Najveća pomoć našem kanalu jeste da *PODELITE VIDEO* sa vašim prijateljima! Hvala svakom ko to uradi ❤ 00:00 Uvod 01:00 Nadutost stomaka posle jela 01:17 Prevelik unos hrane i bol u želucu 01:41 Nedovoljno žvakanje uzrokuje gastritis 02:01 Ležanje nakon jela i naduven stomak 02:20 Nadutost stomaka i gasovi zbog loše hrane 02:37 Zdrava ishrana za zdrav želudac 03:25 Najbolja prevencija za gastritis i čir na želucu 03:48 Čaj protiv nadutosti (matičnjak i nana) 04:12 Kako se pravi prirodni lek za nadutost stomaka 04:59 Laneno seme - merenje na vagi 05:25 Mlevenje lanenih semenki 06:12 Hladno-ceđeno suncokretovo ulje za jačanje sluzokože želuca 06:58 Mešanje sastojaka 07:51 Čuvanje i doziranje
Odličan savet ❤ ali šta je sa diabetičarima kojima he zabranjen med? Da li može da se zameni suncokretovo ulje sa maslinovim? I još jedno pitanje, zašto ne odgovarate na pitanja? 🥰🥰🥰 Srdačan pozdrav🥰
Srdačno vas pozdravljam i zahvaljujem na jako dobrim video prilozima. Zaista ste super. Objašnjavate jednostavnoj uz jednostavne sastojke i pripremu. Ali bez obzira na to, imam dva pitanja: šta je to matičnjak, postoji li neko drugo ime za njega i gdje se može nabaviti? Drugo pitanje: da li je nutriciona vrijednost hladno predanog maslinovog ulja ista kao i kod navedenog suncokretovog ulja? Hvala unaprijed za odgovor i puno pozdrava
Poštovani, matičnjak je lekovita biljka latinskog naziva, Melissa Officinalis, na eng. jeziku Lemon Balm. Ulja koja pominjete nisu identičnih nutritivnih vrednosti, oba su veoma zdrava i korisna po naš organizam, pod uslovom da nisu rafinisana i da su hladno-ceđena. Svako dobro vam želimo 👍
Ovo je odlicno ali kako ja to da koristim kad ne jedem nikakvo ulje?! Imam velike probleme kada ga pojedem a ovo bi mi bas pomoglo. Molim vas za savet. Unapred hvala.🙏
jika lambung bermasalah maka perut sanga tidak nyaman, terimakasih resep luar biasa ini kawan, sangat bermanfaat, gejala perut kembung biasa terjadi jika musim hujan di malam hari
Saya hampir sering mengalami ngantuk & tertidur setelah makan. Sudah saya coba meminum kopi pahit namun hasilnya belum maksimal. Resep apa untuk mengatasi ngantuk & tertidur setelah makan ?
Objasnite molim Vas, da li ovaj recept moze da se koristi bez meda, jer dijabeticari ne mogu koristiti ovako napravljen lek za nadutost stomaka. Hvala na vasem odgovoru. Ako vec delite savete, onda bi bio red da na postavljena pitanja od nas gledalaca i odgovorite, ili vas bas briga kako ce ko da vas razume??!!
100 gr semințe de in râșnite praf, 50 ml ulei de floarea soarelui presat la rece ( eu cred că merge și cel de măsline), 50 Gr miere. Amestecate, amestecul ținut la frigider, luata cate o lingura pe stomacul gol in fiec dim. Compoziția ajunge ptr 14 zile. Însă eu cred că nu trebuie consumata rece de la frigider, dat uleiului din compoziție.Eu mai repede as zice să amestecați in semințe de in proaspăt râșnite ( o lingura), un pic de ulei și un pic de miere ca să obțineți consistenta compoziției din video, și așa proaspăt făcut în fiec dim de luat pe stomacul gol. Doar că la o lingura de semințe, nu poți folosi choperul ci cine are, masina de țâșnit cafea.
