This reminds me of my cat who passed away recently. She's been my best friend for 15 years since I was 4. When her time was coming, she looked at me me in the eye as if to say "thank you, you're a real one", then she left out the front door - with that gaze I knew it meant the end. She left out the front door and eventually my mum found her dead under the decking. This songs reminds me of her trip to the decking. To dear Dilly, you've helped me a fuck ton, we're best friends, and still your body is a carcass under the living soil you're still with me. I love you girl. Xxx
The connection that cats have is no comparison to dogs. Dogs are are very supporting and companion, but the connection with the a cat is much more powerful and deep. If your lucky enough to be worthy of it…
I just lost my cat of 14years.. named him dumpling.. I feel like I lost a part of me when he passed away.. I was there when he left. Buried him near our chapel... I like to pretend his spirit is still there ...
...godammit. My cat is the only reason im still around. Only fucking thing i care about, i didn't think id be able to feel anything like that again. She's about 4 now, but if or when that day comes for her first she definitely won't be going alone.
This sounds like a fever dream. Unreal harmonies and chords. Mastodon is so unique and different it's incredible. One of the best bands of this century so far.
I love this has that dreamy feel..bill kelliher's riffs on this one totally carry the tune...and it just carries you away.....the video captured that pretty well in a weird muppet way..and brent's solo is great and organic as fuck as always
Alex Phillips Fuck yeah! They're my 2 favorite bands, went to the show in Minneapolis and it fuckin rocked. Actually got into Mastodon because Neil sings on Blood and Thunder.
Proud dad moment: my daughters age 6 and 3 love this song. Every time we listen to it going down the road I have to hand my phone back to them so they can watch the "Cat song". We pulled up in the driveway halfway through the song and they demanded we sit here and finish it before we went in 🥹
I view this video as a song about a call to the cat for help by those Under-dwellars that were being bullied and terrorized by an evil entity and they needed the Cats help to full fill a destiny and is their savior to release them from that oppression.
The whole album theme seems to be mental health and related. "Once More 'Round the Sun is loosely based on the life and times of each person in the band during the past year." and moore.
*LYRICS* The moment you walked in the room, my friend The demons, they all went away Be careful, they're only asleep for a while Pretending there's nothing to say Throw salt in all the corners here Make sure you watch him leave Build up the walls around this house And dig out the rot in the floor Block out the entrance with brick and stone And mortar that's made from coal Crawl into this hole I've made Transform these feelings of fear I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind Loose lips have fallen on deaf ears Loose lips have fallen on blind eyes An ocean of sorrow surrounds this home I hope that we make it to shore As time chips away at the fortress walls It seems that we weathered the storm The sun begins to show itself Revealing victory I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind Loose lips have fallen on deaf ears Loose lips have fallen on blind eyes I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice) And I can't get you out of my mind
+21aesir12 In Skyrim there are Skooma dens where as Opium dens were a real thing so I think skooma is comparable to real life opium. Idk about moon sugar though
This is my favorite song by Mastadon. They’re so underrated. I got to see them in 2006 with Children of Bodom, Lamb of God and Slayer. It kicked so much ass. And I’m obsessed with there album art work and t shirt and poster art work. Whoever that artist is. Is truly talented. Reminds me of Alex Gray and Tools relationship
I saw that Tour in San Jose. Brann had his Randy Rhoads kit. (Polka Dots). They looked kind of like hillbillies, but they killed. Awesome show. I still have a Slayer Hockey Jersey from that show. Very sweaty show.
Everything this band does is epic. I seen them live last night and had the pleasure of meeting them all. Some of the most easy going rockstars there is.
This is why you keep your hallucinogens in a secure place if you have pets. Mr. Mittens is a simple cat, he doesn't need to experience ego death on 300 micrograms of acid because you forgot to put away your sheet.
Today, 5 years ago my cat Bodoque left the house, someone opened the door and it wasn’t closed, he went out and never came back... dunno if he’s dead, or if he’s in another house with another family... hope he is doing great! I love him, miss him and think of him every single day of my life! This video makes me think of him... 💔
Very late comment, but if it’s any consolation. I have 6 cats, all of which just walked in one day as strays and decided to stay, so likelihood is your cat found shelter and safety somewhere else, living out the dream in safety.
Conheci essa banda através de um professor de aula vaga na época do meu ensino médio, tinha 14 pra 15 anos, logo depois de 1 ano esse professor faleceu e toda vez que eu escuto essa musica eu lembro dele. Sou eternamento grata ao Professor João, vai tar pra sempre no meu coração.
People who say this record sucks are idiots. This is honestly one of my favorite mastodon records. It is in no way poppy or mainstream although I can totally understand why long time fans would say that. Still waiting for the day when my 98.5 station will play any mastodon song. Tbh I'm not a fan of the first album at all. It really didn't do it for me. But everything from leviathan on is fucking incredible.
+Meshuggah Fan8675 The vocal parts are way off. At least to me. It's not the music that much, even if I find it quite boring, all of this stuff I heard in previous Mastodon albums. But the vocal parts are so boring on the new stuff.
