What you said about Aman'thul ripping out the tree that Eonar planted correlating with him ripping out Y'shaarj has huge implications now. The Old Gods are really Life unbound, which goes against what the Titans work towards: order and binding. Interestingly now, Ysera finally broke out of the cycle that Eonar designed for her so maybe she will see now how unnatural it all is, becoming the catalyst and voice for death being the only end to life. We will finally be getting the truth and answers we've needed and I can't wait.
I'm so glad we will get to hear you Talk about the lore of the next expansions. To further the thought about the emerald dream being a device to keep Azeroth sleeping, it is said that the Titans dreams while they grow inside the planets. And it mirrors the dreams of lovecraftian entities that contact us through visions and dreams to inspire us to free them.
Man we went different paths when you started playing ff14 because im not into that game but i was happy for you , you were having fun ; watching your lore videos back made my day.
I'm so glad you're back to making these videos man! Alway loved listening to them while working. Can't wait for the Worldsoul saga, i even cried when seeing Metzen up there unfolding it all on us.
I like the idea of the conspiracy beeing the "titans" convincing us that Azeroth(soul) was still at the core of this planet, when in fact she's been gone since at least the time of the Sundering. Azeroth left An'she, Mu'sha and Lo'sho in control of the planet/her creation(Tauren Lore), but then "the titans" or their master/creator arrived and locked them away and turned the planet into a giant battery that charges "him" or his "machines" that now run the show. I think Azeroth's world soul calling for Thrall and Anduin in the cinetmatic is a bit of a trivial storyarch and if it really was Azeroth, Thrall wouldn't answer "i'm not sure yet".
I said this on another video, but goddamn man, it's good to see this energy again, and to hear your theories. I love hypothesizing on lore in pretty much any medium, and your channel is as much a staple for that with WoW, as someone like LML is for ASoIAF. I look forward to seeing how things progress, and you've got me more excited and hopeful.
Pyro back making wow lore content?! Feels FUCKING good man. I totally get why he stepped out, but regardless its great hearing his thoughts again. Lets hope fkin blizzard doesnt disappoint our boy again
The Void Lords and Old Gods are 2 factions of The Shadow or Void. I do agree with someone in chat who said split them in two make it Shadow and the Old Gods, and then make Void and The Void Lords the "7th" power that was mentioned in Shadowlands
your theory about the void lords not even wanting to manifest in reality sounds right. that makes the story we get from the titans that they supposedly threw the old gods into the universe to infest planets instead of them questionable, too. what if the old gods are just native to azeroth, do we have any indisputable evidence that doesn't come to us from the titans that isn't the case?
Man, awhile back I came up with the theory that the Old Gods were in some way corrupted life, I even tried to bring it up to Accolonn but he just went over it completely. I'm glad your back on the wow lore Pyro, love the content!
When the world-soul saga got announced i immediately thought of Pyro. all these years of dot connecting and speculation, and it's finally been revealed as on point after all this time. His enthusiasm and passion for the WoW lore is rubbing off on me as well. I am so happy that blizz has re-earned Pyro's fire. I'll be re-watching some pyro videos and reading some lore for sure!
I wonder if when it comes to The Last Titan expansion. wether Illidan will know what’s going on and be the catalyst that kicks the expansion off basically coming back to Azeroth to say, ‘guys, the Titans are coming, and it’s not good…’ would be the perfect way to hype it up.
Pyro, I finally figured it out. The link between Dreanor and Azeroth. The origin of the old gods and how they got corrupted. It all (pretty much) falls into place.
«The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.” While Illgynoths whispers have been forgotten and a lot of them haven’t come true, I genuinely believe this is a jab at Eonar. We’ll understand everything during The Last Titan expansion. I genuinely feel like both BfA (to a certain extent.) and especially Shadowlands was just filler expansions, when we could have jumped straight towards the World Soul saga. I’m really enjoying Dragonflight, it’s a lot of fun, but it slows down the story so. much. I’m so happy to see that you’re back. I remember listening to your theories and speculations before I went to bed, because they helped me fall asleep when I struggled with bad periods of stress and insomnia.
