As long it works and churns out an excellent product, why does it matter if it’s old? Respect to the engineers who built something that actually lasts.
@@tgamtgam173 написать новый софт, изменить старые программы, протестировать их функционал, переучить работников - на это уйдет больше времени, чем кажется поверхностно. Если большие наработанные библиотеки программ, то есть ли смысл их менять?
I'd still opt for a n alternative to the tape drive, but if the rig has been working for this long, maybe it is best to leave it alone. If this was one of those pianos with a floppy drive on it, then it would make more sense to get a "floppy drive emulator"; it plugs into the FDD port, but lets you store floppy disk images on a USB flash drive. If something similar was used on the Kimono pattern machine, then it would be important for someone to maintain backups. Whereas a box of clearly labeled tapes (that are also probably backed up) can prove to be a bit more foolproof.
@@tgamtgam173 That is a good point. Maybe they have a spare computer? Either way, if I was relying on this machine I'd be working toward getting the software to work on a virtual machine, or even find a modern physical alternative. If they have a spare, that would be fine because that would allow time for repairing the broken one if it ever fails.
Translated from English with Google Translate: かっこいい! MZ-80 を特定していただきありがとうございます。 私は、そのタイプのハードウェアをエミュレートできるかどうか、あるいは最新のハードウェア上の「仮想マシン」内でソフトウェアを実行できるかどうかに興味があります。 おそらく必要ではありませんが、そのようなマシンに依存していれば、主要なコンポーネントに障害が発生した場合に、より多くの選択肢があった方が安心だと思います。 ただし、時折発生するハードウェア障害の際に、修復に影響を与えるのはそれほど難しいことではないと思います。 予備のマシンがあれば、必要なときに修理を行う時間が確保できます。 Original English comment: That's really cool! Thanks for identifying the MZ-80; I'm curious to see if that type of hardware could be emulated, or if the software could be run on within a "virtual machine" on modern hardware. Probably not necessary, but if I was reliant on such a machine I would be more comfortable having more options in the event of a major component failure. However, I suspect that it's not terribly difficult to affect repairs during the occasional hardware failure. If they posses a spare machine, that would provide time for performing repairs when necessary.
I'm glad the algorithm popped this gem into my recommendations. I love that they are still using 40+ year old computers with cassette tape data and punch cards, and just how everything is done in the video is something that I can nerd-out on. I love retro computers and machinery.
As a fellow retrocomputing enthusiest, same but if I was the owner I'd be terrified of losing that software and computer. Magnetic tape isn't durable and while the computer can be maintained, 40 years is still old. They should try virtualizing the MZ-80 in an emulator and have it communicate to the outside world of it's serial ports so it can live forever.
They are very very lucky to have a computer for typing programs before punching cards. At my previous workplace we still use punchcards but it's all typed by hand directly on the punching machine. Once you did wrong, you have to take the roll out, cover with tape, reinsert, and start over. Something distract you, and bam, you miss a point. Told them I could replace things with a computerized version to reduce errors, or even drive the weaving with a fake roll geared by stepmotors, but they prefered loosing time with frequent errors and money loss, because ... They understand nothing to tech and they don't wanna invest in modern solutions or even the older efficient ones either like this one shown on video. They already had difficults to find manual services to ease the maintenance of machines...
Most impressive is that these machines still work, hard to believe that some components have not failed yet, if they do fail I am not sure where can staff find spare parts for them.
What we need to appreciate is that the software algorithm and machine interface is so perfect that they put up with the ancient computer hardware with its casette backup.
That's not a cassette backup from what I understand of that model of computer, the Sharp MZ 80, That's the actual memory file. Disk drives were rare at this time
@@Shinzon23 Exactly. This is a 40 year old computer that saves/loads data to tape, that outputs a program for a weaving machine that's probably at least 60 years old, to make fabric for patterns that are even older than all of that. Plus, that vintage computer looks brand new - they're taking amazing care of it.