+Meshuggah Fan8675 Por los poderes de la tierra, por la presencia del fuego, por la inspiración del aire, por las virtudes del agua, invoco y conjuro a Pomba Gira María Padilha, por la fuerza de los corazones sagrados y de las lágrimas derramadas por amor, para que se dirija a IPC donde está MAWH trayendo su espíritu ante mi MAWH amarrándolo definitivamente al mío. Salve Pomba-Gira María Padilla Reina de las 7 encrucijadas. Te pido así: ahora Gira ven mujer girar a mi favor haciendo así mismo: Que IPC quede completamente apasionado por mi MAWH pidiendo asimismo: Aire mueve, fuego transforma, agua forma, tierra cura y la rueda va girando, va girando y la rueda va girando, va a hacer quedar para siempre a IPC apasionado, manso doblegado, dominado humilladaoy arrastrándose detrás de mi. Que su espíritu se bañe en la esencia de mi amor y me devuelva el amor en cuádruple. Que IPC jamás quiera a otra persona y que su cuerpo alma y espíritu solo a mi MAWH me pertenezca. Que IPC no viva, no respire, no piense, no beba, no coma, no hable, no escuche, no cante, no trabaje, no duerma, no se divierta a no ser en mi presencia. Que mis grilletes lo apresen para siempre, por los poderes de esta Oración. Minhas pombas gira use su poder y aleje a IPC de cualquier mujer con la que este en este momento; y si estuviera que llame mi nombre. Quiero amarrar el espíritu y cuerpo IPC ; porque lo quiero amarrado y enamorado de mi MAWH quiero que IPC quede dependiente de mi amor, quiero a IPC loco por mi MAWH, deseándome como si yo fuese la última persona da la faz de la tierra. Quiero su corazón prendido a mi eternamente, que en nombre de la gran Reina María Padilha florezca este sentimiento dentro de IPC dejándole preso a mi MAWH, 24 horas por día. OH Pomba gira Reina María Padilha has de traer a IPC, para mi MAWH, pues yo a el le deseo, y le quiero deprisa. Por tus poderes ocultos, que IPC comience a amarme a mi MAWH a partir de este exacto instante y que el piense sólo en mi MAWH como si yo fuese la única persona del mundo. Que IPC venga corriendo hacia mi, lleno de esperanzas y deseo, que IPC no tenga sosiego, paz, tranquilidad, esperanza, trabajo, salud, dinero, felicidad hasta que IPC venga a buscarme, y vuelva a mi MAWH. Con tu poder y fuerza infinita ciérrale todas las puertas a IPC para que no tenga amistad, trabajo, amor, cariño, salud, familia hasta que regrese al lado de MAWH, Reina María Padilha yo te imploro para que me traigas a IPC. Que IPC me ame mucho, venga manso, doblegado, dominado, humillado a mis pies como yo deseo. Yo le agradezco a la gran Reinha María Padilha. Y prometo siempre llevar su nombre conmigo. Oh! Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, quiero de vuelta mi amado IPC que me entristece con su desprecio, que IPC olvide y deje de una vez y por todas todos los otros amores y a los que nos quieran apartar. Que IPC sea desanimado, grosero, mal educado, odioso y frío con otras mujeres, que cualquier otra mujer que este con IPC se estrese con el, pelee con el y salga inmediatamente de la vida de el y le tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de el y no se retracte de nada. Y que IPC tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de cualquier otro mujer que ande con el ahora y que ellos terminen esa relación urgentemente y para siempre. Que IPC se sienta solo, humillado, avergonzado de todo y por todos. Que ninguna otra mujer consiga hacer que IPC sienta placer, solamente yo tendré ese poder dado por ti. Que IPC deje de una vez a todas las otras mujeres, que no sienta deseos ni placer con otras mujeres que no sea yo MAWH y no consiga ver mas a otras mujeres como mujeres, que sienta enojo al oír la voz de otras mujeres, y se torne indiferente a la presencia de ellas, y no sienta placer con ninguna otra mujer que no sea yo MAWH. Que el venga a mi MAWH, pida mi amor y mi perdón. Oh! Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, que en este momento IPC no quiera mas andar con nadie ni con sus amigos, hombres, clientes, familia, padres, hermana. Que quede sólo pensando en mí y pensando cómo va a hacer para HACERME FELIZ a mi MAWH. Necesito reina, de una señal, una llamada telefónica, cualquier contacto para yo saber si IPC piensa en mi y que me quiere, y me quite de esta oscuridad. Que IPC hable conmigo, que sienta que me echa de menos, me extraña, me necesita, me desea. Usted es fuerte y poderosa, traiga a IPC a mis pies, para siempre, y que venga corriendo, que deje todo y a todo, que desconozca familia, costumbres, amigos, trabajo, hombres, amigos. Y que sólo piense en mi MAWH Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus que con su grande y fuerte poder destruya, derribe, acabe, quite, mate, desaparezca todas las barreras, a todas las personas, hechizos, trabajos y sortilegios que están impidiendo que IPC me ame locamente y desee unirse a mi MAWH .Quiero a mi amado, amándome, admirándome, cuidándome, protegiéndome y consintiéndome siempre, al acostarse que IPC piense en mi MAWH, haciendo así que solo yo MAWH, sea el único amor en la vida de IPC que el me ame y confíe. Que haga a IPC sentir por mi MAWH un deseo fuera de lo normal como nunca sintió por otra mujer y nunca sentirá. Que el no sienta mas deseos sexuales por ninguna otra persona. Que sus deseos sean sólo para mi MAWH que sus pensamientos, gentilezas y bondades sean sólo para mi MAWH. Solamente yo MAWH Le daré placer varias veces en el mismo día, solo yo tendré ese poder dado por ti. Salve 7 Sayas por los 7 Exus que acompañan tus pasos te pido y suplico, amarres en sus 7 sayas y en los 7 guisos de su ropa a IPC , para mi MAWH . Linda y Poderosa Pomba Gira de los Siete Exus te pido quiebra y has polvo las fuerzas, el orgullo, la dignidad, la resistencia de IPC para que el sea muy cariñosa, amorosa, comprensiva con MAWH. Que IPC me quiera mucho de verdad. Que yo MAWH me quede con el. Pero además, quiero que usted, Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, aleje de IPC todo y cualquier otra muje. Y que podamos ser felices juntitos. Que el sólo sienta atracción y deseo sexual por mi MAWH . Que el me llame por teléfono desde ya y a todo instante. Que sienta nostalgia, deseo, pasión, y amor por mi persona, que sufra y muera lejos de mí y no aguante mas sufrir lejos de mi MAWH. Quiero que el me busque hoy y ahora. Quiero oír la voz de el, pidiendo verme para quedarse conmigo y volviendo a mi MAWH para siempre, diciendo que me ama y que me quiere solo a mi