Gamma Kills Doctor Light (Metropolis Battlezone) - HOL Edition

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024
  • Holy crap, y'all.
    Okay, first - Back in the day Doctor Light was probably the single hardest solo-kill bounty in the game, both on release and for quite some time afterwards. Eventually you could just overgear and punch him in the kidneys until he pees blood - that's not the case any more. This is an eight man bounty with that full-bodied flavor from back in the day.
    Doctor Light is a grueling fight with a lot of moving parts, mostly owing to the fact the 75% of Doctor Light's Ability attacks can kill you in 2-3 hits. The most egregious offenders are the stunning 'spotlight' attack (this one has a skull indicator) and the spinning chest beam (which is so effective that the Hive Leader, Brother Eye, and the Eye of Ekron all use it too) - if you get hit by either of these and you're not already Shielded and/or in Breakout? You're probably going to die if you don't move or Heal immediately.
    The one saving grace is that the spotlight attack has a very long animation and a fairly short cone field of effect, so it's wonderfully punishable from medium-long range. The downside to this is: if you fail to get out of the way, you're gonna die.
    And in the words of the departed Billy Mays - But Wait, There's More...
    Doctor Light also has an Ability attack where little orbs of light shoot from him in random directions for a couple of seconds. These all hit hard and there's usually a Lot of them on screen at the same time. Galea has been killed by contact with as few as two of these projectiles. He uses this attack Constantly so it's perfectly possible for him to kill you Accidentally.
    And finally, although he seems like a natural Hand Blast user, one of his weapon types is Dual Pistol - so if it looks like he's just standing there? He's not actually just standing there and you're probably bleeding now.
    The nuts on top of this shit sundae - if you die? Doctor Light resets. So if you're running him in tandem with another player, Stay Dead Until They Get back, and if you're trying to solo? You're working without a net. Soloing this Bounty with a non-Tank Build takes equal parts player skill and Build, and more than a small helping of blind luck.
    With a Tank, as you can see, it's quite a bit more manageable - however, as you can also see, Gamma has to maintain a non-stop stream of Healing and constantly employ mitigation just to cruise at around half Health for the vast majority of the fight.
    Also, doing it this way still takes +/- 15 minutes. By comparison - I beat Calculator Bot using Galatea (368 Ice Tank) in 12. And Calculator is like a month old puppy made of sandpaper - rrrrrough. Still, someone insisted that it would be impossible for at-level characters with less than 100 SP to do it so here we are.
    "Stay Mobile or You Will Die" is this fight's mantra - you also really don't want to get too close if you can avoid it, and any time you see the skull pop? Shields, and Run.

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