7:00 on this: Final Fantasy XI is a pretty interesting MMO. It came out before both WoW and XIV and a lot of the plot threads, narrative themes and even visual design cues of XIV often build on top of and expand ideas introduced in XI's story and lore (while also remaining very distinct in it's own ways). That being said, in this case the world being a living, sentient being obviously has very deep roots in the many mythologies that arose throughout human history. Great video, WoW lore goes hard
Something to take note of when looking at the cosmology chart, think of each corner as needing all of the others to exist for itself to exist. Shadow is a combination of order and death, order is a combination of life and shadow, and so on all the way around. What does that say about the titans? Sure they're all about cultivating life, but with a cold, controlling, immoral feel to it. Each corner of the chart is both entirely unique to itself, and exactly half of its two neighbors combined to make it so. If one were to dissappear, the fabric of everything would fall apart and cease to be.
The legend coming back is great news as always. Great to have you back as always. That said in our absence Illidan has been left in the pantheon. What part do you think he will play in the world soul saga? Especially in Midnight with us going back to the Soul Well. That second installation has me really interested for sure to see what we do with the Sun Well. The elves are pretty protective of their wells.
This was a really fun stream to be a part of. Getting Chris Metzen back on the team and Pyro lore speculation videos has reignited my intrest in WoW. It's impeccable timing, considering the Destiny community is collapsing around me.
Pyro have you seen the Time Rift, where the Titans won in that timeline? the whole planet is covered by out of control life to the point that the Titanforged get hunted down like sport
Well, watching this video sparked something in my mind. Y'shaarj being ripped out of the planet on the same timeframe when a tree was ripped out left me with an idea. It never dawned on me how old gods and the emerald nightmare could be related, I recall it being highly implied in the story but it wasn't that logical to me. The druid artifact from Legion was named G'Hanir, as it was a branch from the original G'Hanir (mother tree in the emerald dream). Whenever you get the branch first, it is corrupted and glowing with purpleish light. The naming convention for G'Hanir isn't similar to other world trees like Nordrassil (elven name) and is waaaay too similar to G'Huun/Old god naming convention. This all comes together with the theory of the planets and purple being so thematically binded to void/old gods. I'm so hyped for this, man...
If there is an evil life conspiracy lead by Eonar, and Chronicle is their Titan propaganda, why would they explain to us what happened in Draenor with the sporemound?
If you look at the two cosmological charts, the 6 powers are divided into 2 groups in 2 ways. A. healing/creation vs corruption/destruction. -Light/Life/Arcane vs Void/Death/Fel. B. "Orderly" vs Chaotic forces. -Light/Death/Arcane vs Void/Life/Fel.
know what I think? I think they had the idea for the next 3 expansions, roughly, during Legion. they knew they wanted to do this stuff with the void and the world soul, however, they realized they had not in the slightest set up certain key characters for it, namely Anduin. so they gave us BFA and Shadowlands to basically set Anduin up (and some others), which is why the story felt so...what? because it wasn't the story of sylvanas and the jailer, it was the story of "get these characters where we need them". then we get Dragonflight which does the same for the aspects and reveals some more titan stuff for us, sets the ground stage for the idea of "maybe the titans aren't all good" kinda thing. basically, the last 3 expansions have been them playing catchup for their own story because they had a certain story to tell but had not set the ground work to tell it how they wanted and, the reason they announced the next 3 expansions is because metzen came back and said "ok guys wtf are you doing nobody cares about our expansions, speculations are at an all time low, and there's like no hype. we need to reinvigorate ppl, so we're gonna announce everything"
15:50 So what you're sayin' in, move them old gods more towards the center of the cosmology map? And that would be their natural position, if it wasn't for shadow corruption/some other tinkering? Cause, I like that idea.
One of the questions i always had is why the Tauren always called The earth " Mother " Did tauren ancestors somehow were aware of Azeroth's identity as the Mother?
I could see Azeroth having some sort of comradery with us when she wakes up. I think the world soul would be thankful for its spirited mortals and try to minimize the damage it's awakening would cause. Maybe.
4:31 the story for the blue dragonflight and all the titan stuff starts at 70...plus the zaralek stuff was decent as well. Yeah u need to play through it to know whats goin on with tyr etc.