MAWH. Gracias por el favor concedido, voy a divulgar tu nombre a cambio de este pedido, yo MAWH profetizo en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del espíritu Santo, confío en el poder de la 7 Encrucijadas, que así sea, así será y así esta hecho. Agradezco por el deseo pedido ya alcanzado, cada vez que lea esta oración mas fuerte ella se hará. Voy a divulgar a las 4 esquinas del mundo, pidiendo a la madre que conceda mi deseo, que haga a IPC estar loc de amor y deseos, que cada lagrima derramada por mi, se transforme en un gran amor en el corazón de IPc se que los espíritus de la falange de Pomba Gira están soplando en los oídos de IPC, soplando mi nombre MAWh, de día y de noche, que el duerma pensando y acordándose de mi. Salve Pomba Gira te pido OH madre, quita del pensamiento de IPC , todo el odio, resentimiento, rencor, ira, enfado, enojo y lo malo que le paso, que el solo piense en nuestro amor, y viva arrastrándose a mi MAWH de tanto amor. Que así sea, así será y así esta hecho. Agradezco por todo lo que ya esta hecho y confío que seré atendido, IPc va a estar loca de amor por mi MAWH, lo más rápido posible, trae a IPC de vuelta a mí ya. Gracias por el favor concedido. Copie y pegue un pedido igual a este en 7 lugares diferentes y dentro de 7 días su pedido será realizado. Oración Fuerte Para Amarrar a Alguien. Simpatía infalible pero no se puede volver atrás
What I love about this song (apart from the gorgeous instrumentation and vocals) is how it both works as a horror story about trying to survive a haunted demon-infested cursed place, as well as being about overcoming depression/addiction/heartbreak. I so love singing along to it. Inspired by when Brann was a kid and his grandmother asked a priest to throw salt in the corners of their house to chase demons away.
One of my all time favorite videos. Excellent band, made an excellent song. Then created a whole separate story about a cat drinking LSD milk and tripping a sardonic heroic tale of loyalty and loss.
Once in a while, one is so electrified by a song that it keeps playing in one's head for weeks in permanent loop, proving a major disruption to work, and even sleep. This did this to me. I hear the Beatles, Faith No More, and Tears for Fears in this... anyway the amount of distilled talent is insane on this one.
ive listened to this song non- stop since i found it the other day. and i have to say i appreciate all the cooperation going on in this video aside from it just being generally badass. x)
This was the song I was listening too exactly 8 years ago while in hospital waiting for my son to be born.. it snowed like hell that night..he was born at 9:55 am .. so I always changed the beginning lyrics to ‘ the moment you walked in the room my son, the demons they all went away, becareful they’re only asleep for a while’ happy bday Axton.
They should use this song to hypnotize people. I completely lost myself there for a minute. It will put you into some otherworldly trance.....What day is it? How long have I been here?
I know how iconic their earlier albums are, but OMRTS will always be my favorite, considering I got into Mastodon around the time it was released. It's one of the few albums I can listen to front to back, just full of absolute bangers. Emperor of Sand will also always be one of my favorites, that tour was the first time I saw them live and it was such a great show.
Brent shines so fucking hard on this track. His harmonies in the chorus are haunting the the guitar solo for this track is absolutely blistering. Easily one of my favorite guitar solo's.
Dude that honestly got to me. What a badass little fucker... The rat totally killed Satan, and cared enough about his new friend to tell him to go to safety, to not worry about him... The feels man... The feels...
this band has really good melodies that dive deep with sounds togethers with well timed and spaced out vocals its like theyre taking their time with everything for maximum effect
omrts was my first Mastodon album, perfect album to introduce yourself to the band. It literally has everything Mastodon has to offer on it, many different types of vocals and so many amazing riffs as always
I put on Blood and Thunder and this ended up playing... Is now my new favourite Mastodon song!! Thank you TH-cam Playlists!! I literally can't stop listening to it!! This is definitely amongst my fave songs of all time!!
If this video had existed, say 15 years ago when Much Music still had their weekly one hour hard rock/metal show, I say that I'd have probably recorded it onto VHS about 60'000 times. It's one of the best videos I've seen in quite some time...
The bassline on this song is godly, the whole songs just flows, and noone is making videos this cool anymore, not that i have seen at least. Trippin the fuck out.
One of the greatest videos I've ever seen wow! I would love to see a movie like this it would be a instant cult classic. The song is incredible like all mastodon tunes. This band continues to push the boundaries of their playing. Again if anyone is in film school and has the ability both artistically and financially to create a movie hopefully cosmic horror do it.
Reminds me of my wipeout at Mullaghamore Head in Ireland, 45ft-50ft wave faces, two minutes under with loads of waves passing over, very short periods, hook breathing saved me from passing out when I got back up. First song I heard by Mastodon back in early 2018, love this music so much. (yeah I caught mad waves and made loads that day, before and after that wipeout/swallowed by ocean)
This has always been my favorite Mastodon music video. Not only because it's an incredible song from a band I'm such a fan of, but also because it's the first animal I saw when I was a kid. Even now at 24 years old, I still love cats and if the band doesn't make another music video with a cat before the end of their career, this is officially the best video ever, in my opinion 🐈🐈🤘🤘
+Name's Bondevik. Lukas Bondevik. You hit the jackpot, Mastodon is about as good as it gets, make sure to listen to all their albums except The Hunter at least 100 times
+DeterminedGoat I agree, though the Hunter is a pretty great and underrated record (it is their weakest though) My personal favorite is Blood Mountain so I recommend that the most!
That goes to show you that both Brent and Bill both love the pentatonic scale. Crack the Skye was written by Brent Hinds and Asleep in the Deep was written by Bill Kelliher.
