English- Interview Part 1 "THE ROOTS OF VIOLENCE: INCLUDES HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL DYNAMICS, CULTURAL NORMS, ECONOMIC INTERESTS, INEQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY IN EDUCATION AND POLITICAL SYSTEMS. THAT'S WHY IN ORIGIN, IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE VIOLENCE, FIRST OF ALL, I THINK THAT THESE ROOTED STRUCTURES MUST BE QUESTIONED AND TRANSFORMED." ELÇIN SANGU Rep: We have had a month where the country's agenda was full of very shocking pain. How did all this affect you? Elçin Sangu : I was shocked like every conscientious individual. I say shocked because I have difficulty continuing my normal daily life psychologically. I really miss the life we call normal, like everyone else... Rep: Why is a world without violence not possible? What is at its root? What systems, what structures, what needs to be changed? Elçin Sangu : The possibility of a world without violence is based on many complex dynamics, both individual and social: The root of violence is human psychology, social dynamics, cultural norms; economic profits, inequality of opportunity in education and political systems: Therefore, I think that in order to eliminate violence, these deep-rooted structures must first be questioned and transformed. Rep:You are a person that never holds back, shows your reaction, and shows your attitude, both as a woman and as an artist. What kind of role should an artist play in guiding society? Elçin Sangu : Although I cannot say guiding society, at least in one person, I am interested in how much I can make my voice heard and perhaps be a means for something to change, in order to create awareness and consciousness. Changes are of course not easy, they are painful processes. No matter how much the system tires us, first of all, the possibility of being a part of the change as a human being and a citizen of this country is beautiful. Our ancestors also put forward their vision on the subject of ancient rights years ago, and it is the duty of all of us to protect his legacy.
Interview -Part 2 Interview- Part 2 Rep: Protecting the rights of others is as important as protecting your own rights, isn't it? Elçin Sangu : A human being who needs care, who cannot communicate through speech, We are obliged to protect all living beings that are at the mercy of the world. We will protect all living beings, despite those who think that animal massacres are justified by saying "but people die". Because life is a right. Rep: You attended Oguzhan Ugur's Open Mic broadcast where Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women was discussed. What kind of a night was it, what kind of an emotional intensity did you experience with what you learned? Elçin Sangu : I am saying with all my sincerity that what I heard that day was very heavy, I could not handle it. Cemile's sentence "I just wanted a divorce" is like a summary of everything. When the basis of this sentence "I just wanted a divorce" turned into "I just wanted to live", it became my greatest disappointment... I had a reason to be there: To say "We are here and we will not let you be alone" and to protect the Istanbul Convention, which is the most comprehensive and guiding convention focused on violence against women and domestic violence and protects our rights. Rep: What is the importance of the Istanbul Convention and Law No. 6284? Elçin Sangu : First of all, I would like to ask everyone who reads this interview, especially women, to read the Istanbul Convention and all articles of Law No. 6284. We can briefly explain the essence of the subject as follows: The Istanbul Convention, whose real name is "The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence" and Law No. 6284 are the most important international legal basis in Turkey in the fight against violence against women: They aim to prevent violence, provide protection to women, children, family members and victims who are subjected to violence or at risk of violence, impose necessary penalties and support gender equality: By providing a legal regulation for women's rights and gender equality, it supports women to live a life free of violence and secures our right to life. Therefore, it is very important.
Interview - Part 3 Rep: Where do you see women's presence and talents in shaping the future? Elçin Sangu : Women have great potential in every subject. If women with a multi-dimensional and intricate thinking structure are allowed to use their potential, if they are given the opportunity, they can achieve great things. if they are allowed to use their potential and open up to the field. Rep: What kind of a place would the world be if women ruled.? Elçin Sangu : It would definitely be much more systematic, fair, liberal and peaceful! Rep:We live in a patriarchal world/society. There is a similar structure in your sector. Have you experienced the injustice of being a woman when you started your career or later? Elçin Sangu : Of course I have, and I still do... This is not an end-running problem, it continues. I call it gender inequality. There is inequality in wages, working conditions, behavioral situations, all of them. Rep: Many actresses express their discomfort with some clichés in the industry, such as gaining/losing weight, growing out their hair, changing their color or getting breast aesthetics. What are your thoughts on this? Elçin Sangu : In fact, these are such personal issues... With our own bodies. Rep: You do a big team work from the scriptwriter to the cinematographer, from the editor to the production. Isn’t it unfair that when a work is cancelled, it is at the expense of the actors? Elçin Sangu : This may be the subject I am most concerned about. It is the greatest injustice to put the blame on the person who is not involved in any decision-making mechanism in any field and who only performs. The audience now needs to know: He/she needs to know: The actor is a worker and has no influence on the decisions taken and implemented: Rep: I saw you were painting on Instagram. While telling your characters to the audience, you remain within the framework of a certain story that others have drawn for you. But you are free in front of the canvas. When did you start painting? What are you telling these days, what are you drawing? Elçin Sangu :The last time I painted was in middle school. At that time, my teacher tried to get me to go to the Fine Arts Department of Painting, but I was not willing. However, years later, I got the urge to start painting and I started this year. The ones I shared are the first acrylic paintings I made: I drew such things because I am interested in fantasy worlds. The first portrait is my depiction. I am still new, so I could only make three:) Rep:You say you are a homebody, what emotions does home make you feel? What kind of decoration style do you have? Elçin Sangu : Home means peace, trust, my comfort zone: my home is everything to me... I have the most fun in this house. My decoration is a bit Scandinavian, a bit Far Eastern. I like eclectic styles. I tried to make a living, sincere house, it had a nice energy.
Interview- Part 4. Rep: You have incredibly beautiful, clear and smooth skin; you look like you are in your 20s. I know you do face yoga, what other secrets do you have? Elçin Sangu : I have indispensable herbal oils! I mix different oils and make serums myself, and of course, cleansing is the most important thing. Rep: You are very knowledgeable about health, is that true? Have you always been like this? Elçin Sangu : If I had not studied art, I wanted to be a surgeon or a criminal judge, but it was impossible. Like many children, I had problems with my secondary school success score. This problem is more common for children who do not have financial means. But since I am very interested in health, I constantly research and learn. In fact, In this way, I can be more helpful to my sick dog at home,which is a great feeling. Rep: You are a Leo woman. Do you let life flow? Or do you want to manage it? Elçin Sangu : It varies depending on the situation... If there is an environment of trust, I go with the flow, but if even a single feeling makes me nervous, I take control. Rep: If you were someone else, why would you love Elçin? Elçin Sangu : Because it's nice to be able to have fun, be a kid and laugh with someone I'm sure won't get hurt. I'm normally a modest person, but I'm sorry for the question :) Rep: What is your worst fault? Elçin Sangu : Unfortunately, I have some red line issues, general concepts. on top of that. For example, justice... The moment I witnessed injustice, I couldn't believe it. I get angry and aggressive. Rep: Do you know yourself well, or do you still surprise yourself sometimes? Elçin Sangu : I think I know myself well, but yes, sometimes I surprise myself too... which feels very human. Rep: Are you a realist or a dreamer? Elçin Sangu : I am in a passionate relationship between the two and I think there is no winner in this match! Rep: You have a boyfriend that you have been with for a long time and we see that he is very supportive of you both as a woman and as an actor. It is rare for a man to be able to do that but it is very valuable, isn't it? Elçin Sangu : Everyone with a healthy mind thinks or should think like this. This is a very good behavior and they do it very consciously. It is very valuable to me. Babies, children, women, animals and nature.. We have a life that we constantly feel under threat Rep: How do you feel about your future as a woman, what kind of world and country would you dream of living in? Elçin Sangu : Although it may seem like a pessimistic picture, I know that we will all endure the consequences of our actions in the future, because we have no other chance, and I want to believe in this. I want to say that I am in, not just by believing, but by taking concrete action, by putting it into words and actions. I want to see a country, a world where women, children, animals and trees are in peace. Rep: Do you have high levels of anxiety and fear, how do you cope? Elçin Sangu : I am a super anxious person but I live inside, I get used to staying away from thoughts so as not to express it. In this age we live in, it has become impossible to solve some things alone. The norms we know are changing all over the world and I think anxiety is one of the pains caused by this. Rep: As a woman who works and has managed to stand on her own two feet, what kind of message would you like to give to young girls? Elçin Sangu: They will tell you negative things, try to break your courage. They will tell you how you can't do it. They will be very hard on you to laugh, they will criticize your clothes and attitude. Sometimes they will target you with "this": Close your ears to all of them! Just trust yourself and don't give up. You will see how you can do it. That's what I did...
Que gratificante poder leer lo que opina nuestra querida actriz que no solo se dedica a la ficción sino tb a la realidad política y social de su país en épocas tan difíciles en tantos países del mundo Te felicito Elcin por poner adelante tus principios y que tu voz sea escuchada 👏👏👏
Jako inteligentna zena sa svojom stavom BRAVO za borbu prava zene dece i zivotinja ti si hrabra i vrlo ispravna zena moja ima ispravne stavove koje svojski brani bravo i srećno Elčin budi uvek svoja❤
Спасибо большое за Вашу работу. Очень признательна Вам за то, что дали возможность ознакомиться с интервью Эльчин Сангу. Она уже давно переросла своих коллег в своём мышлении, в отношении к жизни. Эльчин вполне уже может уйти в политику и принимать участие в решении проблем на более высоком уровне. У неё получится. Она очень умный человек и серьезно относится ко всему происходящему в этой жизни. Успехов ей во всех начинаниях. А её противники пусть копошатся в своём болоте, им до неё не дотянуться. И ещё раз благодарю Вас❤❤❤
ЭЛЬЧИН САНГУ 💖 Красавица! Какие грамотные, эруд ированные, ответы но в тоже время понятны всем! Очень горжусь, что люблю замечательную актрису и прежде всего как человека, патриота своей страны ! И ЭЛЬЧИН хочет, что-бы все хорошо там где она живет! Спасибо Вам, что предоставляете возможность нам лицезреть ЭЛЬЧИН 💖 Изумительно все красиво и ЭЛЬЧИН находится на своем месте, где должна уже быть давно! Но как сказала МАНАНА 💖пирог счастья для сирот выпекается долгое время, но получается очень хорошим! Я думаю, что наш пирог почти уже готов💖💖💖 Очень горжусь ЭЛЬЧИН САНГУ 💖💖💖Еще раз спасибо за перевод интервью 💖
Elcin Sangu bravo,sve što radiš treba cijeniti jer znam da si humana,plemenitoga srca i pozitivna,od tebe se može ocekivati samo ljepota i sreča.Ostani takva damo,cijemo to mi koji te obožavamo,među njima sam i ja jer si prekrasna u svemu.❤❤
Our beautiful graceful humble sweet Talented Elcin. Our beautiful queen 👑 You're our shinny star!! Never change who you are. Always fallow your heart and speak your Mind. You have our support and love always. ❤
Sólo una mujer real y valiente como Elçin, podía dar una entrevista así. Donde dejas de ser el centro de atención y pasas a ser la voz de los que necesitan ser vistos y escuchados. Donde la artista, le da paso a la mujer, a la ciudadana, a la que no teme alzar la voz por los derechos de la mujer, los niños y los más débiles, que históricamente han sido vulnerados. Creo, que de a poco, iremos viendo más a la mujer, la ciudadana, que a la artista. ♥️ #ElçinSangu ⭐️ #ElçinSanguTheBest 🎭
эльчин сангу твоя сила в твоем совершенстве!!!! ты идеальна во всем!!!! """ я смотрел на нее и думал как она может быть настоящей когда она так идеальна!!!"" бариш ардуч 2016 .09. 29.""двойное интерьвью"" "" сериалы больгарий"" ..и правда она идеальна во всем как актриса как художник икак личность удачи тебе во всем наша прекрасная леди!!!! браво эльчин!!!!