I'm guessing that's the only hardware that they have to run it on. In the NC/CNC world, if it ain't broke, don't fix is the mantra. I recently assisted with the "modernization" of a 43 year old Takamatsu lathe that still had the old Yasnac controller. It would no longer reader the program from the paper tape reader, so I suggested to him that he drive the manual keyboard electronically and load his programs up that way. Greg did just that and now his "broken" controller will load programs at an astonishing three characters a second! (beats hammering the programs in by hand). :)
Yeah, it even looks like the tape player might be an original... although they could potentially be substituted, anyone who has owned a Commodore 64 or TRS-80 could tell you how well that works. Anyway, I think it's safe to say that nobody smokes cigarettes/cigars near that machine! :)
@@u_n777そうですね、誰かがテープ ドライブをクリーニングしたのではないかと思います。 1990 年代半ばから後半まで、米国 (ニューヨーク市) では彼女にとって屋内やオフィスで喫煙するのは当たり前のことでした。 もう誰もそこで喫煙するなど夢にも思わないにもかかわらず、私のデータセンターにはまだ「禁煙」の標識が残っています... English (original): Well, I guess someone did some cleaning on that tape drive? Smoking indoors and in offices was commonplace her in the U.S. (NYC) up until the mid-late 1990s. They still have "No Smoking" signs in my data center even though nobody would even dream of smoking there anymore...
Yeah, I noticed that too. And I sure do hope that their tapes hold out. (Got Backups?) I have a Sharp CZ-801C in need of the OS tape. If you happen to know where I could find it, I would be much obliged. :)
The only computance Power needed. The other new computance Power Is used to be protected from hackers, ti be spyied, to sell people things with advices... Z80, 386/486 can still do great Jobs!
@@tgamtgam173 The Hu-BASIC tape is the OS on these (apparently, I still have a lot to learn about these). The MZ-80B (which I would love to own, but I'm trying to be responsible - I'll succumb to temptation at some point) has its Hu-BASIC source code available on the web, including updates and a "SuperBASIC" version. If there is a s-os operating system for the CZ, I would love to hear about it. :) Or a users group (that still exists). Thanks!
My mother was a tailor. I remember her making the patterns, cutting out, tacking things together with pins or big loose stitches, then sewing the parts together: collars, sleeves, pockets. I remember the smells of fabric and thread. She would have found this fascinating. Thanks everyone for taking part in the detailed filming.
Насколько я уважаю японцев за их отношение в тому что кем то разработано и работает... И они поддерживают в рабочем виде. Покупали вязальную машину Тойота на перфокартах в 90-е. И тоже, все работает.
Выгодно, вот и поддерживают. Или вы думаете, что вся страна хлам не выбрасывает, вечно его чиня? Все сильно зависит от области производства, тем более что современные товары сами японцы называют ломающимся мусором в сравнении с тем, что было когда-то.
@@chechennel4817 с чего бы хлам? принцип массовости производства, это не одноразовые компьютеры, которые памяти стало не хватать, выкидывай процессор и память, ставь новую матплату с другим чипсетом. Станок это и есть станок. Даже если он будет прошлого века, при определенной сноровке всегда прибыль принесёт.
@@chechennel4817 там полно такого оборудования сделанного еще в 19 веке в Великобритании и чуть модернизированного в веке 20. Прикрутили к нему кое какую автоматику, потом компьютерное управление, а самим станкам больше 100 лет. Мне еще в 90_е коллеги из командировки привозили фото тамошней целлюлозно-бумажной фабрики, так там такие раритеты работали. Япония страна бедная на самом деле. Для внутреннего производства и потребления они мало что могут себе позволить, только то что идет на экспорт постоянно модернизируется. Ну, это для них вопрос жизни и смерти, их там 200 миллионов что ли, и если они облажаются с экспортом то половина вымрет с голоду, острова столько народу не в состоянии прокормить.