I got a cat from a "rescue" place (?), feed it the best cat food, massage it all the time, let it sleep/play anywhere it wants.. and planted a buch of catnip, which I've been fertilizing and tending.. found a couple varieties (one is reddish and he prefers it)- and wow you should see this cat when he gets into it.. some kind of euphoric trance. I imagine this is what's going on in his brain lol. Anyway I wish every animal and especially humans could be good to each other
Love their voices and Everything abt their of the best damn bands out there! This video is killer too! Peace, good health and sanity to everyone and thank you to Mastodon! 🤘✌️💜
I showed this video to my cat, he grew bored halfway through. I'm afraid I can't call him a mastodon fan. He was very interested for the first couple of seconds though. But you lost him at the trippy stuff.
Hahaha, he probably thought "Man, I lived this like a week ago- nothing I ain't already heard or seen, what else do you think we cats do in our spare time?"
This reminds me of my cat who passed away recently. She's been my best friend for 15 years since I was 4. When her time was coming, she looked at me me in the eye as if to say "thank you, you're a real one", then she left out the front door - with that gaze I knew it meant the end. She left out the front door and eventually my mum found her dead under the decking. This songs reminds me of her trip to the decking. To dear Dilly, you've helped me a fuck ton, we're best friends, and still your body is a carcass under the living soil you're still with me. I love you girl. Xxx
The connection that cats have is no comparison to dogs. Dogs are are very supporting and companion, but the connection with the a cat is much more powerful and deep. If your lucky enough to be worthy of it…
I just lost my cat of 14years.. named him dumpling.. I feel like I lost a part of me when he passed away.. I was there when he left. Buried him near our chapel... I like to pretend his spirit is still there ...
...godammit. My cat is the only reason im still around. Only fucking thing i care about, i didn't think id be able to feel anything like that again. She's about 4 now, but if or when that day comes for her first she definitely won't be going alone.
@@foxsicle I used to think the same. But I truly love my other cat and my dog too. They're a real family to me
Me too! My cat was 15 too. And honestly his death brought me so much healing, even tho that sounds counterintuitive. Cats are pure love imo
This sounds like a fever dream. Unreal harmonies and chords.
Mastodon is so unique and different it's incredible.
One of the best bands of this century so far.
I love this has that dreamy feel..bill kelliher's riffs on this one totally carry the tune...and it just carries you away.....the video captured that pretty well in a weird muppet way..and brent's solo is great and organic as fuck as always
Dude I wish fever dreams were more like this. They fking suck
@@jinsakai9729 Not when you take the right medicine.
thought something similar listening to more than i could chew
this also looks like a fever dream
I never realized how intricate and oddly timed their drummer is. Really good drummer.
+Alex Phillips He also does a good amount of the singing and can nail it all live. He's so underrated
He's the main singer on this song if you didn't know, and yeah his live singing is really good
I never really caught attention by Mastodon until now. I saw them live with Clutch. It was pretty incredible. Glad i looked this up.
Alex Phillips Fuck yeah! They're my 2 favorite bands, went to the show in Minneapolis and it fuckin rocked. Actually got into Mastodon because Neil sings on Blood and Thunder.
That's fuckin' sweet dude. I dig that song
Proud dad moment: my daughters age 6 and 3 love this song. Every time we listen to it going down the road I have to hand my phone back to them so they can watch the "Cat song". We pulled up in the driveway halfway through the song and they demanded we sit here and finish it before we went in 🥹
This song is a perfect allegory for getting over depression or overcoming drug addiction, years later it’s still helping me, love you Mastodon!
Damn, I never thought of it like that, but it makes perfect sense now that you say it.
Good job brother! Im proud
Never thought of it that way. I must agree now that I see from your perspective.
I view this video as a song about a call to the cat for help by those Under-dwellars that were being bullied and terrorized by an evil entity and they needed the Cats help to full fill a destiny and is their savior to release them from that oppression.
The whole album theme seems to be mental health and related. "Once More 'Round the Sun is loosely based on the life and times of each person in the band during the past year." and moore.
A moment of silence for the cat's poor, brave friend....
He was a true hero.
He was a warrior till the end
So true
Un aplauso para el ratoncito
it was his destiny I guess
Prog Metal: 10/10
Singers: 3/4
strobo: 8/10
pspspsps: 11/10
Hot guys 4
Visuals 10/10
Makes me dance around like a fool every time
music 10/10
Cat figure 5/10
Acid quality 99,8% pure
Milk 0/10. I hate Milk. Bleeee
metal video featuring a cat 20/10
Singers 11/11
I caught my little sister watching this, i am so proud of her.
My lil bro was "I love this shit!"
Are you sure she hadn't confused this for a cat video??
this sound sexist and yet this is a cat video... not very smart mister.
Implying that boys don't watch cat videos. All kids watch cat videos, some are open about it though.
I remember listening to this album after a crazy night partying. Just laying in my bed hung over. Such an awesome affect. Best Mastodon album by far
The moment you walked in the room, my friend
The demons, they all went away
Be careful, they're only asleep for a while
Pretending there's nothing to say
Throw salt in all the corners here
Make sure you watch him leave
Build up the walls around this house
And dig out the rot in the floor
Block out the entrance with brick and stone
And mortar that's made from coal
Crawl into this hole I've made
Transform these feelings of fear
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
Loose lips have fallen on deaf ears
Loose lips have fallen on blind eyes
An ocean of sorrow surrounds this home
I hope that we make it to shore
As time chips away at the fortress walls
It seems that we weathered the storm
The sun begins to show itself
Revealing victory
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
Loose lips have fallen on deaf ears
Loose lips have fallen on blind eyes
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
I'm on fire (say you'll remember her voice)
And I can't get you out of my mind
So good
That harmonization though. Excellent vocal work on this track.