#AmanzingElçinSangu Gracias Gracias Excelente Vídeo como Siempre la Reina y Heroína Elçin Sangu Diciendo la Verdad de esta Época que nos tocó Compartir Muy Bella Ella por Dentro y por Fuera 🆒🆒 Dios nos Bendiga y nos llene de Gloria a Ella y a los que la Admiramos y RESPETAMOS Elçin Sangu De Turquía Compartida con él Mundo sin intención de Like ni prevendas porque las mujeres como Ella merecen Elogios y Realce 🤗🇨🇺
Elçin Sangu is stunning, humble, and speaks her mind. The voice for the voiceless. She's amazingly beautiful, talented hoping to see he soon in a new series. ❤💯✨💃💃💃💟♾️🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
Hla Amiga Me Parece Genial Lo Q Estás Aciendo X El Derecho De La Mujer Soy De Argentina Corrientes Capital Acá Hay Muchos Femicidios Mujeres Maltratadas Violadas Es Una Casa De Nunca Acabar chicos Q Quedan Sin Sus Madres te Apoyó Querida Elcin En Todos Lo Q Estás Haciendo Te Felicito Sigue Adelante Cmo Siempre Vas A Lograr Lo Q Te Propones X Dos Una Gerrera❤❤
Эльчин, не пустышка, не кукла безмозглая, ко всем ее талантам, она к тому же и умнейшая женщина, я удивлена, спасибо. Ей ни только сниматься в кино, петь, рисовать, она в политике сильна, восхищаюсь!!!
Elcin Sangu👑ne samo da je odlicna glumica , ona je lijepa , inteligentna, umjetnica u svakom smislu , ali isto tako je veliki borac. Za zena, za djecu i uopste za pravdu . Draga Elcin uvijek imas nasu podrsku❤❤❤❤❤ Amazing Hvala za ovaj video sa prevodom😍
Gran actriz, gran ser humano. Te admiro Elcin, eres una gran mujer y defensora de los derechos de la mujer y de los necesitados. Que brille siempre tu luz!! Eres única e inigualable y mereces lo mejor en tu vida!! Bendiciones🙏
Elcin n'est pas seulement une excellente actrice, elle est belle, intelligente et noble, c'est une artiste avec des principes et des valeurs, c'est une guerrière, courageuse qui est toujours prête à venir en aide aux personnes dont le besoin, vous êtes la meilleure personne pour faire entendre les voix des femmes, vous avez notre soutien et notre respect. Merci Amazing pour votre magnifique partage 👑👑👑✨✨✨🔥🔥🔥 #elcinsangu#elcinsangu #elcinsanguyanindzyiz❤❤❤❤❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Una maravilosa artista , la mas completa de Turquia , una mujer con clase sin ostentosidad , ella siempre sera una mujer humilde , solidaria y empatica . Todas esas cualidades no se pueden comprar son innatas en cada persona y desaparecen cuando la persona deja de existir. .
Gracias Amazing, por la traducción de este hermoso video de nuestra hermosa muñeca Elcin ,solo ella es la actriz más preparada para estevideo hermoso , un triunfo más agregado a su trayectoria actoral, musical, modela je felicitaciones Elcin, k Dios siga iluminando tu camino, por eso te amamos y admiramos , a distancia desde USA .Bendiciones siempre .
Svaka slika u ovom klipu je priča elegantne,prefinjene umetnice, a svaki pokret je poruka njene duše i misli, koja nikada ne odustaje od govora protiv nasilja ! Ona je snaga svim ženama i pravednim ljudima.Ona je krhka ali jaka i hrabra žena! Elče govori u ime miliona ugrozenih: Želimo slobodu i jednakost i daćemo sve od sebe da živimo u mirnom svetu koji razmišlja zdravo bez predrasuda! Elče se ne suzdržava, pokazuje svoj stav i kao žena i kao umetnica i kao biće koje uvek teži pravdi ! Njen glas se čuje sa željom da uslede promene, da se probudi svest za pravedniji zivot za sva živa bića na zemlji! Ona veruje sebi, ne odustaje, ne dozvoljava da unište njenu hrabrost i veru u bolji i pravedniji život! Elče je naša ponosna ratnica ima vreme i strpljenje i njen glas se čuje !! Bravo naš ponosu Elçin Sangù!!👌🏻✌️👊❤️❤️❤️🌟👑🌟👑🌟👑Hvala Amazing na prevodu ovog značajnog intervjua !!👍🏼👌🏻👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️❤️🌟👑🌟👑
@@dragicakozarev9932Hvala draga ,to je naša Diva,naša Elče jedina ,jedistvena, hrabra, niko ne može utišati glas želje za pravdom !🙋♀️❤️🙏✌️👊👍🏼👌🏻🌟👑🌟👑❤️❤️❤️
Mirjana kao i uvjek, istina i bit cijele situacije za koju se bori neprekidno i hrabro naša svjetska kraljica Elcin Sangu! Bravo za sve komentare koje iznesete, jer to je ono pravo, i senzacionalno! AmaizingElcinSangu uvjek na visini zadatka!!!👏👏🙏🍀🌟🌟💃👍👍👌👌💫♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍
Parabens Elcin por mostrares ser uma Mulher sem medo que Deus te ajude e que sejas um referente para outras mulheres e mais uma vez obrigado Amazing por estares sempre com a nossa Bela Princesa te amamos Elcin Sangu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias Amazing por traducir esta entrevista Elcin eres fascinante!!!!! Siempre he dicho que tu belleza exterior es el reflejo de tu interior Eres valiente y luchadora no te quedas parada ante las injusticias Lo más facil sería dejar que la vida siga, pero tu alma no lo puede permitir y das voz a los más débiles Bien por tí....Bravo Te deseo lo mejor ❤❤❤
Elcin is blesses with good virtues and thinks about the good of her people. Elcin is a contemporary woman who knits for a modern purpose who lives her life with a lot if grace, her beauty is mesmerizing, she does good deeds, her performance alone in this video warms the hart, we want to see her and only her with every thing she broadcast, she is in my heart makes my day happy. Amazing ! It is not enough to praise you, you are wonderful and love properly Elcin , thanks you for the beautiful song and melody, amazing you are great💕💕💕
Mi bella princesa ercil sangun Eres valiente sincera generosa Eres un ejemplo a seguir Por qué eres grande en todo lo Que haces por eso es que te Admiramos tanto tus seguidores por la forma tan Increíble que tienes de hacer Las cosas difíciles hacés que Parece fácil Que la vida te sonria y te proteja 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
#AmazingElçinSangu muchas gracias por traducirnos la entrevista de nuestra muy admirada #ElçinSangu quien como siempre no nos decepciona y nos demuestra lo gran mujer que es. Sus conceptos son claros y profundos. No ofende a nadie, dice lo que piensa, es hermosa y amable aun tratandose de un tema difícil que mas podemos pedirle, solo que sea muy feliz. Gracias como siempre #AmazingElçinSangu. Como siempre cariños a mis amigas invisibles desde Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🌺🌺
Congratulations🙌✍🥰I will repeat once again, you are a conscious competitor, we will always be by your side, we believe you, we value you, we respect that you decide, proving over many years that you criticize every kind of injustice. Stay as you are, the only judge is God. I adore you. #elçinsangu❤🧿🔶💯
Gracias Amazing por el trabajo de traducir el reportaje sin ti no estariamos informados gracias por fondo musical que coincide con la entrevista gracias a Manana porque con sus comentarios nos ubica analizar mas el tema y gracias a ElçinSangu por ser el ser humano valiente y defensor de las mujeres ❤❤
Gracias por traducir la entrevista. Excelentes respuestas, muy profundas y expresadas con mucho sentimiento. Queda la impresión y sensación, que Elçin lleva en el corazón un gran dolor, y que necesitaba liberarlo y expresarlo. ♥️ #ElçinSangu ⭐️ #ElçinSanguForever 🎭
Si está revista la vendieran fuera de Turquía sería la más vendida del siglo elsin es única una modelo así solo lo puede hacer elsin porque nació única es maravilloso ver cada gesto que hace elsin te queremos y te adoramos por tu belleza por tu sentatez y umildas y por ser una luchadora que muca te rindes siempre nos tienes contigo👏👍🇪🇦🫶🌎💯🔥✨❤️🦋🌻⭐💖💝🌠🇪🇦
Elcin eres la mejor estoy muy orgullosa de que seas tú tal como eres buena actriz buena compañera y sobre todo muy buena persona espero verte pronto trabajando en otra novela o el cone ❤❤❤
ElcinSangun no ha cambiado yo veo a Define en la serie aparece como una mujer de la calle fuerte acostumbrada a luchar hasta con el que le provoque algún mal así se presentó el personaje y así es ella luego se presentan factores de chantaje pero el miedo no era por la gente su miedo era perder a la persona que quería y eso es muy normal creo que todos lo harían pero el personaje de Define siempre demuestra una fuerza enorme y una honestidad increíble a la vez que su humanidad para plantearse como solucionar por si misma sus propios problemas creo que no se muy bien pero este personaje era para ElcinSangun claramente era Ella con su fuerza con su belleza con ese amor y esa pasión por aprender y demostrar su inteligencia casera en fin la entrevista es su forma de expresar su sentir y eso lo vimos en la serie Define y ElcinSangun son la misma por eso nos llegó tanto al corazón es auténtica y sabemos que es luchadora ojalá que sea feliz y que la podamos ver en algo bonito y bueno no compararemos una serie con lo que haga porque a Define siempre la llevamos en el corazón pero sabremos diferenciar de lo próximo eso seguro y bueno si pedimos un protagonista a su altura para poder disfrutar Suerte y Felicidades por la entrevista !!!! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
Вот и ответ на волнующий всех вопрос: а что в этом интервью? Знаете , ответы Эльчин меня не удивили . Ее позиция была известна давно , и она никогда не скрывала этого . Удивительны были вопросы . Обычно этот журнал в лице Мельды задаёт вопросы больше о личной жизни , не затрагивая общественных проблем . И тут есть простое обьяснение- эти вопросы задаются людям без особых принципов , им нечем поделиться в смысле жизни общества. С Эльчин такое было бы невозможно! И то , что журнал пошел на такой шаг- беседу о таких проблемах именно с Эльчин , говорит о серьезности назревшей проблемы . Что ответила Эльчин? Прослушайте трек этого клипа - все ответы - здесь. Одно слово может раскрыть сердце - поет Рейчел . А Эльчин отвечает журналу: Я понимаю , что только мое слово не может решить проблемы , но важно эту проблему осветить , выразить ее в полный голос , и тогда "маленькая лодка найдет свой путь в океане ". Да , Эльчин говорит не именно такими словами , но смысл именно такой . Она в этом интервью громко "спела свою бойцовскую песню" .Ее песня - это песня жизни . "Во мне ещё осталось много борьбы ! Я все ещё верю "- поет Рейчел , и слова эти вполне совпадают со словами и позицией Эльчин . Боевая песня - это песня жизни , жизни самой Эльчин ! Вот это и есть боевой призыв - если хочешь победить мрак и насилие , борись ! Победы всем в этой благородной борьбе! Победы Эльчин!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Это, как глоток воздуха. Мы чувствуем нехватку информации, устали от блогеров. Хозяйка канала и вы всегда даёте нам чуточку информации. Может после интервью этому журналу изменится отношение к этой замечательной женщине. Боец по жизни. Защитница слабых и обездоленных. Не побоявшаяся потери профессии. Кого нам поддерживать?. Мы можем сказать- в перед!. Один мудрец сказал:стучите и вам откроют, кричите и вас услышат, а если этого не случится, то стройте свою дверь, и стучать будут уже к вам, в вашу дверь. Может её услышали? И если двери это политика, то моя поддержка с ней. Уважаю, как борца, как актрису, модель, певицу. Эльчин ты пример для всех.