@@Barmaley80x Вы обобщили, я из вашего обобщения взял частность - хлам, которого тоже хватает. Не все станки можно вот так задействовать, но, конечно, очень хорошо, если удается.
The interesting thing is that those hole punching looms are actually what inspired the development of punch tape and punchcards in early computing, it was an innovation that was created before the advent of the computer!
This gives me a vibe similar to what I would see in a Ghibli scene, you know, that scene where the film shows in detail the work of a character in some activity, like when someone is cooking something or fixing some machine. It is simple and relaxing, just people doing a good job. The beauty of everyday things done right
Wooo. These machines looks like they are new still!. この machine is like 新しい (sorry for my lack of japanese language :) Very impressive to see this. Thanks for let us watch this . Lots of talented people.
Дякую, що зберігаєте дух дивовижних традицій у наш час швидких змін, коли якась нова річ, нажаль, поступається за надійністю та екологічністю - попередній!
Este ordenador está en buenas manos y es operada con mucho cuidado. La fábrica textil y todo el personal hace muy bien su trabajo. Muchas gracias por compartir el video.
Une vidéo calme et posée qui montre l'expertise et la passion de la perfection. Qu'importe les outils, c'est ce qu'on en fait qui fait la qualité. Et un outil bien entendu tiendra longtemps. C'est vraiment chouette de partager ce savoir faire en vidéo.
Aqui no Brasil, sou apaixonado pelos compuradores de 8 bits, tenho dois MSX2, e nos anos 80 eu aprendi muita coisa nele, e ver este MZ 80 em funcionamento é muito gratificante
@Andrey_A_V нет, комп стоит уже 40 лет (он давно себя окупил), он работает, не требует к себе никакого софта и по сути обслуживания, потребляет минимум энергии. Каких людей задействовано, какие лишние манипуляции, очнись клован. Ты не работал на производстве, ты даже не понимаешь какая машинерия там задействована (ткацкие станки подключены к простой, кассетной ЭВМ). Там всё исправно, и это всё приносит прибыль каждый день, так как оно давно окупилось. Только бесполезные клованы будут это всё заменять.
@Andrey_A_V клован, если бы ты работал на производстве, то не пытался бы называть полностью исправное производство идиотизмом. Клован, ты в курсе, что автомобилю как явлению более 100 лет, и электрическому в том числе. Это старая технология, почему ты пользуешься этой старой технологией клован мастёвый? Древние технологии это в первую очередь технологии, от их возраста производство хуже не становится. Если бы ты был производственником и рабочим, а не клованом и чепухом, то знал бы эти простые, прописные истины.
Vendo toda esta engenharia aplicada na construção da máquina que finaliza o tecido, fico imaginando quantas pessoas inteligentes estiveram empenhadas na construção, tempo e dor de cabeça que tiveram no processo para fazer tudo isto funcionar com tamanha perfeição. Isto faz com que Eu aplique com mais esforço no meu curso de engenharia de software, e sabendo que o que faço hoje não chega nem perto da dificuldade que tiveram os que trabalharam nisto tudo. Espero um dia poder ir ao Japão, e conhecer tudo por esta terra maravilhosa!
Why not! I still use a 40yr old Japanese built CD player - and its build quality and sound is superb! Japanese goods are some of the best quality you’ll find.
대학 들어가서 컴퓨터라는 걸 처음 봤는데 모델은 기억이 안 나지만 카세트테이프를 사용하는 컴퓨터였습니다. 컴퓨터로 공학 계산을 하는 수업을 했는데 공학 계산기보다 못하다는 생각에 수업을 등한시했던 기억이 납니다. 아득한 추억속의 컴퓨터가 아직도 현역으로 당당히 일하고 있군요.
I just looked up their products on their web site (because I am impressed with the quality of construction that I see) to see how much they cost. The figure I had in my head - what I was expecting/guessing - was literally five or six TIMES higher than their actual prices. Truly a bargain IMO, and I'm not easily impressed at my age.