Initial Takeaways from the Disastrous Earthquake As the scale of devastation from the earthquake that struck southern Turkey and Syria becomes clearer and more horrifying by the minute, initial takeaways are already surfacing. But before I talk about what I believe needs to be done, I wish to extend once more my deepest sympathy and prayers to the people of Turkey, and especially to those who have been affected by the quake. May they recover quickly, and may they never know sorrow again. Earthquakes are not uncommon in Turkey, including strong ones, though not as strong as the one that struck this past Monday, and its subsequent powerful aftershock. Therefore, it is surprising that Turkey did not take more extensive preventive measures against powerful tremors. Every country that is located in an area that is prone to earthquakes should take this into consideration. Just as Japan imposes strict construction standards that make its buildings much more quake-resistant than almost all other countries, so should every country do if it is located in an earthquake-prone region. However, there is something that is just as important as imposing construction standards when it comes to saving lives: international cooperation. Member states of the NATO military alliance, for example, are required to meet certain military standards. Once a country becomes a member, the rest of the countries in the alliance are required to help it if it is attacked. Similarly, there must be an international alliance that mandates all the member states to help one another in case of a significant seismic event. At the same time, members must meet minimum conditions that the alliance will determine as far as building and road construction standards, accessibility and durability of rescue routes, communication and energy infrastructure, and medical services. Without such an alliance, each country will determine its priorities by itself, and usually, rare emergencies are at the bottom of the list. The problem is that emergencies do happen, and when they happen, the cost of years of neglect is horrendous in human lives, infrastructure, manufacturing, and money. By the time countries realize they should have prepared in advance, it is too late. Therefore, by forcing its member states to take preventive measures, an international alliance can save thousands, if not tens of thousands of lives, as in the case of this week’s quake. Additionally, the mandatory mutual assistance will guarantee that affected countries do not have to face natural disasters on their own or rely on the generosity of other countries, which is never enough, and often comes with a political price tag attached to it. If neighboring countries are obligated to help because of their membership in an international alliance, such considerations as international relations and other political caveats will not impede the provision of assistance. Moreover, maintaining an alliance against natural disasters can help foster better relationships that will reflect on other aspects of the countries’ relationships. Enemies do not talk; they fight. But once countries are engaged in an alliance, they communicate regularly and are no longer enemies. On the contrary, they are responsible for one another. Therefore, they can communicate with one another freely and directly, which can help resolve crises in other dimensions of their relationships. Therefore, establishing an international alliance for dealing with natural disasters can have benefits far beyond the purpose for which it is established. If we leverage the cooperation established in order to save lives during earthquakes and the like, we can begin to foster better and more constructive relationships among all the countries in the world.
Najveća pomoć našem kanalu jeste da *PODELITE VIDEO* sa vašim prijateljima!
Hvala svakom ko to uradi ❤
00:00 Uvod
01:00 Nadutost stomaka posle jela
01:17 Prevelik unos hrane i bol u želucu
01:41 Nedovoljno žvakanje uzrokuje gastritis
02:01 Ležanje nakon jela i naduven stomak
02:20 Nadutost stomaka i gasovi zbog loše hrane
02:37 Zdrava ishrana za zdrav želudac
03:25 Najbolja prevencija za gastritis i čir na želucu
03:48 Čaj protiv nadutosti (matičnjak i nana)
04:12 Kako se pravi prirodni lek za nadutost stomaka
04:59 Laneno seme - merenje na vagi
05:25 Mlevenje lanenih semenki
06:12 Hladno-ceđeno suncokretovo ulje za jačanje sluzokože želuca
06:58 Mešanje sastojaka
07:51 Čuvanje i doziranje
@@evadragun8383 Naravno možete i hladnoceđeno maslinovo ulje, što kvalitetnije to bolje 💚
Dali mora sa se smelje laneno seme poz
@@grozdapetkovoc6691 зх
Hvala puno na receptu pozdrav Jela
hvala vama punt za onaj video. puno pozdrava
Receta excelente. Muchas gracias
Svako dobro ste podelili sa bolesnicima HVALAVAM
Сердечно благодарю Вас!!!Обязательно попробую Ваш рецепт!!
