from what i know there are actual people who are in charge of cleaning operation rooms i dont know what they're called tho they are also handle putting dead bodies in the freezers
@@someonethere1122 i think they do that in every hospital since the method they use to clean a operation room is much more different than cleaning a simple hallway
I know about alcohol showering. When I used to cut trees, I got sent to cut down a standing dead royal palm. What most people don't understand is that when a palm tree dies from an infected or damaged crown (the green bit the leaves come out of up top) it doesn't just dry out like a regular tree. Nope, a palm tree is basically like a giant lifestraw. It's full of soft pulp and straw-like fibers surrounded by a tough outer shell. This means that when the top dies and falls off the tree roots from the inside out and fills with GALLONS of water mixed with rotten plant matter. Not only that but birds love to use the fluffy dried out bits left up top and the standing trunk to make nests or use as lookout posts to watch for prey. While they do this they use the toilet into the rotting tree. Not to mention the flies and roaches that come to feast on the thing. This one was MUCH worse than most others. It had been dead for over a year and was about 40ft tall so it felt completely solid for the first 10 feet. that means there was a 25ft column of rotten tree water, bird shit, dead lizards, magots, and to top it all off... An entire family of dead ducks (mother and 8 babies) as well as a dead cat, two adult racoons, and at least 5 dead squirrels. So, I'm thinking it was a pretty freshly dead tree and expected maybe some nasty rotten plant juice so I just decide to drop it from the ground rather than go up in the truck and piece it down. Big mistake. I made the horizontal cut for the notch and got the expected brown water flow, which was pretty stinky but not horrible. Then I made the face cut... As soon as the face cut was done HUNDREDS OF GALLONS OF ROTTEN PLANT MATTER AND A FULL RACCOON SKELETON CAME GUSHING OUT OF THE TREE. The tree also started to kinda collapse into its self since the pressure was being released. In a hurry I yelled "headache" (my version of "timber") and made the back cut, dropped my saw, and tried to run as far as possible before the tree hit the floor. When it hit, there was a literal explosion of carcasses, flies, and what I can only describe as "nope juice". I've done crime scene cleanup jobs where someone was dead for a month before the landlord found them, and that smelled like a baby fart compared to that tree. I was lucky enough to know to wear a raincoat just in case I got some rotten tree juice on me but that smell was soaked into my boots and socks (which I threw into the debris pile before we left) as well as my hair and skin. It took me about 2 gallons of isopropyl over the course of 2 days to get the smell off my skin enough for me to not notice it anymore and another week of regular showers before I stopped having to explain to customers why they could smell a dead body on me. Fun times.
@@macaarrooon uhhh probably whang has a video on it, i think it's just called "reddit jolly rancher story" it's very very unrealistic and not even well written, but it's still one of the well known gross internet stories
''Cigarettes scars that his parents claimed was a skin condition'' That's not even gross, that's just really sad... I hope the kid is okay now, and that his pos parents suffered consequences for their actions.
there are even lawyers/'doctors' who specialise in diagnosing 'rare medical conditions' in infants such as 'bruise-like' inflammations and 'inexplicable' broken bones to clear the parents of guilt. It's specifically for wealthy and apparently stable families where such abuse would not be expected. maybe in some cases bruise like conditions *are* mistakenly labelled as signs of child abuse but these 'experts' tend to claim that a huge umbrella of 'symptoms' (all otherwise evidence of abuse) fall under the same condition, which they happen to be one of the only doctors who is willing to diagnose because of political correctness and hysteria. If the parents were poor or the child old enough to speak, they probably faced consequences, otherwise they could well have got off scot free.
@@lodestonefive130 if I were a medical professional, I'd poison them with something that looks like natural causes. I hear foxglove looks exactly like a heart attack if you do it right.
@@dot620 could you perhaps name some of these "doctors" that are responsible for covering up such monstrous behavior? i want to know who to avoid like the plague.
i like how "doctors/nurses/redditors" implies that the three words could be used interchangeably. imagine hearing "the redditor will see you momentarily" or "grandma had weekly visits from the redditor"
OP was asking for stories from doctors, nurses, and redditors in general; That doesn't imply they think they are the same thing. It's not hard to figure that out.
@@Lexilove2016 Yes, it's coming full circle. Yoda could not escape his shameful past. Yoda kept his past a mystery because he feared (yes, feared) that he would not be held in respect and high esteem if it was known that he was born as a bastard on Kessel, to a spice-addicted prostitute. That's why no one knows what species he is; his father could have been one of thousands of miners, or even visiting dignitaries to the planet, making Yoda an unknown hybrid. Naw, I'm joking, obviously! 😆😂
I'm a nurse and I always keep a bottle of peppermint essential oil in my backpack. The worst smell I've ever experienced was a patient who had bowel cancer so he required a colostomy where they take your intestines and divert them to your abdomen and your feces comes out in a bag that you stick on your skin. After he got the ostomy placed he developed a tumor on his stoma (essentially the hole that the feces comes out of) and this thing was massive, like larger than a softball. The stoma still worked and it would be too risky for him to go into surgery and get another in a different spot because of the massive tumor, so we just put his ostomy bags over it and used it as normal. One thing about tumors that not a lot of people know is that they often smell like death, as in they smell a lot like a carcass. So this guy has a massive tumor that is essentially marinating the output of his ostomy (which smells worse than poop) and we have to keep opening it to drain the feces and gas or else it will pop. The entire hallway reeked of that smell and draining it was one of the most horrid things I've ever had to do. I vomited multiple times on the shifts I was taking care of him and I'm nauseous now just thinking about the smell. I gave him my bottle of peppermint oil since he didn't have a lot of money and stocked up on 2 bottles in case I ran into this problem again. Many times I would come on my shift and his bag was full because the previous nurse wouldn't have the stomach to drain it so I would always empty it at the beginning and end of my shift because I worried that the next nurse would avoid it and it would pop, even though it would make me vomit every time. I feel sorry for him because he was incredibly nice and once told me "You know how when you're around a smell for a long time you get used to it and don't smell it anymore? That doesn't happen with this." And I agree, that's one of those smells that will be forever etched into my memory.
Had a stoma pt that was also a seeker. He would remove his bag and stick whatever object he could get his hands on inside the stoma to make it bleed. Fun times
Ok to put the smell in prospective: I work in a microbiology lab in a large urban hospital and we often get samples from the OR so the doctors can diagnose and treat infections. I have had the misfortune of getting the "juice" from a perirectal abscess on multiple occasions, usually it's collected in an industrial metal screwtop container and triple bagged. The OR tries their best to clean the sample/each layer with bleach the best they can but the smell still permeates through the bags. It's a weird mix of death, concentrated ass, and shit. To add insult to injury my coworker who had the displeasure of preparing the sample described it as "chunky yoohoo". The I can't imagine what being in a whole fucking room of the stuff would be like dear god.
My friend used to work in a morgue, and when we were talking about the smell in his workplace, he said that nothing's worse than perirectal abscess fluids, I can't even imagine the putrid smell they produce
the surgeon in this story deserved props tbh, imagine being literally in the firing line of that, the closest person to it, and just continuing your job as your coworkers flee and vomit
Actually this is very common work for those in poor/blue colar areas however the volume of pus and necrotic tissue is astounding the number of patients treated for this is more numerous.
4566Iggy I’m sorry to break the immersion in all but thats not how humans work. This is way too vastly detailed and plays out more like a book than an actual scenario. Especially in a situation like this where you’re last focus would be on the little details like who leaves a room in what order and what others are doing, etc. This is written like a script. Nothing about it seems humanly genuine. The dudes and excellent story teller and could have a promising career in writing novels ill give him that. This story is completely fake there’s probably a little truth thrown in there like all good believable fake stories do. (like he probably does work in the medical field). Lots of stories on Reddit that are faked tend to be the best written and most detailed ones but also turn out to be the most popular ones. But imagine if humans did operate like this, legal cases would be open and shut so fast because people could recount everything that happened in a crime or a legal scenario so detailed there would be no room for someone to lie.
"Somewhere out there there was a godless bastard who had used every single drop of the peppermint oil and had not bothered to put any back" *Kefka's theme begins to play*
The surgeon from the story might be one of the biggest badasses who's ever existed in human history. The man performs the entire procedure without flinching and all he has to say at the end is "that was bad"
He's my favorite character from all of Reddit stories. I'm not a badass or that quiet, but a pretty quiet person. He's a God-tier person of few words, and I find "that was bad" great and hilarious.
Yeah, if he was the ex army it makes sense. Only the army can give you the ability to resist it and in the end simply say "ThiS bAd" and not even drop a "what the f***" in there
I had necrotizing faciitis in my leg so bad that they brought every medical professional in the hospital to come see it because they'd never seen an infection progress so quickly and severely.... most of my calf had fallen off in chunks leaving an 8" x 5" x 2" deep hole with the bone showing. There was pus pouring out and it stank so bad they said they could taste it. I was literally dying so I had to have emergency surgery to have it amputated above the knee or it would kill me. There was no way to fix the hole anyway so I had pretty much already accepted I would lose my leg. Its been 4 months since the surgery and I am doing a lot better now, I am in the process of getting a prosthetic leg.
@@yahkimicki236 Going great! I'm able to walk pretty well with a cane. I need to build strength, endurance and balance before I have a more natural looking gait and can ditch the cane. I'll get there, it just takes practice. Thanks for asking 🙂
I'm glad that surgeon was reported but it's unfortunate they were only banned from the one hospital, they could just continue to be awful elsewhere and compromise lives
Actually, it's dangerous to operate in a warm room. OR's are kept cold to prevent the growth of bacteria. I worked in an OR and when the AC wasn't working properly in a suite, we wouldn't use that suite for that purpose until the AC was fixed. The doctor was most likely concerned for the safety of the patient. That being said, if it was a life and death situation, the temperature probably should have been disregarded.
I have been covered in something similar. My father is a veterinary, and I would go on trips to farms. we got a call with an overdue pregnancy of 3 days. So we went and after the standard check we found that it was a uterine intorsion or the uterus has twisted around itself due to gas or the calf moving. Most of the time we tell the farmer to kill the cow because by day three the fluid and calf have started to rot. Untwisting the uterus would put the cow into toxic shock and kill the animal and ruin the meat. If you kill the cow first you can remove the uterus and save the meat. However, after cutting a small hole in the side of the cow the looking at the uterus with a laparoscope, we found the uterus in good standing. so we untwisted it, this entails multiple people putting their hand in the anus and pushing the uterus around (pretty normal for veterinarian practice). As soon as we got the uterus around the torrent of placental juice and dissolved calf covered my dad and me from head to toe, gallons of fluid, all smelling like a few day old meats and cum. we wear coveralls for this type of stuff and got the half dissolved calf out. took an hour or so of us just soaked in this fluid. but the farmer let us take showers when we were done and the cow lived. But trust me when I say large animal veterinary see some weird shit. I have seen inside out cows born alive, cows born with six legs. cows with massive rotten abscesses with maggots living in them. that's just the tip of the iceberg.
