If you find a replica seller that does not have the bright red glazing....please message me the seller. I have several auth.LV bags, but we all know how pricey they are. I have bought a replica from Julia R bags, the glazing was better but the vachetta patinaed a pinkish color. Got a bag from DH Gate...was terrible. Let me know
Please stop calling your fakes by the LV names. That is so CRINGE. These are not even replicas. If you think these even come close to the authentics, I will tell you these are bad fakes. Lmfao @ quality. There are many good quality bags that are affordable. Why front and pretend with fake crap.
Do you have the contact info for Julie’s bags?
If you find a replica seller that does not have the bright red glazing....please message me the seller. I have several auth.LV bags, but we all know how pricey they are. I have bought a replica from Julia R bags, the glazing was better but the vachetta patinaed a pinkish color. Got a bag from DH Gate...was terrible. Let me know
Please stop calling your fakes by the LV names. That is so CRINGE. These are not even replicas. If you think these even come close to the authentics, I will tell you these are bad fakes. Lmfao @ quality. There are many good quality bags that are affordable. Why front and pretend with fake crap.
My god what happened to you 😂