Wow very nice easy way tips thank you
Super recepti,!!!Hvala😊
От всей души благодарю Вас за рецепт!
Interesuje me mozeli se upotrebljavati maslinovo ulje takodje hladno cedjeno unapred vam hvala recept je super👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Hvala ,imam sjemenke kod kuće ali nisam ih trošila , ali sada ću moje navike da ostavim i počnem zdravije da se hranim ,hvala puno
thank you for explaining it so in depth..hope we can see more health related videos
Спасибо огромное,то что мне нужно.Украина,г.Запорожье здоровья Вам и Мира.
Hvala vam za recept
Dziękuję za poradę ☺
Подписалась. Какой красивый язык,голос...
Odličan savet ❤ ali šta je sa diabetičarima kojima he zabranjen med? Da li može da se zameni suncokretovo ulje sa maslinovim? I još jedno pitanje, zašto ne odgovarate na pitanja? 🥰🥰🥰 Srdačan pozdrav🥰
Пуно вам хвала за ове дивне рецепте, то ми баш треба, надам се да ће помоћи. Поздрав Ана.
Vrlo korisni savjeti.Hvala vam .
Спасибо у вас отличные рецепты для здоровья
Ваша речь ласкает мой слух ❤
А мой нет !
Да, приятно слушать🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
И мой тоже! 💞
@@Светлана-п3о5ь Серьёзно?! У вас проблема с эстетическим восприятием.)
@@Людмила-п2и2ч и мне тоже.
Спасибо!😅Приготовлю для желудка обязательно.Здоровья Вам,мирной жизни.❤
Odlican recept 👍❤
Дякую Вам.
Može li mjesto suncokretovog maslinovo ulje ili bundevino ulje? Hvala
Благодарю за рецепт .
Hvala puno
Bonsoir ! Merci pour votre partage de recette utile pour l'estomac
Spasibo dziękuję Pozdrawiam
Спасибо большое рецепт понравился. Сделаю обязательно я думаю мне поможет.
Сначало попробуйте,а потом хвалите
Merci infiniment pour votre recette. Salutations 👏 d'Alger 👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Hvala najlepše 💞💞
*Svetlana* 🙂💚
Zivi bili 🙏
Давайте рицепт на русском языке
Odlican video👍👏👏🙋
Hvala puno 😍
Gentilissimo grazie mille buona serata
Srdačno vas pozdravljam i zahvaljujem na jako dobrim video prilozima. Zaista ste super. Objašnjavate jednostavnoj uz jednostavne sastojke i pripremu. Ali bez obzira na to, imam dva pitanja: šta je to matičnjak, postoji li neko drugo ime za njega i gdje se može nabaviti? Drugo pitanje: da li je nutriciona vrijednost hladno predanog maslinovog ulja ista kao i kod navedenog suncokretovog ulja?
Hvala unaprijed za odgovor i puno pozdrava
Poštovani, matičnjak je lekovita biljka latinskog naziva, Melissa Officinalis, na eng. jeziku Lemon Balm. Ulja koja pominjete nisu identičnih nutritivnih vrednosti, oba su veoma zdrava i korisna po naš organizam, pod uslovom da nisu rafinisana i da su hladno-ceđena. Svako dobro vam želimo 👍
@@DijetamesecevemeneYT Hvala vam na brzom odgovoru 👍
חבל על הזמן לט מבינה כלום
Može li se koristiti maslinovo ulje umesto suncokretovog?
Može li maslinovo ulje za ovaj recept sa lanenim semenom i medom?
Puno hvla od ❤🎉😅
Da li mora biti i med, jer ga dijabeticari ne mogu koristiti. Hvala na Vasem odgovoru.
Слушаю вас и все понимаю ! Так близок ваш язык к русскому
Sto ne napisete u opisu videa recept???
Mulțumesc frumos, chiar aveam nevoie,!!!
Hvala vam na odlicnom receptu dali moze maslinovo ulje mesto suncokretovo ulje unapred hvala
Ovo je odlicno ali kako ja to da koristim kad ne jedem nikakvo ulje?! Imam velike probleme kada ga pojedem a ovo bi mi bas pomoglo. Molim vas za savet. Unapred hvala.🙏
Thanks for this nice video.
