar is important for intuitive eating to work, because those "modern" highly processed foods are disturbing our natural feelings of hunger and saturation and make us eat MORE than our body needs. Eating junk from time to time of course is completely fine. For me it is just important to to be aware of the fact, that with those foods we cannot rely on our bodies responses anymore. Sugar for example can be addictive and thus make us think we need more, when actually we have eaten enough to give us energy for a long time. Also the aspect of fullness: We can eat calorie dense foods much quicker than healthy salads and those feelings of saturation and fullness take some time. A big bowl of salad with veggies makes me short term more full than five hamburgers. It also has so much more micronutrients that my body needs to stay healthy. Still without adding healthy nuts or oils, some more protein or more carbohydrates it probably doesnt have enough macros to keep me fueled for long while those hamburgers would contain enough carbohydrates and fat to keep my muscles going until the next day. I totally agree with respecting our bodys, rejecting the idea of diets, constant restrictions or calory counting. And I hope that many people who are watching this video take those messages and follow that advice. I encourage everybody to take out the pressure from eating and allow yourselves more. Also to listen more to your body. I also encourage everybody to think about the information in this video before just following it blindly. Please still try to have a healthy and balanced diet and be aware of addictive foods.
I think your right. I understand and agree with what she’s saying. I think you should try and make good choices with food overall but for example when your body is craving pasta, make some with your dinner or to have desert after dinner you should be able to listen to it while still keeping in mind the ammount that you are consuming. Moderation is key and it’s more about allowing yourself to enjoy the foods deemed as “bad” or “unhealthy” withought feeling guilty
The final principle of intuitive eating is gentle nutrition. Many people seem to forget this and think that intuitive eating is blindly eating without listening to what your body needs. it is the last principle for a good reason because you need to be able to fully embrace that food is just food first before you start thinking about nutrition. Most people who find and follow intuitive eating have a bad relationship with diets and food, so throwing in nutrition before they are ready turns intuitive eating into another diet, whether consciously or not. Trying to have a "healthy and balanced diet" is not eating intuitively, and is adding in food rules which you need to avoid to allow complete food freedom and reject the diet mentality.
Could you please make a video about knowing when to honour the need to enjoy some of your favourite food such as chocolate versus when it is just mindless eating and it would perhaps be better to save it for later? My problem is that I am trying to make sure I allow myself to eat chocolate without guilt (my biggest fear/guilt food) but I find myself eating it just because it is there.
@@daliaali7607 sweetie its so that you can have peace with your body and what it wants. dieting and exercise that doesnt make you happy does a lot of damage to your mental health.
@@CopperTop2013_ i did before was successful....calories deficit..exercising..cardio and lifting plus to stop eating before you are full I lost 7 kilo and now looking for more
You can absolutely maintain your wait with intuitive eating because lots of times you stop bored eating and eat when your hungry or when your body tells you to eat. You can also still eat healthy while intuitively eating
I have always eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I want. I never diet. However I am not as slim as I would like. Kind of like… I wish I didn’t need glasses. Even though I am not as slim as I want to be, I believe if I go on an official diet, I will gain weight. I see it with other people. I just wish I was slimmer. I don’t think about it a lot, because I have other interest.
i've been there too! but now i learned you can't let the scale decide if you're gonna have a good day or not just because of a number that went up or down. I'm totally not an expert or something but maybe just try to drop the scale and throw it away or just put it away somewhere you can't see it everyday. in the beginning this was so hard for me, but now... i don't weight myself anymore (nope never :)) and i feel soooo much better! I hope this helps you in some way but remember... a number doesn't determine your worth or your health! YOU CAN DO IT QUEEN!!
Your scale lies to you. Sometimes your body releases excess water and sometimes it holds water. Do not let your scale dictate your mood. Instead, trust how your clothes fit. It is a more reliable measurement. This is advice I need to tell myself. I have dieted all my life up to almost 300 lbs. It has come to I am either on a diet or not dieting. Dieting has let me down big time. My youngest called me once and asked me how to lose weight. I had to tell her...I don't know how. Broke my heart. Today, my focus is changing to practice intuitive eating. My dream is to succeed to help rescue others from this pain.
