I'm picturing reactions I've seen before to drawing a blank on a one-tile play. Now I've basically seen the equivalent of drawing TWO blanks on a two-tile play! Painful, nerve-racking and exciting at the same time to watch the two crucial tiles never show up, but certainly content!
I only play CSW, so was surprised not to see DOULEIAS at 2:44 but then i realised its only in CSW. Mack you should really switch, lots of the other are.
I remember having SLURP?R on my rack in a game. I tried playing SLURPER*, but couldn't (void challenge). I was angry to see LARRUPS show up as a missed bingo on reviewing that turn. Shortly afterward, I had another game where I had SLURPER on my rack. "Well, no point in even looking for a place to play this!", I thought. So imagine my frustration to see that I had missed SLURPIER as a bingo on that turn. Typical Scrabble dictionary nonsense.
the P’s in the final match was absolutely hilarious
18:25 in collins FACTuRE still fits because of FAA!!!
"Let's go for chaos"
"Where are the Ps?"
"Where are the Ps?"
You got your chaos, all right...
Haha indeed!
23:17 23:28 Mack Meller: "Where are the 🫛?"
23:42 HastyBot: "I had them all for suPPer!" 🤣
It just so haPPened that way, it would aPPear
I'm picturing reactions I've seen before to drawing a blank on a one-tile play. Now I've basically seen the equivalent of drawing TWO blanks on a two-tile play! Painful, nerve-racking and exciting at the same time to watch the two crucial tiles never show up, but certainly content!
I only play CSW, so was surprised not to see DOULEIAS at 2:44 but then i realised its only in CSW. Mack you should really switch, lots of the other are.
When will they aPPear?
I remember having SLURP?R on my rack in a game. I tried playing SLURPER*, but couldn't (void challenge). I was angry to see LARRUPS show up as a missed bingo on reviewing that turn. Shortly afterward, I had another game where I had SLURPER on my rack. "Well, no point in even looking for a place to play this!", I thought. So imagine my frustration to see that I had missed SLURPIER as a bingo on that turn. Typical Scrabble dictionary nonsense.
Haha indeed! The verbs to make -ER are a notoriously tricky bunch
Good skill and good luck in South Bend!
Guys I think Mack Meller likes peas 🫛
slurper isnt a word but larrup is? scrabble is weird.
Sorry but what program is this?
Coulda played BETHMIX* on that late turn in the 2min game :)
Ah dang missed an awesome opportunity for a shoutout! That's pretty low prob too
Still no P!
Still no P!
But yeah, POSTANAL is clearly better.
Oh I didn't see DICKED down here... that's a little sloppy...