I think somehow the new world tree will be void infused by Xal'atath and that will result on a purple Azeroth planet with the big roots everywhere, launching the Midnight expansion.
12:30 - If I were a betting man, I'd say that we're going to see a retcon of the old RPG-lore (I believe Metzen was involved in the production of it?) that makes it so that it wasn't the ordering of the cosmos by the Titans that upset Sargeras, but rather the ordering of the Cosmos by the First Ones. Unfortunately, Shadowlands has happened and we have to deal with the fact that the First Ones are apparently a thing now. Unless the Pantheon are the First Ones, which I somewhat doubt. But if that's the case, then Shadowlands proves that Sargeras was right in the RPG-lore; the ordering of the Cosmos into one primary reality with 6 realms of powers largely (but not entirely) gated from it is what caused the corruptions of the demons, assuming the demons only really became what they are today once sequestered away into a realm of pure Fel and chaos. The same goes for every other major combatant in the cosmic conflict. The red thread between Shadowlands and Dragonflight is this notion that division of the cosmos and/or domination by one particular power is bad. Hence I would assume that we are looking at some sort of re-origination, but at a cosmic scale. Just as Shadowlands explored the consequences of one of these realms breaking down, I think we're going to see the storyline, either during or directly following the World Souls Saga, start to lean heavily into the idea that we have to shut down this machine altogether. A machine that wasn't meant to last. That might also help redeem Zovaal as a character to some extent, by making him a "spanner in the works" similar to what Sargeras became. Maybe all realms are headed toward similar conflicts. All the way back in Burning Crusade we had "good" or at least neutral demons, who weren't aligned with Burning Legion. We also know that the amount of demons actually aligned with Sargeras may have been relatively small, considering how thinly their forces were actually spread (key locations being vulnerable to skirmishes by the Illidary, for example), and the concept of an "infinite legion" was predicated on the idea of being able to more or less instantaneously regenerate their numbers through Argus. That's all to say that there may actually be a lot more going on in the realm of Fel than we're aware of, and that we could see the Burning Legion prove to be something of a red herring, giving us a false interpretation of demon culture, much like how the Titans may have lied about the nature of the Void.
Well I’ve wanted to indulge in WoW lore since I started playing earlier this year so you making lore content would itch my scratch. I subbed just in case, good luck and I hope the story goes in directions you seem to have been hoping for.
Life is chaos and death is order is one interpretation when you look at the behavior of living things, but if you follow entropy as a definition of disorder as it is in physics then its the opposite, life has less entropy, less disorder, than death.
It's gonna be amazing when the Titans turn out to be good after all and the 'conspiracy' is just false information to protect the Worldsoul. Bonus points for Eonar being the goodest of good.
Didn't see you mention it but you were talking about the emerald dream being bad and keeping azeroth asleep in the cinematic thrall says it's like a voice calling to me from a dream and it seems like she yells or screams. It's like she's trying to tell us the dream is bad
I think an important thing that people need to realize is that the Titans are not arcane beings that embody the raw arcane power that mages tap into to cast their spells, they embody the nature of the spells themselves. They are the essence that takes the uncontrolled force and twists and manipulates it to serve the design of the caster. As is the case with most entities aligned with "Order" they are not in actuality beings that have gone through the cosmos and put them in their proper place, because the truth is that there is no proper place for them to be. They aren't cosmic curators, they are celestial conquerors. All of the other cosmic forces were "ordered" by the Titans in so far as they were brought under Titan control. Aman-Thul is the one who created the Bronze Dragonflight and invented the concept of fate so that time would serve to empower and enrich the Titans. Sargeras' job before he went against the other titans was to gather up all of the beings from the twisting nether and bring them under Titan control, something he ultimately did through the formation of the Burning Legion, ironically. But even then, he didn't serve the desires of the demons, he enslaved them to his will. If any of the Element coded Titans like Khaz'Goroth or Golganneth were corrupted by those elements they wouldn't have had to have locked all the elemental lords on Azeroth in prison planes to keep them under control. The conflict that the Titans are engaging with is not one of Order versus Chaos, it is the fight between those who want to be in control and those who do not want to be controlled. Eonar is not the "Life Speaker" or "Life Enjoyer." She is the Life Binder. She binds life, specifically to the will of the Titans. She isn't corrupted by life, she is the conqueror of it, just like all of the other titans are beings who have gained control over some other competing force. That is what "Order" is. The will to dominate, to put everything in its proper place under the command of a single tyrant.