How much are we taking from this mix every day?
Pls let me know 🌸💗
When You are healthy. Is ready to stop .God help us.
Merci beaucoup
Zeytin yagı en iyisi 🤔🌷💕
Καλημερα τη δοκιμασατε?
a dobro je i za dijabetes
jika lambung bermasalah maka perut sanga tidak nyaman, terimakasih resep luar biasa ini kawan, sangat bermanfaat, gejala perut kembung biasa terjadi jika musim hujan di malam hari
💞✍✍✍💞🌹 Tack snälla undebara receptet!
Daša Ahmethanova,dobro razumijete Srpski jezik.Pozdrav Vam iz Republike Srpske.
Какой это язык? Болгарский? Я его почти понимаю. Улыбаюсь только, когда он говорит"кашык". На моем языке это-ложка. У всех тюркоязычных .
Кашика је српско-словенска реч, настала је од речи КАША!
Grazie per il Consiglio
Saya hampir sering mengalami ngantuk & tertidur setelah makan. Sudah saya coba meminum kopi pahit namun hasilnya belum maksimal. Resep apa untuk mengatasi ngantuk & tertidur setelah makan ?
Пуно вам хвала!
Hvala vama *Leposava* 💚
Jel ovo neko probao?
Da li se može konzumirati stalno, bez pauze nakon 14 dana?
Excelent. Multumesc. Sanatate si viata lunga s> frumoasa sa aveti! ❤️
Bravo Bravo 👍👍👍💯💯💯👍👍👏👏👏👏👏 grazie 🙏👍😀😀un saluto dalla SICILIA ☀️ ITALY 🇮🇹 CIAO CIAO 🤗😀😀
*Italy* ❤
@@DijetamesecevemeneYT un forte abbraccio dalla SICILIA ☀️🇮🇹❤️ grazie Ciaoooo 😘🤗😀💕
شكرا جزيلا...ممكن استبدال زيت عباد الشمس بزيت الزيتون ؟؟؟؟؟
Danke !!!
A maslinovo ulje?
سلام بسیار عالی موفق باشید
Son remedies Naturales que siempre se tienes en la Cocina
Da li može umesto suncokretovog maslinovo ulje
As long as it cold pressed
Ako ne možemo naći takvo ulje može li neko drugo unapred hvala lp
Može, hladnoceđeno maslinovo ulje
Jedno pitanje doktore da li mogu dijabeticari tipa 2da koristi med?
Mogu manje količine, ali samo u dogovoru sa vašim lekarom, pri tome mora se maksimalno smanjiti količina ostalih ugljenih hidrata.
@@DijetamesecevemeneYT hvala na odgovoru.
Едно големо браво
Svidjami se
Može li maslinovo
Persh .shpjegoje me ngadal se nuk e ndjek dot .per stomakun
Когда у меня было вздутие, я лечила по методу арабов. Это молотый черный тмин с медом! Ложку перед едой за 20 минут Сразу все прошло!
Напишите пожалуйста пропорции, если не сложно.🙏🙏
Для лечения пищевой системы применяют рецепты с маслом из облепихи.
Objasnite molim Vas, da li ovaj recept
moze da se koristi bez meda, jer dijabeticari ne mogu koristiti ovako napravljen lek za nadutost stomaka.
Hvala na vasem odgovoru.
Ako vec delite savete, onda bi bio red da na postavljena pitanja od nas gledalaca
i odgovorite, ili vas bas briga kako ce ko da vas razume??!!
Mulțumesc mult.
Gostei muito do programa, mais não tem som poristo não vou assistir , obrigada
exstranho, gostou do que ? se não tem som é uma merda e agradeceu pro que ?
vamos crescer ...é uma merda , e pronto .
Pot folosi ulei de măsline??? Mulțumesc pentru rețetă!
Asta era și întrebarea mea. Eu cred că da, plus că uleiul de măsline este bun și ptr ficat, și este în gen bun ptr multe.