My family are dairy farmers, and while I don’t have any gross stories, my dad was deeply affected by one incident. A calf had gotten lost and my dad had to find and carry it back. Apparently the thing had been rolling in poison ivy, because by the time he was done my dad had a farmer’s tan made of rash. This was over 30 years ago, and to this day dad flips his shit if there was even a chance of me having touched poison ivy, and I don’t even get it much. I just remembered, I do have one gross story I’ve been told. My grandfather was hauling cows to a fair when someone in a convertible passed the trailer very slowly. One cow decided that as good a time as any and took a massive piss right in the back seat of that convertible. Cows aren’t malicious, but they are so stupid that they will make your life as difficult as possible out of shear ignorance.
My mom has raised goats forever, basically as long as she's been moved out from her parents. One night, when I was about 16, the currently-pregnant goat had been wailing and unable to move trying to deliver the kid. My mom and my stepdad march out there, and eventually call me to come out and assist. Turns out, she had twins. Both were born dead, or maybe one was born alive and died later from the trauma, fuzzy on the details. The relevant part is that one was dead, still inside the mom, and its head was stuck. The three of us, in a ramshackle barn full of hay and blood and shit tried for some 30-odd minutes, unsuccessfully attempting to pull the stillborn from the mother. We ended up having to essentially decapitate the stillborn (used a utility knife to remove its head) to actually get the kid out of her. Miraculously, the mom lived after all that. I wouldn't say I'm traumatized by it or anything, but I do still wince thinking about it. That wasn't a fun night.
@@forestboi9760 Dude! I just realized the various stages of this story as chronologically separate songs, with some embellishments could actually be a whole concept album. Like, for example, at the chronological stage about his hatred, for whoever didn't refill the peppermint oil, there could be a song with just lyrics about his hatred and what he might do to the guy who did it, imagining in his mind. Then, near the end of the album, could be an embellishment song where he finds the person who did it and brutally tortures them...and so on and so forth.... SOMEONE PLEASE GET ON THIS!!
Zombie butt geyser sounds like the name of a song spermswamp would make. It makes sense too because they literally have a song called fermented anal nectar.
My question is with everyone else freaking out throwing up, rushing out of the room but that SURGEON! That surgeon is the real MVP how was he able to withstand the horror while everyone else reacted with normal human instincts.
Ex military, and in medicine. They honestly probably had to deal with stuff we couldn't imagine on a daily basis. You don't often have the privilege to be afraid or icked out, you just have to try and do your job quickly without thinking too hard about it.
That's why he's a Surgeon and probably a pretty damn good one at that. Some people just don't get disgusted by things, and we definitely need them when shit [literally] hits the fan. I'd much rather have the cold, emotionally-unphased doctor cut out my butt boil over the girl who ran out and insta vommed.
That's why he's a Surgeon and probably a pretty good one at that. Some people just don't get disgusted by things, and we definitely need them when shit [literally] hits the fan. I'd much rather have the cold, emotionally-unphased doctor cut out my butt boil over the girl who ran out and insta vommed.
The first and last time anyone was ever envious of someone vomiting in their own mask. The detail of not having the peppermint oil though wow. A true in case of emergency brake glass moment.
A kid in my sons 1st grade class last year was in a horrific accident. He had an internal decapitation. His skull was separated from his spine. His skin didn’t tear but he was fully decapitated. He was back in class 3 months after the accident. Other then the loss of his right eye he is 100% healed. It’s amazing to see this kid’s resilience. He is an inspiration to everyone. He takes it all in stride and never complained when he couldn’t go out for recess. My son and some of the other boys in his class actually decided to stay in for recess so they could play with that boy so he wouldn’t be alone. It was a proud dad moment for me when his teacher told me what he and the boys were doing for that boy. Outdoor recess is their favorite part of the day. For 1st grade boys to sacrifice their fun to make his day better is so heartwarming to me. They did this for 2 months till he was cleared for outdoor recess.
How in the hell did that happen? I've never heard of an internal decapitation in my life, and I must know the circumstances that led up to something of that magnitude happening.
Sort of related, I guess, back in the late 70s early 80s when my mom was out of high school, she had a cousin of hers who crashed his car and he was decapitated. They found his severed head in the glove box.
I mean it's not unrealistic. There's loads of neo nazis that do things that would make their master furious if he were still alive. But somehow they're convinced that they would escape the chopping block.
Exactly! Since then, another medical gross-out from Reddit concerning a 700 pound woman and a decomposed lost pregnancy has emerged (Whang covers this) and despite covering something just as sickening and horrifying... it doesn't quite have the same "punch" that this "Dagobah" one does.
Seriously, custodial and housecleaning personnel are the true heroes everywhere. Nobody realizes how incredible these people are until they realize how miserable it would be to have to do their job and the fact that they step up to the plate to do the work of those who refuse and resist.
The build up to it was amazing. Large meth addict native American woman with rectal infection is like an immediate red flag. The minute you hear that you know you're about to hear some serious shit no pun intended.
@@kylejacques8577 There's almost always an M. Night Shyamalan level twist coming. Though I had a a pretty good feeling where things were going just from the intro.
I thought it would be some crazy Star Wars fan on Reddit who did something similar to septic 5 awesome out of obsession but this was somehow way way worse
I've seen a guy pull a catheter out too. It was both one of the funniest and scariest things I've ever seen. It was the pose where he lifted it above his head and screamed like he had just killed a dragon that made it funny. He was a really nice guy and found it funny himself once he was less drugged.
This story is just a rough mixture of the Haribo sugarless gummy bear review, a medical drama, and a Butcher's Harem song. A combination I never knew I needed.
I already have nothing but respect for nurses, doctors, surgeons, EMTs and all medical workers, but shit like this (no pun intended), really makes it sink in just how underappreciated these people are on how much we take them for granted. Not to mention the cleaning crew. And I swear, whoever it was who neglected to replace the peppermint oil must have become a pariah until they got everyone pizzas. Not that they'd have much of an appetite after that.
Listened to this after Botfly Girl. I had never cringed and wanted to puke so badly until I heard that story to the point where this felt like straight comfort food.
I pay to enter your septic tank for an hour at a time- $150. Some might judge me for this but its what I enjoy. I will pay you $150 an hour to bring my equipment in and gain access to your septic tank. I then have my associate close the tank after I have set my tripod and camera up. Believe it or not, its a great place to reflect.
I worked as an orderly in a large internal medicine clinic. We had a terminally ill patient who was going to go at any time, and he was severely hemophilic from treatments he was on. I wheeled him out of the bathroom and bumped his knee, hard, in the doorframe right in front of his daughter. I was horrified and apologized profusely to him, but she waved it off and said "he doesn't have much time anyway." The poor guy didn't even look at me. That's one that will haunt me in the quiet moments forever.
@@99Fishing_ If Ethan is telling the truth, there are right out nasty people in this world and I have seen some of them working in a nursing home. The daughter could just be callous, hateful of the parent, or more concerned over incoming inheritance. People like that are usually a combo of all 3
@@mojothemigo That was the worst part about working with terminally ill people for me. Not the people who are scared, or seeing the families that are so distressed to lose a loved one, although those sucked too- the freaking monsters that act like the patient should've just died already to their faces. And, yeah, way too many of them end up as employees of those kinds of places. Remain skeptical of internet stories, but please do believe that you need to be careful of who you trust around your loved ones when they're on the way out.
The Swamps of Dagobah combined with a story from one of my nursing instructors about a homeless man with rotten genitals were the reasons I dropped out of nursing school. I just didn't have the stomach for that kind of thing. Then I had a car accident and saw unbelievable gore from my own body including a crushed limb, degloving, joints moving in unnatural directions, infections, and skin grafting. I can totally stomach it, now, but my legs will more than likely never work properly again. So much for a nursing career.
My mother used to be a nurse as well. She quit one day after a man was brought to her hospital after having had hot tar poured on his face in a roadwork accident. She had to sit there and peel off all the tar as gently as she could, taking the man's skin with it
Speaking of breasts in a Ziploc bag... I used to repair ultrasounds. The manufacturer I was working with was developing an ultrasound probe that had a biopsy needle attached to it. We were teaming up with a manufacturer of biopsy equipment for this new probe. I was spending a day at the biopsy equipment manufacturer's offices to learn about their gear. The guy training us asked if we wanted to see the breasts that they use to test their equipment. We said sure. I was expecting silicon shaped breasts with fake cysts and tumors in them. We go to another room and he opens up a freezer. It is stacked, bottom to top, with real frozen breasts that are in Ziploc bags. I held one while it was still in the bag. It was pretty messed up.
Luckily those people chose to donate their bodies to science before they died so they’re probably happy to know that they helped develop technology that could help people!
I DIDN'T KNOW WAVYWEBSURF WAS A NURSE????!!! That makes so much sense honestly. He's always seemed like such a genuinely sweet and caring person, and that just confirms it for me.
@@catlife331 Sadly I don't recall the time stamp but Whang puts up a picture of Wavy in scrubs when talking about nurses for all of like .4 seconds. I had to go frame by frame to catch it.
I am thrilled that I for some reason can't visualize things that I haven't seen before. With the relatable imagery in this tale I would have been in deep mental dodo if I had visualized the whole sordid affair...
It's not the stock footage, it's just the laziness of the people using stock footage. Stock footage is, by design, nothing more than a broad representation of something void of meaning. So long as the person using the footage effectively fills the void of meaning with something of substance, the output will be cool
@the clearly you’ve never seen what a reservation is like. You only care about putting down others and insulting and belittling them instead of being a positive good person. Typical republicans
That Splatterhouse music fits SO perfectly, especially when you remember the first boss spews fluid all over the floor when you beat it -- hurting you even after the fight if it touches you.
The Splatterhouse music is a choice pick but near the beginning, around 4:00 minutes, is a track from Chrono Trigger called "Those Without The Will To Live". If that's not the most appropriate soundtrack for what is about to occur in the story I don't know what is.
The only thing I can't deal with as a medical professional is definitely poop. Seriously, anything else is fine for me, but after smelling upper GI bleed poop, I can't deal with it anymore
@@DeathOfDelta if you have ever dealt with someone who, in the course of surgery etc, has swallowed a significant amount of blood from the upper GI it has a very, very specific smell once it comes to the other end in form of gaseous expulsions or more of the solid extrusion. It's been described as "death" and once you know it you cannot un-know. You're welcome.