Günaydın Amazingelçinsangu, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 27 Şubat 1926 Türk Medeni Kanunun çıkarılmasına ve 5 Aralık 1934 kadınlara seçme ve seçilme haklarının verilmesine önderlik etmiştir. Biz onun gösterdiği yolu takip ediyoruz. Sevgiler❤
Mi mejor llamada de atención: ver a nuestra bella Elçin en una entrevista, en la que defiende abiertamente su opinión. Protección de todo ser vivo. Últimamente hay demasiados abusos hacia las personas, pero especialmente hacia los niños, mostrados en series como forma de entretenimiento. Si incluso un niño inocente es utilizado y mostrado de esta manera, a la gente tampoco le importarán los animales. Las redes sociales también juegan un papel en esto. Fomentan no sólo el bien sino también los crímenes. No les importa mientras con ello se genere dinero.
Устоявай човешкото си право да защитаваш всичко в което вярваш !❤ Дано да те чуят много хора ,не само в твоята страна ,но и в страните по целия свят този въпрос е крещящ ! Аз съм от една малка България където този проблем не е чужд и се гордея със силните млади жени успяха да кажат : Не насилието на деца жени и животни !❤ Гордея се с теб младо крехко създание което за пръв път реши да говориш на висок глас за този проблем !❤❤❤❤❤ Успех и Респект красива и умна ерудирана личност Елчин Сангу !❤❤❤❤❤
Раз с карьерой актрисы у нее не получается,в смысле не предлагаются роли ,может быть ей податься в политику ,или возглавить ассоциацию женщин против насилия, мне кажется она отлично с этим справится,судя по тому как грамотно она давала ответы в интервью
Croatian: "Pjesma borbe" - Rachel Platten Kao mala barka Na oceanu Šalje velike valove U pokretu Kao kako jedna jedina riječ Može otvoriti srce Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju I sve te stvari koje nisam rekao Razbijam muda u mom mozgu Večeras ću ih glasno vrištati Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put? Ovo je moja borbena pjesma Vrati moj život pjesmu Dokaži da sam dobro pjesma Moje napajanje je uključeno Od sada ću biti jak Pustit ću svoju borbenu pjesmu I baš me briga ako nitko drugi ne vjeruje Jer još uvijek imam mnogo borbe u sebi Gubim prijatelje i jurim za snom Svi su zabrinuti za mene Preduboko Reci da sam preduboko (preduboko) I prošle su dvije godine Nedostaje mi moj dom Ali u mojim kostima gori vatra I dalje vjeruj Da, još uvijek vjerujem I sve te stvari koje nisam rekao Razbijam muda u mom mozgu Večeras ću ih glasno vrištati Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put? Ovo je moja borbena pjesma Vrati moj život pjesmu Dokaži da sam dobro pjesma Moje napajanje je uključeno Od sada ću biti jak Pustit ću svoju borbenu pjesmu I baš me briga ako nitko drugi ne vjeruje Jer još uvijek imam mnogo borbe u sebi Puno borbe je ostalo u meni Kao mala barka Na oceanu Šalje velike valove U pokretu Kao kako jedna jedina riječ Može otvoriti srce Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju Ovo je moja borbena pjesma (Hej!) Vrati moj život pjesmu (Hej!) Dokaži da sam dobro pjesma (Hej!) Moje napajanje je uključeno Počevši od sada, bit ću jak (bit ću jak) Pustit ću svoju borbenu pjesmu I baš me briga ako nitko drugi ne vjeruje Jer još uvijek imam mnogo borbe u sebi Ne, još uvijek imam puno borbe u sebi
Spanish : "Fight Song" - Rachel Platten Como un pequeño barco En el océano Enviando grandes olas En movimiento Como una sola palabra Puede abrir un corazón Puede que solo tenga una cerilla Pero puedo hacer una explosión Y todas esas cosas que no dije Bolas de demolición dentro de mi cerebro Las gritaré fuerte esta noche ¿Puedes oír mi voz esta vez? Esta es mi canción de lucha Canción para recuperar mi vida Canción para demostrar que estoy bien Mi poder está activado A partir de ahora seré fuerte Tocaré mi canción de lucha Y realmente no me importa si nadie más cree Porque todavía tengo mucha lucha por delante Estoy perdiendo amigos y persiguiendo el sueño Todos están preocupados por mí Estoy demasiado metido Dicen que estoy demasiado metido (demasiado metido) Y han pasado dos años Extraño mi hogar Pero hay un fuego ardiendo en mis huesos Aún creo Sí, todavía creo Y todas esas cosas que no dije Bolas de demolición dentro de mi cerebro Las gritaré fuerte esta noche ¿Puedes oír mi voz esta vez? Esta es mi canción de lucha Canción para recuperar mi vida Canción para demostrar que estoy bien Mi poder está activado A partir de ahora seré fuerte Tocaré mi canción de lucha Y realmente no me importa si nadie más cree Porque todavía tengo mucha lucha en mí Mucha lucha en mí Como un pequeño barco En el océano Enviando grandes olas En movimiento Como una sola palabra Puede abrir un corazón Puede que solo tenga una cerilla Pero puedo hacer una explosión Esta es mi canción de lucha (¡Hey!) Canción para recuperar mi vida (¡Hey!) Canción para demostrar que estoy bien (¡Hey!) Mi poder está activado A partir de ahora seré fuerte (Seré fuerte) Tocaré mi canción de lucha Y realmente no me importa si nadie más cree Porque todavía tengo mucha lucha en mí No, todavía tengo mucha lucha en mí
Serbian: "Борба песма" - Рејчел Платен Као мали чамац На океану Шаље велике таласе У покрет Као како једна реч Може отворити срце Можда имам само једну утакмицу Али могу направити експлозију И све оне ствари које нисам рекао Разбијање муда у мом мозгу Гласно ћу их вриштати вечерас Чујеш ли мој глас овога пута? Ово је моја борбена песма Врати ми животну песму Песма докажи да сам добро Моја струја је укључена Од сада ћу бити јак Пустићу своју борбену песму И баш ме брига ако нико други не верује Јер имам још много борбе у себи Губим пријатеље и јурим за спавањем Сви су забринути за мене Превише дубоко Реци да сам превише дубоко (сувише дубоко) И прошле су две године Недостаје ми мој дом Али у мојим костима гори ватра И даље веруј Да, још увек верујем И све оне ствари које нисам рекао Разбијање муда у мом мозгу Гласно ћу их вриштати вечерас Чујеш ли мој глас овога пута? Ово је моја борбена песма Врати ми животну песму Песма докажи да сам добро Моја струја је укључена Од сада ћу бити јак Пустићу своју борбену песму И баш ме брига ако нико други не верује Јер имам још много борбе у себи Много борбе је остало у мени Као мали чамац На океану Шаље велике таласе У покрет Као како једна реч Може отворити срце Можда имам само једну утакмицу Али могу направити експлозију Ово је моја борбена песма (Хеј!) Врати моју животну песму (Хеј!) Песма Докажи да сам добро (Хеј!) Моја струја је укључена Почевши од сада, бићу јак (бићу јак) Пустићу своју борбену песму И баш ме брига ако нико други не верује Јер имам још много борбе у себи Не, још увек имам много борбе у себи
Hungarian: "Fight Song" - Rachel Platten Mint egy kis csónak Az óceánon Nagy hullámokat küld Mozgásba Mint ahogy egyetlen szó Meg tudja nyitni a szívet Lehet, hogy csak egy meccsem lesz De tudok robbantani És mindezt, amit nem mondtam Golyókat rombolok az agyamban Ma este hangosan kiáltom őket Ezúttal hallod a hangomat? Ez az én harci dalom Vedd vissza életem dalát Bizonyítsd be, hogy jól vagyok dal Bekapcsolták az áramot Mostantól erős leszek Lejátszom a harci dalomat És nem igazán érdekel, ha senki más nem hiszi el Mert még mindig sok harc van bennem Elveszítve a barátokat, és üldözöm az alvást Mindenki aggódik értem Túl mélyen Mondd, hogy túl mélyen vagyok (túl mélyen) És ennek már két éve Hiányzik az otthonom De tűz ég a csontjaimban Még mindig hisz Igen, még mindig hiszek És mindezt, amit nem mondtam Golyókat rombolok az agyamban Ma este hangosan kiáltom őket Ezúttal hallod a hangomat? Ez az én harci dalom Vedd vissza életem dalát Bizonyítsd be, hogy jól vagyok dal Bekapcsolták az áramot Mostantól erős leszek Lejátszom a harci dalomat És nem igazán érdekel, ha senki más nem hiszi el Mert még mindig sok harc van bennem Sok harc maradt bennem Mint egy kis csónak Az óceánon Nagy hullámokat küld Mozgásba Mint ahogy egyetlen szó Meg tudja nyitni a szívet Lehet, hogy csak egy meccsem lesz De tudok robbantani Ez az én harci dalom (Hé!) Vedd vissza életem dalát (Hé!) Bizonyítsd be, hogy jól vagyok dal (Hé!) Bekapcsolták az áramot Mostantól erős leszek (erős leszek) Lejátszom a harci dalomat És nem igazán érdekel, ha senki más nem hiszi el Mert még mindig sok harc van bennem Nem, még mindig sok harc van bennem
English: "Fight Song" - Rachel Platten Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an explosion And all those things I didn't say Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my voice this time? This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep Everybody's worried about me In too deep Say I'm in too deep (in too deep) And it's been two years I miss my home But there's a fire burning in my bones Still believe Yeah, I still believe And all those things I didn't say Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my voice this time? This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me A lot of fight left in me Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an explosion This is my fight song (Hey!) Take back my life song (Hey!) Prove I'm alright song (Hey!) My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong) I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me No I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Italian: "Fight Song" - Rachel Platten Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an explosion And all those things I didn't say Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my voice this time? This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep Everybody's worried about me In too deep Say I'm in too deep (in too deep) And it's been two years I miss my home But there's a fire burning in my bones Still believe Yeah, I still believe And all those things I didn't say Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my voice this time? This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me