Romania is worse now than it was back then, true. But so is Britain. The problem is that our country, just like yours, has been hijacked by dark, corrupt forces keen on destroying our countries. As for how it is Romania portraited today in your media, it's indeed hypocritical and overexaggerated considering your countries own problems.
My parents moved to Canada when I was 8 years old and I love Romania so much when I turned 29 I left everything and moved back to Romania. I'm 31 now and I don't plan on ever leaving. I just always felt a deep connection to the land It's hard to explain, I wish my younger brother felt the same.
Your parents are part of its downfall then. Those who chose to slave somewhere else (in the West) instead of building up their own country. Because of globalist propaganda, defeatism and because it is easy to enjoy other country's spoils instead of making your own.
@@virtualhustles6916 Did I wrote anything like that in my comment? My stomach just turns when I read all the misguided nostalgic texts about a gouverment that destroyed its country. Most dictatorships turned out to be bad for their country, no matter where. I hope you find my answer satisfactory.
@@virtualhustles6916 and as far as I know there are currently no dictators in the sphere we call "western world" (If you at least take the core interpretation of the term i guess- i excluded South America)
Romania or Rumania? In the 60s was it more common to spell Romania as Rumania? It is actually spelled both ways in the archive depending on which film you are watching.
there was a tendency in English for rather brief time to spell Rumanian hence you may find the Roumania, Rumania in some archives, it faded out in time, by the 80's the only acceptable English spelling was Romania :D :D :D
Cristian Ionut Oancea that`s how you spell the name in Romania, you have a different spelling in English, a different spelling in French, German etc. Country names are something you translate!
@Pan Baron true. There's a British pathé video about my country too and all of the comments are like oh, so much better than today, capitalism destroyed our country, what a country was stolen from us, etc. Like, have these people actually been alive during the brutal oppressive communist regime they want brought back?
That's because of the disaster of Market reforms and shock therapy which shook the nation during the 90s. Romanian (Rumanian?) GDP decreased 21% in the two years following the collapse. Like most eastern European countries, went through severe deindustrialisation and population decline. In fact Romania's (Rumania's?) population is still recovering from the collapse. In 1991 their population was 23 Million, now their population is 19 Million. Energy consumption per Capita in Romania (Rumania?) was 2,987 kg of oil equivalent in 1989, it's now 1,591 kg of oil. Almost half of what it was in the 80s. Keep in mind though this film released in the 60s not the 80s so living standards were probably different from what I just described, but you get the general idea.
@Werm 01 In many ways modern Romania is better than it was in the past, in terms of GDP and GDP per capita Romania is much better. Although if you measured Romanian GDP taking into account inflation, so GDP in constant 2010 USD, it took 13 years to catch up to pre-revolution levels, not 5 years. World bank data : Taking into account inflation!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=gdp_expenditure_constant_2010_us&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=world&idim=country:ROU:PRT:SRB&ifdim=world&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false Not taking into account inflation And even though something like the GDP of modern Romania is far better, that usually but doesn't always correlate to standard of living. GDP could increase but that economic growth can be concentrated in entrepreneurial sectors of the economy, meaning the average life of a Romanian won't necessarily get better. And even then increase in salary may not mean more money floating around as they have to pay bills for rent, education, healthcare, all of which have become more expensive. There's also unemployment. Romania's current unemployment rate is 4% and was historically higher due to recession. In 1994, unemployment reached 11%. Due to the 2008 Recession Romania's unemployment rate reached 7.1% in 2011, and only started to recover by 2015. and there's also energy consumption, which is half of what it was in 1989. And I feel this is the reason that although the economy is currently doing well in Romania, things like their birth rates and population for example, still haven't recovered from the collapse and will continue to decrease. That's not to say Romania was better in the 80s, you have things like smartphones now and better consumer choices, but it's to say things weren't necessarily worse back then.
@@al3xandra391 Yes you could, for instance the lady feeding the goat at the picnic, she's very humane, nowadays that's a rare site, even with their children I've not seen nowadays mothers act so careful.
Still kinda poor nowadays. Our country had and still has a lot of potential in many ways. But , as what I learned in history class, we were always in the middle of conflict zones, between the great powers of Europe. And was though to be an independent country. Which just for shortly were. The poverty, in my opinion, comes from the fact that we never had something of our own. Everybody took amd still takes from us and we became a numb ( and kinda d*mb) nation.
@@elenaautumnalmermaid6913 poor doesn't mean nothing. Maybe the wealth distribution it's kinda unfair but to say an european country it's almost poor it's not true.
One of these days Romania , along with Italia, España, France, Portugal and Moldova will return to absolute greatness , through freedom, order and laissez-faire economics. Greetings from Argentina to all of my Latin Brothers across the puddle
Please, not more neoliberal politics. In Portugal, Neoliberalism doesn’t and will never work, and our politics here is a big joke. You have a socdem party, that is right wing; our “socialist” party isn’t even socialist; we are getting worse, day by day, because of the far-right rising even more; liberalism destroyed my family and other’s, for some years; the media are right wing biased; our law system is a joke; our president is the son of one of the “right arms”, of one of our old dictators (Salazar) and is a conservative, that doesn’t really care about human rights... That’s what capitalism does to Portugal, and that’s what we have. I don’t want more capitalism, as many of the portuguese. We want real socialism, and that’s why the left has been increasing more and more, in my country. In my opinion, capitalism might start his fall, after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, and revolution will start, supported by socialist organizations
@@mxndim Yes i know, very typical portuguese communist, frankly i don't much care for Portugal and Spain you can do whatever you want, just don't expect to get bailed out. Your fate is t be a 3rd world country forever with such mentality, which maybe is fine, i think you'd be happier being 3rd world.