When you said "designing in 40 years old pc" I expected to see a very old tech but it was the highest tech shown in this video when they ended with hand-stitches.
I have ~40 year old Japanese machines that read punch tape also. There's a company in Vietnam that produces an interface module called Titan DNC, that allows you to unplug the tape reader and plug in the module directly. The module has 4Gb of memory and two USB ports. It has changed my life, and I can now use modern software to program my machines. I wonder if the module would work on these machines?
Amazing! It's the same feeling as when I used to play my ZX Spectrum with games recorded on cassette tapes. It was 30 years ago, but it feels like yesterday. 0:53 love this girl 😻💔
Wokers live to make more money for the owners, its one matter of their life and why they exists
C'est pas faux !
Невероятное количество инструментов, технологий и труда 😮
Чтобы сшить фуфайку 😄
As long it works and churns out an excellent product, why does it matter if it’s old? Respect to the engineers who built something that actually lasts.
@@tgamtgam173 написать новый софт, изменить старые программы, протестировать их функционал, переучить работников - на это уйдет больше времени, чем кажется поверхностно. Если большие наработанные библиотеки программ, то есть ли смысл их менять?
Age matters a bit; replacement parts become a concern. What do you do if a machine in the chain breaks?
@@tgamtgam173 а у вас специалистов по работе на стареньком компьютере нет? Чтобы гибко эти вопросы решить?
I'd still opt for a n alternative to the tape drive, but if the rig has been working for this long, maybe it is best to leave it alone. If this was one of those pianos with a floppy drive on it, then it would make more sense to get a "floppy drive emulator"; it plugs into the FDD port, but lets you store floppy disk images on a USB flash drive. If something similar was used on the Kimono pattern machine, then it would be important for someone to maintain backups. Whereas a box of clearly labeled tapes (that are also probably backed up) can prove to be a bit more foolproof.
@@tgamtgam173 That is a good point. Maybe they have a spare computer? Either way, if I was relying on this machine I'd be working toward getting the software to work on a virtual machine, or even find a modern physical alternative. If they have a spare, that would be fine because that would allow time for repairing the broken one if it ever fails.
Translated from English with Google Translate:
かっこいい! MZ-80 を特定していただきありがとうございます。 私は、そのタイプのハードウェアをエミュレートできるかどうか、あるいは最新のハードウェア上の「仮想マシン」内でソフトウェアを実行できるかどうかに興味があります。 おそらく必要ではありませんが、そのようなマシンに依存していれば、主要なコンポーネントに障害が発生した場合に、より多くの選択肢があった方が安心だと思います。 ただし、時折発生するハードウェア障害の際に、修復に影響を与えるのはそれほど難しいことではないと思います。 予備のマシンがあれば、必要なときに修理を行う時間が確保できます。
Original English comment:
That's really cool! Thanks for identifying the MZ-80; I'm curious to see if that type of hardware could be emulated, or if the software could be run on within a "virtual machine" on modern hardware. Probably not necessary, but if I was reliant on such a machine I would be more comfortable having more options in the event of a major component failure. However, I suspect that it's not terribly difficult to affect repairs during the occasional hardware failure. If they posses a spare machine, that would provide time for performing repairs when necessary.
I'm glad the algorithm popped this gem into my recommendations. I love that they are still using 40+ year old computers with cassette tape data and punch cards, and just how everything is done in the video is something that I can nerd-out on. I love retro computers and machinery.
As a fellow retrocomputing enthusiest, same but if I was the owner I'd be terrified of losing that software and computer. Magnetic tape isn't durable and while the computer can be maintained, 40 years is still old. They should try virtualizing the MZ-80 in an emulator and have it communicate to the outside world of it's serial ports so it can live forever.
any retro machinery links u wld like to share? (videos, blogs etc)
@@fmaj6502 Yes it could be done easily, even a Raspberry Pi would be enough.
But do they love it?