As someone who deals with medical waste, I agree. Fecal matter is top tier bad. Probably the worst thing that isn't rotting. Only things worse are acid-heavy vomit, rotting flesh, and this weird orange beige liquid I smelled a few years ago that hit harder than fecal matter and was as immediately sharply nauseating as italian food vomit.
I used to be a janitor at a nursing home and there was this one resident who didn't use the toilet, he just shat in his diaper and bed. I didn't deal with the actual shit, but I had to clean his room afterwards, and you could smell this room halfway down the hall. I would rub flavored lip balm in my nostrils just to be able to go into that room it was so bad.
The peppermint oil probably wouldn't have really been enough for the smell of something THAT putrid. We would put peppermint on the masks and cotton balls doused in it around the room. Then have coffee grounds at the nursing station to soak up the smells and cover anything that seeped from the rooms. I have seen the gangrene of the testicles and buttock tissue - Fournier's gangrene - often caused by poor hygiene and more common in diabetics. Also saw a guy with necrotizing fasciitis in the upper arm that had to be rushed to surgery so that he didn't lose his arm - don't inject ANY illicit drugs anywhere on your body... period.
My dad was ER and my mom was surgical, and I can confirm this kind of thing def happens. My mom has a patient with hepatitis c purposely pull out his IV and spray blood into the eyes of the nurses to try to infect them. Another patient bit the doctor and ran out naked into the woods behind the hospital in the middle of a blizzard and required a manhunt to find her before she would have froze. There was a teenage girl who came in repeatedly with severe esophageal burns vomiting blood bc she was suicidal and drinking drain cleaner, but her parents basically had an attitude of ‘uhg, she’s embarrassing us again’ instead of being worried about her. They had an outbreak of C. Difficile that lead to what was referred to as a “ward wide case of deadly poop explosions”. There was a patient who hid *inside* the ceiling bc he didn’t want to leave. And more people than I’d like to mention coming in with huuuuuge necrotic, gangrenous, or infested wounds that they waited to bring in until they’d turned into a fucking horror show. My dad said the grossest thing for him was when he had a 500lb woman who’d lost a SANDWICH in one of her fat rolls that’d rotted, attracted insects that burrowed into her skin, and then infected the wounds from the insects so she not only stank like death and had flesh that literally fell off when it was touched but also caused a literal SWARM when they started cleaning the wound. But both my parents said by far the worst thing to deal with was the emotional toll; my dad’s worst day was when he had a long term elderly patient code during his shift and he suddenly had someone he’d known for months who wasn’t responding to chest compressions but was so delicate that his ribs broke. Everyone told my dad it wasn’t his fault and that he was gone long before cpr started but it always haunted him. My moms worst day was when she delivered a baby that nobody knew was gonna be a harlequin fetus until it was out. The mother kept crying and asking to hold her baby when she realized something was wrong but screamed and started crying harder when she was allowed to. The baby didn’t survive more than a week and both the family and the medical staff were devastated...
@@wannabehistorian371 it is one of the worst birth defects I’ve ever seen. You don’t wanna look it up, but it’s the reason people in ye olden days had stories about women giving birth to demons. Babies with harlequin syndrome grow extremely thick, tough, inflexible skin that looks stark white and cracks all over their bodies exposing raw red flesh underneath. They also usually have bright red bulging eyes that are blind and deformations about the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears making them hard to even recognize as human babies. There have been a few rare cases of survival from it but it’s nearly always fatal, and the babies that survive birth are always in a lot of pain until they die, unable to see or hear and with every touch basically on exposed muscle. And it’s very hard to test for during pregnancy since it’s a skin thing that doesn’t show up well on imaging so most of the time neither the mother or the doctors know a baby is going to be a harlequin til birth, which can be a super traumatic surprise, especially if you’re unaware that this birth defect even exists
@@charlottemartyr Oh god that’s horrible. I can only imagine how traumatic that was for the mother. Though, I looked it up on Wikipedia, and have found a 32 year old who had the condition. So apparently it can be survived?
@@wannabehistorian371 Yes, but it comes with serious health issues. All the extra skin has to be painfully scraped off each day, the victims have to take huge amounts of protein to compensate for the skin growth, and it often leads to deformities of the hands and feet. An unexpected harlequin fetus is a fate I wouldn't wish on any parent. That poor woman.
Nobody is talking about how a 500-pound fat person because a walking hive. I feel like that's something that should be mentioned, that shit sounds STRAIGHT out of Resident Evil (which, did feature a non-fat lady who was a walking hive.)
@@--------352 Just an fyi, vagina and urethra are 2 different things. When a person nuts in a girl, the semen enters the womb, not the bladder. Babies don't come out of the urethra. Basically, women and men have urethra that are considerably smaller than a carrot which makes it all the more puzzling how you could shove a carrot down that small tube.
This however, is a lot more common than the Blow fly chick's story. Not necessarily in that part of the body, but abscesses, filled with stinking pus and necrotic skin, in drug addicts, that have put their health and medical care by the wayside, is not as rare as a chick that gets off on maggots inside her.
There are days I want to be a doctor or nurse, to help people, save lives. On those days I remember stories like these and I think being a house husband is better
This poor fucking woman. I can’t imagine how humiliating and revolting it must be to have your body deteriorate to that state, and I can only imagine the circumstances that lead her to that point. I sincerely hope wherever she is, she’s doing better. :(
It blows my mind someone could live through that. Like their intestines and reproductive organs must’ve been destroyed, idk how sepsis or something would’ve have killed them already
If she couldn't even be bothered to sign up for IHS, she's probably the type of person that did this to herself through utter contempt for personal health. Whether she has a mental disability or disorder may also have contributed. Regardless, I'd bet a large sum of money she's a fucking waste of DNA and a blight on both her family and local community. I still feel bad for her, but some people just get what's coming to them. Hopefully this life experience taught her a lesson about being too complacent when it comes to living an unsustainably unhealthy lifestyle.
Well its science after all as this story is a perfect example sever tissue infection though its probably heavily exagerated. These usually happened to Blue colar workers especially if the wound is not treated, however the story OP mentions probably happened to an overweight/obese person which suffered from a very late untreated butt infection as this explains the excessively heavy pus formation the OP mentioned, he also mention the removal of necrotic (dead) tissue which further points to an untreated patient (likely due to a lack of funds)
Well, if you’re constantly shoving needles into your veins, it’s going to build up scar tissue, and eventually that blocks off the vein. Happens a lot to heroin users. They end up having to be creative with it. Nastiest one I’ve heard of (besides this one, of course) is shooting into the soft tissue under their eyes.
"A child covered with cigarette burns that his parent swore was a skin condition", I have actually suffered from such a skin condition in my childhood! I had a rare disease in my legs, sorry I can not remember the name of it because I was 6 or 7 at the time and I am now in my 50's. My mother might still remember the disease but she is getting rather forgetful in her old age now so I would not count on that! I still remember how it was discovered on me though: One day my mother decided to go on a shopping trip to a big town but we did not own a car so we went by train. My brother and I loved train rides and would normally run up and down the carriage but on this day I was quiet and sat still for the journey. During the long walk around the town looking in shops I started to complain of cramp in one of my legs. My mother dismissed it as one of those things a bored child will do to get the boring shopping trip over with. By the time we got back on the train to return home I was limping and my mother was getting angry with me for faking it. Again I sat still during the return train ride sobbing from the pain in my legs. When we got off the train the other leg was now cramping instead of the first one which convinced my mother that I was faking it for sure. Instead of going home she took us to her friend's house across the street and again instead of playing out in the back yard with her daughter and my brother I sat on the settee watching TV while my mother and her friend gossiped. After a couple of hours my mother decided it was time to return home but when I went to stand up my legs collapsed beneath me sending me to the floor. My mother again got angry with me for playing around but her friend, who was also trained as a nurse, spotted that I was not faking it and lifted me up to carry me across the street. When we got to our house I was sat on our settee and my mother's friend rolled up one of my trouser legs. They were shocked to see red marks all over my leg that they described as looking like someone had used a cigarette to make them. They checked the other leg and the same marks were there. An ambulance was called and I spent a few weeks recuperating in the children's ward of the hospital. So you see, there are skin conditions and diseases that can produce burn like marks that could be mistaken for cigarette burns. If my mother's friend had not been witness to the discovery then who knows if the authorities would have been called on my mother with suspicions of abuse, even for the late 70's that kind of abuse would have been cause to take a child away. In ways I wish they had though as I suffered from mental abuse for most of my childhood which has caused me issues throughout my adulthood that I am still dealing with today. I've also been blind for about a week in my childhood but that's another story! 🙂
How come Whang has all of these videos about finding horrific or fascinating things on Reddit but every time I go on there all i see is the same 3 comments over and over again
6:03 oh man that brings me back. A couple of years ago I had some surgery and saw that happen. Older guy in the bed next to me was super depressed and hated the fact that he was in the hospital. One night, I was awoken by like 5 nurses all trying to contain and calm the guy. He had ripped his catheter out and there was blood and piss all over the floor. Catheters apparently have an inflatable ballon that blows up in your bladder so as to keep it in, but he didn't know that when he ripped it out. I didn't get much sleep after that.
@@narukouzumaki2885 I know it's a year later but the soundtrack playing around 4:00 is from Chrono Trigger, appropriately titled "Those Without The Will To Live".
The second I heard and saw "perirectal abcess" I knew it was gonna be real bad because I had one and a perirectal fistula for 4 years now, but it seems that it will be done in about a month. Anyway it's a really fucked condition and the stuff that comes out can smell real bad, and it is hell on earth to both have and treat. The pus is basically a mix of poop, infection and dead tissue, specially in the beginning. So I've seen that "maple like fluid" come out of me but usually handled by a bandage, and nowhere near exorcist throw up level. But yeah I feel bad for the lady and everyone involved
@@Macachee Not all addicts are deserving of ridicule...obviously she's an idiot by most measures but addiction is not a simple thing, certain groups are more likely to succumb than others, she's a victim like most others
@@Macachee I assume it's because she ran out of decent places to when you're dope-deprived you can do some fucked up shit to get your fix, including that....not to mention she was heavily obese so maybe that was in a round about way (no pun intended) one of the better places to inject, I assume her arms were all fucked up like Jared Leto in Requiem for a Dream or something
I feel so sorry for that lady. Imagine how far past the addiction event horizon you have to be to do that to yourself. If she's still alive I hope she's getting the help she needs
I have to say just the fact it was in the crotch/rectal region always makes me squirm. I can literally take an abscess anywhere else on my body but that is the two places I do not want it.