@@juanme555 why libs only know to say that "communist and socialist countries are 3rd world countries", while Africa was fully destroyed by capitalism... And we were never socialists, or either communists in Portugal, it's another capitalist country
Romania 1964.Un peisaj pitoresc din mediul rural. Un fermier și turma sa de vaci . Fotografii din țară. Imagini ale Carpaților. Câteva detalii din istoria României. Scene de la un hipodrom . Prezentarea telescaunului de la la stațiunea Poianna Brasov. Imagini din București și instantanee surprinse la picnic. Mănăstirlie Bucovinei și litorlalul. Și multe alte imagini surprinse dintr-o Românie prezentată într-un mod atractiv de prezentatorul britanic în anul 1964 într-un filmuleț ce merită urmărit.
I went to the sport hotel in Brasov in 1996, it was the best hotel and right next to the slopes. Every day our ski instructor took us somewhere fancy for lunch and then we spent the rest of the afternoon swishing down through the trees. At night a band played for dinner and then we had a surprise fashion show and I won a dress in a raffle!
I miss when the world had such an exciting feel. Its like discovering something beautiful and hidden but nowadays it would be from a mobile phone with no glamor
A few years after this documentary was made, a fellow name Ceaucescu became the top dog in Romania. He led the people into a long and agonising twilight. Ceaucescu was executed in 1989, but Romania has not fully recovered from the poverty and violence he forced most Romanians to endure.
nu e chiar asa... pana n 1980 se traia poate chiar mai bine ca in occidentul capitalist iar in 89 a fost o lovitura de stat unde ne am pierdut suveranitatea si autonomia
@@MC-wy9rv Raspuns gresit, acum Romania e o sub-colonie. Pana in anii 80 s-a trait bine. OP:you're full of sh*t untill the 80s life was better than now.
Truly amazing footage ..and precious for those who can compare..than and now..and it s says we go towards better society..well..i d prefer my country in 1964..with good and bad..right now we go to..nowhere..
7:01 'Romania is really a vivacious young grill flirting with Western ideas' - well done description. Romania is the gate when you go to The East and the gate going to The West, geographically and socially speaking is the center(heart) of Europe.
Orice producator cu valoare mai mare de 2 lei iti face azi un film de 10 ori mai "Wow!". Asta e versiunea anilor 60 pentru "Eterna si fascinanta Românie". Practic, discuțiile din comentarii compara o filmare de 10 minute, idealizata, comerciala, a unei tari de acum 60 de ani (doua generatii!!!) cu realitatea de zi cu zi, a aceleiasi tari, de azi. Serios? E diferenta intre a ti se servi o friptura exceptionala, la un restaurant de lux, si experienta de a ucide, macelari si gati singur un animal, ca sa iti faci friptura. Comparam mere cu pere...
Thank you British Pathe for making this brilliant documentary available for everyone. “The past is made out of facts... I guess the future is just hope.”
Romania looked and very much looks like a normal country. Yet, our best intellectuals had been imprisoned in the "obsessive decade" (1950s) for political reasons. So, this video only shows the pretty side.
10 ปีที่แล้ว +19
Welcome to the internet :D where commies can roam free with impunity and troll the shit out of everyone. The secret is to make fun of them. Coz they're the kind of funny a psych ward can provide.
George Barbăroşie E OK daca, sunt numai online, dar ei, raspandacii de profesie, sunt infiltratzi fizic inca, in totzi factorii de decizie al tzarilor din Estul Europei. Ai sa'i vezi la lucru, in Moldova Duminica. Culmea impertinentzei la romani, legea amnistiei va fi introdusa din nou in Parlament, dupa ce a fost respinsa la presiunea strazii cateva zile in urma!!! Deja viermii spuneau in parlamentul nelegitim al rushinii, 580 strong, ca presiunea strazii a incetat, shi ei se pot intoarce la furtul de zi cu zi. La asha turma, asha ciobani...Romania, nu are nici o shansa se pare, pana nu intzelege ca tre' sa faca, nu, curatzenie in ograda mioritica, ci deratizare in toata regula;.
Cu astia, de fapt de la ei a inceput ;nu ne-au iubit niciodata. E doar fatarnicie. Ne gadilau orgoliile pe principiul:"gâdilă'l pe porc pe burtă, că se culcă singur in cuțit"
This makes me so sad...people in the old days didn't even have 20% of what we have today and yet they look so happy,they enjoyed,you can see it through the screen...
calyn90 yep, asa e. dar totusi erau cativa oameni care se simteau bine cu adevarat. ziceau ca communismul nu e asa de rau daca nu deschizi guara contra sistemului . pe romaneste daca esti o persoana fara principii ei te lasau in pace. communisti voiai persoane ca oile, sa le poate controla. Iar oaia traieste fericita pana este trimis la abator heehheheeh
Zokll Ehbfd ai impresia ca acum e altfel? crezi ca acum Romania mai are vreo putere sau vreun cuvant de spus? ca sa nu mai zic de datoria tarii pe care tot fraierul de rand o va plati. am scapat de unii si am dat de altii :)
Even though I have never lived in the 60s, these old days look so much appealing today after the culture degradation we have experienced in the last 20 years especially in the US. What a shame
Amazing!! Very good advertising. I wish we had such adds today. Instead of the stigma adds they throw at us.... Yeah, its bad, but most of the times it's sooo much better.
Oameni buni,trăiesc in România de peste 50 de ani . Au fost lucruri greu de dus . Avem o țara frumoasa cu locuri forte frumoase de vizitat chiar și acum . Trebuie sa privim partea frumoasă, nu stațiunile care s- au distrus și au devenit ruine . Sa știți ca România inca mai primește cu drag musafirii .
Yeah, in propaganda movies everything is perfect. They have been let to film a well staged reality that would help Comunist party to fill their pockets with money from foreign tourist. You know, like what's happening right now in North Korea.