A lot of fight left in me Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an explosion This is my fight song (Hey!) Take back my life song (Hey!) Prove I'm alright song (Hey!) My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong) I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me No I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Bosnian: "Fight Song" - Rachel Platten Kao mali brod Na okeanu Šalje velike talase U pokret Kao jedna reč Može otvoriti srce Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju I sve one stvari koje nisam rekao Razbijanje muda u mom mozgu Glasno ću ih vrištati večeras Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put? Ovo je moja borbena pjesma Vrati moju životnu pesmu Pesma dokaži da sam dobro Moja struja je uključena Od sada ću biti jak Pustiću svoju borbenu pesmu I baš me briga ako niko drugi ne veruje Jer imam još dosta borbe u sebi Gubim prijatelje i jurim da spavam Svi su zabrinuti za mene Previše duboko Reci da sam preduboko (preduboko) I prošle su dvije godine Nedostaje mi moj dom Ali vatra gori u mojim kostima I dalje vjerujem Da, još uvijek vjerujem I sve one stvari koje nisam rekao Razbijanje muda u mom mozgu Glasno ću ih vrištati večeras Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put? Ovo je moja borbena pjesma Vrati moju životnu pesmu Pesma dokaži da sam dobro Moja struja je uključena Od sada ću biti jak Pustiću svoju borbenu pesmu I baš me briga ako niko drugi ne veruje Jer imam još dosta borbe u sebi Mnogo borbe je ostalo u meni Kao mali brod Na okeanu Šalje velike talase U pokret Kao jedna reč Može otvoriti srce Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju Ovo je moja borbena pjesma (Hej!) Uzmi nazad moju životnu pjesmu (Hej!) Pjesma Dokaži da sam dobro (Hej!) Moja struja je uključena Počevši od sada, biću jak (biću jak) Pustiću svoju borbenu pesmu I baš me briga ako niko drugi ne veruje Jer imam još dosta borbe u sebi Ne, još uvijek imam puno borbe u sebi
Romanian: „Fight Song” - Rachel Platten Ca o barcă mică Pe ocean Trimite valuri mari În mișcare Cum ar fi un singur cuvânt Poate face o inimă deschisă S-ar putea să am un singur meci Dar pot face o explozie Și toate acele lucruri pe care nu le-am spus Minge de distrugere în interiorul creierului meu Îi voi țipa tare în seara asta Îmi auzi vocea de data asta? Acesta este cântecul meu de luptă Ia înapoi cântecul vieții mele Demonstrează că sunt bine cântec Mi-a pornit puterea Începând chiar acum voi fi puternic Voi cânta cântecul meu de luptă Și chiar nu-mi pasă dacă nimeni altcineva nu crede Pentru că încă mai am multă luptă în mine Îmi pierd prietenii și urmăresc somnul Toată lumea este îngrijorată pentru mine În prea adânc Spune că sunt prea adânc (prea adânc) Și au trecut doi ani Mi-e dor de casa mea Dar este un foc care arde în oasele mele Inca mai crede Da, încă mai cred Și toate acele lucruri pe care nu le-am spus Minge de distrugere în interiorul creierului meu Îi voi țipa tare în seara asta Îmi auzi vocea de data asta? Acesta este cântecul meu de luptă Ia înapoi cântecul vieții mele Demonstrează că sunt bine cântec Mi-a pornit puterea Începând chiar acum voi fi puternic Voi cânta cântecul meu de luptă Și chiar nu-mi pasă dacă nimeni altcineva nu crede Pentru că încă mai am multă luptă în mine A rămas multă luptă în mine Ca o barcă mică Pe ocean Trimite valuri mari În mișcare Cum ar fi un singur cuvânt Poate face o inimă deschisă S-ar putea să am un singur meci Dar pot face o explozie Acesta este cântecul meu de luptă (Hei!) Ia înapoi cântecul vieții mele (Hei!) Demonstrează că sunt bine cântec (Hei!) Mi-a pornit puterea Începând chiar acum voi fi puternic (voi fi puternic) Voi cânta cântecul meu de luptă Și chiar nu-mi pasă dacă nimeni altcineva nu crede Pentru că încă mai am multă luptă în mine Nu, încă mai am multă luptă în mine
Slovenian: "Bojna pesem" - Rachel Platten Kot majhen čoln Na oceanu Pošiljanje velikih valov V gibanje Kot ena sama beseda Lahko odpre srce Morda imam samo eno tekmo Lahko pa naredim eksplozijo In vse tiste stvari, ki jih nisem rekel Razbijam kroglice v mojih možganih Nocoj jih bom glasno kričal Ali tokrat slišiš moj glas? To je moja borbena pesem Vzemi nazaj moje življenje pesem Dokaži, da sem v redu pesem Moje napajanje je vklopljeno Od zdaj naprej bom močan Zaigral bom svojo borbeno pesem In čisto vseeno mi je, če nihče drug ne verjame Ker imam v sebi še veliko boja Izgubljam prijatelje in lovim spanec Vsi so zaskrbljeni zame Pregloboko Reci, da sem pregloboko (pregloboko) In minili sta dve leti Pogrešam svoj dom Toda v mojih kosteh gori ogenj Še vedno verjamem Ja, še vedno verjamem In vse tiste stvari, ki jih nisem rekel Razbijam kroglice v mojih možganih Nocoj jih bom glasno kričal Ali tokrat slišiš moj glas? To je moja borbena pesem Vzemi nazaj moje življenje pesem Dokaži, da sem v redu pesem Moje napajanje je vklopljeno Od zdaj naprej bom močan Zaigral bom svojo borbeno pesem In čisto vseeno mi je, če nihče drug ne verjame Ker imam v sebi še veliko boja Veliko boja je ostalo v meni Kot majhen čoln Na oceanu Pošiljanje velikih valov V gibanje Kot ena sama beseda Lahko odpre srce Morda imam samo eno tekmo Lahko pa naredim eksplozijo To je moja borbena pesem (Hej!) Vzemi nazaj moje življenje pesem (Hej!) Pesem Dokaži, da sem v redu (Hej!) Moje napajanje je vklopljeno Od zdaj naprej bom močan (močan bom) Zaigral bom svojo borbeno pesem In čisto vseeno mi je, če nihče drug ne verjame Ker imam v sebi še veliko boja Ne, v sebi imam še veliko boja
Interview Part 1
Rep: We have had a month where the country's agenda was full of very shocking pain. How did all this affect you?
Elçin Sangu :
I was shocked like every conscientious individual. I say shocked because I have difficulty continuing my normal daily life psychologically. I really miss the life we call normal,
like everyone else...
Rep: Why is a world without violence not possible? What is at its root? What systems, what structures, what needs to be changed?
Elçin Sangu :
The possibility of a world without violence is based on many complex dynamics, both individual and social: The root of violence is human psychology, social dynamics, cultural norms; economic profits, inequality of opportunity in education and political systems: Therefore, I think that in order to eliminate violence, these deep-rooted structures must first be questioned and transformed.
Rep:You are a person that never holds back, shows your reaction, and shows your attitude, both as a woman and as an artist. What kind of role should an artist play in guiding society?
Elçin Sangu :
Although I cannot say guiding society, at least in one person, I am interested in how much I can make my voice heard and perhaps be a means for something to change, in order to create awareness and consciousness. Changes are of course not easy, they are painful processes. No matter how much the system tires us, first of all, the possibility of being a part of the change as a human being and a citizen of this country is beautiful.
Our ancestors also put forward their vision on the subject of ancient rights years ago, and it is the duty of all of us to protect his legacy.
Interview -Part 2
Interview- Part 2
Rep: Protecting the rights of others is as important as protecting your own rights, isn't it?
Elçin Sangu :
A human being who needs care, who cannot communicate through speech, We are obliged to protect all living beings that are at the mercy of the world. We will protect all living beings, despite those who think that animal massacres are justified by saying "but people die". Because life is a right.
Rep: You attended Oguzhan Ugur's Open Mic broadcast where Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women was discussed. What kind of a night was it, what kind of an emotional intensity did you experience with what you learned?
Elçin Sangu :
I am saying with all my sincerity that what I heard that day was very heavy, I could not handle it. Cemile's sentence "I just wanted a divorce" is like a summary of everything. When the basis of this sentence "I just wanted a divorce" turned into "I just wanted to live", it became my greatest disappointment... I had a reason to be there: To say "We are here and we will not let you be alone" and to protect the Istanbul Convention, which is the most comprehensive and guiding convention focused on violence against women and domestic violence and protects our rights.
Rep: What is the importance of the Istanbul Convention and Law No. 6284?
Elçin Sangu :
First of all, I would like to ask everyone who reads this interview, especially women, to read the Istanbul Convention and all articles of Law No. 6284. We can briefly explain the essence of the subject as follows: The Istanbul Convention, whose real name is "The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence" and Law No. 6284 are the most important international legal basis in Turkey in the fight against violence against women: They aim to prevent violence, provide protection to women, children, family members and victims who are subjected to violence or at risk of violence, impose necessary penalties and support gender equality: By providing a legal regulation for women's rights and gender equality, it supports women to live a life free of violence and secures our right to life. Therefore, it is very important.
Interview - Part 3
Rep: Where do you see women's presence and talents in shaping the future?
Elçin Sangu : Women have great potential in every subject. If women with a multi-dimensional and intricate thinking structure are allowed to use their potential, if they are given the opportunity, they can achieve great things. if they are allowed to use their potential and open up to the field.
Rep: What kind of a place would the world be if women ruled.?