The worst thing is when this person goes to have a shower again later, that smell will be in their nose. And its gonna hit them again. Because scent sticks to the inside of your nose and you get used to it after youve left the source of the smell. When you have a hot shower though, it comes back full-force. I do autopsies and when i did my first severely decomp autopsy, the other staff forgot to tell me when i have a shower at home, the smell will suddenly hit me again. I almost fell over in the shower when it hit me like a truck.
Me: *doesn’t usually eat during a whang video but hasn’t eaten all day so sits down to have dinner* Whang: *tells me to get a snack* Me: *puts down fork after realizing it’s going to be **_that_** bad*
The grossest thing I've ever done is carry a amputated leg, well half a leg (below the knee) including the foot, after being removed from a morbidly obese diabetic. It was in the correct biohazard/specimen bag of course, but I had to carry down 3 floors and across the was extremely heavy. *When I was in college I worked in a hospital lab and frequently had to pickup specimens from the OR and bring them to pathology. Saw and did some pretty cool stuff.
Nurse here. I've read the Swamps of Dagobah story before, and I really don't see how it could possibly be real. Unless the OP left out a lot of details, it really isn't medically possible that the patient wouldn't be substantially more unwell. As in septic and dying.
I read this story probably more than 10 years ago and yet it was seared into my brain. I knew exactly which story this was going to be before I started watching.
As a hospital housekeeper going on 10 years, I can confirm things like this happen. I've only cleaned our O.R. Suite a few times, but I'm normally in E.R., which sometimes is far far worse.
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mmm nah
Imagine being a janitor cleaning that shit? More respect to all janitors
from what i know there are actual people who are in charge of cleaning operation rooms
i dont know what they're called tho
they are also handle putting dead bodies in the freezers
Fire cleanses, fire purifies, fire renews.
@@lawliet617 they call them theatre technician's
@@lawliet617 Surgery techs clean ORs. Least they do at the hospital I work at.
@@someonethere1122 i think they do that in every hospital since the method they use to clean a operation room is much more different than cleaning a simple hallway
I know about alcohol showering.
When I used to cut trees, I got sent to cut down a standing dead royal palm.
What most people don't understand is that when a palm tree dies from an infected or damaged crown (the green bit the leaves come out of up top) it doesn't just dry out like a regular tree. Nope, a palm tree is basically like a giant lifestraw. It's full of soft pulp and straw-like fibers surrounded by a tough outer shell. This means that when the top dies and falls off the tree roots from the inside out and fills with GALLONS of water mixed with rotten plant matter. Not only that but birds love to use the fluffy dried out bits left up top and the standing trunk to make nests or use as lookout posts to watch for prey. While they do this they use the toilet into the rotting tree. Not to mention the flies and roaches that come to feast on the thing.
This one was MUCH worse than most others. It had been dead for over a year and was about 40ft tall so it felt completely solid for the first 10 feet. that means there was a 25ft column of rotten tree water, bird shit, dead lizards, magots, and to top it all off... An entire family of dead ducks (mother and 8 babies) as well as a dead cat, two adult racoons, and at least 5 dead squirrels.
So, I'm thinking it was a pretty freshly dead tree and expected maybe some nasty rotten plant juice so I just decide to drop it from the ground rather than go up in the truck and piece it down. Big mistake.
I made the horizontal cut for the notch and got the expected brown water flow, which was pretty stinky but not horrible. Then I made the face cut...
As soon as the face cut was done HUNDREDS OF GALLONS OF ROTTEN PLANT MATTER AND A FULL RACCOON SKELETON CAME GUSHING OUT OF THE TREE. The tree also started to kinda collapse into its self since the pressure was being released. In a hurry I yelled "headache" (my version of "timber") and made the back cut, dropped my saw, and tried to run as far as possible before the tree hit the floor.
When it hit, there was a literal explosion of carcasses, flies, and what I can only describe as "nope juice". I've done crime scene cleanup jobs where someone was dead for a month before the landlord found them, and that smelled like a baby fart compared to that tree. I was lucky enough to know to wear a raincoat just in case I got some rotten tree juice on me but that smell was soaked into my boots and socks (which I threw into the debris pile before we left) as well as my hair and skin.
It took me about 2 gallons of isopropyl over the course of 2 days to get the smell off my skin enough for me to not notice it anymore and another week of regular showers before I stopped having to explain to customers why they could smell a dead body on me.
Fun times.
Omg!!! You need a trophy!! For writing, & for your job!!!
Explain the part of the dead racoons, the dead cat, and the dead ducks. What happened to them?
@Julio Huerta i...i mean you arent wrong
Lovely :]
Spooky stinky skeletons
The fact that you told people to get a snack before reading this story is cruel
no joke i was eating a candy similar to a jolly rancher. (i know that’s a different story, but still somewhat relevant)
@@evie5375 name? I forgot
Oh no, I just made a late dinner :/
@@CyberiaTheme I'm sorry
@@macaarrooon uhhh probably whang has a video on it, i think it's just called "reddit jolly rancher story" it's very very unrealistic and not even well written, but it's still one of the well known gross internet stories
If the nurses vomited just imagine how the damn surgeon felt, that dude is a damn champion
The surgeon surgically removed his own nose during the cutting
Probably breathed through his mouth
@@Icarusinhischariot that would make it worse u could taste it
Surgery was done in a dry suit with its own air supply.
He was ex-Army and an ER surgeon, he’d seen some stuff
I like how he has to clarify he's a male nurse because the redditors kept trying to find out if OP was a girl, peak reddit right there
Nice story *m'lady*
*tip fedora*
most of reddit is either ‘no way you’re a woman 🤮’ or OOGA BOOGA FEMALE LADY
@@wamber2391 theres another half where reddit goes "what's a woman?"
@@wasabi5932 shit you right
@@wamber2391 and their chat or PM's would contain a lot of "do you have snap?" messeges
''Cigarettes scars that his parents claimed was a skin condition'' That's not even gross, that's just really sad... I hope the kid is okay now, and that his pos parents suffered consequences for their actions.
If I was that nurse, I'd beat those people to death
there are even lawyers/'doctors' who specialise in diagnosing 'rare medical conditions' in infants such as 'bruise-like' inflammations and 'inexplicable' broken bones to clear the parents of guilt. It's specifically for wealthy and apparently stable families where such abuse would not be expected. maybe in some cases bruise like conditions *are* mistakenly labelled as signs of child abuse but these 'experts' tend to claim that a huge umbrella of 'symptoms' (all otherwise evidence of abuse) fall under the same condition, which they happen to be one of the only doctors who is willing to diagnose because of political correctness and hysteria. If the parents were poor or the child old enough to speak, they probably faced consequences, otherwise they could well have got off scot free.
@@lodestonefive130 if I were a medical professional, I'd poison them with something that looks like natural causes. I hear foxglove looks exactly like a heart attack if you do it right.
@@dot620 could you perhaps name some of these "doctors" that are responsible for covering up such monstrous behavior? i want to know who to avoid like the plague.
@@notgreatgale Same here. Need to know what those bastards are called
i like how "doctors/nurses/redditors" implies that the three words could be used interchangeably. imagine hearing "the redditor will see you momentarily" or "grandma had weekly visits from the redditor"
I had one redditor stick their fingers up my ass to check my prostate.
I'm a female and I'm now pretty sure they weren't a licensed redditor.
OP was asking for stories from doctors, nurses, and redditors in general; That doesn't imply they think they are the same thing. It's not hard to figure that out.
@@pXnTilde It was a joke. Not hard to figure that out.
@@complimentbot7015 suuuure, buddy
@@pXnTilde ok redditor
Brings a whole new meaning to the term "Swamp ass".
Ur foul for that 😭
oh god i’m gonna be sick
I think swamp is an understatement
@@foodafen7406as someone who visited many tropical swamps, I'd argue the actual swamps stink less!
Lady really went and recreated the Exorcist scene, but from the wrong end
The exrecist
@@zerronyx1362 THAT’S some toothy, highbrow shit right there, my man.
The excretist
The Ass-orcist
I guess Yoda’s ketamine addiction was replaced with Jenkem from hell
It's all coming together
Ahahahahahahaha the unforgettable
best comment
@@Lexilove2016 Yes, it's coming full circle. Yoda could not escape his shameful past. Yoda kept his past a mystery because he feared (yes, feared) that he would not be held in respect and high esteem if it was known that he was born as a bastard on Kessel, to a spice-addicted prostitute. That's why no one knows what species he is; his father could have been one of thousands of miners, or even visiting dignitaries to the planet, making Yoda an unknown hybrid.
Naw, I'm joking, obviously! 😆😂
“Zombie Butt Geyser” sounds like the name of a punk band.
Forbidden misfits song
Or a porno grind band.
@@Postaldude2003 umm no.
@@mrj30 why no?
I'm a nurse and I always keep a bottle of peppermint essential oil in my backpack. The worst smell I've ever experienced was a patient who had bowel cancer so he required a colostomy where they take your intestines and divert them to your abdomen and your feces comes out in a bag that you stick on your skin. After he got the ostomy placed he developed a tumor on his stoma (essentially the hole that the feces comes out of) and this thing was massive, like larger than a softball. The stoma still worked and it would be too risky for him to go into surgery and get another in a different spot because of the massive tumor, so we just put his ostomy bags over it and used it as normal. One thing about tumors that not a lot of people know is that they often smell like death, as in they smell a lot like a carcass.
So this guy has a massive tumor that is essentially marinating the output of his ostomy (which smells worse than poop) and we have to keep opening it to drain the feces and gas or else it will pop. The entire hallway reeked of that smell and draining it was one of the most horrid things I've ever had to do. I vomited multiple times on the shifts I was taking care of him and I'm nauseous now just thinking about the smell. I gave him my bottle of peppermint oil since he didn't have a lot of money and stocked up on 2 bottles in case I ran into this problem again.
Many times I would come on my shift and his bag was full because the previous nurse wouldn't have the stomach to drain it so I would always empty it at the beginning and end of my shift because I worried that the next nurse would avoid it and it would pop, even though it would make me vomit every time. I feel sorry for him because he was incredibly nice and once told me "You know how when you're around a smell for a long time you get used to it and don't smell it anymore? That doesn't happen with this." And I agree, that's one of those smells that will be forever etched into my memory.
Poor man, and also you. You guys are amazing for enduring that. Wish you both the best
did the guy make it?
I wish I knew about peppermint oil i use to care for the mentality retarded and oh boy the smells!!