@@elenabob4953 Now, you don't need no propaganda, now you can show to the west for what the young people died during revolution. Now you're filled with gypsies, beggars, panarame la tv si un mare CACAT! ''BE PROUD''!!
just so you know the majority of romanian comments are just people who are comparing those times to those in our days, and have nostalgic feelings to those times, if it helps with anything :))
carrie mimi They come here and live on the streets and begg for food and money,, they have no clean cloathes and they suffer bec there are no Jobs for Them in Romania,, thats not good
A fost o dată can povești cea mai frumoasă țară și bogată, în păduri , agricultură, etc,etc,, acum să-i plîngi de milă ce au făcut hoții cu țara noastră România.
@@elenabob4953 There's plenty of street footage of downtown Paris, London, etc, in the 1960s. It's night and day, black and white, and it's not propaganda.
This specific film is meant to sell you on Romania as a tourist destination. It's not a news item talking about some problem in the country, that would be out of place. British Pathé has a lot of travelogue films, and every one of them is going to be polite and have nice things to say about the place they're talking about. It's common courtesy with the format. Again, it is not the news. The news can talk about issues. This is just fluff.
Did they leave illegally? Because I heard no one was allowed to leave Romania unless you had permission from the government or if you were a communist party member you couldn’t leave if you were a political dissident.
@@frenkli9815 in the Ages of 1967-1978 Roumania let jewish ,germans ethnics to go back in theyer own countrys but they required from those națions a lot of money because Roumania invested a lot in thm.and whn they go out of Roumania they need to renounce at theyer house and gold they have been obligated to tale just they clothes and some pics with theyer famillys
@Standoff 2 Not sure. But at 6:32 she was babysitting me and my friend and when she was driving us home from the beach in her old little car and both of us were shirtless and she was wearing her bikini top and bottoms and all three of us were barefooted when the car ran off the road and flipped over and over down the cliff
@Roumania1 I'd say worse, the traffic on the Triump's Arc's roundabout is crazy nowadays and most of the ancient buildings were removed by Ceaușescu after the 1977 earthquake. It is still nice don't get me wrong, but you can still clearly see the scars left by the old regime, scars that you don't really see in other cities' centres like Sibiu or Sighișoara.
While Romania is a beautiful country, it wasn't long from these images until the poverty and tragedy of our regime cought up to us. The most prosperity and cultural achievements Romania ever experienced were during the time before ww1. Then Bucharest was truly the "little Paris".
For the rich, for the poor you know what it was? Do you know what it was Bucharest for the poor in your own country?? You come here with bs about interbelic times , how about you talk ABOUT WHOLE COUNTRY??!
Nici pe departe Romania in 1964 nu arata asa. In filmulet sunt aratate doar partile frumoase. Era mizerie si saracie cat cuprinde si pe vremea aia, nu mai vorbesc de regimul opresiv. In general oamenii isi aduc aminte doar lucrurile frumoase din trecut si le ignora pe cele negative. Oamenii isi cosmetizeaza amintirile
@@SuperThe86 ba era chiar așa. Eu m-am născut în Constanța. Mergeam în Mamaia în fiecare weekend. Era plin de străini. Curățenie peste tot. Plajele erau curate. Hotelurile ptr scandinavi și nemți erau full . Mai intram și noi pe la shop-ul lor. Lumea chiar știa să se distreze.
În unele zone arăta probabil bine. Dar pe urmă s-au umplut marile oraşe de ce cei care nu se pot adopta în viaţa marilor oraşe, iar după 1989 cam zero planificare şi fiecare a făcut ce i-a trecut prin cap.
when they say nostalgia, i hope this is what they mean, not the stupid communist era that traumatised all of us, also it looks even better than today's romanian reality
People betting: CAPITALISTS! "Suspicious southern Romania is really a vivacious young girl flirting with Western ideas and beckoning the tourists to come just a little further afield in the search for fun and bright lights." I mean, you got to love the effort.
well, I never expected to see a foreign studio create such a warm montage about my country. That's for sure. Also, here's a cold-hard fact for those who don't know it: all of the evil that happens in this world is because of economic reasons. And the reason I am saying this is because during Ceausescu's presidency (so, in communism) Romania has been the only country in the world without external debt. And this has displeased the western countries, the empires, and the rich organizations which is why they have collaborated to strike us and dismember us into smaller territories so they can fully occupy us and and steal all of our riches (and yes, Romania is still a rich country, but please, stay in your own countries folks, there's plenty of room for living well for everyone).
Well most videos only focus on the really bad side/ gypsy villages so this is fair. All nations have two sides, every good video you see on a country isn’t showing the bad sides and vice versa
My grandparent went to Romania around this time. They loved it. I guess there was some tourism push, not sure who instigated it, the Romanian government? Or perhaps British travel companies? Or both?
Probably the trade union movement in Britain was involved also - they often organised and publicised trips to communist countries to show how the 'workers paradise' looked. In the 60s for example many left-wing British people would not visit Spain or Portugal because they were considered 'fascist'.
Even though back then it was a communist dictatorship, it did a better job at promoting and preserving it's tourist attractions. But it was really just a mask to trick the foreigners into believing that all is well. It was the same strategy that North Korea also uses. Romania was Europe's North Korea at that time, there was no other country in Europe as isolated as Romania. It barely even interacted with the other communist neighbours. I am from Romania, so I'm not talking out of my ass.
Daca esti roman, stim amandoi ca Romania a fost cea mai putin periculoasa tara din cele comuniste, nu cred ca ai vazut ce dictatori malefici erau in Albania, crimele lor inca se resimt in Albania unde inca este destul de slab dezvoltata.
Romania inca nu fusese corupta de comunisti pe atunci pentru ca mai fusesera oameni care se nascusera inainte de guvernul comunist.Abia in anii 70' si '80,chiar 90',se puteau vedea efectele comunismului
My parents took us for holiday in Romania in the late 1970s, I was very young but I do remember this ice cream they had that tasted like wheatabix...anyone know it?