Elçin Sangu :
It would definitely be much more systematic, fair, liberal and peaceful!
Rep:We live in a patriarchal world/society. There is a similar structure in your sector. Have you experienced the injustice of being a woman when you started your career or later?
Elçin Sangu :
Of course I have, and I still do... This is not an end-running problem, it continues. I call it gender inequality. There is inequality in wages, working conditions, behavioral situations, all of them.
Rep: Many actresses express their discomfort with some clichés in the industry, such as gaining/losing weight, growing out their hair, changing their color or getting breast aesthetics. What are your thoughts on this?
Elçin Sangu :
In fact, these are such personal issues... With our own bodies.
You do a big team work from the scriptwriter to the cinematographer, from the editor to the production. Isn’t it unfair that when a work is cancelled, it is at the expense of the actors?
Elçin Sangu :
This may be the subject I am most concerned about. It is the greatest injustice to put the blame on the person who is not involved in any decision-making mechanism in any field and who only performs. The audience now needs to know: He/she needs to know: The actor is a worker and has no influence on the decisions taken and implemented:
Rep: I saw you were painting on Instagram. While telling your characters to the audience, you remain within the framework of a certain story that others have drawn for you. But you are free in front of the canvas. When did you start painting? What are you telling these days, what are you drawing?
Elçin Sangu :The last time I painted was in middle school. At that time, my teacher tried to get me to go to the Fine Arts Department of Painting, but I was not willing. However, years later, I got the urge to start painting and I started this year. The ones I shared are the first acrylic paintings I made: I drew such things because I am interested in fantasy worlds. The first portrait is my depiction. I am still new, so I could only make three:)
Rep:You say you are a homebody, what emotions does home make you feel? What kind of decoration style do you have?
Elçin Sangu :
Home means peace, trust, my comfort zone: my home is everything to me... I have the most fun in this house. My decoration is a bit Scandinavian, a bit Far Eastern. I like eclectic styles. I tried to make a living, sincere house, it had a nice energy.
Interview- Part 4.
Rep: You have incredibly beautiful, clear and smooth skin; you look like you are in your 20s. I know you do face yoga, what other secrets do you have?
Elçin Sangu :
I have indispensable herbal oils! I mix different oils and make serums myself, and of course, cleansing is the most important thing.
Rep: You are very knowledgeable about health, is that true? Have you always been like this?
Elçin Sangu :
If I had not studied art, I wanted to be a surgeon or a criminal judge, but it was impossible. Like many children, I had problems with my secondary school success score. This problem is more common for children who do not have financial means. But since I am very interested in health, I constantly research and learn. In fact, In this way, I can be more helpful to my sick dog at home,which is a great feeling.
Rep: You are a Leo woman. Do you let life flow? Or do you want to manage it?
Elçin Sangu :
It varies depending on the situation... If there is an environment of trust, I go with the flow, but if even a single feeling makes me nervous, I take control.
Rep: If you were someone else, why would you love Elçin?
Elçin Sangu :
Because it's nice to be able to have fun, be a kid and laugh with someone I'm sure won't get hurt. I'm normally a modest person, but I'm sorry for the question :)
Rep: What is your worst fault?
Elçin Sangu :
Unfortunately, I have some red line issues, general concepts. on top of that. For example, justice... The moment I witnessed injustice, I couldn't believe it.
I get angry and aggressive.
Rep: Do you know yourself well, or do you still surprise yourself sometimes?
Elçin Sangu :
I think I know myself well, but yes, sometimes I surprise myself too... which feels very human.
Rep: Are you a realist or a dreamer?
Elçin Sangu :
I am in a passionate relationship between the two and I think there is no winner in this match!
Rep: You have a boyfriend that you have been with for a long time and we see that he is very supportive of you both as a woman and as an actor. It is rare for a man to be able to do that but it is very valuable, isn't it?
Elçin Sangu :
Everyone with a healthy mind thinks or should think like this. This is a very good behavior and they do it very consciously.
It is very valuable to me.
Babies, children, women, animals and nature..
We have a life that we constantly feel under threat
Rep: How do you feel about your future as a woman, what kind of world and country would you dream of living in?
Elçin Sangu :
Although it may seem like a pessimistic picture, I know that we will all endure the consequences of our actions in the future, because we have no other chance, and I want to believe in this. I want to say that I am in, not just by believing, but by taking concrete action, by putting it into words and actions. I want to see a country, a world where women, children, animals and trees are in peace.
Rep: Do you have high levels of anxiety and fear, how do you cope?
Elçin Sangu :
I am a super anxious person but I live inside, I get used to staying away from thoughts so as not to express it. In this age we live in, it has become impossible to solve some things alone.
The norms we know are changing all over the world and I think anxiety is one of the pains caused by this.
Rep: As a woman who works and has managed to stand on her own two feet, what kind of message would you like to give to young girls?
Elçin Sangu:
They will tell you negative things, try to break your courage. They will tell you how you can't do it. They will be very hard on you to laugh, they will criticize your clothes and attitude. Sometimes they will target you with "this": Close your ears to all of them! Just trust yourself and don't give up. You will see how you can do it. That's what I did...
Que gratificante poder leer lo que opina nuestra querida actriz que no solo se dedica a la ficción sino tb a la realidad política y social de su país en épocas tan difíciles en tantos países del mundo
Te felicito Elcin por poner adelante tus principios y que tu voz sea escuchada 👏👏👏
Jako inteligentna zena sa svojom stavom BRAVO za borbu prava zene dece i zivotinja ti si hrabra i vrlo ispravna zena moja ima ispravne stavove koje svojski brani bravo i srećno Elčin budi uvek svoja❤
Спасибо большое за Вашу работу. Очень признательна Вам за то, что дали возможность ознакомиться с интервью Эльчин Сангу. Она уже давно переросла своих коллег в своём мышлении, в отношении к жизни. Эльчин вполне уже может уйти в политику и принимать участие в решении проблем на более высоком уровне. У неё получится. Она очень умный человек и серьезно относится ко всему происходящему в этой жизни. Успехов ей во всех начинаниях. А её противники пусть копошатся в своём болоте, им до неё не дотянуться. И ещё раз благодарю Вас❤❤❤
ELLE dergisi okadar doğru bir karar vermişki bu konularda en güzel görüşü olabilecek tek kişi muhteşem Elçin Sangu dur❤❤❤❤
ЭЛЬЧИН САНГУ 💖 Красавица! Какие грамотные, эруд ированные, ответы но в тоже время понятны всем! Очень горжусь, что люблю замечательную актрису и прежде всего как человека, патриота своей страны ! И ЭЛЬЧИН хочет, что-бы все хорошо там где она живет! Спасибо Вам, что предоставляете возможность нам лицезреть ЭЛЬЧИН 💖 Изумительно все красиво и ЭЛЬЧИН находится на своем месте, где должна уже быть давно! Но как сказала МАНАНА 💖пирог счастья для сирот выпекается долгое время, но получается очень хорошим! Я думаю, что наш пирог почти уже готов💖💖💖 Очень горжусь ЭЛЬЧИН САНГУ 💖💖💖Еще раз спасибо за перевод интервью 💖
Утонченность и простота, человечность и понимание - это Эльчин Сангу! Удачи тебе во всем!
Elcin Sangu bravo,sve što radiš treba cijeniti jer znam da si humana,plemenitoga srca i pozitivna,od tebe se može ocekivati samo ljepota i sreča.Ostani takva damo,cijemo to mi koji te obožavamo,među njima sam i ja jer si prekrasna u svemu.❤❤
Our beautiful graceful humble sweet Talented Elcin. Our beautiful queen 👑 You're our shinny star!! Never change who you are. Always fallow your heart and speak your Mind. You have our support and love always. ❤
Отличная фотосессия. Эльчии, как всегда, на высшем уровне , красива и элегантна.
Savršena pametna kulturna zna šta kada da Kaze hrabra humana ima svoj dtav bravo uvek budi srecna i svoja 💙♥️🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡
Sólo una mujer real y valiente como Elçin, podía dar una entrevista así. Donde dejas de ser el centro de atención y pasas a ser la voz de los que necesitan ser vistos y escuchados. Donde la artista, le da paso a la mujer, a la ciudadana, a la que no teme alzar la voz por los derechos de la mujer, los niños y los más débiles, que históricamente han sido vulnerados. Creo, que de a poco, iremos viendo más a la mujer, la ciudadana, que a la artista. ♥️
#ElçinSangu ⭐️ #ElçinSanguTheBest 🎭
Krása a múdrosť...nesklamala...👏👏👍
Эльчин по жизни боец и ей очень подходит эта песня.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
эльчин сангу твоя сила в твоем совершенстве!!!! ты идеальна во всем!!!! """ я смотрел на нее и думал как она может быть настоящей когда она так идеальна!!!"" бариш ардуч 2016 .09. 29.""двойное интерьвью"" "" сериалы больгарий"" ..и правда она идеальна во всем как актриса как художник икак личность удачи тебе во всем наша прекрасная леди!!!! браво эльчин!!!!
Wow, Elcin Sangu jest przepiękna 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤ miliardy razy najpiękniejsza na całym świecie. 🌟👸🌟❤️❣️❤️❣️❤️👏👏👏👍
თავის სილამაზესთან ერთად არის კეთილშობილი და პოზიტიური ქალბატონი.წარმატებები ლამაზო❤❤🙏
I opet predivna i veoma talentovana Elcin Volimo te
#AmanzingElçinSangu Gracias Gracias Excelente Vídeo como Siempre la Reina y Heroína Elçin Sangu Diciendo la Verdad de esta Época que nos tocó Compartir Muy Bella Ella por Dentro y por Fuera 🆒🆒 Dios nos Bendiga y nos llene de Gloria a Ella y a los que la Admiramos y RESPETAMOS Elçin Sangu De Turquía Compartida con él Mundo sin intención de Like ni prevendas porque las mujeres como Ella merecen Elogios y Realce 🤗🇨🇺
Donna coraggiosa ❤ tutti noi fans orgogliosi di lei ❤❤❤⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️# Elcin Sangu 🌹🌹🌹
Elçin Sangu is stunning, humble, and speaks her mind. The voice for the voiceless. She's amazingly beautiful, talented hoping to see he soon in a new series. ❤💯✨💃💃💃💟♾️🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
Hla Amiga Me Parece Genial Lo Q Estás Aciendo X El Derecho De La Mujer Soy De Argentina Corrientes Capital Acá Hay Muchos Femicidios Mujeres Maltratadas Violadas Es Una Casa De Nunca Acabar chicos Q Quedan Sin Sus Madres te Apoyó Querida Elcin En Todos Lo Q Estás Haciendo Te Felicito Sigue Adelante Cmo Siempre Vas A Lograr Lo Q Te Propones X Dos Una Gerrera❤❤
Sos Una Gerrera Un Saludos Pra Tdos Tus Fans Q Te Apoyan En Estos Q Estás Aciendo Te Deceo Toda La Suerte Del Mundo❤❤
Эльчин многогранна: рисует, поет, танцует, интересная актриса, необычная красота. 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋❤❤❤❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹
Hissettiklerimize sözcü olmuşsun cesur yürekli kadın...Her zaman yanındayız. 💯💥💜👍🙏👏
Bravo Elcin Sangu
Эльчин, не пустышка, не кукла безмозглая, ко всем ее талантам, она к тому же и умнейшая женщина, я удивлена, спасибо. Ей ни только сниматься в кино, петь, рисовать, она в политике сильна, восхищаюсь!!!
