Imagine walking around Tokyo and suddenly bumping into someone wearing your face! Not sure if I'd be flattered or creeped out 😂 Very interesting video, the technology is amazing
Back in the mid 70's when I was in the 3rd grade a Japanese-American artist came to make our personal mask using plaster to pour over our faces. It was a terrible experience since I was cluster-phoebic & I hyperventilate for 2 minutes while a camera crew was recording us. So it's cutting edge technology!
It would be hilarious if you make one of a world leader and just walk around or a dictator or something to see how people act I would love to get one that has Napoleon's face to see what happens when I walk around France if I could visit Japan I would buy like 50
Yeah, especially today, as people are wearing masks, it’s really hard to tell even if your mouth is not moving. Besides, get a wig and clothes that look like those of world leaders and you’re good to go! 😆 - Yasu
Maybe if you make it out of something soft(maybe like rubber) and glue it to the parts of the wearer face (like lips and cheeks) with a soft adhesive then that mask might look truly no different than a normal face :D
Frubber is the product created by Hanson Robotics for the flexible and expressive faces of Sophia,Grace the Humanlike Nursing Assistant and their new upgraded version "Project RIA",soon to be mass produced by Machani Robotics. If a Frubber like simulated skin product composite with micro pores for ventilation and with the same see through ability as contact lens materials for the eyes could be 3 D printed it would be much more difficult to detect at a casual glance. But I still feel that actual contact lenses would be much better than the complete eye coverage because of the lack of eye movement. Fixed , motionless eye's would be a dead give away to spark the Uncanny Valley response in most people. Even babies become distressed by a person with a frozen or deadpan facial expression . Medical patient simulations like Pediactric Hal and Obstetric Victoria have complete pupillary response and tracking capabilities, but that would be insanely expensive to use in a mask,and you wouldn't be able to see through them in a mask without a talented research and development team .
1-For making natural human face silicon mask, I have front of head human face so how can I add behind of head to my silicon mask?do you have tutorial for this?2-When I haven't human live model so how can I make human face mask silicon? Means can I use from what things replacement? Thanks
The simplest way is to visit the shop in Tokyo directly, but it seems he also has an online shop here: As you can see here, the price for the mask of a lady is 98,000 yen (about $900 US) and 78,000 yen (about $700 US) for the mask of himself.
Wow, this is quite creepy. What's to stop some unscrupulous person using another persons face to commit a crime? Not sure I like the idea of people selling their face. Another very interesting video though guys, you certainly cover some of the more obscure topics. Thank you! 👍
Haha, thanks! And in fact, even the shop owner thinks it’s creepy too 😅 But for crimes, I heard they intentionally lower the quality of the printing, so that these masks don’t compromise the face recognition systems (that doesn’t prevent all crimes, but at least!) - Yasu
This is require registered special permission to have it, without strict regulation, it will bring chaos to society, someone can be put into jail for lifetime for crime that they never did, if I Government, I will never give permission this to be free available in the market.
Wow that's very cool. To these masks become more real they need more mistakes on the "skin", you know? Our brains are going to be tricked more easily with that. I like how the face mask over the mask works to mislead our eyes from the easy spot to indentify the "flaw", that the mouth doesn't move. xD 3d modeling is realy the future. The present.
