An excellent sum up of the latest understanding of human consciousness and the cosmos, physical and non-physical. It’s so interesting that she has a gackground of physics, business, archology, ancient wisdom and mysticism (being visited by spiritual beings at a yo7ng age - like MDam Blavatsky (Mother if New Age). She got it all!
The message is in the details. Notice how she starts with humour? In a cyclic reality, everything meets its end like the snake swallowing its tail. So to finish anything on a high note you must begin it in the same way. Start every journey with love, gratitude or prayer, and that journey will never end in tragedy. Start the same journey in chaos and it will end badly. This is an application of palingenesis the origin of cyclic Eastern wisdom, it goes way back to the Greek Stoics. Think of when a journey ended badly and then cast your mind back to where you had come from to experience the pain and you will see the seed of the calamity in its beginning. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, so make it a good one. Shalom.
Love this in sight of intentions, just the what I needed, a missing piece that has always been there, knew of, but not clearly as is now, thanks for your input.
Oh my! Oh my!! How utterly profound and beautiful!!! A true guru!!! The only one I think I've encountered!! She's astonishing!!!! Gotta go back and listen over and over!!! She's the real thing!!! Thank you and bless you!!!
I LOVE you Jude! Thank you so much for sharing with so many such limitless wisdom & open mindedness! I also Love to solve the puzzles on all dimensions of our understandable reality. This game, Life, is Amazing & seeing many of your videos over the past few days, gave me abundant smiles. I laughed with you, you excellently express so much. YES! You are correct in your theories. I know what I know & I know you explain it so wonderfully!
Thank you for posting this delight fun talk. So wonderful the wold is waking up. We're all on this magnificent journey. I like this 'flickering ' between the old and new reality! Love you Jude 💚💚💚
Tickling isn't it? When a 12 hour inner day trip gets mentioned as someone else's life work and then just happens to show up the energy field.... touching on everything that you/we/they/us are experiencing? This chocolate biscuit version of Judy's share with wonderful SAND's background image is a wonderful compliment to her Findhorn Tedx talk created and presented with info-graphics. One song, one uni-verse... aum
After listening to her loose constructed description of consciousness with the non stop stage scouting to greet every member of the audience with her pleasing smile and her agitated body lingual attention reminding moves. Grasping her intention to express her consciousness vibrantly as possible and to emphasize on our positive and collective embrace was nothing short of expectations and certainly well executed. However, we did transform our senses through natural evolution where we became in tune and aware as conscious beings. Reducing it to human exclusive unit of representation is preposterous and dismissive of the possibilities where all living creatures do experience some respective form of consciousness. That was the only bad vibe of her presentation.
I wonder if she phrased it around Humans because that is just far more relatable? As well as the fact that she is speaking to the relative destruction of solely Humans. I would find it hard to believe that she wouldn't agree that all beings have consciousness.
She did say "dominant species" with the ability to destroy itself and the planet. Of course, she is human and she would only be speaking of human consciousness. But my point, is the consciousness is a unified field that encompasses all living creatures. And Sea creatures are more conscious than humans are. So her mantra about conscious evolution is her life work and she wants all the attention she can get and I can respect that. She wants to be bigger than most male scientist of the 20th century, by claiming she understands the true nature of reality and will prove it only if you believe in it or are a believer. Women are born believers. She perfectly understands the psychology behind beliefs drives behaviours. Some people feel the need to have a belief so they can carry on with their existence. I think that believing in anything makes people vulnerable to subliminal marketing, religious doctrines or political scams. Another reason why there were wars, is people blindly believing in their leaders. We cannot believe in computer programs, we need to write it down in the most logical and reasonable way possible to guarantee its proper execution and functionality. But I think our true conscious evolution will be dropping beliefs from our thinking in making the next step in understanding our human psyche and not be fooled by those who know how to exploit the vulnerable human mind..
Ah you're right, when I heard her say that I guess I heard it as humans controlling masses of the planet over other species. I think about that a lot actually, I am a huge animal lover and observer. Sea creatures are absolutely incredible in comparison with Human capabilities. I think about how being Human must not be the ultimate destination of this planet, and we often assume that humans are more aware than any other species, superior beyond doubt. There is a purpose in humanity as there is a special purpose in every individual species.
" . . . reality is real." Yes, Mam. So, can SAND now devote itself to what's happening with the open door in the planet's freezer, please!?! Once the methane gets released from the thawing permafrost in Siberia and Canada's north, bend over quickly, because if you think 2018's summer heat dome is hot, don't wait. I too, love all this theory, but, without a practical application for our common reality, i.e., the 6th mass extinction of which homo studidio is part and parcel, all this talk is just that . . . more hot air.