Прям до мурашек.
Прекрасная леди. ❤❤❤
Прекрасные фотографии прекрасной актрисы!❤
Браво, Эльчин!
Elcin Sangu👑ne samo da je odlicna glumica , ona je lijepa , inteligentna, umjetnica u svakom smislu , ali isto tako je veliki borac. Za zena, za djecu i uopste za pravdu . Draga Elcin uvijek imas nasu podrsku❤❤❤❤❤
Amazing Hvala za ovaj video sa
Gran actriz, gran ser humano. Te admiro Elcin, eres una gran mujer y defensora de los derechos de la mujer y de los necesitados. Que brille siempre tu luz!! Eres única e inigualable y mereces lo mejor en tu vida!! Bendiciones🙏
La actriz más talentosa y hermosa de Turquía!
Elcin je krasna. ❤❤❤
🌿 Elcin Sangu 👏 mujer, actriz bella de pensamiento avanzado.
Maravillosa entrevista, por eso te admiramos y queremos cada dia mas🌿👑👏👑👏💯
ЭЛЬЧИН артистка с БОЛЬШОЙ БУКВЫ! И этим все скаазано. Обожаю, ценю ее ум преданнлсть. ❤❤❤
Elcin n'est pas seulement une excellente actrice, elle est belle, intelligente et noble, c'est une artiste avec des principes et des valeurs, c'est une guerrière, courageuse qui est toujours prête à venir en aide aux personnes dont le besoin, vous êtes la meilleure personne pour faire entendre les voix des femmes, vous avez notre soutien et notre respect.
Merci Amazing pour votre magnifique partage 👑👑👑✨✨✨🔥🔥🔥
Una maravilosa artista , la mas completa de Turquia , una mujer con clase sin ostentosidad , ella siempre sera una mujer humilde , solidaria y empatica . Todas esas cualidades no se pueden comprar son innatas en cada persona y desaparecen cuando la persona deja de existir. .
WOW! ,,ELLE,, CONGRATULATIONS! ElÇIN SANGU - EXCELLENT!! 💣..👌👏🌹Elçin and Fight song - perfect! Without words!! Maximum profesional, Absolutely beautiful class and elegance! Humility, wonderful Elçin Sangu,(politik...👌👍) thank you, Elçin 🌹Good Luck!!!
Браво моя любовь !!!!! Я так тебя люблю !!!! Очень , очень, очень сильно!!!!❤❤❤❤
Gracias Amazing, por la traducción de este hermoso video de nuestra hermosa muñeca Elcin ,solo ella es la actriz más preparada para estevideo hermoso , un triunfo más agregado a su trayectoria actoral, musical, modela je felicitaciones Elcin, k Dios siga iluminando tu camino, por eso te amamos y admiramos , a distancia desde USA .Bendiciones siempre .
Bravo Elchin Sangu, you are the best. Good luck dear🍀🧡🧡🍀💯
Svaka slika u ovom klipu je priča elegantne,prefinjene umetnice, a svaki pokret je poruka njene duše i misli, koja nikada ne odustaje od govora protiv nasilja ! Ona je snaga svim ženama i pravednim ljudima.Ona je krhka ali jaka i hrabra žena!
Elče govori u ime miliona ugrozenih:
Želimo slobodu i jednakost i daćemo sve od sebe da živimo u mirnom svetu koji razmišlja zdravo bez predrasuda!
Elče se ne suzdržava, pokazuje svoj stav i kao žena i kao umetnica i kao biće koje uvek teži pravdi ! Njen glas se čuje sa željom da uslede promene, da se probudi svest za pravedniji zivot za sva živa bića na zemlji!
Ona veruje sebi, ne odustaje, ne dozvoljava da unište njenu hrabrost i veru u bolji i pravedniji život!
Elče je naša ponosna ratnica ima vreme i strpljenje i njen glas se čuje !! Bravo naš ponosu Elçin Sangù!!👌🏻✌️👊❤️❤️❤️🌟👑🌟👑🌟👑Hvala Amazing na prevodu ovog značajnog intervjua !!👍🏼👌🏻👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️❤️🌟👑🌟👑
Drsga MIRJANA svaka vam cast na ovom prelepom tekstu koji ste tacno opisali nasu Elku ❤❤❤❤
@@dragicakozarev9932Hvala draga ,to je naša Diva,naša Elče jedina ,jedistvena, hrabra, niko ne može utišati glas želje za pravdom !🙋♀️❤️🙏✌️👊👍🏼👌🏻🌟👑🌟👑❤️❤️❤️
Mirjana erakovic nemam reci za sve ovo sto ste pisali to je nasa ratnica neustrasiva ELCE
Amazing elcin Sangu bravo ♥️🥰👍👏👊👌
Mirjana kao i uvjek, istina i bit cijele situacije za koju se bori neprekidno i hrabro naša svjetska kraljica Elcin Sangu! Bravo za sve komentare koje iznesete, jer to je ono pravo, i senzacionalno! AmaizingElcinSangu uvjek na visini zadatka!!!👏👏🙏🍀🌟🌟💃👍👍👌👌💫♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍
Parabens Elcin por mostrares ser uma Mulher sem medo que Deus te ajude e que sejas um referente para outras mulheres e mais uma vez obrigado Amazing por estares sempre com a nossa Bela Princesa te amamos Elcin Sangu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias Amazing por traducir esta entrevista
Elcin eres fascinante!!!!!
Siempre he dicho que tu belleza exterior es el reflejo de tu interior
Eres valiente y luchadora no te quedas parada ante las injusticias
Lo más facil sería dejar que la vida siga, pero tu alma no lo puede permitir y das voz a los más débiles
Bien por tí....Bravo
Te deseo lo mejor ❤❤❤
Ya está todo dicho
Es hermosa en todos los sentidos
Te deseo lo mejor
Beautiful Elcin ❤
God bless you dear.
Love you always
All the best in everything you do Elcin dearest ,you are loved by many ❤❤❤
E una grande donna complimenti e stupende parole sei grande grande e meravigliosa con il ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Elcin is blesses with good virtues and thinks about the good of her people. Elcin is a contemporary woman who knits for a modern purpose who lives her life with a lot if grace, her beauty is mesmerizing, she does good deeds, her performance alone in this video warms the hart, we want to see her and only her with every thing she broadcast, she is in my heart makes my day happy.
Amazing ! It is not enough to praise you, you are wonderful and love properly Elcin , thanks you for the beautiful song and melody, amazing you are great💕💕💕
Elcin is special, she stands out, she has a strong presence, she is very loved and and respected.
Elcin is very assertivite, and leaves a positive impression she is the cherry on chocolate whipped cream.
Elcini is kind to the media, she answers politely, she deserves to be respected. Elcin is a brave lady, she is special.
A dear lady, polite, considerate beautiful and respectable woman, she is in my heart.
Elcin is perfect, she is the most beautiful of women, for me she is spectacular.
Mi bella princesa ercil sangun
Eres valiente sincera generosa
Eres un ejemplo a seguir
Por qué eres grande en todo lo
Que haces por eso es que te
Admiramos tanto tus seguidores por la forma tan
Increíble que tienes de hacer
Las cosas difíciles hacés que
Parece fácil
Que la vida te sonria y te proteja 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
No es por lo que heres, es por lo que transmites.
Ahí está tu magia.
Sueña desa y azlo realidad.
Elcin Sangu ,Dama🌟💖🍀🍀🍀🍀
#elcinsangu ❤❤😍
#AmazingElçinSangu muchas gracias por traducirnos la entrevista de nuestra muy admirada #ElçinSangu quien como siempre no nos decepciona y nos demuestra lo gran mujer que es. Sus conceptos son claros y profundos. No ofende a nadie, dice lo que piensa, es hermosa y amable aun tratandose de un tema difícil que mas podemos pedirle, solo que sea muy feliz. Gracias como siempre #AmazingElçinSangu. Como siempre cariños a mis amigas invisibles desde Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🌺🌺
Congratulations🙌✍🥰I will repeat once again, you are a conscious competitor, we will always be by your side, we believe you, we value you, we respect that you decide, proving over many years that you criticize every kind of injustice. Stay as you are, the only judge is God. I adore you.