Actually I think I only need 50% of what I eat. Someone offered me a cup of ice cream and I ate it. I think food is social and a form of entertainment. Food is fun. Don’t think I eat all the time. And I am very active. Walk two or three miles a day. It depends where my dog takes me. I am currently trying to dig a five foot whole in clay soil for a tree. I wear a size 14. I just try to focus on being satisfied with life.
I stopped watching the video because of the background music. It was very distracting, hard to learn, hard to concentrate, and didn’t feel as professional to me. Although I do know you have good points with your Content.
I want to point out that people with interoception issues (ADHD, autism, certain forms of stroke related brain damage) should NOT be doing this. I have autism and and can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. I've gotten really sick from eating salted peanuts when I was actually extremely dehydrated. Vice versa is no fun either, because you'll drink a bunch of water while your blood sugar is already way too low and suddenly you find yourself on the floor with a splitting headache, wondering what the hell happened. Not saying this is something that happens to everyone on the spectrum by the way, but it is something us neurodiverse lot are at risk for. Eat when you're hungry, but keep a 2 liter water bottle on hand and either drink from that or pour something out if you had a different drink. That should help determine if it's real hunger or just thirst in disguise.
I think you're right, but you have to be careful, because hunger isn't hunger. Fat people have eaten when they were "hungry" all the time, but the problem is that their "hunger" wasn't real hunger. So you have to be careful with feelings. Most of the time it's appetite where many different factors come together. You have to learn to tell real hunger apart from appetite. Don't underestimate the power of appetite! It can really confuse you
Their book was awful!!!! I totally don’t understand this intuitive eating?? It ignores science!!! If you let yourself eat junk whenever you want you become addicted to the sugar and other bad stuff!! Just be mindful about food. There is no getting around you have to watch your food intact, and learn to eat less junk. It’s a life style change. Also you have to be an active person. Keep moving!!!!
This is a great pie-in-the-sky idea, but if I listen to what my body wants, it has a fifth of rum every 2 or three days. Makes this "intuitive eating" idea seem like a bunch of crap.
Maybe it's not your body that's asking for the rum, but some part of you facing something that feels uncomfortable. If I'm feeling overwhelmed or upset, I find myself reaching for something that comforts me, usually some sort of sweet. If I don't have an emotion pushing my food choice, it's easier to tell what my body is hungry for.
Linda, exactly my thoughts. Sounds like therapy would be a good idea on top of this. Many people have disordered eating that needs a little more help than what they can do for themselves.
Thanks for watching! Let me know if you have any specific questions about intuitive eating. I'd also love to hear where you are in your intuitive eating journey below :)
Good job with this introduction. I’ve been working with a therapist through the book and workbook “Intuitive Eating, A revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach”. I’ve been working this for three months, I’m seeing changes in my thoughts, behaviors and my happiness. Thank you for educating us.
1. Rejecting diet mentality
2. Honor your hunger
3. Make peace with food
4. Challenge the food police
5. Discover the satisfaction factor
6. Feel your fullness
7. In cope w/ emotions w/ kindness
8. Respect your body
9. Joyful movement
10. Gentle nutrition
Remember love your body because you have only one!
Today is my first day. I'm excited. I may gain 5 lbs at first on this journey, that's ok. For 20 years I've had disordered eating. This will be nice.
good luck!
How’s it going so far?
Yay! You can do it.
Hellooo how is going so far??
Yes, I've experienced and still am experiencing the "when it's always available and not forbidden, it becomes less interesting" statement as very true. Growing up we had a sweets box in one of the kitchen cupboards, that always had chocolate, cookies, hard Candy in it. And I knew whenever the mood would strike I could ask my mom and get some sweets, didn't have to be a special occasion or I didn't have to do something first to "deserve" it. Nobody in my household made a big deal about sweets, candy, cake, ice cream etc. neither in a positive or negative way. I believe growing up like this is responsible for my relationship with food today in general.