“Traffic is a growing problem” !!!! Well my friend, You should see it now
O vaii daaaaaa daa :))))
What is the current problem?
@@blyat5352 corruption.
hartan catalina marilena lol
Quite different from what the British media paints Romania as nowadays isn't it?
Yes, the media just shows the bad stuff and talks about how we are all bad people however they don't know the true beauty of the country
Romania is worse now than it was back then, true. But so is Britain. The problem is that our country, just like yours, has been hijacked by dark, corrupt forces keen on destroying our countries. As for how it is Romania portraited today in your media, it's indeed hypocritical and overexaggerated considering your countries own problems.
@@dustinq9530 well said m8👍
@@numaifinebun9459 wait until 1967 for Caucescu. What we are looking is the real socialism, not antisocialism propaganda.
yeh that's what 50 years of communism looks like.
My parents moved to Canada when I was 8 years old and I love Romania so much when I turned 29 I left everything and moved back to Romania. I'm 31 now and I don't plan on ever leaving. I just always felt a deep connection to the land It's hard to explain, I wish my younger brother felt the same.
Where do you live in Romania?
That s very inspiring, thanks for sharing :D
I guess that makes your brother the smart one
@@johnyhansen1362 even if things will go bad for him he can still go back to Canada. He is in a good position no matter what.
Completely understand where you are coming from. Left Romania when I was 11 and came back when I was 29 have not left since. Now I am 36
This is the Romania my parents remember with fondness.
Causescu still sucked
Your parents are part of its downfall then. Those who chose to slave somewhere else (in the West) instead of building up their own country. Because of globalist propaganda, defeatism and because it is easy to enjoy other country's spoils instead of making your own.
@@KeshAndrew Very valid point! 🙏🙏🙏 Note that those still in the country are not playing their part.
@@virtualhustles6916 Did I wrote anything like that in my comment?
My stomach just turns when I read all the misguided nostalgic texts about a gouverment that destroyed its country.
Most dictatorships turned out to be bad for their country, no matter where.
I hope you find my answer satisfactory.
@@virtualhustles6916 and as far as I know there are currently no dictators in the sphere we call "western world"
(If you at least take the core interpretation of the term i guess- i excluded South America)
Nice footage, I'd like to visit Romania one day. Greetings from your neighbour Bulgaria, ce faci?
Uite bine
Uite stau
Salutari, Bulgaria!
Sall :))
@@lhzawk sall
Looks so much better than today.
it does
Bc it’s full of propaganda
There was a bit of prosperity in Romania's 60s, but this is propaganda.
Did you really checked all the progress and all before saying this? Or just said it because it looks good? Have a closer look you c... mate
i thought romania is roman empire
Romania or Rumania? In the 60s was it more common to spell Romania as Rumania? It is actually spelled both ways in the archive depending on which film you are watching.
Romania with a "^"simbol over the first "a" ... we use diacritics.
there was a tendency in English for rather brief time to spell Rumanian hence you may find the Roumania, Rumania in some archives, it faded out in time, by the 80's the only acceptable English spelling was Romania :D :D :D
The correct spelling is România,
Cristian Ionut Oancea that`s how you spell the name in Romania, you have a different spelling in English, a different spelling in French, German etc. Country names are something you translate!
I like the "Rumania" spelling version, for obvious reasons....
Looks much better than today.
@Pan Baron true. There's a British pathé video about my country too and all of the comments are like oh, so much better than today, capitalism destroyed our country, what a country was stolen from us, etc. Like, have these people actually been alive during the brutal oppressive communist regime they want brought back?
@Werm 01
Do you say the same about Capitalist countries or are you selective in your lying?
Yah, what happened? PROGRESS, GLOBALISM? AH, HA eu
That's because of the disaster of Market reforms and shock therapy which shook the nation during the 90s. Romanian (Rumanian?) GDP decreased 21% in the two years following the collapse. Like most eastern European countries, went through severe deindustrialisation and population decline.
In fact Romania's (Rumania's?) population is still recovering from the collapse. In 1991 their population was 23 Million, now their population is 19 Million.
Energy consumption per Capita in Romania (Rumania?) was 2,987 kg of oil equivalent in 1989, it's now 1,591 kg of oil. Almost half of what it was in the 80s.
Keep in mind though this film released in the 60s not the 80s so living standards were probably different from what I just described, but you get the general idea.
@Werm 01 In many ways modern Romania is better than it was in the past, in terms of GDP and GDP per capita Romania is much better.
Although if you measured Romanian GDP taking into account inflation, so GDP in constant 2010 USD, it took 13 years to catch up to pre-revolution levels, not 5 years.
World bank data :
Taking into account inflation!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=gdp_expenditure_constant_2010_us&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=world&idim=country:ROU:PRT:SRB&ifdim=world&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false
Not taking into account inflation
And even though something like the GDP of modern Romania is far better, that usually but doesn't always correlate to standard of living. GDP could increase but that economic growth can be concentrated in entrepreneurial sectors of the economy, meaning the average life of a Romanian won't necessarily get better. And even then increase in salary may not mean more money floating around as they have to pay bills for rent, education, healthcare, all of which have become more expensive. There's also unemployment. Romania's current unemployment rate is 4% and was historically higher due to recession. In 1994, unemployment reached 11%. Due to the 2008 Recession Romania's unemployment rate reached 7.1% in 2011, and only started to recover by 2015. and there's also energy consumption, which is half of what it was in 1989.
And I feel this is the reason that although the economy is currently doing well in Romania, things like their birth rates and population for example, still haven't recovered from the collapse and will continue to decrease. That's not to say Romania was better in the 80s, you have things like smartphones now and better consumer choices, but it's to say things weren't necessarily worse back then.
6:07 is what you came for!
Thanks, but I'll take 6:31 :D
6:41 is even nicer
Yeah, you could've called them women because they've acted that way!