Khajiit has acid if you have coin.
is moon sugar some kind of crack in skyrim ?
BucketsJaw 12 It's a narcotic of some sort that can be synthesized into Skooma.
+EQOAnostalgia This one wonders why Argonian would be in kitty Oblivion at 2:10. Must cut back on skooma. Aahh sweet roll. pprrrrrr.
+21aesir12 In Skyrim there are Skooma dens where as Opium dens were a real thing so I think skooma is comparable to real life opium. Idk about moon sugar though
+EQOAnostalgia This one has skooma to trade
Dexter Watson don't steal my avatar :D
+Ultim8 what the hell is it?
i wish i knew m8
This is my favorite song by Mastadon. They’re so underrated. I got to see them in 2006 with Children of Bodom, Lamb of God and Slayer. It kicked so much ass. And I’m obsessed with there album art work and t shirt and poster art work. Whoever that artist is. Is truly talented. Reminds me of Alex Gray and Tools relationship
It is the only theme of mastodon that I like, do you know other similar themes?
@@SalvaMonte_ try their cold dark place ep
Mastodon is underrated???
The artist for this album's cover is Skinner, but they work with various folk. 😉
I saw that Tour in San Jose. Brann had his Randy Rhoads kit. (Polka Dots). They looked kind of like hillbillies, but they killed. Awesome show. I still have a Slayer Hockey Jersey from that show. Very sweaty show.
The "Go, My friend" part gets me right in the feels every time
Yea, I literally felt that..
Every time brother
I played this for my cat. He hasn't been the same since
Your cat is a pussy
Kitty became a Kat
LMFAO. Awesome
I don't doubt it haha 🤘
You think?
Everything this band does is epic.
I seen them live last night and had the pleasure of meeting them all. Some of the most easy going rockstars there is.
This is why you keep your hallucinogens in a secure place if you have pets. Mr. Mittens is a simple cat, he doesn't need to experience ego death on 300 micrograms of acid because you forgot to put away your sheet.
And on the 9th day you realize you are the cat watching through your human friends eyes.
🤣🤣🤣 love it
i think he got 9 ego lives as well
Today, 5 years ago my cat Bodoque left the house, someone opened the door and it wasn’t closed, he went out and never came back... dunno if he’s dead, or if he’s in another house with another family... hope he is doing great! I love him, miss him and think of him every single day of my life! This video makes me think of him... 💔
Bodoque is kicking some demon's ass in the other realm, no worries bro.
@@galef1986 Whatever he’s doin’ I hope for the best for him... 🥲
October 15th, 2021...last Friday, we had to put down our first cat, and first pet, Bookers. He was really my kitty out of all of us.
Very late comment, but if it’s any consolation. I have 6 cats, all of which just walked in one day as strays and decided to stay, so likelihood is your cat found shelter and safety somewhere else, living out the dream in safety.
Conheci essa banda através de um professor de aula vaga na época do meu ensino médio, tinha 14 pra 15 anos, logo depois de 1 ano esse professor faleceu e toda vez que eu escuto essa musica eu lembro dele. Sou eternamento grata ao Professor João, vai tar pra sempre no meu coração.
Tinha muito bom gosto
Que ele durma em paz nas profundezas!
Muito boa essa banda.
People who say this record sucks are idiots. This is honestly one of my favorite mastodon records. It is in no way poppy or mainstream although I can totally understand why long time fans would say that. Still waiting for the day when my 98.5 station will play any mastodon song. Tbh I'm not a fan of the first album at all. It really didn't do it for me. But everything from leviathan on is fucking incredible.
+bob marley the longer ive been listening to mastodon, the more i appreciate remission
+Meshuggah Fan8675 The vocal parts are way off. At least to me. It's not the music that much, even if I find it quite boring, all of this stuff I heard in previous Mastodon albums. But the vocal parts are so boring on the new stuff.
+Limulus polyphemus that's exactly how i feel too.
+Meshuggah Fan8675 ..only retards, whom know nothing of quality music will think this sucks.
+Meshuggah Fan8675 Por los poderes de la tierra, por la presencia del fuego, por la inspiración del aire, por las virtudes del agua, invoco y conjuro a Pomba Gira María Padilha, por la fuerza de los corazones sagrados y de las lágrimas derramadas por amor, para que se dirija a IPC donde está MAWH trayendo su espíritu ante mi MAWH amarrándolo definitivamente al mío. Salve Pomba-Gira María Padilla Reina de las 7 encrucijadas. Te pido así: ahora Gira ven mujer girar a mi favor haciendo así mismo: Que IPC quede completamente apasionado por mi MAWH pidiendo asimismo: Aire mueve, fuego transforma, agua forma, tierra cura y la rueda va girando, va girando y la rueda va girando, va a hacer quedar para siempre a IPC apasionado, manso doblegado, dominado humilladaoy arrastrándose detrás de mi. Que su espíritu se bañe en la esencia de mi amor y me devuelva el amor en cuádruple. Que IPC jamás quiera a otra persona y que su cuerpo alma y espíritu solo a mi MAWH me pertenezca. Que IPC no viva, no respire, no piense, no beba, no coma, no hable, no escuche, no cante, no trabaje, no duerma, no se divierta a no ser en mi presencia. Que mis grilletes lo apresen para siempre, por los poderes de esta Oración. Minhas pombas gira use su poder y aleje a IPC de cualquier mujer con la que este en este momento; y si estuviera que llame mi nombre. Quiero amarrar el espíritu y cuerpo IPC ; porque lo quiero amarrado y enamorado de mi MAWH quiero que IPC quede dependiente de mi amor, quiero a IPC loco por mi MAWH, deseándome como si yo fuese la última persona da la faz de la tierra. Quiero su corazón prendido a mi eternamente, que en nombre de la gran Reina María Padilha florezca este sentimiento dentro de IPC dejándole preso a mi MAWH, 24 horas por día. OH Pomba gira Reina María Padilha has de traer a IPC, para mi MAWH, pues yo a el le deseo, y le quiero deprisa. Por tus poderes ocultos, que IPC comience a amarme a mi MAWH a partir de este exacto instante y que el piense sólo en mi MAWH como si yo fuese la única persona del mundo. Que IPC venga corriendo hacia mi, lleno de esperanzas y deseo, que IPC no tenga sosiego, paz, tranquilidad, esperanza, trabajo, salud, dinero, felicidad hasta que IPC venga a buscarme, y vuelva a mi MAWH. Con tu poder y fuerza infinita ciérrale todas las puertas a IPC para que no tenga amistad, trabajo, amor, cariño, salud, familia hasta que regrese al lado de MAWH, Reina María Padilha yo te imploro para que me traigas a IPC. Que IPC me ame mucho, venga manso, doblegado, dominado, humillado a mis pies como yo deseo. Yo le agradezco a la gran Reinha María Padilha. Y prometo siempre llevar su nombre conmigo. Oh! Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, quiero de vuelta mi amado IPC que me entristece con su desprecio, que IPC olvide y deje de una vez y por todas todos los otros amores y a los que nos quieran apartar. Que IPC sea desanimado, grosero, mal educado, odioso y frío con otras mujeres, que cualquier otra mujer que este con IPC se estrese con el, pelee con el y salga inmediatamente de la vida de el y le tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de el y no se retracte de nada. Y que IPC tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de cualquier otro mujer que ande con el ahora y que ellos terminen esa relación urgentemente y para siempre. Que IPC se sienta solo, humillado, avergonzado de todo y por todos. Que ninguna otra mujer consiga hacer que IPC sienta placer, solamente yo tendré ese poder dado por ti. Que IPC deje de una vez a todas las otras mujeres, que no sienta deseos ni placer con otras mujeres que no sea yo MAWH y no consiga ver mas a otras mujeres como mujeres, que sienta enojo al oír la voz de otras mujeres, y se torne indiferente a la presencia de ellas, y no sienta placer con ninguna otra mujer que no sea yo MAWH. Que el venga a mi MAWH, pida mi amor y mi perdón. Oh! Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, que en este momento IPC no quiera mas andar con nadie ni con sus amigos, hombres, clientes, familia, padres, hermana. Que quede sólo pensando en mí y pensando cómo va a hacer para HACERME FELIZ a mi MAWH. Necesito reina, de una señal, una llamada telefónica, cualquier contacto para yo saber si IPC piensa en mi y que me quiere, y me quite de esta oscuridad. Que IPC hable conmigo, que sienta que me echa de menos, me extraña, me necesita, me desea. Usted es fuerte y poderosa, traiga a IPC a mis pies, para siempre, y que venga corriendo, que deje todo y a todo, que desconozca familia, costumbres, amigos, trabajo, hombres, amigos. Y que sólo piense en mi MAWH Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus que con su grande y fuerte poder destruya, derribe, acabe, quite, mate, desaparezca todas las barreras, a todas las personas, hechizos, trabajos y sortilegios que están impidiendo que IPC me ame locamente y desee unirse a mi MAWH .Quiero a mi amado, amándome, admirándome, cuidándome, protegiéndome y consintiéndome siempre, al acostarse que IPC piense en mi MAWH, haciendo así que solo yo MAWH, sea el único amor en la vida de IPC que el me ame y confíe. Que haga a IPC sentir por mi MAWH un deseo fuera de lo normal como nunca sintió por otra mujer y nunca sentirá. Que el no sienta mas deseos sexuales por ninguna otra persona. Que sus deseos sean sólo para mi MAWH que sus pensamientos, gentilezas y bondades sean sólo para mi MAWH. Solamente yo MAWH Le daré placer varias veces en el mismo día, solo yo tendré ese poder dado por ti. Salve 7 Sayas por los 7 Exus que acompañan tus pasos te pido y suplico, amarres en sus 7 sayas y en los 7 guisos de su ropa a IPC , para mi MAWH . Linda y Poderosa Pomba Gira de los Siete Exus te pido quiebra y has polvo las fuerzas, el orgullo, la dignidad, la resistencia de IPC para que el sea muy cariñosa, amorosa, comprensiva con MAWH. Que IPC me quiera mucho de verdad. Que yo MAWH me quede con el. Pero además, quiero que usted, Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, aleje de IPC todo y cualquier otra muje. Y que podamos ser felices juntitos. Que el sólo sienta atracción y deseo sexual por mi MAWH . Que el me llame por teléfono desde ya y a todo instante. Que sienta nostalgia, deseo, pasión, y amor por mi persona, que sufra y muera lejos de mí y no aguante mas sufrir lejos de mi MAWH. Quiero que el me busque hoy y ahora. Quiero oír la voz de el, pidiendo verme para quedarse conmigo y volviendo a mi MAWH para siempre, diciendo que me ama y que me quiere solo a mi MAWH. Gracias por el favor concedido, voy a divulgar tu nombre a cambio de este pedido, yo MAWH profetizo en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del espíritu Santo, confío en el poder de la 7 Encrucijadas, que así sea, así será y así esta hecho. Agradezco por el deseo pedido ya alcanzado, cada vez que lea esta oración mas fuerte ella se hará. Voy a divulgar a las 4 esquinas del mundo, pidiendo a la madre que conceda mi deseo, que haga a IPC estar loc de amor y deseos, que cada lagrima derramada por mi, se transforme en un gran amor en el corazón de IPc se que los espíritus de la falange de Pomba Gira están soplando en los oídos de IPC, soplando mi nombre MAWh, de día y de noche, que el duerma pensando y acordándose de mi. Salve Pomba Gira te pido OH madre, quita del pensamiento de IPC , todo el odio, resentimiento, rencor, ira, enfado, enojo y lo malo que le paso, que el solo piense en nuestro amor, y viva arrastrándose a mi MAWH de tanto amor. Que así sea, así será y así esta hecho. Agradezco por todo lo que ya esta hecho y confío que seré atendido, IPc va a estar loca de amor por mi MAWH, lo más rápido posible, trae a IPC de vuelta a mí ya. Gracias por el favor concedido. Copie y pegue un pedido igual a este en 7 lugares diferentes y dentro de 7 días su pedido será realizado. Oración Fuerte Para Amarrar a Alguien. Simpatía infalible pero no se puede volver atrás
I started playing this and my cat said "turn dat shit up." we're both pretty fucked on catnip
Sounds like a good time.