12:00 I'm not sure about this but if Zandalar and those poeple who have been there are older than old gods and black empire we can get to the theory of Titans creating old gods to show them selves as the good creatures and tell that we need them to protect us from old gods and G'huun was a test subject in the process
So, are they going to tie the other 4 cosmic forces of Order, Chaos, Life and Death in with this Saga? They only spoke about Light and Void. And unless they’re just going to ignore it, what was the Jailer on about? Was he talking about the Void that’s coming in Midnight? The Titans being evil manipulators? Or something worse?
I've always processed "Corruption" as a creature existing in one nature, and another nature becoming more than 50% of that person's original nature. I'd call a void elf a corrupted elf. I'd call a Lightforged Draenei, a corrupted Draenei. I'd call any "demon", corrupted. They all came from worlds where they certainly were not infused with Fel at first. I feel like that's a pretty reasonable method of processing what that word means.
i've always made comparisons between galakrond and the old gods, in the dawn of infinte mega dungeon we saw iridikon absorb the essence of galakrond then leave in a void portal.
Something I can’t seem to figure out…why can there be earthen around after the curse of flesh? This is one thing that I can’t really wrap my head around. Is it that the ones on the surface got it? Or a fraction of them got it? I’m not sure. Thoughts?
we apparently just killed cthun, yogg and nzoth, and as far as we know, without negative effects if thats the case, the titans might have imprisoned them for other reasons also, its weird that uldir, the facility in which they experimented, created and imprisoned an old god, seems to be older than ulduar, which was created to imprison yogg mother and the other titan creations in uldir come across as the very early ones they created, based on how robotic they are compared to the others
I’ve missed your WoW content. Really glad it’s back and hopefully minus any random content creatpr drama 😂 I hope they deliver and can’t wait for your takes specifically.
Man I really missed Pyro making lore videos. This is great
He's one of many wow youtubers who said they're quitting the game a while ago because it was trendy. But they're all shills.
We want your lore deep dive analysis / speculation back Pyro, that's where you shine
Pyro getting back into WoW lore and world suddenly became slightly better place. Thank you, I really missed you....
Im so happy hahaha
I love your lore interpretation and I'm glad that your videos and theories are back :')
Peace has returned to the pyrolands and I'm all for it!
peace has returned for everyone except Eonar :p
As long as I can remember, you've always been extremely skeptical of the Titans.
What you said about Aman'thul ripping out the tree that Eonar planted correlating with him ripping out Y'shaarj has huge implications now. The Old Gods are really Life unbound, which goes against what the Titans work towards: order and binding. Interestingly now, Ysera finally broke out of the cycle that Eonar designed for her so maybe she will see now how unnatural it all is, becoming the catalyst and voice for death being the only end to life. We will finally be getting the truth and answers we've needed and I can't wait.
Good to see you back on these lore moments once again.
I'm here for it Pyro.. I could listen to you talk about wow lore for days. You are the GOAT
5:07 I am opening 44 year old bottle of wine if that turns out to be true.
It's fantastic to see you enjoying WoW lore again
Sadly, its just cause blizzard might actually be writing something. Bfa and shadowlands writing were pretty dogshit.
Bro, I am so looking forward to some good old wow lore speculation videos with Pyro❤❤❤
I gotta dig up my tinfoil hat from the back of my closet too.
I'm so glad we will get to hear you Talk about the lore of the next expansions. To further the thought about the emerald dream being a device to keep Azeroth sleeping, it is said that the Titans dreams while they grow inside the planets. And it mirrors the dreams of lovecraftian entities that contact us through visions and dreams to inspire us to free them.
you are the first who take the POV chronicles discussion as a good thing and i like it
Man we went different paths when you started playing ff14 because im not into that game but i was happy for you , you were having fun ; watching your lore videos back made my day.
I'm so glad you're back to making these videos man! Alway loved listening to them while working. Can't wait for the Worldsoul saga, i even cried when seeing Metzen up there unfolding it all on us.