Had a stoma pt that was also a seeker. He would remove his bag and stick whatever object he could get his hands on inside the stoma to make it bleed. Fun times
@@Rue2love .. just say mentally disabled. no wonder you don't care for them anymore
"Oh boy, how lucky of me, a nice, wholesome episode of Whang! I'm sure it won't be disgusting or awful in any way."
20 minutes later
I don't think you have seen Whang before...
"You got pranked bro"
With the whang? NO WAY
Ok to put the smell in prospective:
I work in a microbiology lab in a large urban hospital and we often get samples from the OR so the doctors can diagnose and treat infections. I have had the misfortune of getting the "juice" from a perirectal abscess on multiple occasions, usually it's collected in an industrial metal screwtop container and triple bagged. The OR tries their best to clean the sample/each layer with bleach the best they can but the smell still permeates through the bags. It's a weird mix of death, concentrated ass, and shit. To add insult to injury my coworker who had the displeasure of preparing the sample described it as "chunky yoohoo". The I can't imagine what being in a whole fucking room of the stuff would be like dear god.
''Chunky yoohoo'' 💀😭
So... this concentrated evil goo shows up that often? This wasn’t a fluke? This lady just had an absurdly large example? 😮😧🤢🤮
And I thought the foul stuff that comes out of me after a month without a BM is bad...
My friend used to work in a morgue, and when we were talking about the smell in his workplace, he said that nothing's worse than perirectal abscess fluids, I can't even imagine the putrid smell they produce
Well I regret reading this.
the surgeon in this story deserved props tbh, imagine being literally in the firing line of that, the closest person to it, and just continuing your job as your coworkers flee and vomit
Actually this is very common work for those in poor/blue colar areas however the volume of pus and necrotic tissue is astounding the number of patients treated for this is more numerous.
He was ex army.
Imagine thinking this story is real lmao. The story is way way to detailed.
@@meep3035 Medical people tend to be detailed as it's part of the job.
4566Iggy I’m sorry to break the immersion in all but thats not how humans work. This is way too vastly detailed and plays out more like a book than an actual scenario. Especially in a situation like this where you’re last focus would be on the little details like who leaves a room in what order and what others are doing, etc. This is written like a script. Nothing about it seems humanly genuine. The dudes and excellent story teller and could have a promising career in writing novels ill give him that. This story is completely fake there’s probably a little truth thrown in there like all good believable fake stories do. (like he probably does work in the medical field). Lots of stories on Reddit that are faked tend to be the best written and most detailed ones but also turn out to be the most popular ones. But imagine if humans did operate like this, legal cases would be open and shut so fast because people could recount everything that happened in a crime or a legal scenario so detailed there would be no room for someone to lie.
most evil villains in anime history:
that guy who took the mint oil
"Somewhere out there there was a godless bastard who had used every single drop of the peppermint oil and had not bothered to put any back" *Kefka's theme begins to play*
For good measure, he stole the last scented candle and is lighting it up with the most devilish clowny smile.
I have used all the peppermint oil! *insert kefka laugh*
Reverse Flash be like:
the shit he used to poison that river was actually just the pus from that operating room
my mouth was hanging open when he got to that part. how could someone do such an evil thing
The surgeon from the story might be one of the biggest badasses who's ever existed in human history.
The man performs the entire procedure without flinching and all he has to say at the end is "that was bad"
He's my favorite character from all of Reddit stories. I'm not a badass or that quiet, but a pretty quiet person. He's a God-tier person of few words, and I find "that was bad" great and hilarious.
that was gordon freeman
The “medical professionals are heroes” gets said a lot, but they really are with the horrific experiences they encounter on a hourly basis.
Yeah, if he was the ex army it makes sense. Only the army can give you the ability to resist it and in the end simply say "ThiS bAd" and not even drop a "what the f***" in there
@@musicfriendly12 I'm severely inclined so say medical experience will give you that more than any military training on the planet
Whang, blink twice if Raid Shadow Legends has your family.
Raid Shadow Legends: Ass sludge? Yes! Take our money!'s too late
I mean, who else would sponsor this?
👀 - - 👀 - - 👀
Technicaly you don't have to have an account in the game or even play it to get a sponsorship, so he clearly enjoys it
I had necrotizing faciitis in my leg so bad that they brought every medical professional in the hospital to come see it because they'd never seen an infection progress so quickly and severely.... most of my calf had fallen off in chunks leaving an 8" x 5" x 2" deep hole with the bone showing. There was pus pouring out and it stank so bad they said they could taste it. I was literally dying so I had to have emergency surgery to have it amputated above the knee or it would kill me. There was no way to fix the hole anyway so I had pretty much already accepted I would lose my leg. Its been 4 months since the surgery and I am doing a lot better now, I am in the process of getting a prosthetic leg.
Good grief... Glad to hear that's over for you. Wish u luck w the prosthetic
@@ComoLaBruja Thanks. I got my new prosthetic leg a few days ago and I'm very excited about the prospect of walking again.
@@claritey How's it going with the prosthetic so far?
@@yahkimicki236 Going great! I'm able to walk pretty well with a cane. I need to build strength, endurance and balance before I have a more natural looking gait and can ditch the cane. I'll get there, it just takes practice. Thanks for asking 🙂
@@claritey That's great! I'm glad you're doing well
Can you imagine being on your deathbed and your doctor is like: “it’s too hot in here”. Jfc.
I'm glad that surgeon was reported but it's unfortunate they were only banned from the one hospital, they could just continue to be awful elsewhere and compromise lives
My Brain: jon f cenedy
That’s one of those tv show moments where someone smacks tf out the doctor and is like “Snap out of it Doctor we have a life to save!”
Actually, it's dangerous to operate in a warm room. OR's are kept cold to prevent the growth of bacteria. I worked in an OR and when the AC wasn't working properly in a suite, we wouldn't use that suite for that purpose until the AC was fixed. The doctor was most likely concerned for the safety of the patient. That being said, if it was a life and death situation, the temperature probably should have been disregarded.
@@Gourami_x Is there not also reason to worry about the temperature in the room when the patient is going through hypothermia?
Oh lord, THIS STORY. Anyone who's never heard it and is expecting some kind of goofy Star Wars story, *this is not a goofy Star Wars story*
Too late
I just wanted to hear a wacky story about Yoda...
*i shall never smile again*
@@fatalbert2055 There is no Yoda.
im guessing its shit or something really sweaty and hairy
The fact she was even alive is astonishing to me
Holy shit it must have hurt so much that's horrific, I can't imagine this much suffering
the fact anyone believes this wasn't written by a troll is what astonishes me
Built different.
It’s not real lol
I have been covered in something similar. My father is a veterinary, and I would go on trips to farms. we got a call with an overdue pregnancy of 3 days. So we went and after the standard check we found that it was a uterine intorsion or the uterus has twisted around itself due to gas or the calf moving. Most of the time we tell the farmer to kill the cow because by day three the fluid and calf have started to rot. Untwisting the uterus would put the cow into toxic shock and kill the animal and ruin the meat. If you kill the cow first you can remove the uterus and save the meat. However, after cutting a small hole in the side of the cow the looking at the uterus with a laparoscope, we found the uterus in good standing. so we untwisted it, this entails multiple people putting their hand in the anus and pushing the uterus around (pretty normal for veterinarian practice). As soon as we got the uterus around the torrent of placental juice and dissolved calf covered my dad and me from head to toe, gallons of fluid, all smelling like a few day old meats and cum. we wear coveralls for this type of stuff and got the half dissolved calf out. took an hour or so of us just soaked in this fluid. but the farmer let us take showers when we were done and the cow lived. But trust me when I say large animal veterinary see some weird shit. I have seen inside out cows born alive, cows born with six legs. cows with massive rotten abscesses with maggots living in them. that's just the tip of the iceberg.
All that, and i heard cows can Explode if they die of Heat Stroke.
Cows are fuckin horrifying, man.
My family are dairy farmers, and while I don’t have any gross stories, my dad was deeply affected by one incident. A calf had gotten lost and my dad had to find and carry it back. Apparently the thing had been rolling in poison ivy, because by the time he was done my dad had a farmer’s tan made of rash. This was over 30 years ago, and to this day dad flips his shit if there was even a chance of me having touched poison ivy, and I don’t even get it much.
I just remembered, I do have one gross story I’ve been told. My grandfather was hauling cows to a fair when someone in a convertible passed the trailer very slowly. One cow decided that as good a time as any and took a massive piss right in the back seat of that convertible. Cows aren’t malicious, but they are so stupid that they will make your life as difficult as possible out of shear ignorance.
My mom has raised goats forever, basically as long as she's been moved out from her parents. One night, when I was about 16, the currently-pregnant goat had been wailing and unable to move trying to deliver the kid. My mom and my stepdad march out there, and eventually call me to come out and assist. Turns out, she had twins. Both were born dead, or maybe one was born alive and died later from the trauma, fuzzy on the details. The relevant part is that one was dead, still inside the mom, and its head was stuck.
The three of us, in a ramshackle barn full of hay and blood and shit tried for some 30-odd minutes, unsuccessfully attempting to pull the stillborn from the mother. We ended up having to essentially decapitate the stillborn (used a utility knife to remove its head) to actually get the kid out of her. Miraculously, the mom lived after all that.
I wouldn't say I'm traumatized by it or anything, but I do still wince thinking about it. That wasn't a fun night.
@@Shaun_Jones Cows are not stupid, so dont say that. Is a toddler stupid for pissing on the floor?
Inside-out foetuses are some of the oddest thing that can happen to livestock and I still have no idea why
My mother used to be an ER nurse, and yeah, these kinds of stories are what medical staff break out at parties.
While eating refried bean dip, I imagine.
@@canaisyoung3601 nothing in this story got me that bad but this comment just made me retch a little
Imagine if a student had to do clinicals that day...
"Zombie Butt Geyser" is a great Slam/Grindcore band name.
the whole story is gold material for goregrind.
@@forestboi9760 Dude! I just realized the various stages of this story as chronologically separate songs, with some embellishments could actually be a whole concept album. Like, for example, at the chronological stage about his hatred, for whoever didn't refill the peppermint oil, there could be a song with just lyrics about his hatred and what he might do to the guy who did it, imagining in his mind. Then, near the end of the album, could be an embellishment song where he finds the person who did it and brutally tortures them...and so on and so forth.... SOMEONE PLEASE GET ON THIS!!
Track 1: Addiction To Rot
Track 2: Filth Injection
Track 3: Festering Gut Lump
Track 4: Writhing Lard
Track 5: Unesthetic
Track 6: Zombie Butt Geyser (the titular track)
Track 7: Drowning in Fermentation
Track 8: Stolen Breath of Life
Track 9: Hell To Pay
Track 10: Medical License Revocation
Hell yeah brother 🔨
Zombie butt geyser sounds like the name of a song spermswamp would make. It makes sense too because they literally have a song called fermented anal nectar.