Kitty gets what kitty wants.
PP = Pussy Power
catnip backwards is pintac, which is sharp as fuck
should've invited the stray probably under your porch.
What I love about this song (apart from the gorgeous instrumentation and vocals) is how it both works as a horror story about trying to survive a haunted demon-infested cursed place, as well as being about overcoming depression/addiction/heartbreak. I so love singing along to it.
Inspired by when Brann was a kid and his grandmother asked a priest to throw salt in the corners of their house to chase demons away.
The more I listen to this song the better it gets. Perfect blend of old and newer Mastodon.
One of my all time favorite videos. Excellent band, made an excellent song. Then created a whole separate story about a cat drinking LSD milk and tripping a sardonic heroic tale of loyalty and loss.
What a perfectly fitting music video for such a great song. RIP to the cat's mousey friend :(
He died for a good cause! He will be remembered as a true hero!
This is the best music video I've ever seen. The cat is now a metal god.
ESPSJ perfect song to do nos to
That mouse/rat was a badass
It was a squirrel.
Probably the most trippy 6 minutes and 13 seconds of my life.
Candifloss Yeah those last 3 seconds were trippy as hell !
Candifloss Average cat day.
Candifloss try watching a tool video ;D
00hasista00 it was just i thought when i saw this comment hahaha
Skinner is the artist who made and directed this video. He is a pure genius and one of the most badass artists of our time!
Once in a while, one is so electrified by a song that it keeps playing in one's head for weeks in permanent loop, proving a major disruption to work, and even sleep. This did this to me.
I hear the Beatles, Faith No More, and Tears for Fears in this... anyway the amount of distilled talent is insane on this one.
Mastodon's music videos are pieces of art!
They really are. I would watch a feature length film of just Mastodon music videos.
@@notsure1969 me too!!!
The motherload.
Just... awesome. Every single thing about this.
Even for a Mastodon video, that was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. Loved it.
ive listened to this song non- stop since i found it the other day. and i have to say i appreciate all the cooperation going on in this video aside from it just being generally badass. x)
This was the song I was listening too exactly 8 years ago while in hospital waiting for my son to be born.. it snowed like hell that night..he was born at 9:55 am .. so I always changed the beginning lyrics to ‘ the moment you walked in the room my son, the demons they all went away, becareful they’re only asleep for a while’ happy bday Axton.
Genius. Absolute genius. This band is MASSIVE.
Drink the sacred milk, absorb the fish spirits, awaken the rat King, and slay the 3-headed werewolf.
skooma is a hell of a drug
A khajiit joke. Priceless
I always find these comments in this kind of music.
I mean, two times, today.
damn you and your skyrim refences XD
lol Moon Sugar!
One of the best music videos ever.
They should use this song to hypnotize people. I completely lost myself there for a minute. It will put you into some otherworldly trance.....What day is it? How long have I been here?
Its 2019. And this is still one of my favorite music videos
Mine's as well
Underrated album. It has several of my favorite Mastodon tracks on it. Their newest album is killer too.
Every video with a cat is a better video.
To be fair, that's why videos were invented.
I feel like Mastodon is the Pink Floyd of metal.
I agree
Mmm no, tool it is
I've always felt that Mastodon, Baroness, and Tool all do an excellent job of bringing that Pink Floyd trippiness to the Metal. I fucking love it.
@@alonsogarcia6606 I'd say Tool is more like the King Crimson of metal
Opeth my guy. Look up Opeth In My Time of Need.
Their creative imagery and aesthetics in their album artwork and music videos always blows my mind.
The world "Tool make the most weird videos".
Mastodon "hold my blunt".
@CuckZLayer 3000 well said
They dont top Tool for weird shit but they're still pretty odd, which I'm pretty sure is what you were saying
Check out Igorrr
@ old west bloke NikCa
@ Old Welsh Bloke Thats on O E
That solo gets me every time. This song is perfect. 🤙🏻
As a cat lover obsessively and a Mastodon fan this was an epic trip! Super ❤️
Honestly, this is one of Mastodon’s best songs
I know how iconic their earlier albums are, but OMRTS will always be my favorite, considering I got into Mastodon around the time it was released. It's one of the few albums I can listen to front to back, just full of absolute bangers. Emperor of Sand will also always be one of my favorites, that tour was the first time I saw them live and it was such a great show.
Brent shines so fucking hard on this track. His harmonies in the chorus are haunting the the guitar solo for this track is absolutely blistering. Easily one of my favorite guitar solo's.
- Go my friend !
- Meow !
- This is my destiny.
- Meow ... Meow ...
- GO !!!
- ... Meow.
+Skadi R.I.P Rat
+Skadi Wanted to cri :(
Millie Jackson We all wanted to cry TT But it was his choice after all ... Never forget.
Dude that honestly got to me. What a badass little fucker... The rat totally killed Satan, and cared enough about his new friend to tell him to go to safety, to not worry about him... The feels man... The feels...
This has to be the best cat video in history.
this band has really good melodies that dive deep with sounds togethers with well timed and spaced out vocals its like theyre taking their time with everything for maximum effect
This whole record is incredibly underrated.