So right after I watched this I ate a reeeally good veggie burger on a pretzel bun with so much mustard and avocado and tomato and lettuce and vegan cheese (because dairy is usually not my taste), but it was sooooo goood. And I had just eaten an hour before but I felt hungry and thought, no i must not be hungry, I just ate--- oh wait, oh okay, I'll eat, and it was almost like as soon as I started cooking my body calmed a little and I was less hungry. Almost like when I get hungry I'm afraid I'm not going to eat. so I ate it. And I ENJOYYYYED IT! I have enjoyed food in the last few years but I always "feel like a fat kid" like some thin people say when they eat and enjoy chocolate etc (so toxic), but I reeeeally enjoyed it! And I allowed my body to relax. Then i watched another video on intuitive eating and binge eating. Then I realized that I felt guilty for some reason. Then I realized that my guilt came from the fact that I was full. I ate twice, not really at meal times, but I really enjoyed the foods and then I wasn't hungry anymore. I never realized before that I feel guilt and shame when I'm full or a little more than full. Like I'm supposed to always be hungry or empty and that's they only way I'm worth anything. yeesh.
There must be so much hidden guilt in my life that I've never realized. Now, I thought i was out of diet culture because I was into whole foods eating etc. And while whole foods eating broadened my pallet etc, it still meant restriction, which doesn't feel good or safe. So here we are. Aaaanyway, maybe this was the wrong place to share this but I thought maybe someone else might relate to not remembering the last time they reeeally ENJOYED food that was "bad" for them, or feeling guilty about being full and satisfied.
Great video! I started my intuitive eating journey close to 7 years ago, and it's the best thing I ever did. I spent 15-20 years dieting and binging in an endless cycle, hating my body and thinking I was a "food addict" because I couldn't "control myself" around carbs and sweets. After I removed all restrictions around eating and started eating intuitively, unlearned the diet culture crap and stopped thinking of foods as "good" or "bad", "healthy" or "unhealthy", my whole outlook changed. I have 85% less stress and self hatred surrounding my body, and, pairing IE with the body positive movement, and eventually HAES really helped me work on the societal/cultural hang ups I had about my body and size. It's an ongoing process, but I think all humans are and should be intuitive eaters. Thanks again for putting this out there!
I honestly love weight lifting though lol like, maybe I don’t always enjoy the burn in the moment, but when I leave the gym I feel like I’m on top of the world
I'm here cos I've been struggling with stopping myself from fast food. I would have it and just hate myself so much after. I'm also sick of diet culture cos I just fall right back to where I was. I'm really considering this way of eating. I think it will really help my relationship with food. I made notes 😂
Pick up a copy of the book, it will amaze you. Best wishes
Thank you for being so helpful and basic with this. I've put on so much weight over the last few years and binge eat a lot. I need to get back in touch with just eating when I need to x
You got this!
Today is my first day. A nutritionist suggested it. The video is great. Thanks very much.
Hey there i need help too,
I see an eating disorder nutritionist and therapist through an eating disorder clinic. They do intuitive eating to treat it and my first step was eating 3 meals and 3 snacks without distractions. You dont have to be hyper focused but if it takes from your enjoyment of food you should minimize it.
My joyful movement is Cycling!!! I don’t enjoy working out. So I started taking cycling classes and I love it! I didn’t realize that my daily mentality toward food actually had a name! I can’t say that I stick to the intuitive eating lifestyle strictly but the entire idea behind it is exactly how I feel towards food in my daily life. Now I want to do more research on intuitive eating so that I can get an even better prospective and routine around it.
Thank you so much!! I have been following intuitive eating for some months, fighting the urge to restrict or to weight myself, and allowing myself to eat when I am hungry. It was scary at first, after many many years of dieting and yoyoing, but it feels such a relief and one less thing to worry about in my life. I havent experienced any weight gain long term, but even if I did I feel more confident in my body. I eat healthy most of the time, but I can allow finally to indulge with little treats without then feeling like a failure and going through a binging spiral
Thank you! I tried this years ago and gave up when I started gaining weight - but I'm trying again because I really need to be at peace: w/food, my body, and let go of the dieting mentality.
I just began with a nutritionist in Jan. and we are slowly working towards helping me reach intuitive eating. It is a huge mind shift- and I've worked with other nutritionists/doctors before - none of whom discussed this as a possibility. I am going through a workbook with her- etc. But, watching this video was a great overview that reinforced what I read in the first two chapters, and previewed what's to come. I also loved hearing that you eat dessert every day. I can't wait to continue on my journey to be free from "food/diet battles."