Imagine your operating nurse introducing themselves as “Bonsai Panda”.
*The legend bonsai panda, what an honor.*
The Bonsai Panda, the Chinese Bonsai Kitten.
Ah, I can think of worse names for a surgeon
Like... a Bonsai Kitten...?
17:03 Idea: Replace "ass-ectoplasm" with "rectoplasm".
"Behold mortals, for I bring the gifts of Nurgle"
Nurgle's year of 2020 is over so maybe its tsenche's turn
@@forickgrimaldus8301 I just hope it's not Slaanesh's.
Not even Papa Nurgle would allow this monstrosity.
I came looking for this. Thank you Ian.
My question is with everyone else freaking out throwing up, rushing out of the room but that SURGEON! That surgeon is the real MVP how was he able to withstand the horror while everyone else reacted with normal human instincts.
The FORCE was strong with that one.
Ex military, and in medicine. They honestly probably had to deal with stuff we couldn't imagine on a daily basis. You don't often have the privilege to be afraid or icked out, you just have to try and do your job quickly without thinking too hard about it.
That's why he's a Surgeon and probably a pretty damn good one at that. Some people just don't get disgusted by things, and we definitely need them when shit [literally] hits the fan. I'd much rather have the cold, emotionally-unphased doctor cut out my butt boil over the girl who ran out and insta vommed.
That's why he's a Surgeon and probably a pretty good one at that. Some people just don't get disgusted by things, and we definitely need them when shit [literally] hits the fan. I'd much rather have the cold, emotionally-unphased doctor cut out my butt boil over the girl who ran out and insta vommed.
I bet everyone in there was jealous of the guy that vomited into his mask, that had to smell better than the mess in there.
Unfortunately true
The first and last time anyone was ever envious of someone vomiting in their own mask. The detail of not having the peppermint oil though wow. A true in case of emergency brake glass moment.
Only problem is then your brain is connecting the texture of what you’re feeling in the mask and what you’re seeing
Maybe the smell of vomit mixed with the smell of the woman and made it much worse
A kid in my sons 1st grade class last year was in a horrific accident. He had an internal decapitation. His skull was separated from his spine. His skin didn’t tear but he was fully decapitated. He was back in class 3 months after the accident. Other then the loss of his right eye he is 100% healed. It’s amazing to see this kid’s resilience. He is an inspiration to everyone. He takes it all in stride and never complained when he couldn’t go out for recess. My son and some of the other boys in his class actually decided to stay in for recess so they could play with that boy so he wouldn’t be alone. It was a proud dad moment for me when his teacher told me what he and the boys were doing for that boy. Outdoor recess is their favorite part of the day. For 1st grade boys to sacrifice their fun to make his day better is so heartwarming to me. They did this for 2 months till he was cleared for outdoor recess.
How in the hell did that happen? I've never heard of an internal decapitation in my life, and I must know the circumstances that led up to something of that magnitude happening.
It was a car accident. Look it up. It actually happens more than you would think.
@@lordpumpkinhead265 I had never heard of it till I was 42 years old.
Sort of related, I guess, back in the late 70s early 80s when my mom was out of high school, she had a cousin of hers who crashed his car and he was decapitated. They found his severed head in the glove box.
I don’t know why, but hearing the words “HIV positive neo-nazi” made me laugh so hard
walking contradiction
I mean it's not unrealistic. There's loads of neo nazis that do things that would make their master furious if he were still alive. But somehow they're convinced that they would escape the chopping block.
@@FloridianCaesar Probably got a reused needle tattoo in prison.
@@haroldbalzac6336 nah man they be getting fucked
"And there was no Yoda" needs to be on a shirt
Vote this to the top
I’m picturing someone wearing that shirt in public and the hundredth person who sees it going pale and running to a bathroom.
Can we appreciate how well told this story is? This story wouldn’t be nearly as infamous without it.
Also the visual aids.
Exactly! Since then, another medical gross-out from Reddit concerning a 700 pound woman and a decomposed lost pregnancy has emerged (Whang covers this) and despite covering something just as sickening and horrifying... it doesn't quite have the same "punch" that this "Dagobah" one does.
Fr, dude told it with the right amount of humor and seriousness
Seriously, custodial and housecleaning personnel are the true heroes everywhere. Nobody realizes how incredible these people are until they realize how miserable it would be to have to do their job and the fact that they step up to the plate to do the work of those who refuse and resist.
For real. Without sanitation workers, we would very likely be in the dark ages again.
that surgeon has a balls made up of pressurized steel
Wtf is pressurized steel
Naw, the surgeon’s got fucking a tungsten sack and one made of depleted uranium for the other
D-D-Duke? Is that you?
hm yes
a balls
one singular balls
Me: this story can't be that bad
*5 minutes later
Me: Jesus fucking christ
Gape core
Unless you read the maggot girl and the Doritos story
Two minutes in and I am crying.
The build up to it was amazing.
Large meth addict native American woman with rectal infection is like an immediate red flag. The minute you hear that you know you're about to hear some serious shit no pun intended.
@@Dalesdeadbug90 Doritos story??
I thought this would be a innocent Star Wars thing
I was so wrong
It's Whang. They're never as innocent as the title implies.
There's almost always an M. Night Shyamalan level twist coming.
Though I had a a pretty good feeling where things were going just from the intro.
You can expect everything that is wrong in life once you read or hear the word "reddit"
I thought it would be some crazy Star Wars fan on Reddit who did something similar to septic 5 awesome out of obsession but this was somehow way way worse
With the thumbnail of a guy covered in shit you know it's not gonna be fun
I've seen a guy pull a catheter out too. It was both one of the funniest and scariest things I've ever seen. It was the pose where he lifted it above his head and screamed like he had just killed a dragon that made it funny.
He was a really nice guy and found it funny himself once he was less drugged.
wasn't it incredibly painful and perhaps a little bloody, too?
This story is just a rough mixture of the Haribo sugarless gummy bear review, a medical drama, and a Butcher's Harem song. A combination I never knew I needed.
Oh god. Please. Not the fucking sugarless gummy bears
Haribo sugarless gummy bear?!
@@Macachee aka the greatest tragedy on amazon reviews
@@Macachee you are lucky
Edit: gonna read the masterpieces again
This sounds like an SCP. Unreal.
"There was no Yoda."
Can’t be worse than the jolly rancher story
Edit: MY. GOD.
Or the vagina bacon
Maybe the story where that girl puts rotting meat in her self..
@@PRS-qh5jf oh god why did you remind me
Thanks for the memories
I got choked on a Jolly Rancher once, and it came out of my nose 😆
My hands are shaking after this story
Well well well! Never thought I'd see you here!
I thought the peppermint concentrate was going to be a saving grace in this story. Nope, Chuck Testa.
Now there's a meme I haven't heard about in awhile.
I already have nothing but respect for nurses, doctors, surgeons, EMTs and all medical workers, but shit like this (no pun intended), really makes it sink in just how underappreciated these people are on how much we take them for granted. Not to mention the cleaning crew.
And I swear, whoever it was who neglected to replace the peppermint oil must have become a pariah until they got everyone pizzas. Not that they'd have much of an appetite after that.
Those pizzas better be the best and biggest money can buy.
As someone who have read this story multiple times over the years, seeing this video get told with your wonderful montage was a very nice treat.
I had to put this on as a palette cleanser after the Messytails video
this is gumdrops and candy canes in comparison to the messytails situation
Well colour me intrigued. This will be my appetizer.
I had the exact opposite happen lol, Messytails was barely even that bad to me compared to this
Listened to this after Botfly Girl. I had never cringed and wanted to puke so badly until I heard that story to the point where this felt like straight comfort food.
When I read the title the worst thing I could think of was like, a person living in septic tanks or something. This was much worse, 10/10
I pay to enter your septic tank for an hour at a time- $150. Some might judge me for this but its what I enjoy. I will pay you $150 an hour to bring my equipment in and gain access to your septic tank. I then have my associate close the tank after I have set my tripod and camera up. Believe it or not, its a great place to reflect.
@@rodbelding9523 where is the pictures of you in a sceptic tank?
@@rodbelding9523 pics or it didn't happen, redditor
@@alanalves7649 Are you guys joking? Because that guy's post comes from a craigslist ad which actually has an image of a guy inside a septic tank
@@elansleazebaganno Wait that wasn't a joke he just wrote? There's a real person that does that?
I worked as an orderly in a large internal medicine clinic. We had a terminally ill patient who was going to go at any time, and he was severely hemophilic from treatments he was on. I wheeled him out of the bathroom and bumped his knee, hard, in the doorframe right in front of his daughter. I was horrified and apologized profusely to him, but she waved it off and said "he doesn't have much time anyway." The poor guy didn't even look at me. That's one that will haunt me in the quiet moments forever.
Was the daughter not aware of how terrifying dying is?
@@99Fishing_ If Ethan is telling the truth, there are right out nasty people in this world and I have seen some of them working in a nursing home. The daughter could just be callous, hateful of the parent, or more concerned over incoming inheritance. People like that are usually a combo of all 3
@@mojothemigo That was the worst part about working with terminally ill people for me. Not the people who are scared, or seeing the families that are so distressed to lose a loved one, although those sucked too- the freaking monsters that act like the patient should've just died already to their faces. And, yeah, way too many of them end up as employees of those kinds of places.
Remain skeptical of internet stories, but please do believe that you need to be careful of who you trust around your loved ones when they're on the way out.
@@mojothemigo or it’s possible abusive parents exists as well
She was right.
The Swamps of Dagobah combined with a story from one of my nursing instructors about a homeless man with rotten genitals were the reasons I dropped out of nursing school. I just didn't have the stomach for that kind of thing. Then I had a car accident and saw unbelievable gore from my own body including a crushed limb, degloving, joints moving in unnatural directions, infections, and skin grafting. I can totally stomach it, now, but my legs will more than likely never work properly again. So much for a nursing career.
So sorry about the crash you had to experience. Hope you’re doing much better now. Peace and love to you brother
My mother used to be a nurse as well. She quit one day after a man was brought to her hospital after having had hot tar poured on his face in a roadwork accident. She had to sit there and peel off all the tar as gently as she could, taking the man's skin with it
i'm so sorry that happened to you
@@evie5375 Thank you. It was a lifetime of lessons I apparently needed to learn in just three years. I'm putting myself back together these days.
@@aunt_shoe glad to hear that! hope you and your loved ones are well.
Speaking of breasts in a Ziploc bag...