If this new age of spiritual thought were all encompassing, it would work in every situation. I offer one example where all the meditation and love in the world, would not heal the situation. There are plenty of examples when looking through the lens of structuralism. The Banker Example: How does a banker apply compassion when the rules force him to foreclosure on a home which may lead to a family living on the streets? This is a structural problem with built-in cruelty backed by law. Sure, the banker could read a spiritual book and obtain a higher calling thus finding a heart, and then quit his job. But current education will refill the position. Another structural problem that maintains the built-in cruelty. Spiritualists refuse to address the structural problems backed by economic laws which are harmful to humans and our nature. This is a major problem of the spiritual movement. They constantly want to blame human consciousness much like religion does under the concept of sin. The language is just kinder as if one is out of alignment, one’s awareness is low and must increase, one must center and learn to find the source, or one will struggle and not reach one’s full potential. This is not true. For the majority of humans there isn’t a full potential when Monday thru Friday we are controlled by a corporation or government that requires us to act in a non-compassionate manner. I would hate to be an insurance healthcare rep on the phone telling a person: “No, we do not cover that procedure.” What does that teach a human if they live that every day? Humans suffer from the way civilization is designed. We are experiencing severe structural problems in how civilization is constructed around money. We live insane laws that protect money over people. Spiritual thought is useless against these laws and merely act as a placebo to make us feel good. If we want a fair, just, and peaceful world, we must embrace the concept of Structuralism and change the systems we live. Otherwise, spirituality is no more than a feel-good wish for change. Humans are completely trainable, but unfortunately, we are trained to be corporate monkeys no matter what status one holds in life. So education must change. The philosophies of a Resource Based Economy must replace the philosophies of capitalism, and those lesson are not part of the Ivy League system that refills this insane structure we all endure. There is our real problem. Not some made up delusion that we lack compassion when the energy is inherent in human nature. Our systems prevent the full emergence of human compassion, all backed by educations that hold the structural violence of capitalism in place. So how advanced is spiritual thought? Not very advanced at all. True unity is when we deconstruct the structures that divided us - money/wealth, governments, and corporations. Those structures can be dismantled by the technology of a Resource Based Economy. If out-of-this-world intelligence has communicated with Jude, I'm sure they would be advanced. So advanced, that they would not operate with money, governments, or corporations, and would communicate how technology can eliminate these things.
You certainly make a valid argument , so perhaps what you propose can be tried in small pockets. I have no real solutions that are likely overnight. The world is how you describe it. So for me all I can do is affect my own life and bring whatever good I can into my environment. I'd love to live in the truly utopian world you describe.
Spirituality need to be a collective mass movement, and not separated from economic-sosio-cultural movement. all strara of life need to be redesigned, with a focus to create collective welfare in all strata and finally spiritual goal. This idea has been introduced by a movement call PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory). though it seems impossible in today capitalistic atmosphere to create this all round change and movement, but time will come when capitalism will fall by its own weaknesses (i.e. greedyness) and a vacuum (and chaos) will be created and provide a challenge to humanity to find a new solution
Reading duh intro... "Cosmologist Jude Currivan is an enthusiastic and inspirational advocate of the positive view of the transformations we are witnessing on planet Earth. As a scientist she can report with confidence that science can at last conclusively prove and reconcile scientific evidence with ancient wisdom and universal spiritual experience - resolving SAND’s ongoing quest by revealing the unified nature of reality. "Consciousness is not what we have it is what we are" - and this understanding has the power to heal our fragmented perspectives and radically change our collective behaviors, transforming the challenges of our global emergency into the emergence of our conscious evolution." ... ... hey hey hey....I feel... in my humble, non-cosmologist, crass, stupid, silly mind... it makes more sense that the two words 'report' and 'prove' make more sense if they got interchanged in location ... like put the word 'prove' in the place of 'report' and vice versa ... (i could be wrong ... hahaha ... i'm high... higher than ... i' ve ever been :) ... if i get one positive response i'll get higher... duh ... else :(
duh... the hand waving... i've seen comparable cosmic-level exercise of that elsewhere... and it makes a lotta sense ... since i've seen physically really of that on the 99.999999..999.999. level in the past ... and i might, viola!, see that hologram in the future... ahahaha :)
An excellent sum up of the latest understanding of human consciousness and the cosmos, physical and non-physical. It’s so interesting that she has a gackground of physics, business, archology, ancient wisdom and mysticism (being visited by spiritual beings at a yo7ng age - like MDam Blavatsky (Mother if New Age). She got it all!
Powerful comment!! Brilliant!!
The message is in the details. Notice how she starts with humour? In a cyclic reality, everything meets its end like the snake swallowing its tail. So to finish anything on a high note you must begin it in the same way. Start every journey with love, gratitude or prayer, and that journey will never end in tragedy. Start the same journey in chaos and it will end badly. This is an application of palingenesis the origin of cyclic Eastern wisdom, it goes way back to the Greek Stoics. Think of when a journey ended badly and then cast your mind back to where you had come from to experience the pain and you will see the seed of the calamity in its beginning. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, so make it a good one. Shalom.