And though you said weight loss isn't the primary goal- that is still a goal for myself. And since beginning this journey I have lost 7 pounds over 6 ish weeks. It's the slowest I have ever lost weight... but hopefully this is the way it will stick.
Freedom from bingeing and restricting. Stop turning weight loss, food, and exercise into idols. This is what I'm seeking. I've been obsessed with the same 10 pounds for 30 years. What a waste of energy and health. I'm so blessed to still be active at 53. I don't want to waste it on diet culture anymore.
Off topic but your hair color is beautiful I love the reddish brown tone!!
Thank you so much
thanks for all of this! it’s so helpful. your example for honoring your fullness in particular resonated with me and is probably my biggest hurdle. i’ve always had a complicated relationship with food bc of dieting on and off for most of my adult life, and none of them have been sustainable for me. i haven’t dieted in years but i still constantly have these thoughts that i have to enjoy food NOW and i can’t save it for later because it’s almost like part of me thinks i’ll be dieting later on and this will be the last time i’m having good food. so because of that, i ignore my fullness and overeat a LOT. not sure if that’s a product of having designated cheat days back when i was counting every calorie, but this video really helps put things into perspective. going to do my best to tune in with my body more often!!
Thank you so much for this video! You did a great job explaining all the points, that's exactly what I needed. I love your channel :)
Glad it was helpful!
I don't think that isn't a way of weight balance, why because our brain it's already programmet to a certain range of weight so if u are overweight and start eating intuitively you would loose weight because your brain and body knows what it's their perfect weight so if they know u are over or under it would rather make u eat more or less! Trust your body not your mind ( if u use to eat emotionally)
Great video! intuitive eating is a good alternative to intermittent fasting.
I'm newly getting to know the intuitive eating. I am a dietitian and I want to stop practicing diet mentality for myself and my clients
What does it mean if I hardly ever feel hungry after starting intuitive eating? I've been an emotional eater for 4 years and usually ate too much and too fast, past the point of fullness. Now I only try to eat when I'm hungry but the point is... I almost never am. Someone please tell me what it means..
I'm not an expert but if you feel that you may be consistently under eating you may need to look into some ways to boost your appetite. This might include never skipping breakfast :) I'm sure there are more ways and you can always seek help/information from a dietitian
I find that garlicky and/or sour food increases appetite
How active you are? If your body has gone through many diets you may have calorie adaptation. Basicly your body is used to work with little amount of calories. You can cure this by increasing your metabolism👍
With the help of the book, you will re-learn what it feels like to be hungry and full. You may need to get more in tuned with your bodies signals. I thought I lost my ability to feel hungry or fullness, but I can now, I had to pay attention to the signs my body was giving me. Good luck. PS. Get the book “ intuitive a revolutionary anti-diet approach”
Really helpful!! I ordered the Intuitive Eating book for more help. I’m so sick of counting calories or points and just need to figure out how to eat!
Loved this video thank you so much
I like kickboxing!!
Best video I’ve seen on this topic. Thank u so much for making it!!
Good introduction to Intuitive Eating.
I loved the way you explained each of these steps . Great job !
“Do they serve you? Do they make your life easier if harder” that was it right there.
Thank you so much for making this video!
Thanks so much for this video. Very informative. Just learning myself.
Loved this, very informative. Thank you
thank you so much for this video,
Found the video very helpful + informative as someone just beginning to explore this approach. So much of this makes sense, and matches things I've learned about myself on my Healing journey. I'm looking forward to learning more about this approach and taking it for a spin.
Thank you for this video very helpful !!!
You’re so sweet! Thanks so much for sharing 💖😘😘
I’m in recovery from A typical anorexia and have been reading about IE, how long does it take to truly get into intuitive eating
Is table sugar food?
If intuitive eating says eat when you are hungry and our body can't tell anymore because of an eating disorder, how do we train our bodies back to recognizing what is true hunger and what is not? I don't know how to train my body back to recognizing hunger. How do you do that?