I used to repair ultrasounds. The manufacturer I was working with was developing an ultrasound probe that had a biopsy needle attached to it. We were teaming up with a manufacturer of biopsy equipment for this new probe.
I was spending a day at the biopsy equipment manufacturer's offices to learn about their gear. The guy training us asked if we wanted to see the breasts that they use to test their equipment. We said sure. I was expecting silicon shaped breasts with fake cysts and tumors in them.
We go to another room and he opens up a freezer. It is stacked, bottom to top, with real frozen breasts that are in Ziploc bags. I held one while it was still in the bag. It was pretty messed up.
Luckily those people chose to donate their bodies to science before they died so they’re probably happy to know that they helped develop technology that could help people!
I DIDN'T KNOW WAVYWEBSURF WAS A NURSE????!!! That makes so much sense honestly. He's always seemed like such a genuinely sweet and caring person, and that just confirms it for me.
Wait WHAT!?
@@catlife331 Sadly I don't recall the time stamp but Whang puts up a picture of Wavy in scrubs when talking about nurses for all of like .4 seconds. I had to go frame by frame to catch it.
17:58 ?
I just looked him up on Google and it said that he works in the mental health field when he's not making youtube videos
I am physically gagging because I can picture everything and I can't stop watching and I'm not okay.
Same, midnight snack was a bad idea. Luckily I'm keeping it down by drinking water.
I am thrilled that I for some reason can't visualize things that I haven't seen before. With the relatable imagery in this tale I would have been in deep mental dodo if I had visualized the whole sordid affair...
🎶 I'm noooooooot oooooookaaaaay 🎶
I usually hate stock footage vids, but this is how you do it if you're gonna do it.
Sr Pelo would like a word with you
I don’t get that, I fucking love these videos as long as the stock footage is done well and maybe even funny sometimes
It's not the stock footage, it's just the laziness of the people using stock footage. Stock footage is, by design, nothing more than a broad representation of something void of meaning. So long as the person using the footage effectively fills the void of meaning with something of substance, the output will be cool
I'm here for the story not the visuals
You’d love internet historian
Born to late to explore an unmapped world, born to early to go to space. Born just in time to learn about this horror show.
"None of us expected what was going to happen next..."
TH-cam ad: "It's a family favorite activity!"
Poor woman. Hope she turns her life around and gets clean.
I really, really hope she got the help she clearly needed. Native people in this country are treated like shit's shit.
@the clearly you’ve never seen what a reservation is like. You only care about putting down others and insulting and belittling them instead of being a positive good person. Typical republicans
I've been to a reservation multiple times. They're bums.
@@raven1359 Not even just Republicans. Indigenous people suffer at the hands of everyone.
@@OlMrEllis come visit my community bud. We just finished getting a new school built and are looking for teachers
That Splatterhouse music fits SO perfectly, especially when you remember the first boss spews fluid all over the floor when you beat it -- hurting you even after the fight if it touches you.
The Splatterhouse music is a choice pick but near the beginning, around 4:00 minutes, is a track from Chrono Trigger called "Those Without The Will To Live". If that's not the most appropriate soundtrack for what is about to occur in the story I don't know what is.
Talking about the first boss from the second game?
Also the Trauma Center music.
"Have fun with this one" means so much as "this might be the reason you kys today"
"Bovine afterbirth and maple syrup." Welp, I'm done eating for the week.
Canadian farmer here.
Just no.
I was just eating maple syrup candy bruh
New IHOP item?
I may give up bovine afterbirth altogether!
The only thing I can't deal with as a medical professional is definitely poop. Seriously, anything else is fine for me, but after smelling upper GI bleed poop, I can't deal with it anymore
Blood farts are death
@@sophroniel I'm gonna need you to elaborate more on what the hell "blood farts" are.
@@DeathOfDelta if you have ever dealt with someone who, in the course of surgery etc, has swallowed a significant amount of blood from the upper GI it has a very, very specific smell once it comes to the other end in form of gaseous expulsions or more of the solid extrusion. It's been described as "death" and once you know it you cannot un-know.
You're welcome.
As someone who deals with medical waste, I agree. Fecal matter is top tier bad. Probably the worst thing that isn't rotting.
Only things worse are acid-heavy vomit, rotting flesh, and this weird orange beige liquid I smelled a few years ago that hit harder than fecal matter and was as immediately sharply nauseating as italian food vomit.
I used to be a janitor at a nursing home and there was this one resident who didn't use the toilet, he just shat in his diaper and bed. I didn't deal with the actual shit, but I had to clean his room afterwards, and you could smell this room halfway down the hall. I would rub flavored lip balm in my nostrils just to be able to go into that room it was so bad.
The peppermint oil probably wouldn't have really been enough for the smell of something THAT putrid. We would put peppermint on the masks and cotton balls doused in it around the room. Then have coffee grounds at the nursing station to soak up the smells and cover anything that seeped from the rooms.
I have seen the gangrene of the testicles and buttock tissue - Fournier's gangrene - often caused by poor hygiene and more common in diabetics. Also saw a guy with necrotizing fasciitis in the upper arm that had to be rushed to surgery so that he didn't lose his arm - don't inject ANY illicit drugs anywhere on your body... period.
Correct you rub them on your gums so you dont become addicted.
@@walker-macfitness2130 ??? 😂
@@resistingthesystem Its always sunny reference
The mere mention of Fournier's gangrene makes me skin crawl... So glad I'm not in the medical field.
@@resistingthesystem he means gums. Rubbing drugs on your guns while cool isn't necessary.
My dad was ER and my mom was surgical, and I can confirm this kind of thing def happens. My mom has a patient with hepatitis c purposely pull out his IV and spray blood into the eyes of the nurses to try to infect them. Another patient bit the doctor and ran out naked into the woods behind the hospital in the middle of a blizzard and required a manhunt to find her before she would have froze. There was a teenage girl who came in repeatedly with severe esophageal burns vomiting blood bc she was suicidal and drinking drain cleaner, but her parents basically had an attitude of ‘uhg, she’s embarrassing us again’ instead of being worried about her. They had an outbreak of C. Difficile that lead to what was referred to as a “ward wide case of deadly poop explosions”. There was a patient who hid *inside* the ceiling bc he didn’t want to leave. And more people than I’d like to mention coming in with huuuuuge necrotic, gangrenous, or infested wounds that they waited to bring in until they’d turned into a fucking horror show. My dad said the grossest thing for him was when he had a 500lb woman who’d lost a SANDWICH in one of her fat rolls that’d rotted, attracted insects that burrowed into her skin, and then infected the wounds from the insects so she not only stank like death and had flesh that literally fell off when it was touched but also caused a literal SWARM when they started cleaning the wound. But both my parents said by far the worst thing to deal with was the emotional toll; my dad’s worst day was when he had a long term elderly patient code during his shift and he suddenly had someone he’d known for months who wasn’t responding to chest compressions but was so delicate that his ribs broke. Everyone told my dad it wasn’t his fault and that he was gone long before cpr started but it always haunted him. My moms worst day was when she delivered a baby that nobody knew was gonna be a harlequin fetus until it was out. The mother kept crying and asking to hold her baby when she realized something was wrong but screamed and started crying harder when she was allowed to. The baby didn’t survive more than a week and both the family and the medical staff were devastated...
I’m afraid to search; what’s a harlequin fetus?
@@wannabehistorian371 it is one of the worst birth defects I’ve ever seen. You don’t wanna look it up, but it’s the reason people in ye olden days had stories about women giving birth to demons. Babies with harlequin syndrome grow extremely thick, tough, inflexible skin that looks stark white and cracks all over their bodies exposing raw red flesh underneath. They also usually have bright red bulging eyes that are blind and deformations about the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears making them hard to even recognize as human babies. There have been a few rare cases of survival from it but it’s nearly always fatal, and the babies that survive birth are always in a lot of pain until they die, unable to see or hear and with every touch basically on exposed muscle. And it’s very hard to test for during pregnancy since it’s a skin thing that doesn’t show up well on imaging so most of the time neither the mother or the doctors know a baby is going to be a harlequin til birth, which can be a super traumatic surprise, especially if you’re unaware that this birth defect even exists
@@charlottemartyr Oh god that’s horrible. I can only imagine how traumatic that was for the mother.
Though, I looked it up on Wikipedia, and have found a 32 year old who had the condition. So apparently it can be survived?
@@wannabehistorian371 Yes, but it comes with serious health issues. All the extra skin has to be painfully scraped off each day, the victims have to take huge amounts of protein to compensate for the skin growth, and it often leads to deformities of the hands and feet.
An unexpected harlequin fetus is a fate I wouldn't wish on any parent. That poor woman.
Nobody is talking about how a 500-pound fat person because a walking hive. I feel like that's something that should be mentioned, that shit sounds STRAIGHT out of Resident Evil (which, did feature a non-fat lady who was a walking hive.)
**Me having the worst diarrhea of my life**
The plumber: *I sense a disturbance in the force*
Your plumber's watching you take a crap?
@@Lexilove2016 he doesn't have to be you bell end, Jedi can sense occurrences remotely you donkey.
Whang: Carrots stuck in the...
Me:. Alright we know what this is
Whang: Bladder!
Me:. WTF!
There was a man who shoved a fork down his urethra
Yes when I heard carrots I was thinking "well it's not the strangest thing that people stuck in their..."
And then I hear the bladder part.
@@pafnutiytheartist musta been a very large urethra or a shit ton of lube and elbow grease.
I get how it could happen to a woman but a man?
Just an fyi, vagina and urethra are 2 different things. When a person nuts in a girl, the semen enters the womb, not the bladder. Babies don't come out of the urethra. Basically, women and men have urethra that are considerably smaller than a carrot which makes it all the more puzzling how you could shove a carrot down that small tube.
This was like the Blowfly Girl story but, on steroids. 😦 That guy is a god damn trooper.
This however, is a lot more common than the Blow fly chick's story. Not necessarily in that part of the body, but abscesses, filled with stinking pus and necrotic skin, in drug addicts, that have put their health and medical care by the wayside, is not as rare as a chick that gets off on maggots inside her.
@@irishandirie Sheesh
There are days I want to be a doctor or nurse, to help people, save lives. On those days I remember stories like these and I think being a house husband is better
And then she weighed 120 pounds.
Jesus 😂😩
How to lose weight
This poor fucking woman. I can’t imagine how humiliating and revolting it must be to have your body deteriorate to that state, and I can only imagine the circumstances that lead her to that point. I sincerely hope wherever she is, she’s doing better. :(
It blows my mind someone could live through that. Like their intestines and reproductive organs must’ve been destroyed, idk how sepsis or something would’ve have killed them already
If she couldn't even be bothered to sign up for IHS, she's probably the type of person that did this to herself through utter contempt for personal health. Whether she has a mental disability or disorder may also have contributed. Regardless, I'd bet a large sum of money she's a fucking waste of DNA and a blight on both her family and local community. I still feel bad for her, but some people just get what's coming to them. Hopefully this life experience taught her a lesson about being too complacent when it comes to living an unsustainably unhealthy lifestyle.