Yanu haru lae Garaera katiko jindagi Barbadha vayeko xa kati ko ghar kati aafanta ta kati family nae mariyaeko xa jasari xodnu hudaina pahri darbar hattaya kandand jastae thulo thulo ghatana haru ghatawnu sakxan this valera xodnu hudainna jasari ni jall mae sadawnae
Hukum menggambar makhluk bernyawa: "Dari [Ibnu Abbas] ia berkata, 'Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Barangsiapa membuat gambar, maka pada hari kiamat ia akan disiksa hingga ia meniupkan ruh pada gambar tersebut, padahal ia tidak akan bisa." (HR Nasai no. 5624)" "ia akan disiksa hingga ia meniupkan ruh, padahal ia tidak akan bisa" ini artinya azab selamanya, kekal di api neraka. Menggambar makhluk adalah "syirik" terberat, Allah berfirman: "Siapakah orang yang paling zalim selain mereka yang menciptakan sesuatu yang seperti ciptaan -Ku?" (Sahih al-Bukhari 7559) Artinya menggambar adalah syirik untuk menyaingi Tuhan dalam menciptakan suatu ciptaan (makhluk hidup). Syirik dalam Islam berarti menyekutukan Allah dalam ketuhanan. Al-'Aini berkata: "Dilarang menggambar makhluk hidup (berhala) karena itu disembah pada masa Jahiliyah. Dilarang, meskipun tidak memiliki bayangan atau tidak terdiri dari materi (yang mengacu pada gambar dan lukisan), untuk menutup pintu kemaksiatan. Ayat 'Umdah al-Qari Syarh Sahih al-Bukhari (18/162) Semua larangan tersebut berbentuk Sad al-Zari'ah (menutup pintu maksiat) karena dikhawatirkan menjadi objek ibadah dan membahayakan agama kita. Siapa pun yang meninggal dalam keadaan syirik akan dihukum di neraka selamanya. “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampuni dosa syirik, dan Dia mengampuni segala dosa selain (syirik) bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki.."Qs: Annisa:116 Ayo yg punya baju bergambar dibuang!! "Janganlah engkau membiarkan kuburan yang tinggi kecuali engkau meratakannya dan tidak pula sebuah gambar di dalam rumah kecuali engkau musnahkan." (HR annasai no.2004)
Percaya zodiak itu kesyirikan, tdk boleh percaya bintang2 menentukan nasib, Allah yang menentukan segala keberuntungan dan kesialan. Semua benda langit cuma benda mati, berputar2 dan tidak berpengaruh sama kamu. Allah menciptakan hukum2 alam semesta. Kenapa seluruh alam semesta berputar hanya untuk membuat kalian tidur malam?. bumi yang padat tidak mengenal manusia yang mengantuk, manusia yang mengantuk tidak membuat bumi mengganti matahari menjadi malam. semua karena Allah menciptakan manusia. Segala puji bagi Allah tuhan penguasa dunia ini. Allah SWT tidak rela dengan kesyirikan apapun. Kesyirikan itu hati2. Banyak dan kecil. Kalau meninggal dalam keadaan syirik maka masuk neraka selamanya. Syirik bukan dosa, syirik bentuk menyekutukan (tidak menjadikan tuhan maha esa) satu2nya tuhan, untuk disembah, berharap, bernasib, memuja, doa, dan alasan beramal (pahala-dosa). Lalu alasan mencipta, sifat maha kuasa, sifat maha terpuji. Maka alasan2 tsb menjadikan macam perbuatan kesyirikan. Seperti menggambar mahluk bernyawa (menyaingi tuhan dalam mencipta makhluk hidup), semoga kita selamat dari segala kesyirikan, kemudian bertaubat dari dosa2 (dosa2 ada yang pengampunannya di cuci di neraka pengampunannya di cuci di neraka dahulu) namun setelah bersyahadat, masuk islam, maka penting untuk menyembah tuhan, memenuhi rukun beriman, dan rukun berislam. Semoga hidup kita tidak terlewat, semoga hidup kita memenuhi semuanya. Semoga kita tidak berakhir di akhirat dengan tidak cukup. Berusaha mencari, mempelajari, beramal untuk akhirat yg selamat. Semoga kita selalu meminta petunjuk- Nya, berlindung pada-Nya dari tersesat, dan memohon pada-Nya ampunan dari segala kesalahan kita. Hadits: [Nabi Muhammad berkata: "Barangsiapa bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah, tiada tuhan selain-Nya, dan bahwa Muhammad adalah hamba dan utusannya-Nya, bahwa 'Isa adalah hamba dan utusan Allah, dan firman-Nya yang Dia sampaikan kepada Maryam, dan ruh dari-Nya; dan bahwa surga itu benar adanya dan neraka itu benar adanya, Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam surga, seberapapun amal yang dia lakukan." Sahih/Autentik. - [Al-Bukhari dan Muslim]
Imagine walking around Tokyo and suddenly bumping into someone wearing your face! Not sure if I'd be flattered or creeped out 😂 Very interesting video, the technology is amazing
Haha, exactly. I probably won’t buy nor wear someone else’s face, but what if someone wants to wear my face..? I’ll have a thought on that 🧐 - Yasu
As long as there is no criminal intent, I would love to see who is behind the mask-maybe John Travolta or Nick Cage, lol.
@@JapanGo Wwww8
@@JapanGo Wwww88
@@JapanGosir odder karna h yah mask kese magaye please do you reply
this is insanely realistic!!! how come this video doesn't have more views?? this is amazing!!!
You should have got so much more views!! this is amazing! I wish you prank people like that and film it.
Thank you, glad to hear that you enjoyed the video! And yeah, pranking people with these masks would be funny 😆 - Yasu
had to take a double take to make sure it was/wasn't a mask so many times during this vid lol
Haha, yes I’m sure it’s super confusing!! - Yasu
Imagine you are in Tokyo and you walk dawn the city and you are trying to figure it out why every one has the same face...