They are very very lucky to have a computer for typing programs before punching cards. At my previous workplace we still use punchcards but it's all typed by hand directly on the punching machine. Once you did wrong, you have to take the roll out, cover with tape, reinsert, and start over. Something distract you, and bam, you miss a point.
Told them I could replace things with a computerized version to reduce errors, or even drive the weaving with a fake roll geared by stepmotors, but they prefered loosing time with frequent errors and money loss, because ... They understand nothing to tech and they don't wanna invest in modern solutions or even the older efficient ones either like this one shown on video. They already had difficults to find manual services to ease the maintenance of machines...
in the 80s I loaded punch cards and MZ-80... to see how it all works today is happiness, it’s a reason to remember my youth. Thank you.
those machines are impressive, but i’m even more impressed with the way the ladies sewed everything together.
Most impressive is that these machines still work, hard to believe that some components have not failed yet, if they do fail I am not sure where can staff find spare parts for them.
@@ekolog8201 I am sure it has a detailed repair manual as any things do from that era. Spare parts can be re-made if required.
Everybody is professional here. Respect.
What we need to appreciate is that the software algorithm and machine interface is so perfect that they put up with the ancient computer hardware with its casette backup.
I'm surprised someone is still making the sprocket fed graph paper for the punch patterns.
Theres an episode of "How its Made" for player piano rolls. You can see them load up a song into an original Apple ][ that runs the actual punch.
That's not a cassette backup from what I understand of that model of computer, the Sharp MZ 80, That's the actual memory file. Disk drives were rare at this time
@@Shinzon23 Exactly. This is a 40 year old computer that saves/loads data to tape, that outputs a program for a weaving machine that's probably at least 60 years old, to make fabric for patterns that are even older than all of that. Plus, that vintage computer looks brand new - they're taking amazing care of it.
I'm guessing that's the only hardware that they have to run it on. In the NC/CNC world, if it ain't broke, don't fix is the mantra.
I recently assisted with the "modernization" of a 43 year old Takamatsu lathe that still had the old Yasnac controller. It would no longer reader the program from the paper tape reader, so I suggested to him that he drive the manual keyboard electronically and load his programs up that way.
Greg did just that and now his "broken" controller will load programs at an astonishing three characters a second! (beats hammering the programs in by hand). :)
美しい久留米絣のはんてん どうかいつまでも作り続けてほしいと切に願います。
信じられない。 この機械はよく手入れされており、メンテナンス担当者には敬意を表します。40 年も経っているのに新品同様に見えるのは、何か美しいことです。
Yeah, it even looks like the tape player might be an original... although they could potentially be substituted, anyone who has owned a Commodore 64 or TRS-80 could tell you how well that works. Anyway, I think it's safe to say that nobody smokes cigarettes/cigars near that machine! :)
@@u_n777そうですね、誰かがテープ ドライブをクリーニングしたのではないかと思います。 1990 年代半ばから後半まで、米国 (ニューヨーク市) では彼女にとって屋内やオフィスで喫煙するのは当たり前のことでした。 もう誰もそこで喫煙するなど夢にも思わないにもかかわらず、私のデータセンターにはまだ「禁煙」の標識が残っています...
English (original):
Well, I guess someone did some cleaning on that tape drive? Smoking indoors and in offices was commonplace her in the U.S. (NYC) up until the mid-late 1990s. They still have "No Smoking" signs in my data center even though nobody would even dream of smoking there anymore...
Love to see technology without planned obsolescence. This is how it's supposed to be.
Yeah, I noticed that too. And I sure do hope that their tapes hold out. (Got Backups?)
I have a Sharp CZ-801C in need of the OS tape. If you happen to know where I could find it, I would be much obliged. :)
to last for many decades I think the capacitors inside old computers may need to be replaced
The only computance Power needed. The other new computance Power Is used to be protected from hackers, ti be spyied, to sell people things with advices...
Z80, 386/486 can still do great Jobs!