@@killerdinamo08 what the actual fawk... I guess you could call other people human because they act that way not like SOMEONE
@@al3xandra391 Yes you could, for instance the lady feeding the goat at the picnic, she's very humane, nowadays that's a rare site, even with their children I've not seen nowadays mothers act so careful.
Romania was so beautiful in this times!
Yeah I know I went there - it's so nice!
MadDogBG its still beautiful
@@optic_wt yes I agree however people just speculate that it's one of the shtiest country out there
Sapper 92 or one of the most prospere in the balkans. People who say that are just pure idiots or want some attention
@@optic_wt I agree, but here in the UK it's common as most people that say that probably never visited any other country
I was there in 1972, on my old BMW R60. Nice people but very poor. The imagery is mostly propaganda.
Still kinda poor nowadays.
Our country had and still has a lot of potential in many ways. But , as what I learned in history class, we were always in the middle of conflict zones, between the great powers of Europe. And was though to be an independent country. Which just for shortly were.
The poverty, in my opinion, comes from the fact that we never had something of our own. Everybody took amd still takes from us and we became a numb ( and kinda d*mb) nation.
@@elenaautumnalmermaid6913 poor doesn't mean nothing. Maybe the wealth distribution it's kinda unfair but to say an european country it's almost poor it's not true.
Did you check their spiritual wealth ? Maybe there is some...
are you sure you wasn't lost? back in 72 that country wasn't poor!
By "poor" you mean not everyone had BMWs like you? Or what?
One of these days Romania , along with Italia, España, France, Portugal and Moldova will return to absolute greatness , through freedom, order and laissez-faire economics.
Greetings from Argentina to all of my Latin Brothers across the puddle
Please, not more neoliberal politics.
In Portugal, Neoliberalism doesn’t and will never work, and our politics here is a big joke. You have a socdem party, that is right wing; our “socialist” party isn’t even socialist; we are getting worse, day by day, because of the far-right rising even more; liberalism destroyed my family and other’s, for some years; the media are right wing biased; our law system is a joke; our president is the son of one of the “right arms”, of one of our old dictators (Salazar) and is a conservative, that doesn’t really care about human rights... That’s what capitalism does to Portugal, and that’s what we have.
I don’t want more capitalism, as many of the portuguese. We want real socialism, and that’s why the left has been increasing more and more, in my country. In my opinion, capitalism might start his fall, after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, and revolution will start, supported by socialist organizations
That's a very 'nice' thought, but when was Romania, and further more, R.Moldova, great in history 🤔?
Yes i know, very typical portuguese communist, frankly i don't much care for Portugal and Spain you can do whatever you want, just don't expect to get bailed out.
Your fate is t be a 3rd world country forever with such mentality, which maybe is fine, i think you'd be happier being 3rd world.
@@juanme555 why libs only know to say that "communist and socialist countries are 3rd world countries", while Africa was fully destroyed by capitalism...
And we were never socialists, or either communists in Portugal, it's another capitalist country
ahhhh, this has that fresh, colorful, post-war feel like the old disney movies
Romania 1964.Un peisaj pitoresc din mediul rural. Un fermier și turma sa de vaci . Fotografii din țară. Imagini ale Carpaților. Câteva detalii din istoria României. Scene de la un hipodrom . Prezentarea telescaunului de la la stațiunea Poianna Brasov. Imagini din București și instantanee surprinse la picnic. Mănăstirlie Bucovinei și litorlalul. Și multe alte imagini surprinse dintr-o Românie prezentată într-un mod atractiv de prezentatorul britanic în anul 1964 într-un filmuleț ce merită urmărit.
Greta Lechner am indoieli ca “fermierul” mâna turma lui de vaci, era probabil a CAP.
parallel universe?
Dream Youniverse lol dont even try
@Dream Youniverse true dangerous of western ideology war is the presumption imperceptibly given to you that the socialism fails without dictatorship
No 1964
Wow! Ce frumos! Mulțumiri din România! ❤❤❤🇷🇴
I went to the sport hotel in Brasov in 1996, it was the best hotel and right next to the slopes. Every day our ski instructor took us somewhere fancy for lunch and then we spent the rest of the afternoon swishing down through the trees. At night a band played for dinner and then we had a surprise fashion show and I won a dress in a raffle!
From what i've heard from my parents, it was quite a good life before 1970, after that it went downhill pretty bad.
May be the indian gypsies took the leadership in politics and everything collapse just like the currupted politicians in india 😂😂
I miss when the world had such an exciting feel. Its like discovering something beautiful and hidden but nowadays it would be from a mobile phone with no glamor
A few years after this documentary was made, a fellow name Ceaucescu became the top dog in Romania. He led the people into a long and agonising twilight. Ceaucescu was executed in 1989, but Romania has not fully recovered from the poverty and violence he forced most Romanians to endure.
nu e chiar asa... pana n 1980 se traia poate chiar mai bine ca in occidentul capitalist iar in 89 a fost o lovitura de stat unde ne am pierdut suveranitatea si autonomia
@@zyraxesdac7583 raspuns greșit, nu aveam autonomie, eram copiii adoptați de rusia, acum însă avem
@@MC-wy9rv Raspuns gresit, acum Romania e o sub-colonie.
Pana in anii 80 s-a trait bine.
OP:you're full of sh*t untill the 80s life was better than now.
@@MC-wy9rv rusii se cacau pe ei cand vedeau ca ceausescu incepe sa o ia pe drumul lui.
romania is beautiful...
Yes, @Wylde Wylde ... Unfortunatele it was. And never will be the same ...
Dinu Desculţ e incontinoare ba gunoiule. Doar ca blocurile comuniste ale lui raposatu strica frumusetea tarii
@Can't Mossad The Assad don't talk what you do not know and understand. I now your brain is small, but do not share it with everybody
Nice movie and no anti-Comunist Propaganda about the Iron Curtain, only sights sand syghtseeing. Thanks Pathe!
you sound like a communist sympathizer. I bet you totally support the COVID19 lockdowns,
BTW, Eastern Europe, once under the Russian heel, shows the most resistance to all the New World Order Agendas.