New horror story. I just hope that face is not mine 😅 - Yasu
Back in the mid 70's when I was in the 3rd grade a Japanese-American artist came to make our personal mask using plaster to pour over our faces. It was a terrible experience since I was cluster-phoebic & I hyperventilate for 2 minutes while a camera crew was recording us. So it's cutting edge technology!
It would be hilarious if you make one of a world leader and just walk around or a dictator or something to see how people act I would love to get one that has Napoleon's face to see what happens when I walk around France if I could visit Japan I would buy like 50
Yeah, especially today, as people are wearing masks, it’s really hard to tell even if your mouth is not moving. Besides, get a wig and clothes that look like those of world leaders and you’re good to go! 😆 - Yasu
good luck getting a high res face and eye scan of one of them though. 😋
Lol, indeed! - Yasu
Maybe if you make it out of something soft(maybe like rubber) and glue it to the parts of the wearer face (like lips and cheeks) with a soft adhesive then that mask might look truly no different than a normal face :D
Frubber is the product created by Hanson Robotics for the flexible and expressive faces of Sophia,Grace the Humanlike Nursing Assistant and their new upgraded version "Project RIA",soon to be mass produced by Machani Robotics.
If a Frubber like simulated skin product composite with micro pores for ventilation and with the same see through ability as contact lens materials for the eyes could be 3 D printed it would be much more difficult to detect at a casual glance.
But I still feel that actual contact lenses would be much better than the complete eye coverage because of the lack of eye movement.
Fixed ,
motionless eye's would be a dead give away to spark the Uncanny Valley response in most people.
Even babies become distressed by a person with a frozen or deadpan facial expression .
Medical patient simulations like Pediactric Hal and Obstetric Victoria have complete pupillary response and tracking capabilities, but that would be insanely expensive to use in a mask,and you wouldn't be able to see through them in a mask without a talented research and development team .
Freaking crazy stuff ......
But intresting ,and your videos are always good to watch .
Thanks for liking our videos! And yeah, they’re some crazy stuff 😆 - Yasu
This would be the greatest Halloween costume: I dress as my husband (with his face) and he dresses as me (with my face and a wig etc).
Is it possible to purchase one online from this store?
location of the store in Japan?
heya do u take international orders?
I would to love to buy those masks so amazing
1-For making natural human face silicon mask, I have front of head human face so how can I add behind of head to my silicon mask?do you have tutorial for this?2-When I haven't human live model so how can I make human face mask silicon? Means can I use from what things replacement? Thanks
So this is where the faceless god contracts the mask they need for his acolytes.
Ok good I need one Stalin mask do so I can walk around Russia to see how they act
Haha, mystery solved! - Yasu
How to order?
Wow, that’s some freaky, Uncanny Valley stuff right there!
Yeah, we’re deep in the Uncanny Valley 😂 - Yasu
What’s the website for this shop?
How and where do I buy one and how much are they
The simplest way is to visit the shop in Tokyo directly, but it seems he also has an online shop here:
As you can see here, the price for the mask of a lady is 98,000 yen (about $900 US) and 78,000 yen (about $700 US) for the mask of himself.
This would be great for burn victims or someone with facial trauma. This should be a charitable organization.
0:13 the cameraman =
Next level masking 😱
* this item is not COVID-9 compliant
Where can I buy one online
It’s supposed to be sold at the online store below, but it seems they’re sold out now 😅
How much?
I want to make some faces too. Please let me know how to contact them.?
It's realistic but worn you can immediately see that it's a static face.
Helo ..sir i want to make realistic face mask of mine ..can u tell me please how can i orderd or contact to you
Could come in handy with China's face recognition system!
Wow, this is quite creepy. What's to stop some unscrupulous person using another persons face to commit a crime? Not sure I like the idea of people selling their face. Another very interesting video though guys, you certainly cover some of the more obscure topics. Thank you! 👍
Haha, thanks! And in fact, even the shop owner thinks it’s creepy too 😅 But for crimes, I heard they intentionally lower the quality of the printing, so that these masks don’t compromise the face recognition systems (that doesn’t prevent all crimes, but at least!) - Yasu
I need a Jackie Chan, Shun Oguri, Chris Tucker and Jim Carrey masks 😅😂 that would be hilarious😅
Ye kaha milta hai
Whats the company name this is cool
I want to buy the girl mask its so pretty i could use it for gaming and tictok
Link or contact of his shop
Kamenya Omote
I wanna buy this mask, this shop have insta or website?
This is a really bad idea!! Criminals will definitely take advantage of this!
This Is The Real life version of the Chameleon
Use this in the hunted tv show.