@@tgamtgam173 The Hu-BASIC tape is the OS on these (apparently, I still have a lot to learn about these). The MZ-80B (which I would love to own, but I'm trying to be responsible - I'll succumb to temptation at some point) has its Hu-BASIC source code available on the web, including updates and a "SuperBASIC" version.
If there is a s-os operating system for the CZ, I would love to hear about it. :) Or a users group (that still exists).
Dr.Spock startrec
This Sistem never can be hacked....jajajaja I love the vintage sistem technology...Thanks for sharing...LONG LIVE OFTHE IMPERIAL SUN...!!!
I often watch videos like this. I really like the way people work in Japan in production: cleanliness and order, no fuss, simple and understandable.
They work until they drop, it's not healthy.
My mother was a tailor. I remember her making the patterns, cutting out, tacking things together with pins or big loose stitches, then sewing the parts together: collars, sleeves, pockets. I remember the smells of fabric and thread. She would have found this fascinating. Thanks everyone for taking part in the detailed filming.
Насколько я уважаю японцев за их отношение в тому что кем то разработано и работает... И они поддерживают в рабочем виде. Покупали вязальную машину Тойота на перфокартах в 90-е. И тоже, все работает.
Выгодно, вот и поддерживают. Или вы думаете, что вся страна хлам не выбрасывает, вечно его чиня? Все сильно зависит от области производства, тем более что современные товары сами японцы называют ломающимся мусором в сравнении с тем, что было когда-то.
@@chechennel4817 с чего бы хлам? принцип массовости производства, это не одноразовые компьютеры, которые памяти стало не хватать, выкидывай процессор и память, ставь новую матплату с другим чипсетом. Станок это и есть станок. Даже если он будет прошлого века, при определенной сноровке всегда прибыль принесёт.
@@chechennel4817 там полно такого оборудования сделанного еще в 19 веке в Великобритании и чуть модернизированного в веке 20. Прикрутили к нему кое какую автоматику, потом компьютерное управление, а самим станкам больше 100 лет. Мне еще в 90_е коллеги из командировки привозили фото тамошней целлюлозно-бумажной фабрики, так там такие раритеты работали. Япония страна бедная на самом деле. Для внутреннего производства и потребления они мало что могут себе позволить, только то что идет на экспорт постоянно модернизируется. Ну, это для них вопрос жизни и смерти, их там 200 миллионов что ли, и если они облажаются с экспортом то половина вымрет с голоду, острова столько народу не в состоянии прокормить.
@@Barmaley80x Вы обобщили, я из вашего обобщения взял частность - хлам, которого тоже хватает. Не все станки можно вот так задействовать, но, конечно, очень хорошо, если удается.
@@Sergey_Nikolaev_eto_ya Спасибо за развернутый комментарий.
フリース素材や着る毛布など 選択肢が増えた現在でも やはり「はんてん」の魅力は色あせない
首筋にそっと触れる綿のしなやかさや 背中から包まれる優しく程よい重量感
窮屈な気密性に頼らず それでいて暖かい空気で満たされる安心感
目新しさから毎シーズン仲間が増えてしまう冬の防寒部屋着だが やはり袖を通してしまうのは「はんてん」なのだ
This is just amazing respect to Japanese people and greetings from Russia!
MZ-80c が現役で使われているなんて。長持ちするもんだなぁ。律儀にメンテしてくれる人がいるんだろうな、凄い。
@@すろやま MZ-80/2000/1200シリーズは、内蔵モニターは全部モノクロで、カラーが出来るのはMZ-80B or MZ-2000 にオプションを付けて外部モニターをつなげた場合。でもおっしゃるとおりMZ-80K2が正しそうですね、筐体のカラーの組み合わせからすると。
@@すろやま その後継モデルであるMZ700とか1500はそもそもモニターが内蔵されておらず、カラーモニターを接続可能でした。
The productive process harmonizes handmade techniques and technology. It's delightful to testify this combination in 2023.