Gracias Amazing por el trabajo de traducir el reportaje sin ti no estariamos informados gracias por fondo musical que coincide con la entrevista gracias a Manana porque con sus comentarios nos ubica analizar mas el tema y gracias a ElçinSangu por ser el ser humano valiente y defensor de las mujeres ❤❤
Какая Женщина!!!!!!!!!!!!! Я не видела губы красивее Эльчин❤❤❤❤❤
,, ELCIN KRALJICE ,,,, BRAVOOOOOOOOO!,,,,,,, STOP NASILJU ,,, 👸👸👸👸👸👸💪💪💪💪💪💪🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇
Gracias por traducir la entrevista. Excelentes respuestas, muy profundas y expresadas con mucho sentimiento. Queda la impresión y sensación, que Elçin lleva en el corazón un gran dolor, y que necesitaba liberarlo y expresarlo. ♥️ #ElçinSangu ⭐️ #ElçinSanguForever 🎭
Si está revista la vendieran fuera de Turquía sería la más vendida del siglo elsin es única una modelo así solo lo puede hacer elsin porque nació única es maravilloso ver cada gesto que hace elsin te queremos y te adoramos por tu belleza por tu sentatez y umildas y por ser una luchadora que muca te rindes siempre nos tienes contigo👏👍🇪🇦🫶🌎💯🔥✨❤️🦋🌻⭐💖💝🌠🇪🇦
❤🎉😊#ElcingSangu sempre maravilhosa beijinhos Portugal ❤
Elcin eres la mejor estoy muy orgullosa de que seas tú tal como eres buena actriz buena compañera y sobre todo muy buena persona espero verte pronto trabajando en otra novela o el cone ❤❤❤
Tus fans del mundo. Entero te ❤❤❤😂❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉siempre
Mucha suerte ELCIN SANGU UNICA 💜♾️💪🏻💪🏻🇪🇸
Diosa..princesa...bella..saludos de chile
ElcinSangun no ha cambiado yo veo a Define en la serie aparece como una mujer de la calle fuerte acostumbrada a luchar hasta con el que le provoque algún mal así se presentó el personaje y así es ella luego se presentan factores de chantaje pero el miedo no era por la gente su miedo era perder a la persona que quería y eso es muy normal creo que todos lo harían pero el personaje de Define siempre demuestra una fuerza enorme y una honestidad increíble a la vez que su humanidad para plantearse como solucionar por si misma sus propios problemas creo que no se muy bien pero este personaje era para ElcinSangun claramente era Ella con su fuerza con su belleza con ese amor y esa pasión por aprender y demostrar su inteligencia casera en fin la entrevista es su forma de expresar su sentir y eso lo vimos en la serie Define y ElcinSangun son la misma por eso nos llegó tanto al corazón es auténtica y sabemos que es luchadora ojalá que sea feliz y que la podamos ver en algo bonito y bueno no compararemos una serie con lo que haga porque a Define siempre la llevamos en el corazón pero sabremos diferenciar de lo próximo eso seguro y bueno si pedimos un protagonista a su altura para poder disfrutar Suerte y Felicidades por la entrevista !!!! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
Beautiful Elcin ❤
Love you
Salute....you are the VOICE of the voiceless
#Elcin Cangu 👏👏👏👏
! Una vez más gracias Amazingsangu por publicar y traducir la entrevista ❤👏❤️🌿
❤ Elcin Sangu Belíssima 🧡👑
Está. Laurel. Cada. Día es más interesante valiente. Hermosa que. Dios. Siempre. Te. Proteja. Cada. Día. Princesa
BRAVO ElCIN nunca podrán con la VERDAD.eres AUTÉNTICA y VALIENTE .la historia de los cobardes nunca se a ESCRITO 👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇮🇹🇦🇷
Вот и ответ на волнующий всех вопрос: а что в этом интервью? Знаете , ответы Эльчин меня не удивили . Ее позиция была известна давно , и она никогда не скрывала этого . Удивительны были вопросы . Обычно этот журнал в лице Мельды задаёт вопросы больше о личной жизни , не затрагивая общественных проблем . И тут есть простое обьяснение- эти вопросы задаются людям без особых принципов , им нечем поделиться в смысле жизни общества. С Эльчин такое было бы невозможно! И то , что журнал пошел на такой шаг- беседу о таких проблемах именно с Эльчин , говорит о серьезности назревшей проблемы . Что ответила Эльчин? Прослушайте трек этого клипа - все ответы - здесь.
Одно слово может раскрыть сердце - поет Рейчел . А Эльчин отвечает журналу: Я понимаю , что только мое слово не может решить проблемы , но важно эту проблему осветить , выразить ее в полный голос , и тогда "маленькая лодка найдет свой путь в океане ". Да , Эльчин говорит не именно такими словами , но смысл именно такой . Она в этом интервью громко "спела свою бойцовскую песню" .Ее песня - это песня жизни . "Во мне ещё осталось много борьбы ! Я все ещё верю "- поет Рейчел , и слова эти вполне совпадают со словами и позицией Эльчин . Боевая песня - это песня жизни , жизни самой Эльчин ! Вот это и есть боевой призыв - если хочешь победить мрак и насилие , борись ! Победы всем в этой благородной борьбе! Победы Эльчин!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Это, как глоток воздуха. Мы чувствуем нехватку информации, устали от блогеров. Хозяйка канала и вы всегда даёте нам чуточку информации. Может после интервью этому журналу изменится отношение к этой замечательной женщине. Боец по жизни. Защитница слабых и обездоленных. Не побоявшаяся потери профессии. Кого нам поддерживать?. Мы можем сказать- в перед!. Один мудрец сказал:стучите и вам откроют, кричите и вас услышат, а если этого не случится, то стройте свою дверь, и стучать будут уже к вам, в вашу дверь. Может её услышали? И если двери это политика, то моя поддержка с ней. Уважаю, как борца, как актрису, модель, певицу. Эльчин ты пример для всех.
@@Галина-ц4гBravo divan komentar upravo ovakav kakav odražava Elçe 🙏🙏✌️👌🏻🌟👑❤️🙋♀️❤️
Manana uvek imate pravo vođenje ,bravo ,potpuni se slažem u svemmu sa vama !👍🏼🙏✌️👌🏻🌟👑❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bravo Manana, komentar više nego odličan!👍👍👌👌🌟👏😍♥️♥️
Günaydın Amazingelçinsangu, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 27 Şubat 1926 Türk Medeni Kanunun çıkarılmasına ve 5 Aralık 1934 kadınlara seçme ve seçilme haklarının verilmesine önderlik etmiştir. Biz onun gösterdiği yolu takip ediyoruz. Sevgiler❤
Mi mejor llamada de atención: ver a nuestra bella Elçin en una entrevista, en la que defiende abiertamente su opinión. Protección de todo ser vivo.
Últimamente hay demasiados abusos hacia las personas, pero especialmente hacia los niños, mostrados en series como forma de entretenimiento. Si incluso un niño inocente es utilizado y mostrado de esta manera, a la gente tampoco le importarán los animales. Las redes sociales también juegan un papel en esto. Fomentan no sólo el bien sino también los crímenes. No les importa mientras con ello se genere dinero.
Устоявай човешкото си право да защитаваш всичко в което вярваш !❤
Дано да те чуят много хора ,не само в твоята страна ,но и в страните по целия свят този въпрос е крещящ !
Аз съм от една малка България където този проблем не е чужд и се гордея със силните млади жени успяха да кажат :
Не насилието на деца жени и животни !❤
Гордея се с теб младо крехко създание което за пръв път реши да говориш на висок глас за този проблем !❤❤❤❤❤
Успех и Респект красива и умна ерудирана личност Елчин Сангу !❤❤❤❤❤
My favourite love you always ❤❤
Прекрасна моя червенокоса принцеса ЕЛЧИН САНГУ 👑👑👑👑👑👑БЪДИ БЛАГОСЛОВЕННА, АМИН 🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
É um.grande ser humano ❤. Sempre envolvida em causas importantes.
God bless you dear. I really hope you in the best off health. I really admire you. Love you always ❤❤
Раз с карьерой актрисы у нее не получается,в смысле не предлагаются роли ,может быть ей податься в политику ,или возглавить ассоциацию женщин против насилия, мне кажется она отлично с этим справится,судя по тому как грамотно она давала ответы в интервью
"Pjesma borbe" - Rachel Platten
Kao mala barka
Na oceanu
Šalje velike valove
U pokretu
Kao kako jedna jedina riječ
Može otvoriti srce
Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu
Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju
I sve te stvari koje nisam rekao
Razbijam muda u mom mozgu
Večeras ću ih glasno vrištati
Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put?
Ovo je moja borbena pjesma
Vrati moj život pjesmu
Dokaži da sam dobro pjesma
Moje napajanje je uključeno
Od sada ću biti jak
Pustit ću svoju borbenu pjesmu
I baš me briga ako nitko drugi ne vjeruje
Jer još uvijek imam mnogo borbe u sebi
Gubim prijatelje i jurim za snom
Svi su zabrinuti za mene
Reci da sam preduboko (preduboko)
I prošle su dvije godine
Nedostaje mi moj dom
Ali u mojim kostima gori vatra
I dalje vjeruj
Da, još uvijek vjerujem
I sve te stvari koje nisam rekao
Razbijam muda u mom mozgu
Večeras ću ih glasno vrištati
Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put?
Ovo je moja borbena pjesma
Vrati moj život pjesmu
Dokaži da sam dobro pjesma
Moje napajanje je uključeno
Od sada ću biti jak
Pustit ću svoju borbenu pjesmu
I baš me briga ako nitko drugi ne vjeruje
Jer još uvijek imam mnogo borbe u sebi
Puno borbe je ostalo u meni
Kao mala barka
Na oceanu
Šalje velike valove
U pokretu
Kao kako jedna jedina riječ
Može otvoriti srce
Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu
Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju
Ovo je moja borbena pjesma (Hej!)
Vrati moj život pjesmu (Hej!)
Dokaži da sam dobro pjesma (Hej!)
Moje napajanje je uključeno
Počevši od sada, bit ću jak (bit ću jak)
Pustit ću svoju borbenu pjesmu
I baš me briga ako nitko drugi ne vjeruje
Jer još uvijek imam mnogo borbe u sebi
Ne, još uvijek imam puno borbe u sebi
Spanish :
"Fight Song" - Rachel Platten
Como un pequeño barco
En el océano
Enviando grandes olas
En movimiento
Como una sola palabra
Puede abrir un corazón
Puede que solo tenga una cerilla
Pero puedo hacer una explosión
Y todas esas cosas que no dije
Bolas de demolición dentro de mi cerebro
Las gritaré fuerte esta noche
¿Puedes oír mi voz esta vez?
Esta es mi canción de lucha
Canción para recuperar mi vida
Canción para demostrar que estoy bien
Mi poder está activado
A partir de ahora seré fuerte
Tocaré mi canción de lucha
Y realmente no me importa si nadie más cree
Porque todavía tengo mucha lucha por delante
Estoy perdiendo amigos y persiguiendo el sueño
Todos están preocupados por mí
Estoy demasiado metido
Dicen que estoy demasiado metido (demasiado metido)
Y han pasado dos años
Extraño mi hogar
Pero hay un fuego ardiendo en mis huesos
Aún creo
Sí, todavía creo
Y todas esas cosas que no dije
Bolas de demolición dentro de mi cerebro
Las gritaré fuerte esta noche
¿Puedes oír mi voz esta vez?
Esta es mi canción de lucha
Canción para recuperar mi vida
Canción para demostrar que estoy bien
Mi poder está activado
A partir de ahora seré fuerte
Tocaré mi canción de lucha
Y realmente no me importa si nadie más cree
Porque todavía tengo mucha lucha en mí
Mucha lucha en mí
Como un pequeño barco
En el océano
Enviando grandes olas
En movimiento
Como una sola palabra
Puede abrir un corazón
Puede que solo tenga una cerilla
Pero puedo hacer una explosión
Esta es mi canción de lucha (¡Hey!)
Canción para recuperar mi vida (¡Hey!)
Canción para demostrar que estoy bien (¡Hey!)
Mi poder está activado
A partir de ahora seré fuerte (Seré fuerte)
Tocaré mi canción de lucha
Y realmente no me importa si nadie más cree
Porque todavía tengo mucha lucha en mí
No, todavía tengo mucha lucha en mí
"Борба песма" - Рејчел Платен
Као мали чамац
На океану
Шаље велике таласе
У покрет
Као како једна реч
Може отворити срце
Можда имам само једну утакмицу
Али могу направити експлозију
И све оне ствари које нисам рекао
Разбијање муда у мом мозгу
Гласно ћу их вриштати вечерас
Чујеш ли мој глас овога пута?