ماشاء الله امي كانت تعمل نفسه بس تحمص بذور الكتان وتطحنه وتعمله بالعسل
Está bueno pero lo pueden explicar en castellano por fabor como preparar ese remedio
Multumesc din rominia va doresc numai bine
Meni se stomaj nadusi prije nego stio bilo sto pojedem. Dolazi li ovaj lek u obzir tada?
Про семена льна все знают ,а много нельзя делать , надо на один раз.
Comment prendre cette recette est ce que je le prends une cuillère à café dans de l eau
Multumesc pentru reteta ! Va rog sa traduceți în limba romana
100 gr semințe de in râșnite praf, 50 ml ulei de floarea soarelui presat la rece ( eu cred că merge și cel de măsline), 50 Gr miere. Amestecate, amestecul ținut la frigider, luata cate o lingura pe stomacul gol in fiec dim. Compoziția ajunge ptr 14 zile. Însă eu cred că nu trebuie consumata rece de la frigider, dat uleiului din compoziție.Eu mai repede as zice să amestecați in semințe de in proaspăt râșnite ( o lingura), un pic de ulei și un pic de miere ca să obțineți consistenta compoziției din video, și așa proaspăt făcut în fiec dim de luat pe stomacul gol. Doar că la o lingura de semințe, nu poți folosi choperul ci cine are, masina de țâșnit cafea.
Initial Takeaways from the Disastrous Earthquake
As the scale of devastation from the earthquake that struck southern Turkey and Syria becomes clearer and more horrifying by the minute, initial takeaways are already surfacing. But before I talk about what I believe needs to be done, I wish to extend once more my deepest sympathy and prayers to the people of Turkey, and especially to those who have been affected by the quake. May they recover quickly, and may they never know sorrow again.
Earthquakes are not uncommon in Turkey, including strong ones, though not as strong as the one that struck this past Monday, and its subsequent powerful aftershock. Therefore, it is surprising that Turkey did not take more extensive preventive measures against powerful tremors. Every country that is located in an area that is prone to earthquakes should take this into consideration. Just as Japan imposes strict construction standards that make its buildings much more quake-resistant than almost all other countries, so should every country do if it is located in an earthquake-prone region.
However, there is something that is just as important as imposing construction standards when it comes to saving lives: international cooperation. Member states of the NATO military alliance, for example, are required to meet certain military standards. Once a country becomes a member, the rest of the countries in the alliance are required to help it if it is attacked.
Similarly, there must be an international alliance that mandates all the member states to help one another in case of a significant seismic event. At the same time, members must meet minimum conditions that the alliance will determine as far as building and road construction standards, accessibility and durability of rescue routes, communication and energy infrastructure, and medical services.
Without such an alliance, each country will determine its priorities by itself, and usually, rare emergencies are at the bottom of the list. The problem is that emergencies do happen, and when they happen, the cost of years of neglect is horrendous in human lives, infrastructure, manufacturing, and money. By the time countries realize they should have prepared in advance, it is too late.
Therefore, by forcing its member states to take preventive measures, an international alliance can save thousands, if not tens of thousands of lives, as in the case of this week’s quake. Additionally, the mandatory mutual assistance will guarantee that affected countries do not have to face natural disasters on their own or rely on the generosity of other countries, which is never enough, and often comes with a political price tag attached to it. If neighboring countries are obligated to help because of their membership in an international alliance, such considerations as international relations and other political caveats will not impede the provision of assistance.
Moreover, maintaining an alliance against natural disasters can help foster better relationships that will reflect on other aspects of the countries’ relationships. Enemies do not talk; they fight. But once countries are engaged in an alliance, they communicate regularly and are no longer enemies. On the contrary, they are responsible for one another. Therefore, they can communicate with one another freely and directly, which can help resolve crises in other dimensions of their relationships.
Therefore, establishing an international alliance for dealing with natural disasters can have benefits far beyond the purpose for which it is established. If we leverage the cooperation established in order to save lives during earthquakes and the like, we can begin to foster better and more constructive relationships among all the countries in the world.
Qual o nome dos remédio ai por favor
спасибо германия