The interesting thing is that those hole punching looms are actually what inspired the development of punch tape and punchcards in early computing, it was an innovation that was created before the advent of the computer!
80년대PC 와 현시대 PC의 조화, 시대를 초월하는 방직 공정. 모든 시대의 테크를 녹여 활용하는 모습이 매우 유니크하고 인상적이네요.
Gotta give credit to the ingenuity of these engineers and programmers that created this whole system no matter how old it is. I'm having a blast
I feel like Japan with outlive the west. They've got this awesome blend of technology and tradition and absolute devotion to craftsmanship.
Crazy to see this in the most advanced country in the world!
I love seeing the old computer in action. It's great that software and hardware can be useful for so long.
yep, if it was a modern machine the parts would be designed to fail after 1 year of use
This gives me a vibe similar to what I would see in a Ghibli scene, you know, that scene where the film shows in detail the work of a character in some activity, like when someone is cooking something or fixing some machine. It is simple and relaxing, just people doing a good job. The beauty of everyday things done right
Nostalgie pur schön das die alten PC noch benutzt werden 😊 klasse. Gruß aus Deutschland
Nice video with a lot of historical context. Automated textile fabrication is the origin of modern computers.
Очень круто! Невероятная чистота на производстве! Почему-то вспомнился фильм "Особо опасен" 😊
Wooo. These machines looks like they are new still!. この machine is like 新しい (sorry for my lack of japanese language :) Very impressive to see this. Thanks for let us watch this . Lots of talented people.
The Maxell UR90 compact cassette has many uses. Not just for audio reproduction.
Дякую, що зберігаєте дух дивовижних традицій у наш час швидких змін, коли якась нова річ, нажаль, поступається за надійністю та екологічністю - попередній!
Потому что там тупых скаклов нет.
Just hire fine artists at the beginning. (And green chemistry for fabric dye, finish, etc.)
Thanks for the most meditating morning coffee ever
Thank u for watching!!
Este ordenador está en buenas manos y es operada con mucho cuidado. La fábrica textil y todo el personal hace muy bien su trabajo. Muchas gracias por compartir el video.
God Bless! Japan is indeed another world! Beautiful.
I think this proves that if something works just fine, there's no need to change it.
Une vidéo calme et posée qui montre l'expertise et la passion de la perfection.
Qu'importe les outils, c'est ce qu'on en fait qui fait la qualité.
Et un outil bien entendu tiendra longtemps.
C'est vraiment chouette de partager ce savoir faire en vidéo.
Foi muito satisfatorio ver esse processo de confecção de agasalhos. Parecem muito bonitos e confortaveis, nunca os vi proximo da região onde moro
A good combination of ancient and modern tech
Aqui no Brasil, sou apaixonado pelos compuradores de 8 bits, tenho dois MSX2, e nos anos 80 eu aprendi muita coisa nele, e ver este MZ 80 em funcionamento é muito gratificante
MInha mãe programa em cartão perfurado anos 80 na DATAMEC
I bet it is very relaxing to work there. The machines are just amazing and hypnotic to watch.
I say congratulations to you and your factory. I like it
MZ-80K!! いや MZ-80K2か?
Отличный компьютер, выполняет свои функции вот уже 40 лет, предприятие функционирует.
@Andrey_A_V этого более чем достаточно, свою функцию выполняет и не ломается.
@Andrey_A_V нет, комп стоит уже 40 лет (он давно себя окупил), он работает, не требует к себе никакого софта и по сути обслуживания, потребляет минимум энергии.
Каких людей задействовано, какие лишние манипуляции, очнись клован. Ты не работал на производстве, ты даже не понимаешь какая машинерия там задействована (ткацкие станки подключены к простой, кассетной ЭВМ). Там всё исправно, и это всё приносит прибыль каждый день, так как оно давно окупилось. Только бесполезные клованы будут это всё заменять.
@Andrey_A_V клован, если бы ты работал на производстве, то не пытался бы называть полностью исправное производство идиотизмом.