Ово је моја борбена песма
Врати ми животну песму
Песма докажи да сам добро
Моја струја је укључена
Од сада ћу бити јак
Пустићу своју борбену песму
И баш ме брига ако нико други не верује
Јер имам још много борбе у себи
Губим пријатеље и јурим за спавањем
Сви су забринути за мене
Превише дубоко
Реци да сам превише дубоко (сувише дубоко)
И прошле су две године
Недостаје ми мој дом
Али у мојим костима гори ватра
И даље веруј
Да, још увек верујем
И све оне ствари које нисам рекао
Разбијање муда у мом мозгу
Гласно ћу их вриштати вечерас
Чујеш ли мој глас овога пута?
Ово је моја борбена песма
Врати ми животну песму
Песма докажи да сам добро
Моја струја је укључена
Од сада ћу бити јак
Пустићу своју борбену песму
И баш ме брига ако нико други не верује
Јер имам још много борбе у себи
Много борбе је остало у мени
Као мали чамац
На океану
Шаље велике таласе
У покрет
Као како једна реч
Може отворити срце
Можда имам само једну утакмицу
Али могу направити експлозију
Ово је моја борбена песма (Хеј!)
Врати моју животну песму (Хеј!)
Песма Докажи да сам добро (Хеј!)
Моја струја је укључена
Почевши од сада, бићу јак (бићу јак)
Пустићу своју борбену песму
И баш ме брига ако нико други не верује
Јер имам још много борбе у себи
Не, још увек имам много борбе у себи
vay be bıravo elçin sangu harikasın seni çok seviyorum umarım bir gün görüşürüz ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
"Fight Song" - Rachel Platten
Mint egy kis csónak
Az óceánon
Nagy hullámokat küld
Mint ahogy egyetlen szó
Meg tudja nyitni a szívet
Lehet, hogy csak egy meccsem lesz
De tudok robbantani
És mindezt, amit nem mondtam
Golyókat rombolok az agyamban
Ma este hangosan kiáltom őket
Ezúttal hallod a hangomat?
Ez az én harci dalom
Vedd vissza életem dalát
Bizonyítsd be, hogy jól vagyok dal
Bekapcsolták az áramot
Mostantól erős leszek
Lejátszom a harci dalomat
És nem igazán érdekel, ha senki más nem hiszi el
Mert még mindig sok harc van bennem
Elveszítve a barátokat, és üldözöm az alvást
Mindenki aggódik értem
Túl mélyen
Mondd, hogy túl mélyen vagyok (túl mélyen)
És ennek már két éve
Hiányzik az otthonom
De tűz ég a csontjaimban
Még mindig hisz
Igen, még mindig hiszek
És mindezt, amit nem mondtam
Golyókat rombolok az agyamban
Ma este hangosan kiáltom őket
Ezúttal hallod a hangomat?
Ez az én harci dalom
Vedd vissza életem dalát
Bizonyítsd be, hogy jól vagyok dal
Bekapcsolták az áramot
Mostantól erős leszek
Lejátszom a harci dalomat
És nem igazán érdekel, ha senki más nem hiszi el
Mert még mindig sok harc van bennem
Sok harc maradt bennem
Mint egy kis csónak
Az óceánon
Nagy hullámokat küld
Mint ahogy egyetlen szó
Meg tudja nyitni a szívet
Lehet, hogy csak egy meccsem lesz
De tudok robbantani
Ez az én harci dalom (Hé!)
Vedd vissza életem dalát (Hé!)
Bizonyítsd be, hogy jól vagyok dal (Hé!)
Bekapcsolták az áramot
Mostantól erős leszek (erős leszek)
Lejátszom a harci dalomat
És nem igazán érdekel, ha senki más nem hiszi el
Mert még mindig sok harc van bennem
Nem, még mindig sok harc van bennem
"Fight Song" - Rachel Platten
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)
And it's been two years
I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
A lot of fight left in me
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
This is my fight song (Hey!)
Take back my life song (Hey!)
Prove I'm alright song (Hey!)
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong)
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
No I've still got a lot of fight left in me
"Fight Song" - Rachel Platten
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)
And it's been two years
I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
A lot of fight left in me
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
This is my fight song (Hey!)
Take back my life song (Hey!)
Prove I'm alright song (Hey!)
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong)
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
No I've still got a lot of fight left in me
"Fight Song" - Rachel Platten
Kao mali brod
Na okeanu
Šalje velike talase
U pokret
Kao jedna reč
Može otvoriti srce
Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu
Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju
I sve one stvari koje nisam rekao
Razbijanje muda u mom mozgu
Glasno ću ih vrištati večeras
Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put?
Ovo je moja borbena pjesma
Vrati moju životnu pesmu
Pesma dokaži da sam dobro
Moja struja je uključena
Od sada ću biti jak
Pustiću svoju borbenu pesmu
I baš me briga ako niko drugi ne veruje
Jer imam još dosta borbe u sebi
Gubim prijatelje i jurim da spavam
Svi su zabrinuti za mene
Previše duboko
Reci da sam preduboko (preduboko)
I prošle su dvije godine
Nedostaje mi moj dom
Ali vatra gori u mojim kostima
I dalje vjerujem
Da, još uvijek vjerujem
I sve one stvari koje nisam rekao
Razbijanje muda u mom mozgu
Glasno ću ih vrištati večeras
Čuješ li moj glas ovaj put?
Ovo je moja borbena pjesma
Vrati moju životnu pesmu
Pesma dokaži da sam dobro
Moja struja je uključena
Od sada ću biti jak
Pustiću svoju borbenu pesmu
I baš me briga ako niko drugi ne veruje
Jer imam još dosta borbe u sebi
Mnogo borbe je ostalo u meni
Kao mali brod
Na okeanu
Šalje velike talase
U pokret
Kao jedna reč
Može otvoriti srce
Možda imam samo jednu utakmicu
Ali mogu napraviti eksploziju
Ovo je moja borbena pjesma (Hej!)
Uzmi nazad moju životnu pjesmu (Hej!)
Pjesma Dokaži da sam dobro (Hej!)
Moja struja je uključena
Počevši od sada, biću jak (biću jak)
Pustiću svoju borbenu pesmu
I baš me briga ako niko drugi ne veruje
Jer imam još dosta borbe u sebi
Ne, još uvijek imam puno borbe u sebi
„Fight Song” - Rachel Platten
Ca o barcă mică
Pe ocean
Trimite valuri mari
În mișcare
Cum ar fi un singur cuvânt
Poate face o inimă deschisă
S-ar putea să am un singur meci
Dar pot face o explozie
Și toate acele lucruri pe care nu le-am spus
Minge de distrugere în interiorul creierului meu
Îi voi țipa tare în seara asta
Îmi auzi vocea de data asta?
Acesta este cântecul meu de luptă
Ia înapoi cântecul vieții mele
Demonstrează că sunt bine cântec
Mi-a pornit puterea
Începând chiar acum voi fi puternic
Voi cânta cântecul meu de luptă
Și chiar nu-mi pasă dacă nimeni altcineva nu crede
Pentru că încă mai am multă luptă în mine
Îmi pierd prietenii și urmăresc somnul
Toată lumea este îngrijorată pentru mine
În prea adânc
Spune că sunt prea adânc (prea adânc)
Și au trecut doi ani
Mi-e dor de casa mea
Dar este un foc care arde în oasele mele
Inca mai crede
Da, încă mai cred
Și toate acele lucruri pe care nu le-am spus
Minge de distrugere în interiorul creierului meu
Îi voi țipa tare în seara asta
Îmi auzi vocea de data asta?
Acesta este cântecul meu de luptă
Ia înapoi cântecul vieții mele
Demonstrează că sunt bine cântec
Mi-a pornit puterea
Începând chiar acum voi fi puternic
Voi cânta cântecul meu de luptă
Și chiar nu-mi pasă dacă nimeni altcineva nu crede
Pentru că încă mai am multă luptă în mine
A rămas multă luptă în mine
Ca o barcă mică
Pe ocean
Trimite valuri mari
În mișcare
Cum ar fi un singur cuvânt
Poate face o inimă deschisă
S-ar putea să am un singur meci
Dar pot face o explozie
Acesta este cântecul meu de luptă (Hei!)
Ia înapoi cântecul vieții mele (Hei!)
Demonstrează că sunt bine cântec (Hei!)
Mi-a pornit puterea
Începând chiar acum voi fi puternic (voi fi puternic)
Voi cânta cântecul meu de luptă
Și chiar nu-mi pasă dacă nimeni altcineva nu crede
Pentru că încă mai am multă luptă în mine
Nu, încă mai am multă luptă în mine
"Bojna pesem" - Rachel Platten
Kot majhen čoln
Na oceanu
Pošiljanje velikih valov
V gibanje
Kot ena sama beseda
Lahko odpre srce
Morda imam samo eno tekmo
Lahko pa naredim eksplozijo
In vse tiste stvari, ki jih nisem rekel
Razbijam kroglice v mojih možganih
Nocoj jih bom glasno kričal
Ali tokrat slišiš moj glas?
To je moja borbena pesem
Vzemi nazaj moje življenje pesem
Dokaži, da sem v redu pesem
Moje napajanje je vklopljeno
Od zdaj naprej bom močan
Zaigral bom svojo borbeno pesem
In čisto vseeno mi je, če nihče drug ne verjame
Ker imam v sebi še veliko boja
Izgubljam prijatelje in lovim spanec
Vsi so zaskrbljeni zame
Reci, da sem pregloboko (pregloboko)
In minili sta dve leti
Pogrešam svoj dom
Toda v mojih kosteh gori ogenj
Še vedno verjamem
Ja, še vedno verjamem
In vse tiste stvari, ki jih nisem rekel
Razbijam kroglice v mojih možganih
Nocoj jih bom glasno kričal
Ali tokrat slišiš moj glas?
To je moja borbena pesem
Vzemi nazaj moje življenje pesem
Dokaži, da sem v redu pesem
Moje napajanje je vklopljeno
Od zdaj naprej bom močan
Zaigral bom svojo borbeno pesem
In čisto vseeno mi je, če nihče drug ne verjame
Ker imam v sebi še veliko boja
Veliko boja je ostalo v meni
Kot majhen čoln
Na oceanu
Pošiljanje velikih valov
V gibanje
Kot ena sama beseda
Lahko odpre srce
Morda imam samo eno tekmo
Lahko pa naredim eksplozijo
To je moja borbena pesem (Hej!)
Vzemi nazaj moje življenje pesem (Hej!)
Pesem Dokaži, da sem v redu (Hej!)
Moje napajanje je vklopljeno
Od zdaj naprej bom močan (močan bom)
Zaigral bom svojo borbeno pesem
In čisto vseeno mi je, če nihče drug ne verjame
Ker imam v sebi še veliko boja
Ne, v sebi imam še veliko boja