Haha, cheers Sarge! The parts came to less than 50 quid including the barrel, though I pinched the one out of the big Hi-capa to build it, i do have a 150mm crazy jet but the 180 just felt right you know? Much longer and you start to lose the effectiveness of the silencer though. Will see how it performs, I know people have gone up to 250mm for proper DMR ranges.
Great video Ben. How much did all the mod parts set you back?
That carbine kit makes it look like a proper weapon, right up my street!
Haha, cheers Sarge! The parts came to less than 50 quid including the barrel, though I pinched the one out of the big Hi-capa to build it, i do have a 150mm crazy jet but the 180 just felt right you know? Much longer and you start to lose the effectiveness of the silencer though. Will see how it performs, I know people have gone up to 250mm for proper DMR ranges.