Love this in sight of intentions, just the what I needed, a missing piece that has always been there, knew of, but not clearly as is now, thanks for your input.
Thank you 🙏
" din haos ne-am născut
și ne-om întoarce-n haos "
That’s just the analogy you chose. You could say, “notice how life is like a ladder? If you start low you end really really high”.
Oh my! Oh my!! How utterly profound and beautiful!!! A true guru!!! The only one I think I've encountered!! She's astonishing!!!! Gotta go back and listen over and over!!! She's the real thing!!! Thank you and bless you!!!
What a brilliant communicater and what utterly profound insights.
Nice to hear a scientist who understands that separation is illusory :)
Yes!! Yes!! Exactly!!!
so beautifully stated, and so very inspiring, thank you so much for all you are and do 🌸💗🌹
I LOVE you Jude! Thank you so much for sharing with so many such limitless wisdom & open mindedness! I also Love to solve the puzzles on all dimensions of our understandable reality. This game, Life, is Amazing & seeing many of your videos over the past few days, gave me abundant smiles. I laughed with you, you excellently express so much. YES! You are correct in your theories. I know what I know & I know you explain it so wonderfully!
You Jude, are an example of how the universe has my back! xox
Thank you! I really enjoyed your presentation and very much look forward to hearing more.
Thank you for posting this delight fun talk. So wonderful the wold is waking up. We're all on this
magnificent journey. I like this 'flickering ' between the old and new reality! Love you Jude 💚💚💚
...."we are a part of a outbreath" very beautiful explanation thanks to Jude Currivan 🌹 Blessings and Love 🙏
Beautiful!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ Not; what if…. What now?!? Exactly! 🎉
super love this lovely amazing lady ❤
Tickling isn't it? When a 12 hour inner day trip gets mentioned as someone else's life work and then just happens to show up the energy field.... touching on everything that you/we/they/us are experiencing? This chocolate biscuit version of Judy's share with wonderful SAND's background image is a wonderful compliment to her Findhorn Tedx talk created and presented with info-graphics. One song, one uni-verse... aum
What A lovely woman....🌟
After listening to her loose constructed description of consciousness with the non stop stage scouting to greet every member of the audience with her pleasing smile and her agitated body lingual attention reminding moves. Grasping her intention to express her consciousness vibrantly as possible and to emphasize on our positive and collective embrace was nothing short of expectations and certainly well executed.
However, we did transform our senses through natural evolution where we became in tune and aware as conscious beings. Reducing it to human exclusive unit of representation is preposterous and dismissive of the possibilities where all living creatures do experience some respective form of consciousness. That was the only bad vibe of her presentation.
I wonder if she phrased it around Humans because that is just far more relatable? As well as the fact that she is speaking to the relative destruction of solely Humans. I would find it hard to believe that she wouldn't agree that all beings have consciousness.
She did say "dominant species" with the ability to destroy itself and the planet. Of course, she is human and she would only be speaking of human consciousness. But my point, is the consciousness is a unified field that encompasses all living creatures. And Sea creatures are more conscious than humans are. So her mantra about conscious evolution is her life work and she wants all the attention she can get and I can respect that. She wants to be bigger than most male scientist of the 20th century, by claiming she understands the true nature of reality and will prove it only if you believe in it or are a believer.
Women are born believers. She perfectly understands the psychology behind beliefs drives behaviours. Some people feel the need to have a belief so they can carry on with their existence. I think that believing in anything makes people vulnerable to subliminal marketing, religious doctrines or political scams. Another reason why there were wars, is people blindly believing in their leaders.
We cannot believe in computer programs, we need to write it down in the most logical and reasonable way possible to guarantee its proper execution and functionality. But I think our true conscious evolution will be dropping beliefs from our thinking in making the next step in understanding our human psyche and not be fooled by those who know how to exploit the vulnerable human mind..
Ah you're right, when I heard her say that I guess I heard it as humans controlling masses of the planet over other species. I think about that a lot actually, I am a huge animal lover and observer. Sea creatures are absolutely incredible in comparison with Human capabilities. I think about how being Human must not be the ultimate destination of this planet, and we often assume that humans are more aware than any other species, superior beyond doubt. There is a purpose in humanity as there is a special purpose in every individual species.
Well thought and beautifully said!! Indeed there is. I do also appreciate your time and effort in understanding my point. Thank you and take care.
this is really interesting .can't say i understand but can keep looking at it.
I do wonder, however, what role entropy plays - how it fits in with this philosophy.
Can one raise the possibility of mental health issues without being dismissive and/or offensive?
“…the world of separation that we seem to inhabit is a world of illusion.”
Would that we all could fully understand this.