This is require registered special permission to have it, without strict regulation, it will bring chaos to society, someone can be put into jail for lifetime for crime that they never did, if I Government, I will never give permission this to be free available in the market.
- ジュリアン
@@JapanGo さん
Wow that's very cool.
To these masks become more real they need more mistakes on the "skin", you know? Our brains are going to be tricked more easily with that.
I like how the face mask over the mask works to mislead our eyes from the easy spot to indentify the "flaw", that the mouth doesn't move. xD
3d modeling is realy the future. The present.
Thanks! and yes, the face mask over the mask actually worked. I really felt like talking to a stranger when Julian did that 😂 - Yasu
just wear a turtle neck, a beanie and gloves and your a different person
Haha, that’s it 😆 - Yasu
The location is tokyo
Tokyo ghoul has masks
I'm going play a tokyo ghoul game
you would think burn victims would really love this technology
True, I wasn’t thinking about it, but it has that potential - Yasu
Creepy but also cool
? mask bnwana h kasy bnway???
Sir i need this
Bradd pity ?
Haha, if he lets them 3D scan his face, why not - Yasu
Tokiyo easthi dokhan mae hi paya jata hai
i decided to use snapchat filters on the faces and it was hilarious
I want an anime face
i want to make face ..please let me known ...
I want!!
Mero jase face banayera manche fasayeko matra tha pawta talae jall mae sadawnae
Mark mukhawta banawnae cahi ta yo Nepal 🇳🇵 mae po basxa ta
This will be useful in China where facial recognition surveillance cameras are everywhere.
Can you make Bruce Lee face.
Yo banawnae ta yasaeko anuhar ta lalita kaka jasto xa ta
Mujhaye vi cahiyae mukhawta America aru Korean ki jasayae
I am from pakistan i need mask i sent you picture pleasd creat mask and delivery me please
Yo ta Nepal 🇳🇵 mae po xa ta
Kasae gari ni xodanu hudaina
Yasto lae ta manche fasayeko jall sadawnu parxa
I need mukhawta on face
Mujhaye vi yasaye hi mukhawta cahiyae
Xodayo fari aaruko choti crimes ghatana ghatnu sakxan tahi vayera yaselae jasari ni jallmae sadawnu nae parxa
Sir this give me mask
Yanu haru lae Garaera katiko jindagi Barbadha vayeko xa kati ko ghar kati aafanta ta kati family nae mariyaeko xa jasari xodnu hudaina pahri darbar hattaya kandand jastae thulo thulo ghatana haru ghatawnu sakxan this valera xodnu hudainna jasari ni jall mae sadawnae
anything japanese can't do?
Haha, I certainly agree that there are many creative minds here 😆 - Yasu
Mukhawta banayera fasawnae lae jallmae sadawnu parxa j hosa
Hukum menggambar makhluk bernyawa:
"Dari [Ibnu Abbas] ia berkata, 'Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Barangsiapa membuat gambar, maka pada hari kiamat ia akan disiksa hingga ia meniupkan ruh pada gambar tersebut, padahal ia tidak akan bisa." (HR Nasai no. 5624)"
"ia akan disiksa hingga ia meniupkan ruh, padahal ia tidak akan bisa" ini artinya azab selamanya, kekal di api neraka.
Menggambar makhluk adalah "syirik" terberat, Allah berfirman: "Siapakah orang yang paling zalim selain mereka yang menciptakan sesuatu yang seperti ciptaan -Ku?" (Sahih al-Bukhari 7559)
Artinya menggambar adalah syirik untuk menyaingi Tuhan dalam menciptakan suatu ciptaan (makhluk hidup).
Syirik dalam Islam berarti menyekutukan Allah dalam ketuhanan. Al-'Aini berkata: "Dilarang menggambar makhluk hidup (berhala) karena itu disembah pada masa Jahiliyah. Dilarang, meskipun tidak memiliki bayangan atau tidak terdiri dari materi (yang mengacu pada gambar dan lukisan), untuk menutup pintu kemaksiatan. Ayat 'Umdah al-Qari Syarh Sahih al-Bukhari (18/162)
Semua larangan tersebut berbentuk Sad al-Zari'ah (menutup pintu maksiat) karena dikhawatirkan menjadi objek ibadah dan membahayakan agama kita.
Siapa pun yang meninggal dalam keadaan syirik akan dihukum di neraka selamanya.
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampuni dosa syirik, dan Dia mengampuni segala dosa selain (syirik) bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki.."Qs: Annisa:116
Ayo yg punya baju bergambar dibuang!!