I like the idea of the conspiracy beeing the "titans" convincing us that Azeroth(soul) was still at the core of this planet, when in fact she's been gone since at least the time of the Sundering. Azeroth left An'she, Mu'sha and Lo'sho in control of the planet/her creation(Tauren Lore), but then "the titans" or their master/creator arrived and locked them away and turned the planet into a giant battery that charges "him" or his "machines" that now run the show.
I think Azeroth's world soul calling for Thrall and Anduin in the cinetmatic is a bit of a trivial storyarch and if it really was Azeroth, Thrall wouldn't answer "i'm not sure yet".
God dang pyro lore videos, amazing, keep em up king!
I said this on another video, but goddamn man, it's good to see this energy again, and to hear your theories. I love hypothesizing on lore in pretty much any medium, and your channel is as much a staple for that with WoW, as someone like LML is for ASoIAF. I look forward to seeing how things progress, and you've got me more excited and hopeful.
Hell yea!!! Couldn't be more happier!
Pyro back making wow lore content?! Feels FUCKING good man. I totally get why he stepped out, but regardless its great hearing his thoughts again. Lets hope fkin blizzard doesnt disappoint our boy again
Man I loved the timing of the music with him saying he coming back.
Azeroth knows the Titans plans and was sealed by the Pantheon because she found out.
Maybe Sargeras was just trying to free her.
didn't think i'd see you back in recommended, but here we are full circle. I only hope they can bring me back to the game.
Pyro I have missed you for Wow for so long!! Your lore videos are epic!! I’m so happy to see you again!!!🎉❤
The Void Lords and Old Gods are 2 factions of The Shadow or Void. I do agree with someone in chat who said split them in two make it Shadow and the Old Gods, and then make Void and The Void Lords the "7th" power that was mentioned in Shadowlands
your theory about the void lords not even wanting to manifest in reality sounds right. that makes the story we get from the titans that they supposedly threw the old gods into the universe to infest planets instead of them questionable, too. what if the old gods are just native to azeroth, do we have any indisputable evidence that doesn't come to us from the titans that isn't the case?
Man, awhile back I came up with the theory that the Old Gods were in some way corrupted life, I even tried to bring it up to Accolonn but he just went over it completely. I'm glad your back on the wow lore Pyro, love the content!
Fantastic to see this man back at it!!!
I'm so happy you're back pyro!!
When the world-soul saga got announced i immediately thought of Pyro. all these years of dot connecting and speculation, and it's finally been revealed as on point after all this time. His enthusiasm and passion for the WoW lore is rubbing off on me as well. I am so happy that blizz has re-earned Pyro's fire. I'll be re-watching some pyro videos and reading some lore for sure!
I wonder if when it comes to The Last Titan expansion. wether Illidan will know what’s going on and be the catalyst that kicks the expansion off basically coming back to Azeroth to say, ‘guys, the Titans are coming, and it’s not good…’ would be the perfect way to hype it up.
This is great. Glad your back 😊
the timing of the music when pyro said he was coming back was perfect.
I’m so glad you’re back!! You were the first wow lore guy I watched !
Pyro, I finally figured it out. The link between Dreanor and Azeroth. The origin of the old gods and how they got corrupted. It all (pretty much) falls into place.
«The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.” While Illgynoths whispers have been forgotten and a lot of them haven’t come true, I genuinely believe this is a jab at Eonar. We’ll understand everything during The Last Titan expansion.
I genuinely feel like both BfA (to a certain extent.) and especially Shadowlands was just filler expansions, when we could have jumped straight towards the World Soul saga. I’m really enjoying Dragonflight, it’s a lot of fun, but it slows down the story so. much.
I’m so happy to see that you’re back. I remember listening to your theories and speculations before I went to bed, because they helped me fall asleep when I struggled with bad periods of stress and insomnia.
I’m so happy to see Pyro back
Maaan I love how passionate Pyro is about the lore... He's like me
7:00 on this: Final Fantasy XI is a pretty interesting MMO. It came out before both WoW and XIV and a lot of the plot threads, narrative themes and even visual design cues of XIV often build on top of and expand ideas introduced in XI's story and lore (while also remaining very distinct in it's own ways). That being said, in this case the world being a living, sentient being obviously has very deep roots in the many mythologies that arose throughout human history.