Communism 100 years and 100 million victims. Thank you
This was not Ceaușescu's socialist republic, but a people's republic as Hungary with elements of regulated market economics.
Not all Eastern Europe. Only the V4 countries. The rest of the EE is licking globalis boots in a way that makes WE gelous.
Romania was and still is such a beautiful country just like any western European country.
Truly amazing footage ..and precious for those who can compare..than and now..and it s says we go towards better society..well..i d prefer my country in 1964..with good and bad..right now we go to..nowhere..
I can barely hold my tears while absorbing the cultural impact my country once had.
7:01 'Romania is really a vivacious young grill flirting with Western ideas' - well done description. Romania is the gate when you go to The East and the gate going to The West, geographically and socially speaking is the center(heart) of Europe.
Incredible, how beautiful everything is, how a beautiful time 🥰😢
Frumos clip, exceptional....ce-am fost si ce-am ajuns....
Orice producator cu valoare mai mare de 2 lei iti face azi un film de 10 ori mai "Wow!". Asta e versiunea anilor 60 pentru "Eterna si fascinanta Românie".
Practic, discuțiile din comentarii compara o filmare de 10 minute, idealizata, comerciala, a unei tari de acum 60 de ani (doua generatii!!!) cu realitatea de zi cu zi, a aceleiasi tari, de azi.
Serios? E diferenta intre a ti se servi o friptura exceptionala, la un restaurant de lux, si experienta de a ucide, macelari si gati singur un animal, ca sa iti faci friptura. Comparam mere cu pere...
Tâmpit comunist derzis
Ai vorbit si tu cand trebuia să taci
Man you gotta love the old timey English accent. I love to see it man
Thank you British Pathe for making this brilliant documentary available for everyone. “The past is made out of facts... I guess the future is just hope.”
@@UCLAfilm01 Nici eu nu am auzit ca oamenii de rând, ar fi trăit în așa "lux"
Wonderful !
I've been in that Mamaia Hotel in 2005 . Great Experience !
Goodness me, I remember "Pathe news" between the B film and the feature film.
BUT... I think I remember THIS "Pathe news"!
fantastic...backpacked there two years ago...absolutely beautiful esp the painted churches starting at 3:00
Romania looked and very much looks like a normal country. Yet, our best intellectuals had been imprisoned in the "obsessive decade" (1950s) for political reasons. So, this video only shows the pretty side.
Welcome to the internet :D where commies can roam free with impunity and troll the shit out of everyone. The secret is to make fun of them. Coz they're the kind of funny a psych ward can provide.
George Barbăroşie E OK daca, sunt numai online, dar ei, raspandacii de profesie, sunt infiltratzi fizic inca, in totzi factorii de decizie al tzarilor din Estul Europei. Ai sa'i vezi la lucru, in Moldova Duminica. Culmea impertinentzei la romani, legea amnistiei va fi introdusa din nou in Parlament, dupa ce a fost respinsa la presiunea strazii cateva zile in urma!!! Deja viermii spuneau in parlamentul nelegitim al rushinii, 580 strong, ca presiunea strazii a incetat, shi ei se pot intoarce la furtul de zi cu zi. La asha turma, asha ciobani...Romania, nu are nici o shansa se pare, pana nu intzelege ca tre' sa faca, nu, curatzenie in ograda mioritica, ci deratizare in toata regula;.
Nu au intrat toti intelectualii la puscarie si nici macar cei mai buni! Au intrat elementele fasciste, ca Tutea sau Noica
@@eurasiaticul2847 oare?
@Red Baron No. Intellectuals who did not support the communist regime impose by the Soviet Union. Just pick up a history book and read about it.
4:01 The enthusiasm on the two worker's face :))
A fost odata ca n povesti, acum am ajuns in dezastru si e doar inceputul.Multumim tuturor ce conduc Romania.Rusine lor.
Cu astia, de fapt de la ei a inceput ;nu ne-au iubit niciodata.
E doar fatarnicie.
Ne gadilau orgoliile pe principiul:"gâdilă'l pe porc pe burtă, că se culcă singur in cuțit"
This makes me so sad...people in the old days didn't even have 20% of what we have today and yet they look so happy,they enjoyed,you can see it through the screen...
This is.. wonderful
Looks beautiful and I am sure it still is. Definitely wil visit
Wow . Asa arata tara mea in 1964?
Nu tati...stai linistit ca era orchestrat totu' de Securitate. Adevarata Romanie a fost inainte de comunisti, adica inainte de 1945.
yep, asa e. dar totusi erau cativa oameni care se simteau bine cu adevarat. ziceau ca communismul nu e asa de rau daca nu deschizi guara contra sistemului . pe romaneste daca esti o persoana fara principii ei te lasau in pace. communisti voiai persoane ca oile, sa le poate controla. Iar oaia traieste fericita pana este trimis la abator heehheheeh
Zokll Ehbfd ai impresia ca acum e altfel? crezi ca acum Romania mai are vreo putere sau vreun cuvant de spus? ca sa nu mai zic de datoria tarii pe care tot fraierul de rand o va plati. am scapat de unii si am dat de altii :)
@@calyn90 nu ai trăit atunci ca să știi.
@@nouaranouara9939, lasă-l că e micuț, și nu știe ce scrie...
Even though I have never lived in the 60s, these old days look so much appealing today after the culture degradation we have experienced in the last 20 years especially in the US. What a shame
Wonderful country!!!