" . . . reality is real." Yes, Mam. So, can SAND now devote itself to what's happening with the open door in the planet's freezer, please!?! Once the methane gets released from the thawing permafrost in Siberia and Canada's north, bend over quickly, because if you think 2018's summer heat dome is hot, don't wait. I too, love all this theory, but, without a practical application for our common reality, i.e., the 6th mass extinction of which homo studidio is part and parcel, all this talk is just that . . . more hot air.
If this new age of spiritual thought were all encompassing, it would work in every situation. I offer one example where all the meditation and love in the world, would not heal the situation. There are plenty of examples when looking through the lens of structuralism.
The Banker Example: How does a banker apply compassion when the rules force him to foreclosure on a home which may lead to a family living on the streets? This is a structural problem with built-in cruelty backed by law. Sure, the banker could read a spiritual book and obtain a higher calling thus finding a heart, and then quit his job. But current education will refill the position. Another structural problem that maintains the built-in cruelty.
Spiritualists refuse to address the structural problems backed by economic laws which are harmful to humans and our nature. This is a major problem of the spiritual movement. They constantly want to blame human consciousness much like religion does under the concept of sin. The language is just kinder as if one is out of alignment, one’s awareness is low and must increase, one must center and learn to find the source, or one will struggle and not reach one’s full potential. This is not true.
For the majority of humans there isn’t a full potential when Monday thru Friday we are controlled by a corporation or government that requires us to act in a non-compassionate manner. I would hate to be an insurance healthcare rep on the phone telling a person: “No, we do not cover that procedure.” What does that teach a human if they live that every day?
Humans suffer from the way civilization is designed. We are experiencing severe structural problems in how civilization is constructed around money. We live insane laws that protect money over people. Spiritual thought is useless against these laws and merely act as a placebo to make us feel good. If we want a fair, just, and peaceful world, we must embrace the concept of Structuralism and change the systems we live. Otherwise, spirituality is no more than a feel-good wish for change.
Humans are completely trainable, but unfortunately, we are trained to be corporate monkeys no matter what status one holds in life. So education must change. The philosophies of a Resource Based Economy must replace the philosophies of capitalism, and those lesson are not part of the Ivy League system that refills this insane structure we all endure. There is our real problem. Not some made up delusion that we lack compassion when the energy is inherent in human nature. Our systems prevent the full emergence of human compassion, all backed by educations that hold the structural violence of capitalism in place.
So how advanced is spiritual thought? Not very advanced at all.
True unity is when we deconstruct the structures that divided us - money/wealth, governments, and corporations. Those structures can be dismantled by the technology of a Resource Based Economy. If out-of-this-world intelligence has communicated with Jude, I'm sure they would be advanced. So advanced, that they would not operate with money, governments, or corporations, and would communicate how technology can eliminate these things.
You certainly make a valid argument , so perhaps what you propose can be tried in small pockets. I have no real solutions that are likely overnight. The world is how you describe it. So for me all I can do is affect my own life and bring whatever good I can into my environment.
I'd love to live in the truly utopian world you describe.
Spirituality need to be a collective mass movement, and not separated from economic-sosio-cultural movement. all strara of life need to be redesigned, with a focus to create collective welfare in all strata and finally spiritual goal. This idea has been introduced by a movement call PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory). though it seems impossible in today capitalistic atmosphere to create this all round change and movement, but time will come when capitalism will fall by its own weaknesses (i.e. greedyness) and a vacuum (and chaos) will be created and provide a challenge to humanity to find a new solution
Reading duh intro... "Cosmologist Jude Currivan is an enthusiastic and inspirational advocate of the positive view of the transformations we are witnessing on planet Earth. As a scientist she can report with confidence that science can at last conclusively prove and reconcile scientific evidence with ancient wisdom and universal spiritual experience - resolving SAND’s ongoing quest by revealing the unified nature of reality. "Consciousness is not what we have it is what we are" - and this understanding has the power to heal our fragmented perspectives and radically change our collective behaviors, transforming the challenges of our global emergency into the emergence of our conscious evolution." ...
hey hey hey....I feel... in my humble, non-cosmologist, crass, stupid, silly mind... it makes more sense that the two words 'report' and 'prove' make more sense if they got interchanged in location ... like put the word 'prove' in the place of 'report' and vice versa ... (i could be wrong ... hahaha ... i'm high... higher than ... i' ve ever been :) ... if i get one positive response i'll get higher... duh ... else :(
duh... the hand waving... i've seen comparable cosmic-level exercise of that elsewhere... and it makes a lotta sense ... since i've seen physically really of that on the 99.999999..999.999. level in the past ... and i might, viola!, see that hologram in the future... ahahaha :)
Conscious? The human race is a bunch of monkeys throwing rocks at each other for shiny stones. I don't call that conscious.