This might just be one of the most entertaining music videos ever. It really captures the randomness and fluidity of a dream.
omrts was my first Mastodon album, perfect album to introduce yourself to the band. It literally has everything Mastodon has to offer on it, many different types of vocals and so many amazing riffs as always
Oddly enough, the more I watch this video, the more it makes sense...
I put on Blood and Thunder and this ended up playing... Is now my new favourite Mastodon song!! Thank you TH-cam Playlists!! I literally can't stop listening to it!! This is definitely amongst my fave songs of all time!!
If this video had existed, say 15 years ago when Much Music still had their weekly one hour hard rock/metal show, I say that I'd have probably recorded it onto VHS about 60'000 times. It's one of the best videos I've seen in quite some time...
a confession: i have an ineradicable spiritual connection to this impeccable song&video-the reason-my baby boy(a lynx-point siamese cat named Smokey
So ... This is what my cat does when i can't spot him at home ?
Yep! And they're actually friends when rats too... They go in adventures together to kill Satan, while you sleep.
Does your cat actually a plant that was once a cat
The bassline on this song is godly, the whole songs just flows, and noone is making videos this cool anymore, not that i have seen at least. Trippin the fuck out.
The adventures of Mastocat, new Adventure RPG game?
I love the soundtrack to this "Stray" gameplay trailer..
Cats, metal, vague lyrics, trippy video, this ticks all the right boxes!
Looks good to me!
Im a simple man, I see Kitty, I upvote
I love this a lot.
One of the greatest videos I've ever seen wow! I would love to see a movie like this it would be a instant cult classic. The song is incredible like all mastodon tunes. This band continues to push the boundaries of their playing. Again if anyone is in film school and has the ability both artistically and financially to create a movie hopefully cosmic horror do it.
One of the coolest music videos ever......
Reminds me of my wipeout at Mullaghamore Head in Ireland, 45ft-50ft wave faces, two minutes under with loads of waves passing over, very short periods, hook breathing saved me from passing out when I got back up. First song I heard by Mastodon back in early 2018, love this music so much. (yeah I caught mad waves and made loads that day, before and after that wipeout/swallowed by ocean)
AMAZING as always. Love the style, would love to see a short film like this.
Mastodon x Skinman best combo ever.
When Mastocat turned into Invisible cat that was cool.
Don't sleep!
Mastodon do not give a fuck. Love these guys.
This has always been my favorite Mastodon music video. Not only because it's an incredible song from a band I'm such a fan of, but also because it's the first animal I saw when I was a kid. Even now at 24 years old, I still love cats and if the band doesn't make another music video with a cat before the end of their career, this is officially the best video ever, in my opinion 🐈🐈🤘🤘
Cat's rule, dog. Hell yeah 🤘
The best video ever made.
2:15 My face during the entire video.
Hahaha!!! That's awesome!
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ you made my day
Listening to this song is like taking a trip, your body doesn't move but your mind travels the cosmos glimpsing wonders you've never imagined
no metal music videos can top this! this is true!
Red Fang has some f'd up videos
i love this video....cant count how many times ive watched it...always find something new in it.....the skooma is primo....
Ima let you finish...but Mastodon had one of the best videos of all time
Its like a bad catnip trip
Looking for new music, only clicked onto this because I love cats. Was not disappointed.
+Name's Bondevik. Lukas Bondevik. You hit the jackpot, Mastodon is about as good as it gets, make sure to listen to all their albums except The Hunter at least 100 times
DeterminedGoat Thank you for the advice!
Name's Bondevik. Lukas Bondevik.
+DeterminedGoat I agree, though the Hunter is a pretty great and underrated record (it is their weakest though)
My personal favorite is Blood Mountain so I recommend that the most!
There are some excellent songs on the Hunter, absolutely.Mike Evilman
Thanks Mastodon for the great video from all cat lovers around the globe! ^.^
This video is absolutely amazing. Best video I've seen in a long time. Props to these guys, truly inspiring stuff.
I love how the little kittie goes on his own adventure. Why do I feel like I’m tripping?
This track has a lot of Crack the Skye vibes
The cat is actually called Skye, so that just makes it 100% better.
That goes to show you that both Brent and Bill both love the pentatonic scale. Crack the Skye was written by Brent Hinds and Asleep in the Deep was written by Bill Kelliher.
Am I the only one who felt like this should've been the lead single? It would've been a cool way to introduce the album.
"When you're a cat and you just found a fuck tons of catnip behind the couch"
I got a cat from a "rescue" place (?), feed it the best cat food, massage it all the time, let it sleep/play anywhere it wants.. and planted a buch of catnip, which I've been fertilizing and tending.. found a couple varieties (one is reddish and he prefers it)- and wow you should see this cat when he gets into it.. some kind of euphoric trance. I imagine this is what's going on in his brain lol. Anyway I wish every animal and especially humans could be good to each other
Can we talk about how amazing the percussion on this song is?
Love their voices and Everything abt their of the best damn bands out there!
This video is killer too!
Peace, good health and sanity to everyone and thank you to Mastodon! 🤘✌️💜
Troy's bass tone is fucking ace.
Now that's an ORIGINAL music video.
I did not blink once!
I showed this video to my cat, he grew bored halfway through. I'm afraid I can't call him a mastodon fan. He was very interested for the first couple of seconds though. But you lost him at the trippy stuff.
appreceating stuff like mastodon takes some time. just show him the video multiple times and hell surely love it some time
Drug it.
Hahaha, he probably thought "Man, I lived this like a week ago- nothing I ain't already heard or seen, what else do you think we cats do in our spare time?"
Gotta give him the catnip first.
Martín Zuccari noooo never give your kitties drugs. Unless it’s stuff the vet recommends and they need it.
Probably the dream of the lumberjack from the Curl of the Burl video.
Mastodon gives no fucks.
Simon Rivas that's why i love them ! they do what they want to do
This band gets better every time I listen to their music, great stuff
This album is seriously underrated.