Great video, WoW lore goes hard
"I think i'm back dude"
Lrly crying rn
This guy, I always listen. I look forward to your new videos
Something to take note of when looking at the cosmology chart, think of each corner as needing all of the others to exist for itself to exist. Shadow is a combination of order and death, order is a combination of life and shadow, and so on all the way around. What does that say about the titans? Sure they're all about cultivating life, but with a cold, controlling, immoral feel to it.
Each corner of the chart is both entirely unique to itself, and exactly half of its two neighbors combined to make it so. If one were to dissappear, the fabric of everything would fall apart and cease to be.
The legend coming back is great news as always. Great to have you back as always. That said in our absence Illidan has been left in the pantheon. What part do you think he will play in the world soul saga? Especially in Midnight with us going back to the Soul Well. That second installation has me really interested for sure to see what we do with the Sun Well. The elves are pretty protective of their wells.
This was a really fun stream to be a part of. Getting Chris Metzen back on the team and Pyro lore speculation videos has reignited my intrest in WoW. It's impeccable timing, considering the Destiny community is collapsing around me.
He's back! I'm so happy
I fkn missssed youur lore videos, maaan! Hell ye!
Goddamn nobody gets me interested in WoW lore like pyro. I missed this.
I never doubted your titan theories they always made sense at least in my ears. Consider yourself validated pyro. :D
Pyro have you seen the Time Rift, where the Titans won in that timeline? the whole planet is covered by out of control life to the point that the Titanforged get hunted down like sport
Well, watching this video sparked something in my mind. Y'shaarj being ripped out of the planet on the same timeframe when a tree was ripped out left me with an idea.
It never dawned on me how old gods and the emerald nightmare could be related, I recall it being highly implied in the story but it wasn't that logical to me.
The druid artifact from Legion was named G'Hanir, as it was a branch from the original G'Hanir (mother tree in the emerald dream). Whenever you get the branch first, it is corrupted and glowing with purpleish light. The naming convention for G'Hanir isn't similar to other world trees like Nordrassil (elven name) and is waaaay too similar to G'Huun/Old god naming convention.
This all comes together with the theory of the planets and purple being so thematically binded to void/old gods.
I'm so hyped for this, man...
I'm so glad you back on Azeroth :)
Chris Metzen is back, Pyromancer is talking WoW lore again in a somewhat good light, Bobby gone next year
The timeline is healing
We got a new Blink album this year. These things were not on my 2023 bingo card.
Welcome home brother ❤
If there is an evil life conspiracy lead by Eonar, and Chronicle is their Titan propaganda, why would they explain to us what happened in Draenor with the sporemound?
If you look at the two cosmological charts, the 6 powers are divided into 2 groups in 2 ways.
A. healing/creation vs corruption/destruction.
-Light/Life/Arcane vs Void/Death/Fel.
B. "Orderly" vs Chaotic forces.
-Light/Death/Arcane vs Void/Life/Fel.
know what I think? I think they had the idea for the next 3 expansions, roughly, during Legion. they knew they wanted to do this stuff with the void and the world soul, however, they realized they had not in the slightest set up certain key characters for it, namely Anduin.
so they gave us BFA and Shadowlands to basically set Anduin up (and some others), which is why the story felt so...what? because it wasn't the story of sylvanas and the jailer, it was the story of "get these characters where we need them". then we get Dragonflight which does the same for the aspects and reveals some more titan stuff for us, sets the ground stage for the idea of "maybe the titans aren't all good" kinda thing.
basically, the last 3 expansions have been them playing catchup for their own story because they had a certain story to tell but had not set the ground work to tell it how they wanted
and, the reason they announced the next 3 expansions is because metzen came back and said "ok guys wtf are you doing nobody cares about our expansions, speculations are at an all time low, and there's like no hype. we need to reinvigorate ppl, so we're gonna announce everything"
15:50 So what you're sayin' in, move them old gods more towards the center of the cosmology map? And that would be their natural position, if it wasn't for shadow corruption/some other tinkering?
Cause, I like that idea.