"Janganlah engkau membiarkan kuburan yang tinggi kecuali engkau meratakannya dan tidak pula sebuah gambar di dalam rumah kecuali engkau musnahkan." (HR annasai no.2004)
become a hotbed of crime
Jindagi barbadha hunxa vanae kaha hunxa nayay dinu parxa samataera jall mae sadawnu parxa
Jall mae jindagi vari lagera rakhnu parxa xodanu hundinaa aru fasawnae criminal haru kasae garini xodnu hudainna
Yasto banawnae police lae Samantha parxa yasto mask lagayera thulo thulo manche fasawnu lae
Ahilae nepal 🇳🇵 mae basaxa lalita mabuhang jasate xa ta
Mukhawta banawnae lae ta jindgai var jall calana garnu parxa
Mero jasto face banayera manche matra fasaye ko tha pawta
Tero jall mae sadawnae
Japan ma banawdo rahexa
Yo mukhawta banawnae lae cahi jall lae cahi samatnu parxa
What happened if someone made a mask looks just like you and killed someone….
Mukhawta lagwdai manche fasawdai
Yasto haru lae mari gaye ni xodanu hudaina jallmae sadawnu parxa navarre fari thulo thulo ghatana gatawxan
Yeshi mask Mukhawta lagakara darbar hatay kandako anjam diya hoga
Yasto banawnae lae ta world lae nae samatanu parxa world lae police report garnu parxa
Sir give me mask plz
Identity change garera yahi basado rahexa k Nepali vayera
Halp me
Please 🤲🙏🙏👍 give me 🙏 please send me 🙏 please
Please 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲 give me 🙏🙏🙏
Percaya zodiak itu kesyirikan, tdk boleh percaya bintang2 menentukan nasib, Allah yang menentukan segala keberuntungan dan kesialan. Semua benda langit cuma benda mati, berputar2 dan tidak berpengaruh sama kamu. Allah menciptakan hukum2 alam semesta. Kenapa seluruh alam semesta berputar hanya untuk membuat kalian tidur malam?. bumi yang padat tidak mengenal manusia yang mengantuk, manusia yang mengantuk tidak membuat bumi mengganti matahari menjadi malam. semua karena Allah menciptakan manusia. Segala puji bagi Allah tuhan penguasa dunia ini. Allah SWT tidak rela dengan kesyirikan apapun. Kesyirikan itu hati2. Banyak dan kecil. Kalau meninggal dalam keadaan syirik maka masuk neraka selamanya. Syirik bukan dosa, syirik bentuk menyekutukan (tidak menjadikan tuhan maha esa) satu2nya tuhan, untuk disembah, berharap, bernasib, memuja, doa, dan alasan beramal (pahala-dosa). Lalu alasan mencipta, sifat maha kuasa, sifat maha terpuji. Maka alasan2 tsb menjadikan macam perbuatan kesyirikan. Seperti menggambar mahluk bernyawa (menyaingi tuhan dalam mencipta makhluk hidup), semoga kita selamat dari segala kesyirikan, kemudian bertaubat dari dosa2 (dosa2 ada yang pengampunannya di cuci di neraka pengampunannya di cuci di neraka dahulu) namun setelah bersyahadat, masuk islam, maka penting untuk menyembah tuhan, memenuhi rukun beriman, dan rukun berislam. Semoga hidup kita tidak terlewat, semoga hidup kita memenuhi semuanya. Semoga kita tidak berakhir di akhirat dengan tidak cukup. Berusaha mencari, mempelajari, beramal untuk akhirat yg selamat. Semoga kita selalu meminta petunjuk- Nya, berlindung pada-Nya dari tersesat, dan memohon pada-Nya ampunan dari segala kesalahan kita.
Hadits: [Nabi Muhammad berkata: "Barangsiapa bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah, tiada tuhan selain-Nya, dan bahwa Muhammad adalah hamba dan utusannya-Nya, bahwa 'Isa adalah hamba dan utusan Allah, dan firman-Nya yang Dia sampaikan kepada Maryam, dan ruh dari-Nya; dan bahwa surga itu benar adanya dan neraka itu benar adanya, Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam surga, seberapapun amal yang dia lakukan." Sahih/Autentik. - [Al-Bukhari dan Muslim]
We love Japanese from bharat 🇮🇳
Imagine when all the fanatical kpop and Korea wannabes out there find out about this....🤔...😂🤣
It’ll look creepy as hell if dozens of people start wearing the same masks all at the same time 😂 - Yasu
@@JapanGo that... actually would look like some kind of revolution...
🤣 disturbing.
Haha, rightfully so 😆 - Yasu
This is creepy .
all be able to stell more stuff wethout getting in truble now