I've struggled with this but you just know when it's true hunger because your stomach is rumbling and is telling you to eat. But if you just have a thought on your brain and feel like eating something like a snack or whatever that's called craving not hunger. It's not hard to distinguish between need and greed.
Emotional eating signs last longer than 30 mins & you're craving one specific thing. True hunger signs go away after 5 to 10 mins & you could eat anything.
I realised that I already practice this.
But what if you weigh 260 pounds, diabetic, high blood pressure and cholesterol. I NEED to lose weight. And if I eat what I want and honor my hunger and fullness etc good does that work?
Intuitive eating is really best left to people with restrictive eating disorders. If you are not anorexic, it's best you stay away.
Intuitive Eating isn't about stuffing your face with junk food for every meal. But it's the mindset of knowing its ok to indulge on those foods. Everything in moderation. You should still try and eat healthy foods too. But listen to when your body has had enough, even if that means leaving food on your plate. IE isn't just for people recovering with anorexia, it's for any food related disorder or just anyone who has been caught up with the diet culture for far too long.
Eating actual real food is the key to intuitive eating and getting all of the necessary nutrients to keep you full. Packaged ready made food isn't really going to help nourish the body as much since it is loaded with other substances and preservatives. It might seem hard but most food should be bought in the produce aisle aside from rice, oils, legumes, beans, grains, and dairy which might be in other parts of the store.
This misses the point of intuitive eating by adding in additional food rules. Anything with rules is a diet culture-infused way of eating and not what intuitive eating supports. The final principle adds gentle nutrition but this is a case of addition and not limitation.
Thank you for this very informative video. Lots of love to you💖!
Problem for me is also high cholesterol. So substitute are important in my case. 😊
Thank you so much for this! I have been on a long long food journey and been on OA but I need this piece to get to the next level. Still struggling with diet mentality and weight loss mentality. And I am not overweight, but even just the few extra lb I am carrying I believe are because of not listening to my body and eating to make up for it
I’m trying to stop obsessing over food. I started with introducing starches since they are easier for me. I’ve recently started including sweet foods (after eating a nutritious meal) and haven’t gone off the deep end. When I get freaked out, I go back to low carb eating. It’s a process, not all or nothing.
how do i do intuitive eating when i am constantly feeling hungry because of my birth control?
Try natural family planning instead of birth control. “Intuitive birth control” 🥰
@@Theblochs2546 no.
Drink lots of water, eat crunchy veggies, eat more protein and healthy fats?
@@joannasaadati8810 doesnt affect appetite
What if I craving something like ice cream or cookie but I'm not hungry? (Or even feel full)
That's an emotional hunger sign not a true hunger sign
@@Purplekitti04 so what should I do about my emotional/mental hunger?
Biggest thing is to know that this is a very real (and totally acceptable) part of being human! I would encourage you to remind yourself that you are certainly allowed to eat it if you are hungry! Remind yourself that over and over again.
Then I would ask yourself:
How am I going to feel afterwards? After reflecting on how your body will feel after, decide whether you would still like to eat it! Sometimes the answer will be yes, and that is great! Go slow when you eat it and enjoy every bite. Going slow and being mindful is key. You will leave feeling satisfied and no longer fixated on having the sweet. Check in with yourself after to see how you feel.
I typically take 5-10 minutes away from the food to ask myself how much I really want it! If I am still thinking about it in 5-10 mins of doing another activity, I allow myself to have it.
What about the people that are morbidly obese. I have to lose weight to be in less pain. What to do?
This video is ❤
dancing is my favorite movement
In many ways I agree with you. Being too restrictive with calories is bad for the body emotionally AND physically. While everything you say about your approach to intuitive eating solves the emotional issues, I don't think it is the best way to be physically healthy. With your approach it can easily happen that you get overweight, even until an unhealthy point.
But there are also many issues that I have with things you are saying.
First of all, when we feel satiated or hungry is not just about how much we need but also about what we eat. Eating refined sugar or Junk Food has a big impact on how our body reacts to the food and makes us hungry much faster after the meals than healthy meals with much less calories. Is that because we need more junk food to have enough energy? Definitely not.