One of the questions i always had is why the Tauren always called The earth " Mother " Did tauren ancestors somehow were aware of Azeroth's identity as the Mother?
We're back baby.. And it took Metzen to do it, of course!
Aaah here they come back the algorithm demands it.
I could see Azeroth having some sort of comradery with us when she wakes up. I think the world soul would be thankful for its spirited mortals and try to minimize the damage it's awakening would cause. Maybe.
Mmhh delicious. Been missing Chef Pyro's WoW Lore cooking
4:31 the story for the blue dragonflight and all the titan stuff starts at 70...plus the zaralek stuff was decent as well. Yeah u need to play through it to know whats goin on with tyr etc.
I think somehow the new world tree will be void infused by Xal'atath and that will result on a purple Azeroth planet with the big roots everywhere, launching the Midnight expansion.
12:30 - If I were a betting man, I'd say that we're going to see a retcon of the old RPG-lore (I believe Metzen was involved in the production of it?) that makes it so that it wasn't the ordering of the cosmos by the Titans that upset Sargeras, but rather the ordering of the Cosmos by the First Ones. Unfortunately, Shadowlands has happened and we have to deal with the fact that the First Ones are apparently a thing now. Unless the Pantheon are the First Ones, which I somewhat doubt.
But if that's the case, then Shadowlands proves that Sargeras was right in the RPG-lore; the ordering of the Cosmos into one primary reality with 6 realms of powers largely (but not entirely) gated from it is what caused the corruptions of the demons, assuming the demons only really became what they are today once sequestered away into a realm of pure Fel and chaos. The same goes for every other major combatant in the cosmic conflict. The red thread between Shadowlands and Dragonflight is this notion that division of the cosmos and/or domination by one particular power is bad. Hence I would assume that we are looking at some sort of re-origination, but at a cosmic scale. Just as Shadowlands explored the consequences of one of these realms breaking down, I think we're going to see the storyline, either during or directly following the World Souls Saga, start to lean heavily into the idea that we have to shut down this machine altogether. A machine that wasn't meant to last.
That might also help redeem Zovaal as a character to some extent, by making him a "spanner in the works" similar to what Sargeras became. Maybe all realms are headed toward similar conflicts. All the way back in Burning Crusade we had "good" or at least neutral demons, who weren't aligned with Burning Legion. We also know that the amount of demons actually aligned with Sargeras may have been relatively small, considering how thinly their forces were actually spread (key locations being vulnerable to skirmishes by the Illidary, for example), and the concept of an "infinite legion" was predicated on the idea of being able to more or less instantaneously regenerate their numbers through Argus. That's all to say that there may actually be a lot more going on in the realm of Fel than we're aware of, and that we could see the Burning Legion prove to be something of a red herring, giving us a false interpretation of demon culture, much like how the Titans may have lied about the nature of the Void.
18:06 the wow chronicles art of the old gods shows a 5th old god with roots and trees plus death and rot
Well I’ve wanted to indulge in WoW lore since I started playing earlier this year so you making lore content would itch my scratch. I subbed just in case, good luck and I hope the story goes in directions you seem to have been hoping for.
It's so good to have you back. Your love for the lore elevated mine to a new level. Cried right there with you.
Thank you.
Exited for these lore videos. During legion your videos kept me playing.
Void lords were once warriors of the light that was corrupted by a magic source
Like the Overgrowth in Gorgrond 😲
Life is chaos and death is order is one interpretation when you look at the behavior of living things, but if you follow entropy as a definition of disorder as it is in physics then its the opposite, life has less entropy, less disorder, than death.
Nothing wrong with having a good cry about something you care a lot about
when i saw midnight, my first thought was "the clock to midnight" or the doomsday clock
Love you Pyro!!!!!!!
It's gonna be amazing when the Titans turn out to be good after all and the 'conspiracy' is just false information to protect the Worldsoul.
Bonus points for Eonar being the goodest of good.