If by "better" you mean "dead", she might very well be, otherwise definitely not
Well its science after all as this story is a perfect example sever tissue infection though its probably heavily exagerated.
These usually happened to Blue colar workers especially if the wound is not treated, however the story OP mentions probably happened to an overweight/obese person which suffered from a very late untreated butt infection as this explains the excessively heavy pus formation the OP mentioned, he also mention the removal of necrotic (dead) tissue which further points to an untreated patient (likely due to a lack of funds)
@@forickgrimaldus8301 He also mentioned she shot meth into her taint.
So, y'know, that explains a lot.
Why would you even inject drugs into your taint? Like okay fine, you have an addiction, but that's weird even for addicts I'm pretty sure.
i thinks it’s because it’s the only usable vein left
@@cxlv1n 😐
@@cxlv1n exactly
I know that some people inject between their toes to hide marks from syringes, so I´m guessing it´s an alternative to that maybe?
Well, if you’re constantly shoving needles into your veins, it’s going to build up scar tissue, and eventually that blocks off the vein. Happens a lot to heroin users. They end up having to be creative with it. Nastiest one I’ve heard of (besides this one, of course) is shooting into the soft tissue under their eyes.
"A child covered with cigarette burns that his parent swore was a skin condition", I have actually suffered from such a skin condition in my childhood! I had a rare disease in my legs, sorry I can not remember the name of it because I was 6 or 7 at the time and I am now in my 50's. My mother might still remember the disease but she is getting rather forgetful in her old age now so I would not count on that! I still remember how it was discovered on me though:
One day my mother decided to go on a shopping trip to a big town but we did not own a car so we went by train. My brother and I loved train rides and would normally run up and down the carriage but on this day I was quiet and sat still for the journey. During the long walk around the town looking in shops I started to complain of cramp in one of my legs. My mother dismissed it as one of those things a bored child will do to get the boring shopping trip over with. By the time we got back on the train to return home I was limping and my mother was getting angry with me for faking it. Again I sat still during the return train ride sobbing from the pain in my legs. When we got off the train the other leg was now cramping instead of the first one which convinced my mother that I was faking it for sure. Instead of going home she took us to her friend's house across the street and again instead of playing out in the back yard with her daughter and my brother I sat on the settee watching TV while my mother and her friend gossiped. After a couple of hours my mother decided it was time to return home but when I went to stand up my legs collapsed beneath me sending me to the floor. My mother again got angry with me for playing around but her friend, who was also trained as a nurse, spotted that I was not faking it and lifted me up to carry me across the street. When we got to our house I was sat on our settee and my mother's friend rolled up one of my trouser legs. They were shocked to see red marks all over my leg that they described as looking like someone had used a cigarette to make them. They checked the other leg and the same marks were there. An ambulance was called and I spent a few weeks recuperating in the children's ward of the hospital.
So you see, there are skin conditions and diseases that can produce burn like marks that could be mistaken for cigarette burns. If my mother's friend had not been witness to the discovery then who knows if the authorities would have been called on my mother with suspicions of abuse, even for the late 70's that kind of abuse would have been cause to take a child away. In ways I wish they had though as I suffered from mental abuse for most of my childhood which has caused me issues throughout my adulthood that I am still dealing with today.
I've also been blind for about a week in my childhood but that's another story! 🙂
i’d love to hear the blind for a week story! was it scary?
A woman injected drugs near her rectal area, this is what happened to the O.R.
NW is a middle age Native American woman ☝🏼 presenting to the operating room
I see you're a man of culture as well 😎
She had acute swamp-wateremia, emia meaning “presence in blood”
NW’s boyfriend finally admits that NW has been shooting dirty meth into her taint for years- this tells doctors everything they need to know 🙂
@@Svellgarm I wouldn’t be surprised if they had septicemia or bacteremia.
How come Whang has all of these videos about finding horrific or fascinating things on Reddit but every time I go on there all i see is the same 3 comments over and over again
same. i made an acc thinking I'd be finding interesting stuff and was disappointed at what it actually was.
Good and weird stuff is a rarity
Because you are a normie so your internet algorithm knows you are not ready for the awesome stuff. Get gud normie.
@D Ceased you saying that unironically is normie.
People need to tell this story to middle schoolers during those boring anti drug talks. Would’ve gotten my attention at that age!
Yea, you need some action and drama alongside cold hard facts tbh
The nurse ominously saying "Have fun with this one :)" before anything had even happened...
Oh man, the Peri-rectal abscess is a fucking classic. As soon as you started with a medical student, I knew what story I was in for.
Don’t listen to the story with your eyes closed. You will see everything.
For real I listened to it in the background while drawing and jesus bro LOL
I read the comments before this, decided to watch stock footage of cats while listening, made the experience not as bad
I can see it even _without_ my eyes closed
Raid Shadow Legends isn't even a real game, it's just a meme now.
It was all just a figment of our imagination
Mafia using it as a laundry mat:
"It never was a real game."
That surgeon is an absolute chad. The sheer stomach to keep cutting and scraping even as his entire team freaked out.
Ah yes my favourite bit from Star Wars where Blowflygirl trains in the swamps of Dagobah
6:03 oh man that brings me back. A couple of years ago I had some surgery and saw that happen. Older guy in the bed next to me was super depressed and hated the fact that he was in the hospital. One night, I was awoken by like 5 nurses all trying to contain and calm the guy. He had ripped his catheter out and there was blood and piss all over the floor. Catheters apparently have an inflatable ballon that blows up in your bladder so as to keep it in, but he didn't know that when he ripped it out. I didn't get much sleep after that.
I've just got to say, how much I appreciate Whang's choice of music to go along with these stories.
The only tracks I recognize are one from Splatterhouse, two from Final Fantasy VI and one from Resident Evil.
@@narukouzumaki2885 I know it's a year later but the soundtrack playing around 4:00 is from Chrono Trigger, appropriately titled "Those Without The Will To Live".
"tl;dr, dont shoot drugs up your taint" had me wheezing
The second I heard and saw "perirectal abcess" I knew it was gonna be real bad because I had one and a perirectal fistula for 4 years now, but it seems that it will be done in about a month. Anyway it's a really fucked condition and the stuff that comes out can smell real bad, and it is hell on earth to both have and treat. The pus is basically a mix of poop, infection and dead tissue, specially in the beginning. So I've seen that "maple like fluid" come out of me but usually handled by a bandage, and nowhere near exorcist throw up level. But yeah I feel bad for the lady and everyone involved
Why do you feel bad for her? She did it to herself by injecting heroin into her taint like an idiot!
@@Macachee Not all addicts are deserving of ridicule...obviously she's an idiot by most measures but addiction is not a simple thing, certain groups are more likely to succumb than others, she's a victim like most others
@@TheBfutgreg I understand that but… in the taint??? She chose to inject it into her taint instead of…anywhere else! Wtf?!
@@Macachee I assume it's because she ran out of decent places to when you're dope-deprived you can do some fucked up shit to get your fix, including that....not to mention she was heavily obese so maybe that was in a round about way (no pun intended) one of the better places to inject, I assume her arms were all fucked up like Jared Leto in Requiem for a Dream or something
I feel so sorry for that lady. Imagine how far past the addiction event horizon you have to be to do that to yourself. If she's still alive I hope she's getting the help she needs
How the hell was that patient still alive before and after that
Edit: *Enter the reply thread at your own risk*
I'm having some sort of Mandela effect, because I was absolutely sure she had died.
Because it isn't a true story.
@@gooberthoreau not with that attitude it ain't
@@TheGhost-rp3ko ... God damn, you have won me over.
Reddit is full of fake stories.
Ugh, this one’s gnarly.
You can say that again
I have to say just the fact it was in the crotch/rectal region always makes me squirm. I can literally take an abscess anywhere else on my body but that is the two places I do not want it.
The worst thing is when this person goes to have a shower again later, that smell will be in their nose.
And its gonna hit them again.
Because scent sticks to the inside of your nose and you get used to it after youve left the source of the smell. When you have a hot shower though, it comes back full-force.
I do autopsies and when i did my first severely decomp autopsy, the other staff forgot to tell me when i have a shower at home, the smell will suddenly hit me again.
I almost fell over in the shower when it hit me like a truck.
Me: *doesn’t usually eat during a whang video but hasn’t eaten all day so sits down to have dinner*
Whang: *tells me to get a snack*
Me: *puts down fork after realizing it’s going to be **_that_** bad*
I had a chocolate cupcake I was gonna eat with this. I am not gonna be eating that for a while now.
*Reads title* "Is this the story I remember?"
*looks through comments* "Yep, let's go though this masterpiece again"
The grossest thing I've ever done is carry a amputated leg, well half a leg (below the knee) including the foot, after being removed from a morbidly obese diabetic. It was in the correct biohazard/specimen bag of course, but I had to carry down 3 floors and across the was extremely heavy.
*When I was in college I worked in a hospital lab and frequently had to pickup specimens from the OR and bring them to pathology. Saw and did some pretty cool stuff.
Does anybody ask for there amputated legs back to feed there dog or whatever. Or is that just urban legend.
They are not allowed to give you back ypur body parts.
A fate more tragic than Chernobyl because these poor bastards survived the meltdown, and were drenched in ground zero exposure to The Elephant's Poot
Nurse here. I've read the Swamps of Dagobah story before, and I really don't see how it could possibly be real. Unless the OP left out a lot of details, it really isn't medically possible that the patient wouldn't be substantially more unwell. As in septic and dying.
Maybe he was exaggerating at the amount.
medical pro here and agree as well
Truely the best synopsis of "Asspocalypse Now" so far.
Ha- _"Asspocalypse Now".. I'm stealing that!_
Spread the chee- ... ehhhh ... the news!
I read this story probably more than 10 years ago and yet it was seared into my brain. I knew exactly which story this was going to be before I started watching.
That surgeon needs to go into the hall of fame for doctors, he’s a real one.
Oh goodie, this seems like a good time to start eating my Christmas chocolates!
Make sure to get the caramel filled ones!!
Don't vomit and good luck
I've never clicked so fast on a video I don't want to watch.
Welcome to Whang
As a hospital housekeeper going on 10 years, I can confirm things like this happen. I've only cleaned our O.R. Suite a few times, but I'm normally in E.R., which sometimes is far far worse.