I think intuitive eating is a great way to have a healthy relationship with amounts of food that we eat, if we still focus on an overall healthy diet. In my opinion, restricting sometimes on junk food or sugar is important for intuitive eating to work, because those "modern" highly processed foods are disturbing our natural feelings of hunger and saturation and make us eat MORE than our body needs.
Eating junk from time to time of course is completely fine. For me it is just important to to be aware of the fact, that with those foods we cannot rely on our bodies responses anymore. Sugar for example can be addictive and thus make us think we need more, when actually we have eaten enough to give us energy for a long time. Also the aspect of fullness: We can eat calorie dense foods much quicker than healthy salads and those feelings of saturation and fullness take some time. A big bowl of salad with veggies makes me short term more full than five hamburgers. It also has so much more micronutrients that my body needs to stay healthy. Still without adding healthy nuts or oils, some more protein or more carbohydrates it probably doesnt have enough macros to keep me fueled for long while those hamburgers would contain enough carbohydrates and fat to keep my muscles going until the next day.
I totally agree with respecting our bodys, rejecting the idea of diets, constant restrictions or calory counting. And I hope that many people who are watching this video take those messages and follow that advice.
I encourage everybody to take out the pressure from eating and allow yourselves more. Also to listen more to your body.
I also encourage everybody to think about the information in this video before just following it blindly.
Please still try to have a healthy and balanced diet and be aware of addictive foods.
I think your right. I understand and agree with what she’s saying. I think you should try and make good choices with food overall but for example when your body is craving pasta, make some with your dinner or to have desert after dinner you should be able to listen to it while still keeping in mind the ammount that you are consuming. Moderation is key and it’s more about allowing yourself to enjoy the foods deemed as “bad” or “unhealthy” withought feeling guilty
The final principle of intuitive eating is gentle nutrition. Many people seem to forget this and think that intuitive eating is blindly eating without listening to what your body needs. it is the last principle for a good reason because you need to be able to fully embrace that food is just food first before you start thinking about nutrition. Most people who find and follow intuitive eating have a bad relationship with diets and food, so throwing in nutrition before they are ready turns intuitive eating into another diet, whether consciously or not.
Trying to have a "healthy and balanced diet" is not eating intuitively, and is adding in food rules which you need to avoid to allow complete food freedom and reject the diet mentality.
Very informative and principles check. Just it is to noisy. Please no music.
But what if i do want to lose weight?
Could you please make a video about knowing when to honour the need to enjoy some of your favourite food such as chocolate versus when it is just mindless eating and it would perhaps be better to save it for later? My problem is that I am trying to make sure I allow myself to eat chocolate without guilt (my biggest fear/guilt food) but I find myself eating it just because it is there.
Walking or bike riding.
I tempt to lose weight actually 5 kilos.. does this intiuative eating help in that 🤔?
its not for losing weight
@@CopperTop2013_ ok thanks so I won't follow it ....
@@daliaali7607 sweetie its so that you can have peace with your body and what it wants. dieting and exercise that doesnt make you happy does a lot of damage to your mental health.
@@daliaali7607 i hope you'll find that not everyone's body is the same.
@@CopperTop2013_ i did before was successful....calories deficit..exercising..cardio and lifting plus to stop eating before you are full I lost 7 kilo and now looking for more
So what's the point of intuitive eating?
So intuitive eating = weight gain ? Or can it also help me maintain my weight ?
You can absolutely maintain your wait with intuitive eating because lots of times you stop bored eating and eat when your hungry or when your body tells you to eat. You can also still eat healthy while intuitively eating
Omg I'm Talya, it's always wild see someone with my name! (a different spelling, but still)
I have always eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I want. I never diet. However I am not as slim as I would like. Kind of like… I wish I didn’t need glasses. Even though I am not as slim as I want to be, I believe if I go on an official diet, I will gain weight. I see it with other people. I just wish I was slimmer. I don’t think about it a lot, because I have other interest.