Amazing!! Very good advertising. I wish we had such adds today. Instead of the stigma adds they throw at us.... Yeah, its bad, but most of the times it's sooo much better.
for this video man you deserve another subscriber thanks for this video
Oameni buni,trăiesc in România de peste 50 de ani . Au fost lucruri greu de dus . Avem o țara frumoasa cu locuri forte frumoase de vizitat chiar și acum . Trebuie sa privim partea frumoasă, nu stațiunile care s- au distrus și au devenit ruine . Sa știți ca România inca mai primește cu drag musafirii .
The chick at 06:32 is absolutely scrumptious.
Wonderful... Perfection... Images and music and announcer...
Yeah, in propaganda movies everything is perfect. They have been let to film a well staged reality that would help Comunist party to fill their pockets with money from foreign tourist. You know, like what's happening right now in North Korea.
@@elenabob4953 Now, you don't need no propaganda, now you can show to the west for what the young people died during revolution. Now you're filled with gypsies, beggars, panarame la tv si un mare CACAT! ''BE PROUD''!!
"Si bicicleta galbena.." and the Utopian Romania! Impressive :))
just so you know the majority of romanian comments are just people who are comparing those times to those in our days, and have nostalgic feelings to those times, if it helps with anything :))
They are nostalgic about those times because THESE times is nothing, except curve si ciori.
Romania is still beautiful! It's getting better all the time, it's grown leaps and bounds in the last 5 years. I love it here!!
What country are you from?
carrie mimi They come here and live on the streets and begg for food and money,, they have no clean cloathes and they suffer bec there are no Jobs for Them in Romania,, thats not good
@@RebeccaAbrahansson 8=======>~(*o*)
@@RebeccaAbrahansson do u know the difference between romanians and gypsy? I beat u don't.
Sarah Pettersson Romania literally needs 1 million people as workforce, saying that those people don’t have to work is just a lie
A fost o dată can povești cea mai frumoasă țară și bogată, în păduri , agricultură, etc,etc,, acum să-i plîngi de milă ce au făcut hoții cu țara noastră România.
Hotii de occidentali. Muie la toti
@@Zeralop Nu caută vina pe alții. E datoria noastră sa ne ridicăm.
It seems that the Earth was a much happier place back when it had half as many people living on it.
Back when Europe was full of Europeans only...
It was much worse then. Too many Europeans. More diversity, less Europeans.
Yeas, in every propagandistic movie everything is sunny and people are super happy 😁
@@elenabob4953 There's plenty of street footage of downtown Paris, London, etc, in the 1960s. It's night and day, black and white, and it's not propaganda.
When actually did the image of Romania change so dramatically in the Western media to become the opposite of this enchanting picture in full colours ?
Now you see power of lies Tv and media?
This specific film is meant to sell you on Romania as a tourist destination. It's not a news item talking about some problem in the country, that would be out of place. British Pathé has a lot of travelogue films, and every one of them is going to be polite and have nice things to say about the place they're talking about. It's common courtesy with the format. Again, it is not the news. The news can talk about issues. This is just fluff.
When the gypsies fleed the country.
My parents left Romania mid 60s,but till these days they point out how wonderful Romania is.
In daca ramaneau acolo isi blestemau viata.
Did they leave illegally? Because I heard no one was allowed to leave Romania unless you had permission from the government or if you were a communist party member you couldn’t leave if you were a political dissident.
@@frenkli9815 in the Ages of 1967-1978 Roumania let jewish ,germans ethnics to go back in theyer own countrys but they required from those națions a lot of money because Roumania invested a lot in thm.and whn they go out of Roumania they need to renounce at theyer house and gold they have been obligated to tale just they clothes and some pics with theyer famillys
@@iliepetcan1736 Poti sa spui in romana? Nu am inteles ce ai vrut sa spui in engleza
I have been to Bucharest recently for business. Doesnt look like this now
@Standoff 2 Not sure. But at 6:32 she was babysitting me and my friend and when she was driving us home from the beach in her old little car and both of us were shirtless and she was wearing her bikini top and bottoms and all three of us were barefooted when the car ran off the road and flipped over and over down the cliff
recurf the communist government in 1964 just allowed to film the beautiful part for propaganda reasons
@Roumania1 I'd say worse, the traffic on the Triump's Arc's roundabout is crazy nowadays and most of the ancient buildings were removed by Ceaușescu after the 1977 earthquake.
It is still nice don't get me wrong, but you can still clearly see the scars left by the old regime, scars that you don't really see in other cities' centres like Sibiu or Sighișoara.
of course it wont be the same as 55 years ago, now it's a modern metropolis with all the goods and bads of capitalism
An East European in UK Bucharest is Romania
cata spatiu verde era atunci maaaaa acuma ii plin de JEG
... si de statui.
E ca limbaju dumneavoastra
La 2000 E/mp ... "Verdele" n-are ce cauta 🤣
Si ca al dv.
"Îi" plin de jeg pentru ca noi suntem niște jeguri.
So wholesome.
Good to see Harry Kane getting some exercise in at 6:20!
😂 😂 😂 I
Gheorghe Hergheligiu lol l
Hahaha, brilliant .
Foarte frumos :)
This is totally representative of what life in Romania was in 1964, definitely not handpicked touristy sites, it totally all looked like that.
"What could be more Western than a cattle drive in a canyon" ? LMAO typical British contemptuousness
good to know that my country at least looked good back in the days.
In the 70's everything went downwards till 1989 when communism just imploded, democracy is not perfect but still much better than the other option ...
Every country goes through crises, even the ones you consider "democracy".
While Romania is a beautiful country, it wasn't long from these images until the poverty and tragedy of our regime cought up to us.
The most prosperity and cultural achievements Romania ever experienced were during the time before ww1. Then Bucharest was truly the "little Paris".
For the rich, for the poor you know what it was? Do you know what it was Bucharest for the poor in your own country?? You come here with bs about interbelic times , how about you talk ABOUT WHOLE COUNTRY??!
doamne ce era odata
Proud to be romanian !
Today in 2021 Romania is even better!