Клован, ты в курсе, что автомобилю как явлению более 100 лет, и электрическому в том числе. Это старая технология, почему ты пользуешься этой старой технологией клован мастёвый?
Древние технологии это в первую очередь технологии, от их возраста производство хуже не становится. Если бы ты был производственником и рабочим, а не клованом и чепухом, то знал бы эти простые, прописные истины.
Great video, thanks for making it and sharing it.
I really like the classic look of the clothing.
Vendo toda esta engenharia aplicada na construção da máquina que finaliza o tecido, fico imaginando quantas pessoas inteligentes estiveram empenhadas na construção, tempo e dor de cabeça que tiveram no processo para fazer tudo isto funcionar com tamanha perfeição. Isto faz com que Eu aplique com mais esforço no meu curso de engenharia de software, e sabendo que o que faço hoje não chega nem perto da dificuldade que tiveram os que trabalharam nisto tudo. Espero um dia poder ir ao Japão, e conhecer tudo por esta terra maravilhosa!
Why not! I still use a 40yr old Japanese built CD player - and its build quality and sound is superb! Japanese goods are some of the best quality you’ll find.
대학 들어가서 컴퓨터라는 걸 처음 봤는데 모델은 기억이 안 나지만 카세트테이프를 사용하는 컴퓨터였습니다.
컴퓨터로 공학 계산을 하는 수업을 했는데 공학 계산기보다 못하다는 생각에 수업을 등한시했던 기억이 납니다.
아득한 추억속의 컴퓨터가 아직도 현역으로 당당히 일하고 있군요.
Nanohertz gravity wave observation is done by newer equipment of course...
40년도 더 된 컴퓨터인데도 새것 같아서 놀랍고, 아날로그와 디지털 감성을 동시에 느낄수 있어서 좋습니다.
Cassette tapes with the patterns and a top notch metal detector to find forgotten needles make my day.
Wow! Unique! 😍
Thats very peaceful and relaxing outcome. Very good quality and care taken to make those. ❤
I just looked up their products on their web site (because I am impressed with the quality of construction that I see) to see how much they cost.
The figure I had in my head - what I was expecting/guessing - was literally five or six TIMES higher than their actual prices.
Truly a bargain IMO, and I'm not easily impressed at my age.
When you said "designing in 40 years old pc" I expected to see a very old tech but it was the highest tech shown in this video when they ended with hand-stitches.
Wunderschöne, alte Handarbeit.
My dad used to program with punch card in a computer that was the cise of a city block. sometimes it went down when the train passed on the rails.
Все японские видео расслабляют и не важно про что они - пошив одежды, приготовления еды или работа курьера.
As a fan of old computers, I really like this.
구하기 힘든 귀한 MZ-80 이라니 감격이에요 !!
I have ~40 year old Japanese machines that read punch tape also. There's a company in Vietnam that produces an interface module called Titan DNC, that allows you to unplug the tape reader and plug in the module directly. The module has 4Gb of memory and two USB ports. It has changed my life, and I can now use modern software to program my machines.
I wonder if the module would work on these machines?
Amazing! It's the same feeling as when I used to play my ZX Spectrum with games recorded on cassette tapes. It was 30 years ago, but it feels like yesterday. 0:53 love this girl 😻💔
I still use 23 year old PC to drive my CNC machine via LPT port😀
Я тоже.
It's interesting how knowledge of English can be needed in such random places in Japan.
Thank you for showing us the process. Mad respect.
Удивительный процесс...
NEC PC-9800シリーズ、Windows 95のパソコンは、現在でも昔のオートメーションの機械を動かすのには現役で使っている現場もあります。
高校時代 物理準備室に(先生の私物の)TK-80や MZ-80Cがあったのを思い出しました。
理科の先生だから と2台持ちも疑問には思っていませんでしたが
카세트 테이프로 부팅되는 PC를 꼬마시절에 써봤던 사람으로서
무언가 코 끝이 찡해지는구요