How I missed your lore videos
Didn't see you mention it but you were talking about the emerald dream being bad and keeping azeroth asleep in the cinematic thrall says it's like a voice calling to me from a dream and it seems like she yells or screams. It's like she's trying to tell us the dream is bad
I think an important thing that people need to realize is that the Titans are not arcane beings that embody the raw arcane power that mages tap into to cast their spells, they embody the nature of the spells themselves. They are the essence that takes the uncontrolled force and twists and manipulates it to serve the design of the caster. As is the case with most entities aligned with "Order" they are not in actuality beings that have gone through the cosmos and put them in their proper place, because the truth is that there is no proper place for them to be. They aren't cosmic curators, they are celestial conquerors. All of the other cosmic forces were "ordered" by the Titans in so far as they were brought under Titan control. Aman-Thul is the one who created the Bronze Dragonflight and invented the concept of fate so that time would serve to empower and enrich the Titans. Sargeras' job before he went against the other titans was to gather up all of the beings from the twisting nether and bring them under Titan control, something he ultimately did through the formation of the Burning Legion, ironically. But even then, he didn't serve the desires of the demons, he enslaved them to his will. If any of the Element coded Titans like Khaz'Goroth or Golganneth were corrupted by those elements they wouldn't have had to have locked all the elemental lords on Azeroth in prison planes to keep them under control. The conflict that the Titans are engaging with is not one of Order versus Chaos, it is the fight between those who want to be in control and those who do not want to be controlled. Eonar is not the "Life Speaker" or "Life Enjoyer." She is the Life Binder. She binds life, specifically to the will of the Titans. She isn't corrupted by life, she is the conqueror of it, just like all of the other titans are beings who have gained control over some other competing force. That is what "Order" is. The will to dominate, to put everything in its proper place under the command of a single tyrant.
Dudu! So huge that you come back too! Watched all you wow videos not so much the other stuff but never Unsubbed!
12:00 I'm not sure about this but if Zandalar and those poeple who have been there are older than old gods and black empire we can get to the theory of Titans creating old gods to show them selves as the good creatures and tell that we need them to protect us from old gods and G'huun was a test subject in the process
So, are they going to tie the other 4 cosmic forces of Order, Chaos, Life and Death in with this Saga? They only spoke about Light and Void. And unless they’re just going to ignore it, what was the Jailer on about? Was he talking about the Void that’s coming in Midnight? The Titans being evil manipulators? Or something worse?
I've always processed "Corruption" as a creature existing in one nature, and another nature becoming more than 50% of that person's original nature. I'd call a void elf a corrupted elf. I'd call a Lightforged Draenei, a corrupted Draenei. I'd call any "demon", corrupted. They all came from worlds where they certainly were not infused with Fel at first. I feel like that's a pretty reasonable method of processing what that word means.
Getting voidlords in WoW is like getting Stu macher in scream 7
i've always made comparisons between galakrond and the old gods, in the dawn of infinte mega dungeon we saw iridikon absorb the essence of galakrond then leave in a void portal.
Plenty of new Eonar and Elune related stuff coming in the Guardians Of The Dream patch. I hope you look into it :D
0:36 Pyro is like Medivh in Warcraft3 🙃
Something I can’t seem to figure out…why can there be earthen around after the curse of flesh? This is one thing that I can’t really wrap my head around. Is it that the ones on the surface got it? Or a fraction of them got it? I’m not sure. Thoughts?
God I missed these videos
beware the eyes of green....oh hey Eonar
i wonder if our exposure to azerite will let us survive the re-origination caused by the birth of azeroth, if there is one in the awakening.
we apparently just killed cthun, yogg and nzoth, and as far as we know, without negative effects
if thats the case, the titans might have imprisoned them for other reasons
also, its weird that uldir, the facility in which they experimented, created and imprisoned an old god, seems to be older than ulduar, which was created to imprison yogg
mother and the other titan creations in uldir come across as the very early ones they created, based on how robotic they are compared to the others
Missed you pyro
Welcome back, I hope you have fun! I'm sure you've got peeps to play with but if you need one more, hit me up lol
Missed your thinking dude!
Maybe your Ff fans ain't on this train, but as a fan your wow stuff it's great to have you back talking about this stuff
What if sargeras wasn’t trying to kill Azeroth, but to disrupt the titan prison around her in a last ditch effort to free her
I’ve missed your WoW content. Really glad it’s back and hopefully minus any random content creatpr drama 😂 I hope they deliver and can’t wait for your takes specifically.