Young educated people with lust for life!
Romania is growing up fast!!!
Cool, might go one day. Won't go to the shore (seaside), that's for sure.
Too bad, a lot of roman history there.
Oh, how staged this is. Let me give you a priceless piece of information about Romania: street vendors and store clerks STILL don't smile :)
Nice Video, such nice Film have British Pathe about Bulgaria from 1965 . How nice was our countries Bulgaria (1965)
Cum arata ROMANIA in 1964 !!!
Nici pe departe Romania in 1964 nu arata asa. In filmulet sunt aratate doar partile frumoase. Era mizerie si saracie cat cuprinde si pe vremea aia, nu mai vorbesc de regimul opresiv. In general oamenii isi aduc aminte doar lucrurile frumoase din trecut si le ignora pe cele negative. Oamenii isi cosmetizeaza amintirile
@@SuperThe86 ba era chiar așa. Eu m-am născut în Constanța. Mergeam în Mamaia în fiecare weekend. Era plin de străini. Curățenie peste tot. Plajele erau curate. Hotelurile ptr scandinavi și nemți erau full . Mai intram și noi pe la shop-ul lor. Lumea chiar știa să se distreze.
@@nouaranouara9939, lasă-l că e micuț, și nu știe ce scrie...
@@nouaranouara9939 Afara de Mamaia ( Romania) unde se mai mergea?
În unele zone arăta probabil bine. Dar pe urmă s-au umplut marile oraşe de ce cei care nu se pot adopta în viaţa marilor oraşe, iar după 1989 cam zero planificare şi fiecare a făcut ce i-a trecut prin cap.
when they say nostalgia, i hope this is what they mean, not the stupid communist era that traumatised all of us, also it looks even better than today's romanian reality
seriously ? today Romania is one of the poorest countries in europe
I been born in romania in 63.
4:54 left side of the screen. Some dude is pulling a gypsy kid out of the shot. Classic.
@ 6:05 Welcome!
60s Romanian people looked more European than Germans today.
Why is this ?
Strange propaganda. This is an Etruscan image.
If they planned to bring NATO there like this... Don't write from the gulag. Not interested. At all.
People betting: CAPITALISTS!
"Suspicious southern Romania is really a vivacious young girl flirting with Western ideas and beckoning the tourists to come just a little further afield in the search for fun and bright lights."
I mean, you got to love the effort.
Ahaha, this looks like a pre-Fallout game. You can find similarities to North Korea also with the fake smiles, buying, selling abundant food, etc.
6:18 is that Kane stretching?
Well, after these images wish to have the power to turn back the times.
She looks pretty 6:42
@Fabian hmm mama mia
@Fabian she may be half naked but still the other looks prettier to me. To each their own.
@Fabian Yeah the donkey's not the only one who wants to nurse
well, I never expected to see a foreign studio create such a warm montage about my country. That's for sure.
Also, here's a cold-hard fact for those who don't know it: all of the evil that happens in this world is because of economic reasons. And the reason I am saying this is because during Ceausescu's presidency (so, in communism) Romania has been the only country in the world without external debt. And this has displeased the western countries, the empires, and the rich organizations which is why they have collaborated to strike us and dismember us into smaller territories so they can fully occupy us and and steal all of our riches (and yes, Romania is still a rich country, but please, stay in your own countries folks, there's plenty of room for living well for everyone).
''I never expected'' that's ebcause you don't know your country or the past of your country.
1964? Don't be silly, this was filmed 2 months ago in Romania :)
you wish.. :))
@@5milioane no, I do not wish. It looks exactly like the modern day north korea.
2 month ago? Hmm, seems in 2014 they ruined Mamaia very fast.
Ce frumos era
This gives only one side of the Nation.
Well most videos only focus on the really bad side/ gypsy villages so this is fair. All nations have two sides, every good video you see on a country isn’t showing the bad sides and vice versa
My grandparent went to Romania around this time. They loved it.
I guess there was some tourism push, not sure who instigated it, the Romanian government? Or perhaps British travel companies? Or both?
Probably the trade union movement in Britain was involved also - they often organised and publicised trips to communist countries to show how the 'workers paradise' looked. In the 60s for example many left-wing British people would not visit Spain or Portugal because they were considered 'fascist'.
Господи, Майн. Год, какая жизнь была и в. Москве и в мире после войны. Рай на земле.
Before massive pollution with plastic garbage. Heart breaking.
Even though back then it was a communist dictatorship, it did a better job at promoting and preserving it's tourist attractions. But it was really just a mask to trick the foreigners into believing that all is well. It was the same strategy that North Korea also uses. Romania was Europe's North Korea at that time, there was no other country in Europe as isolated as Romania. It barely even interacted with the other communist neighbours. I am from Romania, so I'm not talking out of my ass.
Daca esti roman, stim amandoi ca Romania a fost cea mai putin periculoasa tara din cele comuniste, nu cred ca ai vazut ce dictatori malefici erau in Albania, crimele lor inca se resimt in Albania unde inca este destul de slab dezvoltata.
Romania inca nu fusese corupta de comunisti pe atunci pentru ca mai fusesera oameni care se nascusera inainte de guvernul comunist.Abia in anii 70' si '80,chiar 90',se puteau vedea efectele comunismului
Damn, looked soo much better then than it does now..
culmea este ca nu s-a schimbat mult, doar au disparut mult din bunul simt si ce ai mai distrus politicienii cu furtul si neintretinerea
So much of beautiful nature and young women ❤️
la minutul 2:13 - Hotel Sport - am fost in voiaj de nunta acolo
Mai exista?
@@allexpch da
My parents took us for holiday in Romania in the late 1970s, I was very young but I do remember this ice cream they had that tasted like wheatabix...anyone know it?
6:32 beautiful.. I mean that innocent animal..😁😉
You mean that mammal?
@@YPO6 he means Bob and vegana