I still struggle with weighing myself daily. How have you gotten past this?
i've been there too! but now i learned you can't let the scale decide if you're gonna have a good day or not just because of a number that went up or down. I'm totally not an expert or something but maybe just try to drop the scale and throw it away or just put it away somewhere you can't see it everyday. in the beginning this was so hard for me, but now... i don't weight myself anymore (nope never :)) and i feel soooo much better! I hope this helps you in some way but remember... a number doesn't determine your worth or your health! YOU CAN DO IT QUEEN!!
Get rid of your scale
I had my boyfriend hide my scale
Your scale lies to you. Sometimes your body releases excess water and sometimes it holds water. Do not let your scale dictate your mood. Instead, trust how your clothes fit. It is a more reliable measurement. This is advice I need to tell myself. I have dieted all my life up to almost 300 lbs. It has come to I am either on a diet or not dieting. Dieting has let me down big time. My youngest called me once and asked me how to lose weight. I had to tell her...I don't know how. Broke my heart. Today, my focus is changing to practice intuitive eating. My dream is to succeed to help rescue others from this pain.
If ur watching this you need so watch Kevin burciaga , alivia d’andera and diets are fattening
Will do! Thx 🙏
Actually I think I only need 50% of what I eat. Someone offered me a cup of ice cream and I ate it. I think food is social and a form of entertainment. Food is fun. Don’t think I eat all the time. And I am very active. Walk two or three miles a day. It depends where my dog takes me. I am currently trying to dig a five foot whole in clay soil for a tree. I wear a size 14. I just try to focus on being satisfied with life.
I stopped watching the video because of the background music. It was very distracting, hard to learn, hard to concentrate, and didn’t feel as professional to me. Although I do know you have good points with your Content.
"I fully endorse, recommend and support Intuitive Eating. If your body says "yes" then eat it"- Jeffrey Dahmer.
I want to point out that people with interoception issues (ADHD, autism, certain forms of stroke related brain damage) should NOT be doing this. I have autism and and can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. I've gotten really sick from eating salted peanuts when I was actually extremely dehydrated. Vice versa is no fun either, because you'll drink a bunch of water while your blood sugar is already way too low and suddenly you find yourself on the floor with a splitting headache, wondering what the hell happened.
Not saying this is something that happens to everyone on the spectrum by the way, but it is something us neurodiverse lot are at risk for. Eat when you're hungry, but keep a 2 liter water bottle on hand and either drink from that or pour something out if you had a different drink. That should help determine if it's real hunger or just thirst in disguise.
Intuitive eating really saved me. It helped me recover from my eating disorder and I just posted a video on my experience! Go check it out please ☺️
This seems like a fail for really unhealthy overweight people 😮
I just eat healthy and don't eat anything after my evening meal
I don’t see how this helps people who are very insecure and stressed about being fat. You’re just switching one addiction for another
what "addictions" are being switched?
Ok, so what happens in 2 year's time and you're 100lbs heavier? 😂
The music is unnecessary and distracting.
I think you're right, but you have to be careful, because hunger isn't hunger. Fat people have eaten when they were "hungry" all the time, but the problem is that their "hunger" wasn't real hunger.
So you have to be careful with feelings. Most of the time it's appetite where many different factors come together.
You have to learn to tell real hunger apart from appetite. Don't underestimate the power of appetite! It can really confuse you
Their book was awful!!!! I totally don’t understand this intuitive eating?? It ignores science!!! If you let yourself eat junk whenever you want you become addicted to the sugar and other bad stuff!! Just be mindful about food. There is no getting around you have to watch your food intact, and learn to eat less junk. It’s a life style change. Also you have to be an active person. Keep moving!!!!
Interesting perspective. I'm curious what your thoughts are on the rat study they did around sugar addiction that they referenced in the book?
This is a great pie-in-the-sky idea, but if I listen to what my body wants, it has a fifth of rum every 2 or three days. Makes this "intuitive eating" idea seem like a bunch of crap.
Maybe it's not your body that's asking for the rum, but some part of you facing something that feels uncomfortable. If I'm feeling overwhelmed or upset, I find myself reaching for something that comforts me, usually some sort of sweet. If I don't have an emotion pushing my food choice, it's easier to tell what my body is hungry for.
Linda, exactly my thoughts. Sounds like therapy would be a good idea on top of this. Many people have disordered eating that needs a little more help than what they can do for themselves.